View Full Version : Soul Eater PrC + Locate City Bomb = Instant wright army?

2011-07-16, 11:23 PM
While totally not possible in a non-gestalt game, in a gestalt game if you had a character who was a wizard(Or archivist, if it can get locate city)///some martial class(es)/soul eater by RAW it seems that all the wrights you make with locate city bomb immediately fall under your command as the soul slave ability, as written, says that whenever you level drain somebody down to 0 they raise as a wright under your command. It, however, dose NOT specify that this level-draining must come from your soul eater class features. Thus, by RAW, wrights you make with other level-draining powers, such as locate city bomb, would also be under your command. This essentially means that you could assemble a massive wright army totally loyal to you via locate city wrightbombing city after city....but I am not sure this works. Is this possible or did an errata kill this idea?

Sadly, as far as I know, this only works in gestalt, as I don't know of any caster classes that get good enough BAB AND Locate City, except for maybe the Battle Sorc....but if anybody knows a non-gestalt build that could pull this off, please, share.

2011-07-16, 11:29 PM
Source for Soul Eater?

2011-07-16, 11:31 PM
Book of Vile Darkness. It's specifically a non-caster PrC and requires you to be non-humanoid. It's a painful class to get into, and as a result I could only see this being done in gestalt...or perhaps on a Phariem in non-gestalt if the starting level is high enough.

2011-07-16, 11:45 PM
...Level 20. Warforged Sorc. 11/Soul Eater 9. Versatile Spellcaster.

Suddenly, undead minions.

To clarify...

You need a BAB of +5 to get into Soul Eater. A level 10 Sorc has BAB of +5. Gather the metamagic feats you need, take the feat (you get Alertness from your familiar, so Weapon Focus for your slam is all you need) you need to qualify, and lol.

2011-07-16, 11:47 PM
Undead minions EVERYWHERE.

2011-07-16, 11:54 PM
...Level 20. Warforged Sorc. 11/Soul Eater 9. Versatile Spellcaster.

Suddenly, undead minions.

To clarify...

You need a BAB of +5 to get into Soul Eater. A level 10 Sorc has BAB of +5. Gather the metamagic feats you need, take the feat (you get Alertness from your familiar, so Weapon Focus for your slam is all you need) you need to qualify, and lol.
Throw in the Spell Drain feat (LM) - by my reading, you would steal a spell from every prepared caster in the radius (up to a max of your CHA bonus).

2011-07-16, 11:56 PM
(Or archivist, if it can get locate city)

Easily; Locate City is also both a Bard and a Ranger spell.

2011-07-16, 11:56 PM
Throw in the Spell Drain feat (LM) - by my reading, you would steal a spell from every prepared caster in the radius (up to a max of your CHA bonus).

...It's... It's beautiful!

2011-07-17, 12:06 AM
Throw in the Spell Drain feat (LM) - by my reading, you would steal a spell from every prepared caster in the radius (up to a max of your CHA bonus).

You'd only hold onto them for an hour though and have no control over what you get. Still good, but a bit of a crapshoot.

2011-07-17, 06:56 AM
True, but by RAW it allows you to cast 9ths without having the slots for them, and gives you spells with better DCs to boot...which would be a major plus in this build and absolutely necessary in a game going into epic where epic spellcasting is not banned.(As all it requires is the ability to cast 9th level arcane(for a sorc) spells, not actually having 9th level slots...thus spell drain allows you to qualify without 9th level slots because it still allows you to cast 9ths...which is all you need for epic spellcasting.) This build is already looking more and more diabolical by the minute. Now the only thing we need to do is find a way to beat spell resistance, since our CL is so low....

Also, for worlds in which warforged do not exist this build could always be made by using flaws to pick up willing deformity and deformity: Clawed Hands feats.

Also, I realized that this guy can become a demigod pre-epic if he wants. All he has to do is locate city wrightbomb enough areas to get 200+ wrights under his command(easy for this guy at level 20.)...and order them to worship him...suddenly he becomes a demigod. The more wrights you command, the higher your divine rank will go, and you can also grant spells meaning you can now have clerics. Get a few clerics, or even better, turn fallen clerics to your cause(so they will already be high level.) and they can build their own undead legions for you.

Take the Leadership feat and snag a cohort with planar travel spells( A Cleric would be a good choice both RP and mechanically) so when the time comes to go conquer other worlds you can do it, and also grab some Diplomancers. Send the Diplomancers out to tell people about how great it is to become undead and that joining the wrightpocopyse church would be super special awesome and both save them(and their family) from the master's wrath and do away with their boring, mundane life as a peasant farmer..or whatever else your Diplomancers may say to convince people to join your church. between your constant production of wrights that serve you, clerics making undead to worship you and diplomancers converting people to the the church of the wrightpocolypse you should be able to go from demigod to lesser deity quite quickly, and possibly even reach greater deity...PRE-EPIC....

Meanwhile if any high level casters try to foil your scheme your cleric buddy can deal with them for you, and if push comes to shove you could potentially deal with them if you get lucky with spell drain or happen to level drain some particularly nasty monster to use your Soul Radiance power to shapechange into.(Have your cleric minion use Greater Planar Ally, or see if you can spell drain greater planar binding to call some powerful outsider that you can force to stay still so you can keep touching it until it's level drained to 0.)

This guy would make a very powerful BBEG, to say the least...

2011-07-17, 09:45 AM
Negative levels don't make the dead come back as wrights unless they already were, or you train the wights you raise to craft, create and repair things.

2011-07-17, 09:47 AM
I do believe he meant wight.

2011-07-17, 09:51 AM
between your constant production of wrights that serve you

Hang on a tick. Where'd you get the idea that level-drain-created wights automatically serve you? Neither Soul Eater nor the negative levels entry in the SRD grant you control; the wights you create would be free-willed.

2011-07-17, 09:54 AM
His idea is that Soul Eater doesn't specify HOW you make them, just that you have to make them. I, personally, think it's amusing to imagine.

2011-07-17, 09:58 AM
His idea is that Soul Eater doesn't specify HOW you make them, just that you have to make them. I, personally, think it's amusing to imagine.

Right, but all that deals with is creation - it says nothing about control. So the ascending to a demigod bit is missing a few steps.

2011-07-17, 10:12 AM
True, but by RAW it allows you to cast 9ths without having the slots for them, and gives you spells with better DCs to boot...which would be a major plus in this build and absolutely necessary in a game going into epic where epic spellcasting is not banned.(As all it requires is the ability to cast 9th level arcane(for a sorc) spells, not actually having 9th level slots...thus spell drain allows you to qualify without 9th level slots because it still allows you to cast 9ths...which is all you need for epic spellcasting.) This build is already looking more and more diabolical by the minute. Now the only thing we need to do is find a way to beat spell resistance, since our CL is so low....

Practiced Spellcaster and an Ioun stone are obvious ways to boost CL.

Also, you can probably get an easy to enter PrC to replace some of the sorcerer levels. I don't see this as directly helping the CL issue but it does make the build stronger. The most obvious sorcerer level to replace is to replace level 11 with a PrC dip that has level 1 adding to caster level. Fatespinner would be an obvious one (so go sorcerer 10/fatespinner 1/soul eater 9) but the skill points required might not be worth it.

Hang on a tick. Where'd you get the idea that level-drain-created wights automatically serve you? Neither Soul Eater nor the negative levels entry in the SRD grant you control; the wights you create would be free-willed.

9th level ability of a Soul Eater: "If a 9th-level soul eater completely drains a creature of energy, the victim becomes a wight under the command of the soul eater." Now, you could argue that this only applies to energy drain by using soul eater class features but the other interpretation seems completely reasonable.

2011-07-17, 11:08 AM
True, but by RAW it allows you to cast 9ths without having the slots for them, and gives you spells with better DCs to boot...which would be a major plus in this build and absolutely necessary in a game going into epic where epic spellcasting is not banned.(As all it requires is the ability to cast 9th level arcane(for a sorc) spells, not actually having 9th level slots...thus spell drain allows you to qualify without 9th level slots because it still allows you to cast 9ths...which is all you need for epic spellcasting.) This build is already looking more and more diabolical by the minute. Now the only thing we need to do is find a way to beat spell resistance, since our CL is so low....

Also, for worlds in which warforged do not exist this build could always be made by using flaws to pick up willing deformity and deformity: Clawed Hands feats.

Also, I realized that this guy can become a demigod pre-epic if he wants. All he has to do is locate city wrightbomb enough areas to get 200+ wrights under his command(easy for this guy at level 20.)...and order them to worship him...suddenly he becomes a demigod. The more wrights you command, the higher your divine rank will go, and you can also grant spells meaning you can now have clerics. Get a few clerics, or even better, turn fallen clerics to your cause(so they will already be high level.) and they can build their own undead legions for you.

Take the Leadership feat and snag a cohort with planar travel spells( A Cleric would be a good choice both RP and mechanically) so when the time comes to go conquer other worlds you can do it, and also grab some Diplomancers. Send the Diplomancers out to tell people about how great it is to become undead and that joining the wrightpocopyse church would be super special awesome and both save them(and their family) from the master's wrath and do away with their boring, mundane life as a peasant farmer..or whatever else your Diplomancers may say to convince people to join your church. between your constant production of wrights that serve you, clerics making undead to worship you and diplomancers converting people to the the church of the wrightpocolypse you should be able to go from demigod to lesser deity quite quickly, and possibly even reach greater deity...PRE-EPIC....

Meanwhile if any high level casters try to foil your scheme your cleric buddy can deal with them for you, and if push comes to shove you could potentially deal with them if you get lucky with spell drain or happen to level drain some particularly nasty monster to use your Soul Radiance power to shapechange into.(Have your cleric minion use Greater Planar Ally, or see if you can spell drain greater planar binding to call some powerful outsider that you can force to stay still so you can keep touching it until it's level drained to 0.)

This guy would make a very powerful BBEG, to say the least...

I think you just described the Necromongers of the Chronicles of Riddick. :smalleek:

Also, I'm amused by your wanting to take over the multiverse by your peddling of cut rate wagon accessories via cornering the market in cheap undead labor. WALMART WILL CONSUME YOUR SOULS!! :smallwink:

2011-07-17, 11:11 AM
9th level ability of a Soul Eater: "If a 9th-level soul eater completely drains a creature of energy, the victim becomes a wight under the command of the soul eater." Now, you could argue that this only applies to energy drain by using soul eater class features but the other interpretation seems completely reasonable.

I missed that... carry on.

But there is still a weak link in the chain - if even one of the original set of wights dies, all spawn it created become uncontrolled. Enterprising adventurers could easily cause a civil war/schism in your "church."

2011-07-17, 11:37 AM
I missed that... carry on.

But there is still a weak link in the chain - if even one of the original set of wights dies, all spawn it created become uncontrolled. Enterprising adventurers could easily cause a civil war/schism in your "church."

Sounds like a great adventure hook to me. First the PCs have to discover the source of the BBEG's power, and once they find the secret church, they need to figure out the most efficient way to defeat 200+ wights.

2011-07-17, 11:54 AM
A 4 man squad of level 5 clerics with the Sun Domain? :P

2011-07-17, 12:07 PM
A 4 man squad of level 5 clerics with the Sun Domain? :P

Better make that 7th, y'need Death Ward and Divine Power for when the hordes inevitably close on you. I don't think you can expect to spam Turn Undead fast enough to keep a safe zone around you with that large a horde.

2011-07-17, 01:23 PM
Better make that 7th, y'need Death Ward and Divine Power for when the hordes inevitably close on you. I don't think you can expect to spam Turn Undead fast enough to keep a safe zone around you with that large a horde.

Well, most of the wights are lvl 1 or lower right? If you keep casting spells with the [light] descriptor, and a few of them actualy turns the more powerful undead, you're safe IIRC.

2011-07-17, 01:27 PM
Well, most of the wights are lvl 1 or lower right? If you keep casting spells with the [light] descriptor, and a few of them actualy turns the more powerful undead, you're safe IIRC.

Wights actually have 4hd, making them significantly more dangerous than the commoners they once were.

2011-07-17, 01:56 PM
Wights actually have 4hd, making them significantly more dangerous than the commoners they once were.

Not only that but they're only averaging a Turn Damage of 14 HD for the 5th level clerics, meaning they're turning or destroying 3-4 wights per turn, provided they roll a 7 or better, meaning they only have a 70% chance of actually affecting them. This doesn't consider if any turn resistance they've otherwise picked up since raising, which makes it worse.

And besides, even if the clerics get their AC up to 23 or better (full plate, heavy shield, Dex 12 or better, shield of faith), there's enough of them that probability will dictate that one of them will crit and you'll suck up some negative levels, which will make you start slipping down the slippery slope into negative level death and wightdom. I don't expect them all to have Enduring Life (http://realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Enduring_Life) or Sacred Vitality (http://realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Sacred_Vitality), so you need to keep yourself safe from the life-hating hordes somehow.

2011-07-17, 02:19 PM
I can't quite remember the specifics of the LCB and I am away from book but a Stalwart Battle Sorcerer could get you the BAB faster and a free weapon focus for your claws (I guess it does say you get martial weapon proficiency and weapon focus with that weapon but what DM is honestly going to stop you?). This is all assuming you don't mind neutering your spells a bit.

2011-07-17, 03:40 PM
Better make that 7th, y'need Death Ward and Divine Power for when the hordes inevitably close on you. I don't think you can expect to spam Turn Undead fast enough to keep a safe zone around you with that large a horde.

There's also Deathward. Need some shenanigans to make it last all day, but there you have it.

Alternately, go to the BoED, for Nimbus of Light and the other aura feat. You're now damaging the wights just by being near them.

2011-07-17, 03:41 PM
Well, with this build your not going to cast anything that an 11th level sorc could not cast traditionally(You can still cast higher level spells by spell-draining them from other casters, though, and you can get scrolls of what you need in a pinch) so as a result stalwart battle sorc would actually be good here, so you can actually be more effective in melee when you want to be...remember, arcane gets some good buffs, but nowhere near cleric-level when it comes to melee. So if you want to hack things up(and with soul eater levels, you do) and are not really focusing on being a traditional, spell-focused caster(which your not focusing on here with only 11 levels in a caster class.) stalwart battle sorc becomes ideal.

I am beginning to like this build as a BBEG...I will have to stat him up eventually and perhaps use him against my new playgroup in the future. :smallamused:

2011-07-17, 03:56 PM
That's such a waste of his potential.

He should be a PC who goes Face Heel Turn.

2011-07-17, 04:05 PM
There's also Deathward. Need some shenanigans to make it last all day, but there you have it.

Alternately, go to the BoED, for Nimbus of Light and the other aura feat. You're now damaging the wights just by being near them.

Better make that 7th, y'need Death Ward and Divine Power for when the hordes inevitably close on you. I don't think you can expect to spam Turn Undead fast enough to keep a safe zone around you with that large a horde.

Um yeah, I said Death Ward unless there's some single word version out there I'm unfamiliar with. I think 5 minutes of Death Ward should be long enough, though you may want to Extend it via DMM to be sure. Certainly cheaper than DMM(Persist), especially if you want to use your turns for actually driving off undead hordes.

Nimbus of Light does certainly have its appeal, though that kinda seems like nickles and dimes to me. Sacred Vengeance (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Sacred_Vengeance) may be more applicable if you can get your attacks up for dishing out the holy smackdown.


That's such a waste of his potential.

He should be a PC who goes Face Heel Turn.

I think he could work well as a hidden baddie, someone you thought was a good patron and ally but was using the PCs as pawns to get rid of all the resistance in his way. He has the Charisma to pull off such a bluff, certainly. :smallwink:

2011-07-17, 04:13 PM
While adventurers are always an issue(for every villain) this guy still has ways to deal with them. He has a 17th level cleric for his second in command, and since he is charismatic he can take ranks in social skills and get SOME of the other high level casters in the world on his side. With both his clerical "Dragon" and a bunch of high level casting conspirators/allies, he should have no issue taking out some messily low-mid level adventurers...it's the high level guys he has to worry about, but since he's a BBEG and not a PC I can basically give him access to any resources he needs...so yeah. Of course, as a BBEG the players will, eventually, defeat him....or join him, if they so choose.

2011-07-17, 04:22 PM
=\ Saaaaad.

2011-07-17, 04:23 PM
he should have no issue taking out some messily low-mid level adventurers...it's the high level guys he has to worry about, but since he's a BBEG and not a PC I can basically give him access to any resources he needs...so yeah. Of course, as a BBEG the players will, eventually, defeat him....or join him, if they so choose.

Pride goeth before a fall. :smallwink: Someone hasn't read their Evil Overlord List (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList). :smalltongue:

2011-07-17, 05:12 PM
Insolent fool! I read that list at the tender age of 10, which spurred me into becoming an evil overlord myself! I know full well of that list because it is exactly what you DON'T want to do if you want to be an evil overlord! Some may claim that the list is the way to go, but ask anybody in my business and they will tell you that being an evil overlord is not about being effective....it's about being totally awesome, tossing out epic monologues engaging in copious amounts of evil laughter.....and then getting defeated by the heroes because unless your a villain protagonist or the writers happen to be extremely dark no amount of genera savy-ness or effective tactics will save you from team good. So why not enjoy your limited time as the BBEG while you can by being as over the top and dramatic as possible?

2011-07-17, 06:24 PM
Insolent fool! I read that list at the tender age of 10, which spurred me into becoming an evil overlord myself! I know full well of that list because it is exactly what you DON'T want to do if you want to be an evil overlord! Some may claim that the list is the way to go, but ask anybody in my business and they will tell you that being an evil overlord is not about being effective....it's about being totally awesome, tossing out epic monologues engaging in copious amounts of evil laughter.....and then getting defeated by the heroes because unless your a villain protagonist or the writers happen to be extremely dark no amount of genera savy-ness or effective tactics will save you from team good. So why not enjoy your limited time as the BBEG while you can by being as over the top and dramatic as possible?

Tarquin said it better. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0763.html)

2011-07-17, 11:43 PM
I am beginning to like this build as a BBEG...I will have to stat him up eventually and perhaps use him against my new playgroup in the future. :smallamused:

I personally advise against this - a boss that uses Locate City Bomb shenanigans seems like it would open up a can of worms to me. But you know your playgroup better than I do.

2011-07-18, 01:45 AM
Wights actually have 4hd, making them significantly more dangerous than the commoners they once were.
Could you stack the Corpse Crafter line of feats onto that? It might be stretching the wording of the feat: "Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell"...does the Locate City Wight Bomb count as a necromancy spell?

2011-07-18, 01:58 AM
Could you stack the Corpse Crafter line of feats onto that? It might be stretching the wording of the feat: "Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell"...does the Locate City Wight Bomb count as a necromancy spell?

Fell Drain doesn't make it a necromancy spell, so no it doesn't. I'm pretty sure it counts as a cold spell though. I'm not sure what all metamagic feats go into it. One that makes all spells cold, and one that adds damage to cold spells.

2011-07-18, 02:38 AM
. Of course, as a BBEG the players will, eventually, defeat him....or join him, if they so choose.

IMO the party should never be safer then waht they can provide themselves. i wont go out of my way to kill a party of adventurers, but if my bbeg was a lesser deity controlijng a wight army, im sure he would have every defence in place. id give my normal play groups a 50/50 chance of being able to defeat him.

as for advising against this, idk. the party doesnt really have to know the back story to this, maybe you could incorperate it in. but its easy enough. an evil guy doing evil things doesnt seem so bad. adventurers rarely question the creatures they have to fight already. i dont think it would open any can of worms, what would be more wary about is a smart party rocket tagging your generals, or worse, being enlisting other powerful npc's in aid (it will be hard to play off the worlds most powerful wizards and cleircs of good when its plain fact this guy just dropped entire cities to convert them to undead)

2011-07-18, 03:54 PM
Fell Drain doesn't make it a necromancy spell, so no it doesn't. I'm pretty sure it counts as a cold spell though. I'm not sure what all metamagic feats go into it. One that makes all spells cold, and one that adds damage to cold spells.

If Locate City is mind-affecting, you can make it a necromancy spell via Song of the Dead (http://realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Song_of_the_Dead).

2011-07-18, 04:12 PM
If Locate City is mind-affecting, you can make it a necromancy spell via Song of the Dead (http://realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Song_of_the_Dead).

Locate City (Races of Destiny) is a Divination spell, that just tells you direction of the nearest city within the area of the spell.
Snow Casting (Frostburn) gives it the [Cold] descriptor if you use snow in the casting.
Flash Frost Spell (PHBII) adds 2 damage to spells with the [Cold] descriptor and that have an area. (No save)
Fell Drain (Libris Mortis) makes everyone who takes damage take one negative level, killing most, if not all, of the commoners. And probably some experts, adepts, and wet behind the ears adventurers.

2011-07-18, 04:47 PM
Could you stack the Corpse Crafter line of feats onto that? It might be stretching the wording of the feat: "Each undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell"...does the Locate City Wight Bomb count as a necromancy spell?

You'll need Black Lore of Moil to make it Necromancy first (IIRC that works). Also, consider using the UA Necromancer variant for +2 HP/HD and +4 Enhancement to Str and Dex, plus that ring (Deadwalker's, I think? From Complete Mage) that boosts the hp of undead you make.


2011-07-18, 04:59 PM
You'll need Black Lore of Moil to make it Necromancy first (IIRC that works). Also, consider using the UA Necromancer variant for +2 HP/HD and +4 Enhancement to Str and Dex, plus that ring (Deadwalker's, I think? From Complete Mage) that boosts the hp of undead you make.


From what I can tell, the only benefit of Black Lore of Moil is that it adds extra damage to Necromancy spells. I don't see anything about it giving spells the Necromancy tag.

2011-07-18, 06:05 PM
You'll need Black Lore of Moil to make it Necromancy first (IIRC that works). Also, consider using the UA Necromancer variant for +2 HP/HD and +4 Enhancement to Str and Dex, plus that ring (Deadwalker's, I think? From Complete Mage) that boosts the hp of undead you make.


Black Lore only works on Necromancy spells, doesn't make them Necromancy. Song of the Dead is the only way I'm aware of making spells change schools (specifically to Necromancy).

As for the Song, I forgot that it doesn't specifically require spells be Mind-Affecting, just that it has benefits if it does have such a benefit. I.E. You can make anything you bloody want to be Necromancy. That would actually make Black Lore somewhat useful. ...Hmm, now I want to make that necromancer...

2011-07-18, 06:56 PM
So, the plan now is to make a ridiculously awesome Black Necromancer with a focus on ice and wights? Use the Locate City bomb to create a massive number of wights, combined with the Enhanced Undead and Corpsecrafter feat chain?

Is it bad that I think this would work best in an E6 environment?

2011-07-18, 07:05 PM
So, the plan now is to make a ridiculously awesome Black Necromancer with a focus on ice and wights? Use the Locate City bomb to create a massive number of wights, combined with the Enhanced Undead and Corpsecrafter feat chain?

Massive numbers of super wights, yeah. I'm kinda afraid of the number of feats that'll be sunk into this, though... May need flaws and worship of an elder evil to Dark Chaos Shuffle into a good bit of this...

Is it bad that I think this would work best in an E6 environment?

The problem would be the keystone for the Wights is a high level Soul Eater ability, so E6 would kinda make it moot. You'd have less problems with getting the feats, though, so you could have your super minions to an extend, just in probably smaller numbers.

2011-07-18, 07:25 PM
Oh, what, the Wightocalypse is 3 (snow casting, flash frost, and Fell Drain) feats and a spell investiture.

Song of the Dead is another feat (we're at 4 now) and we're looking at being a Wizard for +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity.

On a human (Necropolitan) base, we're looking at approximately level 3 for all of those feats to come together.

Then you add Corpsecrafter, which nets you a Prerequisite and a bit more HP on your minions. Bolster Resistance and Nimble Bones are the most valuable of the Corpsecrafter feats, but Hardened Flesh and Deadly Chill are both valuable additions. Destructive Retribution is less valuable, though it's certainly entertaining.

Here's the thing though.

With flaws, we're looking at having at least Corpsecrafter and Bolster Resistance by the time we can perform this Wightocalypse, and if we're a Necropolitan, the Wights aren't going to be looking to consume our juicy Positive Energy laden souls. Wait a level to pick up Nimble Bones for more fun.

The best part about this is that it's such a simple and early thing that the wizard in question is going to be just fine walking through the spontaneously-full-of-dead-bodies ghost town, and chuckle at the people who survived, intending to investigate.

Chances are, someone is going to pop in, possibly high level, with a Teleport spell to come investigate and then get eaten when the corpses of the city rise at dusk.

2011-07-18, 08:16 PM
Chances are, someone is going to pop in, possibly high level, with a Teleport spell to come investigate and then get eaten when the corpses of the city rise at dusk.
They're wights, not vampire spawn. They don't care about the patterns of sun and moon.
Can't find it, but I don't think that a leveldrained human has to wait until sunset to rise as a wight.

Hey! New OOTS comic is up.

2011-07-18, 08:22 PM
Well, it doesn't SAY when they rise again, but I was under the impression it took time.

If it's just 1d4 rounds, then more power to it.

Actually, Wights are Lawful Evil, so maybe they'll wake up after being Wight-ified and just go on with life. XD That'd be hilarious.