View Full Version : Rogue/Wizard question

2011-07-06, 12:13 PM
I'm playing a rogue in my DM's campaign. His backstory talks about a family history of wizards, so I want to incorporate that into his class choice. So, what would be a good rogue/wizard... uh, combination? What feats would be good for later levels and are there any good prestige classes for rogue/wizards that advance spellcasting?

I'm playing a 3rd level human rogue and I'll probably take my first level of wizard within the next 2 levels. My current feats are improved initiative, weapon finesse, and dodge. Also, I'm sorta limited to the core rulebooks, though I can probably convince my DM to let me go outside the core books. And I don't really know books outside the core books that well so some description of whatever feats/prestige classes would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for replying :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-06, 12:14 PM
If you're playing Pathfinder, the Magus is pretty much made to be multiclassed/gestalted with the Rogue. If not, I believe there's a similar one for 3.5 called the Spellsinger or something like that?

2011-07-06, 12:18 PM
Your best course of action would be to take Unseen Seer from Complete Mage. Arcane Trickster in the DMG is decent, but nowhere near as good.

Any multiclass spellcaster should take the feat Practiced Spellcaster, found in both Complete Arcane and Complete Divine.

2011-07-06, 12:31 PM
For feats:
Able Learner from Races of Destiny lets you pay 1 skill point per skill rank. That can add up to quite a few extra skills during Wizard/non-Rogue levels.

Practiced Spellcaster from Complete Divine and Complete Arcane is kind of boring, but it keeps your caster level around the same value as your hit dice. It's basically required for Unseen Seers who want to cast non-divination spells, and it helps quite a bit at low levels.

As mentioned, Unseen Seer is just the best Prestige class for making this work. Other options include Daggerspell Mage from Complete Adventurer (stabby, but really squishy), Arcane Trickster from the DMG (qualification is somewhat difficult) and Spellwarp Sniper from Compete Scoundrel (good for ray snipers, not great for stabby-types). If you want to edge toward a more complex build, Magelord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050202a&page=2) can be interesting (especially with the Illusion Mastery (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#illusionMastery) variant).

I like to pick up Spell Hand (or another feat that grants SLAs) at level 1 and retrain it to Able Learner when I get my first caster level. There are two reasons: (1) AL is worth a feat slot later on, but it doesn't do much without multiclassing and (2) it's really awkward to tote around the "years studying to be a wizard" thing when a character can't even drop a cantrip.

2011-07-06, 12:41 PM
You mention that your DM might be willing to let you use some bits of material that are outside of the core books. Would he be amenable to a character rebuild, assuming you were staying true to the concept and mechanics that you've displayed thus far?

If so, I'd really suggest looking at the Psychic Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b). You have most of your rogue abilities, but sacrifice some sneak attack progression and 2 skill ranks/level for limited psionic powers. Just describe them as "latent magic derived from your ancestry" and you're good to go.

2011-07-06, 12:44 PM
In core, you're pretty much limitted to rogue 3 / wizard 5./ arcane trickster 10 / wizard or archmage or lore master 2. All 3 of those classes are in the dungeon masters guide. You will just barely get 9th level spells at 20th level.

You will not be a very good rogue or wizard following this path, but you will be better than a rogue 10 / wizard 10.

Unseen seer is in the complete mage and is a lot better than arcane trickster. Something like rogue 1 / wizard 4 / unseen seer 10 / and spell warp sniper or arcane trickster 5. It's a little more complicated, but you end up being a much better wizard and rogue (kinda like a wizard 19 // robue 10). You will need to talk to your dm about retraining / rebuilding in order to meet the prereq's. Able learner from races of destiny will help you meet skill requirements.

2011-07-06, 03:33 PM
The Spellwarp Sniper from Complete Scoundrel is my favorite for ranged rogues. Essentially, you can warp your spells into rays, and add your sneak attack damage (when it applies) in addition to your spell damage. Pure sweetness. So, let's say you go Rogue 3/Wizard 5/Spellwarp Sniper 5. You'll have the spells per day, of a level 10 Wizard, because the PrC increases your spells per day as such, and you'll be able to deal +4d6 sneak attack damage, which is the equivalent of a 8th level rogue.

For more trap-monkey rogues, I like the Arcane Trickster. The impromptu sneak attack ability is incredibly useful, if you want to dish out some damage too. The SpD and Sneak Attack damage level quite nicely in the class as well.

As far as melee rogues go, I've never played a caster-multiclass one.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-07-06, 04:03 PM
Here ya go! (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1240.0)

On a related note, from an optimization stand-point, you're probably better off going Spellthief 1/Wizard 4/Unseen Seer 10/(Arcane Trickster or Spellwarped Sniper or Full-casting Wizard PrC) 5, grabbing thing like Able Learner, Master Spellthief, and Craven.

2011-07-07, 11:35 AM
Awesome! Thanks everyone :D I'll probably go rogue/wizard/unseen seer. I do like the practiced spellcaster, so I'll probably get that too. Able learner sounds... unnecessary; the unseen seer's class levels will give me enough skill points/class skills to pick from. Thanks again for the awesome suggestions :)