View Full Version : AvB - Keith

2011-07-10, 02:00 AM
Psilulz and DM only. All others shall be given to the university for magical experimentation.

The gray stone tower that is the guardhouse in Old Town looks like it once may have been the keep of a castle. If so, the rest of the building has long since been torn down and re-appropriated. A pair of city watchmen stand guard outside.

2011-07-10, 07:53 PM
Keith will approach the two guards and say, "Hello good sirs. I'm here to discuss finding of the Old Town missing persons with your sergeant, and perhaps any other case he might need help with. And do you allow dogs in there? Albert is a tame beast, so there shouldn't be any worry of him running amuck."

2011-07-11, 03:56 AM
The guards eyes narrow for a moment, not so much at the whole dog business but rather when you mention the rumors.

"First of all , Sir, we dont hire mercenaries. Secondly I am not sure what rumors you have been hearing, but if you do not desist in laying unfounded rumors at this door, I will have to ask you to leave. I assure you, people are not just getting kidnapped off the streets while we do nothing. The city watch investigates every disappearance with due diligence. Our resources are strained but we do what we can!"

2011-07-11, 06:19 AM
"I am not here for mercenary work, sir. That would imply that I would fight, or that my sole interest is money. I am sure you and your fellow guardsmen do a fine job protecting as many people as you can. However, you say your resources are low? Stretched thin? I am here to bolster your efforts. Here to help you save lives."

((Want me to roll diplomacy? I'll have it pre-rolled, just in case))
Diplomacy check: [roll0]

wow... a natural 20 :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-11, 07:42 AM
As your tone changes the guard sighs.

"Okay okay. I apologise for snapping at you... its just that we have had some other people coming by all superior and annoying and forcing their weight around. Some others came and just complained as if we dont have a hundred things to do... arson, the Jacks everything... " he says a bit more relaxed and his tone almost bordering the defeated.

"Anyway, go right in. The Sergeant is not a real people's person but if you approach him with a friendly manner, keep him updated and dont act all superior or condescending like he will warm up to you... perhaps he may even bump you up to see the captain..."

With a smile they open the door for you and move so you can enter.

2011-07-11, 04:52 PM
"Some people just don't know how to act civil. *sigh* Anyways, thanks for the advice."
Keith will proceed inside and look for the Sergeant.

2011-07-11, 06:26 PM
Inside is a sparsely furnished receiving room. A man behind a desk in one corner looks up at your approach and says, "Hello, citizens. What can the watch in Old Town do for you?"

2011-07-11, 08:52 PM
"Hello, sir. I am here to speak with the Sergeant. If you could direct me to where he currently is, I would appreciate it very much."

2011-07-11, 11:41 PM
"You're speaking to him." he replies. "I am Sergeant Schlock"

2011-07-12, 01:28 AM
"Oh :smallredface:... Well hello, sir. I am Keith Fieldson, and I am interested in helping you and your men. I have helped the guard elsewhere in my past, and I figured I'd continue helping out here."

2011-07-12, 02:42 PM
The Sergeant, a man in his late thirties or perhaps early forties seems like the typical veteran City Watchman speciment. He is looking at you as if sizing you up not only physically but mentally as well. Almost as if trying to decide if you pass muster based on his own obscure scale of measurement.

"Well met Mr. Fieldson. You say you are interested in helping us... could you perhaps specify what you are refferring to specifically? Like help us with what exactly?" he says with a predatory glint in his eyes.

"Oh and you say you've helped the guard before elsewhere? Any letters of reccomendations or something to prove it?" he says as he leans back.

2011-07-12, 08:13 PM
"Well, I primarily focus on crime scene investigation and personnel location. I am a Wizard and have concentrated my spells on such things. As for any letters of reccomendations, I do indeed have one from the guard in Triasnith. Unfortunately, I did not anticipate coming here so soon, as this venture today was mostly to simply take Albert here on a nice stroll around the city. Fetching it would be simple matter, however. As for why I am here and what I could help with, I shall be forward with you: I have heard rumors of disappearances. If these are nothing but fiction, however, I can try to help with any other case you want. Just nothing that might get violent... Combat is not my forte."

((I am not sure if I actually have a letter of rec. or not. If not, Keith will forge one. He has worked with the guard in Triasnith, however, according to my background. Triasnith is a city I made up for Keith's background. It could just as well be any other city in the kingdom. Also unsure of any rolls you want, if any.))

2011-07-13, 12:07 AM
Since in your background you have indeed worked with the Guard and everything and it is the basis of your character I see no reason why you would not have one...

No need for rolls so far, I mean you could make a general diplomacy for the overall interaction but unlike another couple of groups you have approached it in a much nicer way.

The Sergeant breaks into a grin

"Old Triasnith eh? I had done a short rotation there fifteen years or so back when I was still a rookie." he says and as his face breaks into said grin you realised that although he seemed at first as late thirties perhaps even forty he is more like 34-35 but the time on the job has aged him beyond his years.

"Is Captain Ironson still around at all? He had just gotten promoted when I was sent there..." he says as he reminisces.

Captain Ironson is the current Watch Commander in Triasnith as you know.

"Well tell you what Keith. You go find yourself a nice place to stay, perhaps even here in Old Town so you are not staying too far, and bring your letter of reccomendation with you. Then we can talk more okay?"

2011-07-13, 04:15 PM
"Grew up there. Still got family there. My little brother's taking care of my mom now. It was hard to leave, but I just needed something new. And yes, Ironson's still there. He can be a bit strict sometimes, but he definitely knows what he's doing. Heart's in the right place, too."

"Alright, sir, sounds like a plan. Although, I've already found a place to stay. Small little house in North Market. Isn't much, but it's nice. I'll go drop off Albert and get that letter for you. Nice to meet you Sergeant Schlock."

Keith will hold out his hand for a shake.

Afterwards he'll leave and try do just as he said. Go home, drop off Albert, get his letter of reccomendation, and head back to the guardhouse.
Also, while he's at home, he'll cast Spymaster's Coin on a copper piece.

2011-07-13, 04:48 PM
All of the above are done without incident.

Albert whines a little bit about being left behind but he behaves for now.

You return to the guard house and are admitted rather quickly.

"So Keith, if you will allow me to call you Keith. Do you have everything I asked for?" the Sergeant asks.

2011-07-13, 08:28 PM
"Yeah, Keith is fine. Oh, and here's the letter you asked for, sir."
Keith will hand the letter over to Sergeant Schlock.

2011-07-14, 12:54 AM
The man looks over your paper seeming to try and read the words and the words behind the words.

"So... he says you are nosy but nosy enough to help and not nosy enough to get people fired. He also mentions that you getting a club and hitting the crook is not something I should be expecting..." he looks at you if you confirm or deny any of this.

"In any case Keith. I have an idea. First of all you need to get the city in the soles of your shoes. You love the city, you respect the city and it teaches you too. I can set you up tonight and tomorrow morning so that you go out with a couple of my... nicer men. You do a couple of patrols just to feel things out.... then we can talk more. How does that sound?" he says and pauses.

"Oh and one more thing. I had two morons here a day or so ago asking about the cults and all. Frankly speaking I think many adventuring types are into this... if you also want to throw your practices weight around this case be my guest but I do have other things I could ask your help on... some easier some harder... in the end its your call, I will take any help you give." he says with honesty.

2011-07-14, 01:54 AM
"Heh... yeah that sounds about right."

Keith pauses for a moment to think...
"That actually sounds like a really good idea. I'm up for patrols, and a chance to see more of the city, and to get to know some of the guard."

"Indeed. The are rumors are say the disappearances are cult related. Adventurers love to stick their noses in those kinds of things. Did you get any information in which I may be able to use to contact them? I can try and help point them in the right direction, and possibly help wrap this case up sooner, and stop more from disappearing."

2011-07-14, 12:06 PM
"Well, I am not 100% sure where they went but they were talking about real work being in the numbers and on the clues... I understand the notion but some times being in the books and in the clues is not where the criminal is at all. I guess they would have eventually headed for the Library inside the University in Old Town... so if you ask around there you may find them easier" he says pausing.

"So for the patrols. For tonight I am thinking of setting you with Corporal Derig and Private Pirson. Derig is a nasty one, good bladework and doesnt skim too much of the top of a crime scene so we know he is a bad character but gets the job done. Pirson is the opposite. Straight as an arrow, by the book as can be but is still a bit green.

Its why I put them together, keeps the Corporal on edge, keeps the rookie on learning. They have the western route tonight, thats good cause it takes you by the Nobles Quarter wall so its always a fun one... For tomorrow morning we can talk later...

Unless if you want to take your chances in the University first and then come for the midday shift?" he says and waits for responce.

2011-07-14, 02:40 PM
"Night patrol sounds good, sir. I'm still going to check by at the university, but I'd like to give it a little more time, just in case things take longer than expected. I'll stop by and give you an update afterwards."

2011-07-14, 11:54 PM
not sure if you are going on patrol first or uni first?

2011-07-15, 12:22 AM
Oops sorry :smallredface: university 1st, ??? in between, then night patrol

Reason why he's not going back to the guard immediately after the university is because if they find a lead, he might be able to help the adventurers find out/solve what's going on faster, hopefully saving any more people from disappearing.

2011-07-15, 12:41 AM
Okay, I am checking something with Plans cause the other 2 people where under his DMing and they have gone a bit quiet.

The sergeant nods.

"As it pleases you. Just to tell you what I told them its not as if we have dissappearances every day... apart from normal day to day thugs killing each other what I guess is by some fools referred as cult activity is unexplained dissappearances happen 1 week before the full moon and we are now one week after, so you do have a couple of weeks to investigate before the next one might take place..."

2011-07-15, 10:59 PM
"I'll keep that in mind. Don't want to rush things and get reckless. Well I'd best head off to the university now. Hopefully I can catch up with those adventurers before they leave for anywhere else. I'll try to come back in one piece, sir."

After goodbyes and such Keith will head over to the university, asking for directions on the way so he won't get lost.

2011-07-16, 08:26 AM
Okay the other PCs have re-activated :)

The Sergeant looks at you a bit dissapointed but nods after your explanation.

"One last advice Keith. Never find yourself in the Docks at night... Hopefully you will have heard that already but I wanted to tell you just in case..."

You ask around for directions and are indeed rewarded with mostly correct ones.

A good twenty or so minutes later, late afternoon by the position of the sun, you arrive.

The gates of the Royal University of Scientific Esoterica stand before you open. Several buildings lay beyond. No one seems to be guarding the gated entrance, trusting that anyone wishing to cause trouble would think better than to attack the greatest concentration of young mages in the city. A stream of people are coming and going from the gate.

From what you have heard this is the only university in the whole city, and they host almost any sort of magical endeavor you can imagine. They have people studying how to develop new and inventive spells, creating custom magic items, and teaching advanced theory on many fields and sub-fields of magic. Not just that but the biggest library of the city is also located in the Universities Halls.

2011-07-16, 09:36 PM
Keith will ask around for the location of the library, and then go to it. He will also ask around to see if anyone has seen the previously mentioned adventurers, and a description of them.
Gather Information

2011-07-17, 04:15 AM
A bored clerk gives you information on how to reach the library and indeed you find your way.

Asking around as you wonder the endless halls of the University takes you quit some time and you end up a bit lost.

The above to justify the fact that gather info takes [roll0] hours... some times it may be better if you just ask directly at someone rather than gather info.

You do manage to here that a pair matching the description has been holed up in the library gathering more and more books about them as they seem to investigate stuff.

2011-07-17, 05:26 PM
Team up with them here:


Do NOT look at what they have done so far but feel free to post that you walk up to them and interact etc...

2011-07-17, 06:15 PM
Don't worry, I won't. That could ruin RP potential D:

2011-07-26, 05:47 PM
Hey I saw that you are done from the other thread so here is a bump to ours. Get back here with your actions after that meeting and we can continue.

2011-07-26, 05:59 PM
Keith is going to kill time by sight seeing and familiarizing himself with the city. He'll do this until he has to go back to the guardhouse for night shift. He'll try to make sure he isn't late, too.

2011-07-26, 06:14 PM
His walk is uneventful and though its still early he is starting to get a feel for the diffrent districts.

After your two patrols I will actually send you a PM with the city map to represent your understanding of the city etc... its not a real map you will find anywhere in the city but its how your PC perceives it.

Eventually he arrives at the Guardhouse even managing to be there a few minutes early.

He sees the same two guards by the entrance as he approaches.

2011-07-27, 05:18 AM
"Nice seeing you two again. Has it been a long day?"

2011-07-27, 05:21 AM
"Long and boring" says the one that was giving you lip last time.

"Go right in, the sergeant said you would be coming by later" says the other one.

2011-07-27, 05:55 PM
"Thanks guys."

Keith will walk in and go straight to the Sergeant.

2011-07-28, 01:07 AM
The Sergeant is indeed on his post. He is talking to two other guards when you enter, he turns and motions you over as he sees you.

"Gentlemen this is Keith. He has helped the Guard in other cities and he has expressed an interest to be taught by us and provide any help he can. This does mean off course learning the city and thus I promised him he gets to do some rotations." he says addressing the men.

"This is Corporal Derig" he says pointing to an unshaven man in his mid thirties with uniform that does not shine at all and seems well wornout. The man gives a nod to your direction.

"And this is Private Pirson, he joined our force last week after going through the two week training in the Fortress" he says and motions to a very eager looking young dwarf. He is the contrast of Derig, despite being a dwarf he is clean shaven and you can see your reflection on the uniforms buttons. He half-frows at you and turns to the Sergeant.

"Pardon me Sergeant, sir, but is it in the regulations to allow civilians to accompany us on difficult patrols that may lead them to gross bodily harm?" he asks.

"Well Pirson, Keith here is not just a civilian. He is a concerned citizen lending his assistance by collaborating with the City Guard. That is in the book... somewhere." says the Sergeant turning towards you.

2011-07-28, 09:06 PM
"Yes, I think I've heard it being in there somewhere too... Anyways, it's nice to meet the both of you. When do we start?" Keith seems eager to get this started.

2011-07-29, 04:57 AM
The corporal nods towards you while the private snaps a well drilled salute as the sergeant rolls his eyes and turns to look at the ornate water clock above the entrance.

"Now actually. You are almost late even..." he says and smiles.

"Take care Keith and see you in five hours. With new recruits having joined up recently we get to split the beats in two halves." says the sergeant as you exit the precinct.

The private takes a position to your left while the corporal to your right and a few steps ahead.

"If you can manage it try and make some noise as you walk. Some fool decided that we should stop using bells and calling out that all is well a few years ago..." says the corporal as he drags his feet.

"It was a smart thing to do Corporal! It was pointless to alert thieves and criminals that we are coming! It gave them time to escape" points out the private.

"Well that was part of the way it works Pirson! We make enough noise, they leave with only have the loot, we dont end up getting killed stopping them... everyone is happy that way..." grumbles the pragmatic Guardsman and goes quiet.

The private turns to you for any input as you continue walking around the district.

2011-07-30, 03:57 PM
"I think prevention is the way to go. Stop crime before it starts. Of course, I think there will always be crime, and for the ones that do happen I'd prefer everyone lived rather than die over a few pieces of metal." He gives the rookie an appologetic look.

2011-07-30, 05:42 PM
The next few hours pass with relatively few words exchanged unless if you ask any questions. You notice the corporal on occassion stops making noise and he switches positions some times leading some times following the two of you.

Eventually he indicates that you are on your way back. Nothing occurs for another hour until suddenly you see a light flash from a nearby alley and hear a muffled cry.

2011-07-30, 07:20 PM
"Guess there is some action tonight after all." Keith will cast Invisibility and go into the alley to see what's going on. He'll try to be quiet about it too.
[roll0] Move Silently

2011-07-30, 07:32 PM
The guardsmen look at you in suprise but you have gone invisible before they have a chance to stop you. You see them edging behind you though they are not sure where exactly you are.

As you enter the lip of the alley you see a man in a black cloak standing over a body and seemingly searching it.

2011-07-30, 08:00 PM
Keith will get closer.
Is there anything distinguishing about the cloaked man?
Does the victim appear to be alive? Breathing?
Does he appear to be armed?
Guessing from the flash, would Keith be able to identify if a spell (and which) did this?



And if I can, I'd like to ready an action to cast an Electric Loop in conjunction with my Bracers of the Entangling Blast if he tries to escape.

2011-07-31, 08:54 AM
The victim does seem to be still breathing. What he does notice is that the man under the cloak is a generic Aldhavian... a bit too generic to be beliavable.

He is armed with what looks like a very fine and long rapier that shines in the darkness.

He is unable to see what caused the flash but you are pretty sure as the moments pass by that the flash came from the man on the ground as you notice he is wearing robes rather than a commoners clothings or armor.

Before your very eyes you see that the cloaked figure does not fully rob the man, he only takes a couple of pouches, which you recognise as spell component pouches, and a leather bound book from the victim.

He is not yet at the point of leaving when the two guardsmen that were with you enter the alley.

"Hold right there! This is the guard" Pirson calls and you hear the corporal grumbling as he draws his sword.

2011-07-31, 08:08 PM
Keith will try to memorize what the book looks like, just in case his spell fails.

He will cast grease on the man's boots (if it will make it so the whenever he walks, he will have to save vs prone and the balance check or otherwise impede movement). Or the book, if it is still in the man's hands. Or the rapier. Priority going in that order.

Keith will then unsheath his sword as he is walking up to the man, adjacent and/or behind him if he can.

"Hold it." He says to the cloaked figure, almost echoing the veteran guard.

2011-08-01, 04:33 AM
You can do it on his boots but in that case he gets a saving throw (reflex). The same gor the rapier.

If you want I can allow you to cast it on the spellbook as he is about to pick it up AND on the ground... this way he gets no save.

Tell me how you want to proceed and I will resolve your action.

2011-08-01, 07:15 AM
If you want I can allow you to cast it on the spellbook as he is about to pick it up AND on the ground... this way he gets no save.

This one please :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-01, 07:56 AM
The man looks up in suprise but his features dont really change from the neutral expression he is wearing.

As you spell goes off and he tries to grab the book it slips from his hands and falls on the ground. He raises an eyebrow at this and raises his rapier in a salute in what seems like almost far to noble a move for a thug in an alley, he then does a somersault towards the direction opposite to you and starts running.

For a second he seems to lose his balance on the grease but he twirls and regains it.

The guardsman next to you calls out.

"He is trying to escape Corporal!" as he draws his crossbow and aims.

"Take the shot boy!" calls out the man and also produces his crossbow and they both fire at the same time.

One of the two bolts finds its mark and you hear the twang of it hitting metal armor while the other goes wide.

"AFTER HIM!" call the younger of the two guards.

we can do initiative if you like but I am good with one after the other acting, you essentially go first anyway :D

2011-08-01, 10:31 AM
Keith will give chase to the rogue? cloaked person with the rapier trying to steal stuff.
If he's still in sight, he'll take a move action to move towards him (all 30ft, but not bringing himself adjacent), doing my best to avoid the grease, and cast Electric Loop with his Bracers of the Entangling Blast.

[roll0] Electric dmg (halved by bracers)
Ref save 15 for 1/2 dmg
Will 15 save vs stun
[roll1] rounds entangled

2011-08-01, 12:04 PM
The man doesnt appear stunned but he is entangled and he does get electrocuted.

The private moves up not realising what you did. He falls prone on the ground and cries out in suprise.

The corporal moves more carefully and leans to check the victim first before slowly looking up.

"He is alive!" he calls to both you and the private and reloads his crossbow.

Moving slower due to the entanglment the man in the cloak looks at you and speaks quietly so only you, who have approached closer, can hear.

"Let me go Guardsman. I am not the one you want".

2011-08-01, 03:13 PM
"I saw you looting that body in an alley, so why should I let you go? Let's stop and talk this out."
Keith will try to keep pace with him.

2011-08-01, 06:08 PM
"Firstly monsigniore because now that your magics has left me I can spill your internal organs in the pavement but I choose not to do so. Secondly because the man on the ground is the assailant. I defended myself and choose to remove his weapons of choice. Thirdly because I can evade you easily if I choose to do so and fourthly because my understanding of you over the course of this few seconds would indicate you are intrigued." he blurts out in a very calculating tone.

In the mean time Pirson has managed to stand up but has lost grip on his crossbow. The corporal shoots once more towards the man taking care not to risk hitting you and the man simply swings his rapier and cuts the crossbow bolt in half.

His movements are fluid and nimble despite the situtation.

"Dont just stand there! Get him sir!" Pirson yells!

2011-08-01, 09:00 PM
"I won't pursue you. Just have to make it look convincing for the others." He will make sure to be non adjacent to the man, and will cast acid splash at him. "Take this, and I'll reach you later. Tomorrow. Noon. The Plaza."
I'll try to give him my Spymaster's Coin so that the others won't see.
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dmg

2011-08-02, 01:14 AM
He allows the acid to hit him though he see its intentionally, he could have easily evaded it. He then replies with a Coup lancé and cuts part of of your upper body clothing and even a few strands of hair. You feel something run from your head though no actual pain and realise you are bleeding from an incredibly thin wound that didnt even hurt.

As this brings him closer to you he lets the coin drop in one of his folds and whispers back.

"Not the Plaza. Too public. Come by the North Market, next to the Noble Quarters wall in Aldmount Square." he says and makes a show of kicking you in the stomach as he turns to run.

2011-08-02, 01:33 AM
Keith drops to the ground. Even though he had been expecting it, a kick to the stomach is never fun. At this point, he is probably gasping for air, and trying to see what the two other guards are doing and maybe getting a glance over at the man who was on the ground to see if he is doing anything.

[roll0] Spot check? (if needed :smalltongue:)

2011-08-02, 01:44 AM
The kick was given with the intent to suprise and push back rather than harm but indeed there was force behind it.

The man on the ground seems unconsious from a series of surface cuts that though probably painful would not kill him but more likely drop him down in shock or unconsiousness. For more details you will have to actually investigate the body.


I know not very believable by reality to have subdual wounds by a rapier but doable by the system...

The two guardsmen have managed to precariously stand on their feet and are just letting two bolts loose as you turn to look. One of them hits the man, or appears to do so while the other just narrowly misses.

Pirson takes a few careful steps forward and runs to you.

"Are you okay Mr. Keith?" he asks as he sees the blood.

2011-08-02, 01:56 AM
"It probably looks worse than it is... probably... Needless to say I think the criminal has escaped. A shame. His victim is still breathing, however. Let's see what happened here..."
Keith will let out a short whistle while pointing at the body (the verbal and somatic components) and will cast Instant Search
[roll0] Search check

2011-08-02, 01:57 AM
Was hoping for better than a 3 on that roll... so I'll use Make Your Own Luck and reroll my search check

2011-08-02, 02:52 AM
Pirson chases after the figure while the corporal stands guard next to you. He returns after fifteen or so seconds and shakes his head.

"I lost him! He was too fast and he started running faster, jumped between two buildings using them as a means to climb and disappeared before I had time to even start climbing" you sense a hint of wonderment in the young guardsmans voice.

You find a leather bound spellbook though no spell components on the man. He is also wearing three rings in each and has a wand and a dagger on his belt. Lastly he has a fat jingling pouch as you search him and also what appears to be a packet of smoking sticks.

You notice now as you examine him that it seems all blows could have killed, if that had been the desire but obviously the assailant pulled his blows. Lastly you find a number of used smoking sticks concealed under a rock at the edge of the alley that would indicate that the man had been there for a while.

A think of interest is that despite the bolts that did hit the man you dont find any traces of blood where it actually happened.

The corporal lets you assess the scene since you seem at is with it and leans back taking one of said smoking sticks and lighting it.

"Those are pretty fine quality!" he exclaims.

"In any case boys, the scene is pretty easy to read. The perp attacked this poor man to rob him. We valiantly stepped in and stopped him from taking his most valued possessions and his life. The thug used magic to evade us and we decided to protect the civilian first and give chase second... as a result the thug escaped but the civilians life was saved though it seems the thief managed to get his coin purse first and possibly other items as well..." he says that last part and motions to you to hand over the jingling pouch.

2011-08-02, 07:25 PM
"You do not want anything from this man. He can probably trace back his missing items to whoever has them. I'm even reluctant to get near him, and I could probably find a why to counter such scrying... Let's just wake him up, and get back to the guardhouse."

2011-08-03, 08:19 AM
The corporal frowns at this and scoffs. He opens the jiggling pouch and removes a few coins but he then closes it and throws it to you.

"Whatever... I cant help if I had to spend my -magical- arrows to save this man's life! We do deserve some compensation for this..." he says and motions to you to move aside.

"Pirson, wake him up like they taught you at the Fortress!" he says and grins.

Pirson seems to take this very seriously and he leans next to the man, listens for a heartbeat and checks if he is breathing. He then places him to his side and draws a flask of wine bringing it closer to the mans nose and mouth. Overall his movements are these of a man who has learned the theory by heart but has never actually practised.

Your considerable intelligence indicates that checking the man's spellbook may give you a basic idea of his abilities and doing so while he is still down would mean you could do so with impunity!

2011-08-03, 04:44 PM
"Just trying to help, sir." Keith says, and as he walks over to the fallen spell book. He'll skim through, trying to get an idea of what spells this man has knowledge of.

2011-08-04, 12:20 AM
From the quality of the spells you see you gather the man is around your level of mastery of the arcane.

There is a mix of spells in the book. There are the usual multipurpose spells like shield, mage armor, invisibility, alter self and change self but you see a more focus on Necromancy and Evocation.

The last two spells to be transcribed are of some interest as they are not common...

They are Inflict Light Damage and Inflict Serious damage and their transcription seems recent.

2011-08-04, 01:19 AM
"Huh... interesting..."
The escaped man did not seem to bleed... maybe he was some sort of construct? Finding these two spells seems to support that theory... And the man was probably waiting here for a while... Keith will set the book down by the unconscious man and wait for him to awaken.

2011-08-04, 02:59 AM
Indeed the man does. After the shaking, prodding and general by the book first aid performed by Private Pirson!

He seems unfocused in the beginning but then his eyes widden as he looks at all of you.

"Whats going on here? Who are you? What happened to... er... to... to the man that attacked me. Do you even know who I am you fools?" he says sternly and even to your ears he sounds pretty darn convincing. Had you not carefully examined the evidence and had spoken with the assailant you would have believed him.

Read: Im giving you a very large situational modifier on the sense motive I rolled.

The corporal and the private seem a bit taken aback at the tone and demeanor of the man.

2011-08-04, 06:49 AM
"I'm afraid we do indeed not know who you are, sir. Would you mind identifying yourself and filling us in on what happened? Do you know the identity of the assailant?" Keith will try to keep a straight face through any lies he might pick up. He'll pull out his journal and a pen, and will write down any details the man provides.

Sense Motive check to pick up lies or anything else suspicious
[roll[1d20+9 Diplomacy check to get him to cooperate

2011-08-04, 06:51 AM
I'll use my luck feat again... should get any worse than a 1...
and I'll hopefully make the dip check work this time =.=

lol thats really not any better
two two's...

2011-08-04, 09:40 AM
Oh man! Dice roller hates you! On a brighter aspect... to avoid metagaming sense motive and disguise are two of the rolls that more often than not we roll for you... and I rolled better than a 2 :D Sometimes will saves will also be rolled by the DM

Diplomacy on the other hand you can roll for it (and bluff as well)

The man frowns and seems extremely annoyed.

" I " he says and pauses " am Choden Veleson the Younger and I am a provisional member of the Special Task Force led by Lieutenant Piner. I was tasked with investigating a tip we got from an anonymous informant that an enemy of the state may be passing from here tonight. I guess I would have taken me had you City Guard types had not intervened and let him escape! It is obvious though that the man was indeed a spy as we had suspected. otherwise he would not have attacked all four of us correct?" he says as he dusts himself and gets up.

Your gut tells you that although what he says about his identity isnt a lie and he is giving you the general truth there is something amiss he isnt revealing or something he is covering and that isnt only the fact that he says he would have had him when you found him unconscious already.

2011-08-05, 04:32 AM
"All right..." He starts writing down information, as well as a description of the man. "Choden Veleson the Younger. I suppose he must be guilty of something if he was attacking us all. I am sorry sir, but we tried our best to catch the man, but despite this, he still got away. If you would like to tell me what happened, for the report, we can be on our way, though, and we can leave you to your business."

2011-08-05, 04:46 AM
"Why are you writting things down?" he asks uneasily looking at you and at the guards.

The corporal rallies and looks at you with an approving nod taking up the way to play this.

"Yes Mister Veleson, please assist me and my colleague in our duties by complying with the instruction of this fine young gentleman. He has..." he stops as if searching for the word, "... authorisation from our commanding officer!"

At this the man looks uncomfortable and so does Pirson who has not actually heard of any such authorisation but manages to keep his mouth shut.

"There is nothing to tell! This is state business! The... er... terrorist was probably here to meet with subversive elements and as I approached to apprehend them or follow them to their hide out he ambushed me and with the use of vile magic got the better of me. And stop writting things down!" he says frustrated!

2011-08-06, 12:48 AM
"Why should I not be writing this down? I am simply reporting to my superiors what we encountered here, and your claim as to what happened. They might be able to help track down this terrorist. Any additional information or comments you wish to make before we leave?" Keith is still writing of course, just taking notes about anything and everything.

2011-08-07, 01:56 AM
He looks at you annoyed and serious.

"I do not understand why you need to write things down but in any case... thats all I can tell you and that is all I know. Should you or your people ever meet this assailant approach with caution and capture him or kill him. Do not listen to his lies as he is an adept manipulator, according to the anonymous tip we got, and he will trick you. If you do manage to capture him bring him immidiatetly to the Fortress..." he said and he moved to walk away.

"Which reminds me..." he said and stopped "... what are YOUR names"

2011-08-09, 02:44 AM
Can I use sense motive to sense if he has something particularly dastardly in mind with the procurement of our names?
If so, then [roll0] Sense Motive
and [roll1] Bluff check if Keith feels that Choden has something bad in mind.

If not, then I'll just use our real names, I suppose.

"I am ((not sure of his rank... Detective?)) Feldenson. This is Private Perosin, and Corporal Derick." Indicating to the others when he tells the man their "names."

2011-08-09, 06:12 AM
Generally I roll sense motives. The reason is to prevent you from KNOWING that you did well or not... you can off course request that a sense motive is rolled for something in particular and I will do that.

Since you rolled already we can go with this though.

Keith gets the vibe that although its not as if this man will perform a blood ritual if he learns your names he still is not asking socially. He does have something in mind though the details are unclear.

The man looks at you inquisitively as you give him the fake names and he humphs with disapproval.

"Very well gentlemen. Now unless the lot of you wish to waste more of my time I will be going" he says and starts walking away.

Pirson who is almost stunned by your lie opens his mouth to say something but is given a nundge with the elbow from the corporal who seemed to realise why you did what you did.

"Splendid sir. We will be sure to alert you if we find any further information..." the corporal says inclining his head as the man departs without another word.

2011-08-10, 01:12 AM
"Let's head back now guys. Hopefully nothing else happens on the way there." Keith will stay alert on the way back.

2011-08-10, 06:20 AM
The two guards agree and indeed nothing more happens on your way back.

You arrive at the precinct and you now do feel the effects of tiredeness sink in after the night patrol.

The corporal leans close to you as you are about to enter.

"You seem to have a very nice way with words... would you mind terribly if you explained what happened to the Sarge? I somehow feel it may go down better..." he says and looks at you with a hopeful look.

2011-09-05, 09:18 AM
Bump! Kick! Punch!!!!

Hello! Would you be interested in continuing this thread? I was out on vacation but I guess we had stalled a bit before that even...