View Full Version : Spells for an archery based Gish?

Temet Nosce
2011-07-15, 09:41 PM
I will be running a Mystic Ranger picking up Sword of the Arcane Order in a game that starts in a week or two, and I've been browsing over possible spells. The problem I've run into is to a great extent gish spells seem to favor melee (it probably does not help that this is my first time assembling an archery based gish), so I'm wondering whether I might be missing anything in some of the less obvious source books (or I suppose simply overlooking something I could repurpose).

2011-07-15, 09:46 PM
Go Wildshape Ranger (UA/SRD)+Natural Spell (optional) on top of Mystic Ranger if the DM allows it (None of the stuff you exchange conflicts), and skip the archery.

2011-07-15, 10:17 PM
A lot of very useful archery spells are ranger spells already. I don't know how helpful this will be, however, as you stated you'd already looked at the normal sources, and these are except 'near horizon' from spell compendium. But in case you didn't....

Arrow Mind - Threaten 5ft away, don't provoke when firing.
Guided Shot - Ignore all distance, cover, and concealment for 1 round, swift
Hawkeye - 10min/lev, +50% range increments, +5 on spot checks
Hunter's Mercy - Next hit with a bow is automatically a crit, standard action, lasts 1 round
Fell the Greatest Foe - Deal extra damage to creatures larger than me
Exacting Shot - Ranged weapon automatically confirms crits against favored enemy
Haste, Swift - Be hasted for one round, swift action.
Near Horizon - (Complete Mage) Ignore Distance for 3 rounds, swift
Arrow Storm - You make one ranged attack against each foe within 1 range increment
Find the Gap - Attacks ignore armour & natural armour
Foebane - Weapon becomes +5 and deals 2d6 damage vs favored enemy

2011-07-15, 10:26 PM
If you have it, Champions of Ruin (Forgotten Realms book) has some great ranger spells for archery.

Temet Nosce
2011-07-15, 11:25 PM
A lot of very useful archery spells are ranger spells already. I don't know how helpful this will be, however, as you stated you'd already looked at the normal sources, and these are except 'near horizon' from spell compendium. But in case you didn't....

Afraid that's pretty much exactly what I meant, thanks for the attempt though.

If you have it, Champions of Ruin (Forgotten Realms book) has some great ranger spells for archery.

There we go, I knew there were some books out there with archery spells. Much appreciated, still looking for other spells (whether Ranger or Wiz/Sorc).

2011-07-15, 11:33 PM
Flame arrow, greater magic weapon, heroism, keen edge. Haste if your party can benefit from it, otherwise boots of speed to save yourself an action. See invisibility and feather fall are nice too, even though they aren't archery. At very high levels grab a glove of storing and a rod of lesser quicken to get a quickened true strike each round, or do it yourself once you can cast 5th level spells.

SpC has some more gems with long duration or swift action casting time but be wary of those with shorter durations and simultaneously a standard action casting time. You could be using that round dealing damage instead. Get 1 or 2 in case you get a buffing round, but not too many. Swift haste is pretty cool for example, perhaps better than haste itself for the action saved if you can manage enough spell slots, but some of the other popular ones left me underwhelmed when I took a good look at them. Losing a round of damage really does hurt.

Temet Nosce
2011-07-16, 10:23 PM
Flame arrow, greater magic weapon, heroism, keen edge. Haste if your party can benefit from it, otherwise boots of speed to save yourself an action. See invisibility and feather fall are nice too, even though they aren't archery. At very high levels grab a glove of storing and a rod of lesser quicken to get a quickened true strike each round, or do it yourself once you can cast 5th level spells.

SpC has some more gems with long duration or swift action casting time but be wary of those with shorter durations and simultaneously a standard action casting time. You could be using that round dealing damage instead. Get 1 or 2 in case you get a buffing round, but not too many. Swift haste is pretty cool for example, perhaps better than haste itself for the action saved if you can manage enough spell slots, but some of the other popular ones left me underwhelmed when I took a good look at them. Losing a round of damage really does hurt.

Aye, I've noticed the action economy issues already. I do intend to make what use I can of longer buffs (buying a +1 bow loaded with qualities and the like), but even there there's not all that much overlap. Probably going to see about dipping into the ToB later at this point, I'm feeling a need for a larger repertoire.

2011-07-18, 05:57 AM
From an older (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191072) thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=179779):

Add a Wand Chamber (100 GP, Dungeonscape) to your bow. If possible, add them to any other weapon you can carry around while also using a bow: armor spikes, spiked guantlets, gnome quickrazor, elbow/knee/sleeve blades, etc.

Swift and Immediate action spells for your wand chamber:

Arrow Mind (Spell Compendium, Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Actually, I don't recommend this spell, since you can spend +300 GP for an elvencraft bow (Races of the Wild), which lets you threaten squares around you and treat your longbow as a quarterstaff. However, Arrow Mind also allows you to make ranged attacks without triggering AoOs. But if you're good about staying out of melee range, have reliable flight, or a method to move + full attack, you can ignore Arrow Mind.

Arrow Storm (Spell Compendium, Rgr 3). Whirlwind Attack with a bow, up to a number of targets equal to your character level. Expensive, but a neat way to get that "I Am Pure Awesome" rush.

Critical Strike (Complete Mage, Asn 1). Ignore concealment on next attack. Note: this is different from the Critical Strike in the Spell Compendium, which is a melee-only spell. If you're only making one attack, this version is a little better than Guided Shot, since it works against total concealment. If you're making multiple ranged attacks, then Guided Shot is better.

Energy Surge, Lesser (PHBII, Sor/Wiz 2). Adds +1d6 energy damage to all your attacks for 1 round. Doesn't specify melee, and doesn't say anything about discharging after one hit, so this should work for bows.

Fly, Swift (Spell Compendium, Brd/Sor/Wis 2). A good "Get Out of Death Free" card in certain situations, although a permanent flight speed (Dragonborn of Bahumat, Feathered Wings graft, Winged Mask) is much preferred.

Golemstrike/Gravestrike/Vinestrike (Spell Compendium, Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Pal 1, Dru/Rgr 1). Use sneak attack/skirmish on constructs/undead/plants.

Guided Shot (Spell Compendium, Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Ignore distance penalty and anything less than total concealment on all your ranged attacks for the round.

Haste, Swift (Spell Compendium, Rgr 2). Ranged characters need all the extra attacks they can get. Unlike other swift spells, this one lasts 1d4 rounds.

Hunter's Eye (PHBII, Rgr 2). +1d6 sneak attack for every 3 caster levels.

Instant of Power (Forge of War, Brd/Dru/Rgr 1). +4 enhancement bonus on your next attack, save, or damage roll.

Invisibility, Swift (Spell Compendium, Brd 1). Full attack, go invisible, 5' step, watch your enemies *whiff* for a round.

Master's Touch (Spell Compendium, Brd/Sor/Wiz 1). Use an exotic ranged weapon without wasting a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Bone Bow (Frostburn) is very nice: functions as a composite longbow regardless of your Strength bonus.

Nerveskitter (Spell Compendium, Sor/Wiz 1). Going first means all targets are flat-footed.

Sniper's Shot (Spell Compendium, Asn/Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Sneak attack/skirmish at any range.

Wings of Cover (Races of the Dragon, Sor 2). Negate one attack as an immediate action.

Other non-swift/immediate spells for adding energy damage to ranged attacks:

Burning Sword (Spell Compendium p. 41, Sor/Wis 2). Flaming burst weapon 1 min/level.

Frost Weapon (Frostburn p. 95, Clr/Dru/Sor/Wiz 2). +1d6 frost damage 1 round/level.

Sonic Weapon (Spell Compendium p. 195, Brd/Sor/Wiz 2). +1d6 sonic damage 1 min/level.

Temet Nosce
2011-07-18, 06:49 AM
Your sir, are a goldmine and my hat is off to you. You have my sincere gratitude for both the useful spells lists and the links.

2011-07-18, 07:18 AM
Go Wildshape Ranger... (None of the stuff you exchange conflicts).
I'd dispute that. You get the same abilities with Mystic, but they come at a later level.