View Full Version : Keepers of Memory

2011-07-14, 10:01 AM
The day begins simply enough, bustling happily, until quite suddenly a loud explosion rips through the air in a swirling mix of gold, red, blue and black, and the last thing you remember is pain, When you awake again the acrid scent of destruction surrounds you, thicker than ever, but the ever present odor of sweat and despair is missing. Opening your eyes, you find yourself to be lying on a large sand dune. The dust is of a fine grain and silvery color, and seems to coat everything; all around your little patch of darkness is a bright light; with neither rhyme nor reason portions of this place appear to randomly illuminated or shadowed, sharp lines divide the two. The wind tugs gently at your hair, blowing steadily. It whips up small dust devils but never gets strong enough to do anything more. Far to north you can see a tower of some sort, perhaps a few minutes to the south east you can see a large pile of rocks, these are the only features which stand out besides more dunes, most of them smaller than the one you stand on currently.

Act as you see fit.

2011-07-14, 12:57 PM
Hutch raises himself to a crouch, listening intently for any sound at all, and whistles for Ug.

Listen - [roll0]
Handle Animal (come) [roll1]

2011-07-14, 01:41 PM
Emma pushes herself up and looks around the sand dunes, incredulously. Where am I..? She shakes a bit of sand out of her hair and stands, trying to get an idea of where she might be. It quickly dawns on her that she's very alone, so she looks around for others and calls out to whoever else might be in this desert. "Hello?! Is anyone here?"

2011-07-14, 02:47 PM
The dwarf maid pushed herself up, rising from the sand dunes. Pulling back her hood, she let her hair fall loose. She gazed intently, trying to deduce what happened, and to see if there is anyone else alive.

Content with what she sees, Yaljhanda sits down, and begins to try and regain her focus. And yet, as she tried to clear her mind, questions and thoughts reared up like some rabid animal. New concerns melded with old insecurities, raging like some barely contained beast. Yaljhanda breathed deeply, letting it all go.

Yaljhanda stands up again, this time, with some peace of mind. And again, she gazes, methodicaly searching for some clue...

Concentration: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-07-14, 03:22 PM
The tall, heavy man has some problems getting up with the apparently full backpack, shield, quiver, and bow on his back. After a few tries he manages to gain a somewhat sure footing. His long brown hair is bound in a ponytail and he wears a short scruffy-looking full beard.
Once he has brushed off his traveling cloak he walks over to the wide-brimmed hat lying in front of him and puts it on his head.

"Strange. Curious, very curious," he speaks clearly, to no one in particular, and takes one more look around before heading toward the pile of rocks (if he notices nothing else).

I assume from the description that we are each somewhere else?
Knowledge (Local):[roll2]
Knowledge (Nature):[roll3]
Knowledge (Geography)[untrained]:[roll4]

2011-07-14, 03:27 PM
Shemer stands atop the dune, brushing the sand off his clothing. "Great, I'm going to have sand stuck in my armor for a week." he mutters.

He scans his surroundings looking for anyone else alive in this desert waste.

spot [roll0]

2011-07-14, 06:33 PM
Belting out a healthy collection of orcish obscenities, Charlie pulled himself to his shaky feet. He rubbed his head as he stared dull eyed at the weird place he found himself in this time, and then shrugged. It mattered little, for now. It wasn't like the sand could answer questions.

He was a little unsure what to do, but after noticing the tower and the rocks, he decided on his destination. Since they were much closer (as far as he could tell), he started walking to the rocks.

2011-07-14, 09:57 PM
Emma finds the lack of response disturbing, and figures she should start exploring the area if she's to find out where this place is. Shouldering a mostly empty backpack and brushing a bit of sand off of her knees, she starts walking towards the tower, keeping an eye and an ear out for any others.

Now notice check times...
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

EDIT: Oh yeeeeah! Epic spotting action!

2011-07-15, 09:41 AM
Everyone but MadTinker--
You notice a few people on other dunes, some already moving around.
While up on top of the dunes the wind is maybe seven miles an hour, down in the valleys it appears to be rushing at speeds in excess of thirty.
You cast your gaze around, observing the world and notice that a few other beings are rising from their own dune, each pursuing thier own course, the air is dry, very very dry, and you can see clearly to where these others are, though in the valleys between dunes small streams of sand flow in the wind.

You come face to face with a half orc.
Slowly you trudge northward, feet dragging in the heavy sand as you ascend a second dune, you pass by the ugliest half orc you've ever seen, his face is a mess of scars and broken bones, and the rest of him is no prettier...
Aside from the steady crunch of sand beneath your feet, you hear nothing but the lonely wind whispering all around.
Besides the Orc, nothing catches your eye.

As you make your way towards the rocks you descend from the dune, With a start you notice human stoically trudging towards you, her face is slightly more Elfin than normal, with defined sharply defined features, though the Sword and bow she carries speak of business.

You make yor way southeast, slowly, because the sand is painfully treacherous, like a mire or a bog. AS you step you cross a line and quite suddenly the world is seemingly drenched in darkness--no longer does the sun shine overhead, rather only a faint moon and pale stars. The rockpile you had been aiming for is barely visible, yet with a start you realize that the tower far to the north is glowing.
Aside from the steady crunch of sand beneath your feet, you hear nothing but the lonely wind whispering all around.
Besides the tower, you see nothing of interest.
Searching your brain only gives you a few obvious clues--one this place is some sort of dessert though it's not like any desert you've ever seen before, two there is almost no seasonal cycle--apparently it's simply dry and windy all the time judging by the pattern of sand; certainly it hasn't rained in at least fifty or sixty years.


You spot nothing of interest.

Ug approaches you. In response to your summons, Ug makes his way over to you rapidly and begins licking your face.
You hear a far off voice, slightly to the west
You jump slightly as you hear somebody shout the question, "Is anyone here?" though moments later the noise dies away and all you're left with is the soft wind and a guess of where another human might be.

2011-07-15, 12:08 PM
"Oh, I guess there are other people around here. That's a... relief." Of sorts. What happened to this thing..? If Emma is offput by the hideous half orc, she tries not to show it, a bit unsuccessfully. Do you know where we are? Last thing I remember I was walking in Frontier, maybe you know it?" She backs off from him slightly, just a step, trying to move so that the sand and wind don't blow in her face.

2011-07-15, 01:39 PM
Yaljhanda sits down to meditate again. Fears and worries plauged her mind, biting at her psyche like a swarm of fanged flies. Yaljhanda breathed deeply, doing her best to clear her mind of concerns.

Yaljhanda sat up and walked towards therock pile. It would be shelter against a freak storm, and it looked like some of the others were heading that direction.

Concentration (to gain Psionic focus): [roll0]

2011-07-15, 02:09 PM
Hutch raises himself to standing, scratching behind Ug's ear and rubbing his chest. Let's go see who's there, he whispers, and cautiously sets off across the sand, listening carefully for any other signs of life. Listen [roll0]Ug, tongue lolling, trots after him.

2011-07-15, 03:52 PM
Shemer picks his axe up from the sand dune. He sees several other people headed for the pile of rocks, and decides to head in that direction as well.

While he walks toward the rocks, he tries to rember anything he might know about what this desert is or why it's here

Knowledge:history [roll0]
Knowledge:local [roll1]

2011-07-16, 02:39 PM
Jack's eyes widen for a second, then he shakes his head as if he wanted to swish away an illusion. "Day, night, glowing tower. A dream, no, someone slipped me something, yes they did. Or not. Maybe..."
As he continues toward the rocks he keeps talking, more or less repeating the above words.

2011-07-17, 12:04 AM
After a few minutes, you luckily run across some people...
You march off through what seems to be sand, soil crunching quietly as you travel, when it seems as though you missed the person you heard previously entirely, you catch some words almost next to your ear.

Archaeopteryx, Codemus--
A lone traveler and his dog appear atop a dune, and trudge down towards you, he passes right between you without noticing, but stops the momment Emma opens her mouth.

Sidelar and MachineKing--
As you make your way towards the rocks, with a sudden flash the world inverts--light becomes dark, as if you stepped over a physical line between day and night, besides seeing stars above and the sand becoming trechearously shadowed, the only change is that the northern tower now blazes with it's own internal light.
Nothing comes to mind, this place is utterly foreign to you.

Sidelar, MachineKing, and Iun--
you meet at the rock pile... and hear a slight hissing noise.
You make your way towards the rock pile, twice more you cross the day night boundary, though the dark slows you because of the treacherousness of the sand, you make decent time. As you reach the rocks the wind picks up lightly, caressing your face... two other travelers march up even as you do, just as yourself they seem out of place in this world.
The rocks themselves, seen in the light, aren't much, a single large rock maybe ten feet around and twenty feet tall stands before you, around this monolith like children lie smaller boulders, ranging from five to ten feet in size. A sibilant hiss emanates form the pile of rocks.

2011-07-17, 08:28 AM
For a moment, Yaljhanda just stands there in front of the strangers. A bead of sweat falls across her brow, and it is soon joined by its fellows. Fear and anxiety begin to swell up in her heart.

No. She whispers to herself.

She takes a deep breath, and regains her composure.

I'm glad that there are others out here. I am Yaljhanda, of the Frontier guard.
After introductions, she attempts to dredge up some knowledge of the stones' purpose. She also uses her armored hand to waft up some scent from the stone, to see if the hissing sound is due to some sort of gas.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll1]

2011-07-17, 10:55 AM
Jack lifts his hat in greeting for a moment, then lets it drop back onto his head.

"Jack is my name, Frontier is where I hail from. You woke up lying in the sand," he more states than asks.

When Yaljhanda examines the stones, he follows her example.


2011-07-17, 05:38 PM
"Shemer," pointing at his chest. "I am a mercenary from the Dwarven lands. There is something greatly wrong with this place."

Shemer then walks around the monolith trying to locate the source of the hissing noise

Search [roll0]
listen [roll1]

2011-07-17, 06:59 PM
Emma turns around and puts a hand on the man's shoulder, trying to get his attention. "Sir? I'm not sure if you have any more of an idea where we are then I do, but perhaps we should travel together. Safety in numbers, and all that." There seems to be people near that group of rocks as well. Perhaps we can join with them, and find some clues as to where we are in that tower. For the first time since entering this strange place, Emma smiles. A man and his dog: perhaps normal people are here as well? Or this could all be some sort of test? Who knows? With the relatively normal man, she feels a sense of confidence, which strangely enough, those around her can pick up on in themselves.

Whoops, I forgot about this earlier. Presence aura is up.

2011-07-18, 01:32 PM
Hutch stiffens as the hand falls on his shoulder, grasping the attached wrist and with his other hand, groping about to feel for a face. Directing his scared, empty sockets in the direction of the voice he just heard, he says simply "We are here. Where else? Being blind as I am, one place looks the same as the next." He cracks a grin at his own joke.

2011-07-18, 02:27 PM
MachineKing, Iun, Sidelar--
Nothing comes to mindabout the stones... it seems they were just dropped there.
The hiss emanates from every side of the rock, a soft, sibilant noise; seemingly it comes from underneath the rock though what could be creating it is unknown; over to your left one of the lines dividing day and night begins to drift towards you.

2011-07-18, 02:56 PM
Yaljhanda grimaced. Whatever this phenomenom was, it was unstable. The earth itself was wimpering, and everything seemed like it was getting worse.

I wonder if there's some sort of tunnel, or pit under the rock. That hissing could be caused by air escaping.

2011-07-19, 04:59 AM
"I have never heard of anything like this before," Jack comments, sounding both intrigued and disappointed. "And this is the one day where I forgot to pack my shovel," he continues - you're not sure if he meant it as a joke, "and I don't want to dig with my hands, might be some creature, after all."
So far it's been impossible to say whom he was actually talking to, since his gaze kept wandering at random, but when he asks the next question he fixes both Yaljhanda and Shemer with his gray eyes: "Unless you happen to have brought a shovel?"

2011-07-19, 09:37 AM
"Nope, no shovel. but lets see if this rock is a sturdy as we think it is. It cant be wedged in that deep if air is coming rom underneath it."

Shemer walks up to the rock and pushes against the stone trying to get it to budge.


2011-07-19, 06:08 PM
Hutch gently feels the contours of the woman's face, trying to get a feel for her intentions.

sense motive - [roll0]

2011-07-19, 06:17 PM
Yaljhanda looks up to the sky, watching the borderbetween white and black slowly draw closer. She puts a hand on Shemer's shoulder, motioning him to stop.

Maybe we should join up the others, and then find shelter before we examine this. This phenomenon is... troubling. Even if there is a tunnel of sorts beneath the stone, we don't know what could be in there.

2011-07-19, 08:17 PM
Machineking Iun, and Sidelar--
The rock doesn't budge. The line is now only six seconds away.
Though Shermer strains mightly, the stone gives not an inch, as he strains, his grunts of effort loud and clear, the lint slides closer and closer, picking upominous speed.

2011-07-19, 09:32 PM
A surge of fear went through Yaljhanda's mind. Instinctively, she opened her mind, allowing her power to surge through her. Doing her best to conceal what she was doing, she manifests one of her Psionic abilities.

Taking a step back from the approaching darkness, she draws her mace from its holder.

Manifesting Power: Precognition, Defensive (+1 to AC and Saves) (Duration: 3 mins) (Display: Material and Visual)
Concentration (to surpress psionic display[DC:16]): [roll0]
5-foot step in direction opposite line.
Draw weapon as a move action.

2011-07-19, 10:42 PM
Emma is taken aback at first by the blind man's touch, but quickly realizes he's trying to find his surroundings. She subconsciously bristles a bit, but waits for him to finish before gently pulling his hands away with hers. "Well this place looks very strange indeed. It seems the sky can't decide whether it's night or day, and I've never seen a desert like this before. It just streaches on and on..." She gazes around at the sandy dunes, trying to see some sort of end and lost in thought."I'm Emma, by the way, Emma Thatcher.
There seems to be a tower far off that could shield the three of us from the worst of this weather, but perhaps we should join with that other group of people first, to see if we can't figure out why we're here." She pushes a strand of windblown hair behind her ear, a bit nervously. If no one has any strong desire to go one way, she'll start towards the patch of rocks, placing a hand on Hutch's forearm to guide him.

Spot for an end to the desert: [roll0]

2011-07-20, 09:59 AM
Shemer stops pushing against the rock and takes a step back.
"You're right Yaljhanda, we should join the others, some of them might have a better clue about this place than we do."

Shemer turns around and sees the rapidly approaching line of darkness. He grips his axe tighter waiting for the line to hit them.

2011-07-20, 12:45 PM
"Probably more of the same I encountered before, sudden day and night changes. Couldn't get any sleep like that," Jack adds as an afterthought. He doesn't unsheath his longsword, but at some point during Shemer's attempts to move the rock he has started to play around with a die in his hand, and continues to do so.

2011-07-20, 01:20 PM
People call me Hutch. Pleased to meet you. I'm all for trying the closest route first. Lead on, my good woman. Though not strictly needing a guiding hand, Hutch allows Emma to lead him to the pile of rocks, snapping his fingers for Ug to follow.

2011-07-21, 10:16 PM
Machineking, Iun, and Sidelar--
The darkness hits you and you encounter ****e worm.
With a faint flash, yalunjandah's eyes turn silver, and the air shimmers lightly, moments later the line of night crashes over you, drowning you in darkness. Wrapped around the rock--apparently invisible in the light, is a pale white serpentine create, it's eyes glow with a golden light, as do runes decorating it's forelimbs. As the dark press around its hisses turn from a gentle purr to filled with displeasure.

Archaeopteryx, Hutch
No end to the desert is in sight.
You pace across the sands, hutch moving with a deftness which belies his blindness, as you work your way across the desert, Emma sees sudden transitions from day to night which reveal the northern tower to glow, Hutch doesn't notice crossing the line at all.

2011-07-22, 10:15 PM
Emma gasps a bit in surprise at the daylight switches suddenly. "Did you just see... Um... Nevermind." She trails off awkwardly, forgetting Hutch is blind for a moment. Then as much as to break the awkward silence as anything else, she says, "So, where are you from Hutch? Besides Frontier, I mean."

2011-07-23, 02:23 AM
Jack takes a few steps back and pulls out his bow. Then he observes the creature closely.

the Planes:[roll3]

2011-07-23, 11:45 AM
This creature is curious to Yaljhanda. It is like nothing she's seen before.

She draws her shield.

Hello, she wisphers to it, attempting to determine wether it is sentient or not.

2011-07-23, 01:56 PM
Feeling the absence of the sun's warmth, Hutch reaches for his staff, and feigns leaning upon it Ready action: attack anything in five foot range that Hutch can locate with a reflexive listen check that appears hostile. I was raised at the Monastery of the Mountain Leaves. You say this place is called Frontier?

2011-07-24, 07:20 AM
Iun, Machineking, and Sidelar--
At the sound of Yalinjandah's voice, the beast attacks...
With an angry squeal, the creatures head pivots over to face Yalinjandah, eyes blazing golden, it swings itself off the rock siniously, gliding over the smooth "You shall pay for awakening me, dark bringer" the creature hisses as it crawls up, carefully positioning itself so that you lie between it and the rocks. "Your blood shall be payment for ruining my sleeping spot"

Archaeopteryx, Madtinker--
You will arrive at the rock pile in seven turns...

Nothing specific about the creature comes to mind--allthough it's defiantly otherworldly as Nox and Lux's creatures had been, the golden glow surrounding it is unlike anything you'veencountered before... Judging by it fangs and claws, you're pretty sure it's a predator.

2011-07-24, 09:30 AM
Shemer sets his feet against the loose sand readying himself against the creatures attack.

Initiate Stonefoot Stance (+2 to AC and strength checks against creatures larger than medium)

2011-07-24, 09:51 AM
I have no quarrel with you, and I did not bring darkness here.

And I will not let you harm anyone.

Yaljhanda manifested another power, not caring who saw it. A shimmering band appears around here shielding here from attack. Accompaning the band came a sound like a dwarven chorus, deep and brassy. And again, her eyes shone with power

She charges the creature, swinging her morningstar with dwarven fury.

Manifestation: Defelction Field (Swift Action)(Duration:1 round+Concentration)(+4 Defelction to AC)

Charge (Full-Round Action)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
-2AC untill next turn.

2011-07-24, 10:18 AM
"Notice its position? Might be important that rock, more than a sleeping spot, I bet. What is a dark bringer?"

Jack keeps speaking even during Yaljhanda's attack, all the while exchanging his bow with sword and shied.

2011-07-26, 02:54 PM
Hutch continues his march across the sands, wondering to himself where he fits into this confusing turn of events, and who else might be involved.

2011-07-27, 11:05 PM
Sorry about the delay...

Iun, Machinekng, and --
Yalijhanda ducks the credited attack and hits it with her morning star. Roll for initiative.
With a yell Yalijhanda charges forwards, seeing her lunge, the creature lifts it claws--however eyes flicking silver, Yalijhanda ducks underneath, swinging her morningstar into the cretures ribs with a sickening crunch.

Madtinker, Archaeopteryx--
You will arrive at the rocks in six turns.

2011-07-28, 12:20 AM
initiative [roll0]

2011-07-28, 07:31 AM


2011-07-28, 09:09 AM
Init: [roll0]

Jack quickly but carefully moves around the creature to provide flanking for his comrades at arms.

Assuming this takes two move actions, if not let me know.

2011-07-30, 09:31 AM
Iun, Sidelar, Machinekng--
Turn order is, Iun; Monster, Machinekng, Sidelar...
Jack fails to move into a flanking position... the monster attacks. [The creature has a long serpentine body which it has wrapped around, trapping you guys against the rocks; Iun, if you'd like since I afailed to make this clear, you can re purpose your second move action to climbing/attacking it's body...]. The wind has kicked up a small sandstorm. [Currently the dust storm causes -5 spot checks, and the wind raising it, ~25 mph, causes -2 to ranged attacks... creatures further than 25 ft away have partial cover.]
Jack scrambles sideways hoping to flank the monster, only to find it's long body is coiled like a pen, trapping him against the rocks.The wind begins to pick up intensity, blowing sand around rapidly; it pushes into your eyes, nose and mouth a dry, dusty sensation like someone was sandpapering your entire body. Luckily it's not blowing hard enough to hurt yet, but you can feel the intensity rising. Oddly, you notice the golden runes marked around it's body a glowing brighter....
Machinekng, it's your turn.

2011-07-30, 11:23 AM
Yaljhanda continues to concentrate on her deflection field, prefering to stay on the defensive. She prepares herself to attack the beast when it creates an oppurtunity to do so.

Standard action: Concentrate on power.

2011-07-30, 12:11 PM
"Good defense, no flight path, though. Very confident or rock is really important. Hopefully the latter," say, unheard through the sandstorm, as he carefully attacks once.

[roll0], [roll1]

2011-08-01, 02:03 PM
If Hutch is able to hear the noise of the battle, he'll try to get closer quickly, but not jump in until he knows more about what is going on.

2011-08-01, 02:15 PM
"Not here, I suppose. I have no idea where here is. I live on a farm right by the outskirts of the town. ... Lived. A monestary, huh? Are you a man of faith then?"

Can we see the fight going on from where we are? If applicable: spot [roll0]

2011-08-02, 03:40 PM
Machinekng, Sidelar, Iun
The sandstorm worsens, Jack scores a hit. [Wind speed ~75 mph; ranged weapons are unusable, dc 20 fort save to avoid being blown over; 1 damage/turn while exposed to the wind, if blown over suffer 1d4 nonlethal damage per 10 ft blown]
The creature slowly slides it's head and forelimbs away from Yalijhanda, working itself away, the runes decorating it's body brighten in intensity becoming an almost uncomfortable glow; simultaneously the sandstorm worsens, the wind intensifies so fast it happens almost without warning. The sand, drawn along, starts to strike you so quickly that it abrades any skin left open. The creature squeals as Jack whips his sword down on along it's flank, a bright red line appearing, though no blood spills from it.

Arcaheopteryx, Madtinker
You can hear a battle raging, you notice the wind picking up in intensity up in intensity.
The stillness of the desert is broken by a sudden wind, raising small amounts of dust, you can hear a creature squealing angrily in the distance--specifically, from the same direction the wind is coming from. When you come up the next rise you look over to where the pile of stones were, all you can make out is a massive plume of dust.

2011-08-02, 07:53 PM
Shemer beigns to spin his axe in his hand, as he does fire lights across the axe head. with a deep dwarven yell he brings his axe down upon the worm.


Swift action: Burning Blade

Attack [roll1]
damage [roll2] + [roll3] (from burning blade)

2011-08-03, 03:40 PM
Sandstorms are nothing new to Jack, and he positions himself in a way that provides the smallest surface for the wind. But despite his effort he is blown away not much unlike a feather...

Cunning Insight Fort Save: [roll0]

2011-08-04, 09:10 AM
It was...perhaps a different sort of ... I hear something, there [points]. What can you see?

2011-08-04, 09:41 AM
Yaljhanda does her best to trudge through the sandstorm, attempting to re-engage the beast.

Fort Save: [roll0]
Concentrate on Deflection Field-Standard Action

2011-08-07, 01:47 AM
Sidelar, Iun and MachineKng--
You get dashed into the creature, it tries to eat Shermer.
the Wind whips up into a fierce howl lifting you sideways and dashing you into the beasts flank, almost immediately the runes on top of the beasts head go dim, and the winds lessen again. the creatures head snakes towards Shermer [reflex save] fangs bared.

You all take [roll0] damage.

Archaeopteryx, Madtinker--
you arrive in two turns.

2011-08-08, 05:54 AM
As soon as Jack stands on his feet again he strikes once more at the beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-08-17, 01:26 PM
If we were waiting on Hutch, I assumed it would be understood that he is plodding along through the sand.