View Full Version : I need something broken

2011-07-08, 09:10 PM
Dear Forum Readers,
I am sick of being the underpowered player. I am sick of the fighting with dragon knights, large sized paladins, vop monks whos stats do not line up. I want to play something horribly broken that sucks the fun out of the game completely. Please give me your expert knowledge on a core class build that is broken to all hell.

2011-07-08, 09:12 PM
Be a Druid with Natural Spell, and read a handbook.

2011-07-08, 09:22 PM

2011-07-08, 09:39 PM
You're going to need to be a Psion Kobold with 18 intelligence and a Sage Psicrystal. Take Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes), and put 4 ranks in the same skill. Spend your money on a masterwork skill tool (say a book) to give a bonus to your K: the Planes.

Now, three times, you have to call out the name Candleja

2011-07-08, 09:41 PM
You don't want something broken. That'd just disjoin the game. You want something extremely powerful, that you can scale down as desired. Core Druid played by a true master is probably the strongest thing this side of blatant gamebreaking (permanent Polymorph Any Object on low level; purchase casting - Candle of Invocation; bind Efreet, wish for anything, for example more Candles for more Wishes - Dust of Sneezing and Choking; no-save basically anything is disabled for long enough). Wizards and Clerics are also amazing, but Druids have more to play with early on (and on level 17, they still keep up thanks to Shapechange).


Natural Spell: Take on 6, you're on your way to godhood.
Leadership: If allowed, take on 9, pick e.g. Druid or Wizard Cohort, win everything forever.
Augment Summoning: Druid has the best summons in the Core and can use them spontaneously, it's rarely wasted.
Multiattack: Good for fighting in Wildshape.
Improved Trip: Good for fighting in Wildshape.
Quicken Spell/Extend Spell/Spell Penetration/Greater Spell Penetration: Good for spellcasting.
Craft Wondrous Items/Craft Magic Arms and Armor: Good for getting tons of valuable equipment.


Concentration, Knowledge: Nature are must maxes. Concentration for a melee caster and Knowledge: Nature so you know what you're summoning and what-not. If your DM side-steps that, feel free to skimp on K: Nature tho.
Spellcraft is a must max if you're the only spellcaster or if you want more soloability. Not that important with other party casters.
Spot and Listen are superb and ones I'd always strive to max out as a Druid as observational talents are awesome.
Handle Animal should take enough ranks that you can reach +10 with your Animal Companion (counting the +4). This allows you to take 10 to teach it tricks, which means you can teach all the tricks you need. Teach it combat tricks and if you need to Push it, just take 20. If you're gonna form a Druidic herd of animal helpers though or take more combat helpers á la Handle Animal Guide (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871522/The_Handle_Animal_Guide), you'll want to max it especially if Charisma isn't your strong suite.
Survival is a fine skill but you get most of the uses you want out of it without a single rank thanks to your immense Wisdom. I'd save points there.
If going for a combatant, you'd want to consider a few cross-class skills. First, Balance is very useful to have 5 ranks in simply to not be flat-footed when Balancing (e.g. on Grease, Marbles or such). Then, Tumble is obviously superb for a non-armored character; just max it if you can afford it. Then, many forms come with bonuses to Hide and Move Silently so putting cross-class ranks in those could be helpful.

Animal Companion:
Stick to canine, feline & ursine creatures, mostly. Crocodiles, dinosaurs and big creatures also tend to make reasonable options. A good line of development would be something like:
- War-Trained Riding Dog (see Riding Dog entry in Monster Manual)
- Dire Bat
- Brown Bear
- Dire Lion
- Dire Bear
- Dire Tiger

With tons of obviously solid alternatives. Of note is that riding on a Dire Bat mount on level 4 is very, very effective, and War-Trained Riding Dog with Bardings (War-Trained creatures have armor proficiencies) is better than most low-level warriors. And Dire-creatures have good Will-saves which is very welcome.

Use most of your spellslots for battlefield control. Basically Entangle, Soften Earth and Stone, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Antilife Shell, etc. allow controlling enemies very well. Then you have Barkskin, Freedom of Movement, Animal Growth, Air Walk and such as very, very solid ally/animal buffs (note, you can buff your summons too; Animal Growthing a bunch of Dire Wolves is filthy). And your spontaneous summons, which also replicate spells from other lists (and Unicorns are superb healbots, Pixies are wonderful assistant casters and such, Thoqquas get you to places, etc.). And then you have a bunch of utility like Transport Via Plants, Scrying and such, and good ol' Control Winds & Giant Vermin once you get high caster level (e.g. Beads of Karma from Strand of Prayer Beads, and Orange Prism Ioun Stone, get you there fast).

You can spend 24/7 in Wildshape at level 8. Almost all adventuring day on level 6. Make use of this. Take high mental stats & Con, stay in Wildshape to use animals' physicals, get Wild (enhanced) Armor & Shield, use Ioun Stones & buffs, etc. Stuff like Bears, Tigers, Deinonychus, etc. make for solid Wildshape forms. Elementals have obvious utility but aren't too good in combat.

For more details, perview the handbook. Basically tho, yeah, play a Druid and play one well and you can be however strong you want to be.

2011-07-08, 09:54 PM
Have you tried making a Truenamer? I hear they're very powerful and easy to play.

2011-07-08, 09:56 PM
Also with ONLY the DMG, you don't have to worry about not being able to communicate with your allies while wild shaped. You just need a cursed item, I think its the amulet of thought projection? Of course, out of core you can do better... but it's more interesting to break the game using only three books (PHB, DMG, MM1).

2011-07-08, 09:58 PM
If you're playing at low-ish levels and going with the Druid option, Greenbound Summoning from Lost Empires of Faerun is pretty ridiculous. It gives all your summons the Greenbound template, which among other things grants DR 10/magic and slashing and some neat SLAs, including Entangle at will and 1/day Wall of Thorns. Wall of Thorns! Your summons will be able to cast Wall of Thorns way before you do, and you can spam them (one casting of summon nature's ally III gives you 1d4+1 walls, and then 1d4+1 entangles every round after that for CL rounds)! At higher levels the lack of animal buffs, higher AC enemies, and more mobility options make this less silly-powerful, but at low levels it's pretty game-breaking, which is (apparently) exactly what you want. A rod of lesser extend works wonders here. Metamagic school focus + extend spell also works in a pinch.

2011-07-08, 09:59 PM
Have you tried making a Truenamer? I hear they're very powerful and easy to play.

Quoted for... wait, no. Thats not even close to true.

2011-07-08, 10:04 PM
Also with ONLY the DMG, you don't have to worry about not being able to communicate with your allies while wild shaped. You just need a cursed item, I think its the amulet of thought projection? Of course, out of core you can do better... but it's more interesting to break the game using only three books (PHB, DMG, MM1).

Uh. I'd avoid it; it's still a cursed item. Everything being able to hear everything you think is kinda inconvenient. Just get Rary's Telepathic Bond between the party members instead and you're good to go.

2011-07-08, 10:09 PM
Quoted for... wait, no. Thats not even close to true.

Really? I hear they're very competent, and make for very entertaining builds that require very little effort on the part of the player in terms of optimization. Taking 20 levels of Truenamer is quite possibly the most worthwhile investment you could ever possibly make. Ever.

2011-07-08, 10:11 PM
Really? I hear they're very competent, and make for very entertaining builds that require very little effort on the part of the player in terms of optimization. Taking 20 levels of Truenamer is quite possibly the most worthwhile investment you could ever possibly make. Ever.And unlike many of your other options, it's not too anime (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204824).

Flame of Anor
2011-07-08, 10:19 PM
Have you tried making a Truenamer? I hear they're very powerful and easy to play.

Can't tell if joking :smallconfused:

2011-07-08, 10:24 PM
Can't tell if joking :smallconfused:

I am.

I debated adding a /sarcasm, but decided against it. I thought I was being blatant enough as it was.

2011-07-08, 10:28 PM
Healer works well too! Unicorns are the most broken things evar!

2011-07-08, 10:30 PM
Healer works well too! Unicorns are the most broken things evar!

Healers are stupid broken. I mean, why even play a Cleric if you can just get Healer instead, right?

2011-07-08, 10:30 PM
Well, if you're looking for something broken, Truenamer certainly is that. Just not the way the OP wants. Seriously though, Druid is probably your best bet. As long as you take Natural Spell at level 6, there's not many ways to permanently mess up your character. Look over the Monster Manuals for an animal that appeals to you for your Animal Companion, make sure you scale your Wild Shapes so you aren't using the same ones from level 6 at level 10, and make sure you pay attention to your spells, and if you notice a spell you prepared not being used, switch it out for something else. Remember, Druids have to prepare their spells, but they know all the spells on their list, so if you come across a spell that looks cool, and it's on the Druid spell list, you can prepare it. And yeah, Greenbound Summoning is crazy good on a low level druid.


Flame of Anor
2011-07-08, 10:39 PM
I am.

I debated adding a /sarcasm, but decided against it. I thought I was being blatant enough as it was.

Oh, you were plenty blatant. It's just...on the internet, no one can tell if you're actually stupid or faking it. :smallwink:

2011-07-08, 10:41 PM
Oh yeah, regarding SNA-line:
SNAII: Small Elementals. Earth Elementals are very good for scouting, Whirlwind from Air Elemental & Vortex from Water Elemental are also decent though mostly in larger versions; Fire Elementals are mostly useful for burning something.
SNAIII: Thoqquas are basically living drills. Satyrs are worth noting as speech-capable humanoids.
SNAIV: Unicorns have Magic Circle and a goodly bunch of healing spells. Tojanidas have Fog Cloud (effectively) and Minor Xorn are basically more Humanoid Earth Elementals. Juvenile Arrowhawks are flying creatures with lazers, with obvious benefits against groundbound opponents without efficient anti-air.
SNAV: Janni can cast Plane Shift for up to 8 creatures. Just saying. They can also Enlarge/Reduce two allies and create food, as desired. Satyrs with pipes have terrible save DCs but they can be called on unconscious creatures if desired. Nixies have better Charm Person (still meh, tho) and Water Breathing, and very impressive +11 Wild Empathy (though by these levels, you probably have them beat anyways).
SNAVI: You can get Pixies to do Permanent Images and maybe some minor Dispelling (they have CL 8, it's 1/day). That's about it. Worth noting that Huge Elementals really begin to be able to use their special abilities on most creatures.
SNAVII: Elder Arrowhawks have serious lazers, Djinni...uuuh, permanent vegetable Major Creation (and Food, Wine, Persistent Image & Air Elemental's Whirlwind but vegetable Major Creation can e.g. make Black Lotus Extract), Invisible Stalker is decent for short tracking operations and these Pixies...are largely worse than normal.
SNAVIII: Noble Salamanders have Wall of Fire, Flaming Sphere & Dispel Magic at CL 15 - if that was GDM, they could be fairly good.
SNAIX: Pixie comes with Otto's Irresistible Dance (autowin if your target is vulnerable), and you can memory wipe unconscious targets. Celestial Charger can cast Restoration.

2011-07-08, 10:44 PM
Uh. I'd avoid it; it's still a cursed item. Everything being able to hear everything you think is kinda inconvenient. Just get Rary's Telepathic Bond between the party members instead and you're good to go.

Eh sure, that works too. But this is cheaper. And you'd be taking it off when you don't need it. Or make sure that the area is pointed at something that blocks line of effect of the item. Also, remember that the character is a DRUID -- a meditative, high wisdom character who is capable of thinking like an animal (ie not in words) fairly well. If any character should be able of calming their thoughts to mitigate the negative effects of that item, it's a Druid.

2011-07-08, 10:47 PM
Because someone has to. (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pun-Pun_(3.5e_Optimized_Character_Build))
But if you don't want true ridiculousness, be a Druid.

2011-07-08, 10:48 PM
Of course, if you truly want game-shatteringly levels of broken, don't just go Druid, go Planar Shepard.

2011-07-08, 10:49 PM
I always wanted to play a Wildshape Ranger Planar Shepard as a way to boost it to Tier 1.

Lonely Tylenol
2011-07-08, 10:55 PM
You're going to need to be a Psion Kobold with 18 intelligence and a Sage Psicrystal. Take Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes), and put 4 ranks in the same skill. Spend your money on a masterwork skill tool (say a book) to give a bonus to your K: the Planes.

Now, three times, you have to call out the name Candleja

You know, you're supposed to say Candlejack's full name in order for him to tak

2011-07-08, 10:59 PM
Never before have I seen such a selfless and devoted display of altruism mustered for the sole purpose of imbuing the OP with the means to horribly mutilate himself and everyone around him.

2011-07-08, 11:02 PM
I'd say go with the Chicken Infested Commoner 1/Cleric 19 Fell Animate Greater Consumptive Field strategy.

I had previously thought that with Dimensional Anchor cast and Pig Bond flaw, you could summon a free pit fiend, which was supposed to take you to the depths of hell when you let go of your pig, but it turns out the text actually says the pig turns into Orcus and skins you. Still, that could be a viable strategy in some way, right? Turn your pig into Orcus with the BBEG nearby and then have your party wizard teleport everyone out immediately. Or just kill your party, since the OP wants to be aggravating.

2011-07-08, 11:04 PM
Never before have I seen such a selfless and devoted display of altruism mustered for the sole purpose of imbuing the OP with the means to horribly mutilate himself and everyone around him.

Welcome to the GitP forums: If it exists, we will find a way to break a campaign with it.

Flame of Anor
2011-07-08, 11:39 PM
I'd say go with the Chicken Infested Commoner 1/Cleric 19 Fell Animate Greater Consumptive Field strategy.

I had previously thought that with Dimensional Anchor cast and Pig Bond flaw, you could summon a free pit fiend, which was supposed to take you to the depths of hell when you let go of your pig, but it turns out the text actually says the pig turns into Orcus and skins you. Still, that could be a viable strategy in some way, right? Turn your pig into Orcus with the BBEG nearby and then have your party wizard teleport everyone out immediately. Or just kill your party, since the OP wants to be aggravating.




Timeless Error
2011-07-09, 11:18 AM
Because someone has to. (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pun-Pun_(3.5e_Optimized_Character_Build))

This build is out of date. Pun Pun can now be achieved with a level 1 kobold psion (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19869366/The_most_powerful_character._EVER.).

2011-07-09, 01:59 PM
You know, you're supposed to say Candlejack's full name in order for him to tak

So Candlejack kindly presses enter for y

2011-07-09, 04:39 PM
Of course, if you truly want game-shatteringly levels of broken, don't just go Druid, go Planar Shepard.

Druid 10/Planar Shepherd 10 - now there's an option that doesn't sacrifice power for flavor - she gets both, and in large amounts. Just pick your plane of Dreams (or anything else with a lot of good Outsiders to Wildshape into, and of course Flowing Time) and you're set.

Of course, I prefer Druid 6/Prestige Ranger 4/Planar Shepherd 10, with Sword of the Arcane Order and Natural Spell of course, for CL 18 Druid and Wizard casting and full Cleric casting (from some angel or another) - but that's just me.

2011-07-09, 05:04 PM
Never before have I seen such a selfless and devoted display of altruism mustered for the sole purpose of imbuing the OP with the means to horribly mutilate himself and everyone around him.

Obviously he's not happy. Play something obscenely powerful and scale down as necessary: he and everyone else will be happy. Yay.

2011-07-09, 05:29 PM
Please give me your expert knowledge on a core class build that is broken to all hell.
Fighter 20. You get eleven bonus feats. That's almost as many as every other core class combined. You could get +1 to hit on eleven different weapons, PLUS your standard feats from levelling. If you really want to shatter the campaign, play a human for ANOTHER feat.

Consequences will never be the same.

Claudius Maximus
2011-07-09, 05:55 PM
Oh yeah, regarding SNA-line:
SNAII: Small Elementals. Earth Elementals are very good for scouting, Whirlwind from Air Elemental & Vortex from Water Elemental are also decent though mostly in larger versions; Fire Elementals are mostly useful for burning something.
SNAIII: Thoqquas are basically living drills. Satyrs are worth noting as speech-capable humanoids.
SNAIV: Unicorns have Magic Circle and a goodly bunch of healing spells. Tojanidas have Fog Cloud (effectively) and Minor Xorn are basically more Humanoid Earth Elementals. Juvenile Arrowhawks are flying creatures with lazers, with obvious benefits against groundbound opponents without efficient anti-air.
SNAV: Janni can cast Plane Shift for up to 8 creatures. Just saying. They can also Enlarge/Reduce two allies and create food, as desired. Satyrs with pipes have terrible save DCs but they can be called on unconscious creatures if desired. Nixies have better Charm Person (still meh, tho) and Water Breathing, and very impressive +11 Wild Empathy (though by these levels, you probably have them beat anyways).
SNAVI: You can get Pixies to do Permanent Images and maybe some minor Dispelling (they have CL 8, it's 1/day). That's about it. Worth noting that Huge Elementals really begin to be able to use their special abilities on most creatures.
SNAVII: Elder Arrowhawks have serious lazers, Djinni...uuuh, permanent vegetable Major Creation (and Food, Wine, Persistent Image & Air Elemental's Whirlwind but vegetable Major Creation can e.g. make Black Lotus Extract), Invisible Stalker is decent for short tracking operations and these Pixies...are largely worse than normal.
SNAVIII: Noble Salamanders have Wall of Fire, Flaming Sphere & Dispel Magic at CL 15 - if that was GDM, they could be fairly good.
SNAIX: Pixie comes with Otto's Irresistible Dance (autowin if your target is vulnerable), and you can memory wipe unconscious targets. Celestial Charger can cast Restoration.

Just want to point out that the "permanent" SLA effects might not be permanent from a summoned creature, depending on how you interpret this:

When the spell that summoned a creature ends and the creature disappears, all the spells it has cast expire.
SLAs work just like spells in a lot of ways, so this might apply to them as well.

2011-07-09, 06:01 PM
SLAs work just like spells in a lot of ways, so this might apply to them as well.

That simply means all active spells it's cast end. Instantaneous spells should not be affected. Tho I guess even though permanent, Major Creation is not instantaneous so that would end. Meh.

2011-07-09, 06:32 PM
Fighter 20. You get eleven bonus feats. That's almost as many as every other core class combined. You could get +1 to hit on eleven different weapons, PLUS your standard feats from levelling. If you really want to shatter the campaign, play a human for ANOTHER feat.

Consequences will never be the same.

Though they help, feats aren't the way to game breaking proportions.

Druid 10/Planar Shepherd 10 - now there's an option that doesn't sacrifice power for flavor - she gets both, and in large amounts. Just pick your plane of Dreams (or anything else with a lot of good Outsiders to Wildshape into, and of course Flowing Time) and you're set.

Of course, I prefer Druid 6/Prestige Ranger 4/Planar Shepherd 10, with Sword of the Arcane Order and Natural Spell of course, for CL 18 Druid and Wizard casting and full Cleric casting (from some angel or another) - but that's just me.

I believe the original forum post stated the build had to be core.

2011-07-09, 07:02 PM
Time for a lesson in power gaming at low levels. First off power gaming can be done with any character. I can make any low level base class and break the game. This isn't hard, of course it really depends on how flexible your GM is.

For example, if you are starting at say 6th level, playing a Pixie Rogue, Pixie Warlock, Pixie Bard, or Pixie Favored Soul will break the game almost instantly. Pixies have permanent natural greater invisibility and the ability to fly. Magical darts and spell like abilities per day. Following the core rules. As a rogue you can have almost every attack be a sneak attack, and with weapon finesse and fly by attack you can do a lot of damage. With the fly speed you can over come 90% of traps that exist and it gives the upper hand in sneaking around. As a Warlock all the same stuff applies as it does with the rogue except you can use your eldritch blast at a distance and you don't have sneak attack. Reading through the invocations that you can get (which include all the Dragon Invocations BTW excluding dragon breath weapon specific invocations) you have a large set of options to work with.

As a Bard you can work as a musical rogue essentially and you can ignore taking spells for invisibility and flight freeing up spell slots, the same goes for the sorc.

If you're starting at a similar level the Archon Hound is a great base creature and it gives you unlimited greater teleport.

The Tengu has no level adjustment has a fly speed and gives you some cool racial bonuses depending on which book you take it from. I prefer the Paizo Pathfinder Tengu versus the Oriental Adventures/Unapproachable East version. While you can't fly with this version you do gain Sword Trained and no level adjustment. Sword trained means you're proficient with all sword-like weapons (including halbertds, bladed spears, sais, bastard swords, even double bladed swords) thus you don't have the negatives with those weapons you normally would.

A lot of people on here are saying Druid, I disagree. I think the Druid has quite a few flaws, though it is fun to play and if you know what you're doing you can break the character class very easily. That said the Warlock, Favored Soul, the Artificer, and the Rogue are my favorite classes for power gaming.

If your DM is very flexible and allows Psionics, you could argue the point that magic and psionics aren't the same. If he agrees than any psionic character (especially the Psion) with a ring of anti-magic is extremely nasty. Mainly because the anti-magic field doesn't effect the psionic powers but stops all magical powers from operating, even area effect spells shot from a distance into the field. What more a ring of anti-magic isn't that expensive and the standard distance for coverage is a 60 foot radius. If you can get one that was widened and extended you can get that to 180 foot radius. (Base ring/amulet is 10,000 gp, where as the widened and extended one is 200,000 gp).

2011-07-09, 07:11 PM
I find Ruby Knight Vindicator overly broken. I had one in my campaign and in the right hands it totally rocks.

2011-07-09, 07:15 PM
I believe the original forum post stated the build had to be core.

No such limit is given:

Dear Forum Readers,
I am sick of being the underpowered player. I am sick of the fighting with dragon knights, large sized paladins, vop monks whos stats do not line up. I want to play something horribly broken that sucks the fun out of the game completely. Please give me your expert knowledge on a core class build that is broken to all hell.

In fact, VoP is not core, nor are Dragon Knights (or Knights of any sort).

If we were dealing with a core only environment, I would recommend Diviner 5/Red Wizard 10/Archmage 5 (or you could fit some Loremaster in, if you prefer) banning Enchantment and Evocation. Take Leadership, have your Cohort follow the above build, and use Simulacrum to fill out your Circle - congratulations, now all of your spells are cast at CL 40. And in fact simulacra of your character can lead their own great circles, so enjoy the spells, caster level, and Ultimate Arcane Power. That or Druid 20 with Natural Spell.

2011-07-09, 07:38 PM
Though they help, feats aren't the way to game breaking proportions.

Are you trying to imply that fighters aren't game-breakingly overpowered?
You're correct, of course. Clearly monks are much better.

2011-07-09, 07:57 PM
No such limit is given:

In fact, VoP is not core, nor are Dragon Knights (or Knights of any sort).

If we were dealing with a core only environment, I would recommend Diviner 5/Red Wizard 10/Archmage 5 (or you could fit some Loremaster in, if you prefer) banning Enchantment and Evocation. Take Leadership, have your Cohort follow the above build, and use Simulacrum to fill out your Circle - congratulations, now all of your spells are cast at CL 40. And in fact simulacra of your character can lead their own great circles, so enjoy the spells, caster level, and Ultimate Arcane Power. That or Druid 20 with Natural Spell.

Read the last sentence again - he said core class build.

Flame of Anor
2011-07-09, 08:18 PM
Though they help, feats aren't the way to game breaking proportions.

I think he's joking.

2011-07-09, 08:21 PM
If it must be purely core classes than a Human Rogue Sorcerer or Human Bard Cleric combination is your best bet. Its hard however to give any great detail because we don't know what level you're starting at. If its level 1 then you've got a long way to go to breaking the game and hopefully your DM won't over power you with poorly chosen monsters.

Feats however are key, and when I say KEY I mean KEY, to breaking a character. Choosing the right combination of feats can allow you to do miraculous things. A great combination for the rogue for example, is Deft Strike and Neraph Charge.

If you need help beyond this check out: http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/index.php and http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/feats

Also don't forget about Skill Tricks.

2011-07-09, 08:28 PM
Druid 20 is one of the strongest characters in the game. Wis > Con > Int > Dex > Cha > Str.

Feat choices in order of power (and where to find each one (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/feats)):
1st (and bonus at 1st via human, flaws, etc.): Greenbound Summoning (LEoF), Companion Spellbond (PH2), Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a), Natural Bond (CV), Spell Focus: Conjuration + Augment Summoning, Combat Reflexes, Extend Spell. Companion Spellbond is high on the list due to the long duration buffs you can share, which will end if it gets out of range (5 ft. normally, 30 ft. with that feat).

3rd: Natural Bond (CV), this is not optional unless you took it at 1st, in which case get Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) (UA). Get a 'level -3' companion at 4th level such as a Fleshraker dinosaur (MM3) or a Dire Eagle (RoS, text > table) and the 'level +3' for Natural Bond will make up for that drawback and you can count your full Druid level for its benefits. If you got Wild Cohort, at 7th level you dismiss both your wild cohort and your animal companion and get a new companion which is both, thus gaining the benefits of both progressions.

6th: Natural Spell, this is not optional. It should be self-explanatory.

9th+: Persistent Spell*, Quicken Spell, pretty much anything you want. *If you choose an Illumian (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041203a&page=2) (RoD) for your race with the Naenhoon sigil and apply quite a few Unguent of Timelessness (DMG) to eight times as many Bone Talisman (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) (turning) spell foci. Cast that spell during downtime at 365 times the normal duration (doubled again if Extended) and during adventuring days expend those turning uses to add Persistent Spell to Bite of the Weretiger (SpC). At 9th level and extended each Bone Talisman should last over 45 days. With Wis 16 you'll have five 2nd and four 3rd level spells per day, so with two Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend and Extending them in the 3rd level slots normally that's nine Bone Talismans per day without using up even higher level spell slots. Number each bone and rotate them so that you always use the oldest, shortest-remaining-duration bones first. Ideally you'll have at least thirty days of downtime, which will give you enough bone talismans for 45 days worth of persisting one spell per day, using the oldest ones first so that the last six you use will still be on the last day of their duration. Just spending two 2nd level spells per day of adventuring to replenish your supply will extend that to 67 days worth of bone talismans, and on the last day of that you'll use the two you cast that same day. Definitely get Companion Spellbond if you do this so that you can share that Persistent Bite of the Weretiger with your animal companion, though it will end if you get further than 30 ft. away from each other.

Animal Companion: Wolf at 1st-3rd level (Wolf at 1st-6th as a Wild Cohort), Fleshraker Dinosaur (MM3) or Dire Eagle (RoS) at 4th+. Use the Handle Animal skill to give each of those the Warbeast template (MM2). A Dire Eagle should get Combat Reflexes and probably the Mage Slayer line of feats (CA). A Fleshraker should get Ability Focus: Poison (MM), Virulent Poison (SS), Power Attack, and Leap Attack (CV).

A wooden tower shield will serve you well at levels 1-4, don't worry about the nonproficiency penalty just cast Enrage Animal and other spells that don't require an attack roll.
Wilding Clasps (MIC) which allow items to continue to function when wild shaped.
Healing Belt (MIC) as early as possible, to be replaced when you can afford...
Monk's Belt, which gives you a Monk Unarmed Strike which can be used in animal forms and the Monk AC bonus including adding your Wisdom bonus to AC. It should be Wilding Clasped, and it 'continues to function' when you wild shape; one function of a belt is to hold other items, so nothing you store on/in your belt will need its own Wilding Clasp.
Armor/Mantle/Ring of the Beast (CC) great bonuses, Wild Armor melds into your form when you wild shape and you're not considered to be wearing armor so you can still benefit from the Monk's Belt with it. None of these need a Wilding Clasp, that effect is already built in.
Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend, get at least three. Store them on your belt.
One Standard Metamagic Rod of Extend and one 6th level Pearl of Power at level 14+, to be explained later.
Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC), with an Enhancement bonus to Wisdom added as per MIC page 233-234. While you're on those pages, see what other bonuses you can add to your existing items, particularly your Mantle and Ring of the Beast.
A truckload of Unguent of Timelessness (at least 51), and a lot of free bones, see above. Decorate your belt with them.
Standard Metamagic Rod of Empower at level 11+, to be explained later.
Wand of Lesser Vigor (SpC) to heal up between encounters.

Spells, presume a Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend should be used with any hour/level buffs of 3rd level or lower, all buffs should be shared with your animal companion whenever possible:
1st: Longstrider, Snowsight* (FB), Produce Flame*, Summon Nature's Ally 1*, Enrage Animal* (SpC)
Snowsight is in Frostburn, see the 2nd level spells below. Produce Flame should be used to add fire damage to your natural attacks when wild shaped, use the Circlet of Rapid Casting and a Lesser Rod of Extend to cast it and full attack. Summon Nature's Ally 1 can get a Greenbound Dire Rat which can use its Wall of Thorns spell-like ability as soon as it appears, then spam Entangle for the remainder of its duration. With a Ring of the Beast you can instead get a Greenbound Dire Bat which can do the same thing but is also a capable melee combatant. Enrage Animal should be cast on your animal companion in the lower levels to make it even better at fighting when you have nothing better to do than concentrate on a spell the whole fight, later on you can get the Swift Concentration skill trick (CS) and start using it again.

2nd: Creeping Cold* (SpC), Bone Talisman, Obscuring Snow* (FB), Heat/Chill Metal, buffs, etc.
Creeping Cold can be cast with a Lesser Rod of Extend to deal 21d6 damage over six rounds at 3rd level. Obscuring Snow combined with Snowsight creates a battlefield environment that opponents cannot see in but your party can. Get your other party members who want Snowsight cast on them each day buy you a 1st level Pearl of Power and 1/3 of a Lesser Rod of Extend, so it costs you no additional spell slots to put an Extended Snowsight on each of them. Heat Metal and Chill Metal cast on an opponent's metal weapon should cause it to be dropped, as per Gandalf pwning Aragorn in Fangorn Forest.

3rd: Greater Magic Fang (+1 to everything, on your animal companion), Sleet Storm, buffs, etc.

4th: Summon Nature's Ally 4 for a Unicorn to heal people better than your 4th level spell could, and it has Magic Circle against Evil in case anyone is charmed or dominated or if there's extraplanar enemies. Use the 3rd level summon with a Ring of the Beast. Greater Resistance (SpC), Ice Storm, buffs, etc.

5th: Animal Growth on your summoned lions and animal companion, you can choose not to make them greenbound so this will work on them. Entirely optional. Call Avalanche in Frostburn, buffs, etc.

6th: Fire Seeds (berry bombs) cast with the Rod of Empower, give the berries all the same command word and put them in a pouch; drop it at the center of four opponents and deal hundreds of damage to each of them. Superior Resistance* (SpC), Energy Immunity* (SpC), buffs, etc.
By the time you get higher level spells you should probably know what to look for.

Once you get a few 6th level spells per day, you should have a Rod of Extend and a 6th level Pearl of Power. Every other day prepare Energy Immunity twice and recovering one with the pearl use the rod to cast it three times. Pick a different energy type for each one, they'll all last 48 hours thus doing this every other day. On the days you don't do that, prepare Energy Immunity once and Superior Resistance once, and use the rod to cast each of those and Energy Immunity again using the pearl. Pick the last two energy types, all of those will last 48 hours. That makes you continually immune to all five energy types (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic) and gives you a +6 Enhancement bonus to all your saving throws.

2011-07-09, 08:31 PM
I thought the OP meant core class build, as opposed to a core-only game.

Gnome Alone
2011-07-09, 08:51 PM
I think he's joking.

"You could get +1 to hit with eleven different weapons!"

He's joking.

2011-07-09, 08:53 PM
3rd: Natural Bond (CV), this is not optional unless you took it at 1st, in which case get Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) (UA). Get a 'level -3' companion at 4th level such as a Fleshraker dinosaur (MM3) or a Dire Eagle (RoS, text > table) and the 'level +3' for Natural Bond will make up for that drawback and you can count your full Druid level for its benefits. If you got Wild Cohort, at 7th level you dismiss both your wild cohort and your animal companion and get a new companion which is both, thus gaining the benefits of both progressions.


Druids and rangers who take the wild cohort feat gain an animal cohort in addition to their animal companion. Although the two abilities are similar, they follow different sets of rules and must be tracked separately.

Explain please.

2011-07-09, 08:55 PM
It does not directly prohibit using both on one animal (though it is certainly a questionable practice).

2011-07-09, 09:04 PM
They are tracked separately as opposed to stacking for a total effective level. There is nothing prohibiting you from making the same creature both an animal companion and a wild cohort. It's just specifying that you use the Wild Cohort chart for the Wild Cohort benefits, and you use the Animal Companion chart for the Animal Companion benefits, and that they are independent of each other and not the same ability.

You can dismiss your wild cohort and gain another one. You can dismiss your animal companion and gain another one. You can dismiss both and gain one creature to fill the role of both your animal companion and your wild cohort, provided that creature can fit within the restrictions of both.

2011-07-09, 09:07 PM
I think he's joking.

Yeah I figured that out later haha

Also I'm assuming that since you're asking for a core class build, that goes for races as well so none of this pixie crap.

I would recommend druid as people have been doing, they are fun to play have lots of room for versatility. Since you are looking for earth shatteringly broken, they are a fairly powerful class at low and high levels, just make sure you take natural spell.

2011-07-09, 09:11 PM
Yeah I figured that out later haha

Also I'm assuming that since you're asking for a core class build, that goes for races as well so none of this pixie crap.

I would recommend druid as people have been doing, they are fun to play have lots of room for versatility. Since you are looking for earth shatteringly broken, they are a fairly powerful class at low and high levels, just make sure you take natural spell.

Pixies are core by any stretch of the imagination, unless core contains no monsters whatsoever.

They are tracked separately as opposed to stacking for a total effective level. There is nothing prohibiting you from making the same creature both an animal companion and a wild cohort. It's just specifying that you use the Wild Cohort chart for the Wild Cohort benefits, and you use the Animal Companion chart for the Animal Companion benefits, and that they are independent of each other and not the same ability.

You can dismiss your wild cohort and gain another one. You can dismiss your animal companion and gain another one. You can dismiss both and gain one creature to fill the role of both your animal companion and your wild cohort, provided that creature can fit within the restrictions of both.

Not only are they tracked separately, but it's explicitly an additional creature. Further, animal companions must be unmodified when chosen, so you have to choose it as an animal companion before choosing it as a wild cohort. Then the animal you're choosing for a wild cohort has bonus hit dice etc. The question then becomes, is it possible to gain a wild cohort with arbitrary bonus hit dice? If so, then just gaining a wild cohort with maximum advancement would be more effective, and could be done by any character.

2011-07-09, 09:30 PM
So, you want to break the world in half? Shatter WBL into tiny, tiny pieces?

Make your DM break down crying?


The level doesn't matter, so long as it's above 9.

Your first few feats should be Apprentice (Craftsman), Legendary Artisan, and Extrordinary Artisan. Then pick up Magical Artisan for wondrous items, and for... Well, whatever you want to make dirt cheap. Then pick up Bind Elemental ASAP, and Landlord. Then make an airship of doom. For. Free.

Your party will love you. Your DM will... Not.

2011-07-09, 09:30 PM
Pixies are core by any stretch of the imagination, unless core contains no monsters whatsoever.

I don't consider monster races as a core race, even though they are contained in the core three books, I should have specified.

If I were a DM, I would not allow something with greater invisibility on, I mean really? GREATER INVISIBILITY, that opens doors to fun draining.

2011-07-09, 09:57 PM
Read the last sentence again - he said core class build.

So he did. If that does indeed mean using Core only (I'm not convinced it does) then I would recommend Druid 20 with Natural Spell as I previously mentioned, or if you prefer (as I do) Ultimate Arcane Power, then the following build is what I would recommend:

Human Diviner 5/Red Wizard 10/Archmage 5, banning Enchantment and eventually Evocation. Take leadership, and have your cohort follow the same build. Then, by using Simulacrum, you (ab)use Circle Magic to cast level 20 spells at Caster Level 41+, while your Cohort does the same, and while your Simulacra of yourself do the same. Congratulations, now things need to make DC 36+ saves against all of your spells, you can dispel anyone (well, anyone not using the same trick), and you use the normal Wizard "I win" spells to win the game. All in Core.


I don't consider monster races as a core race, even though they are contained in the core three books, I should have specified.

If I were a DM, I would not allow something with greater invisibility on, I mean really? GREATER INVISIBILITY, that opens doors to fun draining.

If I'm not mistaken, that is part of what the OP wants.

2011-07-09, 10:01 PM
Not only are they tracked separately, but it's explicitly an additional creature. Further, animal companions must be unmodified when chosen, so you have to choose it as an animal companion before choosing it as a wild cohort. Then the animal you're choosing for a wild cohort has bonus hit dice etc. The question then becomes, is it possible to gain a wild cohort with arbitrary bonus hit dice? If so, then just gaining a wild cohort with maximum advancement would be more effective, and could be done by any character.

It initially grants a separate creature from an animal companion, which is why you must dismiss both the initial creature and your current companion to gain one creature which is both.

"A 1st-level druid’s companion is completely typical for its kind except as noted below." There is nothing prohibiting you from recruiting a creature which is not typical for its kind at 2nd or higher level. That's irrelevant though, because it is completely typical for its kind when it appears, and then it gains the benefits of both wild cohort and animal companion simultaneously.

2011-07-09, 11:40 PM
So he did. If that does indeed mean using Core only (I'm not convinced it does) then I would recommend Druid 20 with Natural Spell as I previously mentioned, or if you prefer (as I do) Ultimate Arcane Power, then the following build is what I would recommend:

Human Diviner 5/Red Wizard 10/Archmage 5, banning Enchantment and eventually Evocation. Take leadership, and have your cohort follow the same build. Then, by using Simulacrum, you (ab)use Circle Magic to cast level 20 spells at Caster Level 41+, while your Cohort does the same, and while your Simulacra of yourself do the same. Congratulations, now things need to make DC 36+ saves against all of your spells, you can dispel anyone (well, anyone not using the same trick), and you use the normal Wizard "I win" spells to win the game. All in Core.


If I'm not mistaken, that is part of what the OP wants.

First off Archmage is the only class I see in your build that is core.

Second I'm assuming the DM will not allow pixies even though they are technically a core race. I'm assuming based off my experience that the DM will not allow them (as most of the DMs I've played with don't), specifically because they are fun drainingly broken, even though that is what the OP wants. So it is best to assume that ONLY PHB1/DMG races and classes are allowed, thus I extend the Druid recommendation again.

2011-07-09, 11:46 PM
First off Archmage is the only class I see in your build that is core.

Second I'm assuming the DM will not allow pixies even though they are technically a core race. I'm assuming based off my experience that the DM will not allow them (as most of the DMs I've played with don't), specifically because they are fun drainingly broken, even though that is what the OP wants. So it is best to assume that ONLY PHB1/DMG races and classes are allowed, thus I extend the Druid recommendation again.

All of the classes he listed are Core :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-09, 11:58 PM
You're going to need to be a Psion Kobold with 18 intelligence and a Sage Psicrystal. Take Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes), and put 4 ranks in the same skill. Spend your money on a masterwork skill tool (say a book) to give a bonus to your K: the Planes.

Because someone has to. (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pun-Pun_(3.5e_Optimized_Character_Build))

This build is out of date. Pun Pun can now be achieved with a level 1 kobold psion (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19869366/The_most_powerful_character._EVER.).

I think Pun-pun has been mentioned almost as much as Druid by now.

Ursus the Grim
2011-07-10, 12:23 AM
I think Pun-pun has been mentioned almost as much as Druid by now.

You'd think we'd have a variant of Godwin's law for Pun-Pun by now.

Edit: On topic, do we know what level he's at?

2011-07-10, 12:30 AM
So Candlejack kindly presses enter for y

what's a candlejack? I have never h

Divide by Zero
2011-07-10, 12:34 AM
Really? I hear they're very competent, and make for very entertaining builds that require very little effort on the part of the player in terms of optimization. Taking 20 levels of Truenamer is quite possibly the most worthwhile investment you could ever possibly make. Ever.
Well, Truenamer 20 does get free gate. You just have to survive through 19 levels of OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE to get it.

First off Archmage is the only class I see in your build that is core.

Er...Wizard is in the PHB. And Red Wizard is in the DMG. Those are both core, last I checked.

2011-07-10, 12:36 AM
First off Archmage is the only class I see in your build that is core.

Diviner is a Wizard specialized in Divination, Archmage is a PrC from the DMG, as is Red Wizard.

Edit: Swordsaged in my own defense.

2011-07-10, 12:45 AM
First off Archmage is the only class I see in your build that is core.

Red Wizard? DMG, page 193.

I think Diviner's from Unearthed Arcana, though.

2011-07-10, 12:49 AM
Ok you caught me on the Red Wizard, I totally forgot about them :smalltongue:

Diviner though... (I think a wizard specializing in divination is called a wizard specializing in divination :smallbiggrin:)

2011-07-10, 12:53 AM
Diviner though...

If you mean a wizard-with-special-divination-features, that would be out of Core. Just a Wizard specialized in Divination, tho? Core as all heck, just like the Evoker, Transmuter, Illusionist, Conjurer, etc.. not different classes, just the traditional names for Wizard specialists. I assume it was chosen because it only has to sacrifice one spell school, so you don't have to cut into the really useful schools when you blow up another one for Red Wizard (although I'd probably just choose Generalist in that case. Divination, at least in Core stuff, doesn't really have enough spells to justify specializing.)

2011-07-10, 12:59 AM
Ah I thought diviner was a separate class, I only own core stuff you see and had been led to believe that was the case. I knew about specialist wizards, just misunderstood. So I guess those are all core, I guess its just up to the OP now.

2011-07-10, 01:28 AM
(although I'd probably just choose Generalist in that case. Divination, at least in Core stuff, doesn't really have enough spells to justify specializing.)

Well, you could go Conjurer and drop Enchantment, Evocation, and one more of your choice (perhaps Necromancy?) if you really wanted to. But yes, Divination is chosen because dropping three schools is difficult (though not impossible, see Focused Specialists, Incantatrices, Changeling Transmuter/Illusionists, etc.) especially in Core.

But yes, to be clear, by Diviner I meant a Wizard specializing in Divination.

Divide by Zero
2011-07-10, 01:44 AM
Diviner though... (I think a wizard specializing in divination is called a wizard specializing in divination :smallbiggrin:)

Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter, and Generalist. Just for future reference :smalltongue:


(although I'd probably just choose Generalist in that case. Divination, at least in Core stuff, doesn't really have enough spells to justify specializing.)

Red Wizard requires specialization, and Divination sacrifices the least versatility.

2011-07-10, 01:58 AM
Red Wizard requires specialization, and Divination sacrifices the least versatility.

Oh, right, for Tattoo Focus. I always forget about that bit. Still, I think you'd benefit more with a school that is an actual useful specialization.. and Red Wizard explicitly allows you to continue using the spells you knew before you banned the extra school, so just pick one of the schools that has good low-level stuff (Enchantment, for example, has a reputation for being very powerful early on with things like Sleep and Deep Slumber and then losing steam as Immune to Mind-Affecting and Protection From Alignment effects become more common. As well as a lot of the high level Enchantments just being kind of underwhelming.. I don't think anybody loses sleep over giving up Antipathy.)

2011-07-10, 08:27 AM
Obviously he's not happy. Play something obscenely powerful and scale down as necessary: he and everyone else will be happy. Yay.
I want to play something horribly broken that sucks the fun out of the game completely. Please give me your expert knowledge on a core class build that is broken to all hell.

See, this must be sarcasm. I can tell because there's no way you're being serious.

Well, Truenamer 20 does get free gate. You just have to survive through 19 levels of OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE to get it.

Free GATE. Seriously. That is absurdly overpowered. Being a Truenamer will ruin the game for everyone. In fact, just to make it even more game breaking, you should throw a one level dip of Fighter into it.

Truenamer 19 / Fighter 1

2011-07-10, 08:31 AM
See, this must be sarcasm. I can tell because there's no way you're being serious.

Sarcasm or vent of frustration. Given the existence of the thread is illogical in the former case and the latter is the emotional alternative (and thus the one that could exist even if it were illogical), the latter seems more likely.

2011-07-10, 08:45 AM
I don't consider monster races as a core race, even though they are contained in the core three books, I should have specified.

If I were a DM, I would not allow something with greater invisibility on, I mean really? GREATER INVISIBILITY, that opens doors to fun draining.

Then if you were a DM you wouldn't make your only restriction that of "core", at least as core is usually defined. So you aren't the DM in question, as far as we are aware.

It initially grants a separate creature from an animal companion, which is why you must dismiss both the initial creature and your current companion to gain one creature which is both.

"A 1st-level druid’s companion is completely typical for its kind except as noted below." There is nothing prohibiting you from recruiting a creature which is not typical for its kind at 2nd or higher level. That's irrelevant though, because it is completely typical for its kind when it appears, and then it gains the benefits of both wild cohort and animal companion simultaneously.

If nothing prevents you from selecting an atypical creature at 2nd or higher level, why not just select a paragon pseudonatural wolf or whatever and be done with it? What part of your interpretation makes that an invalid choice?

2011-07-10, 09:15 AM
Sarcasm or vent of frustration. Given the existence of the thread is illogical in the former case and the latter is the emotional alternative (and thus the one that could exist even if it were illogical), the latter seems more likely.

I wasn't referring to the OP.

What I see here is the OP asking for a method with which to ruin the fun of his gaming group. Explicitly. And a forum devoted to assisting him.

2011-07-10, 09:19 AM
I wasn't referring to the OP.

What I see here is the OP asking for a method with which to ruin the fun of his gaming group. Explicitly. And a forum devoted to assisting him.

We can't help it! :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbi ggrin::smallbiggrin:

2011-07-10, 09:24 AM
What I see here is the OP asking for a method with which to ruin the fun of his gaming group. Explicitly. And a forum devoted to assisting him.

It seems to me people were responding to the first, not the second part of his post. I don't see anyone giving any advice applicable for actually ruining fun in his playgroup (tip: character builds are incapable of such, to actually accomplish that you'd have to go beyond the game) :smallwink:

2011-07-10, 09:27 AM

Don't get me wrong, Eldariel is at least somewhat on the right track. He's offering a build (I use the term loosely) that can go anywhere between "vastly overpowered" to "just competent enough." At least that suggestion gives us the reason to doubt we're creating a monstrosity. Meanwhile, others are suggesting Planar Shepard.

edit: Ninja'd (by three minutes, apparently)

If you don't think it's possible to ruin fun in a gaming group, having the intent to do so, I should defer to your experience. Grudgingly. I figured the only thing the OP was missing was the metagame know-how to actually affect the experience of his fellow players, and that this thread was devoted to giving him that.

Ursus the Grim
2011-07-10, 09:43 AM
I wasn't referring to the OP.

What I see here is the OP asking for a method with which to ruin the fun of his gaming group. Explicitly. And a forum devoted to assisting him.

To be fair, we're just offering good builds. Its up to him how he uses it. We're kinda like a sketch gun shop, I suppose. We could just be telling him exactly how to ruin fun in a session. We could just have him play a alcoholic Kender and steal from the rest of the party, sell of all the goods and blow it on booze. We could also suggest a myriad of ways he can just slow down the game, like having him craft a ton of items in character using in-game rolls.

2011-07-10, 09:58 AM
To be fair, we're just offering good builds. Its up to him how he uses it. We're kinda like a sketch gun shop, I suppose. We could just be telling him exactly how to ruin fun in a session. We could just have him play a alcoholic Kender and steal from the rest of the party, sell of all the goods and blow it on booze. We could also suggest a myriad of ways he can just slow down the game, like having him craft a ton of items in character using in-game rolls.

If I managed a gun shop, and someone came in and said "I'm emotionally frustrated and want to shoot people," I wouldn't say "have a Semiauto Druid with a Natural Spell magazine and a Wildshape barrel. Here's a handbook."

I mean, I admire that people are helpful (that's more than I say for myself so far), but I can't vouch for what the OP wants to do.

2011-07-10, 10:02 AM
If I managed a gun shop, and someone came in and said "I'm emotionally frustrated and want to shoot people," I wouldn't say "have a Semiauto Druid with a Natural Spell magazine and a Wildshape barrel. Here's a handbook."

I mean, I admire that people are helpful (that's more than I say for myself so far), but I can't vouch for what the OP wants to do.

Hence the adjective "sketch" in his post. We're legitimately bad, bad people. We don't particularly want to be, but give us a request like this and we can't really help it. It's just sooo tempting.

Flame of Anor
2011-07-10, 11:41 AM
So, you want to break the world in half? Shatter WBL into tiny, tiny pieces?

Make your DM break down crying?


The level doesn't matter, so long as it's above 9.

Your first few feats should be Apprentice (Craftsman), Legendary Artisan, and Extrordinary Artisan. Then pick up Magical Artisan for wondrous items, and for... Well, whatever you want to make dirt cheap. Then pick up Bind Elemental ASAP, and Landlord. Then make an airship of doom. For. Free.

Your party will love you. Your DM will... Not.

I'm actually thinking of bringing in an artificer to my own campaign. Please explain these feats, so I can decide how overpowered to be. Legendary Artisan and Extraordinary Artisan are two of the ones that reduce resources necessary for crafting magic items, yes?

2011-07-10, 11:50 AM
If I managed a gun shop, and someone came in and said "I'm emotionally frustrated and want to shoot people," I wouldn't say "have a Semiauto Druid with a Natural Spell magazine and a Wildshape barrel. Here's a handbook."

I mean, I admire that people are helpful (that's more than I say for myself so far), but I can't vouch for what the OP wants to do.

There's a fair bit of difference between ruining the fun of a playing group and shooting people. :smalltongue:

But yeah, asking the Playground to provide powerful builds is practically a challenge, one which we are all too eager to rise up to meet.

2011-07-10, 11:57 AM
There's a fair bit of difference between ruining the fun of a playing group and shooting people. :smalltongue:

But yeah, asking the Playground to provide powerful builds is practically a challenge, one which we are all too eager to rise up to meet.

Yerk. Take it up with Ursus.

Anyway, I expect to see another thread in a few days from a player/gm asking how to deal with the sudden Wildshaping Nature Spelling Druid in her previously mid to low optimization group.

2011-07-10, 12:02 PM
Dear Forum Readers,
I am sick of being the underpowered player. I am sick of the fighting with dragon knights, large sized paladins, vop monks whos stats do not line up. I want to play something horribly broken that sucks the fun out of the game completely. Please give me your expert knowledge on a core class build that is broken to all hell.

I have a question for you Mihiale: what is the rest of your party? We could probably give you a powerful build that would be in line with the rest of your group, if we knew their composition - that way you could have fun, but so could the rest of your group. Also, what do you mean by a "core class build" - this would fall under the larger question of what sources are available? All this information would be useful. Further useful information would include what sort of character you want to play - an Arcane caster who controls reality, a Divine caster who channels his righteous fury in combat, something else entirely? With this knowledge we could probably build you a character that would be both awesome to play and would fit with your group.

Claudius Maximus
2011-07-10, 12:06 PM
So am I the only one who isn't taking the OP completely seriously here?

2011-07-10, 12:09 PM
So am I the only one who isn't taking the OP completely seriously here?

That's what this whole last page is about.

2011-07-10, 12:12 PM
So am I the only one who isn't taking the OP completely seriously here?

I don't think we have a choice in the matter. If this were a joke thread the OP would have either made it funnier or at least kept up with it and continued playing the role. The only other option seems to be that the OP is trolling, but IIRC (not speaking authoritatively on this by any means) forum rules stipulate that you can't accuse someone of trolling. Since not taking this guy seriously would be implicitly accusing him of trolling, I choose instead to take him seriously. This is clearly someone who is angry with his friends and wants to "show them who's boss", and I don't really have a problem with helping that out barring any additional information.

2011-07-10, 12:40 PM
I don't think we have a choice in the matter. If this were a joke thread the OP would have either made it funnier or at least kept up with it and continued playing the role. The only other option seems to be that the OP is trolling, but IIRC (not speaking authoritatively on this by any means) forum rules stipulate that you can't accuse someone of trolling. Since not taking this guy seriously would be implicitly accusing him of trolling, I choose instead to take him seriously. This is clearly someone who is angry with his friends and wants to "show them who's boss", and I don't really have a problem with helping that out barring any additional information.
You're right although maybe that's a result of the DM not paying enough attention. If the rest of the party consists out of power-gamers he shouldn't allow any unoptimized builds. At least he should sit down and talk it over with the player (do you really want to go rogue 3 / bard 3?). Being an all-time useless member of a powerful group can be frustrating as the DM would scale the encounters to the party average and not to the weakest member.

2011-07-10, 02:11 PM
So am I the only one who isn't taking the OP completely seriously here?
trollin' trollin' trollin' trollhide
Nope. The way it's worded heavily suggests (to me at least) a thinly veiled optimisation-is-evil rant, as does the fact that he hasn't bothered to respond to any of the builds he's been presented with.

2011-07-10, 02:14 PM
trollin' trollin' trollin' trollhide
Nope. The way it's worded heavily suggests (to me at least) a thinly veiled optimisation-is-evil rant, as does the fact that he hasn't bothered to respond to any of the builds he's been presented with.

He hasn't logged on since posting this thread.