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2011-07-12, 09:35 AM
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration
should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and
west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

Moonday, 28th of Calistril, 4710

The cold weather encountered in Restov is slowly warming up as you travel west and south toward the Greenbelt region of The Stolen Lands. These aptly-named lands have long eluded the grasp of Brevoy, Tador, and the River Kingdoms, leaving quite a daunting task ahead of you. Before the wild Greenbelt can be claimed and colonized, it must be thoroughly explored and have the threats of banditry and savage barbarianism dealt with.

Your first stop will be Oleg's Trading Post, a re-purposed fort located at the southern edge of Rostalnd. This trading post should prove valuable on your expedition to the unexplored south, allowing you to re-supply and rest as needed - assuming you have the gold.

At the edge of your vision, you can see the faint outline of the post, at the furthest point of South Rostland Road. It looks like your journey is about to begin.

You are currently in hex B5

2011-07-12, 09:45 AM
Gothos looks around cautiously grunting approvingly at the ominous clouds and wild looking territory ahead. Surely Gorum's favoured son will have many foes to test his mettle on in the coming days.

Hefting his battleaxe in his hand (one can never be too careful) and adjusting his pack on his shoulder so that it stopped banging on the shield he scratched idley at the greying skin under his neck, not noticing the finger strips of flesh peeling onto the grass- he'd been living with the Wasting long enough to know when it was serious.

He look around at his "new companions", particularly the tall human one with the fancy sword. That one would be worthy competition when it came to the clash of blades. Perhaps he could be convinced that Gorum and Way of Iron was the way forward.

Before the weather worsens shall we get to the trading post? I've not travelled in these lands, do any of you know much of this Oleg?

2011-07-12, 12:44 PM
Caur would gaze at the half-orc's towering body before giving an uneasy shrug to him, in order to imply he does not have much to say about the matter. After getting the ball off himself, he'd quickly eye his peers while scratching the back of his head because of habit, hoping they have more to say than himself.

2011-07-12, 01:33 PM
Lanius, no stranger to the woods, suggests that the trading post would be a good jumping-off point for their expeditions into the wilds. "Obviously the proprietor of a trading post in the woods would have useful items, a good knowledge of the surrounding terrain, and probably the best knowledge of the natives that any non-native would have. He would probably know a good place to start. Shall we go in?" He finishes, starting to move in that direction.

2011-07-12, 01:37 PM
Unfortunately, I have not met Master Oleg, so I cannot answer your query, Master Gothos replies the paladin in a formal yet utilitarian tone. In the short time that you have spent with him, the paladin has always kept all formalities when addressing any of you or referring to anyone else. But I do agree with you and Master Metsavend that the Trading Post should be our first destination

The young man looks as if had come out of a bard’s story: Dressed in steel from head to toe, Caelon wears an azure cape across his shoulders. When examining his defenses, you can see that his armor is bright, but not shiny, showing careful maintenance but disinterest in vanities. In his left arm, he carries a steel shield with the image of a bow and arrow pointing downwards, marking him as a faithful of Erastil.

But the paladin is not only well armored, but also well armed. On his side, you can see that he carries a blade in an unassuming but well maintained scabbard. Someone well versed in weaponry (such as Gothos) can realize that the scabbard is meant more to conceal the weapon’s true form more than to protect the blade from the elements

As he follows the elf and his other companions, the paladin prays silently to his god
Erastil, give me courage to right what is wrong;
give me wisdom to know how I can help my community;
give me strength to share the Burden

2011-07-12, 01:50 PM
As you say Master Caelon the towering Orc replies mirroring the human's formality. Let us hope that the men of this land do not share the Ulfens' or the Kellids' hostility to my kind. It was a long and bloody crossing of Numeria...

Partially muttering to himself he shambles off after the others, a slightly ape-like lumbering gait inherited from his mother. In stark contrast to the gleaming Caelon the scale mail is battered, rusted at the edges and mudsmeared, the battle axe in his fist is notched from use, a match for the greataxe slung on his back. The shield is plain, unadorned save for old dents, scratches and traces of someone else's blood.

Gothos casts one last look at the nearby hills before muttering to himself with a cruelly toothed smirk The charter said hanging or the sword, I'd best get some rope...

2011-07-12, 03:10 PM
Caur would stay silent for the most of the part; gazing more at his weasel than his companions after having eyed them. His familiar would usually give the party an odd stare, as if judging them in its tiny heart, from Caur's shoulder on which it stands. Caur, while taking a few steps forth to have a better vision of what is ahead, seems stare at the ground rather than at people or what may be infront of himself, and his weasel companion ensures its safety by tugging onto his black cloak.

2011-07-12, 06:19 PM
Despite being the youngest member of the expedition (by all of four years at that), the noble girl from the mountains had been remarkably mature. Sometimes irritatingly so - the sort of maturity that has a tendency of coming off as simply... well, trying too hard. Since the group had formed, she'd insisted on a rigorous watch schedule, even on stretches of road that hadn't seen bandits in years. And while she would often take the responsibility of the grueling middle watches, it was hard to tell whether it was because she was being selfless or because she didn't trust anyone else to not doze off. And should she wake up find that the current watch sleeping, said offender could likely expect a fist to the face, and an indignant speech whose comedic value was largely a factor of how awake the respective parties were at that moment.

And while she was hardly what anyone would call mute, most of the girl's 'conversation' consisted of generally pushing people around in some manner - usually because said person is doing something 'wrong'. Like cooking the meat improperly. Or pitching a tent sloppily. Or invading her personal space. Or taking too long to pack up camp. Or not taking proper care of equipment. Or some other thing that mildly annoyed her at that moment.

Though she claims that she is seventeen, her appearance might lead one to quietly (or if one is unwise, loudly) question the truthfulness of that claim. Neila is small in stature, and remarkably slight in build considering her not-insignificant physical strength. Worse, her large, red-brown eyes, pale skin, and rather soft features give her a girlish look that would be better described as 'cute' than 'beautiful' (her tendency to tie her short mop of hair back in pigtails for convenience doesn't help the issue either). Anyone to comment on it will quickly find that her childish appearance is a sore spot with Neila, who struggles so hard to be taken seriously - and one of the quickest ways to earn her ire.

Despite the warming weather, Neila's outfit remains quite heavy. Dressed from neck to toes in loose, layered fabric of blacks, grays and silvers, with a thick slate-hued cloak wrapped around her shoulders, she didn't really seem to have left behind the dress sense of her mountain home. And even when heading to sleep or a meal, she is never seen without her exquisite elbow-length black gloves on her hands.

The rest of Neila's equipment was simple in design, but well-made, and obviously fitted especially for her. The angles and heavier-than-usual metal and craftsmanship spoke of dwarven aesthetic, as did her rather peculiar weapon - a stout, compound shortbow that seemed to have as much metal as wood in its design. Those able to read dwarven would find the runes etched along its surface to speak of well-wishes and good fortune in battle. And perhaps proving the old saying that a noble never really leaves their home behind, Neila refused to let the fact that they were in the middle of the gods-forsaken wilderness keep her from bathing regularly and always pitching her tent, no matter how late they made camp... though actually drawing a circle in the dirt around it and threatening grievous bodily harm to anyone violating it was probably a little excessive.

As the group approaches the designated trading post, the serious young woman could be found splitting attention between the fort ahead and re-reading the group's charter (something she had insisted - quite firmly - on hanging onto personally) for the umpteenth time.

2011-07-12, 08:34 PM
As you make your way closer to the trading post, you can see that it looks at least decades old, with sections of the 10-foot high palisade in complete disrepair. A 20-foot high watchtower is present on all four corners of the building, each complete with a broken catapault resting on the top. Despite the weathered appearance of the fort, it appears perfectly suitable for business, with the gate wide open and a sign directly above it that says "Oleg's Trading Post" in careful handwriting.

A petite middle-aged woman stands in front of the gate, and smiles widely as you approach, her hands open in front of her as a welcoming gesture. In a genial tone, she greets you:

"Welcome, welcome to Oleg's! My name is Svetlana, the wife of Oleg himself. You must be that charter group I was told is coming, yes? I simply cannot thank you enough for coming here to help us with our bandit problems. Oh! But here I am chatting away, while you're out here with tired bodies and hungry bellies. Come in, and I'll get some food ready right away for you!"

Svetlana happily turns around, and points to a table in the open-air market yard. She then heads over to a nearby fire pit with a bowl of stew suspended above it.

Though you have heard of bandit issues in the Greenbelt, you are not specifically here to help Oleg and Svetlana's bandit issues, a fact that Svetlana does not seem to know.

2011-07-12, 09:15 PM
Caelon waits patiently for the hostess to return with the food. When she does, the paladin adresses her in a clear and honest tone

Milady, I must be frank with you: I was not aware that you were suffering from bandit attacks, for we were sent here primarily for exploration.
But, it would be an honor to lend my strength to such a worthy cause as liberating you and your husband from these bandits. The paladin looks around to the other members of the party before addressing Svetlana again I will not speak for my companions, for it is their decision to make. But I promise to do everything I can to put and end to protect you and put an end to your hardship

Caelon's voice then turns to ice, and in a calculating tone he asks Milady, could you tell me more about these bandits? How many are they and how often do they come to steal from you?

2011-07-12, 09:20 PM
Lanius is taken aback at her hospitality, something he wishes more people would offer. "Thank you very much for the food. As my companion said, I would not mind helping you with your bandit problems. Why don't you tell us about that and any other problems in your area while we eat." Lanius finishes. He moves to the table and eagerly awaits his portion of stew, because you can never know when your next meal is when in the wild.

2011-07-12, 10:01 PM
Caur's words would follow Lanius' as close as possible, yet his speech comes out a bit awkward. "I think that is a good point Lanius has made, because, after all, if we are going to stay at a trading post, we'll eventually need some currency." Caur would then look at his meal before proceeding to start eating it.

2011-07-12, 10:52 PM
Svetlana looks slightly disheartened as Caelon tells them of their true purpose, but has her hopes quickly renewed as he express his desire to help them anyway.

"Well..." she starts, as she is suddenly interrupted by a door slamming open. She turns around and sees Oleg, a large man with a sour demeanor, step out of a small building near the gate, and approach his wife. You assume he heard the conversation since you notice the building he exited had both its windows open.

"Well that just figures, doesn't it? They aren't here to help us at all, Lana!"

"Oleg!" she returns in a surprisingly strong voice for her frame, "They just said they would help us anyway! We need to accept their help right now, or we're going straight out of business. You know these bandits won't hesitate to kill us if we can't give them what they want!"

At first Oleg looks as if he is going to continue arguing, but then throws his hands up exasperated and says, ""Fine. I hope for your sake that we can trust them, or this could end bad."

His wife smiles, and then continues as if the interruption had never occured. "Well, the first time the bandits came here was the 1st of Kuthona, 3 months ago. They came over with torches, saying they would burn down the post and do... um, horribe things to me if we didn't comply." She shudders involuntarily at the memory, but wastes no time continuing, "They came back again on the first of Abadius and Calistril. Each time it with less people, thankfully. The first time there were about a dozen of them..."

"Fourteen," Oleg corrects. "I've got a head for numbers," he explains.

"Right, okay, fourteen of them. Anyway, they were led by this horrible woman with two hatchets. She nearly chopped off Oleg's hand when he told them to go away, and then took my wedding ring right of my hand as 'payment' for not cutting it off. The second time they visited, there were only 9 of them, and the third time only 7. The woman didn't return either of those times, and hopefully she won't tomorrow... which would be the first of the month when they always come."

2011-07-12, 11:27 PM
Master Oleg says the paladin to the large man the bandits have entered through the gates, I assume; is there any way they could be sealed, either to prevent one from leaving or entering?"

Caelon turns around to the rest of the group and explains the idea that was taking shape in his head

If we could hide and wait for the bandits to come, we could close the gate once they are inside and surround them. There is a chance that, being outnumber and outflanked, they will surrender without need for bloodshed

2011-07-13, 12:26 AM
Neila seems slightly annoyed as Caelon volunteered them, but doesn't contradict him. Initially.

"I would like to note that we in fact are assigned to assist you, though in a non-specific manner. 'The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.' If we were to ignore this situation, we would be in direct violation of our charter, which I am certain none of us would consider." There's a slight hint of a rolling dwarven twang in her words, but she hides it well and avoids the mashing of words common to the dialect. "Consider yourself safe, Goodwife Svetlana and Goodman Oleg. You are under the protection of the Dragonscale Throne, through us as a proxy."

The girl thinks for a moment, and it occurs to her that these people might be rather nervous. They didn't seem to be, but then again, she had a hard time with nervous. It wasn't one of the easy ones, like afraid or happy. Nervous... nervousness... maybe she should introduce herself? She extends a gloved hand to the pair, though the motion is a little stiff and her expression remains neutral. "I am Neila Garess, scion of House Garess. I assure you that our group have all proven themselves quite capable. You have nothing to fear."

As the group begins to take their seats, she follows suit, spending as much time gently stirring the hot meal as actually eating it. She responds to the paladin's comment with that ever-so-slightly scornful tone that seemed to be her default. "I see no reason as to why such a surrender would be either likely or desirable. If you would remember, it has been clearly stated that banditry is to be punished by death. The mentality of an outlaw is unlikely to lend itself to a lynching when they could go down fighting instead, and even if we did capture them we lack the facilities to properly hold them. I refuse to endanger the lives of these people by doing anything so reckless as holding known criminals in their very homes."

That was simple fact. She continued. "We have the element of surprise by the inherent fact of our presence - they likely expect nothing more than a pair of common traders, while we are a group of trained combatants." Her gaze strays between a few of the... less civilized members of the party. "Well... combatants. We can likely decide the outcome of the battle before they are even fully prepared for an attack. It would be foolish to forfeit that for a fleeting chance that they may be feeling suicidal. We need, at most, one prisoner, that we may glean any information from him that we can on the movements of his group as a whole."

2011-07-13, 02:31 AM
The paladin patiently waits for the young woman to finish before he makes his reply. There are no signs of him being affronted by Neila's tone

Lady Garess, unrepentant banditry is to be punished by death. There is no soul beyond redemption, and there is always a chance for good.

I apologize if my plan seemed to endanger our gracious hosts, for that was not my intention. turning to Oleg and Svetlana, Caelon continues I promise you, as long as there is breath in my body, I will do everything in my power so no harm comes to you. I agree with Lady Garess about your safety beign paramount, so I'd like to request that tomorrow both of you hide while we take care of this most grim business

Finally, the paladin addresses all his companions, making eye contact with each for a brief moment as he speaks I disagree with Lady Garess on a surprise attack for I do not think that is right for us to act as judges and executioners without giving a peaceful resolution a chance. But if we are to share the Burden of this task, I would like to know the opinions of the rest of you

2011-07-13, 02:51 AM
Gothos smiles toothily at Oleg and Svetlana, a worrying sight for many to be sure. My companions are right Mistress Svetlana. We are here for any bandits but will gladly start with these. He pats the head of his axe in a comforting way. "As the little Princess says we are here to help and we are... he measures the same pause that she did effective combatants.We shall defend you, never fear of that.. As he speaks he meets Caelon's blue eyes trying to convey the same strength of purpose, if with significantly less eloquence.

Gazing round the walls he smiles at the strong palisade and lurches a few paces towards the door. Master Caelon if you seek to block this then this is where I shall stand, the defiant words backed up by a grim bellowing laugh.

I look forward to meeting these bandits tomorrow. The Iron Lord can take his pound of flesh from someone else

As he speaks his eyes catch the sight of the catapults on the towers. Master Oleg, do the rock throwers function?

2011-07-13, 10:17 AM
Oleg sighs at the disagreement between Neila and Caelon, but then responds when asked about the fort, "The fort is in... well, it's seen better days. This was originally meant to defend the border, but it hasn't been used for that in ages. The catapults haven't been used in ages, and I think it would take far longer than a day to get the old things running again. The only reason they're still there is for decoration, really. The gate, on the other hand, does work, but it needs to be closed manually, and that requires at least two people to close it effeciently."

The man looks at the fort, as if trying to come up with some plan on his own, but then brings his attention back to the group, and slams a fist on the table with a fiery glint in his eyes. "And I want these bastards dead, dammit! If you heard the... the things they said they'd do to Lana, you would feel the exact same way. I don't want them going free so they can go around terrorizing some other hard-working families! They're scum and they ain't worth a bit at all!"

For a moment, Svetlana looks as if she is about to add something, but then looks back at her food, and waits for someone else to speak.

2011-07-13, 10:21 AM
Caur would listen to everyone's opinion patiently, and judge these opinions in his head; trying to figure the easiest and loveliest way to handle the issue. Lost in thought, a look that gazes far beyond the borders of our physical world can be read on his face until he eventually makes up his mind and attempts to interupt the conversation right after Oleg.

"I suppose a surprise attack would be the most viable, for this is a fight of survival, rather than a fight of honor. In fact, I can hardly understand the point of both parties being in the same condition, for that where I came, such a kindness was never done to what may be a threat or dinner."

2011-07-13, 10:32 AM
Gothos look at the old man. A glimmer of respect in his yellow eyes for the fiery speech. "Then Master Oleg tomorrow we shall wreak bloody vengeance on these bandits for you. I am well used to depredations and cruelties of human raiders"
(It may take a second to work out that he actually means the Paladins and soldiers of Lastwall)

looking down at the Witch as he chews on the meat stew he nods favourably
"Master Caur and the weasel may be right. Surprise and overwhelm them is the best tactic. Though if you wish me to stand shoulder to shoulder with you Master Caelon and fight them honourably I will. I care not save that battle is done in Gorum's name."

2011-07-13, 11:58 AM
"Nearly all criminals 'repent' when faced with the gallows. This does not make their crimes any less heinous. While leniency is sometimes offered to those who would choose to turn themselves in of their own volition, it would be foolish to believe in the sincerity of any penance extracted through open threats. The individuals of which we speak forsook any right to civility or mercy when they began their campaign of terror and harassment against Goodman Oleg and his wife. Likely sooner, as I doubt this is the first or only place being extorted so."

She pauses in her idle stirring of her food then, sparing a glance in the direction of the gates. "Given that the fortifications are in a such a state of disrepair, we have almost no option but a surprise assault in any case. Hardened murderers are unlikely to simply let two of us close those cumbersome gate and entrap them here - it likely that at least one will attempt to flee the scene when presented with a genuine threat. If even a single of these bandits escapes, there is a good chance that he or she shall return with a much larger group as retribution... no, it is best that we engage them quickly and completely, before they are given an opportunity to scatter. That is neither cowardice nor bloodlust - it is simply common tactical sense."

2011-07-13, 12:27 PM
Since we do not know their numbers yet, it'd be premature to think that we can fell all our enemies before they get a chance to scatter by simply attacking them counters the paladin, his tone still calm despite Neila's ridiculing of his plan. Caelon pauses for a brief moment, considering the options, and then offers an alternative plan

I think it might be possible for Master Gothos and I to hide behind the gates and use the element of surprise to close them once all the bandits are inside. While we do that, you, Master Delacroix and Master Metsavend could be at the ready to take action if it came to that. Then, trapped and surrounded, I'll confront them and offer then one last chance to surrender. I am no fool Milady; I am aware that the likelihood of a peaceful resolution is small. If it comes to a fight, I'll draw their attacks upon myself, and I will not fall until our enemies are defeated. But I would rather not relinquish all hopes that people can change, and I am willing to risk my life for that belief

Then, addressing the half-orc, the paladin says
It'd also be my honor to stand with such a brave warrior as yourself, Master Gothos. Know that my shield and my blade will be there to assist you whenever you need it

2011-07-13, 05:44 PM
Gothos smiles at the blonde man. Then we should eat, sleep and make ready for the battle to come Master Caelon. We shall se which god is mightier in the clash of arms in the morning. Something halfway between a toothy smile and snarl suggests that the orc is probably attempting a joke.... probably.

2011-07-13, 09:25 PM
Lanius looks at the rest of the group, nodding at the fine planning that is going on. He motions towards the top of the wall to one side of the gate "As for me, I think I will be most useful up on that platform near the gate. I could most certainly hide from view until the trap is sprung. Then, if any escape I can stop them with my bow, and if things get rough inside, I could jump down and join in the melee."

"Now, it is getting late, so why don't we think about turning in. Do you have beds for us here Svetlana? Otherwise just a few rooms would suffice." Lanius finishes.

2011-07-13, 09:47 PM
"If you insist on giving the monsters some manner of opportunity for surrender, I might suggest a compromise." She finally stops pretending to eat, pushing away a half-full bowl of stew and laying down her spoon. "Sir Ismort, if you wish, you may accost them upon their arrival, as a chartered explorer authorized to carry out justice in this region. If he so wishes, Goodman Gothos may accompany you. If the bandits truly are repentant, which I confess I highly doubt, then they will have a perfect opportunity to set aside their weapons and turn themselves in. Offer a reprieve from the death penalty, if you wish."

Neila knits her gloved hands together, resting them on the table in front of her. "If by some chance they turn down such a generous offer, they will almost certainly attempt to bring the two of you down with superior numbers. This has the added benefit of drawing them further into the post, making retreat significantly more difficult. Then the remainder of our group may strike from hiding, placing them between axe and blade on one side and spell and arrow on the other."

"It entails rather more danger to you personally, but if you are so insistent on a futile attempt at negotiations, you are welcome to attempt it." Not once does that dead expression change as she finishes her short speech, though she seems disinclined to break eye contact until she receives an answer.

2011-07-13, 11:27 PM
At Lanius' request, Svetlana speaks up, "Of course we have beds for you! Free of course, considering how generously you're helping us with our problems. I'll wake you up by daybreak if you aren't up already to get ready for your confrontation."

Oleg appears as if he is going to interrupt his wife when she mentions free rooms for the night, but then thinks better of it. As Svetlana goes off to show you your rooms, Oleg sheepeshly says, "And... um, be careful. They probably won't be too happy with us if they manage to survive your attack."

2011-07-14, 02:21 AM
Thank you Milady Garess, I appreciate your concessions. Caelon responds, also maintaining eye contact with the bard I am willing to face the risks involved with this task for a chance to redeem the bandits.

The paladin's voice takes a hard tone as he continues But, let me make this clear to you, Milady, and to Master Oleg: If they do not surrender, I will not hesitate to put an end to their thievery. No bandit that does not renounce his ways will survive to threaten any innocents again

Having said that Caelon raises from the table and start inspecting the area

Before we go to rest, I think it'd be most wise to decide upon hiding places and how to use the available objects to make our deception as effective as possible. As we have discussed, Master Gothos and I will hide behind the doors, which we will lock once the bandits are inside. Master Metsavend will be at the palisade over the gate to best use his bow. Where do you think would be the best place both you and Master Delacroix, Milady?

Basically, this is for us to find hiding spots and to have everything set so we can do the equivalent of take 20 on the stealth check for the next morning

EDIT: Yeah, I meant to refer to Caur

2011-07-14, 06:34 AM
Caur would keep eating from his stew, seemingly not intending to reply to Caelon at all, but rather waiting for Neila to make the decision. His weasel, however, gazes about curiously from the table on which it sits.

Assuming you meant "Master Delacroix," because you already mentioned Lanius in your phrase.

2011-07-14, 09:59 AM
Svetlana furrows her brow in thought at the mention of hiding places, and then responds, "Well, you and um, Gothos, right? You two can hide behind the gates while it's open. All of the bandits besides the woman seemed a bit dull, so unless she's there again, that should suffice. Oleg and I can also put some barrels up by the platform for anyone to hide behind, and our wagon can be used as well."

2011-07-14, 10:11 AM
Gothos nods at Svetlana's sensible suggestions. Where shall I put these then? he grins flexing massively scarred grey-green skinned muscles. Then we see about setting the watch. If the Lady Garess does not object I will take the watch in the darkest hours. Yellow eyes do not mind the dark .

With that he grabs up a last hunk of stew soaked bread and starts moving the barrels as directed by the rest of the party.

2011-07-14, 12:22 PM
Thank you, lady Svetlanal; your help has already increased our plan's chance of success then, to the rest of the group he adds I'd like to be awake at the break of dawn for my prayers to Erastil, so I can take the last watch

Caelon moves to help Gothos with the barrels. After everything is readied, and unless there is anything left to discuss, the paladin will try to get a few hours of sleep

2011-07-14, 03:28 PM
Lanius makes sure to thank the hosts for their generous hospitality. He also looks thoughtful at the mention of barrels. "Would you by any chance have some extra caltrops or marbles of some sort. I could certainly throw those off the platform and make it difficult for the bandits to find a good footing. I'd want to avoid anything flammable since you said the bandits carry torches, but having a few helpful tools could really make this battle much easier." Lanius has to work hard to focus on this matter rather then on going to sleep in those warm, comfortable beds.

2011-07-14, 04:18 PM
Gothos looks around "Someone wake me for the night watch" before heading inside and curling up in his slightly filthy blanket.

When his watch comes he'll stand in the doorway, great axe and armour in hand and stare into the darkness musing on the day to come and the nature of his new companions

2011-07-14, 04:27 PM
"That is acceptable. We should avoid scattering ourselves too much, and a position atop the palisades confers numerous tactical advantages to those of us equipped to do battle at a distance." As the various members of the party went about their tasks, Neila rose as well. "In the manner of watches, I shall take first, if that is acceptable."

She turns to Svetlana, nodding slightly. "I thank you and your husband for the accommodation, Goodwife, but I would... prefer... to sleep in my tent. Please do not take it as an offense to your hospitality." Neila looks around for a moment, seeming to take in her companions once more. "I would recommend we retire as soon as preparations are made. We shall no doubt rise early tomorrow, and likely to a bloody dawn."

She quietly cooperates with anything that still needs to be done, and as usual pitches her own tent - this time near the back of the compound, seeming to not overly mind the smell. And despite the place being completely surrounded by walls, she still almost ritualistically traced a circle in the dirt around it with the tip of her scabbard. After all preparations are made, she stations herself atop the palisade wall, using one of the heavy barrels Gothos had brought up as a makeshift seat.

There Neila would remain until time came to wake the half-orc to relieve her, gently humming a sad tune into the young night.

2011-07-14, 05:38 PM
Caur would stand up, leaving his empty plate on the table while looking at Caelon. "I would be glad if you could wake me up after you do so for your watch, please. I actually have an arrangement with my weasel before any fight breaks out," he would address to him, either assuming there are three watches and both are taken, or arrogantly expecting to skip the watch as he needs to sacrifice from his own sleeping time to prepare his spells with his weasel; however, in fact, both thoughts are quite equal factors.

After waiting for everyone's response, he'd hopefully head to bed and try to sleep, in order to get ready for issues that await.

2011-07-14, 08:39 PM
Lanius accepts the fact that there is nothing else around, and heads off to bed. On his way, he tells the group over his shoulder, "Feel free to wake me for a watch if I am needed.".

2011-07-15, 09:12 AM
The first four watches pass without incident, none of you (save Gothos) are able to see a thing in this pitch-black starless night. It isn't until the final watch that anything out of the ordinary occurs.

As Caelon begins offering morning prayers to Erastil, the sun begins to rise over the wild landscape to the east. With the improved illumination, Caelon can make out some shapes coming to the fort from the forests to the South. The exact number and appearance of the group is difficult to determine, but you imagine it to be around 5 to 8 people, all mounted. They make their way toward you at a steady pace, so you and their group should have perhaps an hour to prepare if these strangers are, in fact, the bandits Oleg and Svetlana told you about.

2011-07-15, 09:41 AM
As morning dawns Gothos will scavenge what food he can from Oleg and Svetlana and then garb himself for battle, checking and double checking the straps of his battered scale, his weapons and the straps of his shield.
It would appear the bandits are prompt he'll remark to the courtyard at large. Yellow eyes narrowing on the advancing riders as he squints to get a clearer view.
It would appear that there is at least 1 each, then a couple spare for you and I Master Caelon he jokes badly before slowly moving to take up a position behind the door to keep out of sight, dented greataxe clutched in his meaty scarred fists. He knows he's clumsy and liable to be seen otherwise.

A forlorn perception check to count the riders more accurately [roll0]
He'll start the fight/encounter with the great axe equipped (so a starting AC of 15).

2011-07-15, 10:01 AM
Lanius wakes up and has a quick meal before putting his armor back on and getting ready for the upcoming events. After checking all of his weapons and his armor, he moves a few barrels up onto the wall to conceal his position. Then he crouches behind the wall, and looks out at the approaching group to see if he can identify them for the rest of the group. [roll0][roll1]

2011-07-15, 11:45 AM
After waking up, Caur would unwillingly eat a quick breakfast. After putting his tunic, cape and other gear over his shirt, and taking his staff, he proceeds to prepare his spells with his weasel in his room.

After preparing his spells, he'd head out of the building and try to figure out where he should stand for the combat. However, seeming a bit lost, he stands near the tables while looking at others.

Level 0 spells: Daze, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1 spells: Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement

2011-07-15, 04:59 PM
Caelon wakes up as soon as Gothos comes to the room for him.

Caelon repeats his usual morning routine: He starts by kneeling and praying to Erastil for guidance and strength; while doing so, he is able to spot the incoming riders. Despite the imminent danger, the paladin calmly wakes up Caur (as per his request) and then proceeds to warm up any stiff muscles going through martial routines that he learned what it seems a lifetime ago watching his brother.

His exercises concluded, Caelon wakes up the rest of the group. Finally, the paladin dons his armor and returns to the courtyard

Indeed, Master Gothos. Caelon replies to the oracle, his tone fairly neutral, but with a bit of deference towards the brave half-orc that is also willing to risk the melee. Hopefully it will not come to violence. But if it does, we might be outnumbered, so we must make our teamwork count: I'll try to draw their attacks upon myself to give you more mobility on the battlefield, maneuvering so we can take our enemies one at a time

Read as: I'll move around and set up flanks for you

Seeing Lanius in place and Caur's hesitation, the paladin tries to advice the witch Master Delacroix, maybe you would like to stay near Master Metsavend? I think there is probably enough room behind the barrels for both of you, and it'd be a safe place if these bandits resort to violence

Shall we assume our positions? Says the paladin to his companions, advancing towards his hiding place behind the gate

2011-07-15, 05:19 PM
"I assume that would be the best idea, yes," says Caur, nodding at Caelon. "Then I should move to my place already," he would add while looking at Lanius, and before walking to his position.

2011-07-15, 06:42 PM
Gothos nods to the tall paladin. And for you Master Caelon and raising his voice, for any of my other companions, if you are wounded call out for aid and I will see if Gorum can spare mercy for you.
With that he waits in the shadows, listening for Lanius or the others to let him know what's going on outside.

Read that as shout and he'll try and get you with a cure light

2011-07-15, 09:40 PM
When the bandits arrive near the Trading Post, it is quite apparent that they aren't even making the slightest bit of effort to be sneaky. Loud voices can be heard coming from the group, and you here some boasts, some jokes, and some women objectification on the side. The group is all-male, and Lanius notes there are 6 of the cloaked bandits, plus the horses they ride. Each member has a shortsword, but one that rests idly in its sheathe rather than in-hand. The tall man riding in front (who seems to be their leader of sorts; it's difficult to tell), also has a longbow strapped across his back and seems to be doing the most talking.

"...and then to celebrate a job well-done, me an' Kressle had a little tumble in her tent!"

"Happs, I dun' even know why you put up widdat Harpy. I tell you, she's a crazy one."

"Hey, she ain't that bad. You just don't have the balls to get anywhere near her!"

"Heh, you're the one who's not gonna have any balls when she's done with ya'"

Because they are completely distracted by their banter (or perhaps because they are simply apathetic), none of the men bother paying attention to their surroundings as they enter the fort. The leader ("Happs" as he was called) removes his coat, revealing his black hair and thin beard (not to mention his leather armor and muscled frame), and looks a bit annoyed at the empty wheelbarrow in the market yard.

"Oy, Oleg and wifey! Get out here before I burn your little fort to cinders!"

2011-07-16, 02:41 PM
Now! the paladin shouts to Gothos, getting him to coordinate the closing of the gates

After the oracle has secured the gates, Caelon emerges from his hiding place. He walks towards the bandits with his sword still sheathed and his shield across his back. He announces his presence in a clear, commanding voice

Halt! I will not stand idle while you prey on the innocent! My name is Caelon Taeneris Ismort, a Paladin of Erastil. In the name of what is good and the authority given to me by the Dragonscale Throne, I command you to stop your actions and surrender peacefully!

Before the bandits get a chance to reach their weapons, Caelon, with a cold stare in his eyes and steel in his voice, warns them You are surrounded. If you try to fight you will perish.
Then, with a gentler, but not less firm voice, he adds. Surrender and face the consequences of your actions. There is still a chance for all of you to be redeemed. You can atone for your crimes and live, but that will only happen if you surrender now


Caelon will use his Move action to come into the courtyard. He will then use his Standard action to be ready to unsheathe his sword and prepare his shield if the bandits do not surrender

2011-07-16, 03:07 PM
RAAAAHHH roars the orc as he forces the aged gate shut from his side slamming the crossbar into place.

Staring at the bandits he crackles with steely grey energy as his body appears to be coated in a thin layer of molten steel. Great axe in hands he looks terrifying as he selects a victim.

move action: close the door
Standard action: Cast Shield of Faith (AC =17 (5 armour + 2 deflection)

2011-07-16, 03:25 PM
Wake up. Neila had slept poorly, but such could not be helped. She rose in her tent, stretched. Took a moment to tighten the wrappings on her chest - now was hardly the time for vanity, after all. Donned the gray-hued tunic and fitted trousers, then the long, loose battle-skirt and cloak of the same palette. Tied her hair back in her customary tails, keeping it out of her face. Slipped on her boots, meticulously knotting the leather straps so they would not slip on her feet and upset her balance. And then her gloves, giving a small sigh of relief as the comforting barrier slipped over her skin.

Well... nothing for it. There wasn't anything left to do to put it off.

Her stomach rejecting the very idea of food at the moment, she simply takes up her position for the coming battle, uncharismatic in her complete silence and lack of criticism. As the bandits filed into the fort and were accosted by her companions, she sits with her back to the carefully-placed barrels, running a finger along the engravings on her shortbow and counting down the seconds until the bandit leader spoke...

OOC: Got a chance to post, might get another later today.

Neila is up on the walltop/palisade platform with the other ranged characters.

Tactics-wise, she'll hit as many as she can with a Grease, then start firing off arrows until there's only one left. She'll try and Charm the last one, but even if that doesn't work we should probably try to capture him. They're obviously part of a larger group. Also, Gothos or Caelon could tie up the bowman in melee, I'm sure the rest of the group would thank you~

2011-07-16, 04:03 PM
Caur stands by Lanius, behind the barrels, and waits for bandits to respond to Caelon, not doing anything notable for now.

Should mean I skip my turn, I suppose.

2011-07-16, 08:26 PM
Lanius takes up his bow, standing up and taking aim towards the center of the group. He aims at the tall man with the bow, as he seems like the biggest thread to the group on the wall, but prepares to shoot any bandit that makes an agressive move.

To try and help Caelon [roll0] Otherwise, ready a standard action to shoot any lone bandit that makes an attack move at Caelon, or the apparent leader if the whole group reacts to fight. [roll1][roll2]

2011-07-17, 10:57 AM
The man in front looks at Caelon with an amused expression and says, "Huh... why's it that you look familiar? Eh, don't matter... I ought to thank you for making my day more interesting!"

He draws an arrow, but before he can finish the motion, he screams as he feels a sharp pain in his shoulder. Some blood draws from the wound, and Happs looks absolutely enraged as he sees Lanius duck back behind the barrels. The bandit still manages to finish his shot, but the painful distraction seems to have affected his aim, as his arrow goes wide, planting itself in the guest-house many of you slept in tonight.


Happs (went)
Other bandits

Lanius used a prepared action, so he's last in initiative now. His attack hit Happs for 3 damage. Happs 5 foot step back, and attacked Caelon (but missed).

Sense motive - Although the leader seems unfased by your words, many of the other bandits seem very worried about this entire situation.

2011-07-17, 11:32 AM
Gothos, standing in the midst of the bandits roars, The Iron Lord only rewards the strong as he twirls round axe spinning into the isolated bandit on his right hand side

Attack roll [roll0]
damage [roll1]

OOC: if he hits and kills
As the bandit vanishes under the impact of the axe Gothos surges forward readying to smite the next one. A snarl on his grey/green features as the blood makes red streked patterns in his scarred hands and face.
He'll 5ft step up and right to avoid the flanking :smallsmile:

OOC: if he misses, or the bandit lives
Gothos whirls round, tusked face snarling in anticipation of the fight to come chanting Gorum, Gorum, Gorum as he works himself up into a battle frenzy.
He stands still as he can't avoid any flanking and hopes that the bandits miss lots :)

2011-07-17, 11:42 AM
Gothos deftly slices through the bandit to his right, who falls to the ground with a pool of blood accumulating under him. Without wasting a moment, the oracle of Gorum moves to the previously occupied position to deny his opponents any flanking advantage.

Yeah, you were successful. Gothos is now one space to the right

2011-07-17, 12:31 PM
The paladin, in a smooth motion that shows years of training and practice, reaches for his shield with his left arm while his right hand goes to the hilt of his sword. In a quick motion, he is ready for battle, sword and shield at the ready. Caelon's sword, now that it has finally been revealed, is of an exquisite craftsmanship, with a sharp blade and a simple yet magnificent carving of Erastil's bow in the center of the pommel

You have sealed your fate the paladin enunciates to the leader of the bandits in a voice so cold that you cannot believe it comes from the same individual that was advocating for a peaceful resolution

Erastil, give me strength to share the Burden As Caelon finishes his prayer, he feels his limbs being imbued with divine strength and his mind's senses expanding to process all the information of the battlefield at the same time


Swift: Active Smite evil
Move: In front of the leader (Happs). Preferably directly north, but only if that does not provoke AoO
Standard: Use the double attack of sword and Shield


(From OOC)
Sword Attack - (1d20+7)[24] +2
Sword Damage - (1d8+4)[12]
Shield Attack - (1d20+5)[23]
Shield Damage - (1d4+4)[8]

If this is enough to take down Happs, Caelon will try to intimidate (don't think this is the time for diplomacy)the other bandits into surrendering

DROP YOUR WEAPONS NOW! the paladin yells at the other bandits

HP=11/11, AC=20 (23 vs Happs)

2011-07-17, 03:12 PM
Caur watches the combat with frightened eyes as he figures that he was not ready for this, but also knowing that this is a battle that he is in, whether if he is ready or not. However, he stands behind Neila, as ready as he can, in case anyone gets closer to him(into the range of his spells), or someone tries to climb up to the platform on which he stands.

Skipping turn due to the fact enemies are too far away.
HP: 9/9

2011-07-17, 08:47 PM
As their leader goes down quite quickly, and another of their ranks is mercilessly hacked through with an axe, the bandits clearly begin to question their odds of survival in this attack. When Caelon yells at them to stop (his weapon fresh with Happs' blood), they listen.

The clank of steel is heard as the remaining 4 bandits drop their weapons to the ground, and frantically beg you not to chop them down.

"N-no, please don't hurt me! I didn't want to rob the fine fellows at this fort, it - it was all Happs' idea, not mine! I swear, I won't get anywhere near here again, just please let me go!"

2011-07-17, 09:13 PM
Leave your weapons on the floor and move against the wall says the paladin in a commanding voice, pointing at the nearest stable wall

Turning to his companions, Caelon says in a clear yet non-threatening voice Master Metsavend, Lady Garess, please keep an eye on them so they don't make any sudden moves

Once the bandits have moved to the location. Caelon mutters a prayer to his god
Erastril, please, give me wisdom to know right and wrong

Once again, the paladin feels the favor of his God as his sight starts to shift from the normal spectrum into the world of spirits and auras. The young Ismort then looks at each bandit, one at a time, trying to ascertain the truth of their words as he asks the same question to each prisoner

Do you renounce the evil path and willingly take the Burden of redemption?

Activate Detect Evil
Will try to Sense motive each of the Bandits

2011-07-17, 09:33 PM
The four remaining bandits are quick to comply, and line up against the wall. To Caelon's question, each answers with a frightened "Yes!", making it difficult to tell whether they are telling the truth, or just want to get away from a group of well-armed individuals.

As this is going on, Oleg and Svetlana slowly emerge from their room, and watch as you question them. Svetlana looks relieved that you have the situation under control, but Oleg seems to be quite irritated that four of the bandits are still breathing.

One of the bandits detects as evil. The one lined up on the far right.

2011-07-17, 09:45 PM
Neila lets off the taut bowstring cautiously, letting the arrow-shaft slip between her fingers lest she accidentally let fly against the now-unarmed criminals. As her hand returned it to the quiver, she felt gloved fingers clench, keeping them from shaking. Not this moment, then. She'd thought she might be ready, but it was still almost a relief. Almost.

The girl keeps weapon in hand as she scales to ground level, but a portion of her glare is directed at her paladin companion as much as any of their foes lined up against the wall. "Sir Ismort, I must ask what you are doing." That itself was a statement, not a question. "I would think these individuals have made their intentions quite clear. An armed interrogation is not grounds for pardon. That in mind, I ask again - now that you have captured these men, marked for death, what do you intend to do with them?" Her usual emotionless gaze swept over the line-up, but it was terrible as ice on the other end. The fact that there was no malice in her voice only made it worse.

2011-07-17, 10:02 PM
Lady Garess, as I mentioned before, I am giving these men a chance of redeeming themselves. replies the paladin, either not realizing the bard's glare or not being affected by it

Pointing at the three leftmost bandits, he continues Erastil's blessing tells me that none of these three men are truly evil.

Addressing the three prisoners, Caelon states If you are true of your penance, then all of you will work from now on for Master Oleg. For free. For as long as he deems necessary for the damages that you have caused him. And remember that we will be coming back to check on your behavior

The paladin's eyes then stop on the last man. Caelon does not blink while he talks, his gaze locked on the other man's

For you, the road of redemption will be steeper, for your sins are greater. You will lead us to the camp from where you came. If you help us put and end to their actions, you will be a free man. If you betray us, I will not even grant you swift punishment for your actions.

Addressing all the people present, the paladin asks

Does anyone object to these conditions?

2011-07-17, 10:55 PM
Gothos snarls a blood stained snarl at the 3 indicated bandits. I will accept these conditions Master Caelon, though if they back out I ask only that I get the first swing?. The words are backed up by a smile in the rictus of teeth, greyish skin and the blood of the fallen bandit.

Intimidiate [roll0]

2011-07-18, 04:09 AM
"...pray tell, you do realize that you would be leaving three individuals trained in combat in the care of two who are not? Tell me, what happens to this little exercise in redemption when those three men decide they have had enough of servitude? It does not take an evil man to commit evil, and these individuals most certainly would, in time. Would you consign Goodman Oleg and his wife to be naught be wardens for the scum that made their lives hell? Wary every moment of every day that their 'redeemed' servants might turn on them?"

"The Goodman wishes these individuals dead for the crimes they caused. The law stands with him on this." She redirects her blank stare at the stead-holder. "If he will acquiesce to your proposal, then I shall raise no further objection. However, I would like him to know that he is fully within his rights to demand their execution, and will remain so until such time full pardon is granted to these individuals. Goodman, what say you on the matter?"

2011-07-18, 07:23 AM
After walking his way down from the platform on which he stood for the duration of combat, he adds, looking at Caelon, "I understand you may feel sympathy, and think they are not murderers, for that they did not even properly defend themselves with their weapons, but I have an objection, at least about the one bandit we take; I'd suggest we have his hands tied for the time of travel, because if we can't have a good sleep at night, we will drop frustrated before bandits, even if we find their camp."

And then he gazes between the other three, but hardly has anything to say.

2011-07-18, 07:28 AM
Some internal error made me double post, sorry.

2011-07-18, 10:04 AM
Oleg has a fierce look in his eyes as he answers Neila's query. "You honestly want to know what I think? Well let me tell you every time a bandit is at your mercy, and you ask him why he's a bandit, he'll tell you that he's got no choice: he has a family, there's no work available, or that he'll starve otherwise. Well I think it's all a load of horse droppings. You always have a choice, and if given the choice again, these men will go straight back to banditry. If you set these men free, you may never see them again, but that doesn't mean they won't still be causing harm. Would you really be content knowing that by releasing them, you may be causing the misfortune of some innocent farmer down the road? No, I say lock them up, or stab them down; just don't let them become someone else's problem."

After taking a deep breath, he takes a look at the still-alive bandits on the wall, and frowns. "And there is no way I am allowing three of them in my shop. We sell weapons as well as tools, and there's no way I'm giving them the chance of slitting our throats while we sleep. Plus, we keep the gate open most of the time... you know how easy it would be for them to escape whenever they felt like it?"

2011-07-18, 02:35 PM
Lanius considers the problem for a while before answering. "Maybe if we could turn them over to the Authorities, or at least ask for legal advice. Oleg, how hard would it be to get a letter to Restov? This way we could possibly solve this dilemma here, and not back in Restov." he reasons, looking at the others for their reactions.

2011-07-18, 02:42 PM
"Indeed. Releasing them is out of the question. And most frontier towns close enough to bring them to would likely sooner lynch them than lock them up in limited facilities. They made a choice, to bully and steal from those weaker than themselves." Neila takes a few steps, bringing her to within a few meters of one of the bandits Caelon had claimed was not evil. "You though, you will still guide us, will you not? You do not need to lead us personally. All you have to do is explain how to get there, and what we will find when we arrive. You can do that, can you not? It might even earn you the mercy Lord Ismort is so keen to grant." As she speaks, she weaves her hands through a short series of elegant motions, and her voice takes on a lyrical tone.

OOC: Start the Bardsong of Satire as a standard action (giving the bandits -1 to saving throws against fear and charm spells), and then casts Charm Person on her next turn on one of the non-evil bandits.

2011-07-18, 03:38 PM
Master Oleg, Lady Garess, I pray you reconsider and show mercy. says the paladin, though he does not stop Neila during her casting

We gave these men a chance of surrendering and they did that. If we were to execute them now, after offering them a chance of redemption in exchange of their surrender, we would be murderers.

Addressing the bard, Caelon says Lady Garess, once again, the law asks for execution of unrepentant banditry. These men have surrendered. They have made wrong choices, but the law only allows us to take their lives if they do not repent.

You had agreed to allow me to offer them a chance of surrender. Master Gothos has agree to it, and I am willing to compromise with Master Delacroix's conditions. I only ask that you let me keep my promise.

Turning to Oleg and Sveltana, the paladin continues.

Please, think if this is what you really want. I can assure you that Erastil's blessings have indicated to me that three of these men are not evil. I might not completely agree with Lady Garess on the interpretation of the law, but I do agree with her that you have a choice.

Please, choose the higher road

2011-07-18, 04:34 PM
Gothos after menacing the badits and hearing the arguments given by Master Caelon and Lady GaressShall we hang the Evil one then as an example? As for the other 3 we should take all 3 with us to spare Misstress Svetlana any further distress

He glares at the 3 of them. Once we've eradicated the rest of the bandit camp we can make a more informed desicion and it gives these 3 a chance to prove Master Caelon's redemption.

Shall we mounts up and strike at the camp today? He asks gesturing with a massive blood soaked paw at the horses.

2011-07-18, 06:59 PM
Caur would look at Gothos with a rather sarcastic look in his eyes, and reply with an also sarcastic tone of voice, "Nothing I like more than a suicide in the bandit camp; so, why not?"

2011-07-18, 08:47 PM
Oleg sighs at Caelon's insistence, and responds, "Look, when you get to be my age, you start to learn that just because someone says they'll be better, doesn't mean it's true. Especially considering they're answering at sword-point. It's your choice what to do with them, but since you asked my opinion, I'm giving it. I don't want them near me or my wife, and the only way to make sure is to put them in jail in Restov, or kill them on the spot."

With that, he mutters something under his breath, and walks to the nearby storehouse, presumably to get business started again. Svetlana looks at her husband with a worried expression, but stays put.

As Neila questions one of the bandits, a peculiar expression appears on his face, and he answers with glazed eyes. "We came from a camp in the forest to the Southwest. It's maybe... I dunno, 30 miles or so from here."

2011-07-18, 09:17 PM
Lanius thinks for a minute, then agrees that they should set out for the bandit camp as soon as practicable. Before that, however, he goes up to Oleg "Listen, I know that sometimes people make up excuses for what they have done to get out of trouble. But on the same hand, others get into trouble despite their best efforts. How about we take the prisoners with us, as I don't seem to see anywhere we can keep them, while you send a message to the nearest authorities about what we should do with the Bandits. If we have no other option but death, which I don't think these have necessarily earned, then we will send them north with just enough provisions to make it to the nearest town, your cheapest clothing, a letter explaining that they wish to repair the damage they have done, and not a thing more. They either get there, or they end up at the mercy of Gozreh. Either way, they get justice. There is no way they could go back to banditry, as the others would laugh at them and probably kill them." Lanius finishes, looking rather dangerously at the bandits.

2011-07-18, 09:59 PM
"...fine. Sir Ismort seems adamant that these... things be allowed to live. If Master Oleg is amicable, he may bring these prisoners to Restov. In fact, he may be able to collect a bounty on them, though I am unsure if one is being offered at the moment in this region. They will be bound, but if he fears for his safety I do not think Goodman Gothos would object to breaking their sword arms. They do not need them intact to be tried and imprisoned in any case, and it is a mercy compared to what they deserve."

A pause, before she continued in the same tone. "Alternatively, perhaps Sir Ismort would like to bring them back himself, as it seems that he is in the grips of a delusion that every piece of criminal slime in the Stolen Lands can be redeemed. That he, personally, is somehow capable of washing away the horrifying things they have done."

Neila returned her attention to the charmed bandit. "Tell me, how many dwell at this camp? How many of them can fight? How is it protected or hidden? Have you any prisoners? The more you tell us, the better we shall think of you in our evaluation."

2011-07-18, 10:14 PM
The bandit blinks once, and his expression is unchanged from when he was first affected by the spell. "There are nine of 'em, and Kressle is in charge. All of 'em can fight, 'specially Kressle with those two nasty axes o' hers. The site ain't too hard to find, and we don't have no prisoners."

Oleg once again sighs at the group's persistence, and states, "Well, like I said, it's up to you what you do with them. We can't ask you to fix a problem, then demand you do it our way, so you can stop asking my permission. I honestly don't think I have much to add that Miss Garess hasn't pointed out already. I don't trust this lot if you leave them to their own devices one bit, and I'd rather they not be put in a position where they can continue to do misdeeds unabated. There are many bandits in these parts, and I think your plans are a lateral demotion more than anything."

2011-07-19, 03:48 AM
You other 2 come 'ere Gothos barks at the other 2 non-evil bandits. Motioning to near the horses before turning to Master Oleg may I borrow some rope?

With rope in hand Gothos will tie the bandits hands together, then round their waists and then to one of the horses's pommels. You two can run. You'd best run fast as if we fall, The horse will not be stopping.

With the rest of the rope he starts rigging a simple noose around one of the wall posts all the while glaring at the evil one.

We should be able to cover 30 miles in a day on horseback? Then we can ambush the rest of the bandit camp at night while they sleep. If we kill some while they sleep then the numbers will be more even. He gives the group a tusked grin at the combat to come. Maybe less than the suicide you fear Master Caur?

2011-07-19, 08:06 AM
"Either ways, the charisma of our group can not be even lower; we have been trying to decide what to do with three men for so long by now. Perhaps we should think more before taking prisoners next time," Caur would address to Gothos and Caelon, with his voice sounding a little bit arrogant.

2011-07-19, 10:33 AM
As Gothos begins mounting up and offering the horses to the others he looks at Caur with a beady yellow eye In my tribe the warriors would eat the prisoners... that might be a solution. With the scars, tusks and expression its hard to tell if the Orc is joking or not

2011-07-19, 11:50 AM
"Might be," Caur says to Gothos before clumsily mounting himself up.

2011-07-19, 09:25 PM
Lanius looks at his friend, all who seem eager to go. "Okay, Oleg, you are in charge of the other two until we get back. I would really prefer you not kill them unless they try to escape, and I don't think that torture would really serve any purpose besides making you as bad as they are. We will have those bandits dead, and your trading post safe again!" Lanius finishes, making a dramatic turn for where he left his horse. Mounting up, he is quickly ready to go.

2011-07-19, 09:58 PM
This was quickly becoming absurd. Blinking a few times in surprise at the half-orc's actions, Neila decided to simply take it as it came. She addressed the four bandits, including the evil one. "Enough. You have two choices. You may stay here, as prisoners, to be sent back to Restov with the next trade caravan - or sooner, if Goodman Oleg wishes to see this through himself. Your sword hands will be broken, but you will be alive and otherwise unharmed, to face what justice the courts choose for you."

"Alternatively, you may place yourself in the custody of Goodman Gothos." Her gaze levels pointedly at the noose the half-orc had set up. "He seems to have some activities already planned, and I am sure that you shall spend a great deal of quality time together. Likely all that remains to you, in fact."

2011-07-20, 01:37 AM
Caelon has remained silent during the rest of the conversation, realizing that he had spoken his mind and that he should listen to his companions' opinions.

He makes a slight bow in Neila's direction Thank you once again Lady Garess for you understanding. I find your offer to these men acceptable.

Talking to the prisoners, he adds
It would speak in your favor if we could get the precise location of the camp

After hearing any response that they provide, Caelon approaches one of the bandit's horses and mounts easily despite the bulk of the armor

I'm ready to go whenever the rest of you want to leave. I think that Master Gothos' suggestion of a night attack has merit, but you will have my sword and shield under any circumstance

2011-07-20, 02:44 AM
As it becomes clear what the plan Gothos will nod respectfully towards Master Caelon and leave him in charge of the prisoners. As he trots the horse gently towards the gates he looks round for the others, a glint of excitement twinkling that the frisky horse can feel - So my brave companions, what say you, shall we hunt some bandit?

With that he leads the way gently trotting the way the bandits had come, enjoying the feeling of the horse under him and the ease of riding compared to walking. If we are lucky, he calls back to the others We may encounter fell beasts or some challenge on the way

2011-07-20, 04:03 AM
Caur worriedly watches Gothos start riding while mumbling, "But I was always scared of riding." However, as he realises Gothos is getting away and he has to catch up, he eventually pokes the horse with his foot, which makes it start running after Gothos; even though he almost falls, he leans in to get a well grasp of the horse while it is running, despite the relatively low speed.

2011-07-20, 08:47 AM
Caelon sees Gothos depart and is about to follow suit when a though comes to mind. He leads the beast next to Happs' corpse and, after dismounting quickly, he asks Oleg

Master Oleg, would you mind if were to take the bow? I am in need of a ranged weapon

If Oleg agrees, Caelon will take the bow (and quiver/arrows) and make a quick search of Happs, checking for loot on the leader

2011-07-20, 08:56 AM
As Caelon asks the bandit again for directions, he gives the same vague instructions how to get there. You get the feeling Happs knew the way best, and he's not exactly in any position to tell you. However, 6 men on horseback do tend to leave easy tracks, and Lanius shouldn't have too much difficulty following them back to the camp.

At your final suggestions, Oleg shrugs a bit and says, "I suppose we could keep them as prisoners here. Hopefully we'll get the chance to get rid of them soon. And take whatever you want from the scum." He then walks back to the storehouse, grumbling a bit about something (probably the bandits). Svetlana appears a bit worried, and after a moment of thought, walks up to anyone still in the trading post.

"Excuse me... I know you're very busy with the bandits, and the charter, and the exploring, but I was wondering if you could help with something. Of course, when you want to get to it, I don't expect you to... Oh, there I go babbling again." She clears her throat and tries again. "Oleg has been under a lot of stress recently, and I was wondering if you could bring me any moon radishes you might find. They're pale white in color, and have relaxing properties... oh, and I'd be willing to compensate, of course! Unfortunately, I don't know any specific locations for them, only that they grow somewhere in the Greenbelt here. Probably not too far south."

2011-07-20, 09:43 AM
Having picked up the bow from Happ's corpse, the paladin approaches the ranger

Master Metsavend, would this be of any better use to you than your current weapon? Archery is not my specialty, so I'd be honored if you took whichever bow you think suits you best

Hearing Sveltana's request, the paladin responds

We'll help in any way we can. If we come across any of these radishes, we'll make sure to bring them to you

Reaching for the necklace found on Happs, Caelon asks the worried woman

Have you ever seen something like this?

OOC: Let us know if there is any Knowledge that could work on identifying what it might mean. I see we have Nature, history, geography and local

2011-07-20, 09:57 AM
Svetlana looks at it for a moment, and then shakes her head. "No, never."

No knowledge checks will be of use here.

2011-07-20, 01:16 PM
Thank you nonetheless responds the paladin

We should be on our way now. Worry not, we will take care of these bandits Mounting back, Caelon will follow the rest of the party

2011-07-20, 01:53 PM
"Indeed. This particular group of brigands at least shall trouble civilians no more. Fare thee well, Goodwife Svetlana, Goodman Oleg. May you have better fortune in the times to come than was has been given you in those past." Neila's voice trails off as she approaches the horse. She seems to spend a long moment simply staring at it wordlessly, before clumsily mounting up. Despite her face displaying the same impassive glare it always did, it was easy to tell from her hunched posture and corpse-like grip on the beast's mane that she was very unhappy about having to ride the animal.

Still, a simple trot to keep up with her companions was far from difficult, however unpleasant it was to sit atop a savage beast. So she would do precisely that, moving cautiously with the group to the location the enchanted bandit had given them.

2011-07-20, 08:00 PM
1st of Pharast

Although the directions you received from the charmed bandit were vague at best, the group didn't put much effort into hiding their tracks. Oleg's Trading Post gets gradually smaller, until it is little more than a spot on the horizon, by which time the sun has reached the center of the cloudless sky. A Pharast afternoon is never normally this warm in Brevoy.

Lanius, can I get a survival check? The group is headed toward hex C5.

2011-07-20, 09:40 PM
Lanius leads the way, following the directions of the bandits. His bow is out, but not drawn.

[roll0] And yes, if we trade longbows, I would have my new longbow out.

2011-07-21, 02:31 AM
Greenish tinged sweat streams from the Half-orcs body as he rides giving a pungent aroma seeping out between the armoured scales and mingling nicely with the blood and grime caked on them. At least it keeps the flies and midges away...
As he rides he holds his battle axe casually in one hand eyes scanning the horizon for trouble.

Master Lanius are we heading in the right direction?

2011-07-21, 11:05 AM
You follow the bandit's tracks well until the sun sets, and the area gradually becomes more and more wooded. While your horses (especially those of Gothos and Caelon) seem to be exhausted, you still have enough energy for further exploration (or fighting if it comes to that). You hear flowing water not too far away from your current location.

What I need to know now is how you are going to proceed. You can set up camp early, continue to follow the footprints, or explore the region. If you follow the footprints, I'd like to know how stealthy you plan on being. Every person continuing to follow the tracks needs to make a stealth and perception check. You are in Hex D4.

2011-07-21, 01:31 PM
Gothos looks at the others and slides down from the exhausted horse. He grins in tghe dim light, ivory tusks glinting in the moonlight.
"Shall we go and find some bandits then and end the threat in this region? With luck they will have food more appetising than trail rations"

Assuming the others agree he waits for Lanius to take point, hefts the greataxe and slips along through woods as quitely as his bulk will allow whispering quietly to his notched axe in harsh sounding orcish.
Soon friend, soon you can taste battle


Assuming the others agree to go bandit hunting...
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Currently holding the great-axe so AC 15

2011-07-21, 02:56 PM
"Such seems the wisest course. The longer we tarry, the more likely it becomes that our targets will grow suspicious from their companion's failure to return." Neila slips from the back of her animal without hesitation, clearly glad to be off of the mount. She shrugs her cloak more fully about her form and swings her bow from its place on her back, moving with her allies as she does so. Assuming the bandit was not lying - and it was a rare individual that could bring itself to do so under a Charm - their hideout should be somewhere nearby.

Given the group's composition, it was likely foolish to expect they could remain hidden for too long, but every minute they went undetected made things easier. She just wished that they could be treading over nice, honest stone rather than this infernal woodland...

Stealth check: [roll0]
Perception check: [roll1]

2011-07-21, 04:38 PM
Lanius reluctantly agrees with the vocal princess. "If we wait, even those bandits will surely notice that their friends didn't return. Plus its not like we have much else to do. Shall we?" Lanius takes the lead, making sure that those behind him are moving as quietly as carefully as possible.


2011-07-21, 04:53 PM
"Some things are meant to be done sooner, than later," Caur adds after gladly getting himself down from horseback, and he starts following the group.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
Perception Check: [roll1]

2011-07-22, 10:15 AM
As Lanius follows the tracks even further, he notices the ground gets softer (incidentally making the bandits' tracks deeper and easier to follow), and the sound of the river grows stronger.

Lanius suddenly stops, noticing a 20 foot tall watchtower, nestled in between two thick trees. A man with a longbow waits on the stop, but he seems to have not yet noticed the ranger approaching the camp.

2011-07-22, 10:15 PM
Lanius hurries back to stop the group. He whispers to the group that there is a guard tower ahead. He instructs the group on taking a circular path away from the guard tower, and to be ready to attack in about 5 minutes (500 heartbeats, due to excitement.) He then sneaks forwards again, searching for a good position to shoot at the guard.

2011-07-23, 04:28 AM
Much as she dislikes taking orders, the young bard realizes that this is not precisely the best time to raise an argument about authority and yields to Lanius' expertise. She just sincerely hoped that the elf knew what he was doing by splitting the group...

2011-07-23, 07:17 AM
Gothos nods at the ranger's instructions and begins circling round. Smiling to himeself at the thought of the bandits to come.

Gorum guve you strength little ranger he mutters, watching the ranger slip into the woods.

2011-07-24, 08:45 AM
Caur follows Lanius' instructions while hoping that the group won't get captured easily, since they are splitting. He tries to remain as stealthy as possible while moving through the woods.

2011-07-24, 11:37 AM
Lanius searches around, and finds a somewhat elevated spot, which will give him an angle to reach the man looking out the watchtower. Luckily, the man is not particularly vigilant, and looks a bit bored as he faces an angle approximately 90 degrees away from the stealthy ranger.


"I believe it would be wise to stay behind Master Gothos and me when the combat begins," Caelon advises Neila and Caur. Though he does not prefer the stealthy attempt, he is not suicidal, and does not want to endanger the entire group by directly challenging superior numbers.

"Erastil guide us in the battle to come," he whispers softly before turning his attention back to the camp in the distance. "Would anyone be able to create a light when the battle begins? It is becoming difficult to view the environment."

Huge apologies to Drothmal if I butchered his character in his absense.

2011-07-25, 02:48 AM
Gothos looks to Caelon, The lord of iron saw fit to grace us with Yellow eyes, we need no light. Stick close to me and then when we get in amongst the enemy maybe Master Caur or Lady Garess could set someone on fire or make some light?"

With that he continues the slow creep towards the bandit camp waiting for Lanius to give the signal or the sound of a sentry screaming so that the battle can begin...

2011-07-25, 06:30 AM
Caur looks at Gothos and addresses him with a direct reply, "If I could've, I would've." And he continues his approach to the bandits' camp like others.

2011-07-25, 10:05 PM
After five minutes, Lanius pulls back his bow and takes a careful shot at the sentry.

I don't know the range penalties, so if there are some, add them in. [roll0][roll1]

2011-07-26, 11:24 AM
Due to a combination of the darkening sky and the watchtower's cover, Lanius' arrow barely misses the man on the watchtower, flying less than an inch past his face.

"Crap!" he yells at the narrow miss. The bandit then bends over the wooden barrier, and continues to yell, "Oy! Kressle, men, get yer asses up!"

Caelon, Neila, Caur, and Gothos hear the sounds of a group of people scrambling about to get their weapons and gear. Judging by the frantic yelling, you assume they aren't too used to being attacked (or fighting anyone who can fight back).

I applied a +4 to his AC from the cover, and a -1 to your roll from the dark. Anyone with low light vision will be taking a -1 in combat, and anyone with normal vision will take a -2. Gothos has no penalties.

The man on the tower seems to be reaching for something in a pack.

2011-07-26, 01:40 PM
GORUM! Gothos roars as he sprints towards the noise as rapidly as possible axe raised ready to chop at the first thing he sees.

Initiative [roll0]

2011-07-26, 02:46 PM
Caur tries to stay behind either Caelon or Gothos while running in with a rather average speed, hoping to keep a good range when his companions and bandits clash in combat. His weasel seems to stab its tiny claws into Caur's clothes while standing over the man's shoulder.

+1 from my dex. modifier, and -2 from the conditions you have mentioned. However, had you not mentioned those conditions for initiative check, it should be 2 points higher than the result rolled above.

2011-07-26, 02:48 PM
This was supposed to be on the post above, but I wanted to preview my post before sending a reply, and the roll got changed to [roll0], rather than an actual roll. And editing post does not help with rolls.

2011-07-26, 03:16 PM
Lanius fires another arrow, then begins moving towards the bandit camp.

[roll0] Yes, my attack bonus cancels the penalties [roll1] Then move towards camp.

2011-07-27, 12:07 AM
And so the battle began. Moving in the wake of the mighty half-orc's raging passage alongside Caur, Neila strings an arrow to her bow and takes aim at the lone viable foe. In these conditions, it was a long-shot - but it was at least worth a try. It wasn't like stealth was going to be necessary any longer. Her breath stilled for a moment as the wooden shaft loosed from its engraved placing on her weapon, whistling into the dimming light.


I assume that this is the surprise round? Anyway, rolling Initiative for when combat proper begins.

Attack roll: [roll0] (Subtracted 2 for the low light)
Damage roll: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

2011-08-01, 09:59 AM
You hear a shrill voice shout out in the camp.

"C'mon men! Move yer asses, and get some damn torches lit!"

As you move toward the camp, you easily spot a bandit running ahead of the group, holding his torch in front of him, with his other hand tightly gripping a shortsword. Upon seeing two heavily armed men in front of him, he bellows, visibly panicked,

"Hey! Kressle I found 'em, they're right - ARGH!"

Neila shuts him up quite handily as the arrow pierces his throat, causing him to fall to the ground; quite out of the fight. The others make their way closer, and you see the fierce woman who you can only assume is Kressle. She has a strong build, and wields two sharp hatchets. Despite the fact that you're the ones ambushing her, she has a wicked grin on her face, anticipating the bloodshed to come.

{table=head]~ |-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-|-G-|-H-|-I-|-J-|-K-|-L-|-M-|-N-|-O-|-P-
1 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
2 | | T | T | | | B | L | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
3 | | T | T | | | | | | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
4 | | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U |
5 | | W | W | | B | L | | | | D | D | B | U | U | U | U |
6 | |W+B| W | | | | | | | D |D+B| K | | G | U | U |
7 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | | A | | N |
8 | | | L | L | B | L | L | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | C |
9 | | | | L | L | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
10| | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
11| | U | U | U | U | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
12| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
13| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | | | |
14| U | U | U | U | U | U | | L | | U | U | U | U | | | |

Initiative (Bandits) [roll0]
Initiative (Kressle) [roll1]
Initiative (Caelon) [roll2] (Edit: should be +3, meaning he beats the bandits)
Initiative (Lanius) [roll3] (Edit: should be +6, putting him in front of Kressle)
Caur rolled a 6 (light penalties don't apply to initiative)
Gothos rolled a 14
Neila rolled a 6

Order: Lanius, Kressle, Gothos, Caelon, bandits, Neila, Caur

Kressle has leather armor equipped, as does the bandit on the watchtower. The others were not prepared, and you caught them without armor. They all have a shortsword and torch, except for 8E who has a shortbow, and the bandit on the watchtower, who was reaching into his pack for something.

2011-08-01, 10:14 AM
The woman hops forward, and locks her gaze on Caelon. With a grunt, she thrusts her left axe right for the armored man, but has the impact blocked by a quick shield interception. Unfortunately, Caelon was not prepared for her swift undercut with her second hatchet, slicing upward through the armor - causing blood to spill all over the ground and across her axes. Kressle laughs maniacally, and readies herself for a counterattack.

She 5ft steps to M6, and does a full attack on Caelon. The second one hits for 8 damage, putting him at 3hp.

{table=head]~ |-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-|-G-|-H-|-I-|-J-|-K-|-L-|-M-|-N-|-O-|-P-
1 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
2 | | T | T | | | B | L | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
3 | | T | T | | | | | | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
4 | | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U |
5 | | W | W | | B | L | | | | D | D | B | U | U | U | U |
6 | |W+B| W | | | | | | | D |D+B| | K | G | U | U |
7 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | | A | | N |
8 | | | L | L | B | L | L | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | C |
9 | | | | L | L | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
10| | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
11| | U | U | U | U | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
12| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
13| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | | | |
14| U | U | U | U | U | U | | L | | U | U | U | U | | | |

2011-08-01, 10:29 AM
Gothos seeing his ally Master Caelon grievously stricken roars an incoherent war cry and swings the massive two handed axe towards the ugly women's evil leering face as hard as he can. For gorum the blood drinking lord of iron!

Attack with the great axe power attacking
[roll0] (if a crit [roll1])
Damage [roll2] (if a crit [roll3])

If she dies he'll step forward 5ft into the gap she made and howl at the others (and block their approach to Caelon)

2011-08-01, 11:15 AM
Kressle looks incredibly injured, yet somehow managed to maintain her footing. At this rate, however, it seems incredibly unlikely that she'll be up for much longer.

Hey, Lanius, I accidentally forgot to add your +2 trait bonus to initiative. You would go first, but since you only have a good view of two bandits, I don't think it would have altered combat.

2011-08-01, 01:44 PM
Caelon feels the burning pain across his wound. He knows that he has been badly wounded, but retreat is not an option

Erastil, give me strength prays the paladin as he attacks both with sword and shield, trying to capitalize on Gotho's attack and bring their enemy down swiftly

Full-Round Attack (without applying low-light penalties)
No movement

HP=3/11, AC=19

2011-08-01, 09:05 PM
I thought my second shot was my turn. (which you apparently haven't resolved yet.) Well, here's my next turn.

Lanius continues to hustle forward until he finds a spot just within the brush that separates him from the rest of his team. He lets another arrow fly, trying to hit the bandit furthest back and distract him from the rest of the group.

move action to i11, attack bandit at k6. [roll0][roll1] Note: point blank shot means +1 to attack and damage.

2011-08-02, 10:32 AM
Lanius' arrows narrowly miss their intended targets, the bandit who ran behind the log barricade manages to return fire with his own shortbow, but misses the stealthy ranger. Cursing, he draws another arrow, on the lookout to see when the elf would strike next.

The bandit on the watch tower finally finds what he was looking for, and attempts to hurl a thunderstone slightly past Gothos, in order to try and hamper his, and the paladin's, maneuvering. Unfortunately (for the bandit, anyway), the shot goes wider than expected, and the loud burst of sound occurs too far to your left to be of any hinderance.

The two bandits nearest to Kressle move in to try to help her, but the heavily-armored Gothos and Caelon are easily able to deflect their attacks. The remaining two try and move in closer, getting ready for an opportunity to cause more harm

No one took any damage this round. The two bandits that were near Kressle miss Gothos and Caelon, while the other two behind the logs double moved closer.

Neila, Caur, and Lanius are up

{table=head]~ |-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-|-G-|-H-|-I-|-J-|-K-|-L-|-M-|-N-|-O-|-P-
1 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
2 | | T | T | | | | L | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
3 | | T | T | | | | | | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
4 | | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U |
5 | | W | W | | | L | | | | D | D | B |U+B| U | U | U |
6 | |W+B| W | | | | | | | D | D | B | K | G | U | U |
7 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | B | A | | N |
8 | | | L | L | B | L | L | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | C |
9 | | | | L | L | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
10| | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
11| | U | U | U | U | | | U |U+L | U | U | U | U | U | | |
12| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
13| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | | | |
14| U | U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | | | |

2011-08-02, 11:59 AM
"Monsters." Neila does not make to strike with her bow, instead raising an empty hand and intoning a soft chant. "The earth and stone do not suffer you to stand. Crawl upon them like the worms you are." Moving her fingers through an intricate pattern, she slices her hand downwards.

In response to the magic so woven, the dirt beneath the feet of several of the bandits seemed to almost liquidate, turning to an oily, slimy muck. Simply keeping balanced would prove a challenge on such terrain.


Cast Grease, positioning it to fill squares L5, M5, L6, and M6.

2011-08-02, 03:43 PM
Caur quickly takes a step forward and whispers lowly the words of power, as his weasel shrieks from upon his shoulder at the bandits; an extremely bright and reflecting mass of light covers his stretched-out palms before forming a ray of the same color. After a brief illumination, the ray beams into the bandit closest to Caur and attempts to weaken him.

Casting Ray of Enfeeblement on the bandit in M7 after taking a five feet step into O8.

The DC for the fortitude save should be 15.

Hit points: 9/9
AC: 11

2011-08-02, 09:03 PM
Lanius moves to flank the bandits moving up to attack the rest of the party. He fires another arrow, this time aiming at the bandit queen that seems to be the most dangerous.

Move to L11, fire arrow at Kressle [roll0][roll1]

2011-08-03, 06:20 PM
As Neila completes her spell, three of the bandits lose their footing completely, and topple to the wet ground. Kressle, however, manages to hold her footing, even while she sidesteps Caelon's assault, and one of Lanius' arrows fails to penetrate past her leather armor. She grunts from the pain of Gothos' previous attack, and a fire can be seen in her eyes, as she yells,

"So ye wanna play too, huh? Take this!"

A quick slash with one of her hatchets draws blood from Gothos, which seeps to the already damp ground. She lets out a shrill laugh, and readies herself for another assault.

The bandit adjacent to her looks ready to assist, but is hit by Caur's ray, causing him to groan as his muscles weaken, and his equipment feels far more heavy.

Gothos takes 8 damage. All attacks miss Kressle, and she makes her save against grease :smalleek:

{table=head]~ |-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-|-G-|-H-|-I-|-J-|-K-|-L-|-M-|-N-|-O-|-P-
1 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
2 | | T | T | | | | L | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
3 | | T | T | | | | | | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
4 | | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U |
5 | | W | W | | | L | | | | D | D | B |U+B| U | U | U |
6 | |W+B| W | | | | | | | D | D | B | K | G | U | U |
7 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | B | A | | N |
8 | | | L | L | B | L | L | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | C |
9 | | | | L | L | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
10| | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
11| | U | U | U | U | | | U | U | U | U |U+L| U | U | | |
12| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
13| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | | | |
14| U | U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | | | |

2011-08-04, 03:55 AM
Gothos grunts as a mixture of reddish-green murky blood seeps between the scales of the armour. Looking at the ungainly ugly women he bares his tusks and after feinting with the bytt of the axe swings the head up in an effort to tear her face off.

Not power attacking
attack [roll0] (if threat [roll1])
Damage [roll2] (if threat add [roll3])

I won't move, I'll just look at the prone bandit beside me daring him to stand up.

2011-08-04, 10:25 AM
Caelon, seeing Gothos also being wounded, continues attacking Kressle with his sword and shield

You will pay for your wickedness! Taunts the paladin in hopes of bringing Kressle's attention back to the Caelon and his superior armor.

-No movement
-Full Round attack (no light penalties applied)

HP=3/11, AC=19

2011-08-04, 02:00 PM
As the axe swings round missing Kressle Gothos sees an opportunity to attack the bandit sliding around in the grease, the bandit convienently sliding on the pile of logs right towards the axe blade...

AoO on the bandit
[/roll]attack roll [roll0] (+4 from prone included)
if threat [roll1]

Damage [roll2] (if crit [roll3])

2011-08-04, 06:46 PM
Despite Gothos' non-verbal threat, the fallen bandit attempts to get to his feet, and is swiftly executed by a well-placed axe swing. Kressle manages to dance around the assaults of both Gothos and Caelon, smirking whenever they miss a shot.

The other two bandits who slipped on the wet ground attempt to get back to their feet, but end up making no progress. The man hit by Caur's debilitating ray managed to score a lucky shot against Caelon, but hardly manages to draw blood from the wound.

The two with shortbows aim for Lanius and Caur, but they both miss rather poorly, their arrows harmlessly implanting themselves into nearby plants.

Summary: Kressle still up, Gothos kills a bandit, and Caelon takes 2 damage.

{table=head]~ |-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-|-G-|-H-|-I-|-J-|-K-|-L-|-M-|-N-|-O-|-P-
1 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
2 | | T | T | | | | L | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
3 | | T | T | | | | | | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U |
4 | | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | U | U | U |
5 | | W | W | | | L | | | | D | D | B | U | U | U | U |
6 | |W+B| W | | | | | | | D | D | B | K | G | U | U |
7 | | | | | | | | | | | U | U | B | A | | N |
8 | | | L | L | B | L | L | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | | C |
9 | | | | L | L | L | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
10| | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | |
11| | U | U | U | U | | | U | U | U | U |U+L| U | U | | |
12| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | U | | |
13| U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | U | | | |
14| U | U | U | U | U | U | | | | U | U | U | U | | | |

Neila, Lanius, and Caur are up

2011-08-04, 09:06 PM
Lanius calculates his distances and move out of reach of a sudden charge by one of the bandits attacking his friends, as well as putting himself in a better position to attack the other bandits who seem to be having trouble with their bows. He looses another shot at Kressle, as she does seem to be most dangerous.

Move to K11, attack Kressle [roll0][roll1]

2011-08-04, 10:14 PM
As the arrow pierces her armor, Kressle screams in pain. Somehow, she manages to remain standing, but it looks as if any further attack against her would place her out of the fight.

Kressle is at 0hp and disabled. Keep in mind that means she can take a standard action next turn if not brought to negatives.

2011-08-04, 11:24 PM
Seeing Lanius plant a feathered shaft in that awful woman, Neila moved her own sights to the remaining bandits... Clenching the bow so tightly her knuckles became whiter than mountain snow, she began a slow melody. Wavering for a few notes, it soon became a steady, almost implacable chant in the earthen tongue of the dwarves.

The very earth seemed to keep time with the ancient mountainsong, the faintest of beats echoing in tandem with the haunting melody of Neila's voice. Calling out to the bandits that remained. Filling their very bones with the lethargy of earth...

OOC: Activating Satire, giving all the bandits -1 to attack and damage rolls.

6 rounds remaining, counting this one.

2011-08-05, 06:52 AM
Caur rushes to get closer to the bandits, and once he is close enough, with a brief illumination, searing flames cover the battleground, trying to scorch the nearby bandits.

Move from O8 to M8; cast Burning Hands to cover areas M7-6-5, L7, K7, L6.

Damage roll: [roll0]

If there is a concentration roll or something required, please do tell.

2011-08-05, 07:55 PM
The man weakened from Caur's own enfeebling ray attempts to hit the witch as he moves into position, but fails, likely as a result of the previously mentioned debilitation. Flames burst forth from Caur's hands, and the intense heat scorches the bandits in front of him. Kressle finally falls over, unable to continue from the combined effort of everyone's attacks. The other two cry out in pain, but are still standing.

Kressle is down. Therefore, Gothos and Caelon may go before the rest of the bandits' next turn

2011-08-06, 01:59 AM
Gothos howls with victory as the flames burn Kressle to an eerie crisp, seeing his and Caelon's severe wounds he considers Gorum's rough battlefield helaing but there is thta one bandit on the pile of logs that is still too close to him...

"if he is dead, he cannot stop me healing my friend" is the thought that runs through his head as spins the axe trying to catch the bandit in the face.

Attack the bandit in M7 [roll0] ([roll1] if threat)
Damage is [roll2] (plus [roll3] if crit)

If Caelon who goes before Gothos kills the bendit in M7 then I'll heal him with cure light wounds for [roll4]
--> sorry ignore the healing part- Caelon goes after me anwyay so this won't be an option.

2011-08-06, 11:36 AM
The paladin knows he is pushing his body's limits by continuing the fight. The wound given to him by Kressle sends waves of pain with every movement, and any further injuries could prove fatal...

But failure is not an option for Caelon, and retreating when your companions are still fighting is not Erastil's Way. Relying on his training and his resolution instead of his body, the paladin moves over Kressle's fallen body and tries to shield Caur and Gothos from any bandit attacks, be it sword or arrow

5-foot step to move over Kressle (M6)
Caelon will attack the bandit on L-5 with his sword while fighting defensively (-4 attack, +2AC) and keeping his shield
[roll0] (no light penalties applied)

HP:1/11, AC=22

2011-08-06, 12:20 PM
Gothos chops down the bandit nearest to him, while Caelon manages to take out another - who had already been injured from Caur's fiery burst. Seeing his comrades drop rapidly, the bandit nearest to the two heavily armored men, flees as fast as he can... but slips over the ground yet again.

The one hiding behind the wooden barricade attempts to flee as well, while the one on the watchtower, tries to rapidly climb down the stairs with a look of panic visibly obvious on his face.

Combat is pretty much over. You get 300exp for the fight, as well as 100exp for solving Svetlana and Oleg's immediate bandit troubles. I'm keeping track of total exp on the first page of the OOC thread. Neila and Lanius can both make attacks against the bandit that climbed down the watchtower (he hasn't gotten the chance to escape yet, and the one who was by the logs is using the tree at the top to block line of sight.

2011-08-06, 04:35 PM
Watching the men flee Gothos bares his tusks in a sharp smile. The lord of iron rides on our shoulders this day. Though he charges a grim toll. He winces slightly from the wounds before looking at the pale and drawn Caelon.
Master Caelon, let me assist you. The Iron Lord is not shy with his healing for those who are brave and forthright in battle

Cast Cure light on Caelon [roll0]
Then cast Cure light on myself [roll1]

2011-08-07, 08:06 AM
Lanius spots the archer on the tower trying to flee, and quickly decides he would be better off dead then escaped. He fires an arrow, trying to catch the bandit before he can get away. [roll0][roll1] Edit: I forgot the low-light modifier, so I believe its -1 to my attack roll.

2011-08-07, 10:14 AM
Though she is displeased that the remaining bandits seemed to be escaping, there was nothing Neila could do for it but try and snap off a rather rushed parting shot. She didn't hold out much hope that it would hit, but she had to try. The bowstring grew taut, snapping out its projectile with a high-pitched whistle.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

No modifiers applied.

2011-08-07, 08:13 PM
Together, Neila and Lanius's arrows stop the fleeing bandit before he can make any progress. The one that slipped over the wet ground looks frightened at Caelon and Gothos, and immediately drops his shortblade.

"I, uh... I surrender!" he manages to stammer.

2011-08-08, 02:15 PM
Master Caelon, let me assist you. The Iron Lord is not shy with his healing for those who are brave and forthright in battle

Thank you, Master Gothos. I'm in your debt the paladin responds as the healing spell takes effect. Caelon's face might not betray his pain, but as color returns to his face and limbs, it becomes clear that the paladin was at the edge of collapsing

When he hears the bandit surrender, the young Ismort realizes that this situation will be even more difficult than the one encountered on the outpost: There were no places to keep the bandit captive, and he HAD taken arms against the party....

Why should we let you live? You have proven yourself a wicked man that steals a pillages from honest farmers. Caelon says to the bandit Prove us that you deserve to be spared. Who are you? Was this woman your leader? Are there any other bandit groups in the area?

Caelon will use Detect evil to try to figure out how evil this guy is. Let me know if I should roll intimidate or Diplomacy

2011-08-08, 07:00 PM
Caur seems uninterested in bandits, dead or captured, and instead takes a good look around as he feels like it is a must that he should do so. While searching around with his eyes for anything suspicious, he takes a rather short walk.

Perception check: [roll0]
My perception modifier is 0, so no other modifiers are applied to my roll.

2011-08-08, 08:13 PM
"Uh... well..." the man starts, sweating frantically. He gulps, re-focuses his thoughts, and slowly answers, "Yeah. My name's Domeric. There're more of us. We were all in this fort about, oh, I dunno, 4 months ago, working for this guy callin' himself the Stag Lord. Crazy bloke, if you ask me, but no one even thought twice of challenging him. The fort's... um, around 30 miles south of here. Kressle got the smart idea of raiding the nearby Trading Post, so she decided to take some men with her, and set camp up here. We've been raiding people near the border since, then..."

He puts a hand to his chin, as if thinking, and then adds, "I don't really reckon you have any reason to let me live, to be honest. I can't really tell you much about the Fort either... the only two who've been there since the relocation are Kressle and Happs. I figure they're both dead." As soon as he finishes the sentence, his eyes widen, and he turns around and points behind the watch-tower, "Wait a sec, me and Red were going to leave to deliver a box of liquor by the tower that the Stag Lord requested. Well, it should be by the tower... I don't think the mites took that one. Kressle gave me a password to use when we get to the fort... drat, what was it...? I think... I think it's "By the bloody bones of Saint Gilmorg, who wants to know?"After a brief pause he adds, "And no, I don't have any idea who Saint Gilmorg is."

Under the watchtower, you find 120g, a total of 10 days worth of trail rations (covers today for what you and your horses ate), a beautiful pair or sliver earrings, a wooden music box, and 3 crates of furs. You also see a case of liquor with 8 bottles of it
You find

2011-08-09, 12:33 AM
"I would... I would..." Neila had been standing very still since the battle had ended. Her voice wavered momentarily, but she regained her icy composure - or a measure of it, at least - within moments. "I would hope, Sir Ismort, that you are not considering sparing this man? He has given us all the pertinent information I think he possess. He accepted no pact to surrender, nor did I to allow it. This man tried to kill us. He is an unrepentant criminal who by his own admission is undeserving of another chance. All I can say is that for his honesty, he at least deserves it to be quick..." She swallows hard, placing a gloved hand over her mouth.

2011-08-09, 12:59 AM
Gothos rolls his yellow eyes as the Lady and the Paladin look set for another discussion about the morlity as prisoners. It was so easy back home he mused To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. That was what the joy of life was to an orc.
Leaving the prisoner discussion behind him lurched forward leaving blood and mud on the trail and looks around the campisite and searches the horrible ugly but strong women who had wounded him so badly. A pity. She would have been beloved of Gorum

2011-08-09, 11:24 AM
Though, in this case, I do agree that both this mans' deeds and the circumstances make it more difficult to show mercy...
responds the paladin, his tone neutral It would seem that once again we have different views, Lady Garess.

Turning to the rest of the party, Caelon offers an alternative

I can take any spare horses that these bandits have and ride this man back to Oleg's outpost for him to be kept prisoner there. I'll ride fast and change mounts often, so I can be back while the rest of you make camp for the night.

But we Share the Burden, so I will not leave you unless there is an agreement about the best course of action. You know Lady Garess' position, you know mine. What woudl the rest fo you do?

2011-08-09, 01:17 PM
Caur silently moves to the watchtower without needing to say a thing, and, upon arrival, he quickly grabs the music box and places it in his backpack without offering the other members of the party a chance to have it instead. He'd then return to the party and mention the goods he had found, "These bandits seem to have quite the valuables, including some nice earrings, gold, fur and, of course, alcohol."

"Oh, wait, I did not really notice you were discussing something more important here, my bad," he'd quickly add once done with the previous phrase.

2011-08-09, 02:50 PM
Gothos walks up to Master Caelon resting a massive armoured hand on his shoulder, the hand glowing with green healing power that flows into more Caelon's wounds.
Master Caelon, why not let Gorum decide the outcome. A court of swords. You fighting for the righteous and him to prove his innocence. We will not intervene. That should satisfy everyone's honour. With that Gothos kicks a sword across to the bandit and throws his battered and blood splattered shield to the bandits feet. If you are innocent and seek redemption then Gorum will guide you.

The second cure light wounds does [roll0] to Caelon

2011-08-09, 03:23 PM
Lanius goes over to the man his arrow finally caught, and bows his head for a minute. Just as he stands up again, he hears the last bandit mention the Stag Lord. He walks over to where Caelon has the prisoner and once the others have finished, he speaks his piece. "Even though this man is currently evil in the cosmic scheme of things, people can change. As with the others, I believe we should let the Justice of Restov deal with him. However, I think the more pressing matter is keeping the Stag Lord unaware of our efforts. We need to leave that alcohol at the place this man mentions, otherwise a large group of bandits, better prepared than this one will attack the trading post, and us. Maybe once we have explored more, we can take him on. That is the more important issue to me, anyways. And you say you found the alcohol Caur?"

2011-08-09, 03:58 PM
As Caur speaks, confusion is sensed in his speech;"So, are we not to take anything," he asks to Lanius.

2011-08-09, 04:11 PM
Caelon bring the witch up to speed, summarizing the situation

Master Delacroix, we are trying to decide what to do with this man. He attacked us and has confessed to being a criminal. On the other hand, he's surrendered and given us valuable information, which he have more. Lady Garess wants him executed, I want him taken back to the outpost. Master Gothos has offered an alternative of a trial by steel.

I'd submit to the decision of the majority of this fellowship.

2011-08-09, 05:03 PM
"I think Gothos has a nice idea here, since it is for sure you'll be upset if we were to hand out executions, and it would be bothersome to travel back to a trading post for one badit," Caur'd reply to Caelon after gazing between his weasel and him once.

2011-08-09, 05:37 PM
"I... uh, look," the man starts slowly, "There really isn't much of a reason to keep me alive... I understand that and I know what I did. Fighting against him," he points to Caelon, "is as good as being executed, so if you're going to kill me, could you at least do it quickly? Oh, hold on, I forgot something... you see that alcohol? That's a gift from Kressle. The Stag Lord isn't expecting it or anything."

2011-08-09, 10:16 PM
Lanius turns back to the bandit, angry more at the bandit's causing him to misstep than anything personal. He points at his face with sharp motions, displaying teeth more threatining than that of a wolf going after the jugular. "Flippancy is not amusing to me or anyone else here! Tell me more about the tower, the alcohol, and who's expecting you, or I may just rethink my opinion that you deserve justice. If you are helpful, the gods may give you mercy, but if you fail, I hope that you get Zon-Kuthon's full treatment!"

yes, Zon-Kuthon is god of torture. [roll0]

2011-08-09, 11:34 PM
The bandit starts to panic, "But! But I just told you. The liquor over there's a shipment for the Stag Lord... he isn't expecting it - it's just something Kressle picked up and thought would please him. She's a bit of a brown-noser. I don't think anyone else really likes the man."

2011-08-11, 10:57 AM

Gothos looks at the bandit and then at Master Caelon. If you don't wish to adminster Gorum's judgement then let me"

See OOC for rounds 1-4
its not impressive.

Round 5
attack [roll0] (if a 20 [roll1])
damage [roll2] (if a crit add [roll3])
Round 6
attack [roll4] (if a 20 [roll5])
damage [roll6] (if a crit add [roll7])

In case I keep missing or more worryling if he kills me!

2011-08-11, 12:19 PM
"Enough!" It was the first time any of them had heard Neila raise her voice in conversation. It still felt rather hollow - but for lack of inflection, not volume. "This... Court of Swords... is nothing more than a bully's tool. You offer him nothing but pain and terror in a hopeless fight against a foe vastly his superior. He has earned death, and it shall be administered civilly. That is justice. Torture or some sick game of savages will not be tolerated, do you understand me goodmen?" She nods at the half-orc. "If you wish, you may administer the blow. I cannot imagine it taking you more than one blow. He is helpless."

She turned to the captured bandit, locking gazes with him. "Your time here is done. May you lead a better existence in the next world, and perhaps you soul will taste mercy." She whispered something then, quiet and laced with the slightest hint of magic.

"Nichts hören, jetzt, aber die Stimme aus Stein."
"Nichts zu sehen, jetzt, aber die Berührung von Stein."
"Berühren nichts, jetzt, aber die Umarmung des Steins."
"Nichts wissen jetzt, aber das Lied aus Stein."
"Schlaf, Seele. Schlaf ewig in der Wiege der Stein ..."

A waking funeral. If he let it, the tune - almost like a lullaby - would glass the bandit's eyes and dull his senses to all else. To the fall of the blade. Nobody deserved to die in pain and terror. But some simply deserved to die.

Expending a round of bardsong to Fascinate the bandit. He could try to resist it, but he's accepted his execution, and it at least lets him go out peacefully and numbly. Gothos (or anyone) can still strike the killing blow if they like - I assume he would, unless he has something against hitting people not in combat.

2011-08-11, 12:43 PM
The man makes absolutely no attempts to resist the effects of Neila's song. His eyes go out of focus, and his body relaxes, allowing anyone to cleanly kill the man if they so desired.

2011-08-11, 03:47 PM

Gothos shrugs once before grunting heavily as the axe whistles through the air and the man's head is neatly seperated from his shoulders. He looks at the young noblewomen. What you may call barbaric we call survival of the most able. None the less it is done.

2011-08-11, 03:56 PM
Caelon watches Gothos execute the man, but he does not look away. The paladin wishes it could be different, but the logical part of him tells him this is probably for the best. The deed done, the young Ismort adresses his companions

I think we should rest for the rest of the night. We have ridden hard and fought harder. While we rest, we can decide on our future course of action

Looking at the opponent's corpses, the paladin adds We should see that they were not holding anything valuable, and we should bury them with what we do not take. They might have deserved to die, but we can give them a small burial. It'll also avoid attracting the attention of predators while we try to recover our strength

If no one has objections. Caelon will help with any looting/cleaning/preparation for the camp. He'll offer to take first watch, wanting to bury the bodies while he is on lookout. He will not ask for help on this task, but will gladly accept any

2011-08-11, 04:25 PM

Gothos shrugs an apology at Master Caelon. He'll then help bury the corpses. Fear not Master Caelon I will take the 2nd watch. The dark does not bother me.

2011-08-11, 04:45 PM
Thank you, Master Gothos says the paladin as both of them bury the fallen You're a formidable warrior, and your spells have mended my wounds. I am in your debt. Do not hesitate to rely on me if you ever need to

During the night, the paladin will try to discuss strategy with his companions

It'd seem that this Stag Lord, or whatever he wishes to be called, it's the real threat to this region. We have the unique opportunity of having the password to bypass the defenses and get inside of his fortress under the excuse of bringing wine...

I have been thinking of a plan: If I remember correctly, that man, Domeric, and some other man named Red were supposed to bring the wine. Based on our party composition, it'd be easiest for me and Master Delacroix to pass as either Domeric and Red or as two new recruits. We could bring more boxes, hiding the rest of you inside them, and try to take the fortress from the inside

This is a rather risky plan, so if anyone has a better option, I beg of you to speak. This Stag Lord needs to be stopped, and I'm willing to do whatever is necessary, but I'd rather not endanger any of you

2011-08-11, 09:03 PM
Since Gorthos offered to take second watch, Lanius decides he probably should take third watch. "We can decide what to bring back and what to leave in the morning. For now it is late, and we need to set up our bedrolls. Unless anyone has any objections, I believe that staying here is wise, as the watchtower could allow whomever is on watch to see rather far, and this is a rather nice clearing."

After he finished with what he needed to say, he goes over to Caelon. Hesitating for a second, he puts his hand on the armored shoulder. "I agree that in a perfect world, better justice should always be served, and that the unscrupulous get a second chance. Unfortunately, there is really no way we can trust him, and we can't really take care of him ourselves. While I too wish we could have done something different, sometimes justice must be served according to the harsh laws of nature. At least you can give them burial. If you can't finish, I can take care of the rest in my shift Still, make sure you get some sleep tonight. That wound looks bad."

If Caelon presses for a discussion of strategy, Lanius will tell him to get some sleep, that it can be discussed in the morning.

2011-08-12, 11:59 AM
Neila stares at the now-headless corpse for a few moments, as if stunned by a blow herself. Still in some manner of daze, she walked over to the base of the watchtower, plopping herself down in the mud and leaning against it with an uncharacteristic lack of grace. Covering her mouth with her hands once again, the bard closes her eyes and appears to lose herself in either deep thought or very shallow sleep.

Should Caelon approach her, she mutters a single sentence in reply. "Your tactics are sound, Sir Ismort. I can think of nothing to change." Still, it would jolt her into actually setting up her tent and actually attempting to get a bit of rest.

2011-08-12, 12:54 PM
As the group settles into sleeping position, Caelon stays up later than the others taking the first watch, while burying the corpses. As a result of this, his shift takes slightly longer than normal, but when the paladin is ready to rest himself, all of the bodies have been taken care of.

The rest of the shifts go by one by one, until Neila takes the final watch until daybreak. The sun begins to slowly rise above the forest trees, and the ambient sounds of birds and other wildlife can be heard in the distance. Before being able to wake the rest of the party, however, Neila spots something in the corner of her eyes.

She turns around and sees a lone doe, who stares back at the noblewoman. Somewhat scared, the deer turns around, and heads off to the west, vanishing in some heavy foliage.

New day! The order of the watch wasn't very important, so I just decided it went Caur then Neila after Lanius.

2011-08-12, 07:25 PM
Actions before the new day
At Lanius' words, the paladin stops his work with the shovel and turns, his face impassible

I agree, Master Metsavend. And though I do not like it, I understand what you are saying, for I have reached the same conclusions myself.

Caelon stops for a second, trying to remember when was the last time someone had concerned themselves about either his mental or physical well being. His face softens as he tries to reply
I... appreciate your concern says the young Ismort, a bit at a loss for words. He looks down and sees the freshly healed scar Please do not worry about the wound, Master Gothos' spells have mended me completely. I will be able to perform my duties and carry my share of the Burden

Seeing that the ranger does not want to talk about strategy for the night,the paladin agrees to leave that conversation till the next day.

Noticing the bard's actions Caelon will approach Neila to see if she's doing well. Upon her response, the paladin decides to go back to his work burying the dead

2011-08-14, 01:09 AM
It was as infuriatingly difficult as always to get a proper read on Neila as she woke everyone up for the day to come. But she was moving about with her usual focused energy, so she at least seemed to have snapped out of her fugue from the prior night.

Once everyone is gathered and awake, she addresses the group concisely. "Given the current state of things, I believe that it might be the wisest and safest course to forge ahead. This Stag Lord is a threat - and until we do something about him, not only will he continue to plague the people of this region, he will likely eventually come to be aware of us anyway as we clash with his forces. Better to strike before this-" She clearly indicated the battleground, some of the earth still damp with blood from the battle mere hours before. "-is even suspected. Sir Ismort has already proposed a plan for the infiltration of this self-proclaimed noble, and while I think it is premature to make any assumptions of such magnitude, it has validity in its theoretical form."

Neila nods once, as if summing up the thoughts in her own head. "If there are no questions or objections, we should begin to make ready to move. By the directions we were given, it is no trivial hike, though finding something as large as a fortress should itself pose little trouble once we are close."

2011-08-14, 01:31 AM
Gothos nods happily, ever eager for blood and violence. It may be best for a more measured approach in this situation., he waits to see if his suggestion of caution registers surprise. "It may be that this stag lord has mre men than 5 of us can safely handle.".

As he speaks he continues to pack up his belongings and devours some trail rations. £Either way we should explore the local area here to make sure that are no more bandits in the vicinity of Master Oleg's

2011-08-14, 07:52 AM
Lanius looks at Neila like she has addled her wits. "I don't think that us five can take out a bandit king right now. That last fight nearly killed Caelon, and I don't know that we have enough resources right now to go chasing after the bandit king. I say we explore more of the northern area so that we have more resources to go after the Stag King. While our charter does say we are to oppose banditry, it doesn't say when." He finishes.

2011-08-14, 08:07 AM
Gothos nods his scab covered head in agreement with Lanius's words. "I agree with the Master Lanius. If we clear out the local area first and kill any bandits that trespass this area we can subdue the area in the North and then bring order slowly as we move South. I'm sure Gorum will reward with us many monsters and creatures to challenge us.

2011-08-14, 01:59 PM
While the group discussed the plan, Caur, once again, seemed quite less interested as he kept preparing his spells for the new day.

After having prepared his spells, he would join the group to hear about the final decision and, maybe, express his thoughts about that.

Level 0 spells: Daze, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1 spells: Burning Hands, Burning Hands

2011-08-15, 12:18 PM
I must admit that I am torn about what to do Caelon admits I think that this Stag Lord is a threat that must be dealt with as soon as possible, for which I agree with Lady Garess. But Master Gothos' point about eliminating other bandits that might threaten Master Oleg's post is also a priority.

To Lanius' words, the paladin smiles faintly Master Metsavend, I appreciate your concern, but worry not about my well being. I am ready to face whatever fate Erastil has in store for me. But I cannot die until I finish the quest that has set me upon this path.

At Gothos latest suggestion, young Ismort nods his head
I think securing each area as we move towards the Stag Lord is a sound plan, Master Gothos. We should start with these woods as soon as possible

2011-08-15, 11:24 PM
"That is... fine. There is no reason we cannot take this task on in a methodical fashion. If this Stag Lord has dispatched many of these raiding parties - and it is likely he has, for it is unlike a bandit to not partake of... banditry..." Neila paused, then coughed slightly before continuing. "...In any case, if such is the case, we can likely seriously weaken him as we approach. It isn't like one can simply pull bandits out of thin air. Unlike a true military stronghold, a bandit fortress is purely a staging ground for its raid and a safe place to keep loot. In most cases, it isn't really defending anything, and I'd bet it is garrisoned with a comparatively small force when related to the number of bandits out raiding, foraging, or scouting at any given time."

She shrugs. "In any case, I agree with the suggestion. It will also aid us in surveying the land for later colonization. With that in mind, I can see few better places to begin than with the scouting of the river's southward course - we are... ah, 'looking for trouble', as the saying goes, and nothing attracts people quite like a clear water route."

2011-08-16, 10:36 AM
Lanius nods at Neila's suggestion. "I agree with Neila, as strange as it may be. We should go back to the trading post and notify Oleg that the bandit party that had been troubling him is gone, and then we can start mapping along the river, killing bandits along the way. Shall we set off now?" Barring any new arguments, Lanius leads the group back towards the trading post.

2011-08-16, 11:52 AM
"Yes, we shall." Neila moves with the group along the route back to the trading post, trying to get a better look at the terrain in the daylight than they'd had in their rush the prior evening. After all, they were exploring, so might as well start somewhere.

2011-08-16, 12:25 PM
Agreed echoes Caelon We should also take with us as many of the bandit's weapons and possessions as we can carry without delaying us. We don't want other outlaws to just stumble upon weapons and supplies to would help their actions

Caelon will try loading as many weapons and supplies as possible in any extra horses that the bandits had. On the way back to Oleg's post, Caelon will try using any breaks in the ride to switch around mounts so he does not tire any particular beast on the process

2011-08-16, 12:42 PM
Gothos smiles at the suggestion of returning to the trading post. I hope Mistrss Svetlana will give us a feast for ending these bandits and their possessions may turn a nice profit. And with these horses we may now explore faster than we could otherwise. I susect these River Kingdoms hold many foes and challenges. We shall attend the tag Lord in due course.

2011-08-16, 01:00 PM
2nd of Pharast

With the party agreed on a course of action, they set off to explore the current area, and a get a good lay of the land. This exploration becomes rather uneventful, but you do manage to find some useful information about the surrounding lands. The Stolen Lands have a reputation for being the homes of dangerous creatures, but thankfully, you only pass by the more domestic animals, such as deer, birds, skunks, and rabbits. Once you've marked a significant portion of this forested land, you head north in the direction of Oleg's Trading Post. The sun has already set, and it seems like a good time to rest after a full day of exploration.

Here's what you've found out:

The bridge in the bandit camp is sturdy, and can easily support you and your mounts.
The forest seems to continue well into the South and West, but the area becomes less wooded, and more rugged to the East, suggesting that hilly terrain can be found that way.

You get 50 experience for exploring hex D4

2011-08-16, 01:26 PM
Looking at the diminishing rations, Caelon decides to propose a slight change of direction in the plans

I am starting to be concerned about the amount of food available. Maybe it'd be wise to first go to the outpost and resupply before we continue our explorations

Unless anyone disagrees, the paladin will try leading the party back to the post

2011-08-16, 03:46 PM
For the time of traveling, Caur would not speak much unless directly addressed to, and he would keep following the group closely. However, as Caelon mentions the trail rations, he would tell what seems to be a joke, which is perhaps the most notable thing he would have said for the whole travel, despite being nothing noteworthy otherwise.

"That sounds like a good idea, because I'm sure Gothos will be much more scarier once he is hungry," Caur speaks in a semi-sarcastic manner while gazing between Caelon and Gothos.

During the pauses the party make, if there are any, Caur would prefer to stay away from the rest of the group, usually being busy with his weasel companion. However, at the first pause ever made, Caur would take out the music box he took, and hold it like he is trying to hide or something, and check it for anything - usual or unusual.

Blisstake, could you tell me more about the music box, please? For instance, I'd like to know how it looks, how its interior looks or just what kind of music I can hear from opening it.

2011-08-16, 11:19 PM
Throughout most of the reconnaissance and trip back to the outpost, Neila can be seen writing carefully on a sheet of sturdy-looking stationary, paying minimal attention to keeping her mount in line and suffering a couple near-tumbles for it. Whatever it was seemed to be rather engrossing - and even moreso something she didn't want seen by the others. Whenever her pen wasn't to parchment, the piece of paper was folded and stowed neatly in an inner pocket of her voluminous gray cloak.

She was also much quieter than she had been in their previous days of travel, and seemed to lack the time or focus to bother criticizing her companions for minor transgressions. In fact, it was difficult to think of anything she said more than a sentence in length - an oddity for the oft-loquacious bard.

2011-08-16, 11:44 PM
3rd of Pharast

Another uneventful night watch passes by, and you are once again ready to head off, this time for Oleg's. Your horses don't seem to appreciate the constant traveling, but thankfully they don't give you too much trouble. The journey to the trading post takes approximately 8 hours, by which time the sun is setting over the River Kingdoms to the west. You make out the trading post in the distance, but you receive a much different greeting than the last time you were here.

Four well-armed guards stand in front of the post's gate, and look a bit nervous as you approach. When you are close enough to make out their faces, one of them clumsily points his sword to you and stammers, "Hey! Uh, no weapons in the post, now. Don't want any-"

He's interrupted with a prod to the shoulder by another guard. This interrupting man has a sturdier build, and has a worn-out look to him, despite looking no older than 30.

"Terac, this is the expedition Oleg was talking about. I'm pretty sure they're allowed to keep their weapons. Go on now, open the gate." Two of the guards scramble to the gate in order to open it, and the seemingly in-charge guard sighs.

"Sorry about that. They..." His train of thought is completely lost as his gaze wanders to Neila and fixes on it. He blinks once or twice, and then softly says, "...Neila?"

This is Kesten Garess, your second cousin. You've only seen him twice, the most recent time being when you were 12. Recently, he was caught in an affair with a commoner woman, and was disowned from the family.

2011-08-17, 01:53 PM
"You are... family?" Neila stares at the man for a few heartbeats before apparently reaching a conclusion. "I think...Kestin. I am sorry I didn't recognize you quicker, I've not seen you in some time. It is good to see you." There was no more tone or emotion in the words than usual, but it was the first time since her joining the group Neila had addressed someone without use of a title.

"I must ask... what are you doing here? Have you been chartered as well? Have you convinced the family to let you return? These do not seems like soldiers of our house."

2011-08-17, 02:04 PM
Gothos looks down from the back of the horse at the human soldiers. Slighty amused by Neila's discomfort. Nodding to Master Caelon and Lanius he shouts Shall we seek out Oleg to celebrate our victory and drink toour courage. Looking for Caur he calls out You as well Master Caur, your flame burned bright this battle!

2011-08-17, 03:18 PM
While Lanius is perfectly happy in the forests, he feels better having taken the news of the bandits' demise back to the post. Seeing guards there makes him feel even better, as it means someone has taken an interest in the bandits they have been fighting as well as the safety of the trading post. Seeing one of the guards greet Neila, Lanius goes over to the guard who clumsily threatened them earlier and asks "It sure is nice to see some soldiers out in the woods. You men seem like you have been trained well. Maybe I should see if I can visit your lord's estate and find some gainful employment when I have finished exploring these woods."[roll0]

2011-08-17, 03:23 PM
The seconborn of the house of Ismort, after seeing the change in the bard's behavior, had started to become concerned about Neila's well being. But Caelon could not bring himself to ask her directly, for it might mean prying personal business, something that the paladin tried to avoid out of training, respect, and self-interest

Upon reaching the outpost, Caelon will wait until Neila's conversation with the other member of the Garess is finished before introducing himself

Lord Garess, my name is Caelon Taeneris Ismort, paladin of Erastil, and companion of Lady Garess. We would like to see Master Oleg, if possible, for we have important news for him

To Gothos' invitations of camaraderie, the paladin nods solemnly. Despite the grimness of our deeds, I agree with you, Mater Gothos. We have to celebrate having survived our quest by praying and thanking our Gods for their assistance in our time of need

It is clear that the paladin does not completely understand what "celebrate" means

2011-08-17, 04:05 PM
Kesten nods his head and smiles, "Yes, Oleg is inside the fort. Go ahead and speak with him; I'm sure he's happy to see you." He turns back to Neila and his smile vanishes, "No... I... well I didn't really have much to do with my life, so I decided to become a mercenary after the, ah, incident. That didn't go so well... one of my men, Falgrim, backstabbed us in our sleep, and made off with some valuable items. I decided to switch to being a guard, which is a bit more of a... stable carrer, let's say. I've pretty much given up on catching Falgrim. Actually..." he looks at your group, and starts to look excited.

"I have a reason to suspect he's in the Greenbelt right now. If you manage to find a short black-haired Varisian man with a crooked nose while you're out exploring, could you try and bring him back to me? Preferably alive?" He looks at Neila, somewhat hopeful.

2011-08-18, 02:29 PM
Leaving Neila to discuss what he assumes to be Garess business, Caelon makes his way further into the outpost in search of Oleg

When he finds him, the paladin dismounts and makes a small bow while bringing his right fist to his heart

Master Oleg, as we promised, we have eradicated the source of your woes. The bandits that terrorized you, together with their female leader, have been neutralized, so have no fear for your or your wife's safety.

If asked, the paladin will summarize the events as he perceived them

Master Metsavend's skills as a tracker allowed us to find the bandit's camp, while his scouting prowess enabled the staging of a surprise attack. Master Gothos fought bravely bringing down many enemies and saving my life by healing the wounds that I received in the fight. Master Delacroix and Lady Garess used their magical mastery to damage or enable our foes the paladin purposeful omits his role on the fight, for it was not Erastil's way to boast of one own's accomplishments

We have brought the spoils of battles and we wondered if you'd be interested in acquiring any of them and trade with you for both equipment and rations, for we have found that a greater threat looms to the South and we want to bring it to an end before it causes any grief to just people as yourself

2011-08-18, 02:51 PM
Neila makes no move to meddle in Caelon's own negotiations. She had little interest in the simple aquisition of mundane goods in any case, and trusted that even the fool of a paladin could hardly upset such a simple procedure.

"We shall do what we can if we come across your man. He is after all an outlaw, if he stole your company's earnings. Even if you were not family, I would attempt to carry out the law upon him. In another matter, I must ask... how does she fare? I had heard that your relationship with a woman was the reason behind the ire of the family elders. They are loathe to speak of it. If you would rather not answer yourself, feel no compulsion. But... I would like to know if she is well. And... if it was worth it."

2011-08-18, 03:39 PM
"Ah..." Kesten begins, as he lowers his head and stares at the ground. He mutters, "Her name is Tania. There is a certain... feeling I can't describe of being able to love someone regardless of what my father wanted. My wife (or ex-wife now) was furious, but then again... I could never really say I loved her."

The guard sighs, and then looks at Neila with a sad smile. "I'm still trying to decide if it was worth the punishment or not, myself."


As Oleg hears what the group had accomplished, a great big smile forms on his face, and he clasps Caelon on the shoulder. "You did it? Unbelieveable! Let me get you all something to drink! I've been hiding some of the good stuff in the store-house. It's not nearly enough to thank you... I'm not even sure I how I can ever repay this..."

The happy trading post owner, heads off to the storage, but not before giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. Svetlana turns her attention to all of you, and adds, "You look hungry. Let me cook up something for you; it'll be better than trail rations, I imagine!"

You now have a 20% discount at Oleg's

2011-08-18, 05:38 PM
Thank you very much Milady Svetlana replies the paladin May Erastil's grace shine upon your house for your gracious hospitality

Despite being a formulaic response, you can tell that the young Ismort means it

I am sorry we have not found any of the Moon Radishes that you requested. We will continue looking for them, though I am no expert on that area

With an honest look of concern in his face, Caelon asks his hostess

Have any other misfortunes befallen you while we were gone? As before, you have my word that I'll do anything in my power to help you and Master Oleg

2011-08-19, 01:06 PM
Caur simply shrugs at Gothos and adds, "I don't think alcohol would interest me right now, but we'll see."

He'd then stand behind Gothos, not following the paladin but prefering to wait for Gothos and others before moving in. During his time out with the rest of the party, he'd glance between Gothos, Lanius and Neila while listening to the ongoing conversation, waiting for the party to make a move.

2011-08-19, 01:12 PM
While Svetlana serves up some roasted boar for the hungry party, she idly chats, "There haven't been any real troubles here. Some men stopped by a day too late to help us with our bandit problem, but they've been guarding the gate now, so hopefully nothing like that happens again." With a sweet smile, she sets a plate of mouthwatering food in front of each of you, then adds, almost like an afterthought, "You are staying here for the night, yes? You're always welcome to stay here free of charge."

2011-08-19, 04:03 PM
"I would like to hope that something good can come of love. Maybe not. But... I wish you and her the best. At the very least, you are free from the machinations of the family. As much as they are skilled in the transactions of gold, I have always felt that our elders were less than competent when it came to arrangement of marriages." It was hard to tell if that had been a joke. Neila had seemed dead serious when she said it, certainly.

Fluidly, the young woman reached into her cloak and produced a rather wrinkled but still well-cared-for piece of parchment, sealed with the mark of House Garess. "I do not wish to ask a favor when you have just done the same, but... I'm going to anyway. If you ever get a chance to send a courier back into our House's lands, might I ask you to try and get this to my home? I promised Erika I would write. I am... unsure of when I shall next be able to send a letter. She will worry about me. The thought of that makes me... sad... she will still worry, but maybe this will help her a little bit. I would at least like her to know."

2011-08-19, 04:41 PM
With a smile, Kesten replies, "Of course, Neila, it's the least I can do." He carefully takes the offered letter and continues, "Good luck in the Greenbelt; it certainly isn't the safest place around. But... you aren't a child. I'm sure you'll be fine."

2011-08-19, 05:50 PM
"You are staying here for the night, yes? You're always welcome to stay here free of charge."

Thank you, Milady. responds Caelon We will stay here for tonight and tomorrow we will resume our exploration as we move southwards. We have some business to discuss with your husband in order for us to acquire rations and goods, but that can wait till later

Unless anyone objects the decision or talks to him, Caelon will eat his food in silence. After the meal, he'll talk to Oleg a little in order to secure the food and equipment that the party will need for the next days. The paladin will offer to help with the night shift to ease the burden on the new guards, but will accept their decision if they decline the help. Otherwise, he'll just rest and get ready for the new day

2011-08-19, 09:52 PM
Lanius enters the compound and is a little overwhelmed by all the kindness shown by Oleg and Svetlana. When he finally regains his voice, he pleads with them "Please, we were only doing what we were supposed to do. I for one certainly appreciate all the kindness you have given us when you haven't had to. If there is anything else we can help with, just let us know."

2011-08-20, 09:33 PM
"You have my thanks, truly. 'Twas the House that lost you, not you the House." She puts a hand to her chest and gives a small, informal bow. "Would only that more with skill at arms turned to guarding rather than banditry and theft - this might be a much safer world."

She glances at the rest of the party conducting its own business. "But it seems that our business here is almost concluded. I have found this meeting to be a true kindness of fortune, but I am afraid that I must eat and prepare to retire for the night." Quietly disengaging from the conversation, she moves to the dining hall, hoping to be able to serve herself a quick meal before it grew crowded.

After the meal, she would offer to take a watch if the guards found themselves short-handed, but like her paladin comrade would not press the issue. After all, standing watch may be a duty, but she was rather looking forward to getting a bit of rest. Whatever her reply, when her duties for the night concluded she performed her usual nightly ritual of setting up a tent and dozing off.

She would be ready to leave the next day as soon as the trading with Oleg was finalized.

2011-08-21, 05:25 AM
A night with a quiet meal, a good few drinks and sleep would fit Gothos well. Enjoy your bountty Master Oleg, With Gorum as my witness we will return with more trasures of conquest and victory....

With that he gives a low nod to Oleg and Svetlana before bowing and preparing to ride off.

2011-08-21, 11:57 AM
To speed things up, can I assume you sell the silver earrings and the crates of furs? You get 100g for the earrings, and 50g each for the crates for a total of 250g.

4th of Pharast

After a hearty meal and a good-night's sleep, you are ready for some more exploration, and head southward at dawn. The rising sun is eventually blocked out, as you approach some familiar forest terrain. Rather than simply passing through this time, you spread out, seeking to discover any important aspects of this location.

When six hours of this exploration pass by, Lanius comes across a clearing in the forest. While a clearing on its own isn't particularly exciting, this one happens to have a patch of bulbous white radishes growing in the earth here.

You don't seem to be the one to discover this spot, however. Five kobolds, all laying contently on the ground next to several half-eaten radishes, moan in contentment, obviously having enjoyed a much bigger meal than they are accustomed to. Lanius sees three baskets filled to the brim with these vegetables, suggesting that they are planning to transport them soon. Thankfully, in their stupor, none of the kobolds seem to noticed the elf's entry.

There are a total of 5 kobolds here.

Exploration results: You seem to be in the eastern-most edge of the forest right now. To the north and east, plains dominate the landscape, while to the south and east, the terrain becomes more sloped. To the west and south, the forest gets thicker and thicker.

2011-08-21, 10:17 PM
Lanius, upon seeing the scene in the clearing, turns around and whispers to the group of what is ahead. "I think those may be the radishes that Svetlana mentioned earlier. However, I see no reason to pull all the radishes from the baskets the kobolds have. Instead, I would propose the stealthiest among us go out there and pick a bunch of our own. That way there is no angry kobolds after us, and they might be helpful in the future."

2011-08-22, 12:12 AM
"Goodman Metsavend, I must confess I am confused by your proposition. You are speaking of kobolds, are you not? Beings notorious for their paranoia and xenophobia? I have honest doubts that even you could whisk such items out form under their noses without detection, and the rest of us are even less gifted in the ways of the shadows. Even this is putting aside the question of why you would wish to? It is one thing to show mercy to a bandit, but kobolds have cruelty and malice in their very blood. I've not even heard of one of the monsters who was not wicked to its heart. I have no special hatred for them, but I have difficulty in seeing how eliminating this obvious threat is not part and parcel of our duty here." In tandem with her words, Neila carefully swings from the saddle and alights on the ground, bow in hand. "We have the opportunity to strike first and hard. Can anyone give a reason not to take it?"

2011-08-22, 07:43 AM
Gothos nods towards the little woman. Lady Garess speaks true. Kobolds a tricksy vermin beneath even the meanest goblin. Shall we not slay these ones? I had thought in your human lands this was also the case?

With that he carefully pulls his battle axe and shield out and slides off the horse.

2011-08-22, 09:22 AM
"If they are good, they will be at a better place; if they are evil, they will receive the punishment they need. Because of such, I do not see a reason to discuss whether or not these kobolds deserve to die."

Caur stands almost still while addressing to the party, hoping to find a clear cut access to killing off these kobolds that are getting in the party's way, and his weasel on his shoulder almost looks like nodding in approval.

2011-08-22, 02:32 PM
We can try to approach and I can use Erastil's blessing to determine if the are evil or not says the paladin in a conciliatory tone. He did not relish the idea of attacking first without warning, but his knowledge of kobolds was in line with what Lady Garess had spoken

If what Lady Sveltana said holds true, the creatures might be too stuporous to defend themselves. We could apprehend them and find out more about their motives, their intentions and if there are more of their kind around. And act accordingly Caelon concludes in a more somber tone

If we do so, we should approach in waves, with Master Gothos and I, who are by far the least Stealthy, approaching last when everyone else is in position

2011-08-22, 04:44 PM
Lanius looks around, seeing he is outnumbered. "Be as they may a creature with a history of evil, nothing deserves being killed without provocation. I will not let you kill these intelligent creatures outright. If we must subdue them, let us tie them up. Since this is the case, I guess Caur and I should go first."

2011-08-22, 05:23 PM
I have no objections with your plan, Master Metsavend. But call on me if you need me to back you up the paladin responds

2011-08-22, 09:16 PM
"This is idiocy, you realize? Shall you next begin sampling belladonna in the hopes you consume a non-poisonous clump of leaves?" Neila carefully lays an arrow on the string of her bow, taking a breath and seeming to regain control after the outburst. "If you wish, give the creatures an opportunity to surrender to us and be questioned. But I cannot blunt the flight of an arrow, and I would not wish any of you to sustain injury because you were attempting to fight with hilts and pommels against foes earnestly seeking to draw true blood. We have no reason as yet to assume that these kobolds are any different from the overwhelmingly vast majority of their kin, and until they lay down their arms and surrender, I intend to treat them as such."

She motions back to the clearing. "Go ahead. I... hope that you are right, and I wrong, but it is rather easy to see good where there is none. Even the sight of a paladin can be so fooled. Make your move and I will cover you as best I can."

2011-08-23, 12:33 AM
Gothos gives a toothy grin at his companions. You may shout and I will come when these kobolds wake and try and eat you

2011-08-23, 07:00 PM
Lanius takes off his bow, not wanting it to get damaged if they get into a tussle. He then quietly asks the group for rope or restraints. If he receives enough to restrain all of the Kobolds, he sets off, waving at Caur to follow him, and setting off for the Kobold furthest away, walking around the sleeping group.
[roll0] Apparently the DC to escape is 20+my CMB, which is the same as my Melee attack bonus.

2011-08-23, 07:29 PM
The sleeping kobolds remain blissfully unaware as Lanius creeps up on them.

2011-08-23, 07:54 PM
Lanius begins tying up the first Kobold, using the knots he has learned from years of forestry, If it is successful, he continues on to the rest of the bunch.

I can't help but feel like I should roll something besides stealth, but I can't figure out what it would be. If it needs to be rolled, please roll it for me in this thread, if possible.

2011-08-24, 08:30 AM
Caur follows Lanius enough to put some distance between himself and the rest of the party, but does not get any closer to help Lanius tie, uncertain about his steps.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-08-24, 12:35 PM
Neila cautiously hangs back as well, not wishing to make any undue noise until it was clear the battle had begun.


Stealth Check: [roll0]

She's about the same distance away as Caur - a little over 30 feet.

The call for attack rolls earlier was a false alarm, right? As far as I can tell, we're not actually in combat yet. Or should we be taking a surprise round right now?

2011-08-24, 06:07 PM
Lanius looks at the others, nods, and then begins to swiftly tie up the first kobold. With him restrained, he dashes over to the next to try to restrain him before he can wake up, and so on until the next kobold is too awake to restrain.
If you need it, [roll0]

2011-08-24, 06:33 PM
As Lanius attempts to subdue the kobold, it finally awakens, thrashing around wildly and shrieking loudly. The others begin to stir, waking up from their heavy sleep.

You automatically win initiative. I don't think I'm going to bother with a grid, since there really isn't much to note in the area. The kobolds are prone and currently unarmed.

Lanius is next to a kobold. Neila and Caur are 30ft away from the nearest kobold. Caelon and Gothos are 60ft away.

2011-08-24, 06:53 PM
Caelon, seeing the kobolds stirr, moves as quickly as his new armor will allow him to reach the kobolds, sword and shield in hand

Full round action as two move actions to move 40ft towards where Lanius and the Kobolds are

2011-08-24, 11:11 PM
"Tremble. Fight, and you will all die. Strike a single blow and you will all perish. Touch a weapon, and you will be slain. Try to flee, and your first step shall be your last." Neila's voice did not boom. Even without emotion or inflection, it was too melodic, and while shouting, too soft. Rather, it rang, like the peal of some ancient bell sounding forth a grand lament. "This is the only warning you shall receive. Zittern, mein Feind..."

The bard's word sap strength and slacken muscles, weakening the kobolds even as they roused from their slumber.


Activating Bardsong (Satire): Enemies get -1 to Will saves against mind-affecting effects, attack rolls and damage. 7 Rounds remaining.

Probably a little excessive to attack-nerf unarmed foes, but it never hurts to hedge one's bets. It isn't like Neila is a damage powerhouse anyway, and we've got a surprise round to work with.

2011-08-25, 02:47 AM
Hearing and seeing the shouts Gothos sprints forwards axe raised high as he shouts in Orcish Die dragon whelped vemin. With that he brings his axe down on the nearest one in a loud crunching noise....

Charge the nearest Kobold- my linebreaker trait gives me +10ft speed when I charge so I can make the 60ft. Didn't expect that to be useful :smallsmile:

Attack roll [roll0] (+4Str, +4prone, +2 charge, -1 power attack) against the flat footed kobold ([roll1] if its a threat)
Damage [roll2] (if crit add [roll3])

2011-08-25, 08:59 AM
Lanius, finding the Kobolds to be much more alert than he had thought, tries to knock the one in front of him out. [roll0] [roll1]

2011-08-25, 12:42 PM
Caur would approach the group of kobolds with fast steps, trying to move away from his own party enough to keep them undamaged. As soon as he gets a good view of kobolds, without much expression on his face, he would attempt to cover as many of them as possible in a burst of fiery waves shot from his fingertips.

Cast Burning Hands: [roll0]
Since we do not have a grid, I assume I could position myself well enough to cover any amount of kobolds in a cone of flames.

Also, if I can not move enough to get a clear view of kobolds and have to damage my party members, I'd rather have my casting delayed and revoke my actions to do a move action instead.

2011-08-25, 03:06 PM
The kobolds didn't stand a chance.

The one trying to escape Lanius' grasp is knocked unconscious before he can continue his struggles, while one getting to his feet nearby is violently ripped apart by Gothos' greataxe. The remaining three hardly get the chance to panick before they are burned to cinders by Caur's magic.

Well, you beat them before they even got a turn. Nicely done :smalltongue:

2011-08-25, 04:40 PM
Making it too late to the battle, Caelon aboserves the aftermath. Seeing that Lanius' target is only unconscious, the paladin addresses the bard

Lady Garess, does the spell you used on the bandits work on these creatures? We should try to find out if there are more pf them lurking about

Looking at the Kobold, the paladin tries to sense if he is evil or not
Detect evil

While the group waits for the kobold to wake up, the paladin will ask Gothos for help moving the baskets to where the horses are. If anyone wants help to pull out more radishes, Caelon will try to help

While the Kobold is interrogated and the rest of the area is explored, one or two of us could bring these to Lady Sveltana. I offer my services for such task

2011-08-25, 09:41 PM
Lanius quickly trusses up the kobold, ignoring the drops of blood falling in his hair due to is intense concentration. He does, however, look up in time to see flames wash within a few feet of his head. "What in the name of the Gods was that? You just slaughtered four defenseless beings as intelligent as you or I. You could have just knocked them out! What would you do if you woke up and some strange bird-person was standing overhead. You'd try and get away! Would you like it if said person just killed you? I hoped decent thinking beings would be more moral than that! Now I have their blood on my hands for not finding a way to keep you homicidal manaics from raining fiery death on their heads."

He goes over to the burned kobolds (seeing as they seem more likely to survive) and begins trying to heal them. Once he has finished first aid, he assesses them to see if they can be moved. Dispite the skill he displays, he continues his angry lecture, even growing louder until the nearby birds fly out of the trees. "Caelon, I thought you were a disciple of Erasmus. Does he really preach the slaughter of innocents? Still, you weren't actively wanting them dead, which makes you the most honest and honorable of the group. As for you Gothos; what kind of battle was that? Slaughtering an innocent, unarmed, unaware civilian. Is that really what the god of war seeks in his followers? Niela, I have to say, I am not surprised that you stood back and let others kill for you, just so that you could claim to be above everyone else. And Caur, just think of what could have happened if you set the woods on fire. We'd be in danger of dying. Seriously, I can't believe the famed swordlords of Restov stuck me with such terrible people. You are almost as bad as my... As the terrible traitors who forced me to seek a job like this to restore my honor."

"So, I'm keeping track of this prisoner, and any of the others who survive. If you kill one, I may just have to kill you. An eye for five innocent, unarmed eyes, and all that. Understand? Good. Grab some of those radishes, we are going back to Oleg's." With that he recovers his weapons, throws the still unconcious Kobold over his saddle, and goes over to the burnt kobolds to keep an eye on them.
Yep, you just hit two of Lanius's nerves. Killing creatures that haven't been proven to deserve it, and breaking the deal (by his understanding). He is a ranger, and an elf, and he does respect the inherent right of life to keep living.

Edit: Looks like I saved two of 'em!

2011-08-26, 01:23 AM
Gothos says nothing as the elf rants and rails aboue the injustice of killing innocent creatures. In my homeland he thinks they are slain on site as vermin. He was right it was no battle it was pest control.

Putting it out f his mind he potters across to the basket of radishes and has a look inside at the strange unappetising looking fruit. Shall we give them all to the Lady Svetlana? Once we have delivered them we can continue our exploration of the immediate area.

2011-08-26, 10:01 AM
The kobold knocked unconscious by Lanius eventually begins to stir. As soon as he regains his senses, however, he begins to shriek in draconic, trying in vain to escape the bonds, he eventually begins to speak in coherent sentences.

(Draconic) "What are you... what did you JUST DO? No! No, are they dead? Aaaaaaarch!" He again squirms around in the restraints, but to no avail.

Lanius manages to save two of the burned kobolds, but they won't be gaining consciousness any time soon.

This particular kobold is evil

2011-08-26, 05:36 PM
During the ride, the paladin will approach Lanius and talk to him in private

I agree with you Master Metsavend. It was not my intention to kill them, but I was not able to make it to the fray in time to take any of them prisoner. I do not approve of what happened either.

I do not know about what faith you put into the gods, but I want to warn you, Erastil blessing is telling me that this kobold in particular is evil. Not that this warrants execution, but I wanted you to know what I know

Caelon will also detect evil on the other kobold prisoners and inform Lanius of his findings

After the kobold wakes up

What is he saying? the paladin asks his companions. Learning other languages was never Caelon's strength

2011-08-26, 09:01 PM
Hah! I knew speaking draconic would come in handy sometime! Okay, I chose it because I thought Lanius would study it seeing as its an old language, but still. Sweet!
Lanius turns around as the poor Kobold regains consciousness. "I sincerely apologize for my companions misconduct. When I came upon this clearing and saw you sleeping, I foolishly told the group instead of making them go elsewhere. Once they heard of the Kobolds they immediately decided you were the foulest beasts to ever walk the planet. I tried to talk sense into them, but just when I thought I did, they went to try and kill you all. I managed to take care of you so that they wouldn't, and I did heal your friends as best as I could, but I'm just an elf. They also insisted on tying you up so you couldn't, as they put it, slay us first. I would like to find some way to part ways without killing each other, but if I were in your place, I admit I would find it tough. Still, I would hate to cause more pointless deaths today." With his final words, he smiles down at the Kobold in what he hopes is a friendly expression.

2011-08-27, 01:04 AM
Lady Garess, does the spell you used on the bandits work on these creatures? We should try to find out if there are more pf them lurking about

"I do not speak the tongue of wyrms, but I can perhaps still soften its opinion somewhat. Goodman Metsavend is... lacking in tact." She seems to have more or less shrugged off the elf's rant, but it is always difficult to tell one shade of impassive from another. Still, she makes no move to retaliate or argue to defend herself either, instead simply moving to Lanius' side and kneeling down to bring her on eye level with the subdued kobold. In a whispered voice, she intones the words of the mind-bending Charm, binding it on either side with lyrics to ease its acceptance into the mind of the creature.

Not breaking eye contact, she gestured at herself, then slowly at Lanius, making a motion with her mouth as if to pantomime speech.

OOC: Using Satire to give its save -1, then Charm on the kobold. With one round to set up and one to cast the spell, Neila has 5 rounds remaining today.

She tries to pantomime 'Talk to the elf' or 'The elf will translate' to the best of her ability. Yay for interrogation charades!

2011-08-27, 01:29 AM
Gothos watches the others dealiing with the small reptillian vermin with a wry grin. Finding a twig he starts to prod his tusks picking out small pieces of gristle. These pinkskins are strange. Life is very different away from the Holds. Its a wonder my brothers haven't conquered all these lands.

Finishing strapping the 2 baskets of raddishes onto a horse he'll have a careful sniff of them, wrinkling his nose up at the vegetable's stench. Give me a nice piece of mostly raw meat any day...

His job finished he shouts over to his colleagues interrogating the downed kobold.What next Master Metasand, Master Caelon?

2011-08-27, 08:09 AM
At first, Caur does not respond to Lanius and just lets him keep on ranting. However, as he tries to insult the party(and, most importantly, Caur) again, Caur attempts to interupt with a speech.

"I am sorry for that the entirety of the party has not spent their past lives in cities with courts, or schools that teach ethics. I assume you are missing the very point I am looking from, even though you are a ranger; we are in the wilderness, and in the wilderness, you need to use any element to your adventage."

2011-08-28, 09:32 AM
Lanius looks strangely at Niela, placing one hand on one of his axes, just in case. However, seeing she has apparently learned her lesson and is not trying to harm the Kobold, he lets her continue. Then he hears Caur. "If you knew anything of wilderness, you would know that animals do not kill unless they must. I don't thinks these kobolds truly represented a threat upon our lives. Only one who is scared of shadows would have been scared of unarmed, defenseless kobolds." He takes a minute to ponder his next move though, not letting his anger cloud his judgement further. Coming up with two options, but not sure which would be the best, he decides to ask Caelon's opinion. "The way I see it we have two options, We can take them with us, but I fear the soldiers at the trading post would not take good care of them. Or we can leave them here, with the one who is not in pain, and hope they don't come after us. What do you think Caelon? Your opinion is the only one I can really trust."

2011-08-28, 09:39 AM
The half-orc's face twists into a semblance of a smile at the Elf's words. Master Metasand, if you wish the vermin to live very well. But leave them here. The dragon-rats have little courage and will no doubt move to avoid us. He chuckles slightly before continuing Though if we are camping nearby I would wear an iron collar lest one nibbles on your throat while you sleep.

If you would talk with it then ask what it knows of the local area. be it bandits or fell beasts that may one day trouble settlers.

2011-08-28, 07:02 PM
Lanius' quick action with the burnt kobolds allows him to save two, but the one that was closest to Caur's flames is unsalvageable.

Although the ranger attempts to explain the situation to the only one remaining concious, the kobold contiues his struggles and incomprehensible shouting. Neila's spell, however, noticably changes the creature's disposition, and he quietly stares at Lanius in terror rather than shouting wildy. Eventually, he speaks again, in a sad, but understandable, tone.

<<Why... why would they do something like this? We only wanted food.>>

One of the two other kobolds is evil, according to Caelon's Detect Evil.

2011-08-28, 09:37 PM
Lanius heaved a big sigh at the poor kobolds words. Talking to him again in draconic, he tries his best to answer the tough question. "Well.... Basically they assumed that because they had heard stories of kobolds that had done horrible things to humans, and apparently in one case orcs, although I can't believe he would admit something so shameful, Well, they decided you were a threat to them, and well, overreacted. Honestly, if this was the first I'd ever seen of them, I'd want to kill them. As it is, if they ever do something like this again, I may just have to stop their killing. Anyways, I would like to make sure you don't take revenge on us. I know you want to, but if you do the conflict will just escalate, and many will die for nothing. Please be intelligent and not strike back. Also, you and any others of your kin may want to stay out of their way, just in case they do act so destructively again."

2011-08-29, 12:14 PM
"The way I see it we have two options, We can take them with us, but I fear the soldiers at the trading post would not take good care of them. Or we can leave them here, with the one who is not in pain, and hope they don't come after us. What do you think Caelon? Your opinion is the only one I can really trust."

Caelon frowns at Lanius' question. It was a difficult choice, so the paladin takes a moment before answering

Mater Metsavend, I am not sure what to say, for this is a very difficult matter. I believe that, at this point, our actions hinge upon what the kobolds' response will be to this event.

If they are willing to take the higher road and forgive their companions' deaths, I'd agree with you that we should let them go. Even though Erastil's powers are telling me they are evil, we have no proof of their misdeeds and as such we cannot incarcerate them

On the other hand, if there are others of their kind in the area and they want to take revenge, we have no option but to keep them prisoners at Oleg's while we try to parlay with the kobold leaders before the conflict escalates

It is my duty to be honest with you, for we share the Burden. I do not think that they will let our attack go unpunished, so letting them go would put Master Oleg and Lady Sveltana at risk. But I will support your decision if it comes to question from other members of this fellowship.

After hearing Gotho's comment, Caelon addresses the ranger once again

Master Metsavend, I do think that there is merit to Master Gothos' suggestion to ask this kobold about the local area. At this point, any information might prove invaluable

2011-08-29, 03:33 PM
Caur feels the slight bit of joy for others' depression over the death of a bunch of kobolds, but that is rather weak compared to the annoyance given to him for not understanding the "reasonless" burden. Because he realises he won't be able to understand Lanius and Caelon, he does not express any thought or emotion and merely lets them decide the fate of kobolds to their liking.

2011-08-29, 03:34 PM
When Lanius suggests that the kobolds don't take revenge, the bound prisoner, gives a low snarl and replies, <<Why would we want to fight them. I'm staying the hell away from that greenskin and shaman! Oh, how I hate magic! Never good... it's never done good. Just...>> his voice drops to a whisper, <<Just tell them to stay away from our tribe! We have enough trouble as it is.>>

2011-08-29, 04:00 PM
Lanius looks up at Caelon as he explains his position, then nods. (in common)"Thank you. It seems that they are too scared of us to cause us harm, but I will ask about the surrounding area." Then Lanius turns back to the Kobold and goes back to its strange tongue. "Thank you for your honesty. One more warning, if you even threaten the trading post nearby, I am afraid the orc and the witch would hunt down your clan, so please don't. Hopefully someday you can trade there, but until they have a chance to forget, I'd be careful."

"Before I let you go, can you tell me where your village is? I promise not to tell the others and to keep them away, but I can't prevent them stumbling upon it unless I know where it is. We are also looking for a rogue human rogue named Falgrim, who has stolen some valuable items from a friend. Do you know anything about a human like that wandering somewhere around here. Finally, I know if anything I owe you a favor, but I would really appreciate any help you can give us on any landmarks, dangers, and points of interest in the area, as long as it wouldn't threaten your clan to do so. Once again, I wish to apologize for what my friends have done, and I wish I could do more."

2011-08-29, 04:47 PM
The kobold frantically shakes his head at Lanius, <<No! Chief says only kobolds can know where kobolds live. If I tell you; you just come in and kill us all. Our ca... uh, our home is hidden, and if you don't want to find it, you won't.>> When the elf asks about nearby landmarks, the creature's eyes glimmer mischieviously, and he responds, <<Don't know much, but if you see a really really really big sycamore tree, lots of mites live inside. Kill them and take their shinies! It'll show those bastards...>>

2011-08-29, 07:12 PM
Lanius nods, not surprised that the Kobold wouldn't tell him where he lived, but happy to know that it's apparently hidden, which means that since Lanius is the tracker for the group, he would be the one to find it, and could point the group in another direction. He stands up to address the group. "This Kobold has promised not to hurt us, and is in fact rather scared of us. He will tell any others of his kin that he runs across to steer clear of us. Thus I am setting him loose to take care of his friends." With the rest of the group warned, he loosens the kobolds bonds, and gives him some final words. "Well, thank you for your help. May you and your kin find peace. And next time, be careful what you eat." With that, he mounts back up and tells the group "Let's take these back to Svetlana, I'd rather not run into trouble with them burdening us down."

Maybe I should have earlier, but [roll0]on the kobold, to make sure he's telling the truth.

2011-08-29, 11:31 PM
"...fine. Release them, Goodman Metsavend, as it seems from your demeanor that you would sooner murder your comrades than put them down at this moment. I would hope that it cooperated with you to a degree, at least? Trusting the word of a creature like this is unwise, but even so we might find a kernel of something useful."

"And yes, someone should return to Goodman Oleg's post, even if only to warn them." Neila nods at the kobolds. "Tell the guards that by our ranger's insistence, we have released an evil being with good reason to hate us, and who has an unspecified number of allies at an unknown nearby location, and furthermore is of a race whose favored battle tactic is a swarm of overwhelming numbers. I would like to think that a fort would be a discouraging target compared to ourselves, but kobolds are notorious sappers. It cannot hurt for both them and us to be on guard the next few days."

She nodded one time and glanced around. "Also, while Goodman Metsavend's concern over the fate of these creatures is in my opinion absurd, he does raise a valid point. I had expected to use my magic to simply sap their strength to subdue and frighten them, as that is the plan we had agreed upon. Next time you deviate from our arrangements on some mad whim, we could all be slain. That you disagree with a plan is no excuse - while I certainly would rather see these kobolds dead, by attempting to force such an action knowing Metsavend's opinions, you have brought upon us the worst of both paths. If we cannot rely on each other, we are doomed before we begin. Einheit, allies."

Neila's gaze wanders between the party members, sparing the longest looks for Gothos and Caur. "That is all. We should move soon, to make up for lost time. Sir Ismort, would you object to making the return to the post? We shall finish mapping this region in a matter of hours, but I think we are still near enough for you to make it back as we set camp."

2011-08-30, 11:35 AM
"That is all. We should move soon, to make up for lost time. Sir Ismort, would you object to making the return to the post? We shall finish mapping this region in a matter of hours, but I think we are still near enough for you to make it back as we set camp."

With pleasure, Lady Garess the paladin responds, bringing his fist to his chest

After finding the closest road or landmark, Caelon indicates that he will go to the outpost and return to that same spot, where he will wait for the rest of the party. Caelon will take his horse and any others that are needed to carry the extra baskets, trying to balance the party's mobility with his own expedience.

Once all is prepared, the paladin will head to the outpost

2011-08-30, 07:20 PM
Caur would stare back at Neila just as she gazed at him, but would not make a sound. However, as soon as he would feel like he is getting scolded by a child, he would momentarily turn his gaze on Gothos to see his reaction, if he would make any.

2011-08-31, 05:06 AM
Gothos says nothing to the small lady before catching Caur's look he whispers to the small witch Kobolds burn good eh?. Then straightening he waves off Caelon and remounts looking towards Lanius and Neila. Where to then next?

2011-08-31, 02:41 PM
Caur would quickly respond back to Gothos, while hiding his lowered voice behind a quiet snicker, the words would come clear to the half-orc. "Still not as good as gnomes at a moonless night."

2011-08-31, 06:01 PM
As the group finishes exploring the immediate region, Caelon departs for the trading post, radishes in tow. The next eight hours pass uneventfully for Lanius, Neila, Caur, and Gothos, who plot down the details of their surroundings without any further interruptions.

The sun has already set by the time Caelon makes it to Oleg's trading post. As he is admitted into the building by the four guards, Kesten Garess mentions, "Tell Neila that her message has been sent, will you?"

Upon seeing the many baskets of radishes, Svetlana gasps, and beams at Caelon. "Oh! Oh, this is far more than I expected... here, let me give you something for your troubles. These should be able to last us for a good period of time. She practically skips toward one of the buildings in the trading yard, and returns shortly after with a pouch of coins. When she hands it over to the paladin, she continues, "Not staying for the night, are you?"

She gives Caelon 200gp.

2011-08-31, 06:24 PM
As their surveying finishes, Lanius notes the darkening sky, and mentions that "It is probably to dark to ride our horses through the woods back to the trading post. Let's camp here tonight."

2011-08-31, 06:30 PM
Of course, Lord Garess replies Caelon, addressing the man with his formal title. No matter his present standing, the man had been born to a noble house and the paladin meant to give him the appropriate deference

Lady Garess bid me to inform you about something that you might want to rely to your men Caelon says to the man, and proceeds to explain the encounter with the kobolds, explaining that the ones who fled promised not to attack and their actions did not disprove their words. I think that they will keep to themselves, but I agree with Lady Garess that you and your men should know about this

Caelon is about to continue deeper into the outpost, but a though strikes him and he turns around to ask Kesten Mylord, would you tell me what happened with the prisoners we captured when we defended this outpost? When we were here last, other duties occupied my mind, but since they surrender to me, I have a responsibility to know of their whereabouts

Once he makes his way to Sveltana, the paladin will dismount and take all the baskets to wherever his hostess indicates.

The paladin stretches his hand with an open palm, not making any movement towards the sac of coins Lady Sveltana, I appreciate your generosity. But if you could, would you be so kind as to keep the reward until all my companions have gathered here once again? We have no use for this money on the wilderness, and I would rather you had it in case of a dire need

At the woman's question, the paladin shakes his head slightly I cannot stay milady, my companions are investigating the area and I am to meet them again as soon as I am able

The paladin continues

But before I leave, may I ask you more about these radishes milady? You had mentioned they had calming properties, and what we have seen more than proved your words right.

I was wondering if it would be possible to extract and concentrate whatever makes these radishes so narcotic. From our encounter with the bandit's camp, we came into possesion of some alcohol that seems to be prized by the leader of the bandits, and I though that a possible way to avoid unnecessary bloodshed would be to take him and his men down with alcohol that has been laced with the sleeping properties of the radishes.

But I know little of the ways of alchemy and potion making, so I would appreciate any wisdom you can share

2011-08-31, 07:38 PM
The guardsmen appears to be a bit taken by surprise from Caelon's formality. "I... ah, I'd prefer if you called me Kesten, actually. The prisoners that were here are being escorted to Restov at the moment. I arrived with a total of 5 men and myself... I instructed two of the guards to make sure the bandits arrive at Restov's jail. They should be back in around 4 days."


Svtelana shrugs, and places the pouch of money to the side, and listens intently as Caelon speaks of the radishes.

"I don't know much about potion making either, I'm afraid..." Her eyes narrow and she places a finger to her mouth, evidently concentrating. "However, I think I know someone who does. There's a hermit who lives maybe 15 miles east of here. His name's Bokken, and he occassionally stops by to sell us potions that he makes. Maybe he would be able assist you better. Why don't you take a basket of the radishes with you? I certainly have more than enough!"

2011-08-31, 11:52 PM
As their surveying finishes, Lanius notes the darkening sky, and mentions that "It is probably to dark to ride our horses through the woods back to the trading post. Let's camp here tonight."

"This would seem to be wise. We should wait for Sir Ismort in any case. I will take first watch, but I think it would be wise to watch in pairs for a time, given today's events. I can see little harm coming of being prepared." Neila doesn't wait for an immediate volunteer, moving to begin setting up the campsite. Only once such things were complete does the serious-faced bard look to see if any care to join her in the first shift of a long night.

2011-09-01, 02:43 AM
Gothos nods at the suggestion to camp. I will take 1st watch with you Lady Garess.". As the night darkens he'll briefly take his eyes off the surrounding area and look back to the young lady who has taken a leading role within the group, no doubt something to do with her breeding.
Lady Garess. Have you ever been in war? I only ask as you seem most serious and ordered about things military? We in the tribes take a different view of that sort of thing. The towering Half-orc then smiles. If you have not been in war then I feel it will come to us here, my axe twitches with the violence that will come to pass in these forgotten valleys....