View Full Version : Stunning, Sneak Attacking, and Stealing Spells

2011-07-06, 05:53 PM
so i am currently working on a spellthief for a game i get to play in. i do not know the level, but it is apparently a "higher level campaign", for what its worth.

well i enjoy odd characters, so what i was thinking of was an unarmed strike-themed spellthief. since stealing spells requires one to first sneak attack them, i was looking at the several ways that one can produce a sneak attack. then i remembered "of course, stunning fist could work well for this!"

so the base of this character is monk1/spellthief1/CASTER X/enlightened fist 5. i am taking 5 levels of enlightened fist so that i can increase my effective monk level for more stuns, without taking 6-10 because i do not wish to deal with another loss of CL unless there is a class feature that is specifically unique and awesome.

so are there any ideas on what else i can do to get more stuns, or will i be stuck at 6+1/4 of whatever other classes i have? are there any fun prestige classes that i can fit on this?

i have seen the different ways to get someone flatfooted, so of course i will have methods of invisibility and other magical means, but a stunning fist is something that i never really used before, so i would like that to be among the focuses of this build

and of course, i will be taking master spellthief

Keld Denar
2011-07-06, 06:06 PM
Um, I seem to remember an Extra Stunning feat...Complete Warrior?

As for DC, you can grab Ability Focus, or simply increase your Wis. I wonder...A Spelltheif could qualify for Ascetic Mage, right? Would that bump your Stunning Fist DC over to Cha as well?

I'll look into both of these things when I get home in a bit. Posting from a phone is such a pain.

2011-07-06, 06:22 PM
Um, I seem to remember an Extra Stunning feat...Complete Warrior?

As for DC, you can grab Ability Focus, or simply increase your Wis. I wonder...A Spelltheif could qualify for Ascetic Mage, right? Would that bump your Stunning Fist DC over to Cha as well?

I'll look into both of these things when I get home in a bit. Posting from a phone is such a pain.

the feat description in my copy of CAdv does not include Stunning Fist for the things that get based off of CHA, but something i did notice was that i can sacrifice spells to increase my to hit and damage... should that work with stolen spells? like, if i steal a spell that i just dont wish to use, feel frivolous, or just wish to hit people harder with my fists, would that work in my favor?

and i am thinking of rounding it off with unseen seer, which would give me more skill points and sneak attack. having a high wisdom isnt a bad decision, and it wont make me MADder. i just wouldnt have the luxury of a high INT. i would focus on DEX, WIS, and CHA, and get as many defensive spells as i can tolerate

Keld Denar
2011-07-06, 07:02 PM
On thing that might be interesting would be to Tash together either Psychic Rogue or Lurk to get more of what you are looking for. Monk2/X18 would be solid, get you a lot of bonus feats (including Stunning Fist). Isn't there a Psi-Thief feat somewhere that'll let you steal PP from people with sneak attack?

2011-07-06, 08:29 PM
On thing that might be interesting would be to Tash together either Psychic Rogue or Lurk to get more of what you are looking for. Monk2/X18 would be solid, get you a lot of bonus feats (including Stunning Fist). Isn't there a Psi-Thief feat somewhere that'll let you steal PP from people with sneak attack?

i swear i saw that feat somewhere, but first i have to verify that psionics will be used in this campaign