View Full Version : AvB - Vock

2011-07-17, 05:05 AM
Lither and DMs only. All others will be locked INSIDE the docks after nightfall.

When he reaches King's Causeway which bridges the river from the city to the Docks he sees something like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/St_Michaels_Mount_from_the_Causeway_-_geograph.org.uk_-_167799.jpg)

The "bridge" is a lot larger though and with a gatehouse on each end.

2011-07-17, 05:14 AM
Vock starts walking across the causeway.

2011-07-17, 06:59 AM
As he reaches the end near the Fortress two guards step outside. One of them has a sergeants stripes and he walks forward while the other takes a posture not so much aggressive as ready.

"Halt. State your name and your business."

2011-07-18, 06:18 AM
"I am Vock. I wish to enquire about the rumors concerning captured spies."

2011-07-18, 03:10 PM
The guards eye you suspiciously but he nods and moves to the side to let you pass.

"I hope you mean you are more than curious and nosy. We dont just give information like that... now if you are a land owner or freeman perhaps the Lieutenant in charge of the investigation might be able to recruit your help citizen." he says firmly.

2011-07-19, 03:42 AM
Vock slowly nods.

"Where is this Lieutenant?"

2011-07-19, 05:53 AM
" Second floor, past the secondary armory, before you reach the tertiary mesh hall" he replies and he motions you in through a smaller door next to the gate.

As you walk through the crowded halls of the Fortress you see that what was once probably the heart of the military arm of Aldhaven seems to have been tranformed into a facility were alot of the bureacratic going ons of the City Guard are handled. You see soldiers, guardsmen and clerks moving about with obvious purpose and only a couple seem to pay you more than fleeting attention.

You eventually, after having to ask a few times since there are no signs, arrive outside a half-closed plain wooden door on the second floor. The nametag next to it reads

-Lt. Hartmut Piner - External Affairs Division-

2011-07-19, 06:21 AM
Vock knocks on the door.

2011-07-19, 09:17 AM
A few seconds pass before a strong voice calls out.


2011-07-20, 04:44 AM
After a brief hesitation, Vock pushes the door fully open and starts walking inside.

2011-07-20, 05:56 AM
The room is fairly spacious though sparsely furnished with just large cupboards brimming with papers and files, a dirty window in between the two desks.

Inside he sees two men behind the two identical desks filled with stacks of paper.

The man to the right is a young half-elf clean shaven and looking very sharp in his uniform. The man to the right is older, slightly disheveled and sports a 3 day shave. His uniform looks older and worn out and on his desk apart from the papers there are also have a dozen coffee mugs and a half-eaten sandwich.

As you enter they both look up. The young half-elf with some apprehension and the older man with a somewhat bored look.

"Yes? How can we help you?" asks the half-elf.

"Are you lost boy?" asks the human.

2011-07-20, 06:30 AM
"I am no lost boy," Vock replies to the human, ignoring the half-elf, "I am a wizard, and I have come here to find a Lieutenant. I wish to offer my help in tracking down spies. I hear you've captured soome already."

2011-07-20, 08:12 AM
The older man smiles at your retor and looks back down at his papers.

The half-elf frowns deeply and clears his throat.

" I am Lt Hartmut, the investigation on the spies is something I am handling... would you care to tell me why I would share information with a citizen who seems to be rather rude as well?" he inquires sharply.

2011-07-21, 04:10 AM
"Those ears should've picked up that I said a lieutenant," Vock replied after a brief pause with what he thought was a disarming smile trying to hide his annoyance at this delay, "Not him specifically. I was... merely replying to an inflammatory statement. As for why you should accept my help, and as I have pointed out before, I am willing to assist. Surely someone like yourself, Lieutenant, can see the wisdom in allowing another helping hand upon this task. After all, the more that help, the quicker spies can be... removed from the picture."

Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of Lt. Hartmut.


2011-07-21, 04:14 AM
I used the preview button without knowing it messes with the roll. :smallfrown:

2011-07-21, 02:15 PM
The young man motions towards a chair in front of his desk. It is also filled with reports and books. You catch a title on one of them "Sarkala and Empire".

"Put those down and sit down. I guess we can discuss further... " he says and waves his hand at the Sergeant who gets up grumbling and closes the door.

"So, yes we seem to have a few spies on the loose. To be precise the standing orders from the Archduke is to bring him anyone from the Empire of 7 Dragons regardless of what their story is... but we dont want them...removed from the picture. We want them captured and talkative."

2011-07-22, 01:29 AM
Vock nods thoughtfully.

"I can bring them in a state where they can talk," he replied smiling, "If that is what you want. Have you any current leads on the whereabouts on any possible spies?"

2011-07-22, 07:59 AM
The Lt stares back at you considering your words.

" Well I cannot give details to just everyone from out the street but I can appraise you of the situation." he says looking across the room to his colleague.

" Almost a week ago we captured two individuals trying to gain entry to the Noble's Quarter. The Royal guard managed to incapacitate the first but the second used some kind of shifting power and escaped but we tracked him down and captured him in the end." he says and pauses.

" We brought them in for questioning and off course they did not want to talk. We used our approved techniques and eventually one of them spoke before we executed them. I will give those bastards that... even when the hot wax and the burning iron were doing their job they refused to plead and scream... tough ones. Anyway, they did not reveal their mission or if they are working with someone else in the city but we did manage to learn that there are at least two more cells in the city operating independently though he did not know who they were or what their abilities are. Since then the Archduke has become paranoid. He has asked us to find, arrest and bring to him any visitors from the Empire of the 7 Dragons. I dont have any leads yet but I did hear that there was some kind of disturbance in the Temple District involving the Temple of Tiamat... go and check it out for us and see what you can find out... You will get paid depending on the information you bring and if they lead to an arrest..." he tells you and waits for your answer.

" Oh and you cant go around saying you work for us... you can do your investigation indipendently..."

2011-07-22, 09:30 PM
Vock smiled. Here was something he could work with.

"Before I go, I just need a few more pieces of information," he replied leaning forward, "First, could you please give me the location of the Temple of Tiamat? I... never actually felt the urge to convert. Second, do you know the names of the two you captured? It may make tracking down their friends easier. Third, if I'm brought in doing something... violent in my investigations, am I still going to suffer the same charges?"

2011-07-22, 09:45 PM
The Lieutenant starts looking through his stack of paper and seems to be good at keeping it clear and precise.

A moment later he looks up and smiles.

"There it is! Michail and Meregoth... those were the names we executed" he says with a plain condition.

2011-07-22, 09:59 PM
"Thankyou," Vock replied leaning back, "You have been most helpful."

Vock turned to leave to look for the Temple of Tiamat.

2011-07-23, 05:41 AM
Sorry was kind of out of it last night and missed answering your other questions. I will do so below.

The Lieutenant gives you directions to the Temple District where dozens of temples to many religions can be found. Suprisingly evil religions are also operating here. You hear a rumor that if a church pays their dues and do not -actually- kill or abduct people then the city is willing to allow them to preach and exist as they want.

"As for violence. Well... we dont take kindly to vigilantism in this city. There are no wanted dead or alive.... only wanted alive. There are always people in the streets so if you are attacked and forced to protect yourself we understand that but we will gather witnesses and ask if your intent was to defend and defeat or to slaughter. There is a fine line and we know how to distinguish it..." he says calmly.

"Remember that even most of the Churches that may... be dedicated to an evil God are allowed to exist... trying to interrogate or harm a priest to get information will not be a thing we can forget about and show that we do not punish you severely. Intimidating a street urchin, slapping about a fruit vendor IF you bring in good info then these can be forgotten... no deaths though and no permanent injuries... " he says as you depart.

You find the Temple district easily after asking for directions a couple of time.

The temple of Tiamat is made of white marble with strong veins of black, red, blue, and green running all through it. There is a priest just outside wearing a tabard with five dragons upon it. He seems to be trying to hand out pamphlets proclaiming the glory of Tiamat.

2011-07-23, 05:46 AM
Don't worry about it.

Vock steps up to the priest.

"Greetings," he begins, "Wonderful day today, isn't it?"

2011-07-23, 06:04 AM
The priest looks at you and nods.

"It is! Come to learn about the wisdom of following the Queen of Dragonkind?"

2011-07-23, 06:08 AM
"Quite true," Vock lies, "I have heard much about her, and would like to learn more."

Bluff check


2011-07-23, 06:20 AM
"Well, sir, Tiamat doesn't really do things for her followers, not unless you are a dragon or a dragons servant; however, she won't kill you or torture your soul you if you help to propagate the rule of chromatic dragon kind. Also, expanding your own power as you expand the power of dragons in the world can be quite beneficial. Interested in survival and an increase in personal power?" he asks.

2011-07-23, 06:27 AM
"Oh, yes, I certainly am interested in personal power," Vock replied, smiling, "There's some levels of power you just cannot achieve on your own, am I right?"

2011-07-23, 07:01 AM
"Indeed there is! I'm offering you a chance to serve the great queen of all dragons in her church. You'd have to start off small, but I'm sure you would rise in the ranks rather quickly. It's not too hard, after all. If you want to do more than merely worship her, as all true believers ought, then you'll naturally need to pass a few trials and then complete whatever tasks are given you. It's not too hard, really."

2011-07-23, 07:03 AM
"You have certainly captured my interest," Vock replied, "What may these trials and tasks be?"

2011-07-23, 07:45 AM
"Well... this a discussion to be taken inside and not on the streets. It includes tests of faith, tests of belief, tests of courage and similar situations..." he said and smiled.

"In any case, if you are indeed interested then walk right ahead and ask for Brother Pursivant. He is in charge of the initiates of the initiations... I have to finish my duties for today back on the street..."

2011-07-23, 07:52 AM
"Thankyou," Vock replies, "I will do so immediately."

Vock moves to find Brother Pursivant.

2011-07-23, 06:58 PM
The inside of the temple Is made of the same multicolored marble as the outside; however, the walls inside are inlaid with precious stones and metals in the forms of the various chromatic dragons and their ilk. There are a number of stone benches in the room and an altar near the front. There are three people in various locations in the room sitting silently in prayer. A large set of double doors are to the right of the altar and guarded by two burly men.

2011-07-23, 10:26 PM
Vock moves to the closest person and sits next to them, head bowed.

If nobody's closest, he just chooses a random person.

2011-07-24, 04:31 AM
The person closest to you is a young woman dressed in wizards robes. She momentarily turns to look at you and smiles as you approach and you notice that she has clear blue eyes and her teeth have been filed down to fangs. She then turns back to her prayer. You can just barely hear her whispering in draconic.

2011-07-25, 02:57 AM
Vock waits patiently for her to finish. As he waits, Vock whisperes a few statements professing that he would rather have Tiamat's favor to wrath in Draconic.

2011-07-25, 08:16 AM
The woman eventually finishes her prayer and turns to look at you with her big eyes. She ***** her head as if finding you strange and grins.

"May I help you?" she says and smiles slowly, the effect of such a big smile and filed teeth being fairly disconcerting.

2011-07-26, 02:30 AM
Vock tries not to show his discomfort as he replies forcing a smile.

"Not with anything major, I was just wondering if you knew the location of Brother Pursivant."

2011-07-26, 02:38 AM
I realised that the word... used to mean she turned her head to the side or if she had a gun she could pull back the revolver part is considered a forbidden word in the forum as there are asterixes!

I wanted to say c0ck3d as in "she c0ckz her head"...

Very strick filters we have here...

She grins showing more of her teeth that seem to be the same way all the way back. You start to wonder how she doesnt bleed from her own gums...

"Ah yes, the good brother. He went inside a moment ago. He should be out shortly" she says.

And indeed a minute or so later a man dressed in multi-colored shimmering robes walks outside and approaches the alter holding what seems to be a very ornate urn.

2011-07-26, 02:44 AM
Vock waits to see what happens.

2011-07-26, 04:06 AM
The priest approaches the altar and starts chanting as he moves around counter clockwise.

"It is a death right for a fallen servant" the woman next to you whispers and you realize she has moved further closer to you with very quick almost snake like reflexes and grace.

The cleric eventually places the urn in the middle of the altar and takes out a small vial that is filled with red ichor. He breaks the vial with his bare hands and lets it drip in the urn before shattering it sending ashes and droplets of the red liquid as well as the blood from his hands all around.

As the dust settles the whole temple grows darker for but a second and you feel as it the temperature has gone down by many degrees. The ashes seem to take on the shape of a five headed dragon for but a second before they are absorbed by the altar.

The cleric prostrates himself before the altar and then returns to his feet and turns to look around at the congregation. Slowly the temperature returns to normal.

2011-07-26, 04:15 AM
"Do you know who it was and how?" Vock whispers back reverently, wondering what next will happen, almost afraid of knowing.

2011-07-26, 04:25 AM
She eyes you curiously and becomes more serious

"It was Brother Kordulo one of the guardians of the temple and a member of the Ebon Order. He was murdered while defending the temple a few days ago." she says her eyes downcast.

2011-07-26, 04:32 AM
"Oh," Vock replies, turning his eyes similarly downcast, "I hope whoever tried that attack was brought to the fiercest justice. If... I may, do you know anything about this Ebon Order?"

Bluff check. Vock cares not a whit.


2011-07-26, 05:00 AM
"Well some of them did, some of them did not..." she says carefully.

" There was some kind of insect warrior and a self-righteous Dragonborn servant of that goody two shoes Bahamut that were killed during the attack after murdering the fallen brother. There were two more that survived, another dragonborn that escaped and a young girl that was arrested but I heard she was released... perhaps the priests will know more if you want to bring them to our own justice..." she says and winks at you.

She seems to purposefully ignore your question about the Order.

2011-07-26, 05:05 AM
I must find out more about this Ebon Order, Vock thinks, It seems like some would rather not have me knowing about it.

Careful not to let a single sign of his thoughts show on his face, Vock asks

"Would it be acceptable for me to approach the altar, assuming that is Brother Pursivant there?"

Vock remembered well what he learnt from his meeting with a Sergeant.

2011-07-26, 05:32 AM
"Indeed he is" she replies " and you may approach the altar. It generally is advised that you also give an offering, whether monetary or otherwise, when you ask the wisdom of the Temple but that is up to you off course" she says and smiles as you leave her company.

"It is Evoria by the way... delighted to make the acquaintance I am sure" she says with a bit too much flare.

2011-07-26, 05:39 AM
"Greetings," Vock says to Brother Pursiant, "A cleric from outside said you were the one to talk to about the initiations."

2011-07-26, 05:50 AM
The cleric turns his gaze towards you and nods.

"He was right. If you seek to serve the Great Queen of the Dragons and bow down to Her Will in more ways than to simply worship her you need to be initiated..." he says looking at you carefully.

2011-07-26, 05:55 AM
"Why, yes, of course. I wish only to serve the Queen of Dragons."

I think I need another Bluff check now.


2011-07-26, 06:54 AM
He doesnt seem as convinced at this last part as he was before and he raises an eyebrow.

"And what is your name future disciple?"

2011-07-26, 06:58 AM
"My name is Vock. Vock Celain, brother." He tried to appear calm, but a worm of doubt was slowly beginning to eat away at him.

2011-07-26, 07:54 AM
"Very well Brother Celain. Do you have somewhere to stay in the city? I need you to purify your body so that we can purify your soul. You should return to your residence and fast until tomorrow at Midnight. Then you will return to us, your body clean of sin and your soul hungry for knowledge." he says and his eyes flash with religious fervor.

"Those that do not simply worship the Queen but wish to take part in becoming exalted in Her name then pass through a series of tests to prove that they will sacrifice everything to serve her. The rewards are off course worth the sacrifices..." he says and lets the statement hang.

"If you do not have residence or somewhere to stay we can provide you with a monastic cell where you can stay for your fasting".

2011-07-27, 01:22 AM
"I thank you for your hospitality," Vock replies, "But it will not be necessary. I know a current place of residence."

2011-07-27, 02:40 AM
The cleric nods and smiles at you.

"Very well. We shall expect you tomorrow at Midnight then brother. Unless there is anything else I must attend to the flock" he says calmly.

2011-07-27, 04:10 AM
"Very well," Vock replies, "Until we meet again."

Vock turns to leave.

2011-07-27, 04:54 AM
Nobody seems to try and stop him.

If indeed he leaves he finds himself outside the temple and sees the preacher continuing to talk to those that approach close enough.

2011-07-27, 04:57 AM
Leaving the temple, Vock attempts to find a decent magic shop.

2011-07-27, 05:08 AM
A few questions later he learns of the Smoking Chauldron it is a magic consumables store in Old town.

NPC stores have most normal DMG magical items at market prices and we dont need to roleplay any such purchases, just state what you buy so that I am aware and update your sheet... same applies for all mundane equipment from the PHB.

If he wants better deals or something out of the ordinary including custom items etc he must roll a gather info and/or knowledge local.

2011-07-29, 04:58 AM
Ninja bump! Haya!

2011-07-30, 04:30 AM
Vock searches around for a better deal on a ring of mind shielding.

Gather Information


2011-07-30, 06:19 AM
He hears of an artificer in Midtown that is said to have caused a roar with his low prices and discounts.

The place is called : Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11154253#post11154253)

2011-08-04, 09:29 AM
Ninja Bump.

Mate are you still around and interested in AvB???

2011-08-05, 02:03 AM
Ninja Bump.

Mate are you still around and interested in AvB???

I am. I was away for a few days during which I had very limited internet access. Sorry for just vanishing like that. I've posted in the linked thread. :smallfrown:

2011-08-05, 04:39 AM
No worries! Return here when you are done :D

2011-08-05, 10:52 PM
Returning from a short shopping trip, Vock decides to see if he can find out any information about the Temple of Tiamat's recent events.

Gather Information[roll0]

2011-08-07, 01:58 AM
Unfortunately [roll0] hours later he has not learned that much. There was some kind of attack against the temple but most people he finds are not openly talking about it.

You could try more off course.

You can even take 20 in gather info... just as long as you realide it will take 20d4+20 hours...

2011-08-07, 02:09 AM
Resolutely, Vock decides that he needs to work a great deal harder to aquire such information.

I haven't really got anything else to do while I wait, and I can't take 20 or I'll most likely be late for the initiation. :smalltongue:


2011-08-07, 02:17 AM
Another [roll0] hours later and he learns even less... the people he speaks to have no idea what he is talking about or are reluctant to help.

What you can do is give me a set of rolls and say that you stop to sleep and then continue the next day -until- the initiation and we can disregard the remaining rolls...

To give you an idea lets say you have another 6 hours today and since the initiation is at midnight after waking up you 15 hours more...

2011-08-07, 02:29 AM
With dogged determination, Vock decides to spend all his time up to the initiation to discover more information.

[roll0] Time (rolling for convenience - disregard it if you want to do the rolling): [roll1]
[roll2] Time: [roll3]
[roll4] Time: [roll5]
[roll6] Time: [roll7]
[roll8] Time: [roll9]
[roll10] Time: [roll11]
[roll12] Time: [roll13]
[roll14] Time: [roll15]
[roll16] Time: [roll17]
[roll18] Time: [roll19]
[roll20] Time: [roll21]
[roll22] Time: [roll23]
[roll24] Time: [roll25]

Vock also rests in a Good quality bed in a tavern, so I'll subtract 2gp from his funds.

2011-08-07, 01:28 PM
At around 6 in the aftenoon the day after he manages to find someone willing to talk to him and actually has learned what happened.

He tells you that a weird looking human and a young child dressed with robes that showed dragons approached the temple and conversed with the cleric outside.

A while later a dragonborne woman dressed as a noble and a prismatic kobold approached the area and started shouting at the priest for trying to convert the man and the girl.

Apparently the girl was looking for her sister who also had to do something with Dragons and was asking about them.

Eventually the man and the child went inside and the dragonborn stayed out with the kobold. Shouts were heard from inside and those two rushed in.

According to what he heard about what happened inside, since he was not there for that, the man tells you that the Dragonborn and the Man along with the Kobold and another dragonborn that showed up later attacked one of the Monk Defenders of the Temple. They managed to kill him but where then attacked by a juvenille dragon that resides in the temple and killed.

The little girl survived by running away and was arrested. He has heard that she was later released and wonders why since they are looking for people from the Empire and she probably was indeed from the Empire according to what the cleric told him...

2011-08-09, 02:04 AM
Suspecting a great deal, Vock decided that the attack probably made any attempt at infiltrating the Temple of Tiamat a great deal harder. With nothing else on his mind, Vock moved to the Temple to wait for his midnight meeting.

2011-08-09, 06:17 AM
Some things are simpler than others :D As a DM hint asking the people involved directly may actually give you more clues than a gather info could give. What they say will be colored by their perceptions and might not be true (though thats where sense motive comes to play) but it will be much more direct... so asking in the temple directly could be a good idea :D

Aside from that for your adventures so far take 800xp.

He arrives at the Temple without issues and he notices a diffrent novice this time inviting the faitful. The young human seems to be more passionate that the cleric you had seen last time trying to convince people to join though he is not as subtle.

If you do not do anything the time passes and slowly the city goes quieter. The lights in the Temple District are oil lamps which are lit by lamp-boys and the time approaches Midnight.

2011-08-09, 06:46 AM
I suspect them to find it easier to believe and trust a "member" of their religion with information, though.

As midnight arrives, Vock walks towards the entrance of the temple.

2011-08-09, 09:11 AM
As he approaches the temple he sees a lone figure not so much hiding as observing from behind on the temple columns. As you approach towards the entrance it nods its head towards you and makes a soft guttural sound.

The doors of the temple open before you and you see the light from hundreds of candles illuminating the inside of the hall you saw when you came yesterday. Next to the door you see the man you had met yesterday when you first approached the temple. The cloaked figure from outside remains to the same spot as you enter.

2011-08-10, 03:36 AM
The sight of the creature outside the temple unnerved Vock. With shaking hands, he steps towards the man.

"I have returned after fasting as Brother Pursivant has asked." he begins.

2011-08-10, 06:15 AM
"Splendid!" replied the cleric and ushered you inside closing the doors behind you.

As you walk inside you hear each footstep you make echo in the room. It is the silence in the temple that makes the sounds you make intensify.

As you reach the center, a few yards from the altar, the side door opens and four figures dressed in black cloaks step out followed by brother Pursifal in his multi-colored robes.

The four men form a square around him as he approaches the altar and smiles at you.

"Welcome! We are all here to witness your indoctrination into the Church of the Mother of Wyrms. You are one of the few, those who do not merely serve by grovelling, those not content at offering their prayers to Her, but will actively further Her goals and plans" he says and smiles widely.

2011-08-10, 06:30 AM
Feeling like a reply was expected, Vock dipped his head fractionally, forcing a smile onto his face. One of these days he was going to stop grinning like a child in a candy store, but he thought it was expected of him.

"What must be done?"

2011-08-10, 09:31 AM
Brother Pursifal takes a step forward and motions to one of the black robed figures.

The woman, for she is a woman, drops the hood of her cloak and you recognise the weird looking woman from yesterday. She grins at you and gives you an approving nod as she approaches and gives you a white robe made from a thick material and then steps back.

"Remove your upper body clothing and wear the robe initiate." said Pursifal as one of the other men gives him a small intricate and extremely sharp looking knife.

2011-08-11, 01:57 AM
Suppressing the urge to shiver, Vock obeys his command.

2011-08-11, 06:47 AM
As you change into your robes Brother Pursifal takes a step forward and the other faithful hold you.

The knife is so sharp that you dont feel the pain until you actually see the blood dripping from the blade. Looking down you see a crude marking on your chest, it is the symbol of 1 body with 5 different heads coming out of it.

As Pursifal takes a step back the cleric that opened the door approaches from behind and you noticed the tips of his fingers are colored. He presses them on your chest, one finger at the top of each "head" and it is now that you feel intense pain as the colored acid burns your flesh slightly and leaving a colored mark.

The gathered faithful look at you appreciatively and clap their hands.

"Welcome to our circle brother!" they say with glee.

"Now for the last part and for your initiates gift" say Pursivant and leads you towards the altar.

2011-08-11, 06:52 AM
Wondering how he will ever be able to get that blasted symbol off and slightly in shock from being cut and burned with acid, Vock follows him apprehensively.

2011-08-11, 07:04 AM
The cleric produces what looks like an overized egg, from a silver box. It has a brown-bronze hue and seems to have a rather tough exterior.

He also takes out a knife similar to his and a ring and offers both of these to you.

"The ring is your protection and aid against the enemies of the Church of the Mother of Scales. When you use it all those who wear the particular set that was made can hear you telepathically. Some say that even the Great Mother can hear you then..." he says and there is a murmur of approval at this.

"You should use it only when necessary though for we will also sense your thoughts and emotions. It creates a union between us which outsiders may find unsettling." he says with a grin.

"In order to finalise the enchantment placed on it though you have to feed it. This is what the knife is for. It is yours to keep after you sacrifice the egg before you to Her. Both the dagger and the ring will activate once you bathe them in the blood of Her unborn enemies!" he explains his voice reaching a crescendo as at the same time the other gathered start chanting in Draconic.

2011-08-11, 07:15 AM
Vock takes the ring and dagger, and his smile grows brighter.

Grinning at the thought of murder, Vock raises the dagger above his head to smash the egg open.

2011-08-11, 07:47 AM
The smell of a fresh egg fills the air and you feel the dagger and the ring draw some kind of energy from within. You see the figure of a yet "unborn" but fully formed bronze dragon wyrmling slashed in half by your powerful blow.

"Excellent" Pursifal yells and continues the incantation in Draconic for a few more seconds.

And then silence. Looking around you see the other faithful seem drawn out as if the ceremony despite the little time it took drained their energy more than should be possible.

One by one they approach you and embrace you.

They smile at you and then move away as Pursifal approaches you and takes you by the arm. As you leave the area next to the altar you also realise that you feel exhausted.

"So, my friend... welcome to our circle. Your soul is now forever Hers and Her gifts in the afterlife will be... perhaps not plentiful as we are not Dragons but enough to keep us content! Are there any questions you would like to ask?"

Mechanically the items you just gained are as follows:

Ring of Telepathy - Only works within the city and can transmit thoughts and feelings to a set of 4 other rings.

+1 Dagger of Metallic DragonBane.

Both items are attuned to you and are magical only in your hands (or in the hands of someone who has performed this ritual). In the hands of an "outsider" they appear and function as non-magical masterwork versions of themselves.

2011-08-12, 03:54 AM
Seeing his opportunity, Vock capitalised.

"I have one for now. Several times I have heard of some foul creatures launching some underhanded assault on this temple. How did this happen?"

2011-08-12, 08:54 AM
Pursifal's feautures darken and he walks with you through the double doors entering a small cell like room.

The only furniture is a small writting desk with a chair, a simple bed and a prayer carpet. There are no windows and all the furniture look well worn.

"You refer to the recent attack. Troubling business. Sit and I will tell you the details since it also involves your first task..." he says and lowers himself on the edge of a simple bed while indicating the chair.

A moment later a servant enters with a jug of bright red wine and a platter of meats.

"Eat and refresh yourself. After the fasting you must be very hungry" he says and allows you some time as he seems to collect his thoughts.

2011-08-13, 02:50 AM
Vock initially wanted to just absorb all the information he could, but his stomach reminds Vock. He eats as quickly as he can while avoiding appearing rude. When he finishes, he sits back and waits for Pursifal to continue.

2011-08-14, 02:13 AM
"Glad to see you have an apetite on you!" he says and smiles.

"Now about the attack..." becoming serious again.

"Some days ago we were tricked into allowing a thri-kreen that appeared as a human and a young girl in the temple. They professed that they were interested but also said they were looking for the girls sister..." he says and pauses.

"The girl was wearing multi-dragon robes which as you may know is the gard of the Empire of Seven Dragons and while conversing with a recruiter a Dragonborn, vile servant of Bahamut, and a Prismatic Kobold that serves the nearby temple of Solaron joined them..." he says taking a breath before continuing. You realise he doesnt seem to pay much attention to the fact that the girl was openly of that country.

" The Dragonborn off course started spouting their nonsense about us and them and how she couldnt tolerate us but what is interesting is that the young girl seemed to try and rely a message to them...

They then proceeded into the temple to -join us- as the man said and the dragonblooded promissed to stay outside so she could help if something happened.

Well something did happen. For whatever reason the man jumped on the various guards inside the temple and murdered them and it was at that point that the Kobold and the Dragonborn joined them along with another Dragonborn that approached as well... To me it seems that this was no accident but rather an orchestrated attack though the Guard simply said it was a one time incident..." he says becoming visibly angry.

"Inside the temple they tried to continue towards the inner sanctum but were stopped by the now deceased Brother Guardian from the Ebon Order. He managed to incapacitate them almost but their superior numbers eventually made him lose the fight...

The details of what happened next are sketchy. The girl, the kobold and the little dragonborn fled at that moment. The girl and the kobold got stopped by me and the city guard at the entrance and they did not resist but the green dragonborn managed to escape...

Inside the temple, well the bastard thri-kreen and the cursed Dragonborn lady managed to attract the attention of the... well... the dragon defenders that we have protecting the Sanctuary and they met a gruesome death fitting for their betrayal!" he says and smiles at this stopping to hear any of your comments or questions.

2011-08-14, 03:31 AM
Vock begun to see his chance.

"There is one thing I would like to know. This... Ebon Order. I have not heard of such a name before. Peculiar, but have you any knowledge about it?"

2011-08-14, 01:09 PM
He looks at you a bit uncertain.

"Off course I have! It is an order of fighters and monks and other militaristic arms that serve the Mother of Scaled. The man that died was a sacred fist of the Ebon Order..." he explains.

2011-08-16, 04:02 AM
Vock pauses for a moment. It appears the Brother has more to say on the previous topic.

"Well, "he states, "Continue then."

2011-08-16, 04:52 AM
"Well... that is all about the attack. The Guard asked us simply what happened but no further details. I know they arrested the girl but she was later released... dont know how or why... perhaps they didnt realise who she was or what threat she could represent..." he says and shakes his head.

"The other dragonblooded fled though... and there also was no punishment against the idiots of the Temple of Bahamut." he says the anger returning to his voice.

"What we need... is someone to strike back at them as a revenge. Obviously we cannot do this openly or sanctions are taken against us. This is where you trial comes young disciple. We need you to find the errant dragonblooded and kill him or capture him for us. The second would be preferable off course... It is important that it is you because you are still young and even the keenest spies of theirs will not know your affiliation... hence you will not be connected with us...

Will you do this great service?" he asks as his voice reaches almost a crescendo.

2011-08-16, 05:01 AM
Vock smiled honestly.

"I will," he replied, "If I can, I will bring the dragonblooded to you. I merely need to know his name."

2011-08-17, 12:30 AM
"Splendid!" he says and taps you on the back.

"Well we initially did not know their names... but after collecting some blood that had been left in the scene we found some that did not belong to the girl and She gave us that information. His name is Elzedar Nak and he is some kind of weird dragon born spawn... not one of the usual races so be careful... unfortunately the blood was consumed in the ritual of communion so we couldnt track him ourselves... " he says and pauses.

"And off course there is also a monetary reward should you capture him... a small donation from the temples coffers to the faithful..."

2011-08-17, 02:40 AM
Vock stands up.

"Then if you have nothing more to tell me," he says, "I will leave to find this Elzedar Nak."

Vock turns to leave to find a tavern to rest in.

2011-08-17, 11:14 AM
Are you looking for something in particular or shall I just push you to the next day?

You can easily find a tavern that will give you a private room for a couple of gold coins and if you want some breakfast five silver too...

2011-08-18, 03:48 AM
Are you looking for something in particular or shall I just push you to the next day?

You can easily find a tavern that will give you a private room for a couple of gold coins and if you want some breakfast five silver too...

Just a new day.

Vock sleeps for 2 gp and has 5 silver of breakfast.

2011-08-18, 04:20 AM
He wakes up and its a bright new day. The breakfast is decent and well worth the five silver and he is heartened for what the day will bring.

On an ooc level...

I would like to remind you that the guard did not seem to be aware they had captured a girl that was of the Empire of Seven Dragons...

just in case you forgot about how this "quest" started...

2011-08-18, 04:43 AM
I still remember. From Vock's perspective, it makes sense that he would rapidly take up an offer to make more money.

Vock believes information to be of essence, so he goes searching after he finishes preparing today's spells.

Vock takes 20 on his Gather Information check to find out more about his target, Elzedar Nak.

2011-08-18, 07:54 AM
Okie dokie :) Selling info to the Guard on the side doesnt mean he cant pursue other ventures!

Also take 800 xp as story award so far for your exploits.

Also gather info taking 20 meands 20d4+20 hours (each gather info check is 1d4+1 hours.

I can roll it for you (the time I mean) or a strategy that works is actually roll the dice and see if you get a 20 before then... off course that may mean you dont ACTUALLY get a 20... so its risky but yea...

In any case here is how long you will need if you take 20.

[roll0] - this is hours... assuming you sleep 8 hours and search for 16 it takes you 5 days to collect all info you can (and the equivalent amount for sleeping and eating in an inn).

Tell me how you want to do this and I will tell you the results. (as in if the above is acceptable or if you want to take your chances rolling).

2011-09-05, 09:17 AM
Bump kick punch!


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