View Full Version : Azer characters

2011-07-14, 08:52 AM
Hey guys Im planning my backup character for a campaign im in at the moment and I love Azers, lets face it they are damn cool. I have a few questions about playing them though.

-The ELC6 is a killer, has anyone found a progression class for them or anything?

-Also what classes work well with them? The Cha penalty and bonus damage with metal weapons is pointing towards something combat based but id like to see what interesting ideas you guys have.

Also for the character im making it will be Gestalt and running through Undermountain with a Half Red Dragon Warblade but im not really worried about party make up just want to get some inspiration!

Thanks in advance!

PS- Also there is a serious lack of Azer art out there, if anyone can post or link up some that would be awesome too :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2011-07-14, 09:52 AM
i don't have that helpful suggestions, but...
- Savage species has a progression chart for an Azer.
- since you're going gestalt, perhaps one of the sides could be the Azer's progression, and the seconf one a "regular" class?
- i think that an Azer cleric of fire and earth (or metal) domains would kick ass. i'd call him "Brimstone" or "Lava" or "Ignetious" (not sure i'm spelling that right)

no Azer pics from me. :smallfrown:

Also, i'm looking for inspiration for another monster for my "Compendium of maligned, forgotten..." (see link) if you have some thoughts on Azers, i'd love to hear. they might be worth an entry...

good luck with your character! :smallsmile:

2011-07-14, 10:04 AM
Ah I wondered if it would be in there, im AFB at the mo so I couldnt check. Yeah the plan is to take it on half as my current character is a Ghost//Sorcerer.

The cleric is exactly what I was thinking maybe taking barbarian after Azer levels for fiery fierceness! :smallbiggrin: Any more obscure class ideas?

Also reading your compendium now.

2011-07-14, 11:13 AM

How about Solar Channeler from "The shattered gates of Slaughterguard"
It lets you use Turn attempts to turn into a Solar.

Ahem, you could try the Pyrokinectist, if you want to "burn it all"(ExPH)

2011-07-14, 11:33 AM
If everyone is playing Azer, who are pretty metal, literally, why not simply give a class level, and simply make the challenges that much harder at the start? A bit weaker then a party at that 'level' since healing and magic won't be up to snuff for a while, but if everyone is using the same LA, why not simply start as-is?
EDIT: Oops, my mistake, I thought this was an Azer campaign. Curse me and my quick reading habits.:smallsigh:

Kol Korran
2011-07-14, 11:42 AM
another thought. there is a Magma Druid (variant) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171732) on these very boards, made by none other than Serpentine. might be worth a look. :smallwink:

2011-07-14, 12:10 PM
Ah the Magma Druid is cool, ive read that before and its a definite idea, also reminded me of the Shi'ar or something from Dragon Compendium its a genie based caster and has a strong fire theme. Actually its Cha based so nevermind!

One idea I has was-Dragon Fire Adept//Azer ECL/Barbarian.

Thought It would get some fun fire themed abilities and then still gets to be a big flaming angry berserker!

Another class idea was Cleric//Azer ECL/Crusader, the image of a big noble and proud Azer full of divine awesomeness is pretty cool too.

2011-07-14, 09:14 PM
Not exactly Azer, but if you're looking for a Dwarf-like outsider with a more managable LA, you might want to check out the Maeluth:

• Maeluth - medium outsider (FF) 20 ft move, -2 Dex, +4 Con, Dwarf Traits, Fiend Hammer, Fighter, LA +1

There's also the Frost Dwarf (though not a true outsider):

• Dwarf, Frost – medium humanoid (dwarf, extraplanar) (PH) 20 ft move, +4 Con, -4 Cha, SLAs, always CE, Fighter, LA +1

2011-07-19, 06:25 AM
Those a pretty cool races but for this im looking at playing an actual Azer, will keep those in mind for later though!

So far im thinking of doing the Crusader//cleric build and putting him in a set of mountain plate or sme other ridiculous exotic armour. Any tips for this type of build?

The other idea was to do a lightly armoured almost rogue like character but the super armour is too awesome to pass up. Might even make him evil :smallbiggrin:

Fouredged Sword
2011-07-19, 06:39 AM
Mechanus Gear! Now just find a way to get a magic chainsaw straped to a heavy crossbow!

Kol Korran
2011-07-19, 06:56 AM
i don't quite have a suggestion for the build (i suck at those) but it could be cool if you can get the armor aflame! (not sure what's the armor quality for that is) i think in the eberron campaign setting there is such an armor, but it's quite expensive...

2011-07-19, 07:07 AM
Like Mechanus gear isnt expensive enough! Ooh that would look cool though, as for the armour I was thinking of just getting Mountain or Battle plate, a much cheaper yet just as heavy and silly looking option. They are found in the Races of Stone btw :smallsmile: