View Full Version : Haarlock's Wake: Dust and Ash IC [Deathwatch]

2011-07-10, 08:49 PM
Haarlock's Legacy: Dust and Ash
Honor, Pride and Heresy

To be frank, the planet Iocanthos is not a pretty place from orbit. The continents are a sickly yellow color, and the oceans are a shade of faded blue more commonly associated with chemically bleached clothing than tropical beaches. Actually, as far as you can tell, there isn't really a reason you should be seeing this in the first place, really.
The Deathwatch is not simply an organization that one can just call. Space Marines have a proud tradition of coming in at the absolute last minute, something of a neccesity, given the amount of wars they are needed to tip the scales in. So, when an Inquisitor attempts to requisiton members of the Deathwatch, there is some question as to why, particularly if that Inquisitor has no prior ties to the Deathwatch. This is less of issue with new-minted Inquistors, at they generally lack the seniority to know any better than to try and call on aid from the Adeptus Astartes. But when an Inquisitor Lord, with decades of experience and seniority behind his actions attempts to requisition a squad of marines, there is either some cruel joke being played on the entire Imperium, or there is something that genuinely requires the aid of the Deathwatch. This was, as far as you can tell, the context for the order that sent you here. Some 'Inquistor Lord Anton Zerbe' has asked for the aid of the Deathwatch, and, apparently out of curiosity, the Watch-Captain has sent you.
Rushed here as fast as possible, (as though a ship carrying members of the Deathwatch has any other speed) you made it to Iocanthos, the location of the mission where you were told to wait for further orders.
Which brings us to Iocanthos, and the situation at hand.
Almost an hour ago, the Regent-Captain of The Smoking Mirror, the ship that brought you here, a woman by the name of Winter Esau, alerted you to the fact that Inquisitor Lord Zerbe was onboard the ship, and preparing a hololith for your briefing.
Shortly after, you were shown to a chamber on The Smoking Mirror, a large room, seemingly styled after an imperial cathedral, with a massive golden spider design on the floor. In the center of the room sits a squat hololith projector, with Space Marine sized chairs around it. Opposite you, across the room, stands a human in golden power armor, with an eerily realistic-looking golden face-mask functioning as the helmet.
"Please," The man says, his voice sounding almost natural through the speakers of the mask, "Sit down,"

Here we go!

Emperor Ing
2011-07-10, 10:04 PM
A Devastator Marine takes his seat at the hologram's direction. His heavy bolter rests against the oversized chair next to him, held by one of the Marine's arms. On the other arm, the Devastator carries a Corvus pattern helmet, painted black in the fashion of the Deathwatch.

Brother Amascus Trhite watches the hologram with an unnervingly calm demeanor. His steel eyes betraying what it is that earned him the nickname "Brother Dakka." Nevertheless, he watches the inquisitor, awaiting instruction.

2011-07-11, 04:26 AM
A tall astartes, wearing a robe, silently heads towards the seats pointed out. if it wasn't for his robe, he would look like the regular deathwatch marine. The marks on his chestplating shows that he is an apothecary, along with the reductor and Narthecium. his name is Gabriel, as all of you know.

2011-07-11, 10:28 AM
Brother Valirius silently walks towards on of the chairs and take a sit. Awaiting for the golden armored Inquisitor to start detailing the plan, and more important, the reason they are here.

His corvus armor looks somehow strange as it is full of old blood splatter stains, but otherway he looks just like any other heavy armored heavy armed Deathwatch Marine.

2011-07-12, 05:43 AM
Brother Konrad would join the meeting not in some generic robes or his suit of armor, but wearing the martial finery of his home chapter. Even though he had joined the group last in action, and now second-last to the table, the demigod-made-flesh had not given up his dignity nor his fervor to do so. Wrapped about his hands, digging into his altered flesh, were a pair of spiked devotional chains- the hooks and barbs worked into the carefully engraved silver meant to remind the Black Templar of his faith even though he was not proving it in the fires of combat.

His tattooed face, covered in scripture from the Lectitio Divinatus, looked about from one comrade to another. The words that proved the God-Emperor's divinity were carefully marked upon his skin, the efforts of the Deathwatch scriveners ensuring that not one piece of the intricate calligraphy would dull over time. At his hip was his blessed bolt pistol, the weapon unloaded- for to load it would demand it spill blood, and to not spill blood after priming the war spirit of so elegant a machine would do it a great sacrilege. On his opposite hip, his combat knife sat there, the blade recently anointed as the teachings of the Black Templars demanded after a successful journey through the warp. He had responded to the summons with all due haste, taking time only to ensure that he was presentable as both an agent of the Deathwatch and a representative of the Black Templars. His hair trimmed, his face clean shaven, and the bronze studs above his brow properly tended to.

He took a seat, folding his meaty hands together in his lap as he looked to the golden armored figure. Gold armor? Did this man intend for gaudiness, or was he aspiring to imitate the God-Emperor of Mankind in some blasphemous fashion?

"Ave Imperator, Battle-Brothers. " He decided upon in greeting to his fellows, choosing the more formal term for his associates- and notably not addressing the man who had presumably called them here with such secrecy. There should be no secrets when dealing with the Imperium of Man, let alone the members of its most sacred Deathwatch.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-12, 03:51 PM
The Devastator nods to Brother Konrad. Barely maintaining a glance. He never found the tattoos to be anything but unusual. On that cue, Brother Dakka is reminded that he meant to record this briefing.

He places his Corvus pattern helmet onto his head. A hissing signifies the enviromental seal of his Achilles pattern armor extending to the Marine's head. Of course, Brother Dakka expected to be teleported if not into a war zone, not far from one. The real purpose of this pre-emptive protection was simply part of a ritual to stir the machine spirit of the pict recorder. The recorder being trained to record the hologram of the golden power armored inquisitor.

Lycan 01
2011-07-12, 08:57 PM
Battle-Brother Dorrum Thane is heard before he is seen. A low unnatural growl heralds his entrance, filtering through the doorway of the chamber. When the Techmarine enters, the chamber echoes with the heavy footfalls of his boots, his armor made even heavier by the servo-arm mounted behind his shoulder. His armor, like all members of the Deathwatch, is black as night, with one paldron painted silver, and the other still bearing the heraldry of his home chapter - the Storm Wardens. The servo-arm mounded on his back is a deep regal blue hue, painted in the color of his Chapter.

The black of his armor is offset by the silver engravings that run from boot the helm; excerpts from the Credo Omnissiah, litanies and catechisms, small symbols and emblems of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and a myriad of Storm Warden scripts and sigils cover his power armor. Such a sight would strike terror into the hearts of those who falter in their faith, and his aura of fear is only increased by the noises that echo around him. The source of the feral growling is soon discovered: his power armor itself. The unnatural noises originate from the power pack, and while the noises are typically low and easy to ignore, the occasionally spike into a sharp snarl or whine.

Atop his power pack, a tall banner has been mounted, bearing a black tapestry framed in silver. In the center of the black field sits a silver skull and bones emblazoned upon an Inquisitorial Rosette - the symbol of the Deathwatch. One either side of the emblem, two silver angels kneel. One is raising a bolter, while the other raises a sword. Above and below the Deathwatch emblem, two scrolls of parchment unfurl across the banner, as though actual parchment had been sewn into the tapestry. The upper scroll bears the words "Ave Imperator" in golden script, while the lower parchment bears the words "Know No Fear" in black script.

The Techmarine strides across the chamber purposefully, no hurry in his steps. His helm secured in place, the crimson eye-lenses are fixed upon the man in golden armor. He walks past the seats and hologram projector, and carries on towards the human. However, he stops his advance a short distance from the armored figure, keeping a respectful few yards between him and man. After a short moment of silence punctuated only by the subdued growl of his armor's Machine Spirit, Battle-Brother Dorrum's vox speaker crackles to life.

"Omnissiah's Blessings upon thee, Inquisitor Lord Anton Zerbe," the Space Marine states firmly and respectfully, giving a slight nod of his helmet. A small gesture, but one of great meaning. There were few humans an Astartes would nod to, let alone out of respectful acknowledgment. "I am Battle-Brother Dorrum Thane, squad leader of this Kill-Team. Though... I am certain you already knew that..." he observes factually, before taking a few steps back and taking a seat in one of the large chairs. The seat groans beneath his weight, but Dorrum pays it no heed.

He never takes his eyes off of the golden figure.

2011-07-12, 10:20 PM
The Inquisitor nods, the face-mask remaining eerily still.

"I was not informed of which team they were sending. This was, as you understand, something of a rush,"

He hits a button on the side of the hololith, and a slowly rotating three-dimensional view of what appears to be a reserch facility flixers into existance. You can see, easily, what appear to be automated gun turrets, as well was what might be some earthworks. (It's hard to tell, given the somewhat rough terrain.)

"Now, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the Calixis Sector has something of a problem with heresy," The Inquisitor begins, "In fact, an unusually high rate of large-scale heretical operations per planet. Few other sectors can match us for numbers of subversives. It's something of a point of pride," The inquisitor gives a hollow laugh.

"One might almost suspect there was some sort of organized conspiracy, something going on behind the scenes of the sector. It sounds insane, but, the assumption is, in fact, completely correct. Myself, as well as a cadre of similarly experienced inquisitors, have noticed a disturbing pattern within the sector, something that even the heretics are unaware of,"

"That 'something' is a collection of prophecies known as the Hereticus Tenebrae. These prophecies predict the destruction of the sector in the usual ways, war, tides of madness, chaos, etcetera. The stuff of most doomsday prophets, you understand. But what has attracted our attention is their accuracy. Most particularly, they mention the coming of a dark traveler, riding on a burning black star, with madness and chaos in his wake,"

"We would normally be able to prepare for an eventuality like this one, but recent events have caught us by surprise. A ma- no, man doesn't really describe him. Perhaps daemon would do better. In anycase this man-daemon, a creature named Erasmus Haarlock, recently returned to the sector, only to be slain by a heroic or possibly, inquisitorial acolyte. But, nevertheless, we suspect Haarlock may have been the traveler mentioned in the prophecies,"

"Which brings us to this. We suspect that the events of the Propheticum Hereticus Tenebrae are still in motion, so we are rushing to complete the discovery, and subsequent cleanup of the lands and estates of Erasmus Haarlock,"

"This is Facility 713, one of Haarlock's holdings. Normally, we could handle this ourselves, but there are a couple of factors. One, we're stretched as it is. The major members of our group are at the limit of what their rescources can do, and this information is classified beyond the reach of most junior Inquisitors, and, two, the contents of the facility neccesitate the use of the angels of death,"

"What exactly that is, we are, unfortunately, unsure. But, Haarlock had hidden its existance in three lines of over fifteen million of enagrammatic code, designed to be untranslatable to any form of cognitor arrray. Given that level of security, as well as the fact that we have never noticed the facility due to some form of cloaking shield, leads us to believe the contents might well be extremely dangerous,"

"Due to those protective shields and defenses, an air drop is almost impossible. Instead, you will be teleporting in, just inside the limits of the facility's shielding. From there, your mission is to infiltrate the facility, determine the contents, and, if possible, exfiltrate with them,"

"However, it will be difficult to reach you during the mission using vox, so our communication with you will be quite spotty. We are relying on your initiative to ensure this gets done,"

Lycan 01
2011-07-12, 10:41 PM
Dorrum listens quietly to the Inquisitor Lord. He makes no movements, and makes no sounds. Even his armor's Spirit quiets, the growling becoming a subdued hum. When the Zerbe finally finishes speaking, Dorrum replies with a simple question.

"When do we go?"

2011-07-13, 01:30 AM
Prophecies? Infiltration? Recovery? We better find some huge Xenos down there to slain or I'm going to be pissed off.
Brother Valirius thinks to himself.

2011-07-13, 04:27 AM
Brother Gabriel just sits there, silent as the grave, while he repeats litanies in his head. Repeating them again and again.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-13, 11:48 AM
The fields will likely have to be deactivated, if only to re-establish communication. Something else sticks out in Brother Dakka's mind. No use inquiring, it is safe to presume those turrets will try and resist their advance. Those will likely have to be shut down as well. And what of the field itself? Why is it still up? To think this place is abandoned is foolish.

2011-07-13, 12:47 PM
"When do you go? As soon as you are prepared,"

Zerbe bows his head, and stands.

"I shall leave you in here to formulate your plans. I trust you don't want me interfering," he says, waving his hand, as though dismissing himself.

Lycan 01
2011-07-13, 03:11 PM
Dorrum tilts his head slightly to the side. "No, Lord Inquisitor, I believe your input would be appreciated. Of immediate concern is where on this complex we will be making the initial insertion. Beyond that, what can you tell us of Haarlock's resources? What sort of followers did he have, what sort of equipment and abilities did they possess, what was their mindset? Did he employ Xenos mercenaries, such as Kroot and Loxatyl? Did he employ humans, servitors, or daemons? Or perhaps, all of the above? If we know what was typical of him, perhaps we can gauge what to expect to find within this complex, as far as resistance goes," he muses.

2011-07-13, 08:02 PM
"Hm. As far as we know, there are very few enemies of the empire that Haarlock wasn't consorting with, thus making it very difficult to guess what he might be using. Most humans that followed him died thousands of years ago, when Haarlock still had followers. We've never seen xenos like Kroot or Loxotyl in his service, but he certainly did make use of Yu'vath technology. However, he's also used bound daemons and we've run into golephs at one of the manses, so we really don't have an adequate way of predicting what could be down there. The one constant we have is they tended to be deathly afraid of one thing; Haarlock's return," Zerbe says.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-13, 11:00 PM
His human followers died thousands of years ago. Brother Dakka muses, quoting the Lord Inquisitor. How old is this facility? He inquires in his characteristic monotone.

Lycan 01
2011-07-13, 11:13 PM
Dorrum tilts his head to the other side. "You say he was defeated recently, yet his human followers died thousands of years ago. Why the time discrepancy?"

When Zerbe mentions the resources Haarlock did have, Dorrum leans forward in his seat and folds his hands together in front of him, forming a steeple with his fingers. It is a simple gesture, which Dorrum often makes when contemplating something, or when his interest is piqued. "Yu'vath..." he mutters to himself, trying to recall what he'd learned about them in the Deathwatch training. He then politely inquires: "You mentioned Golephs. I am not familiar with the term. Could you please expound further upon it, Lord Inquisitor?"

Gonna see how much Dorrum knows about the Yu'vath...

Forbidden Lore (Xenos): [roll0] vs 48

2011-07-14, 12:12 AM
++It seems to me that if this recently discovered "lair" have an intact shield, anything Lord Zerbe could tell us is not going to be reliable information.
Lord Zerbe sais they have already defeated dangerous followers, but still they don't want to go inside there.
I think Lord Zerbe doesn't exactly know what is down there but he is afraid enough or suspects it's powerful enough, to ask for a Deathwatch team instead of going down himself, so let's expect trouble.++

Sais Valirius to his Battle-Brothers through his vox system.

Xenos Lore[roll0] vs 39

In case I know something about the creatures Dorrum asks. I tell him through Vox System.

2011-07-14, 03:14 PM
"Haarlock has, as far as we know, died twice. Once almost a thousand years ago, and once just last year. How he achieved this...we still don't know. We're not even sure if it was really Haarlock who returned to the Calixis Sector last year. Either way, the thought is not one we try to entertain," Zerbe says.

"A goleph is a murder-servitor created with heretical archeotechnology, possibly dating back before the Imperium. The exact patterns tend to vary, although they are universally deadly in close quarters," Zerbe says. "As to the age of the facility, we suspect it was from Haarlock's-" Zerbe abruptly cuts off.


Yu'vath? You've never even heard the name before.

Lycan 01
2011-07-15, 01:24 AM
Dorrum tenses at the mention of heretical archeotech. The Techpriest bristles at the idea of the facility being filled with such abomination, waiting for him to purge them from existence. "I see..." he growls, before tilting his head slightly to the side again. "From Haarlock's... what?" he asks, not sure why the Inquisitor Lord had suddenly stopped talking.

He then sends a closed-Vox message to the rest of his squad, or at least the ones with their helmets on. ++Yu'vath. Do any of you know of them? I am unfamiliar.++

2011-07-15, 04:55 AM
Gabriel sits deep in thought, trying to remember anything about these 'Yu'vath'.
Forbidden Lore [Xenos]: Int 50 (+/- GM-chosen difficulty) vs. [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-07-15, 07:47 AM
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (Untrained, target 54?)

2011-07-15, 12:59 PM
"Youth," Zerbe finishes, somewhat belatedly, "I'm sorry, it's just- never mind. I suspect it was nothing. Just the feeling you get when someone 'walks over your grave', so to speak,"


Yu'vath. The name stirs something inside you, a half-remebered dream from hundreds of years ago. You struggle to recall it, but it seems always out of your grasp.


Yu'vath...Yu'vath. You've never heven heard the name before.


Yu'vath. Even among the Deathwatch, with its knowledge of aliens, you don't remember hearing all that much about them. No, wait, there had been that book of xenos terribilis, where the author had menioned something of the Yu'vath, something named 'Demhe' and saying that 'of that dammned race I shall speak no more'. Not the most helpful of things, that book. Miracle it was in the Deathwatch library, for all the information it missed.


In the future, I should remember to finish my sentances before I post...:smalleek:

Emperor Ing
2011-07-15, 01:24 PM
Knowledge is both power and danger. Unfortunately, the subject of the Yu'vath is endlessly fascinating. However, it is an unnecessary distraction from their duty. There will be a time for researching this "Demhe."
Understood. He speaks flatly. On the hologram, where shall we be inserted?

2011-07-17, 09:14 PM
Zerbe points at a hills near the edge of the hololith. "We figured it was the safest place, given the distance from the complex and the fact it will be easy for you to see the complex from there, that it would be the most effective drop point,"

Lycan 01
2011-07-17, 09:36 PM
++Silence is not an answer. A simple no would suffice.++ Dorrum chides his squad, who seemed to ignore his request.

The Techmarine then leans forward, and examines the map. "How much attention will the teleportation attract? Lights, noise, electronic interference? And what is the margin for error?" he asks the Inquisitor Lord. As he studies the hologram, he tries to see if there are any better positions for them to strike from.

I have Tactics (Orbital Assault). Since we're essentially Deep Striking for a starship, I assume that would fall under that skill. Thus, I'd like to check and see if I can find a better place to Deep Strike, or perhaps see what the best course of action would be once we arrive.

Tactics (Orbital Assault): [roll0] vs 48

Emperor Ing
2011-07-17, 09:57 PM
<To the credit of His inquisitor, he has answered most of our inquiries with charity and grace. Demands of perfection place him on the same level as The Emperor. This particular inquiry partaining to the nature of xenos is a distraction. At best.>
Brother Dakka replies over the vox channel.
<My own studies make a reference to the Yu'vath. There is even a mention of this "Demhe" that I suspect is related. Though little was mentioned about them, I do not doubt we need to be strong in our ignorance.>

Lycan 01
2011-07-17, 10:02 PM
++That is why I asked the team, and not the Lord Inquisitor. I feel that we should know what to expect. Charging in blind would be tactically erroneous, especially when we have the opportunity to procure the needed information. However, thank you for your information. We shall have to keep our guard up.++ Dorrum replies to Dakka over the Vox net.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-17, 10:17 PM
<Enter every battle as if the enemies of the Imperium have united against you. You need not know what xenos filth you purge in order to purge the xenos filth.>

Lycan 01
2011-07-17, 10:23 PM
++And ignoring available information that would aid our mission and our service to the Emperor is irresponsible. Knowledge is power.++ Dorrum replies, before going back to studying the map. He was quickly growing tired of this distracting discussion.

2011-07-18, 06:35 PM
Konrad would speak up, the man- not wearing his helmet- having been incapable of contributing to the vox-based conversation. The tattooed Black Templar would turn to face the techmarine, his knowledge of such attacks extensive considering his Chapter's heritage.

"A teleportarium produces extensive amounts of noise when in operation, Brother-Sergeant, from the abrupt shifting of the air as we materialize. The odds of our teleportation being detected by the facility's auspexes, and the heretical servitors inside, is extremely high." He remarked, "I would recommend we move the teleportarium destination as close to the facility as possible, but that location is acceptable. The most swift and brutal means of entry would be advisable in my opinion." He recommended, "Swift entry, and elimination of the facility's shield projectors as a primary objective." He looked to the Inquisitor, "Would the elimination of these projectors permit an in-field resupply if required?"

2011-07-21, 09:13 PM

Okay, I'm calling three day rule on myself, in order to goad me into into posting.

"The destruction of the field would enable us to deliver supplies with some degree of accuracy, yes," The inquisitor says, evidentally feeling that Konrad's definition was quite effective.


Konrad's suggestion is quite valid, and teleporting within an acceptable margin is a good alternative. Just about 10 metres from the entrance should give you a better margin for error than Zerbe's suggested insertation point.

Lycan 01
2011-07-22, 01:03 AM
"Thank you, Konrad. Your experience in the field should prove quite valuable. Pray tell, would you say there are adverse effects from the teleportation which we should know of? Disorientation, illness, technical difficulty, or any other issues which may hamper our effectiveness?" Dorrum asks the Black Templar.

The Techmarine then points at a spot 10 meters from the entrance. "Judging from tactical knowledge and experience, I think this may serve as a better insertion point. We'd be closer to our objective, and still have a comfortable margin for error. This would give the defenders much less time to raise the alarm and organize a defense, as well. Thus leaving them unprepared for the first strike," he states, punching his right fist into his left palm, resulting in a thundering clang.

He then turns to the rest of the team. "Our initial and primary objective will be the destruction of the shield array, as Konrad has suggested. Any and all hostiles will be neutralized upon encounter. Targets of opportunity, such as a potential prisoner or cache of records, cannot be allowed to slow us down. If it can't be taken with us, we will have to either secure it or destroy it en route to the source of the shields. Once the shields have been dealt with, we can call for reinforcements and perform a more thorough examination and cleansing of the facility. Are there any further suggestions, or disagreements with this course of action?"

The Storm Warden then turns to the Inquisitor Lord. "Might I suggest that a team of scholars and Techpriests be prepared, along with a proper guard? As I said, prisoners and information will be secured if possible, but our focus must remain elsewhere. As we make progress through the facility, however, perhaps they can follow in our wake and examine our findings? Once the areas are secure, of course. Though, it may be more prudent to wait until the facility as a whole is secure before any other Imperial servants are allowed to enter. There's always the possibility of a failsafe system, and evacuating the secondary teams may prove difficult at the very least, potentially resulting in collateral damage. Overall, my suggestions are simply something I thought you may wish to consider."

Emperor Ing
2011-07-22, 01:04 PM
The devastator raises a hand. If I may interject...others will simply slow us down. He explains flatly, broadcasting over the vox. We are the Angels of Death, we are more than capable of handling whatever dangers are bold and foolish enough to stand against us. If I am not mistaken, disabling defenses is a primary objective, leaving the inquisition to pick the facility clean at their leisure.

Lycan 01
2011-07-22, 03:21 PM
"As I said, the possibility of a failsafe defense is a good one. If Haarlock wished this place to remain so well hidden, I doubt he would be willing to allow it to fall into enemy hands. Should a self-destruct sequence or something akin to that be activated, then it would be quite important that we have an escape route," Dorrum explains factually.

"And yes, others would slow us down. But as I said, the others would not be accompanying us. The would simply examine areas we had cleared, so that we ourselves would not have to spent our time and effort examining and recovering items and information," he muses.

2011-07-22, 09:41 PM
"I suspect the point is moot, actually," Zerbe says, "At the moment, we're somewhat overstretched with cleaning up the mess Haarlock left across the sector, not to mention that we still haven't purged Quaddis after what he did to it..."

Zerbe pauses "But I digress. We don't have the manpower to bring in a team of scribes and enginseers right now, so just do your best to recover as much data as you can from the facility before destroying it," He coughs, audible even through the speakers in his mask.

2011-07-25, 04:21 PM
So are we just moving ahead to being teleported, then?

"It might be best if you were to get moving at this point. Ms. Esau is outside, and ready to take you to the teleportarium," Zerbe says, "Unless, of course, you have more questions,"

When you have finished, an austere woman with black hair pinned up into a bun enters the room, and motions for you to follow. You vaguely remember her being the captain of the ship, as you didn't have a whole lot oof interaction with the crew on your voyage here.

It doesn't take long to reach the teleportarium, a cavernous chamber decorated with a massive mosaic depicting a golden spider clutching an acquilla. You don't have much time to appreciate your surroundings, though, before the teleportarium activates.

You feel as though you were placed insde a thin tube and sqeezed out of a very small wholem, as blacks and pinks and unholy shades of white whirl around your eyes, making what can only be described as nightmare faces. Try as you might, you will never get used to teleporting.

Then, suddenly, it is gone.

Around you is a barren, dusty landscape dominated by jutting rocks and tenacious bits of a brownish grass. Lying low on the ground is a thick mist that doesn't even seem to react to your sudden appearence. A corvid-like creature, a massive black bird seemingly missing eyes, takes off from inside the mist almost the second you arive, followed by dozens of others of its kind.

Facility 713 is covered in the same dust that seems omnipresent on Iocanthos. It's a standard Phaeton-pattern base, designed to be easily constructed on-site to study an immobile specimen. You can see what appear to be lascannon turrets mounted at even intervals on the flat roof, all of them automatically tracking you, but seemingly not firing.

Welcome to Iocanthos. It's kind of a hot tourist destination.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-25, 09:06 PM
Brother Amascus Trhite stands ready. He acknowledges in third person, using his real name. Brother Dakka inaudibly sighs, unconsciously acknowledging the enviromental seal the Corvus helmet has already created with his power armor. The weight of the magnetically attached bolters at his side are neglegible under it. He knows they are fully loaded and the backpack ammo feed for his signature Heavy Bolter is already attached. As far as anyone was concerned, save the helmet, he was prepared before even seeing the hololith of the Lord Inquisitor.

He proceeds to the Teleportarium, Storm Bolter in hand, ready to fire on the slightest disturbance. Of course, the Devastator Marine forgot how much he hated teleportation. It was a necessary disturbance, with a neglegible danger to the teleported.

Teleportation. Such a horror.

And then, they are planetside.

Brother Dakka looks around, noting the lascannon turrets. They are indeed looking right at him. Just as he feared, they are active. To the Marines' favor, they are not shooting at them.
Currently, he looks all around. Looking for the facility and the terrain between the aformentioned facility.
He also looks for defensible positions that any facility defenders may use to make an advance to the facility difficult. Upon considering defensible positions, he uses his expertise on defensive warfare to gauge the aformentioned defense's weaknesses.

Skill Check (Tactics (Defensive Doctrine))
Target 51

2011-07-26, 06:33 AM
Right after the teleport Brother Valirius saw the lascannons aiming at them. He was about to shout through his vox system to take cover, while his legs were ready to jump out of there, when he noticed they were not shooting.

"Best spot in the whole planet to be teleported in. Huh, Brother Dorrum?"

He sais to his Battle-Brothers with a smile in his face.

"So, we move or we don't?"

Lycan 01
2011-07-26, 08:00 AM
Battle-Brother Dorrum sighs deeply as the teleporting mechanism warms up, mentally preparing himself for what is to come. A strange series of chirps, beeps, and whistles begin to emit from his Vox system. The strange noises alternate in pitch and intensity, and his armored hands flex while his Servo-Arm gives a shuddering twitch. Dorrum's recitation of the Credo Omnissiah in the Techna-Lingua of the Adeptus Mechanicus was always an odd sight to behold for the rest of the Kill Team. And then, just as quickly as they began, the noises cease. Turning to the rest of the squad, he forms his right hand into a fist, and then slams the gauntlet against his chest in a sign of salute. "See you on the other side, Brothers."

A few short seconds of Hell later, the Techmarine found himself on Iocanthos, mist idly floating around his knees. Without hesitation, he draws his bolter and brings it up to his shoulder, slightly crouching as he begins to turn from side to side while scanning for hostiles. He notes the weapon systems tracking them, but as they are not yet firing he opts to ensure there are no other threats before taking action. "Agreed, the Omnissiah has seen to fit to bless us this day. We're right on target, and the enemy's defenses are not programmed to attack on sight. However, they may be programmed to fire if we show ourselves as hostile, or if we approach within a certain distance. Hold your fire for now, Brothers. Once we have our bearings and spot the entrance, we will move as one and attempt to close the distance before the turrets fire."

Full Round Action to enter Squad Mode. Anyone else can now join as a Free Action, I believe.

Awareness Test: [roll0]

2011-07-26, 04:27 PM
The moment they appear on the planet, Brother Gabriel Scans the area for any lifesigns. Slowly looking over the landscape, all the while keeping status of his battle-brothers lifesigns and trauma levels.

''Brother Gabriel here, Ready for orders.''

Enter Squadmode as well.

41 (Perception) +10 (Occulobe/Lyman's Ear) +10 (Auto-Senses) +20? (Preysense sight, if able)



Medicae: to analyze the contents of the Mist.
50 (Intelligence) +3 (Robe of the Apothecary)



Emperor Ing
2011-07-26, 09:46 PM
The Devastator Marine sighs as his expertise of defensive tactics fails him.
Walk softly. We have only a few moments before the occupants of the base pass judgement on our presence. He comments flatly in his characteristic monotone, spoken softly over his vox casters.

Entering Squad Mode.

2011-07-27, 11:28 AM
Brother Konrad, now clad in his trusted suit of sacred powered armor, quickly knelt as the Astartes recovered from the teleportation. A veteran of several boarding actions using such arcane technology, he willed his internal organs to cooperate with the exotic pains of recovering from being so hastily put back together again.

++If we approach quickly enough, we should be able to come within the minimum firing distance of those lascannons and disable them.++ He voxed, his auto-senses picking out the nearest lascannon turrets. He joined formation with the Techpriest-Sergeant, not yet drawing his boltgun. ++You may lead the way, however, Brother Techmarine.++

2011-07-27, 11:08 PM

There are earthworks...behind you, facing out. If anything, at this point, it would be fairly difficult for any defenders to gain a tactical advantage on you at ground level.



The whole area appears to be lacking lifesigns entirely, barring the corvid-like creatures that just scattered away from you upon your arrival. It would appear that you are...completely alone out here.

The Mist

The mist...is mist. Mistmistmistmistmistmistmist.


As you scan the facility looking for weakpoints, hardpoints, more guns pointing at you, etc. etc. your eyes alight on a door, not twenty meters away. It seems the teleport was fairly accurate after all. It should be a fairly quick walk over to it.

There is one thing, though, that is beginning to bother you. Those corvids, the ones you saw when you entered back into realspace. They seem to have only scattered, but they aren't gone. They perch on the walls, the few hills that protrude from the omnipresent fog and even on the guns themselves. And, to a bird, they are all watching you, their blank eye-holes never leaving you.


Ho, hum, there's nothing to see, just making a few random rolls.


Emperor Ing
2011-07-29, 01:45 PM
We have an entrance, Brothers. He points out the obvious, however his gaze is placed upon the birds. I don't like this though. This may be a trap.

Lycan 01
2011-07-29, 02:01 PM
"I am in agreement, Brother," Dorrum muses, watching the birds with suspicion. "But I feel we cannot afford to dally. We should move as one towards the entrance. Wedge pattern, with myself on point, and two Battle-Brothers to each side. We'll be spread out enough to avoid becoming one target, while condensed enough to focus our fire effectively if need be. Unless anyone would like to propose a better tactic, I suggest we take positions. And be prepared for whatever lies on the other side of that door..." he warns the rest of the squad. He then stores his bolter away, slinging it over his shoulder in lieu of his Sacris Claymore. He draws the massive blade from behind his back, and tightly grips it in both gauntlets. If close quarters combat awaited them on the other side of the entrance, then all would bear witness to the fury of the Storm Wardens.

"Brothers, prepared?" he asks, so as to know if/when everyone gets into position.

My plan is for us all to charge the entrance in a V pattern. That way, we're all moving as one, and not leaving apart to be singled out as a target. I think we need to move ASAP, before any traps can be sprung. Since its only 20 meters, I think we can all make it in one turn.

As for opening the door... Would my servo-arm do the trick? :smallcool:

2011-07-29, 03:07 PM
"I'm ready."

Sais Valirius while he readies both his bolters in his hands.

Remember Valirius has kind of fast movement, fo you can use that for your tactics. Like, if the cannons start shooting I can move away the group or even fly away so they chase me. Or I cound sprint to the door and leave it open for the rest of the group.

Also, GM question. How long does a Stummer work? Can I turn it on when we enter the door and expect it to work for hours? If not, what if the techmarine uses it? I think they have some kind of generator in his body.

Emperor Ing
2011-07-29, 03:46 PM
Brother Dakka stands ready. He proclaims flatly, holding the massive heavy bolter in his hand, moving into the right-hand back end of the V formation.

2011-07-30, 06:43 AM
++Brother Gabriel here, ready to advance. The emperor protects.++

Gabriel is located in the center of the squad.

2011-07-30, 09:18 PM
Your advance was quite heroic, and would have been fitting of great legends...if the lascannon turrets fired at you, or something emerged to block your way. But as it stands, nothing did, crows scattering out of your way and lacannons silently tracking your advance.

The crows just keep staring.

The door slides open as you arrive, seemingly without any effort on your part. It's almost as though you were expected.

Beyond the door is a small antechamber, with what appear to be rad-suits locked to the walls. The ceiling seems low, but, then, you aren't exactly short, what with being an eight-foot tall superhuman in power armor. On the door apparently leading to the rest of the facility is a complex geometric shape, apparently burned into the metal with a laser.

Lycan 01
2011-07-30, 09:37 PM
"I will take point. Brother Dakka, take position behind me. If we meet hostiles, I will engage them in melee combat if they are in close proximity. Otherwise, I shall stand aside, and allow the Heavy Bolter to neutralize the threat," Dorrum explains as he leans in to examine the door and its symbols.

I wanna see if I can recognize the symbol on the door, and see if I can tell how to open the door. :3

Since I'm a Storm Warden, leading from the front and being first into combat seems to be what Dorrum would do. Otherwise, I'd just let Brother Dakka take point and blow away anything we meet. :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2011-07-30, 10:30 PM
Sorry if I wasn't clear on this, but Dakka's in the back.
One moment. The Devastator interjects flatly as he breaks formation to more closely examine the burnt-on markings. I have seen these markings before.

2011-07-31, 12:41 AM
Brother Konrad kept his bolter pointed at the group's flank as the others focused on the door, the Astartes thinking before speaking up, "They may be some manner of religious ward." He remarked, finger hovering over his trigger guard in tight firing discipline.

2011-07-31, 06:38 AM
Brother Valirius examines the door they just crossed to see if it has an automatic opening system or if it opened because someone was watching them and unlocked it before they.

I don't know... Awareness?? [roll0] vs 59

2011-07-31, 07:55 AM
With stormbolter in hand, Brother Gabriel awaits for the doors to open. He keeps looking around, awaiting an ambush at any time.

Awareness to spot any signs of life:

41 (perception) +10 (Lymans Ear/Occulobe) +10 (Auto-senses) +20? (Diagnostor Helmet, if it's dark enough)



2011-07-31, 10:18 PM
Brothers Dorrum and Dakka

That appears to be a pentagrammatic ward, inscribed by laser on the door. These techno-arcane devices usually have a circuit component, which is probably hidden within the door proper. However, because the ward doesn't protect anything outside its bonds, you have to wonder what exactly one is doing in such a useless position.


There is no sound a mortal could detect. Thankfully, you are not a mere mortal. You can here some faint movement, like something very small, say, the size of a housecat, moving behindf the door.

Thank god for ducts, otherwise, you really wouldn't be able to hear it...


The doors do indeed appear to open automatically, apparently by vocal recognition, although that begs the question of why the doors to a highly secret facility open when someone merely approaches them. Unless, of course, the door is keyed for your voices...

Emperor Ing
2011-07-31, 10:55 PM
The Devastator Marine leans back. A Pentagrammatic Ward. Odd that it is placed on a door. He does not like the look of this at all. The pattern of this facility is meant to be built around a single objective. I feel this ward, and prehaps others like it, are meant to keep something in.

2011-08-01, 04:01 AM
++Something is lightly pacing back and forth on the other side of the door, proceed with caution.++
Gabriel reports to the others what he heard, not wanting any nasty surprises jump out at them, unwarned.

Lycan 01
2011-08-01, 09:25 AM
Battle-Brother Dorrum turns to the rest of his team, and gives a solemn nod. He then turns back towards the door and attempts to open it. If he can't find a way to properly open it, then he will simply smash through it with his servo-arm.

2011-08-01, 10:53 PM
The door seems resisitant to opening, but after a couple lucky bashes with the servo-arm, the door opens. One of the bashes, you suspect, must have hit some sort of panel.

The hallway beyond seems to curve to your left and right, preumably rejoining at some point. Another line seems to have been burned into the floor. Another pentagrammatic ward, probably.

The hallway is unnocupied. In fact, barring yourself and your erstwhile teammates, there doesn't appear to be a single living thing in here.

Emperor Ing
2011-08-01, 11:08 PM
Pointing his heavy bolter where he faces, Brother Dakka scans the area, focusing his awareness to work his surroundings.

Awareness check
Target 58/78 (enhanced senses)

Lycan 01
2011-08-02, 10:31 AM
The Techmarine wordlessly walks forward, Sacris Claymore gripped in both hands with the blade hovering in front of his right shoulder. He calmly scans the room for any signs of life or threats. He keeps his senses heightened, fully aware that its likely a trap.

Awareness: [roll0] Failed.

2011-08-03, 10:42 PM

Nothin'. No life signs. No noise. Just you and the team.


So, where to?

Emperor Ing
2011-08-03, 11:24 PM
I say we go right.

Lycan 01
2011-08-05, 08:10 PM
"Right we shall go," Dorrum affirms, turning to walk down the right path. He ignores the line and possible wards for now. Such examinations could wait until any potential threats had been dealt with.

2011-08-06, 10:13 PM
The hallway leads past a series of doors, all of them pentagrammatically warded. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you begin to realize exactly how expensive this facility must have been, not that money has ever been a problem for you. From the labels affixed to the top of the doors, the facility, among other things, seems to have been equiped with an armory, a barracks and a genetorium, at least as far as you have discovered thus far.

You can't shake off the feeling that there's something watching you, something walking around just on the edge of your perception.

Emperor Ing
2011-08-09, 10:26 PM
The devastator keeps glancing behind him.
There is something here. I suspect...chaos.

2011-08-10, 09:25 AM
"Chaos? Here? Hmmm. I guess everything is possible... we better hurry up exploring. If there is somthing here I don't want "it" to have time to deploy an ambush."

Lycan 01
2011-08-10, 11:10 AM
Brother Dorrum pauses to examine the doors. "More wards. They seem to have been determined to keep something out, or in. And yes, I too sense that something is amiss. Brother Dakka, you and I shall continue going right. The rest of you will go left. We'll circle back around, and meet back up. If there's something here, we're bound to stumble upon it. Or shall we simply ignore it for now and deal with the problem when it directly appears? What say you, Brothers?"

Emperor Ing
2011-08-10, 11:22 AM
The Devastator flatly remarks. Whatever presence is here, Chaos or not, will find it easier to pick us off one-by-one rather than confront us as a unified force. I propose we remain together, and never allow it to find us wanting.

2011-08-10, 06:34 PM
''If that 'something' appears then we will have a great purge. Brother Valirius, i thought you Blood Angels where supposed to be stout and almost as brave as us Dark Angels. Don't tell me that you are scared? if we should die here, then it would be in the name of the Emperor and that is an honourable death.''

Gabriel keeps a lookout for ANY suspicious heat signatures.

2011-08-10, 10:56 PM
"Voice recognized," a cool feminine voice says from what you presume to be a vox system, "Welcome back, -Bzzt- I'm a potato/
seventhirteencode24601ERROR:corrosiondetected -Bzzt-"

As soon as it engages, the vox system shorts out, apparently refusing to allow you to know who, exactly, the system was recognizing.

"It's good to have you back," It says, returning to electronic life.


Nothing. Besides the rest of the team, the facility is apparently empty.

Lycan 01
2011-08-10, 11:26 PM
The Techmarine raises his Sacris Claymore, ready to cleave into whatever is speaking. He turns his head from side to side, looking for the source of the heretical potato.

Awareness, to find the source of the noise: [roll0] Pretty sure that's a fail...

What rooms are available for us to examine? You mentioned barracks and a couple of other places... What else is there?

Emperor Ing
2011-08-11, 08:41 AM
I'm a potato...? He echoes flatly.
Who are you? Addressing the cognitor voice.

2011-08-11, 09:29 PM
The rest of the corridor, however you end up investigating

All of the other doors, save one, are all on the left-hand side. All of them are similarly warded by pentagrammatic wards. The labels read: Laboratorium, Barracks 2 and Medicae, all in the same, nondescript writing.

The one door to your right, though, seems to have been situated as far away from the enterance as possible. They are huge, thick things, putting you more in mind of blast doors than anything else. The door is unlabeled. Apparently, whoever set out the facility had assumed that everyone with permission to be in the facility would know what was in there, and anyone that wasn't there with permission didn't deserve to know.

After a few seconds of you observing the door, it opens, nearly silently.

There is no response from the automatic vox-system. Apparently, the 'potato' hadn't deigned to explain why one of your voices was in its database.

Emperor Ing
2011-08-11, 09:34 PM
Spectacular. Good to know this is certainly not a trap. Despite his characteristic complete lack of tone in his voice, it's easy to tell he is being sarcastic.

Lycan 01
2011-08-11, 09:59 PM
"Indeed. Now, let us determine how best to spring it in our favor..." Brother Dorrum ponders. He looks at the rest of the squad, and then begins to nod at each of them, issuing orders with every gesture. "Brother Valarius, into the breach with me. Brother Dakka, provide fire support as we make our way inside. Brother Konrad, Brother Gabriel, watch our flanks. Ave Omnissiah!" he barks, before striding towards the opening portal, blade at the ready.

Alright, lets get Tactical! :smallbiggrin:

My plan:
Dorrum and Valarius will enter the opening doors side-by-side.
Dakka will enter Overwatch mode, his field-of-fire being the doorway and whatever is on the other side.
Konrad will watch one side of the hall, while Gabriel will watch the other.

If anyone wants to disagree, feel free. I may be Team Leader, but I'm not going to shove orders down everyone's throats. :smalltongue:

2011-08-12, 11:58 AM
"So how exactly does this place have your voice recorded?"

Sais Valirius to his Battle Brother, when the door starts to open.

As soon as Brother Dorrum gives the order, Brother Vailirius gets ready to charge into the room.

I'm OK with the plan.
OOC:Is the room dark? Can we see any light or sense any smell when it starts to open? Awareness test just in case:[roll0] vs 59

2011-08-13, 10:19 PM
The second you enter the room, you hear a noise, like a thousand birds suddenly taking flight. Compared to the silence of the facility, the contrast is omewhat jarring.

The room is larger than you would have expected, with a high, vaulted ceiling. The walls of the room are lined with cognitor banks, all of them deactivated. In the center of the room, planted in a mound of reddish earth, is what appears to be a short* pillar of natural stone, with an oddly flat top. You can't make out too many details from your position, but it looks like there's something on it. Something small.

Surrounding the pillar is yet another pentagrammatic ward, in the form of a laser containment grid, the kind manufactured on the better class of Forge Worlds. Within a few steps of your enterance, it flickers for a few seconds, then dies.

Aside from you, the pillar and the cognitors, the room is very much empty.

2011-08-14, 03:50 AM
''Stay on alert brothers...''

Gabriel just keeps scanning for any and all heat signatures, keeping his weapon ready for instant firing.

41 (Perception) +10 (Occulobe/Lyman's Ear) +10 (Auto-Senses) +20? (Preysense sight, if able)



2011-08-14, 04:17 AM
Vox System ++So Haarlock made this whole facility just for warding that thing in the pilar... and prepared it all so we came here and took it? I don't like being used like this Brothers. And I don't like how he seemed to know we were going to come. ++

++ And I'm still trying to figure out why this place had our Bother's voice recogniced. ++

2011-08-14, 05:21 PM
Brother Konrad aimed his bolter at the central pillar, his autosenses humming as he kept locked on the weapon. His armor's servos gave a quiet hiss as he kept sighted on the ward. So much ritual, for what?

"The Emperor protects, but I do wonder if He is behind our mission here, or if the Inquisitor knows more of this facility than he originally hinted. It seems almost mad to dedicate so much room and resources to a concealed facility on a world like this. I say we simply destroy the shield generators and have the ship unleash the God-Emperor's righteous fury on this temple of ludicrousness."

Emperor Ing
2011-08-14, 05:26 PM
If I am not mistaken that is our objective. The latter, however, remains to be seen. He looks around Brother Dorrum? Can you divine from the cognitors?

Lycan 01
2011-08-14, 05:33 PM
"The cogitators are deactivated. I will examine them momentarily, and see if I can rouse them from their slumber. At the moment, though, allow me to see what exactly we're here for..." Brother Dorrum replies, striding up towards the red pillar to examine it further.

2011-08-15, 09:50 PM
The Pillar

Resting gently atop the pillar is an ordinary padlock, of the sort employed on gear lockers everywhere.


From a cursory inspection, (i.e. a glance) you can tell that the laser containment grid apparenly failed just out of age, rather than any deliberate failing. It would seem the containment grid's failure was...purely accidental.

2011-08-16, 08:05 PM
"Either this is a joke and the item we are looking for have already been taken. Or this padlock is more than it looks like."

Sais Brother Valirius as he aproaches the pillar and relax his muscles.

"Anyway, I still don't like all this coincidences. We should retrieve all the information we can from the cogitors and the rest os the building."

And why does this mission require Space Marines? Thinks for himself.

Emperor Ing
2011-08-16, 08:20 PM
Hmm, this is either a task for servitors or there is a terrible trap waiting for us the moment we begin our exfiltration. Are we absolutely certain beyond a doubt that beyond this mundane padlock is the annihilation of this facility's shield?

Lycan 01
2011-08-16, 08:33 PM
Dorrum stares at the padlock for a moment, before letting out a low growl of annoyance. "This is either a waste of time, an over-thought trap, or... someone already took whatever this padlock was secured to, and simply left it behind."

He turns back to the rest of the squad. "We should search the rest of the facility before tampering with the lock. I will attempt to revive the cogitators. Brother Dakka, you will remain in here to cover me while I work. The rest of you, search the other rooms for further information. Splitting up my not be the most prudent option, but the longer we take the more risk we accumulate. Be wary, and keep in vox contact..." he nods solemnly.

The Techmarine then slings his claymore back over his shoulder, and approaches the nearest cogitator bank to begin the activation rituals.

Tech-Use to start the cogitators back up?
[roll0] vs 48

Emperor Ing
2011-08-16, 08:55 PM
Normally he would advise against splitting up, but the "accumilating risk" point is well-taken. Understood. He remarks flatly.
+ Brother Dakka sounding off, taking position. + He broadcasts over the vox flatly as he looks for cover to take position behind, bracing his heavy bolter, training it on the door.

2011-08-17, 09:41 AM
"I will return to the entrance, where the paths bifurcate, and take the left corridor."

Valirius move fast till he reaches the left corridor. Then he start moving with caution, activating his stummer, so he can still keep an average moving speed while he moves silently to surprise whatever could be wandering arround.

Silent move [roll0] vs 57 + stummer + any mod
Awareness [roll1] vs 59 + any mod

2011-08-17, 11:01 AM

The padlock, I feel I should mention, is not actually locked to the pillar. It's just resting on it.

Brother Valirius

As you traverse along the corridor, jinking from shadow to shadow, you notice that the feeling you had earlier of being watched has increased. You can almost hear something, just at the edge of your hearing, something you're not really sure you want to hear.

And you are beginning to think that you've heard it before.

Brother Dorrum

The cognitor makes a series of short notes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRLyMjvug1M)as it boots up, then displays a screen reading:

Please enter password:

Lycan 01
2011-08-17, 11:39 AM
Brother Dorrum stares as the screen for a moment, pondering what in Terra's Name the password would be to a heretical madman's computer.

He then hazards a guess, based on what he'd learned thus far about Haarlock, and a certain statement he'd heard associated with the Rogue Trader.

Seven is Thirteen

2011-08-17, 05:59 PM
Brother Gabriel Aknowledges the order and follows Valirius out into the hallway and into the first room, covering his six.

2011-08-20, 11:01 PM

Passcode Accepted

The cognitor, it seems, is wide open to be plundered for information.


As you follow Valirius down the corridor, you notice that the feeling you had earlier of being watched has increased. You can almost hear something, just at the edge of your hearing, something you're not really sure you want to hear.

Lycan 01
2011-08-20, 11:11 PM
"Omnissiah be praised!" Dorrum proclaims. He then begins to scour the cogitator for information, trying to see what secrets it holds.

Harvest ALL the data! :D

Use Tech roll if needed: [roll0] vs 48

2011-08-21, 04:48 AM
++Brother Valirius, Please wait a second.... I think i hear something++
Gabriel then swiftly turns around, trying to locate whatever it is that's watching him.

41 (Perception) +10 (Occulobe/Lyman's Ear) +10 (Auto-Senses) +20? (Preysense sight, if able)



Emperor Ing
2011-08-21, 06:48 AM
Excellent, well done. Brother Dakka gives the techmarine some praise, but he knows to not take his awareness off the door.

Awareness target 58/78

2011-08-21, 04:29 PM
++I sense it too... ++

But Valirius doesn't stop, he instead keeps moving forward, even faster than before.

2011-08-21, 07:00 PM

As you watch the doorway, prepared to unleash hell on anything so unfortunate as to walk through it, something drops onto your gun from the ceiling: a drop of dark, thick and viscous liquid.


Aside from you, Gabriel and that dammned (and yet far too familiar) noise, the corridor is completely silent.

The more you think about it, the more you realize you've never heard that sound before. And yet, for all the world, it seems so familiar, like something you heard a long time ago.

'Sound' is used only meteaphotrically. You can't actually hear the sound so much as feel it. But it's still kind of like a sound. If that isn't too confusing.


When you wheel around, you almost jump in shock. As far as you can see, every surface of the room is covered in the crows you saw outside. but only for a second. You blink, and they are gone.


The cognitors appear to only have a small portion of the base's functions covered, merely regulating the internal functions of the base (i.e. air conditioning, genatorium etc. etc.) the rest of the machine appears to be monitoring the padlock in almost every spectrum available, from IR to radiation emissions to warp disturbances. For the last hundred years or so, every reading seemed almost quintescent, unmoving. But now the cognitor is registering a steady build-up in power in every spectrum. Unless, of course, the other readings, featuring a drop in power in the same places were correct. Graphs designed to only accomodate one line are now struggling with a second line competing with the first.

There are only a couple of text files on the cognitor, most of them encrypted with wards that you're not sure are fully real...


Well, now it's really started.

They're singing now... :smallbiggrin:

Emperor Ing
2011-08-21, 07:46 PM
In a blur of motion only barely slower than what is too fast for the human eye to percieve, Brother Dakka immediately has the bolter that was magnetically attached to his side trained up to the ceiling, the heavy bolter still trained on the doorway, though the Devastator's attention fixed onto the ceiling. Dorrum! Calling the techmarine to attention

Lycan 01
2011-08-25, 04:41 PM
In a flash of movement, the Techmarine whirls around from the cogitator and draws his claymore. He assumes a combat stance, and raises his eyes towards the ceiling.

Awareness: [roll0]

Le fail.

2011-08-25, 09:17 PM
Dakka (Only)

Like some groteque parody of an imperial passion play, the bodies of two massive armored figures hand, impaled, on spikes from the ceiling. From the outstretched arm of one of the figures drips a slight trickle of blood, followed by another. And another. Soon, it seems that blood is almost raining from the corpses, obscuring vision and making it difficult to stand.

Despite the blood, you can easily identify the figures as Valirius and Gabriel.

Dorrum (Only)

Whatever caused the devastator to be so alarmed isn't very obvious, if there even was a cause. As far as you can tell, other than an 8-foot tall superhuman pointing a gun that could take down a light tank threatening to evicerate it, the ceiling is, in fact, completley ordinary.


As you make your way further down the hall, you pass new doors, all of them (unsurpisingly) warded.

Barracks 1

And, a short second later,


And, finally,

Control Room

Emperor Ing
2011-08-25, 10:59 PM
A wave of shock threatens Dakka's awareness, but it is no more threatening to his hardened mind than a primitive spearman is to a Land Raider. No no no no no no no no... a stream of 'no's transforms from denial into confirmation of a logical impossibility as the Devastator realizes there is no way such a thing could have happened without himself noticing. Unfortunately such a transition is lost to any listeners because of the Dark Angel's emotionless tones. He flatly sounds off over the vox.
+ Brother Dakka, sound off. +

This is all done while the marine adjusts his position to avoid the raining blood.

Lycan 01
2011-08-25, 11:57 PM
"Get ahold of yourself, Brother!" Dorrum commands, his tone stern yet also filled with familial concern. "I mark no contacts. What do you see?"

+Status report, Marines. Something is amiss.+ he firmly states over the Vox channel.

Full round to assume some sort of Defensive Stance, not sure what exactly its called without going to dig for my book. >.<

Awareness: [roll0] vs 59

2011-08-26, 06:08 AM
Brother Vailirus stops as he reach the "Control Room". It sure is a place worth checking.

Brother Gabriel, this room looks promising. I say we search it.

His team leader asks for a status report through the vox system, just in time.

++ Brother Valirius reporting. We just found a door labeled "Control Room". Brother Gabriel is with me and we are about to enter. Nothing strange but odd sounds here. ++

After that, Valirius waits for Gabriel to agree and then opens the door.

How exactly does one open a warded door?

2011-08-26, 07:21 AM
Gabriel takes a last look around, before joining Valirius at the control room-door.

''Aknowledged, brother Valirius''

Emperor Ing
2011-08-26, 09:28 AM
+ Acknowledged, Brother Gabriel, Brother Valirious, I'm looking at your corpses impaled on the ceiling directly above me. Stop. +

Lycan 01
2011-08-26, 11:16 AM
At Brother Dakka's Vox message, Dorrum tenses. His genetically-perfected body is filled with a sudden burst of hormones and adrenaline, preparing him for the possibility of battle.

+Where is Brother Conrad?+ Dorrum inquires sternly over the Vox.

Emperor Ing
2011-09-01, 05:38 PM
Brother Dakka gives a pregnant pause over the vox, before flatly issuing an order. + Brother Conrad, sound off. +

2011-09-05, 05:29 PM
Laendri (OOC)

In this facility? Get too close to it, probably.

Valirius and Gabriel

The door slides open just after you both come close to it. Once again, you are apparently expected, and, given the phenomena you have already seen, that might not be a good thing. As soon as you enter, the door closes behind you.

Valirius (Only)

The noise you had been 'almost hearing' suddenly stops as soon as the door closes.

The walls of the rather poorly-lit room are covered in banks of cognitors, all of them activated, their screens illuminating the room with a sickly green glow. In the center of the room sits a desk, with a thin, balding man seated behind it, his eyes never moving from a place somewhere above your heads.

The Vox

Conrad is completely silent. This isn't like the Black Templar...

Dakka Only

The impaled corpses don't seem to be doing anything more than sitting there and raining blood onto the floor.

Emperor Ing
2011-09-05, 06:18 PM
A part of Brother Dakka's mind was hoping that he would come out of this clean. Even if the blood is illusory.
+ Brother Conrad. Respond. + He repeats flatly over the vox.

2011-09-06, 01:24 PM
I follow the man eyes and watch above my own head...

2011-09-08, 04:39 AM
''In the name of the emperor, Identify yourself''
Gabriel calls out to the shadowy figure.

(Btw, all our helmets have darksight, so we should technically be able to see his face. even IF it was ptich-black)

2011-09-08, 08:07 AM

. In the center of the room sits a desk, with a thin, balding man seated behind it, his eyes never moving from a place somewhere above your heads.
He isn't particularly shadowy, he just didn't get a whole lot of description. You can see the man's eyes and the (receeding) state of his hair...

Lycan 01
2011-09-08, 11:53 AM
Brother Dorrum pivots on his heels and spins about, whirling his claymore around his right wrist in a threatening flourish. His scans the area where Dakka is speaking towards, trying to see who or what he is referring too.

Emperor Ing
2011-09-11, 11:57 PM
Am I covered in blood? he inquires to Dorrum flatly.

Lycan 01
2011-09-12, 12:58 AM
"No," Dorrum replies in a factual manner. He was beginning to worry about Brother Dakka's mental status, or even the possibility of psychosis brought on by daemonic or Warp-related influence.

++Apothecary, what are the vital signs showing for all members of this team?++ he asks over the Vox, hoping to get some information on Dakka's brain waves and any hints as to what may have happened to Conrad.

Emperor Ing
2011-09-12, 09:18 AM
I didn't think so. He remarks flatly. Furthermore, I am already aware that my perceptions are marred with warp-induced illusions.

2011-09-12, 03:04 PM
Gabriel quickly checks the squads vital statistics (brain-pattern, heart rate, etc.)

Medicae check

50 Int +/- Difficulty + 3 (Robe of the apothecary) + 10? (Diagnostor helmet, if valid, because i technically uses the helmets inbuild feature to monitor life-signs).

Total: 53/63 +/- difficulty

rolled in OOC: Rolled a 12 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11833608#post11833608)