View Full Version : Wights and Negative Levels

Cornelius Grim
2011-07-12, 11:03 AM
On the D20 SRD, I discovered that anybody reduced to zero levels or hit dice by negative levels rises as a wight. It did not specify, however, whethe or not these wights were in your control. Does anybody know the specific rules for wights and negative levels? Thanks.

2011-07-12, 11:08 AM
Unless you have some manner of controlling undead, I do not believe these are under your control. Just an unfortunate accident. Of course, just because they're not under your direct control does not mean that they cannot be useful.

Cornelius Grim
2011-07-12, 11:14 AM
Hmm, okay. Thanks! I have ways of getting them to listen to me, for if they don't, they'll be getting a nice little rebuke to the face... Thank you! :smalltongue: