View Full Version : Star Wars DoD Episode I: A Traitors Gambit

2011-07-14, 11:50 PM
Episode I

It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.

Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.

In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. . . .

The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce. Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the passersby, and a few Imperial stormtroopers make their way down the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a leisurely pace.

You've been stuck on the station now two day, mainly because the ship you came on the Wayward Hope an Old Dynamic class freighter owed by the Retro Fright Company is having it hyperdrive overhauled and it was to be fumigated.

Some Business of thr Promenade
• Gundark’s Cantina: Owned and operated by a gruff Human male named “Gundark” Saff, Gundark’s Cantina is a place where people from all walks of life can come to relax. Though Gundark himself shows some anti-alien bias, he does not prevent non-Humans from patronizing his establishment. As such, it is a popular meeting place for nearly anyone on the station, and it features a large number of secluded booths for private conversations.

• The Credit Chip: A local casino that attracts a wide variety of patrons, the Credit Chip is operated by a quiet and brooding Human named Cecil Vane. Vane doesn’t like what the Empire has done to the station, especially since they don’t take it too well when he cheats Imperial officers out of their money. The most popular games in the galaxy, including sabacc and pazaak, see a lot of play here.

• Delgas Medical Supplies: A corporate medical practice and pharmaceutical supplier, Delgas Medical Supplies provides care to those who can afford it. The chief doctor in the practice is Byra Fenn, a talented Human woman.

• Mechanical Allies: A droid repair and sales shop, this is one of the few businesses run by a non-Human that hasn’t been shut down by the Empire. Operated by an untrustworthy Twi’lek named San, Mechanical Allies sells all manner of droid parts and reconditioned droids.

((OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207145) OK all describe what you look like and what your doing at the moment))

2011-07-15, 12:37 AM
Berk Bindo

Sitting outside a cantina, sipping on a cup of caf is a duros male wearing fairly normal spacer garb with a old racing swoop jacket. He keeps an eye on the Imperials patroling the promenade

2011-07-15, 04:48 AM
Issac Greyson

Issac paused in the shadow of a vendor's stall in the mouth of a bulkhead between two buildings watching the Stormtrooper patrol pass by he patted his hand against a case on his vest where his stun grenade rested until the patrol passed by then he relaxed a bit and let his blaster rifle hang by the clip attached to his utility harness.

It was hard to disguise Issac from what he was, a large rifle and multiple ammunition pouches were fitted tightly to a combat harness he wore over a drab blast vest, his helmet rested in the crook of his other armor, hardened plastoid with a green holographic eye. His clothes were 5.11 tactical garments OD green and battleship gray his boots were black combat boots minus the polish. He shifted the weight of his satchel where his tools were and scanned the street once more.

The stormtroopers seemed focused on some other part of the spacestation he took a quick breath, his pulse started to race he dashed across the deck plating and ducked into the cantina's entrance. He slowed down to a casual walk as entered the doorway, better to not draw entrance or cause a shoot out. He sidled up to the bar and ordered a lum ale before spotting the ship's pilot from the cruise to the station.

"What's up Berk, the Stormies seem to be keeping a tight watch." The young human looked older than his years suggested, his blue eyes had a haunted cast and the beginning of crows feet. Even though he smiled at Berk he never stopped shifting his eyes scanning the room making sure no one was watching them to closely. His satchel lay on the inside of the booth and Issac slouched just enough he rested his blaster rifle's barrel on his thigh its barrel covering the room from discreetly under the table.

"They made me clear out of Engineering pretty quick once the fumugating started I didn't even get a chance to finish recalibrating the power couplings."

2011-07-15, 10:21 AM
Jern Kand

Near the mouth of an alley near Gundark's, a tall Kel Dor paces restlessly. His clothes are tattered and threadbare, and any visible skin is criss-crossed with scars. The deepest of which are on his face; the ragged gouges lining up perfectly with the damage on his breathing mask. The device rasps as he sighs and his brow crinkles. He is clearly deep in thought.

The damned repairs were taking too long! It was dangerous waiting around a place like this, where there was such a strong Imperial presence. The last time he'd been discovered, he'd barely gotten away intact. The new blaster scar on his shoulder still throbbed, a painful reminded of how dangerous it was to linger.

He couldn't afford to book passage on another ship, and he needed to find other Jedi sooner rather than later. He eyed the entrance to the casino, deciding whether or not to go in and ask if they needed some...specialty problem solving.

No. he thought, shaking his head decisively. I've done too many...questionable things while trying to track down the remaining Jedi. I have to stay true to the code. If I waver, then who...

Jern gazes unseeing out into the busy promenade, struggling with an idea that was terrifying and all too real.

Maybe there weren't any other Jedi.

2011-07-15, 11:47 AM
Adam Colton

Gundark's Cantina was bustling with business. The ever present din of the cantina mixed painfully with the otherwise pleasant music Gundark had decided to play that day. Some woman gave a screeching giggle at some jest told to her, likely she was drinking too fast and some lowlife had swooped in to take advantage of the fact.

Two days he'd been stuck here. Two days lying low and drinking whatever cheap swill he could. He sat on one of the stools and tried to look as though he fit in. No one notices one more drinker at a cantina, especially when they don't try to act mysterious sitting in the dark and shaded corners and talking in low whispers. Adam smiled and talked to whoever started a conversation, or flirted with the passing waitresses.

No one notices one more drinker, but he took note of everyone. The businessman in the corner for instance, harmless, involved in an affair while his wife was off planet. Or the saleswoman sitting three stools away, a local informant for the Imperials, ratting on her neighbors for a pat on the head. He would have to be careful around her, not that he had given any reason to be suspect.

Or importantly the ragged looking Kel Dor just outside the cantina, nursing a shoulder wound and riddled with scars. Unfortunately a man like that sticks out in your memory, even if he hadn't been taking the same ship.

Adam gave a small sigh, not his problem. "Could you give me another, m'dear?" he asked the passing waitress.

2011-07-15, 12:20 PM
[Berk Bindo

Berk's signature cocky lopsided grin returns to his face, "Not much, patessa."
the're just a couple of schoon's that got stuck with patrol duty.'

He points towards the troopers, "Look at them the're just a couple of schoon's that got stuck with patrol duty. You could smuggle a turbolaser right past them, peice of waffmula."

With that he drains the remaining caf in his cup, and waves at the serving girl, "Bring me another yocola."

2011-07-15, 03:11 PM
Issac Greyson

Issac let a laugh slip out at Berk's comment the Duros had a disarming trait to him, at least the last few weeks working Wayward Hope had softened Issac's normally reserved demeanor to the alien pilot. At least Berk made him get past the slate gray skin and big red eyes of his species, he felt like he was out with one of his old friends from Corulag carousing for women. He watched the patrol walk away running over them with a critical eye.

Knowledge Tactics: [roll0] How prepared the Stormtroopers seem, are they green or veterans?

"You know there's a fairly profitable market right now in second hand Stormtrooper armor."

Issac added the last comment quietly as he took a sip of his lum ale and wiped some of the froth from his goatee that was beginning to grow from lack of shaving. He also rubbed his chest, he felt a bit naked with only a flimsy blast vest on and his helmet tucked under his chair. His rifle could make pretty quick work of the troops if they got them somewhere secluded. Issac never had much remorse vaping a couple troopers. Berk seemed a centric individual that energy could do some people good if Issac found a way to channel it the right way.

2011-07-15, 05:32 PM
For Issac Greyson
as you watch the trooper move along down the Promenade that there walking a poorly executed standard patrol pattern right out of the academy book, you peg them as green horns.

2011-07-15, 07:59 PM
Adam Colton

Adam watched from his seat on the bar as the Greyson boy from the ship walked past him and sat beside the pilot, Berk Bindo. The rifle still in his hands. I guess I should be grateful he's not carrying an I Hate the Empire sign.

Perception check to listen in on their conversation, I believe we are all just at the bar

2011-07-15, 11:50 PM
The door to the cantina opens revealing a moderately attractive young woman in casual clothing and a large overcoat, which only barely conceals the blaster at her hip, a pair of old goggles on a head of short, slightly unkempt hair. She looks around the cantina for a moment before making a beeline for the bar, sliding onto an empty stool beside Colton. "Whiskey, Corellian if you have it. Leave the bottle." she turns to Colton, "Crowded in here today, huh?"

2011-07-16, 02:15 AM
Adam Colton

It's hard work to try and pay attention to two conversations at once, but necessary to gather proper intelligence without being obvious.

The big man smiled as the young woman sat beside him. Blair, female, holds her weapons with confident but obvious display. "Aye, but ain't you a darling for choosin' this spot to keep me company." Adam silently cursed himself for coming up with this ridiculous accent for the hundredth time. When it was just a simple trip it had been fine, a little detail that could be described and passed on to identify him, yet dropped the moment it became convenient for Adam to disappear. But since the ship was stopped he was stuck with it.

"It's true I don't leave much room fer those who sit beside me. But in a crowded day like this it makes me lucky." Adam gave a grin that wouldn't have been out of place on the most backwater planet. "Means next to me is one of the only places open fer a pretty gal like yerself to sit."

2011-07-16, 09:06 PM
for Adam Colton
because of the design of the cantina you are at the end of the bar closest to the outside setting area with no obstructions, (Your about 3 to 5 feet from there table) you can hear most of the conversation between Bindo and Greyson, you also have a pretty good view of out side the cantina as well.

OK i need a Perception check from everyone.

2011-07-16, 09:45 PM
Jern Kand

Jern shakes himself out of his reverie.

There isn't time to doubt and panic. I am one of the last Jedi. I need to keep my head, move on and survive.

He wheezes a calming breath and steadies himself, thinking of what his next step should be

Sorry, derped with the dice roller. Haven't PBP'd in a while!

2011-07-17, 01:36 AM

Niomi sits nearby Gundark's Cantina, watching the life on the station go by warily. Although she doesn't keep her eyes on the Stormtroopers too much, she does glance their way a couple of times.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-07-17, 09:31 AM
To the north of you notice two men loitering on the Promenade who do not appear to be part of the larger crowd. Each seems to be scanning the crowd closely as though looking for someone, though they pay no attention to you or your friends.

for Dienekes, A'den, Mo_the_Hawked, horngeek
To the north of you notice two men loitering on the Promenade who do not appear to be part of the larger crowd. Each seems to be scanning the crowd closely as though looking for someone, though they pay no attention to you or your friends.

You also notice that, despite wearing normal traveling clothes, each man is carrying a hold-out blaster tucked into his jacket, and both men are wearing identical garments.

For Bowerbird
To the north of you notice two men loitering on the Promenade who do not appear to be part of the larger crowd. Each seems to be scanning the crowd closely as though looking for someone, though they pay no attention to you or your friends.

You also notice that, despite wearing normal traveling clothes, each man is carrying a hold-out blaster tucked into his jacket, and both men are wearing identical garments.

you also notice that both men seem to be whispering to themselves, obviously speaking into hidden comlinks.


Within moments, from the south of you, a slender woman wearing the greasy clothes of a mechanic stumbles down the Promenade. Though she is trying to hide it, she has clearly been wounded somehow, and she looks disheveled.

2011-07-17, 10:00 AM
Decker Sandburner

Nudging Issac, "Don't look now, but I think there is some trouble brewing. Looks like a couple of thugs on that girls trail. What do you think, wanna be knights in shining armor?"

With that Berk stands, "After you."

2011-07-17, 12:25 PM
Jern Kand

Jern's gaze slides over the two men, preoccupied with his own thoughts. He does, however, notice the injured girl.

She had a look about her that he hadn't seen, but felt. She looked like Jern imagined he did; on the run, hurt and desperate.

He took a few steps forward, then hesitated. Would it be worth getting involved? He would risk exposing himself. He didn't even know if she was actually in serious trouble. What if he stuck his neck out for nothing? What would happen to the Jedi?

Bah! The Jedi are supposed to be the defenders of the galaxy! What good am I doing the galaxy by slinking around and being too concerned with my own safety to even speak to an injured girl?!

Jern begins weaving through the crowd, making his way to the young woman. He would inconspicuously ask her what was wrong, at the very least.

2011-07-17, 05:03 PM
Niomi frowns, as she takes in the scene. Two guys... let's go and get the woman to safety first.

She starts to move through the crowd- however, she's specifically keeping herself between the woman and the thugs she spotted.

At the same time, she keeps a hand on her lightsaber, inside the spot she conceals it.

2011-07-17, 06:38 PM
Adam Colton

Two men searching armed for a quick close range kill. Imperials? Unlikely, if they were they'd have called in the troopers for support and to keep their quarry from leaving the vicinity. These two seem more like thugs carrying out some illicit hit.

None of my business. No reason to break cover, no reason to get involved. You can't be discrete if you try and help every poor sot you meet. Besides maybe the girl did something to deserve what she's getting, very few hits are done on the innocent.

Adam was willing to let the whole situation slide past him. Until he heard Berk's comment.
No, no don't, you idiot. Adam thought angrily, his idiotic smile slipping for a split second. If you draw Imperial attention they'll go through your ship, and my belongings.

Adam did not know what was going to happen but was silently thankful for the familiar feeling of his blaster hidden under his arm.

2011-07-17, 07:30 PM
"The actions of good men, keep evil at bay. But we should take them quietly, looks like someone is already helping the girl. You any good up close I think I can take one out quiet but not two at the same time. Course we can do it the loud way but that may draw a bit of attention."

Issac heft his heavy blaster rifle a bit under the table and checks to see if the table's feet are bolted to the deck. It'd be handy to know if he could flip it over for cover if a fire fight broke out.

2011-07-17, 09:28 PM
Berk Bindo

With a slight look of alarm Berk slips a hand on Issac's shoulder, "Whoa there, they don't even see where she is right now. Busting out the big gun will draw to much offical attention. Look that old Kel Dor is making a bee-line for her right now and the young human girl, Nodi or somthing, is setting up in between them."

Examing the thugs, "Besides, the're trying to keep a low profile, they have hold-out blasters. I think they don't really want to be seen."

Berk's face lights up in smug grin, "Let's try a reverse Tatooine Shuffle on 'em. You go ahead on the promenade find a quite and dark alley-way, i'll tell the thugs she went that way and bam! Boxed in and facing ya big cannon, and no one is the wiser."

2011-07-17, 09:42 PM
As some of you start to make you way toward the injured woman with short black hair and the greasy uniform, She struggles to make her way across the floor in your direction, though clearly she is having difficulty walking.

“Please, help me,” she calls out to you. “There are credits in it for you, just help me!”

Mere seconds later, two stormtroopers burst into the area from the south end of the Promenade. They raise their blasters, aiming them at the woman, and shout through their helmet speakers, “Step away from that woman. She is under arrest in the name of the Emperor!”

((OOC: OK roll those Initiatives And post your actions))
((OOC #2: the tables are not bolted down))

2011-07-17, 10:13 PM
Fortune raises an eyebrow at Colton's comments, but is distracted from replying by the commotion outide. She downs her glass of whiskey and puts the bottle into one of her voluminous pockets. "Great, now they've pissed off some Stormies. They start a fight, we'll probably be arrested as conspirators just for being on the same ship... Frak it." she slides off the barstool and makes her way through the crowd nonchalantly to somewhere where she can get a clear shot on the stormtroopers in case a gunfight starts. She pulls the bottle from her pocket and takes a bracing swig before settling in to watch.
Initiative: 17

2011-07-18, 06:21 AM
Niomi's frown deepens. Oh, Sithspawn. I wanted to avoid Imperial attention...

Initiative: [roll0]

That said, Niomi will delay if she's first in initiative order- she doesn't want to strike first one bit.

2011-07-18, 07:54 AM
Berk Bindo

"Eat Blaster bucket head!" Berk pulls out his heavy blaster pistol and aims at the stormtroopers.

Init [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2011-07-18, 08:30 AM
Issac leaned back in his chair and stood up knocking the table over on its side in front of them as Berk drew his blaster and fired. Issac hoped the whine of the blaster cleared the streets out quickly. He didn't have time draw a good bead on the Stormtroopers so he fired from hip. The large weapon screamed in his hands as he held down the trigger for a good, die frakker die. Bolts of red energy filled the air between the Stormtroopers and Issac. Smoke whispered from the rifle's barrel.

Initiative: [roll0]
Move Action: Stand up.
Standard Action: Autofire 2x2 at centered on the Stormtroopers if their standing next to each other, otherwise centered on one with the covering space leaning toward the other trooper if their standing apart.
Damage: Hit: [roll2]
Miss: Half Damage

2011-07-18, 09:11 AM
Jern Kand

Old reflexes kick in when the storm troopers arrive on the scene. Before he can really think about what he's doing, his lightsaber is in his hand and he is sprinting to the young woman's side. He puts himself between the woman and the stormtroopers, and gives her a confident nod.

"Just stay behind me. We'll get out of here."

Sith's Blood, I wish I was half as confident as I sound. I might be getting us both killed. Well, if I'm going to die today, I'll die as a Jedi. Fighting.

He thumbs the activator on the hilt of his lightsaber, bathing them both in its orange glow.

Initiative: (15)
Standard Action: (used as a move) Move to woman's location.
Move action: Draw lightsaber.
Swift: Activate lightsaber.

Deflect checks, just in case!
Deflect 1: (25)
Deflect 2: (6)

2011-07-18, 09:21 AM
Adam Colton

Well looks like I was wrong, Imperial involvement confirmed. Adam thought sadly, his drink and the girl forgotten. Which means if we fight them we definitely will be on the run. This isn't like fighting two thugs, we can- That train of thought was then interrupted by Berk shouting and drawing his weapon.

I am going to kill him! I'm going to go save his ass and then I am going to kill him!

Adam rises from his stool and tries to use the crowd as cover to sneak through getting in position to attack the original two men from the flanks or behind, while he draws his heavy blaster and flips it to Stun.
Initiative: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2011-07-18, 09:46 AM
Aaaand someone draws a lightsaber. Well, if we're going to bring the wrath of the Empire down on us... might as well be for two.

Niomi draws her own lightsaber, and activates it, holding her lightsaber in front of her.

2011-07-18, 07:27 PM
As soon as the stormtroopers show up the two Imperial Informant draw there holdout blasters and ready them, at about the same time Beck roars his challenge and open fire his shot misses the storm trooper helmeted head by a hairs breath. Issac opens fire moments after Beck his shot go way wide but a few stray shots hits the stormtroopers but it dose not penetrate. Although Adam manages to get out of the bar unseen the crowd is already thinning out as the shooting started. Jerm move forward quickly to the young woman's side, and he put himself in between her and the stormtroopers and ignites his lightsaber, moments later Niomi also ignites her lightsaber. The stormtroopers so rattled by the near miss and the appearances of not one but two Jedi that they both miss there targets. the Imperial Informants both fire, one at Niomi and the other at Beck, but both shot go wide.

2011-07-18, 08:48 PM
Jern Kand
Initiative: 15

Jern grins beneath his breathing device. It was looking like what was supposed to be his last stand might not be as fatal as he had thought. There were some like minded people standing up to the Empire! Had he heard another lightsaber? No, that was impossible.

He gestures to the girl with his free hand, keeping his lightsaber raised to deflect incoming bolts.

"Looks like you've got friends in that Cantina. Make for cover. We'll deal with the troopers."

They had to make this quick. Jern reaches out with the Force, feeling it ebb and flow. Suddenly, he tenses and lunges towards the Storm Troopers, covering the distance in a few bounds. As he nears them, he lashes out with his weapon, attempting to plunge it into the breastplate of the nearest enemy.

Wee! Slashy time!

Standard: Charge!
Attack: [roll0]
Using a Force point for a bonus to attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Deflect 1: [roll3]
Deflect 2: [roll4]

2011-07-18, 09:57 PM
Fortune watches the scene unfold with some amusement, not to mention surprise at the lightsaber, Jedi, huh? At least they aren't all dead. Drawing her own blaster pistol she takes a bead on one of the stormtroopers, Maybe there's some hope after all. That thought in her head she fires.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-18, 10:25 PM
Berk Bindo

Berk slips behind the overturned table and crouches next to Issac, "Fierfek, nearly had him. Well you might just get a shot to sell that armor yet, keep the Stormtroopers covered i'll try and drop the Undercovers."


2011-07-18, 10:43 PM
Adam Colton

Adam did not believe his eyes. Lightsabers, two of them. For a moment Adam began weighing the possibility of running out now, grabbing his belongings off the ship and making a break for it on his own before word of the two Jedi he'd been traveling with spread around.

And it would spread, as fast as this crowd was dwindling. The news of the Jedi assaulting the poor soldiers would be shouted from the streets. It'd be easy to escape, to go take a new name and start somewhere else with less reckless allies...

Screw it, he owed Porja his life. At least now they'll be even.

Adam stepped closer to the informants and leveled his gun toward their backs and fired.

Initiative: 24
2 Swift Actions: Aim to negate any cover granted by crowd.
Standard Action: Attacking one of the informants they don't see me I believe so add whatever bonuses that gains (sorry I don't have the book with me) weapon is set for stun.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-19, 04:42 AM

Issac nods this time he brought his rifle up to his shoulder settling the stock and against its usual spot comfortably the long barrel might of made a weaker man's aim shake but he held it steady and matched up the first Stormtrooper with his peep sights. The trigger slide easy in the well the faintest pressure took it from safe to barking more slashes of red energy at the black seem where the white chest plate stopped and the buckethead started.

Initiative: 22
[roll0] +1 from Double Trigger for Aim, Ignore Cover
Hit: [roll1]

2011-07-22, 06:51 AM
Niomi quickly glances around, before making a decision. Stormtroopers. They're closer.

She winces a little at the stray shots, given the people around- luckily, the lightsabers and blaster bolts should clear them out quickly. She moves towards the Stormtroopers, before slashing at the closest one.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-07-24, 04:55 PM
Beck open fire this time on one of the Undercover imperials but again his shot misses but this time by a wide margin.

Issac opens fire again and again they go wide but a few stray shots hits the stormtroopers again but it dose not penetrate.

Adam manages to get closer to the Undercover imperials unseen, but he still has several meters before he can get behind them, he's just about parallel with them, but he sees and opening and takes a shot his shot hits one of the Undercover imperials right between the eyes, the dead imperial drops like a wet noodle.

Fortune makes her presence known to the stormtroopers but misses.

The woman analogues Jerm and starts to head for cover.

Jerm quickly bounds forward toward one of the stormtroopers and strikes with his lightsaber at the chest of the stormtroopers on the left but misses and moments later to his surprise he is join by Niomi.

Niomi also quickly bounds forward toward the stormtroopers and also strikes with her lightsaber at one of the stormtroopers on the right, but she miss judged and missed.

The stormtroopers are rattled by the near miss but both manage to fire at the closet targets the Jedi, the stormtrooper on the lift fire at Jerm but Jerm manages to Deflect the bolt and by pure luck manages to send it back at the stormtrooper and it kills him. the stormtrooper on the right fire at Niomi and manages to graze her on the left shoulder (4 damage)

the remaining Imperial Informant now alerted to Adam's presence fires at him but misses.

OK i just decided to try this and for Jerm it worked for now on when rolling Deflect checks also roll a 1d3 this is for a 33% chance that the deflected attack is instead reflected.

(((OOC:and sorry it took so long to get this up))

2011-07-24, 05:22 PM
Berk Bindo

"Fierfek! I missed again. After we drop the last imp, we had best hit bricks. We're lucky they didn't have more troops in the area."

After speaking Berk leans around make shift cover and fire at last agent. Then makes a break for the girl.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-07-24, 07:47 PM
Adam Colton

OOC: Ehh Graybacca I actually wanted to stun that last Imperial. Not that it matters mind you, I only want 1 alive for questioning and I can do that fine with the one left.

The blaster bolt flashed past him and the galaxy was right again. Nothing else feels like this, nothing else compares to knowing your life is on the line. He watched as the newly made carcass dropped to his feet. His eyes giving a smile that never touched his lips, his thumb flicked his pistols settings as he pointed at the next imperial, the one that tried to shoot him.

"Heh," he gave a satisfactory growl as he pulled the trigger.

Initiative: 24
Swift action: Set for stun
Move action: move toward cover if there is any nearby
Standard action: Shoot the Imperial
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2011-07-24, 08:45 PM
Issac flipped the selector switch from auto to semi and ripped loose with the rifle at the last storm trooper.

"I'll be right behind you Berk."

Swift: Auto to Semi
Attack Stormtrooper: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]
Move: Follow Berk

2011-07-25, 08:56 AM
Jern Kand

Jern deflects the blaster bolt with the flair and flashiness that his master had always berated him for. Twirling his saber, he brings it around on the other trooper and...

There was a Jedi.

A young girl, but definitely a Jedi. Her stance, the way she held her saber...

He had finally found one! He had so many questions!

"Where...?" he begins, but is promptly cut off when Niomi takes a blaster bolt to the shoulder. Pent up frustration, anger and desperation bubbles to the surface - the very feelings he had been trained to suppress.

"Damn you, Imperial dog! I did not wander all over the Galaxy to have you kill the first Jedi I've found!" he snarls, swinging his lightsaber in a deadly arc.

Move: Flank the last Stormtrooper with Niomi
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Preemptive deflects and reflects!
Deflect 1: [roll2]
Reflect 1: [roll3]
Deflect 2: [roll4]
Reflect 2: [roll5]

2011-07-25, 09:38 PM
Fortune curses as she sees her shot go wide, looking around she takes in just how many people are actually rising to help this woman, "Well, looks like I'm not needed too much." She takes another swig from her whiskey bottle and heads towards where the woman is, her sidearm held loosely in her other hand.

Move Action: Drink :smalltongue:
Move Action: Move towards the woman everyone's protecting

2011-08-02, 07:01 PM
Beck again open fire on the remaining Undercover imperials but again his shot misses.

Issac opens fire again and again the shot goes wide.

Adam after the near miss he again fire but this time he makes sure that his weapon is set to stun, and again with unwavering skill or luck his stun bolt hit the Undercover imperial dropping him to the floor.

Fortune decides to take a long swig from the bottle of liquor hes holding.

The woman continues to head for cover and safety of the others.

Jerm quickly rejoices the finding of Niomi, but that moment is quickly dashed as Niomi take a hit from the stormtrooper and appears momentarily dazed, in a moment very close to pure hatred Jerm move like he has never moved be for with a quick deadly Grace he first severs the stormtrooper arm that holds the blaster that hit Niomi, and then with the same moment also severs the stormtrooper head.

Niomi is momentarily dazed.

The stormtroopers are both dead.

Imperial Informant one is dead the other is out cold.

(((OOC:and sorry it took so long to get this up. Perception check please))

2011-08-02, 08:42 PM
Berk Bindo

Perception [roll0]

Berk follows after the girl.

2011-08-03, 09:03 AM
Issac ducks low and followed Berk pealing an eye or right looking for any signs of pursuit.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-08-03, 03:05 PM
Adam Colton

Adam grabs the stunned agent and drags him away toward where the others are going.


2011-08-03, 04:33 PM
Jern Kand

Jern takes a few deep breaths, trying to clear his head as he slips his lightsaber back under his cloak.

I can't lose my temper like that again. It's time to start acting like a Jedi.

Jern looks around the plaza as he heads towards the mystery woman and the others, beckoning to the young Jedi.

"Come, we'd best get moving. I would love to hear how you survived when we're safe. It is...good to see another member of the Order is still alive."


2011-08-07, 11:24 AM
As you all gather around the wounded woman she says Thank you all of you but we need to get out of here before more imperials show. if you follow me i know a safe place to go.

Jern, Adam, Berk,
you all spot a third Undercover imperial one that did not join the battle just as he disappears around a corner.

OCC: if you want any thing from the dead imps now would be the time to state what your taking it.

2011-08-07, 01:18 PM
Issac loots the Stormtrooper armor and some powerpacks.

2011-08-07, 04:13 PM
Niomi nods, still a bit dazed. "Yeah... probably a good idea. Let's go."

2011-08-07, 05:50 PM
Berk Bindo

Briefly stooping low to snag a blaster carbine, Berk nudges Issac, "Best get a move on, I think there was another Agent. I don't think we want to stick around and find out."

2011-08-07, 08:00 PM
"Well, if we stay here we're all likely as good as dead anyway so why not." Fortune pockets her bottle and follows the woman.

2011-08-08, 12:28 PM
Adam Colton

"Damn it!" Adam swore as he leveled his blaster at the third agent, but was unable to take a shot before he slipped away.

Adam grabbed the imperial and dragged him to the fallen troopers. Likely not enough time to take the armor, but a nice new rifle would be useful. He takes the rifle and follows the others out.

2011-08-10, 01:03 PM
Jern Kand

Jern trails behind the others, keeping his eye out for any tails they might pick up, his hand never far from his lightsaber.

2011-08-13, 11:24 PM
After you quickly collect what you can, You all follow the wounded woman and you quickly find yourself winding your way though several corridors until she stop in front of a door and enters it you follow her in. you find that's it a small private cabin, it has several chairs, a bed, a small auto chief, and a refresher. the woman sit on the bed and says, I'd like to thank you again for helping me, my name is Maya Hidaki and if your interested i have some more work for you i can make it worth the trouble.

2011-08-14, 09:01 AM
Adam Colton

"Hold on. Some of us haven't taken leave of our senses." He said as he shot an angry glance to Berk. "Just because the Imperials were after you doesn't mean you're not a low-life scum yourself."

2011-08-14, 04:30 PM
Berk Bindo

Casually ignoring the dirty look, Berk contributes "You say that like you have somthing against low-life scum." Grinning "Perhaps you haven't meet the right ones yet."

Noticing the girl is unarmed Berk tosses his pilfered blaster carbine to her. "Here take this, isn't my style darling. Now how much worth my while are talkin' bout?"

2011-08-14, 07:09 PM
Issac watched the conversation unfold he darts a look from Adam to Berk, "If the Imperials are out to get her she can't be all that bad."

A small grin carved his dark features as he popped out depleted power cell from his Rifle and snapped a new one in.

"How long before they track us down though? We're hip deep in batha poodoo already might as well work this angle."

2011-08-15, 04:47 PM
well i guess it only fair you know some of my background, I'm an intelligence officer for the A.S.F, for you not familiar with it that's the Alderaanian Security Force. i was on my way to make some arrangements to make a pick up, when i was detained by the Imperials. Maya excepts the weapon and lay it next to her.
we should be safe here for a little while.

2011-08-15, 08:12 PM
Adam Colton

Adam turns to Isaac with a sneer. "If you think she can't be bad, then you have a very small imagination."

"So do you have any idea why you were detained?"

2011-08-15, 08:32 PM
Fortune leans against the wall listening to the others argue, "Well they do have a point, lady, how do we know you're not a serial killer or something? If you are with the security forces then what beef did the imps have with you?"

2011-08-16, 11:38 AM
it probably has to do with the fact that the Senator has been apposing the Emperor's new order in the senate, and the nature of the mission i was carrying out for the Senator.

2011-08-17, 06:54 AM
Adam Colton

"Well there is one way to find out for certain," Adam grunted and nudged the unconsious Imperial. "Do you have a room you don't mind getting dirty?"

2011-08-17, 08:10 PM
Maya nods and says, use the shower stall in the refresher and one of the chair from the kitchenette there easier to clean.

2011-08-18, 07:42 PM
Adam Colton

"Hurm," he nods at Maya before grabbing the Imperial and a chair and heading off toward the room.

Sitting the agent down Adam takes off his comlink and shirt making sure he checks for any method of him giving his location or communicating to anyone.
Perception check to search the guy. I think I get a bonus for getting to pat him down, but I'm unfortunately away from books. Sorry if I'm making you do more work.
With that done he ties the man's hands together behind his back and shakes him growling. "Time to wake up."

2011-08-19, 10:12 AM
Jern Kand

Jern remains silent, studying the reactions of his new companions. He planned on working with the young woman; what other choice did he have? It was either take a chance and start working against the Empire, or just start running again...and how long could he continue to survive on his own.

Besides, suddenly there was another Jedi. He had finally found one! He had to keep her safe until they managed to find more.

He turns to Niomi, speaking softly to avoid interrupting the conversation.

"Hey. How you holding up? That shot you took looks painful."

Sorry for the delay! Didn't get my email notification that things were still rolling! I'm back in business now.

2011-08-27, 10:49 PM
Adam searches the informant and finds 500 credits a medpac a standard comlink and assorted personal items, and that's it.

The informant comes around slowly

Niomi makes some noncommittal noise and seem distracted

Maya says, i believe one of you asked what i could offer, i can pay you 2000 credits each and offer you a ride off this station and possibly additional work in the future.

2011-08-28, 09:40 AM
Berk Bindo

Grinning Berk is all to speak up, "That would be me. Two thousand you say? That sounds fine, but what about for saving you bacon back there. Has to be worth something."

Persuasion [roll0]

2011-08-28, 11:56 AM
Maya thought for a moment and then says, i can offer you an additional 1000 credits each once the job here is done and were safely away or 500 credits each now.

2011-08-28, 12:43 PM
Adam Colton

Adam waits patiently until the informant seems lucid. "Evening, how's your head? You will be telling me why you were after that girl now." Adam sat in a chair across from him.

2011-08-28, 07:39 PM
Fortune shrugs, "I dunno about you guys, but three grand sounds nice to me. I'm in."

2011-08-29, 11:21 AM
For Adam

Now awake the informant say loudly, Sith you, I an't Fracking telling you scum poo-doo.

2011-08-31, 11:24 AM
Adam Colton

"Excellent, a professional." Adam nods to the Imperial in respect. "You have no idea how tiresome it is to work with these thugs. Let me explain why you should tell me. I am not with the girl or I would not be asking you what she has done wrong. Also, unlike others I understand that you are just doing your job to protect the galaxy. You are not evil, you are not a sociopath, just a man doing what he thinks is necessary, and trying at all costs to perform his duty to the very end. Tell me what she has done wrong, and if I judge her evil your job will be done."

2011-09-03, 05:35 PM
"Done, lets get this business done with then."

Issac spoke quietly, disapproval in his voice as he watched Adam lay into the Imp. He'd seen Imperial wetwork from the wrong side, he didn't feel right descending to their same level. Then again Adam had just asked some questions so far. Issac hefted the blaster and looked at the Imp.

"Let's just kill em and be done with it."

Aid another +2 to Adam.