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2011-07-15, 06:40 PM
It is a dark time for Europa. Millions lay dead already, and millions more are imperiled. Yes the threat of the Other is gone, but in the Other's wake came famine, plague, and now from the looks of things war.

With the Heterodyne boys gone every minor noble see it as an opportune time to expand his holdings. The peasants see it as a time to hide. Mechanicsburg is as always unconquered, and the Yagers are feeling a little lost without the Heterodynes (at least they still have their hats).

The big world powers are too concerned with their own affairs to intervene in the squabbling of lesser nations.

Maybe the Minor Lords are right, with every one else in chaos, perhaps there is great opportunity here...

2011-07-15, 07:22 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++

The Hawk, the Eagle, and the Falcon sit at a table, with a map of Europa spread out on the table between them.

"The Hetrodynes are dead?"

No, not dead for sure. Just...gone. Vanished."

The most powerful sparks in Europa have just vanished, the power vacuum...

"Will need to be filled, we know. Preferably by us. But how do we do so?"

"Well, the Hetrodynes are gone, but what about their Jagers?"

Silas Falcone smiles. "Hmm...the Jagers indeed. What about the Jagers..."

Jägermonster Leaders

Alright guys, listen up. We're are just as distraught as you are at the lose of the Hetrodynes, but we have to ask you, what do you plan to do now? You guys are the best fighters in Europa, possibly the world! You can't let your talents go to waste! So, we have a proposition for you. The Birds of Prey are willing to attempt to use our VERY extensive spy network to help you find your Hetrodynes. In exchange, we simply wish for you to serve as soldiers for us, just until we find them. Also, you'll find that Italy is quite rich in hats, that we will be more than happy to provide them to your people. Think it over.

Silas Falcone

The Corsair Confederacy

Red Anthony, of the Corsairs

You know, I don't see why we can't get along here. And that statement isn't only because you kind of hold our naval trade hostage already.

After all, we hold pretty much all the resources of Northern Italy. I'm sure there's something you want, and I'm sure you have stuff we want. Sure, you could just take it, but why go to the hassle when we'd be glad to trade it with you? Surely some trade between us is possible?

Also, we may eventually have use for you services, if your interested.

Doge Silas Falcone

Army of the Architect

If you don't mind me asking, is there a method to your...glorious conquering? What are you trying to accomplish? Or is it just invasion for invasion's sake?

Also, do you take suggestions?

I hear Theosophs is wonderful this time of year.

Doge Silas Falcone

The Duchy of Tangiers

You know, I really wish we'd thought of taking over the Straights of Gibraltar. It really is ingenious, all the wealth of the Mediterranean, having to pass through that one waterway...

And that's why I want to talk, see. Our merchants are getting a little annoyed at having to pay taxes ALL the time. I'm wondering if perhaps we could get a higher level agreement. Maybe wave the taxes on our merchants, trade agreements for everybody, and we make available the purchase of any information pertinent to you?

What do you say to that?

Doge Silas Falcone

2011-07-15, 07:52 PM
The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun

To the Mountain King
Greetings. As we are two of the most powerful economic powers, would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement, along with a non-competition pact, between our two nations? It would encourage trade and aid both of our economies.

To the Birds of Prey
Greetings, Noble Doge Falcone. We seem to be two very like-minded nations: We both like to see everything and be rich. The King Matinize requests a private meeting with you, either in Lisbon or with you in one of your cities, to discuss something important most privately.

To the Corsairs
Greetings. Would you be interested in a deal between us? We could identify large shipments of trade goods, and you could intercept them. We would get rich of the stolen money of others. Does this not sound good?

In addition, it has come to my attention that you have major competition: Loki's Brigade. We might be able to aid you in an attack on them, by identifying their weak spots.

To Loki's Brigade
Greetings. Would you be interested in a deal between us? We could identify large shipments of trade goods, and you could intercept them. We would get rich of the stolen money of others. Does this not sound good?

In addition, it has come to my attention that you have major competition: The Corsairs. We might be able to aid you in an attack on them, by identifying their weak spots.

2011-07-15, 07:56 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++

The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun

Oh yes, I think that's agreeable. Perhaps a meeting in Venice? It really is wonderful this time of year.

(OOC: Although really, NO ONE has the espionage to read our messages, so assuming the honor system, this is just as securing as a PM.)

2011-07-15, 08:06 PM
Celestial Empire
Olympias crossed the room, stopping here and there to pick up something out of the clutter. A small army of silver, mechanical hummingbirds buzzed around her head, but Olympias seemed to ignore them. Some would come and some would go, all entering and exiting the room through a large circular window behind her workbench.

She paced across the room, taking a seat at her large, semicircle workbench. The birds continued to flutter around her head. Without warning, Olympias's hand shot out and snatched one of the hummingbirds, holding it to her ear.

Birds of Prey, The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Now, now. There are three nations who believe in wealth and knowledge. We would hate to be excluded from this meeting.

OOC: I can read that, right? We all have +++++ espionage. Or is it 10 since you both have 5 each? First time playing an espionage-heavy faction, sorry. :)

2011-07-15, 08:17 PM
The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun EspD:+++++

To the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Greetings. Would you be interested in a Technological Alliance? Our sparks could work together, and (hopefully) produce amazing results.

To the Duchy of Tangiers
Greetings. As we are two of the most powerful economic powers, would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement, along with a non-competition pact, between our two nations? It would encourage trade and aid both of our economies.

To the United Irish-Celtic Clansmen
Greetings. As we are two of the most powerful economic powers, would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement, along with a non-competition pact, between our two nations? It would encourage trade and aid both of our economies.

To the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
Greetings, noble Technocrats. As you know, you have little in the way of espionage. A different nation, could, perhaps, infiltrate your Glorious Nation and steal your Sparks and Inventions. We, however, offer this: We would protect you with our espionage service. There will obviously be a price for this, but right now we simply want to know if you are interested.

To Hessian-Thuringia
Greetings. As we are two of the most powerful economic powers, would you be interested in signing a free trade agreement, along with a non-competition pact, between our two nations? It would encourage trade and aid both of our economies.

To The Theosophs
Greetings, noble Theosophs. As you know, you have little in the way of espionage. A different nation, could, perhaps, infiltrate your Glorious Nation and steal your Sparks, Money and Inventions. We, however, offer this: We would protect you with our espionage service. There will obviously be a price for this, but right now we simply want to know if you are interested.

To the Celestial Empire
We might have an offer for you soon. Stay alert for a messenger from us.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-15, 08:28 PM
The Hall of the Mountain King glows with an eerie light at all hours. The sculpted biomoss provides both air and luminesence, though it is no substitute for sunlight. (They have THAT down the hall, in the growth fields.)

There's a throne in the main hall, but it's empty. In a side room, around a simple wooden table, a man with gray hair and a beard that could rival a norse god's confers with a young woman.

"Hm. The Heterodynes are off the board."


He chuckles. "No Gerda, no. There were no bodies. Never count out people like that unless you see the bodies. Even then, sometimes..." He goes quiet, eyes looking into the past.

Finally his gaze narrows and he shakes his head. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Are the vultures circling yet?"

"No, not yet. The pirate fleets are well away from our territory, and the Architect's Glorious Nightmare hasn't been seen in years."

"That troubles me."


"No, no help for it. We don't have enough eyes on the surface. But you say we got an emissary?"

"Yes. He had this." Gerda hands over the letter.

The Mountain King puts on his spectacles and reads it carefully. "Huh. Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. Can't say I've heard of these folks. They local?"

"We're not sure yet. Can't find anything in the histories on them."

"Alright. Well then, we'll give them a chance..." He signs a return note.

ESPD: ++
Sure, we're happy to give the market a fair chance to develop. We'll agree to a free trade/non-competition pact, so long as you act in good faith towards us. Don't undercut us on the metals and minerals market, and we'll avoid a few areas of equal worth that you care to designate.

2011-07-15, 08:48 PM
Inside his quarters, Red Anthony examines his copies of the missives sent to the Confederacy. They both had more or less the same content, but the subtext... Oh, the subtext told tales. He set the messages down, then looked at the assembled clanks. Van Rijn had been made a legend by the muses, but he had other, lesser works that were within modern competence to imitate. While these clanks were defenseless in a fight, they imitated the behavior of the Corsair they were intended to represent, allowing the governors to hold live meetings without leaving the cities they were responsible for. "I hereby call this meeting of the Confederate Corsairs to order. Has everyone taken a good, long look at these letters?"

Only two clanks, representing the Duchess of Palermo and the Goblin King of Catanzaro, nodded their heads in response. The others glanced among themselves, knowing the implications of the question: There was more to these letters than meets the eye. After a few seconds, a female voice fed through a box in the mouth of the clank clad in a frilly dress with what would be an exciting cut on a human. "One of the messages was insincere."

One of the other figures, weighted with plates to represent Pope Benedict Pi's obesity, lurched forward as though grasping for something. Madre de Diodes, he even gorged himself in their meetings? The sound of noisy chewing carried from his machine, confirming what all suspected. "Of course one of them was insincere. Every letter flying in the wake of the Heterodyne Boys' disappearance is as meaningless as..."

"Your January Diets?" The Goblin King's clank wore dark leathers in a mismatched patchwork, and from his rare meetings with the man in person the true Goblin King was worse. "Everyone may be out for themselves, your Holiness, but we need to be mindful of dangers."

"Most astute." The Bridgemaster of Messina's clank pushed forward a chessboard, although the pieces were mismatched even worse than the Goblin King's clothing. Perhaps more than even Red Anthony, the Bridgemaster was a true Spark. "Playtime is over. Let the games begin."

((All Messages ESP ++))

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Vizier Sezero,

Your offer of forward intelligence is intriguing, or would be if we were want for telescopes. We've been doing this for generations without your generous offer, and we shall continue to do so. As for Loki's Brigade, they are not our competition. We impose trade restrictions by sea, they pillage Norway. If you said that we were competing with Tangiers or that Loki's Brigade was competing with the Army of the Architect, that would be a clank of a different plating, but as it stands you've offered nothing of interest to the Confederacy.

Red Anthony

Duchy of Tangiers
Duke Desiderio di Dragotti,

Your taxation on passage through the Strait of Gibraltar is... Disruptive of our long term goals. Perhaps one of our Fleet Captains could go to the Balearic Isles, meet with a representative of your Duchy, and we could work out a... Bulk discount for military vessels.

Red Anthony

Birds of Prey
Doge Silas Falcone,

Peacable, traditional trade? I suppose we could finally put a use to all that African gold we've accumulated over the years. We can arrange a trade, but such would provide your vessels with exemption to our usual taxation methods, to ensure timely access to our ports. So, naturally, I'm curious as to what specific assets you would be offering.

Red Anthony

2011-07-15, 09:13 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++
Olympias opened her desk drawer and pulled out nine of the hummingbird clanks, setting the still birds in a row in front of her. One by one, Olympias gave the birds their message and they came alive, flying out the window behind her.

Mountain King
I must confess, I tend to stick my nose in far too many peoples' business. Through my nose sticking, I've come to realize that our nations would benefit through cooperation. In the Celestial Empire, we tend to have a military and espionage focus. What do you think? Can we help each other out?

Olympias IV
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
King Rafeal Radagozki,

I must confess, I tend to stick my nose in far too many peoples' business. Through my nose sticking, however, I've come to recognize the great potential the Commonwealth has. Violent times are in the near future and it would be good to have some friends in the world. The Celestial Empire is gifted with military and espionage and we would be a good shield against some of the hostile nations of Europa. At the very least, I can protect the knowledge of your Sparks from watchful eyes. I think we could offer each other a lot. What do you think, your majesty?

Olympias IV
Duchy of Tangiers
Greetings fellow tax collectors. We have long envied the owners of the Straight of Gibraltar. In Constantinople, we earn a pretty penny from taxing those who pass through our straight, trading on the eastern side of the Mediterranean. I personally have a great respect for your people and the way you run things. Would you be interested in working with the Celestial Empire? We'll watch your backs if you watch ours and perhaps we can agree to some tax regulations for transport in the Mediterranean to maximize our profits.

Alexander V
Birds of Prey
The focuses of our nations are very similar. You and I have some talking to do, I think. Would you care to have a quick private discussion with me?

Olympias IV
I must confess, I tend to stick my nose in far too many peoples' business. Through my nose sticking, I've come to realize that our nations would benefit through cooperation. In the Celestial Empire, we tend to have a military and espionage focus. What do you think? Can we help each other out?

Olympias IV
I must confess, I tend to stick my nose in far too many peoples' business. Through my nose sticking, I've come to realize that our nations would benefit through cooperation. In the Celestial Empire, we tend to have a military and espionage focus. What do you think? Can we help each other out?

Olympias IV
The Great Unified Greek States
Hello neighbors!

The Celestial Empire would like to know that we have close friends, in terms of both proximity and trust. We believe the Greeks are great candidates for being one of these close friends. Tough times are coming, so it would be nice to know that someone has our back. What do you think?

Alexander V

Care to have a chat? I'd like to take this chance to get to know your people.

Olympias IV
Loki's Brigade

Care to have a chat? I'd like to take this chance to get to know your people.

Olympias IV

2011-07-15, 09:26 PM
Bird of Prey

EspD: +++++

Celestial Empire

Why, of course Empress. I always have time for heads of state such as yourself. I'm assuming you'd like to keep the conversation private, would you like to meet me in Venice, or shall I find you in Constantinople?

The Confederate Corsairs

Red Anthony, my friend. The wealth of the Mediterranean, at least that which escapes your people, flows into Venice. Whatever you want, we probably have. If we don't have it, we can get it. Just tell me, what's your interest?

2011-07-15, 09:32 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Birds of Prey
Hah! Empress! You must think I'm some kind of Japanese leader from an alternate universe! Technically, I'm the queen, co-ruling with my moron twin brother, but don't worry about formalities. My seat is in Celaenae while my brother rules over Constantinople. If you don't mind, I'd love to visit Venice. I hear it's beautiful at this time of year.

2011-07-15, 09:38 PM
Esp ++

Celestial Empire
Olympias IV,

Red Anthony himself is a bit too busy for social calls, as the work of managing the Corsair Fleet keeps him on the move. However, the ports of Palermo are always open to guests of prominence, and our humble people have more than enough Vice-Governor Apprentices to represent the Confederacy on foreign soil. Did you intend to host such a meeting, or will my city be graced by your presence?

The Duchess of Palermo,
Corsair-Governor of the Corsair Confederacy

Birds of Prey
Doge Silas Falcone,

The Confederacy is a land of decadence and revelry, and secured by mercenaries and goblins. While much that is indulged is self-perpetuated are seized from those who don't cooperate with our patrols, there is one commodity that we can always enjoy more of: Whether construct or confederate, soldier or scholar, our people need to eat.

Red Anthony

2011-07-15, 09:42 PM
Theosophic Empire

"Princeps, I have an urgent matter to which you must attend." The co ruler of the greatest empire in the world came to a stop, his clothing swirled around dramatically thanks to the purple gold weights at the ends of all the little bits of handing cloth. He didn't even turn to acknowledge the aid, the fact that he wasn't continuing was all the acknowledgment the young woman would get.

"The vampire queen Augusta the First and Only has resurfaced. She is gathering her forces and has reportedly developed a UV/holy energy shield which would allow her followers to operate in daylight. Should we intervene?"

The slight twitch of his left eye was enough to let the very perceptive servant that he was not to be bothered with something so trivial.

"Very good sir, I will inform..." she began to madly flip through papers before reaching the end. "It seems you haven't publicly stated if you acknowledge the current occupants of Byzantium. Sir... Sir?!"

The cause of her distress was the Emperor walking away, into his private sanctum where such as she could not enter under pain of death. With a sigh of frustration she checked a box on her orders and went to go find the Queen...

Once away from the maddening trivialities of state Tiberius relaxed a bit. Today was a big day, the day he finally shot something into orbit!

Walking out to his private dock he placed a flat panel into a pedestal. The fabrication of the equipment had been mostly automated, but this; the control circuit, had required his personal attention.

From one of the inner courtyards a vast floating tower composed of spinning rings around a massive shard of faintly glowing ice. From the lake a large power plate rose up as massive underwater turbines began to rev up. When the tower at last settled over the plate arcs of electricity began to leap between the two.

As the crystal shard began to glow brighter the rings stopped spinning and the plates that formed them closed until the tower resembled nothing so much as a pine-cone.

When at last, the moment came when it should have shot up like an arrow from a bow... nothing. Only a distant thumb.

"THAT SHOULD HAVE WORKED! How could that not work?! My calculations were perfect! Unless... the lake?..."

Deep in Alexandria, in the sanctum of the inner temple, a crack had formed. After long centuries, things would finally change!

Greek States
We can't help but notice we are very close to each other. While we were doing that noticing we observed that your gods are our gods.

Perhaps we could get to know each other a bit better? Being honest a military alliance would be very appreciated.

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Why does it feel this is an attempt by you to get something from us to no true benefit of ours? Some more tangible offer would be appreciated besides vague promises.

Celestial Empire
Perhaps you would like to try that again with a message that doesn't sound like it is was carbon copy of one you sent to every major with a large house in Europa?

2011-07-15, 09:46 PM
The United Irish-Celtic Clansmen
EspD: +++

To The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun:

We would gladly sign a treaty of free trade and non-competition for now. Tha' worlds a big enough place for us, and I doubt we will have any problems co-operating over this for the moment.

Signed: Armand Leighson


Aramand looked over the maps of his homeland, and grumbled about the continued lack of progress. For it had been two generations since the northern part of this island was freed. To leave them in chains to the hateful English irked him to no little extent.

"Aye, tha' armies here and here have our forces blocked. The same problem ye father and 'is father faced. We could overrun them, but that has cost that's far too high."

The Chief nodded, looking once more over the map until he turned away. The reason they had opened negotiations and treaties with the outside world. They could no longer achieve their goal alone, they must find allies and support, even if they were only temporary.

"ClansLord, there's a messanger from another country here te see ye. Some sort'of treaty they're offering."

The ClansLord finally speaks, his low rumbling voice commanding attention.

"Bring him to me. We need to speak with aw of them. We need allies more than they ken."

2011-07-15, 09:55 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

The Confederate Corsairs
I am pleased that you're interested, Duchess. I think it would be suitable for us to host your representatives in Celaenae, my capital city. We'll begin making accommodations immediately!

No need to be rude, your majesty. The Theosophs were hand-picked because I believed you could find our specialties useful and we, yours.

2011-07-15, 10:00 PM
Theosophic Empire

Celestial Empire
Ah, now that is better. Yes, perhaps we can work together. There are, how shall we say, certain elements in Europa that strike us as immiscible to our continued happiness.

What are you proposing? A portion of our industrial output and research development in exchange for protection from our enemies in the temporal and informational realms?

2011-07-15, 10:10 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++

Celestial Empire

My mistake your Majesty, my notes seem to have been out of order while writing that. But you've heard correctly, Venice IS wonderful this time of year. We'd love to have you here.

(OOC: Out of fairness, Empires tend to imply Emperors/Empresses. Also, take this to PMs whenever.)

The Confederate Corsairs

Yes, I understand. Well, that is something we have in abundance. If you agree to have your people stop...taxing...our trade, we can make sure you get plenty of food shipments.

2011-07-15, 10:30 PM
The Celts in Exile

You can't be serious, the Heterodynes have just vanished?

Yes sir, gone.

Damnit, I was sure they'd help us if we could just get in contact with them. And even if this was inevitable, I wish it had waited a few more years so we could build our contacts. This is our best chance to build the power we need to take back Ireland, and we just don't have the influence I'd like.

I just deliver messages sir.

Yes, yes. Speaking of which...

The United Irish and Celtic Clansmen
Clanlord Leighson,
It is unfortunate that you should be on Ireland with an army not quite capable of liberating our homeland, rather than here, where it would give us the edge we need to expand so that we might raise an even stronger army. Even more so, it is ironic that your army's skill is due to the constant attempts at revolution we helped incite, while our own prowess in battle should decline. If you should find a way to sneak them past the British blockade, I would much appreciate a few of your more skilled commanders, my troops could use the training. It is my intention to try and convince some of the Germanic towns and tribes near us to join our cause, so as to make our initial expansion nonviolent. I also plan to start building the alliances and connections we will need to defeat Britain. If we play our cards right, we could replace the cruel British Empire with a far more culturally rich, deserving, and just Celtic Empire.
Your Friend, Chief Strategist O'Brien

The Celestial Empire
Moon Queen,
I know not how extensive your information on us, The Celts in Exile, is, but you may be familiar with our art. I am writing because we seek an alliance, one we wish to keep secret from as many people as possible. I am enclosing a summary of our plight, the occupation of our rightful lands by Britain, in case that information is unknown to you. You will see that we are no threat to you, our interests lie elsewhere from yours, and I believe that we can help each other greatly. My suggestion is that we can, at crucial moments, draw away allies of one another's enemies. Thus simultaneously aiding one another without revealing our allegiance. Please let me know your thoughts on this proposal as soon as possible.
With great respect, Chief Strategist O'Brien
P.S. I will be sending a copy of this letter to your brother (minus the post-script) for two reasons. Firstly, as the primary military leader of your esteemed nation, he should weigh in, and secondly, I would not like to do anything to show disrespect to either leader of your great kingdom, nor would I like to threaten any sort of rift between you.

Sun King,
As you can see, I have proposed an alliance to your sister. I trust that I can count upon your esteemed lordship to recognize the tactical soundness of this alliance, and to advise your sister as such. I have sent you this copy in order to improve the rapidity of our two nations' communication, so as to show proper respect to your lordship, and so that I do not cause any sort of rift between yourself and your sister. We Celts place high value on family.
With great respect, Chief Strategist O'Brien

The Birds of Prey
Doge Falcone and other esteemed representatives of the Birds of Prey,
Our people are much alike. Your lands are overrun by simple governors who have no concept of the greatness your people are capable of, and criminals, pirates who have somehow managed to find a foothold. Similarly, my peoples' lands have been conquered by cruel overlords who don't appreciate the capabilities of my people. I think we could help each other out, and would like to propose an alliance. If you are as wise as I know you are, you will accept, so that we may work together in the very near future. This is a time of great opportunity, I would hate to see it go to waste because of a single mistake.
Eagerly awaiting your response, Chief Strategist O'Brien

2011-07-15, 10:41 PM
The KoBS

To the Celestial Empire
The Birds of Prey and I are holding a meeting in Venice, to discuss a project we may want to work on together. We would be honored if you immediately sent a representative to it.

2011-07-15, 10:48 PM
The Unified Greek States ESPD:4.5/ESPO:2

Socrates took a deep breath as he woke up from his slumber. These days, his sleep lasted several days at a time. The life support that kept his body functioning would not last much longer, maybe ten years at best. And there was still much to do.

To both the Celestial and Theosophic Empires
Is there little doubt that Greece would have to work hand in hand with your mighty and powerful nations? Our forces are defensive in nature and our economy solely dependent upon your good graces.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-15, 11:23 PM
The Mountain King
ESPD: ++

Your offer's intriguing. We'd be open for a mutual assistance pact, if you're so inclined. We've also got a lot of metal, coal, and rare gems to trade. First off, though, we'd like to get your help in a different way. My employee Pendleghast tells me that spies are having a field day reading our messages. Could we possibly use your couriers and agents to carry our messages back and forth to other nations? In return, you'd get to read anything we send via that route.

2011-07-16, 12:35 AM
The United Celtic-Irish Clansmen

To The Celts In Exile:

Chief Strategist O'Brien

It is unfortunant indeed, alas for our kindred that suffer under Briton's cruel hand. We will gladly, if possible, provide you with some of our commanders. May Lugh and Morrigan aid us in our battle for freedom.

We ourselves are working on alliances, and we are currently in process of establishing a treaty with the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. Hopefully we can also convince them to aid you.

Glory for the clans. May we free our brethren soon.
Your friend, Clanlord Leighson.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-16, 12:54 AM
Loki's Brigade
Espionage: ++++-

The Pirate King Hallvardur steps over his predecessor's body to examine the stacks of letters on his new desk.

To the Corsairs:

We have intercepted a message, intercepted it on your end mind you, that the Beshadowed Sun sent to you. You may be interested in knowing that we received a similar message. The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun wanted to help us raid trade supplies. They also told us that you were our biggest threat and that they would help us against you. Sound familiar? I propose something different then what the Beshadowed Sun has in mind. I propose that we both raid that foolish little kingdom together and split the profits. And Sun? If you can heard this than I hope you have learned a vauluable lesson. You should think twice before trying to use pirates.

To the Celestial Empire: Yes, a chat sounds delightful. I will get in touch with you soon.

2011-07-16, 01:30 AM
Esp ++

Loki's Brigade
Pirate King,

Your offer is appreciated, and my fellow Corsairs discussed the matter with much argument before deciding to decline your offer. Such a project would require either overland travel through multiple territories, or that the attacking fleet having to pay twice for passage at the Strait of Gibraltar. We have no stipulation against your people plundering them, however, and wish you good fortune should you choose to do so, if you'll pardon the pun.

Red Anthony

Birds of Prey
Doge Silas Falcone,

Yes, that would be a most excellent arrangement. Your ships will still be stopped in our waters to confirm that those flying your colors aren't imposters, but no fees will be collected upon confirmation of loyalties. Shipments would be prefered to arrive in Palermo, Catania, or Catanzaro. We look forward to future favorable business with the Birds of Prey.

Red Anthony

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
Divine Sparks,

It has come to the attention of our Fleet Captains that some merchants may seek to evade the taxation of merchant vessels for passage through our waters by following the African coastline, where distance makes it more difficult to enforce our influence. If our ships could find harbor in your cities nearest our territory, it would ease the burden of enforcement, as well as bring a portion of the wealth gained from those who resist taxation to your welcoming shores. Would you open your docks to ships commanded by Sparks?

Pope Benedict Pi of Catania,
Corsair-Governor of the Corsair Confederacy

2011-07-16, 02:15 AM
The Glorious Army of the Architect

The airship armada of the Glorious Army of The Architect has taken anchor at the coastline of Algeria, slightly southeast of the Gibraltar.

An envoy was sent to deliver the Army's ultimatum to the Technocracy of Algeria (Esp +++-):

We have come to your land to fight as commanded by the Great Architect. However, we are obligated to offer you a choice:

1. Your soldiers (++ Military) can join the Glorious Army of the Architect. You will receive a share of the victory trophies. A steel and silver sprongles will be placed in your land as a sign of Architect's protection. It is a symbol, that we will annihilate anyone, who tries to invade your land.

2. You can surrender without a battle, to spare the lives of your soldiers. We will take (++ p. Economy) as our victory trophies, no more, no less. You have our word.

3. You can chose to fight. Then we will destroy your army, take as much trophies as can be fitted on our ships and burn the rest, until only blackened sand remains.

The Glorious Army of the Architect awaits your swift decision*.

Signed, Lord-Commander VII of the Glorious Army of the Architect

*Time limit set, so Glorious Army gets some time to wage war, before reinforcements from Italy-Germany-UK arrive.

Glorious Army of the Architect to Birds of Prey (Esp +++-)

We do not seek conquest. We seek only to fight and claim the war trophies.

The Glorious Army accepts suggestions. We will see about visiting Theosophs.

2011-07-16, 07:17 AM
The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun [+++++]
"We are interested, name your price."

To the Corsairs [++-]
"We would be willing to do that, yes"

To the Glorious Army of the Architect [PM level Security]
"I'm sorry, but we can not publicly appear to be aiding you. Your seal of protection is not enough to ensure our security from those who would war with you.

We can however offer you aid secretly. We will use our spark to research new and better designs for combat robots. You send us the loot from your conquests, we will build these robots and send them to you. With the help of our research this will be far more effective than you trying to do it alone.

2011-07-16, 09:12 AM
The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun esp +++++

To The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
The King and his viziers are currently deliberating on the Price and the end results. We will respond shortly.
((OOC: Asked the GMs what it would do, haven't responded yet. Also, is it bad that whenever I see your name, I think "Wait, isn't the Tian Technocracy in TW Future"? :smalltongue:

2011-07-16, 09:12 AM
The Glorious Army of The Architect to Nations of the World

''We would like to inquire, if any nation is looking to match the strength of their armies against us. We would be happy to oblige.''

Signed and Singed by The Command of Superior Seven

The Glorious Army of the Architect to Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers/GMs (PM-Secrecy)

We on our part, can't be seen backing down from anyone.

We give you two options, and should you reject them as well, our next offer will have only a single choice for you to make.

1. Provide us with ++ t. Economy per year*, which we will use to hire mercenaries into our army. This will nominally satisfy the first option - provision of troops to the Glorious Army of the Architect. We will give you the silver sprongle, which you can keep concealed, until you decide to reveal it in the time of trouble. We will provide a share of our trophies to you.

2. You can chose to fight. Then we will destroy your army, take as much trophies as can be fitted on our ships and burn the rest, until only blackened sand remains.

*I'll need to hear from GMs on price of mercenaries.

[To GMs - how much would a force of ++ mercenaries cost me? Considering my high WO (we are unstoppable murder machine + we keep our word + we provide for our soldiers generously = sign me up!)

2011-07-16, 10:24 AM
Esp ++
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
Divine Sparks,

Most excellent! I shall send one of the Priesthood of the Sicilian Papacy to formalize the agreement. Rumor has it that the Army of the Architect has landed along the western shore of your territory, so he shall arrive with heavy escort. Any objection to our delegation landing in or near the compromised territory? We'd like to discuss coordination options should our vessels happen to be in dock when an outsider attacks.

Pope Benedict Pi,
Corsair-Governor of the Corsair Confederacy

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-16, 11:28 AM
Mountain King to Greystone
Good day. As our earlier inquiries to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were never responded to, we're going to ask again.

Our trade is currently stifled due to all our land routes going through the PLC. Your bureacrats levy amazing tariffs and taxes against our goods. This is a cause for some concern among my citizens, not least because you did not control this territory prior to our move underground. You absorbed it when the tragedy drove my people below, and you never gave it back. To many in New Morlockia, you are capitalizing on our hardship.

I'll be blunt. We want our own land route to greater Europa. This is a list of the coordinates that make up the projected route. (106, 105, 104, and 101.)

We feel that we cannot expand as a nation and see to our citizens needs without a corridor to neutral territory. In the interests of friendship, free trade, and future goodwill, will you cede us this corridor of land?

2011-07-16, 12:03 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To the Glorious Army of the Architect [PM-Level security]
"We told you how we would provide soldiers for your army. We possess more spark than any other nation on the planet. Our robots represent the best and most cost effective way for you to increase your numbers. If you insist on only hiring mercenaries, then we can't give you our money, because you will be wasting it.

We refuse both your offers."

To The Corsairs: [++-]
We must humbly apologize. We can't allow your delegation to land near the western coast, as such might jeopardize our negotiations with the Glorious Army.

2011-07-16, 01:01 PM
Glorious Army of the Architect

Glorious Army to TTA

''We understand. This leaves only one choice - war. We hope your army will show proper valor and skill to make it interesting.''

The diplomacy between the Glorious Army of the Architect and Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers concluded and no peace agreement reached, the war begins.

Under the sounds of Polka music, The Glorious Army of the Architect moves along the Algerian coastline, burning all major cities in its passing. The Lieutenant-General Grim II is given charge of looting the cities and slaughtering the population. After the ground work is done, the Sky-Admiral Lady Sun VI burns down all structures standing and crop fields, reigning fire from the skies.

The Glorious Army of the Architect is awaiting to meet the enemy's army in the skies and on the ground, clanking and clicking in great anticipation.

The fast moving gliders drop fliers near the Technocratic Theocracy's inland villages, towns and cities: ''Deliver us your Sparks and whatever they keep in their laboratories, and we will spare your lives and perhaps even leave some of your buildings standing and fields unburned.''

To GM Only

Battle Plans, GM Only

Sigh... I actually thought razovor would accept my terms, considering the disparity between our military and morale. Hate to do it, but here we go.

My WO (Intimidation) should prove useful, considering the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria has low morale. I'm hoping for either soldiers avoiding engagement against their orders or outright desertions. And after I burn enough cities, perhaps the population will turn on sparks. The fact, that Theocracy of Algiers could have avoided the war, if they chose to pay will be made public.

I'm prepared to do the things slow and steady. Priority is to demolishing the TTA's Morale and Economy, rather than destroying their army. If he is avoiding engagement, I don't chase.

Also, they doubtless will send for allies and somebody will respond. My high WO and their low WO, should make it look like a really bad idea. ''Why should we die for Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria?'' - I hope that's what soldiers and common people/sparks/nobility of any nation, that sends aid would think. It might work if their morale is low.

I want the fights to cause as much collateral damage as possible, if this doesn't put my forces in too much of a disadvantage. Perhaps turn it into an advantage - fighting above and in largest cities, which Technocratic Theocracy would need to protect, while my own forces don't give a damn. Setting fire/dropping gas to threaten civilian lives to cause panic and make Theocracy waste resources evacuating them.

On the territory I gain control of, at first slaughter of civilians and burning down anything, that I can't fit into Dirigible's storerooms (mostly at sea coast). After the initial strike of terror, any towns, that surrender Sparks/ their laboratory supplies would be spared. Those that won't will be stripped and burned. I don't leave anything behind - no garrisons. My forces stick together and move forward. After I'm done with coastline, I move inland.

Algiers economy isn't big, but Spark stat would also mean lots of laboratories and spare parts. My goal is to gain ++ p. Economy, destroy enough stuff to boost my WO (Terror) by at least + and get enough resources to replenish my own losses. I will end the war after that (I know it won't go that well. 100% somebody will come to Algiers rescue. But right now, this is the plan).

2011-07-16, 01:37 PM
Theosophic Empire to Everyone who isn't the Army of the Architect (PM level)
When the Other ravaged Europa we hid behind our walls. While the Heterodyne boys worked tirelessly to save us all they are gone.

We can no more rely on saviors to appear. (At least until we perfect our Messiah generator.) Right now a threat to the peace of Europa has again reared its head.

The Army of the Architect is neither a nation nor a people. It is nothing more then a rouge engine let loose and ravaging the land.

They will target us one by one in pursuit of our resources. In this, either we will hang together or we will surely hang apart. We suggest that we unite and crush them. (Incidentally, thing of all the FUN we could have taking them apart!)

2011-07-16, 01:44 PM
Technocratic Theology of Algeria

"We wish it to be made clear that the Glorious Army are attacking our nation without provocation or just reasoning. They attack purely for their own gain, with no concern for human lives. It is reasonable to assume that after they are finished with us they will move onto another target. It could very well be you. If you wish to ensure your own security in the future, now is the time to attack the Glorious Army. Together we can defeat them.

To the Mountain king [++-]
"Your reputation precedes you, as does your concern for your own people. Your army is mighty, but if you are attacked by the Glorious Army you will not be able to withstand them. Stand with us and together we can ensure the safety of both our people.

To the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun [+++++]
"Is it a coincidence that the Glorious Army chose us as their first target? I think not. We have a small army and our people do not fully support us. If anyone is going to be there next target, it will be you. Assist us now, while you still can."

To the Duchy of Tangiers [+++-]
"The Glorious Army fights for one thing, and that is wealth. Of the nations on this world, few can claim to have more money than you. You have a reasonably sized army, but that will not scare the Glorious Army. Join us now and you ensure none of that wealth need be lost."

To the Celts in Exile [++++]
"It seems the The Glorious Army are interested in acquiring sparks, something you have quite a number of. Also, if they are willing to attack us with our low wealth, they will certainly be willing to target you. Know is your chance to get yourself known throughout Europa, to show the people of the world what it means to be a Celt. Together we can show the people who the true ruler of Ireland should be."

To The Theosophic Empire [++-]
"Thank you. It is good to see other people out there willing to fight for what is right"

Battle Plans (GM)
Our forces will retreat to our major cities and fortify them as much as possible. They will be attacking us, so we should have the defensive advantage.

We will evacuate as many people as possible to our cities, without risk of starvation or severe overcrowding.

All sparks are advised to retreat to our capitol, where they will be safest. I'm willing to take additional hits to my economy to preserve their security.

2011-07-16, 02:32 PM
The Unified Greek States ESPD:4.5/ESPO:2

Socrates sighed in his chair. Things were heating up in Europe. The powers that laid dormant where now awakening. War was looming on the horizon, a war that may consume all... Or be the flames of the phoenix that would purify the land and give rise to greater glory.

To Theosophic Empire and Algeria

"For hundreds of years, I have watched. Time and time again, man has risen to guard civilization against those who would tear it down and reduce it to barbarism. This, I believe, is such a time. Greece will pledge it's support to the fight, but we cannot pledge our armies until there are more willing to assist in this endeavor.

We will, however, work towards creating a weapon to use against these abominations. We hope that others shall do the same."

2011-07-16, 02:36 PM
GM Only, PM-level
Yeah, Pope Benedict Pi was never really planning to listen to the Divine Sparks anyhow, as God came to him telling him that negociating with an army of battle clanks would not end well. He's going to send as much of the military as all of Catania's forces would represent (largest city, but not the most important politically, kinda like New York) to the Algeria capital city (assuming it's coastal) to help defend it by scouting for the approach of the Architect's Army, and using various Sparky weapons to shoot down dirigibles. The Fleet of the Papacy favors hellfire weaponry created by the divine brilliance of His Holiness, so they'll be hoping to pop the balloons into fireballs before they get close to the capitol. If the locals say another city is more important to defend, though, such as wherever they're evacuating their sacred Sparks to, the Fleet will redirect there to build good relations with the locals.

There will be a bit more active involvement than defending a single city, though. Espionage action by glider-riding Smoke Knights gone mercenary after their homelands fell to rivals or the Other will seek out the Army to perform sabotage and assassination, targetting dirigible propulsion, the lives of mechanics, and command staff, in order if whichever is the most vulnerable to sabotage. With the Army having no Espionage Defense, though, I suspect their efforts will come easily.

2011-07-16, 02:44 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Theosophic Empires
Yes. That is exactly what I was thinking. Your gifted Sparks dwarf our own. For a portion of your research and industry, we will protect you and it from watchful eyes.

Olympias IV

Birds of Prey & KoBS
I would love to personally meet the both of you in Venice. I will be there as soon as possible.

Olympias IV
(OOC: Take it to PMs?

The Celts in Exile
Chief Strategist O'Brien,

While I was aware of your peoples, I never thought they would be interested in working with our nation. I will not even try to hide my joy that you would like to work with us. If I understand correctly, you are proposing a top secret defensive alliance, then? I think that would be beneficial to both of our nations! As for my thick brother, I appreciate you keeping him in the loop, even if it's just so he doesn't bother me with his whining.

Olympias IV

Chief Strategist O'Brien,

Thank you for keeping me in the loop. My sister finds joy in making sure I don't know anything. I jump at the chance of working with another honorable and wise leader as yourself. I accept.

Alexander V

United Greek States & Theosophic Empires
Wonderful. Would it be wise for the three of us to have a conference discussing how we can cooperate and defend our region?

Alexander V

The Mountain King
Hmmm... this may work. I need to speak with a few of my advisers about the logistics of the idea. I will get back to you.

OOC: I have to find out how this works before I say yes. I'll ask the GM.

To protect a foreign nation's messages, what has to be done?

2011-07-16, 05:55 PM
The KoBS

To the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
We might be the next target. If we send our mil to aid you, then we undoubtedly will. Even together, our armies could not stop them.

In addition, the details of us protecting you with our esp are finalized ((in the OOC.)) There will be a small charge, of - temp econ every two turns you are protected. If this is acceptable, we will extend our esp to you immediately.

2011-07-16, 06:59 PM
The Duchy of Tangiers

Announcements by His Excellency, the Duke of Tangiers

The Duke of Tangiers would like to publicly lament the loss of the Heterodynes. Such great heroes were truly the saviors of Europa itself, and their legacy will not be forgotten. The Duke would like to honor their sacrifice and commitment to knowledge, science, and human wisdom by announcing the founding of the Heterodyne University of Tangiers, a school for Sparks to receive a proper education. May the Heterodyne memory be honored in the newest generation of Sparks and their innovations.
In order to better serve the economic and commercial environment in the Mediterranean, in Europa, and the Known World at large, the Duke of Tangiers would like to expand the operations of the Ducal Banking Company of House Dragotti, or the Dragotti Banking Company, throughout the world in any and all interested countries. This Bank, as it has in the past, will happily guard the treasure of everyone from monarchs to tradesmen to peasants, using technologies and security measures that only the House of Dragotti can provide. Furthermore, the Bank will happily grant loans at interest, as well as invest in businesses, and generally contribute to a happy and comfortable economic climate in any nation in which they do business. Requests for the services of the Dragotti Banking Company in any nation need only be forwarded to the Golden City of Tangiers.

In order to ensure the good order and security of trade in both the Mediterranean and world at large, His Excellency, Desiderio di Dragotti, Duke of Tangiers, would like to announce a one-time pardon offered to all pirates and bandits of the land, sea, and air, regardless of nationality or previous crimes. In exchange for the abandonment of their criminal ways, His Excellency is willing to offer full pardons and a place in the armed forces of the Duchy of Tangiers. His Excellency promises all recruits a good and steady pay, and the opportunity to enter at present rank, if applicable. Interested parties are to report to Port Palma within the next three months, with flags of surrender.

Furthermore, at the end of the three-month grace period, His Excellency Duke Dragotti is pleased to announce a zero-tolerance policy on piracy, whether it be at sea or in the air, as well as banditry. Any and all parties found to have participated in or assisted in any way in attacks on merchant ships or caravans will be systematically hunted down and killed.

This is the word of the Duke.

To the Noble Birds of Prey

My Lords,

I'm afraid the tax on your merchants to use my Locks cannot simply be waived. At least, it is not a favor granted lightly. If you wish to waive or lower the toll taken upon your merchant ships, the Duchy requires that services must be granted that would compensate for the financial loss. Since Italy is such a frequent, profitable, and frankly lucrative customer, it would take a little more than simply the empty promise of interesting rumors to overcome the loss to our coffers. What else have you to offer?

Ever Your Servant,
Desiderio di Dragotti, the Duke of Tangiers

To the Noble Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun

Your Majesty,

Portuguese merchants are some of our most valued customers. Due to the strategic placement of our nations for commerce, we would be delighted to work more closely with Your Majesty's tradesmen. If, with regards to Mediterranean trade, you can convince your merchants to sign a contract with us guaranteeing that they will use our Locks and no other Mediterranean passage (say, Suez or Constantinople), we will be happy to offer them faster passage through the Locks of Gibraltar and a 10% lower tax. Is this to your satisfaction?

Ever Your Servant,
Desiderio di Dragotti, the Duke of Tangiers

To the Glorious Celestial Empire

Most Esteemed Majesty,

We would be honored to work with the Celestial Empire. Naturally, our strategic economic locations make us vulnerable to pirate attacks and potential attacks by...miffed foreign powers, envious of our wealth and irritated at our entirely-reasonable taxation. I would recommend, if I may be so bold, an alliance of mutual protection. Should either of us be attacked or threatened, we will defend one another. Furthermore, I suggest we collaborate on our prices, so that neither of us winds up in competition for profit and we can both enjoy a monopoly on trade. Is this satisfactory to Your Majesty?

Ever Your Servant and Partner in Trade,
Desiderio di Dragotti, the Duke of Tangiers

To the Esteemed Confederate Corsairs

To the Renowned Captain Red Anthony,

I'm afraid that the Locks are of the utmost importance to the Duchy, and to lower or eliminate the rate-of-taxation for individual factions or nations is a favor not lightly granted. We would require some service in return, something that would at the very least compensate for the decrease in revenue.

That said, I am wiling to hear any offers you may have. My son, Vespasianio di Dragotti, is the Count of the Balearic Isles, and would be willing to receive any diplomats you may send. We'll talk. ((OOC: So I guess we're gonna do some RP-ry, then?))

Ever Your Servant,
Desiderio di Dragotti, the Duke of Tangiers

To the Noble Nations of France, Spain, and England/The DM

The Technocracy of Algeria, our southern neighbor, is increasingly showing signs of having designs on the Strait of Gibraltar, as is the Glorious Army of the Architect. While we understand that our Locks aren’t popular amongst merchants, we can say that we have brought stability and safety to Mediterranean trade, and the ambitions of the Algerians and the Glorious Army threatens this. If we were to have to fight a war with Algeria, we would be forced to raise our rates-of-passage through Gibraltar in order to finance it, which frankly wouldn’t be good for your national economies, would it? However, if you three were willing to sign a treaty promising to defend us against any and all aggression, whether it be from Algeria, the Glorious Army or anyone else, we are willing to lower rates for merchants going to or from your countries, as well as helping to move faster through the Locks, which is only a good thing. So you agree to defend us, we give you a good deal. Sound fair?

We would like to remind Her Majesty the Queen of England that she is entirely dependent upon us, the Duchy of Tangiers, for her trade with the Mediterranean world. We would like to remind their Majesties the Kings of France and Spain that they are largely dependent upon us for trade within their nations, due to the slowness of land-based trade and the expense of air transport.

My Lords and Lady, Ever Your Servant
Desiderio di Dragotti, Duke of Tangiers by the Grace of God

To Our Most Esteemed Algerian Neighbors

We would be honored to join you in protecting our mutual interests and eliminate this army of rogue Clanks.

To the Order of the Dragon, the Duke's Spies/DM's Eyes Only

To Order members in Germany, here are your directives:

-Investigate the disappearance/deaths of the Heterodynes. Hunt down any and all relatives, potential heirs, or anyone possibly knowing the whereabouts thereof, kidnap them, and bring them to the City of Gold in Tangiers.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-16, 07:43 PM
The Mountain King

Public announcement in Response to the announcement of the Glorious Army of the Architect.

"We of New Morlockia are a peace-loving people. You invite us to fight against you, and I dearly wish we could decline. We only fight when we must."

"But now you strike at Algiers. They've done nothing to you. They're no threat to you! Yet you will settle for nothing less but the conquest of their nation. And if they do, then you'll move on and do it again, and again, and again..."

"It was tyrants, bullies, and conquerors that laid our ancestral lands to ruin. It was suffering tyrants and bullies and conquerors that nearly wiped us out. We will not suffer thus again! I say NO MORE."

"No more. I invite any who would stand with us to help Algiers! No more. Draw the line now, and stand firm against the automated tyrants, or fight them alone later and fall! No more!"



Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
Stand firm. We're a ways away, but we'll start shifting what resources we can to help you defend. Hold as long as you can, go to guerilla warfare if you must, but as long as you can hold out, then you've got an ally against those rogue clanks. And hell, if the worst comes to worst we offer sanctuary to anyone who wants to escape to our lands. Not much chance of an airship-deployed army taking our tunnels.

To the GM
Using economic prowess to hire anti-air mercenaries near Algiers. Have them flying the flag of New Morlockia, and focus them on using hit and run tactics aimed at disabling/damaging the GAA airships. The goal isn't destruction of the forces so much as cutting off their escape routes, and slowing down their movement. General hope is that if we can slow them down, other forces will arrive for the kill.

2011-07-16, 08:01 PM
"Tiberius, I wish you had at least spoken to me about this. Just because I noticed the flaw in your work; what is it, six times now, more then you doesn't mean that I am trying to steal your thunder.

However, I looked over your calculations anyway and for once, there was nothing wrong with them. The problem was the lake. The power draw equations broke down at those energy levels. I would have liked to have a revised equation but we don't have enough data yet."

There was no one in the three empires who could huff like Honorary queen Isis.

However, to deal with the clank army we I was forced to go a bit more conservative...

They walked out into the sunlight of the Ptolemaic private dock. A massive floating octahedron of perfect blue crystal was above them, somehow looking smug. Only Isis could make a geometric shape look smug.

"It doesn't actually do anything yet, still mapping the stable permutations. But did I not tell you that my meta stable quasi-crystal would be the key to the future?"

"Isis, even if it has the idea configuration it still doesn't have any carrying capacity. Now if we include my adaptive structural prismatic gold crystal with Leo's atmospheric respiration units..."

For some reason the three of them worked very well together on projects of national importance.

In deep Alexandria, a woman screamed.

That mid turn death ray thing. I never got a ruling.

2011-07-16, 08:44 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++

de Vinci's Laboratory, somewhere under Florence

Dante Rizzo hated coming down here. It wasn't that it was particularly dangerous (as long as you didn't touch anything), it was just such a mess! Sketches and half-finished painting covered every desk, every table, and most of the floor. What wasn't covered in paper and canvas was buried under spare parts, wires, and half finished inventions. He finally found the inventor, or at least what was left of him now, at a table sketching something new.

His body was hunched over the table, and he mumbled to himself as he sketched, "Now, with the proper shape, it should move more slowly underneath than above causing..." While Dante had been trying to be as quiet as possible, it obviously hadn't been quite enough. The head on top of the clank body turned 180 degrees, to stare right at Dante as it continued to sketch. "WHAT DO YOU WANT! I'M WORKING! " How he managed to speak, let alone shout, through that liquid in the jar was anyone's guess, but Dante tried not to dwell on this thought as he spoke.

Doge Falcone sent me to see if you'd made in progress with your new design. Now sooner were the words out of his mouth than the clank stood up and turned to face him. The head never broke his gaze.

I told your Doge that it would be ready when it was ready! And I also told him that I didn't want any further interruptions! Now, OUT!" Dante didn't even get a chance to respond before the trap door opened up underneath him.

"Well, at least he had the decency to pad the landing." Dante mused as he brushed himself off. Apparently, that particular trap door had let out on the bank of the River Arno about a mile from the city. With a sigh, Dante began the long walk back. He needed to send his report to the Doge, and soon. While he had barely gotten more than a glance at what da Vinci was working on, it would most certainly be of interest to the Raptors.

The Celts in Exile

My friends, I sympathize with you. I really do. But there are a few things you have to understand.

1. You are, in fact, quite a long way away from us. Assisting you would either require traveling overland through all of Europa, or sailing our fleet all the way around the continent. Not terribly practical in either regard.

2. As you might understand, we're not all that eager to go up against Her Undying Majesty.

So while the situation may change in the future, I'm afraid that right now there is little that can be done. Of course, that doesn't mean we couldn't cooperate in other ways.

Doge Silas Falcone

The Duchy of Tangiers

I understand you perfectly, and to my great sorrow, there is little as I can offer you. After all, you're already rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams, so money won't help. And offering you military support would be fairly pointless.

I suppose I will just, in accordance to your wishes, continue paying the fines, and make a point NOT to inform you of anything that might affect your nation.

Although now that I think about it, I have overland routes to most of Europa, and the Suez doesn't charge NEAR as much.

Well, I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Duke.

Doge Silas Falcone

The Confederate Corsairs

Splendid! I will make the arrangements as soon as possible. It's a pleasure doing business with you.

May we do much more business together in the future.

2011-07-16, 09:39 PM
The Duchy of Tangiers

It was late at night in Tangiers, and Duke Dragotti sat hunched over his desk, his nose barely inches from the table, his quill scratching incessantly. He was going over financial statements, tax revenues, and Lock toll forms. He was sorting through diplomatic messages, trade agreements, and piles and piles of other papers.

The Duke was a very busy man.

Timidly, a knock came at his chamber door. Not even looking up, his quill still busily scratching, the Duke Dragotti gave an exasperated sigh.

One of the Duke's attendants entered, and knelt.
"My lord, we have received word that the Army of the Architect, the horde of rogue clanks, ravages our neighbor to the South. They are burning cities and fields."


"And, naturally, this has interfered with Algerian shipping."

The quill stopped scratching, and the Duke looked up for a moment.
"Ah. Can't have that now, can we? Send a detachment of airships to Algeria, eliminate a few clanks here and there. Be sure to capture a few, and bring them back to my castle for study."

The Birds of Prey

My apologies, gentlemen. While it pains me to learn that the Birds of Prey lack the economic clout even to pay Gibraltar's humble toll, I do not have the luxury of making exceptions. If I were to show the Birds of Prey such favor for free, I would soon be expected to do the same for everyone whenever they ask, and where would House Dragotti be then?

Nonetheless, we're all Italians here, and I would like to help you. In that spirit, I would like to humbly remind you that the Dragotti Banking Company is happy to give loans or whatever financial assistance a customer may need at only modest interest, towards whatever end the customer may desire (war bonds included), no questions asked.

Ever Your Servant,
Desiderio di Dragotti, Duke of Tangiers, Grand Master of the Order of the Dragon, etc.

Battle Plans (GM Only)

The Duke sends no sea or land support, only a few fleets of airships. They are to scout around to gain a comprehensive idea of where the majority of the clanks are grouped, then gain a high enough altitude that any anti-aircraft shots or lesser aircraft can't reach them. Then they drop the bombs. Lots and lots of bombs. Once the clanks have been cleared, they descend, look for any survivors or relatively intact dead, subdue it if necessary, load it up, drop it off in the Duke's labs. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

2011-07-16, 09:41 PM
The KoBS

To the Duchy of Tangiers
We accept your offer. The message will be relayed immediately.

To the GM
KoBS merchants start to exclusively use the Duchy of Tangiers locks for travel through the med. Read our deal, that was sent in their last message to us.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-16, 10:39 PM

It's midnight in the Hall of the Mountain King. The graybearded old man is busy repairing a drillclank in the royal stables. He glances up as the door opens, and a slender man in an ill-fitting suit finds his way inside.

The man's followed by what appears to be a bulky figure in a trenchcoat. The figure's got the head of a toad, with a bowler on top. What appear to be steam valves protrude from its neck, sending whisps of vapor into the air.

"Professor. Toadwhistle."

The suited man blinks, adjusts his spectacles, and mops his brow with a monogrammed handkerchief. The toad-headed man pipes a steam-whistling cry into the air, lifting its hat and replacing it afterwards.

"I've got an errand for you two..."

He leans in closely and explains. The professor's face is pale afterwards, even for someone who lives in New Morlockia. "Ah, are you sure that you couldn't..."


"I mean, Toadwhistle's allergic to seawater, makes him break out in... Well, MORE warts, and..."

"Well, he could stay here if you're sure you won't need him."

"NO! I mean, ah, no, he's quite a valuable bodyguard, and..."

"You leave Now."

"Ohgod. I mean, ah, Algiers is quite a distance..."

"Long-range rocket drill capsule. Fits three. Should be enough for you two. In you go then."

"...Hazard pay?"


"Well, that's something. Cheerio then, back in a trice."

The Mountain King wedges the unlikely duo in the conveyance, programs the coordinates into the pinboard, then fires it up, moving swiftly behind the blast manifold. As it roars off down the well-traveled routes, he sighs. "This is vital, Pendleghast. We've declared war on shining nightmares. If you fail at this... We might as well bomb ourselves into oblivion and save the clanks the trouble."

2011-07-16, 11:36 PM
The Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

The Duchy of Tangiers
I would have to agree, my friend. We will agree to a defensive alliance and a monopoly on tax and trade. If it is okay, I will send a few of my head merchants to your lands to begin arranging tax and tariff agreements immediately.

Do you have any need for the use of our espionage?
Most noble Czar,

Your lands are vast and your people are great. Long have I dreamt of aligning our nation with yours for the profit of us both. With the disappearance of the Heterodynes, violence and power grabs are commonplace. Our espionage services are cheap and effective and could be a great tool for success in these hostile times. Would you be interested in working together and perhaps an alliance?

In addition, much of your trade in the southern portion of the nation is forced to travel through the Black Sea. I understand that our taxes in Constantinople are high, but we would be willing to lower them... for a price.

Alexander V
Bulgarian Empire
Greetings to our neighbors in the north,

As one of your neighbors, I would like to know if you are interested in a cooperation pact. Both of our nations are strong on their own, but by working together we would be able to thrive. Much of your nation's trade travels through Constantinople and has to pay our high taxes. We would be willing to lower these... for a price. Also, our espionage services are always available to you. Do you have anything we could help you with?

Alexander V
Great Sultan,

As one of your neighbors, I would like to know if you are interested in a cooperation pact. Both of our nations are strong on their own, but by working together we would be able to thrive. Much of your nation is filled with mountains, so most of your trade and transport finds it easier to sail through Constantinople. If you are interested, we would be willing to eliminate your need to pay taxes when sailing through our city for a small price. Also, our espionage services are always available to you. Do you have anything we could help you with?

Olympias IV

Lizard Lord
2011-07-17, 12:29 AM
Loki's Brigade

To Corsairs: (Espionage ++)

Greetings sparks of the Corsairs. I would like to request a private meeting with you regarding recent events.

To England: (Espionage +++)

Would it be a terrible thing for to ask for our airships to pass through your territory? We are no threat to you, as we would be fools to attack you. You would lose nothing and we would only gain a quicker route to our destination, as we could go around if we must.

2011-07-17, 01:22 AM
The Glorious Army of the Architect

A statement is issued, regarding the recent entry of the Kingdom of the Mountain King into the War:

''I would like to issue a correction, as there is apparently a misunderstanding regarding our actions in Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers. We are not fighting a war of conquest. We are fighting a war.

We welcome the soldiers of nations willing to assist Algiers, based on the moral principles of opposition to tyranny. We hope for an honorable fight.

For the nations more interested in material remuneration, we advise joining with our efforts. The Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers will hardly have resources to repay your efforts after the end of the war, but the Glorious Army of the Architect fights for the fighting, so we will leave enough for you to greatly boost your coffers.

I hope this clarifies matters.''

Signed, Lord-General VII

New fliers are dropped near the cities and villages of the Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers.

''Rejoice. Several nations have announced their intentions to send their militaries to fight us here in your lands. We expect the largest, most devastating war, since the times of Other, to be fought over your cities and villages. I sincerely hope, that the few of you, who will survive the collateral damage, depredations of the victor as well as ensuing disease and famine, will remember this war for generations to come. At least those of you, who would be still able to have future generations, considering the toxic nature of certain weapons, that will be used.''

2011-07-17, 07:49 AM
The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

"People of Algeria, with regard to the fliers released by the Army of the Architect, let us be clear. The fliers were released for a purpose, and that was to demoralize you and cause panic. They want you to flee in fear, because they know that will make it easier for them to kill you. Remain calm and rational. Your best chance of survival is in our cities, where we can protect you.

To the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun [+++++]
Your statement is understandable, alone we can't defeat the Army of Architect. However, if you would be so kind as to intercept the message we're about to send out, you will see we are not fighting alone, in fact quite the opposite.

Is that enough people for you consider assisting us?

To The Coalition (The Theosophic Empire, The Mountain King, The Unified Greek States, The Corsairs and The Duchy of Tangiers) [++++-]
To stand a proper chance of winning this war we need to co-ordinate our efforts. Algeria will obviously be defending with our full military (++-), how much can we expect from you?

Am I right in assuming the first round of combat will be between just Algeria and the Glorious army?

Will all the foreign reinforcements arrive by the second round, or will some of them take longer?

2011-07-17, 09:21 AM

to The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun:

Free trade is a good thing. A non-competition pact, however...

With no competition, our trade will just weaken. Struggle is what keeps it strong. Instead, I suggest we concentrate on outcompeting our mutual adversaries, perhaps on fields slightly differing.

to the Celestial Empire:

I'm sure we can. Trade, oh yes, and perhaps other matters in time. Any suggestions you have will be listened to.

to the Celts in Exile:


Let us get to the point. We German lords would be glad to help you regain your ancestral lands once you are ready, both financially and with technology. However, be aware that if you try to incorporate any further German soil into your territory to raise an army, you will not be welcome here any longer.

Therefore, I would suggest we act as one for the best of both our people. Together, I could be your justification and bank for the unification of the German people, while you could be my sword and dagger. And once we are ready, not even the Brits can stop the might of true Celts and Germans side-by-side.

On Algiers

Well, sure. If somebody provides us transit, we'll send something over, okay? If not, well, good luck down there and have a grand scrap, will you?

to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:

Would you be interested in free trade between our nations? The German duchies have exceptional wealth together, and most of it flows through us. Western wealth would go a long way towards civilizing and developing your Eastern reaches.

to the Mountain King:

Perhaps you, as a strong producer of raw minerals and materials, would be interested in an exclusive trade agreement with us, known for our land and air shipping, extensive merchant contracts and very good trade relations to the rest of Germany and beyond?

We will pay fairly for your goods, provide a stable income and strong protection from any market fluctuations, plus protect our trade routes from anyone who would cut them off or rob them. In exchange, you will sell first to us and at a price we agree to in negotiations beforehand, before pouring the rest on to other foreign markets. Is this acceptable?

2011-07-17, 09:47 AM
The KoBS

To Hessen-Thungaria
That will be fine.

To the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
We will send - mil to aid you. In addition, we are coordinating with the Birds of Prey and Perhaps the Celestial Empire to use our espionage to sabotage them in all areas.

To the GM
- mil is sent to aid the Algerians.

2011-07-17, 10:09 AM
Esp ++

Loki's Brigade:
Pirate King,

Your delegation is ready to be received in the city of Catanzaro, along the northern edge of our territory. Good luck to you in getting around the continent that's between Sicily and Norway, though. We recommend just taking your ships to a high enough altitude to be hidden by cloud cover.

Red Anthony

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-17, 10:59 AM
The Mountain King

ESPD: ++
To the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

You can expect whatever mercenaries our coffers can hire to show up ASAP. We're pretty far away from you and surrounded by a large, non-responsive commonwealth so we can't march troops through its land without causing a big fuss. All of our aid will be through mercenaries through this round, unless the Commonwealth sees reason and cedes us some territory that touches Europa proper.

To Hessian-Thuringia

Sure, we're always happy to work out trade pacts with good neighbors! We'll cooperate as much as possible, and access to airship shipping will help us expand our reach.

One stipulation: We've currently got a non-competition pact in place with the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. We're going to ask that you avoid using our goods to push those fellows around, which shouldn't be hard as they're not in our niche materials-wise.

2011-07-17, 11:19 AM
Birds of Prey
Esp: +++++

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

Normally, we wouldn't offer help like this without asking some kind of price, but this "Army of the Architect" is ridiculously dangerous, and needs to be stopped right now. We and the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun will soon have agents begin sabotaging this Army any way they can. On top of this, if you wish it, we will be able to provide ++ Mil worth of airships to assist.

Italian City States

Our airships may soon be flying over your lands on their way to help defend Algeria against the Army of the Architect. Please do not interfere with them.

The Confederate Corsairs

It seems that most of our nations have found common cause in fighting the Army of the Architect. If Algeria allows us to assist them, we may be moving airships over your territory to help in the battle. I'm hoping that won't cause problems?

GM, PM Level

The Birds of Prey, the KoBS, and possibly the Celestial Empire (still need to get confirmation on that) are going to be pooling our Offensive Espionage in an attempt to sabotage the Army of the Architect in any way they can. Destroying supplies, burning fuel reserves, sabotaging airships, leaving traps and bombs in areas they move into, every trick in the book. We don't expect to destroy or stop them, but damage and slow them down. The Espionage being used is +++++ +++++, with +++++ more if/when the Celestial Empire joins us.

Also, if Algeria allows it, I will be moving ++ Military of airships down to assist in the fighting. Using the aforementioned espionage assets, we will attempt to locate any small, isolated groups of AotA clanks or airships, and destroy them. At no point will my people engage groups of larger than + Mil. If they encounter one, they are to flee at top speed to safer airspace.

2011-07-17, 11:27 AM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
As the Birds of Prey and KoBS have already stated, we will be joining our espionage forces to sabotage the efforts of your enemy.

I'm confirming that we will be joining the Birds of Prey and KoBS with our offensive espionage with the plan Birds of Prey have described.

2011-07-17, 11:35 AM
Esp ++

Birds of Prey
Doge Silas Falcone.

No problem, but it'd be appreciated if you took a scenic route on the return trip. On a personal note, I can't help but find it amusing that you're waiting for permission to mobilize. The Catanian Fleet was already en route the moment we caught wind of their arrival. Hopefully they'll arrive in time to help with the main conflict, and more importantly be able to perform some sabotage actions prior to the mercs and goblins breaking out Benedict Pi's hellfire and brimstone routine.

Red Anthony

2011-07-17, 11:47 AM
The Theosophic Empires

Anti Architect Coalition (PM LEVEL)
We will be deploying +- Mil of air capable mobile suits and sky fortresses.

2011-07-17, 11:52 AM
The KoBS

The King met with the Vizier.
So...Algeria is dead?
Not yet, Your Majesty. If we aid them, they might not be destroyed.
Well, we sent 1/2 of our military to aid them. Not that that's very much.
My point exactly, sir. Surely we can aid them in other ways.
You're the man with the spies. What can we do?
Well, the Birds of Prey are already sabotaging the Architects Army. I believe we agreed to helping them with that, did we not?
Perhaps we did. What then.
We follow through on our promise. Which we will start doing, now.
Fine, fine. Go ahead, do what you will.

To Gm, Pm-Level
Are you a GM?If not, don't read this.You realize if you're not the GM, and you read thisYou're cheating?Using my full +++++ esp to work with the BoPs/Celestial Empire to sabotage the Army.

2011-07-17, 11:52 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To The Birds of Prey [+++++]
While we do not entirely trust you, we can't afford to turn down any potential allies in this conflict. You have our permission to assist us with your airships.

2011-07-17, 01:29 PM
Celts in Exile


The war room was a mess, but an impressive one. It was a veritable goldmine of information, and was, of course, the most closely guarded room in the entire land. Maps, schematics, information reports, all of these things covered tables and floors, and even the walls. The only slightly bare spot in the room was the round, marble table in the middle. Seated at this table were several people, mostly men, and all of them apparently unconcerned about the mess. Their attention was focused on O'Brien. He stood with his back to them, gazing out the only window, and stroking his reddish-brown beard. After a few moments of silence, he turned to them, Here's what we're going to do then. We need more Sparks to join the army. Specifically, we need people who can create weapons and armor and the like, tools of war with which to equip our people. And we need Sparks who understand stealth, or sneaky tools, Sparks I can teach the value of subtlety. Our information network is woefully inadequate, and we will need a much stronger military. We have already spoken of Algeria. So I want you to use all your influence to put out the word, Sparks who join us will have the chance to prove their worth, to make something of themselves, to gain power and wealth. And not just in our lands, I want this to spread across all of Europa, nay, all the world. Erin, can you convince the King to use his influence to help this goal?

Yes, sir, I believe I can.

Good. Let's get to it then.

To Hessen-Thüringia
My Friends,
Diplomats, you are not. It is generally foolish to preface an offer for peace with a threat of war. It is offputting, and does not foster a sense of trust.

We need more than strong allies if we are to secure a truly free Ireland, as I'm sure you will recognize, if Ireland herself is not powerful, then it is only a matter of time before we are once again subjugated.

We, the Celts in Exile, have always been on good terms with all the Germanic peoples, which is why I have chosen to inform you as to our next step. I am preparing to send emissaries to the German tribes nearest my peoples' lands. I will offer them the opportunity to join us peaceably, with the promise of aiding the unification of a single Germany, and ensuring that they join such a unity as equals.

As a non-Germanic people who have good relations with all the Germanic tribes, we are uniquely suited to this role, this unification of a proud people who, much like us, detest being subjugated. I will not lie to you, our intent is to use the peoples and resources of Germany to strengthen us Celts so that we may free Ireland, and then use the strong base we would have created to establish a strong Ireland. Once Ireland is free, and strong enough to defend herself however, we would have neither the need nor the desire to hold German lands, and would gladly facilitate the transition from our rule to yours.

Please consider this arrangement carefully, for our two nations are currently too equal for a war between us to do anything other than make both of us targets for the other nations.
Chief Strategist O'Brien

To the independent German Duchies that share a border with the Celts in Exile
My Lords,
You have seen the rise of Hessen-Thüringia, and know that they seek a unified Germany. I say that this is a great goal; a unified Germany would bring great power and wealth to all its people. However, who is to say that the means that Hessen-Thüringia uses to achieve that goal will be fair to you? Join my government, and we will defend you against any attempts Hessen-Thüringia might make to subjugate you. We will strengthen your economy and our own, as well as defending your borders. We will work towards a unified Germany that ensures that you will remain in a position to enjoy all that such a unification promises. Although we seek peace with Hessen-Thüringia for the time being, even should they decide it to not be worthwhile, we will still work towards a unified Germany. We do not seek subjugation of this land, we seek the freedom of our own, and we acknowledge the power, the pride, and the value of the German people, as well as the value a unified German state would hold for us as an ally. Join us, and we can help each other achieve the power, the wealth, and the security of such states as France, or Russia, or Spain.
Optimistically yours, Chief Strategist O'Brien

To the TTA
Alas, we have neither the forces, nor the time to aid you this day. However, with low tariffs between our two nations, though trade between us is difficult, we could help you repair the damage done by this war and eventually help both our economies grow. I would welcome your growth for we have little to no chance of becoming enemies. We do not seek the same territories, and thus have little chance of coming into conflict. Let us help one another, for the betterment of both.
Yours truly, Chief Strategist O'Brien

To the United Irish and Celtic Clansmen
My friend,
We have an opportunity here. One which I am loathe to take advantage of because of the diplomatic repercussions. the Glorious Army of the Architect is in a vulnerable position, and I feel we can take advantage of that. In exchange for some of their forces, say one fourth of their clanks to be transfered to your complete control, we can provide Sparks to assist in ensuring their loyalty to our cause, and their continued allegiance, we, that is you, for I desire to keep the Celts in Exile unaffiliated with the Army of the Architect so as to maintain the delicate alliances we are building, will provide them with the resources they need to repair their armies, and a safe haven to retreat to when necessary. This kind of military power on our side is nothing to be sneezed at, and I hope you will consider this proposal carefully before making a decision.
Your friend as always, Chief Strategist O'Brien.

To the Birds of Prey
My dear Falcone,
I do not speak of direct military assistance, but of military and economic cooperation. Our distance is something of a blessing, for we will not, at least for a long time, come into conflict over land. However, it is inevitable that some enemy will threaten us both, and at that time, our alliance will come in handy. We can coordinate strikes so that the enemy is forced to fight a war on two fronts. We can, from time to time, render small amounts of assistance, which can, at times, tip the scale. And, as an openly allied force, we will be that much more intimidating to attack. The best friends on this chessboard will be those that are farther away, those that do not threaten your interests at all.

I mentioned economy as well. We can set up trade networks with only minor tariffs, fostering trade between our two nations while decreasing trade to our enemies. This interdependent trade relationship will not only strengthen both of our nations, it will help to maintain peace between us and reduce the fear of betrayal. Do not dismiss us so readily, my friend. There is much to be gained here.
Sincerely, Chief Strategist O'Brien.
P.S. In regards to your fear of Britain, we do not intend to initiate open war for many years, and by then we will be far stronger, and have several allies. Even then, however, Britain will be of little true danger to you, for they will have to either fight across Europa, or go sail around it, and deal with Tangiers, in order to get to you.

Note to GM
The actions spoken of in the fluff involve using our Sparkiness to improve our Mil and our EspO, and using our WO and Morale to improve our Sparkiness, our Mil, and our EspO. At least, that's the way I see it.

2011-07-17, 02:45 PM

to Celts in Exile:

We would be interested in exactly where in our message you saw a threat of war. We simply warned you that, like Italians, Germanic people (those who are not us) will not tolerate an aggressive invasion and will unify against one. A friendly piece of advice.

The only ones who can unify Germany are the Germans. Nobody else. Germany would be willing to help an ally, but Germany will not abide being stripped down to the bone to feed an invasion of a foreign land and its foreign people.

If you do not work for Germans and with Germans, then Germans will not work with you.

Duchies that would join you of their own free will, we will not bar. But if there is any evidence of you persuading them with gold, blood or arms...

We do not sell our honour for gain. If a war were to destroy us both, we will see to it that only Germans rise in the ashes. And that last part, that was a threat. The first one by us so far, and hopefully the last.

to Independent German Duchies:

True friends, true Germans.

For years, our coin and our words have been used to further the prosperity of not only us, but of you. The Empire of old is no longer a real entity. The Brothers are gone. There are many groups now, many nations and states and kings. I believe our people need a strong state to contend with the French and the British and the Russians who have been preying on us.

Our King, our lords and nobles have many royal ties to yours. We are bound by need, necessity, gold and sword but in truth, we are bound by two things above all. We are bound by blood, and we are bound by the fact that we are German. We share our language, our culture, history and nationality. And a German should be a brother to German, when threatened by a Frank or a Brit or anybody else.

We offer you an alliance of honour and blood. Join your swords upon ours. It is true that we have many long-standing feuds and disputes amongst ourselves, but if threatened by an outside power, our people should stand as one. We should form a Holy Roman Empire of our own, and swear to protect each other if set upon by an outside power.

And on our part, we swear to use our military and our money for the good of us all.

2011-07-17, 03:49 PM
The Theological Technocracy of Algeria

To The Celtic Exiles [++++]
We understand. We accept your offer of lowered tariffs.

2011-07-17, 03:54 PM
The Theological Technocracy of Algeria

To The Celtic Exiles [++++]
We understand. We accept your offer of lowered tariffs.

Note to DM
I figure I should make sure this doesn't slip past your radar. Improvement to Economy?

2011-07-17, 09:36 PM
The United Irish-Celtic Clansmen

Aramand stood looking at his chief council. "With alliances building, we have a chance to grow. To extend beyond our limited growth. But we cannot do that by purely relying on our allies. We must take the steps to do this ourself." He looks around, nodding to his Chief Economist.

"Chief Rorigan, what have your people worked on so far?" The Chief stands up himself, the Economist shuffling his papers. "As ye know, our income and produce this year has been better than last, as it has been better than the year before. However, we now have the resources to attract those who we don't naturally have born into our clans. Sparks, spies. Mercenaries. We have harder work ahead of us, but our strength is a testemant to our courage and our power." He looks around nodding slightly.

"We've also finally got the ability to step onto the world stage, our army is a most formidable group, and there are only a few groups stronger. It is a pity that Briton is one of them." The Clanslord did not stand up to speak, but rather nodded in the direction of his Army General. "Our armies are growing stronger, and our morale is great as always. Every refugee that manages to escape the English comes to join our armies. Every member of these clans are ready to fight when the time comes."

Once again nodding, Aramand stands up again. "As ye can all see. Our chances grow better the longer we wait, we cannae strike to early, or all the work of us and our ancestors as well as our brethren are wasted. For every day we hold back, the more the Englanders will fear our armies. Reignson, bring me the scribes. We have messages to write."

To the Celts in Exile:

Chief Strategist O'Brien

We cannot tread too carefully upon troubled waters, I will test to see how it will proceed, but unless it is favourable to the Celtic clans as a whole, we will leave the clanks to be struck down. No matter how much use some things are to us, we cannot let ourselves step into a mire. I hope that it will work, but I see it as unlikely at best.

With trust, as always,
Clanslord Leighson.

To the Armies of the Architect:

I have heard that your have drawn the ire of many. You're armies are great, but you lack the resources to keep up a war with so many at once.

Rather, you may wish to make alliances of your own. For in return for the sparks and resources to help you in continuing this war you have started, I would ask only that you lend some of your clanks for us to study, so we can truly understand your masters mastery at creating Clanks. And about a fourth of your forces to aid us in our own war against the enemy of the Brittish.

Although I doubt you will ever withdraw from this war with Algeria, if you ever decide to, you may like to consider retreating to northern Ireland, and aiding us in our war. For together I doubt any army could stop us.

Clanslord Leighson.

To France(DM):

Greetings, glorious rulers of France.

Our poor beleagured country of Scotland and Ireland has long been ravaged by England, your favoured enemy. I do not know how you consider them now, but remember their constant wars against you, their attempts to conquer you. Why do you pretend peace with them after all that has happened between you?

You may have your reasons, and I respect your right to choose peace over war. But if you dislike the Englanders as much as I do, surely consider aiding us in a war against them. We do not plan to strike until we have the power to fight them full on, but we ask, would you like to aid in the final downfall of your longtime enemies?

Clanslord Leighson.

To DM:(PM level security.)
If your not a DM, scram.

The fluff above indicates this:
Economy to increase Sparks, EspO and possibly Military.
Morale to increase Military, EspD.
We are also sending a couple of generals to the Celts in Exile, to help train their forces.
And have signed a Free-trade deal with The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun.

2011-07-19, 12:15 PM
The Kingdom of Beshadowed Sun
A Research agreement eh? I believe that our Sparks would be quite interested at hearing your sparks ideas. Hehehe, they sure do love talking to one another... almost as much as killing each other.

Celestial Empire
Olympias IV,

Your offer intrigues me. I believe that working togethor may be in our best interest.

King Rafael Radagozki

Mountain King
Your plight is unfortunate, but my nobles in those areas would not cede control so easily. As you know, my country is a combination of several different smaller parts working togethor for the common good. If you would simply join the commonwealth, you would keep your title and your land... and we would combine power against the hostile forces in this world

I would be interested in such a trade deal. It would be for the best for both of our great nations.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-19, 12:44 PM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++

To GreystoneWell, your nobles around us are the ones getting fat through unfair tariffs, so naturally they don't want the situation to change. It's still frustrating as hell. Look, think about it for a while and let me know later on if you'd like to trade something for that land.

2011-07-19, 02:49 PM
To Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:

It is a deal, then. Thank you for your courtesy.

To Mountain King:

We have just negotiated a free trade agreement with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This means our merchants are free of the tariffs placed upon your lands. So, if you trade through our people... things will be cheaper. :smallsmile:

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-19, 03:05 PM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++

To Hessian-ThuringiaAh, you managed that? Good to know. Maybe now this'll cut some of those bloated parasites out of the equation. At any rate we've pacted with you, so we'll see how it goes. First load of iron ore's ready at Highpoint if you want to pick it up via airship.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-20, 10:59 AM
Carter's Casters are on the move. So are Il Deux Duce, the Pachelbel Cannons, the Anti-tank Anti-popes, the 21st Lemming Paratrooper brigade, and Professor Compensatori and his Enormous War Organ. Damn near every mercenary worth his salt near the Algiers area has been contacted via Mole Missive, and directed to assist in the defense of Algiers. The pay is exorbitant, but this is the largest gathering of war dogs in years...

"Drek fire," Colonel Carter observes, chomping two cigars in his graft mouths, as his third one bellows orders to keep his troops in line. "If I'da known missin' heterodyne boys were this good fer business, I'da taken shots at 'em myself!" A rumbling from behind him, and he thumbs the walker to a slow walk, as another member of the column comes up to confer.

A rumble and a hiss, and the command center of the Enormous War Organ lowers from the pipes of pain, popping open to reveal the bald, tiny form of Professor Compensatori.

"You haff the orders, signore?"

"Yep. No change. Seems like we'll be gettin some help in this from other nations, if they don't chicken out. So watch those shells, don't let'em stray!"

"Bah! No strunza ever complains after my organ's done with them!"

And the column marches on, toward the battlefield ahead. The money's paid, the foe's outnumbered, and it's time to fight...

Purchasing and sending ++- of mercenaries to Algiers, to fight the Glorious Army of the Architect as directed in my GM-sent PM. They WILL work with Algiers or other allies if a solid plan is coordinated.

2011-07-21, 12:32 AM
Jägergenerals to Birds of Prey
Ve serff de Heterodyne not henny odders. Ve do not belieff dat hyu really veesh to help find dem. Ve vill search for dem ourselves as iz our duty. Also de hets are symbols uf honor, ve do not accept dem as bribes.

France to the Duchy of Tangiers
Your offer is unnecessary to us. We have long since stop trading through the strait of Gibraltar. It is far more efficient to simply trade overland through our own roads than to pay a toll.

Marquess Laurent Léon Bordelon, Minister of Trade

Spain to the Duchy of Tangiers
A very intriguing offer. However we believe that when the Sevilla clankway is complete our merchants will be able to simply bypass the strait if they wish. Also our soldiers are busy defending the borders from various brigands and rogue sparks who have decided to take advantage of the Heterodynes disappearance. However do not let it be said we take no heed of your plight. If you wish our protection simply return to the fold as you once were and we will happily extend the protection of our armies as we do for all our people.

King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo

England to the Duchy of Tangiers
Really duke do you take her majesty for a fool. It is a good thing she has ordered me to take care of this, so that you will be spared her displeasure. We know full well that not only are you not being threatened by the Technocracy of Algeria and the Army of the Architect, but that they are currently engaged in fighting with each and show no signs of attacking you. You are simply trying to extort what you can using the current situation to your benefit. I applaud your efforts, but they are unfortunately insufficient to make me anymore inclined to help you than usual. That is not to say England will not aid you, but you must make it worth our time. If you wish for Her Majesties navy to aid you then you will drop merchant tariffs on all English vessels by 50%. Additionally no tolls will be placed on the passage of military ships, and they will have expedited passage. After all they can't very well protect you if they're tied up paying tolls now can they.

Earl Anderson Brewster, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Russia to the Celestial Empire
A very interesting offer you have. I am intrigued. Unfortunately am somewhat busy in dealing with Golden Horde so I cannot fully consider your offer. But I would be interested in purchasing what you know of the European powers. Maybe you could keep an eye on them for me.

On the matter of trade. What price do you have in mind. Obviously it is not money, as I would not pay anymore than the reduction of tariffs, and you would not accept any less.

Tsar Varfolomei Petrov

Bulgarian Empire to the Celestial Empire
Greetings, it is good to speak with a friendly neighbor. Indeed I would be interested in a cooperation pact. There is little of immediate concern for us to talk about, but it is always good to have friends is it not. As for your taxes I am afraid you are mistaken my friend, for I am not concerned with that at all. My empire has an entire coast on the Aegean Sea after all my merchant advisers tell me it is far less costly to simply transport what few goods are not sold in Bulgaria itself overland than to ship it by sea. And as for spies. Well I admit that perhaps they might be useful, but not however on this fine day. I will however be sure to tell you if that changes, and by all means if there is anything you need do not hesitate to ask me in turn.

Tsar Krastyo Damyanov

Ottoman Empire to the Celestial Empire
It is true that our trade ships sail through Constantinople. But that is not a vital link for us. Far more sails through our own Suez Canal, although it is not surprising that you have overlooked it given that it was only completed recently. In fact there is little you have to offer that interests us currently. We are far more involved in our affairs in the east. We will however accept your offer of a cooperation pact. It cannot hurt to be on good terms.

Sultan Bakr Mazin Ahmad

England to Loki's Brigade
We do not wish for pirates to cross our lands, whatever your intentions might be. However something might be arranged. If you are interested wait at our northeastern borders and you will be contacted. Otherwise do not cross our airspace.

Earl Anderson Brewster, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Italian City States to the Birds of Prey
We will not interfere.

German Duchies to Celts in Exile
If you truly do not wish to subjugate our land then why do you ask us to join under your rule. You are not even native Germans. And we know you will eventually go to war with England which is not something we wish to be caught up in. We are however willing to ally with you. It is true that Hessen-Thüringia is expanding more rapidly than we are comfortable with. So will you accept some form of economic or defensive alliance.

German Duchies to Hessen-Thüringia
It is true that these are turbulent times. We will accept a defensive alliance.

France to the United Irish-Celtic Clansmen
War is not profitable for those who are engaged in fighting it. We have finally moved beyond the bloody battlefields of the past and now battle England in a war of commerce and merchant rivalries. Your offer may have merit, but tell us exactly what you want, and how we would gain from returning to those bloody battlefields.

Marquess Laurent Léon Bordelon, Minister of Trade

2011-07-21, 01:22 AM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Bulgarian Empire
As ruler of Constantinople, prosperity and stability in the Balkans is one of my top priorities. Would you express mutual interest in maintaining such? It would be good to know that we have neighbors who share our mindset

Alexander V
Would you be willing to receive a few of my ambassadors, wise Tsar? I believe certain matters are best discussed in private. We'll continue the discussion of our espionage services, tariffs, and how you can help us in person.

I am constantly concerned for your safety in a world where rogue clanks and secret agents run rampant. As our negotiations continue, I will be using some of our best tactics to keep you safe from the dangers of Europa. Please accept our offer as a demonstration of our goodwill and concern for the people of Russia and their great leader.

Olympias IV

2011-07-21, 07:20 PM
Celts in Exile
ESPD: ++++

German Duchies
When we go to war with England, both Ireland and Germany will be match for her, though you will still have the option to avoid the war if you so choose. We ask that you join under us only so that we may accelerate the growth of our power and yours. Think too of the benefits; working together under the guidance of the Irish, a people who are close to all your people, you, the German people, will find ways to set aside old grudges and feuds and grow together into a powerful German state, one that is not troubled by internal strife.

There is a difference between subjugation and allegiance. We would leave your current power structures intact, and would interfere in domestic affairs as little as possible. There would be at most minor taxes, just enough to ensure that our efforts to improve this region's economy would benefit all. The most important difference between full allegiance and a simple alliance would be in the military. Under a unified nation, the military could function as a single unit, far more efficient, than simply a coalition of aligned forces.

If you are unwilling to join us at the current time, we will accept a military and economic alliance, it will still be a great boon to us, though it saddens me that the German people would not receive as much from their association with us as they could.
Your friend and hopeful ally, Chief Strategist O'Brien
P.S. Unity under us would ensure a share in any spoils of war that would come in the future.

2011-07-27, 11:36 AM
Theosophic Empire
Withdraw all forces from the Algerian operation back home.

Loki's Brigade
Don't do it again.

2011-07-27, 02:01 PM
The Loki Raiders
The attack is swift and brutal. Dropping out of the clouds without warning the pirates of the Loki Brigade smash into the few remaining Theosoph forces that haven't been sent south to Algeria. The Theosoph defenders fight bravely using every weapon they have including a few whipped up on the spot by defending sparks, but it isn't enough. Not nearly enough to stop the horde of sky pirates. The defenders destroyed the fleet of pirates plunders its way across the countryside before ascending back into the clouds. The last the dazed Theosoph citizens see of them is the shadow of massive airships heading west.

The Algerian War
Far to the south in the very battle the Theosophs had left to fight in a very different story played out. At first the glorious army of clanks had it all their own way. They easily crushed the brave defenders, but then something changed. All of a sudden the airships began to turn in circles. Clanks began collapsing. An entire wing of aircraft simply spontaneously combusted. This was not what the Army of the Architect had been built for. An army they could fight but this series of individually minor, but collectively painful stinging bogged them down. Bogged them down so much that the lookout clanks failed to notice the approaching fleet.

A motley assembly of various nations had formed to fight them. Some wore the uniforms of their nation with pride. Others were simply mercenaries, but they had all been drawn to one purpose to defeat the Army of the Architect once and for all. And they tried. But even with all that had gone wrong, even facing superior forces, the army of the architect was still a machine of deadly precision countering every move the coalition with practiced efficiency. And so things stood with both fleets locked in battle on the air stalemated against each other. The Army of the Architect could not fight effectively with the stinging sabotage that affected it, but the coalition was too uncoordinated to press the assault.

The Corsairs Strike
And those were not the only battles that took place for the corsair fleet was on the move. Not only had they increased their normal attacks, but a large fleet also sailed through the Lock of Gibraltar and around the coast of Spain. Landing on the shores of the Beshadowed Sun swarms of goblin raiders poured from the dark ships. The small kingdom's defenders tried to do their duty, but they had never expected an attack and had grown lax. Entire companies were slow to respond, and as they marched to face the raiders one by one the results were not a battle but a massacre as goblin fighters mowed down the green defenders with ease. In the end the fighting stopped. Not because the goblins chose to but because there was no one left to kill.

Almost at the same time another Corsair fleet approached the city of Gold. The defenders were unsuspecting, after all hadn't the Corsairs just payed their toll, why would a paying customer attack them. But nevertheless when the goblin raiders swarmed out, the defenders of the city were quick to respond. And unlike the many other battles that were occurring these defenders held the line. Pushing the Corsairs back and back until they were forced to defend their own ships furiously.

The Merchants Protest
Angered at the continuous raids on their shipping the merchants of Italy have united. Forming a common guild they have placed a bounty on pirate heads. All pirates are a target, but they are offering double the reward for dead Corsairs. The Mediterranean is now swarming with bounty hunters and mercenaries. Some of which are as much danger to the merchant ships as the pirates.

Spain Intervenes
King Salcedo of Spain has vowed not to let the indignities of these pirate invasions go unpunished. He has sent troops to reinforce both the beleaguered Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun and the fierce Tangier defenders. He also proclaims that once the Corsairs have been dealt with he will turn his attention to other pirates in the Mediterranean.

Other NPCs to come.

2011-07-27, 02:39 PM

Arch Priest Malak leaned over the parapets of the Grand Cathedral of the Spark, smoking cannabis from a pot, as he watched the procession of soldiers which were gathered below him.

The populace, dirty stupid little creatures that they were, had no faith. When the Army of Architect invaded, the sparks jumped to their duty immediately, some even sacrificing their lives in service of their country. The people however had vision. It was almost disgusting to see how much the loss of their brothers and sisters distressed them. For some unknown reason the people were not willing to fight and die for a greater cause.

So, the state had provided for the people. A new line of combat robots, the most high-tech in all of Europa, was rolling out of the factories like clockwork, straight into battle against the murderous clanks.

Maybe now the people would finally stop complaining and let the real work begin.

To the Coalition
His Magnificence, the Arch Priest Malak, has instructed be to begin co-ordination of our armed forces.

Unless we have any objections, I will take the role of commander by default.

Would all nations please submit their proposed tactics for review.

In the Name of the Spark,

High Priest Ayda Karim.

2011-07-27, 02:49 PM
The KoBS

To The Duchy of Tangiers
Well, we both seem to have been attacked by the vile Corsairs. Would you be interested in an alliance against them, until their foul presence has left our lands?

To Spain
We thank you for your upcoming assistance in the eviction of the Corsairs from our lands. We currently have a small force within Algeria, which planned on aiding in the Defense against the Glorious Army of the Architect. As we are now planning on withdrawing that force, would you mind if they returned not to the KoBS, but to Spain; to join your reinforcements and provide you their Knowledge of the KoBS to aid your movements.

To the United Italian Merchants, Tangiers, The Theosophs, Spain.
Well, we seem to have a common enemy: Pirates. Would you be interested in a joined alliance against them, using our economic mights to hire mercenaries, not resting until their foul presence is evicted from the World. With all of us contributing our massive wealth reserves to hiring these sellswords, we could easily eliminate the Pirates.

To the Coalition
As clearly evident, we must withdraw the - mil we sent. We apologize, but we seem to have an infestation of...pirates.

As soon as Spain allows my troops to land there, the - mil I sent to Algeria departs to there.

2011-07-27, 03:15 PM
The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To The Army of the Architect
"My generals tell me I should just march onward and crush you like the worthless scraps of metal you are, However I still think you have a chance for redemption. Return - economy to us, and we will call off our attack against you.

Refuse, and you will be crushed underfoot."

Arch Priest Malak of the Spark.

2011-07-27, 03:51 PM

We see a problem in this. We were attacked by Loki's Brigade while you were all attacked by the Corsairs.

Also, do we really want another band of dangerous and well equipped war mongers running around?

The recent debacle caused by allowing the noble houses to attempt to run the government has shown that the current system does not work. Henceforth the three Theosophic empires now cease to be. There is now only a single Holy Theosophic Empire. The parallel nobilities are abolished and a new bureaucracy is being formed under the direct control of the co-equal rulers.

2011-07-27, 04:20 PM
To the United Italian Merchants, Thesophs, Tangiers, Beshadowed Sun, and Spain. [+++++]
Greetings Esteemed leaders,

I understand your people are having some trouble with pirates. You will be needing more soldiers to defend your land. If I might be so bold, I have a suggestion as to how you might acquire these soldiers.

Algeria has just completed work on a new line of semi-autonomous combat robots. If you can provide us with the necessary money, we would be willing to produce and ship robots from this line to you.

Please contact us if this offer interest you.

For the Spark

High Priest Jafar Karim,

2011-07-27, 04:26 PM
The KoBS

To the TToA
We are very interested in this. Do you have a cost?

How many Corsair forces remain in the KoBS?

2011-07-27, 04:42 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria:

To the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun [+++++]
"You offered us aid in our war against The Army of the Architect, when you had no obligation to do so. We owe you a debt of gratitude and now is our chance to repay it.

As such, we will be offering our robots at their base price, so there will be no profit on our end."

High Priest Jafar Karim

2011-07-27, 04:54 PM
The KoBS

Well, I guess our saboteurs have been doing something. We're very thankful for your reduced price, and would like to know what it is.

2011-07-27, 05:16 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. [+++++]
((OOC: I don't know. I'll ask a GM))

How much does it cost to produce - permanent military, or - temporary military using my new robots? I understand the rate has not changed, but I don't know what it was in the first place.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-27, 10:36 PM
Loki's Brigade

Pirate King Hallvardur lies face down in a pool of his own blood as Pirate King Carmag polishes off his sword. The raid went well, but now a cry for blood against all pirates is being heard. The stalemate with the Army of the Architect and the Corsairs attacking two nations at once should keep attention off of the Brigade for now. Still things need to be done before the Brigade winds up in the same situation as the Architect's army.

Carmag plans to lead the Brigade away from such disaster.

To the Kingdom of the Black Sun: (Espionage +++) You may rage against the pirates all you wish, but the Corsairs did not work alone. One of your neighbors paid the Corsairs to attack you. But why should you take the word of a pirate? You have a strong spy network. Investigate what the nations around you did last night yourselves. I suggest you leave no one above suspicion, no matter how things turned out for them.

2011-07-27, 10:42 PM
The KoBS

To Loki's Brigade
...And we should trust you, why? you too have launched devastating raids on another Nation.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-27, 11:04 PM
The KoBS

To Loki's Brigade
...And we should trust you, why? you too have launched devastating raids on another Nation.

As I have said, you don't have to trust us. You have the spy network required to find the proof on your own. Don't you?

2011-07-28, 12:36 AM
The Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

News of the attacks from around Europa reached Olympias's ears all at once. She began to jot down ideas on the nearest piece of paper.

"Dear sister."

Olympias looks up to see her brother standing in the doorway, his golden hair shining in the sun and a smug grin on his face. "Why are you here."

"Nice to see you too. I'm assuming your little clanky birds have informed you about the wars. No one seems to want to play with us, sis."

"They're smart then."

"Well I'm bored. I want someone to invite us to the party!"

Nations of Europa,

There are many wars happening in many different places. I am disappointed that the Celestial Empire was left out of all the fun. If anyone is interested, the Celestial Empire is available for assistance in military and espionage endeavors. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested in working together.

Alexander V

Russia - Representatives in Person
I am pleased to see that your nation has managed to remain unscathed with all of the new conflicts popping up all over the map. Our espionage experts have ensured that your nation's secrets are not in danger. We appreciate you hosting our representatives in your nation and are ready to begin discussion on how we might cooperate if you are ready.

2011-07-28, 01:16 AM
"That did not go as originally planned." The Bridgemaster's clank removed a black knight from the chessboard, moving a white king into a position that, by traditional rules, would protect a bishop and rook of the same colors from a black pawn and queen, respectively. "Our associate failed to deliver."

"You get what you pay for, I suppose." The more obese clank pointed toward the black queen, a gurling chuckle coming from the voicebox. "Heh. In more ways than one. What do you suppose we do about our recent gains?"

"There is something to be said for the power of leverage. Threaten to kill the right person, and..." The distinctly feminine clank almost seemed to smile. "...A nation will yield to your whims."

"Only one nation, Duchess? You disappoint me. I say we build a machine of leverage." Being seated next to the Bridgemaster, Red Anthony was one of two positioned to fiddle with the gameboard, replacing the white king with its chromatic reverse. "I'll settle for no less than three."

Algeria (Esp ++)
Archpriest Malak,

Due to bounties having been placed upon our privateers, we will have to temporarily withdraw our fleet presence from your territory. Our operatives will continue to assist in sabotaging the Army of the Architect, if your people consider it neccesary.

Red Anthony

Kingdom of the Black Sun (Esp ++)
Your Majesty,

I hope that you do not take our attack against your nation personally. However, you saw fit to try to pit privateer against pirate across the span of a continent, and in so doing made it clear that you wished the Corsair Confederacy see ruin. This, in my mind, is an interesting thing, since nowhere in Europa are the people more miserable than under your reign. I will hopefully be taking action to remedy this soon. In the meantime, I suggest you not try anything reckless with your agents, as my people have the monopoly on military presence in your borders until Spain chooses to arrive.

Red Anthony

Duchy of Tangiers (PM-level)
The hostages shall remain safe, for the moment. In the meantime, free passage shall be granted through the Strait to any vessel bearing the Black Rat Banner, as well as any ship of the United Italian Merchants claiming to bear luxury goods to the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. These are the conditions of the family's safety.

As for long term survival? That depends on Spain.

United Italian Merchants (Esp ++)
Noble Tradesmen of Italia,

It may gladden your hearts that the Corsair Confederacy seeks to cease making ends meet by way of piracy. As a show of good faith, we will allow your mercantile vessels free passage within the waters that our ships roam, the opportunity to trade in our ports, and in the case of ships bearing luxury goods such as wine, fine clothing, and narcotics to the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun we offer free passage through the Strait of Gibraltar. The last will only be on the table for time uncertain even to me, though, and what we ask in return is that the bounty on our vessels be withdrawn... And that we may collect on independant parties.

Red Anthony

SPAIN (Esp ++)
King Salcedo,

My sincerest apologies if our actions have inconvenienced you, but I believe that there is a way that we can both benefit from the current political upheaval without your noble reign being tarnish in the eye of the international community or your people. Would you at all be interested in seeing your massive debt to the Duke of Tangiers being settled, at least enough to give your soldiers pause?

Red Anthony

2011-07-28, 01:48 AM
Glorious Army of the Architect to Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers (Coalition may read)[+++-]

We propose a counter offer. Pay us tribute of (-) p.Economy and we will conclude this war. We would also ransom you the captured Sparks at the price of (-) p.Economy.

Lord-Admiral Sun VII

To GM Only!

Super Secret Battle Plans

Emergency Repairs

I must note, that Espionage shouldn’t be as efficient as Military in warfare. I assume I can recover from losses caused by it more easily, then if my clanks were destroyed in hellfire of battle.

I’m putting (-) Sparks and whatever Economy (+-) could be used to quickly get the repairs done (if burning it is possible, I’m doing it). Add ++ Morale as my Clanks would have acted quickly and without hesitation to counter the worst effects of the sabotage. I’m using my full D. Espionage to keep Sparks ‘’motivated’’ in fixing the damage, make sure they don’t try anything tricky and kill anybody, who tries rescuing them.

Buying Time for Emergency Repairs

I’m using my full WO +++++ to keep the Coalition disorganized and reluctant to engage. Who wants to be in the first line against us? Everybody would prefer to let someone else get pounded and weaken GAA, while they stay at the back. And what if there are traitors in the Coalition (low WO of Thesophs for example). This should definitely keep the Mercenaries hesitant to engage and with pirates hitting nations of the Coalition back at home, they’d be more reluctant to waste soldiers here.

Edit: Ah. And also the bounty on Pirates. The Mercenaries in the Coalition must know about lots of gold they can earn by hunting pirates (and perhaps engaging in some innocent piracy on the side), without the risk of facing a well-organized murder clanks army. Another factor for the Morale.

2011-07-28, 04:46 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To Army of the Architect [+++-]
We will give you - economy for - spark, and we will give you ++ military if place your previous offer of becoming a protectorate back on the table.

2011-07-28, 08:19 AM
Glorious Army of the Architect to Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria [+++-]

''If you agree to join the Glorious Army of the Architect, I promise to release your captive Sparks unharmed, once they are finished effecting certain repairs on our airships, without ransom. We will also not require the additional tribute.

Our full protection will be extended to you and your forces will be integrated with ours, in positions, where they will be watched, until I'm certain in their loyalty. I pledge not to sacrifice them needlessly and account for the emotion of ''fear'' humans occasionally feel in the battle, allowing them to retreat, where our Clanks would be melted down, should their programmed resolve encounter a malfunction.''

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-28, 08:27 AM
ESPD: ++-

To the Coalition
In Response to the Glorious Army's message: Pft, yeah right. Pay the clanks for the privilege of getting smacked in the face? We've shown we can hold him off pretty well, the engine just needs a little tweaking. But we're not fighting in our country, so we'll defer the decision. What's the word, TTOA? Do we keep killing clanks?

To the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Our envoy would like to meet and discuss things in person with an envoy of your choice. (PM) Sound good to you?

To Hessen-Thuringia, Greystone, and the German Duchies
New Morlockia is a little concerned by the current aggression from the pirates and the so-called "Glorious Army" of rogue clanks. They haven't looked toward our area yet, but it's only a matter of time. I propose a mutual defense pact, limited to defensively opposing The Glorious Army and the Pirate Nations should they raid or otherwise attack us. Interested?

2011-07-28, 08:40 AM

to Mountain King:

We already have a defensive pact with the German Duchies. And any foes threatening you have to pass through the Commonwealth first.

We agree to the defensive pact.

2011-07-28, 08:43 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

Arch-Priest Malak, leader of Algeria, has officially announced the end of the war with the Glorious Army of the Architect. Algeria has become a protectorate state of the Glorious Army.

Arch-Priest Malak would like to personally thank all nations who contributed to the war effort. As soon as the funds become available, Algeria will repay it's debts.

The Algerian army officially stands down, and dissolves the Coalition.

To The Glorious Army [+++-]
We have an agreement.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-28, 09:29 AM

The great hall is empty, save for the guards at the entrance. The war room, however, is packed.

ESPD: ++-

The announcement from Algiers has hit the strategy room with the force of an exploding bomb. Everyone is shouting. Everyone is talking. Everyone is arguing, save for the greybearded man at the head of the table. His dinner is untouched before him, and he has his hands folded, supporting his chin. He is thinking, and when he's had enough of the shouting, he raps on the table.

It takes a few minutes, but the shouting stops. The Mountain King does not bluster or threaten or shoot death rays, he lets it wind down naturally. The Mountain King is most known for what he doesn't do, in comparison to other sparks, and that is what gives New Morlockia its pride and tenacity.

"So. The Algerians went belly up sooner than expected. No great surprise, though I was hoping they'd hold out a few more days. Starting to remember why I was a hermit for a few decades..." He broods for a bit, then shakes his head. "Neither here nor there. Chief Brocken, lay out the specifics."

"Well, with the effective conquest of Algeria, they've gained access to the most effective pool of sparks on the continent. Their biggest disadvantage prior to this was that Spark invention progress would outpace them. Now we can expect their airships and clanks to be equipped with better weaponry and gadgets as time goes on. We can also expect them to effect repairs and modifications to their troops and vehicles, something they couldn't do before."

The officers in the war room look very glum.

"Algeria's also got a functional merchant structure, though it's a little disorganized and the war's disrupted trade routes. This will provide them raw materials to replenish military forces and create new weapons of war."

The Mountain King rubs his chin. "We might be able to do something about that. An embargo should stall them a bit... Damn. Now I'll have to make some noise on the diplomatic circuit. Continue, Brocken."

"In the military domain, we're probably safe for now. If they came after us by conventional means, they'd have to get through the Commonwealth first. And after that, we're enough of a hard target that the gain would be minimal."

The Mountain King grins. "And unlike Algeria, we're not cowards who roll over after the first slap. Priests. Bah. This is why you don't ever let them be in charge."

"This is likely to change as time goes on. We've been their loudest opposition, and if they can give us a bloody nose or make an example of us, the rest of the states are likely to roll over."

"Hmph. You're probably right. Where the hell is the courage that built Europa, I'd like to know that. You don't found a nation without being prepared to stand up. You don't swear to protect and keep your people from the wolves, and then go "Wah! That hurts too much!" The first time you get bitten. And you don't kneel to CLANKS. All right. Get me a notary, I need to get that official announcement done with..."

"You realize, sir, that this is likely to antagonize them even more?"

"Let it. If these bastards gain momentum then no nation in Europa is safe."


New Morlockia is concerned with the forcible addition of the Technocratic Theocracy of Algiera to the growing inhuman empire of the rogue clanks who call themselves the "Glorious Army". We call for a Europa-wide trade embargo upon The Glorious Army of the Architect and its subservient Protectorate, formerly known as the Technocratic Theocracy of Algiera, until such time as they can demonstrate that they can comport themselves without violence.

2011-07-28, 09:48 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

Open Communication:

We have several problems with the announcement from Morlockia. First off, they assume Algeria was forced into the protectorate with the Glorious Army. This is not the case. This short war demonstrated to us the inadequacy of our armed forces. With pirates now launching direct attacks on cities, we require the help of someone with a larger military to keep our lands safe.

Secondly, we must object to any economic Embargo that puts our citizenry at risk. We rely on foreign imports to feed and supply our people. I fail to see what purpose what be served by murdering our people.

Thirdly, there is the small matter of referring to us as 'the nation formerly known as...' We don't have any intention of changing our name, and see no-where we might have suggested otherwise.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-28, 10:22 AM
Our apolgies on mangling the name of the Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers. We weren't quite sure where they stood.

Anyway, our concern with trading with you, Algiers, is that any metal we supply to you is likely to be fired at us or our friends by your new overlords. If all you want is food, then we're okay with amending the embargo to allow food only.

If you want it lifted fully, then all you have to do is convince the Architect's minions to stop attacking innocent countries. No one in Europe has given the Army cause to invade. You didn't, and no one else has. If they can show that they can practice restraint for a bit, then we'll happily resume trade with you through our good friends in Hessen-Thuringia.

2011-07-28, 10:41 AM
Open Announcement From the Desk of Red Anthony

The Corsair Confederacy does not and never has employed pirates. We maintain a fleet of privateers that have observed regular taxation on passage through our surrounding waters. The cost is consistently enforced, and while not having insignifigant cost does not prevent passing vessels from making a profit in mercantile endeavours. Due to this, we are no more liable to be guilty of piracy than the Duchy of Tangiers. It would be sincerely appreciated if the distinction were made.

Additionally, we do not strike at other nations lightly, nor do we intend to overextend our military forces. The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun, prior to our attack on their territory, took action that lead us to believe they desired our destruction. Due to their wanting military, unhappy populace, and infamous spy network, we decided that military action was neccesary. The Duchy of Tangiers, while a fight we would have prefered to avoid, was neccesary due to our desire to maintain a presence in the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun and the Duke's utter unwillingness to negociate any form of accomodation regarding passage through the Strait.

In summary, we'd rather not fight battles that we don't have to, but we have no stipulations against fighting battles that circumstances force upon us. We have no stipulations against continuing what peaceful trade we are engaged in, and so long as we have a dominant presence in the Strait of Gibraltar the tax for passing through our waters shall be suspended. Finally, we are not pirates, please stop calling us that.

2011-07-28, 11:44 AM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -


(OOC: And not knowing they were going to be a superpower, trying to recruit them has turned around and bit me on the ass. :smallsigh:)

We are saddened, but unsurprised, at your response to our offer. We know very well of your loyalty to your masters, but we figured it was worth offering. Although we are slightly hurt that you believe that we wouldn't help. We would if you asked.

And as far as the hat things go, I think we just misspoke here. We didn't mean that we would give you hats, obviously. Your people take them as trophies in battle, yes? We simply meant that the armies of the Independent Italian States tend to have very fancy hats as part of their uniform.

Message to everyone sans the Army of the Architect

I'd just like to point out that regardless of whether or not Algeria has surrendered, the Army of the Architect is not likely to stop invading people. It's stated purpose is to invade and destroy. What's the chances they're going to stop just because they've successfully done so? If everyone else is willing, the Birds of Prey will continue fighting.

Confederate Corsairs EspD: ++

Red Anthony,

Food shipments should be inbound. Since you're no longer "taxing" any ships through your territory, can our deal be changed to not requiring a toll to use the Straight? Or at a least a large discount.

Also, if you want people to stop thinking of you as pirates, perhaps you should change the name of your organization? After all, to most people Corsair and even Privateer just means Pirate.

Doge Silas Falcone

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun Esp: +++++

Sorry to say it, but we can't really be of much direct help right now. We haven't the forces to take on the Corsairs, and we'd really love to not be their next target.

Might end up seeing if we can help you out a bit more subtly though.

Celestial Empire Esp +++++

Seems our friends at the KotBS are having some pirate trouble. How do you think we should handle this?

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-28, 12:09 PM
ESPD: ++-
Message to Everyone sans the Glorious Army of the Architect, and the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria:
That's our view of it too, Birds of Prey. That's why we want to stop them early. Let us know via more secure communications how we can help.

2011-07-28, 12:20 PM
Theosophic to Celestial Empire

We feel it is time that the two of us enter into closer relations. We are sending to you princess Numara and prince Heron, heirs to two of the thrones of our empire. They have been empowered to negotiate on our behalf.

OOC: Wanted to have an IC justification for a PM conversation.

2011-07-28, 01:27 PM
Birds of Prey (Esp ++)
Doge Silas Falcone,

Our control of the Strait is limited at this time, but we'll see what we can manage. If nothing else, we can provide escort to protect your vessels from bounty hunters who in their shallow greed engage in actual piracy. As for the term Corsair, locally we use the Italian corsaro, which came from the Latin cursus. The Corsair Confederacy is the path toward freedom for people, and the potential to find one's own path.

Red Anthony

2011-07-28, 03:50 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

All military vessels belonging to the former coalition will be given one week to leave our airspace. If they remain it will be considered a declaration of war against Algeria.

2011-07-28, 04:04 PM
The KoBS

To the Mountain King
Just send a diplomat.

2011-07-28, 05:06 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

I agree. We will receive your representatives in Constantinople.
Birds of Prey
It is hard to say. Gibraltar is the sister canal to Constantinople, so the status of the locks are important to us. Our KoBS may need assistance as well, but they have not yet asked anything of us. I don't think we have the military strength to take direct action, but if the bounties on pirates and the Corsairs continue to grow, we may be interested in some violent action against them.
The Army of the Architect
Now that your conflict with half of Europa has been resolved, I would be interested in discussing matters with one of your leaders.

Olympias IV

2011-07-28, 05:17 PM
The KoBS

To the Birds of Prey, the Celestial Empire
Well, we can not exactly aid in the sabotage of the Glorious Army of the Architect when our country is occupied. Would either of you mind in aiding us, so our plans together can go unhindered?

Lizard Lord
2011-07-28, 05:28 PM
Loki's Brigade

To Everyone except the Army of the Architect: I would like to start off with apologizing for the actions of my predecessor and would like to make it up to you. If I understand that there is a stalemate with the Army of the Architecht, which are now gaining allies. I would like to give my services and the services of the Brigade to help break this stalemate. In exchange I hope to gain allies from this battle and hope the Brigade can be forgiven for the actions of the previous Pirate King.

2011-07-28, 05:46 PM
Theosophs to Loki's Brigade (Open to everyone besides the Army of the Architech)
paying back the Mil, Spk, and Econ you stole or destroyed would be nice.

2011-07-28, 06:16 PM
Glorious Army of The Architect [Esp. +++-]

GAA to United Irish-Celtic Clans

A messenger ship is sent to conduct a private meeting.

GAA to Merchants of Italy

''We have been told trade is important for the survival of our Protectorate, Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers. So we will fight a war against the pirates infesting the Mediterranean. Your appeal to the bounty hunters and mercenaries was a mistake as by a simple computation, they will see profit in acquiring the bounties and raiding the merchant ships. We suggest that instead of bounties, you employ a mercenary force with supervision from disciplined military officers that could be immune to the lure of gold and could be trusted in waging a proper war, instead of dawdling around collecting wages. Our officers. You know us to be honest in our dealings, valuing war above profit and capable of inspiring proper fear and terror into our enemies. No man will risk flying Jolly Roger, after we are finished.

We want two things. First, for you to employ the mercenaries, who were contracted by the Mountain King to fight us. Only truly brave and capable would be willing to stand up to the Glorious Army. We will be in charge of pay, and make sure your gold isn’t wasted.

Secondly, we want you to withdraw bounty on the Corsairs. Their policy of tax free passage through the Straits of Gibraltar sounds very pro-trade and they act straightforward and in military fashion in their operations, so they are probably not pirates, you wish to secure your trade against.

If you decline, we will limit our operations to protecting only Algerian trade, which would only lead to the pirates moving to softer and safer targets, like Italian merchantmen.

GAA to Corsairs (PM-Security, we are close enough to arrange a private meeting)

''We support your policy of tax free passage through the Straits of Gibraltar and we will seek to have Italian Merchant’s bounty dropped from you.''

GAA to Celestial Empire

''I’m Sky Admiral, Lady V, third in the chain of command of the Glorious Army of the Architect. What is it you wish to discuss with us?''

GAA to Coalition’s Discharged Mercenaries

''If you could stay for a bit, the Glorious Army might secure a profitable contract for your services. You have shown courage in facing us and that is a quality we respect.''

To GM Only

1. I try to get that + of Military I lost due to navigation system’s sabotage fixed, using (-) Sparks and my Economy (+-). The fact, that I can use workshops and trade in TTA should make it easier.
2. After the damage is fixed, Sparks will be released to the TTA.

Italian Negotiations
1. Since battle isn’t occurring, I’m using my full WO to convince Italian Merchant Guild. (If anything is left over, I’ll use it to start putting fear into the hearts of pirates.)

Lizard Lord
2011-07-28, 06:20 PM
Loki's Brigade

To Theosoph's (Available to everyone but the AotA:) If I gave that order I might as well sign my own death warrant. Pirate King's don't last long, but I hope to change that. If I anger the crew by making them give back their spoils I will be dead before the week. And who is to say that the next pirate king won't simply wish to raid you again? Meanwhile the Army of the Architect grows stronger. It is is in your best interest that I remain the Brigade's leader.

But if you won't see the bigger picture, perhaps I can still deal with the other nations.

To England: (Espionage +++) We have sent an envoy as you asked. What is this deal you would like to discuss?

2011-07-28, 06:30 PM
Theosophs to Loki's Brigade (Open to everyone besides the Army of the Architech)

Do you mean to tell me that you want to be rewarded for doing exactly what the GAA did with our trust? Isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?

We are however lenient. We will agree to a compromise. You will invest at minimum (+++ of stats) of whatever combination of econ and spk in a joint project with us. The first (+++ of stats) generated will be ours and after that we will split the difference with you. We will also reinvest the repayment gains back into the project so as to increase our mutual benefit.

If you are interested in this offer, as opposed to remaining in a state of open war with us, indicate as much and we will send a representative for a more secure conversation.

2011-07-29, 01:15 AM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++-

Confederate Corsairs EspD: ++

While you are correct, Corsair does come from the Italian word corsaro, which itself is borrow from the latin word for course, you're missing the point. Because corsaro still means pirate in Italian, just as corsaire means pirate in French, and corsair means pirate in English.

But never-the-less, since negotiations with the Duchy soured, we've moved most of our trade to other means than the Straight, so I suppose that a discount through there is hardly worth the effort. We will take your fleet's protection from the pirate-hunters and mercenaries the other foolish merchants hired though. And what are the chances you'd be willing to help us destroy the Army of the Architect? I don't care what bull**** the Algerian leadership is spewing, the AotA is still a threat to not only their people, but to all of ours. And they must be stopped.

Loki's Brigade EspD: +++

Well, Pirate-King Carmag, I hardly speak for everyone, but I personally would welcome any help you could provide in fighting the AotA. I'm trying to gather forces to make another attempt at this, they do need to be stopped, and soon.

The Mountain King EspD: ++-

We very much wish to see the AotA destroyed as well, and thus we are willing to continue to committing our forces to the task. We are currently trying to gather more groups together to do so, but I'm afraid that most of them will be unwilling.

Celestial Empire, KoBS EspD: +++++

Unfortunately, aiding the KoBS will be much more difficult while the Corsairs hold the Straight, and while the AotA is sitting in Algeria. I believe that we really should focus on taking down the AotA first. Then we can concentrate on dismantling the Corsairs.

2011-07-29, 01:36 AM
Army of the Architect (Esp ++)
Unidentied Commanders of the Army of the Architect,

While the sentiment of your support is appreciated, there are political implications to it that I believe that you were not programmed to process inately. I can instill that understanding, but I would like to meet privately to do so. Have one of your airships come over Sicily's western coast, so one of the Corsair Confederates may discuss politics freely.

Red Anthony

Birds of Prey (Esp ++)
Doge Silas Falcone,

I agree that the danger of the Army of the Architect needs to be addressed, just as surely as the danger of the Other needed to be addressed. Like that matter, many ideas are had. If you would allow a representative craft to be escorted to port by our vessels, we might discuss what I believe is the most elegant solution.

Red Anthony

Lizard Lord
2011-07-29, 01:57 AM
Loki's Brigade
(EspD +++)

To Birds of Prey:
We will be glad to help, should you agree to establish an alliance and agree to help against the bounty hunters that are no better than my predecessor.

To Theosophs
The difference between the Army and the Brigade is that the Army wants war for war's sake. They want to conquer everything and will not be satisfied with a peaceful yet profitable arrangement. Not for long at least. If they have their way all of Europa will burn.

The Brigade, however, cares only about two things. Profit and Freedom. We do not wish to see Europa burn. There is no profit or freedom to be had in such a future.

Now, your deal intrigues me. Send your diplomat and we will discuss what sort of projects you may have in mind.

2011-07-29, 02:34 AM
The Glorious Army of The Architect

The following proclamations are made in the name of the General Staff of Seven, bearing mark of the Seven Seals of The Architect.

Mountain King’s Fears

''As the Mountain King has expressed fear that we might threaten his land, that appears to be strong enough to deter trade to Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers, the Glorious Army is willing to negotiate a ten year long peace treaty, provided Mountain King doesn’t engage in the conquest of territory against other nations. The word of the Architect’s own is an unbreakable bond.

As I predict the objection to this plan would be accusations of depredations the Glorious Army could commit against other nations, we are willing to allow a clause in the peace treaty that will allow Mountain King to send his soldiers in defense of nations against our Army, as long as such action can be justified with honor and the troops sent are Mountain King’s own, not purchased mercenaries. We would request three respected nations to be asked to serve as judges of the justice and honor in sending military aid according to this clause.''

Thesophs and Loki’s Scheming

''We have been recently informed, that Theosophs and Loki’s Brigade are plotting to fight a war against the Glorious Army of The Architect. If that is indeed your wish, we would be willing to oblige. Do you wish to send your representatives to discuss the terms of warfare as well as time and place or should this war have no rules? If a war is negotiated, we would also like to request Theosophs to honor the Loki’s Brigade part of the victory trophies, should Loki’s Brigade chose to withdraw from the conflict early, due to changes in their leadership.

Should this war, be agreed upon, we would request the Italian Merchant Guild to send their representatives for a fair count of the bounties on the pirate’s heads we are going to collect. We guarantee their safety. We would also be willing to include anyone wishing to take advantage of the announced Pirate Bounties to join the Glorious Army for the duration of this campaign, should it be agreed upon, in Hunter Regiments. We of course won’t expect the same dedication as our finest disciplined Clanks may provide and the commanders of these regiments would be given free option to ignore orders they may deem suicidal and withdraw at will. The Glorious Army of The Architect would be willing to transfer 60% of the Bounties our own troops collect, to the Hunter Regiments, who perform admirably on the battlefield.''


A Glorious Army's Messenger Ship arrives to the concentration of the Corsairs forces in Gibraltar Sicily's western coast. A Clank in a simple grey suit, wearing a top hat, emerges to conduct negotiations.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-29, 09:00 AM

Public Response to the Glorious Army of the Architect
"Thank you. We will take that offer under advisement. In the spirit of goodwill, I can tell you that have no immediate plans to attack you, and hope you will extend us the same courtesy while we consider your offer."

Public Response to Algiers
"Well, as an embargo takes every economic power to enforce, and no one else has come forward to support us in this or sign aboard to do it, we're dropping the idea and formally retracting our call to embargo the Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria. We wish them luck with reconstruction, and hope that whatever deal they cut with the Glorious Army doesn't take too much of their war relief funds."

ESPD ++-
To Greystone
++- of troops moving through your lands now on the way to their destination, as per our agreement. Will wait a day for the escort to show up, will move at the end of that time if he doesn't show.

To the Technocratic Theocracy of Algiers
I think we should have a face to face discussion, to try and mend some of our differences. Will you recieve an envoy?

2011-07-29, 09:20 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To the Mountain King [++-]
That sounds like a good idea. We shall receive your envoy.

2011-07-29, 11:20 AM
Theosophs to GAA
"We have better things to do. Stay away from us and we won't turn wherever you happen to be into a wasteland of molten glass, slag, and twisted metal. We do not like warfare, it produces nothing.

Moreover, your actions are not in accord with reason or morality. You do not act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction. For, were it the case that all delighted in war as do you, and engaged in war, and had as their primary purpose war in the fashion you practice it then contradiction arises. As all dedicated to war such as you would not produce new things. As the course of war was continued eventually all would be destroyed through the attrition of stratagem and time.

Thus there would both be war, for it would be that which all engage in, yet not war for there would be none to war. Therefore, your doctrine is both immoral and illogical. We desire no part of it or you."

2011-07-30, 05:40 AM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To United Irish-Celtic Clansmen [+++]
Greetings Esteemed Irish and Celtic Clan Leaders. As a gift to your people, we wish to offer you access to our latest technological marvel. Our sparks have managed to design several revolutionary improvements to our military factories, that increase their efficiency significantly.

On your own increasing your military would cost +++++, with our help it will only cost ++++. Simply contact us with the amount of military you want, and we'll get to work right away.

To Hessian-Thuringia [+++]
Greetings Esteemed Leaders of Hessian and Thuringia. As a gift to your people, we wish to offer you access to our latest technological marvel. Our sparks have managed to design several revolutionary improvements to our military factories, that increase their efficiency significantly.

On your own increasing your military would cost +++++, with our help it will only cost ++++. Simply contact us with the amount of military you want, and we'll get to work right away.

2011-07-30, 06:36 PM
The Spanish Intervention
True to his word the king of Spain has mobilized almost the entire Spanish army. Using the newly developed clankways they have been able to respond faster than ever before. Three full divisions have reinforced the Tangerian army massing in the silver city. As the Duke of Tangiers is still in control of the majority of his military they have waited on receiving his assessment of the situation before moving. Meanwhile another three divisions have entered the kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun stopping only briefly to pick up the few surviving Kingdom forces returning from the Algerian campaign. Unlike the Spanish troops sent to Tangiers the king has given General Espino full authority to do what he sees fit to remove the pirate presence. (+++ into each of the war zones)

The Italian Merchants
After a thorough accounting of what their members have contributed the Guild Master has issued a full statement regarding the Mediterranean bounty. +++++ +- has been placed in the trust of the guild. Upon receiving proof of a pirate kill they will pay out an amount of + for every + of pirates dead. As previously stated they will pay double for Corsair heads. They have also released a summary of their records showing their losses to the Corsairs. Some of which were taxes, but the majority is listed as being captured from their ships forcibly. The word pirate is not used, but the implication is quite obvious in their report.

This isn't just a fluff thing. If you devote resources to killing generic pirates they will actually pay you and the Mediterranean will get safer.

Strait of Gibraltar Update OOC
Falconer may change this, but until he posts this is the current situation. The Corsairs do not control the strait. they are in fact being pushed back out of the City of Gold by the duke's forces. The lock itself is still fully under the control of the Duke and charging tolls normally.

The New Highway to Asia
The Ottoman Empire has released a full statement to the world. Their work on the great Suez canal is finally complete after decades of construction. And to encourage its use they have proclaimed that they will charge only half of the tolls that Constantinople and the Duchy of Tangiers have placed on their passages.

Baltic Raiders
The Skulding Tribes envious of the Loki Brigade's latest successes have began to step up their raiding activities in the Baltic Sea. Numerous Polish towns have been plundered, although as of yet the amount plundered is not anywhere near the levels of that looted by the Loki's Brigade from the Theosophs.

The New Scourge of Europa
Floods of refugees have taken the horrible tales of killing and atrocities done by the army of the architect throughout the rest of Europa. They are now seen as approaching the insanity of the Other. The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria is viewed with horror for submitting to the Architects when the coalition had only just started to fight. On the other hand the Mountain King's open defiance has won them praise throughout the land. However any gains they may have made have been canceled by their latest declaration of peace.

TTA lose - WO

Bulgarian Empire to the Celestial Empire
I absolutely agree. Stability throughout the region is vital to ensuring the prosperity of our peoples. Did you have anything specific in mind or do you just want to ensure our interests align?

Tsar Krastyo Damyanov

Russian to Celestial Empire
Haha, you were worried that your tiny conflicts would harm the great Russian bear. Do not be afraid for us. Our conflicts in the East are greater than you could even imagine. If one of your tiny Europan powers attempted to attack we would crush them with the might of our mighty Siberian army. But nevertheless we are pleased that you have expressed concern. It may be misplaced, but it is evidence that our trust in you is not misplaced. Now what is it you wished to discuss.

Tsar Varfolomei Petrov

German Duchies to the Celts in Exile
And we say again that we have no quarl with England. You may spread your words of prosperity and unification all you wish, but eventually it all comes back to that single matter. You are eventually going to war with England, and we want no part in it. You may think you will gain the upper hand, but have you considered that England will not sit idly while you prepare for war. Their agents are everywhere, and even now we are sure stolen copies of these letters are speeding back to the shadowy English spymasters.. We will ally with you, but if we joined with you as you suggest it would likely bring the wrath of England down on us.

Spain to the KoBS
Of course our forces will rendezvous with yours and we will clear this vile infestation of pirates from your lands swiftly.

Italian Merchants to the Corsairs
Return to us the plunder you took from our vessels, and we may withdraw the bounty. Until then we will have no business with you. As to your offers of free passage through the Strait of Gibraltar. We admit we would be pleased with that offer, however you have shown no evidence of being in control of the passage. Our agents report that your forces have been driven back. As such your offer is just words and has no true weight.

Spain to the Corsairs
My debt to the Duke has been settled and paid. You have nothing to offer me pirate, I suggest you remove your forces before they are crushed between my soldiers and the Dukes.

England to Loki's Brigade (Private Meeting)
The English agent looks at the pirate representative's in mild disgust, but speaks. "I will get straight to the point. Her majesty wishes to offer you a letter of marque. Specifically against the Celts in exile. In return we can offer free passage over all the seas we control. We will also provide you a series of discrete places to resupply. Not just in England, but throughout Europa. As well as help in investigating the Celts in preparation for your assaults. Of course if you wish to raid others we will not stop you so long as you focus at least some efforts on the Celts and do not harm any English shipping.

Jägergenerals to the Birds of Prey
Vell if hyu truly veeshed to help us den proff it. Help us look for de Heterodynes und ve vill konsider helpink hyu. Und hehe ve see vat hyu are sayink about de hets. Ve vill konsider it.

OOC: What did you think the most feared army of constructs in Europa was going to be. A minor power. Anyway put resources into searching for the Heterodynes in your EoT and the Jägers will know.

Merchants of Italy to GAA
You are asking us to trust pirates to hunt pirates. And do not try to hide behind your glorious war. We know full we that you took on board plunder just as any pirate would. If you truly only desired battle you would have fought only the Algerian's soldiers. But you did not. Your clanks terrorized the countryside killing everyone. We have received streams of refugees telling dark tales of your horrors. Of course you would ask us to lift our bounties on the Corsairs, you are peers in the same bloody business. But at least the Corsairs are relatively light in their plunder. You are simply monsters. We will not work with you.

Mercenaries to GAA
Even we have standards. We would never work for you, no matter the price.

To the GAA
The navigation system failure only disabled most of the fleet and is already back online. The + that was lost was because it literally was bombed into oblivion, and is completely destroyed. You can build more, but it will be basically from scratch, and nothing will take effect until the EoT anyway.

All those inhumane atrocities in your EoT had consequences. They may fear you, but no NPC will willingly work with the Army of the Architect. Your WO is fear. Effective for threats, but it basically bars any negotiations like you're trying to do.

Italian City States to the Birds of Prey
Greetings, as fellow Italians we would like to invite you to an alliance with us. Given their recent actions we believe the Army of the Architect will likely strike again. And given our relatively weak militaries we fear that Italy will be their next target. So we are forming a defensive alliance in the event of an attack, and we wish to know if you are interested in joining with us.

ECON:+++++ ++-

Mountain King(Lost Demiurge).
ECON:+++++ -

ECON:+++++ +
SPK:+++++ +++

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun(ragingrage)
ESPO:+++++ +

The Great Unified Greek States(Turalisj)

United Irish-Celtic Clansmen(bladescape)
MIL:+++++ ++

MIL:+++++ +-

Army of the Architect(Thelonius)
MIL:+++++ ++-
MOR:+++++ +
WO:(+++++ +)

Celestial Empire(TsukikoJ)

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria(razovor)
SPK:+++++ +++++ +-

Celts in Exile(Jallorn)
SPK:+++++ +

Birds of Prey(Sithis)

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth(Greystone)
SPK:+++++ +

Loki's Brigade(Lizard Lord)
MIL:+++++ +++

Duchy of Tangiers(Falconer)
Econ+++++ +-

MIL:+++++ ++++
ECON:+++++ +++++ ++++
MOR:+++++ ++
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ +
WO:+++++ +

MIL:+++++ +++++ ++
ECON:+++++ +-
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ +++++
ESPO:+++++ +++++

MIL:+++++ ++
ECON:+++++ ++++
MOR:+++++ ++++-
SPK:+++++ +++
ESPD:+++++ +-
ESPO:+++++ -
WO:+++++ ++++

MIL:+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +
ECON:+++++ +++++ +++
SPK:+++++ +++++

Bulgarian Empire
MIL:+++++ +
ECON:+++++ +

MIL:+++++ +++++ +
MOR:+++++ +-

MIL:+++++ -
ECON:+++++ ++

Confederation of the Clock
SPK:+++++ +++

Duchy of Molvia
ECON:+++++ +
MOR:+++++ +
WO:+++++ +

Wild Woods
MIL:+++++ +++++ +
ESPD:+++++ +++++ +

The Skulding Tribes
MIL:+++++ +++++
SPK:+++++ ++

German Duchies

Italian City States

2011-07-30, 07:10 PM
The United Irish-Celtic Clansmen
Def Esp: +++

The Glorious Army of the Architect:

The Clansmen receive the diplomat/messanger with interest, and are ready to begin talks.

The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria:
Thank you for the offer, great leaders of the Theocracy.

We would certainly use this, and our economy will mobilize to obtain what you require to produce the armies. I hope this is the beginning of a long-lasting co-operation.

Clanslord Leighson

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-30, 08:28 PM
Mountain King Public Announcement

"After considering the offer of the so-called Glorious Army of the Architect, we have decided to reject it in all its particulars. After hearing the stories of the refugees from its inhuman monstrosity, we cannot in good conscience accept its deal, no matter how much security it would bring to our land."

"Now, to those who have been displaced by its senseless war, we offer asylum, steady work for honest pay, and the chance to one day strike back at the metal monsters who drove you here."

The column is long, but much of it is the support train. They travel by night, but the few bandits that try to take advantage of it are buried in shallow graves dug by mining exosuits. Four Hundred of New Morlockia's finest, resplendent in earth-toned greatcoats and black goggles, wearing spiked helmets and carrying Drillcaster rifles, entrenching tools sheathed at their sides. The scouts on foot lead, the repurposed mining exosuits protect the sides, and large, specially bred moleoxen haul the mortars. They pay for supplies from the villages they pass with gold, and they don't fraternize.

Once arriving in the kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun, a courier is sent to the nearest palace/governor's house/knight's manor/what have you. A captain arrives not long after.

"Sir. Understand you've got a pirate problem. As per your discussion with my superiors, we're here to help you out, there. Just tell us the plan and we'll drag them down to hell."
++- military sent to aid Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun

2011-07-30, 08:36 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -


This is going to sound really bad, even to me, but unfortunately, my agents are kind of busy right now. Don't know if you're taken note, but there's sort of a war on right now down south. We're involved in it. And I currently need all of my agents to assist with that. As soon as it's over, I would be more than happy to help search for the Heterodynes.

(OOC: Is it ever really established how many Jager's there are? Sure, they're great fighters, but I understood it to be that they were the Heterodynes bodyguards and shock troops, not an army/nation in and of themselves.)

Italian City States EspD: ++-

Huh. Honestly didn't see this coming. But yah, I think that's a great idea. Italy would be much stronger united, after all. Of course, there is the fact that the majority of my military is currently down south in Algeria getting ready to fight the AotA again... perhaps you'd want bring some troops down there to help out? And if not that, well... I know you've got spies and agents. They're not as good as ours, but they're competent. You could always assist us by helping us sabotage the hell out of the AotA.

Mountain King EspD: ++-

Glad to see you've stuck to your guns regarding the AotA. Also, that you sent troops to help out the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun. We'd have loved to, but we're still a bit tied up here in Algeria. What's the chances of bringing in more troops to help out down here? I think we've managed to get Loki's Brigade to help out.

Loki's Brigade Esp: +++

As I said before, we're fully willing to work with you to take out the AotA. Although, I would ask you to not flying your airships to close to Italy if possible. The other Italian states are a little skittish, and your predecessor did, in fact, invade and nearly raze a sovereign nation. And any chance some of your covert agents could work with ours to continue sabotaging the AotA's stuff?

As far as the bounty on pirates goes...well, really that mostly applies to the Mediterranean pirates. But I understand your concern. Unfortunately, we just don't really have any control over what that merchant guild does, it's not based in our territory.

Celestial Empire EspD: +++++

So Queen Olympias, any chance of us getting support from the Celestial Empire in our attempt to continue fighting the AotA?

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-30, 08:55 PM
Mountain King

To Birds of Prey
ESPD: ++-
I wish we could help you right now, but our military's gonna be pretty busy as is. We weren't lying when we said we weren't going to immediately attack the clanks... Either way we decided, peace or no, we wouldn't be on a good footing for it. Give us enough time, though, and we'll have some pretty awesome stuff ready for all of our allies to play with. Can you make do with what you have, you think?

2011-07-30, 08:59 PM
Birds of Prey

Mountain King EspD: ++-

Depends on whether or not anyone else comes through for us. Loki's Brigade has said they may help, and they alone might be able to take on the AotA. We're talking with the Celestial Empire, so we'll see how that goes. Other than that, I think the rest of the "Coalition" has pretty much given up. No chance you could hire those mercenaries back on for a round 2, is there?

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-30, 09:47 PM
Mountain King

To Birds of Prey
ESPD: ++-
I wish we could hire them back, but that was a LOT of money. Money that we're going to have to use elsewhere this time around, if we want to resolve this situation in the long run.

I think that right now, not enough of our peers see the problem inherent in the "Glorious Army". If you can't keep the pressure on after another round of attacking, it might be good to pull back and build up for a knockout strike down the road. In the meantime, all it'll take is a few more atrocities on the clanks' part, and a few more capital cities bombed to cinders, and we'll get more allies as time goes on.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-30, 10:45 PM
Loki's Brigade

To Birds of Prey: (EspD +++) We can send our agents to help sabotage the Architect's machines. However we may need a better offer before I can send in our military.

To England (Private Meeting) Would you allow us to handle the Army of the Architect first or is this deal now or never?

2011-07-30, 11:01 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -

Mountain King ++-

I'll do what I can to keep the pressure on, but I can't do it alone. And Loki's Brigade is being more difficult than I'd hoped. If I can't round up some more support and soon, the AotA is going to have the opportunity to rebuild, possibly even better than before if the Algerians actually help them. If we let them sit, they're going to turn into a colossus that no one will be able to stop. And then they'll just roll over all of us until they're big enough to take on one of the major powers. It will not end well. Is there ANYTHING you can do to help us right now?

Loki's Brigade EspD:+++

A better offer? You volunteered to help fight the AotA! The only offer here is a joint attack against them, to wipe them out before they can attack the rest of us! Now you want us to pay you?

You know what, take whatever spoils you want from the battle. Loot the Algerians if you want, I don't care. But the Army of the Architect needs to die here, and I don't think we can kill it without your support. Have you never heard of enlightened self-interest? Helping us stop the AotA is going to look very good for us, might even get the bounty off your people's heads. Not to mention what may become the greatest threat Europa has ever seen will have been nipped in the bud before it could threaten the rest of us.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-30, 11:14 PM
Loki's Brigade

Birds of Prey (EspD +++): Look, I know the Army of the Architect is a threat that needs to be stopped. And I am aware of the positive PR it will bring. That is why I previously offered to fight them. That is why I am sending covert agents to help sabotage them.

However, a new matter has come up. I need to be certain that directing a sufficient amount of my military towards breaking this stalemate will not ruin a once in a lifetime opportunity before I can agree to anything else.

Unless you can somehow offer more than what the favor of a superpower is worth.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-31, 12:12 AM
Mountain King

To the Birds of Prey

ESPD: ++-
Alright. This is the Mountain King himself. Sorry for the presumption, but I think I need to talk with you before we screw up things beyond repair.

First off, we are doing several things to take care of the Architect's clanks, but none of them are going to do much in the short term. When Algiers told everyone "We're fine, go home!", that showed us that this would not be a problem that could be solved in the short term. The coalition was shaky enough to begin with, this and the pirate assault on coalition allies were nails in the coffin.

Moreover, Algiers committed itself by saying that anyone fighting the Architect in Algeria was declaring war against Algeria. That changed it even further. In fact, if only Loki's brigade is actively backing you and they're falling back to half measures, then you should probably cancel the fight altogether. It's not worth annoying the world's best sparks, who, hopefully, have their reasons for acting like this.

Finally, the last thing we have to worry about is them rebuilding better than before.

They are NOT going to let anyone with the Spark look at them, in order to improve their baseline. They do NOT have the Spark themselves.

As such, they might scoop up a few minor individual inventors, and improve some of their support weaponry here and there in minor ways, but they will NOT commit to a major overhaul. They'd be fools if they did, because that would be the end of them.

You see, they're the most advanced clanks in Europa right now. Hell, they could probably give the legendary muses of the Storm King a run for their money. Any Spark who had the capability of improving them would be able to enslave them just as easily. An army of clanks, with that annoying independance bit wiped away, under his command. You know many sparks who could resist that? Hell, I'M tempted. Which annoys me, but that's neither here nor there.

But this is the secondary reason why we think they have to be destroyed. They're a game breaker otherwise, for whoever finally manages to crack their code.

We're pretty sure that several of the powers are cosying up to them right now with that in mind. We're also pretty sure that many of the powers are hanging back right now with that end goal in mind. The ones that aren't either despise them or are strong enough to ignore them.


No, we don't have to worry about them upgrading us into oblivion.

Anyway, this letter grows long. We recommend that you pull back. Build up your position, work against them subtly, but don't bring armies to the table now. Save your strength, and we'll tackle them with a sturdier coalition at a time and location of our choosing.

The hardest thing in the world is patience, especially for those with the Spark. But it's the deadliest weapon in the world.

Do as you will, and good luck.

-Signed and sealed
-The Mountain King

2011-07-31, 12:27 AM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -

Mountain King EspD: ++-

You know what, everything you said makes perfect sense.

Speaking as a non-spark who doesn't necessarily understand how the hell clanks worked, I just assumed that they would be trying to upgrade themselves as much as possible. But you're right. Perhaps waiting out the storm in safe harbor is a better idea.

I'll have to make sure not to make the mistake of assumption again. Thank you for this information.

(OOC: I wasn't talking to the Mountain King before? Then who the hell was I talking to? :smallconfused:)

Loki's Brigade EspD: +++

Fair enough, we cannot match the favors of a superpower. In that case, without you I don't think we'll have the forces to take on the AotA head on, so I suppose the attack is being canceled and the Coalition dissolved.

Everyone but the Army of the Architect and Algeria

As no one has been exactly rushing forward to assist us in our efforts to destroy the Army of the Architect, it appears that we will have to abandon our efforts and officially disband the Coalition. We simply haven't the resources to fight them on our own, sadly.


Sorry about not getting a response down to you sooner, I've been a little busy of late.

As you might have seen, we've pretty much giving up trying to organize an attack on the AotA. No one seems willing to commit anything. If you still wish to meet, I can meet with you shortly.

Lizard Lord
2011-07-31, 12:28 AM
Loki's Brigade

To the Birds of Prey: (EspD +++) Some good points have come to us. However our other deal may go, we must insist that you gather other allies to aid our military. A war against the Architect's creations may not be the optimal choice for us if we do not have support. Even with the sabotage, I imagine we would win with severe losses. The PR would not be high enough, nor is the Army's threat great enough to be worth such losses. If you are still set on fighting those warclanks, contact us after you have gathered another ally.

2011-07-31, 01:16 AM
United Italian Merchants (Esp ++)
Noble Tradesmen of Italia,

Your request for collected tax funds has been refused, on the basis that you have made no similar request of any other nation in the Mediterranean that charges for passage through their waters. There is the additional complication that, during the period of collection, you were not a united organization, and as such any such repayment would be complicated by the issue of proper distribution.

As for passage through the Strait, you are correct in assuming that we don't control it directly. However, command falls to the Duke, who is currently in our custody.

That being said, would there be any surprises waiting for us should we attempt to collect on the bounty?

Red Anthony


King Salcedo,

If your debt is settled, then you have nothing to gain from aiding Tangiers than to take for yourself what you have so recently sold. Or, in the case of the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun, to conquer that which has been so recently liberated.

The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun pursued conflict with the Confederacy by trying to hire Loki's Brigade to attack us, so we pursued military action against them to overturn their government before they could take action against us. As a bonus, we liberated the most miserable people in Europa after the victims of the Other.

The Duchy of Tangiers was unwilling to negociate passage through their waters, unlike ourselves, and explicitely told us so. Since it would be neccesary to pass through the Strait to help your western neighbor recover from oppression and bring them up to our level, we thought it was neccesary to assert political dominance over the Strait.

If you will refrain from attempting to reinstate or replace the Kingdom's previous ruler, we will withdraw our naval presence from the waters of Tangiers without further incident, and will see if they're more willing to negociate passage through the Strait for the purposes of maintaining our newly acquired territory.

Red Anthony

2011-07-31, 02:34 AM
To Everyone
I think I should make this clear. The Italian Merchants' bounty is only on the Mediterranean pirates. Not because they like other pirates or anything, but simply because they haven't been affected by any others.

Birds of Prey OOC
Well the Heterodynes pretty much terrorized Europa all by themselves. From what I can tell they pretty much won every war they got into. So whatever their actual numbers are they are pretty much as effective as an army. Plus there are the actual jaegergenerals which implies the presence of a jaeger army. Plus you're assuming the Jaegers are the entirety of what you are dealing with. There is also the entire set of Heterodyne lands along with all the attendant towns and minions. The actual Heterodyne boys might be gone, but everything else is still there. The Jaegers are simply the most visible and iconic of them remaining forces. That's why it's the Heterodyne/Jaeger, and not just the Jaegers.

Italian City States to the Birds of Prey
We think you misunderstand, this is a purely defensive alliance. If Italy is attacked then we will band together, because the alternative is to die one by one. We do not however have any interest in pursuing a unified foreign policy. There is too much dissension amongst ourselves for that.

England to Loki's Brigade
Do what you wish. As long as you make some progress on harassing the Celts we don't care what you do otherwise. Although we do think attacking the Army of the Architect seems a sure way to ensure a new pirate king will soon be attending these negotiations.

Italian Merchants to the Corsairs
You misunderstand, we keep an exact accounting and we know down to the last item how much you "taxed" and how much you plundered from our ships. We are not pleased with the taxation as you call it, but we did not ask for it back precisely because as you said it amounts to a toll. A toll we can live with. We can not live with our ships being plundered, which your pirates have done. Pay us + econ to compensate for our losses in that area and we will call it even. Do not worry about distributing it. All the merchants who have suffered losses at your hands are part of the guild now, we will distribute it fairly amongst the owners of the ships you raided.

And we doubt you control the duke. Who would be fighting you in the Tangiers if that was the case. Go ahead attempt to collect any bounties you want. We will pay you. Of course all the other bounty hunters collecting their payments may decide to kill you to collect the additional gold, but what do you expect.

OOC: (You don't have the duke captured. His family yes, but VIP heads of state can slip out of that sort of thing. In this case I am assuming he was leading the defense from the front, and wasn't in his palace at the time you attacked. I did mention you had been extremely successful in your slipping in, and that noone else had even realized. Well that also means everyone else thinks your full of it when you claim to control the Strait.)

Spain to the Corsairs
I am not involved in this out of my own self interest. You are simply pirates threatening my neighbors. I do this not to gain for myself, but because you have crossed a line and must be stopped before you wreak anymore havoc.

In the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun you have liberated nothing. The people of the land may not have been the happiest, but neither were they worst off either, and if the Kingdom chose to hire mercenaries to attack a group of pirates that is not a bad thing. Their particular chose of mercenary may have been bad, but that is not reason for us to deny them our aid.

And if the Duke decided to deny you passage that is his prerogative as the controller of those waters. One we have never entirely agreed with, but his prerogative nonetheless. Your claims of doing this for the good of the people are laughable. You are simply trying to buy time to loot as much as you can and escape. As are your attempts to negotiate with us. Your forces are divided and completely outnumbered. Withdraw your troops if you wish them to survive, but we see no reason to give anything in return.

King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo

2011-07-31, 02:50 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

The big world powers are too concerned with their own affairs to intervene in the squabbling of lesser nations and ambitious Spark could exploit it.

Castel Dracul, first time after it's ascension landed on the ground. Servants and soldiers and other things start to secure bordears of the newest state.. Prince made open announcement:

Nations of Europe!

After hundreds years of exile, proud nation of Transylavnia found it's place. Tsar conferred us that land. We are open to negotiate peace treaties, trade agreements and cooperation is sciene projects.

Prince Vlad Dracul II

2011-07-31, 03:34 AM
The Glorious Army of The Architect

Italian Merchant Guild

''You dare to compare us to mere pirates? You dare to doubt our word? How very brave of you.

We took victory trophies as is normal warfare practice. It is a fixed percentage, for we feel no greed and when we were offered more, we declined. You dare to criticize the way we conduct military campaigns. What do you know of war, Merchant? What do you know of the Total War Stratagems? Do not presume to judge, that which you don’t understand. You may be right about the Corsairs, for piracy isn’t our purview, but do not dare to claim we are something less then soldiers. We negotiate, we accept surrender and we have our honor.

Ah, the worst insult of all… Glorious Army always keeps its word. Always. Even if all the armies of Europe would stand against us. Even if it means our utter destruction. And I give my word, that unless you apologize here and now, you will face the consequences of your impudence.

So what would you say Guilder?''

Theocratic Technocracy of Algiers

As the Silver-Gold Sprongle is mounted in Algiers, the news of the Glorious Army’s protection are spread around the region. Only the madmen and suicidal will dare to strike against the Technocratic Theocracy of the Algiers, lest they invite the full wrath of the Glorious Army of The Architect.

To GM Only

I’d like to scare all pirates away from the Algerian trade routes, make the brigands abandon their criminal trade and TTA’s rebellious population suck it up and continue working hard for their government. My reputation should provide a good mental image of what would happen, if they don’t. I think I can basically use my WO instead of my Military for this operation, since my goal is to scare everyone away, not destroy them. My goal is to boost TTA stats, but only as long as they remain my Protectorate.

Also, Pirates scared away from Algerian shipping should focus on somebody else. I’m not hunting them, as long as they leave TTA alone.

2011-07-31, 03:49 AM
Italian Merchants to GAA
It is true we do not know much of war, but that is what makes us say you are pirates. For we know the practices of pirates very well. And you fit their practices perfectly. You may go after larger prey than simple merchant ships, but that just makes you a larger pirate. And if you think otherwise then your clockwork needs to be examined by a competent spark.

You can do that, but it won't have much affect. The majority of the pirates raiding the Algerian coast are Corsairs. Most independent pirates can't operate in Corsair waters anyway. So they mostly operate down in the other end of the Mediterranean near Greece and Constantinople.

2011-07-31, 04:05 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

DESP +++++
To Loki's Brigade

Pirate King
We can't help but notice we are very close to each other and we could have some common ventures to mutual benefit. Would you mind private meeting with our envoy?

Prince Vlad Dracula II

To Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
King Rafeal Radagozki,
we are now close neighbours, can we negotiate peace treaties? Also we could help with that Baltic Raiders, who attacked your coastline

Prince Vlad Dracula II

Lizard Lord
2011-07-31, 05:08 AM
Loki's Brigade

Princedom of Transylvania (EspD +++)

Very well, send your envoy and we will see what you can offer us.

2011-07-31, 07:08 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

To Birds of Prey DESP +++++

Greetings Falcone,
Would you be intrested in making a deal? As you are awere, our secret service not formed in Europe yet. Is offer of (+Economy) to buy information worthy of consideration for Birds of Prey?

Prince Vlad Dracula II

To Loki's Bridge

Small airship with envoy was sent immediately upon receiving the reply.

2011-07-31, 07:59 AM
Glorious Army of The Architect to Italian Merchants (Esp. ++-)

''So you persist in belittling us. We are the perfect creations of the Architect. Your insult of the quality of our clockwork is something that the Glorious Army of The Architect can’t tolerate. We give you three options:

1. Apologize Now.
2. Send your representative for a one on one duel. If our champion wins, we will take the head of the one, who delivered this insult.
3. Refuse our mercy and we will decide the issue on the field of battle.''

2011-07-31, 08:15 AM

The Fugger Bank established

The Kingdom of Hessen-Thüringia is now home to one of the largest financial institutions in Europa, the Fugger bank. Operating under a guarantee of secrecy to all investors, contributors and clients, they regardless boast powerful defensive measures (the Hessen-Thüringia branch is located in a massive floating fortress) and large financial might.

We would like to offer everyone the opportunity to invest in the Bank. The profits of the Bank's investments will be given out to investors according to the terms of their contract.

((Basically, the Bank is an entity separate from my nation. I'm the public face for now, but it's a product of cooperation with a bunch of nations. Mechanically, it works like this:

People sign a contract and put Perm Econ in the Bank. The Bank uses all it's Temp Econ allotment every turn to increase it's Econ. Then, after a time has passed as stated in the contract, people can withdraw their Perm Econ plus profits. The GMs have stated that using a large amount of Econ at once to increase it has significant percential bonuses, plus the nations behind the Bank will be using Spark research to increase this boost. So you'll be gaining a bit more cash than you would just for using your own Econ, plus it'll be safe from any raiders or pirates.

You can withdraw your money whenever you wish, but if you do not keep it there for the period of time agreed upon in the contract, you won't gain the extra profits. Mainly because there won't be any, of course. :smalltongue:

If you're interested in depositing money, send a PM. The Bank will never reveal the names or details of anyone, even if there's no contract signed in the end.))

To Algeria:

Hm. We're interested, of course, but currently have no funds available.

We'd be more interested about acquiring this technology for ourselves. Algeria is far away and the journey is dangerous.

To GM:

The Fugger Bank will be doing their best to attract NPC investors. Private citizens and nations alike. Basically, it's extra cash for them, and it's completely legit.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-31, 11:25 AM
Mountain King
To Birds of Prey
ESPD: ++-

Thanks. Don't worry, we'll get plenty of opportunity to oppose them again, in the time to come. We've done well so far... We've shown that they aren't invincible.

(OOC: Before, you were talking to a couple of generals who were managing the coalition interface. The Mountain King's big on putting the right person in the right job. He's also anti-social, so he tries to minimize his own personal contact with others.)

To Prince Vlad Dracula the II
Welcome back to Europa, Prince Vlad. We'll offer you the same thing we've offered all nearby nations... A mutual defense pact against pirates and the Glorious army of the architect clanks. If they come for any of us, we should band together to smash them. What do you say?

2011-07-31, 11:35 AM
United Italian Merchants
Noble Tradesmen of Italia,

Would collecting bounties while declining the payment for them work as an acceptable method of repayment? It would help secure the waters for honest vessels, and eliminate the risk of reparations being plundered by bounty hunters, those turned pirate or otherwise.

Red Anthony


King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo,

We are not pirates threatening your neighbors. We are a confederacy that had war declared against it by one of your neighbors that we have since won. We are willing to withdraw our forces from Tangiers, and work toward rebuilding the Kingdom as an extension of our nation. As with the rest of our territory, it will be secured by our military. As with the rest of our territory, the people will be happy. As with the rest of our territory, there won't be a single Revenant or Other relic that isn't destroyed beyond the capacity to be a threat. If you have a problem with that, we are willing to discuss the matter in a civilized matter.

Red Anthony

2011-07-31, 12:07 PM
"You know this is never going to work."

"Why? Just because it would radically change the balance of power in Europa?"

"No, because it will be impossible for all of us to coordinate our outfits to match it while still looking different enough."


"Don't give me that look, I know you were thinking the same thing."

Holy Theosophic Empire

Mountain King
We are still committed to the destruction of the ravagers of Algeria. We have an alpha strike option that will serve us well in this regard.

That bank of Murska's...
A: My nation was already doing banking for a good chunk of Europa.
B: What would happen if someone were to capture or destroy that fortress?
C: Could I do the same thing or usurp being the public face of it?

2011-07-31, 12:25 PM
Italian Merchants to GAA
And that was years ago, clanks break down. It is no fault of your own we understand that. If you wish we can hire some sparks to repair you. Perhaps the clockmakers of Switzerland. They are renowned for their skills and are completely neutral. Until you are repaired however we must regard you as the dangerous rogue creations that you are.

Italian Merchant Poster (Esp ++-)
To all the mercenaries of the world. We the merchants of Italy are in need of troops. The army of the Architect has decided that we should be its next target. We offer you this chance to help defeat, for glory, honor, and triple your normal exorbitant fees.

United Italian Merchants to Corsairs
That would be acceptable.

Spain to the Corsairs
Even taking your claim that you are legitimate nation at face value there are several problems with it. First the kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun never declared war on you. My archivists have searched through my agents logs and the only thing which they ever did was try and persuade the Loki Brigade to work against, an offer which failed and one which they didn't pursue. Second you presume that you have won. You have not. You have taken a few coastal towns, but King Matinize is still in control of the vast majority of his kingdom. And while his army might be diminished it is still extant and working with my own. He has asked me to help and I see no reason not to aid a neighbor who has been trustworthy for years over you.

And even beyond all that I do not wish to have you as a neighbor. You say that the people will be happy. With a group of pirates former or otherwise governing them, I think not. You say you will secure it with your military. How? Your military is already stretched thin, and by your own admission without the Strait under our control the kingdom of the beshadowed sun is cut off from the rest of your fleets. You say that the relics of the Other would be destroyed. But of course they would be since all kingdoms do that. In fact we trust you to destroy them less than we do King Matinize. While this conversation is amusing I think we no longer have anything to say to each other. You have until our armies reach yours to escape, after that we will be done talking.

King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo

To Theosophs
A. You had it in your fluff, but hadn't committed anything to it, plus you just got raided hard, not many people are going to want to leave their money in your keeping anymore.

B. They would secure most of the bank's assets in Hessian Thuringia.

C. You could try, but it would become a WO fight between your two banks, and you'd need to use espionage to infiltrate it unless Murska allowed you to become the spokesman which I doubt.

2011-07-31, 12:55 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To Hessian-Thuringia [+++]
I'm afraid, much like your Fugger Bank, we plan to continue advancing our technology as time passes. We could offer you what we have now, but within a few years it will be obsolete.

It is understandable that you would have no resources at this time, founding the Fugger bank must have been expensive. We are willing to negotiate a payment scheme, if that would be easier on your finances.

2011-07-31, 02:14 PM
To Algeria:

We were debating the pros and cons, but if you intend to make your technology more effective, then I believe we can wait. We are under zero threat of effective invasion, having secured defensive pacts with every single nation anywhere near us, so growing our personal military can wait a few years. And once your technology is more effective, it will also be cheaper, and we will have more money thanks to the Bank.

Good luck for your venture, however. :smallsmile:

2011-07-31, 02:38 PM
Glorious Army of The Architect to Italian Merchants (Esp. ++-)

You have declared bounties on the pirates.
You have called The Glorious Army of The Architect pirates.
Did you expect us to just sit there, as assassins hunt us down under your contract?

We have politely asked you to revise your statement.
You have refused to concede that Glorious Army isn’t a pirate force in a thoroughly insulting manner. If you wish for war, we are perfectly happy to oblige.

We give you two choices:
1. An honorable duel.
2. A war.

[Edit: I'm dropping the ''Head of Insulter'' request, as long as they provide anybody to fight a duel (condemned prisoner, hired skilled duelist), and drop the implication of the bounty on GAA, I'll resolve this in peace.]

To The United Celtic-Irish Clansmen [PM-Level Secrecy)

''Your invitation for us to join you in the war against England is certainly interesting. We are however concerned with Her Majesty’s Secret Service. It is an honorable thing to fall on the battlefield, but destruction in the blaze of sabotage is something even we are reluctant to face.''

2011-07-31, 02:44 PM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Bulgarian Empire
Initially, it was to ensure that our interests were aligned. I'm glad to see they are. Would you be willing to send a representative to Constantinople? I would like to discuss working on a few projects together to bring our empires closer together and to ensure the defense of our area of Europa.

Your majesty,

As managers of the Constantinople canal and lock system, the Celestial Empire is deeply concerned with the happenings in Gibraltar. Would you receive one of our representatives to discuss the happenings?

Alexander V

The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria
Your offer intrigues us. We would, however, be more interested in the technology than a single purchase. Would you mind if we sent representatives to your country for discussion? I have some ideas on how we might cooperate...

Olympias IV

Birds of Prey
It seems the Coalition has disbanded before word reached me. I'm hesitant to pledge forces to the cause when the defenders gave up so easily last time and gained nothing.

2011-07-31, 03:03 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -

Italian Merchants

What you are doing is monumentally stupid. Just apologize to the damn clanks, so that we keep war out of Italy.

If you refuse, then AFTER the war with the AotA, assuming any of us survive it, I will personally make sure to find every one of you that caused it and have your heads removed from your shoulders. The heads will then be revived and preserved in a Perpetual Torment Machine. That's a machine that runs on the energy from the pain it causes. It will run forever. Have I made myself clear?

Maria Lombardi, The Eagle

"Glorious" Army of The Architect EspD: ++-

Ok, I don't find those Merchants much less annoying than you do, but I need you to understand something. If you bring war to Italy, we will fight you tooth and nail. Even if you kill us all, we will put events into motion to make sure that every single clank in your army is reduced to scrap, and that scrap will then be melted down to make nails which will be used to make outhouses.

What I'm saying is, it's really just best that you ignore the stupid merchants.

Maria Lombardi, The Eagle

Celestial Empire EspD: +++++

I apologize, but the Doge is away at a meeting and cannot actually respond.

But yes, we were unfortunately not able to get anyone else to commit to the fight, so it seems our hope of ending the AotA on our terms is gone for now.

That doesn't not mean, however, that we do not still need your assistance, you highness. The Merchant's Guild of the Independent Italian States has been, to put it frankly, dealing quite foolishly with the AotA. They seem to have insulted the clanks, (as much as clanks can be insulted) and the AotA sounds as if it may soon declare war on them. And by extension, war on Italy. If this happens, can we get your support in order to protect our lands?

Maria Lombardi, The Eagle

Mountain King EspD: ++-

It seems that despite our attempt to back down, we may be fighting the AotA soon anyway, your highness.

The Italian Merchant's Guild has "insulted" the AotA. I fear this may lead to war on Italian soil. And we haven't the forces to combat them. And frankly, I don't count on the Corsairs to help us. If this should come to pass, would there be anything you could do to aid us?

Maria Lombardi, The Eagle

Princedom of Transylvania EspD: +++++(?)

Of course Prince Dracul, we are always willing to accept payment for information. Although the price will tend to vary based on the nature of the information.

Now, was there something specific you wanted us to find out, or did you simply want to know if we'd found out anything pertaining to you?

2011-07-31, 03:14 PM
Celts in Exile

And as soon as our alliance with the nearby German states is finalized, I want our diplomats in each state to be officially named ambassadors. Oh, and tell the new ambassadors that they are to illustrate the advantages of being comrades with us, and to ever influence the states to join with us. Now, on to other business-

With a squelching noise, one of the servants pulled off an uncomfortable looking, but very impressive flesh mask, pulling a gun out of... somewhere, Haha! And now, with your death, O'Brien of the Celts, I will finally be recognized for my genius as a spy. Ahahaha- *whump*

Thank you Griswold, this was directed at the rather large German who seemed to have come from nowhere, had a clank arm instead of his left, and had just rendered the British spy unconscious. Now, just in case he wasn't alone, have all these servants dragged to the sparks for their espionage research. He can join them after we've tortured what little information he has out of him. Grab that mask too, have them analyze it, see if they can recreate it. With a bow, Griswold silently picked up the man, the mask, and one of the servants, showing no outward strain. The rest of the small pack of servants were herded along by other guards, as O'Brien shouted after them, Oh, and send a page up here, I have more messages to dictate.

EspD: ++++

To German states
I am glad to hear that an alliance is acceptable to you, and would propose a military and economic alliance. However, it saddens me that you are unwilling to do the best thing for your people and join us more fully. Risk there is I admit, but taking risks is the best fastest way to achieving a better world for us and our own. Sparks are the living embodiment of this idea, for is there truly a riskier way to discover new technology? And yet they do, we owe a large number of the most recent technological advancements to Sparks. I admit, it is easier to let others take that risk and simply be satisfied with the dregs of their success, but there is a reason why Germany is not a power to rival England or Spain.

But enough of that, if there is any way I can change your mind on this subject, please let me know. Most of our correspondence will be through ambassadors now, but I am ever available to an ally if you need direct communication.

to Hessen-Thüringia
Your bank idea is most intriguing, but I am curious how you intend to assuage the fears of your clients with regards to the return of their investment. I, of course, am willing to trust in a small amount; after all, our interactions have been rocky, but peaceful. Perhaps if you allowed each nation to donate up to one + of Mil or EspO to provide security for the bank and it's assets it would help, as well as creating a place that truly is the safest place for the world's wealth.

to United Irish and Celtic Clansmen
It occurs to me, that since espionage departments are used to operating across distances, and since we are two heads of the same people, that we should combine our spy networks and work together to keep one another safe as well as uncover the secrets of enemy nations. Also, the Technocratic Theology of Algeria has made us an offer of Clanks for money, I am uncertain if we should accept, though I'm leaning towards no.

2011-07-31, 03:19 PM
to Celts in Exile:

Well, of course the Bank would be glad to accept any offers of Military or Espionage sent to protect them. However, rest assured that we have already taken measures to shield our investments. We have a large number of Military forces and a fully reasonable Espionage detachment as well, drafted from the various founder nations of the Bank.

As for the Bank paying back it's customers. If they would withhold payment, they would lose all trust of their clients. And, said clients control the armies that protect the Bank. All in all, it feels like a bad idea.

However, in the end, it's a matter of trust. It's possible for the Bank to steal the cash it's given. But that would probably lead to it's destruction by furious clients.

2011-07-31, 03:59 PM

Bulgarian Empire
Greetings neighbors. We would like to know your interest in a defensive alliance. We both live under the shadow of a powerful enemy, and I think together we stand a better chance of surviving.

2011-07-31, 04:10 PM
Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To the Celestial Empire [+++++]
I am intrigued to hear what these ideas might be. You may send your representatives.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-31, 05:02 PM
The Mountain King
To the Birds of Prey
ESPD: ++-
If they put out a call for help, we'll help, but I really don't know what we can afford to send that'll make a difference. We'll send SOMETHING to show the flag, but I don't know if it'll do much to affect the final outcome. We can't afford for this to turn into another Algiers debacle.

2011-07-31, 05:07 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

Castel Dracul
Prince Vlad Dracula II was found in round room called simply "map room". In the center of the chamber was the great table from which it took its name, a massive slab of carved wood fashioned at the command of his Father, Count Dracula. The Table was more than fifty feet long, perhaps half that wide at its widest point. Dracula’s minions had shaped it after the land of Europe.

"Establishing power structure is going as swift as you expected, your Grace" -said Ivan Kossak, chief of secret service - but we encounter some problems in coastlines. Some barbaric tribes style them self as Pirates and rulers of Baltic"

"Deal with it with all your force. I will assign sufficient military force to secure our boarders and if everything is going according to plan soon we will wipe them from sea. Igor? "

Professor Igor, chief of Transylvania Resurrection Institute muttered "We made improvements, but we still need more test subjects."

"Consider it done. Soon we will start." Prince glanced at report from Count Shrad.


To Mountain King

Mountain King,
Thanks for your kind words. I am man of Science and as such I recognize word "pirate" as too broad and undefined. But named opponent is different. We agree to make defensive pact against Glorious Army of the Architect. Could you send us current list of nations involved in that pact?

Prince Vlad Dracula II

To Birds of Prey

Maria Lombardi, The Eagle

We offer simple bargain.. Princedom will pay you -economy in advance to localize home and main bases of so called Skuldling Tribes or Baltic Raiders. After yours information prove correct we will pay you additional - Economy. Then we will consider further mutually beneficial agreements.

Prince Vlad Dracula II

To MG only, PM level
Fluff indicate that: I use my full DESP to secure country from crime, pirates etc. Boost to morale. Then I use my +++ MIL to extermination of pirates around our part of sea, but nothing far-fetched. Of cours we take all corpses for experiments and creating constructs. All Sparks we have are working on improvement of that process. + ECO is for that aim too.

Lost Demiurge
2011-07-31, 07:05 PM
Mountain King
To Prince Vlad Dracula II
ESPD: ++-

Prince, the two pirate nations we are referring to are the Corsair Confederacy and Loki's Brigade. They have shown the organizational structure and inclination to conduct raids upon nations without warning or honor. Currently, only Hessen-Thuringia is joined with us in this pact, though the offer is open to any of the nations in or around what was once Germany.

Your joining the pact against the Architect's forces gives us cause for relief. The legends of your father's prowess in battle are still recounted among my subjects today. Should the clanks seek an assault, we look forward to standing side by side with you and your forces.

2011-07-31, 09:11 PM
United Irish-Celtic Clansmen:

To the Celts in Exile:
I cannot address the possibilities of the Clanks that Algeria has offered, unfortunantly. But I have thought over our Espionage networks. And since we both transmit our messages via them, why not take it to the next level and combine them? I agree fully with your suggestion, as we can both benefit from such colaborration.

On another front, the Army of the Architect has some reservations about joining our war against England, merely for the fact that the espionage of England would quickly deal a greivous blow to their forces.

I will continue to try and work them to aid us, and by proxy have Algeria offer it's services as a proctorate, as having them with us will aid our aims. I will stay away from the Bank of Hessen, though.

To the GAotA:(PM level Security)
I understand your fears, but you need not worry. For we both know that neither of us is ready yet to face the forces of the Queen and win.

I intend to work with you in your own goals, helping you as we both grow stronger. And when both you and I as well as your protectorate state of Algeria have the spies and armies to face the English properly, then we will fight for the honour of my people, and for the Glory of the Army of the Architect. Patience is the key to any war.

Is there anything at the moment that you would seek help with?

2011-08-01, 03:53 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)


To Mountain King
We have pact then King. Our envoy will arrive with all nessesery paper work.

We are currently negotiating non aggression pact with Loki's Bridge, so I am forced to decline your' offer.

Prince Vlad Dracula II

2011-08-01, 04:13 AM
Glorious Army of The Architect to Irish-Celts Clansmen (PM-Level Secrecy)

''If you could send to us your most irredeemable criminals and rampaging spark wrought monstrosities, we would put good use to them. We will send airships to pick them up, should you agree.''

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-01, 09:07 AM
Mountain King

ESPD: ++-

To the Princedom of Transylvania
Yeah, okay. I can see how a pact against pirates could get awkward, with your current negotiations with Loki's Brood. Fair enough, the Architect's troops are the big worry anyway, the pirates are just being a lesser annoyance so far. For your envoy, we'll provide either a landing pad at Highpoint or an escort from our borders, whichever's your preference. I do recommend Highpoint, though. The wrecked surface of my homeland has a lot of hazards, the overland route is rarely uneventful.

-The Mountain King

2011-08-01, 03:20 PM
The Duchy of Tangiers

The Duke is very unhappy with his land being attacked. He has several captured pirates lined up in the Golden City's square, surrounded by soldiers. The crowd jeers at them, while the Duke speaks.

I have tried to be reasonable with pirate-kind. I have tried to be merciful, and I have tried to be understanding. I have offered pardons, I have offered positions, I have offered pay and comfort to these criminals in exchange for an end to their ways. But no. Cities are attacked, laws broken, civilians killed, goods stolen, houses burned.
This is unacceptable, and it ends now.
Their ways are just as monstrous as they are archaic. The world has grown smaller, the wilderness less dark. Their days are numbered. The inexorable march of progress will destroy them. Their kind will be buried under the tide of time, the advance of technology, the power of our resolve. "
The Duke looks hatefully over to the captured pirates, they are blindfolded, lined up against a wall, ready for execution. He gives a signal, and the turbaned soldiers of Tangiers raise their rifles.
Shots ring out, the pirates crumple to the ground, blood slowly seeping into the sand.

"Let the Crimson Corsairs and their allies know this: that this is no longer a police action. This is no longer "cleaning up the waters" or attempting to reduce crime. This is a war, a crusade, a blood feud that will not end until all of their kind lies dead on the beaches, their ships at the bottom the seas. I say this to the pirates that dared attack my Golden City: this is the final chapter in your lives. We will come for your friends. We will come for your families, your loved ones, your homes. We will come for you. And when we are finished, there will be no trace that you had ever existed except for bones in the sands of Tangiers."


Your Majesty,

This land was once yours, and I am prepared to make it a part of Mother Spain again. That said, I have terms:

-In perpetuity, the head of House Dragotti is to be the Hereditary Royal Minister of Finance and Intelligence, on behalf of the Spanish Crown.
-The Duchy of Tangiers, while a part of the greater Spanish Realm and under the authority of the Crown, is to be under the feudal mandate of the House of Dragotti, in perpetuity.
-Within the Duchy, the House of Dragotti shall be free to maintain its own military forces, on behalf of the Crown.
-While the Crown may be free to tax the Locks of Gibraltar, the Dragotti would like the privilege of overseeing them, as well as sharing in the profits, in perpetuity.
-My son, the Count of the Balearic, is to marry your eldest daughter, to ensure a happy union and alliance between our Houses.
-A dedicated effort by the Spanish Kingdom to wipe out piracy in the Mediterranean

Are these terms acceptable?

Sincerely Yours,
The Duke of Tangiers

2011-08-02, 04:21 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

Open letter to Duchy of Tangiers

We observe with great sadness conflict between yours nation and Corsairs. Yours last public statment about war and declaration of planned geocide makes me shed tears when I thought on countless live you are going to end.

But we see in the coming darkest hour of war crimes a spark of good. This is actually a priceless opportunity to advance science!

When you kill all yours enamy, sloughter their women and childrem, impale last toddler on spear, would you mind not waste the bodies? If you preserve them we will buy that raw material for reasonable price. We will use it to advane medicine. For happines, prosperity and well being of Europe.

Prince Vlad Dracula II

2011-08-02, 10:12 PM
Italian Merchants to the Glorious Army of the Architect
We think you misunderstand we have never put a bounty on you. The only ones we have put a bounty on are those pirates who have been hunting shipping in the Mediterranean. We still think you are pirates and will not change our minds as all the evidence fits that description. But unless you actively attack us we see no reason to waste money on you when we have more pressing concerns. Of course if your last message was an admission that you have been pirating in the Mediterranean then yes the bounty does apply to you and no we will not withdraw it.

Bulgarian Empire to Celestial Empire
Indeed I would be delighted to send an ambassador. In fact this message will itself be carried by one.

Italian Merchants to Birds of Prey
They are pirates and that is fact. If they find it insulting perhaps they should change their behavior so that they are no longer pirates. And quite honestly we are tired of pirates insisting on being treated as the equals of more honorable folk and demanding we ignore their bloody crimes. If they wish to attack then they will find us prepared, and if not then we do not care what they do.

And as for your threat. We remind you, Eagle, that you do not rule us. If the architects choose to attack and you choose not to help defend then we will understand, but do not attempt something so foolish as to attempt to punish those who you do not rule. We will regard any such action as an act of war. And we do not wish for Italian to fight Italian.

Bulgarian Empire to Theosophs
Greetings, I would of course be interested in an alliance. But perhaps you could clarify which powerful enemy you mean. There are many powerful forces in the world today, but we are enemies with none of them.

Spain to the Duchy of Tangiers
These terms are very much not acceptable. In essence you are asking to retain almost full independence while acting under the name and protection of Spain. Do not forget that is I who am helping you. You are not the one dictating terms.

- The current head of the House of Dragotti will be made the Royal Minister of Finance. The heirs of House Dragotti will receive the right to apply for the position in perpetuity, but must show show their merit as would any other applicant.

- The Duchy of Tangiers, while a part of the greater Spanish Realm and under the authority of the Crown, is to be under the feudal mandate of the House of Dragotti, in perpetuity.

- The House of Dragotti's current army will be integrated into the Spanish army. In return the Crown will guarantee the defense of the House Dragotti from hostile powers.

- The House of Dragotti will be given charge of the locks of Gibraltar. They may tax what they wish, but all Spanish vessels will have free passage.

- The House of Dragotti will pay its taxes directly to the Crown as assessed by the Crown's tax collectors.

- The Count of the Balearic, may marry the Princess Inés Emigdia Salcedo, my second eldest daughter.

We will indeed wipe out the pirates, but we will not be obligated to do so and not because you asked, but because they are blight that affects us all.

King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo

2011-08-03, 01:07 AM
Glorious Army of The Architect to Irish-Celts Clansmen (PM-Level Secrecy)

''If you could send to us your most irredeemable criminals and rampaging spark wrought monstrosities, we would put good use to them. We will send airships to pick them up, should you agree.''

United Irish-Celtic Clansmen to the Glorius Army of the Architect(PM Level Secrecy)

What are you considering doing with them? We can do this, it will take a short amount of time to do so though.

(OOC:What would this entail, mechanically?)

2011-08-03, 09:02 AM
Theosophs to Bulgarian Empire
Perhaps the nation now most visibly led by a species made for warmongering? You know, the one on our border.

2011-08-03, 10:49 AM
Great Unified Greek States (d.esp 4)

To Theosops
We are interested in a trade of ideas and resources. We have found that our latest venture has proven... lacking. It requires something much more than what we now have. What we seek is several gallons of your 'mystic waters'. In return, we can send engineers (and sparks) to your lands with the capability of building several Storm Towers

We also seek a defensive military pact. Should either of us be attacked, the other will do all they can to aide.

To Celestial Empire
Greetings! We of Greece wish to enter into a free trade pact (that is, trade with little to no tarrifs on transported goods) with your glorious empire. Both of us can benefit from this agreement.

2011-08-03, 11:52 AM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Great Unified Greek States
Trade between our nations would certainly beneficial. The Celestial Empire has begun establishing relations with the Theosophic & Bulgarian Empires, so we also feel that it may be appropriate for us to discuss a defensive alliance for our region. Peace in the Balkans will be a certainty if we can all agree to look out for each other.

Greetings to the mighty Jaegers,

The Celestial Empire sends its condolences regarding the unfortunate disappearance of the Heterodynes. If you wish to meet, we are eager to discuss the possibilities of helping each other. As the only nation that relies completely on the Constantinople locks for naval travel, we would like to offer you the possibility of lowering taxes and tolls. Also, our espionage forces are largely indisposed and we would like to offer them to the search for the Heterodynes. Please send a representative to Constantinople so we can discuss this and more.

Alexander V

Birds of Prey
I do not agree with the stances of the Italian City-States. Thus, I will not pledge my armies to their defense. If your friendly nation is threatened, however, I will reconsider.

Alexander V

2011-08-03, 12:07 PM
Holy Theosophic Empire

Bulgarian Empire, Celestial Empire, Greek Unified States
First, the order of your names was alphabetical, not an indication in any way of our opinions of you.

Second, due to the predations of groups like Loki's Brigade and the Grand Army of the Architect we propose the creation of a unified defensive alliance against external threats.

This treaty would consist of an agreement to solve all disputes between member nations internally and to preserve the security, culture, and prosperity of the region.

2011-08-03, 12:12 PM
GUGS (d.esp 4)

To Bulgarian Empire, Celestial Empire, Holy Theosops Empire
We agree to the proposal of a regional defensive and economic alliance. Such a thing could only benefit us all.

2011-08-03, 12:27 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ -

Celestial Empire EspD: +++++

What problems do you have with the Italian City States? Or are you actually thinking of the stupid Merchant's Guild? Because it's the Merchant's Guild that put the bounty on pirates and could quite possibly goad the AotA into invading Italy. Not at all the same thing.

If that happens, we will have to step in to assist our fellow Italians, and we ask that even if you wouldn't help them, you would help us in that endeavor.

Italian Merchants

You misunderstand what our issue with you is. Our issue with you is that you aren't NOT a sovereign government. You're a guild. That is all. No more. Yet through your stupidity you may bring war to all of the real nations of Italy. That is unacceptable. And our "threat" as you put it is not a threat. I was simply telling you what the consequences of your actions would be. And I really don't care if we don't "rule" you. It doesn't make a difference to me.

Having said all of that, you are right. The AotA are horrible despicable things that need to be destroyed. The problem is, and I don't know if you noticed this, there isn't enough military force in Italy to fight them right now. Maybe at a later time, with preparation, we could win a fight with them. Or perhaps with the Corsair's assistance we would have a chance, but you've done a great job of completely pissing them off, haven't you? I'm saying that we must be patient, do what you must to appease them for now, so that we may plan their destruction later.

2011-08-03, 12:44 PM
The Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

Bulgarian Empire, Greek Unified States, Holy Theosophic Empire
I agree. The Celestial Empire would be glad to have friends for the sake of a defensive alliance and to lead to the prosperity of us all.

Alexander V

Birds of Prey
Ah, thank you for correcting me. It is indeed the Merchant Guild that I was thinking of. They seem to be establishing quite a poor reputation for the Italians. Less pirates would be good for any economic power in the Mediterranean, but provoking factions like the Corsairs and AotA does not seem wise. As for the Birds of Prey, we feel that we have established somewhat of a friendship with your nation and would be interested in helping defend you against hostility.

Alexander V

2011-08-03, 01:36 PM
Thesophs to GUS
An interesting offer. You specified my half in precise terms, but what about your offer? We would prefer something a bit more... concrete.

OOC: So are we trading intangibles or will there be stats involved?

2011-08-03, 01:37 PM
Birds of Prey

Celestial Empire

Thank you. With your help, we might actually survive an attack by the AotA.

Princedom of Transylvania

Unfortunately, the majority of our agents are already working on a "project" right now. Though I think we do this for you at a somewhat later time. (OOC: Already committed my espionage to something this turn, I should be able to do this for you next turn.)

2011-08-03, 06:46 PM
Holy Theosophic Empire to Mountain King
We could really use some miners for an emergency project. We need a bowl shaped hole (not a pit, but a space around an area) dug and quickly.

The alternative is a plague of death that will consume the bodies and souls of men. So you know, no pressure.

2011-08-03, 08:10 PM
Turn 3

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
In an abrupt reversal of the initial invasion the last of the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun's forces combined with a wide array of foreign elements. Forces from the Mountain King, Spain, and even a few hired mercenaries all formed into a series of massive columns that pummeled the Corsairs's positions. Stunned by the incredible fury of the retaliatory attack the Corsairs were quickly battered into submission, and not a single Corsair was reported to have escaped.

Duchy of Tangiers
The fight in Tangiers was much closer, as the Corsairs fought a desperate battle to get to their ships and escape. However between the Tangerian soldiers attacking them from the rear and the Spanish fleet bearing down on them from the north they too were quickly dispatched leaving the remaining Corsair fleet much diminished

Loki Strikes Again
Elsewhere however pirates had more luck. In the German territories of the Celts in Exile the Loki Brigade makes another of its standard high altitude drops, quickly bypassing border fortifications and striking directly at the capital. Celtic defenders strove valiantly to drive them off, but were ultimately outmatched by the ruthless pirates who quickly plundered the fallen defenders' lands. In a rather disturbing twist survivors report that a group of strange foreign soldiers traveling with the Loki Pirates took the actual bodies of the defenders as well. Many of the surrounding German Duchies responded to the attacks by sending troops to aid the defenders, but they were too late to catch the swift sky pirates.

The Skulding Raiders
Emulating their neighbors the Skulding raiding pirates gathered into one massive raiding fleet, and struck at the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. As the Skulding Tribes possess no airships the inland Polish defenders thought themselves relatively safe, and so were taken completely off guard when the entire Skulding raiding fleet sprouted legs and traveled overland to the capital, ransacking the countryside as they went. The defenders were unable to stop the walking fleet which proceeded to stuff as much gold and machinery as possibly into its cargo holds before heading back to the sea.

Germany Says No More
In a bold and unexpected move from the normally insular German people, a coalition has formed among the northern duchies. Declaring the Skulding tribes to be a blight upon Europa they rapidly formed a military assault and moved into the southernmost Skulding territories. Somewhat fortunately for the German Coalition they did so at the same time as the entire Skulding raiding fleet was away pillaging the Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth. As a result the German coalition has captured the entire territory of Denmark driving the few Skulding that remained behind back across the Baltic. The Germans are now entrenching for what they view as the inevitable counterattack.

Fugger Bank
The opening of the Fugger bank has proven quite an attraction as multiple nations deposit their hard earned gold in the bank's many branches. Estimates put the bank's current reserves at +++++ +++++ +++++ +- making it the largest bank in Europa despite its newness.

The Mediterranean Safe At Last
Declaring their complete and utter disgust with the unending pirate attacks the merchants of Italy have hired a mercenary fleet to wipe out all pirates in the Mediterranean. This combined with their previously bounty offer have worked wonders to clear every pirate from the area. Those few who survive have set sail for less well defended seas. This has left the Mediterranean trading routes as some of the safest in the world where previously they had been among the most dangerous.

For their hard line stance on the matter and willingness to spend what was necessary many have reappraised their views of the merchants who previously had a reputation as money grubbing spendthrifts. A few cynics view the situation as merely a cold blooded move to translate popularity into profits, however the majority of Europa now view the Italian merchants, and by association the Italian City States, much more favorably.

Bulgarian Empire to the Theosophs
You mean the Jaegers? They are no threat. I mean yes they are quite deadly, but I was friends with the Heterodyne Boys and many of the Jaegers themselves. They do love their fights, but without one of the bad Heterodynes to lead them they do not seek conquest. And for now they most likely scrambling to find their lost masters and not looking for fights at all.

Jaegergenerals to the Celestial Empire
Tradink iz for de pansy boys. Ve do not need it. Ve vould appreciate help in locatink de Heterodynes, but ve are qvite busy vith de search ourselves, if hyu veesh to talk in person hyu kan kome to us.

Bulgarian Empire to the Holy Theosophic Empire, Celestial Empire, Greek Unified States
Yes that would be most excellent. We personally do not fear that war will come to this portion of Europa, but an economic agreement between us all would be most beneficial.

Italian Merchants to the Birds of Prey
So you only regard kings as being above your jurisdiction then. Even if we are not rulers ourselves we are still part of states separate from yours. And do you think we go into this blindly. That we are doing this without consulting our various doges and dukes. No we have carefully calculated our chances. We have weighed how many mercenaries we can hire in time, and how many Italian soldiers each state will send and we are quite confident. If the Army of the Architect chooses to attack we will not only hold them off, but destroy them completely making Europa a much safer place. Do not look down on us Eagle your state may the most powerful in all of Italy, but the rest of us are not without our forces.

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun(ragingrage)
ESPD:+++++ -
ESPO:+++++ +-

Loki's Brigade(Lizard Lord)
MIL:+++++ +++

Mountain King(Lost Demiurge)
MIL:+++++ -
ECON:+++++ -

United Irish-Celtic Clansmen(bladescape)
MIL:+++++ +

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria(razovor)
SPK:+++++ +++++ +++-


ECON:+++++ +-
SPK:+++++ +++

Army of the Architect(Thelonius)
MIL:+++++ ++++
MOR:+++++ +
WO:(+++++ +)

Princedom of Transylvania(Madwand)
MIL:+++++ ++
SPK:+++++ +

Celts in Exile(Jallorn)
SPK:+++++ -

Birds of Prey(Sithis)
ESPD:+++++ +

Celestial Empire(TsukikoJ)
MIL:+++++ -
ESPO:+++++ +-

The Great Unified Greek States(Turalisj)


Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth(Greystone)
SPK:+++++ +

Duchy of Tangiers(Falconer)
MIL: ++-
ECON: +++++ +
SPK: +-
MOR: ++++
ESPD: +++-
ESPO: +++-
WO: +++

MIL:+++++ ++++-
ECON:+++++ +++++ +++++ +-
MOR:+++++ ++
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ ++
ESPO:+++++ -
WO:+++++ +-

MIL:+++++ +++++ +++
ECON:+++++ +-
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ +++++ +
ESPO:+++++ +++++ +-

MIL:+++++ ++-
ECON:+++++ +++++ +
MOR:+++++ +++++
SPK:+++++ +++-
ESPD:+++++ ++-
ESPO:+++++ +-
WO:+++++ +++++ -

MIL:+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
ECON:+++++ +++++ +++
SPK:+++++ +++++

Bulgarian Empire
MIL:+++++ +
ECON:+++++ +
WO:+++++ ++

MIL:+++++ +++++ +
MOR:+++++ ++

MIL:+++++ +
ECON:+++++ +++-

Confederation of the Clock
SPK:+++++ +++

Duchy of Molvia
ECON:+++++ +
MOR:+++++ +
WO:+++++ +

Wild Woods
MIL:+++++ +++++ ++-
ESPD:+++++ +++++ ++-

The Skulding Tribes
MIL:+++++ +++++ -
SPK:+++++ ++

German Duchies

Italian City States

Updated Map

Lizard Lord
2011-08-03, 11:22 PM
A Brigade spark known as Brom sneaks into Carmag's bedchambers and raises his automatic multipronged electroknife above Carmag's body. A gun is fired through the sheets and into Brom's chest, killing the madboy. Carmag rolls over, holds his pistol tight to his, mutters about how much he hated having to ruin his new Celtic bedsheets, and goes back to sleep.

Loki's Brigade

To Theosophs: (ESPD ++-) Did you think we would not monitor you or did you think the Brigade incapable? We know that you have sabotaged the fuel that we are helping you make. We know that if we used the fuel in our airships you would use it as a weapon against us. Give me one good reason not to terminate our arrangement and declare war on you.

To England (Private Meeting): We hope you appreciate our efforts in fighting the enemies of the the great queen. We would like you to know that, despite what others may think and what his title may imply, Pirate King Carmag honors his deals.

However, there is someone who has not honored their deal with us. Despite what we believed to be a peaceful solution, a trade partner has betrayed us. Worse, these oathbreakers tried to use the deal as a weapon against us. The Brigade would like to avoid open war, but there may be no choice. We hope that, should it come to war, honorable England would aid us in this matter.

To the Skulding Tribes (ESPD ++): We understand that the pitiful Germans have dared to declare war on you. We would like you to know that we honor and respect the Skulding Tribes. That is why we took our namesake from a piece of your history.

We have no doubt that you could defeat the Germans on your own. However, we believe that one can never be too prepared or use to much force to squash an enemy. Our stunt in the new Celtic lands taught us that. We also understand that your people hold a love for battle and may not mind one more minor enemy on the battlefield.

We may soon go to war with another. I say may because we are, perhaps foolishly, allowing them a chance to appease our wrath. Should they fail to do so however, perhaps Loki's Brigade and the Skulding Tribes could unite and work to destroy each of our enemies. Our enemy also dwells within Germany and would be on the way.

To Princedom of Transylvania: (Private Meeting)

We thank you for the support good prince. If you are still interested in joining our raids we are still interested in having you. We are in debate right now, but it seems likely that we may go to war with Theosophs. Interested?

2011-08-04, 02:32 AM
The Glorious Army of The Architect

The Glorious Army of The Architect is on the move. The last supplies are loaded and the entire Airship Armada rises above the clouds and leaves the shores of Algeria for the new destination.

To Hessen-Thuringia [Esp. ++-]

''I would like to ask you to help negotiate passage through the Germanic Duchies for the Glorious Army of The Architect. We will perform only a minimal required number of resupply stops and will not engage in the practice of forced requisitions.''

Lieutenant-General, Superior Tacticus VI

To GM Only

Destination is Wild Woods, through the Atlantic Ocean and Germanic Duchies, steering clear of the French and English navies.

2011-08-04, 05:02 AM
Hessen-Thüringia (EspD +++-)

To Army of the Architect:

We will try. But it may be wise to fly high above the clouds.

To German Duchies:

The warfare and raids have intensified lately. Perhaps you would be interested in storing a part of your funds with the Fugger Bank, just to be safe? ((OOC: Perhaps + Econ per Duchy? Seems reasonable to me.))

As a warning, our intel department working in collusion with the former Coalition states informs us that the Army of the Architect is going to pass over some of your lands. They do not appear to have any plans of fighting, they know it would lead to further destruction as the Coalition states would be supported by our defensive alliance, the Mountain King's forces and Lithuania, but just to be safe, please do not try to halt their passage. We are busy enough with the Northern raiders as we are.

To GM:

Since the deal with Molvia didn't go through, could I have some other NPC investors? I mean, we're a rather successful bank for being so new, and there's been a lot of raiding recently. No-one is safe. But my vaults have been untouched.

2011-08-04, 05:27 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

Castle Dracul, map room

"where is the Price?" Field Marshal Steffan Batory was eight feet tall, and with six grafted bat-like wings, talons capable of ripping steel was just intimidating. He was one of old Dracula creations, first construct with full intellectual efficiency without conscience or fear.

"In-n madness place, General" muttered Professor Igor.

"What this time, we must prepare. What he is doing?"

"He bought that device.."

"He what? From who?"

"Door-to-door salesman, I sup-"

"DOOR-TO DOOR?? He bought something from pesky death ray pedlar??


"It's joke then?" construct was furious.

"No, it was n-no death ray salesman.. it's was modiste. F-french modiste."

'After all' thought professor Igor with satisfaction, 'After all, that design is imperfect. He could be scared like s**t"

Birds of Prey (DEF+++++)

We currently invest all our assets with 'project'. But we will inform you if it would change.

Count Damien Shrad on behalf of Prince Vlad Dracula II

Loki's Brigade (PM level)

Your's raids are priceless opportunity to advance science, so yes. But war.. we have two concern. First why declare war, what they did to you? Second: The Skulding Raiders. You are from the same land, do you think you could help Transylvania negotiate pact of non-aggression with them?

Mountain King (PM level)

Envoy with letters from Castle Dracul landed in Highpoint. He requested meeting with King. OCC: contact me via PM

The Glorious Army of The Architect (DEF++-)

Greetings to the Glorious Army of The Architect,
Would you like to discuse privately some priceless opportunity for our two nations?

Count Damien Shrad on behalf of Prince Vlad Dracula II

2011-08-04, 05:32 AM
England to Loki Brigade (Private Meeting)
You mean that business with the Theosophs. Bunch of crazy nutters, nothing good can come of working with them we could have told you that. Of course you understand that England can't associate with you openly. But still we owe you a favor. So we offer you the use of our foreign affairs network for one action. Use it wisely.

The Skulding Tribes to Loki Brigade
And who might be your enemy be then. We love a good fight, but we do like to know who we'll be going up against.

German Duchies to Hessen-Thüringia
We don't know. The Fugger bank does seem to be a reasonable investment. But it has grown so fast. That is not normal, we will have to think on the matter some more.

On the other hand we thank you for your warning. We've been working to fortify our common borders for some time, but those blasted Loki were just too fast for us. With your advance warning though we'll be sure to blast those abominable clanks right out of the sky. And are you helping the northerners then. Well good luck to you. We don't care for the Skulding tribe, but it's no business of ours what they get up to.

German Duchies to the Mountain King
We apologize for not getting back to you in your earlier messages. We were heavily concerned with setting up our own internal defensive alliance. Anyway we know you're opposed to the Army of the Architect. Well we've just received word that they're going to be flying over our territory. Which we've just finished installing a new set of air defenses in. Interested in helping us take them out once and for all.

To Hessen-Thüringia
I will think about it, but honestly your vaults have been untouched because they were just created. I fully expect them to get raided by someone soon given all the warfare in this game. And the NPCs tend to be fairly conservative about things like where they put there money. If you want NPC investors your best bet is to invest some WO into advertising.

2011-08-04, 05:43 AM
to GM:

:smallfrown: I was hoping fluff would have some effect on the game as well.

Oh well, I don't really need more investors at the moment, it's just five more points of Econ in the vaults would speed up my plans by a turn.

To Thelonius (PM-level):

It, uhm, might be safer to use a different route. ((Feel free to read my message to the German Duchies and their response.))

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-04, 06:45 AM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-
To Holy Theosophic Empire

What did you do this time? Well, that's fine. We'll dispatch a mining team right away. Sad to say it, but stuff like this is par for the course for us. Owe us a favor depending on how difficult it is, and we'll call it square.

2011-08-04, 09:17 AM
Holy Theosophic Empire

Loki's Brigade
We are curious as to why you seem surprised. Without warning or provocation you attacked us, kidnapped our people and stole our property. We wouldn't have been able to use the additive unless you were directly over us which should only happen if you were stupid enough to attack us again.

You might also want to reconsider war though. We have not been idle gathering allies and another attack on us would be considered war with the Balkans at this point in time.

However, the jig appears to be up. Please inform whatever spies you have in our ranks that they may observe the removal of the additive from the designs.

Mountain King
We would be willing to offer you two favors if you use Clanks and let us wipe their memory after. We would suggest just turning the minions into bio factories but we felt that wouldn't go over well with your pro-population standpoint.

2011-08-04, 10:39 AM
To Hessen Thuriniga
You mean the fluff about multiple nations investing? That was all the PCs. There were quite a few of them. If you mean something else I'll take a look at it and let you know.

2011-08-04, 10:44 AM
to GM:

Nah, it's just I was hoping for stuff like, private citizens investing to protect their money since my Flying Fortress and large amount of publicity, stability and a quickly growing army would seem safer than nations like the Commonwealth or the Celts in Exile or the Theosophs who've just been raided. It seems a bit metagamey for everyone to think that I just haven't been raided 'yet' when the raiders have so far only picked soft targets who have been taken unawares.

I mean, I've been encouraging the raids exactly for that one reason.

2011-08-04, 11:05 AM
To Hessen Thuringia
The thing is that most private citizens, and governments, don't just have their money lying around. Either they need it for something, or else it's already stored somewhere. And for the stuff already in banks the majority of Europa's banks are in France. A country that it is a pretty hard target by anyone's standards. Also you've haven't actually invested anything in publicity. Lots of soldiers yes, but no actual publicity. People who pay attention to international financial institutes know about you, but as far the common person on the street is concerned the Fugger bank is no different from any other.

2011-08-04, 11:09 AM
to GM:

Wait. So if I conquer France, do I get extra Perm Econ for the Bank?

2011-08-04, 11:15 AM
To Hessen Thuringia
If you managed to survive then yes people would start to look for other banks. However you'd still need to seem like the best option and if you did it yourself then people probably wouldn't do their banking with someone who was a known invader. And if France repelled the attack, which is highly likely, it would just make them look tougher and better suited to handling the money.

2011-08-04, 12:22 PM
Birds of Prey

The citizens of the Three Cities rest a little easier when word comes out that Italy is likely not the next target of the GotA. However, the new military forces that have been commissioned in the last few months continue to train and drill, ever vigilant to defend Northern Italy from any threats.

Italian Merchants

You play a dangerous game, and you're betting the lives of not only your people, but ours as well. But very well, your gamble seems to have not played out badly, the GotA has found an easier target elsewhere.

Next time, feel free to clue us in if you have a plan like this, instead of just leaving us wondering if you'd gone mad. Believe it or not, but we'd like to see Italy flourish just as much as you would.'

Maria Lombardi, the Eagle


I apologize for not being able to send a message beforehand, but as our attempt to destroy the GotA fell through, we found that we did indeed have the time and ability to send agents out to look for information regarding the Heterodynes. We haven't found anything concrete yet, but we can keep looking, if that is your wish.

Silas Falcone, the Falcon

Princedom of Transylvania EspD: +++++

That is fair enough. Now that we are no longer actively attempting to destroy the AotA, our espionage services are available. If you ever feel you need my people, please doesn't hesitate to ask.

Dante Rizzo, the Hawk

Celestial Empire EspD: +++++

Well, the immediate threat from the GotA seems to have passed. Though we recommend you stay on alert for now, as we will.

Perhaps now we can find something we can cooperate on that isn't about war?

Silas Falcone, the Falcon

Lizard Lord
2011-08-04, 12:47 PM
Loki's Brigade:

To Theosophs: (+-) You could only use it if we attack you or you would only use it then? The former would mean that you expect us to believe that you would never figure out a way to bring the frequency emitter to us or even a way to extend the range of the frequency to have it reach Norway. The latter I find only slightly more believable, but that is not saying much.

Still, if you agree to remove the additive we will agree to not take your other recent invention by force. And I would like to add that the Brigade is not without our own allies.

To Princedom of Transylvania: (PM Level) It seems war will wait for now. Our next raid will be likely against the Exiled Celts again.

As for the Skulding Tribes. I'm afraid that they can only be convinced on who to war against. To talk them into granting peace with anyone, including ourselves, is a futile attempt.

To England: (PM Level) We thank England and her Undying Majesty for your offer. However, mad as they may be, Theosophs says that they will remove the additive they put in the fuel we are working together to make. And so war with them is avoided for now. However, we may still wish to take you up on your offer. Theosoph claims to have gathered allies. If this is true they may have allies with more skilled spies than our own. If they still wish to undermine us they may ask one of these allies to hide their efforts from us. However, whoever their allies may be, they are surely no match for your network of agents. Thus we are hoping that your agents could watch Theosophs and inform us of any further betrayal from them.

To the Skulding Tribes: (++) We spoke of war with Theosophs. However, they succeeded in temporarily appeasing our wrath. Of course we are not saying you shouldn't attack Theosophs, but it would not be in our own best interests for the Brigade to openly assist you in such an invasion.

2011-08-04, 01:15 PM
Holy Theosophic Empire

Loki's Brigade and Arcane (PM)
If you seized our other recent invention you would die. You, and anyone you took it too.

You wouldn't happen to have any of that contaminated fuel would you? We find ourselves in need of explosives.

Arcane: Stop addition of the additive to the fuel. Based on what you said in my EoT this should speed things up.

2011-08-04, 01:57 PM
The Glorious Army of The Architect

The passage through the Germanic Duchies went smoothly. They were focused on their campaign against the Skulding Tribes and didn’t wish to attract the ire of another foe.

In the heart of one of the airships, two Clanks have finished listening to the sounds of polka, produced by an old looking, golden gramophone.
''We are approaching the borders of the Wild Woods, Lord-General Sun VII'' Reported the voice from one of the brass tubes. ''Their fortifications are very heavy in this area. Conjecture: increased defense measures against the inhabitants of the Wild Woods''.

The Lord-General Sun VII clicked with his metallic fingers, as Superior Tacticus, gently put the gramophone record away. He spoke, very softly ''Our journey was very quiet. I dislike quiet.'' Superior Tacticus nodded and flicked the switch, so the speaking tube descended to the Lord-General. He spoke, still softly, but now with a sharp metallic power of command in his voice: ''Sky-Marshal Lady V. I want you to make some noise…''.

The Airship Armada has began its descend against the fortifications of the German Duchies, arranging itself into a battle formation. The Gatling Guns slots opened up and incendiary bullets started raining down on earth.

To GM Only!

Super Secret Battle Plans

I’d like to spend +++ Morale for the Sky-Marshal and other captains of the Airships to execute the following maneuver with great precision and skill, plus a + of WO to make defenders a bit too scared to aim properly and act in a coordinated fashion.

1. Head towards German Fortifications, making an impression of massive attack. Make them lose their cool and start shooting.

2. Steer away just a little out of the range of their weapons and leave the Germanic Duchies into the Wild Woods (I’m doing it just at the border).

3. Incendiary bullets and bombs are to make a giant ‘’A’’ in a circle – the symbol of the Glorious Army of the Architect on the ground,

4. Just to make it clear – I don’t shoot at people or fortifications. If any of my ships are brought down, they are to crash into the fire A, the survivors are to head for the Wild Woods. None are to surrender. I hope the move would be executed well enough, not a single of my ships will be downed.

5. I need to get a confirmation, before I can post on my actions in Wild Woods and how much resources I use. Also, my military in this operation is 9 points and Piper Regiment is not among them.

6. I'll argue that Glorious Army should get a benefit of the Wild Woods Defensive Espionage, after we enter it, in a PM, I'll be writing soon.

2011-08-04, 04:06 PM
Prince Vlad Dracula II

Your idea sound acceptable. What specifics would you like to add to such a deal?

King Radgowzki

The King quickly sends out messages gathering an army to strike at the fleeing Raiders. Slow moving Golems are brought up to attempt to head off the walking fleet, while calvary such as the Golden Hussars are mustered to harass and destroy ships that seem vulnerable. At the same time what accounts for the Commonwealth airfleet strikes at the raiders, and what passes for our navy attempts to cut off the coast.

2011-08-04, 04:31 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

To Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth (ESPD ++-)

King Radgowzki

Non-aggression pact: we don't attack other territory per military force, mercenaries, economy aggression or acts of sabotage. We could still clash outside our lands.

Count Damien Shrad on behalf of Prince Vlad Dracula II

To the Skulding Tribes (ESPD ++)

Greetings Baltic Raiders,
We know you are at war with Germany and PLC. We ride with Loki's Brigade. Let's make simple deal: we do not start fighting on flanks, couse fighting on two fronts is bloody mess. For ( OCC: I don't know how to say: 3 turns). What you say?

Field Marshal Steffan Batory

To Loki's Brigade (PM level)

Ah, two times lucky. But it seems to me, that they don't have sufficient wealth for yours taste. But if we made effort, we could gain technology and invention.. (OCC: combine our ESPO to find out where Celts Sparks are and size them, split in half) or pick another target.

Our deal about tropies still function. But if you invest small amount of money in our reaserch (+ tem Economy) we will send twice as many troops as last time.

2011-08-04, 04:39 PM
to Princedom of Transylvania:

Still interested in investing your Econ in the Bank? We grew 1,5 points of Perm Econ last turn only on top of investments, and that was in the set-up phase where most of the money went on getting established.

2011-08-04, 04:43 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

To Fugger bank (DEF - PM as they have envoy in every nation, I suppose)

We have currently no avaliable assets. But if you lend as + temp economy, we will repay that (next turn ) and we will extend our service to next turn.

2011-08-04, 04:54 PM
To Transylvania:

For what purpose, might we ask? Our funds are mostly tied to various investment projects, but we could probably scrounge up that much.

2011-08-04, 04:56 PM
To Fugger bank, PM level

Transylvania will invest in French fashion.

2011-08-04, 05:03 PM
To Transylvania:

Uh-uh. Right. I'm sure you will.

Oh well. So long as you pay it back the next turn and invest some Perm Econ then.

2011-08-04, 05:05 PM
To Fugger bank, PM level

Yes, we will pay it back. For perm economy, we would consider that next turn.

2011-08-04, 05:13 PM
Glorious Army of The Architect

Transylvania (PM-Level Secrecy)

Senior Colonel Grim II has arrived to the dark lands of Transylvania on a small messenger planer. The Clank carries a heavy looking axe on his shoulders and has heavily armored body.

''I have arrived by the invitation of the Damian Shrad, acting on behalf of his Master, Count Dracula.''

2011-08-04, 05:27 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

Glorious Army of The Architect (PM level)
The envoy is recieved in throne room.Count Shrad polite welcomed guest and said.
"we heard about your's problem with sabotage. Would you consider: we will provide you with assistance of our secret service agents (my +++++ DEFE) and in return you will collect the bodies of defenders of your next.. conquest. (+ tem economy to provide refrigerators-airships) and send discreetly to us. There is only one condition, we will not take part in action against Mountain King or Loki's Brigade, as we honor pacts with them.

2011-08-04, 05:28 PM
To Transylvania:

Look, we're traders - in this for profit. If we give you a loan and you pay it back without interest, giving us only a promise to 'think about it', where's our cut in that?

2011-08-04, 05:31 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

To Bank (PM level)
We don't know: what you gain from assistance of our secret service? And what would you lost if we publicly announced that we withdraw it?

2011-08-04, 06:02 PM
To Transylvania:

Oh, you actually provided that service? Then there's nothing to worry about.

((OOC: I never received a word about that. *shrug*))

2011-08-05, 03:57 AM
To Bank and Arcane

OCC: I'm conufused. Because I wrote this down in my EoT. Wait for Arcane, he'll clarify.

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-05, 07:04 AM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-

To Holy Theosophic Empire
No, sorry. We can't use just clanks and wipe the memory. You didn't give enough details, and that'll necessitate the use of valued specialists onscene to handle the situation. But for what it's worth we've seen a LOT of stuff, and unless you're engaging in blatant torture down there, or murdering for the fun of it, we won't take offense. Your subjects seem to be happy enough with their lot, so whatever else it is, we probably won't care and it's not our business to interfere.

EDIT: Also sending a diplomat along with a heavily-armed surveying team to figure out what kind of resources we'll need to allocate to handle the situation. Please provide her with your full information on the situation, and assist the team with their reconaissance in whatever way they require. Do not worry, Ms. Verde is very discrete about situations like this. (Return details at PM-level security when you are ready)

To Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The raiders at your borders hit too fast, and we don't have any eyes in your land. Couldn't get a force out there in time to assist. Let us know if you want us to honor our mutual defense pact, we can probably kick you some troops for temporary border patrol or a retributive strike or whatever.

To German Duchies
You never did sign off on that mutual defense pact with Hessen Thuringia and myself, now did you? The one against the murderous clanks at your border right now? Pity. Let us know if you change your mind.

2011-08-05, 10:36 AM
Holy Theosophic Empire

Mountain King (PM)
In the city of Carnak, a fairly small provincial capital a lab was studying ways to enhance the abilities of some scarab beetles using the energy of our magic water. The report(EoT) was as follows, "Most of the subject died in what appeared to be exceptional pain. But they were insects so who can say. The remainder split open to reveal a new species that has escaped containment and how are building an elaborate tunnel network above and below ground and have over run the area. In good news though, the improved ability seems to work well.

OOC: That wasn't just fluff, you actually do have an outbreak and it is spreading."

The 'nest' takes the form of a large mound of blueish sludge and have been growing as the insects add more to it. It is currently only ten meters in diameter. We want you to dig a bowl shaped hole around it and then we will use jacks and steel plates keep them limited to it. We would just destroy it, but then we would lose some research data in the lab that they over ran.

Also, our new intelligence serve in partnership with several allied states will be inspecting your equipment and doing background checks on your personnel. You will also agree not to touch any of the insects or their nest.

OOC: I don't like it when people do Esp actions against me when we are supposed to be working together.

2011-08-05, 10:38 AM
Holy Theosophic Empire

Mountain King (PM)
In the city of Carnak, a fairly small provincial capital a lab was studying ways to enhance the abilities of some scarab beetles using the energy of our magic water. The report(EoT) was as follows, "Most of the subject died in what appeared to be exceptional pain. But they were insects so who can say. The remainder split open to reveal a new species that has escaped containment and how are building an elaborate tunnel network above and below ground and have over run the area. In good news though, the improved ability seems to work well.

OOC: That wasn't just fluff, you actually do have an outbreak and it is spreading."

The 'nest' takes the form of a large mound of blueish sludge and have been growing as the insects add more to it. It is currently only ten meters in diameter. We want you to dig a bowl shaped hole around it and then we will use jacks and steel plates keep them limited to it. We would just destroy it, but then we would lose some research data in the lab that they over ran.

2011-08-05, 10:38 AM
Celestial Empire
Defensive Espionage: +++++

A representative is on his way.

Bulgarian Empire, Greek Unified States, Holy Theosophic Empire
The Celestial Empire is very interested in this idea to boost our economy, but we are quite strapped for funds right now and would not be able to contribute ++ economy. Our total economy is currently less than that. Perhaps we can reap the benefits of the project while providing other support. We have, after all, used our defensive espionage thus far to protect our Balkan friends.

Birds of Prey
Yes, I would like to work together on some other projects. Did you have something specific in mind? Our economy could surely use a boost.

Alexander V

2011-08-05, 10:43 AM
Bulgarian Empire, Celestial Empire, Greek Unified States,
Would you be able to contribute your entire economy then? The first econ produced would go to you till you had ++ which would all be invested. Then it would be split among us till we had received as much and after that it would be split four ways.

2011-08-05, 11:27 AM
GUGS (d.esp 4)

To the Balkan Confederation (Theosops, Celestial Empire, and Bulgaria)
We would be willing to begin construction of our Lightening Towers across the region. This would provide power not just to the common peoples, but to the sparks for their projects as well.

Lizard Lord
2011-08-05, 12:36 PM
Loki's Brigade

To England (PM level) Save for their sparks the Celts in Exile have few resources left. Plus I believe the United Celtic-Irish Clans have entered an alliance against you with the exiles. Because of this I would like permission to cross through British territory to raid the Clansmen. I realize this would pit me against the stronger opponent, but I have my own allies to back me up.

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-05, 03:25 PM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-
To Theosophs

Sure, background check and examine the equipment all you like. Our experts will be able to offer an assessment and we'll dig accordingly. Just want to make sure your little bugs can't dig out, is all.

OOC: Sending an assessing and surveying team to check out the infestation in the Theosoph's land. Figure out what kind of resources we'll need to bring to bear to contain it.

2011-08-05, 05:04 PM
You probably should have asked me what was actually on the German border first.

German Outpost
Sergeant Gerver watched as the airships completed burning their sign into the nearby field. Turning he looked at his companion in the watchtower. Private Bruhn was actually shaking and looked like he was about to fall over. Slapping the young soldier on the back Gerver said, "Buck up kid. I'll be honest I thought we were going to die too, but look at them. The fools are heading into the Wild Woods. It'll be their metallic heads that will be rolling not ours. Now go get the horses ready we need to let the Baron know about this."

Italian Merchants to Birds of Prey
We had thought it was obvious that we had the forces necessary to repel the Architect's clanks. We will have to commend our spies. But very well we will inform you in more detail next time, Eagle.

Jagergenerals to Birds of Prey
Yah, hyu hef schown youselves to be true to you vord. Hy'm sure de Heterodyne vill revard hyu vell ven ve hef located dem at last.

OOC: That means yes they still want you to help if it wasn't clear.

England to Loki Brigade (PM)
Yes we will relay to you what our agents discover.

As to your other request. Very well if you think you can complete your raid successfully then keep to the clouds and we will turn a blind eye to your passage.

Skulding Tribes to the Loki Brigade
We see no reason to attack the Theosophs. You've already put them on their guard, and even getting to them would be a problem, what with the Poles being ready for us now.

To Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
I probably should have been more clear. The raiding fleet is no longer in your lands. It smashed in, grabbed some loot, and smashed back out.

OOC to everyone
Just so everyone knows, what the Loki Brigade has been doing and what the Skulding Tribes just did I have been classifying as raiding not invading. The difference is that it is conducted at high speed, which means there is only one battle between the raiders and the defenders involved, and it guarantees at least some looting. The downside is that the raiders can't loot as much as soldiers who are prepared to fight it out for a while.

Skulding Raiders to Transylvania
You are mistaken we are at war with noone. We raid where we want and when we want. Don't worry though you're not rich enough to be worth our time, not yet anyway.

To Transylvania and Fugger Bank
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I didn't see anything about the Fugger Bank in your last EoT.

German Duchies to Mountain King
You misunderstand us. We don't need your help. We're perfectly prepared to fight the clanks ourselves. We just thought you'd like to get in on the action what with your previous stand against them. If you want to let technicalities get in the way, then so be it. We thought you were better than that, but it's not surprising to find out a nation is all talk and no substance. Not that it matters anyway. The blasted clanks went around us, and the northern duchies aren't going to go after them. Not now anyway.

Bulgarian Empire to Greek Unified States, Holy Theosophic Empire, Celestial Empire
I am all for this. Indeed let us get together and begin building a better land for our people's. I can provide my contribution immediately. Just let me know what the rest of you want to work on.

Tsar Krastyo Damyanov

OOC: Ok just so we're clear this is medieval Europe. Providing electricity is all well and good, but it's not like the common people have any way to use it. It would only be of benefit to the sparks.

To Mountain King and Theosophs
So the surveyors are on site then. I need to make sure of where they are before I can describe the conditions of the operation.

2011-08-05, 05:36 PM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

Fugger Bank (Murska and Arcane)

I send corrections (second PM, befor deadline), quote:

Also, Murska claim that if I extend my DESP for thier bank it would be not cost me anything. If it's true than I do it.


To Skulding Tribes (++)
Thats good for us. We will make sure, that we are not enough wealthy.

Field marshal,
Steffan Batory

2011-08-05, 05:39 PM
To Madwand and Murska
Oh that. Well the problem was it would have cost you something. Mainly not being able to use your defensive espionage for your other plans. So I didn't do it.

2011-08-05, 05:44 PM
ArcaneStomper and Murska

So, I was misled. Ok, we shall forgot that I try to lend money because of that. It's acceptable for everyone?:smallsmile:

2011-08-05, 05:48 PM
Arcanestomper and Madwand:

Yeah. I meant, a defensive alliance with me wouldn't cost you any permanent stats. You'd of course have to use your stats for it.

But it's okay, these things happen. :smallsmile:

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-06, 08:54 AM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-

To German Duchies
Ah, okay. If you're willing to waive formalities, then yeah we'll happily join in on the "Glorious Army pummeling. But as you say, if they're in the Wild Wood then it's a moot point. We're kind of curious to see how that one shakes out, first, and how many clank survivors come back out of the trees.

OOC: Yep, the surveyors are on site. Using extreme haz-mat surveillance and assessing precautions. Remote clanks are a wonderful thing.

To the Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Our little joint venture resulted in some great leaps forward in certain areas of technology. Not as huge a result as we hoped, but still pretty good. Send a courier via the usual routes and we'll give you a copy of the notes.

To Hessen-Thuringia
Prince Dracula has joined our anti-architect mutual defense pact. Please give him all needed support should we need to do any defensive clankstomping.


The Nacht rangers move through the trees, sweating though the weather is cool. Everything reflective on their persons is covered or fire-blacked. Their goggles are off for once, revealing the pure black flesh and catseye pupils of New Morlockian standard issue deepsight implants. They bear three burdens... A diplomat wearing a bulky, misshapen trenchcoat and a large floral bonnet, a huge keg of beer, and the knowledge that they might not make it out alive.

They stick to the deep canopy and follow a well worn path, ignoring the bones to either side as best as possible. Several times they go to ground, waving the diplomat to cover as she moves with grace belying her size and strange shape.

Finally, as they reach a wide clearing, the sergeant in charge breathes a sigh of relief.

"What is this place?" The rookie's whisper is a shade too loud, and his partner smacks him on the head. "Ow!"

The officer looks around the glade, around the tall, uncut trees that are filled with faces... Some cut, others grown deliberately, and a few here and there active and watching the interlopers with wary caution. "It's fine. Noise authorized. We were watched from the second we took the path, they know we're here. If we've gotten this far we're safe. For now."

He looks back to the rookie. "Most of the tribes that rule here think at least some way like people do. And like people, they have disagreements and arguments and important things to discuss. This is a Moot Point, the one farthest away from the Architect's clanks. They use it to discuss important matters, soapbox, and hold bar mitzvahs."

"What? Seriously?"

"Hey, everyone loves a party." The officer shrugs. "Speaking of which, it's your show ma'am."

"Thank you, Milo." The diplomat drops to all fours, shedding the trenchcoat and bonnet as she goes. A distinctly non-human form is revealed... Feline of body, human of face, and with clockwork wings that unfurl in relief once the coat's gone. The red ribbon bow in her hair and white toga around her torso add a touch of dissonance to the large lady's form, but she is all self-confidence and grace as she bounds atop a nearby large stump. Beside her, the rookie and three others wrestle the beer keg to a handy spot, and tap it. Sweet fumes of fine mushroom ale waft through the clearing.

"Good evening. I am Envoy Isis, and I come from the King under the mountain. Though there is not another like me in all the world, I have found acceptance and honor in his land, and my words for you tonight are meant to be fair and honest. We wish to speak to you peacefully, and bring a gift of beer and goodwill. Come if you will, and no harm shall we offer unless it is brought against us."

She grins. Sharp, sharp teeth. "The riddle is simple, to start. Will you hear us?"

2011-08-06, 08:59 AM
to Mountain King:

A'ight. Noted. Thanks.

Did you mention to him that it's also anti-any other pirate attack? Such as the Loki group? Because I hear bodies have been disappearing from where they attack.

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-06, 04:39 PM
to Mountain King:

A'ight. Noted. Thanks.

Did you mention to him that it's also anti-any other pirate attack? Such as the Loki group? Because I hear bodies have been disappearing from where they attack.

Mountain King
ESPD: ++-
To Hessen Thuringia
Actually, he's only in on the anti-architect part. He's decided to give the pirate nations the benefit of the doubt for the minute. Which means that if he gets pirated, we're not obligated to respond.

2011-08-06, 04:41 PM
To Mountain King:


I don't really like the whole thing that much. I, for one, prioritize protecting respectable nations against attackers rather than protecting pirates against other kinds of pirates. But I guess we can make do.

Lizard Lord
2011-08-06, 06:31 PM
Loki's Brigade (+++)

To Hessen-Thuringia: Am I correct in understanding that you are part of this anti-pirate league? I find that very interesting considering you hired me to raid both Theosophs and the Celts in Exile. What would your fellow pirate hunters think of that?

2011-08-06, 08:51 PM
To Loki's Brigade:

Hired? No. Helped, sure.

Anyway, it's a purely defensive alliance. We're not going hunting for pirates unless they attack us.

Plus, every single man who joined you was a mercenary - it's not our fault the promise of loot lured people in.

2011-08-07, 01:29 PM
Birds of Prey
EspD: +++++ +

Mountain King EspD: ++-

Sorry to make it so blatant that I am in fact reading your mail, but did I see something about clank-stomping, in reference to the GotA? Because I'm all for some clank-stomping if that ends up happening. We just got some new weapons ready, and The Eagle has been dying to try them out.

Silas Falcone

Celestial Empire EspD: +++++

Perhaps a research collaboration? We have Da Vinci over here, and since he completed his last project he's been frantically trying to find something else to hold his attention. So far he's churned out three different types of incendiary, a clank that's only purpose is to wash people's backs, and a machine that cleans and guts fish automatically. I think he needs something with a little more substance to work on, if you have any ideas.

Silas Falcone

Maria Lombardi stands on the bridge of her new flagship, the Eagle's Nest, as it hovers over the Po Valley. It was a magnificent vessel, the first of it's kind as far as she was aware. But she did miss her old vessel, the Heart of Italy. It had been much smaller, but much faster. She'd gone to battle in that ship many times, most recently against the GotA, we're she'd managed to take down several of their airships.

She sneared at the though. And now the GotA has decided to wander into the Wild Woods. Well, with a bit of luck, the GotA would find nothing there save their destruction.Hopefully they wouldn't be completely destroyed, though. She was dying to see what this new ship was capable of, after all.

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-07, 02:57 PM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-

To Birds of Prey
No worries on reading our mail. We expect people to do that, so the good stuff goes out by other channels. As far as clankstomping goes, we want to see what they're doing in the Wild Wood, first. Think that you can maybe send a few agents that way to scout them?

2011-08-09, 02:24 PM
Celts in Exile

EspD: +++++ +-

to Allied German States, UICC
We have put up with Loki's Raiders for long enough. They are now more than a mere nuisance, they threaten our progress into the future, and must be dealt with. Join us in an assault on their homeland, and we will cut them off from their place of rest and repair. We will force them to stay at sea till they drown!

2011-08-09, 05:58 PM
United Irish-Celtic Clansmen:
Defensive Espionage:+++-

To the Celts In Exile:
Gladly, my friends.

We were already arming to deal with them ourselves, your aid in this would certainly be appreciated.

2011-08-09, 06:40 PM
To the Mountain King
Theosoph Lands
Your surveyors are directed to a small mountain clearing. In the center is a field of what appears to be blue crystals, approximately 50 meters in diameter. Even from a distance it is possible to tell that the field is expanding as the crystals grow outwards. Although the rate of growth is still fairly slow. In the center of the field there appear to be several buildings just barely visible below a heavy covering of crystal. What they were originally is impossible to tell, although given what happened the surveyors guess that they were some Spark's lab. Any clanks which actually touch the crystal begin to seize up as the crystals begin to grow on them.

Wild Woods
A large bear walks into the clearing. As it stands up it becomes clear that it is not a normal bear. From the six arms to the large clockwork mechanism attached to its stomach. "We will hear you envoy of the Mountain King. We have little desire to do so, but at least you seem to have a better understanding of our views than the noisy noisy clanks. What do you wish to discuss."

German Duchies to Celts in Exile
Normally we would say no, and remind you that our alliance is defensive only. But in truth we are as angered by these attacks and our inability to stop them as you are. We will help you clear Norway of its pirate infestation.

2011-08-09, 06:43 PM
Celts in Exile

Def Esp: +++++ +-

To German Duchies
And we would argue that this is a war of defense through offense. But I am glad that you have seen that wisdom already. My men look forwards to fighting alongside yours on the field of battle.

2011-08-09, 08:43 PM
To Celts in Exile:

We would have been glad to assist in the attack at a better time but at the moment our entire force is tied up - the Northern Duchies' conquest of Denmark will likely end up in a battle with the Skulding Tribes and we also have to protect our own lands against possible raiders - the Army of the Architect is in the Woods just across the border.

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-09, 09:41 PM
Mountain King
ESPD: ++-

Theosoph Lands
Miss Verde waves her hand frantically at the clank controller, and he hastily kills the power, cuts the control wire, and hurls it toward the unfortunate remote manipulator clank. Miss Verde sighs, then consults with the engineering team for a few minutes, returning to speak with the Theosoph representative.

"Hm. Tricky. We'll dome and pit it alright, but we'll need a good radius around it so the charges don't scatter the crystal contagion. You're going to lose about a two-mile radius. Oh, and if these things can penetrate stone then you're out of luck in the long run... Growing on metal is NOT a good sign. We'll set up a containment shell of bedrock, but trust me, you want to find some material that this stuff can't grow on, and fast. I recommend siccing your top sparks on this. Otherwise, it could spread into the groundwater. Then you're Jaegered, right proper."

Wild Woods
The nacht rangers tense up, but keep their weapons holstered. They breathe a long sigh of relief when the bear begins to talk.

The sphinx blinks, then nods to the bear. "We'll keep business short, in deference to your wishes. The clanks have caused trouble for Europa outside, and my employer dislikes them quite a bit for the threat they could present in the future. We are not sure why they are in the Wild Woods. If you are fine with their presence, then we are content to let them be for now. If they seek to cause you trouble, then we are interested in aiding you against them by whatever means we can lend."

She shrugs. "Either way, we would be willing to give a few gifts to your folk if you could keep an eye on them and let us know what they are doing. So I suppose the riddle might be... If a clank army falls in the forest, what sound does it make? And what does a bear in the woods desire for the loan of a few friendly eyes?"

She smiles that sharp, lazy smile.

Lizard Lord
2011-08-09, 10:03 PM
Loki's Brigade:

To England: (PM level) Our spies, and yours as well I am sure, have picked up messages that state the Irish/Celtic Clans, the Celts in Exile, and the German Duchies plan to attack my fueling stations in Norway. I understand if you do not wish to help defend me in this attack. You still want to keep our alliance a secret, after all.

However, as they move to attack me their own nations are left undefended. Everyone knows why England would wish to attack the Celtic nations and no one would blink an eye should you attack either the Exiles or the Clansmen while they battle with us. Whats more, if we succeed in defeating the invading army and you succeed with your conquest, what nation you choose to conquer will be done for and will bother you no more.

If you choose to take no action, however, then surely this vicious conspiracy against the great British people will only continue to grow.

2011-08-09, 10:14 PM
Celts in Exile

Def Esp:+++++ +-

I don't know what the Loki's Brigade is talking to you about, but I would like you to realize that whatever happens in this upcoming fight between us and Loki's Brigade you come out ahead, they are as much a terror to your merchants as ours. And don't pretend you don't know about our plans, your spies are everywhere, and everyone knows it. Do nothing, let this fight happen, and save yourselves any losses, however small.

2011-08-09, 11:08 PM
Theosoph lands to Mountain King.

Actually the crystal is the dead part left over from an engineered lifeform. We informed you about it remember? The only living part is on the surface. The rest is more or less inert.

Also, bedrock is not ideal. We propose hydroic jacks with replaceable levers. As the organism consumes the levers we replace them and jack them intot he mass.

2011-08-12, 05:16 AM
Turn 4

Italian Raids
In a completely unexpected move a small Greek raiding party attempted to raid several Italian cities along the Aegean. Even more surprisingly the Italian response was completely unprecedented as numerous city states banded together and sent a massive fleet after the raiders which was destroyed well before it could return to Greece.

In the Corsair held reaches of Italy a turnaround has occurred as the Corsairs themselves have been raided by opportunistic pirates. The raid was beaten back by Corsair forces, but also served as the catalyst for a quiet revolution. The council has been deposed and replaced. The new council is seeking to make amends with the rest of Italy and turn the Corsairs into a more respectable mercenary company.

North Atlantic
The Celts, along with their German allies, have launched a punitive assault on the Loki. Although outnumbered the Loki Brigade raced to intercept the Celtic fleet before it could reach their vulnerable Norwegian bases. At first the Loki Brigade was hard pressed to hold its own against the Celtic and German forces. But then the entire Translyvanian fleet dropped out of the clouds hitting the Celtic fleet in the rear. Outnumbered and surrounded the Celtic fleet has taken numerous losses, but fights on valiantly.

Baltic Sea
Predictably the Skulding Tribes launched a retributive strike against the German Duchies who pushed them out of Denmark. The Germans showed a remarkable amount of preparation as supply routes were established and fortifications raised well in advance of the Skulding attack. On the other hand the Skulding Tribes brought their full military arsenal with them, including never before seen Spider Boats, and were led by their High Chieftain Gunnarr Völund himself, a rare occurrence. The battle was extremely fierce as both sides attempted to destroy the other with massive applications of military force. However over the course of several weeks a stalemate developed as both sides were too evenly matched. Eventually the Skulding requested a parley, and although their discussions with Duke Grimwald, leader of the German coalition, are unknown, the end result was the entire Skulding fleet disengaging and retreating back across the Baltic.

Central Europa
Elsewhere in the Duchies more peaceful developments have occurred. The duchy of Gellene has chosen to join Hessen-Thüringia , a relatively new power, but one that has shown itself to be very capable. Meanwhile the Duchy of Hultz has joined with the Duchy of Molvia, a long time ally, to form the new country of Molvia-Hultz.

Army of the Architect(Thelonius)
MIL:+++++ ++-
MOR:+++++ +
WO:(+++++ +-)

Celts in Exile(Jallorn)
SPK:+++++ -

Loki's Brigade(Lizard Lord)
MIL:+++++ +++

Princedom of Transylvania(Madwand)
MIL:+++++ ++-
SPK:+++++ +

MIL:+++++ ++
SPK:+++++ -

Mountain King(Lost Demiurge)
MIL:+++++ ++
ECON:+++++ -

Celestial Empire(TsukikoJ)
ESPO:+++++ +-

Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria(razovor)
SPK:+++++ +++++ +++-

The Great Unified Greek States(Turalisj)

United Irish-Celtic Clansmen(bladescape)
ECON:+++++ -

ECON:+++++ ++++-
SPK:+++++ +++

Birds of Prey(Sithis)
MIL:+++++ -
ESPD:+++++ +
ESPO:+++++ -

Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun(ragingrage)
ESPD:+++++ +
ESPO:+++++ +-

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth(Greystone)
SPK:+++++ +

Duchy of Tangiers(Falconer)
MIL: ++
ECON: +++++ +
SPK: +-
MOR: ++++
ESPD: +++-
ESPO: +++-
WO: +++

MIL:+++++ +++++ +
ECON:+++++ +++++ +++++ +++
MOR:+++++ ++
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ ++
ESPO:+++++ -
WO:+++++ +-

MIL:+++++ +++++ +++++
ECON:+++++ +-
SPK:+++++ ++
ESPD:+++++ +++++ ++
ESPO:+++++ +++++ +++

MIL:+++++ ++++-
ECON:+++++ +++++ +
MOR:+++++ +++++
SPK:+++++ ++++
ESPD:+++++ +++-
ESPO:+++++ ++++
WO:+++++ +++++ -

MIL:+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++-
ECON:+++++ +++++ +++
SPK:+++++ +++++

Bulgarian Empire
MIL:+++++ +
ECON:+++++ +
WO:+++++ ++-

MIL:+++++ +++++ +
MOR:+++++ ++

MIL:+++++ +-
ECON:+++++ +++++
ESPD:+++++ -

Confederation of the Clock
MIL:+++++ +
SPK:+++++ +++

ECON:+++++ +++
WO:+++++ -

Wild Woods
MIL:+++++ +++++ ++++
ESPD:+++++ +++++ +++-

The Skulding Tribes
MIL:+++++ +++++ ++
ECON:+++ -
SPK:+++++ ++

MIL:+++++ ++

German Duchies

Italian City States

Other Statistics
Fugger Bank
ECON: +++++ +++++ +++++ +-

Mercenary Pool
MIL: +++++ +++++

Turn 4 Map

2011-08-12, 04:26 PM
Celts in Exile

EspD: +++++ -

As you can see, the war goes well enough. If the pirates hold to fight, we will crush them, and if they flee, then we will remove all value from their base of operations, and their death will simply be a slower one.

What of the Transylvanian fleet?

I have a way of dealing with them.

to UICC, German Duchies with forces in the battle
I am sending a handful of my most trusted Sparks to join this battle. It may get a little messy, but it will ensure us victory. Do not pull your troops out, we can still win this, I have a way of dealing with the Transylvanians.

to Celestial Empire
I call now upon our previous agreement. The Transylvanian's entire military is engaged in the battle with the pirates. Strike them now, hard enough to draw their forces home. We get them off our backs, and you get the plunders of an easy victory. We're counting on you.

2011-08-12, 04:34 PM
to Molvia-Hultz:

Now that we have powerful financial empires each as well as a shared border and also shared German blood, perhaps we should discuss mutually beneficial cooperation? For instance, maybe you would be interested in investing on the Fugger Bank.

Lizard Lord
2011-08-13, 01:38 AM
Loki's Brigade

to England: I have noticed, your grace, that you have decided not to take action against your Celtic enemies as I had suggested earlier. I am certain you had your reasons, but may I ask what they were?

2011-08-13, 03:58 AM
The Knights Hospitaller

A single grey ship with a red cross on a white sail glides into a harbour in Italy. Meanwhile, multiple other ships, exactly the same, do the same all across the mediterianian. As each ship docks, a dozen men in grey armor and carrying swords step off the ship. Ignoring the populace as much as possible, they make the curt announcement that the Knights Hospitaller are once again restablishing contact with the world.

To Spain
Hail. With the fall of Italy, it is our hope that you have kept the flame of Christendom alight. If so, you will find a stalwart ally in us.
Would you permit us to set up a forward church in your area?

To Rome
Hail, father. Our men are once more at your side. We would meet, however, in private - soon. Our Grand Master wishes to know how the world has changed in his absence.

To The Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun
Greetings. We would like to arrange a meeting to discuss something that we both hold important, presuming the geopolitical situation has not overtly altered in our absence. If you have continued exploring the outer world, we would like to proffer our services.

To the Technocratic Kingdom of Algiers
In you we see the favor of the Lord, blessed with many sparks. We would like to discuss setting up a mission - you seem to be a nation less fallen than others.

2011-08-13, 07:12 AM
The Technocratic Theocracy of Algeria

To the Knights Hospitaller
"Firstly, we do not have a king, we are ruled by our high priest, thus we are a theocracy, not a kingdom."

"Secondly Algiers is our capitol city. The name of our territory is Algeria"

"And thirdly, we do not worship your god. If you wish to set up a mission we will not stop you, but we will not have you preaching to our people."

Lost Demiurge
2011-08-13, 09:44 AM
ESPD: ++-

To the Theosophs
We just lost contact with our containment team. I think we've got a problem. You're going to need to turn some sparky genius on this... And some mundane resources, as well. We're not going back in there until we know how this stuff can be protected against.

To the Jaegers
An envoy arrives at the edge of Jaeger territory, with several wagonloads of beer. "Guten tag, we come bearing gifts. Don't suppose we could ask an audience with a Jaegergeneral or two?"

2011-08-13, 11:09 AM
Princedom of Transylvania (in Estonia)

To Skulding Tribes ++

Greetings, High Chieftain
Germans are more arrogant than we thought. Not only they take Denmark, now they and Celts try to take Norway. We and Loki's fight them on North Atlantic, before they enter Scandinavia. Could you help us?

Prince Vlad Dracula II

2011-08-13, 11:37 AM
Theosoph's to Mountain Kings
We have discovered a way to protect against it. If you are still willing to continue we are now more desperate for your aid the ever before. If this spreads it could consume the whole of the world.

Theosoph's to Balkan Alliance
I propose the - generated be held in trust and reinvested in the project until we are able to award all parties an equal share.

2011-08-13, 01:35 PM
Othar Tryggvassen Gentlemen Adventurer
After an unexpectely long period with no news of his presence in which many feared he was dead, Othar Tryggvassen Gentlemen Adventurer has reappeared once more. This time in the far north near his home in Norway. He has taken it upon himself to rid the world of the evil Mandelbaum one of the leading Skulding madboys. In a great and perilous adventure Othar managed to penetrate the evil Mandelbaum's fortress defeat his guards and defeat the evil madboy once and for all in a tale that is being told throughout the inns of Europa. The free Skulding clansmen who had been pressed into working for the evil Mandelbaum through Othar a feast in his honor, and the rest of Europa breathes a sigh of relief that they will no longer have to worry about being subjected to his vile creations.

Skulding Tribes lose ++ spark, gain + morale, - WO.

The Blue Light
Tales have started to trickle out from the remote villages of the Theosophs of a strange blue glow coming from the mountains. Normally this would not be a concern due to the many spark labs in the area having accustomed the villagers to this. But several villagers have fallen sick in recent months adding a new level of fear to their worries.

Theosophs lose + morale

Cranky Clanks
Strange flying clanks have begun terrorizing several of the Loki Brigade's shipyards. In most they are no more than an annoyance but the shipyard of Kongsberg has been completely overrun, and reports are that the clanks have begun to build more of themselves.

Loki Brigade lose + econ, - morale.

Things that go Bump in the Night
There has been a rise in general monster attacks as the continued chaos in Europa has led to sparks both creating more destructive creations and being less cautious about their restraints. In particular a large outbreak of venoumous clank bees has broken out in Northern Europe near the Hessen-Thuringia Molvia-Hultz border and the swarm has dispersed into many of the surrounding Duchies.

Winners of the Unlucky Lottery.
Everyone on the list loses - morale from random monster attacks.

Army of the Architect(Thelonius)
Celts in Exile(Jallorn)
Mountain King(Lost Demiurge)
Kingdom of the Beshadowed Sun(ragingrage)
Knights Hospitallers (Nolipse)
Confederation of the Clock
The Skulding Tribes
German Duchies
Italian City States

Wild Woods to Mountain King (PM level)
The bear considers for a while before answering. "The answer to your riddle is this. A clank makes no sound when it falls especially when there are many paws to help it on its way. And this bear would make a trade. A few eyes to your king in exchange for tolls on those tunnels you dug without asking."

At this point the Bear has somehow taken on a harder look and the many eyes peering out of the forest have become much more sinister.

German Duchies to Celts in Exile
Win this so that your own friends will be free of competition you mean. We have discovered your alliance with the Skulding Tribes. We had thought better of you, but this is a blow to our trust. We will be pulling our forces out of this battle. It is obviously not in our interests to continue fighting.

Molvia-Hultz to Hessen-Thuringia
We may consider some sort of agreement, but not investment in your puppet bank. It is obviously too strongly tied to your own interests for us to trust our own finances to it. Not without some guarantee of its neutrality.

Duke Meinard Kraemer

England to Loki's Brigade (PM Level)
Not all actions result in crude open warfare, but we can understand that you pirates would not quite understand that. Also in the future do not try to involve us in your attempts at sowing discord among your enemies. Your own efforts were too clumsy for us to need to take take action this time, but in the future we will not be so forgiving.

Earl Anderson Brewster, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Knights Hospitallers OOC
There are seven popes you know not just the one in Rome. And this is Canon and common knowledge, even fairly isolated you would know this.

What is not Canon is where they are, but I have decided to put one in Rome, Spain, France, Italy, Constantinople, Pisa, and Sicily.

Spain to the Knights Hospitallers
And just why do you feel that you need to set up a mission in our quite faithful lands, good knight. I do not like what you are implying. Perhaps you should declare which Pope you adhere to before this goes any farther.

King Fabricio Roldán Salcedo

Rome to the Knights Hospitallers
It pleases me to see you child, indeed a meeting is called for. It shall be arranged.

Pope Giampiero Parma

Jaegergenerals to Mountain King
Ah at last zumone vo knows vat de important tinks in life are. Yah ve are listenink vat iz dat hyu hef to say.

Skulding Tribes to Princedom of Transylvania
And spoil your fun, what kind of friends would we be if we went and ruined your fight like that. Of course with their army at sea the Celtic lands are looking invitingly empty, perhaps we will do something about that.

High Chieftain Gunnarr Völund

Bulgarian Empire to Balkan Alliance
I absolutely agree, the project goes well. Why spoil it by squabbling over the cut now when we can get so much more by waiting just a while.

Tsar Krastyo Damyanov

2011-08-13, 01:42 PM
to Molvia-Hultz:

All right. So, what about we do something to that clank bee swarm together?

2011-08-13, 02:32 PM
Celts in Exile

to German Duchies
My friends, you are being tricked. We have had no contact of any sort with the Skulding tribes. This is likely a plot by either Loki's Brigade or England. We have evidence of a plot by Loki's Brigade to make us think you were allying with England, which we know is not true. Would you cast aside a friendship that has this kind of history when enemies of such skill at espionage stand against us?