View Full Version : Soulstrikers (IC)

Dragon Elite
2011-07-16, 01:36 AM
After a week of plague in the city of Faramuur, the Rakers (an long-disbanded group of bandits and mages) started to terrorize the town. The townsfolk and guards fell back to their castle, but they couldn't push back the bandits. However, they sent a hawk and it's rider, Llimar, to the nearest city.

As you depart from the tavern, having been sharing adventure stories, you see a man walking up to the side of the mayor's house. He pulls out a piece of paper and nails it into the wall.

2011-07-16, 03:41 PM
The figure of above average height walked in a reserved silence, not stealthy, but doing little to call attention too itself at the same time. It wore simple clothing of a fashion favored by those that traveled, and carried a backpack fashioned form simple and sturdy cloth. It wore a long clock, hood up, face hidden from view. Beyond what has now been described, the figure was had noting of not about it, save one, final thing. The sword, worn at the belt, curved and with a long silk wrapped handle and a Bronze Tsuba*, and a heavy Iron circular guard. The curve of the sheath suggested the blade was similarly curved, and it was about three feet in length. It was tucked as much in the cloak as the figure could manage, but it could not simply be hidden with out compromising fast access, and so it remained partially visible.

Upon exiting the tavern, were the figure had done nothing but order some hot water, and sat by itself on the sidelines, minding no one's business save it's own. The actions at the Mayors house as it departed, however, called it's attention. The figure with the hidden face waited for a moment, then walked toward where the figure had been working, and looked to see what had been nailed too the wall.

*I think that's what you call the metal part at the bottom of a Katana, but I might not be remembering that correctly.

Dragon Elite
2011-07-16, 06:55 PM
You find a piece of paper. On it is written in cursive script:

The town of Faramuur will pay any soldiers as mercenaries to help us against a large group of bandits.

Your pay will be 1000 gold if you are there when we defeat them, plus any loot you find. They are very well equipped.

2011-07-17, 08:32 AM
A short, thin creature exited the tavern. His cloak forming a hood that he threw over his head just as he entered into the sunlight. He dissapeared inside the stables for a few minutes and walked outside again, a silver mackerel tabby following at his heels. Upon noticing the sign, he slowly walks over to the mayors house, as if in no great rush. He peers over the shoulder of some other man to read it.

2011-07-19, 04:05 PM
Lucas approached the post and read it. His leathers, cloth and jerkin were dyed sable, while his cloak was green despite being fadeworm from long use. At the neck of his jerkin, a gleam of silver beneath displayed the top of a light chain shirt. A longbow and greatsword were slung across his back, along with a large quiver of arrows. Both looked somewhat old, but well-made. The man himself was very young, no more than eighteen, but handsome and lithe. His frame was already powerful, and he was taller than many full-grown men with no signs of stopping. The first whisperings of a beard darkened his jaw.

Hmm. 1000g plus what we can take, he thought to himself. Lucas had no great love for the town, but good equipment and some experience was something he could use. His time at the college had been mostly concerned with training his mind to channel magic properly. As a result, his swordplay was somewhat rusty. Still, I might be of use to the town as a scout. I'm still a northman, and the men of the north are the finest trackers in all the world. Scanning the sheet again, he turned and headed towards the mayor's office.

Dragon Elite
2011-07-21, 03:42 PM
Shameless bump to say that I will be gone from 7/25 to 8/5. :smallfrown: Sorry.

2011-07-21, 06:49 PM
After studying the notice for some time, the cloaked figure walks slowly over to the mayors office to lend his services. Inwardly he sighed, I need the money. risking his life seemed like the only reliable way of getting some in these lands.

Dragon Elite
2011-07-22, 12:31 PM
As you walk up to the mayor's mansion, you see four guards. They motion up and you see two ballistas moving to point at you. "State your business. The mayor is not available, especially not for some adventurers."

2011-07-22, 04:16 PM
From beneath the hood, the figure shouts up to the guards, "Can you answer my questions regarding the Job posting I found then?" The cat lashes it's tail twice, as if agitated.

Dragon Elite
2011-07-22, 05:34 PM
Job posting? Look, the mayor has nothing to do with that! the guard says.

A man in a white cloak walks out from the shadow cast by the wall. Ahhh, it might be me whom you seek. He says, seeming to try and hide the two sword scabbard at his belt. Quickly, let me talk to you, away from them. He nods his head contemptuously at the guards, then walks into a nearby house.

2011-07-22, 07:58 PM
Realising his mistake, Dinree shouts back up "My mistake, good day to you!" and turns to follow the white cloaked man into the building. Long imbeded self preservation making him check the shadows and corners of the rooms he walks into.

2011-07-23, 12:39 AM
Lucas follows behind the man, taking up position behind the other applicants. What is this, a leper's convention, he thought acidly, looking at two of the others with cloaks up to hide their faces. There are two circumstances when one puts his cloak up. When it's raining, or when sticking out like a sore thumb is preferable to people seeing your face. Nothing to worry about though; if they took the job too, he'd find out their secrets soon enough. He waited until the others entered the house, and followed inside.

Dragon Elite
2011-07-23, 01:50 AM
As you shuffle inside, you notice the man pull off his cloak. "It is good to see some people here are kind. The mayor kicked me out." He starts muttering under his breath, and you see a wave of gold wash away the green in his eyes. "I have been... tainted. But more on that later, we need to get out of this town." This man, Zedd, was highly suspected by the guards, because of one of them say through his illusion spell. All he had with him was 1000 gold, a large eagle, and a crossbow. We need to get out."

2011-07-23, 08:49 PM
The figured followed the others as the events unfolded, remaining silent the whole way through, and maintaining the hood and cloak. It wasn't especially familiar with local customs, but it knew something was off by now.

Proceed with caution. But keep playing along. See where this leads.

The figure remained standing at the back of the group, waiting too see if the others would question this mans, unusual behavior, or at the very least if he would volunteer more insight into what he was talking about.

2011-07-30, 09:38 PM
Lucas furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why would I leave the town? Let's pretend for a minute that I don't know what you're talking about, and explain what sort of taint you're talking about, why the mayor kicked you out, why we need to leave, and why you would post a sign on the mayor's house asking for mercenaries?"

2011-07-31, 10:54 PM
As he didn't see any thing immediatly dangerous upon entering the room, the figure throws back the hood and rubs his eyes a little, It is immediatly evident that he is a dark elf. "I admit, those guards werent exactly friendly, but I'm with that guy," he said jerking a thumb in the direction of the man who had spoken up. "why would they be after you specifically? Just cause the mayor doesnt like you? Thats hardly a reason."

Dragon Elite
2011-08-05, 01:54 PM
The taint... I have been corrupted by my time as a scholar. I delved to deep into a forgotten library, and ended up like this. The cloaked man says. He conjures light, causing his face to be revealed. Half of it, in a perfect line down the middle, is the face of a dragon.You can see why the mayor dislikes me, yes? We must flee the city to save the library in my city. The bandits are close to figuring out where it is, and I needed mercenaries to help me plant this. He holds up a small ring. The Scholar's Order created the library with a place for a portal ring to fit. It will suck all the books away into one of our other libraries.

2011-08-06, 12:50 PM
By the gods!

The cloak hid the taller figures expression, but it's poker face was shattered for a moment as it's eyes widened and indeed, it's mouth almost came open in surprise.

Beneath the cloak, the muscles tensed, and for an instant a hand gravitated toward the odd sword handle. Then it relaxed again as the figure silently reasserted it's focused calm. All this in the space of a second, perhaps two.

This man claims taint, form the library he wishes us to save? And he needs warriors to help him plant a ring there? Is he no longer welcome in this place he plans to risk himself and us to save?

The figure would remain silent a bit longer, thinking and watching the man and the other two. And then, it would break the silence if the other two didn't pursue questioning this further.

2011-08-07, 06:14 PM
Lucas kept his face as close to an impassive mask as possible. A trick well-learned over the years, and essential to any bastard. Nodding once in response, his left hand gestured to the man's face. "I trust we need not worry that this . . . affliction is contagious," Lucas said as casually as possible.

While his left hand gestured, his left shoulder shifted, as if to relieve an ache. In doing so, the bow slung over his back came within easy grasp of the right, kept close to his vest. Lucas remembered back to his days of hunting: motion attracts the eye and makes it easy to miss a frozen prey. The same principle applied here. Waving with his left made it possible to slide his bow into position without drawing attention. If there was no harm, then no insult would be taken. If the man had thought to chance spreading his malady in his haste to leave town, well, there was a solution to that too, that much more readily at hand.

Dragon Elite
2011-08-07, 08:20 PM
"Indeed, you need not."

2011-08-08, 11:30 AM
The dark elf nodded as he listened. "Ok then, I don't know about the others, but I'm certainly in. How do you suggest we leave the city discretely, how badly do the guards want to get their hands on you?" Satisfied with the man's answer, he wanted to get out of the city without causing trouble.

2011-08-08, 11:40 AM
One in, I wonder how the other will chose?

Still, if there both willing, I shall join in. It is not as though it would hurt my mission.

The Figured remained still, quiet, waiting to see how the other man would react before doing anything.

Dragon Elite
2011-08-08, 12:31 PM
The man sighs. Thank you for helping me. The priest thinks I'm a demon, and is working with the mayor to capture me and kill me. He looks up at you. I do, however, have a pet Roc that should be strong enough to carry us. The guard towers are all mounted with ballistae, though, and I do not wish such an elegant creature of nature to go to harm.

2011-08-08, 03:22 PM
The elf appears to consider it. "I have a spell that may aid in that regard. But I would like to leave without having to dodge arrows on my way out. Is there a stealthier way? I have a horse to bring with which might not appreciate taking to the air." The cat had lashed it's tail once when the half/dragon mentioned the Roc.

Dragon Elite
2011-08-08, 05:06 PM
The man reaches into his bag and pulls out 4 vials. "We could poison the guards. He says, putting the vials back.But poison would make us even more unwelcome here.

2011-08-17, 11:04 AM
Lucas smirks ever so slightly. His eyes, however, are feral. "No deal." He reaches up and tucks an errant strand of hair behind his ear. "A thousand gold and whatever I can loot could buy you a way past the guards, assuming you were also willing to pay for the right names and an eye turned the wrong way at a gate in the middle of the night. It could also buy you some dead cutthroats out in the bushes. But murdering guards in the only safe haven I know of at the moment? Supposing my honor allowed it, my self-regard would not."

He reaches up idly, scratching at the beginnings of the beard on his cheeck. He eyes the spellcaster patiently, making no move for the door. The sword's in your hand, librarian. You've told me how badly you want to escape; let's see if you realize how poor your bargaining position is.

Dragon Elite
2011-08-17, 11:12 AM
I have no other options. I would talk my way past them, but they remove hoods of people talking to them. I would fly over them, but then my roc might get shot. I would ... do a lot of other things, but they would not work. That's why I need your help. He says, seeming as though he's thought on this matter for quite a while.

2011-08-18, 03:51 PM
"That escape by any means necessary benefits you, I have no doubt," Lucas replied evenly. "The question is, whether it benefits me. You've proposed that I might be able to get a thousand gold and what I can loot. In exchange, you've asked that I sacrifice the only safe place I have." He grinned humorlessly and casually straightened one of his gloves. "Since I value my security a great deal, I find the price too high. That doesn't mean that we can't work together, but it does mean that you'll have to reduce the stakes or sweeten the pot, your choice." Lucas glances up, looking the man in the eye. He calmly continues.

"Myself, I'm not sure it's necessary to kill to escape. It's a rare set of guards that doesn't have one man ready to forget to look under the hoods for the right price, which is not only a good deal cheaper and less bloody but a considerably quieter way to leave the city. All it requires is the right man, the right price and the patience to find both."

2011-08-18, 04:34 PM
The Dark elf, listened to the figure and frowned. If they are looking specifically for him, bribes might not guarantee our passage if they discover one of the ones leaving is their quarry.

"Perhaps, you could use the roc after all, if only you rode it. As long as the city isn’t completely barred from all travel, we should be able to leave at will right? After all, they are only looking for you, and even should they search us, what could they find to inciminate us? We don't even have to leave as a group, although it would probobly be a good idea to stick together.". Stopping for a moment, he seemed to be thinking. Hmmm, Mage armor and Darkness? I have the components, and black on black should work.

After a moment, he began thoughtfully tapping his fingers to some unheard tune and continued to share his idea. "Perhaps, under the cover of night, I could cast two spells on your roc which should serve to protect it, and hide it from view. Then the rest of us could leave by the front gates, and you could fly out un-noticed. A drawback is that once hidden, you won’t be able to see anything anymore than they can see you. Once in the air, you should be completely invisible against the night sky, but you would be flying blind for the duration of the spell, which is around 30 minutes. After which, you could easily meet us outside the gates in the wilderness, I can shine a beacon of light as well.

Dragon Elite
2011-08-18, 09:18 PM
Thank you, kind adventurers, using the spells on my roc would be amazing. Shall we leave tonight, or are there things you need? He says, the corners of his mouth turning up.

2011-08-20, 12:57 PM
The Dark Elf smiled. "I'm ready to leave whenever, just have to fetch my horse." Turning to the other adventurers he cocked his head "What about you guys?"

2011-08-20, 08:15 PM
The hooded figure nodded, once, indicating it was ready when they were.

A good enough plan, and one that will protect my own interests form the sound of things.

2011-08-21, 12:28 AM
Lucas slides his bow back up higher on his shoulder. "That depends on how long we're going to be out in the wild. I can hunt at need, but I'd much prefer to bring enough provisions for the trip." He straightens from his position against the wall and brushes his hair back from his face. "Also, while it might be slower, I'd still prefer not to surrender my horse."

2011-08-21, 08:17 AM
The Dark Elf smiled broadly, "With this plan, you don't have to! This fellow here will be using the roc to leave town himself, while we take our horses and such out the front gate! when we meet in the wild, I see no reason why we can't ride horses the rest of the way to the city. Though we may wan't to ride quickly to reach it before his library is dececrated."

Dragon Elite
2011-08-22, 07:44 PM
Yes. That sounds amazing. Thank you for the great ideas, your adventurer's ingenuity is working out.

2011-08-22, 10:26 PM
The Dark Elf beams, "Ahh its nothing, I just have practice devising escapes is all." his smile fades as he seems to be remembering something. The cat twines around his legs and purrs softly.

After a notable pause, he seems to refocus on the present. Adressing the other two adventurers, "so we'll meet outside the gates after dusk, correct? If nothing else I'll shine a light for you."

2011-08-23, 12:38 PM
Once more the hooded figure nodded, indicating an agreement with the arraignment the elf suggested.

2011-08-25, 01:25 AM
"Which brings me back to my earlier question," Lucas states flatly. "We'll need to know either how much food to bring, or how far away wherever you're taking your . . . library is."

Dragon Elite
2011-08-25, 09:35 AM
The library is a mere day away by shadowwalk, and there are food stores located throughout. And, as he talks he rummages through his pack until he pulls out what appears to be a notebook. In here, I have multiple scrolls that can create food for us.

2011-09-01, 04:04 AM
"Then assuming those scrolls don't come out of my paycheck, I'll meet you all at the East Gate after sundown. Where outside the city do we want to rendezvous with our employer," Lucas asks, shouldering his bow and moving for the door.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-01, 09:21 AM
"You will find a trail of strange, twisted trees, leading to our metting place.

2011-09-01, 03:15 PM
"Strange twisted trees leading to a meeting place outside the East Gate, Lucas confirms as he opens the door. He pauses briefly at the doorway and looks back. "I've got it. Assuming neither of you have any objections, I will meet you two at the East Gate just after sundown," glancing at his fellows, "and our employer outside after dark." He walks out the door and shuts it behind him.

2011-09-01, 04:01 PM
The elf nods, glances at the other figure, and turns back to his employer. "Do you have a good place from which we can safely ward and launch your Roc unobserved?"

Dragon Elite
2011-09-01, 04:50 PM
"Yes. I know of a perfect place, the tree in the Grand Central Park.

2011-09-01, 05:21 PM
The elf nodds again, "okay, I will meet you there at sundown." Moving to the door, he opens it, and starts outside before jerking, and cursing under his breath. The cat jumps through the open door from between his legs, almost smug. Throwing the hood of his cloak back over his head. He exits.

2011-09-02, 12:25 AM
Closing the door behind him, Lucas headed for the inn at which he was staying. As surreptitiously as he could, he scanned the area for anyone watching. Job seems easy enough, I was able to talk him out of killing needlessly, and thanks to the elf I won't be seen leaving with him, but still . . . Lucas mulled the matter over as he walked.

It was still possible this was some kind of trap, but the more Lucas thought about it, the less likely that seemed. No one had any grudges against him, and the only thing he could think of as a motive for a trap would be that a vague somebody was looking to trap men desperate for gold. But why trap someone seeking gold when you could just offer it to them directly? No, this was too straightforward to go sideways on account of dragon man playing me false, Lucas concluded silently.

There was of course the possibility that someone had found him and, by extension, had found Lucas. If they had found him, they might be hanging back, waiting to trap the group in the wild where there would be no questions and no accounting for that hidden library. Lucas silently scanned the faces of those he came across, hoping that if they did plan to follow them, he'd remember their face later. Coming up on the inn, he went inside.

As he entered, he fished in his purse for a coin and, finding the one he wanted, closed the purse. Moving up to the innkeeper, he put the coin down and slid it with one finger across the top of the counter seperating them. Stopping it in front of the barkeep, he lifted his finger off it, revealing a gold coin. "I'll be leaving later this evening. This should cover my bill and a small store of food. I need a loaf of bread, hunk of cheese and this skin, he said, raising one of his waterskins, filled with wine. And not the cheap stuff either. In the meantime, I will be up in my room. Knock on the door an hour before sundown.

With that, he went to his room, barred the door, pulled his boots off, and laying on top of the bed, went to sleep.

2011-09-02, 12:28 PM
The figure that wore that had worn the hood headed out, and found a nice quiet spot behind a few of the buildings with a couple of barrels handy. Out of sight and probably far enough back that the sounds wouldn't carry.

The figure drew a curved dagger and a wet-stone from it's belt, and spent some ten minutes sharpening the blade, and then applying a bit of oil too it before re sheathing it. And then, it proceeded to draw a curved sword with a long silk wrapped grip and a heavy round guard, sporting a blade about three feet long.For the next several hours, the figure carefully, meticulously, applied the stone too the sharp part of the metal, ensuring the edge was perfectly honed.

From there, it spent another twenty minutes applying oil before returning the sword too it's scabbard. It then spent a few moments working under the coat before producing a breast plate, a more recent acquirement then either of the two previous Items, and started giving it a throughout wipe down too keep any moister on it form rusting the item, and then a bit of oil where needed. From there, the armor was reapplied.

Having done these things, the figured kneeled, and spent some moments in prayer, and finally proceeded too spend over two hours meditating, and finally rose once more, drawing the sword too spend a good fifteen minutes practicing a form with the weapon, before returning it too it's scabbard and tucking it all under the cloak once more. By now, it was time the figure was off anyway too meet with the others, so it headed to the agreed spot.

2011-09-02, 04:19 PM
Gathering all of his things, the elf retrieved his horse from the stables and left for the Grand Central Park. Upon arrival he picked a nearby shadowy alleyway and parked there, waiting untill dusk. One eye out for trouble as he mentally readied himself for the spellcasting he was going to do.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-02, 06:48 PM
The dragon man walked in, with his hood up, causing a commotion at the park. Civilians ran away at the sight of the roc, and he sets his eyes straight on his spellcaster. "I have arrived."

2011-09-02, 10:44 PM
The elf rubbed his hands together. "alright then, It's about time then, isn't it. Now, a last minute reminder, the darkness will obscure all light, so nobody should see you, and you wont be able to see a thing. Plan your take off in your head before I cast the second spell. Remember it only lasts for 30 minutes, so get as far as you can in that time. The other spell, the protection spell, lasts for three hours."

With that, he reached into the pouch at his side and withdrew a peice of cured leather. Drawing arcane symbols in the air, he softly uttered words in some ancient language. At the climax, he reached out and laid his hand on the Roc. A thin field of force sprang to life over the creature's hide.

Pausing a moment before begining the second spell, he motioned to the Roc. "You may want to mount up."

Dragon Elite
2011-09-02, 11:14 PM
The hooded man steps onto his dragon. I am ready. Cast the spell. He says, leaning forward. The roc turns its head and stares intently at you.

2011-09-02, 11:20 PM
Nodding, the Elf steps around to the side of the beast. Eying the harness, he lays his hand on it, no fancy tricks this time, just a surge of power, and black inky darkness replaces what was once a half-dragon on a Roc. The elf, who can see through it fine, eyes the two now blind figures and steps back from the dragon quickly. He says "I'm clear, you have 30 minutes, go for altitude!"

Dragon Elite
2011-09-02, 11:23 PM
He nods. Meet me at the assigned location. He says, his roc jumping up and soaring away.

2011-09-02, 11:33 PM
The air from the liftoff breifly buffeting around him, the elf grinned in spite of himself. Look at the dragon fly.

The smile still plastered on his face, he packed up the rest of his things, mounted his horse, and made off for the fron gates, his cat riding in the mane of the horse.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-09, 09:34 AM
You all meet at the spot in the trees. The half-dragon jumps off of his roc, landing in a roll and coming to his feet with a smile. Aah, very good. Shall we set off? Any last minute preparations?

2011-09-09, 02:56 PM
The hood of the figure shakes, just enough to be visible. Indicating it didn't need to do anything else to ready itself.

2011-09-09, 04:02 PM
climbing back atop his horse, the dark elf appears ready. "I'm ready when you are."

2011-09-10, 10:57 PM
"Ready when you are . . . Come to think of it, you never gave me your name, nor title," Lucas said, his hand brushing back a strand of brown hair that had fallen past his ear. Hell, I don't know if the one with the sword can speak at all. "I'm afraid I do not know how to address you."

2011-09-11, 11:48 AM
"I am called Malagree Do'lyl" the elf says cheerfully.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-21, 12:10 AM
The hooded dragon waves his hand and casts a spell, then turns and walks away. Every step you take crosses miles, and you see the terrain whiz by. When you have arrived, he motions you toward a door. I will unlock it now. Be careful once we are inside. He throws a hand toward the door, and it slams open. Inside is eerily quiet. You see a spiral staircase heading down, it's steps adorned with gems.

2011-09-21, 03:54 PM
The hooded figure fell in a half step behind the man with features that belonged too a dragon, putting a hand on it's sword and keeping the motion tucked inside it's cloak, just in case. Wouldn't do to be taken unawares after all.

Ready action too draw sword. Also, ready action for general purposes in case we get attacked or something.

2011-09-21, 10:35 PM
Following behind the figure, the elf descends, eyes alert for any problems.

2011-09-21, 11:23 PM
What the hell does someone who can do that need with three mooks, Lucas asked himself as the other two took the lead. Lucas was skilled enough to handle a normal city guard, no doubt, but what he'd just seen was something else entirely. Still, against that much magical power, there's not much I could do even if I wanted. Best to play this out.

With that, he unslung his sword from behind his back and stepped in behind the other two to take up the rearguard. Taking a look behind him as he went, he crossed the threshold.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-21, 11:51 PM
As you go in, the half-dragon swears. The main spell defences are off! Someone else must be in here. he continues to stride down the staircase until, about 50 feet below, you hear a creature speak.
Ch kehk gorazn! Sera pet! It shrieks, pointing at you and running.

2011-09-22, 07:28 PM
Halting, the dark elf reaches back with one hand and pulls out a Crystaline Hand Crossbow. With his other hand, he points twords the creature. The evocation tears from his lips as twin bolts of energy split from his fingers, rand race down the stairs to strike the creature that had cried out.

Draw hand crossbow
Magic Missile, 2 bolts:

Dragon Elite
2011-09-22, 08:07 PM
The creature crumples, dead, and a voice speaks out, booming. THAT WAS A BAD IDEA... PREPARE FOR HOSTILITIES.

2011-09-22, 08:16 PM
The sword came free of it's sheath with a clean, crisp hissing sound as the cloaked figure stepped forward in between it's companions and what ever else was down that hall, bringing the blade into a guard position with both hands and adopting a poster that would lend to stiffer swing at the coast of a slightly easier target.

The figure took a deep breath, and cleared it's mind. Focused minds, clear though, applied skill, those mattered in battle. More then brute strenght or sheer tenacity.

[roll0] Concentration check for Unnerving calm Feats Benefit.

Enter punishing stance, moved and drew sword as one action. Also, I have a readied action so that if anything comes at us I will hit it with a strike which I am keeping readied. I'm also gonna ready an action to close with something if it shows itself but holds it's ground out of reach.

2011-09-22, 09:33 PM
"Ok," The elf murmers with a grin, "thanks for the heads up."

Taking out the same peice of leather from before, he makes one-handed motions in the air. They seem to be quite complex, as he finishes, force armour surrounds him. As this happens, his cat, which happens to be crouching next to his feet, also recieves force armor. It lashes it's tail once, as if in anticipation.

Full-round Action
Mage Armor on Self. Extend Metamagic feat doubles duration. Will last 6 hours. 2nd level spell slot used.

Dragon Elite
2011-09-23, 12:12 AM
You hear a deafening din, sounding like many, many armored humanoids all marching slowly.

Make a listen check.

2011-09-23, 11:41 AM
Lucas tilts the bottom of his scabbard up with his left hand, pushing the scabbard low enough to resheathe his sword. Can't reach from back here. With a single fluid motion, Lucas pulled his longbow off his shoulder with his right while his left drew and notched an arrow. Moving carefully, Lucas retreats slightly a step or two up the stairwell, looking for a bit of elevation over the figure with the sword.

2011-09-23, 11:43 AM
Initiative Check:

2011-09-23, 12:24 PM
Guess I don't have anything too lose. [roll0]

The minus is from armor check penalty.

2011-09-23, 04:26 PM
Listen Check:
If I have actions to spend I want to cast Mage Armor (3 hours duration) on the Cloaked Figure in front of me, and walk down the stairs, stopping when I see a threat or the landing of the stairs. As I pass the other members of the party, The elf wispers "I have an Idea."

If I dont, ignore that.

2011-09-26, 11:45 PM
Listen check: [roll0]

Dragon Elite
2011-09-27, 09:29 AM
If your listen check was higher or equal to 23:
You hear the sound of small footsteps, coming from the bottom of the stairs. They seem to be going down the stairs.
If it was not higher than or equal to 23:
You hear just the sounds of a normal dungeon, rats, spiders, and mysterious breathing nosies.

2011-09-29, 09:06 PM
Moving down the stairs, The elf seemes poised for action, loading a crossbow bolt into his crossbow.

He will try to stay around 30 feet in front of the others.

If he reaches the landing, he will peer around any corners, but stay there and wait.

If he sees anything immediately threataning at any time he will cast Darkness on his clothes and end his move on that spot. (readied standard action)