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View Full Version : 3.5 Base Class: The Corrupting Blade (PEACH)

2011-07-15, 09:53 PM
The Corrupting Blade

"Go ahead and beg for mercy. It won't work, but I do so love to hear you scream!"

Note: The curse names are a work in progress. If anyone has any suggestions for a naming scheme, lay them on me, please.

The corrupting blade is a warrior who can manifest his desire to cause suffering as a curse. Most corrupting blades are sadists by nature, but not all.

Alignment: Any chaotic

HD: d10

Skill Points: 2+Int per level (x4 at first level)

Class Skills: The corrupting blade's class skills are Bluff, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival and Swim

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Weapon of Impairment, Shining Club

2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Coiling Whip

3rd|+3|+3|+1|+1|Draining Dagger

4th|+4|+4|+1|+1|Blinding Morningstar

5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Shrinking Sap, Aura of Debilitation

6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+2|Foul Lance

7th|+7/+2|+5|+2|+2|Venom Sword

8th|+8/+3|+6|+2|+2|Exhausting Hammer

9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+3|Crushing Axe

10th|+10/+5|+7|+3|+3|Knockout Shuriken, Weapon of Debilitation

11th|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+3|Stunning Pike

12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+4|+4|Enervating Sickle

13th|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+4|Binding Rapier

14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+4|Paralyzing Chain

15th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+5|Shocking Cleaver, Weapon of Suffering

16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+5|Gorgon's Scepter

17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+5|Weakening Spear

18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+6|Choking Grip

19th|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+6|Banishing Blade

20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+6|+6|Reaper's Scythe, Weapon of Destruction

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A corrupting blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Additionally, the corrupting blade may spend 2 skill points at any time he wishes to gain proficiency with a single exotic weapon of his choice. (He may do this as many times as he likes, provided he has the skill points for it). The corrupting blade is proficient with all non-exotic types of armor and shields (including tower shields)

Weapon of Impairment (Ex): The corrupting blade is a special kind of warrior who has the ability to curse his weapon at will, and unleash its malice, manifested as crippling his opponents in various ways. Cursing one's blade and using it to infect others is the single most chaotic act one can perform, to the point that it would violate a paladin of honor's oath. The corrupting blade gains a pool of daily Corruption Points that refresh after 8 hours of rest. Using any of the corrupting blade's class features consumes one Corruption Point. The number of Corruption Points in the corrupting blade's pool is equal to his class level + his Strength modifier. Cursing a weapon is a swift action, and the weapon stays cursed until it has successfully struck and delivered its curse to a foe, or until the encounter ends. A corrupting blade cannot curse his weapon unless he is within 100 ft of a hostile creature or a creature he plans to attack immediately. A corrupting blade's weapon cannot hold two of the same curse at the same time, though he can curse it with a different curse that he knows even if it still holding one curse. (The curses would all go off simultaneously on the same attack) Cursing a blade that is already cursed requires a move action. A single weapon can only hold up to one curse per four class levels at a time (maximum of 5 at 20th level). If a foe is struck by the curse, he must make an immediate saving throw (each curse has its own saving throw) DC 10+1/2 Corrupting Blade level+Str modifier. If the corrupting blade takes the Ability Focus feat or in some other way increases the DC of his curse, it applies to every curse he knows.

Curses which afflict their target with a debilitating spell are still treated as extraordinary curses. Curses cannot be dispelled (as they are not magical effects), but can be broken with remove curse and other spells that break curses.

Unless otherwise noted, each curse lasts for a number of rounds equal to the corrupting blade's Strength modifier, but no longer than 1 round per class level.

Every level, the corrupting blade learns a new curse. (Note that the corrupting blade can curse any melee weapon, the name of the curse has nothing to do with the weapon it can affect)

Shining Club: Will save or be dazzled

Coiling Whip: Reflex save or be entangled

Draining Dagger: Fort save or be fatigued

Blinding Morningstar: Will save or be blinded

Shrinking Sap: Will save or be subject to reduce person, regardless of type

Foul Lance: Fort save or be nauseated (sickened on successful save). A foe can only be nauseated by this effect for a maximum of one minute.

Venom Sword: Fort save or be poisoned. (Injury, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con) If the corrupting blade is of a good alignment, he may imbue his blade with a ravage instead. A weapon cannot have both a ravage and poison curse in it at the same time. Additionally, a good corrupting blade does not treat using poison from this class feature as an evil act. If an evil undead or other evil creature immune to Constitution damage is hit by the corrupting blade's ravage, the corrupting blade may change the damage to 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex. (This happens automatically and requires no action or knowledge on the corrupting blade's part)

Exhausting Hammer: Fort save or be exhausted (fatigued on successful save)

Crushing Axe: Will save or be dazed. This effect can only last for a maximum of one minute.

Knockout Shuriken: Will save or be affected by magical sleep. This effect can only last for a maximum of one minute.

Stunning Pike: Fort save or be Stunned (Dazed on successful save). Either effect can only last for a maximum of one minute.

Enervating Sickle: Bestows a negative level. No saving throw, but in 24 hours, Fort save or permanent level loss

Binding Rapier: Will save or be affected by dominate monster

Paralyzing Chain: Fort save or be paralyzed. This effect can only last for a maximum of one minute.

Shocking Cleaver: Will save or be panicked (Frightened on successful save)

Gorgon's Scepter: Fort save or be subject to flesh to stone

Weakening Spear: Will save or be Held (stunned on a successful save). Either effect can only last for a maximum of one minute.

Choking Grip: Fort save or begin suffocating

Banishing Blade: Will save or be affected by imprisonment

Reaper's Scythe: Fort save or die (Successful save deals 5 negative levels, Fort save again in 24 hours or they become permanent)

Aura of Debilitation (Su): Starting at 5th level, the corrupting blade projects an aura of decay around him. All enemies within 10 feet of the corrupting blade take a -2 penalty to their AC and saving throws.

Weapon of Debilitation (Ex): Starting at 10th level, the corrupting blade may imbue two separate curses in his weapon as a single swift action. Using this class feature on a weapon that is already cursed requires a standard action.

Weapon of Suffering (Ex): Starting at 15th level, the corrupting blade's curses force a saving throw on every attack in a full-round attack (and stack, if applicable and the foe fails multiple saving throws)

Weapon of Destruction (Ex): The corrupting blade is the ultimate crippling force. All of his curses now last 24 hours. Additionally, his pool of Corrupting Points doubles, and whenever the corrupting blade successfully curses a foe, he receives a +4 morale bonus on the DC of his next curse against that same foe.

2011-07-15, 10:25 PM
I think that being able to dish out all of your curses in a single strike is too powerful, even if that would consume most of your corruption points. I would suggest limiting that more (maybe 1 extra curse can be added per 5 levels).
I also think that, considering it is the main feature of the class, that giving more corruption points is viable.

2011-07-15, 10:30 PM
I think that being able to dish out all of your curses in a single strike is too powerful, even if that would consume most of your corruption points. I would suggest limiting that more (maybe 1 extra curse can be added per 5 levels).
I also think that, considering it is the main feature of the class, that giving more corruption points is viable.

Limited number of curses at one time to 1/4 levels.

The Corruption Pool is based on the Ki Pool (though with less MAD). The idea is to really limit the corrupted blade's abilities and force him to use his malice wisely.

Edit: Added the Aura of Debilitation (Of Paladin of Tyranny or Slaughter fame)

2011-07-16, 01:39 AM
Dazed >> Stunned. Very few creatures are immune to being dazed while many are immune to being stunned. I'd use stunning pike and hope my opponents make the save. Alas, the creatures with the lowest fort saves are generally immune to being stunned (undead, constructs).

Before making other comments, what tier are you aiming for?

2011-07-16, 01:47 AM
Dazed >> Stunned. Very few creatures are immune to being dazed while many are immune to being stunned. I'd use stunning pike and hope my opponents make the save. Alas, the creatures with the lowest fort saves are generally immune to being stunned (undead, constructs).

Before making other comments, what tier are you aiming for?

Tier 4 or 3 I suppose. Not really much else to aim for without casting, is there? And Dazed is exactly like Stunned without the penalty to AC. So therefore, Stunning is a harsher condition. Immunities are irrelevant, in terms of the progression of the curse.

2012-01-26, 09:04 AM
For the binding rapier did you possibly mean hold monster?

2012-01-26, 11:24 AM
For the binding rapier did you possibly mean hold monster?

No. "Binding" as in, like a contract, not "binding" as in paralysis.