View Full Version : Twilight of the New Republic (IC)

2011-07-06, 10:13 PM
As you follow the padawan deeper into the heart of the Massassi Temple on Yavin 4, you see harsh light spilling out of the open briefing room at the end of the hall. The padawan, a human boy no more than 12 years old, walks briskly in front of you. A bit of pride and eagerness enters his voice as he turns around and beckons you on.

"Again, sirs, I'm terribly sorry to have woken you up at this hour, but Master Skywalker insists that he speak with you as soon as possible."

You begin to make out two voices coming from the briefing room ahead. The light has now taken on the unmistakable blue tint of a hologram projection. Master Skywalker smiles kindly as you enter the room and gestures for you take a seat along the briefing room's curved walls, but he continues to address the holographic projection of a Bothan male dressed smartly in a military uniform. "Ah, Admiral, if I may interrupt, Nova Squad has arrived."

"Tana, Relic, Ren, Jesbar," he says nodding to each of you in turn. "Thank you for joining me at such an early hour. May I present Admiral Torov Sho'sar, commander of the Fifth Fleet and the New Republic Navy's liaison to the Jedi Order."


The Bothan nods curtly and begins to speak in the crisp accent indicative of a noble-born.

"Gentlebeings, as I was telling Master Skywalker, the bugged Imperial Remnant listening post on Iridonia has been a tremendous source of valuable data. I'd like to issue my personal thanks to Nova Squad and to the Jedi Order for their efforts in helping establish this unique source of intelligence.

"Now, as to why I asked for this impromptu meeting. That same listening post transmitted the following image and associated telemetry deep into Remnant space four weeks ago. It had our analysts puzzled."

The Bothan gestures off-screen and another hologram materializes beside him.


"I apologize for the quality of the image. This is the best we were able to clean it up. This data's carrier frequency is registered to the Center for Applied Photonics on Obroa-skai. We've been unable to decipher the telemetry stream that accompanied the image and the ship's profile doesn't match anything in the Navy's database. That was the limit of our knowledge until I approached Master Skywalker."

Master Skywalker turns to you and in a calm, serious voice says, "This ship matches a description we found in a historical fragment we recovered in a cache of pre-Purge Jedi documents. I believe this ship to be the Chu'unthor, a Jedi praxeum ship allegedly lost during the Clone Wars. For over 500 years, this ship traveled the known galaxy teaching the ways of The Force, lending aid, and encouraging peace. It was the pride of the Jedi Order and home to over ten thousand students and hundreds of Jedi Masters. To aid their study, it contained a copy of the entire Jedi Archive."

He pauses a moment.

"If this blurry image is to be believed, the Chu'unthor still exists and someone saw it recently. The impact to the Jedi Order and the Republic would be incalculable were it to be recovered."

Admira Sho'sar interrupts, "The impact, of course, depends great on who finds the Chu'unthor. Gentlemen, we need you to find that ship before the Remnant does. Unfortunately they have a head start."

"I'm rerouting the Mistborn to take you to Obroa-Skai. She is already carrying a diplomatic envoy bound for the same system. Hopefully the Center for Applied Photonics can shed some light on their strange data. It may also be a good idea to research the Chu'unthor in the Great Library there. They have a vast amount of data that is not available online. Any questions?"

2011-07-06, 10:51 PM

Relic shifts uncomfortably while being addressed by the hologram Skywalker, always slightly nervous both of the Jedi masters, and most holograms in general.

As the Bothan General closes, Relic speaks. "If I may ask, how will we know where the ship is, or where it will be, sir? Also, how long should it take us to get to Obroa-Skai?"

2011-07-06, 11:01 PM

Ren shifts his position so he can address the hologram, Sir i was wondering what other resources we will have available to us to use during this mission, And also will any specialized Kit be issued.

2011-07-07, 01:58 AM

Tana apprises the data of the ship carefully. "Who else knows about this development? There may well be other organizations in the Republic interested in recovering the Jedi Archives, if we release the information to them."

2011-07-07, 07:11 AM
Admiral Sho'sar answers the questions in quick succession.

"That's what we're hoping you will find out, Relic. I'm sending you a copy of the data we've been trying to analyze. If the University really did originate the data somehow, perhaps they can decipher the telemetry or have other data to provide.

"The trip to Obroa-Skai is nominally 72 hours. The Mistborn is a fast ship, though. I imagine she'll shave a few hours off that.

"Ren, the Mistborn's quartermaster should be able to see to any equipment needs you have, within reason. You will have a small shuttle at your disposal for the duration of your time on Obroa-skai. We prefer your team maintain a small footprint, so I would not expect you to need additional personnel.

"I'm also placing 5,000cr in an anonymous account should you need other mission resources

"Tana, this information has been limited to myself, a handful of intel analysts, Captain Royce of the Mistborn, and Master Skywalker."

Luke nods and adds, "I will brief the Council sometime tomorrow, but beyond that, the information will be strictly need-to-know. Unless there is anything else, please be on the south landing pad at 0900hrs.

May the Force be with you."

2011-07-07, 08:57 AM

Jesbar tries to recall what she knows of Obroa-Skai.

((INT check since Knowledge (world lore) can't be used untrained: [roll0]))

"What," she asks, "do we do with the ship once we find it?"


2011-07-07, 01:17 PM

Relic creaks into a deep bow, staying rigidly for several seconds before coming back into place. Recalling the location of all his gear, he estimated that it would take approximately 4 minutes 23 seconds to assemble everything and be back...if he was brisk. By spending another 4 minutes and 13 seconds recharging, assuming he initiated regarching at appropriate speed, Relic deduced that he would be ready far before his companions, and that he should secretly set each aside and advise them how to be more efficient with their time.

...for the sake of the mission. And future missions to come. Perhaps he should take each for a drink alone, biologicals liked alcohol, and was known to override anxiety inhibitors.

(OOC: Here's the new and improved character sheet: Relic The Robot (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=306335))

2011-07-07, 06:44 PM
Master Skywalker addresses Jesbar, "Once you locate the Chu'unthor you'll need to ascertain the condition of the crew and the ship first hand. With that information, we can determine the best plan to recover or salvage her."

Dice Roll
Jesbar: You recall that Obroa-Skai is known throughout the galaxy as a first class academic center. It is home to some of the finest universities and research institutes throughout the galaxy. It's Great Library was rumored to be surpassed by only the Jedi Archives.

2011-07-07, 08:25 PM
((What's its political affiliation?))

2011-07-07, 08:46 PM
Obroa-Skai is part of the Republic. It's fairly far removed from Remnant space.

2011-07-07, 10:14 PM

Relic snaps back to attention and addresses Master Skywalker.
"If that is all Master, I will take my leave to acquire my things. May your force be with you...as well." Assuming the conversation was at its end, Relic bowed, and his feet scraped across the floor as he turned to leave.

Those jedi are always talking about their force. I never will understand how the Jedi force things with their mind...glad that years ago I installed that inhibitor that prevented me from thinking about it in depth, it surely would have done great damage to my processor.
I'll just have to accept that biologicals' processors can push or pull things by themself. The jedi often move their limbs while doing it, maybe there is an invisible...
The inhibitor snapping into place, Relic realised he'd stopped in his tracks. He would wait for any leaving statements directed at him before he continued his departure.

2011-07-09, 06:12 PM
Right on schedule at 0900 hours a Lambda-class shuttle bearing Republic markings touches down on the south landing pad. After a few moments the boarding ramp lowers with a hiss of hydraulics and a male Duros in a green flight suit steps out. He exchanges a few words with academy maintenance personnel, hands them a datapad and motions towards the ship. They a pair of repulsor sleds and begin to offload cargo crates.

As the Duros waits for his current cargo to be offloaded and his new cargo to arrive, he leans casually against the boarding ramp's support strut and watches with bored detachment.

2011-07-09, 07:26 PM
Relic creaks forward and extends his hand...
"Greetings, I am called Relic. Are you the pilot of this vessel?"

2011-07-09, 07:37 PM
Rek leans forward and shakes Relic's hand. "That's me. Lieutenant Rek Trenna, at your service. As soon as we can get these supplies off we can get you guys up to the Mistborn."


Rek looks Relic up and down, scratches his head and asks, "No offense, but I'm not familiar with your model. Are you a custom build?"

2011-07-09, 07:54 PM
Relic's chest hums for many seconds...he then looks down at his chassis and arms, then assumes a forced pose.
"I am B2S7, a Baktoid Combat Automata, codenamed 'Relic.'" He stops his hum and shifts his position.
"...That is correct, Lieutenant Rek, I assume as I have never encountered another of my unique build."

2011-07-09, 08:06 PM
Rek's already enormous eyes widen even further.

"Holy hyperspace... you're one of those assassin droids! I sure hope you're not going to flip a circuit all of a sudden and kill us all!"

2011-07-09, 08:24 PM
Relic hummed even louder, perhaps in agitation or confusion. As he saw the Duro's eyes expand, he accessed his database of combat, and remembered that biologicals often expanded their sensors in a sign of fear, which often led to the biological "fight or flight" technique. Relic could not allow him to do harm to him or his allies, and he couldn't let the pilot run away, so he reached for his blaster pistol, thinking to stun the Duro should he try to flee.
His advisory input stopped him as his hand grasped the weapon.
"Negative. I am a combat droid, and it is my mission to protect Nova Squad as was directed by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and to assist them on their missions. This is my prime directive. I will not perform in any flipping actions unless for the sake of the mission."
Relic paused, still rigid in place, and added, "I will also not partake in killing unless I have to for the mission...which I deem moderately probable."
He shifts his head, pointing at the ship, but does not move either, hand still resting on the blaster same as before.

2011-07-09, 09:43 PM
Rek's considers this for a moment and shrugs.

"Well, I've never known a Jedi to be a bad judge of character at least as far as biologicals are concerned. Anyone who's got their blessing is fine by me!"

Rek turns his attention to the loading ramp as two technicians maneuver a heavily loaded repulsor sled, one guiding the sled from above and one from below. Relic's notices that the crates have not been adequately secured to the sled as safety regulations typically dictate.

As the sled nears the bottom of the steep ramp, the high pitched whine of the repulsorlifts fluctuates and the lower end of the sled abruptly loses altitude and crashes into the ground. The technician screams in pain as his foot is caught under the sled and he falls backwards. The stack of crates begin to slide off the sled and threaten to topple over onto the injured technician.

2011-07-09, 10:13 PM
Relic's lumbering but agile mass runs over the the sled and braces against the sliding boxes, stopping their fall. As his other hand moves to attempt lifting the sled, his voice yells into the man's ear too loudly "Move out of the way, fleshie!"

Str check [roll0]

Relic starts to hum again, and his arms weaken slightly as he says, "Don't be offended at my terminology, it's rooted deeply in my programming."

2011-07-09, 10:15 PM
If Jesbar is in position to notice the problem, she rushes forward to try to help. She'd err toward moving the tech if possible, otherwise shielding him from the falling containers.


2011-07-09, 10:44 PM
Jesbar runs to the technician and grasps him beneath his arms and attempts to pull him out of harms way. He yelps in pain and reaches toward his foot that is still pinned beneath the sled.

Rek and a technician rush over to the sled and brace themselves for lifting.

"On three!" Rek yells to the technician, Relic and Jesbar. "One, two, THREE!"

The human technician and duros groan and their arms quiver as they strain against the sled. Relic's servos begin to creak and internal diagnostics indicate he is about to exceed the maximum rated load for his frame.

The sled lifts the slightest amount and Jesbar yanks the injured man free and shouts "CLEAR!".

The sled slams to the ground as the other three release their grip. The stacks of crates appear to be stable for the moment.

2011-07-10, 10:34 AM

The Mon Cal quickly examines the man's foot and leg for damage, determining how badly hurt he is and whether he'll need to be carried somewhere for treatment.

((Jesbar takes 10 on the Treat Injury check for a result of 21.))


2011-07-10, 12:06 PM
Die Rolls:
Jesbar - His foot and ankle have been crushed and he requires immediate medical attention. He will slip into shock soon.

2011-07-10, 05:35 PM

Working quickly, Jesbar pulls out her medkit and works to stabilize the patient, using the medicines and tools therein to try to keep him from going into shock.

"Relic, we have to get him to the infirmary ASAP," she says to the droid with urgency, even as she keeps working. "We'll need a gurney or gravsled."

((Jesbar takes 10 on any necessary checks.))


2011-07-10, 06:23 PM
Relic hums loudly as his eyes search around the area, since the first thing he sees is the broken sled, he proceeds shoving away crates, then trying to jury-rig it as fast as possible.

Str check if nessecary

Repair check

2011-07-10, 06:56 PM
Rek and the maintenance crew immediately begin helping offload the sled. Within a few minutes, Relic's repair brings the sled to life and it hums steadily one meter off the deck.

2011-07-10, 07:47 PM
Relic hurriedly tries to assist Jesbar getting the man onto the sled, grabbing his shoulders and lifting.

2011-07-12, 06:45 PM
The drugs administered by Jesbar begin to take effect and the injured technician's panic subsides. After seeing that he is secured to the hoversled, Relic rushes the sled to the infirmary with Jesbar trotting along beside continuing to monitor the man's condition.

Word of the accident precedes them to the infirmary where Master Cilghal, the Mon Cal Jedi healer, and two young girls in medical garb meet them in the hall. Cilghal peppers Jesbar with the standard medical questionnaire while studying readouts from a mediscanner. Jesbar quickly and professionally.

Jedi Master Cilghal

Cilghal nods and turns to address the young girls, "Padawans, please prep this man for surgery in O.R. 1 and synthesize 4 units of plasma." The padawans take position on each end of the sled and whisk him into the infirmary.

Cilghal bows to Jesbar and Relic, "You are to be commended, my friends. Your quick actions and superb medical skills have undoubtedly saved this man the pain of adapting to a cybernetic limb. I suspect he will make a full recovery in a few week's time."

2011-07-12, 08:29 PM

"I'm just glad I was nearby, Master Cilghal," Jesbar replies. "And that Relic was there to lend his strength. Do you need my assistance in surgery?"


2011-07-12, 09:20 PM
Cilghal shakes her head, "The surgery will take several hours if everything goes well. I don't think we should delay your important errand anymore than it already has been. I will send my apologies to Captain Royce and explain why her shuttle has run late."

"Farewell. May the current run along your course, friends."

She bows and walks away toward the infirmary.

2011-07-13, 01:45 AM
Tana arrives about fifteen minutes late to the shuttle and, seeing the scattered crates around it, guesses that nobody will mind her tardiness. As the crates are blocking her from putting her things in the shuttle and acting like she was totally here on time, she uses the force to stack them off to the side.

Move Object roll: [roll0]

2011-07-13, 11:46 AM
Ren arrives at the shuttle just a little after Tana and watches as she stacks the creates.

2011-07-22, 06:16 PM
"I feel as though I've been shutdown for weeks...and that I've heavily rusted," Relic proclaims. As he clanks toward the ship he bows slightly and stiffly to Tana and Ren, before finding his way aboard.

2011-07-25, 06:04 PM

"You two missed a bit of excitement," the Mon Cal comments. "There was an accident with the equipment. Fortunately, Relic was here to save the day."

She peers around for activity. "Have you seen the pilot? We're already a bit behind schedule due to the accident."


2011-07-25, 06:46 PM
No i haven't seen the pilot, but if were in a hurry i can always take us up.

2011-07-26, 06:17 AM

The young medic chuckles, though it sounds almost like wheezing -- a gurgling, moist wheeze. "No, I doubt Captain Royce would appreciate us leaving her pilot behind. I'm certain he's around somewhere."


2011-07-26, 02:28 PM
Clanking from inside the ship betrays Relic emerging from the craft.
"A thought has come to me. If we are attempting to reach our destination before anyone else, and we assume there could be others searching for our...objective as well, I conclude that our activities are similar to a 'race'. I have witnessed several races and in many cases, the gain or loss of a usually nominal amount of speed or time has jeopardized or granted success to one side."
Relic pauses, and sweeps his body about, scanning the area. He then hums slightly.
"If we are to be victorious, it is possible that single seconds that are being wasted could prove to be our failure. I advise that if we are not introduced to a pilot soon, we may have to fly ourselves, for the sake of speed."
Shifting to put himself equadistant and at the same angle from Ren and Jesbar, Relic hums slightly louder.
"This gives me a query. I have trained heavily in the operation and repair of machinery of vehicles. Ren, I have observed you having proficiency while piloting and operating other computers as well. And Jesbar, I have heard that you have skill as a pilot as well."

"Therefore, I believe we should attempt to determine relative skill levels, so that we may be most succesful at our various tasks in the future.

(+7 each in Computer Use, Repair, and Pilot. Seven ranks in the two former, and five ranks in Piloting)

2011-07-29, 04:02 AM
Tana makes an impatient noise, and begins flipping her lightsaber between her fingers like a trick knife.

"Really, if the pilot can't be bothered to show up, I say we take off on our own. We can explain ourselves after we start burning space."

With that, she pushes past Relic into the ship, beckoning the others to follow with her free hand. She has made no secret of her inability to pilot even the simplest craft, but her reputation is such that you shouldn't doubt that she would try anyway if she wanted to.

2011-07-29, 04:45 AM
Relic hums loudly for a brief instant, and everyone thinks they just heard a tiny ding.

"I am grateful that I installed a random number generating program based on atmospheric pressure, so that that we may resolve such dilemmas, by as you bios would think is random to determine by chance.

I have utilized the sub-program emulating the tetrahedron, with four equal chances with all of us..."

Relic touches his fingers together in a very poor emulation of knuckle cracking and announces,
"The metaphorical d4 of 'fate' has chosen...me!"

As Relic turns around to face the controls, he pulls an oil can from his gear and lubes up his armpits. He then starts to hum again.

"The advanced probability matrixes I encoded in my judgement sub-processor states that it is thirty-two point seven one six percent chance that the gods that govern the universe, indeed, the very powers that be that maintain the Force and all life...is dead.

And a seventy-one point nine zero zero percent chance that the gods have merely left, never to return unless extreme action is taken in this matter."