View Full Version : Iron Kingdoms is Awesome

2011-07-08, 06:41 PM
that is all.

but more seriously, i've just picked up some of the Iron Kingdoms stuff and am currently about half way through reading the Character Guide, having also skimmed the Monsternomicon and read some of the entries therein.
Its a really interesting world and seems to do a good job of doing something completely different from standard D&D. the world feels like some sort of insane cross between Eberron and Warhammer. (its interesting to note that IK predates eberron by quite a bit, as it does cover many of the same ideas, albeit in a darker and grittier way, with more focus on the technology of Magitech than on the magic).
I've not yet read the world guide and theres still a large chunk of the character guide yet to go, so this is a provisional finding, but even so i'm impressed by the easy to read writing style and the interesting world they've created.

i'd be interested to hear from people who've played this game as to how it works in practice. I frequently run Renaesance Steampunk games with a fair amount of firearms and clockwork, but haven't done anything in a more gritty industrial setting (until now).