View Full Version : Looking for assistance for a Warblade/Soulknife Warforged ><

2011-07-11, 10:09 PM
Hey all.
Been working on this character for a while (went overseas for six weeks so that kinda prevented me from making use of him ).
A few changes have been made and I'm looking for some assistance. (Note: I'm starting at lvl 3 & going to lvl 10. Also using the Pathfinder Soulknife, though it's a standard 3.5 Gestalt game)
The stats so far are in the spoiler below, but my issues are:

1) I've got a +1LA template paid off, but I have no idea what template to take. My GM is pretty good about allowing customising of existing templates, especially on Thematic grounds, so any suggestions of existing templates/something that can be adapted would be extremely helpful.

2) The old build had Psicrystal Containment & Speed of Thought in it. SoT was removed since my GM didn't want me (for dramatic reasons) to be able to out-sprint a light horse . Containment was removed since I'm no longer getting the free psicrystal that the old build got. Now, I obviously need some way of regaining Psionic Focus that's not the full round action, but I don't have the stats for Psionic Meditation. I'm unsure if I should take just take Gain Psicrystal as my now-spare feat and keep Containment, or if there is a more feat-lite way of dealing with things.
On that point, does anyone know if a Psicrystal can focus *itself* for the purposes of Psicrystal Containment?

3) There are no casters in the party (though we do have an Ardent) so I need to figure out a way for my Warforged to be able to be healed/heal himself (since the whole warforged repair skills thing gives minimal returns). Any suggestions, be they template or cheap magic item that doesn't require AMF to use, would be much appreciated.
I guess I could swap one of my skills to a craft skill and have both the warforged and his psicrystal (assuming I take that route) repair him at the same time for double the HP return, but surely there's a better way.

4) I have no way of making use of the couple of PP that I get from Soulknife, suggestions other giving them to the Ardent via the appropriate item would be handy.

Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 6

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Quick: (+10ft Movement speed, -1Hp/Level)



1: Mithril Body
Flaw: Psionic Weapon
Soulknife 1: Power Attack
Warblade 5: Combat Reflexes
6: Deep Impact
9: Leap Attack
Warblade 9: Blind Fight

Soulknife Blade Skills:
Note: Going with the two-handed blade option

2: Powerful Strikes
10: Deadly Blow or Reaper's Blade

I have a couple of ways I can go with the rest:
* Furious Charge & Improved Furious Charge would be utterly awesome for charging (duh).
* Alter Blade would give me some more versatility and a reasonable Ranged/thrown attack
* Combat Slide would also give me some handy versatility, especially if I somehow get the Stance that gives me two 5ft Steps
* Weapon Special is of course also handy versatility

So do I go with one Versatility ability and the Charge options, or all three versatility options?

Warblade Maneuvers:
1: Steel Wind
1: Charging Minotaur
1: Leading the Attack
2: Sudden Leap
3: Battle Leader's Charge or Emerald Razor
4: Trade Charging Minotaur for one of the above
5: - Taking a level of Swordsage here
6: BY CROM!! *ahem* I mean Iron Heart Surge
7: Unsure if I want to trade anything here
8: Ruby Nightmare Blade
9: Maybe trade whatever is least useful for Death from Above
10: Pouncing Charge!

Warblade Stances:
1: Leading the Charge
4: Hunter's Stance

Swordsage Maneuvers
5: Burning Brand
5: Flashing Sun
5: Shadow Jaunt
5: Cloak of Deception
5: Fire Risposte
5: Mountain Hammer

Swordsage Stance
5: Child of Shadow

So yes, if anyone can assist it would be awesome :D

2011-07-11, 10:34 PM
perhaps u would enjoy the item familiar concept found in unearthed arcana, as you could incorporate it into your body as a warforged component. alternatively, u can work with ur ardent friend to create a warforged component enchanted via shism giving u a free, purely mental, action each round. which u could spend on self repair or with dm's approval becoming psionically focused. I understand such a component would be vastly overpowed on a power focused psionic character, such as a scion or wilder, but u could give the item a drawback, e.g. only usable by creatures with 5 or fewer powerpoints, to counteract this.

with ur dm's ok, anything is possible

or better yet, u spend one power point on this item to become psionically focused, rather than taking a full round action.

2011-07-12, 12:00 AM
My GM and I have discussed Item Familiar, and we agree that it's horridly broken the way it's designed. Either you're more powerful than the rest of the party if you have it, or neutered if you don't. Definitely a no for me. Plus, don't you have to create the item yourself?

As to the rest, no custom magic items, those tend to just get stupidly broken. Not to mention any item like you're referring to would be extremely expensive (extra partial action every round? Useless for getting psionically focused, *and* useless for healing without some kind of spell) anyway.

2011-07-12, 01:00 AM
1) Feral (SS), Dark (ToM), Draconic (RotD) and Blooded One (UE) are all powerful +1 templates. Since yours is free though, you can get by with a weaker and more thematic one - I'm not a template guru though so hopefully someone else can assist with that.

2) Do you mind me asking why you want your psionic focus at all? Soulknives don't really need it, and if you don't have the stat budget for Psionic Meditation then relying on your focus is more a detriment than a benefit.

If you really, really want it, swap your 14 from Int to Wis and be a Swordsage instead of a Warblade. By RAW in fact, you'll gain the Swordsage AC bonus since your mithral body counts as light armor, netting you a nice low-level boost. You'll also get more skill points and the Soulknife side of your gestalt will keep your BAB high. The only drawbacks are that your fort save will be weak (though with a 16 in Con you won't be suffering too much) and your HD will drop from D12s to D10s.

3) Your psicrystal cannot focus itself by RAW in either edition - read the last sentence of the Psicrystal Containment feat.

4) Regular healing spells do work on you, they just have half-effectiveness. My advice is to butter up the Ardent to get Psionic Repair Damage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psionicRepairDamage.htm) for you (via EK or mantle) as soon as he can, which is extremely efficient for its level.

5) Your number one option for using the PP you get is the Hidden Talent ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) for soulknives, which replaces your useless Wild Talent. This can also help you with your healing problem if you take something like Vigor, giving you a refreshable buffer before you begin taking damage.

Failing that, consider a dip into a manifesting class like Nomad or Psywar.

2011-07-12, 01:06 AM
Mineral warrior is a good LA 1 template. DR 8/adamantine, 3 NA, darkvision, a burrow speed, some other stuff.

2011-07-12, 01:24 AM
2) Do you mind me asking why you want your psionic focus at all? Soulknives don't really need it, and if you don't have the stat budget for Psionic Meditation then relying on your focus is more a detriment than a benefit.

The reason for the focus etc is for the Psionic Weapon & Deep Impact feats, I figured it would be more thematic to go that way for more damage/easier hitting with power attack etc than going the bog standard Shock Trooper route.

If you really, really want it, swap your 14 from Int to Wis and be a Swordsage instead of a Warblade. By RAW in fact, you'll gain the Swordsage AC bonus since your mithral body counts as light armor, netting you a nice low-level boost. You'll also get more skill points and the Soulknife side of your gestalt will keep your BAB high. The only drawbacks are that your fort save will be weak (though with a 16 in Con you won't be suffering too much) and your HD will drop from D12s to D10s.

I did consider this initially, at the time I pretty much went "High fort & more skill points > wis synergy with a wis penalty".

3) Your psicrystal cannot focus itself by RAW in either edition - read the last sentence of the Psicrystal Containment feat.

Wow, how did I miss that one?

5) Your number one option for using the PP you get is the Hidden Talent ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) for soulknives, which replaces your useless Wild Talent. This can also help you with your healing problem if you take something like Vigor, giving you a refreshable buffer before you begin taking damage.

Failing that, consider a dip into a manifesting class like Nomad or Psywar.

Alas from what I remember about the Hidden Talent ACF you require a Cha of 11 to actually cast it. Hrm. Or I might be remembering that wrong and it just runs off Cha for save DCs.. must check...

2011-07-12, 01:52 AM
The reason for the focus etc is for the Psionic Weapon & Deep Impact feats, I figured it would be more thematic to go that way for more damage/easier hitting with power attack etc than going the bog standard Shock Trooper route.

Those feats aren't very good - they only apply to one attack. (Unless you use the PF version of PW, which has a lesser benefit simply for maintaining your focus.) So an idea would be to use Psionic Weapon, focus in the morning when you wake up and stay focused all day, saving the "expend" use for when you really need to push out some hefty damage (+2d6), and preferably end the battle with it so you don't have to worry about the full-round action to refocus.

If you don't go with the 14 in Wis, I would forget Deep Impact - again, without Psionic Meditation it's more of a drawback than a benefit. With Psionic Meditation it becomes pretty useful, because you can apply it to any weapon attack (even a Maneuver) and all but guarantee it hitting, along with Power Attack and other damage boosters.

I did consider this initially, at the time I pretty much went "High fort & more skill points > wis synergy with a wis penalty".

I don't think the higher skill points outweigh the benefit that being able to focus quickly would grant you (not to mention the AC bonus from Swordsage.) Plus, swordsages get enough skill points that you can get by with 10 int easily.

Alas from what I remember about the Hidden Talent ACF you require a Cha of 11 to actually cast it. Hrm. Or I might be remembering that wrong and it just runs off Cha for save DCs.. must check...

No, you're right - you need Cha 11 to use the power. So your best bet is a dip, even into a PrC like War Mind, though a Psywar dip would give you a free feat.

Now, if you can get the Pathfinder Psywar, you'll be gold - with just one level, you get a whopping 3 powers known instead of one, two of which can be manifested free of charge by expending your focus (psionic cantrips.) You can even get a couple of bonus skills a class skills with the right choice. Mind Knight, Ascetic and Assassin's Paths have the biggest dividends for you. (The Weaponmaster Path unfortunately does not, because Metaphysical Weapon quickly becomes a wasted power on a Soulknife.) Be sure to take the Psywar level on your Swordsage side so that you don't lose any BAB or HD, and so that your blade progression doesn't slow down.

Consider also (once your Ardent gets to a high enough level) having him Psychic Reformation you to swap your initial repertoire for three Psywar powers of your choice.

Do you use the PsU or the XPH versions of powers? That can change my recommendations.

2011-07-12, 02:10 AM
Those feats aren't very good - they only apply to one attack. (Unless you use the PF version of PW, which has a lesser benefit simply for maintaining your focus.) So an idea would be to use Psionic Weapon, focus in the morning when you wake up and stay focused all day, saving the "expend" use for when you really need to push out some hefty damage (+2d6), and preferably end the battle with it so you don't have to worry about the full-round action to refocus.

I could probably swing getting that version of things. I know the feats only apply to one attack, but if I'm using Maneuvers I'm normally only getting one attack anyway.

I don't think the higher skill points outweigh the benefit that being able to focus quickly would grant you (not to mention the AC bonus from Swordsage.) Plus, swordsages get enough skill points that you can get by with 10 int easily.

Man, my brain really is fried at the moment, I forgot that Swordsages get six skill points not four. Hrm. May have to give that a proper think.

Consider also (once your Ardent gets to a high enough level) having him Psychic Reformation you to swap your initial repertoire for three Psywar powers of your choice.

Do you use the PsU or the XPH versions of powers? That can change my recommendations.

We use the standard 3.5 versions of basically everything, barring me being allowed the PF SF. I may be able to get some of the PF alternatives to things, but I'd need a quite strong reason.

My alternative of course is to ditch the Warblade side of the gestalt (Soulknife is fixed, I've wanted to try one for ages :) ) and try to convince my GM to allow the PF Alchemist or similar, to get some utility into the party (current party is three melee, the Ardent/Psiwar, and me) but I was wanting to make a character who doesn't need the whole "Eight hours rest" thing every night :)

2011-07-12, 02:30 AM
We use the standard 3.5 versions of basically everything, barring me being allowed the PF SF. I may be able to get some of the PF alternatives to things, but I'd need a quite strong reason.

All right, I'll assume PF Soulknife, with 3.5 Psywar, War Mind, powers, feats and everything else.

I could probably swing getting that version of things. I know the feats only apply to one attack, but if I'm using Maneuvers I'm normally only getting one attack anyway.

I'm not worried about your one attack though - I'm worried about what comes after it. If combat is still underway, you either waste a whole round refocusing or your feat is useless until used followed by being even more useless afterward.

With Psionic Meditation, you move action to refocus and standard-action Maneuver again with another Deep Impact or PW hit - and you can keep this up all day long or until the enemy crumples. With Desert Wind or Shadow Hand you'll be piling on hellacious damage too.

So definitely, I recommend Swordsage//Soulknife (Soulsage? nah, too castery) with Psionic Meditation for more of a spiritual warrior archetype who is worldly and serene while not being too book-smart. And definitely get the Psicrystal + Containment if you can for another focus. The Psywar dip can help with this by giving you abonus feat - AND you can take the Hidden Talent ACF for your Soulknife side, whose power becomes available to you thanks to your Psywar dip even with dumping Cha.

My alternative of course is to ditch the Warblade side of the gestalt (Soulknife is fixed, I've wanted to try one for ages :) ) and try to convince my GM to allow the PF Alchemist or similar, to get some utility into the party (current party is three melee, the Ardent/Psiwar, and me) but I was wanting to make a character who doesn't need the whole "Eight hours rest" thing every night :)

It's gestalt, so you have a lot of options for adding utility to your Soulknife even without Pathfinder classes. Binder is like vodka - it goes with absolutely everything, and will shore up your fortitude save to boot. Ditto for Dragonfire Adept, though you probably won't use your blade as much with that option. Even Monk, Rogue and Ranger mix in well. You have the stats to go a variety of routes, so definitely think about what your group needs.

Another option - if your party is really that heavy on melee, you might want to look at Soulbow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=2) for yourself, though this is again a Wis-focused option. In that case, you would probably want the 16 there, with the 14 moved to Con, and you stay off the front lines. You'll be a pretty powerful archer (particularly building off the PF Soulknife) and you can use the second ACF in the link I posted earlier to trade your now disused Psychic Strike for bonus feats, and start grabbing archery goodies.

2011-07-12, 02:51 AM
I'm not worried about your one attack though - I'm worried about what comes after it. If combat is still underway, you either waste a whole round refocusing or your feat is useless until used followed by being even more useless afterward.

Ah right, I get you. Being a Soulknife as well pretty much means a full round action, even with Psionic Meditation, to 'recharge' myself (move action each for Psychic Strike and Psychic Weapon), so I was going to be a bit of an "Alpha strike then weaker for the rest of the fight" setup from the get go.

So definitely, I recommend Swordsage//Soulknife (Soulsage? nah, too castery) with Psionic Meditation for more of a spiritual warrior archetype who is worldly and serene while not being too book-smart. And definitely get the Psicrystal + Containment if you can for another focus.

I'll agree this is definitely looking like a better plan, though I'll need to squeeze in another feat from somewhere for Adaptive Style

It's gestalt, so you have a lot of options for adding utility to your Soulknife even without Pathfinder classes. Binder is like vodka - it goes with absolutely everything, and will shore up your fortitude save to boot. Ditto for Dragonfire Adept, though you probably won't use your blade as much with that option. Even Monk, Rogue and Ranger mix in well. You have the stats to go a variety of routes, so definitely think about what your group needs.

"Versatility" may be the wrong term. I more meant for covering a little of the 'caster' role (heck, at the moment our 'healing' consists of bullying the rogue into spending enough points in UMD to use a wand of lesser vigor), buffing, healing & such.

Another option - if your party is really that heavy on melee, you might want to look at Soulbow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=2) for yourself, though this is again a Wis-focused option. In that case, you would probably want the 16 there, with the 14 moved to Con, and you stay off the front lines. You'll be a pretty powerful archer (particularly building off the PF Soulknife) and you can use the second ACF in the link I posted earlier to trade your now disused Psychic Strike for bonus feats, and start grabbing archery goodies.

To be honest, I did consider this but I have no real interest in playing an archer :)

Ok, switch to Soulknife/Swordsage and just go the melee option (though this option *does* mean that I lose Iron Heart Surge :( ). This still leaves me with:
1) Need to figure out template
2) Some way to repair myself, unsure if I can convince the Ardent to get Psionic Repair since they seemed to get bugger all powers known. Wonder if there's an item anywhere that lets you use that Artificer Infusion that summons a spectral crafter..
3) Feats. I have two spare feats but I need to fit in Adaptive Style and Psionic Focus feats. I guess I could get Adaptive Style & Psionic Meditation and ignore the Psicrystal + Containment options, as handy as the extra focus would have been..

2011-07-12, 03:44 AM
Ah right, I get you. Being a Soulknife as well pretty much means a full round action, even with Psionic Meditation, to 'recharge' myself (move action each for Psychic Strike and Psychic Weapon), so I was going to be a bit of an "Alpha strike then weaker for the rest of the fight" setup from the get go.

Honestly I would do away with Psychic Strike and take the feats instead; Swordsage gives you more than enough damage boosters that you won't need it, and lets you keep your move actions for regaining focus, Shadow Stride etc. You're already feat-starved as it is (particularly given that you're having trouble squeezing in essentials like Psionic Meditation and Adaptive Style.)

The bladeskills and scaling weapon are enough on their own to keep the "soulknife feel" - a few d8s that eat your actions won't make or break the build.

I would recommend the following for your first 3 levels:

1: Swordsage 1//Soulknife 1 - Mithral Body, Power Attack, Hidden Talent: Dimension Hop (Flaw: Psionic Meditation, Flaw: Adaptive Style), Form/Shape/Throw Mind Blade

2: Psychic Warrior 1//Soulknife 2 - Psicrystal Affinity, Combat Slide, Vigor or Force Screen

3: Swordsage 2//Soulknife 3, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Weapon, Mind Blade +1.

EDIT: Shifted around Psicrystal Affinity due to the ML requirement. You'll need the Psywar dip to take it.

"Versatility" may be the wrong term. I more meant for covering a little of the 'caster' role (heck, at the moment our 'healing' consists of bullying the rogue into spending enough points in UMD to use a wand of lesser vigor), buffing, healing & such.

Well, again the right class on the other side of your gestalt can handle that if you really want to be the one to help out in that way. I think the other members of the party are better suited to this though. (For instance, get the rogue to gestalt with wizard or psion.) Not that Swordsage doesn't have utility too, but it's more geared towards yourself than to the group, so think about whether you're okay with that.

If you really want to be the one to try and help out, a Binder can do all of the above without hurting any of your stats, and having poor Charisma will be immensely fun for your DM at pact-making time. Or a DFA/Warlock with UMD can take some of the pressure off your rogue. (All three are easily refluffed to be strange warforged technology instead of pacts and dragons and outsider influence.)

Or be a Mystic Ranger on the other side, focus your bonus feats towards dual-wielding (PF Soulknives are insanely good at this) and use your spells to help the party. Gestalt gives you a lot of freedom even with one side fixed. (I'm envious that you're being allowed PF Soulknife in a 3.5 game in any event. :smallbiggrin:)

The above options will alter your build significantly though, so let me know what you think.

I have two spare feats but I need to fit in Adaptive Style and Psionic Focus feats. I guess I could get Adaptive Style & Psionic Meditation and ignore the Psicrystal + Containment options, as handy as the extra focus would have been..

See my breakout in the spoiler, which gets you all of the above by level 3 (and Psionic Weapon.)

2011-07-12, 05:38 AM
Hrm. Tell you what, how does this sound:

Stuff to convince my GM to allow
1) Let me take the "Evolved Construct" template (ie, Evolved Undead but without the undead restriction, and some minor shuffling). Minor stat bumps and fast healing.
2) Let me take my second flaw at lvl 4, so that I can use it to take Instant Clarity, and use that rather than Psionic Meditation etc

Build Changes
1) Soulknife on one side, Swordsage on the other. Maybe add in a level of Warblade at late levels to pick up some Iron Hand maneuvers, including Iron Heart Surge. Pity I'll be missing out on things like Mithril Tornado though.
2) Let the fleshy ones take care of themselves!

1: Mithril Body
Flaw: Psionic Weapon
Soulknife 1: Power Attack
3: Adaptive Style
Flaw (4): Instant Clarity
6: Deep Impact
9: Leap Attack
Warblade 9: Blind Fight

I'd prefer to keep Psychic Strike intact.
Pre-combat: Create two weapons, charge both with Psychic Strike
Round One: Move into flanking (especially if I have Assassin's Stance), use Wolf Fang Strike & Burning Blade.
Round Two: Drop my weapon, reform it to two-hander mode, Emerald Razor+Power Attack+Psionic Weapon (at lvl 5 I can re-imbue Psychic Strike & use that too).

That's a pretty nasty opening two rounds :)
Things get a little less nasty after that, but with Instant Clarity I can use Psionic Weapon/Deep Impact whenever it is most needful.

2011-07-12, 12:39 PM
I can't help much with the ToB side; it's not my forté.

I like Instant Clarity as an alpha strike tool but in practical terms, you may want to refocus more than 3x in a single combat, never mind in a day. I still disagree with Psychic Strike in this build but I won't belabor the point.

Without Psywar 1, you have no PP dump and are down +2 fort and a feat. Hidden Talent also becomes useless for you due to your low Cha, leaving you stuck with the mediocre Wild Talent. I would definitely reconsider that route. Consider that Hidden Talent + a Psywar level gets you the amazing Dimension Hop power; swift action teleportation is definitely worth delaying Swordsage a level for.

Anyway, for the choices you did make - "Evolved Construct" is a good idea if you can swing it, the fast healing will be a big help. Consider sweetening the pot if your DM is reluctant, by shelving the SLAs (they're not very thematic anyways) but keeping the other benefits. If he's fine with it as-is though, try to swap out the more blasty SLA choices for stuff that fits your concept better. (The save DCs are Cha-based; with yours as low as it is, you're better off with a suite of self-buffs to choose from.)

2011-07-12, 02:16 PM
Another possibility for the template is a modified version of Lolth-Touched (MM IV, 93-94). It gives pretty good ability boosts, and it could be modified easily to fit just about any other deity. Maybe St. Cuthbert in your case, unless you're using a different pantheon. If you aren't opposed to the strong religious fluff, that is.

2011-07-12, 07:43 PM
I like Instant Clarity as an alpha strike tool but in practical terms, you may want to refocus more than 3x in a single combat, never mind in a day. I still disagree with Psychic Strike in this build but I won't belabor the point.

The other thing with Psionic Focus is that I'm going to only have a 50/50 chance of focussing anyway, no matter the action. That said I may be looking a little too much at short term rather than later levels so you may have a good point.

Without Psywar 1, you have no PP dump and are down +2 fort and a feat. Hidden Talent also becomes useless for you due to your low Cha, leaving you stuck with the mediocre Wild Talent. I would definitely reconsider that route. Consider that Hidden Talent + a Psywar level gets you the amazing Dimension Hop power; swift action teleportation is definitely worth delaying Swordsage a level for.

I'm honestly of two minds about this one. I can see how it would certainly be better power-wise, but I was hoping to steer clear of anything that required rest to recharge for theme-reasons.
Although, if I break that one then I can always go Psiwar 2, since with the way martial adepts get +1/2 Initiator Level from other classes, I'll be exactly the same amount behind whether I dip one or two levels.

Alternatively, are there any magic items that use Power Points that might be of use?

Anyway, for the choices you did make - "Evolved Construct" is a good idea if you can swing it, the fast healing will be a big help. Consider sweetening the pot if your DM is reluctant, by shelving the SLAs (they're not very thematic anyways) but keeping the other benefits. If he's fine with it as-is though, try to swap out the more blasty SLA choices for stuff that fits your concept better. (The save DCs are Cha-based; with yours as low as it is, you're better off with a suite of self-buffs to choose from.)

Evolved Construct is OKed, as is taking a flaw at lvl 4 for Instant Clarity. We'll be altering the template to grant +2 to a different mental stat than Cha most likely, and I'll probably take Haste or similar as my SLA.

2011-07-12, 07:44 PM
Another possibility for the template is a modified version of Lolth-Touched (MM IV, 93-94). It gives pretty good ability boosts, and it could be modified easily to fit just about any other deity. Maybe St. Cuthbert in your case, unless you're using a different pantheon. If you aren't opposed to the strong religious fluff, that is.

We've done this once or twice too :). My previous character (Kobold meldshaper) was "Kurtlemak Touched". That was basically my fallback option if I couldn't find a template that gave me fast healing.

2011-07-12, 08:03 PM
We've done this once or twice too :). My previous character (Kobold meldshaper) was "Kurtlemak Touched". That was basically my fallback option if I couldn't find a template that gave me fast healing.

I played an epic Sif-touched soulknife/ninja/soulbow once with a feat to make ninja levels stack for mind blade enhancements, in 3.5. Just recently, I made a level 12 soulknife for pathfinder, and I loved the reaper's blade ability. Of course, I went with TWF over two-handed, which made it a lot better. If you ever get to level 12, be sure to take knife to the soul. Then have the spell-caster learn feeblemind, or get an item that lets you use it. Drop 'em to 1 intelligence and charisma, then drop 'em into a coma. :belkar:

2011-07-12, 08:53 PM
I played an epic Sif-touched soulknife/ninja/soulbow once with a feat to make ninja levels stack for mind blade enhancements, in 3.5. Just recently, I made a level 12 soulknife for pathfinder, and I loved the reaper's blade ability. Of course, I went with TWF over two-handed, which made it a lot better. If you ever get to level 12, be sure to take knife to the soul. Then have the spell-caster learn feeblemind, or get an item that lets you use it. Drop 'em to 1 intelligence and charisma, then drop 'em into a coma. :belkar:

Alas the chances of us getting to that level are quite minimal. Having taken a +1LA template and bought it off for 2k xp I may not even quite reach 10 :(

Also, have spoken to my GM, and she's Oked the following:

1) Evolved Construct template gives +2Wis rather than +2Cha
2) I can mix the SLA that I get from Evolved & the Hidden Power feat for:
a) My two PP recharge each morning, I don't need to rest for eight hours
b) I can pick a lvl 1 Psionic power to cast regardless of me not having the Cha to cast it
So upshoot I can keep my "No need to rest" thing going, but still have a use for my PP. I lose the SLA from Evolved, but I think all I qualified for at lvl 3 was See Invis anyway :)

2011-07-12, 09:59 PM
I'm honestly of two minds about this one. I can see how it would certainly be better power-wise, but I was hoping to steer clear of anything that required rest to recharge for theme-reasons.

You have to rest to recharge your Instant Clarities too; this is no different, and you can be plenty effective without either on nights where you'd rather stay up and keep watch.

Alternatively, are there any magic items that use Power Points that might be of use?

Deep Crystal lets you channel power points through it to do more damage. The problem of course is that spending money on a weapon like that defeats the purpose of being a Soulknife. You could probably grab a deep crystal bow though. Other than that, your best bet to use your PP is a dip.

2011-07-12, 10:26 PM
You have to rest to recharge your Instant Clarities too; this is no different, and you can be plenty effective without either on nights where you'd rather stay up and keep watch.

I thought being X/Day effects they just recharged automatically each day, like most X/day effects, as opposed to the "Require eight hours rest" effects?
Either way as you suggested I may well go with Psionic Meditation now that I've got the wisdom for it.