View Full Version : Themed Campaign Ideas - Small Cavaliers

2011-07-11, 09:05 AM
So my gaming group came up with the completely silly and random idea of a gnome cavalier, which has led to a new campaign.

5th level characters
Must be of small size
May be Cavalier or Paladin (with your divine bond applying to a mount)

The entire thing will focus on mounted combat, and other than that, its the only ideas I have. I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts for some fun themed encounters (this is not going to be a 'serious' campaign at all) that I can spin together.

Kol Korran
2011-07-11, 09:28 AM
a few ideas:
- the mount doesn't have to be a pony does it? you can make odd creatures as mounts, such as spiders, baby basilisks, and so on. the entire group is a part of a small race in the underdark, that is under some threat. as the only ones with mounts, they are called for a fast journey to call for help from allies.

- or they could be on the surface and a halfling/ gnome/ whatever retired captain has an idea that a small cavalry might be more maneuverable, faster (might make the mount especially fast... he bred them that way), and hard to hit. he's some sort of a knight, so the king lets him give it a try. now it's up for the new recruits to show what they can do, despite the laughter of the "twicelings" (the term is taken from the Rusty & Co comic.) put a rival group in the same platoon, and let shenanigans begin.

- i especially suggests big opponents, maybe an ogre riding a Behir at some point?

- Wyverns and hippogrifs! for the mounts!

i hope this helps.

2011-07-13, 05:10 PM
At 5th, rangers and animal companion mounts are viable, if not as special as a paladin's mount.