View Full Version : evolving campaign

2011-07-12, 01:15 PM
So, ive been dming for a couple of years, and when coming up with my campaign, i like to have long-term goals that are based on the pc's classes/background etc.

The two most constant players in my group have started new characters, one is a cleric of healing, he prays to no specific god, but venerates all good deities whose portfolios include healing. The second is a warforged fighter/ angel disciple (custom class, think divine version of dragon disciple) the cleric hasnt finished his background yet, but the warforged was taken in by a village of halflings after the great war, and was contented with his place among their small society, coming to worship arvoreen and protecting several generations against outside harm. One day the halflings fell terribly sick with a plauge and the warforged could do nothing but watch as they one by one dropped dead. In less than a week, the village was just a mass grave, and the warforged filled with so many conflicting, alien emotions, swore to, and i quote "kill disease". He hates filfth and always keeps himself impeccably clean, but eagerly kills oozes, undead, lycanthropy, and anything that reminds him of his lost friends.

My question is, would it be feasible to have the party's ultimate goal be deicide?
what if they all got together and said, "lets kill the god/goddess of sickness?
theyre all starting at lvl 5, so its definitely a long term goal

and their main antagonist would progressively send stronger and stronger foes against them as they themselves grew in power

that being said, anyone know what the evil deity of disease is?

2011-07-12, 02:05 PM
So, ive been dming for a couple of years, and when coming up with my campaign, i like to have long-term goals that are based on the pc's classes/background etc.

The two most constant players in my group have started new characters, one is a cleric of healing, he prays to no specific god, but venerates all good deities whose portfolios include healing. The second is a warforged fighter/ angel disciple (custom class, think divine version of dragon disciple) the cleric hasnt finished his background yet, but the warforged was taken in by a village of halflings after the great war, and was contented with his place among their small society, coming to worship arvoreen and protecting several generations against outside harm. One day the halflings fell terribly sick with a plauge and the warforged could do nothing but watch as they one by one dropped dead. In less than a week, the village was just a mass grave, and the warforged filled with so many conflicting, alien emotions, swore to, and i quote "kill disease". He hates filfth and always keeps himself impeccably clean, but eagerly kills oozes, undead, lycanthropy, and anything that reminds him of his lost friends.

My question is, would it be feasible to have the party's ultimate goal be deicide?
what if they all got together and said, "lets kill the god/goddess of sickness?
theyre all starting at lvl 5, so its definitely a long term goal

and their main antagonist would progressively send stronger and stronger foes against them as they themselves grew in power

that being said, anyone know what the evil deity of disease is?

This looks likes a fine premise for a campaign.

If your campaign takes place in Eberron, which I'm not sure it does, The Keeper would be the God of Sickness (He has Death, Decay, and Evil as his domains.)

2011-07-12, 03:56 PM
Perfect, thankyou kind fellow of the internet!

2011-07-12, 05:43 PM
Just for info, in Forgotten Realms, the goddess of diseases is Talona. Her description is in Faiths and Pantheons (3rd Edition material, but nonetheless interesting).