View Full Version : For the love of my coin purse! IC

2011-07-09, 04:22 PM
Chapter One

You travel down the path you've been following for a few days now, wondering if the old mans words were true, you curse in your head, he probably robbed you, sneding you off on some unknown path to get lost in the forest forever. But you hear a noise, and pause, you faintly hear footsteps walking in the forest, quiet, but they're there, you think, the man sent me somewhere to rob me, these must be bandits of his, the tower of... Suddenly your knocked in the side and sent sprawling across the path into the forest, and you notice quite suddenly that you're falling, rather fast, and then the world goes black, you think you notice a brief flash of red, and white, but you can't be sure.

Fortitude save required! (Roll about 4)