View Full Version : Some Very Odd Loot IC

2011-07-14, 09:48 AM
You have just finished looting the cavern, and decided to split into three groups. Each group stands in front of a different tunnel, and will exit separately.

(OOC: Feel free to talk among yourselves or to your items, just let me know when you're ready to go through.)

2011-07-14, 10:50 AM
Aldrich Cord stands at the entrance to his tunnel, looking down the dark journey ahead. He turns his head to the group of adventurers he had come here with. Aldrich had been on many adventures before, but this one had been... interesting... to say the least. Never before had Aldrich seen so many unique individuals. To be quite honest, he was relieved to leave a few of them behind.

See you all on the other side.

Aldrich looked down to his hands, where the newly equipped Golgo was worn.

Well, my new friend, let's get you outta here.

One of Aldrich's three skeletal Dire Bears approaches his side. The necromancer reached out his arm and gently pat the motionless skull at the front of its long, big body.

For marching order, I'd prolly be at the back, with a Dire Bear on my left, right, and behind me.

Also, are the tunnels dark? Will the team need torches? I have darkvision out to 60 feet so doesn't really matter to me. Also, one more note, my character always has the invocations Beguiling Influence, Leaps and Bounds, and See the Unseen active.

2011-07-14, 10:52 AM
Aldrich Cord stands at the entrance to his tunnel, looking down the dark journey ahead. He turns his head to the group of adventurers he had come here with. Aldrich had been on many adventures before, but this one had been... interesting... to say the least. Never before had Aldrich seen so many unique individuals. To be quite honest, he was relieved to leave a few of them behind.

See you all on the other side.

Aldrich looked down to his hands, where the newly equipped Golgo was worn.

Well, my new friend, let's get you outta here.

One of Aldrich's three skeletal Dire Bears approaches his side. The necromancer reached out his arm and gently pat the motionless skull at the front of its long, big body.

For marching order, I'd prolly be at the back, with a Dire Bear on my left, right, and behind me.

Also, are the tunnels dark? Will the team need torches? I have darkvision out to 60 feet so doesn't really matter to me. Also, one more note, my character always has the invocations Beguiling Influence, Leaps and Bounds, and See the Unseen active.

I consider darkness needless micromanaging, so don't worry about it.

2011-07-14, 12:26 PM
Shouldering his way to the front Nosher barks at Aldrich, "Oi, les get a move on. Ain't no sense in settin' down an pick'n our bums. I say we find some tasty grub. And keep an eye on yer damn boney pets."

Thinking to Trelo, 'So wut am I gonna do wit you? I figure you want sumthin' from, Wut?'

2011-07-14, 01:20 PM
In his own group, Blokad lies in the front of it, his greataxe Posu in hand. "Arrighty! I'rr take point, all else behind me!" He still needed some work on his pronunciation, but was mostly comprehensible for the others. The troll boisterously began to make his way out of the cavern... Though he hadn't the best idea where to go.

2011-07-14, 01:50 PM
Uurasa snorts disdainfully, the bald warrior/mage bouncing impatiently on the tips of her feet. Having discovered her acquisition to be nigh-incomprehensible, she seems to have abandoned any attempt to think too much about it, especially as the moment the boots touched her feet, she began to move and react even faster than she had before.

"Well? I think we're done here, and if that's the case, we're out of here before I get bored."

The weasel hidden in a pocket that only seems half-real, chitters from Uurasa's waist, and she smiles distractedly while she taps her scythe, held one-handed, against the ground.

At the beginning of any day, especially with adventuring, Uurasa would have her extended greater mage armor and familiar pocket spells cast. Adjusted and accounted for.

2011-07-14, 01:57 PM
Corrynn looked around the large group and slowly shook his head, he would willingly admit that there was something wrong when he seemed fairly normal. He gave a breathless sigh and went after his own group, carefully moving past Aldrich to walk between him and Nosher.
"And there is no sense at all in rushing and not watching our steps, especially not in a place like this Nosher."

"As for you my friend, we'll see how we get along, but for now lets at least assume we have similar views on how things should be done?" he directed the thought to Dolan.

2011-07-14, 03:51 PM
"Blokaaaaaad... Wait up," whines a high-pitched voice off to the troll's right. Keeping pace with him while she pranced, sideways, along the wall Sallessiss gave him a disappointed pout before leaping from the wall and onto one of his broad shoulders. Once there she sat upright in a very cat-like pose and continued, "Did you forget who has the best eyes here? Besides I don't want you blocking my view while we're heading back."

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-14, 04:23 PM
Tahlzair was hanging back, trying to communicate with the sentient helmet "Icara, can you tell me anything about these tunnels? Or yourself for that matter? I'd like to hear your history."

In fact he was too preoccupied to notice Blokad start to lead the way. Again. "Blokad, You've gotta take point next time around, you get all the excitement before I can get to the front." Tahlzair sighed. "Anyway, I've got rearguard. Everyone else, form up in the middle." With that Tahlzair pulled his halberd from it's harness and hoisted it onto his shoulder.

2011-07-14, 04:43 PM
"Well comrades, I pray we meet again" Says Re'an While waiting for Ilniur and his group to finish preperations

To Furu
"It will soon be time to give that mage his rightful dues my friend. No others of my kind shall suffer the humiliation of enslavement by his hand, this I swear"

2011-07-14, 06:20 PM
A plain leather belt, that he had picked up because it looked so ordinary. Of course, it was anything but. "Try not to disturb them too much. Until we're ready to, that is. They get startled so easily, normal folk. Oh! I think we're finally ready to go."

Terenin strolls up to Re'an and Uurasa, javelin in hand and leaned casually onto his shoulder, and peers into the cavern entrance before them. "Wonder if heading out will be as fun as making our way down here."
Thinking Re'an's farewell a good idea, he turns and waves goodbye to the groups gathering at the far tunnels.

2011-07-14, 06:52 PM
Silent, Isaac looks back on the other groups of people getting themselves together and leaving. This had certainly been an experience. Eh, the future's what I should be focusing on. Especially with these, Isaac looks down at his new gloves I could really do some good. He then gets himself ready, making sure he's covered up as he usually is, and heads up the tunnel with the rest of his group.

2011-07-14, 10:23 PM
Spines extended, Imre walks up to join his group. His only weapon, the handaxe Thir, found in this very dungeon, is hanging from his belt, but he is far from unarmed. His arms, covered to the shoulders and across his chest in fine silver-blue fur, end in razor-sharp claws, and he has a second pair of ghostly arms jutting out from his ribs just below those. These also end in razor-sharp claws. Added to this already monstrous-looking amalgamation are a set of cat-like claws hovering just over his solid hands. Over the chain shirt he wears is a shirt made of rough brown fur, with patches that appear to shift and move, if not outright disappear. The garment trails away into smoky nothingness just above a wide purple belt made of the scales of some great beast. The purple coloration doesn't stop at the edges of the belt, however, with his skin bearing just the faintest shade of it. Finally, a grey and white cloak with strange blue markings over his shoulders and back completes the ensemble.

"Shall we get moving, then? I'm eager to leave this place."

2011-07-14, 10:40 PM
Ilniur pulled Maho about him, noting its grace. Seeing his companions making toward the exits, he cast a final look at his comrades and the destruction they had wrought, and their potency, even divided. Let us leave this place. he said, moving next to Uurasa and Re'an. Irme, take point if you will.

To Maho
Maho, what brings you here under this mountain?

2011-07-14, 11:21 PM
Imre nods. "Fine by me. Everyone else, fall in behind me." With that, Imre moves to the front of the group, and begins the trek down the tunnel, hopefully back to the surface.

2011-07-14, 11:36 PM
Re'an Brings himself up onto all four of his goat-like legs and nods to Imre "Very well. Shall I go seccond?"

2011-07-15, 01:44 AM
"Yes, of course, it's a fantastic idea to keep your fastest member at the back of the line, don't you agree with me, buddy?" It's possible her boots reply, but they also might simply make a displeased buzzing sound. It seems Uurasa has decided not to let the fact that her boots only speak in an unintelligble blur of sounds get in the way of her having conversations with it.

Nevertheless, despite her complaint, she falls in behind her compatriots, scythe trailing behind her.

2011-07-15, 07:39 AM

They're manmade, I can assure you, and all from roughly the same time period.

I am glad to hear it.


It has been so long, I can't remember for sure. I remember only that a wizard dropped me off here many years ago, and never returned. He's probably dead by now.

2011-07-15, 12:32 PM

to Re'an, if you could take rearguard you could charge those ahead of us, I'll take second. I trust Irme will alert us of any dangers ahead of us. To Uurasa, I'm sure you will manage to be in the fight when it comes to it without a problem, ma'am.

2011-07-15, 12:38 PM
Phiris' Team:

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11422642 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11422642#post11422642)

2011-07-15, 01:50 PM
Loriel walks into the center of her group, letting flames lick the falchion she obtained in the cavern. She felt a warm feeling emanating from the sword, and decided she would like it. "Sorry for the holdup everyone. let us continue."

2011-07-17, 03:43 PM
There is a great rumbling and a massive sound of metal moving on metal as a small mountain of treasure slides aside. Underneath the gems and various pieces of ancient money and objects of varying power is a dwarf, powerfully built and armed with a gleaming set of steel fullplate. In his hands is a massive steel greatsword, and his arms are bound with ancient looking beavers, made of a metal that does not match is armor. "Wait for me, longlegs", he huffs as he hurries over to the group that has gathered by the door. "A dwarf needs time to part with treasure, even if I can't carry it all."

2011-07-17, 06:09 PM
Team Starsign:


2011-07-19, 03:37 PM

"Well have checked fer the bloody damn traps yet? I'm gettin' old back 'ere!"

2011-07-19, 04:45 PM
"With you running of up a head? No I haven't really been able to yet." Corrynn moves out a few feet in front of the others and starts to look for signs of traps.

OOC: I assume I can still take 10's on looking for traps while moving? if so I get a 22 search check.

Roc Ness
2011-07-20, 04:45 AM
Endre suddenly snaps back to the present, after having distracted himself for a good half an hour pulling faces at the unresponsive dire bear skeletons.

((Best explanation I could come up with for not being here. ;>.>))

"Wait, we're going now? Hey! Hey, wait for me!" Endre runs up to catch up with Corrynn at the front. So, exactly where are we going now? Because the tunnels all look the same to me. This has actually been somewhat more boring than I expected, actually."

2011-07-20, 02:53 PM
"Keep it up and Aldrich might let you keep one as a pet." Corrynn tilts his head and grins at the drow. "As for were we're going? Hopefully out, I'm rather sick of underground tunnels and caves." A few moments later, after having gone back to concentrating on finding any traps he adds "No offense meant of course." as an after thought, but he at least sounds sincere.

2011-07-20, 10:16 PM
Aldrich walked to the dire bear that Endre had been amused with. "Who's a good bear?" Aldrich said sarcastically, mocking overly affectionate pet owners. A grin sat firmly on his face, as he waited for everyone to enter the tunnel. He took up the rear of the group as they set down the tunnel.

2011-07-20, 11:03 PM
Deriac works his way to the front of the group, his floating shield keeping close to him, seeming to guard him jealously. He rests an armored arm on the hilt of his greatsword and peers down into the hallway. "We didn't encounter many traps or oddities on the way down, lads; just monsters. The stone of this place is solid, too, which is good on a dwarf's nerves. Do you want to carry on, then? I can take point, if you like. There isn't much in here that can rattle my bones."

2011-07-20, 11:38 PM

Growing fustrated and impatient, Nosher speaks up, "I don't give a damn! Les just the hell out of 'ere!"

2011-07-21, 01:36 AM
Shrugging Corrynn steps aside to let Deriac take point. "Better safe than sorry. But right now it might be safer to gamble with traps than Nosher's temper." He shakes his head as he says that, clearly he would have preferred to take his time.

Roc Ness
2011-07-21, 02:38 AM
"On we go then! Wait, hang on a moment..." Endre takes the time to quickly root through his backpack to retrieve a jug of magic sand. Behind his shades, he screws his eyes up in concentration as he takes a minute or two to shape 15 pounds of the sand into two serviceable items (using his mind!): A warhammer and a sturdy, heavy shield.

Endre straps on the shield and gives his new sandy warhammer a couple of experimental swings. "All done! I wonder what'd happen if I had forty thousand of these... Whaddya think, Drazo?"

He then hurries to catch up to the others.

((I'm assuming Endre managed to succeed the DC16 Wisdom check required to shape Shapesand, because it doesn't say anywhere that no retry is allowed and statistically it shouldn't take more than a two minutes to succeed.))