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2011-07-07, 07:45 AM
Monodominant or DM only. All others will be taken to pier 7 and shot. Survivors will be shot again.

Heh, yea we have 50 pages worth of material for me to draw from! I could easily pretend to be a high ranking Jack with all the stuff I have learned :D

The "girl" makes another curtsy and moves quickly out of sight making an effort of straightening up.

She turns around the closest corner and then looks back to see what the man does after that.

As she is moving off, the butler says, "Dear, your bed is the other way." His voice sounds patient yet firm.

2011-07-07, 07:56 AM
"She" turns around shaking a bit as if the late hour and embarassment is overflowing.

"She" then does as described above.

Woohoo new thread! 5000 xp bonus for survivng this long? :D

2011-07-07, 08:16 AM
5 xp

survival is its own reward, but since you asked nicely, I'll grant you a little something for nothing.

Once "she" has turned the corner, the butler turns down the hall in the opposite direction of the servants' quarters you were directed off to.

2011-07-07, 08:28 AM
If only I could craft magical items those 5 xp would go a long way!


But in any case, thanks for tolerating me for so long :D

Careful this time not to be spotted so easily he decides to follow the man so he can see where he goes so that he may actually take his form later on if its needed.

He tries to stay in shadowy corners so that even if there is nothing more for him to hide behind he can quickly pull back towards the shadows and hide.

2011-07-07, 08:42 AM
hide and ms check. ide at -10 for verry unoptimal conditions.

2011-07-07, 08:43 AM
hide and ms check. ide at -10 for verry unoptimal conditions.

2011-07-07, 09:17 AM
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

iit feels so weird rolling with -such- low skills!!! :D

2011-07-07, 02:33 PM
you don't take the penalty to ms. Just to hide.

You avoid detection as you follow the butler all the way upstairs to the master bedroom. Do you wish to follow him in?

2011-07-07, 05:35 PM
The servant goes -in- the master bedroom? Now that IS strange. Would you roll a sense motive for me about his body language and how he seems to be going about things?

Recently my characters intelligence went up by 2 points... perhaps he understands something I cant think of?

Ishmael considers his options in a split second decision. He considers the possibility of staying out and entering later but is worried as if there are people in the room it would be impossible to enter unnoticed. He also wonders why would the senior servant enter the room of the master of the house without knocking and without being called for.

All the above contribute to his decision to try and enter as well to see what is going on. Before he does so he uses the hat to make himself look like one of the guards at the stairs so he may get a cover story about having followed the man to check up on him IF he is spotted.

2011-07-07, 06:17 PM
It would appear that the butler is meeting with someone. A meeting that the rest of the household is supposed to be ignorant of.

You are not spotted as you enter the room. Several chairs and a potted plant provide more than adequate cover to hide yourself from view. Silent and swift as a shadow you enter the room, the butler and the apparent lord none the wiser.

"Were you followed?" the baron asks.

"I do not believe so, but seven of the baroness's maids were up and about on this or the other pretense. I do not believe that all of them were wandering the halls because they had all lost their senses. I suspect your wife is beginning to get suspicious."

2011-07-08, 12:56 AM
! I am a queens maid now! ! ! Upgrade!

Ishmael finds himself in an awkward situation. A secret meeting that involves somehow the Queen of Aldhaven, the Baroness and her husband. Though he always dreamed of being a court assassin he worries that perhaps he sank his teeth on more than he can chew.

At this time there are not many options. He tries to be an inconspicuous and shadow as possible and listens in the conversation. He looks around the room, even moving his head slowly out of fear of attracting attention, taking in the details like windows and other exits, in case he will need to escape, as well as what is in the room. He wonders where the Baroness is since she is not in the actual master bedroom.

2011-07-08, 07:15 AM
once again, I prove I'm human. Those were the baroness's maids. there currently is no queen of aldhaven.

not sure if this changes your actions.

2011-07-08, 08:01 AM
Not really... it still seems that the couple has something to hide from each other...

It could be that the Baron has a super amazing anniversary present...


It could be that he is a Pit Fiend that plans to take her to Hell with him...

So all in all I am still staying in and listening.

Oh and I start -studying- the Baron... cause you never know...

2011-07-08, 03:16 PM
"Let her be suspicious. It's only another couple of days until the anniversary, and then it will all be revealed. Won't matter what her nattering maids say then. Everything is coming to fruition. When she dons the necklace on our anniversary, all will be set in motion and the city will recognize my importance."

"As you say, milord. I have brought the last component of the spell you requested."

"Good. Put it in its place. The necklace will then be completed."

The baron is a young man whose face is kind and full of laugh lines. However, some sort of burning desire in his eyes is tainting the genial demeanor and leaving something quite off with him.

The butler pulls a piece of folded silk out of his pocket and approached the desk on the far side of the room. You can't quite make out the details from where you are, although it would be possible to move closer, if you dare.

2011-07-08, 03:30 PM
Is there some form of penalty to the roll for moving closer?

Ishmael listens intently and wonders what is going on. Apparently he doesnt plan something very nasty for his wife but rather for the city... he considers moving closer to see more details, not that it will help as his knowledge of magic is limited but first checks where and how he will be hiding next.

2011-07-08, 04:04 PM
no, but the penalty to spot/hear you decreases with distance.

If he were o move closer, there is a high-backed chair he could hide behind.

2011-07-08, 04:11 PM
You are scaring me... the only reason I made it is cause they have a penalty?

Ishmael decides that he has to risk it. Keeping his eyes more on the Baron than on the servant he edges a bit closer to get a better look walking slowly and carefully not wishing to make noise or be seen.

I dont suppose I can take 10?

If not,
hide [roll0]
MS [roll1]

2011-07-08, 04:32 PM
no, that's not the only reason, but it does change the odds of success slightly on what their penalty is, and it builds tension this way. Plus, it lets me procrastinate a few posts and give me a chance to plot out the next bit of the adventure in my head.

you can take 10 on hide and move silently, but that would be lower than what you rolled this time.

As he edges closer, he sees that the butler is unwrapping a cat's eye chrisoberyl, a rather rare gem. He places it as the centerpiece of a gold and silver chain that already has a ruby, sapphire, emerald, pink diamond, and large black pearl on it, each in their own sockets.

2011-07-09, 01:02 AM
For a moment he considers dashing ahead, stealing the whole thing and then jumping of the window all in one fluid motion.

That would make things easy in a way... his curiosity and perfectionism laughs at the thought of that idea and he instead stays put in his new cozy hiding place and observes.

He remembers stories that he has heard that gems can be used to capture someone's soul and that the more expensive the gem the more important the person or of stronger personality he may have. He now wonders if those stories could possibly be true...

2011-07-09, 01:06 AM
The butler fits the catseye in the socket made for it easily and fixes it in place.

"It is complete, milord. Your lady wife will be most pleased to see it."

"Indeed she shall, Jarvis. Indeed she shall."

2011-07-09, 01:30 AM
Ishmael waits to see what they will do with it.

2011-07-09, 01:32 AM
"Good night, Jarvis."

"Good night Sir."

The butler exits the room.

if Ishmael wishes to leave unnoticed now, he'll have to hurry.

2011-07-09, 01:44 AM
What do they do with the necklace?

2011-07-09, 01:58 AM
it is left on the desk for now.

2011-07-09, 02:08 AM
Sorry for taking it so much in OOC but can you give me a detailed description of the room?

I want to see if I will be able to somehow exit after the door closes if I am to take the pendant.

For example is the bed close to the door or since this is a Baron we are talking about there is like an antechamber, where the door and a mini living room is located, and then the bedroom?

Are there windows and which floor are we (and whats the distance to the ground).

Also is there a key behind the door (I ask cause in many houses you usually leave the key on the inside as opposed to carrying the keys to every room on you).

2011-07-09, 08:46 AM
the room is rather small, and no bed is present, only a half-dozen chairs, four potted plants, a cabinet, and a desk. There are no windows, but there is a door on the opposite wall from the one you came in from. That one does not appear to have a lock.

2011-07-09, 08:51 AM
Ishmael considers that the next door is the one that actually leads to the chamber where the Baron and his wife sleep since it doesnt have a lock and thus he should be able to leave unless he is extremely unlucky.

He wonders if the woman is sleeping elsewhere or if the door that separates these rooms is good enough that the wife did not hear the interaction between servant and master.

With any luck the Baron wont take the necklace with him to the next room and risk his wife finding it he considers and thus stays put.

2011-07-09, 09:05 AM
The door back out into the hall is shut, and the Baron locks it.

He then goes over to the desk, fold up the necklace in silk, puts it in the desk, and locks it with a key he wears around his neck.

He then opens the far door and enters the room beyond. You catch a glimpse of a bed and a window as it closes.

2011-07-09, 09:10 AM
Locked inside what is probably the safest room in the whole house considers Ishmael.

For just a moment he entertains the thought of slaying the Baron. Now that would go great with his resume... his first real high level assassination.

Unfortunately noone has -yet- asked for that though he now knows he could do it. Perhaps courtly assassin is within his grasp.

Even better he could try to steal the key from the man's neck. Now that would take some real talent.

Putting all those thoughts aside he regains his composure and professionalism. He does what he knows he can do like the best of them. Waits patiently before doing anything.

After an hour and a half or so, during which time he tries to listen if he can hear the Baron or anyone else snore, he slowly approaches the desk in which the man put the necklace and searches it for traps.

If possible taking 20 on listen to hear if people sound asleep :D
Taking 20 for 27 vs traps.

2011-07-09, 09:16 AM
When the door shuts, you can hear not a single thing from the room beyond.

The man apparently isn't in the habit of trapping his own desk in his own study that you have to infiltrate into his house and go to the second floor to find.

2011-07-09, 09:20 AM
Yes but he might have been! Ishmael will soon start trapping the closet he sleeps in!

Can you blame me after the fact that I kill a guy and he does 80 damage to me (40 cause of my saves) AFTER DEATH?

Satisfied though worried that he hears nothing he starts to work on the lock.

More interested in a quick and careful job he applies a touch of oil on the hinges and the lock though not too much as that would make it very obvious someone did it.

The fact that the necklace will be missing might also make it very obvious but that comes later he considers with a smile.

Having oiled the mechanisms he tries to unlock the lock.

open lock [roll0]

Edit: thats not gonna cut it probably... I will take 20 on this since I have time...

2011-07-09, 09:45 AM
He tries the lock once, twice, thrice,... sixteen... seventeen.... and 21!

it's unlocked!

2011-07-09, 09:47 AM
He does not curse as he was expecting something like this.

He breathes out and slowly opens the drawer. He is not about to touch something that might be incredibly cursed or otherwise powerful so he just looks around the drawer for now.

2011-07-09, 12:56 PM
inside is an inkwell, two quills, three rolls of parchment, a paperweight, and a bundle of folded silk.

2011-07-09, 01:12 PM
Ishmael considers this for a moment.

He uses the quill, ink and paper and leaves a note for the baron.

My Lord Baron.

I apologize for this offense and I realize and I am causing you great discomfort. Know though that my intentions are good and that I am taking this item from you so that I may strike a blow against the Jacks that plague this city. I am looking for patrons that will help me do this. If you are willing to help after my mission to destroy that evil faction is done you can have your necklace back.

To prove I have not evil intentions in my mind I would like to point out that the eastern window on the ground floor is a blind spot to your house's defenses though I guess this may not be of importance since you plan to move to the Noble's Quarter and shut yourself off the real Aldhaven.

If you are interested in what I have said and plan to commit to helping me in my quest you should put a small red scarf at the gate of your manor tomorrow afternoon.

I will then make sure a messenger reaches you. Please give him the response in an unsealed envelope. He will have orders not to enter your manor but will wait by the entrance for your reply.

I know not what you plan for the Baroness and what enchantment the necklace has but in good faith please reveal it for me in the letter. I do not really care but it shows you trust me enough to do that. I offer you an oath that I will not reveal it. The oath of the man that stood in a room next to you yet did not wish you harm.

And my lord, if you try and play me... I will know.

This comes from a man that was present in your meeting with your butler and you did not realize so I hope you trust in my abilities enough to not think I am kidding.

Yours truly,



Finishing the letter he takes the silk bundle and checks to see if it has something inside but without opening it.

2011-07-09, 03:36 PM
Indeed, the necklace which you saw placed inside the silk has not walked off and disappeared.

2011-07-09, 05:53 PM
Stranger things have happened considers the enterprising skulk as he places it safely in his backpack and spends some time ensuring he doesnt leave any traces other than the note and then closes the drawer trying to lock it after jamming a scent breaker ampule so that when the drawer is re-opened it breaks and destroys any signs of his scent.

He considers searching for anything else in the room but he shakes his head. He is no petty thief. He is something much greater arbitrarily decided by himself.

He moves to the door and checks the lock for any traps. He knows he did not see any before and the Baron didnt seem to activate it but you never know.

After spending a couple of minutes searching it he puts a few drops of oil on the hinges and opens it, exiting the room.

Take 20 to make sure I dont leave any ... samples, skin flakes, hair etc at the drawer and around the area and placing the scent-breaker ampule.

Take 20 to re-lock the drawer.

Take 20 to search the door.

I assume the key is on the door? Cause you said that he takes the key of the drawer with him but not the one that locked the door?

2011-07-09, 05:59 PM
You find the outer door locked. Perhaps it uses the same key as the desk lock.

2011-07-09, 06:02 PM
Wasting no more time Ishmael places an extra pair of clothes or a pillow from a chair over his hand and over the lock to muffle the sound and uses the ring to cast knock.

He then uses the hat to take the appearance of the Baron himself considering it the best option in case he is stopped by anyone within the house.

He then carefully opens it and checks the corridor.

2011-07-09, 06:09 PM
the corridor is empty.

2011-07-09, 06:11 PM
Ishmael closes the door behind him carefully and then heads downstairs. He tries to step on the same steps as before even and heads for the room from which he first entered.

If nothing happens he exits the house, closes the window behind him and waits for a few moments to ensure none of the outside guards are around before leaving the perimeter.

Taking 10 on hide and ms :D

2011-07-09, 06:14 PM
Nothing untowards happens so far.

2011-07-09, 06:43 PM
Pleased with himself he attempts to leave the house the way he came. As soon as he does so he dimes a quiet and dark spot and gets rid of his old clothes and puts on a new set of clothes and pets fire to the previous ones.

A bit more relaxed and confident now he heads for the guildsman district and looks for an open metal worker shop or any shop that may carry metal boxes and chests.

If no such place is open he spends some time being paranoid, eats some of his rations and walks around in circles around the general area while hiding and changing disguises.

As soon as he can he enters said store and buys a strong wooden box inlaid with metal or even better a full metal box.

Once that is done he places the silk bundle in the box and heads to his house.

2011-07-09, 07:01 PM
A fire in the dead of night in an alleyway attracts the attention of one of the city watch who was passing by. He comes over and says, "What's going on here?" He does not appear to see you, just be asking in general.

2011-07-10, 01:51 AM
Ishmael has recently been wanting a really good City Watch uniform and the only really good enough one is a real one.

The fact that he is carrying a hugely expensive possible enchanted necklace though sobers him up. There will be time enough for this.

The clothes having been set on fire already and having been clothes only worn for a single day he doesnt delay further. He moves away in the shadows created by the fire and ignores the man.

hide [roll0]
ms [roll1]

He then continues step by step the aforementioned plan.

2011-07-10, 09:31 AM
He has to wait until dawn to find a smith. He can buy a cheap copper box for 3 silver or a strong steel box for 2 gold.

whichever box he buys, he makes it home and there is no reasonable cause to suspect that he was being followed.

2011-07-10, 10:21 AM
He does indeed wait till dawn. He buys a strong steel box for 2 gold before returning home and places the necklace there.

Once at home he takes all usual precautions and sleeps for a few hours just to get a bit of rest.

When he wakes up he hides the pendant in the closet and takes off. He heads for the manor which he observes hidden from a distance.

2011-07-10, 12:46 PM
He does not see any indication of increased activity, but he does notice that the window he had come through last night has been boarded shut from the inside.

2011-07-10, 01:28 PM
He looks to see if the red scarf has been placed near the entrance.

2011-07-10, 01:49 PM
At first glance, he sees nothing, then he sees a tattered bit of red that might have once been a scarf. Looking closer, the rope holding it up has been tied into a hangman's noose.

2011-07-10, 02:11 PM
Just to clarify cause I am not sure what that means... I guess its a sign that is used for non-agreement? I mean is it an obvious "I will get you" kind of thing?

Ishmael shivvers for a moment as he sees the sign. He wonders if its just done out of annoyance or if the significance is one to indicate more than just anger but deadly intent.

2011-07-10, 02:15 PM
as in, he's hung your agreement. A symbolic execution. A rather grim one.

2011-07-10, 03:00 PM
Nobody ever cooperates willingly!!!

Ishmael considers if he should or should not see if the Baron has anything to say. The noose seems pretty bad and he does off course understand the reasoning behind it. Being robbed of what was probably a very elaborate plan must be very annoying and frustrating but still he did offer a way out.

Torn but not wanting to take the slightest risk he tries to find a messenger. He approaches using the hat to take the appearance of a random person he has seen a day or so ago he walks up to him and asks him to deliver and receive a message from the manor.

His own message says "Please reconsider".

He sends the messenger and instructs him that most likely he will be given a message to deliver. He tells him that he will meet him back at this location.

As soon as the messenger is gone, Ishmael hides in shadows, alters his appearance again and follows him.

2011-07-10, 03:03 PM
... you stole his wife's anniversary gift. The gift that was gonna vault him up out of obscurity.

Your messenger knocks on the door, he delivers the message to the butler, and turned out without so much as the customary tip.

2011-07-10, 03:07 PM
I will give it back!!!!

Plus he wanted to cast some kind of spell on her from what I understood!!!!

Also just to get my dates right.

When is the anniversary and when is the raid against the Jacks?

2011-07-10, 03:09 PM
anniversary is in 6 days. Jacks raid is in 5.

2011-07-10, 03:17 PM
Ah okay at least that is something...

Annoyed Ishmael heads for the Plaza. He uses the hat to take the appearance of a young half-elf with bright orange hair and a scar presumably ruining his left eye.

He approaches the town crier and asks him to include the following job in his repertoire.

"Young, infuelntial, orange headed youth offers opportunity and reward for those interested in taking risks in a delicate mission. Meet him at the Drowned Mermaid any day between five and seven in the afternoon."

The Drowned Mermaid being a mid-scale tavern where he has lived in the past and has more than one exits and numerous windows as well as smaller private rooms for private conversations.

He then stops by the messenger he had sent to Jezleen two days ago with the message about him being unavailable for the next week due to business of sensitive nature.

Having done that Ishmael heads over to the jeweler he had used some time ago to get Jezleen a present.

Should I make this as a post in the City streets? Cause I dont want people to think its down as my DM persona... Perhaps Rizban can add it at the rumors bit but you could also promote it as DM post?

2011-07-10, 05:37 PM
"50 gold to get something added to the announcements."

2011-07-11, 12:10 AM
He pays the man gladly and asks how often will he be calling this one.

He then continues as planned.

2011-07-11, 12:21 AM
"Every hour as I go through the list. Announcement must be renewed each week."

pm Riz to let him know of the change to the town crier.

The return message: "Dear Ish, it looks like work must come first to you for a while. A less understanding woman would be jealous. Try not to die in your oh-so-gallant assassination mission."

He is at the jeweler's shop. "Ah, a return customer. Were you satisfied with the necklace from before?"

2011-07-11, 12:33 AM
"More than satisfied and the lady that received it was ovejoyed!"he says with full honesty.

"Now I have a special request... Perhaps its not exactly your core business but since I was very happy with your business I came to you first. My master, one I cannot name, suspects that someone plans to steal a very important piece of jewelery he owns. He plans to trick the thief and to do so he needs a replica. An item that will be exactly the same, or close enough, yet not register as fake..." he paused for a moment.

"Would you be able to do something like that?"

I need to run 2-3 ideas I have by you to ask which one will work mechanically but will do so from work pc as I dont have all my books here...

2011-07-11, 12:52 AM
"Depends on the exact item. I can do a lot, but if the gems are uniquely magical, no. Not if the magical auras must also be duplicated. Physically and visually, I can even replicate the presence of auras. But my auras will always read as illusion of weak power."

2011-07-11, 01:07 AM
"Well I am not sure about the magical auras part so I will have to check that out. This is of top confidentiality by the way. My master wants to catch the thief but not risk the actual item if he fails to track it or the thief proves smarter than we expect. In any case, I shall return to you after I figure this part out." he says and thanking the man he departs.

He sits at a tavern to consider his options.


So I thought of 3 things and need to check with you... they all require some... positive thinking but all will cost me alot anyway...

a) Enchant the necklase with the "called" ability like an armor/weapon. Its a 2000gp enchantment. Would you allow it to work on the necklase? Also in case its an armor in the description of it, it says that if someone fully wears the armor you cant use it... would that be the same restriction if we put it on the necklase?

b) Drawmij's Instant Summons spell. (From PHB page 225). It would cost me 910 gold to get a wizard to cast it on the necklase AND a 1000gold for a sapphire.

Two issues here, it says the spell wont work if the item is in the "possession" of someone else. Does possession mean wearing it or is keeping it in a locked box you own counted as possession? Is having it in a pocket but not using it possession? Keep in mind this is a 7th level spell we are talking about that costs 1000gold a pop :).

My plan for this would be to send (said gem) in a box to the Baron and say "break me" or something similarly poetic... its by far the coolest of the things I have thought.

c) Translocation trick. (Spell compendium page 222).

This is done with people (as in you switch with someone else) could I have it cast on a copy item and do it with the real necklase after I give it to the Jacks?

This is probably the cheapest version requiring a 4rth level spell casting and a copy item that evens gets a "disguise" for some time. The benefit is off course that WHEN the item is checked it is the real thing...


I know all 3 options are not exactly their core use but you know its all about being enterpreneureal and it did take me yesterday evening searching for options :D

2011-07-11, 02:42 AM
a) technically, that's an armor enchantment. However, I'm wiling to houserule a 3,000 gp version that can be applied to any object. that's a 1.5x price increase for putting it other than in its normal slot. He would have to wear it around his neck for this option to not work.

b) possession means on their person or worn by them.

c)if its a person spell, objects are not people, sorry.

2011-07-11, 02:54 AM
Got it... option 1 it is then... there goes the money I got from capturing Jacks... I hope the baron appreciates this...

Would a two time use of this spell make the cost less? As in I can only ever do it twice.

Ishmael gets up having decided how to proceed. Its still a bit risky but he doubts the Dayman is a jewelery person and he doesnt need this to work for a long time.

He stops by Hagan's store and picks up the rest of his items and then heads for a district where there are more than one horse sellers. He uses the hat to take the appearance of the Toe and then asks around for horses and details on if various horse breeds could take him as far as the nearest city without being too tired etc. He doesnt make a show out of it but he wants to leave an impression.

That done he leaves after asking a merchant to keep a decent horse for him and leaves. He hides and changes his appearance following his usual precautions but changing them a bit this time. In effect he at some point stops at an empty alley with low buildings and uses the shadow cloak to teleport 10 feet on a low roof. He then hides and sprints away confident this should be enough to lose any pursuit.

He heads to his place where he picks up the box and then he heads to an enchanters shop.

2011-07-11, 12:47 PM
You pick up your items.

One of the merchants holds a horse for him.

he heads to the shop.

2011-07-11, 12:54 PM
Ishmael takes yet another diffrent appearance, that of a well to do man. This time he uses his disguise kit to also put a mundane layer of disguise under his normal one just in case and he is wearing his finest, never before worn outfit.

Before entering the store he is hiding at an alley behind the building and he check the necklase for the first time. If everything seems in order he closes the box and enters the store and asks for the owner.

2011-07-11, 01:13 PM
everything is in order.

Inside the store, a clerk asks, "Mind telling me what your business with the owner is?"

2011-07-11, 02:53 PM
Ishmael smiles confidently.

"Ah yes I apologise if perhaps you can help as well... I have a request that requires confidentiality. My master has asked me to have a particular items of his enchanted and has also asked that I try and keep it as low profile as possible... hence I wanted to see the Master of your fine establishment. If you are the one performing the castings then for sure you will do..." he says.

2011-07-12, 03:45 AM
He rolls his eyes, and says, "I'll get the boss."

A few minutes later a large man in red velvet robes walks out. "So, you want to get something enchanted?"

2011-07-12, 11:23 AM
Ishmael gives a short bow to the man and smiles.

"Yes sir I do. I apologise for asking for you but I have a rather sensitive request and I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me" he says and leans forward placing the box in front of the man.

"Please have a look. It is something very valuable and very dear to my master. As I serve as his main procurer and as there has been indication that someone may try to steal it, he has asked if I can get in enchanted so we can never lose it! He would like me to be able to... ' call ' it, I believe the term is, from a distance. I have read of similar magic though this I guess would be a custom job either making it a permanent thing or something with 2 or so charges a day?"

"Oh and complete confidentiality is required..." he says firmly.

2011-07-12, 11:46 AM
"Hm... I recognize this piece. Who did you say your master was?"

2011-07-12, 01:04 PM
Ishmael frowns for a moment and lets it show.

"I didnt." he says firmly as his frown deepens only to be replaced by a slightly less hard emotion.

"Dear sir... if you have seen this piece then you know who my master is. You know for who it is for. You know why it is sensitive and you know that he would not like this information to be leaked. You may even know that he has plans to use the item in the very near future and as such I dont have time to waste with games if you do not trust me or whatever the issue may be that is forcing you to... try and fish me out." he says adopting an annoyed stance.

"I did not come here completely by chance or ask for you accidentally but if you dont plan to go ahead with what we are talking about then there are others in this city who would like to take advantage of this opportunity. Perhaps this is how you have dealt with Jarvis in the past, but this is not how I will be treated... my time for my master is far too valuable..." continuing on the same tone.

Jarvis is the head butler in case you dont recall the name.

2011-07-12, 02:07 PM
"Look, servant, I am a landed lord. You will answer my question or I'll have you arrested on some flimsy and trumped up charge. I don't trust you, and evading my question isn't helping you out one whit."

2011-07-12, 02:28 PM
Ishmael considers grabbing the box and bolting out the door for a moment.

He decides against it, for now, and looks at the man carefully.

"I apologise if I have offended you but for me this is a top priority. I did not realise you are a land owner and a lord master wizard. In any case, my master, and once again I repeat he requires absolute secrecy is ..." he lowers his voice to a whisper "the Baron XYZ. Does that satisfy your curiosity and question?" he asks in a much more polite manner.

Its your fault! I now also cant remember names... XYZ is the actual name of the guy...

2011-07-12, 02:42 PM
"Yes. It will be a standard 3,000 gold for this. I assume the baron provided you with funds?"

2011-07-12, 02:44 PM
Ishmael sighs relieved, internally, and gives the man the cash.

"You realise I am very worried about not failing his Lordship so if it is okay with you I would like to wait until you have enchanted the item?"

2011-07-12, 02:46 PM
"That will take 3 hours, but if you want to wait, you may."

2011-07-12, 02:59 PM
Indeed he does.

If the normal store clerk comes back around he also leans closer and asks.

"By the way, I recently got my hands on an interesting magical item. It was custom made so I am not sure what abilities it has. Since I am here would you be able to identify it for me while I am waiting?"

2011-07-12, 03:09 PM
"Sure. Standard price of 150 gold."

2011-07-12, 03:18 PM
Ishmael raises an eyebrow and considers going back to Hagan but for just one item its not worth it at this point.

"Very well..." he says and hands over the belt and the money.

It better be something good :D.

Also, I like how my... evil nature and caring for a woman's anniversary is just costing me 3k gold of hard-earned, Jack hating money!

2011-07-12, 03:36 PM
... what item is being identified, again?

2011-07-12, 03:39 PM
The special exploding belt that the half-drow had? You had said and I quote "at least if you survive it, its a pretty sweet belt..."


2011-07-12, 04:11 PM
Hm... this seems to be a heavily modified belt of priestly might.

+4 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
+1 Nat armor

2011-07-12, 04:15 PM
Oh WOW!!!!

its like a 4 in 1 item! Means I get my hand slot free AND some more AC... If only that +4 was on dex rather than strength I would be partying like a crazy bastard

Ishmael raises an eyebrow... the half-drow he had killed was most certainly not a priest though perhaps the name is poetic rather than functional.

He thanks the man, takes the belt and then waits for the -item- to be ready.

2011-07-12, 04:18 PM
well, you could upgrade it for 12,000 gold.

Three hours later, the item is ready.

2011-07-12, 04:23 PM
Ishmael takes the item, thanks the wizard and the clerk bowing deeply and departs.

He heads away from the store and checks the item by leaving it in a dumpster, within eyesight, and then calling it.

If everything works he tries to suppress his joy by not jumping up and down at having performed what is in his mind a great job.

Though he feels bad about having spent this amount of money he realised the necessities that lead to this.

He moves further away, hiding again, changing appearance again, to another alley and there he places the pendant into the lead box and puts on his new special belt while placing the Healing belt in his backpack to be used as a backup healing supply.

He visits a smaller scale Magic store and purchases a wand of ray of frost and then enters the sewers and heads for the Docks.

2011-07-12, 04:50 PM
It works.

he buys junk.

He is in the Docks under the sewers.

2011-07-12, 04:54 PM
Ishmael drops all disguises and takes his normal form.

He walks around looking for the passages he had followed until he can reach the area where he had met his brothers and sisters.

He is looking for the Chief's nephew or niece in particular.

2011-07-12, 05:13 PM
He finds the nephew. "Hey Ish. How goes the quest for death?"

2011-07-12, 05:31 PM
He smiles immidiatetly feeling better about not having to hide his true identity or being someone else.

"Well I would say so far so good... Two Jacks down, many more to go... I have some new info to share and I also need two things..." he says as he leans against the wall.

He spends some time retelling what he has learned from the two Jacks he caught, as in the info about more Jacks, the warehouse and the Jack organisation.

"The final call is the Chief's off course but my suggestion is that when the time comes we have to attack more than just Aunties. If we have the numbers we cant afford to hit only one place as they are bound to have escape methods taking them to their other safe houses. So far we know the house in Scale Street, the Slavers Den, The Warehouse and the Spa. Pretty good for someone doing it on his own no?" he says smuggly.

"In any case thats not what exactly I needed. The first and simpler is if we can ask someone with even a sliver of magical ability to use this wand on me... it helps me power up that ability that I used on the Nose..." he says and pauses to hear his response.

"Now the second is something tougher. It involves what I told the Chief about my meeting with the Dayman. I have completed the task he gave to my persona but I admit this is something that worries me. If the Dayman knows I was not really who I said I am then I am dead meat. There is half a dozen Jacks there AND possibly the Dayman... What I need is if we can get some more info on my persona. I knew the name, the way he looks and his position but I am one man... I need to somehow find out more details and as he is dead I cant really..." he says pausing but not done yet.

"And well... backup. I dont expect other skulks to get sacrificed for me but I would like a distraction so that I can escape if things go south. Keep in mind this must be a few days before the attack... so perhaps tomorrow evening or something. The idea is that if the Dayman approves me perhaps I will find out more or might already be on the inside when the time to strike comes. With the Nose dead it means that if I am sent at Aunties by the Dayman I doubt they will check me out that much especially if scent is out..." he finishes.

Because of how complex my plotlines end up being I can give you on OOC level my plans and concepts as well as what I plan to do so you can prepare... if you want off course and if you think its better for you that way :D

2011-07-12, 05:44 PM
yeah, give it to me ooc. I have 13 characters running around in my head. I need help.

2011-07-12, 05:58 PM
Well as above.

Current plan and timeline (as Ishmael sees it).

Events that have particular time line.

In 2 days the Banker meets the Toe. I plan to attack the Toe and kill him but hide the body. The Toe has been seen looking for a fast horse and asking questions about nearby cities. The Banker has agreed to set up small fake accounts in another Aldhaven bank under the name/identity of the Toe and have a colleague of his from another city confirm a large transfer should he be questioned. After killing the Toe I take the horse as him and leave the city. If/when the Jacks go back to the Banker he will tell them he has paid them many times over including a "20000 gold last payment". This off course IF the Jacks can handle such business after the skulk attack.

In 5 days there is the attack against the Jacks. My suggestion to the Chief is that we attack all locations at the same time. My role depends on how the next point goes.

In 3 days (so before the Toe is obviously missing) I plan to go to the Scale Street place where the Dayman asked the "demi-Jack associate" to bring the necklase to prove he is a full Jack. I ask the skulks to give me info on this persona if they can find it until then and also I ask them to have my back when I go to the Dayman. I am not asking that they attack but that if things go bad they try and get me out.

In 4 days (assuming the Jacks have accepted me as a full member for bringing the necklase) I plan to visit the Baron and give him the necklase back so he has 2 days to do whatever he wants.

So to summarise

Day 1 (tomorrow) talk with skulks, gather materials for poisons, Perhaps take care of loose end Red headed Tim.
Day 2 (day after tomorrow) kill the Toe, fake his running away, make poisons. Visit the Duchess to tell her, her Banker is free!
Day 3 (two days after tomorrow) finish poisons, short shopping depending on money and go to the Dayman with the Necklase.
Day 4 (assuming day before has gone well). Go to Baron and give him the necklase.
Day 5 (Assuming Baron didnt hang me). Attack the Jacks
Day 6 (If still alive) Congratulate the Skulks, Do a sweep operation for any Jacks I know and will probably not have been around (Last of the red haired brothers), congratulate the Baron for his Anniversary.

Hope this helps :D

All my players are such slow posters... 2 may have even dropped... I pmed them but no answer... and they were the Sad Flint people...

2011-07-12, 06:07 PM
well, several new posters have just come down the pipeline. They're all yours. My 13 pc's are just the 13 active ones.

"Yeah we can find someone to help you out with that."

"We're not the ones to ask if you need to continue in the perversion of playing as a dominari. Ask the kobolds. They are our allies. They can help you more than we at that. They also will be the ones who could give you backup if you need it."

2011-07-12, 06:16 PM
Are they on city streets or do you just mean the new wave making posts about characters in the recruitment thread?

At least from what I see quite a few of your guys do the same quests :D

Ishmael smiles and thanks him.

"I know its weird but realise that this is the risk of going deep undercover... you have to do what you despise..." he said with a grin.

Ishmael follows around to get the wand used on him and recharge his power capacity.

He then smiles and continues his discussion.

"So who do we know from the Kobolds? Who should I talk to and where can I find them? Are we allies or are they subservient... I know they handle Old Town sewers so I guess thats why they also dislike the Jacks etc... I just hope I dont have to deal with getting the gnomes like I heard they occasionally like to eat..." he says making a soft joke.

Thanks for sticking with me despite the complexity... some times I overcomplicate things but I guess it just happened for this character to go deep in cool plotline :D

2011-07-12, 06:20 PM
"The Shadow Spider will tell you all you need. He said to get you a meeting with him as soon as you return."

2011-07-12, 06:22 PM
"As always I would be honored to see him..." he says and complies. After they are done... wanding he waits to be taken to the Chief of the Skulks.

I assume he means as soon as I returned from the last thing right?

2011-07-12, 06:29 PM
He is taken there even before they find the mage to fill up his reserves. "I'll have someone ready by the time you get back."

You are taken into the chief's hall once more. You cannot see anyone in the room but him once more. "So, Ishmael, how goes the quest for total domination?"

2011-07-12, 06:40 PM
Ishmael bows without mischief in his eyes or posture. Not only because he has been told of the number of secret guards the man has but also because he really admires the one that unified his people and made them a power to be reckoned with.

"Total Domination? Well... one step at a time sire. For now the Jacks number two less, we have the information about yet another hiding place, a positive ID on the Ear, some more info about their organisation and structure and the fact that they have yet another hub at the Slaver's Den and plans to cause them a fair amount of trouble before then as well... I have kept myself busy and I hope that pleases you..." he says proud to be reporting to someone as important as the Shadow Spider and hoping his news are good news.

He goes into greater detail about his exploits and all details and info he has gathered on the Jacks since last time he was here and he also mentions his plan about the Dayman and his venture in the Scale Street hide out.

"Your nephew suggested I approach the Kobolds for this last part since Old Town is for now theirs and we work together on occassion from what I understand. Perhaps I can get some contacts with them so that I may get some info on the man I killed to infiltrate the Jacks and also some backing if things turn sour... I mean I hope all goes well and I earn a spot as a Jack, better to get info for you and strike from inside when the time comes but though I am capable it would be foolish to expect to take out the Dayman and his cronies on my own..." he repeats with conviction.

"But you had asked to see me first sire. Your needs take priority over my eagerness and plans. What can I do for you today?" he says with a smile.

I am off to bed... feel free to drown me in requests/paragraphs and information for when I wake up to have things to work with :D

2011-07-12, 06:49 PM
"Well, actually, I have something I need you to do for me. The kobolds have gotten a job that they'd like us to contract out for them. They were recently promised by the Korps, one of the lesser petty gangs of dominari that they'd help us in the raid if someone assassinates a turncoat of theirs and brings all of his stuff back to them. The bolds aren't sure they can do it that fast, so they've asked us. You're the one I can most trust to do this and not kill one of their people at the drop-off point."

2011-07-12, 11:53 PM
Ishmael inclined his head pleased. A real specific assassination contract.

"Sounds simple enough and it should help my credibility with the Kobolds. Eliminate the target and make sure his equipment is returned and do not kill the other person. May I ask if we know anything about the turncoat and also who are the Korps? Will I be meeting with them or with a Kobold contact to get the exact detailed mission brief perhaps?"

Knowledge Local - the Korps [roll0]

2011-07-13, 12:30 AM
post tomorrow. too tired tonight.

2011-07-13, 03:42 PM
No worries :D I am here, ready and waiting to receive any answers when you think you can handle my amazingness...

2011-07-13, 03:49 PM
"The kobolds have all that information. All they told us is that if we send them a hired blade, they'll get the Korps to join us. The Korps is a group of low-level petty criminals loosely organized in a gang. Their biggest gig is smuggling."

The Korps is a group of human gangsters that specialize in smuggling and extortion. They were started over 50 years ago. They had quite a bit of influence in the underground before the Jacks, Skulks, and the Imperium Magnus forced them out and off into a single block in the Docks. They're still known as the fastest and most reliable smugglers in the city. Since then, the Imperium fell to the Jacks.

2011-07-13, 04:31 PM
Ishmael nods softly and smiles.

"Very well... now that you mention them I had heard something about the Korps when I first investigated the Aldhaven underworld. I guess in the past they were more glorius along with a group called Imperium Magnus though the Magnus joined the Jacks and the Korps was left to rot... I can see why they would care to repay the favor..."

He looks around for a moment.

"Well, I have asked a small thing of your nephew. Other than that the day is still young so if you can tell me where to go and who to talk to and if my behavior should be that of the Big Fish helping out the small or if I should just stick to neutrality and get the job done in, out no complications...?"

2011-07-13, 04:39 PM
"With the kobolds, be very diplomatic. They themselves are nearly our equal in current power. We, however, will grow far stronger off the raid and soon won't need them. For now, it's best not to upset them. With the Korps, be sure to impress upon them the power of the gangs they are allied with to ensure they don't decide to turn on us."

2011-07-13, 04:53 PM
"By your word Shadow Spider. So I take it someone can take me to the Kobold representative or should I venture under the Old Town Sewers?" he says and waits to be dismissed, taken to someone who will use the wand on him and then head for the meeting place.

2011-07-13, 05:01 PM
"Go through the sewers and show yourself to be a skulk. They'll take it from there."

2011-07-13, 05:05 PM
Not entirely confident about revealing himself so easily he never the less complies with relative glee at the prospect.

He bows and smiles to the Chief before leaving and trying to find his skulk friend. Once the wand is used he heads for the sewers under Old Town without any disguises.

2011-07-13, 05:18 PM
A triad of kobolds finds him almost immediately. "You the killer the Big Boss demanded?"

2011-07-13, 11:47 PM
A bit more confident now that raw magical power is in his veins he inclines his head.

"Well met and yes I am that professional assassin."

2011-07-13, 11:54 PM
"Then we take you to the Big Boss now, yes?"

2011-07-14, 12:10 AM
Ishmael nods and waits to be escorted to said Big Boss.

2011-07-14, 12:26 AM
He is taken through a series of tunnels that get increasingly narrow, ending in one that's under 4 feet tall.

Beyond is a grotesquely fat kobold munching away on some sort of fried meat. Best to not ask what it is.

"Here's the Big Boss." the kobold guide says. "Be careful to agree with him. He is a dragonwrought."

If he's a dragonwrought, then there must be gluttony dragons.

2011-07-14, 12:28 AM
Not actually knowing what a dragonwrought is Ishmael simply nods.

He approaches closer and bows low.

"Well met Big Boss. I am here to bring you salutations from the Skulks and to pay my respects and to off course discuss about the mission."

2011-07-14, 12:30 AM
He takes a bit bite as you approach and says with his mouth full of meat, "Oh! Yemph! Thuh Kiwlr. Gog kiwl thot guf."

2011-07-14, 12:38 AM
He pauses and waits for a moment selecting when the man has finished chewing.

"Pardon me sire, my hearing is notoriously known for not being that good and the pressure from being underground is playing tricks on me. Could you repeat that?"

2011-07-14, 11:14 AM
You catch him just as he swallows and he pauses eating long enough to say, "Sure. You're the killer, right? Go kill the guy!" He seems very pleased to see you.

2011-07-14, 11:42 AM
Ishmael inclines his head deeply, his own movements are slow and deliberate showing a quiet, calm power which is restrained due to respect.

In reality this is a bit stalling to allow time for the Big Boss to finish his next bite and then half way through the Kobolds chewing he asks.

"Yes sire, I am the assassin. Could you give me some more details? Who is he, what does he look like, where is he staying? I have not yet been told anything about my mark. Any idea on what he is good at and what I might expect or even perhaps what exactly did he do?" he asks patiently as he waits for breaks in the eating.

2011-07-14, 11:47 AM
"The name he gave the Korps is a fake and probably changed by now. He's a human of average height and build walking around in very expensive magical items. Last we heard, he was staying at a temple to Chantea. All we know of his capabilities is that he killed a smuggler and took the money that he was supposed to deliver. He was supposed to kill the smuggler, but he was also supposed to finish the transaction, not run off with the money."

2011-07-14, 11:53 AM
Ishmael nods.

Not a lot to go with but at least some info there.

"Very well Chief. I will get it done. I guess we talk about the details of the return favor after the did is done? To whom do I return the goods and do we know what he bought?"

2011-07-14, 01:28 PM
"Return them to me. I'll get them to the Korps. You can understand that they just don't trust skulks to not kill them on sight. As for what he bought, Squirmy can give you the list."

2011-07-14, 01:41 PM
Ishmael bows a last time and smiles.

"It will be done great boss." he says and turns to leave if he is indeed dismissed.

Once out he asks for said list and also speaks with the other Kobold.

"Even if it was just a disguise I need to know how he looked liked and what names he used. It will help with my investigation to say the least. Also while I am out doing this I need something from you. I need you to get me all info that you can on a lurker for the Jacks. He was from Old town, his name was X and he had been with them for some time. He is no longer alive but I need to play his part so I must know all there is about him. As undisputed masters of Old Town I am sure you can find that out for me..."

2011-07-14, 01:53 PM
You are dismissed.

The written list is as entails:

Belt of Giant Stength +4, 16,000
Boots of Teleportation, 49,000
Dagger of Wounding +2, 18,302
Buckler of Spell Resistance (19), 25,165
Bracers of Armor +4, 25,000
Bag of Holding (250 cu ft, 1,500lbs), 10,000
Hat of Disguse, 1,800
Cloak of Elvenkind, 2,500

Crowbar, 2
Blanket, 5sp

Total spent: 147,765gp and 5sp

"Bright green and turquoise tunic+hose, pointy mini-boots, thick moustache, glasses. As for Jackie the Lurker, of course. We know all. We'll have it for you when you get back."

oh, btw, idea for Kiran: it would be a nifty twist if she ended up negotiating with the Jacks into them hiring her as an internal enforcer in exchange for her getting revenge on the Jacks that looted her.

2011-07-15, 12:21 AM
Yea but that will bring her very much against an upcomming huge attack against Skulks and Kobolds...

In my mind I wanted to perhaps have her taste some Jack blood of her own and then either bump on Ishmael (if her post rate is slow I may find her when I go to the Scale street place) who recruits her for the big attack?

He takes the list of items and listens at the old disguise the man wore and then heads back to the outside world.

Still rested as he had slept before visiting his Skulk brothers and its probably not even afternoon yet he cleans up and takes a shower, uses his own hat and skills to take an adventurer style disguise and heads for the Temple of Chauntea after purchasing a small inconspicuous symbol of her style in the form of a pin or brooch to indicate belief though not actual following.

2011-07-15, 08:53 AM
Chantea the Giver is often worshiped as a goddess of fertility and life. Her temple has rose vines growing over the entire building.

2011-07-15, 09:09 AM
Ishmael walks towards the temple and enters, if the door is open.

He finds a quiet spot and kneels for a few minutes as if praying. During that time he is very focused and pious. When he finishes his prayer he looks around the temple and tries to spot a priest or priestess. Once he does so he approaches them.

"Blessed tidings to you fair one"

2011-07-15, 09:23 AM
The rather plump matronly priestess in a green robe trimmed with red that he meets says, "Welcome, seeker. What does a disciple of Kelemvor seek from the nurturer?"

2011-07-15, 09:40 AM
"Though our core belief is seperate, he the Judge and yours the life giver in the end His Judgement only exists because people are born, live and eventually die. He has no purpose without the continuation of life." he says as an opening statement.

"I come seeking a man. An evil man, a traitor and thief. Thief of goods and thief of life. Goods that belong to others and life that was unborn. He is a passionate lier and he is good at it, he is a passionate killer and also good at it. I have followed him from the country to the city and I have heard he may have contacted your temple as a trick, as an afront and as a challenge, he who has raped and murdered receiving aid from She who gives and nurtures" he says rather seriously.

2011-07-15, 09:45 AM
"That is quite serious. Can you describe this man?"

2011-07-15, 10:11 AM
Ishmael gives the description of the man he was told to find pointing out that perhaps some parts of that might have been a disguise so he also mentions that said man may have made some new purchases recently of a very high value...

2011-07-15, 10:15 AM
"There was a boy here who matched your description. He rented a living space from us. Quite the polite young man. I think he went out to buy something not too long ago. Shae, a younger member of our order might know more. She went on an errand with him."

2011-07-15, 10:44 AM
"I do not wish to suggest that it was necessarily him but being polite and earning trust are his tools. Would you object if I spoke with Shae? I would be happy if also you would be able to join in that discussion as it would ensure that Shae would speak openly despite not knowing me... By the way, I forgot to say my name, my manners have left me I guess. I am Ishmael but almost all my friends call me Ish." he said solemnly.

2011-07-15, 11:12 AM
"Very well, Ishmael, I will show you to her." She calls out to the back, and a younger half-elven lass in the red and green walks out. "How can I help you?" she asks.

2011-07-15, 12:08 PM
The man bows and looks at the younger woman softly.

"A pleasure to meet you Sister Shae. I am Ishmael" he says and smiles before becoming more serious again.

"I need to ask you some questions about an individual you might have interacted with very recently. I do not want to scare you or alarm you but that man is very devious and may have used all and any means to trick you into doing his bidding. Did you notice anything strange at all about him or did he do anything that made you even the least bit suspicious?" he says carefully.

2011-07-15, 12:54 PM
"You talking about the young man that teamed up with a half-drow lady and myself, the half-drow betrayed him and set a gang of thieves on his trail, and apparently the young man had stolen a lot of money from them when he did a job for them? What about him?"

2011-07-15, 02:33 PM
Ishmael turns to look at the plum priestess as if the words of the younger one illustrate his point better than words.

"I dont know if the half-drow betrayed him but I have to tell you that the man you were with is a notorious thief, cheater and murderer. He is also known to abduct women... er... use them.... and sell them as slaves. Though I cannot be sure and she may have been a common bounty hunter I would not exclude the possibility that his story about her betraying him was bogus and he may have taken care of her and tried to lure you away as well. The thieves may or may not have been an unlucky occurence for him..." he says seriously.

"In any case. I have been tasked by some of the families he harmed with finding him and bringing back so he can face justice or if he resists send him to Kelemvor's justice. It may sound harsh but the man has no scruples and if you had heard some of the stories from mothers of young women he... destroyed your would regret even talking to him... So, Shae, do you know anything that could help me track him down? Did he say what he would do or go to next? Did he leave anything behind?"

2011-07-15, 02:39 PM
"Besides paying this month's rent, he didn't leave anything behind. He talked about going to recruit a burly cleric. You might want to check the temple to Kord.

2011-07-15, 02:46 PM
Ishmael inclines his head again.

"Thank you sister Shae and thank you Mother" he says to the girl and to the plump woman.

"I beg of you, should he return then do not reveal any of this to him. He is not the greatest fighter of them all but he has many tricks up his sleeve..." he says with conviction.

"I will tell the families to thank you for pointing me to the right direction." and with this he bows and leaves the temple satisfied.

Once out and a good distance he uses the hat to make his appearance a more brawny one. He then approaches the temple of Kord if he knows where it is or asks a local in the Temple District about it.

2011-07-15, 02:50 PM
He gets the directions and approach.

It has large granite walls and a wrought iron gate.

2011-07-15, 02:59 PM
Ishmael approaches and looks around to see if there is a guard or something to that effect and addresses him if there is.

"Good day sir. May I have a moment of your time?" he says with courage on his voice.

2011-07-15, 03:05 PM
There is no guard, but just inside you see a pair of young men wrestling.

2011-07-15, 03:11 PM
He approaches carefully and waits until they finish not wanting to interrupt them.

Once they are done with their bout he bangs his hand on his chest in a military greeting and addresses them.

"Hail warriors. Strength and honor" he says calmly.

2011-07-15, 03:24 PM
"Hail to you as well. How can the servants of the Mighty One aid you?"

2011-07-15, 03:40 PM
"I am looking for a man. A despicable coward that uses words, women and anyone and anything in his way to go ahead... he travels around cheating temples and individuals and leaving with valuables and pride. He changes disguises so he is hard to follow and the last name he uses is not used again." he says and gives them the last desrciption, focusing on body traits, he had.

"I am coming from the Temple of Chauntea where he last was and where he got a young priestess in danger and has caused the dissappearance of another..."

2011-07-15, 03:44 PM
"Would this be a fop who's overly polite and walking around with a ton of magical gear?"

2011-07-15, 04:04 PM
Ishmael perks up.

"I guess so. I was told he has recently stolen a huge amount of money and spent it quickly to improve his own personal belongings and avoid being punished if caught with it. The families he robbed have asked me to retrieve any and all gear so that they may at least regain some value and punish him..." he says truthfully.

"Could you tell me where I can find him? I do not want to cause any problems to you and I just seek information if you have it..."

2011-07-15, 06:40 PM
"He's sleeping in our guest room."

2011-07-16, 03:34 AM
Ishmael smiles but is careful lest these men decide to take things in their hands.

"I do not wish to cause any issues for you and I know that among the goods he stole include boots that will allow him to teleport away from a location in the blink of an eye if he is not neutralised in a second. So though courage and power could be used here its trickery that will defeat this weasel. I do not want to involve you in this as the arrest I plan to make is not by the book. You have already helped more than I expected. Would you allow me to prowl outside until he wakes up and then follow him till he reaches an area where no innocents may be harmed."

2011-07-16, 08:02 AM
Nudge cause the above may not show. I got service message when posting.

2011-07-16, 08:05 AM
"Think you could take him out before he wakes up? We care more about what's just than what's legal."

CG deity. CG temple.

also, good nudge. Couldn't see the post.

2011-07-16, 08:15 AM
Yea, I came to see if you had responded and I also couldnt see it until I clicked reply...

Forum glitches more often lately or is it me?

Also... OOC I know Kord is CG... IC I have 0 on knowledge religion...

"Very well. If I have your blessing I will do my best to catch him and avenge his victims... Once again I thank you brothers. I was dreading that people would not understand. I guess the Gods have shown me small mercies today as all the Temple's I visited to seek him out were more cooperative than I could have hoped." he says rather pleased and hopeful as he bangs his fist on his chest and inclines his head.

If he is shown the room he approaches walking softly and looking around for any weird or peculiar movement.

Taking 10 on move silently for 33.

2011-07-16, 08:18 AM
He is shown the room and no unusual movement is detected. The man is in the same disguise as described earlier.

2011-07-16, 08:22 AM
I assume there is a door or anything to that effect or am I wrong?

2011-07-16, 08:36 AM
There is a simple wooden door.

2011-07-16, 08:43 AM
Ishmael considers that he might be heard if he opens it and decides to utilise the amazing capabilities of his new cloak.

He peers through the keylock and -observes- his target for 3 rounds. He looks at how he breathes and how his chest rises as well as they layout of the room.

When the 3 rounds pass he uses the shadow cloak and teleports inside, draws the chain as a free action (the new crystal), and delivers a death attack.

Is he human? If yes then add another 2 to the attack and damage due to human bane.

Attack roll vs sleeping (counts as helpless?): [roll0] - crit confirm [roll1]
if it hits, DC 14 save or die.
If he doesnt die
[roll2] if crit [roll3]

sneak [roll4]
bane (if applicable) [roll5]

2011-07-16, 08:50 AM
He doesn't die, but then he dies.

2011-07-16, 08:56 AM
Ishmael looks around the room for a moment to see if the man has any of the gear he has stolen placed around or if he is actually carrying everything on himself.

When satisfied that the items are all there he puts on the mans boots and teleports just outside the area of the Old Town sewers with the whole body.

2011-07-16, 09:04 AM
All of the gear he bought is either on his person or in a chest next to his bed.

remember, you must give them ALL his gear, not just what was bought with their money.

2011-07-16, 09:21 AM
Yep. I am back to my lawful self, I am doing as I have been told :)

Ishmael takes the gear in the room and the geat in the chest and even the bedsheets that are covered in blood and only then grabs the body to have it as evidence before using the boots to take him to the place his is thinking in his mind.

2011-07-16, 09:25 AM
As Fate is unable to read Ishmael's mind, he end up where he is thinking, but that place is currently indescribable.

2011-07-16, 09:37 AM
Fate would do well to scroll up and see the exact location which has already been described.

The area where the city sewers meet the passages of the Old Town sewers were hours before he had passed when looking for the Kobolds...

Once there Ishmael drops his disguise and carries the body, his new belt making it easy for him, and the possessions towards where he last had seen Kobolds.

2011-07-16, 09:45 AM
He finds them there once more. "You killed him already?"

225 xp for that kill.

500 story award.

2011-07-16, 10:00 AM
Thank you kindly!

He looks at the kobolds and nods not showing any emotion.

"Here is the body, the gear he stole and the gear he had with him... I also made sure both temples he visited consider him a vile criminal so they most likely wont search for him" he says as he gives them everything.

"I expect you have the information I asked for?"

2011-07-16, 10:25 AM
Jackie is a porter for an obscure guild of porters in the city. By day. At night, he's a lurker for the Jacks. His primary contact is with Nick the Nail, who gives him his usual assignments. However, often when he's lurking for articularly dangerous missions, he'll report directly to the Dayman so as to ensure the Jacks know the account firsthand, not trusting the Nails with the big plans.

He moved to the city from the Empire of Seven Dragons almost a decade ago. It is no secret among those that know him that he hates his life as a porter and wishes to advance among the ranks of the Jacks to the point where he no longer has to work as a porter.

2011-07-16, 10:43 AM
He asks if they know any more personal details or habits. He has already picked up some mannerisms but he would not mind knowing more.

He also inquires about any info about the man having a sister or other brothers and sisters.

2011-07-16, 10:57 AM
they tell you some, but the only new one is that he blinks a lot when he lies.

He came to the city by himself. If he has family, they are most likely back in the Empire of Seven Dragons.

2011-07-16, 11:10 AM
Ishmael thanks the Kobolds for their information and then his tone becomes more serious.

"Very well that is helpful so far... now to tell you why this is needed... as part of the scheme to attack the Jacks we have had an idea for a small infiltration mission. Pausing as Jackie I have acquired an item he had been asked to gain as a way to end up being accepted as a full member..."he says and smiles.

"But, I am not 100% sure if the Dayman has seen through my lies or not... it is for this reason, and with the blessing of the Shadow Spider that I ask you for some backup... I dont expect you to fight for me but rather to be lurking nearby and if you hear me call out a signal create a short distraction so I can escape... hopefully it wont be needed but I just want to have a backup plan... and since keeping this magnificent teleportation boots is probably out of the question even for a short while I need your help..."

2011-07-16, 11:14 AM
"Need to talk to Big Boss, then."

2011-07-16, 11:20 AM
Ishmael nods and follows the Kobolds once again heading for their leader.

2011-07-16, 11:38 AM
You arrive. "Good job. The Korps cooperation is now ensured."

2011-07-16, 11:58 AM
Ishmael bows and is suprised to see the creature not eating again.

"My pleasure Big Boss. I hope this shows you that the Skulks mean business and are glad to have you and your tribe as an ally in this endeavour. This was done in the Skulk way, silent and swift and leaving no traces..."he says rather proud of his work and his being a Skulk.

"But now I ask your assistance in taking a step even further. I have information on a Jack hideout... maybe even the Dayman will be there. But the current plan is to pretend to be Jackie and deliver something that was asked from him to become a full member. Then I can already be inside when the attack happens and cause mayhem and more death among them..." he paused to see if he still had the attention of the big Kobold.

"What I need from you is a backup plan if they see through my rouse and my plan. I need a distraction so I can escape immidiatetly rather than end up skewered by the Dayman and his thugs. A small hit and run without risking their lives is all it will take for me to at least try and escape..."

"All this will most likely take place two nights from now..." he said finishing his pitch.

2011-07-16, 12:05 PM
"How many sacrificial minions will it take?"

2011-07-16, 12:12 PM
"I actually hope none!" he says seriously.

"The idea is to launch an attack that breaks down the entrance door, throw in a few smoke bombs, scent breakers and thunderstones to give them a real scare so that I can run out... I dont expect myself or your people to fight if I am discovered, better keep them alive for when the real attack will happen..." he continues.

"I guess 3-4 kobolds that are fast on their feet and agile enough to do that or even set some traps in case we are followed should be enough... avoiding confrontation is key here... though as I said, I hope I can do this without actually endangering them..."

2011-07-16, 12:15 PM
"Better send you six then."

2011-07-16, 12:20 PM
Ishmael is starting to take a dislike on this calous calculation of one's clansmen as done by the Big Boss but he says nothing.

"Very well. I shall return to the sewers at the entrance of your Domain in two nights great one... Until then I bid you farewell" he says and bows his head down low before leaving.

I found the actual name of the guy I will be pretending to be by the way :) It was Herco... but we can go with Jackie, its simpler... :)

He returns to Skulk controlled territories to report his success and alert the Shadow Spider of what he should expect.

2011-07-16, 12:22 PM
we'll use Herco.

"You are most... deviously cunning. Be careful that your cunning never leads you to believe that you can betray me to your profit." He says.

2011-07-16, 12:32 PM
"I loyal to the clan and to the Clan's leader great Shadow Spider. I hope that one day I will be able to claim I have done half as much as you. I do not plan to betray you nor for profit nor for any other reason" he said almost heart the powerful skulk viewed him as a rival.

Though he had not considered it at first in the long term he would not mind at all being a leading figure among the Skulks just as long as their perception changed so that their hatred and anger at Humans could be made a weapon and a tool and not an all consuming passion that would threaten them.

"But I thank you for your compliments anyway..." he said before inclining his head and moving out unless the older skulk needed something else done.

2011-07-16, 12:45 PM
"I see you still remember the way our people complement one another. This is good. Go forth and do. If you need the clan's assistance, let my nephew know."

2011-07-16, 02:31 PM
Ishmael departs pleased at the trust he receives from his Chief.

He returns to the surface but before doing so he burns the bed sheet that had his last targets blood still on it. He uses his hat of disguise and his mundane disguise kit and then goes up.

He spends an hour or so purchasing basic ingredients for his poisons and then he heads to his own place after switching appearances a few times and after doing his usually unusual return of hiding, jumping behind buildings and trying to evade anyone that might be following him.

Once there he eats a hearty meal and rests fully in his own private closet.

When he wakes up he gets to work.

Okay so first time I am trying this crafting business so correct me if I am wrong...

a) Cost = 1/5th of the market price for poisons that do not have complex materials (like no dragon bile, wyvern poison etc)
b) DC to craft = from what I see there is no standard rule. In Arms and Equipment guide (that has many poisons) it seems that DC depends on value... so things that are below 1000gold market price have DC 15 while things after that have 20-25-30... alternatively I read that they say DC = Save DC for poisons below 500gp and then DC +4 for every 500gold above that...
c) We said that with a +5 on the DC I can create a poison with +2 save modifier
d) Time wise since we are using gold rather than silver simple poisons should generate 2-3 doses within the same day.

So for example I plan to make 2 doses of Drow Poison and 2 of Fish glue (guide to drow book).

Drow poison is 75 gold a pop so cost of materials is 15 per dose
Fish Glue poison is 100 gold a pop so cost of materials is 20 per dose.

Making 2 of each means I need to reach a value of 70gp?
DC would be 15 if I want normal ones or 20 if I want improved ones?

So here goes a check for them...


2011-07-16, 02:39 PM
not sure where you got all that from.

in order to craft a poison, you must have craft(poisonmaking).

it costs 1/3 the market price in raw materials.

if it doesn't have a published dc to craft, you cannot craft it. if it does, you use that dc. if it does have a craft dc, you may add 5 to it to add a +2 save dc, my houserule.

your craft check is the amount of progress you made in making the item. Your total is the total gold value times the dc is the total value you craft for that day. the houserule I'm using doubles the value of the poison for purposes of craft time.

2011-07-16, 03:39 PM
Well part comes from Arms & Equipment guide.

I guess I am unlucky as Drow poison doesnt have a craft DC... all DMG poisons dont actually...

So, going by A&E guide raw material cost for non-rare poisons is 1/6 market value.

I do have craft poisonmaking... remember I asked you when I levelled.

So to keep things simple.

Lets say I am crafting normal Crippling vine poison (DC 13 to resist, does 1d4 Con&Str but no secondary.) and is dc15 to make with a market value of 180gp. So raw materials cost 30gp a pop.

I rolled 15, dc is 15, so how much did I make in one day?

2011-07-16, 03:41 PM
no, A&E is 3E, not 3.5. it is wrong.

all crafting in 3.5 is 1/3 the costs, regardless.

2011-07-16, 03:47 PM
Got it. So raw materials are 60.

Are we at least using A&E for craft DCs? Cause its the only source with many poisons. There are few in C.Scoundrel and DotU but those are very special ones. The core DnD ones from the 3.5 DMG dont state their craft DC...

2011-07-16, 03:57 PM
yes for craft dc's.

CAdv lists the dc's for the DMG poisons:


2011-07-16, 04:14 PM
Awesome! Thanks!!!

So to finish this (and thanks for bearing with me)

Since Drow Poison is the same DC to craft (15, like I rolled).

Can I have gone for that instead? I rolled 15, dc is 15, cost per dose is 75gp and cost of raw materials is 25gp.

So how many doses do I make?

2011-07-17, 01:09 AM
bump just in case?

Also would you object in me having my investigator meet you partners against crime? He has so far found the library...

2011-07-17, 01:11 AM
you can make 1 dose a day.

2011-07-17, 01:44 AM
Okay I was asking cause at normal crafting rules it says that if you do double the value or something you can choose to either make it quicker or make more of something... with the house rule that we use gold instead of silver for base value that should mean being able to make multiple doses (or at least cut down the time by a lot) in a single day.

Anyway, 1 is good :D

Ishmael looks at the vial appraisingly. His first poison. He smiles smugly to himself as he packs away the tools of his new trade, cleans up any traces left on his working area meticulously, washes his hands and packs away the remaining ingredients.

Sooner or later he would have to get some time for himself and build his stock but the next days were packed.

Ishmael changes into a new, clean and unused outfit, checks his equipment and gear and walks outside. Time to free up a nice banker of his burden.

Before walking out he stops by the horse merchant, once again taking the appearance of the Toe, and buys the horse asking the man to have it ready for him.

He doesnt haggle, he doesnt argue he makes it seem as if he is either loaded enough or in alot of hurry not to bother with usual trade procedures.

Once that is done he roams the street to lose any pursuers, hiding and dashing behind areas of low illumination and eventually heads towards the bank making sure he is there a couple of hours before the banker told him he has to meet with the Jacks. Once in an alley near it he pauses, uses his hat to make him appear like the same businessman he had appeared to be last time and even uses the kit to that effect.

He then approaches and enters the bank.

2011-07-17, 09:27 AM
Inside, the bank looks much as it did last time.

2011-07-17, 09:35 AM
He approaches a cashier and smiles at her.

"I am here to see the owner. I have an appointment. " he says calmly

2011-07-17, 09:48 AM
"Very good. Name, please?"

2011-07-17, 09:57 AM
"Marcus, Marcus Ebonfire. We had a meeting setup to talk about business and... heh... angels"

Page 42 and 43 if you need to refresh your memory : http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187462&page=42

Essentially I am supposed to come and help him get rid of the Toe who will then appear to have escaped the city. They had an appointment today in the afternoon.

2011-07-17, 10:35 AM
She looks it up. "Ah, yes indeed. You're early."

2011-07-17, 10:40 AM
"The good children cook before they are hungry, they say where I am from. I will wait until he is ready but please do tell him I have arrived." he says and waits patiently.

2011-07-17, 10:42 AM
"Very well sir."

An hour later, you are called into his private office.

2011-07-17, 10:47 AM
Ishmael walks in carefully expecting that the man may have betrayed him or worse.

2011-07-17, 10:53 AM
"Come have a seat, Mr. Ebonfire. Are things ready?"

2011-07-17, 10:58 AM
" I would rather stay standing if its all the same to you..." he says as he selects a corner of the room at which he can actually hide.

" Things are arranged. I have appeared as our intended target in some places in the city. I have purchased a horse with his persona and have acted suspiciously. As soon as we are done here I shall -become- him once more and leave the city in a hurry... have you done your part? Opened a couple of accounts in his name here and in the nearby city as we agreed?" he asks quietly.

2011-07-17, 11:04 AM
"Of course. All is prepared."

2011-07-17, 11:09 AM
Please do an active sense motive for me...

Ishmael nods his approval and leans back against the wall.

"I am very happy to have come to this agreement with you sir. I hate killing innocents but I love taking out Jacks... I would have much preferred to hand him over to the Watch but well... one has to do what one has to do..." he says and grins.

"In any case. I shall hide here, avert your eyes and give me a few seconds. Act terrified when they come and all that or however you ussually act. Do not look at me or towards me. I hope that its not the thugs that will join us this time but the Toe as you said... so lets see how it goes. I shall strike on an opportune moment. Act suprised and all that, we dont want them attacking you or anything... or put your crossbow to good use... Oh and leave the key of your door on it... we dont want them running away..." he says as he coats the spiked chain in the drow poison he had created before withdrawing into the shadows cast by his chosen corner.

Taking 10 on hide for 39...

Not moving so no MS for now.

2011-07-17, 11:17 AM
The banker agrees and allows you to hide in your corner.

At the appointed time the Toe walks in with four minions in... tow.

2011-07-17, 11:22 AM
HAHAHA I really loled...

so its 5 of them... ouch...

Ishmael does not move a muscle for now. He breathes softly and slowly and simply waits in his corner and as he focuses and starts -observing- the Toe.

2011-07-17, 01:01 PM
"Spread out." the Toe tells his nails. "So, Darkmoor, your financial plans made for next week's insurance payments?"

The other four spread out, apparently their jobs are to intimidate the rest of the bank patrons into not interfering.

"You're here yourself. That's odd. Normally you send a flunky to take care of this."

"Two of my friends bit the dust the other day, and things are stretched a little thin. Thought I'd make sure your operation went smoothly."

"How kind."

2011-07-17, 05:56 PM
So I take it we are in the Darkmoors office while the remaining thugs went back to the main room to make sure nothing happens?

If yes I do the following, if not I will have to revise.

Ishmael uses the hat to assume the appearance of the Toe. After he is done observing he approaches the man quietly from behind making sure he is not visible from outside the door.

He counts to three and strikes trying to silence or kill the man in one blow not to alert the Nails.

Move silently: [roll0] just a 5 foot step to get within 10 feet of him from the corner. By the way he is human right?

Attack roll [roll1] vs flatfooted - crit confirm [roll2]

Save vs Death attack DC 14.
Save vs Drow Poison DC 13 or unconsious for [roll3] rounds...

If he survives/is still up:

Damage [roll4] - in case of crit [roll5]
Human Bane [roll6]
Sneak attack [roll7]
Caustic Burst [roll8]
Swift using Blade of Blood and taking 5 points of damage [roll9]

Edit: and yet another dc 15 save for massive damage if this wasnt enough to kill him :)

And if this drops him move equivalent to catch him before he falls on the ground and makes sound.

2011-07-17, 07:02 PM
The Toe dies from your deathly death attack. The Nails are currently unaware.

2011-07-17, 07:10 PM
I am starting to become too lethal! A hold person still ends killing me very neatly but still :D

Ishmael catches the body and eyes the banker as he pulls it to a corner of the room deftly before making his chain appear as whatever weapon the Toe had.

He looks at the Banker winks and then bangs his hand on the table before shoving everything that was on it on the ground.

"You think I am JOKING? If I were you Blackmoor I would cut the attitude and get me my money before I beat you black and blue like last week okay?" he says firmly yet keeping his tone low.

In the moments that pass he points at the body in the corner of the room and mouths -Later I come for him-.

2011-07-17, 07:15 PM
"Alright, Gorvitch, whatever you say. I'll be sure to have the money on time this time." he nods.

2011-07-17, 07:18 PM
The new Toe fakes punching the banker and snorts.

"You better do better than that... I want some spending cash. Give me that sack you have there, it seems to heavy for you and I wouldnt want you to get a back pain" he says motioning to the man towards his own sack and making a sign for the banker to say a high amount.

2011-07-17, 07:27 PM
"But that's 100,000 gold! That's over half the amount I'm supposed to pay you in three weeks!"

2011-07-17, 07:32 PM
"Call it a down payment then. Better make sure you dont end up spending it anywhere" he says and moves out carrying the large sack in one hand and slamming the Bankers door behind him.

He looks at -his- men and nods, a wide satisfied grin appearing on his face as he moves towards the door employing whatever ticks he had noticed the real Toe actually having from the times he followed him and saw him.

2011-07-17, 07:44 PM
They follow you out, not suspecting that you're their boss's murderer.

2011-07-17, 07:48 PM
If the Toe had been wearing beggars rags like before he assumes the beggars style from last time once outside and he looks at his men and dismisses them.

"Good job. I have an errand to run now. Go and I will catch up with you later" he says firmly, remembering the interaction between nails and Toe the last time and how he was strict with them, his voice low as he pretends to look around in case anyone is looking while at the same time actually being absolutely thruthful about his statement.

2011-07-17, 08:02 PM
They depart, eying you suspiciously but obeying.

2011-07-17, 08:06 PM
It is one of the few times that Ishmael walks the streets of the city without hiding.

He still takes care and uses alleys but he does allow some people, including other beggars, to see him not wanting to cut out any potential leads.

The fact that the Jacks are losing members is the perfect cover as "The Toe" took the money and run along with all he has been skimming of the top for year to avoid dieing in all this increased activity. A perfect fit.

Ishmael finally arives at the horse trader and takes his horse, throwing a couple of gold coins as a tip to the seller for keeping it.

He then moves towards the exit of the city stopping to change his clothes, as in dropping the disguise on them, but not his actual appearance.

2011-07-17, 08:08 PM
As you approach the city gates, a pair of thugs meet you there, saying, "Gorvitch, decided to turn traitor? You know the Nightman's policy on that."

2011-07-18, 12:51 AM
Ishmael/Gorvitch takes a look of half suprise and fear and half determination and anger as he pushes the horse to charge through them.

2011-07-18, 06:54 AM
roll for initiative.

2011-07-18, 11:05 AM
[roll0] this will go horribly wrong... I only have my dex for ride and I can just see me ending up with a broken neck on the sidewalk as the horse throws me off!!!!

2011-07-18, 12:23 PM
One of the thugs draws a blade and looks ready to take a slice at you if you leave through the gate.

The other reacts more slowly and you have time to act before he can.

2011-07-18, 02:10 PM
Ishmael decides to act still within the parameters of his role deciding that a desperate man would still attempt to flee.

He pushes the horse forward to perform an overrun and trample the thug blocking his way and if manages to indeed drop him prone he rushes forward taking a full run action.

Never used overrun before :)


He can choose to stay or move away.

If he stays then opposed str vs dex with a +4 to me for being on large horse ;)


In case he hits me I will also need one of these:

Ride check to stay on saddle/to fall softly (if the horse is hit so badly it dies) [roll1]

If the full run works me and my horse moves 60 feet x 5 = 300!

2011-07-18, 02:17 PM
They choose to dodge out of the way.

2011-07-18, 02:27 PM
He roars in triumph and punches in the air as he pushes through them.

"Good bye you bastards!" he calls out as he spurs the horse on and goes low to ensure his safety in case they shoot him.

2011-07-18, 02:30 PM
A few quarrels of crossbow bolts are shot his way, but all land quite wide of the mark.

2011-07-18, 02:46 PM
He continues, lowering his pace to make sure the horse is not tired. He keeps moving towards the city he had "planned" to go to for an hour or so expecting to hear the sound of hoofbeats following him any moment.

If nothing happens for this first hour or so he stops and waits for another 30 minutes.

2011-07-18, 03:29 PM
An hour of riding and 30 minutes later, he has not been pursued.

2011-07-18, 03:36 PM
He carefully dismounts checks the road in case anyone is following and then slaps the horse hard to make it gallop away hopefully keeping on the road.

He then moves a bit off the road, changes his appearance and wears his travellers clothes , including the necessary stick with a rag holding some food on the end, and makes his way back towards the city staying relatively low and keeping his eyes open in case he sees or hears any riders approaching.

2011-07-18, 03:40 PM
He does not see any riders leave, but he does hear the gallop of hoofbeats and see hoofprints being made by apparently nothing.

2011-07-18, 03:44 PM
Poor Gorvich he thinks with some satisfaction.

He looks at the... invisible horses and continues on his way staying hidden if possible to avoid raising suspicion. He considers that eventually they will find the horse and if they have not seen him it will give more credibility to the idea that the man had contingency plans.

He continues towards the city and when he approaches it he tries to enter without drawing too much attention or even better he hides and tries to sneak in if that is possible.

2011-07-18, 03:59 PM
It is possible for him to hide and sneak in, if his player will roll such checks.

2011-07-18, 04:01 PM
Just wanted to make sure its doable since I dont have HiPS...

[roll0] hide
[roll1] ms

The young skulk goes from shadow to shade and from shade to shadow trying to gain entry once more.

2011-07-18, 04:06 PM
Not a soul in the city notice him, and he can be reasonably certain he isn't being followed by sneaky people at the moment. There was nothing to hide in and follow him with while he was galloping out the city gates.

2011-07-18, 04:09 PM
Ishmael slowly returns to the bank, his paranoia is somewhat calmed... he considers doing this whole riding out trick to make sure he avoids pursuit every day but considers against it as the fee on horses would end up costing him most of his mission money!

Before entering he takes the appearance of Marcus Ebonfire and walks inside looking for Mr. Darkmoor.

2011-07-18, 04:14 PM
He finds Mr Darkmoor's secretary who says when she sees you, "The boss said to let you in to see him as soon as you return."

2011-07-18, 04:18 PM
Ah good old paranoia he thinks as he looks at the woman suspiciously and nods.

As he approaches the door to the office his fingers itch expecting the worst, the Dayman or Nightman waiting behind the door, a dozen Guardsmen with their commander come to arrest him, Gorvich back from the dead and other similarly threatening scenarios.

He breathes out prepared to face any and all of the above and enters.

2011-07-18, 04:24 PM
Insside, he finds Gorvitch

... dead, in a corner where you left him, and Darkmoor calmly sipping a glass of burbon. "Was it a success?" he asks.

2011-07-18, 04:29 PM
"Time will tell of how good our trick was. They did believe I was him, they did try to stop me at the gate and they did send invisible people after me... so I would say that yes... it worked." he says and smiles.

He approaches the body and turns back to look at the man. "We have to dispose of the body. The sooner the better and I have some friends that can do this... I do need your assistance in transporting it out of here... do you have any well... hidden passages leading out of here Mr Darkmoor?"he says not really expecting the man to tell him the truth even if there are...

2011-07-18, 04:38 PM
"Sadly, no. I was an honest and upright banker before all this mess started." There is a note of regret in his voice.

2011-07-18, 04:47 PM
Ishmael smiles, honest and upright is not his own personal style but he can understand how any change in a mans lifestyle can make him feel bad about his own self.

"Dont worry yourself over this Mr. Darkmoor. All men have a dark secret. Some darker than others. Yours is very mild by comparison... and with any luck it has finished" he says softly.

"In any case... is there somewhere you can store his body here and I can return after hours and pick the body up? It would mean you trusting me enough to leave a window open but I believe we are past that point by now... or at least I hope so..."

2011-07-18, 05:27 PM
"I-I'll figure out something to do with it."

2011-07-18, 06:25 PM
Ishmael considers this.

"Yes but just make sure that its really and truly destroyed... especially the head. I cant stress this enough sir... Any remains and the whole operation can be undone. That is why I would insist I take care of it... but the final call is yours..." he says doubting the mans abilities to do a good job on this one issue.

Looking back at the body he searches it and relieves it of any valuables and items of magical value.

"So, last chance to have me help with the disposal. As I said if you want to do it yourself you are welcome to it but if you do a shody job I will NOT be pleased..." he says seriously.

"Oh and Mr. Darkmoor. I hope that you appreciate what I have done for you, as I said last time I do not need praise or rewards but lets say that you should make sure that your business practice improves. One of my employers will approach you soon, I hope you will not play games with other peoples money now that this is settled..."

2011-07-18, 06:39 PM
"I only meant until you could pick it up. Please, have it as soon as you feel you can."

He gulps at the threat implied. "Of course I will. Should I be on the lookout for someone specific?"

On the corpse, you find a ring, a cloak, boots, and a weapon, along with chainmail armor. He has no gold that you can find.

2011-07-18, 06:46 PM
Ishmael isnt as much threatening as warning.

"Blue blood runs in the veins of many of my masters. I cant reveal more than that Mr. Darkmoor. I shall leave you know and return at night. Leave the window to your office unlocked but not open" he says as he looks around about where they can hide the body itself.

"Lets put the body in that closet here. I shall also give you something to ensure it doesnt start smelling" he says and if the man agrees he gives him a scentbreaker to use after a couple of hours.

Dont really know how long it takes for a body to start smelling...

Pleased with himself he inclines his head to Darkmoor and smiles.

"It really was a pleasure to work with you Sir. I do hope everything works out for you and should you ever need my services for issues of your own leave a message with a street urchin named Donahue though be aware I check my... messages very sporadically... He has mousy hair, slightly better rags than the others of his ilk and hangs out in the Plaza near the Sad Flint."

If everything is arranged he departs and after exchanging a couple of disguises and usual anti-being followed techniques he adopts the Orange Headed youth identity and heads for the Drowned Mermaid to see if anyone answered his ad and also to reward himself with a good meal and a strong beer.

2011-07-18, 07:06 PM
What can best be described as a walking tree is awaiting you.

2011-07-18, 07:08 PM
What can best be described as a walking tree is awaiting you.

if you won't mind taking it to silvanus' thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11436882#post11436882), it will reduce delay in getting the two of you coordinated.

2011-07-19, 12:28 AM
Sure no problem!

2011-07-19, 11:16 AM
Ishmael the orange headed one leaves the inn after his discussion with the Tree-Warforged.

He tries not to think on what just happened focusing on finally putting a bottom line in what had taken almost too long.

His steps lead him to numerous side alleys and backstreets as he tries to evade pursuit from whoever might be following him. He uses the best of his abilities to hide, change forms for more than an hour before he finds himself heading towards the house of the Duchess. Once there he does a couple of circles around the house to see if everything seems in order before finally taking his "retainer assassin" profile and knocking on the back door.

hide [roll0]
ms [roll1]

2011-07-19, 11:27 AM
He is allowed in swiftly.

2011-07-19, 11:37 AM
He enters and heads to wherever he usually meets the Duchess.

"I have a report for her Ladyship" he informs the steward.

2011-07-19, 02:02 PM
"She will see you now."

You are escorted to her study, where she receives you. "I take it that commotion I heard about yesterday was related to your job?"