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2011-07-14, 07:34 AM
The room you're in is made of white stone, same as the rest of the building. It's a large rectangle with high ceilings & two large windows on the right hand wall allowing sunlight in (with the same thick iron shutters attached that have become commonplace throughout Thetra since the war began).

On the left hand wall there is the Thetran flag, the royal coat of arms & a large military banner. There double doors behind you that you entered through are oak reinforced with iron. You are sat in a line on individual chairs in front of a highly varnished desk.

From a single door at the other end enters a Half-Elf woman wearing the green cap of the intelligence division, a leafweave skirt rather than the usual grey trousers and a Captain's insignia. She greets you by returning your salutes before taking a seat at the desk.

"Good afternoon, my name is Othelia Starborn, I shall be briefing & de-briefing you for this mission. You have been hand selected because of your success during your service. I appreciate that it may be out of some of your comfort zones, but these are official orders that I have no doubt you will enact to the best of your ability.

We have received reports that an Eldreni detachment has made it over the border. They are preying on caravans but they're proving difficult to track & resources are far too thinly stretched to defend every single civilian transport.

You will be joining a merchant's caravan travelling from Thetrania to the town of Lars approximately 18 miles from the border. It's a long trail with various stops and Mr. Renain deals in luxury food items so you should be an obvious target.

Ideally they will engage you in an attempt at theft, but if not the onus is on you all to locate them. Once located the Eldreni forces as well as any Thetran assistance they may have are to be eliminated by any means necessary & at any cost.

She pauses for a moment here to allow this to set in.

Obviously you will be out of communication for the duration of this mission, an overt military presence might dissuade the Eldrenis from making a move. Therefore to facilitate this mission you will each undergo the Military Infusion procedure. As well as it's primary benefits to yourselves this will allow the White-Eyes to keep track of you more easily.

Finally, this mission is classified. The Eldreni force is being carefully downplayed as nothing but a rumour so as not to impact morale. You will be taking on the identities of traders in Mr. Renain's service, though we feel it will be fine for you continue to use your real names. Are their any questions?

Fun Fact:
Merchants such as Mr. Renain & his employees are technically contracted to military service just like the rest of the Thetran population, but rather than the military have to bother with stuff such as commerce they generally surrender a portion of their income to the crown in lieu of active service (12% in his case).

Fun Fact:
The White-Eyes is an informal name for the Divination section of the Arcana division of the military. They focus on tracking military movements & assisting the Intelligence division.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-14, 08:54 AM

Quinn shakes her head, her shoulder-length, black hair bouncing slightly. "I can't say I have any questions, unless you've got anything you think might help us recognize the detachment. In case we have to go looking for them, you know?" Quinn is almost wearing the basic military uniform, with a cap just a bit darker than Othelia's and a cloak of jet black. It's also fitted to be a bit looser than normal; the way it sits on her, it almost reminds one of what a circus performer would wear. She's craning her head back to be able to look Othelia in the eyes, since her head comes up to just above her waist. Her eyes keep flitting about the room, however, and she's toying absently with a dagger she keeps at her side, making it fairly obvious that she finds this briefing less than entertaining.

2011-07-14, 08:58 AM

This dwarf stands at 4'8" but seems approximately that wide as well and heavily muscled with it. His flinty dark grey eyes stare around the room missing nothing and sizing up the other soldiers assembled in the room as a scarred and burned hand idly fiddles with a strand of the long grey/black beard.
He is in what can be described as the remnants of a standard uniform. The grey shirt and trousers bear the unmistakable marks of the battlefield, crudely stitched gashes, worn strap marks where armour has been worn for days on end, faded bloodstains and old burn marks. The sleeves of the shirt having long been lost revealing powerfully muscular arms that bear strange looking dwarven runes tattooed in a red/brassy ink from wrist to shoulder along with small burn marks and many scars. The ripped and battle damage uniform stands in sharp relief to the grey peaked cap stretched across the thick black & grey streaked hair that displays the crossed Red wands of the Auxiliary Mage Cadre- a rear echelon non-combat posting if ever there was one.
The large and dented cold iron waraxe hanging from his belt and occasionally clanking on the tiles is also a giveaway that the dwarf wasn't always a REMF*. Looking past the battered uniform there is a well made scrollbelt with a variety of scrolls tucked into it, a small mysterious looking pouch and a battered potion belt with 2 standard CLW potions. The boots are anything but standard issue, being much more practical heavy metal plated dwarven armoured boots. His cloak is tied on top of a well used pack that lies in the corner, a corner of a breastplate poking out, a crossbow and shield dumped beside it.

Kraggi stands to a rough attention as the Captain enters the room before standing slightly at ease as she describes the mission. His stony eyes momentarily darkening at the sound of the "military infusion" and being tracked by the White-Eyes.
"Captain Starborn, do we have any indications of the size of the Eldreni detachment or the type of troops that compose it?
Also will Master Renain be aware of our true nature in his carvan train?

*rear echelon mother f***er

2011-07-14, 09:07 AM
"Unfortunately not much. They're not big on survivors and those that do haven't been especially useful. We only know they're Eldreni because we claimed the corpse of one of them and he had one of their ridiculous military brands on his arm, and accounts from multiple incidents show that the others bore a similar mark.

She then turns to Kraggi.

We estimate there to be about a dozen of them. They're all very well trained in combat, but anything beyond that is speculation. The White-Eyes can't find them so we believe they have some sort of magical support & are working to the assumption that who or whatever that is is with them rather than being telegraphed.

Mr. Renain has been informed that you will be on an assignment and is under orders to not impede that assignment, but he does not know any details beyond the fact that it is a covert operation. On a more informal note however, he is not happy about being selected seemingly at random and I can imagine he will make you actually earn your keep whilst you are with him."

Fun Fact:
Eldreni soldiers all bear a tattoo on their arm. It is a line drawing of the Eldren military coat of arms; a longbow & an axe crossed over an arcane rune, and their ID number.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-14, 09:41 AM

"Hold on, now," Quinn interjects, her interest suddenly peaked. "Did I hear that right; we're expected to do this outnumbered two to one?" She laughs lightly and shakes her head in disbelief. "We must be really trusted, then."

2011-07-14, 09:46 AM
"As I said this mission has to remain classified, we feel any more than you five would be too obvious. You have all proven yourselves to be effective soldiers, I have faith in your ability to complete this mission despite the difficulties."

2011-07-14, 09:50 AM

Kraggi turns to Quinn smiling slightly "Two-to-One will be just fine lass. I'll happily take on anything to get me back into the action." He nods at the Captain's answer before coughing slightly and grinning a sly smile "Not to sound like, well, a dwarf captain... But if Mr Renain expects us to earn our keep, well, will he be paying us?. As he asks he gives the short halfling women a sly wink.

2011-07-14, 09:58 AM
"He won't be paying you out of his own coffers, so you won't be getting anything extra unless he feels inclined to change the arrangement. However since you will be unable to utilise your real identification papers during the assignment he will taking over responsibility for paying your military salary & then reclaiming it from the treasury himself."

2011-07-14, 12:19 PM

Lars sounds familiar to me from my time wandering the southern areas. but from all i can recall it was mostly farm villages, and rural areas that far south. what would their forces be doing sneaking into such a region? mentions a man in line with the others. he appears to be around 5'9" with fair complexion, blue eyes, and honey brown hair which seems to wave in a breeze that is confined to his head. a slight aroma of a medow fills the air around him carried by this invisible breeze. He stands as tall as his shorter stature will allow him to, he seems to have shunned the normal grey shirt of the uniform for a more brazen crisp white shirt, with various blue diagonal stripes running across it. however his sleeves are rolled up in a less military fashion revealing a pair of odd bracers just reaching a pair of gloves adorned with images of shooting stars. he has kept the dark grey cloak, though in the front corner there is sown a patch with the symbol of pelor having the traditional healers symbol,a staff with entwining serpents, superimposed over the top of the holy symbol.
underneath the cloak yet over the shirt you can see a small pouch slung off of his hip, well worn from constant opening and closing. he wears a pair of trousers tucked into the standard black boots, and wears more of a beret, style hat then the traditional cap, nonetheless though it is still marked with the color of the medical corp.

continuing on with his previous statement I mean, having been down their there were few towns which I really wanted to stay in or near myself. the folks down their are fairly distrusting.. the final portion of his statement said with a grin on his face.

2011-07-14, 12:32 PM
"As I said, the caravan is heading for Lars. We're not entirely sure where between here & there the Eldrenis are. The attacks have been spread pretty widely through the lower midlands."

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-14, 12:50 PM

Quinn gives Kraggi a confused look, not at all understanding what he's trying to imply by winking at her, before turning her attention back to the conversation. "How wide?" Quinn asks, leaning back in her chair. "How far can we expect to have to travel in search of them if they don't attack us?"

2011-07-14, 01:01 PM
"I meant widely in the sense that they do not seem to be operating from a single base. All of the attacks however have been on the same roads you will be using."

Bad wording on my part :smallredface:

2011-07-14, 01:05 PM

well that's good to know that we shall likley run into them, and when we do don't worry about the odds. Il make sure were all standing at the end. When do we leave, and what sort of transpot do we have to the staging, or meeting area?

2011-07-14, 04:33 PM

Hopefully it's not a horse, I don't do horses. He swivels around casting a casual eye over the peaked hats of the others to see if any have any magical talents or postings.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-14, 05:16 PM

"Guys, the caravan leaves from this city. We're probably just going to be walking there." Quinn again begins playing with a dagger. "One last question; you say an overt military presence would dissuade them from attacking, so will we be in civilian clothes?"

2011-07-14, 05:36 PM
"You'll forgo your headgear since you're posing as non-active servicemen, but most of Mr. Renain's staff wear uniform anyway. Customised against regulations I must admit, but at least you should fit right in."

2011-07-14, 05:46 PM

Gauthak looked up,"Good, I don't do civilian clothing. This was the largest uniform I could get and look at it."He looked down at his uniform. The shirt and breeches were tattered and torn. He hadn't personalized since he got it so it was, for the most part, standard issue. He had decided not to attempt to even were the cap, do to the fact that his head was too big,"Why do we even have to were these uniforms. They are just such a pain to get on and off. I understand completely what I have to do. I'm just not sure how some of us are going to blend in." With that, he went back to silence, with his huge arms crossed.

2011-07-14, 05:52 PM
"Corporal I assure you, you may not have seen them but you are not the only Goliath in the service, and that notwithstanding you are far from the most...distinctive serviceman we have. Aside from the usual unfortunate racist attitudes you should be fine, and I'll requisition a replacement uniform if you wish."

2011-07-14, 06:01 PM

"Thank you Captain, I suppose a larger uniform would be preferable. He then looked up at the Half-Elf."When do we leave?"

2011-07-14, 07:12 PM

A human woman with braided black hair listens thoughtfully to Captain Starborn's briefing. She clearly comes from one of the warmer southern regions of the country, as her skin is a couple of shades darker than that of most people who live around here, almost as if she had a permanent suntan. Her uniform is mostly standard, except for two details: the scabbard for her sword has designs etched into it that look like swirls of wind, and the regimental emblem on her left shoulder has a strip of black cloth pinned across it. The hilt of her sword, where it protrudes from the scabbard, looks exceptionally well-made, and a small garnet-colored gem is set into it. "I'm not as worried about the number of the Eldeni soldiers as about their skills. Do we know of any particular talents or special abilities this detachment has?"

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-14, 07:26 PM

Quinn smirks lightly when Antana speaks. "Took you a while to think of that question, didn't you," she says quietly, in a jesting manner.

2011-07-14, 08:42 PM

well all ive got to say is, considering how our mission is likley to land us in combat at some point, and of course since im clearly the largest most intimidating person here, smiling as he looks over at the hulking goliath before continuing, i think il use some of my last money to buy a nice little set of armor for this journey. do you mind if we stop by either the armory or a leatherworkers on the way to meet the caravan Ma'am fingering and rubbing his shirt lightly, imagining a blade or other instrument of war slashing across his un-protected torso.
I felt like i had been on the edge of understanding a new protection spell for myself, but i realized i had it completely backwards and will have to spend more time on that later.

2011-07-14, 09:00 PM

"Largest and most intimidating? Who are you fooling? I am of course the largest and most intimidating of us.," Gauthak said obviously not noticing the sarcasm. "We should leave as soon as possible, these selfish men must parish before they claim more victims."By now his voice had changed from hushed to a mild rumble. He shifted in his chair as he turned back to the Half-Elf. "May we get on with this "Military Infusion" now maam?"

2011-07-15, 12:33 AM

The dwarf looks across at Victor his new squadmate. I may be able to help you out with protection for emergencies. I have some small skill with scrolls arcane and divine. With a grimace he point to the Auxiliary Mage Cadre badge on his hat.

Now Captain, can we get this Infusion over with?

2011-07-15, 04:16 AM
"Beyond the fact that they're brutally effective, no. We're pretty much flying blind here."

She almost says something to Gauthak, but thinks better of it.

"There's a military armoury across the street, you'll be able to go there before leaving. Very well, if that's all then if you'll follow me please."

With that she re-binds her papers into their folder, stands and leads you back out the double doors you came through. The personnel you see in the corridors mostly wear the green Intelligence & red Arcana caps, though you do see a Human man wearing a badge-less pure white cap that none of you can recall seeing before.

After a few minutes you reach another set of large double doors. Inside there are half a dozen medical tables set up (Gauthak, Quinn & Kraggi can immediately tell which one has been set up for them) with a large crystal above them and a tray with two vials of liquid beside them. The staff appear to be 3 nurses; two Human & one Halfling, as well as a Transmutation section arcanist, a healer bearing Pelor's symbol and a young woman with orange hair who isn't wearing a uniform at all.

"If you would each take a seat on one of the tables; I assume you can select the appropriate one, imbibe the first vial & then lay down please."

It's the Transmuter who speaks next.

"Don't be nervous, the Infusion feels a bit weird but it shouldn't cause you any pain. The first vial is a dose of Darian Root brew, it transfigures you ever so slightly so that your body will react to the magical energies. The second is just your standard CLW potion, the process shouldn't injure you but we find that taking one right afterwards helps to settle your stomach and make the recovery go more smoothly."

2011-07-15, 04:41 AM

Kraggi looks with wry amusement at the variously sized beds before climbing into the square one. I hope this tastes better than it looks?.

As he picks up the vial he downs in it one swoop before settling down on the bed, looking around with interest at the crystal apparatus and other such things trying to work out what's about to happen.

Making spellcraft and/or Know(Arcana) as appropriate to try and glean some information on how this thing works.
Know (Arcana) [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2011-07-15, 04:52 AM
Kraggi doesn't recognise the apparatus. He can pretty much assume it's probably going to "shoot" them with magical energy of some kind, but to be honest you could probably have figured that out without ever seeing it.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-15, 09:38 AM

Quinn finds her table and lays down without much protest. She's never been the subject of an operation of any sort, the closest thing being the time she needed to have her nose set, but there's not really anything that being worried about it can do. She downs the vial quickly, expecting it to taste horrible, but is distracted from even noticing the taste by the almost immediate lurching in her stomach. "Yeesh, pretty strong stuff, this..."

2011-07-15, 11:39 AM

as he enters the room he nods to the other healer wearing a pelor symbol before continuing to a table and sitting down for a moment. he remembered hearing about a process like this during his schooling, but for the life of him he couldn't remember anything about it. picking up the first potion in his left hand and the second potion in his right hand. looking at the others he cracks a grin and says double fisting time guys, bottoms up. with that downing the first vial followed quickly by the second. before laying down and bracing for the liquid to hit him.

2011-07-15, 12:08 PM

As the Goliath entered the room, he quickly realizes which table is his. As he walks over to it he takes his potions. He lays down and chugs them down with-in a seconds of each other, then leans his head back and relaxes on the table.

2011-07-15, 12:22 PM
As Victor is about to take the second vial one of the Human nurses places his hand firmly on his.

"That one would be for afterwards sir. To counteract any nausea or the like you might experience, you see."

He'll then step back as the woman not in uniform moves out to the open space in front of the tables.

"Hello all, my name is Sarathetikiana, you can refer to me as Sara though if you wish. Captain, if you're ready?"

The Transmuter nods that he is. The woman closes her eyes, inhales deeply & as she exhales she begins to emit a prismatic glow. Huge rainbow wings appear from her back and he body starts to stretch and twist. He face elongates and razor-like teeth appear as her body (now easily 15ft long) melds together and becomes covered in green scales. Once she opens her eyes again her snake-like body is easily 25ft long, coiled slightly to fit into the room.

Once complete the healer walks forward & plucks 6 scales from the creature's underside, tapping each area with a wand afterwards. Once complete the creature returns to human form, except her hair is now beep blue and shoulder length.

The Healer tells you to all lie down (including Othelia, who is on the 6th table) and she lays one of the glinting scales on each of your foreheads. Stepping away the mage raises his staff and incants in Old Thetran for a minute before the crystals begin to hum and glow pale purple.

The light becomes ever brighter until you have to shut your eyes and the scale on your head begins to feel very cold, like ice. Suddenly you feel the magic taking effect; it feels like lighting in your veins and the sensation of 'energy' rushing down your skeleton (as promised it's not painful, but it is certainly unusual). This lasts for nearly a full minute before subsiding, and the light returning to normal.

When you open your eyes it takes a moment to adjust, and you feel a bit dizzy, but other than that not particularly different. Taking the scale off your head you see it is now pure white with a symbol seemingly drawn on it in hair-thin lines of black.

Sara takes the scales from you & interprets the symbols to tell you the particular flavour of magic that you are now in possession of.

"You can have it back if you like as a keepsake, but they have no further power or use beyond that now."

After taking her second vial to counteract the dizziness Othelia stands & reclaims her scale, pocketing it before tuning back to you.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it. The White-Eyes are going to do a calibration to make sure they can track your magical signature, but unless there's an issue with that I recommend you go and meet with Mr. Renain, he plans to leave at dawn tomorrow. Your replacement uniform will be waiting for you at the armoury so you can go with Sgt. Healcrest while he obtains his armour. I think that's everything, dismissed."

She returns your salutes & offers one of her own to the mage before leaving through the doors you entered by.

I'm pushing on since I assume you'd all say essentially the same thing anyway.

DC10 Know (Nature or Local):
You recognise the creature Sara became as a Couatl.

Fun Fact: Old Thetran is the traditional language of the region. The common tongue is used by almost everyone for everything these days because a dialect is used in almost every region in the World, but some people still prefer to use the old regional tongues for ceremonial/particularly stuff (or just to be a bit smug about the fact that they can speak them).

2011-07-15, 12:50 PM

"Well, that was certainly... different than anything I've ever done. But its over now so, who wants to get this mission over with?" He said as he stood back up slowly as if he wanted the nurses permission.

2011-07-15, 12:55 PM
well that wasn't too ba... his stomach suddenly heaving after it had held itself down for long enough. Quickly grabing at his own stomach he channels a quick burst of his own healing magic into himself, forgeting their was a potion right next to him he could have swallowed. Once it settles down he finishes bad see. Were all in one piece. taking the scale that had been his he tucked it away after having memorized the pattern that appered on it.

Standing he begins to move towords the door. well im off to the armory, any wish to come along for a nice chat? Also shall we meet back at the baracks tonight, or is anyone feeling like grabing a drink before we head off tommorow?

2011-07-15, 01:16 PM

I guess I'll go with you. It seems you and I got off to a bad start.As he stands, he feels something come up his throat, he quickly grabs the potion and chugs it. Then he follows victor out the door. First checking to see if it is alright to leave the room.

2011-07-15, 01:45 PM

Turning to face the big man he half opens his mouth, then quickly changes his mind on explaining the sarcasm.
well I guess we'll just have to fix that, drinks on me tonight!
clapping the big man on the shoulder, we shall crack this hard exterior by the end of the night, if I have my way

2011-07-15, 01:52 PM

"Free Drinks? Ah Yeaah. I guess we will see who is the most intimidating." He chuckles as he sees the human barely able to reach his shoulder. "Tonight we drink, and then tomorrow we get down to business." Then he walked out of the room not even worried if he is allowed or not. He really loves to drink.

2011-07-15, 02:11 PM

Kraggi lurches upwards, as shocked by the snake lady as by the strange sensations. The bile burning in his throat he quickly chokes back the healing potion. As the cool minty fresh flavour cleanses his throat he mutters under his breath "I brew a better one".

Slipping the scale into his pouch he catches the words of the others. Beer you say? What dwarf could say no!"

2011-07-15, 02:19 PM

"Ah, dwarves. They always think that they can drink alcohol. You haven't seen drinking until you've seen how a goliath does it."Gauthak said with a smirk as he turned back towards Kraggi. "Let us drink like there is no tomorrow."

2011-07-15, 06:35 PM

Antana drinks the first potion and lays down on the table. "What the--" she exclaims as the orange-haired woman's appearance changes. She's so shocked that she starts to sit up, but then remembers that she's in the middle of a delicate magical procedure, and quickly lays back down again. When it's all over, she sits up more slowly. A strange expression passes over her face as her stomach lurches, and she quickly downs the CLW potion. She examines her scale briefly, then tucks it into a pocket of her uniform.

Standing he begins to move towords the door. well im off to the armory, any wish to come along for a nice chat? Also shall we meet back at the baracks tonight, or is anyone feeling like grabing a drink before we head off tommorow?

"Sure, I'll come along." Once outside, Antana lowers her voice slightly and asks, "By the way, do any of you know what that woman was?"

2011-07-15, 07:29 PM

"No clue. And I have heard of the ferocity of human women drinking alcohol. Careful Kraggi, this girl may give you a run for your money." Gauthak snickered as they walked down the hallway.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-15, 08:37 PM

Quinn is left slightly stunned by the energy of the operation, the tingling being odd, but not exactly unpleasant. When she focuses again, her comrades are already walking away, talking about grabbing some drinks. She grabs her potions and chugs it as she jogs to catch up with them. "Hey now, don't forget about me! I'm up for a drink or two!"

2011-07-15, 08:50 PM

Victor safter stoping by the armory and picking up a set of armor, he leads the group to a local tavern and directs them to grab a booth/tabel before asking what your drinks of choice for the night?

2011-07-15, 09:08 PM

Gauthak pats victor on the back,"My friend, I'll take their strongest ale and show you how a real man drinks. Back in my tribe," the Goliath twitched, hesitated, and went on,"I was the best drinker, I stayed up longer than anyone else."

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-15, 09:27 PM

"Come on now," Quinn says disapprovingly, "I don't like to be the wet blanket, but we've got a mission tomorrow. Do you really think getting completely wasted is a good idea?"

2011-07-15, 09:34 PM

don't worry about it, im a very talented healer, a simple hangover is one of the first things we learn to take care of. Shall I just get you a glass of wine? victor suggests to the 'distenter'
I really just wanted a chance to have a chat about what we just gained the ability to do, and what we can handle in general. I feel its important to have an understanding of what we can do.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-15, 09:58 PM

Quinn scoffs at Victor's suggestion. "Wine? No thank you. I'd like a mug of the good stuff. Though a chat about what our talents our would indeed be a good idea, I must admit." Quinn pulls out two of her daggers and starts juggling them. "I'm really handy with a dagger or two, got a knack for hitting the tender bits. Pretty good at hiding and sneaking, too. Guess that's why they made me a scout in Intelligence, huh?" Quinn laughs lightly to herself before catching both of her daggers and sheathing one again. She keeps the other out and fiddles with it. "How 'bout the rest of you? Or are you waiting for the alcohol to come before you talk?"

Quinn has a +12 sleight of hand (which can be substituted for a perform: juggling check) giving her a solid 22 if she takes 10, so she should be able to do a small bit of juggling like that without a problem.

Also, I think we shouldn't waste any time explaining our abilities. Every post counts in a PbP, I've found.

2011-07-15, 10:21 PM

Gauthak mumbles in his native tongue under his breathe then looks up and speaks in common again, "I have a nice shield I use to bash peoples brains into the wall. I can knock down a door if need be and I make a wonderful beef stew." He says with sarcasm, strangely enough, "I usually make people's days get real ugly real quick. I can drink until you pass out and longer, I am a good climber,small people such as yourself make me feel nervous, and before I was in the military, I lived in a tribe of catfolk." He said then he began to look saddened, after a few seconds he went back to normal,"Who wants to go next?"

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-15, 10:42 PM

Quinn narrows her eyes at the goliath's comment; somebody who'd have to put up with racism himself wouldn't turn around and be prejudiced against her, would he? "Shouldn't have told me I make you nervous; I can have plenty of fun with that knowledge," she smirks, trying to dissuade her own fears.

2011-07-15, 10:50 PM

Gauthak twitched at the thought of the halfling using his nerves against him, then recomposed himself, "I'm sure though you make me nervous, I make you twice as nervous. Remember that If you get on my nerves, I can make you feel like the entire world is weighing you down. Do you really want to mess with me?" He finished and settled back down into his seat, satisfied that he probably put the fear of the Goliath in the small woman. "I can try to treat you as I would anyone else. I put up with people's comments about me and I will try my very best from becoming those people. I am sorry but I am used to larger people"

2011-07-15, 11:09 PM

Antana turns to Gauthak with interest. "A tribe of catfolk, you say? That sounds like there could be an interesting story behind it. As for myself, I'm a warrior, but I use the strength of my soul to supplement the power of my blade."

2011-07-15, 11:16 PM

"Funny, one of my best friends from the tribe once told be the same thing," again the hulking man looked sad, after regaining himself mostly he said,"She saved my life but she is back in her sector so I can't do anything about it." He put his head down and thought to himself for a few moments. He seemed to remember a time before the military, a time when he was at peace with himself. The draft had taken it away from him and he was obviously very sensitive about the subject.

2011-07-15, 11:43 PM
alright drafts all around ehh? Il be right back
Standing from the group he walks to a bartender and one the man has come to him for an order he say quietly the man
4 of your cheepest beers, and a water please, once the drinks are in front of him victor will use prestidigitation power of his spellsurge to change the taste of the drinks to the greatest ale he's ever had and makes his water the flavor of a good vodka, or it replacement returning to the table he hands the drinks out and takes his clear drink in hand and raises it to the rest
too an upcoming successful mission. May we all make it back in one piece if I have my way.

2011-07-16, 12:55 AM

Kraggi hoists the tankard with the others muttering hmm, yup, good mission, before the taste of the beer surprises him as he gives Victor a surprised look Where did ye be finding Stone-Ale this far from the mountains?

He looks at the others, as for my skills, well I can handle an Axe as well as most dwarves but mostly I dabble in magic and runes. So if you need a sword that is sharper or armour that is harder I'm yer dwarf.
I can also write a canny few scrolls or brew decent potions. The last beind directed towards Victor who seems to be the only other soldier with magical training.

2011-07-16, 04:50 AM
((I'll skip ahead again since you've all posted to save time, you can post the rest of any convo's if you like))

You drink until half an hour before dawn. The Sarge invokes a prayer to Pelor and your fatigue & and lingering risk of a hangover fades, leaving you refreshed and ready to go.

After Gauthak changes into his new, bigger uniform you go and meet the caravan. As it turns out Mr. Renain is a Halfling; black skin & hair contrast with pale grey eyes. He is wearing the same uniform as you sans the basic cloak which has been replaced by one that appears to be made of some animal's hide with a feather collar. He does not look pleased to see you, the scowl he greets you with could curdle milk.

"Take those damn hats off for Mouqol's sake, you're working for me now. And why am I not surprised that you're late, we leave in 10 minutes & we just had to fill the entire caravan three men short. Get in the second van, that's my office, I'll deal with you once we're beyond the city walls."

Without waiting for a reply he turns on his heel and walks off towards a member of the city guard, waving pieces of parchment and yelling in a voice that is surprisingly deep for someone so small.

The caravan is made up of 7 large horse pulled vans as well as a further 8 individual riders.

DC15 Know Nature:
His cloak is Owlbear hide.
Fun Fact:
(According to Wikipedia) Mouqol is a TN God of trade.

OOC: In my world all non-default pantheon deities are now demigods who are in the service of one or more of the main deities. People can refer to theese demigods within their area of expertise, but generally lay-prayers go to the big deity they work for, and all Divine spells/prayers/miracles go through the big boys.

2011-07-16, 06:22 AM

Feeling more confident in his companions after a night of drinking Kragi gives them a wry look. And I thought my previous CO was a son of a gnoll! With luck we'll be attacked as soon as possible so we can leave and get on with the real mission...

He shrugs sadly at the new turn of events before walking slowly towards the indicated wagon, scrolls, potion and weapons clunking heavily. As they enter the wagon he'll turn to Victor. Sir, is there any healing magic you desire back-up scrolls of. Or even special issue bedrolls like my one? It wouldn't do for you to run short of healing mid fight?

2011-07-16, 09:15 AM

"Charming fellow, isn't he?" Antana mutters sarcastically as Renain yells at the guardsman.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-16, 09:24 AM

"I'm not going to lie; I'm not really looking forward to working for this guy," Quinn states rather matter-of-factly as she shoves her hat into her backpack, following Kraggi to Renain's office-van.

2011-07-16, 10:13 AM

"I can't believe this but, I agree with you Halfling. This guy is starting to stretch my patience and I just met him," Gauthak whispers as he follows Kraggi, Quinn, and Antana to the van.

2011-07-16, 12:00 PM

Turning to the others victor cracks a grin. still, were soldiers we might as well act like it for these 'merchent' soldiers. having said it he turns about and begins dramatically highstepping his way to the mans wagon to be delt with.

2011-07-17, 01:19 PM
The caravan moves out, your new employer yelling abuse at the guards for not getting the gate up quick enough & at his staff for not keeping in a neat enough line.

Once you're clear of the city he appears suddenly through an open window in his mobile office, landing squarely in his chair and immediately writing something down, ignoring you just long enough that it gets a bit awkward & you think he might not have noticed you.

Suddenly he looks up & gives you that lovely scowl again.

"I don't want you here. I pay a high tax on my income so that I don't have to deal with the damn war but apparently that means nothing to the military, and to accommodate you lot I had to leave three good men behind, who will now probably be poached and I'll probably have to find new people after you all bugger off.

While you're with me you work to protect & sell my goods, and if I think you're slacking I'll report you and have you thrown into one of those gods-awful military prisons. You'll address me as Mr. Renain, and I swear to all the Gods, if you even think about saluting anyone but the Queen herself while you're with me you'll wake up with a hungry Owlbear on your chest.

Halfling, you'll go to caravan 3 and help Sasha catalogue spices. It is an incredibly tedious job & you will hate it. Goliath and mage, you'll go to caravan 7 and take rear guard with Graydon. Others, you'll take the two spare horses and join the patrols. I swear is we lose so much as a copper piece I'll flay you all. Now sod off."

With that he goes back to his paper work, ignoring your very existence.

If you have anything you want to do/say in the office then do it, otherwise feel free to go to your assignment.

Sasha is a human female in her late teens. She's 5' 2 and covered in assorted spices & such.

Graydon is a Halfling male wearing the military uniform & a weird transparent eye-patch. He's sat on the back edge of the caravan roof.

The two horses are being held by a Human man wearing half plate at the front of the train. It doesn't stop as you get off the office so you'll have to jog/run to get to him.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-17, 01:32 PM

"The name isn't Halfling, it's Quinn," Quinn spits under her breath, but making it loud enough that at the very least Gauthak hears. Without bothering to wait for a response from him (or Renain, if he heard), she jumps out of the caravan and moves to her new assignment with Sasha. "Hello," she states simply, jumping into the third caravan. "My name's Quinn, and I've been told you're Sasha, and that I'm supposed to help you catalog spices?"

2011-07-17, 02:28 PM

Kraggi stares with stony eyes at the merchant despising the man already. Master Renain... perhaps it may not have escaped your notice but I'm both very heavy and a dwarf. We are not renowned for our equistrian skills. Perhaps I could join my very large friend on caravan 7 as the rear guard? He pats his crossbow as he speaks. I'm accounted a fair shot

2011-07-17, 02:38 PM
"Clinging to racist stereotypes in order to get out of your assignment is a sad and unpleasant quality that I know you will get over very quickly. The horses are strong & tame, you'll be fine."

He doesn't even look up.

2011-07-17, 02:58 PM

Makk aln ha'ak Kraggi snarls as he stomps out the caravan before running up towards the front of the train and docile looking horses. Potions, scroll belt and weapons clattering loudly as he jogs Kraggi swears profusely in low Dwarven tones.

Reaching the beast he nods his thanks to the man holding the reins before slowly and hashily climbing onto the horse. How does this work? That Kos Rukh of a merchant ordered me to ride point.

Once mounted he'll wait for Antana and then follow her lead. A dwarf is not a natural cavalryman.

2011-07-17, 03:02 PM
"Tek thorudon skathis" the Halfling spits back to Kraggi as he leaves in response to his parting words.

New knowledge: Mr. Renain speaks Dwarven (and is proficient in Dwarven profanities).

2011-07-17, 03:06 PM

sneering towards the small man. just be careful who your treating with disdain, id hate for you to forget we have our reasons for being here, and who you pay your "steep taxes" to. ruin our job and those might just get higher, heck you may even find yourself out of the merchant business. turning from the halfling not caring what he says he will go to the rear and begin his duty

2011-07-17, 03:42 PM

"Of course we'll do our best to protect and sell your goods while we're with you, Mr. Renain. But as Victor said, we also have our own mission to complete, and if I may remind you, you're under orders not to interfere with it." Antana tips her cap briefly, then hops out of the office and heads for the man with the horses.

"My name's Antana, I'll be riding point with Kraggi here." She climbs onto her horse and takes the reins, then turns to Kraggi. "To be honest, I don't have much riding experience either. But caravan horses have to be trained to be fairly calm--don't want them bolting with half your product the minute some bandit fires an arrow, after all--so we should be all right."

2011-07-17, 04:16 PM

Kraggi raises an eye at Antana's words. I hope so, I don't fancy falling off.

With that he'll try to ride up ahead, shield on arm and one hand on the reins, trying to control the savage beast while keeping an eye on the woods around the roads.

2011-07-17, 08:41 PM

The Goliath doesn't even bother complaining and walks to the back of the Caravan. Remaining there, silent, until they are ready to move.

2011-07-19, 04:49 AM
Quinn is greeted with a shriek of fear as the girl turns around and sees you, dropping the containers she was holding (mercifully none of them burst open as they hit the floor). She pulls a piece of tissue from each ear and gets a second introduction.

"Oh excuse me, sorry. I hate that clacky noise horse-hooves make so I tend to block my ears. The guy you're replacing wasn't much of a conversationalist anyway. Welcome to hell I guess. If you start over there, just follow the list down, check we have everything & mark down how many containers. The difficult part is that then we have to check that each container actually has in it what the label says. I hope you can tell sage from thyme by sight alone." The last part is said in a joking manner, but you can tell the task will be a real one.

Victor & Gauthak discover Graydon sat on the rook of the caravan, legs dangling over the back edge, an arrow locked in his bow and him aiming intently at something that very much isn't apparent to either of you. He greets you with a bizarre whispered statement.

"Do you see it?"

Kraggi & Antana catch their steeds and are immediately offered a flask of coffee apiece by the lead guard.

"Trust me, you'll thank me if we have a quiet day, which we should this close to the royal city. And you may not believe it, but being put up here means the boss must like you, he could have left you in van 6 feeding the wildlife."

He visibly shudders at the thought of it.

"Or worse, he could have had you cleaning the cages. Ok, Antana since you seem to be the more proficient rider why don't you go around the other side and take point there. Kraggi was it? You stay with me over here. Keep your eyes peeled, I've known archers who could hit this thing from those trees over there."

His final statement indicates a forest about 600ft away.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-19, 07:30 AM

"I uh... I can't say I've ever been that skilled with plants, no," Quinn says, her eyes glossing over a bit at the task ahead. She goes to check the list and gets started on her job, doing the best she can.

2011-07-19, 10:29 AM

Kraggi nods his thanks to the guard for the coffee. Well I suspect after the chat with Mr Renain I'll be cleaning the cages tomorrow! Lets see how this goes, I hope you're right about the day being quiet and dull...

With that Kraggi will try and battle with the horse as much as possible and not fall off for the day, while watching the roadside for any threats.

2011-07-19, 10:32 AM

"No, I don't see anything. But my eyes aren't as good as most." Turning to Victor and whispering, "You don't see anything, do you?"

2011-07-19, 10:47 AM

Shaking his head sadly victor turns to gauthak, no, give me a moment here I need to check something with this guy, I doubt were gonna get much use of him without it.
Having said that he will turn to graydon, cast detect thoughts and concentrate on reading the mans surface thoughts, to see if he can tell what they are" missing" and to see what's going on in this mans head.

2011-07-19, 11:11 AM
"I know you're doing that & I don't appreciate you doing it without my permission. Would you like it if I let everyone on staff watch you in the shower? You'd think a healer would have better manners."

However Victor feels Graydon allow the spell to affect him, and apparently he's thinking about an enormous dragon flying behind the caravan eyeing it like a fat kid looking at a wedding cake.

2011-07-19, 11:33 AM

my apologies, you are correct that it is bad manners, however in my time as a healer I've learned that manners are a luxury when dealing with the less sane seeming. From how you introduced yourself you must admit you did seem slightly daft. However, you have sufficiently proven otherwise in my mind, and i won't pursue this as a case that needs medical help. As for the dragon, no i see no such thing, and for future reference I would phrase your question to new guys as "do you see that dragon?" not do you see it? one makes you seem like a lookout the other makes you seem crazy, in my medical opinion. having finished his long winded apology/explanation victor will settle down for the guard duty as you said I'm a healer by trade, if you get any aches/ pains on this job just speak up Il do what i can

and once the caravan is moving sufficiently he will search for a bush of fresh berries to harvest about 5-8 from.
survival roll [roll0] vs dc 10 to "get along in wild"

2011-07-19, 12:06 PM
"I'm not daft, I just like taking the scenic route. It's why I sign on for these pan-national trips. Pleasure to meet you both.

Don't worry about the Dragon, it's on the Ethereal Plane at the moment & I'm about 70% sure it can't phase through. I'll keep an eye on it just in case, you two watch the mundane surroundings. Enormous man, if you'd make the hourly reports to the riders I'd appreciate it.

Victor is able to salvage enough of a gooseberry bush about 50ft off the path (a rider is kind enough to take you there & back so you don't get left behind).

You go on until early evening, eating your lunch on the move ((particularly fun for Kraggi I'm sure)), passing fellow merchants, assorted military troops & random road users throughout the day.

Quinn & Sasha have a riveting day of stocktaking, a bump in the road throwing paprika all over you both, Sasha lamenting that it'll be coming out of your wages. The front & rear guards have nothing to be excited about; Graydon literally doesn't move all day.

Finally Mr. Renain orders a halt for the night. A mage who apparently spent the day in van 6 conjures a pretty effective glamour to camouflage the vans before wandering off & the horses are left to graze. You all along with Graydon (who still hasn't moved because apparently the Dragon can see you and has decided to settle down right next to you) and two riders take first watch, and it's nearly midnight before you get relieved (except Graydon) & sit down exhausted around the fire for a dinner of herb-grilled lamb, spicy potato wedges & assorted greens with a dessert of coconut ice-cream.

Luxury foods merchant; at least you get fed well even if your boss is a tool.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-19, 12:20 PM

When Sasha points out their lost wages, Quinn can't help but mention that she's not even sure she'll get paid for her work. Still, she apologizes for not keeping a better grip on the spice and offers to cover whatever money she's cost Sasha.

Although keeping watch is hardly any more engaging than her work with the herbs, Quinn relishes the chance to do something else. When that, too, is finally done, she sits down by the fire with her comrades, too mentally exhausted to be her normal restless self. She pulls her cloak around her to keep the chill of the night out and looks around. "So, how'd the rest of you fair? Were you as absolutely bored as I was? I never want to see another plant again, I swear..."

2011-07-19, 12:27 PM

Kraggi looks at the halfing over some rich lamb. Well muscles that I didn't know I had hurt. I'd rather eat the horse than ride it and I'm thinking shovelling dung would be more fun tomorrow.

At least the sleeping bag is comfortable he says as he pulls out a fine thick woolen bag that is covered in neatly stitchd dwarven runes.
With luck we'll be attacked tomorrow and can leave this farce

2011-07-19, 01:05 PM

Looking over at the dwarf as he draws his sleeping back. I swear one day out and you forget all that were not supposed to be talking about. shaking his head before going back to the roast lamb he had before him. As he lifts another piece to his mouth to eat, he suddenly remembers something, putting the food back down again and digging into his bag for something for a few moments before drawing forth his hand and holding it out to kraggi, quinn, and antana. you three each take one of these berrys, they should last for about two more days, and each has a portion of my healing magic in them. Should we find ourselves under attack, and your injured before I can reach you, eat it and its magic should restore you a fair bit

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-19, 01:39 PM

Quinn ignores Kraggi's comment about their true purpose in being here; quite frankly, she couldn't agree less with him, so the slip of his tongue is forgivable. She takes the berry from Victor and looks at it closely in the flickering light of the fire. "These berries will heal us if we eat them?" She looks again at the berry, examining it as closely as she can. "Huh, doesn't seem any different from your normal berry. Magic; I don't think it'll ever stop surprising me," she says as she digs around her backpack, before noticing that Gauthak didn't get a berry.

"You know, I already have quite a few healing potions on me, so though I do appreciate the berry, Victor, I think I'll give this to Gauthk," she says, handing it out to the goliath.

2011-07-19, 03:13 PM
"Thank you, I may need this if we have to engage a high amount of enemies." The goliath said taking the berry from Quinn's hand. He then went back to waiting.

2011-07-19, 05:45 PM

Kraggi & Antana catch their steeds and are immediately offered a flask of coffee apiece by the lead guard.

"Trust me, you'll thank me if we have a quiet day, which we should this close to the royal city. And you may not believe it, but being put up here means the boss must like you, he could have left you in van 6 feeding the wildlife."

He visibly shudders at the thought of it.

"Or worse, he could have had you cleaning the cages. Ok, Antana since you seem to be the more proficient rider why don't you go around the other side and take point there. Kraggi was it? You stay with me over here. Keep your eyes peeled, I've known archers who could hit this thing from those trees over there."

His final statement indicates a forest about 600ft away.

Antana thanks the man for the coffee, and spends the day keeping an eye on the surroundings.

When everyone gathers around the fire, Anatana sits down with a sigh of relief at finally being off her horse. "Mmm, this is some good food. Sure beats the hell out of field rations."


Looking over at the dwarf as he draws his sleeping back. I swear one day out and you forget all that were not supposed to be talking about. shaking his head before going back to the roast lamb he had before him. As he lifts another piece to his mouth to eat, he suddenly remembers something, putting the food back down again and digging into his bag for something for a few moments before drawing forth his hand and holding it out to kraggi, quinn, and antana. you three each take one of these berrys, they should last for about two more days, and each has a portion of my healing magic in them. Should we find ourselves under attack, and your injured before I can reach you, eat it and its magic should restore you a fair bit

Antana inspects the berry, and carefully tucks it into the pouch where she keeps her CLW potion. "Thanks, Victor."

2011-07-20, 02:50 AM

The dwarf grumbles under his breath before a muffled sory sir to Victor. As he looks at the berry he smiles at the magic. I should be ok Sarge. Gauthak should take it, he taps the rugged steel of his belt, dull runes glittering faintly, My belt has some healing power if needs be.

Looking around the forest at the merchant guards and scattered caravans he glances back to his companions. Who's on first watch?

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-20, 09:36 AM

In the middle of scraping the herbs off of the lamb she has (again, having seen enough herbs and spices for a lifetime), Quinn looks at Kraggi as if he's grown a second head. "Uh... we had first watch, buddy. Remember?"

2011-07-21, 02:43 AM

Kraggi rolls his eyes as he unlimbers the crossbow and gets slowly to his feet. Looking at the lithe halfling I'll do a quick circuit and get the lay of the camp.

With that he hobbles slowly away, near crippled from his day on horseback.

2011-07-21, 11:17 AM
The night passes without incident, as do the next two days & nights. Just as the tedium & your employer's rants are starting to make you suicidal/murderous you reach your first stop; the town of Thajiin. It's a port town on the eastern coast, a lot of wealthy individuals call it home. The structures are a mixture of wood & stone, becoming much finer the closer to the docks you get (nice views and all that). It' a warm day with a light breeze running through the busy streets.

Your caravan sets up in a large town square and the staff go to work. Apparently Mr. Renain doesn't actually trust you to sell as he puts you all on guard duty while his riders go off to trade in the horses for fresh ones.

Antana & Gauthak:
You are walking your routes in the square & notice someone who seems to be watching your group. He is human & wearing a traveller's clothes. He seems to see you watching him & nonchalantly walks off. This isn't particularly unusual, you wouldn't have thought anything of it except that you see a tattoo on his arm that looks familiar.

OOC: You're 40ft from him with people in the way & 60ft from the nearest employee/ally. Can you believe you rolled a 19 & a 20, I was sure everyone would miss him.

As you pass van 7 Graydon raises his voice to get your attention. He speaks in the Halfling tongue. "Don't want to worry anyone, but that Dragon that's been following us has started snapping at passers by from atop that building. I think it's actually trying to phase through. You feel like getting your friend's and coming on a little fact-finding mission?"

Victor is stood at the main stall watching as an elderly Half-Orc woman is arguing about being short-changed and threatening to turn people into a variety of small animals.

On Kraggi's patrol he found a small rolled scroll on the floor, about three inches long & sealed with a small blue wax seal.

2011-07-21, 11:28 AM

Gauthak nudges Antana, "Did you see that guy, too? That tattoo is familiar. Could you keep patrolling while I go inform Mr. Renain." Gauthak didn't seem too happy with having to report to the halfling menace.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-21, 11:39 AM

Quinn frowns a bit at Graydon's news. "Trying phase through? Damn, that'd be pretty problematic..." Quinn thinks back to where the others went, and who she can turn to to help. Victor's healing would probably be helpful, but she vaguely remembers Antana and Gauthak walking off together. She wouldn't dare take everyone away from the caravan; even in a town like this, their targets could be watching and waiting.

"Alright, give me a bit and I'll be back with some help," Quinn says as she patters off to find Antana or Gauthak. If she finds them both together, all the better, but if she doesn't, then she can grab Victor or Kraggi for help and leave at least one skilled fighter on guard duty.

I don't know if you'll need a check to find them, but if so, here's a search check: [roll0]

2011-07-21, 12:48 PM
Ooc time to play security guard


Eyeing the half orc, victor sighs for a moment figuring if things go poorly its gonna be their hides that get skinned first by their neww boss. Making his way over he speaks towords the half orc ma'am, im gonna need you to calm down for a moment. This is drawing attention you don't want. Trust me, this fine fellow here gave you the best deal he could.
putting on a less freindly, more stern face he continues if you insist on continuing however im going to have to find my friend in the city guard and have you detained for trying to start a riot, so take your deal be happy and go please, we don't want any trouble here.
bluff check for 2nd paragraph [roll0]

2011-07-21, 01:16 PM

Hmm, strange. What could this be? The dwarf murmurs to himself as he handles it carefullly before trying to peer inside. "Lets have a look at you"

He peers at it shaking it gently and letting his Artificer senses run over the scroll tube before examining it thoroughly and - if not apparently locked or trapped- opens it to see what's inside.

After that he'll head back to the wagons looking for any of his squad.

Magical artisan check - to look for magic [roll0]
Search check [roll1] and if needed the Disable check [roll2]

2011-07-21, 06:13 PM


Gauthak nudges Antana, "Did you see that guy, too? That tattoo is familiar. Could you keep patrolling while I go inform Mr. Renain." Gauthak didn't seem too happy with having to report to the halfling menace.

Antana nods. "Yeah, I saw him." She continues to patrol, scanning the crowd for any sign of the man with the tattoo.

Was the tattoo the one that members of the Eldeni military wear?

2011-07-21, 10:11 PM

Gauthak finds Mr. Renain and walks up to him, "Sir, we saw a strange man watching the caravan. He had a tattoo on his arm. He could be Eldeni." The Goliath was obviously unhappy to see the halfling but maintained his professionalism.

2011-07-23, 09:39 AM
Quinn see Kraggi first, examining a scroll.

It's definitely a magical scroll, it gives of an aura of the arcane. You break the wax seal & unroll it, but find it blank.

Antana sees the man walking off down a southern street.

The half-Orc woman looks at Victor, incredulous. "Boy I am the wife of the town governor, I assure you if you summon a guard it'll be you that ends up in a cell, or maybe a rabbit hutch if I have my way." She looks to your employer. "Renain! Is this boy one of yours?"

The second Gauthak says the word Eldreni the people in the immediate crowd all start to chatter & panic, the words spy & danger start to spread very quickly. The dark-skinned Halfling seems to be turning purple with rage as he tries to quell the crowd. "I'm sure he's mistaken, there's no way one of those mountain men could get across the border, 5% off everything to show my apologies." While it stops a couple of people, the concern is still spreading through the crowd.

He then whispers to the Goliath "What are you trying to do, start a riot? Why do I care if you think you saw an Eldreni or not?"

It's at this unfortunately timed moment that the Half-Orc woman yells to him. Gauthak can practically see steam coming out of his ears as he rushes off, pre-emptively offering apologies & threatening to feed Victor to an Owlbear for being so rude.

Aka-chan: Yes, it's an Eldreni military brand.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-23, 10:09 AM

"Can't say Kraggi was my first choice, but he's certainly better than nobody," Quinn thinks to herself, walking up to meet him. "Kraggi, Graydon said..." Quinn looks around and notices all the people around, before dropping her voice. "Uh, he said that... problem he was watching with the caravan may be about to become a much bigger problem. He wanted me to find you guys to help him out, but I figured I couldn't take everyone away from guard duty, you know?"

2011-07-23, 10:56 AM

After nearly sending the people into a riot, Gauthak goes back to patrolling. Now he was keeping a close eye out for anyone with that military brand.

2011-07-23, 01:07 PM

Kraggi looks at the scroll thinking and muttering to himself Hmm. Most peculiar I wonder if its a spell or something more alchemical.

As he examines the scroll he looks up to see the small halfling woman approaching, for some reason she doesn't seem happy to see him?
"Afternoon Miss Quinn". He listens for a second as she explains the situation before agreeing rapidly "Lets have a word with him then".

Rushing across the camp, ignoring the small riot as things seem to be settling down again as Mr. Renain re-establishes control and rapidly apporaches the strange guard squinting at the building.
"Master Graydon, Miss Quinn said we may have a potential problem here and you'd appreciate some help? Shall we go and investigate and see if it has finished phasing through?"

Looking for a spell effect he'll make a spellcraft check to either identify the magic flavour or think of a spell.

2011-07-24, 01:27 PM

as the women identifies herself victor sighs inwordly,just not my day is it he thinks to himself. before turning back to the womon my apologies ma'am it's entirely my fault that i didn't recognize you. I'm merely a lowly guard, and just saw a commotion being caused, please understand i was trying to keep a possible riot from starting in your wonderful city, it was never my intention to accuse a fine lady like yourself of causing a horrid scene such as that. please forgive my rudeness, it shant happen again. he says while bowing low to her, and hoping he can avoid the promised owlbear

2011-07-24, 01:50 PM
Gauthak doesn't see anyone else particularly ominous. He does come across a kid who's claiming to be the Eldreni spy though.

Victor's apology is met with a snort of derision by the woman & an angry warning from Mr. Renain that she'll pay half price & he'll take the other half out of your salary. That is until a Half-Orc in his mid 30's steps forward and shakes his head. "Grandmother, what are you playing at? Apologies sir, she pretends to be the governer's wife to take advantage of out-of-towners. She lived in an area where con-artistry was a legitimate living. forgive her, I'll take her home & see she pays for this. Come with me now grandmother."

Mr. Renain doesn't seem to be even close to an apology or praise for doing your job. He instead re-threatens you with an Owlbear, this time for believing the old con-artist's story so readily.

Kraggi can't discern the particular brand of magic at the moment, too much going on I guess. He & Quinn return to Graydon's location & find him on ground level for the first time so far. "It's moved off down the street over there. It seems to be getting smaller too, which is weird, I've never seen one do that before. Let's go." And with that he jogs off, unsnapping the restraint on his bow but not drawing it.

2011-07-24, 02:13 PM

Kraggi looks at the halfling as he loosens the axe in its sling. "I don't like the feel of this. Shout over any of the others if you see them Quinn."

With that he jogs after Graydon keeping his eyes peeled for any trouble.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-24, 02:52 PM

Quinn shrugs and follows behind Kraggi and Graydon; if something's going on, three people is certainly better than two, and it beats just standing around. She draws her two masterwork daggers and follows behind, making sure to hide the daggers up her sleeves so nobody freaks out. She also makes sure to keep an eye out for any of her co-workers; after all, four people is better than three.

Taking 10 on the sleight of hand gets a 26, should be perfectly sufficient to hide the daggers so nobody notices them.

(In case the above doesn't work, testing something I vaguely remember: [roll1]

2011-07-24, 05:11 PM

Antana watches the man disappear down a side street. She briefly considers following, but doubts the Eldreni will try anything in the middle of a crowded marketplace. And if they are planning something, this guy might be intending to draw some of the patrollers away so that a lighter guard will be left on the trading stall itself. She glances around, looking to see if Gauthak has come back from reporting to Mr. Renain yet.

2011-07-24, 09:04 PM

After arresting the kid, the Goliath walked back over to Antana and said, "Mr. Renain doesn't want the people to worry. Also, I arrested this kid. He confessed to being a Eldreni spy. I didn't know they recruited spies at such a low age." he said looking curiously at the kid, obviously he had no since of humor or sarcasm.

2011-07-25, 09:28 PM

Antana just looks at Gauthak and the kid for a few moments, until she realizes that Gauthak is serious. "Um...Gauthak, I don't this kid is actually the spy. I mean, he's way too short, and he hasn't got the tattoo."

2011-07-25, 10:54 PM

Gauthak looks down, "But don't you know that the short ones are always the most cunning and...." He takes another look at the kid, "Your right he probably isn't a spy." He releases the kid and goes back to scanning the area.

2011-07-26, 08:33 AM

Seeing that the matter apperes to be finished, victor will return to his guard duties. Muttering to himself about con artists these days, and having no respect for order in a marketplace.

2011-07-27, 02:53 PM
The kid is glad to be free & sprints off.

Gauthak & Antana return to their patrol & cross paths with Victor just in time to see an old Half-Orc lady throw a sphere of orange light at the mage, bellowing something about showing respect. ((Victor make a DC16 Fort Save))

Unsurprisingly people freak the hell out & scatter as this happens. A city guard is nearby & draws his blade. In the distance you hear Mr. Renanin curse very loudly as they move to defend the stalls/caravans.

Initiative goes:
You three (first post goes first etc.)
Old Lady
City Guard


Kraggi, Quinn & Graydon move at pace down the street, then another & another. Graydon is in the lead (you all having 20ft movement is nice), but it isn't necessary as you both begin to see flickers of the beast in the air; the outline of a wing, the silhouette of it's body.

By the time you reach the fifth street you come to a dead stop. Before you is a real life Dragon; standing as tall as Gauthak & about the size of a Dire Bear, plus wings & tail each easily 5 foot long. It is almost white in colour, but it has a hint of grey which is enhanced along it's joints & ridges & it's edges seem unsure; they seem 'wispy'. It's claws are as long as Quinn's daggers & just as sharp.

It is facing away from you, staring at a cowering man in the standard military uniform & slowly moving toward him, it is growling deeply in a (very disturbing) way reminds you of a cat's purr.

You two
Cowering Man (assuming he survives)

DC11 Know (Planes):
It's edges imply it isn't fully here still, it's still partially on the Ethereal Plane.

DC 11 Spot:
The cowering man's cap is near him. It's sky blue; he's in one of the non-combat support divisions.

2011-07-27, 03:14 PM

Feeling a burst of magic break all around him he turns quickly cursing to himself that he didn't notice the old women coming back near him. And where was that relative of hers.

Seeing the old women standing there he speaks a twisting arcane word at he and feels an amplified rush of his own magic burning through him as he says the word.
sudden extended power word pain on the women. Duration is [roll0]+50% rounds if she has 50 hp or less. If she has more il roll the other durations. Deals [roll1] damage this turn, and on the beginning my turn each round.

Having spoken his magic he moves back from the lady wielding his spear towords her, to stand behind his comrades

2011-07-27, 03:38 PM

Kraggi swears loudly before shouting Alarm, ware a beast. He glances at Quinn, "This could be tricky.

Racing forward, oblivious to the ethereal nature of the dragon, drawing his axe he screams a warcry and swings mightily Run you fool! he shouts at the Blue-cap.

Know Planes [roll0]
Axe two-handed (current AC15) [roll1] damage [roll2]
(if threat [roll3] damage + [roll4])
-> If only thos attack rolls had been the other way around!

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-27, 05:04 PM

"So much for trying to talk to it," Quinn thinks to herself as she sneaks up to the dragon, slipping her daggers out of her sleeves. "Don't even know if any of us speak its language, so maybe it's for the better." It's at this point that Quinn notices the cap that the man currently being cornered by the dragon. "He's a non-combatant; protect him!" she shouts, before stabbing at the dragon, aiming her knives for a particularly tender looking spot near its ankle.

[roll=main hand]1d3+2d6

Of course I messed up damage... see OOC.

2011-07-27, 07:27 PM

[COLOR="Purple"]"Victor!"[/COLOR="Purple"] As her comrade shakes off (or doesn't) the effect of the old woman's spell, Antana turns to the assailant, sliding easily into a battle stance: Island of Blades. Advancing on the woman, she draws her falchion, and a faint green glow appears around the blade as she slashes at the half-orc. The strike seems to cut effortlessly through any armor the woman may be wearing, as well as her toughened half-orc skin (Emerald Razor).

Attack roll: [roll0] Due to the Emerald Razor maneuver, this is a touch attack.
Damage roll: [roll1]
Extra damage from Rapid Assault feat: [roll2]

Important Note for Sparrow and darkillini: The Island of Blades stance makes it so that if Antana and either Victor or Gauthak are adjacent to the old lady, we get the benefits of flanking even if we're not actually flanking.

2011-07-27, 07:54 PM

Gauthak charges the women and attempts to bash her with his shield.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Confirm Critical (20 on attack roll):[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-08-01, 05:28 AM
Victor's spell hits her & she screeches before calling you an ignorant child (and something much worse but it's in Orcish so I won't translate).

Atana feels the Orcblood's defence spell try to resist her, but her blade melts through it & cuts deeply into her abdomen, dark blood spraying her clothes.

Just like Antana, Gauthak feels the old woman's abjurations resist him like invisible plate-mail, but his raw strength combined with Antana's distracting blade-work is enough to push through and feel her ribs crack beneath his shield.

Seeing you three waging war against her the city guard instead chooses to herd the few remaining spectators away from the scene. This is fortunate for him as the old woman intones violent eldritch syllables; her voice deep but weak. That is until the final one, which she spits out with all her malice. The air around you grows from breezy to warm to unbearably hot in the space of a second, at which point it literally explodes all around you. Atana & Gauthak are blinded by a flash of light as their skin is seared and cracks (14 fire damage & knocked back 15ft, DC17 Ref for 1/2 damage, no avoiding knockback).

The ground around the woman has melted & the air ripples like when you look above a candle.


Kraggi launches himself at his foe, but his effort is in vain; it's scales are like iron and repel your axe-blade.

However his attack does cause to creature to shift position, further opening up the sinew-y area behind it's rear knew to Quinn's blade, it roars in pain as her knife cuts into it.

Graydon has hopped onto a 1st story balcony (only the God's know how someone so tiny managed that) And looses an arrow that leaves behind it a trail of sapphire light before plunging into it's wing joint.

Roaring loud enough to shake the buildings around you the Dragon rears it's wings & unleashes a brutal blast of wind with such force that it fractures the ground immediately before it. The air-blast hits you like a stampede (9 damage & knocked prone, DC16 Ref for 1/2 damage & DC16 Fort to avoid prone) and propels the Dragon to the roofline of the buildings, balancing on the ones either side of you.

2011-08-01, 06:13 AM

Reflex Save: [roll0]
Current HP: 7/21

As Gauthak is blinded he feels his skin burning. Knocked back, he yells in pain as he smells his burning flesh. "Gahh, my eyes."

2011-08-01, 06:31 AM

Kraggi grimaces as the hail of dirt and stone shred his exposed arm and hand as he throws it up to shield his face. The force of the wind is so great only his squat short dwarven nature stops him from being bowled over in the gust. Looking up at the beast looming over him he grins back - Think yer funny do you? See how you like the taste of Dwarven rune magic.

Reaching down his side he grips the hilt of the slung crossbow. Runes from his tattooed forearms slide off his skin coating the weapon as the loaded bolt grows dark with eldritch runes of destruction...

Reflex save [roll0]
Fort save [roll1] [17 w/ the +4 from Dwarven Stability

Use my rapid Infsusion to cast "Personal Weapon Augmentation" as a full round action. Chosen: "Bane (Dragon)"

Current Hitpoints: 15 // 26

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-01, 10:44 AM

Halved damage rounds up, right? Then 15/20 HP. Otherwise, 16/20.


Quinn reacts quickly to the dragon's gust of air; although her old leg injury acts up a bit, she manages to roll with the air, avoiding the worst of the damage and managing to spring back up quickly. She looks at the dragon and curses under her breath. "That surprise strike I got on it was the good, but now it's all the way up there... I don't think I could fight it that well if I climbed up there, but... let's see what that operation they gave us did." Quinn focuses herself and, much to her surprise, turns invisible. She smiles and sprints off to one of the buildings, intent to either climb it and get another surprise shot off on the dragon or sneak up on it again when it lands.

Cast invisibility from trickery domain, move as close to one of the buildings the dragon's hovering by as possible.

2011-08-01, 11:35 AM

Seeing gauthak sent reeling, and injured sends a chill down his spine, first checking if his magic is still tearing her apart little by little he rushes to the large man and like many times before in war reaches a hand out to the man and channels all the positive energy his god had given him he can into the large man, praying it knits the wounds that have burned his eyes before saying to antana hold on il get to you soon!

Damage from pwp [roll0]
moving beside gauthak keeping the real fighters between him and the orc
spont burning a protection from evil to use CLW

2011-08-01, 05:58 PM


2011-08-01, 06:03 PM

As the air explodes around the group, Antana ducks and rolls, allowing the majority of the fire to pass harmlessly over her head. Even the flames that do cling to her clothing fade away almost immediately, seeming to do no damage at all.

Fire Resist 10 from the Eye of the Efreet negates the 7 fire damage. Current HP 24/24

Antana rubs at her watering eyes--despite the lack of actual damage, the sheer brightness of the flames seems to have momentarily blinded her.

2011-08-01, 06:30 PM

The Goliath rubs his eyes trying to regain is eyesight. He says to Victor, "Thank you,friend. I feel better now. Is Antana okay? I can't see."

2011-08-03, 12:37 PM
Gauthak then realized that he hadn't opened his eyes since the flash. Opening his eyes, he charges and bull rushes the woman. (Also, dungeon crashing.)

Strength Check: [roll0]
Damage (If woman is moved into a wall or other solid object.)[roll1]

2011-08-03, 06:41 PM

Antana blinks the afterimages of the flames away, and advances on the woman. As she slashes at the half-orc with her blade, shadows seem to surround the sword, and some of the shadows slough off and cling to the woman as it (hopefully) hits her.

Damage [roll1]
Extra damage from Clinging Shadow Strike [roll2]
If the attack hits, she must make a DC 13 Fort save or take a 20% miss chance on all melee and ranged attacks for one round.

2011-08-04, 05:41 AM
Victor's spell leeches yet more life from the broken Orc-woman & she drops to one knee, breathing heavily.

As Antana & Gauthak enter the field of heat-haze they feel it distorting their vision. Antana succumbs & can't make her blade hit. Gauthak however sees straight & true; as victor's spell causes her to drop to a knee he shield slams her into the broken ground. The result is not dissimilar to a fly being hit with a newspaper, she is a smear ((you rolled a 20 & she rolled a 1, so many unlikely rolls)).

The city guard looks at Gauthak's handiwork, shocked & desperately trying to avoid making eye-contact.


As Quinn disappears the Dragon notices & roars loudly (you hear shrieks elsewhere in the town at this) and looks around for her, ignoring Kraggi as thus far not a threat.

Graydon groans as he slowly levers himself up. In hindsight getting onto the balcony had been a bad idea, with his small stature he'd been blown clean off it onto the stone-clad floor ((he failed both Saves spectacularly)).

The cowering man mumbles something to himself & Kraggi feels his arm stop stinging (4HP healed).

2011-08-04, 06:23 AM

Kraggi looks at the healer, "Thanks be to you, now you better get clear, though maybe hang around nearby- we may need you soon".

Drawing the crossbow as he moves Kraggi positions himself directly below the dragon but with some cover from a small balcony or door lintel as he drops to one knee aiming the crossbow that glitter with runes hungry for the dragon's blood.

Eat this!

Move action: Walk to suitable cover whilst drawing crossbow (I'll leave the waraxe on the street)
Standard action: Fire Crossbow
Attack [roll0] (if threat [roll1])
Damage [roll2]+ [roll3]bane (if crit then add [roll4])

2011-08-04, 09:14 AM

victor winces seeing the woman get smashed to a pulp, it was never a pleasant thing at the end of a fight seeing how people passed on. however after many battles he had become used to such things, and quickly remembering his rank, and training conveyed several things to the other 2 with him.
Ok we need to secure this area quickly. you pointing to gauthak make sure no one goes near the... body... until our magical artificer comes back, we will want him to check for any information, or usable gear we can find left in that.. mess, also to speed things up later check her for anything not clothing and sort that out so it can be checked later. and you, pointing to antanna
see if you can find the others, things could get significantly hectic around here soon as people come to see what happened, it would be better if we had the whole group around to see if we can spot any you know who in the crowd. I'm going to go see about if the guards need us to fill any 'paperwork' or other legal nonsense after this, once that is done maybe they will do their job and keep people from poking around the area while we sort this out. but first.. for you gauthak to keep this, lovely display of sheer muscular terror you've created from making anyone nauseous.

he then channels the magic from his spellsurge to make create a strong clean smell in the area of the body (for anyone around they catch a hint of minty freshness) before going off to speak with the guard actively trying to avoid looking at gauthak.

2011-08-04, 09:38 AM
"Ok, you," he said pointing to a guard, "Don't let anyone with-in twenty feet of this woman. We don't need people seeing that mess." But what his competitive side was thinking was Score: Guathak 1, Eldreni 0. Then he went and searched the bloody mess called a body which surprisingly smelled liked mint.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-04, 02:24 PM

Gripping her daggers tightly and taking a deep breath to steady herself, Quinn sets to climbing up the building, moving quickly but surely. Once she reaches an acceptable height, she pushes off against the building, but a sharp pain in her leg messes up her jump slightly. Still, years of practice in the circus prepared her to recover from such mistakes, and she manages to land and balance on the dragon's tail; not exactly the best place to be, but she's on, now, and she can reposition herself later.

2011-08-04, 06:48 PM

Antana nods to Victor. "Right," she says, and heads off to find the others.

2011-08-05, 02:06 AM

Approaching the guard victor hails him waving him closer as he walks up.
say my good man, thank you for keeping the people out of the middle of that mess. Im gratful that the people were able to remain unhurt. I must ask though did you notice any sort of young lad with her? he then offers up a description of the younger man who had grabed the lady earlier in the market.
what ever you noticed would be helpful. Also, is there anyway we could keep folks from running over this .. area.. my companion created, il take care of the mess, but id rather my boss dosn't have a fit over customers avoiding his stalls because of this. I'm sure you know how some bosses can be right?

2011-08-06, 06:39 AM
Quinn silently & invisibly launches herself up the wall, had anyone been able to see her, her backflip somersault would have been the stuff of campfire stories.

In midair though the Dragon moves, so she loses her pre-determined landing spot. This was because Kraggi's bolt went straight into it's neck & lodged itself in deep. Grey blood drips to the floor & the Dragon lets out a pants-wettingly loud roar.

Quinn's training pays off though & the Halfling lands on the Dragon's tail, moving un-noticed up it's back as Graydon also loses a pair of arrows; one which flies wide, the other grazing it's wing.

But the Dragon is more interested in Kraggi at the moment; since he just went from annoyance to very real threat. As it roars it simply lets go of the rooftops it's balanced on & digs it's claws into them as it slides back down to ground level, shredding the wooden building & collapses entire walls in a hailstorm of debris as it drops. Quinn is again able to cling to the scales of it's back so she doesn't go flying off it.

It shakes the ground as it lands & before you can think it has it's teeth in you; leeching blood from a dozen wounds. With animalistic rage it crushes you and throws you againsts the now decimated opposite wall ((9 piercing damage)).


As Victor walks towards the guard he seems very nervous, but all the same when Gauthak is ordered to check the body for useful miscellanea he seems to find his voice.

"Desist with your desecration immediately or by order of the governer I will have you arrested." He then looks at Victor & loosens his cloak to show a Thetran Lieutenant's rank insignia. "You're merchant guards, by what orders are you having your man rob the deceased? Show me your assignment papers, now."

Gauthak can't recognise anything of worth before he is ordered to stop ((You can ignore him & make a new Search check at a +2 bonus (your previous examination will be like you using Aid Another on yourself) if you like)).

Now that her ears have stopped ringing, not seeing her companions in the square Antana imagines that the roar she just heard might be a safe bet & dashes off to see.

Antana will appear at the end of the other group's next turn.

2011-08-06, 06:58 AM

Gauthak turns to see a Lieutenant standing before him. Immediately he stops what he is doing and goes to attention. Then he states, "Sorry sure, but the information you have requested is need to know. And I am only authorized to read you in, if my sergeant gives me permission."

2011-08-06, 07:25 AM

Reeling in pain Kraggi stumbles backwards jamming another bolt into the crossbow, To Arms! To Arms! Its a damned Dragon! he bellows as loud as his pained and damaged lungs will allow.
Looking at the beast he levels and fires again.

5ft step away from the massive beast
move action: Reload
standard: Fire [roll0] (if threat [roll1])
damage [roll2]+[roll3] (if crit [roll4])

Edit: Out of all those rolls nothing was higher than a 4. I have offended the dice roller.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-06, 07:53 AM

Quinn manages, just barely, to keep her new position on the dragon, wincing slightly in empathy at Kraggi's plight. Still, it gives her a nice opening, and she uses the dragon's distraction to drive both of her daggers into its back, feeling rather than seeing her invisibility fade with the strikes.


Now, I'm not sure if the second sneak attack will apply. Quinn's invisible so the dragon's flat-footed for the first strike, but the invisibility fades after it, so by RAW I don't think it should apply. But, I mean, I'm on the dragon's back, so... I dunno.

2011-08-06, 09:53 AM

With the mission being refered to again outloud victor just sighs on the inside, lookin over to gauthak he holds up a hand indicating for him to hold on for a second before saying more.

Rummaging through his pack he finds the white scale that he received before. And turns his attention back on the guard.
on my orders, was he searching the body for information. Let me ask do you know what this is? holding up the scale in a way that only the guard would see it.
(No reason to show it so others can get glimpses who knows whos all watching.)

2011-08-06, 10:32 AM

Antana comes around the corner just in time to see a dragon in the middle of the town hurling Kraggi across the square. "Hold on guys, I'm coming!" Raising her sword, she slashes deeply into the dragon's flank, seeming to ignore its scales.

Touch attack (Emerald Razor): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra damage from Rapid Assault: [roll2]
I'm assuming that this is a new encounter, and thus that the RA feat applies; also swordsages "begin an encounter with all your maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them", so I should be able to use Emerald Razor again.

Note to DrK and Dark Fiddler: Antana has Island of Blades up, so if she's adjacent to the dragon, either of you gets the flanking bonus if you're also adjacent to it, even if we're not technically flanking.

2011-08-10, 06:41 AM
Kraggi is blinded by debris and his bolt goes wide.

Quinn is still miraculously unnoticed. Until she jams her daggers into the great beast's wing-joint that is and it roars deafeningly again. It very much knows where she is now.

Graydon has recovered as well, another arrow entering the Dragon's leg, followed by a yelp of joy from the Halfling.

Antana joins the fray but her blade passes harmlessly through the Dragon; like she were trying to slice a cloud.

The Dragon slams it's remaining good wing into itself, trying to hit Quinn and succeeding in cracking her on the shoulder, however it's not a serious blow ((2 Bludgeoning dmg)). It also lashes it's tail out at the new contender trying to harm it ((6 bludgeoning damage)).

Aka: Same encounter so your expended manoeuvres are still expended. Since you used Emerald Razor (which missed due to the Dragon's miss chance) again, expend another manoeuvre in it's place.


"Is that supposed to mean something to me soldier?" He seems to have no idea what you're holding. "Merchant service or not you're still soldiers, so you will desist immediately. Return to your employer before I take you in."

Other guards have arrived, including some setting up an tent-enclosure around the body.

Don't worry, you'll be getting your XP & rewards, I haven't forgotten you.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-10, 08:11 AM

Quinn falters slightly, buffeted by the dragon's wing, but keeps her footing and continues to drive her daggers into the dragon's back, again aiming for the wing's joints.

13/20 HP
I'm rolling these with assumption that I'm flanking; if I'm not, take off 2 points from the attack rolls and ignore the sneak attacks.
[roll4] + [roll5] (14 damage total)
[roll6] + [roll7] (10 damage total)

2011-08-10, 08:21 AM

Kraggi nods his thanks to Antana as she bounds into the fray alongside Quinn and himself. Get it lass. Its a big one!.

With that he backs up another 5ft, slaps another bolt into the crossbow and fires at the dragon's massive teeth laden head.

Attack roll [roll0] (if a miracle happens and its a threat [roll1])
Damage [roll2] + [roll3] (if crit add [roll4])

2011-08-10, 03:28 PM

Victor sighs as he shakes his head. Why did officers always feel the need to follow every little detail of the law, couldn't he see that they were trying to do a job of their own?

what ever.. sir, do what you will. turning slowly from the man he says in a sarcastic manner I can't wait to hear what the white eyes are going to say about this, probbly laughing their heads off right now.

Reaching his large companion he says Gauthak, let's leave this to them, it would be terrible if the old womens friend came back and we had to do their job again. Also wouldn't want our "boss" to have any more excuses to fire us. Why don't you take halfway back on the caraven, il take halfway foreword, we should be able to cover the whole thing that way.

2011-08-10, 05:01 PM

"Yes, sergeant. Wouldn't want another mess like this one." He grins towards the young officer. The large goliath retreated back to the caravan, scanning the area around it.

2011-08-11, 06:18 PM

"Ow!" Antana hisses at the pain from the dragon's tail-slap (current HP 18/24), but quickly recovers. She swings her sword at the tail as it pulls back after its attack, and flames erupt around her blade.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra damage from Burning Blade: [roll2]


KB: I picked the maneuver to expend in place of the Emerald Razor at random, and it came up as Stone Bones, so that one is now expended as well.

2011-08-12, 04:40 AM
Quinn's daggers go in deep again, the Dragon really doesn't appreciate it based on the noise you hear. However the second one goes in a little too deep, you notice a distinct lack of resistance in truth, like you didn't even make contact with anything. Whisps of ether surround you hand as you pull it out.

Kraggi seems to be recovering, his arrow pierces the creature's chest with a solid thunk, more grey blood dripping to the floor.

Antana however is still dazed it seems and she misses the Dragon entirely, pirouetting with a spiral of flame surrounding her.

Graydon fires again, but his arrow passes harmlessly through the creature's wing.

With a devastating roar the Dragon lashes out at you all. It's wing crushes Quinn (4 bludgeoning), it claws Kraggi (3 piercing), and tail bashes Antana (6 bludgeoning). However it saves the best for the distanced Graydon & exhales a cloud of ethereal fog. The Halfling launches himself against the building to evade it, but is caught nonetheless and drops to the floor coughing.

Worse still the cloud seems to emanate from it's very body affecting you all to a lesser degree (DC14 Fort Save or Sickened for 3 rounds).

Panicking guy just failed his save.


You leave the Lieutenant & hear an audible sigh of relief come from him as you walk away. Mr. Renain is not pleased with you (I'll leave his particular remarks to your imagination) and orders you to guard the caravan as it packs up; the commotion has driven away most of the crowds (for which he blames all of you fyi).

Nothing particularly unusual happens there, though you do hear a very loud roar and rumours of a Dragon attack across town. Mr. Renain pre-emptively refuses to let you go and investigate.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-12, 10:36 AM

"Damn dragon!" Quinn shouts as its wings slam into her, struggling to keep her footing, "Hurry up and die already!" Reacting quickly to the cloud of fog that the dragon begins releasing, Quinn takes a deep breath and holds it in as she stabs again at the dragon.

[roll3] + [roll4] (10 damage)
[roll5] + [roll6] (7 damage)

2011-08-14, 06:05 PM

Antana wrinkles her nose at the stench emanating from the hideous wound Quinn just dealt to the dragon.

Fort Save: [roll0]

After a brief moment (i.e. swift action) of concentration (Sudden Recovery feat to recover Emerald Razor), she swings at the dragon again.

Attack (touch): [roll1]
If Antana failed her save above, subtract the Sickened penalty from that result.

Damage: [roll2]

If the attack hits, Antana recovers a number of HP equal to the damage she dealt (from the Least Crystal of Lifedrinking embedded in the pommel of her sword). If she missed, current HP is 12/24.

2011-08-15, 04:39 AM

Kraggi coughs and splutters at the stench as he shuffles back again seeking to gain out of the dragon's reach. Reloading he curses as blood pours form his armour. "Damn you, die!" he grunts as he fires again.

Fort save [roll0] (+2 if its poison or magic)
Attack roll [roll1] (if threat [roll2])
Damage [roll3]+[roll4] (if crit [roll5])

If I'm sickened subtract 2 from the attack roll.
Hps 16/26

2011-08-16, 06:28 PM

"Damn, it sounds exciting over there. But, orders are orders I suppose..." Gauthak sighs and continues to guard the caravan.

2011-08-16, 06:38 PM
hearing noise nearby he raises his head from what he had been doing. Absently noting the fact the others wernt back yet, irretated him some what, the lucky folks getting to runaround town and enjoy themselves, while he was chained to the caravan. But as quickly as the idea came on it passed, just another casting of Fates dice of I suppose he mumbled to himself before going back to his little project.

Before him he had been slowly working a crude image out of the air in the likness of the orc woman. (Prestedigitation) however due to the limitations of the crude magic he just couldn't get the angles of her face right.
oh well, another victim of this war to carry in my mind from now on. he thought to himself, and filed her face away in his long list of casulties he had seen over the years.

2011-08-18, 07:49 AM
Quinn is just able to stave off the dizzying wisps of ether exuded by the Dragon, and puts it to good use. Her daggers are the last blow the Dragon can sustain and it gives one last roar; but it is much weaker.

Rather than collapse however it rises onto it's hind legs and begins to dissolve into clouds of ether. Quinn loses her footing, before falling through it entirely, landing on the stone floor with a small thud, surrounded by a pile of grey Dragon scales, as well as a few teeth near Kraggi.

The Dragon's "corpse" has created a bank of mist that is dispersing down the street.


I recommend collecting the scales....

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-18, 12:50 PM

Quinn's sense of triumph over the dragon doesn't last long, as she quickly notices the ground growing quite a bit closer than it was originally. She drops the daggers and manages to avoid hurting herself too badly when she lands, though she very nearly lands on her weapons. She stretches and picks up her daggers, pocketing a few scales and two teeth from the dragon as well before looking around, interested both in the current status of her allies and the man who was initially being terrorized by the dragon more than the bank of mist which she assumes will dissipate. "Is everybody okay" she asks, trying to ignore the bruises she's quickly developing.

2011-08-18, 12:58 PM

Kraggi breathes a (shallow) sigh of relief as the dragon turns to smoke. "By Moradin's long and lustrous beard what was that thing? I should be okay. How about you?" he directs back at the halfling.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-18, 01:47 PM

Quinn starts when she sees Kraggi, looking rather bloody and beaten. She silently gives thanks to Kord for letting her avoid the dragon's claws and teeth and quickly regains her composure. "A bit sore, but uh... are you sure you're okay? I didn't notice during the battle, but you look like you were nearly eaten or something."

2011-08-18, 10:07 PM

Antana winces in sympathy as Quinn hits the ground. "You okay, Quinn?" Antana herself looks fairly beaten up by the dragon's tail attacks, and she eats the Goodberry Victor had given her earlier.

2011-08-19, 03:26 AM
Ouch lass that was a mean beast. How did them berrie taste? WIth that he pops the goodberry into his mouth. We'd best go warn the others about the dragon and this weird stinking mist. And I'll have a wee ponder on what it could have been, or failing that ask around the town for a sage and ask him

2011-08-19, 04:16 AM
Graydon pipes up at this point.

"It was an Ethereal Dragon. Well, I say Dragon but obviously real Dragons only exist on the Prime Plane. It was an ether beast that happened to look a bit like a Dragon. The mist should fade eventually, it's a breezy town."

With that he chugs a potion from a vial & scoops up a few handfuls of scales before realising the panicking man is still there and still looks queasy.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-19, 07:40 AM

"I'm fine, no worries," Quinn smiles at Antana's inquiry, before noticing the panicking man from earlier, her attention drawn by Graydon's noticing him. "To be completely honest, I think we should be more worried about him than me. I've bounced back from worse than this." At that, Quinn walks over to the man and helps steady him. "Are you okay?"

2011-08-22, 05:48 AM
You gather up the scales & teeth & manage to drag the petrified man to his feet.

"I hid my magic so I wouldn't have to do any fighting, and that thing just happens to turn up here. It's like the Gods have a vendetta against me."

Putting his cap back on he follows you back to square, constantly muttering about the Gods being out to get him.

Seeing you reappear covered in blood & debris the Lieutenant who challenged Victor begrudgingly comes over to question you, but the man drags him off yelling about the city guard not doing their job before he gets the chance.

The caravan is all but done & Mr. Renain seems to be winding up for another screaming session, but sees the scales you have and seamlessly slides into businessman-mode.

"Well aren't they interesting." He claims one from Graydon (assuming you'll put up a fight), examining it. "Etherine. Excellent quality too. How many you got?" You can almost see the gold coins spinning in his eyes.

2011-08-22, 07:53 AM

Mr Renain, nothing in our contract said you could tak our findings. We will be happy to sell... at a fair price. . Looking around he'll then wander over to a local town guard.
"Excuse me, does this town have an alchemist or a dealer in the petty arcane?"

2011-08-22, 08:01 AM
"Dunno mate, try the library; they'll probably know. It's the big building with the red door, down there, turn right at the intersection."

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-22, 09:24 AM

"Speak for yourself, Kraggi," Quinn scoffs. "I'm not selling these for anything less than exorbitant. I mean, that fight was some of the most excitement I've ever had in the military... I wonder if I can find anybody willing to make a nice necklace out of these. And maybe the teeth would make nice daggers, if I can find the right person to work them..."


If my share goes down, it's no skin off my back. Quinn's trying to get a higher price, but she's serious about considering a necklace from the scales.

Also, how many scales does Quinn have (depending on how big they are... I mean, if they're big and we only have like four each, that's fine, but they could also be super small individually and we have hundreds between us, you know?) and are the teeth about the right size at least for daggers to be made from them?

2011-08-22, 09:43 AM
Mr. Renain speaks in Halfling (since no-other party members can speak it & therefore won't look in the spoiler), making sure Graydon isn't earwigging.

I told you not to bloody look!"I can't have you making necklaces out of these. 750, and so help me if you refuse you'll spend every minute left with us shovelling animal crap."

2011-08-22, 10:35 AM

perhaps there's some medicine these could be turned into, il have to check with an alchemist to be sure, since im not totally sure of their properties myself... perhapse if I grind them up and put them in.. he trails off as he turns looking to walk off and find an alchemist.
bluff : [roll0]

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-22, 10:57 AM

Quinn fakes a frown and narrows her eyes at Mr. Renain, fishing all but one of the scales out and handing them to him, nodding. Quinn's sure the scales would have made a beautiful necklace, and it's quite possible that the scales are worth more than that, but that price is just too good to pass up! Quinn's never had such a large sum of money at one time, and she's pretty sure that it's a good fraction of the money she's had in her entire life. Besides, she still has the teeth, which can make an equally amazing necklace if they won't do as daggers.

After receiving her payment, she thanks Mr. Renain and excuses herself. "I need to go find somebody who can work with these teeth," she says simply, though she makes sure to count her money before she leaves. She walks to the nearest weaponsmith and blah blah un-editing this section for consistency.

Quinn's going to try to keep one in her pocket when she hands them to Mr. Renain. Taking ten gives her a 24 sleight of hand which, if she fails, should hopefully be enough to make him think it simply eluded her grasp. If he notices, she'll hand it over without a fight. The fact that she's had them in her pocket since the dragon died, though, should work in her favor, since Renain wouldn't have gotten a good enough (if any) look at her collection to count them accurately.

2011-08-22, 11:12 AM
As Quinn is handing over her scales one catches on her pocket & pulls it inside out, so she can't keep any back from Mr. Renain (he beat your SoH by 1).

She finds the local smithy, who assures you his son has a knack for unorthodox materials. For 10gp apiece he'll make your Dragon teeth into throwing darts (aka. shurikens).

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-22, 11:36 AM

"Hmm... dragon-fang throwing darts would be interesting possessions, but I'm afraid they're not quite what I'm looking for. I was hoping for some daggers, actually, but I suppose these aren't really shaped properly, are they? Thank you for your time," Quinn says, moving on to the jeweler to see if she can get a necklace made from the teeth instead. She'd hoped to hang onto a scale and have that be the central focus, with the teeth accenting it on either side, but she's sure that a professional will be able to think up something else to do without the scale.

2011-08-22, 12:30 PM

Hearing the increased offer victor snapped out of his seeming trance, and quickly took the offer. I guess I could just buy some medicine to use as well. turning his attention to the rest of the group he says hmm it seems some of you didn't fare as well in the avoiding injury category. Does anyone need any healing before I go quickly look for some supplies?

He counts his money quickly and divvys it amongst several different pouches of his backpack, and his spell pouch, before healing anyone that asks for healing, and heading off to see if he can find any extra materials of interest for him

finding his way to a local temple of Pelor, he stops for a moment inside, to offer a quick prayer of thanks for the health of the rest of the group after the last fight. he then turns to finding a servant of Pelor working in the temple to inquire after what he was seeking. once he finds one, he will ask "my good sir, perchance would this temple have any scrolls on the arts of restoration? If possible could I obtain two from you? I've both gold to donate to the cause, and a little healing power granted by the god left today for any in need.

looking to spend 300g on 2 lessor restoration scrolls.

2011-08-23, 09:10 PM

In the mean time, Gauthak remained with the caravan, guarding it, just in case. Also, he is taking this time to clean the guts off his shield.

2011-08-24, 02:48 AM

Taking his meagre money's Kraggi heads off into town following the guards directions towards the library. Once there he sets about finding a local sagey person. My thanks Master Sage. I shall find these alchemical inks most useful".
After purchasing a large vial of special quasi-magical ink and some spell component materials he rejoins the team in the main square after stopping to buy another 10 bolts on the way. Finding Victor he'll gesture at the mess being cleaned up in the main square "What happened there then boss?"

Buying 250gp of Scroll writing Ink
Buying some infusion components (3x20gp, 1x50gp) for 110gp
Saving the other 89gp

2011-08-24, 04:03 PM


Hearing the increased offer victor snapped out of his seeming trance, and quickly took the offer. I guess I could just buy some medicine to use as well. turning his attention to the rest of the group he says hmm it seems some of you didn't fare as well in the avoiding injury category. Does anyone need any healing before I go quickly look for some supplies?

"I could use a little more, if you have spells left," Antana says. After thanking Victor for his help, she sells her scales to Renain, then goes over to join Gauthak as he keeps an eye on the caravan. "This was...a rather exciting day," she says dryly, then adds in an undertone, "and the commotion probably scared off that Eldeni we caught a glimpse of before."

2011-08-24, 05:13 PM

of course my freind, give me a moment and il see what I can do for your pain. he says before reaching out and briefly channeling some of his granted divine energy for the day into antana's frame.
clw [roll0]

Seeing cuts and bruises mend, and disapate he asks better? My advice.. dodge the dragon's attacks next time. he says with a grin. Turning to kraggi, he finishes that is what happens when you cheat in a game of dice with our shield bearing friend there. The poor lady tried to tell him three 2's beats a six 5s. Suddenly she just went poof as he says the last bit with a grin he makes an explosion like gesture, and creates a little poof of red color from his hands
bluff [roll1] followed by prestidigitation.

2011-08-25, 02:57 AM

Kraggi squints at Victor unsure of whether he's telling a joke or not but smiles widely. To be fair I wouldnae try and cheat the big fella. Fancy some drinks later?

2011-08-25, 08:21 AM
With the dragon incident the night watch is double it's usual number & the night passes without incident.

The next morning you awake to the now far to familiar sound of Mr. Renain berating everyone for oversleeping (it being 10 seconds after dawn so practically midday to the Halfling). You leave the city & move off once more down the main road towards your next destination. Two days pass uneventfully except for a Griffon-Rider nearly crashing into one of the vans; his instructor explaining that he was a new recruit.

On the third day you see another merchant convoy; however one of the vans seems to have been attacked by some sort of creature. It's wheels are shattered & the van itself seems to have been badly abused. Likewise the other has been scorched. The owner explains that he deals in magical munitions & a creature they had been transporting had gotten loose.

After a brief haggle Mr. Renain volunteers your group to help repair & guard the vans, so that the other merchants can go & reclaim the beast.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-25, 12:50 PM

Quinn sighs when Mr. Renain gives them their next assignment. Quinn was never really handy with fixing things, so the most she can hope for is to hold tools for the people who can fix the other convoy's damages. It seems to her that it's going to be another boring day, just like the last few... unless their services as guards end up being needed, but it's horrible to hope for the caravan to be attacked just so Quinn doesn't have to sit around, so she pushes the thought from her mind. Besides, she's still a bit sore from fighting the dragon; she's been tempted to drink one of her healing potions, but it's hardly an emergency situation, and she's been too proud to ask Victor to heal her. After all, she only has a few bruises (which have thankfully stopped worsening).

Quinn moves to wherever she's been assigned to as she thinks, hoping that their job can be completed quickly. Her experience working for Mr. Renain almost makes Quinn glad that she was conscripted into the military, where there's rarely a dull moment, at least.

2011-08-26, 02:39 PM

you'd think that they might take those flying lessons a little further away from normal roads.. he says to no one in particular, basically talking just to hear something other then the drudgery of fixing the caravan's damage. yesterday had got him thinking there might be more action around every corner on this mission, seeing as how it was again turning into a normal mission routine, of normal day drudgery, followed by bursts of action, he resigned himself to playing with colors, twisting them into random shapes, and making the pieces he was working on shift color before his eyes as he worked on them.

playing around with prestidigitation.

continuing to speak aloud he goes on to say hopefully the merchants can handle a wild beast.. they seemed very content to run yesterday in the market when fighting started.. not that I'd mind giving renain a few stiches..

2011-08-26, 02:57 PM

The goliath kneeled down next to Victor, while the human was working on repairs. "I'm no good at repairing these things. Its one of the only things I can't fix with a good bash from a shield. So, naturally, I'll be on guard duty. So what if Renain gets mad at me. He is always mad. Best of luck with the repairs." With that he stands back up and starts patrolling the area around the caravan.

2011-08-27, 08:49 AM

"I'm not much good at repairing things either. I'll join you on guard duty, Gauthak."

2011-08-27, 09:14 AM

Kraggi wanders up, weapons clanking around him. Can I be help here fellows? he offers. With that he'll get stuck in as best he can and offer some advice. He'll also look around for a clue as to what they were really transporting...

He'll also pause for a second before grabbing a hammer, some nails and a plane and whispering some words of dwarvish at them. Getting stuck in to help he'll then wave a hand over the ground and more tools animate and assist him.

While working he'll chat a little and look to see if anything strange was being moved.

Cast Skill enhancment to give me +4 on Craft [Wagonwright]
Cast Unseen crafter that will craft at skill check of 17 for the next 4 days. Doing whatever is needed to fix things.

Know [engineering] to help fix it [roll0]
Know [arcana] to work out the munitions [roll1]
Craft [Wagonwright] at [roll2]
Search to look for anything weird while fixing them [roll3]

2011-08-29, 02:49 AM
The ones with you are very impressed by Kraggi's skills & the scorched wagon is deemed roadworthy in no time. The second one takes longer but even it too starts to take shape by the time the evening starts to roll in.

However your fellow guards & theirs haven't returned & you haven't heard a peep from Mr. Renain all afternoon; itself very suspicious. As one of you resigns themselves to risk poking your head through his office window, a blonde human man casually draws a foot & a half long serrated blade from it's sheathe & shakes his head, his fellows also drawing various weapons. He nods to Gauthak & Antana & releases the catch on his cloak, revealing his right arm; emblazoned with the Eldreni military brand. When he speaks his voice is deep & rough.

"We intended this to be your run of the mill robbery you know; slaughter you all & take you goods. However Reine & I saw how well you fought in Thajiin & I just couldn't resist a more formal introduction. You're not merchant guards, not by a long shot & you have no idea how mundane espionage becomes when it is your full time job." He seems genuine in his sentiment when he says that last bit at least.

"Now, under Eldreni articles of war I am obliged to offer you an opportunity to surrender & come with us peaceably, informing you that your associates are already disabled & will not be harmed further if you do so. But if I'm honest I really hope you choose to decline."

Spot check results:

Gauthak, Victor, Kraggi:
You see the blonde man 10ft in front of you. There is a cloaked humanoid with a blade 5ft from your group & two more 30ft behind you all. There is another armed with a crossbow standing on the worse of the two vans (which incidentally is still being repaired by Kraggi's magical efforts).

You see the blonde man 10ft in front of you. There is a cloaked humanoid with a blade 5ft from your group & at least one more behind your group somewhat. The second van is still being repaired by Kraggi's magical efforts.

You see the blonde man 10ft in front of you. There is a cloaked humanoid with a blade 5ft from your group & two more 30ft behind you all. There is another armed with a crossbow standing on the worse of the two vans (which incidentally is still being repaired by Kraggi's magical efforts). Your keen eyes also notice a man holding a rod topped with some kind of symbol standing just into the woods, observing the events unfolding.

If you want to surrender, attack or do something else then you can. You are all withing 5ft of one another on the road side of the vans rather than the forest side. You are next to the second Eldreni van.

You guys really need to invest some ranks in Spot. Seriously.

2011-08-29, 11:37 AM

damn, so much for sentries victor thinks to himself. this could get out of control quickly.
facing the man who seems to be the leader
now why would you want us to decline? are you confident that you found every "associate" that we have here? it could potentially turn out poorly for you. taking a moment to look around and gesture at the people he sees.
for all you know so poorly that you and your men get hurt, or in the worst case pass on. Now speaking as a doctor, id really hate to have to pronounce that many people injured, or deceased. and I'm sure you'd hate for your people to get injured as well. so first why don't you have your man on the broken cart come down, before it collapses inwords, or he trips on some broken piece of it and he gets hurt, non of us want to see that here.

the bold was just to emphasize the broken portion of the wagon.

looking at the others he tries to notice what any of them are doing before continuing

in fact, why don't you and I discuss this inside? no reason to have every one standing here with their weapons out at each other, it's just un-civilized, as your probably well aware, the caravan has man fine foods, we could have a nice cup of rare tea while we discuss the situation.

2011-08-29, 12:07 PM
"First to speak & you're calling for diplomacy in the face of a blade. You an officer by any chance? You seem like the type.

Anyway, your irritating Halfling "employer" is bound & unconscious, along with your beasts, the forest-walker who tends them & the girl. In the forest all 8 riders & one talented Halfling marksman are tied to a tree, and you can see the chef's foot just peeking out from behind the other cart.

The man seems very arrogant (and possibly a little smug) at this point.

You say you're a doctor, then i suggest you worry more about your wards than mine. I was present in Thajiin, we know what you're capable of."

2011-08-29, 12:29 PM

victor chuckles a little and turns to the others ya hear that he thinks Im officer material. remember to tell that to the boss later. might get me a raise.
turning back to the man in front of him he quickly says
it's good to hear they are all fine, and that you approve of the halfling's skills, was he bothering you about a dragon as well? and it wasn't diplomacy, no that would be for the more high minded folk, i thought it just seemed like a good chance to try some of this new tea. on a more serious matter though, could you please have the young man, women? i can't see to well come down off of that thing? they're looking a little feverish from where i can see down here., and id hate for them falling off to spark some sort of fight between us. we seem to be getting along sooo well, what with the threats and all.

2011-08-29, 02:24 PM

Gauthak saw five assailants and counted his allies. He counted five people including himself. "Why would we surrender. First, I'm very competitive and have a strong sense of honor which includes not backing down. Second, you do not out number us. It is five to five, and most likely we are more skilled than you. If you were in Tajiian than you know what I can do to you. Do you want to end up as a puddle, as well?" He looked at victor with an obvious "just give me the order" look. He prepared himself for whatever was next to come.

2011-08-29, 02:41 PM
"I knew you'd be more accommodating. If you survive our assignment you really should consider defecting one day; the Eldreni Goliath population outnumbers the Thetran one by a factor of 40. But for now; I've seen what you can do, and I'm not concerned."

2011-08-29, 02:47 PM

"I would never defect. As for those Eldreni Goliath, I have no intension on joining those inglorious scum. They can kiss my shield. They had their choice, and they chose to leave me. They made the mistake of exiling me. I would never be welcomed there anyway." The Eldreni officer seemed to just make Gauthak even angrier.

2011-08-29, 05:55 PM

Antana smirks slightly. "I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you've not seen half of what we can do. You're on Thetran land, and you've attacked Thetran citizens." Even if one of them is the most annoying halfling on the face of the planet, she thinks. "If you wish to live to see the sunset, I suggest you lay down your weapons."

Intimidate check: [roll0]

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-29, 08:46 PM

Quinn says nothing, having delayed too long in speaking her mind get a proper word in, instead letting her allies speak. She continues to pay attention in case there is a gab she can properly fill.

It's almost obvious that a fight's going to happen, no matter what, however. Quinn gives her best "I need a freaking drink" and searches through her bag before taking a swig from one of her potions. She hides the vial behind the baggy sleeves of her uniform and her cloak as she does so, hoping to obscure the true nature of the drink.

[roll0] Potion of CLW consumed, assuming they don't stop me or something. 24 sleight of hand, bluff below if needed.


Also, if possible, Quinn will sneak a tanglefoot bag out of her bag and be ready to throw it.

Also also, hypothetically... how easy would it be for Quinn to hide and sneak over to either the one on the van or the one with the rod, in terms of whether or not there's sufficient cover? I have an elixir of hiding sitting in my pack...

2011-08-30, 05:37 AM

THe dwarf runs his hand through his beard musing on the scene unfolding before him and looks down at the axe at his side. "This just is unfortunate. And after all the trouble I went to to fix your broken wagon."

He looks at Victor and Gauthak waiting for any instructions and poised to draw axe and strike.

2011-08-30, 05:43 AM
For reaching into her bag Quinn is rewarded with a crossbow bolt to the upper arm. It hurts like hell & wierdly also tingles a little bit ((8 damage, DC16 Fort)).

I hate the dice roller & it hates me. Amazingly you guys get to go first, though all the enemies got a surprise round (hence the archer firing), just as a warning.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-08-30, 03:52 PM

Attempting to drink a potion seems like an incredibly stupid idea to Quinn in hindsight, as the crossbow bolt that hits her causes her to drop the elixir back into her bag and fall forward, her consciousness slipping from her.

((Let's say she was going for her elixir of hiding instead, so she doesn't look quite as stupid.))

2011-08-30, 04:13 PM

victor sighs as the arrow is let loose, however when quin crashes to the ground near him he looks slightly alarmed. no use letting that happen to myself as well, no good would that do anyone here, as he reaches into himself and feels for the divine energy he has for the day, filling his body with a feeling of sanctuary.

he will step back from the leader into more of the center of the group fumbling to grab a small stick out of his bag, with a small wick coming out one end.

bash him gauthak. I'll check on Quinn

hmm i don't have rouse as a spell, un fortunate.
-cast sanctuary on self (DC14 will save to be able to attack/cast harmful spells on victor)
-5 foot step back into center of group
-move: draw smoke stick from pack

oh well spells for the day should have been listed prior, but here they are, and this is the usual arrangement for him from now on.
sanctuaryx2 (1 used)
protection from evil x2
good berry x1

all = resistance (i think thats on the spell list) if not cure minor wounds (what will be used anyway)

also can he make a heal check/ some sort of check to see whats wrong with Quinn? or is that a separate action?

2011-08-30, 05:07 PM
Gauthak smiled, "With pleasure." He then charged and bull rushed the leader with his shield

Rolling stuff.
Bull rush Strength Check: [roll0]
If dude is smashed into a wall: [roll1]
Did I miss anything?

2011-08-30, 10:21 PM

Swift action: Antana activates her Island of Blades stance (so if she and another ally are adjacent to an enemy, both get the +2 flanking bonus even if they're not actually flanking).

Antana follows Gauthak into the fray, slicing at the Eldreni with her sword.

Emerald Razor
Touch attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra damage from Rapid Assault feat: [roll2]

2011-08-31, 05:03 AM

Kraggi growls in rage as Quinn drops beside him. Come on then eldreni scum he shouts drawing his axe and stepping towards the ugly little cloaked man swinging his blade in a massive decapitating strike!

Draw axe and attack the cloaked man
[roll0] (if 20 rolled then [roll1])
Damage [roll2] (if a crit then add [roll3])

Yay go for a crit. Worryingly that would have just killed me!

2011-09-04, 01:43 PM
As Quinn hits the deck Victor's spell is met with the nearby blade wielding hooded man reacting faster than he expected & trying to gut him ((10 damage, DC20 Concentration check or you fluff the spell)).

Gauthak lunges at the enemy leader and succeeds in cracking him solidly on the head, but the man digs his heels in & deflects most of your momentum before he gets pinned against the caravan.

Furthermore he is able to raise his sword arm in time to counter Antana's verdant slice.

Seeing his commander in difficulties obviously has an effect on Kraggi, because with a single blow he cuts the man down without so much as a yelp escaping him.


The two hooded men behind the party lunge forward; one going for Victor, the other Kraggi. Both find the gaps they need between counter-blows & their blades cut deep ((7 damage Victor, 9 Kraggi)).

The lead Eldreni spins impressively & stepping aside he cuts both Gauthak & Antana with the same strike ((10 damage Gauthak, 8 Antana)).

The Archer reloads & shoots Kraggi (thus far the biggest risk) in the shoulder, right through to the joint ((6 damage, -2 attack rolls until healed, DC16 Fort or unconscious; it's Poison so Dwarven bonus applies)).

2011-09-04, 02:01 PM

((Assuming that was their turn))

Gauthak staggers for a second and then takes a five foot step back. Again, he charges and bull rushes the leader, trying to smash him into the caravan.

More rolls:

Bull Rush: [roll0]
If he gets smashed into the caravan: [roll1]
Come on, Gauthak needs a new puddle!

2011-09-04, 02:06 PM

damnations that hurt, this is why i don't stand in the middle of the fight normally he thought to himself as he finished his spell casting, just in time to avoid being skewered by the man coming from behind.
taking a moment he 5 foots away from any directly nearby person (trying to stay near the center of the group and near quinn., and summons a small ball of flame to his finger tip(prestidigitation) with which he lights the fuse on the smoke stick, dropping it to the ground filling the obscuring the area around them with smoke. he then takes a proper two handed grip on his long spear to avoid any fools rushing directly at him through the smoke.

2011-09-04, 02:58 PM

Kraggi grunts in pain from both the slash and the massive hammer like shock of the arrow ripping through his shoulders and blood pouring out. The poison burns in his veins but he ignores it and weakly swings his axe at the man attacking Victor, shoulder howling in protest.

With that done he draws his shield to better shield his battered and abused body. Well that was a short lived mission boss.... he mutters to Victor as the blood pours out his body.

Fort Save [roll0]

Attack roll [roll1] (if a 20 [roll2])
damage [roll3] (if crit add [roll4])

2011-09-05, 11:59 AM

Antana yelps in pain as the Eldreni's blade cuts into her shoulder, but swiftly renews her attack. As she swings her sword, her skin seems to take on a hardened, stony cast.

Attack with Stone Bones: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Antana hits, she has DR 5/adamantine for 1 round, and heals as many HP as damage she does (up to a max of 10).

2011-09-08, 03:35 AM
The leader seems prepared this time & locks his stance, matching the Goliath's strength perfectly & pushing him off.

[Previous Turn the second person attacking Victor made his Will Save so his attack went through successfully.]

Victor's smokestick is effective & he, Kraggi, their two assailants & the archer are concealed almost immediately, the leader & your two team-mates soon to follow (as in the start of the next turn).

Kraggi is sadly the first to succumb to the acrid smoke, his weakened swing going wide of it's mark.

Antana's blow is turned against Gauthak's shield by her target.


The swordsman nearest to Victor get a face-full of smoke & nearly drops his blade covering his eyes. He gives you a snarl, to let you know he's not pleased.

Kraggi's foe however is much less caring about the smoke & with cold precision he plunges his blade deep into his side ((crit, 18 dmg)).

The archer leaps onto the next van across to avoid the smoke & shoots Antana ((3 dmg, DC16 Fort or unconscious)).

The leader steps back & spins on the spot; all the momentum smashing against Gauthak. The Goliath takes the full brunt of the strike, Eathsoul rendered useless this time ((21 damage))

Victor's smoke expands to cover the entire battlefield (roll your own miss chances with your actions).

Does Sanctuary cause a Save every attack, or is 1 pass enough?

If you die it's not game over, just fyi.

2011-09-08, 03:51 AM

Cursing the smoke he didn't see the blade lashing into his side, but he felt it. The blow setting pain like he'd never before felt as it carved through his flesh muscle and organs. The world narrows to a pinprick of light, dwarven voices almost audible surrounding as the smell of forge fire and beer overcame the metallic tang of blood and bitter smokestick.

Home eh... Kraggi muttered as his eyes began to close and he slumped to his knees and then fell face forwards on the wet blood slicked grass.

Falls unconscious reduced to -9 Hps
10% Chance to stabilise [roll0] stabilise on a 9

2011-09-08, 05:48 AM

As the leader crashes into the Goliath, Gauthak collapses to the ground, dying quickly.

Stabilization. I think I'm allowed to do this right now.

2011-09-08, 09:21 AM

Seeing kraggi go down is not something victors ready to accept, stepping quickly to him using the smoke as cover he kneels and quickly forces some healing magic into kraggis body
stand and fight, theirs no sleeping on the job

2011-09-08, 06:04 PM

As the smoke billows around her, Antana sees Gauthak's huge body fall to the ground. "Victor, Gauthak needs help too!" Unfortunately, between the smoke and seeing two of her comrades go down in quick succession, Antana doesn't notice the arrow zooming towards her.

Fort Save:

2011-09-11, 04:06 AM
The sarge is the last man standing momentarily, Kraggi awakening just in time for an Eldreni boot to crack him across the face & back into unconsciousness.

As Antana slips to the ground, the leader turns to Victor. "First to speak & last to fall. Shame you weren't born south of the border; you're a good commander."

He seems sincere in his praise as he spins his bladebehind him; leaving a trail of ripples in the air; light when you look just above a candle. Bringing it down his sword crashes into Victor like a falling boulder, the mage hitting the floor with a crash.

DrK: since Victor healed you Kraggi still have a round of actions before this happens. I'll post the next bit after you do.

2011-09-11, 05:39 AM

Regaining consiousness and not seeing the boot streaking towards his face Kraggi can only see the hunched form of his boss crouched over him. Short mission eh Sarge?.

Rolling slightly over he activates his belt of healing, 2 thrids of its daily power flowing into him... before the boot connects with his face sending him back into the black.

Use 2 charges of the healing belt healing [roll0] hitpoints.

2011-09-13, 11:00 AM

as he was praised by the enemy, and watched the weapon fall towords him only one thought went through his head
oh, I am so getting demoted for this

2011-09-14, 04:42 AM
Kraggi's healing gets him back on his feet, just long enough to be knocked back to the floor.


The poison wears off before those battered into unconsciousness awake, so Quinn & Antana are the first ones to see their new surroundings. You are in a stone-walled room, lit by two lamps. There are two wooden workbenches & a shelf containing some broken bottles with congealed liquids in them, as well as some scattered sheets of paper & a couple of broken inkpens. The door is wood, reinforced with iron bars & a noticeably new lock metal lock in an otherwise scanky old room.

You two have a couple of minutes to do whatever before the rest start regaining consciousness.

2011-09-14, 05:52 PM

"Ohh, my head..." Antana sits up and looks around the room. If possible (K-B, you didn't say whether we're restrained in any way), she goes over to her still-unconscious comrades and tries to check how badly injured they are, and bind their wounds if the Eldreni didn't do it. "Quinn, you okay?"

Heal check for Kraggi: [roll0]
Heal check for Gauthak: [roll1]
Heal check for Victor: [roll2]

I'm going to assume the Eldreni weren't monumentally stupid enough to leave us our gear?

2011-09-15, 02:48 PM
Antana sees that her comrades are beaten, but not dead & is able to revive them easily enough.

Quinn & Antana have the HP they had when they were poisoned, everyone else has their most recent Hit Dice worth (eg. Gauthak took Fighter at level 3 so has 10HP).

2011-09-15, 03:00 PM

The dwarf opens his eyes blearily reaching for his gear and sighing when its gone. Right, where do we be? he asksstarting about. "I guess we're looking at a break out and some pretty nasty revenge".

2011-09-15, 03:05 PM

Gauthak wakes up, immediately getting up. "A break out sounds good." he says cracking his rock-like knuckles.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-15, 05:14 PM

I've been better, and I've been worse," Quinn answers as Antana goes to check on their friends. I guess we lost then?" she asks rhetorically. "I feel so stupid for trying to sneak a drink from one of my potions, now... I could have helped you guys... that's twice now I've failed." Quinn whispers the last part of her statement to herself, looking dejectedly at the ground. She smiles weakly at each of her allies as Antana wakes them up, feeling a bit useless because she never bothered learning how to treat anything but the most basic injuries.

"Let's not be so hasty," she interjects when talk of a jailbreak starts. "We couldn't beat them before, and now we don't even have our weapons or... other equipment." She sighs as she thinks of her various potions and her tanglefoot bags, and her hand twitches slightly as she thinks about her trusty daggers, which she can't even juggle to pass the time now. "We need a plan, and a damn good one at that."

2011-09-15, 05:23 PM

"Well. We could rearrange a little. I could take this wall out and maybe add a nice porch, with a view." Gauthak says, all of a sudden gaining a sense of humor.

2011-09-15, 05:57 PM
I must be dead, I big boys making jokes. I figured pellets might have rewarded me for service, alas I wake to your smiling faces. Btw, has anyone asked the bellhop for a better room? It must be a mistake that we didn't get the sea side view.

He pauses for a moment to look around before explaining himself
I mean guys, we may as well look at this like an unplanned vacation, enjoy ourselves now, since were gonna get our rears chewed out when we get home.

Walking over to the door he knocks on it for a second, before speaking through the door.
excuse me concierge, you seem to have made a mistake were supposed to be in the planning room getting debriefed after our return from our undercover mission. We haven't been home in since the war started and our welcome home party is a mistake being made and actually thinking were on the other side?

Bluff if there's anyone there to hear him [roll0] (assuming he dosn't have his fancy tie tool for +2

2011-09-17, 10:46 AM
Victor receives no answer.

Make a listen check.

2011-09-17, 11:40 AM
To the best of his abilities, Victor seems to have been hit harder than Antana originally thought, as he seems to be chattering to the door.

Listens for everyone else, since I assume you'll all try it now:
Gauthak (16), Kraggi (17)
You hear quiet, muffled movement outside the door.
Antana (20)
You hear muffled movement outside the door.

Beyond the opposite wall you hear a hawk's cry.
Quinn (28)
You hear muffled movement outside the door. What's more you can hear speech; two distinct voices, though you can't make out what they're saying.

Beyond the opposite wall you hear a hawk's cry as well as some other birds.

Wow, the diceroller loves you guys atm.

2011-09-17, 02:16 PM

Gauthak hears movement and looks at everyone else. Doing some military hand signals to them, he is basically saying we should get ready. He is not giving orders, just making a suggestion

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-17, 06:18 PM

"Yeah, right. What exactly do you expect us to do?" Quinn whispers to Gauthak, sighing. "We have nothing, and there's at least two people out there. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm almost useless without my stuff." She thinks for a moment. "Also, maybe the birds are relevant," she shrugs.

2011-09-17, 06:25 PM

Gauthak replied, not thinking about the bird comment, "I can still kill someone without my shield. I don't need a shield to turn someone into a puddle. I'm not saying we rush this, but, we need a plan if they come in here."

2011-09-18, 10:15 PM

"There's always the classic 'have someone standing behind the door to bash people over the head if necessary' maneuver," Antana suggests. "But I agree with Quinn, I don't think we're in any shape to fight people at the moment. It might be better to bide our time and look for a way to sneak out later."

2011-09-18, 10:18 PM

"You tell the Goliath that we should sneak out. I liked the bash the guy over the head idea. Just imagine the door opening and behind it stands a huge stoney man, about to crush the puny man in the doorway."

2011-09-18, 11:31 PM

apparently the group had been hit harder then he thought, they were talking about bashing in the heads of someone who wasn't there.
oh well no use now, if there was someone there we shall see what comes of it, though i don't think there was. may as well enjoy our vacation for a bit.
anyone need any restoration? i don't have much pure healing left, for now. however, what i can do is pretty effective, if unpleasant. kind of akin to doing surgery with a hacksaw really.. but it works.
the last portion said with a wry grin on his face.

2011-09-19, 02:39 AM

Still patting down his pockets and clothes as if hoping to find something the dwarf was muttering angrily to himself. Any of you lot got something small, metallic and wiry? If so we'll be seeing at getting past that there door more quietly than our Goliath friend would accomplish. I'd hold off on the violence, with no weapons, armour or spells they'll beat us back again. They did it easily enough when were fully armed...

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-19, 03:41 PM

"I can't say that 'surgery with a hacksaw' is the most confidence inspiring thing you could say," Quinn says dryly at Victor's suggestion as she takes off her relatively new dragon's tooth necklace and tosses it to Kraggi. "Not exactly what you were asking for, but considering how thoroughly they've taken my possessions, it may be the best you can get."

2011-09-20, 02:56 PM
Using the tooth & the corpse of a once beautiful pen veeeeery carefully, Quinn & Kraggi manage to twist the (apparently completely brand new & well oiled) lock almost open almost completely silently. You don't know if the guards heard you, but you don't hear anything to make you think they're taking up a defensive position outside.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-20, 04:17 PM

"Okay, now what?" Quinn whispers. "I figure all I can do is use my magic to go invisible... and maybe I can figure out how to do something else with it, but nothing particularly effective. And I doubt anything I could do would last particularly long." Quinn frowns, feeling all but useless. Her hand reaches, almost instinctively, for where she would normally have a dagger, but, of course, finds nothing.

2011-09-20, 04:56 PM

Thinking to himself they were all nuts for this, victor decided to at least offer his suggestion.
why don't you make the door invisible then? At least before we open it you could tell if something is there that way.

2011-09-21, 02:44 PM

"That sounds like a good idea, I'll be over here so I don't get sighted." Gauthak moves to the corner that is the most out of sight from the door.

2011-09-21, 03:18 PM

THe heavy set dwarf grimaces, I'm afraid I won't be much use till find our stuff. Then I'll be good to help ye properly...

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-21, 08:00 PM

"I don't think it's that good of an idea. If I turned the door invisible, then they could see in and know what's happening... and I don't know if I can do that, anyway."

2011-09-24, 04:37 AM
Before you get the chance to do anything of the sort however a voice shouts an order to you from the other side of the door "Prisoners step back!" & he thumps on the door; presumably to make sure you heard it.

However as he goes for his second thump the unlocked door swings open. he stands there for a second, his arm hanging in midair. His eyes widen, but before he can react Gauthak's instincts take over and he's tackled him to the ground, the the rest of you slamming his teammate into the stone floor.

With them both unconscious you look around. The room is about 3 times larger than your previous one, a single level stone room. It seems to be the remnants of a lounge from years ago; most of the furniture has been broken & thrown to the sides of the rooms though some odd chairs remain intact around the place, there are burned tapestries & ornaments (cheap looking, nothing of value) here and there. The remnants of a bookcase stand broken against the wall, with a few burned books on it's shelves. The room looks like it's taken significant fire damage once, the large fireplace with a gargoyle carved into either side (one broken) to your left is full of what seem to be rations. There is a large hole in the ceiling where the stones have collapsed in. It's night time & freezing cold.

There is another door, similar to yours on the other side of the room, a front door wrought from iron leading outside to your right. Antana spot a trap door under a warg-pelt blanket on the floor. Nobody hears any other soldiers, but that doesn't mean they're not nearby.

2011-09-24, 05:11 AM

Ye filthy Eldreni scum Kraggi mutters as he puts a solid boot into one of the KO'd men. "Wonder if our stuff is somewhere in here?" he asks the room at large quietly before hunting around and turning over the room.

Search [roll0]

See if any of them has weapons or kit. Anything'll be helping to make good our escape.

2011-09-24, 08:13 AM

After tackling the guard, Gauthak stands back up and exits the prison cell. In the larger room he spots the other door, similar to the one that he had just exited. He walks over and checks to see if it is unlocked.

2011-09-24, 01:08 PM

After the others finish kicking the men, and he finishes wincing, he begings to search them over to see if they have anything of value on them, or a weapon for his companions.

During wich time he's wispers, do we leave them unconscious, or would one of you like to snap their necks, so we can be sure they wont come after us/ or wake up and sound the alarm?

Ooc: would they still have thoughts I could read while unconsious?

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-24, 09:13 PM

"Well, I guess we have to get a move on now," Quinn mutters as the guards are knocked out. She really would have liked more time to plan, but nobody was coming up with anything anyway, so maybe this would be for the best. She joins Victor in searching the guards, even thought the weapons they would have would likely be too big for her; she just doesn't feel comfortable unarmed.

"Well, this is war, right? And our orders were to take out any forces we encounter, so it's really more a matter of who does it rather than if we do it."

2011-09-24, 09:22 PM

so be it then, I'm highest ranking, and i suggested it I'll have it on my conscious. but first i must consider if they have anything on their minds that may help us. says victor rising from the bodies (presuming he found nothing) he walks into the room where the furniture is broken against the walls and picks up a piece of a chair leg (improvised club yes?) walks back into the room with the guards, and casts detect thought concentrating on the two guards for long enough to read surface thoughts they may have while unconscious.

once done, if nothing to vital comes up in it, he will coup-de-grace both, until sufficiently gone.

2011-09-25, 09:33 AM

"There were five men in that group who brought us here, right? So there should be at least three more enemies in this place," Antana whispers. She checks the bodies to see if either of them is carrying any weapons she knows how to use; if not, she'll grab a chair leg or something to use as a club. Then she joins Gauthak in investigating the other door.

2011-09-27, 02:56 AM
@Victor: While knocked out, read thoughts won't function. You'd just get random snippets of their brain addled dreams.

@everyone: They're both armed with a masterwork longsword & a masterwork dagger apiece. They each wear studded leather armour & have a pouch containing assorted coins & gems ((3400 total, 680 apiece))and one has a ring of interlocking metal circles of various compostions in theirs.

They also have a set of keys, one of which opens each of the side doors, the opposite one is where miraculously all of your gear is stored (>.>) The big grey one matches the front door, and the little silver one matches the trap door.

Everyone got 1000XP for the lost battle. The Ring is a modified Ring of Master Artifice that grants a bonus infusion equal to 1 lower than your maximum level of infusions available (minimum 1st level), though it only activates when you refresh your infusions for the day. It is Kraggi's reward for felling one of the Eldreni soldiers during the battle.

2011-09-27, 04:00 AM

Strapping on his equipment Kraggi smiles as he feels the comforting weight of his axe. Looking at the ring he'll feel a strange resonance "An interesting trinket" he'll mutter studying it carefully. "Best leave that for later".

Searching around he'll smile at all the gold and jewels. "I'd say that should cover our discomfort. Now how about we gets a little bit of revenge?".

With that he'll glance down at the axe and focus on it for a minute, then walk over Gauthak How about a little something for the shield?, as it glows a dark black and seesm heavier to and somehow more damaging... and finally Antana where a glittering aura of silver settles on her clothing...
Can I give either of you a boost?

Right I think we should find the other 3 and gib them.
If someone can peek outside and see where we are then possibly go and kill some people.
Me- personal weapon (Human Bane)
Gauthak - Bulls strength
Antana - Shield of Faith
- Victor/Quinn - what would you like?

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-27, 02:41 PM

Quinn is absolutely relieved once they find their equipment. With her daggers in hand, she feels useful once again, and her cloak is a nice comfort in the dank dungeon air. She refuses her share of the money the group finds, however. "I didn't really do anything during that fight... I let you all down, and I don't deserve any compensation for it, you know? Besides, I found this ring on our captors," she says as she holds up her discovery. "Does anybody think they can identify it?"

((OOC: I don't really know how artificers work, so I don't know what Kraggi could give Quinn.)

2011-09-27, 05:07 PM

The goliath grabs his shield and anything else that he had, slipping on Earthsoul and getting into his armor. "Okay, now we find out where we are."

2011-09-27, 05:36 PM

putting his spellweve back on he quickly casts a few prestidigitations to eliminate any foul oders in the group to not give away their presence with any smell they may have developed.
finding his small silver holy symbol necklace he sighs quickly before turning to the group
alrighty, i have a few more healing options available now, anyone need anything desperately? the hacksaw perfect condition is still on the table also. seeing the money being divide up he continues
deal with money later, we may need it to get out of here with later, for now is anyone good at disguising themselves? or hiding?

2011-09-27, 05:48 PM

"Thanks for the boost, Kraggi." Antana readies her falchion, and activates her Island of Blades stance. "Let's see where we are, shall we?"

EDIT: "I could probably use a little healing if you have any to spare, Victor."

2011-09-27, 05:50 PM

shouldn't we see whats in the trap door before we go running around outside?

The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-29, 08:43 PM

"Actually, I was going to suggest that we check out the other door, but you do make a good point, Victor. I suppose it would be better to make sure we search around inside before we leave," Quinn says, shoving the ring on her finger. If nobody wants to identify it at the time, it can probably wait until later. She pulls her cloak close to shield herself from the cold in the room though, once again glad that they managed to find their belongings.

2011-09-29, 11:12 PM

victor turns to antana and quickly touches her arm, letting a small portion of magic flow into her. he follows up by channeling a small portion through himself as well feeling the new bumps and cuts closing quickly.

2x cure minor wounds for 6hp each

from origional spell slots
4x sorc lvl 1 slots
5x 0th lvl sorc slots

healer lvl 1s 2/5 slots used
2x pro evil left
1x sanc left
1 sanc used
1x pro evil used to heal

0th 2/4 slots used
3x cure minor wounds 2/3 used
1 create water

2011-09-30, 01:16 AM

"Gauthak, why don't you and me just stand here uot the corner eh? No point spoiling the others sneaking...

With that Kraggi will move to the corner and wait until the others see something to mention.

2011-09-30, 04:53 AM

The goliath nods and does the same.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-10-02, 08:18 PM

Quinn looks around at her allies, none of whom are acting. They seem to have come to an agreement regarding searching through the trap door, but nobody's moving to act on it. "Well, no use standing around, really," Quinn says as she decides to take the initiative to open the trap door and go down it, making sure her cloak is draped around her as completely as possible.

2011-10-05, 01:33 AM
The tiny key turns silently and the trap door opens without a fight. A rush of cold air blows out at Quinn. There are some stone stairs & while it is generally dark, there are three torches on brwckets on the wall showing the stairs & their base some 30 steps down.

As you descend you feel cold but also refreshed (like the cold side of a pillow) and by the time you reach the base, you feel positively perky ((heal 1HP/step for a maximum of 30, Victor can have back any spells he used upstairs since I forgot to mention the stairs)).

You are in a stone corridor. The floor, Walls and ceiling are perfectly flat stone set at perfect right angles to one another, however they are also grotty with clearly not being cleaned in years. The corridor extends in front of you beyond the range of torchlight or darkvision, you hear nothing but faint, squeaky noises.

Assuming you carry on you reach a door before too long. It has a rune shaped from steel stuck onto it, and inside is the most eclectic armoury; weapons, armour, other odds and ends from various different sources clearly (including several different Thetran caps & uniforms).

You can continue on or go in the armoury. I'll do my level best to post this time tomorrow.

2011-10-05, 04:33 PM

well, well, well this is interesting, i think we know how those bafoons have been getting around unnoticed on our side of the border. victor says when he sees the uniforms. he pokes around a little to see if he can notice anything really out of place.

search [roll0] (will post modifier once mythwevers is back up.)