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2011-07-13, 01:37 PM
You have finally arrived.

The three weeks of travel from your home to this new city were more difficult than you had originally assumed. It seems that the last few months you spent closeted in your home in Ickthan were more detrimental to your physical conditioning than you had anticipated. Regardless, you have arrived with all of your belongings and in good health around midday.

Entering the city was amazingly simple, as there were no guards. They might have given up their jobs long since, seeing the stripped down state of the city walls. Several of the buildings closest to the wall seemed to be party constructed of the same materials that still feebly protected the city. Despite this, the city before your eyes appears to be thriving.

Once you breach the outer row of hovels and shacks, you enter a bustling bazaar packed with merchants hawking their wares. Several of the items you spy with just a moment's glance would be impossible to obtain in Ickthan, or labeled as dangerous contraband by the Hand. After the simple matter of finding lodgings, this city could provide you with everything you need to continue your research.

Unfortunately, while you have enough gold saved to find housing and the necessities, the high cost of magical and alchemical ingredients looks as though it will drain your resources startlingly fast. You may need to find a way of obtaining extra wealth, if your research is to continue...

2011-07-13, 01:51 PM
Gaspar sighs with relief after seeing the encouraging sight of the bazaar goods and shoulder his pack, keeping a hand firmly around his money pouch. First things first, lodging, provisions, and an income source.

He approaches the nearest man that seems likely to respond.

"Afternoon. Where might I be able to find lodging in this city?"

He leaves it at that, hoping for as little information needing to be given out as possible.

2011-07-13, 01:57 PM
The man you approach is in a light lether jerkin and has a simple club hanging from a loop at his waist. He is watching the bazaar in a relaxed and familiar manner. You take him for some type of guard, but most likely not an official city watch member (assuming this city has something as formal as a city guard).

He turns around and says flatly, "That depends on how long your stay is. Do you need an empty tenement or an inn for a few nights?

2011-07-13, 02:05 PM
Gaspar pauses to think for a moment before answering.

Preferably a semi permanent residence. Perhaps a house to rent?What's to rent around here, price wise.

2011-07-13, 02:10 PM
The man turns his gaze from you and watches a person shopping at a jewelery stall for a full minute before turning back to you and saying in the same flat voice,

You can get nearly any kind of house here for any price, but the location is what determines that. The closer you live to The Pit, the cheaper the housing gets, usually. I'd imagine a 6 month contract for something livable would run you only 50 gold if you were near enough to The Pit.

The further you get, the more it goes up. The center of town is probably four times that cost for something barely livable.

2011-07-13, 02:18 PM
His face sets firmly in a grimace for a moment. 50 gold is considerably more than he was hoping to get away with but it'll do. He gives the guard a friendly smile as he nods in acknowledgement.

Then the pit will do for now. Thank you for the help, and one last thing. Could you point me in the direction of the pit?

2011-07-13, 02:27 PM
Certainly. Follow this street ---

The guard points behind him to a street across from where you entered the bazaar square.

--- and it'll go straight to that cursed hole. Last street of houses s called Edger's Row. Should be easy enough to find.

The guard turns back to his watching the stalls with his left hand on his club.

I imagine people have already taken notice of you by now, and somebody will meet you there to work out the details of a residence.

2011-07-13, 02:46 PM
Gaspar thanks the "Guard" again and heads on his way, annoyed by what the guard's last words were. "I imagine people have already taken notice of you by now"... that's exactly what he wants to avoid.

He follows the directions the guard gave him, eventually keeping one hand on his money pouch and the other very close to his dagger as he finally reaches Edger's Row, looking for anyone that appears to be waiting for someone, or, barring that, look for any houses that appear for sale.

2011-07-13, 03:00 PM
From your left, a tall man in a well kept vest and trousers approaches you. He stops when he is a foot away and offers a small bow which places his head uncomfortably close to yours, just inches away from your nose. From this vantage you note him as a rather aged gentlemen with a thinning head of grey hair and a rod-straight stance.

Welcome, sir traveler. News has reached my master, who controls the housing and land here on Edger's Row, among other locations, that you are in the need of long term lodgings. If you would provide me with a quick list of needs I can locate a suitable building and have the paperwork completed on the spot.

The man swings a flat carrier satchel from his back and pulls out several leather-bound folders.

2011-07-13, 03:11 PM
Gaspar backs away from the man after he finishes talking and gruffly responds, already disliking this man for his gross violation of personal space.

I simply require a place to sleep, and a desk at which to write. I'd prefer a 6 month contract if available and beyond that, I'm not too picky.

While Gaspar is talking he calmly inventories whatever might've been in arms reach of the man when he was so uncomfortably close. His money pouch was tightly in his hand, but for all he knows his dagger is a stick now.

2011-07-13, 03:29 PM
The man's face lifts into a small forced smile (he thankfully reveals no teeth with this grin) and he turns on the spot and begins walking a short distance down the street. He speaks in a voice low enough that it forces you to follow closely behind him.

I do have a building that should fit your ... modest needs. It is simple enough; there are three sections contained within. A living and cooking area, a sleeping room, and a small privy closet. There is also a basement below ground for storage, although I would be careful underground this close to The Fissure.

As you walk you take note of the street around you. The crowds are thinner in this part of town than anywhere you have passed by so far. This district appears to be purely residential, and it is possible that people are already out going about their day's business, but there is still a strangeness about those you do see. Everyone appears to leave their residence, find the nearest pathway heading further into the city, and carefully walk as close to the middle of the street as they are able. No one seems to approach the edges of the buildings or the alleyways.

This is it here. I have the contract here. If you would sign with this and deliver the amount agreed upon in the bazaar to me, everything should be final.

He produces a feather quill from inside his vest and appears to be in a rush, as though every minute of his time you waste is something precious he will never recover.

2011-07-13, 03:48 PM
I take the contract from him and look over it carefully, trying to make sure whatever I'm signing isn't going to screw me later.

DM Only
Decipher Script [roll0]

2011-07-13, 04:26 PM
You look over the document and see nothing strange about the wording. It is only two paragraphs long. The first seems to be confirming who you are leasing this residence from (Edger's Row Lodging: Owner T.E.L.) and the second is a confirmation of residency which will be duplicated and sent to the city official's building. You note that the forms being sent to the officials have your name listed as CURRENT RESIDENT.

2011-07-13, 04:32 PM
Gaspar, seeing nothing wrong with this, signs the document happily.

-At least now there isn't even a paper trail of my name leading to this house! Hehe, that's so convenient for me!-

Thank you, good sir. And here's the money I owe you. I don't believe there would be anything else at this point in time?

He hands over 50 gp from his pouch and thanks the man, before entering the house, careful to mimic everyone else by staying in the middle of every path.

2011-07-13, 04:46 PM
No, nothing else at all, sir. Glad to have you as a resident of E.R.L..

The aged man then turns on the spot and heads away from you, back along the path you used to travel from the bazaar.

Entering the house you see that is indeed simple. A single story residence, it has no windows and only the one entrance. The first room as you enter is barren and dark. The walls are a dull plaster-tan and the roof is flat and slate grey. There is a single four legged table against the right wall that could be construed as a work bench, if one were open minded.

At the back of the left wall, there is a small wooden slotted door as you would use for a closet. A brief examination reveals an outhouse seat built into the ground with a hole that seems to lead down to a greased bronze piping system. A faint smell of burnt materials wafts up from the hole, but there is no scent of humanoid waste.

At the back of the right wall of the living room there is the final above ground room. Straight back in the rear-right corner there is a small palette with a brown blanket on top of it. You can see an indentation in the floor space of the room where the waste closet clearly infringes on this room's space. On the floor in the left over geometry of the non-square room, there is a wooden hatch with a circular metal half-ring built into the floor.

2011-07-13, 04:59 PM
...Home sweet home.

Gaspar stores his belongings in the bedroom, careful to keep his chain shirt, dagger, and materials pouch close at hand. After as brief an unpacking as you could generously call it, he ventures to inspect the basement, which would allegedly be his experiment lab for the next 6 months. He tugs on the metal ring to open and peers down below.

2011-07-13, 05:23 PM
After tugging open the ring, an earthy smell impacts your senses. The basement has the scent of fresh turned soil. At your feet there is a ladder down into the basement, and you have to prop the wooden panel against the wall to keep it from closing above you. Just before descending the ladder, you notice that there is a metal half-ring on the underside of the trapdoor as well.

The basement is the most spacious area of the house as it appears to be the mirror of the main floor, but with no walls dividing up the area. The floor is a black, large grained, soil which reminds you of coarse sand. The walls are the same color, and seem masterfully worked into smoothness. Here and there are slim support beams holding up the mass of the house proper, and there is one large pillar which seems to be where the water closet continues on below ground.

2011-07-13, 05:35 PM
HAH! This is perfect! I'll be able to do plenty in here.

Gaspar steps gingerly onto the ground and tests it for stability, and, (assuming it's indeed stable), begins to measure in paces from end to end to know the dimensions of his new work room.

-This is the best investment I'll have made in ages... Of course, I'll need plenty of money to fund my research, as well! That'll be the next step I suppose. I need to find some jobs around town.-

2011-07-13, 05:42 PM
The ground feels like lightly packed dirt or gravel beneath your boots, but it is otherwise stable.

Your pacing reveals the basement to be 20' wide parallel to the street and 25' deep. The ceiling is roughly 6' tall; not fully comfortable, but reasonable for your height.

2011-07-13, 06:35 PM
-Well, that'll be enough for at least 9 experiments and dissections. I doubt I'll even need to do more than 3 for a good while...-

Gaspar climbs back up the ladder and shuts it before picking up his money pouch and gathering his material pouch, dagger, and chain shirt before heading out the door, in search of a good provider for food for the next week, at least.

2011-07-14, 03:28 PM
You make your way outside careful to stay in the center of the street as you were cautious to do before. The sun is beginning to set as you make your way to the bazaar. The bazaar is full of people shopping, although the overall clamor is quieter than when you first visited. You take note of several men similar to the one who gave you direction, each watching over the market with clubs, maces, or staffs. Your are able to find edible food to your liking very easily, as The Pit apparently has any type of exotic food you could want. This mercantile prosperity seems at odds when you remember the dilapidated state of the walls, and the so far lack of any patrolling guardsmen.


2011-07-14, 03:46 PM
While wandering around the crowd shopping for your food, you overhear the following.

From a man in well maintained, but low impact, clothing.
The High Fist has been upset since the Killek ales stopped coming in. You're really saving my skin with this, thank you Jorli.

From an obese man shopping at the candle maker's storefront. He carries a large club at his hip.
Well... no. This has been a rough week for Inside Watch. We keep hiring more men, but it doesn't get much better. Thanks for this though he hefts up a small felted sack in his hand it might keep a few of them around just a bit longer. Best idea I've ever had.

From a fit man the same age as you. He looks to be a merchant, with his fine shirt and several bags hanging form his belt. He has a sword in a scabbard hanging from his belt; the first sword you've seen in town.
booming, booming. Absolutely booming Godfrey. I swear that every time we turn around we've taken a new contract away from some three-four-five generation family of traders. Although the ... turnover rate.. continues to be rather high. People just glance over that though. They're knocking down our door to even beg to be part of the Highgate Traders.

2011-07-14, 04:19 PM
Gaspar stops and turns to listen to more of the man mentioning the Ale that Killek stopped sending, approaching after sizing the man up and introducing himself.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. You mentioned that this... Killek, was it? Stopped supplying you with ale? Perhaps I could be of some assistance in the matter.

2011-07-14, 05:56 PM
The shopkeeper quickly begins sorting and tidying things up, appearing to not pay attention to your conversation at all. You are confident he will not overhear what you and the shopping man talk about as long as your tone remains conversational.

As the shopper in the well maintained cloths turns around, you note a small symbol stitched into his clothing above his left breast. It is a stylized fist pointing left. The man speaks quietly and in a low tone, as though used to deferring to others.
I think you may have misunderstood, sir. Killek is not a person, it is a place. Well.. it was a place. It used to be the kingdom of which our city, West Caidor, was a colony. After its collapse, several of the eastern cities continued to produce products with its name attached.

You may have known all that.. sorry. I do tend to go on more than I should. As for assisting us, you'd have to find out why the Killek fields are no longer producing or at least no longer being shipped. The High Fist does so enjoy his strong drinks, and I've had to make due with this brew Jorli has provided me with. He claims its all the way from Camdin, although how he can get it shipped from there without the Highgate Traders I don't really know.

You eye the jars on the counter which were being sold to him. There is a dark brown liquid most similar to watery mud filling each jar.

2011-07-14, 06:31 PM
Gaspar drops his voice both in tone and volume to match the gentleman's own tone.

"Oh! I see. thank you for correcting me. I do apologize for my ignorance."

He bows slightly and continues on, listening to the conversations of the bazaar until he hears about the Hightrade and the Inner Watch, taking careful note of both on the way home.

2011-07-14, 07:32 PM
After returning home Gaspar makes himself a simple meal and rests for the night. Upon awakening he gets dressed and puts his belongings in order, putting his material pouch, dagger, and chain shirt in their respective places before heading out in search of leads regarding both the Hightraders and the Inner Guard.

2011-07-14, 09:29 PM
After discreetly inquiring with a few of the citizens on the street, a young woman eventually directs you towards a building at the northern end of the town. At the end of a street, you find what must be the Highgate Trader Association. The building dominating the end of the street is a green square with several shaded windows facing onto the street. The slanted roof looks well maintained and recently re-shingled.

As you approach the building you make out a plaque beside the door.

[HighGate Trading Association]
[Anything, from anywhere]

Just inside the door, a man sits at a desk covered in papers. He is young, but has a face too aged for him. From the harried look on his face right now, you'd guess that he worries too frequently for his health. He is frantically digging through the piles of papers on his desk and muttering hurriedly to himself.

As you come in you catch only a glimpse of this as he immediately straightens up and a calm businesslike smile appears on his face.
Welcome to the Highgate Trading Association, are you here to submit a contract for the associates to consider? No matter how far or how dangerous, we'll get the job done in half the time anybody else could quote you, guaranteed.

2011-07-15, 02:39 PM
Good Morning, kind sir. I've actually just moved to this city and am looking for work. I overheard some men mentioning a booming trade here and thought perhaps you might have something for me to do.

2011-07-15, 02:46 PM
We offer the finest protections and... uh.. oh. You are looking for employment?
The man looks slightly worried (which looks farm more natural on him than the smile) and shuffles a few of the papers around on his desk before pulling one out. He holds it out for you to grab.
Now just fill that out quickly, and I'll go see the Master Trader. We accept pretty much anybody, but you have to survive your first trade route to get paid. The death toll is usually rather high for first timers but.. well he resumes his fake smile I'm sure you wouldn't be applying if you hadn't heard all of that and set your affairs in order already. ha ha .. eh

He leaves through the only other door in the room and you hear the click of a lock.

2011-07-15, 03:00 PM
The form is two pages long. The back appears to be a legal document relating to the guild being absolved of any mental, physical, meta-physical, magical damage inflicted upon your person including: Death, multiple deaths, reanimation, possession, torture, being burned to death, being infected with exotic diseases, being gender-morphed, etc.

The other page is in the form of a questionaire:

Name (Preferably short and yellable):_________


Have you ever been polymorphed?
[ ] [ ]

Are you currently polymorphed?
[ ] [ ]

Have you ever been reanimated?
[ ] [ ]

Are you afraid of giant insects?
[ ] [ ]

Are you immune to the scorching elemental fire which normally burns all materials brought within it's reach?
[ ] [ ]

Do you suffer from motion sickness?
[ ] [ ]

Are you afraid of heights?
[ ] [ ]

Are you currently possessed by a demon and/or devil?
[ ] [ ]

Are you available holidays?
[ ] [ ]

Are you a member of a competing firm attempting to infiltrate the Highgate Traders Association in order to bring about our downfall through internal strife? (No lying)
[ ] [ ]

Fill In question:
If the Caravan Leader of your expedition were to ask you to give up your life in order to protect the cargo, what would be your response? (less than 300 words):

2011-07-15, 03:13 PM
Gaspar calmly sits down at the bench and procedes to fill out the questions to the best of his ability.

The other page is in the form of a questionaire:

Name (Preferably short and yellable): Gaspar

Have you ever been polymorphed?
[ ] [x]

Are you currently polymorphed?
[ ] [x]

Have you ever been reanimated?
[ ] [x]

Are you afraid of giant insects?
[ ] [x]

Are you immune to the scorching elemental fire which normally burns all materials brought within it's reach?
[ ] [x]

Do you suffer from motion sickness?
[ ] [x]

Are you afraid of heights?
[ ] [x]

Are you currently possessed by a demon and/or devil?
[ ] [x]

Are you available holidays?
[y] [ ]

Are you a member of a competing firm attempting to infiltrate the Highgate Traders Association in order to bring about our downfall through internal strife? (No lying)
[ ] [n]

Fill In question:
If the Caravan Leader of your expedition were to ask you to give up your life in order to protect the cargo, what would be your response? (less than 300 words): ...No?

After he finishes filling out the form Gaspar proceeds up to the desk, waiting patiently for the worried man's return.

2011-07-15, 03:30 PM
After a few tense minutes, you hear the door unlock, and the man from the desk comes back through the door. Under his right arm he has a hide-bound file folder. In his left hand there is a light yellow candle. Two men with crossbows follow him through the door. Both crossbows are loaded and trained on you as the men take positions behind and to the right of you.

The worried man sets the folder on the desk before speaking, although his smile is back and he continues to hold the candle.
Thank you for waiting. Don't worry about the men with the crossbows. Just pretend they don't exist. Now we must verify the form before we can accept it.
He takes the form from you and looks it over briefly. At the end of the form a hint of a true smile reaches his eyes.

Abruptly he takes the candle from his hand and slams it on a clear spot on the desk. The candle stick in place and immediately catches aflame. You feel a strange prickly sensation settle over your skin as your hairs stand on end for a brief moment.

The man speaks, and your vision wavers as the room spins with his words
Is every answer here true?

The words come from your mouth, but you're not sure how they got there.

Abruptly, the room stops spinning and you feel completely fine. The men with the crossbows leave the room and the worried man sits back down at his desk. He begins sorting through his papers and looking for something.
Well, you're accepted. How soon are you available to try your first mission, and generally how long would you be willing to be away from the city? We run missions of a few weeks up to months in duration.

2011-07-15, 03:42 PM
Gaspar regains his composure and swallows before answering.

"That spell was exceedingly uncomfortable. And for your question, right now I can go on a job for any period of time, but I will need to be home 6 months from yesterday to renew a contract for lodging.

2011-07-15, 03:55 PM
Not looking up from his paperwork, the man blows at the candle and it winks out. He continues to tidy up papers, filling in a line here or there, and never looks up as he says.
Excellent then. Expedition Perdition heads out tomorrow morning. If everything goes well they should be out for nearly a month. I'll have the caravan master send someone to your home shortly after sunrise.

2011-07-15, 04:08 PM
Gaspar smiles and nods, making a note to be ready in the morning, before moving on to the most important part.

Well, I'll be up early in time for the man's arrival, but I do have to ask. Given completion, what sort of compensation can I expect. Assuming I'm alive, of course.

2011-07-15, 04:21 PM
Looking up from his paperwork finally, the worried man stares directly at you. He looks a little surprised as though he has forgotten himself.
Oh.. oh my. I had completely forgotten. Well, you must understand that you are not an employee of Highgate Trading Association. Once you survive your first mission, you are a shareholder. The wealth of the mission itself is what you yourself will be paid based on. If you lose portions of, or all of, the shipment, then you clearly receive less. If you make the mission in good time, the clients tend to pay larger sums in the future. In addition, any healing or magical support you need can be provided to a certain degree by the resources trusted with each Caravan Leader. However, these will be counted as a debt which will be deducted from your earnings. If necessary, you can be raised from the dead as well, but the price there is also rather steep.

Do note that if you die on a mission that is eventually completed, your next of kin or someone you designate will receive your share. A bonus comes included if you were the first to die on the mission!
The man smiles a genuine smile, as though this was a generous bonus to be greatly desired.

2011-07-15, 04:31 PM
Gaspar smiles and nods understandingly.

That sounds completely fair. And with that I'll be on my way. Have a good evening, the three of you.

Gaspar leaves the Highgate Traders and heads home, careful on the sidewalks as always before going through his things, determining that likely, all of his belongings he had only just found a home for the day before, will likely be going with him.

2011-07-15, 04:42 PM
You are awake nearly an hour before a knock sounds on your door. You are irked momentarily, as you realize you never told the worried man where you lived. Shrugging it off, you answer the door.

There may have been a mistake. The worried man said he'd be sending a person to come pick you up, but this creature before you looks more akin to a balding bear that was taught to stand up. The man before you is at least 7 feet tall, as he is stooping to look into your doorway. He is muscled like the bear you initially mistook him for, which you can see clearly as he wears only a pleated kilt and two harnesses which from an X across his chest. Along the front of the harness are several pouches going up each slash, and you see two swords poking out from his back. His long brown hair reaches his shoulders, but is kept out of his face by a brown strip of leather. The smile on his face is a little unnerving when put with the sudden sight of him.

'Owdy Gasp.
He rumbles out in a near growl. His smile returns, so that may simply be his normal voice.

2011-07-15, 04:48 PM
...Hhuh. Howdy to you as well. Just a moment...

Gaspar turns around and picks up his pack, containing all his belongs except (sadly) his house, and making sure his Inflict Light Wounds wand, hip pouch, material pouch, dagger, and chain shirt are where they need to be, before stepping out the door.

Shall we head on our way, then, Mr...?

2011-07-15, 04:58 PM
Muh name 's Solexias Cannellian, o' Genia Teer. We all use shortta names on missions. People call me "AUGGGGH". Soon as I hear tat, I come runnin'.

Wells... come with me. You're lucky. Its not far from here to where we are setting up.

He leads you two houses down from yours where an alley opens up between the buildings. As you head down the alley with him you don't see much through his bulk. When he reaches the end and moves aside, the city seems to end. There is another 10 feet of land before you, and then a great drop off that extends off into the distance. You can make out the curvature of a roughly circular hole in the earth the size of city. Augh begins making his way down a path that descends into The Pit. He calls back over his shoulder.
So. Tis your first time I guess. 'ave any questions you'd want to ask an old hand?

2011-07-15, 07:09 PM
Gaspar leaves the question hanging in the air for a moment before asking flatly.

"Any advice on how to become an old hand myself rather than another body?"

2011-07-15, 07:35 PM
Augh scratches at his chin as he continues down the path, considering your question.
'ell... I'd say tha best way would be to stay alive? but 'ou already knew that one I bet, HA HA!
I'd say 'ou want ta know whats comin', yeah? Trouble is, we rarely go through tah same Gate twice, y'see?

As you follow him down the path you take in more of the features of The Pit. The walls of the cliffs are covered in caves and outcrops. You can make out a few figures much further down the paths in several different directions. Directly below you, nearly 100 feet straight down, there are some winches and wooden cranes on a particularly large landing. You aren't able to see further below them, but men are apparently slowly lowering something deeper into The Pit.

I s'ppose the thoughts I'd give? Tie yourself to the wagon, and don't let go. We go lotssa places, and lotssa things don't want to be there anymore, kay? And if it gets bad enough, just yell AUUUUGGHHH and I'll be there.

2011-07-15, 07:48 PM
Gaspar nods, taking in that last bit of advice as well as he can. However one detail still eludes him.
"And why do you never use the same gate twice...?"

Even as the words leave Gaspar's mouth he has a feeling he is not going to like the answer.

2011-07-15, 08:01 PM
It takes Augh a while to respond, as he focuses on carefully treading his way down the path. By the time you hear his low, growled, response you are at the landing with the cranes. Many men are here lowering supplies and boxes of some cargo lower down into The Pit. All of the boxes are stamped with H.T.A.

Well.. tha gates go different places. Do you see those holes an' caves poked inta tha walls? Every now and then ya find a hole inside those holes. Shining shimmering holes. An' they go ta different places all around the world, y'see? They do eventually at least. Usually you travel 'boot a day or so and come out of another hole. The lower down you go, the more often the holes have those "portals" in em.

Tis the guild's great secret! We can make any trip in 'alf the time by skippin' the trip there, HA!

He talks briefly with one of the cargo loaders and secures a trip down in one of the crane baskets for himself and you. You end up on a smaller landing than the one above, but this one has a large cave opening which goes deep underground in the direction of the city you came from. At the entrance to the cave is an enormous wagon being loaded with cargo. The wagon is nearly full, and soon the men are ready to make way.

Along with you and Augh, there are three other men who stay on this lower landing. One is an overweight man with a large cudgel on his hip who has taken the drivers reigns and sits up front. Behind the wagon there are two other guards, a short elf decked out in numerous weapons strapped to his body, and a halfling in light leather armor wearing three belts, each more covered in pouches and small sacks than the last.

We follow behind until we're nearly at the gate, then we'll pick a side and strap ourselves on. How'r ya feeling Gasp?

2011-07-16, 05:03 AM
"I'm not too happy with what I've heard of these gates but, I'll manage."

Gaspar answers honestly and follows AUUGH carefully, not stepping anywhere he hasn't while they approach the wagon, nodding to the overweight man and overly equipped elf in acknowledgement as he considers where might be the best place to tie himself to the wagon.

2011-07-16, 12:26 PM
Augh directs you to follow him to the elf and halfling who each give you a nod and a greeting

Lothos Nineal, of Kardos to the south east.
Says the elf, reaching out to grab your hand and shake it, nearly embracing you as he does.

Fidd. Just Fidd. I'm from far enough away you've not heard of it, and I haven't time for the story.
The halfling reaches and grips your hand for the briefest of moments before pulling it back and hopping onto the rear of the wagon.

You see that there is a leather harness bolted into the back of the wagon that looks as though it could secure you to the wagon through even a tornado. There are also several simpler straps of leather which you could grip for a less secure hold. While the wagon begins moving you catch a glimpse of the sides, and similar harnesses and straps seem to be on either side as well.

After what you guess is 10 minutes of travel underground, you follow the wagon into a large open chamber which seems to have been expanded by man-made means. Fidd and Lothos climb into the right and rear harness, and Augh directs you to the left.

2011-07-16, 01:30 PM
Gaspar climbs onto the left side, and, as AUUGH suggested, straps himself in and holds on tight.

"So what are we getting?"

Gaspar shouts over the wagon for everyone to hear the question.

2011-07-16, 01:51 PM
From the front of the wagon you hear an odd fluctuating hum begin to echo through the cave, and craning your neck you can see a flat shimmering grey hole in the wall of the cave. This portal is large enough for two wagons side to side to squeeze through, so you are in no danger of being scraped off the side of this single wagon.

As the horses pulling the cart continue forward cautiously, you hear the driver shout back over the growing hum
Worthless front office didn't tell you anything? We're heading to Kauu-tia, on the south end of the continent. This portal goes by way of Carceri, so don't stray too far from the wagon or the pl---.

The rest of his words are swallowed up as he enters the shimmering portal, and not long afterwards you are pulled through with the wagon. There is a faintly warm sensation where your body touches the portal, followed quickly by a tightness that constricts your thoughts. In a heartbeat, this is over and you find yourself somewhere else entirely.

The sky in this new place is a dark red with black streaks moving rapidly through it like a Borealis. The terrain is like a bog, covered in swampy expanses and patches of smooth, muddy, sand. Dead trees and stumps dot the landscape, but no new growth appears anywhere.

As your wagon begins to slosh a patch through the muck and mud, humanoid shapes begin to appear from behind the stumps and out of the mud. The wagon grinds to a halt as more figures block the front of the wagon. All at once the silence is broken as Augh jumps from the roof of the wagon towards the front and begins to hack at the figures, laughing in a deep and satisfied manner HA HA HA! Petitioners! Cut 'em down quick before they get to the cargo!

2011-07-16, 04:31 PM
Fidd and Lothos spring into action as well, and the creatures around you watch you hungrily. Most of the enemies are of undead variants you recognize from your research, and if you gather your thoughts you may recall more details about them. To your left, behind a few of the more decrepit creatures, one crouches low to the ground and is stalking forward with unhidden power and speed.

Augh [roll0]
Fidd [roll1]
Lothos [roll2]
Zombies [roll3]
Ghouls [roll4]
Wights [roll5]

2011-07-17, 05:02 AM
Gaspar leaps from the wagon, quickly coming to ready and taking a closer look at the figures we're fighting.

Knowledge (Religion) 1d20+9 Initiative 1d20+1

Gaspar immediately shouts to his companions any noteworthy information he can about them, well aware that he himself can do about as much as a kitten against these. He approaches AUUGH from the left in an attempt to cover him.

2011-07-17, 05:07 AM
Apparently Gaspar did something wrong when he changed it from [roll0] after editing to continue the post.

Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]

Initiative [roll1]

2011-07-17, 01:36 PM
Combat Order:

Ahead you see lothos and Fidd begin to engage the enemy.

Multishot- [roll0]
Multi x2 - [roll1]

Full Attack Dual @G2&G3

The fiercer of the enemies close in, and one begins to attack Augh.

W1 Attacks Augh
[roll13] & Energy Drain

W2 moves next to G9

W3 moves to K9, attacks Lothos
[roll16] & Energy Drain

Augh Laughs manically as he slashes out at those around him, cleaving down undead with vicious efficiency.

Full Attack Z7

Cleave to W1, probably

The ghouls you identified move in closer, but none attack immediately.

Ghouls shuffle around

2011-07-17, 01:41 PM
You recognize all three types of foes appearing on this battlefield. The strongest are wights, which can drain vitality and reproduce with this drain. Slightly weaker, but still deadly, are the Ghouls which paralyze with a touch and flail wildly in melee with disease claws.

Weakest are the zombies, which are primarily distractions. They are sturdy opponents who take several swings to fell, but are so uncoordinated that it takes them twice as long as normal to get even the simplest of actions done.

To your left you hear two arrows ziiiip off close by and a curse.
I bloody despise things without organs to puncture.
You hear Lothos shout.

Behind you, there is the sound of glass shattering and screams of pain from inhuman (and non-halfling) throats.
Augh seems to be handling himself, as everything around him turns to twitching limbs, flopping around on the ground.

2011-07-17, 02:22 PM
Gaspar sees the wight approaching his left and slashes out with his kukri, knowing full well the unlikelyhood of it doing more than angering the creature.


After composing himself from the strike against the Wight, Gaspar moves north toward AUUGH and casts Hide from Undead, hoping it will work on the standing up Wight.

2011-07-17, 02:31 PM
All of the zombies in the area immediately drop focus from you and shamble towards other goals.

The ghouls and wights appear to be attempting to focus and locate you with some unearthly sense.

Will 15
G1 [roll0]
G5 [roll2]

2011-07-17, 02:46 PM
The zombies shuffle forward and begin halfhearted swipes. This is shocking, as several of them have large holes through their chests' which leaves doubt that they even have half of a heart left.

Z5 & Z6 5ft in and attack Augh

Z9 charges Lothos

Z8 Attacks Fidd

Z4 shambles to H9

The Highgate crew responds to this danger. Augh begins chopping down zombies, laughing to himself all the while. He glances to the side and is mindful of your position as he swipes away.

Augh Cleaves down Z5 & Z6

You hear sounds of climbing as something ascends the back of the wagon, and there are more sounds of shattering glass on the opposite side.

Lothos climbs [roll8] and provokes AoOs
[roll12] & Energy Drain

Fidd Attacks

The Wights & Ghouls, not to be slowed, press their attack.

2011-07-17, 02:51 PM
The wight chasing Lothos climbs up the carriage and attempts to attack him
AoO from a Boot
W3 attack

The ghoul to your left approaches the wagon and has it's eyes fixed on you. More pressing is the Wight you were attempting to evade before. It is focus exactly on your position and does not seem to be fooled by your spell. It swipes out to rake you with it's claws. You notice in a detached way that there is a chill energy emanating from them.
[roll6] & Energy Drain

To your right, Augh is attacked by a ghoul very close to you.
Just in case FORT [roll9]

Fidd, far far away
Fort [roll12]

2011-07-17, 03:08 PM
Gaspar realizes the danger of his situation and takes one more step back, attempting to call forth a powerful undead warrior from the Negative Energy Plane.

Summon Undead I - Kobold Zombie

"Attack that one!" Gaspar points to the wight that just struck him.

2011-07-17, 03:27 PM
Lothos' strong kick sent the wight sprawling to the ground and he now focuses his will and fires rapidly at it.

Lothos Rapid Shot W3

You hear the sound of Fidd exerting himself, but no more shattering glass

Fidd Full Attack G4 w/shortsword

Augh charges forward into some zombies which were blending in with their surroundings. He seems to have spotted them with no problem, and begins to mow them down.
Augh attacks Z15, cleaves Z17

The wight keeps up it's pursuit and swipes its dark claw at you, newly invigorated by the life force it has drained from you.

G4 Attacks Fid

W3 climbs and attacks Lothos
Climb [roll17]



A ghoul continues it's mindless assault of Augh, filled with an unholy vigor it swipes at him multiple times.


FORT [roll26]
FORT 2[roll27]

2011-07-17, 03:37 PM
Now prepared for combat, Gaspar quickly sidesteps to the opposite side of his zombie and slashes out again at the Wight with his Kukri, knowing his summoned minion will obey his last command.


The kobold zombie lashes out at the wight from its flank, trying to skewer the beast with its spear.


2011-07-17, 04:08 PM
As you flank the monster, you're able to distract it long enough for your Zombie minion to strike it. As it reacts to this strike, you yourself sneak in quick hit with your kukri.

Two of the zombies continue to maul the side of the wagon, sending small wood chips flying through the air, but the one closest takes note of the new zombie near it and attacks with its claws.

Z2 at KZ

Z1 & Z4 at wagon

Lothos fires yet more arrows from the roof of the wagon, but you are now unable to see his targets. You can see Fidd on the far side and several undead bodies sizzling in acid on the ground in sickly yellow-green puddles. He is currently fighting off a ghoul with a shortsword held expertly in his halfling hands.

Augh hacks and slashes, piling up twitching undead body parts around him.

Lothos Rapid Shot @W3

Fidd Full Atk @ G4

Augh @ G1
Cleave @Z14

The wight near you continues it's attempts to get through your armor. You notice a ghoul behind your zombie approach and take an experimental swipe at the undead creature which avoids the plane's sway.
W2 @ Gaspar

G5 @ Kz

W3@ Lothos
Climb [roll26]

Boot [roll27]

Claw [roll29]

G4 @ Fidd

G1 @ Augh

2011-07-17, 04:23 PM
Encouraged by the dual strikes landed by both him and his undead minion, he steels his mind and prepares for yet another blow against the Wight, lashing out at the undead enemy's neck.


The Kobold Zombie follows suit, obediently jabbing into the Wight with its spear again.


2011-07-17, 04:42 PM
Your knife bounces off of the Wight's scarred hide and does not even draw ichor. The kobold you raised from the grave seems to be somewhere else at the moment as it hopelessly jabs at the air with its spear.

The zombies repeat their last actions, as they seem difficult to pry away from a task once they've begun it.

Z2 @ KZ

Z1 & Z4 @ Wagon

Z9 @ Lothos

Z14 & Z16 @ Augh

Lothos edges further from the Wight and continues to pelt it with arrows, nearly knocking it off the wagon with the force of the impacts. Fidd is attempting to finish off his dissected foe with a final strike at its neck.

In his wild swings, Augh has dropped his weapon, but that doesn't seem to have slowed him at all. He grabs at the ghoul who has been slashing his back.

Lothos rapidshot @W3

Fidd Full attack @G4

Augh Grapple @G1


The wight considers its position and slides deftly to the side. Its interest remains locked on you, as it can drain no lifeforce from your Kobold minion. The Ghoul continues to attack the Kobold, as it cares only for meat, no matter the source.

W2 @ Gaspar

G5 @ KZ

G1 Grapple escape

G4 @ Fidd

W3 @ Lothos

2011-07-17, 05:01 PM
Gaspar notices the Wight's decision and point to the ghoul that's been ripping into his undead minion.

"Kill that one! KILL IT DEAD"

Gaspar turns his attention back to the Wight in front of him and lashes out at him, this time aiming for its shoulder.


The kobold zombie turns its attention to the ghoul and jerks its arm, bringing the spear in a slashing motion across the torso of the ghoul.


2011-07-17, 05:20 PM
Commanded so by its master, the Kobold seems to have a firmer grasp of where and when it is, and lands a blow on the Ghoul. Sadly, the spear is nearly worthless when used as a club and the ghoul takes only a small gash. Gaspar himself lands a slight wound on the wight which continues to plague him.

The zombies are tireless in their efforts and continue to repeat their actions.
Z2 @ KZ

Z1 & Z4 & Z9 @ wagon

You are reassured when you see Lothos stand tall on the wagon. The thump you heard must have been his enemy. He appraises the situation and fires three arrows into the ghoul fighting your Kobold.
Perhaps its not sporting to poach your glory friend, but it looks like you could use some help. I'll leave the big one for you alone though, haha!

Augh turns back on the zombies remaining near him who have feebly attempted to claw at him. He begins to bludgeon one as fiercely as a wild animal.
Lothos at G5

Augh @ Z14

Fidd @ Z10 & Z11

The Wight continues its attack against you, it seems undeterred, but you can see the wounds inflicted by your silver blade weeping small amounts of ichor as it strains its muscles.
W2 @ Gaspar

G5 @ KZ

2011-07-17, 05:32 PM
Gaspar notices the wounds between the ghoul and the wight he's engaging and grins, backing up as he gestures again. His will calling upon another undead servant from the Negative Plane.

"Do not harm the kobolds, they are... friends"

He summons a second kobold next to the first and readies himself, dagger in hand, for the Wight's approach, he focuses again on the first kobold.

"YOU. Why is he not dead yet?!"

2011-07-17, 05:40 PM

2011-07-17, 05:49 PM
The kobold makes threatening gestures at the ghoul, but is only able to break off the arrow shaft sticking out of it.

Lothos continues to fire a flurry of shafts into the ghoul while Fidd comes running around the corner. He has an ecstatic grin showing all teeth on his face as he begins hurling green glass flasks at the Wight.

To the right, Augh continues his bizarre and vicious assault on the remaining zombies.

Lothos @ G5

Fidd @ W2

Augh @ Z16
Cleave @ Z14

2011-07-17, 05:53 PM
The wight burns as 2 flasks of acid burst against its body, enraging it. It desperately steps closer and makes a lunge for Gaspar!
W2 @ Gaspar

The driver calls to you from his position. He seems to have been in a trance, keeping the horses from bolting away at the scent and sight of the undead.
Oy, nothings in front of the horses now. Hurry it up and drop those last few so's I can get them moving again before those other ones figure out a way across the river.

2011-07-17, 06:26 PM
Gaspar shouts in reply and attacks the Wight, trying to drive his kukri into its neck.



The newest kobold complies and jabs its spear at the Wight as we both try to finally down the wretched creature.


2011-07-17, 07:00 PM
The kobold gives a halfhearted stab at the Wight. Distracted by a jab from Gaspar at the same time, the spear hits something important in the wight, and it collapses mid-slash.

The horses rear and the wagon begins a slow motion forward. Augh grabs his sword and climbs up the side of the wagon while the other two guards return to their positions, hanging on to the leather straps.

2011-07-18, 08:02 AM
As the wagon starts to move, Gaspar brings himself back to composure and begins running, catching up and getting back in the straps while yelling over his shoulder.


Both kobold zombies begin, not so much dancing, as shuffling back and forth. The first dispels 6 seconds later, while the newest dispels 24 seconds later, leaving nothing but the undead bodies behind under the red sky.

2011-07-18, 02:13 PM
The wagon train rattles on under the radiant sky. While you are traveling, Augh crawls over towards your side from his position atop the wagon. He is smiling broadly and seems quite delighted with himself.

You know, most people can't stand undead. I can't say that myself. Nobody cares no matter how much you cut em up and they don't scream or nothin'. Pretty gloomy place though. I've not been through this here Carceeri before, but I don't think I'd want to come back.

Augh waves his hand expansively, taking in the rotting trees and boglike nature of the terrain. So far, it's practically shocking that the horses have been able to continue on, but it's difficult to see how well they are doing from your vantage point on this side of the wagon.

Other than yellin' at those movin' bones, you haven't said much Gasp. Seems like you don't mind the undead much at all, huh? Ha hahaha

2011-07-18, 02:24 PM
Gaspar looks over his shoulder and see AUUGH peering down as they talk.

"I can't particularly say I enjoy them more than anyone else. But if you are born with a talent, you should embrace it. I imagine that's why you became so handy with a sword huh? I was very impressed with your handiwork back there."

He smiles weakly as an image of his mentor flashes through his mind before waiting for AUUGH's reply.

2011-07-18, 02:41 PM
Augh guffaws and has to steady himself as the wagon goes over some rough terrain. When the ride has smoothed, he continues.
Not so much I was born good with it as I was forced to get good with it. Everybody has to be able to kill in the Blood War.

Seeing your reaction, Augh gives a sad smile and continues.
Y'see, I was born ages ago, far far from this land and kingdom. When I died, I went to the nine layers o' hell and lost meself to the plane. After my essence was stained with the flavor o' the plane, I became a petitioner, and a bit after I was drafted into the Army O' The First, Belial.

Oh, right.. then how did I end up with the Highgates? Or being' me handsome self instead of some horrible, ugly, hulkin' thing? Well...

The wagon comes to a rocky halt, and the horses kick up mud and gunk in their annoyance. The driver bangs on the wagon and calls out
Comin' for a rest, and might need some investigatin' done.

As you get down from the straps and roll your shoulders, working tension out of the muscles, you see a tower that had emerged from the landscape only a few hundred feet off. Your perch on the wagon had blocked sight of it.
The tower was a hulking monstrosity of jagged poles of metal laced together like a bird's nest until it was a solid mass. The entrance was simply a 15 foot black hole where more of the black metal rods had been bent upwards to provide an opening. It looked to be 100 feet tall or more, the foundation was placed on a uniquely dry patch of earth. There was a small set of stairs leading up the base entrance, and you noticed short crenelations providing cover for anybody on the roof.

2011-07-18, 02:58 PM
Gaspar lets his body rest against the side of the wagon for a moment before heading around to the front where everyone's gathered.

"So what's the investigating we need doing?"

Gaspar looks around at the faces of his travelling companions and smiles enthusiastically.

Fort [roll0]
Fort 2 [roll1]
Will [roll2]

2011-07-18, 03:09 PM
Energy returns to your body, and you feel one step further away from death's door. As well, you feel an odd tug upon your conciousness, a gentle drifting enticing you to let go of yourself and your will. You resist it, and the quickly forget the feeling ever was there.

Lothos 1d20+6
Fidd 1d20+7
Augh 1d20+10
Driver 1d20+2

The driver makes quick work of unharnessing the horses and setting them all up with feed. He does not bother to stake them down, and it seems they aren't willing to wander away from the wagon. He calls out loud enough for all of you thear, but his voice does not carry much further,
Alright, I've got to make some repairs to the wagon. Those dead-walkers carved a couple holes in the side, and we need her in top shape in case the exit portal is rough. I've been measuring, and we've got about an hour of repairs, and then four more hours of travel until we're out. That being said.. Augh, I want you and somebody else to investigate this tower. Could be a useful outpost for this route in the future, and if its in use... well one less bastion of hell-muck in the multiverse doesn't bother me.

Augh looks delighted and his smile nearly splits his face in half. He lets go of the leather straps on the roof and hops down heavily next to you.
Well Gasp? Want to give a look inside? Probably be loads of fun!

2011-07-18, 03:11 PM
Lothos [roll0]
Fidd [roll1]
Augh [roll2]
Driver [roll3]

2011-07-18, 03:27 PM
Gaspar nods and considers for a moment before answering.

"I'd definitely be down for that, but I do have a question before we set out. I was struck by that wight back there twice, and as I explained before we got into the thick of things, each blow they land brings you one step closer to becoming one of them. The only way to remedy that is restoration magic. How much would that cost to get? Is it even available to us right now?"

2011-07-18, 03:43 PM
Hearing you, the wagon master goes up to his perch and lifts up a compartment under a portion of the seat. He pulls out a small square box made of a dark red wood. He pops it open and reaches his entire arm up the shoulder impossibly deep into the box, and seems to mutter to himself while he does. His hand comes out with two small vials between his fingers. They are both bright, although one is merely a dull silver and the other radiates bright white.
Alright, I can't give you a straight price.. but I can tell you the shiny one here is the more costly. The more people that have to get healed during the trip, the lower the price for healing gets for each of you. System of balancing out the dangers to the costs.

So, Shiny will get rid of that negative energy flat out. Dull silver will help your body fight it off yourself. It's a bit risky, since a weak body can still fail even with the boost it gives you, but it's dirt cheap comparatively. So which will it be?

2011-07-18, 03:56 PM
Gaspar sighs and thinks for a moment before holding his hand out to the side with the dull one.

Any chance to save money is more appealing, I suppose...

2011-07-18, 04:13 PM

You feel a slightly warm sensation as you drink the vial, but nothing else immediately noticeable.

The wagon driver turns to Augh and takes in deep breath let out in a sigh before asking,
Augh.. before you go in there, did you make sure to grab one of the ---
Augh interrupts him as though he's used to hearing this.
Of course I've got one of the boxes. You know I wouldn't go through all this and not drop one. That ONE time I don't take one, Fidd loses his little toe, and you always remind me now.

Augh turns to you and his smile is back, he looks eager to begin
Well then, any prep you needin' before we head in there?

2011-07-18, 04:23 PM
Gaspar looks down to ensure his hip pouch is still there before shaking his head.

"Nope, all I need is in this little pouch"

Gaspar pats the pouch lightly and smiles.

2011-07-18, 05:23 PM
Inflict Wound Charge

Augh leads you up to the tower entrance. He pulls out his sword and holds it casually in his right hand while he pulls a potion from under his kilt and drinks it down. He tosses the empty bottle onto the stairs and observes for a moment before carefully making his way up to the entrance. He gestures for you to follow him, and makes his way forward. His stance shifts as he reaches the top of the stairs and he walks carefully, testing each step as he moves forward.

The weak light of the red sky only penetrates a few feet into the tower. The walls have a base to them that the fiendish looking metal rods have been laid over. Because of this the inside is warmer than you imagined, and despite the dark it is mildly stifling. The floor is made of simple grey flagstone squares set in a generic repeating fashion. The walls and the flooring are bizarrely mundane, something you might see in any mortal military building or watch tower. Augh stops when he reaches the edge of the light and says in a low voice,
Do ya got a torch, Gasp?

2011-07-18, 05:35 PM
Gaspar nods slowly and brings one out, making several attempts to light the torch before succeeding and holding it high as he can, trying to let the light cast as far as possible.

"This place is incredibly strange, Auugh. I feel like I just walked into a barracks, not a strange world's tower on the side of the road."

2011-07-18, 08:37 PM
The glow of the torch illuminates the floor around you and throws shadowy light onto the walls and reveals the ceiling to be 15 feet high. This floor is one large room which appears to have been used to hold people prisoner. Every few feet along the walls there are manacles and chains bolted into the stone. Two large black cages which could have easily held orcs are against the wall to your right. The metal rods which form the cages are twisted and crude like those of the outside walls. Faint splotches of dark brown color stain the walls and floor near most of the affixed objects, but there are no bodies or skeletal remains to hint at the room's former occupants.

At the far end of the tower is an archway and the hint of stairs spiraling upwards. Augh takes in the room casually and stares at the archway,
Well Gasp, you've got the torch so goin' first would make sense, but I know you got roughed up in that spit of fun wit' the undead. Do you want me to take the lead?

2011-07-19, 07:57 AM
Gaspar nods and, almost as an afterthough, takes out his wand of Inflict Light Wounds and points it at his chest, where a faint red light appears and the wounds and scrapes on his body lessen slightly, rejuvenating him.


"Yes, I'll go in front. But keep an eye out. For all we know this could be filled with nothing but traps..."

Gaspar steps into the hallway and cautiously steps through, walking toward the staircase.

2011-07-21, 04:31 PM
Augh moves aside to let you up the staircase first. The stairs wind in a tight circle up to the next floor. The steps are tall and were clearly made for something with a much taller stride. The walls have old scars in them, scoring from blades and massive claws, and in a few places on the steps there are large pieces of masonry that has been dislodged. You can hear Augh climbing behind you, completely quiet except for the sound of his light footsteps and breathing.

As you reach the landing for the second floor, you take in the new surroundings. The walls and floor are the same stone as the lower floor and their condition is similar to the stairway. Where the floor below you had instruments of incarceration and torture, this floor appears to be an old storage area. There are holes in the wall where chains may have been, but now there are ruined and cracked boxes, casks, and urns filling the room. There is a clear path through the debris to the other staircase. At the base of the stairs is a short, wrinkled creature, which looks like an overlarge red toad crossed with a human.

The moment the light shines on this creature it begins to flee up the stairs. Augh abandons all stealth and charges after it, yelling,

2011-07-21, 04:42 PM
Gaspar sees AUUGH charge and takes out his wand of Inflict Light Wounds, running after him.

"AUUGH, careful, there still could be traps!"

2011-07-21, 04:58 PM
As you near the stairs your torch suddenly dims to half light. You hear a growl from behind you in the darkness as something knocks aside an urn which smashes to the floor. You can see a humanoid shape through the shadowy lighting. It appears hunched over and heavily muscled, but is holding no weapon. Its gaze is locked on you and it prepares to charge.


2011-07-21, 05:03 PM
Gaspar starts in surprise and turns to fight, readying himself with his torch in one hand and the wand in the other, awaiting the unknown beast's charge.


2011-07-21, 06:38 PM
Gaspar cautiously approaches the beast and reaches out, his hand glowing with dark light as he attempts to press his fingertips against the beast's body.

Charnal Touch

2011-07-21, 07:12 PM
The creature bites out at you as you enter its reach.

Undeterred, you draw negative energy into your grasp and strike your attacker. You feel the energy seep into it and a slight bit of color drains from its features.

Visible now, with your dimmed torch, is a creature that would be tall if it wasn't stooped over. As it is it is nearly 6 feet tall. It has a boar face, with two large tusks emerging from the side of its very toothy grin. A mane of fur runs down its neck and back onto the otherwise naked scarred skin. Its skin has a green tint like that of an orc, and there are scraps of armor and clothing dangling from its body, as well as the remains of a set of manacles.


2011-07-21, 07:17 PM
Encouraged by the successful blow, Gaspar follows up by reaching out with his wand, the tip glowing red with energy as he tries to land a second attack.

Inflict Light Wounds

2011-07-21, 07:58 PM
You reach out with your imbued hand and touch the creature before you. It growls as more color fades from it's body.

He steps to your right and continues to lash out with his teeth.

2011-07-21, 08:06 PM
Gaspar shudders as the beast tears into his armor, angering him and causing him to lash out again, wand in hand.


2011-07-21, 08:12 PM
You strike the creature with your wand and small wounds appear on his body, the scars splitting open with new flows of green blood.
The creature appears to reconsider his tactics. He steps behind some crates and you lose sight of him in the faint illumination of your torch. You hear a small growl, and your torch goes out. You are plunged into darkness.

2011-07-21, 08:20 PM
Gaspar laughs loudly and then whispers.

"...Like the dark could stop me!"

He waves his hands and summons a Human Warrior Skeleton where he saw the beast disappear, giving it a simple instruction.

"Kill him!"

Gaspar points where the urns used to be, although he obviously cannot see in the dark.

2011-07-21, 08:26 PM
Behind you, towards the stairs Augh disappeared down, you feel something lunge at you.

2011-07-21, 08:32 PM
Gaspar reels from the last blown landed on him, managing to stay on his feet as he turns his wand on himself, the red tip glowing as it touches his breast, closing some of the scrapes all over his body.


As he takes care of this, he hears the sound of clacking bones as his skeleton follows its last orders, approaching the beast and taking a swing at it.


2011-07-21, 08:39 PM
You feel an invigorating rush of dark energy fuel your body as the wand touches you.
You hear the sound of your skeletal warrior swinging at something directly in front of you, but there are no outbursts of pain.

A low growl that you remember sounds in the area the skeleton was attacking, and something lunges away from you. The rattle of bones echoes in the silent room as an impact strikes them.


2011-07-21, 08:42 PM
Gaspar uses both sounds to try to pinpoint the location of the beast, his hand glowing faintly in the darkness as he lunges out.


As Gaspar lunges out, the skeletal warrior attempts another strike against the beast from the flank, hoping to land the blow between a dual pronged attack.

2011-07-21, 08:50 PM

2011-07-21, 08:59 PM
You hear a clang as a weapon hits the ground, and a fiendish snarl as there is motion in front of you. Your hand misses your target, but you feel confident you had the location of your target correct up to this point.

There is a hint of a struggle, and then the sound of motion. It is soft and non-rattling, so you assume it is the creature and not your skeleton.

Disarm [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2011-07-21, 09:01 PM
Listen [roll0]
Attack [roll1]

2011-07-21, 09:05 PM
Confused with the situation and unsure of where the beast is, Gaspar takes a step backward and attempts to relight his torch, hoping to succeed in bringing light back to this situation.


2011-07-21, 09:08 PM
The torch reignites and you can see the same creature which initially attacked you backed towards the wall of refuse. You catch sight of it struggling with your creature, attempting to take its weapon from it. It is fought off and pushed backwards before being struck by your minion. Noticing the torch being lit, it looks at you for a moment, but continues its assault on your skeleton.


2011-07-21, 09:14 PM
Gaspar, encouraged by the ability to see again, cautiously steps in and reaches his hand out, attempting to place it firmly on the creature's skin.


The skeleton receives a grazing blow from the beast, and returns a swing, the sword coming down across the beast's chest.


2011-07-21, 09:16 PM
The skeleton makes a feeble jab at the creature, barely opening the smallest of cuts along its arm. This, however, distracts the creature long enough for you to lay your hand on the back of its head. You feel a surge of negative energy enter the creature, and its eyes roll up into the back of its head a moment before it crumples to the ground.

2011-07-21, 09:20 PM
Gaspar smiles and sighs in relief before waving away the skeleton, who started to look patiently at Gaspar for new orders.

"Go... protect that wall."

Gaspar points the wand at his chest, the tip flashing twice as he channels energy through it and into himself before he turns his attention to the urns surrounding the room, inspecting them curiously.


2011-07-25, 03:43 PM
You give a quick look through the damaged goods around you. There are some rations in a questionable state that you could take, scraps of clothing of a style you do not recognize, and a barrel full of crossbow bolts.
Of note, you find an amber colored potion, and a scroll bound with a light string.

From above you, you hear a load roar from Augh, and then silence.

2011-07-25, 03:54 PM
Gaspar pockets the potion, noting to himself that he needs to find a method of identifying it later, and picking up the scroll, keeping it in hand before ascending the stairs to meet AUUGH. He's probably already impatient from me taking so long. Oh well. At least I'm not dead.

2011-07-25, 04:36 PM
You ascend the stairs to find Augh locked in combat with the creature you saw him rush off towards earlier. At the very least, it's a similar creature, as there are two other identical creatures on the ground around the room. Their frog eyes stare blindly at the walls and their tongues are extended and lolling out of their mouths.

In a detached way, you take in the surroundings of the room. There is a cheerful fire below a small smoke flute, and three plush chairs face towards it. One of them has been knocked towards the fire, and it is smoldering slightly along with the intricate rug that had been beneath it. On the opposite side of the room there is a waist high book shelf a quarter filled with books, and a small desk.

Augh continues to swing at the creature, but it is so far avoiding his attacks. Augh has several wounds on him which leak a light green pus, but he is showing no signs of noticing.

2011-07-25, 04:42 PM
Gaspar takes in the situation and slowly approaches AUUGH, trying to talk to ensure AUUGH is aware of my presence.

"Alright Auugh, I caught up, one of these caught me by surprise below. Lets not stab me, eh?"

Just to be sure, Gaspar stops short of AUUGH's reach and prepares for the fight, pocketing the scroll in the same pouch he keeps his wand in, switching them out and readying himself.

2011-07-25, 04:54 PM
The Slaad and Augh continue pressing towards one another, each seeking to gain an advantage. Augh does not glance towards you when you speak, but it appears as though he does not want to give a fraction of his attention to something outside of this fight.


The Slaad lunges at Augh and he steps in abrupty. He grabs the Slaad's claw and pulls it towards him as his other hand swings down into its side. He appears to take a scratch from the claw, but his opponent is lethally wounded. The Slaad wobbles for a moment, and falls on the spot.

2011-07-25, 04:58 PM
Gaspar approaches the battle, intending to aid AUUGH in felling the frog like creature, and then stops short, seeing the creature fall under AUUGH's mighty blows.

"...Huh. How about that. Nicely done, Auugh. Sorry I wasn't here sooner"

2011-07-25, 06:53 PM
Augh bends over the felled creature and prods it with his sword, checking for signs of life. Apparently satisfied, he cleans his blade, but does not sheathe it. He turns to you and speaks.
I can't stand Slaad. Pure chaos they are. They're not prime combatants in the Blood War, but I saw enough of em and no matter how far I am from those fields.. I still can't stand the sight of em.

Didn't mean to be leaving you alone like that, but you seem to have done fine. Did you find anythin' in that what looked like a storeroom below?

2011-07-25, 06:56 PM
Gaspar nods and produces the scroll from his hip pouch and holds it out.

"I found this down below in some of the boxes. I'm not good with scrolls but if you give me some time later I can possibly determine what it means. ...We should probably put that out."

Gaspar turns his attention to the burning carpet and calmly considers the room, unsure of what could put it out.

2011-07-25, 08:04 PM
Augh pulls the rugs and chair further away from the fire and stomps out the smoldering portions. He looks briefly at the scroll and shakes his head.

If its anything to do with magic, let the wagonmaster have a look I suppose. I'm not one for different tongues, and I don't do anything with magic myself. We'll give a full look around after we clear out the floor above us and drop the cube. Guessin' from the roof height and the size outside, thinkin' nothing funnies going on, this will be the last one.

Good and ready Gasp?

2011-07-26, 07:56 AM
Gaspar pauses, considering for a moment before asking.

"Odd question, Auugh, but, you aren't undead, by chance, are you? If you are I can heal you. Seems a valid possibility considering your past in the Blood Wars."

2011-07-26, 06:02 PM
Aughs head pitches back and he laughs loudly. He has apparently abandoned all stealth following the battle with the Slaad.
Ha Ha. No Gasp, I'm not an unthinkin' deadwalker. I probably pass as a "devil" if ya think about it, but I'm not fully sure. I broke plenty of rules when I came through and ended up joining the Highgates. I'll tell you about it as soon as we can though, and I don't need no healin'. Just a scratch, and I'll put some salve on the claw-holes later. Disgustin' Slaad are diseased with the worse chaos y'can imagine.

Augh breaks off a leg from one of the chairs and sets it alight.
This wood won't last very long, but it means I can take the lead. Follow close behind me.

You travel up the stairs behind Augh. Along the similar stone floors there are new stains that were not there on the floors below. The flickering light of Augh's "torch" doesn't illuminate them well, but the stains appear to have been black liquid before they dried, running down from the upper floor. Augh attempts to avoid stepping in the stains, but near the top steps it becomes impossible, and the fresher stains on the steps are slightly sticking and cause your boots to cling to the surface. There is a simple brown wooden door at the top which Augh quickly pushes aside.

Like all of the others, this floor is completely open and lacking dividers or pillars to separate rooms. There are three windows which show very little, as only a few feet outside each is the twisting spoked metal of the tower's exterior. At the center of the room there is a dais about 2 feet high. Its material is impossible to tell, as it is completely black, as is most of the floor of the room. Surrounding the dais are three bodies perched like upright scarecrows on wooden crosses. Their naked bodies are covered in black liquid that flows from their nose, mouth, and tearducts. Their eyes stare blankly at the floor.

2011-07-27, 07:26 AM
Gaspar does a slight double take in surprise at the scene in front of him and Auugh.

"Huh. Well how about that."

Knowledge(religion) [roll0]

Explain to Auugh if there is any relevance

Gaspar walks slowly around the room, inspecting things as he moves, attempting to determine anything of note or value other than the corpses.

2011-07-28, 07:37 PM
You reach into your thoughts of the recent research you had done regarding religious rites and foul sacrifices. While crucifixion and sacrifice are fairly common in darker religions, you have never heard of something describing the black pitch flowing from the orifices of these bodies. The dais is plain, and there are no markings you can see etched into the stone. If there were marks painted on to it, they were long since coated in the black material and are unreadable. You do have the sense that the bodies are still alive, although possibly in a suspended state of "life".

Augh listens to you speak and carefully looks at all three bodies.
Well... it doesn't look like they're movin', and I don't see how we can call the job done while they muck up the place.

Augh walks forward and pulls one of the bodies off of it's post. There is a shrill scream as the mouth of the creature gapes wide in a pained O.

...then the shape falls limp across Augh's shoulder. He seems satisfied and walks towards the window and pitches the body out. It remains tangled in the barbed shell for a moment before a piece of masonry, thrown by Augh, strikes it. You hear the body strike the ground outside with a small 'thud'.
Oh, I do like throwin' stuff. Do you want one of the next ones Gasp?

Your search of the room finds a small chest behind the dais. It is locked and slightly larger than a loaf of bread.

2011-07-29, 08:22 AM
Gaspar gives Auugh a long hard look, and then laughs.

"Auugh, look at me. Do you think I could hurl one of those bodies? Help yourself to them."

He turns back to the box and tries to pick it up, carrying it over to Auugh.

"Other than this, I see nothing of noteworthy value in the room. So after you're done with your fun, I don't see anything left to do but a great deal of scrubbing."

2011-07-29, 03:07 PM
After happily chucking the remaining bodies out the window and making sure no large pieces were still clinging, Augh comes over to you.
Guess you're right. If you want to head on out to the wagon and see how the repairs are goin', I'll finish up here. I guess I'll drop the box on the bottom floor.. I don't think anybody from the Highgates will want to be in this room no matter how much we clean it.

Augh travels with you through the now quiet tower, the remains of the slaad and orcish creature lying where they were slain.

If you linger behind
On the first floor, Augh walks to the center of the room draws an object from his hip pouch. Onto the floor he places a small cube before backing up several steps. Each facet of the cube is a different, brightly painted, color. As you and Augh watch, the faces of the cube expand and pop apart at the edges, and a small orb of light is seen to be contained within. The orb expands into a dome which passes through you with a sense of immense weight which nearly drags you to your knees. The dome fills all but the upper corners of the room and the tip seems to melt into the roof above. Satisfied, Augh walks towards the door, leaving the cube behind.

2011-07-29, 03:24 PM
Gaspar stays behind out of curiosity, what the coveted box he has is for, and after seeing that feels there are more questions now than answers.

"And... what was that exactly?"

2011-07-29, 04:45 PM
Augh begins walking through the dome towards you and the doorway. When he reaches the entryway, he turns around and says slowly
I'm not the one to give you a good answer for that, Gasp... but well, the boxes, cubes, whatever, they emanate an anchoring field. The planes are pretty chaotic, and even some of the biggest mages out there can't just hop around em how they want. Us Highgates are practically just ridding the tides, trying to chart out what we can and blundering through what we don't know. We drop these anchors, and they are like... like how a compass works on the Prime. We chart em down and can navigate the planes in some crazy way that the wagonmaster understands. The more reference points, the easier it is.

Also, the fields keep out all but the meanest underscum that walks around here, so they're good camp spots in the future. If'n ya need to know more, I'd ask somebody arcane though, but hopefully that gets you the idea.

Outside, there are some wood shavings on the ground around the wagon, and the damaged sides seem to have been repaired. There is a small crackling blaze thirty feet back and you make out a few bodies silhouetted against the flames. The elf grins at you from the side of the wagon as you return, and you note the halfling sitting on the roof facing the flames.

The wagonmaster greets you hurriedly,
Well, is it done? Have you and Augh cleared out the tower? I want to get out of here as fast as I can. This is a terrible gate I'd say, and I've seen a lot of them.

2011-07-29, 05:01 PM
Gaspar nods understandingly as they exit the dome and head toward the wagon, absorbing the information for reference later as they're hailed by the wagonmaster.

"Yes, its cleared out, and not a moment too soon. Some foul creatures were inside. Also, this. And... this."

Gaspar motions toward the chest he's holding by one handle, and then with his other hand unzips his hip pouch and produces the amber potion.

"Anything you can do about either?"

2011-07-29, 05:40 PM
Maybe, but it doesn't really matter. You and Augh did the legwork, so you get to keep the spoils in this case. Check with Fidd about the box, he's good with things like that. And this is for the potion, just sprinkle a bit over it.

The wagonmaster tosses you a small brown felted bag. You catch it and can feel sand-like material within. Peering in as you loosen the strings you see a light opal-colored dust shining within.

Fidd approaches you and reaches out his hands momentarily before losing patience and nearly jumping into you to take the box out of your grasp. He pulls two copper marbles from his pocket and taps them lightly on the box. The marbles shift oddly revealing cavities within. Small metallic legs extend, and the marbles begin running around the box with quick deft movements. More cavities appear and more limbs protrude until the marbles find the lock, where they begin probing rapidly in jerking motions. There is a click, and the box pops open. Fidd collects two normal marbles from the ground and hands you the box.

Inside the box is a plain silver ring with an empty gem setting and a black collar of tooled leather.

2011-07-29, 05:59 PM
Gaspar's eyes light up as the leather collar and ring come into view.

"Shinies! Alright! And now for the potion."

Gaspar sprinkles the powder onto the potion, collar, and ring, as the wagonmaster instructed, waiting for the information as he looks to Auugh.

"Anything catch your fancy so far, Auugh?"

2011-07-29, 07:44 PM
As the dust drifts over each item a small whirlwind swirls around them and the dust drifts slowly towards your eyes. You see a vision of each item's use.

Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis
Standard to activate: Functions for 10 minutes per day, spread as you wish.
Grants you the Dark template.

Dark: +10 ft/round to all movement forms
Cold Resistance - 10
Colored Darkvision 60 ft
Hide in Plane Sight
+6 Stealth in shadowy conditions
Ring of Deflection +2
+2 Bonus to AC

Domain Draught: Luck
Grants access to the Luck Domain for 24 hours.
You gain the granted power and can cast those spells as though you knew them.

Granted Power - Roll all attack rolls twice and take the better of the two.
Spells 1- Entropic Shield, 2 Aid, 3 Protetction from Energy, 4...

Augh looks over the items you are investigating,
No.. I don't think any of it interests me. Jewelry doesn't interest me, and I'll not wear a collar again in this lifetime.

2011-07-29, 07:57 PM
Gaspar nods as Auugh tells him he won't wear a collar and hesitantly puts it on himself, activating it momentarily to get used to the motion.

"Hm... this will take some getting used to. But I'll handle it"

Afterward he looks at the potion warily and then pockets it.

"I'll probably sell this, if you want to split it, Auugh. I can't see any way a god would deal with me. Magical allowance or not."

And finally, Gaspar slips on the ring, feeling the deflection magics take effect almost immediately.

"...Hm. Well, at least now hopefully I won't be quite so useless, right Auugh?"

Gaspar smiles and then turns to Fidd.

"Thank you, Fidd. I appreciate your help in picking the chest. That's an interesting trick you have there with the marbles."

2011-07-29, 08:15 PM
Fidd looks at you for a moment before scurrying away. He tucks the marbles into one of the countless pockets surrounding his body.

Alright, Alright. Strap yourselves on. We've got hours left before we hit the gate back to the Prime, and linger here is draining all my good cheer.
The wagonmaster tucks away a set of charts he was regarding and a third that he seemed to have been writing on with a quill. He picks up the reigns and begins a slow trot forward.

Augh deftly climbs to the room and the two other guards take up relaxed positions, sitting down on the lip extending from the wagon. The fires behind you are now only cinders, and you can see the glow inside the tower entrance until the angle blocks your view. Rounding the tower you see three fragmented bodies lying facedown on the ground. Small black pools have leaked out of them and slowly flow across the marshy ground.

2011-07-29, 08:23 PM
Gaspar jogs up beside the wagon and hops back up into his seat same as before, and leaning over toward Auugh.

"So, Auugh, before we were... rudely interrupted, you were telling me about the fact you're from the Blood Wars?"

2011-07-29, 08:29 PM
Augh moves over towards your side of the wagon and leans over the edge to look down at you.
From the blood war... ? Nobody really comes from it so much as gets put there and never gets to leave. What did ya want to know? Nothin' about demon summonin' I hope. I saw you pull up a few skeles, but theres a difrence between the mindless deadwalkers and the things that suffer Below.

2011-07-29, 08:30 PM
Gaspar shakes his head and reiterates.

"Goodness no. As I said before there's a great difference between enjoying something and embracing a talent. It quite simply sounded to be quite the tale. You even mentioned you were close to being a devil, and that you broke all kinds of rules just coming up. It sounds very interesting, to say the least."

2011-07-29, 08:55 PM
Augh furrows his brow and briefly looks like a bear who has just sat upon a thorn.
I don't know if I was nearly a devil... or fully ... or what you'd classify it as. I wasn't a scholar in my past life and I'm still not one now, but I can tell you what happened and you can make of it what you want.

I had been in the war for a few centuries. Most of that time was on the border between the first realm of Baator and the pocked Abyssal First, land of endless portals. Eventually our legion had pushed back the horde around us and separated a group of the demons. They fled, and we chased them, mindless with our orders. Y'see, they'd just commanded us to rush into battle, and hack enemies apart. We weren't set to hold points or.. capture territory, just kill and die. So we killed, and we chased, and they killed us. Our harassment pushed us far away from the normal fighting, but there is always more distance to cover in the lower planes... eventually they were reinforced by a wandering group and pushed us back.. and then we found reinforcements who joined us and we continued to harry them. Onward we pursued.. I'd say it was about a mortal year or so.

Finally... well, it's kind of funny really. The Highgate Traders were just getting started, and every portal they'd taken before was some peaceful scenic stroll that saved them loads of time. Imagine their shock when they end up in the lower planes with two standard road guards? The wagonmaster was a brave man though, he just knew the exit portal wasn't far and just barreled his way straight through. Well... I'd been out scouting and half-hidden in a ditch when I hear an awful racket. I look up and a wagon hits me in the face and runs over me. I got dragged underneath it all the way out of the exit.

Well.. the rest of its technical stuff, but they knew they'd need better guards if some of the portals were like that one, and this one we're in. They worked out a deal and got some transformation magic put on me that changed me back to the closest thing I could remember, and its really helped me focus my thoughts. In my old form its hard to separate what you want.. and what you are ordered to do. But there.. so now I keep workin' for em. The pay is good and you get to see interesting places. And honestly, the guild has some pretty heavy people hanging around it.. I'm not sure if theres some power out there that'd try to drag me back if I wasn't around them once a month.

2011-07-29, 09:03 PM
Gaspar lets that sink in and nods before slowly answering.

"That's... quite a story. I imagine you count your blessings every time you wake up. Hopefully I'll be able to find equal amounts of success working for the Highgates. It'd be nice to have a reliable paycheck while I continue my research."

Gaspar pauses as they hit a bump in the road and continues.

"Here's hoping you never have to return, and I never have to experience it myself."

2011-07-30, 12:38 PM
The wagon travels on across the marsh landscape. Compared to the start, the next five hours are very relaxed. You spot the occasional humanoid creature drifting slowly through the thick undergrowth, but nothing pursues the wagon. The air around you develops a hum that rises in volume as you travel. By the time the wagon comes to a halt,

you have an aching headache. You keep your wits about you, but you feel an ache as though you'd gone days without rest.
you could swear that you hear voices beneath the hum. You had considered you may hear voices on the planes making you promises, but what you can hear from these are only helpful suggestions. Some sound less than useful, as they advise you on the care of creatures and fabrics you've never heard of.

The wagonmaster climbs down from his perch and begins leafing through a tome he digs out from behind his seat. You hear the other guards hop down from the wagon and stretch kinks from their sore muscles. Augh lands lightly next to you and nods towards the front of the wagon.
We've got to open up the exit here. These portals are twins normally, if you didn't come in the IN one, you can't open the OUT one. Normally we can do it while we ride.. so something must be resistin' the wagonmaster.

After a few moments of consultation, the driver claps the book shut and begins a low chant. As he does this he pulls a white powder from inside his jacket and begins tossing it in front of him in an ungainly fashion, leave temporary clouds that look like flour drifting around him. Then, the clouds thicken and merge into one another, together forming white solid poles 10 feet apart. Between these an energy builds and inexorably slow stretches between the poles.

A tap on your shoulder and a pointed finger towards the rear of the wagon draws your attention to a lone figure standing 40 feet away. A lone woman, naked but for the heavy mud coating her head to toe, stands with her hand outstretched, beckoning in a frightened manner.

2011-07-30, 02:23 PM
Will [roll0]

Gaspar is slightly surprised by the clearly female figure slowly approaching and looks to the others for their reaction.

Knowledge (Religion) [roll1]

Tell them if anything can be mentioned about it

"Well... that's... an unsettling thing to see. And certainly the last thing I expected to see here."

2011-07-30, 03:22 PM
Lothos and Fidd stare at the woman, apparently as surprised as you are.

Well... I'd say she was a nature spirit of some sort, but I don't really know how that would translate on this plane. This is a new route as far as our trading goes.. so I have no idea. Generally though, I'd avoid extra-planar women, even if they are beautiful.

The woman has no religious links you could think of. Only filthy orcs and goblins roll around in the mud as religious rites, and they're stupid.

2011-07-30, 03:29 PM
Gaspar turns to the wagonmaster.

"Is she the reason we aren't able to leave?"

Gaspar's hands wander down, one touching his blade, and the other unbuttoning the pouch containing his wand.

2011-07-30, 03:56 PM
The wagonmaster interrupts his chant to shout towards you from where he is still preparing his spell,
She? Who? Quit bothering me. There's no person keeping us here. It's the ambient energy of the plane or something. Now quiet, I'm working.

The woman does not approach any further, but continues to beckon towards you. Her features look forlorn, and her physique seems rather frail. You feel her eyes directed on you, although at this distance it is hard to tell.

2011-07-30, 03:58 PM
"If she isn't stopping us, then lets leave her unless she gets closer. Its not our business to help people here. For all we know its some kind of creature tricking us."

Gaspar leans his back against the back of the wagon and looks among the others, his hand still on his wand, but otherwise relaxed.

2011-07-30, 04:03 PM
Alright, the exit is opened. This should drop us next to, or maybe into, a field about a few hours north of Killek. We can rest near one of the farm houses and travel into the city tomorrow.

Fidd and Augh hastily take their positions, strapping in with the leather restraints. Lothos gazes at the beckoning woman wistfully for a moment .. but pulls his attention away and takes his position. He pointedly does not return his stare to her direction.

Hurry up and get on Gaspar. I think we've all had enough of this place.

2011-07-30, 04:08 PM
Gaspar hops on, looking back curiously at the woman as they leave through the portal.

...Curiosity killed the cat.

2011-07-30, 04:53 PM
The wagon trundles through the portal at a cautious speed. You catch a last glimpse of the sad figure sinking out of sight before your body passes through the exit. There is a horrid lurching feeling as you feel yourself spinning in place, and then everything is still but for the slowing of the wagon.

You look around you to gain your bearings and for a moment.. you consider that the portal may have failed. But no, the sky is the black of night, not the red streaks of Carceri and you are clearly no longer in marshland. The moon is in the sky and you recognize the dots of constellations proving this is your Prime plane. The land around you, however, is scarred and black. A few feet off the road is the broken remains of a fence that once protected a field. The field itself is now only matted down stalks covered with black debris. The only upright objects in the field look to be scarecrows, but there are far more than any field should have. Dozens of downturned faces in simple clothing hang on perches throughout the landscape.

Your companions do not appear as though this is what they were expecting, and the wagonmaster attempts to control the horses as they rear back and whiny as though scared.
What in the hell.. the charts say we should have arrived north of Killek in the grain fields. These charts are only 6 months old and I haven't heard of any famine or plagues.. what happened to these fields?

2011-07-30, 05:04 PM
Gaspar shakes his head and looks a bit more carefully at the bodies around the farmlands.

"How close are we to Killek? I heard in the market the day before I joined the Highgate Traders that there was a problem with the ale shipments from Killek... this might be why."

Spot [roll0]

on the corpses

2011-07-31, 12:48 PM
The wagonmaster says slowly
We're in the countryside of Killek... these fields produce their famous ale. I've never been here... but we should only be about 2 hours north of the city... this is mad.

Maybe we can.. investigate some of those farmhouses off that way and find somebody to question.. or some information. It's going to be hard to unload our goods if the city is under siege or has been sacked.

He turns the wagon slowly around on the road and begins driving towards the nearest house. The surroundings as far as you can see are desolate, and you get the odd feeling no matter where you look that something... is moving just out of your vision.

2011-07-31, 01:12 PM
Gaspar follows the wagon cautiously as we approach the house, and as they approach, steps forward, ready to enter along with anyone else as we search for survivors.

"I'm sure we'll find someone that can tell us what's happened if we look hard enough. Although I have to ask... how long ago was this request sent?"

2011-07-31, 01:59 PM
The order came in by a sending less than a week ago... I'd say all of this is older than that. but I don't know who would be ordering... You'd think they'd be asking for help, or contacting their allies. The message was too calm...

Well, we won't figure anything out tonight. I'm going to tie up the horses and set up the wagon's protections... I'd recommend nobody eat any of the local grain or water...

In the distance several crows fly off in the dark sky. You notice a wet dripping noise as black sludge drips from the foot of one of the scarecrows in the fields behind the farm house.

2011-07-31, 02:05 PM
Gaspar approaches the nearest "Scarecrow" and inspects it, looking at the black sludge.

After inspecting it at length, Gaspar waves to Auugh.

"Auugh. Come here. You very well could recognize this."

2011-07-31, 02:33 PM
Augh stomps over towards you, crush ichor covered hay beneath his feet. He sniffs the air deeply when he arrives.
Yeah.. smells like that stuff from the tower. I'dda guessed the ones in the tower were meals bein' flavored with somethin'.. evil gits that Slaad are, but this doesn't make sense at all...

You yourself take in the scent of the air around you. There has been a permeating burnt smell usual for destroyed civilization, but there is also.. a lightly sweet odor hanging in the air, as of rotting fruit.

There is a shout from the farmhouse which sounds like Lothos. You hear him calling out that the house is empty and can be easily secured for the night.

2011-07-31, 02:40 PM
"Maybe whatever was left in the tower was... bait. To lure in Slaad to cover their tracks. I would say whoever did what we found in the tower is definitely behind this too. Think we should let the wagonmaster know?"

Gaspar looks around the bodies and then at them again, hoping anything will come to mind to explain this situation.

Knowledge (arcane) [roll0]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll1]

2011-07-31, 02:57 PM
You remember no new information.
Taking your earlier spot and applying it now, without the distance penalties: The body you are standing at and those around you all appear to be in common workers clothes, heavily stained with the black sludge. As before, the bodies hang with their chins resting on their chests, eyes staring wide open towards the ground. Their faces look sad, partially due to the blackness also dripping from their tear ducts which leaves persistent 'tear' streaks down their faces.

2011-07-31, 03:03 PM
Gaspar sighs and gives up inspecting the scarecrows, turning to Auugh instead.

"No matter how much I wrack my mind I cannot think of any more information about this. I don't think I'll be able to come up with anything unless I specifically researched this, and this isn't the time, or the place for that. Shall we head back?"

2011-07-31, 03:16 PM
You and Augh both return to the farmhouse.
The wagon has been brought alongside the house and hums with a faintly magical aura. The horses are nowhere to be seen, possibly tied up out of sight. As you enter Fidd and Lothos have just finished clearing out the entry room, pushing all of the furniture and obstructions to the walls in barricades, blocking the windows. There are black stains and light burns on most of the furniture, and the wooden flooring is streaked with several greasy marks as though things were dragged along the floor. With nothing else left to do, everybody sets up bed rolls and sleeps for the night.

You wake up, having slept with no dreams. The sky is grey and clouded, but with no signs of rain having fallen yet. The fields outside are the same as ever, however more crows have taken to the fallen crops while a few seem to be interested in the black sludge itself. The wagonmaster is up and setting the horses into position for the day's travel.
So far this whole mission's going down the styx and crashing into the Abyss. I'm used to the portals taking us to nightmare realms and blasted netherworlds, but we're supposed to leave all that behind when we get back to Prime. Barbarians, warlords, pointless battles.. yes, but not this madness.. So. We're keeping the ride going and heading to town. We're getting paid and getting out of this country. If we spy an army besieging or plague-signs we're using our shaved knuckle and getting out. Got it?

2011-07-31, 03:30 PM
Gaspar nods.

"As much as I'd like to stick around here, I think its definitely a wise choice to get out of here as soon as we can. This place is considerably unsettling, and not a good sign for the main city."

He looks to the other guards and follows their lead, either riding the wagon or walking alongside it as we continue our way toward the city of Killek.

2011-07-31, 04:14 PM
Walking alongside the wagon, the hours pass as you travel south towards the city. The farms and fields you spy along the way towards the city are identical to the one you arrived near, burnt and filled with figures stationed like scarecrows among the trampled and scorched grain. You encounter no army, nor signs up them.
Killek is a large city with 20 foot high walls that agrees with the fact that it was once the capital of a much larger kingdom. You see the roofs of shingled housing over the crenelations as you approach and there are signs of past wealth and success having flowed into the city. Perhaps thanks to the dismal sights of the ride, the gloomy sky, the wide open gates with no guards, or the echoing lack of human life noticable within the city... but there is an air of desolation like an aura around the city. As you look on you see a few flickers of motion near an alley, but nothing presents itself.

I have a miserable feeling about this trip.. I don't think we're going to get paid.
The wagondriver moans before letting out a deep sigh. He continues driving the horses forward through the large city gates.

Similar to the farmhouse, there are greasy black lines smearing the ground all around the cobbled streets. The wagon stops at an inn only minutes from the gate named "The Golden Harvest". As the driver gets down from his perch to take care of the horses, a man comes out of the doorway. He has a bright smile on his face and has his arms open in greeting.

His physique is thin and his skin is loose, as though he has lost a good deal of weight recently. His hair is disheveled and unwashed. From the corner of his mouth a black smear runs down his chin and under his shirt.
Welcome! Welcome! We've been waiting for the shipment. The next festival will be upon us this evening, and we must have the additives!

2011-07-31, 04:19 PM
Gaspar is dumbstruck by his cheerful disposition.

"Ah... good day to you. What's... happened here?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2011-07-31, 04:30 PM
The man's smile does not slip as he says,
Happened? Something happened?
He looks around behind you and down the street in both directions,
Is something the matter? Was there trouble on the road here? You truly are the fastest merchants I've heard of. I didn't really believe you'd get here on time, but you deserve your price and more.

Two lads come out the door dragging a crate which they present to the wagon master. He examines the outside for a moment before being satisfied, and goes to the rear of the wagon to open it. The youths begin to unload crates and you notice the scent of fresh strawberries.

As the unloading is nearly completed the man turns back to you all.
So, may I invite you in for a drink? We're fairly full, but I could find room for you fine sirs! As well.. I had a message from the Vizarch for you, wagonmaster, and your associates. He says that he wishes to have your company at his manor immediately, for business purposes. He was quite insistent.. that you not leave the city without seeing him. Although I'm sure it's not too urgent to keep you from having a drink at The Harvest :smallbiggrin:

Augh looks to all of you and says,
Well.. a drink would be nice. The Pit doesn't exactly have many festivals either. Coming along Gasp?

Fidd and Lothos seem cautious.. but accept Augh's reasoning. The wagonmaster says he will stay behind to have the wagon moved and make sure the goods are fully unloaded.

2011-07-31, 04:42 PM
Gaspar feels even further unnerved by the calmness in the man's voice.

"Ahh... well. I suppose a drink cannot hurt. Do you have everything handled alright here, wagonmaster?

After hearing the wagonmater's answer, Gaspar follows his three companions into the house.

2011-07-31, 04:50 PM
The innkeeper is delighted and ushers you into the doorway, following behind and slipping to the side to the serving bar. You halt after a few feet.

The tavern is indeed nearly full, with all but one table near the entrance occupied. All of the occupants are sitting at their tables, and most have vacant satisfied looks on their faces. The mugs are opaque, but you can see black stains running down the sides as the black liquid inside is sloshed around. Nearly everybody has stains around their face and at the corners of their mouths.

A loud shout comes from beside you at the bar, and you remember that the bartender had slipped in behind you.
Hurry and take a seat! What flavor would you like? I've been dying to get the strawberries in and add them. Being our deliverers, would you like to be the first to sample it?

2011-07-31, 05:00 PM
Gaspar looks left and right to his companions, giving a nervous laugh.

"Well... don't knock anything till you've tried it once... right...?"

2011-08-01, 03:13 PM

You and your three companions take seats around the lone table. The bartender rushes over with four pewter mugs and places one in front of each of you. Augh requests a meal as well, and the innkeeper gladly notes it and disappears into the kitchen.

You look down for a moment at the smooth black liquid in your mug. Sloshing it a bit, it seems thin and flows like a liquid, much smoother than the sludge-like tar you have seen so recently. Augh and Fidd have their mugs tipped back and Lothos is cautiously sipping at his. Feeling awkward, and already determined, you tip back your mug. You feel the black liquid slide down your throat and catch no hint of the strawberries. As the liquid passes over your tongue and throat there is an oily residue left behind, coating everything it touches. You feel a pleasant tingling sensation and after a few moments an intoxicating numbness spreads outwards through your body.

The feeling is an overall good one, but Augh and Lothos seem to be enraptured with the drink. Moments before they've finished their mugs, the innkeeper has brought full ones, and places another in front of you. He continues to make his rounds of the inn, providing new drinks and talking cheerfully at his customers who do not seem keen on responding, or speaking to each other.

2011-08-01, 04:13 PM
Gaspar finishes his drink, thoroughly enjoying the brew before leaning back in his chair.

"...Well. Despite that hideous look, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this, is there boys?"

He is happy to see a second mug in front of him, and is glad to enjoy another with his companions.

"...Bit odd that nobody else here seems to be talking though, don't you think?"

2011-08-01, 04:54 PM
Fidd has not finished his first mug and sees a replacement already in front of him. He pushes the first back and does not drink any further. He looks rather grim. Lothos does not look at you as you ask, and seems to be enjoying himself.

Augh puts down his mug and wipes a black stain across the back of his arm as he answers,
Aye, they're rather a quiet bunch, but maybe that's the town. None of us have been to Killek before, so it's hard to say.

This stuff is great though. Better than any of the ale I've ever tasted from Killek, and that stuff is famous on its own.


2011-08-01, 04:57 PM
Gaspar's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Can't say I've had any of Killek's ale before now... is it a new brew then?"

Gaspar looks around for the innkeeper and waves him over.

"Excuse me, sir, how long has this ale been in production? Can't say any of us have had it before. Does it have a name?"

2011-08-01, 05:19 PM
This is empty!

The innkeeper makes his way over to your table, a continous flow of mugs always in his hands landing at tables who seem to be getting low. You do not spy him picking up any payment from the customers as he sets each mug down.

At your question he seems slightly befuddled and stammers out,
It's... It's... not been flowing for that long. This harvest is the first in fact. The Vizarch brought the recipe with him when he came into the city a few months ago, and it's .. well, it's been as popular as the Vizarch himself. He's done nothing but remake the city for the best.

You feel very good as more of the liquid reaches your stomach. There is a warm sensation moving about your body that you can't quite place and the tips of your fingers are slightly numb, but you still have no trouble gripping the mug in your hand.

2011-08-01, 05:30 PM
Gaspar hears that and sets the mug down, things falling into place and feeling a slight chill come over him. After the innkeeper leaves he leans into the table to whisper.

"Auugh. I think its time to head to the Vizarch. Oh... but you ordered a meal didn't you? Eat it but only drink water before we head there."

2011-08-01, 08:44 PM
Augh looks at you and seems affronted,
Come on Gasp, that can wait. I'm having a good time here.

He picks up a new mug and proceeds to drain a large portion. He wobbles a bit before steadying himself on the table.
If you're really not having any fun, you could ask the wagonmaster if he wants to go. I doubt we all need to see the Vizarch. Fidd looks like he's being sour, so maybe he'll agree. Although you really ought to just stay and enjoy this festival.

Fidd looks at you and nods, his face still grim. Across the table, Lothos is once again sipping slowly at his drink, but appears disinterested in the conversation.

2011-08-02, 07:17 AM
Gaspar sighs and shakes his head, giving up on the stubborn man-bear and standing up with Fidd, leaving the table for the wagonmaster.

"So why did you quit drinking? Know something I don't? All I did was put the pieces in a line and I don't think I want anymore of whatever that was."

2011-08-05, 05:50 PM
I didn't like the flavor.
Says Fidd simply.

Going around the back of the Inn you find the wagonmaster who is sweating profusely and keeping a close eye on the horses.
So, what's going on? Where are Augh and Lothos? I want to get to the Vizarch and gone as soon as I can. There's something blighted about this whole damned city.

2011-08-05, 05:59 PM
Gaspar looks from the wagonmaster to Fidd and back before making sure nobody is around to hear before continuing, in a hushed tone that only they can hear.

"Alright. Here's what I figured out between what they said and what I heard in The Pit. The ale shipments from Killek stopped a few months ago, right around the time the Vizarch took charge. The bartender told me that this brew we tried was FROM the Vizarch. And judging from the bodies outside the city and the people inside. I think that alltogether that's the entire city accounted for. On top of that, the worst thing is that the ooze from those bodies looked identical to the ooze in the tower Auugh and myself investigated. ...Is it coming together for you two as well? I have a feeling that maybe the Vizarch is from that tower. From that gate. And the remaining townsfolk aren't talkative in any way except to get another drink. Auugh seems talkative enough still but Lothos was already like that by the time Fidd and I left."

2011-08-05, 07:16 PM
The wagonmaster stares at you as you detail this line of thought. He looks fearful, but nods and climbs into the back of the wagon and you hear him straining with something heavy. He jumps out of the wagon and positions the payment chest on the edge and pops it open.
Alright fellas. We don't normally dish out pay until the mission is over, for obvious reasons, but I think well...

He hands you and Fidd each a sum of gold, and puts a small portion into his own side pouch.
Alright, so we're heading to the Vizarch. I don't think we'd get of here alive if we try to avoid him and it's slightly possible he'll make a deal with us for some passage out of town. If we can, we pick up Augh and Lothos, but they're no good to us how they are right now, and if they come to they'll do their best to get back to us.

So.. which way is it?

Gold: 12,000

2011-08-05, 07:29 PM
Gaspar's eyebrows raise in surprise at the weight of the gold bag before opening it and slowly pouring it carefully into his Unexploitable Money Hole, before answering the wagonmaster.

"I'm not rightly sure what direction it is but surely there's some sort of stone structure visible over the rooftops, no?"

He quickly scans around looking for it and contemplating what might come to pass with the Vizarch and steeling himself for whats ahead.

2011-08-05, 07:50 PM
From the alley behind the Inn, you see very little. Once you travel out to the main street which you rode in on you can clearly see a large building in the distance. It rests roughly where you could guess the center of the city to be. It is large and similar to a manor house with several extra towers, but overall the structure is smaller than many castles and priestly fortifications you have seen in other cities.

You travel forward along the street. Fidd and the wagonmaster follow you. The town is empty of all normal traffic and life, but as before.. you catch snatches of motion out of the corner of your eyes and see shapes deeper than shadows in some of the alleys. The stains of the drink are all over the town and you feel an odd twinge as you look upon them. You remember just moments ago when you were drinking.. and pleasant feelings spread warmth through your body, but you continue onward.

At the door to the manner, there are two large and burly guards on either side of the entrance. They are wearing full suits of breastplate armor and greaves, and their helms obscure their faces. Despite this, you can see that there are a few black stains on their chest pieces and on the visors of their helms. They hold their pikes vertical and each pushes one arm backwards, causing the doorway to swing open. The entrance hall is a grand room that would look welcoming if lit, but it is currently covered in dim shadows. Your footsteps echo with each step you take, and you see a grimy trail of blackness smeared across the floor and carpeting. It goes up the grand staircase and seems to draw you along it's path.

You do not remember any specifics, only traveling through the manor, seeing no one, and your two companions continuing to follow the black path with you. Suddenly, you are in an audience chamber. 30 feet away there is a low stone dais with a large rigid chair upon it. Light is being cast from pillars to either side of you which flicker fitfully. The area behind each pillar is utterly dark, but you sense no motion there.

The figure is of an indeterminate size as it is covered in thick layers of cloth. The face is covered by a cowl, and the hands gripping the clothing tight around itself are within light white gloves. As you enter, one hand beckons you to come closer, and a low voice calls
Welcome.. to my home. I am so glad you accepted my invitation so soon. Have you found the city accommodating?

2011-08-05, 07:55 PM
Gaspar feels the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as they approach, trying his best to steady his voice as he speaks.

"The city is, of course, a wonder to behold. It is my first time in Killek and I am impressed by the city. Especially the brew served in the inn. I cannot say I have ever tasted anything quite like it before."

Gaspar elbows the wagonmaster, hoping it will knock him from his silent stupor.

"We were intending to have a drink and then return to the Highgate Traders through the same Gate, but we were told you had business to discuss with us, so we came as soon as we were able."

2011-08-05, 08:11 PM
The wagonmaster takes in a sudden breath as he is jabbed and manages to say,
Y... Yeah, what he said.

The figure on the throne lets out a low laugh that fills the echoing room and pulls back his hood. A male human of some undetermined old age, the Vizarch appears to be in poor health. He has a few wispy hairs clinging to his head and his eyes are sunken and dark, as though he sleeps very little. He lowers his beckoning hand, as none of you have stepped any closer.
Yes... the Saemenellyk. It is just a simple recipe I brought from my home, but it has taken off like a craze. The production is exhausting, but can you put a price on the happiness of the people? It is this which I have you here for. I wish for you to take shipments of the Saemenellyk in your wagon and distribute it for me. I believe the demand will become rather high.. and I'd require you to work directly for me. The entire Highgate Association eventually, I would hope...

His last few words end in a light hiss as they hang in the air. This talk of business seems to jolt the wagonmaster to attention.
Now.. we are free traders and we can't be taking on such contracts that would subsume our other works... so.. we'll have to say no to that...

The Vizarch looks displeased and makes an annoyed clicking sound.
That is less.. than the answer I had been hoping for. I can see your position though.. and that is understandable. Would either of you...
He looks at both Fidd and yourself in turn.
... be willing to accept the role of private carriers?
Fidd shakes his head slowly and seems tense. He looks into the shadows around the room and towards the door behind you, still open from when you walked in.

2011-08-05, 08:19 PM
Gaspar pauses a moment. The bodies around town and the overall lack of living people would encourage his research, but any sort of market would be unlikely nearby, which would result in exhaustive travels just to get any material. And 12,000 for such relatively easy work? He can't pass that sort of coin up. He answers as honestly as possible.

"It's a tempting offer, honest, but I'm afraid I have to decline as well. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding people here to do the job. And as the wagonmaster said, we'd be happy to take contracts to help you, but the policy is that we cannot take a contract that would monopolize our freetrade policy. Apologies, for that."

2011-08-05, 08:26 PM
A low sigh escapes the lips and the Vizarch's tone is slightly disapproving.
No no, I can understand. You have your rules and authorities to answer to. That is unfortunate. Perhaps your friends at the bar will be more agreeable.

The Vizarch waves his hand and the door behind you closes with a bang. From the shadows you hear growls and several sets of eyes appear in the darkness.


2011-08-05, 08:30 PM

Gaspar shakes his head and thinks for a moment before pulling out his wand and knife, holding them at ready.

"No way we can change your mind, then?"

2011-08-06, 12:29 AM

Change... my mind? I highly doubt that. I imagine after you three have had your.. priorities rearranged, your minds will be the ones changing. If there is much left of your minds that is.

You have won initiative and will be going first. The map has been updated,


and yes, those are pillars/columns. You can stand on them for -2 accuracy, +2 AC and partial ranged cover.

2011-08-06, 12:48 PM
"Heh. Well... that's a damn shame, Vizarch."

Gaspar grins and, with a wave of his hand, conjures a kobold zombie in front of the pair of eyes to his left, and stepping up against the pillar, out of sight of the Vizarch.

2011-08-06, 01:16 PM
As you step closer to the pillar, the creature lashes out at you with a large metal longsword.

Ibixian 1 AoO
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

From this position you see the creature which struck at you is a tall goat-man shrouded in shadows. He takes another swing at you. From behind you Fidd pulls out two short swords and prepares to defend himself. From the shadows to the right, another goat man appears and strikes at Fidd.

Ibixian 1
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Fidd +4 AC

Ibixian 2
Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

From the set of eyes near the Vizarch, you hear a strange wailing begin. It is accompanied by the sound of air being sucked down a long hallway. From the shadows appears a short, fat, body covered in black skin. Short three-taloned fingers are on the end of its skin-stretched arms. Faces bulge out from its skin in constant, silent, cries of terror. In place of a head there is only a large, red, sucking vortex pointing at you. The shrill cry is unnerving. The ugly creature lumbers closer towards you.

Make a Will Save

Fidd's Save [roll6]

2011-08-06, 01:43 PM
In reaction to the goat-man swinging at me, Gaspar meet his attacks with his hand, glowing with dark energy as he try to make contact with his body.


"You. Kill the goat."



2011-08-06, 01:48 PM

2011-08-06, 01:58 PM
The shriek of the approaching creature shakes you to your core. You find it harder to aim your strikes or focus your will.

Will reaction
Shaken for -2 accuracy, damage, abil checks, skills, saves. Unknown duration

The goat-creatures continue to swing recklessly. The one nearest you attempts to push you further away, possibly towards the shrieking monstrosity behind you. The goat-man near Fidd strikes at him with a similar longsword. Fidd responds with two sudden stabs of his short swords. He keeps his back to the door and seems wary of shifting his position.

The shrieking abomination closes on you and reaches out one taloned hand to touch you.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Fidd Full-Attack
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Ibixian 2 Attack
Accuracy [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Gloom Golem Attack
Accuracy [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Cha Drain [roll10]

2011-08-06, 02:12 PM
Feeling extremely claustrophobic, and desperate for a little space, Gaspar extends his hand, throwing a curse at the screaming creature before reaching out with his wand this time, against the goat.


The kobold continues its mindless attack, following the last orders it was given.


2011-08-06, 02:29 PM
Will VS Curse 17

You focus your curse at the shrieking creature and feel a stream of energy rush towards it. Before it lands you immediately turn your attention back to the goat man and touch him with your wand. He flinches backwards and you feel a small twinge of satisfaction at finally striking the ugly half-man

The fight around you continues on. The Goat-man shifts upwards and together with the shrieking monster, attack you from a flanking position. Fidd continues striking at the far goat-man and it returns his blows. The shrieking creature seems to have a change in priorities as it halts for just a moment, and then steps forward and reaches out towards the wagonmaster.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Fidd Full-Attack
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Ibixian 2 Attack
Accuracy [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Gloom Golem Attack
Grapple [roll8]
Grapple-Pin [roll9]

Grapple Def [roll10]
Grapple-Pin Def [roll11]

The shrieking creature reaches forward and grabs the wagonmaster. He is unable to resist it's strong, bony, arms and it lifts him high into the air. The creature then pulls him towards it and his head disappears into it's maw. After a moment, even his feet are gone. Consumed by the swirling vortex above the creature which seems to function as a mouth.

2011-08-06, 02:43 PM
Encouraged by the successful blow, Gaspar lunges out again with his wand, but annoyed with his zombie.

"Why aren't you killing the goat? Bad zombie!"

The zombie slashes in a downward angle, attempting to clumsily hit the goat-man.


2011-08-06, 02:54 PM
Oooh. There's one of you. He was rather the pathetic one, but you two will make fine additions to my legions.

I trust you weren't getting your hopes up... death is not the end of service to me.

The torches around the room flicker, and dark shadows gather around the fallen goat-man. It's limbs move in a jerking manner as it rises to it's hooves. Dark red orbs glow in place of the risen creature's eyes.

Fidd continues to strike at the creature, which returns to it's former task with rigid zeal. The shrieking monster circles behind fidd and slashes out with both claws. The Ibixian you are fighting hisses in frustration as you touch it again. It backs away from your minion and continues attacking you.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Fidd Full-Attack
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Ibixian 2 Attack
Accuracy [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Gloom Golem Attack
Accuracy [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Cha Drain [roll10]

Accuracy [roll11]
Damage [roll12]
Cha Drain [roll13]

2011-08-06, 03:01 PM
Know(Religion) Results
Wow.. that thing came back to life. It's probably undead, and most likely the Vizarch is responsible for it. It's clearly not a skeleton, but may be a zombie. If it isn't a zombie, it's something similar and brutish.

Also, the Shrieker thing doesn't look like a suitable target for reanimation, and most reason tells you that most undead can't be raised again. So after putting them down twice, you shouldn't have to worry. Probably.

2011-08-06, 03:24 PM
Gaspar sees undead raised against him and feels anger surge within him.

"Fidd! He's bringing the dead back. But he can't do it twice, and the shrieker can't be brought back, probably."

He refocuses, on the Shrieker this time instead, and reaches out with his wand.


"You! Oh... right"

Gaspar starts to give the zombie a new order but stops as it begins to dissipate.

2011-08-06, 03:39 PM
Dangerous to guess when your lives are in danger, hahaha.

You aren't wrong though.. it's good to know you have knowledge of undeath. You'll be most useful to me.

As you touch the shrieking golem, the pitch of the scream becomes higher than normal for a brief moment, but it does not change its target. The goat-man sees your ally crumble and redoubles his efforts. Fidd attempts to get out of his undefendable position and puts his back towards the pillar. He continues to strike at the first rising goat while the shrieking monstrosity follows him. At it strikes with it's talons, Fidd's actions become slower, and his eyes start to blink as though drowsy.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Fidd Full-Attack
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Ibixian 2 Attack
Accuracy [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Gloom Golem Attack
Accuracy [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Cha Drain [roll10]

Accuracy [roll11]
Damage [roll12]
Cha Drain [roll13]

2011-08-06, 03:47 PM
Gaspar grunts under the force of the blow from the Goat's attack and grits his teeth, knowing he's in trouble, he steps away from the pillar and the goat, and into the middle of the room, continuing his attacks against the shrieker.


2011-08-06, 03:56 PM
The shrieker flinches from the pain and the faces on its body seethe and squirm across its black skin. Fidd sees this weakness and attacks the creature before stepping back towards the protection of the pillar. The undead goat-man follows him and yours follows as well. Both lash out in a similar manner. They seem tireless and not prone to elaborate thinking.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Fidd Full-Attack
Accuracy [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Accuracy [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Ibixian 2 Attack
Accuracy [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Gloom Golem Attack
Accuracy [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Cha Drain [roll10]

Accuracy [roll11]
Damage [roll12]
Cha Drain [roll13]

2011-08-06, 04:21 PM
Gaspar's chest heaves in pain as he notices Fidd slump against the pillar and realizes he has very few options left. He turns his attention to the Vizarch and grimaces, knowing what has to be done.

He takes up a defensive stances while turning the wand toward himself, feeling the fatigue ebb away as the tip touches his chest and sighs, gritting his teeth for what's next.

Concentration: [roll0]

2011-08-06, 04:27 PM
The living goat-man comes up on one side of you as the undead one flanks you. The raised goat-man seems to take a long time to shuffle towards you and does not immediately strike at you with his longsword.

Ibixian 1 Attack
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-08-06, 04:40 PM
Gaspar reaches down and activates his anklet, teleporting him 10 ft closer to the Vizarch and stepping forward, reaching his glowing hand out and pressing it to the Vizarch's face.


2011-08-06, 04:47 PM
You place your hands upon the Vizarch and dark energy flows through your touch into him. His skin beneath the robe is hard and rigid, not like a human's at all. He looks shocked as you teleported towards him and made a direct attack against him on his throne....

The undead goat-man falls to the floor in a heap where shadows soon cover it. In moments the shadows retreat and there is no sign of either fallen foe, although Fidd remains propped against the pillar. The living goat backs into the shadows and you are soon unable to see him.

Such bravery... and smarts, finally. Your foes were clearly too much for you, and so you aim for their master. Good thinking, although it could have come earlier. If you wish, you may leave the city. I have all of the others anyway, and one more or less won't matter. Of course.. if you wish to reconsider my offer, you can remain with your cohorts.. under my command.

2011-08-06, 05:02 PM
Gaspar backs away panting, looking at the Vizarch incredulously for a moment before pointing the wand back at himself again, feeling more of the fatigue slip away before answering.

Knowledge (Religion): Vizarch [roll0]


"Under... your command. No magic, or tricks. I'll just be guarding shipments of Saemenellyk? I'll be free to do with the money what I choose or need, and you'll leave me be to continue my research."

2011-08-06, 05:38 PM
Know (Religion)
There are plenty of things he could be, but you have not enough evidence to narrow it down below a hundred options.

The Vizarch shifts on his seat and you get the impression he is smiling.
Of course. You will be free of any crushing mental control... and I would never wish to get in the way of a man bettering himself and his minions with.. research.

I will need your promise that you'll not go against my interests and inform the Highgates of any of this... If the wagonmaster is any indication, they'll take my monopoly on their services as less than acceptable. So, agree to that and we can be on with the arrangements.

The Vizarch reaches one hand out from his pile of clothing as though waiting for you to shake it, and with the other hand he firmly pulls the clothing tighter around him.

2011-08-06, 05:56 PM
Gaspar pauses a moment and then extends his hand, hesitantly gripping it.

"You have my word. I will not tell the Highgates of anything concerning your plans, or what transpired here."

Gaspar looks behind him to Fidd, going to check if he's alright.

Heal [roll0]

"...He's stabilized, but very weak. Is there anything we can do for him? I'm sure he'll be willing to cooperate as well, given the circumstances."

2011-08-06, 06:04 PM
You feel a surge of power as you grip the Vizarch's hand. You don't feel any invasive magic affecting you, but it seems this is a binding agreement you have made.

Your comment about Fidd draws a dry laugh from the Vizarch.
Ha ha ha. There is plenty we can do to him. You should not worry about him though... go back to your wagon. The shipment will be loaded, and your cohorts should be with you shortly. Remember our deal.. as I may contact you again in the future.

The doors fly open and the Vizarch gestures towards them.

2011-08-06, 06:09 PM
Gaspar begins to leave, giving Fidd a passing glance before leaving the room. Nothing can be done for him, no point in dwelling. He walks back to the Inn to see Auugh and Lothos waiting aside the wagon.

"Hey guys. Did you enjoy yourselves?"

2011-08-06, 06:26 PM
Augh burps loudly and there is a large black stain around his mouth. Lothos is very quiet, and a similar stain runs down his chain onto his clothes.
Yeah. It was pretty good stuff overall. You couldn' even taste the strawberries though. Lothos here can't hold his drink; he hasn't said a word, just been drownin' like a fish in that new ale. Ain't that right, Loth?

Augh claps Lothos loudly on the back. The elf wobbles and rights himself rigidly with little reaction. From the front of the wagon you hear the horses neigh and see that they are in position, ready to travel again. As you circle around, you see the wagonmaster on his perch, holding the horses reins. After a moment or two of positioning the horses he snaps the reins and drives them forward, onto the street. Augh looks surprised, but quickly climbs to his position and Lothos shuffles to his side.

Hey Gasp.. didn't you and Fidd both go to see the Vizarch? Don't tell me he's still hanging around somewhere drinking.

2011-08-06, 06:33 PM
Gaspar runs alongside and jumps into his normal perch before turning around and explaining.


"There was an attack at the Vizarch's keep. We managed to kill two of them and the other got away, and unfortunately, by the time I'd finished off the last one, Fidd had bled out. You didn't notice this and this?"

Gaspar points to the gash on his forearm and the blade scuffs on his armor.

2011-08-06, 06:36 PM
Augh looks surprised and slightly sad,
An attack on the Vizarch? Do you know why or who? Fidd was a good hand at defendin' himself normally... Where is his body? Ya didn' bring back his body so we can send it home to 'is family to bury?

2011-08-06, 06:38 PM
Gaspar pauses and then answers, feeling stupid, and feeling his cheeks burn warm.

"Honestly that hadn't even crossed my thoughts. I had assumed you'd all leave me where I dropped as well. We can probably return and get the body... As for who, all I know is that they were not human. They seemed to be half goat. And they both swung around a sword better than I am with a dagger."

2011-08-08, 03:43 PM
No.. I don't know what his contract was, but if we were needin' his body to bring him back the wagonmaster would have mentioned it. It's possible he wanted his share to go to his family. I've seen men go on dangerous missions and just try to die so they could get the bonus..

The wagon travels out of the city and follows the roads west. For the entire trip, a full month of travel, you hear not a word from either the wagonmaster or Lothos. Augh himself says a few things occasionally, but is overall quieter than he was previously. He talks a bit about his lives, and tells you stories of travelling the portals throughout the planes.

After a long, but uneventful, trip you arrive back at The Pit. The wagonmaster hands out pay to Augh and Lothos and silently brings the wagon into a side-building of the Highgate Association.

Augh addresses you as the wagon is being hauled away.
Well.. there's your first trip. Shorter than most, but creepy as things go. You'll have some time off before they offer you a new job.. assumin' you will in the future. I can put your name down for more work if ya want, but I'll tell ya it'll probably be a month or two before they dig somethin' up for ya. Apparently doing jobs back to back does things to the mind.. never bothered me.

2011-08-09, 08:53 AM
Gaspar shoulders his pack and looks up at Auugh.

"Well, I'd definitely enjoy going again, especially if it means more of your stories. You're excellent company. When is the next time a mission might come up? A month? Two?"

Gaspar pauses a moment and considers before continuing.

"Actually, Auugh. I'll likely be researching and delving tombs and ancient catacombs in about a week's time. The loot is good, and there's plenty of, ah, bodies to toss around. If you'd like, I'd be happy to have you along. Equal share of the loot and all that."

HP: [roll0]

2011-08-10, 02:44 PM
Augh looks thoughtful for a moment and absently rubs his sleeve against his messy chin, which still has the faintest hint of a black smear.
Hmm.. I've kind of got a special position in the guild as the person with the lowest down-time.. but I think I'll have at least a month to go off with you. Just tell me how soon you want to set off and I'll be in front of your house on that morning, just like I did on this trip. I'm not one for navigating, so you're going to have to guide us there yer'self.

2011-08-12, 01:40 PM
"That certainly works. I'll pay for guides as needed, and I'll be sure to contact you as soon as I find a promising lead. Although, how would I go about that? Contacting you that is"

2011-08-12, 02:21 PM
Hrmm... Augh ponders and absently scratches at the hair on his chest.
I guess just stop by the Highgate Association and leave a message for me. I am usually there, and would get it in a hurry.

With that, Augh reaches out to shake your hand and takes leave of you, wandering off into the city.

2011-08-12, 03:03 PM
Gaspar winces slightly under Auugh's grip and waves goodbye as he lumbers back to the Highgates before shutting the door and sitting down, opening his pack and examining the Luck Draught and the Scroll, considering what he'd be able to do with them.

Sell the Draught. And... hm. I never identified you, did I?

Gaspar rummages through his pack until he finds the bag of powder and sprinkles it carefully onto the scroll, waiting for the information to spring into his mind like the past few times.

2011-08-12, 03:25 PM
The powder functions as you remember it and knowledge of the scroll's function floods your mind. The scroll contains all but the last word of the Ghoul Glyph spell. The trigger word to complete the scroll is also imprinted into your mind.

A Necromantic spell of questionable morality, the Ghoul Glyph can be placed on any surface and triggers with either a command word, or when living beings pass near it. It paralyzes its subject and lets off a small alarming Ping noise audible to its placer, assuming the placer is within 1 mile and on the same plane of existence.

2011-08-12, 03:52 PM
Gaspar sighs and considers the scroll for a moment before rolling it up and tucking it back away in his pack.

Absolutely no way anyone would buy this. But it might come in handy in the future.

He stands up after thinking things through and considers the time, putting the pack in his bedroom and locking the door before leaving, heading for the apothecary shop.

2011-08-12, 04:46 PM
You travel down the streets and inquire here and there and eventually follow directions to the nearest apothecary. The shop seems usual in an undefinable way. There are numerous colored jars and vials sitting in racks on countless shelves. The store is set up in rows between tables overcrowded with scrolls, books, boxes, and other possibly magical items. At the back of the room there is a small counter tucked into a corner. A short man with a neatly cropped goatee and flat, short, brown hair stands behind the counter.

2011-08-12, 04:58 PM
Gaspar approaches the man and places the golden potion on the table, explaining the properties the powder explained to him and inquiring to the price the man would offer for the potion, and agreeing upon the offered price, not willing or in the mood in any way to haggle, leaving the shop a few moments later.

He heads home and settles into bed, intent on enjoying his first night in a bed in weeks.

2011-08-12, 05:01 PM
Gold Acquired:
Domain Draught:Luck - 1,200 gp

2011-08-12, 05:57 PM
Gaspar awakes a full 9 hours later, fully rested and ready for his research to begin. After a decent breakfast, he heads out, on his way to find directions to the nearest church.

Gaspar approaches the most relaxed man on the main road and inquires.

"Excuse me sir! I'm new to the town and hoping perhaps you could direct me to the nearest church? I'm a religious man and need to attone for the long time on the road I've been away from the proper surroundings of a chapel."

He puts on his best act as a man of the cloth, laughing in the back of his mind at how stupid they all are.

2011-08-12, 06:11 PM
The nearest person you find is a middle aged man with his hands unoccupied. He responds,
Uhh... that depends on what god you're under. You go into the wrong church to pray and you might have to atone twice as hard when you finally find the right one.

2011-08-12, 06:31 PM
"Oh! Of course how foolish of me. Sometimes I get ahead of myself in that manner. I'm a subject of Pelor"

2011-08-12, 07:24 PM

The man looks at you suspiciously and rubs his chin.
Yeah.. sure you are. A servant of Pelor.
Well, either way, the church is over that way.
He points you towards a tower you can just make out over the buildings.

I'd be careful though. They don't take kindly to falsehoods in Pelor's temples I hear.

The man shakes his head and walks away.

2011-08-12, 07:27 PM
Gaspar bows to the man and thanks him before leaving, heading quickly toward the building int he distance, and a distance from the church, as an afterthought, casts a veil of protection around him in case of wandering eyes.

Cast: Undetectable Allignment

2011-08-12, 08:44 PM
The building you head towards is most certainly a church, although it doesn't appear it was always so. An old two story house fit for a wealthy merchant or minor noble cousin, the building has been simply renovated. A steeple with a bell has been added with plain wooden materials and small carvings of Pelor's sun are apparent here and there, although none are overtly rich or lavish.

Nobody stops you as you enter, and the first room is moderate sized and square. Doors lead in each direction. Straight ahead is a large set of double doors that look ornate and sturdy. To the left and right are simple wooden doors. All three show scuffs and scratches, signs of constant traffic.

2011-08-12, 08:49 PM
Gaspar takes in the temple's atmosphere and heads toward what would logically be the library, nodding to any passerby along the way, moving in a steady pace matching any other person within the temple.

Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]

Research any mentions of catacombs, necromancy, dark gods, tombs, necromantic cults, etc.

2011-08-12, 09:00 PM
You push through the left door, as the front door looks like it heads to the chapel's alter. As the door closes behind you, a voice comes from an individual exiting the right door you chose to ignore,
Well.. I get the ingredients I can. I'm sure you'll make dinner as wonderful as ever. It's too hot in the kitchen, I'm returning to my post.

You quickly make your way through the halls, stumbling past living quarters, prayer rooms, and areas under renovation. You finally find the moderately stocked church library. As you begin to walk towards the shelves to examine books, you hear a light cough behind you. A tall thin man with a long hooked nose reminiscent of a tropical bird looks at you from behind spectacles.
How may I help you?

2011-08-12, 09:09 PM
Gaspar jumps in surprise and turns around, a smile on his face as he turns around.

"Hello! I'm sorry for intruding but, well. I'm a bit of a scholar and I know that temples are the place to go for knowledge, so I came here in the interest of knowledge. I'm new to the area, just moved here recently, and I suppose it WAS rather rude of me to just barge in."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

To not smite me.

2011-08-12, 09:21 PM
The robed fellow smiles slightly, which has more of a predatory look than any affection to it, and says,
That doesn't really answer my question. You talk as though you have a guilty mind. I am the lorekeeper for this small sanctuary. Pelor's light illuminates the dark corners of the mind and fills us with wise learning.So I ask again, how can I help you?

He's rather long-winded and you take this time to look about the room. There is a circular table of carved dark-brown wood with a small table-cloth spread over it, but you can't make out the knitted pattern repeated across it. On the table is a musty stack of books, one in particular of immense volume has the spine pointed away from you. The lorekeeper himself has a writing desk with a few volumes on it. There is a handmade leather-bound folder wrapped about tightly with aged yellow parchment and a single red pen stands vertically in an ink-basin. Around the walls are orderly rows of books free of dust or cobwebs, although most have no names on the spines. In the corner farthest from the man's desk there is a three level shelf where the top shelf has collapsed and leans onto the second. The bottom-most layer of this shelf is the only one with books still on it.

2011-08-12, 09:26 PM
Gaspar straightens up and answers plainly.

"I'm only looking to read on things for a time. Preferably the lands surrounding the city and the countryside."

2011-08-13, 12:43 PM
The lorekeeper directs you to the table and rather forcibly makes you sit. He then glides over towards his desk and comes back with a curled up map.
If you want to know about the surrounding lands, this is the best way. We copy the maps ourselves, and so have spares.. but do try to not damage this one. It is a slow and tedius process.

He carefully moves some books aside and hands the map to you to unfurl.

2011-08-13, 12:49 PM
Gaspar looks over the map and turns back to the librarian.

"Most of the areas around here appear to be ruined or destroyed. Have they all been explored?"

2011-08-13, 01:24 PM
The lorekeeper watches over your shoulder as your gaze goes to each location.
Well... both yes and no? I thought you were a scholar, but questions like that come from the adventuring sort.

He drifts towards one of the shelves and places a finger across the tops of certain books as he talks
Most of the towns that were abandoned or destroyed during the empire's mysterious collapse have seen some sort of reclamation from time to time. Unfortunately, most of them have received bad names for themselves since so many accidents happen... the forest you'll note there to the northwest, with the lumber camp? The woodcutters won't venture further than the treeline, claiming it's haunted with the remnants of the Empire's last army whom supposedly were slain beneath the trees.

The various ruins have known a number of successful and unsuccessful ventures, and it's a near certainty that rather unpleasant things have infested them. The Empire was known for extensive plumbing and sewer systems which created countless caves and tunnels for the horrors of the dark to flourish in...

and of course, there are the orcs to the north, by that red symbol up there... they generally keep things chaotic and dangerous up north..

2011-08-13, 01:59 PM
Gaspar takes in all that information and sighs, realizing that getting to the bottom of anything in this library will be extremely time consuming.

"I am a scholar. And an adventurer. I work with the Highgate Traders and intended to do a little research or delving between assignments. Are there details about any of the caverns in the nearby vicinity of here? Perhaps in reports you've received?"

2011-08-13, 02:20 PM
The lorekeeper quirks an eyebrow at you as he says,
The most famous caverns in the vicinity are the chaotic portals of The Pit, and the Highgates themselves have done the most extensive mapping of those.

Since you wouldn't ask things you already knew, I assume you mean the more outlying systems? Sadly, I have no recent documents written by spelunkers. If you pick a specific feature of the local terrain I could tell you it's origin, any lore about it, and if there are any reports about it that don't date back to antiquity.. but you must narrow your request further than "Anything about all the holes in the ground".

The lorekeeper's smile shows lightly more tooth than required, and you get the impression that one of his greatest joys is chiding unspecific adepts.

2011-08-13, 02:30 PM
Gaspar grimaces as he's berated by this man and then focuses on the task at hand, pointing to a small cairn drawn on the map.

"How about this? What's here"

2011-08-13, 02:57 PM
The lorekeeper peers over to where you are pointing
Ah. That would be the Creshian Seal. The original history is rather obfuscated. We know that it was there before even the fallen Empire was formed, and that it was a protected or holy site for humans who worshipped some unknown power. The emperor was also interred there.

You see, while his army was being slaughtered in the Grieving Forest, he sustained a fatal wound. His honor guard attempted to bring him back to the capital with all speed, but it's said that the moment they passed by the Seal, he breathed his last. This was taken as a sign, and he was buried in an unearthed complex there, and it is said that "sleepless guardians protect the Emperor, until the kingdom is ready again." There is no mention of what they'd be ready for.

2011-08-13, 03:03 PM
Gaspar nods, understanding as he points to two other places on the map. One a tree just to the east of the Cairn, and the other what appears to be a burrow to the west of the red star.

"What about these?"

2011-08-13, 03:18 PM
The lorekeeper clicks his tongue in obvious pleasure, as though instructing you on the obvious,
Well of course, The Faded Hill is the purported lair of the current Orc raiders. Or at the very least, their current leader is always said to reside there. There were a number of "final scourging" expeditions in the distant past to rid the continent of the Orcs, but the last was some seventy years ago. The raiders still have quite the firm hold on the surrounding lands and the mountains themselves.

As for the tree... there should in fact be a small copse there, but nobody ever seems to remember that. A great wizard of the past, sometimes said to be one of the Creshians or the Emperor's advisor or some recent mysterious archmage... it's all quite unclear really, is said to have communed with the supernatural and gained great power. All the stories mention a large wilting tree at the site where the figures communed. Perhaps a desperate dryad, a thinning of the cosmic walls, or something more sinister? Who can say.

2011-08-13, 03:38 PM
Gaspar thinks on this for a moment. A wilted tree of great power? AND the gravesite of the emperor... that is promising. But one last thing was bothering him.

"I recall you mentioning there are holes in the earth all over the place around here, but I see no markings to indicate caverns, ruins, or tombs. Are there actually none noteworthy enough? Or simply too numerous to bother?"

2011-08-13, 04:30 PM
Rather too numerous.. the fractures in the land from the original creation of the great rift shook the land and caused it to be riddled with more caverns than the natural landscape would have normally. I imagine they'd be boring caverns, perhaps a few naturally developing aquifers? If they connect to the rift or The Pit itself.. well there might be some more dangerous inhabitants.

2011-08-13, 04:36 PM
Is there a organization in the city that I could contact regarding unexplored or known dangerous caverns? And about requesting a guide to the caves in question?"

2011-08-13, 04:43 PM
The lorekeeper looks thoughtful for a moment and absentmindedly runs his hands over the books.
I wouldn't know any direct contacts, but I do deal quite often with cartographers. They have mentioned in the past that there is some exploration done by private parties. I believe they mentioned a tavern.. The Eased Night, on the west end of town. You could at least start your inquiries there.

2011-08-13, 04:48 PM
Gaspar gets up and reaches his hand out for a shake as he thanks the man.

"I must thank you for the information you've given me today. Hopefully I'll be able to put it to good use."

With that, Gaspar leaves out onto the street and heads toward the west side of town, inquiring along the way for more specific directions to the tavern.

2011-08-13, 05:02 PM
The tavern seems infamous, although for no direct reason that anybody you ask lets on. You easily get directions and find a two-story building propped against the collapsing outer wall of the city. From the placing of the windows on the upper floor the rooms are cramped and you doubt Augh would sleep comfortably without rolling onto his side. There are simple curtains of hide or felt on the lower windows and a fine, black, wooden door with a simple metal latch is the only visible entrance.

To the left there is a narrow dark alley, with the adjacent building on that side appearing to be abandoned and half collapsed. To the right, the tavern butts against a tinkerer's shop of some sort, although the sign above the door is in a language you can't read.

2011-08-13, 06:08 PM
Gaspar prepares himself for whatever might be inside and opens the door, looking around cautiously for any indication of where he could go from here, in looking for what he wants.

2011-08-13, 06:18 PM
As you open the door a wave of thick smoke wafts out of the room. A narcotic scent fills the interior and it is impossible to see to the far wall. Otherwise, the inside of The Eased Night looks like many other taverns you've seen. Dark, grimy, and full of people talking quietly at their own tables. In one corner is a small raised stage where a minstrel is perched on a stool, plucking out a light word-less melody over the chatter. The innkeeper is behind a crowded, but immaculately clean, bar to your left.

2011-08-13, 06:27 PM
Gaspar walks steadily over to the innkeeper and bids him hello.

Afternoon! Name's Gaspar. I'm interested in acquiring information and possibly a guide to local unexplored or dangerous caves. A scholar of Pelor told me I may find luck here."