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View Full Version : Horslavin: City of the Duergar (for D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder - Levels 7-9)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-07-09, 08:35 PM
Small City nonstandard (police state); AL LE
GP Limit 3,000 gp, Assets 300,000 gp
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Population 11,500
Type humanoid (duergar 70%, goblin 10%, bugbear 5%, hobgoblin 5%, devil 5% gnoll 2%, orc 2%, other 1%)
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Glella Canyia, LE female half-fiend duergar cleric of Amodeus 11 (High Empress)
Grendyle Kalsava, LE male duergar fighter 8 (Guard Captain)
Turkk Glashield, NE male duergar barbarian 9 (Forceful Tax Collector)
Sellanna Gramyll, NE female duergar wizard 10 (Advisor to the High Empress)
Tlis Mandarngr, LE male duergar cleric of Amodeus 8 (High Priest)
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Church: Near the edge of the city is a temple run by the High Priest Tlis Mandarngr. It is an imposing place of pointy black stone and scalding hot iron. The priests within take shifts participating in a never-ending ritual paying tribute to Amodeus. It is a place where slaves are sacrificed, devils are summoned, and magics of great evil are preformed.
The Screaming Goblin: The Screaming Goblin is an inn run by retired adventurer Moldrinn Glyr (CN duergar rogue 6). The building is simple and rustic, and the costomers are of all shapes and sizes. Rumor has it that Moldrinn is paying off the city watch, because the lesser laws of the city are not enforced within the inn.
The Market: Near the center of Horslavin lies a large clump of building where inhabitants can buy unpleasant food, good food at ridiculous prices, tools, trinkets, clothing, small weapons, and even very minor magic items such as potions and bags of holding. The market is constantly patrolled by city guards (LE duergar warrior 5) and the ocasional elite guard (LE duergar fighter 6) looking for trouble. The sewers under the market are the territory of a gangster named Glubyins (CE duergar sorcerer 6/rogue 2), where he runs a black market selling poisons, weapons, slaves, prostitutes, and other banned items for +25% prices. He always keeps four highly tried guards (hobgoblin barbarian 5) about his person.
The Forsaken Ghetto: The Forsaken Ghetto is a filthy network of streets where duergar can discard slaves too weak, sick, insane, or injured to work. It is a disturbing place indeed, filled with decomposing buildings, strewn with mangled corpses, and roamed by feral clans of goblinoids, ogres, and gnolls. A particularly ambitious bugbear with magical abilities named Glut (CE bugbear sorcerer 5) has declared the place his own, and rules it mercilessly.
The Palace: The Palace is the home of High Empress Glella Canyia and her wizard advisor Sellanna Gramyll. It is a bleak and heavily fortified place patrolled by lesser devils, elite guards (LE duergar fighter 6), and the occasional duergar commando (LE duergar rogue 6, assassin 1). It is possible to get in through a sewer complex below, which is inhabited by horrifying monstrosities such as advanced otyughs and even an aboleth.
The Trading Post: This is where the city exports things such as gold, slaves, weapons, armor, and poisons, and imports things such as food, clothing, scrolls, tools, and animals. It is watched over by steely-eyed merchant Droon Glinp (NE duergar ranger 6).
The Mine: Outside the city is a mine run by taskmaster Gloll Mistell (LE duergar fighter 7), and worked by seasoned slaves (NE gnoll, goblin, bugbear, hobgoblin, troll, ogre, or orc warrior 3)
The Pool: Horslavin has a large pool of drinkable water lined by a grove of giant mushrooms.
The Watch House: The watch house is a large but rather plain building located beside the palace. It double a both a barracks and prison, and contains about 500 trained and armed duergar, and well as just under 100 lightly armed ogre, orc, and bugbear slaves to be used as cannon fodder.
The High Streets: The high streets are where the richer duergar reside. The network is packed full of large houses, each containing 1d4 duergar aristocrats and 1d4 goblinoid slaves. The citizens here tend to be merchants or owners of mines, and live in luxury but are still under heavy surveillance.
The Low Streets: The low streets are the home of the less fortunate duergar. The place is not squalled like the Forsaken Ghetto, but is dank, dirty, and ridden with crime. The inhabitants own no slaves, and are little more than slaves themselves.

Horslavin is a duergar city in a circular cavern located somewhere in the upper underdark. It is an oppressive police state, watched over constantly by icy guards and ruled by the seemingly insane half-fiend Glella Canyia. Its citizens pay tribute to the dark god Amodeus, and the place is ridden with crime and corruption.

Law in Horslavin is blunt and harsh. Slaves can be abused at will, lethal weapons are banned in the hands of civilians, Amadeus and his clergy must be given the utmost respect, and trespassers are to be reported immediately. Citizens are encouraged to spy on their neighbors, and punishment is quite painful and usually fatal.

Occasionally, Glella will send raiders to the surface to collect items, slaves, and information. All fighters are given brutally harsh training, and those who survive become mighty combatants indeed.

2011-07-09, 09:53 PM
Ooh, its nice to see the durerger fleshed out like this, they are usually shafted for drow.
Also, one minor question. By Amadeus, do you mean Asmodeus?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-07-10, 12:45 AM
Also, one minor question. By Amadeus, do you mean Asmodeus?

Yes. I'll fix that later.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-07-10, 11:53 AM
I added some new fluff, and revised the fluff I already had. If this catches on, I will probably do a map and make stats for the prominent NPCs.

2011-07-10, 12:19 PM
Allso, on the devils that are in the city. How much do they controle directly in the city, and how much power do they controle politicly, besides the fact the city is jointly controled by Amodeus worshipers and powerful fighters?

Also, do slaves have any chance of being free, because its not unherd of for the evil races (gnolls,orcs,ex) to give slaves some rights if they are good fighters, or have magical abilitys more usful when given a bit of freedom(Ex drow.)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-07-10, 05:04 PM
Allso, on the devils that are in the city. How much do they controle directly in the city, and how much power do they controle politicly, besides the fact the city is jointly controled by Amodeus worshipers and powerful fighters?
They are given no immediate power, but I suppose they could influence or impersonate important political figures.

Also, do slaves have any chance of being free, because its not unherd of for the evil races (gnolls,orcs,ex) to give slaves some rights if they are good fighters, or have magical abilitys more usful when given a bit of freedom(Ex drow.)
That is the choice of the owner.

Zeta Kai
2011-07-10, 08:51 PM
Very cool. Kudos.

2011-07-10, 10:06 PM
They are given no immediate power, but I suppose they could influence or impersonate important political figures.

Ah, now that is a interesting idea. The Queen summons devils to assasinate and than impersonate political figures than disagree with her, and slaves that get respected by there fellow slaves ether become part of a raiding party(garunteed a swift death by adventuer), or suffer 'tragic accedents'.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-07-10, 11:07 PM
Ah, now that is a interesting idea. The Queen summons devils to assasinate and than impersonate political figures than disagree with her, and slaves that get respected by there fellow slaves ether become part of a raiding party(garunteed a swift death by adventuer), or suffer 'tragic accedents'.

Interesting notion. I will work some of that in, and perhaps even take a shot at a succubus-only prestige class built around impersonation.

2011-07-31, 08:28 PM
I like the city. It is interesting and has potential for a number of quests. The only thing that makes my eyebrows raise is the large number of mid-levels with non-NPC class levels. Underdark races have an LA and may need to be tough to fight off the underdarks dangers, but things like a city guards average fighter level being 5 or palace guards being 6 sounds a little much, if for no other reason then the expense to keep them around would be pretty high. I would consider dropping the level by one or two or even just give the non-elite guards warrior levels.

That's just what I would do, but go ahead and keep the higher levels if you are attached to them as I think you have a fun setting.