View Full Version : [Gamma World] creating a random monster generator (need advice)

some guy
2011-07-15, 10:03 AM
A supermarket chain in my country gives away animal trading cards as part of a promotional action. I have ignored this until I figured I could use these cards to make random creatures.
For example: the players have a random encounter, I draw two cards from the animal deck and draw the bumble bee and the wild boar meaning the pc's encounter a bumble boar.

Of the two cards I would combine the hit points and the defenses, take higher of initiative and perception and would optionally give the resulting monster an adjusted speed, resistances and senses.

Going back to the example, if the bumble bee card would have this information:
Bumble Bee (level 1 skirmisher)
AC: +8
hp: +12
FORT: +5
REF: +9,5
WILL: +6
ini: 6
perception: 6
fly speed: +2
resist 10 cold
...and the wild boar this information:
Wild Boar (level 5 brute)
AC: +8,5
hp: +34
FORT: +9
REF: +5,5
WILL: +7
ini: 2
perception: 2
...the resulting Bumble Boar would have these stats:
Bumble Boar (level 3ish brutish skirmisher)
AC: 16
hp: 46
FORT: 14
REF: 15
WILL: 13
ini: 6
perception: 6
speed: 6 squares/ fly 8 squares
resist 10 cold

I only own Gamma World, not other DnD 4e products, so I used this document (http://boldpueblo.com/downloads/gammaworld/GW-monster-building.pdf) to build the stats. I think the stats work reasonably for a level 3 monster. However, I'm not sure what would happen if I would combine the level 1 cicada with the level 12 blue whale to create a level 6,5 cicadhale.
Also, I'm not sure how I would handle powers. I don't have that much room on the cards. I could let the resulting creature have 1 encounter power from the highest level base animal and the power from the lowest level base animal as an at will power. However, in the case of the cicadhale this would probably mean it would completely devastate 1 pc in the first round and do pathetic amounts of damage in the following rounds.

So, any thoughts on this system? What would be a solution to my power conundrum?