View Full Version : Cadillacs and dinosaurs [IC]

2011-07-14, 11:32 AM
It’s a bright sunny morning, its not hot yet, but you can feel the temp climbing. You’ve gathered at the steps to the council chambers and are awaiting Councilman Rodriguez to show up and give you your first assignment. The building itself is a large clay structure with large wooden double doors. There are stone steps that lead from the hard packed dirt pathway up to the doors. There are a few trees that provide shade for passersby and anyone entering the council room.

You were hired yesterday, after a brief interview with Councilman Rodriguez. He said there were six people in line for the job, but he was only hiring four, something about “budget constraints”. In addition to any jobs he has, you are free to roam about the area and do any work that comes your way. While you’re free to quit at any time, incentive to stay on is fairly strong, free transportation and fuel, work (with pay) and free time, including the use of the vehicle. So the job is attractive, if potentially life threatening and your actually surprised there was so little interest in it, what do they know that you don’t?

Ok here’s your chance to introduce yourselves, describe yourselves and get to know one another.

The players:

Tex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=312491) played by Wrathoflife

Haggard Stark (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=20203) played by Fallout

Hewitt Wilks (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=312069) played by Story Time

Terry Bates (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=312301) played by Sleepy Shade

2011-07-14, 01:48 PM
Haggard Stark

"Take it ya'll are the other three who got hired? Names Haggard, it's a pleasure." The man speaking looks rather intimidating, though he seems friendly enough. You figure a huge mountain of a man standing 6'6" 270lbs with a .50 Cal Desert Eagle strapped to his side is intimidating regardless of how you look at it.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-14, 02:54 PM
"Names Terry pleased to meet you."
Terry sat down waiting for the call to come inside. He was a little nervous and excited to be going back out in to the wastes. He hoped their first mission would take them near ruins.

Story Time
2011-07-14, 04:10 PM
Under a red satin ring one inch wide stood a boy who, by sight, looked no more than eighteen years. From beneath a dusty red windbreaker and crisp red hat the teen gave a fairly cute wave and smiled. The smile reached up into his green eyes while he chimed in, "I'm Hewitt. And, yup, I was hired yesterday." The boy's left hand fell back to his side and he resumed a half-pacing motion which appeared to keep his mind occupied.

Hewitt appeared anxious while anticipating the councilor's arrival.

2011-07-14, 07:36 PM

Lazying resting under one of the near by tree's Tex calls out his own introduction "Names Tex. Name'd after my momma I was. Dadda always said she had the temper o'a T-Rex. Turned out to be awful ironic like when he did get eat by one. Momma couldn stop laughing for weeks." Tex states whimsically.

Tex himself is an average sized man, with blue overalls, a lumpy build, and a straw hat that is clearly worn more for appearances than for the limited shade it could possibly offer. He appears to be using a scuba tank for a pillow.

2011-07-14, 08:23 PM
After a few minutes you see Rodriguez push open one of the double doors open enough to slip through and, then he slips through and approaches the group. Rodriguez is a middle aged man with graying temples and crow’s feet about his eyes. He’s wearing a loose white shirt, dinosaur hide vest, khaki pants and dinosaur hide boots. He’s holding a clipboard with homegrown paper attached to it.

Council man Rodriguez

[Ok everybody, gather around, everyone here? Good!
Now I’ve hired all of you because you seem tough and resourceful for this troubleshooting job. So let’s get on with this. I have the following errands that need to be done.

Sara the healer is in need of an escort, she wishes to gather some specimens from the forest to test for medicinal purposes. The forest is a dangerous place and Sara is by far not a warrior.
A few villagers have filed complaints of theft, now we can’t abide thieves among us here, it makes survival that much more difficult. So you would need to track down the culprit and evidence of his wrongdoing and bring him to the council for judgment.
Due to a recent loss, Hunter Clark is looking for some temporary replacements for a hunting expedition out on the plains.
A shipment of fuel is about to depart for New Rock City. We are looking to hire some muscle to help guard the caravan as it’ll have to travel through a part of the Red Feather Tribe’s turf.
The Farms east of us are having problems with dinosaurs getting into their crops, help them come up with a solution.

Now I don't really care which order you do these errands. But they need to be done. When you're finished with these I will most likely have more work for you then. But these should keep you busy for a few days.

You can see Old Man Fixer in his garage, I managed to convince him to give up one of his rides for this little project. I don't know which one he's going to give you though. when you need fuel you can get it over at the station in the center of town. Now get going!

When he's finished with his speech he tears off a sheet of paper with the list of available jobs on it and hands it to one of you. He then slips back inside the building and closes the door behind him.

Story Time
2011-07-14, 09:00 PM
Hewitt watched the councilor ascend the steps and re-enter the building. Blinking several times, with wide eyes, the teen held the sheet of paper as if it were a spent napkin.

"Uh," he spoke cautiously. Looking around at the three other males, Hewitt shifted awkwardly at the base of the stone steps. "Well, he was much more cordial yesterday," the boy murmured carefully. "Would you gentlemen like a vote on what goes first? I'm...not much of a shot so I'd favor the healer or lookin' for the burgler."

Not surprisingly Hewitt's frame of body is split in attention between the three other hires and his eyes look up from the paper, in the morning air, to each of them. His expression is less estranged shock and more expectation.

Knowledge ( Local ) Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11420746&postcount=3348)

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-14, 09:23 PM
Terry looks at the sheet but doesn't see anything that would either take them near ruins or be very safe. The herb gathering for the Healer Sarah looked like it would be their best bet if they got hurt they would at least have a healer near by.
"I think the Herb gathering job might work but we might need some supplies."

2011-07-15, 12:42 AM

Laying around lazily, Tex pokes his head up at the sound of herbs. "Ooooohooo, Oh now, thats a vote I can get behind. Yup, Lets go protect the healer and collect some herbs.

Jumping to his feet and slinging the tank over his back, like a backpack he walks over and winks at the teenager "For medicinal purposes of course."

2011-07-15, 04:50 AM
The large man spits before he speaks. "I was hopin' to put me a bullet in some raiders... But the herbs is fine. We gotta do 'em all at some point.". Haggard shrugs as he begins walking tiwrds the garage. "Lets go."

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-15, 12:49 PM
Terry adjusted his grime stained boonie hat and got up.

"Sounds like were going to take the herb job. Anyone want to come with me to get the vehicle.Its probably going to take a while."

Story Time
2011-07-15, 04:15 PM
Hewitt Wilks was so scandalized by the red-neck's commentary that he completely missed Haggard's dismissal. The teen shook his head and put a firm face on before folding Councilman Rodriquez's itinerary neatly. The paper vanished into a pocket of Hewitt's faded pink trouser pants before half-jogging after the larger males on their way toward, what he assumed, was The Garage.

"I left my gear with the priest in town so I'll have to pick it up before we go," Hewitt informed. The outcome of that little test would be interesting to the boy. Most all of Hewitt's worldly possessions were stored in Bastion City's prominent religious building under the presumed care of Jonathan. The boy wondered whether they would all be where he left them when he returned. Jonathan had seemed charitable enough, sharing some food the first day that Hewitt had...arrived in Bastion City.

"But I'll come with.

"I've also got a mule trained to work if that won't slow us any." This time Hewitt's voice was a little less confident. "It can carry and'd give us another set of ears for thunder lizards."

Roll for Knowledge Check linked in post seven. Also...could we please have Sleepy Shade's actual sheet linked in the first post? :smallsmile:

2011-07-17, 06:18 PM
While Hewitt heads for the chapel, Tex and the others take a walk towards the garage. The garage itself is a large two story building made from corrugated sheet metal and wood. It has one huge roll up door that takes up most of the front of the building. There is also a solidly built wooden door. The garage door is open, inside there are several cars and bits of gear strewn about the place, a large motor is suspended from a chain a few feet off the ground, and there are several tool chests located in strategic locations around the shop.

The two things that stand out in the shop is the wonderful Ass, which happens to be attached to a set of legs. The owner of which is bend over, half of her body hidden behind the grill of a beautiful red Cadillac convertible. After a moment or two the woman stands up from the car. She is wearing black coveralls. She has long brown hair that is being kept out of her hair by a well worn baseball cap. Her back is still towards you. She seems to be holding a wrench and a small penlight.

At about the same time notice the other pair of legs sticking out from underneath the car on a rollaway. This person slides back from underneath the car, and an elderly man, wearing old, worn grey coveralls, that is pocked with many old oil stains. He wears a baseball cap, turned backwards. He’s clean shaven, save for grey whiskers.

This is clearly Fixer, and his daughter Marcel. He wipes his hands with a rag and turns to step around the car to the driver’s side. That is when he notices you. However instead of greeting you he instead continues around to the driver’s side of the car and gets in. Meanwhile, Marcel turns around and sees you for the first time. She steps over to greet you while Fixer starts up the car, the roar of the big V8 engine drowning out Fixer’s exclamation of joy. Marcel steps over to you and greets you, yelling over the noise.

“Hi, I’m Marcel, I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” She says as she extends here greasy hand to the nearest person.

home from LAN party, should be able to post more regularly

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-17, 10:44 PM
Terry blushed hoping the dirt on him would cover it up. He had seen Marcel around the shop, but he had never had the courage to talk to her. He wasn't about to make a move on the daughter of his boss.
"Names Terry Bates" he yells over the noise while shaking her hand
" I came to see if the car was ready."

2011-07-18, 04:22 AM

Seeing the beauty causes Tex to stop mid step, mouth to open, he slowly removes his hat from his head. Unable to stop staring he admires the strong curves and firm figure. Unable to stop himself he moves forward as if in a trance, hands raised to grasp hold of the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Moving over he strokes the object of his affection lovingly. "Are you a real V8 baby?" he whispers affectionately to the car.

2011-07-18, 07:28 AM
Haggard Stark

Haggard tips his hat to Marcel. "Mornin' Ma'am. Names Haggard."

2011-07-18, 03:04 PM
After only a few minutes of walking down the streets, Hewitt arrives at the chapel. Bastion City’s chapel is a moderately sized single story building. It’s roughly rectangular in design and has a set of large wooden double doors set in the front, flanked by two large windows, made from real glass. The building has a vaulted roof and a tall steeple with visible bells at the top. Positioned on the steeple is a large cross with a Star of David above it.
The doors are closed but Hewitt knows they are always open, so he just walks in and heads to the priest’s study, where Jonathan should be at this time of day. After reaching there, He knocks and hears a familiar voice replay
“come in!”.

Meanwhile at the Shop.

Fixer kills the engine and steps out of the car, and replies to Tex.
Yup a genuine V8, she’s a beauty ain’t she? Took us a year to scrounge enough parts to rebuild her.
While Tex and fixer are conversing on the wonders of the V8 engine, Marcel shakes Haggard’s hand.
Yeah, she replies to Terry, “I’ve seen you around, anyway, she’s ready.” She says indicating the Cadillac behind her. “She comes in any color you want, as long as it’s red.”

At hearing Marcel, Fixer steps over to the others,
“Old man Rodriguez send you?”

Story Time
2011-07-18, 09:17 PM
Bastion City Chapel:

Hewitt Wilks turned the simple iron knob of the door and swung it open without excess noise. Around Hewitt were the solid clay walls of the type that most of the larger buildings in Bastion City were made from. A real glass window in one of the room's walls provided light into the study area where Hewitt could observe Priest Jonathan engaged in some activity. The shorter of the two males walked into the room with sturdy leather work boots that had been filled by more than two feet.

"It's Hewitt Wilks, Reverend," the teen announced himself politely. "I came for my gear and my mule. Work for the councilman starts today and...it's probably going to be dangerous." For a moment a nervous hitch twitched through the boy's left knee where he stood. He noted the small corner of the room where his black and water-proof backpack leaned up against the earthen wall. "Will it stress your good graces to ask for a blessing before I go?"

2011-07-19, 03:10 PM
Bastion City Chapel

Behind an old wooden desk sits Reverend Jonathan, a middle aged man with silver tipped black hair. He has deep green eyes that betray a tremendous amount of wisdom. Upon his desk is an open book, scripture of some sort. He looks at Hewitt from the top of his reading glasses.

“Of course Hewitt, I’d be happy to pray for you and your companions. I’m happy you managed to find some work as well. Your belongings are right where you left them and I believe your mule is still out back tied up. I’m sorry we don’t have stables here. Most people in Bastion City don’t keep animals, so there is little need for them. When you get the ability to you could try the stables across town, but in the meantime I’m happy to help take care of him.”

Story Time
2011-07-20, 09:03 PM
Bastion City Chapel:

"Thanks so much, Reverend," Hewitt breathed with greater gratitude. It was easy to hear and only one evidence that Hewitt had liked Jonathan from the moment they first met. Wearing his various shades of reds the teen nodded politely from under his hat, picked up his black luggage, and touched the priest on the shoulder before exiting the room.

Hewitt Wilk's green eyes sparkled lively, "We'll be goin' for medicine. First step in a cleaner town, right? Maybe by the end of it I'll have enough to feed myself and Happy. Take care, Reverend." With a charismatic, yet non-diplomatic, smile the teen sauntered out of the office with a backwards wave. The black pack was shouldered and Hewitt left the building. It seemed just as heavy as when he left it last, but neither was he foolish enough to count the gear in front of the priest.

Behind the chapel stood Happy The Mule exactly where he'd been tied. Hewitt unlooped the rope for the bridle while leaving the water bucket and the remains of the feed stack. Privately the boy wondered how, in all the Broken Roads outside Bastion City, that he had gotten lost while traveling in the company of three other men. Making a face at the thought, Hewitt looked at Happy's black eyes and patted the content mule's head. "Hopefully, I can make it to this Garage without incident," the boy muttered quietly. "Come on, Happy."

Unfortunately, Hewitt once again became lost. Bastion City was only two days familiar to the teen and so Hewitt found himself peeking in Sara the Healer's domicile to ask for directions. "Hello?"

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-20, 11:09 PM
"Yeah, we came to check on the vehicle Boss."
No matter what Terry always refereed to Fixer as Boss. He looked up to him.When he came to the city he was awestruck by how much Fixer had done with the old world tech.
"By the way Boss how's it going in the shop?"

2011-07-21, 04:17 PM
At the garage

“Well it would be going fine if his highness Rodriguez has declared that I just give you a car, it takes a lot of work to rebuild these things ya know but who am I to stop him.” Fixer says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Dad stop it, you know the council paid for the car. They can do what they want with it.”
Marcel says, now with her hands on her hips and her voice filled with impatience.
“I’m sorry, my dad and Councilman Rodriguez don’t exactly get along very well. He gets like this, when he has to work for him. Anyway let me show you the car.”

Fixer crosses his arms over his chest and with a harrumph, walks off. Marcel invites one of you to take a seat in the car, and she starts showing you the various systems in it, the heater, the power windows, the Air conditioning (which won’t work without Freon.), she also explains how to use the variable suspension controls. Which amounts to a switch on the dash, flipping it up raises the suspension for off road travel, flipping the switch down lowers it for road travel.

At Sara’s clinic

Hewitt peeks his head inside the building and says hello to an empty room. The room is dominated by a large wooden counter; there is a mostly empty shelf behind it, also constructed of wood. There are a few chairs lining a wall and a torn leather bench, clearly scavenged from a vehicle, against the other.

After a moment Hewitt steps all the way into the building and lets the screen door close behind him. He clears his voice and says hello again, only this time louder.
“Be right there!” a pretty but muffled voice responds. After another brief moment a young woman with long blonde hair steps into the room from a hall that is blocked by the counter. She has blue eyes and is wearing a faded yellow sun dress with flowers embroiled on its hem.

“Oh, Hi Hewitt, what brings you by the clinic? You look in good shape, not sick are you?” Sara asks with a heartwarming smile.

updated the sheets at the top of the thread.

Story Time
2011-07-22, 02:47 AM
Bastion City Clinic:

For just the barest of moments Hewitt Wilks was dumb-founded. Having tied the donkey to the front door knob the privateer exile seemed to have unconsciously arrayed both of his limbs in front of his body in surprise. It was an unnatural body position, one both cute and abrupt. During the brief moment the teen wondered at the reception he was given by the pretty face behind the simple wooden counter. Despite his best the rose clad boy could not recall having been properly introduced to this person.

He had, however, briefly seen a very similar figure while repairing a foot stool in the chapel for Priest Jonathan.

Then the instant left and a genial smile played over Hewitt's face. With his left hand the teen tipped the crisp edge of his crimson hat in the female's direction. The action was a polite one, an etiquette indicative of good manners. "Uh, no ma'am, Miss Sara," Hewitt guessed at her name. "I've come on account of Councilor Rodriquez. The Trouble Shooters are sorting out transportation and escort for you. Am I right in assuming that you can collect plants for your medicines today?"

2011-07-22, 01:05 PM
Bastion city clinic

"Oh I’m sorry I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. Reverend Jonathan pointed you out to me the other day. I’m Sara; I’m what passes for a doctor around here. Since there are no more actual doctors I guess I’m the next best thing. And Yes I do plan on heading out into the forest sometime soon, today would be a wonderful, as I’m not busy. If Councilor Rodriguez sent you then I’m sure I’ll be in capable hands, the forest is dangerous and no-one should ever go out there alone."

Sara says still with that heartwarming smile and polite tone in her voice.

2011-07-22, 02:37 PM
Haggard Stark

"I'm ready when ya'll are." The big man props up against the door and begins looking for a smoke before he realizes he's out. He fidgets rather uncomfortably for a few moments before crossing his arms and waiting patiently to set out.

2011-07-23, 10:07 PM
OOC: I'm so sorry, got busy then sick.


Holding his hat solemnly in his hands Tex states seriously "I will treat this angel like she deserves sir. Don't you worry about her. Tex rubs the cars paint work affectionately.

Learning the systems from Marcel as fast as he can, Tex develops a habit of pressing each button as its function is explained so he can see it in action. Seeing the air-con requires Freon still Tex takes on a far away look considering where it could be found.

After the explanation is complete Tex excitedly calls out "Who's up for a test drive?! We can dun pick up that over fella from the church?"

Story Time
2011-07-23, 11:17 PM
Bastion City Clinic:

Breathing deeply and evenly, Hewitt avoided melting from the various helpful, but also embarrassing, stimuli. "Well, let's be on about it, then," the boy smiled. His weight, and a few steps, shifted in the direction of the front door to the clinic. "The Trouble Shooters should be at Fixer's Garage, wherever that is. I was on my way there before I got...lost. If we meet up there then we can go collect your plants."

The crimson satin halo around Hewitt Wilks's brow tilted as he spoke. It shielded some of his face from Sara's gaze while he admitted to losing his destination.

2011-07-24, 11:29 AM
Haggard Stark:

"I call shotgut."

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-24, 11:46 AM
"Sound like a plan. See ya around Boss"
Terry got in to the back and buckled himself in and set his back pack down on the floor. Today is going to be fun he thought.

2011-07-26, 07:08 PM
Sara’s Clinic
With a smile, sara says,
“Oh ok, I’ll get my things ready right away. You know for a second I thought you were sent to fetch me, but it seems that fortune has smiled upon one of us this morning.”

With that she steps back into the back for a second. Sara reappears wearing a wide brimmed straw hat and a large canvas satchel with a red cross on a white background imprinted on the front. She’s wearing the same dress this time with a web belt and a holstered pistol. It’s a rather strange arrangement but considering the times, people have to get by with what they have. She steps around the counter and Hewitt notices she’s wearing hiking boots.

Hewitt and Sara step out of the building and Sara flips the “Open” sign to “closed” and locks the screen door. A few moments later a red Cadillac pulls up in front of the Sara and Hewitt, Tex is in the drivers’ seat with Haggard in the passenger’s seat next to him and Terry in the back behind Tex. His mostly sudden stop kicks up a bit of dirt, despite the hard packing of the dirt road.

Ok so we had a friend from out of state pay us a visit so we sort of threw and impromptu LAN party for him hence why I haven’t been around to post here. Anyway I don’t expect to not be able to post for a while. I’m also moving things along since I’ve been away a few days.

2011-07-31, 08:58 AM
Haggard sits patiently, tapping his fingers on the side of the car. "You gonna get in, or you just gonna stand there all day?"

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-31, 02:29 PM
Terry moved is back pack over to make sure they had enough room for everybody. Lucky they had decided to check on the client before looking all over the city for Hewitt. He was ready to get out of the city for awhile even if it was just to go gather plants.

2011-08-01, 05:59 PM

Glancing around to make sure everyone was loaded in, Tex smirks "You'all best hang on to somethin, lets see what this beauty can do!."

And with that he guns the engine shooting off towards this magic land of herbs.

OOC: Sorry guys thought this had died.

Story Time
2011-08-01, 11:33 PM
Well, that is one way to completely obviate a post that I had been angsting over for days about how to complete. ...it forces me to swallow whatever marked role-play I had planned for Hewitt and to simply state the following:

I must bow out of the game. I know that I sent private messages to everyone explaining what was going on, and why, and that I was trying to make a post as soon as possible once Than had given me a ruling about a certain issue related to my character. The specific issue was using animals as mounts and combat weapons. Than felt, and reasonably so, that vehicles were necessary in a world where dinosaurs were a danger. My character posed a transportation problem and hazard about that issue.

From Than's private message today I felt that it would be possible, eventually, to have Hewitt Wilks pursue some kind of flat-bed truck for transporting large animals. But the Speed of Evacuation quality would probably not be as high as Than would prefer. While it might not matter so much now I feel relatively sure that Than wishes it to be some kind of issue in the future.

For the reasons of inability to blend in with the other play-styles, and the specific inability to make a Trade Unit profit for the Trouble Shooters while playing, I have chosen to abdicate. My sincere wish is that everyone continues to enjoy the game and have lots of fun in spite of this decision. Than has made a very interesting setting and I plan to watch, at least a little, of what will come in it.

For the future, I imagine that Than will make some kind of perfunctory post about how Sara is now with the Trouble Shooters and Hewitt chose to remain behind, possibly fingering the rope tethering his mule.

Enjoy the game, everyone. I know I did.

2011-08-02, 02:03 PM
Sara climbs into the back of the Cadillac and looks back at Hewitt.
“Well are you coming along?” she asks sweetly?

“I’m sorry I’ve got some important business that just came up here in town. I’m afraid I can’t go with you.” Hewitt says, as an uncharacteristic frown spreads across his face.

“I’ll be seeing you around,” he says, as he peers off down the slowly crowding street. Everyone else turns to see what Hewitt is staring at, but nothing seems to stand out.

With a shrug Tex throws the Cadillac into gear and drives off towards the main gate, the others waving or saying “bye” as the care shoots off. The crimson clad Hewitt and his faithful mule, Happy shrink in the gathering distance. A few moments later the Cadillac and its occupants are on the dirt road, heading south. After a few miles the road splits into two. One road curves to the east while the other continues south. With some directional help from Sara, the Cadillac takes the east road and soon the forest is just barely in sight.

Tex and haggard can tell the road curves around the south side of the woods. Sara wishes to go straight into the woods from here, which means off road time. So Tex flips the switch Marcel installed and the whole car seems to raise itself up higher. He wisely slows down for the rough terrain and it takes slightly longer to arrive at the edge of the woods.

At story time:

Well I’m sorry you’ve decided to drop out of the game. I’m sorry we couldn’t reach an amiable compromise concerning the situation surrounding your character. As I’ve already spoken about, a lot of this falls on my own head for not realizing the full extent of your character when you posted it up. I hope you at the very least enjoy reading the thread.
Thank you for participating for the short time you were in the game. I enjoyed the role play.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-02, 06:33 PM
"Hey Sara, names Terry any way what are you looking for out here. The report seemed a little vague about what you wanted us to collect."
Terry was trying real hard to speak clearly the rough ride wasn't making it easy.

2011-08-06, 12:27 AM
Sara shrugs, and begins to explain.

“I’m looking for pretty much everything. From what I’ve been able to learn from my dad’s books, our ancestors used to use natural remedies before they switched to harsh chemicals to make medicines to treat pretty much everything. I don’t actually know what exactly I’m looking for. I have to gather as many samples from as many plants as I can. After I study them, then I’ll know what to look for, and future expeditions into the forest will hopefully be more efficient. “

2011-08-06, 08:26 AM
"Don't know much about plants meself. I'll just jeep things from bothering you while you get whatcha need."

2011-08-08, 07:07 AM

Giving a slight chuckle at Sara, Tex comments "So we' jus goin plant pickin' till we run outta room?" Tex shakes his head hearing Haggard speak up "I hope we don't run into any trouble, running over trouble, now that sounds more fun."

2011-08-08, 08:22 AM
"Heh, can't argue with that." Haggard chuckles at Tex's comment.

2011-08-08, 01:09 PM
Sara blushes slightly at Tex’s comment,

“Not quite. You see, as far as I’ve been able to tell, the plants have changed as much as the animals have. So all the information in the books my dad had is close to useless. But they have given me an idea of what to look for. So we won’t be sampling things quite so randomly."

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-08, 11:24 PM
Well that's good to know. I would be pretty bad we got something poisonous by mistake. So how far do we need to go into the forest or is there a special clearing or something you would like us to go to?

2011-08-11, 02:27 PM
The last thing i want to do is poison someone. Anyway I didn’t exactly know who my escort would be, or when I’d be able to go and explore. So I don’t have any real plans thus far, I guess we can just drive in and explore.
Sara says with a shrug.

Ok the woods are pretty light in this area, so you can take the car into the forest if you are so inclined. Or you know, you can hoof it if you wanted. You’re still sitting there at the edge of the woods talking btw.

2011-08-11, 04:02 PM
"Ya'll lead, I'll follow."

2011-08-11, 09:02 PM

Looking around, Tex flicks the switch to make sure that the truck is in off road mode before looking at the others. "Ya'all want to head in by truck or walk on in? I'd rather stay with the truck myself, can't help but feel that if we get in to a spot of trouble a fast escape could be useful."

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-12, 12:30 PM
I agree lets stay with the Cadillac for now. But be cautious we might attract someone or something with noise well be making.
Terry draws his Service-Six revolver and checks how many rounds he has.

2011-08-14, 03:12 PM
The Cadillac slowly creeps into the forest, Tex warily keeping an eye out for any obstructions in the car’s path. The shade of the trees is cooling and being only a few yards into the forest, it is quite pleasant. However as the car gets deeper, the terrain gets more rough. Occasionally Sara yells for the car to stop, and she hops out and digs up a flower, or cuts off the branch of a tree.
Eventually the red Cadillac bursts into a fair sized clearing. Sara calls for the car to stop and hops out, intent on picking more samples. However, Tex, Haggard and Terry all notice something strange, everything has grown quite, all the various sounds of the forest has silenced.

If I’m not mistaken, it seems like you’re driving into the forest?
I’m going to assume that. If I’m wrong, feel free to speak up and I’ll edit the post.
Also I’m going to be rolling for passive skills like listen, spot etc for you. If you want to make your own checks, feel free to, as those would be more like an active “stop and listen” sort of action. Anyway I rolled listen for you guys, you all passed.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-14, 03:38 PM
"This isn't natural we better move on soon."
Terry starts getting his Ratchet and Binoculars out of his backpack and tries to remember if there were any meat eaters that lived around this territory.

Knowledge (earth & life sciences) check [roll0]

2011-08-14, 05:33 PM
Knowledge result:

You recall quite the list of meat eating dinosaurs that live this deep in the forest. Allosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Compsognathus, and the fearsome Rators, also Trex is known to ambush from the edge of the forest.

Yeah, there's a good reason why people don't venture into the forest if they can help it.

2011-08-19, 01:37 PM
Terry, Tex and haggard look too the forest with caution as the moments linger on. Sara, oblivious to the potential danger wanders close to the edge of the clearing, humming a little tune and taking samples as she goes. Haggard, being the closest to Sara, and also the only one looking in that direction spots the danger long before everyone else. He sees a small dinosaur looking curiously at Sara from behind a tree. It stands about three feet tall and probably about 6 feet long. It’s a bipedal dinosaur, with long and thick hind legs and short grasping forelegs. Its skin is camouflaged, making the dinosaur difficult to see against the forest background. The dinosaur is about 15 feet away from Sara.

Well looks like nobody has posted in a few days. So I’m moving along.
Spot checks:
Haggard: 16+6=22
Terry: 3+4=7
Tex: 5+1=6
If you want to engage the dinosaur, then feel free to roll initiative. You could also roll knowledge to identify the dino before you take any other option. Feel free to do whatever.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-19, 02:19 PM
Terry still oblivious to the current danger finally gets the ratchet and binoculars out, he holsters his gun, and takes a look around with the binoculars trying to see anything approaching. He leaves his backpack in the Cadillac as he gets out.

Spot check ( [roll0] )to see the current dinosaur or any others
Knowledge(earth & life sciences) check( [roll1] )to Identify any that I see

2011-08-20, 04:29 AM

Leaning back in the car and fiddling with a stick of straw, Tex doesn't so much keep guard, as sit on guard so it doesn't get away.

His flame thrower is next to him, but not worn.

"How much longa you think this gunna take? I want to hit the road again, see if we can't get this thing air born off of a nice hill." Tex pats the car affectionately.

2011-08-24, 01:00 PM
The dinosaur creeps out from behind the tree and slowly approaches Sara. Now Sara notices the danger and looks up, her voice catches in her throat and she falls backwards from the crouching position she was in, dropping her gardening trowel in the possess. The dinosaur takes up a curious expression before showing large carnivore teeth. The dinosaur, flares it’s neck frill, it flashes red and rattle slightly.

Sara, her eyes wide with fright, begins to backpedal on her elbows and feet, in an effort to get away from the dinosaur. The noise catches everyone’s attention and all eyes turn towards the terrified medic and the dinosaur.

Ok guys, I’ve been waiting for Haggard to do something, and it looks like he isn’t so I’m moving the scene along. Everyone ought to be rolling initiative unless you want me to.
Terry: 17+4=21
Tex: 19 +1=20
Dinosaur: 1+5=6 (phh lethargic dinosaur)
Sara: 17+2=19

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-25, 09:32 AM
Terry looks over at Sara and curses that he didn't see that lizard. He tosses his binoculars into the Cadillac and draws his gun and fires a shot at the scaly freak of nature.

Initiative ([roll0])
Minor or free: toss the binoculars into the Cadillac.
Move: Draw gun. (My ratchet is in my off hand for now)
Action: Fire gun at dino
Attack([roll1]) Damage([roll2])
Correct me if I got anything wrong

2011-08-28, 12:56 AM
Terry’s shot is on target, hitting the lizard hard in the side. It staggers as it moves forward, but manages to stay on it’s feet. After taking the shot, it’s neck frills flatten against it’s skin and it turns and disappears back into the bush limping badly as it goes, clearly too wounded to keep fighting.

Sara is clearly frightened and is visibly shaking. She stands up and cautiously steps over to the root she was digging up and recovers her spade. She then turns to the group, clears her voice and says

“Well I think I’ve collected enough samples, I suppose we should be getting back to town… before anything else shows up.”

So where is everyone?

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-31, 02:25 PM
"Sounds like a good idea"
Terry holstered his gun and walked over to Sara helping her carry any samples she had to the car.