View Full Version : Class decision for Ravenloft.

2011-07-08, 10:45 PM
So i'll be trying out a Ravenloft based campaign soon, and finally, after always being forced into playing a tank for my party I'm finally able to try being a mage. Now my question is, for Ravenloft, what would be the most useful/fun to play, a Sorcerer or Wizard. Since this is my first time as caster, I'm just picking between these 2 base classes. I was originally thinking about going Sorc, but then I let my mind wander down the "More options but less casting, or less options but alot of casting" debates, and other such thoughts and now Ive ground to halt and cant decide on my own, so I look to your knowledgeable gods for advice.

2011-07-08, 11:00 PM
Well, at least in my experience in Ravenloft, you're not going to be getting to sleep and rest to prepare spells too often - so sorcerer's probably the better bet there, because you won't have to worry so much about if you prepared the right spells. Also, if you can't rest so often, 'more spells' is better than 'varied spells' - because running out of spells is no fun (well, actually I think it is fun in a way, but that's beside the point).

As for general fun, I personally think sorcerers tend to be more fun, but obviously a lot of people prefer wizards. That really depends on your playing style. Sorcerer is generally the way of less book-keeping. Wizard is generally the way of picking and re-picking your spells if you don't like the ones you have.

My even-more-general advice would be to go with what you were thinking of playing, because there's probably a reason you were thinking that way to begin with.

2011-07-09, 01:08 PM
If you can somehow get your hands on one of those items that reduces the required time you need to sleep, it would make spellcasting more viable.

2011-07-09, 01:12 PM
When possible, try to get your hands on wands of spells you plan to use a lot, and scrolls of spells that might come in very handy at times, but that often that it's a good idea to learn them. But most places in ravenloft are not very good to find the magic equipment you need.

2011-07-10, 07:26 AM
Yeah I was kind of worried about picking up magical equipment we will need since the population of raventloft isnt very high up on the magical power loving list.

2011-07-10, 02:04 PM
Well, at least in my experience in Ravenloft, you're not going to be getting to sleep and rest to prepare spells too often...

Why not? What's a meatshield for if not to deal with the occasional boring baddy while you get your 8 hours?

Actually, on a more serious note, what's been your experience that's led you to that expectation? There's no particular reason for it in my RL experience...

2011-07-11, 09:17 AM
As a sub-question, what would be the best option for my specialization/barred schools?

2011-07-12, 04:26 AM
If you can somehow get your hands on one of those items that reduces the required time you need to sleep, it would make spellcasting more viable.
With one of those you still need to rest 8 hours to regain your spells. You just don't have to sleep though it.

2011-07-12, 04:33 AM
I'm in a Ravenloft game and so far we've had little trouble sleeping, even with blood raining over the town in the middle of the night or the babbling NPC we're escorting yelling due to nightmares and waking us up that one time.

In general, if your DM wants to mess with your spell prep he will, rings of sustenance or no. I personally think a wizard/archivist is more useful in Ravenloft because there's so much lore to keep track of IC - but only IF scrolls are not impossible to come by.

2011-07-12, 05:00 AM
As a sub-question, what would be the best option for my specialization/barred schools?
Charms in general should be fairly useless against undead... Or maybe Illusions?