View Full Version : Magic Items for Monsters? Need Help

2011-07-08, 02:38 PM
I'm designing an encounter for my campaign, and I want to give the baddies (humanoid warriors) magic weapons and armor according to their WBL, and give their leader weapons and armor according to a PC's WBL. How will the CR be affected? I can't remember the rules for doing so.

2011-07-08, 02:41 PM
I dont think there are a set of rules regarding magic items for bad guys. The CR is based on the HD and Class Levels.

Cherry picking magic items for the NPC/Encounter can definitely bump the CR if something as simple as having advantageous terrain can. What I like to do is figure out what the treasure for the encounter is going to be and then it's fair game if the NPC's could be making use of some of it.

But gearing out a an NPC with full WBL definitely would impact the EL.