View Full Version : Help me find Mystic Ranger.

2011-07-13, 01:12 PM
Hi Playground. I'm beginning a campaign soon with a Clositered Cleric 1/Monk/Mystic Ranger X/Duskblade 3/Abjurant Champion 5(I don't mind saying this is mostly a flavor character/I like gishes. Alot)

Starting level 5

Campaign Info

You little rascals will each start with 10,500 gp, by pathfinder rules. I'd allow pathfinder completely, but I don't have enough experience with it quite yet. I like the wealth system, though, which can be found here, maybe a third of the way down the page: (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gamemastering.html)

_Resources allowed are only as follows:_
Everyone can use the core books, the Complete series, the Races of X series, and three other published 3.5 books of their choice.

Usually I allow less than this, but it seems that we all have some tricks up our sleeves, and I want to see them! Choose wisely!

No Tome of Magic
No Incarnum.
No Chainmail Bikini or Book of Erotic Fantasy, either.

As excited as I am to see everyone's characters, I also reserve the right to *veto any blatantly overpowered mechanics.* I WILL allow clerics the use of the Divine Metamagic Feat, though. If you want it, start workin' towards it!

Pre-existing membership in organizations is allowed, but it has to *make sense in regards to your character's life path* thus far. I doubt anyone will have any kind of following, be in a position of extreme power, or have access to extra wealth. Please discuss your ideas with me, though. Help me help you! (Especially if your build is dependent upon organization membership.)

You'll be using Elite Array, with a free ability point at first level, so that's
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 with a free +1 to allocate as you see fit. You can spend the +1 to instead raise the 8 to a 10.

Campaign Setting? Assume it's like Forgotten Realms. I'll allow access to any campaign setting's book if you take it as your freebie. This includes Forgotten Realms, you've gotta choose it as one of yours if you want feats from it. If there even are any, I don't know.

Monster races are discouraged. Talk to me if you must. Level Adjustment +1 is acceptable with humanoid races.

While the build is somewhat underpowered I'm going to try and make up for it in feats. But I need some clarifications

1st-How many domains can I trade out for feats? I know I will trade Knowledge Domain for Knowledge Devotion but if I can also trade the Travel Domain for Travel Devotion and have both at first level I will be very happy

2nd-Does anyone know where to find the table for Mystic Ranger? I've had no sucess tracking it down for the DM. The DnDwiki http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Mystic_Ranger_(DnD_Class)

3rd-In the Campaign Info I mentioned that the DM is allowing three freebie books. Books allowed-Everyone can use the core books, the Complete series, the Races of X series, and three other published 3.5 books of their choice. Suggestions on those three books? I know Spell Conpendium is in.

2011-07-13, 01:13 PM
Mystic Ranger is from Dragon Magazine, so unfortunately according to your DM's rules it's off the table.

2011-07-13, 01:15 PM
Mystic Ranger is from Dragon Magazine, so unfortunately according to your DM's rules it's off the table.

I forgot that's "currently" okay. At the moment. If it becomes illegal this build get scrapped

2011-07-13, 05:23 PM
I use this link (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872054/Alternative_Class_Features_III?post_id=338428258#3 38428258).

2011-07-13, 11:06 PM
Dragon Magazine #336 page 105.

2011-07-14, 05:40 AM
Hi Playground. I'm beginning a campaign soon with a Clositered Cleric 1/Monk/Mystic Ranger X/Duskblade 3/Abjurant Champion 5(I don't mind saying this is mostly a flavor character/I like gishes. Alot)

I realize you're focusing on "lavor", but I have no idea how most of this is working.

For example, what does Duskblade bring you? You're not progressing casting at all. Mystic Ranger is a gish in a can — adding another gish in a can misses the point.

3rd-In the Campaign Info I mentioned that the DM is allowing three freebie books. Books allowed-Everyone can use the core books, the Complete series, the Races of X series, and three other published 3.5 books of their choice. Suggestions on those three books? I know Spell Conpendium is in.

Champions of Valor is all you really need. Dump Cloistered Cleric, Monk, and Duskblade. Pick up Sword of the Arcane Order, Shooting Star.

Don't pass go, just collect your $200 and head for crushing glory.

2011-07-14, 12:18 PM
I use this link.

Thank you kindly. Exactly what I was looking for

For example, what does Duskblade bring you? You're not progressing casting at all. Mystic Ranger is a gish in a can — adding another gish in a can misses the point.

I'm a huge fan of Arcane Channeling. It's not optimal.............I might end up dropping it. The Clositered Cleric dip is a) Backstory and b) for Knowledge and Travel Devotion. And you bet Champions of Valor is getting used

2011-07-14, 01:02 PM
I use this link (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872054/Alternative_Class_Features_III?post_id=338428258#3 38428258).
That link is not quite right on the spells per day. It says the spells per day don't change past level 17. This is incorrect. Levels 19 and 20 have 5 3rd level spells per day instead of 4.