View Full Version : Haarlock's Wake: A Daemon's Game IC [Dark Heresy]

2011-07-11, 02:57 PM
Haarlock's Wake: A Daemon's Game


Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock. The Traveler Comes. Tick, Tock.

Spectoris. Not a planet you had ever suspected you would visit. The legendary 'complete ocean' hides its secrets well. Of course, there's heresy everywhere, but after the fiasco surrounding the Umbrian heresy a couple decades ago, the planet hasn't attracted much attention from the Inquisition, due to an exemplary enforcer cadre seemingly dead-set on maintaining order.
But that has changed.
Now, with alarming frequency, (if not regularity) enforcers are dissapearing, with no corpse to be found. Given the nature of the water world, this isn't too hard to do, given that the native fauna seems to have a grudge against all human life, actively seeking it out. Although the purges following the Umbrian heresy have gotten rid of all the larger creatures, even the animals raised for crop seem to attack human work like a pirranha.
This would normally be a great sign of an operating heretical cult, but the small crime rate of Spectoris has dropped desipte the death of enforcers, dropping to nearly nonexistant in the settlement of Enkaidan, Spectoris's only underwater habitat.
These two things combined have set off your well-honed sense for what indicates heretical activity, and you have dispatched yourselves to Spectoris, with the intent of solving the mystery.
The Triton-pattern amphibious lander you borrowed from the port authorities has no windows, courtesy of the special paste Spectorans use to keep the wildlife away. However, based on the pilot's frequent anouncements, you have gathered you are almost at Enkaidan, the heart of this drop in crime rate.
The craft comes to a slow halt, and a vaguely-female electronic voice is piped in through speakers placed throughout the cabin.
+Thank you for choosing the Spectoris Express for your trip.+ It says, as though you were a group of paying customers with buisiness the express stood to gain in the future.
With a metallic hiss, a bulkhead on the side of the ship opens, letting in a burst of incredibly salty air, although compared to the cabin of the Trition-class, it's still quite fresh.


++The Umbrian Heresy++

Author: Interrogator Avaro, in service to Inquisitor Lord Caidin
Subject: The Umbrian Heresy
Classification Code: Gamma

Text: In late M41, a cult arose on the world of Spectoris, worshiping the Emperor as a powerful sea god. The cult rapidly gained popularity on the world, presumably due to its practice of going deep out into the ocean and throwing sacrifices into the deepest parts. While this was considered to be odd, it was not odd enough that it was branded as heresy by the Ecclesiarchy. As the cult's hold grew on the world, darker rumors began to spread, that the cult participated in human sacrifice and bloody rituals. As it became more and more obvious this was the case, the Ecclesiarchy eventually took notice, and began in investigation.
Unbeknownst to the Ecclesiarchy, Inquisitorial agents sworn to Inquisitor Lord Caidin were also following the trail of heresy. When the entire team of Inquisitorial acolytes dissappeared, the cult had managed to fully grab my lord's attention.
Similarly, the Ecclesiarchy also lost agents in their investigations, although they were more sucessful in finding out the truth. It came to light that the cult was in fact devoted to a xeno being known as the Umbrian, a creature of vast an alien intelligence.
The Umbrian dwelled in the deepest trenches of Spectoris, where it was orchestrating a campaign to thake the world from the blessed light of the Emperor. It was quickly decided that it would have to be purged, and violently.
What followed was one of the bloodiest episodes of Spectoris's history, as a joint Ordo Xenos, Hereticus and Ecclesiatrchy force engaged in a mission to purify Spectoris of the taint. After a yearlong struggle on the surface and below it, the Umbrian, its worshipers and children were destroyed.



+Casualty Record of Enkaidan Enforcers within the last month+

Report filed by: Provost Annay

- Provost Sumiy, Reported missing following a patrol in block D
- Provost Mami, Killed in action by freak accident
- Luitenant-Provost Aleskin, Reported missing after not coming back from a patrol in block A
- Constable Hannis, Reported missing in block E after a patrol, comprised of himself and Constables Dermay and Sana
- Lance-Constable Ping, Died of tuberculosis
- Provost Aran, Reported missing after routine patrol in block F
- Provost Sanay, Killed in action while breaking up a fight in block D
- Squad Theta, Composed of Provosts Remey, Somme and Ennis, Reported missing, last seen in Block B

Together, this makes up almost 10% of the force in Enkaidan.

Thought for the Day: Duty is its own reward

+End Report+

'Ere we go!

2011-07-11, 06:13 PM
"It sickens me to even read about a world that twists and defiles the Imperial Creed to this point, let alone visit it. But the God-Emperors work must be done, and we are the few willing and able to do it." Adrianus puts on his backpack, then picks up his runewarded shield. "Let us bring the Emperors Light to the darkest crevices, and the Emperors Wrath to those work against us. Someone has started a campaign against the servants of the Imperium here, and we are here to teach them their folly."He takes a few steps outside, taking in the surroundings but staying close to the Inquisitor.

2011-07-11, 09:15 PM
Scab suppresses a small shudder. He had heard of the planet, but never been there personally.....and for good reason. It wasn't that he was afraid of water per say.....but being crushed by the weight of the millions of gallons of water that now surrounds him.

Slightly caressing the tarot card ever present in his pocket he recites his Holy Prayers to the Emperor. Finding his Center again, he visibly calms, listening to his associates fervent speech.

"Let us not be too hasty M'Lord. Although I am anxious to bring the light of the Emperor to these Heretics, let us ensure that this time...we get them all." Putting his hands on his two ancient, highly adorned swords, he smiles. "After all, we are but the Emperor's servants, called forth to spread Peace and Tranquility throughout the Universe."

2011-07-12, 07:48 PM
"Why so gloomy, friends?"

Nathaniel cheerful asks as he follows the two. He leans over behind Adrianus and wraps a friendly arm around his shoulder.

"A pleasant trip, a pleasant arrival- so far so good, wouldn't you say?"

And though his face is concealed behind his mask, an integral part of his costume, you can feel the smile in his voice and the jovial tone of his voice. His manner, much like his attitude, was quite open and lacked a certain caution- perhaps a reflection of his unbridled optimism.

"You should not so quickly forget or belittle the sacrifices of those who have fought and died here already- always remember: The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium." He adds then rubs the tip of his exposed chin beneath the mask.

"Let's head to the Enforcer's command post, shall we? See what we can find out there."

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-12, 08:14 PM
As if to provide a subtle, silent counterpoint to the Cleric and the Psyker, a man in the dress uniform of a Skitarii Gunnery Sargent with a scout-sniper pin and enough decorations on his chest to stop a small-caliber bullet was the next off the submersible, scanning the environment through a skull-and-cogwheel mask, mutilated face obscured from the world.

At least - he appeared to be a Sargent - and the uniform was as false as the information it contained. There were minute, subtle changes. The arms were let out, and it wasn't stiff. The garments provided for maximum flexibility and were there to do two things - the first was to hide the blacker-than-the-void synskin stealth suit of the Vindicare Temple of the Officio Assassinorum, and the other was to cement his cover as an elite bodyguard.
Something the Magos he was supposed to be guarding wasn't too happy about, judging from his constant complaints. As long as it was only them and the rest of the Inquistor's cadre, the "Sargent" didn't mind in the slightest.
The mask itself was stylized and studded with Adeptus Machanicus sigils to hide the distinctive profile of the Vindicare Spy Mask.
He was supposed to drop on to remote battlefields and worlds, pull a trigger and leave, but the Inquisition had requested him. This new Inquisitor had requested him, specifically. The Officio must of deemed granting the request diplomatically appropriate.

He wore a Scout-Sniper's Camoline cloak - currently matching the colour and cut of his false uniform, and bearing the signs and sigils of the Mechanicus Tech-Guard proudly, and masterfully concealing the Inferno pistol and arms case across his back, gene-locked to prevent tampering. Of his visible arms, there was a Skitarii-pattern combat shotgun slung on his hip like a sword and a heavily-modified Sollux pattern lasgun with its stock folded in an oversized pistol holster on his thigh. The numerous straps crossing his chest contained mostly magazines and charge packs for his weapons - with a few bulging grenade pouches.

Nipping at his heels was a small, side-striped jackal, heavily augmented his cybernetics, and wearing a vest-like garment which also bore a remarkably large amount of grenades and ammunition.

"The command post would be a wise destination." he sub-vocalised into the encrypted commbead integrated into his mask. To outsiders - and those not on the same comms channel, he would appear to be both still and silent.
"The briefing was unclear - am I reading ten or eleven casualties? Either way - with scarcely over one hundred enforcers, I'm surprised crime isn't rampant." he continued, making mental notes to request the Magos call up common causes of death within the city. The tuberculosis cause was an interesting anomaly.
"Humbly suggest we commence moving, Masters. We are not exactly the most unremarkable of sights."

2011-07-12, 09:27 PM
Looking at his party, Scab begins to laugh in a big, loud, guffaw. "You are right, of course. We do make quite the spectacle don't we? Very well, let us head to the command post and see what they have to say."

After taking a few steps, Scab stops. He raises his hands to motion his associates to quiet for a moment, and lowers his head. I should've done this the first moment we came out of the ship....water must be getting to me, he thinks. Raising his head once more, he opens up his senses to the Warp.
Psyniscience: [roll0] vs. TN 50
I'm just opening myself up to see if I feel any Major disruptions. I'll do a full reading and such once we have settled in to things properly.

Having read what he would from the Warp, he motions for the group to continue. "I'm going to have to do a full reading later. Should've done it on the trip here truly."

2011-07-13, 08:07 AM
Smiling, Alicia followed the rest of the cell out of the transport. While the activity of this monstrous cult worried her somewhat, she was temporarily calmed by the smell of salt - it reminded her of the seaside monastry on the world of Lough - she had been stationed there for a while as part of the Sisterhood. But those were ages long past. She was a agent of the Inquisiton now. And so you should pay attention to the task at hand she chided herself.

"Interesting. The disappearances seem to be happening all over the city. One definate oddity is Constable Hannis - the remainder of his patrol seems to have returned unharmed. Maybe we should make talking to them a priority. Anyway, anything seem particularly out of the ordinary, Scab?"

le Suisse
2011-07-13, 12:53 PM
Following the cell, until now silently, the Magos emerged from his meditation and its calculations : IT SEEMS THAN IT IS NOT ONLY THE FORCES OF LAW WHO ARE MISSING HE-RE. THE CRIMINALS ARE TOO QUIET FOR SUCH A PERIOD OF TROU-BLE , Xenicus said with his metallic voice.

He contemplated the blessing of the Omnimessiah who allowed the humans to live so deep underwater with his augmentic eyes. All the things that had a chance to cause these problems weren't a good omen for this city.

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-13, 01:03 PM
The fake Tech-guard turned to his fake charge and bowed slightly.
"Indeed, venerable Magos. One might conjecture that this rash of disappearances may be mirrored along the criminal element of the city. Verifying this theory may be wise, as you have no doubt already surmised."

He then immediately straightened up and began walking a half-pace behind the tech-priest and ever-so-slightly to the right, in typical "Bodyguard" position.

2011-07-13, 01:34 PM
"I wonder if it's a trap of some sort. Anyone higher up must know that if the crime rate on a planet change so drastically, and so many enforcers end up dead at the same time, people will come.... to inquire. But our cause is righteous, and our faith shall protect us."

le Suisse
2011-07-13, 03:06 PM

Saying that, Xenicus searched in his memory some unsefull facts about the mob in worlds like this one. Same facts, same end, they said. He wasn't Magos Plebis for nothing.

Common Lore (Underground)
1d100 vs Int 56

le Suisse
2011-07-13, 03:13 PM
Common Lore (Underground)
vs Int 56

2011-07-13, 07:50 PM

The warp appears (largely) undisturbed, undistrurbed, of course, being very much a relative quality.

2011-07-13, 10:17 PM
Scab stamps his foot three times, shutting down his Warp sense, and clearing his head. "Everything is calm in the Empyrean....well, relatively. There are no indications that something is happening at this time M'Lady. However, once we get settled I will attempt a full reading, to see if the Emperor is willing to whisper in my ear."

"I think that starting with the Constable's disappearance might be best. It would be prudent to get the circumstances of his disappearance directly from his squad. There may be something that was missed, or they hadn't thought of."

2011-07-15, 01:10 PM
Magos Xenicus

For a city of more than half a million souls, the crime rate of Enkaidan is amazingly low, coming in at little more than 0.2%. It would seem that the small amount of enforcers was more than made up for by their good tactics and a deep cultural sense of shame from the Umbrian heresy, even decades after the destruction of the cult.
What little crime there is seemingly isn't organized beyond street gangs, most of whom are too preoccupied in fighting each other and the law to preform anything large.
Elsewhere on the planet, the underworld was slightly more prominant, enough that poaching some of the worlds fish was an issue, but not enough to create a cartel based on the trade.

2011-07-17, 08:57 PM
As you make your way to the enforcer presinct-house of Enkaidan, you are able to take in the feel of the city. With almost no natural lighting, the streets feel close and oppresive, even with the halogen glow-strips lining the ceiling. The city puts you in mind of the chambers and halls of an imperial ship, actually. There really aren't so much streets as much as there is a maze of twisting hallways and even thinner alleys, with the houses and buildings showing little more than a bulkead as a facade to the street. The people are unusually silent, speaking quietly between themselves in an odd dialect of what appears to be pidgin gothic.

You can easily see the effect of the world ocean on the population, too. The skin of all the people you pass seems unusually smooth, and there is a distinct lack of bionics among the populace. Eyes tend being widely spaced and bulbous, with thin mouths.

You are given a great deal of room as you walk, with people staring either in awe or in fear of the off-worlders in power armor, bearing weapons mostly banned on the world.

+Please remember that cufrew will begin in 2 standard hours. Please keep this in mind, and remember to be in your block before the barriers are closed. Thank you+ an announcement blares from one of the ubiquitous vox-sytems hung at regular intervals allong the hallway-street, +Please remember that cufrew will begin in 2 standard hours. Please keep this in mind, and remember to be in your block before the barriers are closed. Thank you+

Feel free to spoiler any discussions you have amongst youselves on your way to the presict-house.


The presinct house is a fine example of what you are beginning to think of as Enkaidan architecture: A door in one of the blank plasteel walls labeled Presinct House, in an admirable display of subtlety. Outside stands, a guard, in Arbites carapace, wearing a rebreather, and cradling a large shotgun.

He stares at you for almost a minute before speaking. "Should I be asking for idenftication, or is it really neccessary?" He says, clearly not in the best of sorts at the moment.

2011-07-17, 09:27 PM

As they walking Scab ponders the message that keeps repeating over the loudhailer. "Interesting. The curfew might very well have something to do with all of this. Not so much by keeping people in their habs so they can't commit crimes, but by keeping potential witnesses in their habs."

Approaching the Arbitrator at the door to the precinct house, he stays one step behind Nathaniel, as befits the station that he has placed himself in. It would not due to let the man who had saved him come to harm. He owed him that much.

2011-07-18, 02:56 PM
The Reverend Adrianus approaches the guard with a stern look. "You should check our papers, regardless of what we appear to be. Indifference is an enemy to the Imperium, and to assume is to be deceived. Do your duty always, as is decreed.". He proceeds to show his identification.

Adrianus nods at Scab comment, then turns towards the Inquisitor.
"Such high control over the population is potentially beneficial, as long as the control is in good hands. In the wrong hands, it quickly becomes a tool to hide and plot. We need to take a good look at who implemented these measures, and on what grounds."

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-19, 10:05 AM
"This does three things." Psyber-Jackal commented "One, it puts all the law-abiding citizens indoors. The only ones outside are us and criminals. Two, it makes people easier to locate past a certain time of night. Three, and this is important, it breeds discontent. Discontent breeds Hersey. Hersey breeds a target-rich environment."
[hr]The pseudo-Skitarii stood with a glare at the guard.
"Soldier." He demanded, with little other words. "You will recite to me your duty, and then you will act according to it. Especially if it means requesting my papers."

2011-07-19, 12:03 PM
Let's not jump at shadows... As it is, were probably making too much of a show.

Nathaniel laughs as he walks by the guard.

"With a group like this, I wouldn't blame you if you don't, but its better to be safe than sorry."

2011-07-19, 01:09 PM
"Eh, when you see a group of people with a rossette, hefting weapons banned on the streets and only available through inquisitorial channels, there can't be too much doubt as to what they are. Never mind my little joke, sirs. Best to just give me the papers, so I can check up on them," The guard says, shrugging.

"As to my duty, he continues, "My duty is to stand guard at this gate, ensuring nobody who isn't cleared gets through, which, given that I was ordered to clear you to pass earlier today, isn't an issue, and kill any heretic or criminal as throughly as possible when I happen to discover one,"

2011-07-19, 10:55 PM
From beneath his helmet, Scab grins, "Kill them as thoroughly as possible, huh? I like that. It's very....thorough."

2011-07-19, 11:03 PM
"Good man- You know what they say: Know your duty!" He smiles and taps his on the shoulder as he walks by."And ours is inside."

"Oh, one more thing- What's your name?" Nathaniel asks, turning around to wait for an answer.

2011-07-19, 11:14 PM
"I should hope so. We don't want another Umbrian..." the guard says, darkly. cultural memory runs deep on Spectoris, it seems.

"Name? Provost Sannay, sir,"

2011-07-20, 05:03 AM
"Good to see that the Emperor's people remain vigillant, Provost Sannay.". Mind now focussed more directly on the matter at hand, Alicia memorised the name. It would do well to be able to remember those she could of the world's few Arbites.

2011-07-20, 11:33 AM
"That's a popular name here, isn't it?" He nods to the man and enters the command post.

"Were bound to meet him again."

2011-07-21, 09:30 PM
"Yes, sir, it is," Sannay nods.


The inside of the presinct house is brighter that you have come to expect from Enkaidan, and is dominated by a large bronze acquilla hanging from a thick chain on the ceiling. Enforcers, all garbed similarly to Provost Sannay outside, hurry about, pausing to nod to you, but generally desprately involved in their own work. Absent, however, is noise. None of the Arbitrators seem to be talking, and the sounds of your footfalls seem louder than they should be. (Although that could have to do with the intersection of power armor and acoustics...)

You make your way to the Provost-Marshal's office, or, at least, what should be the Marshal's office, based on its central location and the name plate on the front of it, reading:

Provost-Marshal's Office

With a little sheet of paper clipped onto it, reading;

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Only A Dutiful Mind Endures

Apparently, Duty is not messed around with in Enkaidan.

2011-07-21, 11:02 PM
"So, how are we playing this? Good Inquisitor, bad cadre? Bad cadre, good Inquisitor?"

Nathaniel asks as he rubs the tip of his chin that protruding from beneath the mask.

"Or we could just be ourselves..." He adds in a tone that could only be accompanied by a mischievousness grin.

2011-07-23, 08:23 PM
Scab hears Nathaniel's question and replys, "My Lord, I believe at this junction that just being ourselves is the wisest course of action." As he says this, he bobs his head in difference....made slightly comical by his oversized frame being in power armour. "Afterall, we have nothing to hide, and are fully within our authority.....this time."

With that, Scab walks in to the precint house, looking for the person they're supposed to speak with. The sooner we get started, the sooner we can purge this Emperor forsaken rock.

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-23, 09:03 PM
Psyber-Jackal shot the Interrogator a quick death glare before he realize the effect would be lost behind the mask he wore.
"You're the Interrogator." he sub-vocalised, so than none could hear him that wasn't on the comm system.
"I'll just follow your lead. If you need intimidation factor, I can help, but short of that...
Well, I'm not good with people."

Curse you, 17 Fellowship! For lulz, I have a 46 Fel Arbitrator in another game. It's... interesting so far...

2011-07-24, 01:25 PM
"I don't play, I serve the Imperium. Those walk in the God-Emperors light have nothing to fear, and nothing to hide."

2011-07-25, 04:02 PM
"You're the Interrogator."

"True true" Nathaniel can't help but laugh. He turns to the Inquisitor and gives her a polite nod.

"Well, let's get this over with then!"

He knocks on the door, waits a second for a invitation, but regardless of whether or not it comes, he opens it and steps inside.

le Suisse
2011-07-26, 09:50 AM

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-27, 11:13 AM
Erik Solomon found it easy to hide his surprise behind the Vindicare-issue mask.
Instead, the pseudo-Skitarii simply made the sign of the Cog and bowed.
"A wise idea, Venerable Magos. I would not have thought of that."

2011-07-27, 10:53 PM
The Marshall's office is not quite what you had expected. What you might have expected was a nice, spacious, well-kept office, possibly with a secretary and some nice pieces of imperial art and choice propaganda posters. What you had not expecteded was a glorified cubicle, stuffed with papers and dataslates, with a roster of the sector's greatest heretics, apparently used for target practice with a handgun holding a choice plate on the wall.

Yet this is what it was.

The sole concession to authority was the back wall, which was dominated by a large bay window looking out on the underwater plains of Spectoris. A couple of what you presume to be harvester vehicles (Huge, lumpen things, looking more at home on a mining post on an asteroid than an agri-world) can be seen in the far distance. Closer to home, you can see Enkaidan, clinging like a carefully-ordered barnacle to the surface of the planet, just skirting the edge of an underwater canyon. It is a breathtaking sight.

The marshall is a huge man, half augmetic, with a square jaw and a shaven head. He wears regulation-issue carapace armor even in his office, you notice, and a re-breather is close at his hand.

He looks up for a moment from his paperwork to look at you. "Well? Can I help you? Daycycle's ending, you know." He growls.


Really, Nathaniel only.
And I do mean it.
I will make this even more confusing if you look...
There is another man in the office, an impossibly tall man with a wide smile you can see even beneath the mask on his face. He sits on one of the titanic stacks of paper, leaning against a wall. He glances out the window.

"Well, then, Nathaniel. He says, in a voice you have come to know and recognize, "Spectoris? We're certainly wandering now,"

2011-07-28, 02:50 PM
Adrianus stands next to the door as the rest of the group files in. "The day ends, the night comes, but our work is never done Marshall. May I introduce you to Inquisitor Kalt. Do you wish to venture a guess as to why we're here?" It was an old trick, and unlikely to work on a veteran bureaucrat, but people have blurted out interesting facts to such questions before.

2011-07-28, 03:58 PM
The marshal raises an eyebrow, "I recieved a communique detailing your purpose here from Scintilla two days ago. I assume you haven't changed investigations that quickly," he says, "In any case, it's good to see you, Inquisitor,"

He cracks his back and adjusts his bionic eye, causing it to telescope in and out. It's kind of off-putting, really, but the man apparently didn't get here for his manners.


As far as you remember, you didn't send in any communique...

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-28, 04:01 PM
The assassin didn't say anything, and simply observed the room with a steely, mask-veiled gaze before moving aside to allow the Magos he was supposedly protecting to enter.
He decided almost immediately that he liked this man, and busied himself inspecting both the posters of the Heretics and the handgun on the wall, seemingly disinterested in the unfolding events and using the mask's in-built systems to snap photos of the former, just in case such targets of opportunity presented themselves. That was something he was missing, after all.

<There's no reason to bully him yet, Reverand.>

2011-07-28, 04:32 PM
Walking up to the Marshall's desk, Scab takes in the.....sight, before him. This was not the desk of a high-ranking official of an institution that prided itself on discipline and order. No, this looked more like that of an under-sergeant in some out of the way, LowerHive, Enforcer's precinct. Something was off here, starting with the Marshall's attitude.
Fettered manifest of Lucky:
Threshold: 6 Fettered Power Roll: [roll0]
Until end of next turn, I'm able to re-roll one dice.

Stopping before the desk, Scab stares at the Marshall, opening up his senses...and more importantly, his Sight.
Manifest Soul Sight:
Threshold: 18 (23-5 for Mastery) Power Rolls:[roll1]
I have a single consecrated scroll in case of a phenomena.
Effect: Make a Psynicience Test: [roll2] vs. TN 50
ReRolled in OOC: 01 vs. TN 50
Results based on DoS.

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-28, 04:37 PM
The Vindicare turned form his inspection of the weapons and roster to face the Enforcer.
"One assumes you have a copy of said communique, Mr...
What was your social designation again?"
Speaking, for the first time since landing, outside of the comm channel the Throne agents used.

2011-07-28, 05:32 PM
"Marshal Haxtes," the marshal says, finishing the Skitarii's question, "Been here since the heresy," He offers out a meaty hand to the psyker, misinterpreting his actions to a huge extent.

"Sorry about the mess, but it's been a bit of a busy week, what with all the disapearences and what," he smiles, insofar as what is essentially half a face can smile. "It's normally a bit cleaner,"

He frowns a bit when you mention the communique, "Hang on, I knew I had it somewhere," He stands, and shuffles through one of the stacks of paper, muttering to himself, "Communique...Communique...I could swear it was- Aha!" he pulls out a small dataslate and hands it to you.


+++Astropathic message+++
++Message begins++

Restricted Acess: Communique limited to Marshal Haxtes
Originating: Inquisitor Alicia Kalt: Ordo Hereticus
Destination: Marshal Abram Haxtes
Encryption: Code Orange - Invert Noctis
Date: +++Error+++

Having noticed a pattern within the recent dissapearences in Enkaidan's Enforcers, I have decided to investigate personally. Myself and my retinue will arrive in several days, and I expect that you will be ready for our arrival, preferably with accomodations and a guide lined up.

Thank you for your cooperation.

+++Message ends+++

"It isn't much of a communique, really," Haxtes says, "You do want the accomodations and guide, right? As I'm fairly certain you asked for them,"


The marshal is tired, irritated and perhaps slightly afraid, although you suspect that most people have that reaction when confronted with the inquisition. To his credit, though, he is mostly unfazed by the inquistor in front of him, something you do have to give him credit for.

Haxtes appears to be something of a habitual grump, with little to no patience for fools. He is uninjured, and his soul appears to be pure in the Emperor's light.

He seems to have maintained his tiredness and irritation for most of the day, as well as getting angry once around midday, probably at a subordinate.

Something seems a little bit off about his aura, but then, something seems a little off about Adrianus's and even Nathaniel's, sometimes.


20 wounds
2 insanity
5 corruption
0 fatigue
Aura: Genuine

Thanatos 51-50
2011-07-28, 06:04 PM
"Change them. I understand some beds in the Barrack have recently opened up, as well as some Officer's Quarters. Tell no one."
The psuedo-Skitarii orders curtly and briskly. "Provost Sannay will be our guide. Do you have a reciept date and origin point for this communication? Those data lines are corrupted."

2011-07-28, 10:53 PM
Adrianus raises an eyebrow as the dataslate changes hands, then turns his attention to the Marshal once more. "So, what can you tell about these 'disappearances' then?"

2011-07-28, 11:57 PM
Shutting down his Sight, Scab reaches out and takes the Marshall's hand. Being careful of his towering strength, Scab makes sure he only gives as good as he gets. It would not do to crush the Marshall's hand.

"Marshall. It's good to meet you, even if under these abnormal circumstances."

After the brief exchange, Scab steps back, keeping his Senses alert for any possible anomalies.
Psyniscience: [roll0] vs. TN 50

le Suisse
2011-07-31, 12:08 PM
"CAN I?" Xenicus said while taking the dataslate on his hands. "LET US SEE WHAT KIND OF SECRET OUR LITTLE FRIEND CAN REVEAL..." He connected his electro-graft with the dataslate, trying to talk with the machine spirit of the device ...

I search from where the message came, what kind of device was used for sending it, and if I can I fix the missing data.
Tech-Use: [roll0] vs 76 (Int+20) + one bonus degree of success + the Electro-graft

2011-08-01, 06:02 PM
Nathaniel moves to the window and stares out at the scenery.

"Its quite a view, Spectoris seems like a pleasant place to be. Hopefully we'll have a chance to enjoy our stay here, after our business is done of course." He says, to no one in particular, then turns to face the Marshall.

"We just had a few questions, we won't keep you long and your help will certainly be appreciated." He rubs his chin for a moment, pondering something.

"I understand it must be rather tiring, managing an entire force worth of troops. Have you gotten anyone to help you? An assistant, or someone whom you might have delegated some responsibilities too?"

2011-08-01, 11:19 PM

Eh, we'll go ahead without Mekboy for now. (I'm assuming he'll post tommorow or the next day)

Haxtes nods to the Skitarii, "I'll see to it that it gets done,"

"I wouldn't worry about the date. Even during the crusade, there were supposedly difficulties with time between ships. We're lucky if the date's the correct year, honestly. As to the dissapearences, the only clues we have is that they were pretty damn stealthy. Both of our witnesses didn't see anything amiss. To be honest, we're at our wits end here. If you have a list of those dissapeared, including what might be civilian dissapearences," Haxtes sighs, "I'm sorry about the lack of information, but nothing we have done seems to have unearthed anything. We've interrogated everyone who was even nearby any of the dissapearences, amped up surveilance cameras, even insituted random raids on any possible places of gathering, and came up with nothing," There is fire in Haxtes' eyes now, with what seems like hours of frustration bubbling up. His report begins to turn into a rant by its end, as the marshal just lets go of his grasp of cool-headedness for a second. There is a sharp intake of breath, and he seems to regain control of himself.

"Sorry about that. Everyone here's swamped. You should see my secretary's office," he jokes.

Magos Xenicus

The message, as far as you can trace it using a couple of hidden logs and subroutine-prayers, was apparently sent from Inquisitor Kalt's personal cognitor in her inquitorial flat in the Bastion Serpentis, to the astropaths of the blind tower.

As far as you can tell, the message is genuine, not to mention entirely uncorrupted except for the date.

Nathaniel (Only)

"Somehow, I doubt that," the man says "We are, as I understand it, something of a beacon for trouble,"

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-02, 04:02 AM
Erik wordlessly and coldly hands the data-slate over the the Magos.

The psuedo-Skitarii nods in a manner approaching something that might be mistaken for resembling a pleasant one.
"Security, you see. Can never be too careful." he explains his actions after the fact, caring little for the fact the Marshall likely cares little for explanations.
"All we have is a list of names and locations where your Provosts disappeared. Do you have a list of civilian disappearances as well? Especially any civilians with... criminal inclinations?"

2011-08-02, 04:51 AM
Alicia finally speaks up, having taken her measure of Haxtes "Yes, records of civillian dissappearances would be very much appriciated. Is there any chance of us meeting these witnesses?

le Suisse
2011-08-02, 09:45 AM
He was still carrying the data-slate, and the things than the item reveals to him were... disturbing. In the vox-channel of the Inquisitorials agents, he said "LADY KALT IF YOU DID NOT SEND THIS MESSA-GE...SOMEBODY USED YOUR COGNITOR ON THE BASTION SERPENTIS.".

2011-08-02, 11:13 PM
Listening to the rest of the team, Scab realizes that they wouldn't know to ask the questions that are pertinent to his....abilities.

"Marshall, do you still have some of the personal effects of your missing men? I need to see them."

2011-08-03, 11:00 PM
"Sure. You might want to look through the cognitor banks downstairs, though. They have more information than I could possibly give," The Marshal says, smiling, "I'm afraid I'm not quite the man you want for large-scale data analysis. Or small scale data-analysis. I don't think the cognitor spirits like me very much," He laughs.

"As for the missing men's effects, Provost Sannay will see you to them. He is your guide, I believe. He's still out front, if you want to get him,"

The marshal sits back down.

"It's been a pleasure dealing with all of you, members of the inquisition generally clean up their own messes, and I value them for it,"

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-07, 08:53 AM
++ To the Cogiators, then, Venerable Magos? It would be fitting to my cover if I detached from you there, if you so desire? ++ Erik transmitted over the comm-net.
They had gotten what they needed so far from the Provost-Marshall, and his particular set of abilities was mostly useful for when they found the culprit.

Besides, the good Magos had been reasonably calm about having an unwanted bodyguard lately - maybe he deserved a break.

2011-08-07, 04:55 PM
"Thank you Marshall. We'll get straight to investigating this....disturbance. If we need your assistance on anything, we'll relay it through Provost Sannay." With that Scab turns around and starts heading back out the way they came.

It seemed, that if anything was going to be done about this....disturbance, then he would have to eschew his usual role of Silent Guardian, and take a direct hand in things. Very Well, he thinks. The Emperor guides as well as protects.

As he approaches the door, he gets Provost Sannay's attention. "It seems Provost, that your prior diligence has paid off. You will be our liason with the Arbites. Meaning of course, that you're coming with us." Waiting and taking in the Provost's reaction, he continues. "Now, where are the personal effects of the missing Arbites?"

2011-08-08, 02:33 PM
Nathaniel nods along with the group, unusually quiet.

"Well, So far so good- I wanted to talk to the secretary, see whose organizing the patrols. Maybe there's a pattern?" He finally mumbles, almost to himself.

"But before that, I'd like to talk to constables Dermay and Sana if possible." He says, this time to the provost.

2011-08-08, 10:53 PM

Sannay seems curiously unperturbed about being drafted into the service of the inquisition.
"Sir...I don't know what to say," he says, not sounding paricularly speechless, "It would be an honor to serve,"


"Follow me, then," he says, motioning to head inside. "I can drop you off at the mess, where you can probably find Dermay, and slash or Sana or someone that knows where they are, and I can probably lead you to the locker room for personal effects,"


When Haxtes said the cognitors were downstairs, he wasn't joking. Ther were pretty darn 'downstairs'. You can't help but notice the air pressure seems greater down here, and the corridors much more cramped. The place is also empty, and it seems you are the only ones down here. The Cognitor banks beacon like a glowing green lighthouse out of the substandard light of the maze of hallways and bulkheads.

The cognitor banks consist of three large, wall-mounted cognitors and a similarly-sized server module. These things are the kind you could find at any administratum facility, not in particular wonders of the omnissiah, but they are at least well made, and apparently well manintained.

Blinking on the screen of each cognitor reads:

Enter Passcode/Submit Authorization:

That's odd, shouldn't the marshal have given you a password? Unless he had already somehow cleared your access

2011-08-09, 05:26 PM
"Tell me, what do you think is causing this. And what are the people on the street saying? Or is it all kept hushed? I noticed a rather strict curfew..."The cleric asks of their new guide.

2011-08-09, 05:46 PM
Nathaniel listens intently as he follows the man to the Mess Hall.

"Were you good friends with any of the missing enforcers?" He asks the provost, out of curiosity.

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-09, 06:14 PM
++Chopper, Guard the Magos.++ The Vindicare transmitted directly to the cyber-dog which had been following closely at his heels since they had touched down. Without waiting for the animal's affirimitive comm-bark, Erik Solomon srew up the hood of the Camoline cloak he wore and immediately activated it the moment he was out of sight of everyone but the Magos and Chopper.
Thus it was that he entered the Coginator bank invisibly as possible.
++I'll scout the area, Venerable Magos. I leave the secrets of the n, I will then detatch from you and join up with the Inquisitor. Chopper will stay with you until I instruct otherwise.++
And, again, without waiting for a reply, the Vindicare proceeded to use his mask's photovisor to peer in edvery dark nook and cranny of the room, searching out any possible threat vectors.

2011-08-09, 06:19 PM

Full post later tonight, but I just have a couple of random rolls to make, and have chosen this thread for no reason whatshowever. Nothing to see here.

Vs. [REDACTION]: [roll0]

Well then.

2011-08-09, 11:04 PM
En route to Mess Hall

Sannay sighed, "I really don't know what's behind this. I've heard theories bandied around, ranging from conspiracy, to warp beast, to xeno, to dellusional maniac. The people on the street still don't know. We've managed a pretty effective information blockout," Thr Provost shrugs.

"My moneys on warp beast, but that's just because I knew some of the guys who dissapeared. I'd pity the poor xeno who'd try to pull one over on them," he laughed hollowly, "The curfew? Been here as long as I remember. I think Inquisitor Lord Caidin set it up, probably to ensure large groups didn't accumulate. Best not to question it. Lord Caidin is well respected around here,"

The provost shrugs again, "I wouldn't say we were great friends exactly. But I knew a couple of the one who dissapeared. Of course, everyone knew Aleskin. Life of the force, he was. Devout, a real family man. I don't mind telling you, it worries me that they got him. If they could get him, they could get anyone,"

At The Cognitor Banks

You seem to be alone down here, just the two of you and Chopper.

2011-08-11, 05:16 AM
Scab follows the group, silent at the moment. It is good that the Provost has a tendency to gossip like a farm wife. His unguarded nature will aid the investigation by allowing them to hear what the local talk was....to make sure there was no taint. He would be chastised......later.

2011-08-12, 08:35 AM
By the sounds of it, Aleskin may have been deliberately targetted. Some sort of scare tactics. One the other hand, it could just have been blind luck the man who was, by the sound of it, one of their best.

Out loud, Alicia asks Sannay more about the dead. "Had they been long on the force - capable fighters?"

2011-08-13, 05:32 PM
"Who handles patrol assignation and scheduling?" Nathaniel also questions the provost as they make their way to the mess hall. "I noticed Aleskin, and a few others, went off on their own- isn't it safer (and proper procedure) to patrol in groups or with backup?"

2011-08-13, 10:42 PM
Mess Hall

"They've been here for at least five years, if not more, each, if that's what you're asking," Sannay says, "It is safer procedure to go in a group, although idiots who would attack an an enforcer are in something of a shortage. But the chief apparently decided they could go it alone,"

You reach a door, labeled mess hall, apparently for the convenience of the close-knit group of people who make this their life's work and could probably find their way there in the dark.

"Well, we're here,"

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-14, 11:44 AM
++I detect no threats, venerable Magos. I am now detaching and joining with the madame Inquisitor++ Erik transmitted, shortly before proceeding to do so - radioing in the the Inquisitor's retinue to get directions.

2011-08-14, 04:52 PM
Nathaniel politely opens to the door to the lady Inquisitor.

"After you." He says and follows her inside.

2011-08-14, 10:41 PM
His massive form filling the doorway Scab stops and turns to Nathaniel, "But of course. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you, Lord." As he steps through the doorway while following the Provost, he takes in the look and feel of the room, tensing for the unknown.
Psyniscience [roll0] vs. TN 50

2011-08-15, 09:59 PM
Mess Hall

The mess hall is large, and almost entirely empty. Nothing seems to really stick out at you. If anything, the austerity seems somewhat military.

As couple of arbitrators, apparently on break, sit in a corner, nursing cups of recaff. One of them idly polishes a shotgun, while the other has a sprawl of papers laid out in front of him.

Sannay gestures for you to follow him, and he makes his way over to the two enforcers in the corner.


Um...Suisse? Waiting for a response here...


As you make your way to the mess hall, you can't help but notice the arbitrators apparent silence. There doesn't seem to be any idle chatter between the enforcers, even those walking in groups.

2011-08-16, 03:42 PM
Following him, Scab casually looks around the room noticing the odd idleness. This was not the Adeptus Arbites that he had come to know. Something was definitely not right here.

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-16, 07:42 PM
++Curious Lack of verbal communication - I seem to remain un-noticed. Is there anywhere you would like me to spy upon? Now would be the ideal time.++

le Suisse
2011-08-18, 02:57 AM
After a small time to ponder, th Magos said: "I WANT TO BE POLI-TE. CAN YOU FIND ME SOMEBODY WITH THE ACCESS CODE?"


2011-08-20, 11:17 PM
Mess Hall

As soon as they notice you, both enforcers hop to their feet, and salute you, sending the dissasembled shotgun flying across the floor of the room. Neither of them seem to notice.

"How may we be of service?" the one who was, up until recently polishing a shotgun, says.

2011-08-21, 08:04 AM
As Alicia approaches the Arbitors, she considers the implications of the Magos's findings. Over her microbead, she replies. "Very good, Magos. See else you can discover."

Having reached the Arbitors, she introduces herself."Greetings. I am Inquisitor Kalt. My retinue and I are investigating the recent disappearances. I understand you were part of the patrols in which your comrades dissappeared."

2011-08-25, 09:30 PM
Mess Hall

The shotgun-polishing-enforcer nods sharply, "Yes, ma'am,"

The enforcer who seems to do most of the talking is large, broad shouldered and the same pale shade of shin that seems to be the norm on Spectoris. his companion, a tall, hawkish man with a thin face, seems to do little more than watch the actions of everyone around him quizzically.

Hallways (OOC)

Anything you want to do, Thanatos?

Thanatos 51-50
2011-08-26, 10:02 AM
++I don't think you understand, Magos. Nobody is talking to anybody. It's unlikely I'll be able to overhear a conversation. I can, however, disengage stealth protocols and ask someone, if you so desire.++ the Vindicare responded cooly.
++It's... quite disconcerting, really. This is not how a para-military facility operates.++