View Full Version : Worst nightmare you've ever had?

2011-07-08, 01:27 PM
Personally, my worst nightmare was when me and my friends were at school. While normally this would be a nightmare by itself, it just so happened that we were being picked off one by one (exactly like the movie predator) by an "angel of death" (aka the grim reaper with wings.) Luckily, right before I was killed, I woke up. Or so I thought. You see, I woke up, inside my dream, and the Angel was right there, and then started clawing me! Fortunately, I woke up for real, with no angel of death in sight.

So whats the worst nightmare you've ever had?

2011-07-08, 01:39 PM
The posistion is tied between two nightmares:
Zombies in a mall
Another nightmare I had showed various images, ending with a monotone narrator saying "The hero will make the ultimate sacrifice, in the end." I woke up immediantly afterwards and it took me hours to fall back asleep, because I got so friggin' scared.

2011-07-08, 01:44 PM
Max, that second one is creeeeeepy.

I don't know, most of the ones which end with me running from something and not being able to see.

An Enemy Spy
2011-07-08, 01:48 PM
I once had Darth Vader trying to kill me. He and the Emperor were driving around in a grey pickup truck looking for me. It was funny after I woke up, but imagine actually believing that Darth Vader wants you dead. Scary.
I had one last week where I was in a mexican prison for some unbelieveably stupid crime.

2011-07-08, 01:53 PM
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I once had a horrible nightmare which was focused around a baby with anencephaly. I don't remember much else about it, except being incredibly freaked out about it. If you really want to go look at it, and read up on what it is, you can, but it scared the everliving crap out of me and the implications still blow my mind (no pun intended :smallfrown::smalleek:).

2011-07-08, 01:56 PM
Max, that second one is creeeeeepy.

I don't know, most of the ones which end with me running from something and not being able to see.

All I can say, is that I'm NEVER going to become a hero because of that dream. I've had prophetic dreams before (mostly revolving around beating things in video-games I've never played or saw before the dream) and I'm not going to take any chances with that one :smalleek::smalltongue:

2011-07-08, 02:02 PM
I was 8 years old, and I had this dream where I was hurting my friends for some reason. I remember being really angry with them in the dream. I remember punching my best friend in the face. Then I woke up, and I was crying, and my mom asked why, and I said I'd punched Christopher in the face. How would I go to school that day?
My mom called Christopher's house to make sure that I did not in fact do that the day before, then reassured me it was a dream. As a kid I couldn't understand why I did that, even in a dream.
And going to school, even though I had come to the realization that it was a dream, was very upsetting.

2011-07-08, 02:34 PM
I was walking along the pavement next to a green in my village. Two guys in a black van drove up, shot me, and killed me. Terrifying when you're only 7. I still don't like that green. :smalltongue:

2011-07-08, 02:38 PM
Once I dreamed that I couldn't get onto the internet and I never would be able to again. Somehow that was worse than any dreams that involve monsters or evil characters.

2011-07-08, 02:38 PM
I've had nightmares about airliner-sized sharks.

On the other hand, I've had pleasant dreams about riding large sharks as if they were dolphins- so what makes a nightmare can be context-sensitive.

Mauve Shirt
2011-07-08, 02:45 PM
I got pregnant, my parents disowned me, the baby was going to be horribly deformed because one of my epilepsy meds does that, and all of the doctors were insisting I abort.

2011-07-08, 02:46 PM
I think mine is when I realised I was dreaming fairly early on and found I couldn't wake myself up. This went on for ages.

2011-07-08, 03:28 PM
Spiders. Lots of horrible horrible spiders.

2011-07-08, 05:33 PM
I dont remember much of it, but it involved the Plateau of Leng and goat men. Oh, and slenderman was about 5 feet away from me the whole time.

2011-07-08, 05:53 PM
When I was like 6 I had a nightmare that my front lawn turned into an ocean full of cartoon whales that were keeping my family as prisoners in our house and I was trying to escape and then my parents got shot by a firing squad of whales.
My subconscious is crazy....

2011-07-08, 06:17 PM
I lost my hands.

And I couldn't escape from the dust covered people doing zombie gaits because I couldn't open any doors.

Because I had no hands.

Ursus the Grim
2011-07-08, 06:27 PM
This one has haunted me since I was young. I used to have a stuffed alligator (I think from Disney's Peter Pan). One night I had a dream where the thing was sitting under my bed and came to life, freaky plastic eyes and everything. It grew in size and became partially real, combining the terrifying aspects of an animated toy with the dangerous aspects of a giant frelling crocodile under my bed.

I recently mentioned it to my father, and he admitted that he had used to tell me there were monsters under my bed to keep me from getting up in the middle of the night. Thanks dad.:smalleek:

2011-07-08, 06:28 PM
I was being chased through my neighborhood by raptors. Worse yet, it was low gravity, so im struggling to move quickly. Even worse? NONE OF MY DOORS WILL LATCH! They are all like those swinging saloon doors in old west movies. And since im a jurassic park fan, raptors know how to open doors, so I finally make it to my house, only to find out I cant latch and lock the doors, and im trying to keep the raptors from pushing or pulling the door open and getting at me.

2011-07-08, 06:33 PM
SCP Foundation. The statue one. You can imagine the fun I had.

2011-07-08, 06:40 PM
The one nightmare I remember most strongly is from when I was little, and I dreamed that my family and I were running up and down a hill of pillows while being chased by a horde of various dinosaurs, and I couldn't keep up with the rest of my family...

Dumbledore lives
2011-07-08, 06:54 PM
The only real nightmare I can remember involves me hiding underneath a tree in the roots, and darth vader stalking towards me. Luke skywalker was there too, and it was kind of like the cave in Empire Strikes Back, but this time Darth Vader one, pretty terrifying as a kid.

2011-07-08, 07:08 PM
When I was really little, I distinctly remember having a nightmare that I was being eaten alive by red ants in my crib. I don't usually remember things from that long ago, but I guess that one kind of stuck out.

More recently, I had a nightmare that I had signed up for a couple classes in college that I had completely forgotten about, finals and all, which wound up wrecking my GPA.

And then there was a nightmare that the town I grew up in was completely devoid of people, and was instead full of dog-like creatures that were hunting me. All at night during a full moon, of course. And the creatures were very smart and quick.

2011-07-08, 07:34 PM
This one freaked me out enough I skipped class over it.

To preface this sometimes I dream in third person watching myself but have first person sensory input, which is why this freaked me out quite a bit.

For no explainable reason I was strapped to a wicked looking metal chair unable to move. My perspective is a couple feet behind and above myself. I watch as a shadowed male figure takes what looks like a modified power drill to the back left of my skull. Boring out a hole the size of my fist and exposing the brain.

I watched and felt everything. Struggling did nothing. Eventually my right arm was amputated as well, like being ripped out of its socket. I do remember watching myself, at least I think, die before this was all over.

I still remember it vividly from visual details to sounds and perceived feelings, it still freaks me out. I've had some other horror dreams but this is one of, if not the worst.

2011-07-08, 07:40 PM
When I was like, eight years old, I had one. Still remember it. Whole family, hiding behind couch in a volcanic wasteland. Head of a T-Rex, bursts through couch. We all scream and then die.

That's not the scary part. The scary part is that there wasn't a T-Rex in front of the couch to break through it. It grew out of the back of it to kill me.

Worst nightmare. To date. Nothing in life will ever prepare me for the day dinosaurs grow like fungi from furniture.

2011-07-08, 07:42 PM
When I was little, I used to get chased by things. I didn't know what they were, but they were horrifying. I couldn't see them, or hear them. I just sensed them. And when I tried to run, I moved so slowly. I couldn't even use enough force to wake myself with pain.

Similar to sleep paralysis, but I was, in fact, moving, unlike in sleep paralysis, so I'm counting them as nightmares.

2011-07-08, 07:49 PM
When I was little, I used to get chased by things. I didn't know what they were, but they were horrifying. I couldn't see them, or hear them. I just sensed them. And when I tried to run, I moved so slowly. I couldn't even use enough force to wake myself with pain.

Oh shoot, that reminds me. Cancel that about the T-Rex couch being my mortal enemy:

Running through house, feel like I'm being chased, tripped over couch, am instantly killed by the touch of a bone-hand on my shoulder while collapsing.

From the same time period of my other one. My younger self seemed to identify couches with the end of the world. I can't say entirely that he was wrong about that.

2011-07-08, 07:56 PM
I had a nightmare once, not particularly interesting or fantastical, but I got stabbed while on my way home from school. It was so very real, to the point where I recall feeling horrible, horrible pain in my stomach before waking up. Such a simple dream, but it scared the crap outta me.

2011-07-08, 09:12 PM
i have sleep paralysis, and all the "nightmares" seem to be tied to spiders (or something like it)
so imagine any nightmare with spiders, now imagine waking from said nightmare only to find yourself actually covered in spiders.

2011-07-09, 06:21 AM
Happened when I was very young, but strangely the dream stuck with me.

Warning, it's rather long.
So, young me was in a house. It was sorta like my house, but different enough to not be. It was a normal day, but strangely storming yet sunny at the same day. Family was there, whole family actually which was weird since half of them didn't live with us and rarely visited. I was happy, since my family was there and so such. They started acting weird, like sometimes not doing anything for periods of time and just stare off into space, or move awkwardly.

A knock came from the front door, and as my family was doing something else I went to go check it out. Opened the door to see it still storming outside, but darker then usual. The door had stone steps leading up to the front door with a concrete walk way to... Well, it just sorta disappeared after a distance because it was so dark. Standing on the walkway, a few feet from the stairs, standing was... My family staring at me. Just staring, not moving at all, but also staring past me at the same time. Looking behind me, I saw my family again, staring past me outside the door. Confused, I looked back to the group outside to see them change. The sky grew even darker, somehow, as my family that stood outside the house started to lose all color in their skin until it was a dull white. Their clothes grew darker, still maintaining their individual form. They stopped at a dark grey. What was the worst though was that their eyes... Well... Melted I guess would be the best way to say it. The eyes turned into a black, thick liquid that drained from their faces, splatting against the concrete. The black holes left behind was... Disturbing. Their mouths filled with the same inky liquid, staying there though. The whole time they were watching me, this time not past me but at me.

I took a step back, and they immediately ran... I really don't think run would be a good word. They never moved, even as they somehow quickly gain distance towards the door. I quickly tried to shut the door, but tripped on the rug underneath me. I just barely managed to get the door shut, right as they reached the last step. I wish I could say that it ended here, but it didn't. I should also note that at this time, that before I shut the door I could see in color. I didn't notice that everything was colorless now in my dream, but I did after waking up. Looking behind me at where my... Main? Family was I saw that they have vanished. While it was quite sunny a while ago, now I couldn't see through the windows at all. It even seemed like the darkness was instead bleeding inside. Occasionally a flash would be seen, often with some shape near every window. Never a boom though. Now that I think about it, I didn't hear anything after this point. Scared, and like any child, I wanted to seek comfort from my family to not find anyone.

After a full circle around the house, not seeing anything but the occasional flash that would show some shape near the window that looked like they were pressing up against it. Back near the front door, I was calling out for someone, anyone of my family to help by now. Note that there was no sound, even my own. Looking around, I finally saw someone. My older brother, I could recognize from the vague shape. I felt a surge of happiness as I saw him, and was about to run to him... Until I noticed that his skin was white, and he had no eyes. It moved towards me quickly. Panicking, I grabbed an umbrella from those circular vase things that holes things like that. Can't remember the name of what they are called, but whatever. The tip of the umbrella gleamed as I pointed it towards the thing that had my brothers shape, and it impaled its self on it. The thing stopped moving then, instead just staring at me as the umbrella was a good ways inside of whatever it was. I met its gaze, and we stared at each other for what felt like ever, before I quickly panicked again.

Giving the umbrella a shove, I ran towards the kitchen. Now, the windows were flashing rapidly, from something darker then black to something brighter then white. Humanoid shapes were now... Well... They were sinking though the glass to be honest. When outside was white, they were black, when it was black they vanished. As I ran, I saw the rest of my those things staring at me, not moving, just watching me as I ran towards the kitchen. For some reason, I thought I would be safe if I hid under the sink. I dashed in the kitchen, those dark things were now almost through the windows. I opened the cabinet roughly and shoved my self into the darkness. When I looked out to close the door, I saw all of those things staring at me from the doorway of the kitchen. I slammed the cabinet door shut. I don't know how long I stayed under there honestly, but it felt like forever.

I finally opened it a tad, to see the house was normal. I still couldn't see colors, or hear anything but I was just happy that the house was empty. I crept out of the cabinet and made my way to the front door. I made it to the door just fine, nothing was odd about the house. It was even sunny outside again. I opened the door to see my mother walking away, the rest of my family in the distance looking like they were waiting for her. From here I could tell that she really was my mother, and I was overwhelmed with joy that I ran up to her and gave her a tackle-hug. She looked down at me oddly, but then just smiled and gave a laugh. I broke down then into sobs, pressing my face against her not wanting to see anything. When I felt better, I looked up with a smile. To see a white face with no eyes staring at me. It grabbed my head and shoved it's head next to mine, barely an inch away. It's mouth opened in what I can only describe as a roaring motion, inky blackness covering my face. After that I woke up.

Keep in mind that this happened when I was seven. I rarely remember my dreams now a days, with one a month being rare. One thing has remained constant in all of those dreams though. I always dream of the same house. It has changed now, taking on features of all of the places I've lived in to where it is familiar, yet not. Always the same house though...

2011-07-09, 08:20 AM
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I once had a horrible nightmare which was focused around a baby with anencephaly. I don't remember much else about it, except being incredibly freaked out about it. If you really want to go look at it, and read up on what it is, you can, but it scared the everliving crap out of me and the implications still blow my mind (no pun intended :smallfrown::smalleek:).

I looked it up and I regret it. :eek: I'm going to have nightmares of that now.
Mine are usually about interstellar aliens and such, would Xenophobia fit there?

Lonely Tylenol
2011-07-09, 08:48 AM
I dreamt on the night of September 8, 2001 that I was woken from my bed by my mother, who had my youngest brother by her side, and a very pained expression on her face. She had the phone in her hand, and she was talking with somebody. She brought the whole family together to sit in front of the television screen, where there was live footage of a tall building burning, and we watched as a plane flew into the building next to it.

P.S. I found out (a few days later, as it were) that she was talking to my aunt in Canada, who called to tell us the news.

2011-07-09, 01:52 PM
Another Indiana Jones film with Shia Labeouf.:smalleek:

Asta Kask
2011-07-09, 03:27 PM
I dreamt that they had made sequels to Highlander.

2011-07-09, 03:38 PM
I dreamt that they had made sequels to Highlander.

Or prequels to Star Wars.

2011-07-09, 03:49 PM
Or prequels to Star Wars.

Or sequels to Matrix?

Admiral Harkov
2011-07-09, 03:56 PM
The last worse nightmare was my dad becoming undead without dying. He had yellow eyes. Back in the mid eighties when I was seven-nine years old or so. I guess it was a warning about the SW prequels.

Other than that... I have no nightmares. There's three choices:

A) I know it will turn a nightmare with no fun way out. So I decide to wake up.

B) It's an alien/ghost/undead/monster/whatever invasion. I equip myself with a laser gun and go have fun shooting the nasties down.

C) It's something else, I change it so the nightmare material gets discarded.

What can I say?. I'm perfectly conscious when I'm dreaming so I dedicate myself to enjoy it.

A couple weeks ago I decided to read a newspaper there was for the sake of it. When I read "Zapatero plans to give free lollipops to toddlers and lower the voting age to 3 months old" (in Spanish, obviously) I thought "hey, my dreams aren't too crazy".

It is also nice when in a dream I recognize a place as one where I was in a dream sometime in the past.

2011-07-09, 05:17 PM
I have had two pretty bad nightmares one I am not allowed to mention I don't think, the other involved falling from a really high place with spiders at the end of it, I have a (probably) irrational fear of spiders, and heights.

2011-07-09, 06:05 PM
o.o I am not at liberty to say--- just think of shark rows of teeth, and female genitalia. I'm sorry if these are offensive references. XD

2011-07-09, 07:38 PM
Either the one where my friend and I were chased by a giant undead octopus from my bus stop that only ended a split second before it ate me, or the one where zombies attacked me while I was on a boat during a French trip with my 8th grade English teacher.

2011-07-10, 01:07 AM
My mother or father dying a few days before and me feeling ALL of the grief. I usually wake up crying from those...

Ricky S
2011-07-10, 01:18 AM
The worst nightmare I had was of a meteor hitting the earth. Everyone knew it was coming and everyone was screaming. The ground itself shook and I had that feeling in my stomach when something awful is about to happen. The worst thing about it wasnt that I was going to die but that I could do nothing to alter the outcome.

2011-07-10, 01:35 AM
Worst? I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

I had a great dream once where my baby Zoe had been dognapped by some jerk, and then I finally convinced him that she was mine so we had a tearful reunion. This was a year and a half after she died... I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life.

Asta Kask
2011-07-10, 02:49 AM
I just dreamt about child sacrifice... it's very fragmented, but it wasn't part of an organized cult and it had something to do with money. And a haunted house.

2011-07-10, 06:04 AM
Wow. I just got a fresh one to add to the list, among, it seems, some other fragments of different dreams.

I was at my grandparents' house, or, at least, a crude dream-mockery of it. There was some kind of get-together there of people my age. A big multi-day sleepover, weird as it seems to human-logic. However, over the course of a couple days, I started to notice these growths between my fingers. At first, it was just one. Then it was between all my fingers. At that point, I started to notice my joints were acting funny. They would randomly seize up, especially the finger where I noticed the first growth. It took me a bit of time to figure it out, but I realized that there were new joints growing in. New hands were growing inside my hands.

I had my dream!grandmother call the hospital to set up some kind of appointment to get it fixed, but I knew that major surgery on my hands would deprive them of a good deal of functionality. Possibly forever. I somberly told one other person (my dream!brother, I think), who kept telling me my new fingers were just moles (strangely enough, at that point, I got more skin protrusions all over my fingers, but those just sloughed off), and then I went away from the other twentysomethings to sit in one of the rooms, alone, pondering all the things I would no longer be able to do like I used to, like play guitar, or draw, or even type.

I woke up with my hands folded over my chest, fingers interlaced.

I spent a few minutes checking to make sure my hands were working right.

2011-07-10, 03:07 PM
I once dreampt that my parents called me into the living room (not in the house we're currently living in, but the one before it). Sitting on the couch was my Grandma, Grandpa, Great-Aunt, and my other Grandpa who I called Ampa (who are all dead). Apparently in the dream, they were alive again for just one more day, and I spent all day with them.
When I woke up, I honsestly felt like I needed to cry because I woke up feeling this strong sadness:smallfrown::smallsigh:

2011-07-10, 10:39 PM
I once had a dream where I found each part of my body disappearing, with no blood. For some reason, it stopped after my ears, nose, eyes, and limbs had gone, and I just lay there, tears streaming from my eye sockets. Then my sister woke me up, so I never got to find out why that was happening. I just hope it doesn't say anything about my future.:smalleek:

2011-07-10, 11:18 PM
Another one I just had last night was that my body started to get torn up,but never closing up, nore did I feel pain. I was walking on a big,flat plain, full of old,rusty spikes, and I was bearfoot. So i just kept stumbling around, consently impaling my feet on these spikes,and I would trip on the bigger chunks of steel,ripping my skin and almost compleatly severng my neck,as in it was only hanging by a strip of skin.I could feel every bit of my flesh get ripped up, but it felt like my body was very numb. Eventualy, I was reduced to a few strips of skin with the majoirty of my bones twisted into places there should not be bones or exposed to the air, but for the most part I was compleatly reconisable as a human. Than my vision got smoky and the last thing I say was a thick,black smoke everywhere around me.

Lord Loss
2011-07-11, 08:49 AM
In relation to my age, when I was six years old I dreamed of wlaking around with this nice pirate and santa claus. It was great, until the scene slowly worsened until I was...

getting my hread chopped off by Skeleton Santa Claus and a Skeleton Pirate. With an axe, while leaned over a tree stump. In a cold, snowy filed with bloodstains staining the snow here and there. I woke up as the axe neared my neck.

I've probably had worse more recently, but I'm older, so it's no big deal. I don't really remember any bad nightmares I've had since.

2011-07-11, 12:39 PM
I don't think This is the worst I've ever had, but it's probably the most entertaining to read. there had some plot involving evil alien bees, mindcontrol, Amy, Rory (from Dr who) and some guy who owned a hotdog stand trying to stop them, and a platforming segment (Someone needed to run along frozen bee ice-cubes in space). So, a pretty normal dream by my standards.

But then, the clown appeared, which is odd as I'm not even scared of clowns.

This clown was in the play place designed to keep him entertained. There was a pool of acid there and a very colourful floor. The alien bees supplied him with children, which were killed by the clown one at a time, often involving the acid.

Did I mention this clown was not only completely insane, but invulnerable to death. We saw that when one of the kids managed to knock him into the acid pit. The worst parts were his screams (he pretty much only shrieked and screamed) and the melting toddlers. Lucky, I woke up soon after that, and nightmares are extremely uncommon for me. (I think I've had three in the last two years.) Most of my dreams are amazing.

Someone mentioned they had a dream involving being helpless against a meteorite. Imagine How you would feel if you were the one chosen to stop the meteor, and Dr Light from megaman give you a machine that let you fly.
That is a normal dream by my standards.