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2011-07-17, 03:24 PM
Moranica or dm only. All others will be transported to a far more unpleasant reality.

The boy is indeed waiting at the appointed place.

2011-07-17, 03:35 PM
Alfonso approaches him.

"Glad to see you came. Here's the silver piece I promised. You see, people I work with can trust me to uphold my promises.

..... [a calm en friendly look]

And perhaps you could work for me in the future. I'm sure you hear a lot on the street and I would like you to keep me up to date on anything on interest going on in Old town. Good information of course leads to good payment. Right now I also have another request with a more substantial reward. Ten gold coins are yours if you bring me into contact with some that has certain qualities I value highly. This person must be very good with trapfinding and locks and such. Other then that they must be knowledgable of the world and all that is in it. If that person has a problem I might be able to help him/her with, that would be a big plus. Can you help me with this?

And another thing, what can you tell me about this supposed evil cult in Old town?"

Gather info for the last question if needed. [roll0]

If the boy gives any kind of info he will get another silverpiece for it and Alfonso says he will be here again tomorrow night. He then leaves, changes cloths, drink a couple of beers in the hostel and goes to bed.

2011-07-17, 03:40 PM
"I can find you that kinda guy. Easily done. As for the cult, I try my best to avoid that. They tend to be a little too... kill-y."

2011-07-17, 03:51 PM
The next day Alfonso head for the fortress and asks the captain for the list and info.

2011-07-17, 03:52 PM
You are told by his secretary that he is a very busy man and that you will have to make an appointment.

2011-07-17, 03:55 PM
Ic, of course. Will do. When would that be?

2011-07-17, 04:00 PM
"I can squeeze you in next Tuesday at three."

it is currently Friday IC

2011-07-17, 04:03 PM
Fine, ill be back then.

In the evening Alfonso goes to see his new friend.

2011-07-17, 04:08 PM
His new friend is there. "You have the gold you promised me?"

2011-07-17, 04:12 PM
Of course, did you bring my man?

2011-07-17, 04:13 PM
A voice behind you says, "Yes he did."

2011-07-17, 04:16 PM
Alright then, tell me about yourself.

2011-07-17, 04:19 PM
When you turn around, you see what can best be described as a humanoid crow. "I'm Kanji. I can steal anything needs stealing."

2011-07-17, 04:26 PM
do you or i control him when bekomen my cohort?

Kanji, nice to meet you.

Here's your 10 pieces boy. Whenever you have info, show yourself around my hostel and i will meet you here that evening. Now be off.

So kanji, i have need of a partner in business.

2011-07-17, 07:20 PM
dm's control cohorts in AVB. You can direct him and he'll be obedient unless there's a good reason why he wouldn't be.

"Business partner? Sounds interesting."

the boy is now a follower. a 2nd level commoner follower.

2011-07-18, 04:58 AM
"Indeed, with your skills and my power we can become great."

"But let's start with small steps. I am looking into these missing persons in Old town. Could you perhaps find me more information?"

"And of course, is there something I can help you with as well?"

2011-07-18, 07:00 AM
"In order to help me, we can discuss payment."

2011-07-18, 07:18 AM
Not sure wether to work of intimidate here. Would that work with leadership? More like dictatorship, but it fits the character better.

"Indeed, such would depend on any profit made of course. Since I am leading this thing and will be taking the frontlines during any confrontations, you could take 20% of all profit made. Another option would be to come in my service permanently, with me giving you a place to live, food and making sure you have the best equipment in town. You would be my master of spies, keeping in touch with my informants, posing as my personal assistent in public, but being much more behind the scenes. I will work my way into the higher circles of the city, opening up new riches for you.... "

"But that would be for a later time. First we need to see if you're as good as you say you are and for me to show you what I can be for you. I wouldn't like someone to dissapoint me."

Intimidate for that last sentence [roll0]

2011-07-18, 12:10 PM
intimidate is for scaring someone into doing what you want. This would be better served as a diplomacy check. use your modifier for that instead.

2011-07-18, 01:13 PM
Mythweavers is down, but I don't think I have ranks in it. Then I have 5 from CHA and 2 from my sigils. For a total of +7. Resulting in a check of 28

2011-07-18, 01:17 PM
that's impossible. In order to have that total, you'd have to have rolled a 21.

2011-07-18, 01:23 PM
Wut? My math skills are legendary. It should be 26.

2011-07-18, 01:28 PM
"And how well have I said I was?" The gleam of greed in his eyes says that he's clearly interested.

2011-07-18, 01:58 PM
"You can steal whatever I need stealing, you said. Such a task would require stealth, knowledge of locks and traps and a bright mind to make the necessary plans. You make sure you do your utmost, and I'll see if it's good enough for further partnership."

"So, what do you know of these missing people and supposed evil cult?"

"Also, how well are you known to the local thugs and guards?"

2011-07-18, 02:03 PM
"I'm a fully-fleged Toe in the Jacks. However, they like taking half of whatever haul I bring in, so long as you let me keep more of my work, I'm yours. The jobs I do for you of course, are different. I don't know anything about the kidnappings or the cults. I'm a thief, not an abductor."

2011-07-18, 02:20 PM
"Anybody in particular that gives you a hard time? Someone you would like to see gone? Until we are full time partners, you can keep all of your work, perhaps I can help with anybody who thinks differently. Killing itself is no sport of me, but it can really help with certain problems."

"Do you perhaps know anybody who might know more? Did you know any of the missing persons?"

2011-07-18, 02:29 PM
"Just the Nightman, but I doubt you could handle him yourself. You seem competent enough, but he's a whole different league."

"I didn't know a one of them. They're all 'honest' and 'respectable' folk who would never dare associate with 'trash' like me. Old Claney might know more."

2011-07-18, 02:40 PM
"The nightman huh, we'll see what we can do about him in the future."

"Lets go see this chaney of tours."

2011-07-18, 03:28 PM
"Just as soon as we negotiate how you're going to pay me."

2011-07-18, 03:36 PM
What would you suggest?

2011-07-18, 03:41 PM
"I get one third of the value of anything I steal for you, and anything I steal for me is mine."

2011-07-18, 03:45 PM
We're partners right. How about you get 1/3 of what you steal for me and 2/3 of what you steal for you.

2011-07-18, 04:00 PM
"5/6 of what I steal for me. And you help protect me from the law and other gangs."

2011-07-18, 04:07 PM
1/4 and we have a deal. Dont let me down.

2011-07-18, 04:09 PM
"Deal, and be sure not to let me down either."

2011-07-18, 04:11 PM
Done! Lets go see chaney.

2011-07-18, 04:19 PM
"I'll take you to him now."

He starts to lead you off down a blind alley, pauses, and presses one brick along the wall that didn't stand out from the others.

Until a portion of the wall slides away and reveals an entrance beyond.

2011-07-18, 04:22 PM
Seems like you know something about housing. Ill be sure to ask you when the time come. Less the way

2011-07-18, 04:32 PM
"Very well. Stick close and wait until I introduce you."

He walks you down a dark and dimly lit tunnel until the two of you emerge in a room about 50' to a side and 20 feet high. The packed earth ceiling leads you to believe that you're farther underground than you realized. An old man is reading a book in the center of the room, perched on a comfortable couch. Other plush furniture litters the room, but you see no other inhabitants.

After the two of you enter, Kanji presses on a part of the wall, and the entrance you came from disappears as if it never was.

"Claney, this here is Alfonso, and he claims to want to know more about some abductions."

"Oh? Let him come forth." The old man says without looking up.

2011-07-19, 12:31 AM
"Indeed, i find it interesting that such a cult can remain hidden for so long. Kanji says you could help me."

2011-07-19, 07:37 AM
"All I know for sure is that it happens every month and has been happening for ten years. Coincidentally, the same time that the Docks became deadly for humans. I'm convinced they're related."

2011-07-19, 07:50 AM
"How odd, what could be the reason that some cult, setting up in the docks, goes all the way to Old Town once a month to grab a life?"

"I am quite new to the city, what are the docks like?"

"What also strikes me as strange is that the docks have remained deadly for 10 years. Why hasn't the city watch done anything?"

2011-07-19, 09:09 AM
"The Docks are located just outside the city walls on the other side of the river. Despite being the stop for every shipment traveling the river, it's populated by gutter trash mostly, them and the poor unfortunates that can't afford to move into the city proper."

"I wish I knew as well, but I'm guessing occasionally they need someone from there for some reason. Maybe the place has mystical properties dating back to the early days of the city. As for the Watch not doing something about the Docks, that's the thing, they haven't. And I can't see a damned reason why not."

2011-07-19, 09:17 AM
"Some watchmen, huh. Guttertrash tend to have some kind of system within their neighbourhoods. Do you have any idea who runs the docks?"

"If me and Kanji were to go and check it out. What would be the best plan of action?"

"Indeed I always have more questions. Has anybody investigated this stuff before and lived?"

2011-07-19, 09:20 AM
"Never saw them myself, but I have a nephew in there who claims it's gray hairless humanoids called skulks who can vanish into thin air and eat humans live."

"Go in the day. No human has survived at night, and no one else who goes poking around at night either."

"There's a rumor that some merchant in Midtown survived to tell the tale, but I doubt it's true."

2011-07-19, 09:29 AM
"Skulks? Never heard of 'm. Must be skulking around a lot...."

Alfonso shakes his head at his horrible joke.

"Kanji, you ever heard of skulks? They must be rogue-like or have arcane talents if they can disapear just like that. Do you know of any good ways to deal with that?"

"Well, we could have a stroll through the docks during daytime. Anything to look out for particularly? Do these skulkpeople show their faces in daylight?"

Btw, I do know about skulks, Alfonso doesn't of course.

2011-07-19, 09:53 AM
"All I've ever heard about them is that they're undetectable grey skinned people without hair who ride giant crocodiles in the sewers and each human children live. Never saw one myself."

2011-07-19, 10:09 AM
"Oh dear, well, thank you for the info. It's given us quite some leads to explore."

"I guess we'll be visiting the Docks, tomorrow morning! Could you have the boy, from earlier check out this merchant in Midtown story?"

Alfonso smiled.

Skulk, they must have good skulls. Best not forget to take one. Perhaps even hire one to do some skull collecting for me.

Also, this spy-master thing really saves me a lot of work.

2011-07-19, 10:14 AM
"Sure can."

2011-07-19, 10:54 AM
Alfonso gets a quick meal at the hostel and goes to sleep.

It's gonna be a dangerous day tomorrow.

The next morning, he and Kanji set out for the docks.

2011-07-19, 11:02 AM
The Docks seems to be a rather dingy place from what you can tell, and many of the buildings have a worn down look to them. No one looks you in the eye, and everyone looks tired, afraid, or both. Once you passed beyond the city gates, no watchmen are to be seen.

2011-07-19, 11:26 AM
"Kanji, do you know anybody here?"

2011-07-19, 11:33 AM
"No, like I said, I keep out of the Docks. Nothing worth stealing that doesn't cost your life."

2011-07-19, 11:35 AM
"Alright, let's keep our eyes open for bald grey people or any person that seems better of then the rest. Anyone doing better then the others, must know something the others don't."

2011-07-19, 01:58 PM
"Good point. So, want me to make off with something from the richest merchant in the docks?"

2011-07-19, 04:44 PM
Yes, go ahead.

2011-07-19, 05:16 PM
"Very well."

He heads off into the relatively nicer parts of the docks where the warehouses are.

2011-07-20, 02:17 AM
Alfonso continue his stroll. Round lunchtime he asks some where would be a good place to eat and perhaps spend the night.

2011-07-20, 12:16 PM
He hears of an inn called the Drowned Mermaid which serves a good bowl of fish stew.

2011-07-20, 12:47 PM
He goes and has some food while getting some info on skulk sightins.

Gather info [roll0]

2011-07-20, 12:54 PM
He hears tell that there was a pier last week where a dozen skulks are said to have fought a group of humans.

2011-07-20, 01:11 PM
After finishing his meal, he goes and checks out the pier.

Alfonso plans out to be out of the dock by the evening, so if that time arrives, let me know. :smallbiggrin:

And before I forget. Alfonso will have undetectable alignment on every day. (it has a 24 hr duration.

2011-07-20, 01:24 PM
The bodies have been cleared away, and the bloodstains mostly cleaned. You notice a trio of dock workers loitering about nearby.

2011-07-20, 01:27 PM
"Hello there, how are you. Any idea where these bloodstaines came from?"

2011-07-20, 01:32 PM
"Group of thugs tried to shake down a merchant last week. Some fool human interfered and got the Skulks involved. More vigilates showed up, and a bloodbath ensued."

2011-07-20, 01:34 PM
"The skulks? The bald and grey kind? I haven't seen any before. What are they like?"

2011-07-20, 10:13 PM
"Bald, gray, sneaky, and ill-tempered. They'd sooner kill a human as look at him, and are only slightly more tolerant of others. Think of them as victim complexes with a grudge and throw in more sneakiness than anything has a right to."

2011-07-21, 01:31 AM
"wow, not much fun at a party i reckon. If i were looking for one, where Could i find them?"
"And how did a human get the skulks involved?"

2011-07-21, 07:02 AM
"Find them? That is the trick. You generally only find them if they want to be found or just before they kill you. He got them involved by showing his face in the docks at night. Ymeo, I think his name was."

2011-07-21, 07:05 AM
"So were they with or against him?"

"Is the man still alive? And where would I find them?"

2011-07-21, 10:32 AM
"Oh, I'd definitely say against. We found pieces of him showing up around the Docks for a week. I think Oritz has a hand if you want to check it out."

2011-07-21, 10:34 AM
"Oritz, where could I find him? Would I want to find him? And what does he look like?"

2011-07-21, 10:39 AM
"Oritz is a crazy half-gnome that collects parts. Don't know if you would, but he's got a piece of the guy you're looking for. Just thought I'd mention him."

2011-07-21, 10:42 AM
"Oritz, collecter of parts. How gruesome!! Where can I find him again?"

Alfonso then goes looking for him.

2011-07-21, 11:19 AM
They give you directions.

You find him, an oddly stunted person whose gnomish and human characteristics did not merge well, outside his home tending to sickly looking flowers.

2011-07-21, 11:52 AM
"Greatings sir, are you the one they call Oritz? My name is Alfonso. I hear you have a "special" collection of sorts? Could I take a look at it perhaps?"

2011-07-21, 01:26 PM
"Oh? You want to see my collection of grafts? You're not a watchman, are you?"

2011-07-21, 01:38 PM
"Watchman don't come the docks I heard. And indeed, I am not. I have a similar interest as you do, and I figured the lack of watchman makes this the perfect place to snoop around. Some guys by the docks told me you expanded your collection there recently, hence I found you."

2011-07-21, 01:42 PM
"Ah, you talking about the half-elf's thigh or the human's hand?"

2011-07-21, 01:47 PM
"Either would be interesting really. I myself am a collector of skulls, though recently my entire collection was lost. I am looking for a place to start a new one, as well as someone who could keep it in tip top shape. .. But I'm moving away from the subject. Show me the grafts!!" Alsonso says with a big smile.

2011-07-21, 02:06 PM
He takes you inside his home, where he has a wide selection of humanoid grafts of almost any bodypart imaginable lying about preserved.

2011-07-21, 02:12 PM
"Wow, quite a collection ............ such good shape ....... etc.."

Chit chat for about 10 minutes about preservation, preperation etc. Trying to bond with him. Diplomacy [roll0]

"Must be good grounds for collecting I assume. I heard the skulks are quite the killers. Are they hireable for collection purposes?"

2011-07-21, 02:26 PM
"Don't know. They just give away such choice parts for free down here. All one has to do is find them before the rats do. I suppose they accept gold just like anyone else."

2011-07-21, 02:29 PM
"Interesting,... do they also opperate outside of the docks?"

"I might need their services, how do I contact them?"

2011-07-21, 02:34 PM
"Not that I've ever heard of. How to contact them? I dunno. I'm sure if you bring a live human at night, they'll be more than happy to contact you, though."

2011-07-21, 02:39 PM
"So if I stay out here tonight, they will come out and try to kill me?"

Illumian with their sigils turned off resemble humans a lot

2011-07-21, 02:44 PM
"Yes they would."

2011-07-21, 02:46 PM
"Awesome. Best not to hang around then. What kind of gnome are you, btw? You look .... interesting."

What is Kanji's race?

2011-07-21, 02:53 PM
Kanji's a halfling.

"I'm actually half-gnome. Dad got drunk one night and thought he'd try his luck with a 'biggun'. My dear whore mother accepted for five gold, and I came 7 months later."

2011-07-21, 02:57 PM
"I see, quite the happy family then. .. Well, it's been really nice, I'll be back some day. Do you do "upgrades" as well?"

After that Alfonso returns to Old Town, has a meal and waits for Kanji's report near the spot on the street.

2011-07-21, 04:25 PM
"Of course. I've got several myself. Hence why I'm so pretty."

Several hours later, Kanji returns with something wrapped in silk in his hands. "Boy, that place is harder to crack than I thought."

2011-07-21, 04:28 PM
"I can imagine, living between natural rogues. So, what did you find?"

I should have taken living undeath instead of kelrog's fog. Now I'll be shopping for potions.

2011-07-21, 05:00 PM
"All I managed to get away with was a set of silver spoons."

2011-07-21, 05:03 PM
Impressive, finding those in the docks. Sell m, and ill tell you my plan tomorrow.

2011-07-21, 05:24 PM
"Sounds good, boss."

2011-07-22, 02:11 AM
After a short night of sleep and a long night of thinking his plan though, Alfonso gets up and has a hearty breakfast. Getting some good food in him, accompanied by an early beer makes him feel a lot better.

Tonight, it's time for me to show Kanji how powerfull I am. He seems quite skilled, but he'll be put to the test as well. It's going to be dangerous though, very dangerous, but I can't think of any quicker way. I best try and get some more questions answered during the day.

Meeting Kanji in the agreed upon place and he starts to unfold his plan.

"Alright, I've thought about this long and hard, but it is the quickest and most direct approach and it might have some chance to succeed. Tonight, we will go to the docks again. I will pose as a drunken human beggar, who has foolishly stumbled into the docks. Several sources told me yesterday the skulks will come at me for sure. ..... I hope to survive and scare the living daylights out of at least one of them. He will be frightened so much, he'll be sure to run home and hide ... or get reinforcements. Your job will be to shadow this runner and so find the location of their hideout. Once you know the location, get out of there and back to old town. I will do the same. Tonights, goal is information, nothing more. We will get those skulks during daytime, when they'll be sleeping."

"I have several important notes to go with this plan. For my survivability I could really use a potion of living undeath, which will provide me with immunity to their nasty daggers. Do you know how to get one of those? And using credit... since I'm quite broke at the moment."

"Second note is, should the fighting go wrong, don't interfere, I have remarcable healing skills. Should I have need of you I will shout: The pain, oh, the pain. Since this would of course ruin your chance of following them I will only do so in last resort."

"Third note is, I will attempt to kill one or two of them. I am not just a sorcerer, but one versed well in the area of necromancy. Each dead skulk means an extra ally for when we attack their hideout."

"This plan rests on two things, my survivability and your shadowing skills. These creatures are very good at your own craft. Do you think you can shadow one of them in the dark?"

"During the day I will go see the guard again, see if I can convince them to increase the reward for this. What do you think of the plan? And, how much did you get for the silverware?"

2011-07-22, 11:20 AM
How much would such a potion cost?

2011-07-22, 12:19 PM
"Uh, wow. You've got a lot of faith in me. Shadow a skulk? Not sure if I can. I'll give it my best shot. It's like asking an orc to arm wrestle a giant. Yeah, I'm good, but they're just phenomenally better."

"You sure you can survive? I've seen four prepared and well-armed adventurers go in there and not come out again. Got 150 for the silverware."

what spell level is the potion you want?

2011-07-22, 12:26 PM
2nd level

"Yes, I'm counting on them being frightened and not seeing me follow, to allow you to follow them."

"Whether I can survive. I sure hope so. Only one way to find out I guess."

"I'll meet you here early evening. Untill then!"

Alfonso then heads to the local guardpost.

2011-07-22, 12:35 PM
300 gp.

"Sure thing boss."

You arrive. The guards do not seem to take notice from you at first.

2011-07-22, 12:42 PM
"Hi there, anyone, I'm here to talk about something I found on the crierboard. Something about people going missing here. Is there a reward if I were to take up this task and try and solve it for you?"

2011-07-22, 12:47 PM
The guard says, "We do not pay people to chase rumors that the Crier decides to shout out to the streets. I promise you, there is not some rabid cult of necromancers tearing through the streets in old town slaughering people."

2011-07-22, 12:48 PM
"So the rumor that people have gone missing in Old Town is not true?"

2011-07-22, 12:50 PM
"All missing persons cases are being investigated by the watch with all due diligence, I assure you."

sense motive result: something in his stance and tone don't add up.

2011-07-22, 12:52 PM
"That seems strange, I heard this has been going on for 10 years. Now don't get me wrong, I have great faith in the watch, but it does seem you could use some outside help with this."

2011-07-22, 12:53 PM
"Who told you that?"

2011-07-22, 12:55 PM
"Some human in a bar last night. It was the reason I came to see if I could help out. Who in the watch is investigating it at this moment?"

Bluff [roll0]

Ooohh yeahh, should have saved that for tonight though. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-22, 01:05 PM
"That information is not publicly available. If you want to learn that, you will have to talk to the Captain in the Fortress."

2011-07-22, 01:09 PM
"Well, the captain is a busy man, or so I heard. Wouldn't it look better if "you" solved this lasting mystery all by yourself? After all, it is your district."

Diplomacy [roll0] if needed.

2011-07-22, 01:18 PM
He looks at you for a moment and motions for you to come closer.

2011-07-22, 01:19 PM
Alfonso steps closer, carefull to keep his fear aura surpressed.

2011-07-22, 01:27 PM
"Look, the investigations are closed and we're told by Feierabend to leave that case alone. He's got a detective on it, he says, and it's very clear our jobs are on the line if we look into it."

2011-07-22, 01:30 PM
"How odd, why would he put your jobs on the line, just because you're doing them? And this detective of his can't be much good then. Where could I find this Feierabend?"

2011-07-22, 01:55 PM
"He lives in Old Town." He tells you the address. Interestingly enough, it's the same address one can go to about the missing cat.

2011-07-22, 02:07 PM
"Thank you for the info!"

Alfonso goes to see the man.

2011-07-22, 02:14 PM
When you arrive at the gate in front of the manse, you find it closed and locked. A guard inside the gatehouse looks out at you through a small window.

"May I help you?"

2011-07-22, 02:29 PM
Goodnight sir, here to see the lord. Tell him detective Alfonso is here.

2011-07-22, 02:52 PM
He sends sends word.

A few minutes later, he comes back with a response, saying, "I'm sorry, but Lord Feierabrand does not recognize you. Is he supposed to know you?"

2011-07-22, 02:55 PM
"Not that I would know, but I came in response to his missing cat, as well as some other local trouble I might help with."

2011-07-22, 03:09 PM
"Very well. Present your card."

2011-07-22, 03:14 PM
"I don't use cards. They are for fools. I solve problems and find things that need finding. Finding the right jobs is part of that. Detectives that need cards to have people find them are a waste of your money. Now I know of his other problems, and I know how to solve them, so unless your master isn't interested in solving them, I'll be off."

Alfonso seems annoyed by the guard.

2011-07-22, 03:22 PM
"You are not the first detective without a proper license or identification to come looking to chase a lost cat. Honestly, I have to wonder how good you truly are if chasing a cat is something you have time for."

2011-07-22, 03:26 PM
"The cat is not my main business and I doubt it is his main problem, now let me speak to your master."

Whoa, you seem ..... different now .. :smallbiggrin: Quite classy!

2011-07-22, 03:30 PM
"He has refused to waste his time with some unknown man unless he is willing to say what business it is that is worth his time to discuss with you."

2011-07-22, 03:32 PM
"Tell him I've been skulking around a bit."

I do love the innuendo

2011-07-22, 03:38 PM
"Very well." He steps out, and when he returns, he has a pair of manacles in hand. "By order of Leiutenant Feierabrand of the City Watch under grounds of suspected conspiracy to destroy the city, you are under arrest."

2011-07-22, 03:42 PM
"How interesting, it seems I have found a lead."

Alfonso activates his fear aura again (DC 19 will save, 5 ft radius) as a free action. When the man steps next to Alfonso (and into the aura) he will demoralize him. (intimidate [roll0]) If he fails both, he becomes frightened

2011-07-22, 03:44 PM
"Will you come quietly? Feierabrand wants to interrogate you himself."

2011-07-22, 03:48 PM
"No thank you, I think I know enough. I'll be going now. Tell your master we'll meet soon enough."

Alfonso slowly backs away with the demoralize readied.

2011-07-22, 03:51 PM
The guard charges you, using the manacles as a weapon.

2011-07-22, 03:54 PM
So, that's a DC 19 Will save and DC 21 character level check for him.

2011-07-22, 03:56 PM
he fails the will save, but succeeds the character level check.

2011-07-22, 03:57 PM
Then he is just shaken.

2011-07-22, 04:01 PM
Shaken but not scared off, the guard continues his charge, hitting you for [roll0] and [roll1] non-lethal.

2011-07-22, 04:05 PM
"Silly guard. You will do fine as my new puppet."

Inflict serious wounds [roll0] Will save DC 19 for half

Are they two seperate hits? Since I have DR 2/bludgeoning and magic

2011-07-22, 06:03 PM
the magic bludgeoning weapon hit you once.

that's an AoO, btw, unless you cast defensively.

2011-07-23, 02:17 AM
Takes the aoo.

2011-07-23, 10:30 AM
His attack misses, and yours hits with full force.

On his turn, he takes a full attack against you, hitting twice for [roll0] and [roll1] and another [roll2] nonlethal damage on the first attack.

2011-07-23, 10:54 AM
"Aaaah!!! You'll pay for that!" says the heavily wounded Alfonso

He emits a powerfull burst of negative energy, hoping to damage his opponent and heal himself at the same time.

[roll0] DC 18 for half

After that he takes a 5 ft step away and uses his move action for another 5 ft away step. (is that possible?)

2011-07-23, 10:59 AM
that is impossible. If you take a 5' step, that must be the ONLY movement you do that round.

2011-07-23, 11:02 AM
Hmm, alright. Just a 5 ft step then. Cause if I would just move 10 ft. I'd get AoO right?

2011-07-23, 12:19 PM

You blast him, hurting him the full amount and healing yourself, and he calls out, "I need backup!" as he pulls out a bag and throws it at you.

reflex save.

2011-07-23, 02:32 PM
reflex [roll0]

2011-07-23, 03:00 PM
YOu avoid being held fast by the tanglefoot bag and are only entangled.

2011-07-24, 03:57 AM
Crap, I really should have put point in concentration. :smallbiggrin:

Alfonso resorts to his basic attack. He uses charnel touch on him.

melee touch attack [roll0]; [roll1]

2011-07-24, 01:58 PM
You miss and he attacks you once more, striking you in the side of your head for [roll0] and [roll1] nonlethal damage.

sorry about the crit. The dice just decided to hate on you today. I even re-rolled the crit confirmation to try to make it be only a regular hit, but the die rolled higher.

2011-07-24, 02:05 PM
Alfonso goes down, the hit to the head just to much to bear. He lays unconscious.

Ouch, he would make an excellent zombie. :smallbiggrin:

2 real hp left, down due to non-lethal.

2011-07-24, 02:30 PM
He wakes up tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. A woman is standing before him, holding a glass of water.

"Master Feierabrand will have out of you one way or the other what you know. One way, you will be treated kindly and offered a position. The other way, you will be begging to tell us what you know by the end."

2011-07-24, 02:35 PM
"Before I will answer any of your questions, I will need to hear them!"

Alfonso demands.

Would it draw much attention if he started healing himself? Officially it's just a touch, so RAW it would work if he just put his fingers together.

He makes sure to keep his aura off btw.

2011-07-24, 02:40 PM
"I take it then that you will be cooperative. Good. If you want, go ahead and start healing yourself if it will make you feel better. First question: what do you know about the Skulks?"

2011-07-24, 02:42 PM
"Not much really, I hear they are gray, bald, make great rogues and hate humans. Never met one, which is a good thing considering how much I look like human."

Alfonso self-heals.

2011-07-24, 02:46 PM
"Why did you mention them in your message to Feierabrand?"

2011-07-24, 02:49 PM
"Well, I think they might be connected to the murders in Old Town. It's just a hunch though, I don't have any evidence."

2011-07-24, 02:57 PM
"Your hunches are getting you into dangerous territory. Explain exactly why you think that in detail. Depending on how you answer, we might be friends. Or I might be one of the mourners at your funeral next week."

2011-07-24, 03:02 PM
"Well, I think the skulks are getting overconfident and now kill, not only in the docks, but also venture out into Old Town. I mean, seriously, I got so many warnings not to go to the docks at night. The skulks must rule the place front to back if you ask me."

2011-07-24, 03:16 PM
"They do, and the kidnappings in Old Town have been going on for ten years now. You know enough to be quite dangerous to the Leiutenant Commander as a free agent, but also enough that you could be useful to us. Are you willing to be a catspaw for a dangerous and powerful man?"

2011-07-24, 03:18 PM
"Hmm, such an ally would be most welcome as I'm quite new to the city. I realise I'm not in the best position to negotiate right now, but what would he have me do and what would be in it for me?"

2011-07-24, 03:28 PM
"Good to hear. What will you do for him? I suspect mostly terror operations against his enemies. As for pay, what coin do you most wish to be paid in? Anything you could imagine is available, no matter the legality. What you will be doing is all highly illegal and according to records, you will not exist at all."

2011-07-24, 03:45 PM
"Terror, you say. I'm good at that. And disguising is also one of my talents. I will require several things. I don't expect to get it all at once, but over time it would benefit him as well. I need:
- a base of operations with two bedrooms and a large cellar.
- 2-4 (up to 32 HD max atm) strong guards, preferably dead, with fitting full plate. To allow them to walk the streets in bright daylight. If you can get me the one that knocked me out, that would be super sweet.
- cash, so I can buy better equipment."

"Could you please untie me now? When will I meet this man?"

2011-07-24, 06:23 PM
"You're giving rather specific demands for a man who is tied to a chair after having been beaten into submission. You'll want to watch your tone around Feierabrand. He's not as patient as I am. However, nothing you said would be unreasonable. You can't have Brutus though. He's far too useful to us alive."

2011-07-25, 01:30 AM
"I'll be sure to hold my tongue around him. I do still have several questions, if I may be so free. The request for his lost cat seems .... strange for such a powerfull man. And does he still want me to clear out the skulks?"

So his name is Brutus. He will be mine one day ... he will be mine.

2011-07-25, 12:15 PM
"What he wants from you at the moment is nothing. As for the cat, it is his daughter's pet, and he indulges her. He wants you to do nothing to the skulks. There are forces at large in the city beyond your comprehension, and upsetting the balance by attacking the Skulks is out of the question."

2011-07-25, 12:20 PM
"Alright, so what will i get of the requested resources?

Am i free to go now and how will you contact me?

You sure, you don't need any help with the cat?"

2011-07-25, 01:00 PM
"There are a half-dozen desperate 'detectives' chasing that cat at the moment. We'd rather have you do a real mission. Just relax here for a little bit while I confer with Feierabrand. Do note that creating, controlling, or consorting with undead is a punishable crime in ALdhaven, and if you don't play ball with us, you will find yourself having just confessed today."

2011-07-25, 01:28 PM
"you have my balls, i know. Mind if i go work on something else while waiting?"

Ooc: Not sure what chilling would be. :smallsmile:

2011-07-25, 01:48 PM
She cuts one of your hands free. "Don't leave the room but other than that, feel free to do as you will. I will be back shortly." She then leaves the room.

2011-07-25, 01:51 PM
Alfonso waits. :)

2011-07-25, 01:54 PM
he doesn't even untie himself?

an hour or so later, the same lady comes back and says, "Well well, looks like Feierabrand has a use for you today. There's certain detective by the name of Laugherty who refuses to cooperate with the good baron on matters of... policy. Go to his home and be sure to tell him that this is not acceptable. Be sure to not kill anyone."

2011-07-25, 01:59 PM
Will do! Youll need to untie me first. Where is it? I could use some pocket money, as im broke.

2011-07-25, 02:13 PM
"I freed one hand. I thought for sure you'd be competent to untie yourself...

As for money, no work, no pay. So far, all you've done is cost us... understand?"

2011-07-25, 02:20 PM
"I could say the Same. Alright, ill go and see this man. Ill report back when it's done."

Alfonso unties hemzelf and leaves.

First he goes to meet kanji. Says there is a change of plans and takes him with him to the man.

2011-07-25, 02:35 PM
The man lives in a house in the Guildsman District, a small one-story four room house. When you arrive with Kanji in tow, he is eating dinner with his wife and two daughters.

2011-07-25, 02:37 PM
Excellent! Kanji, could you open the door for me, without attracting to much attention?

2011-07-25, 02:38 PM
Alfonso casts false life on himself. [roll0]

2011-07-25, 02:44 PM
He oils the hinges and picks the lock, and it opens inward without a sound.

2011-07-25, 03:44 PM
"Excellent, wait here and warn me if any guards arrive. I won't be long."

Alfonso runs inside, aura on, and casts fear on both of the daughters. DC 18 will or become shaken, frightened if less then 6 HD.

2011-07-25, 03:47 PM
The two daughers are frightened and flee the kitchen. The wife says, "Leave my daughters alone!" as the husband stands to draw his weapon.

roll for initiative.

2011-07-25, 03:51 PM
forgot [/roll]

2011-07-25, 03:51 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2011-07-25, 04:01 PM
You go first, barely.

2011-07-25, 04:05 PM
"Surrender! Now!" Alfonso shouts in intimidating fashion. [roll0]

He casts ray of enfeeblement on the man. [roll1] touch for [roll2] strength damage.

2011-07-25, 04:12 PM
He is shaken and weakened.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

2011-07-25, 04:14 PM
"You've been given a chance to redeem yourself. It would be best if you'd stop doing you detective work for now. Best for you, best for your wife, best for your daughters. Can you do this for me?"

Intimidate [roll0]

2011-07-25, 04:31 PM
"O-okay. Just don't hurt my family."

2011-07-25, 04:39 PM
"dont forget it, or ill be back!"

Alfonso returns to the baron. Telling kanji to do whatever he wants and meet him the next day.

2011-07-25, 04:48 PM
"Got it. I'll lift your purse in your sleep." He says jokingly.

You realize that the enconter was quite an experience. 300 in fact.

"Well, generic fear will work. Good job. We'll have your first suit of full plate ready for you to pick up tomorrow. Stay available."

2011-07-25, 04:52 PM
Ill see you tomorrow morning!

Alfonso goes to the hostel, has a couple of drinks and some sleep.

The next morning he goes to see the baron.

2011-07-25, 05:03 PM
"Your armor is waiting for you in the stables."

2011-07-26, 05:15 AM
"Excellent, I will go and pick it up right away. Got any new assignment for me?"

"I read about some gnomish dignitary. Apparently someone is offering 1,000,000gp for his assassination. Mind if I look into this? Or would you know anything about this?"

Any news from the boy I send to check on the merchant?

2011-07-26, 11:14 AM
I'm sorry, you'll have to refresh me on the merchant lead. I have enough AVB plots going that occasionally I have difficulty recalling one.

"If you wish to investigate that lead, you may. It does not affect your employer at all. Just be sure to not try and betray us in the process. For the moment, we have no further need of you, but stay available. Something big is brewing around town, and we might need you."

2011-07-26, 11:29 AM
"Excellent. I will then see about this gnome then. I will check here every morning should you have news for me. But first, show me the armor!

The merchant was getting mugged in the docks, involved the skulks and survived. I do plan to keep investigating the missing persons quest, just using Kanji and the boy for it. I have some vague ideas already, but not going to act on it of course. Unless, an opportunity presents itself. Will of course, try and kill Brutus at some point. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-26, 11:42 AM
You are taken, and indeed, fullplate of indifferent quality is waiting for you, just as you requested.

2011-07-26, 12:17 PM
Alfonso brings/drags the full plate to his current housing. He then goes to talk with Kanji.

"Hi there, any luck last night? I'm looking into this gnome digniary thing, do you perhaps know anything about it? Or could Old Chaney tell us more?"

2011-07-26, 12:21 PM
"The merchant is named Hagan. He's got a shop on Mastiff Road."

2011-07-26, 12:23 PM
I forgot. Alfonso also gather info in the taverns of course. :smallbiggrin:


2011-07-26, 02:05 PM
It's said that Erbuar's is the place to go for discount goods. No rumors connect him with skulk activity of any sort.

2011-07-26, 02:55 PM
LOL, it was actually all about the gnome rep., not the merchant. Or are they the same?

2011-07-26, 02:56 PM
no, that was the merchant.

You learn nothing significant about the gnomish dignitary except that he's a gnome and is staying in the embassy in the Nobles Quarter.

2011-07-26, 03:15 PM
Kanji, how much do you know about the embassy in the noble quarter? Do you know a way in?

2011-07-26, 04:56 PM
who are you talking to?

2011-07-27, 01:44 AM
Still talking to Kanji.

2011-07-27, 03:55 PM
"Nobles quarter is the toughest nut in town to crack. Shameful to say, I actually don't know a way to sneak in. The embassy, from what I hear, is mostly a bunch of gnomes with warforged protectors."

2011-07-27, 04:03 PM
"What legal ways are there to get in?"

2011-07-27, 04:22 PM
"Through the front gate, with your papers identifying you as a baron or better, or papers identifying your business in the nobles quarter signed by a count or better."

2011-07-28, 02:29 AM
"I see, those would be hard to come by. Although... I do know a baron. Perhaps he could get us in there. I'll go and ask him. I'll be back soon."

Alfonso then heads back to the barons place.

"Hello, I'm back! I could really use your help. Remember that gnome with a price on his head. Turns out, he's hiding in the noble quarter. Now it is very difficult to get into, if you're not a baron or such. So I was wondering if the baron could help me get in. Of course, I would owe him big after that. So I'd do a couple (2) of free jobs for him return."

2011-07-28, 09:52 AM
"He can't help you. He himself can enter freely, but only a count or higher who owns a building in there can grant passes to common folk."

2011-07-28, 09:54 AM
"Alright, I suppose most magical ways in are blocked?"

2011-07-28, 10:07 AM
"Yep." sadly, in this world, mages are not so rare and npc's are not metally retarded. They prepare for mages.

2011-07-28, 10:13 AM
"It seems that to get in I need to become a baron or find a count that will vouch for me. I suppose becoming a baron is difficult? Would you have any suggestions on which count to approach?"

2011-07-28, 10:19 AM
"Well, to become a Baron, you must first become a Freeman and find favor with a marquis who gives you control of one of his estates. Count Deitrich, third son of the head of that family, is probably the easiest. I'm pretty sure he'll sell a one-day pass to you."

2011-07-28, 10:22 AM
"Alright, I'll contact him later. But first more questions. I assume they have a lot of common folk working there. And some must be used to travelling between here and the district. Where would be my best try to find someone working at the embassy for instance?"

2011-07-28, 10:24 AM
"I don't know. Servants in the Nobles Quarter often live and work there. Some come and go, yes, but I'm not familiar with them. Feierabrand does not have jurisdiction near there and doesn't deign to notice the smallfolk who come and go."

2011-07-28, 10:29 AM
"Ah yes, that makes sense. And what about the citywatch. Are they any different from the bunch of fools we have here.... not including the leuitenant of course?"

2011-07-28, 10:37 AM
"Feierabrand is part of the city Watch. He commands the Special Guard."

2011-07-28, 10:38 AM
"And does the special guard visit the Noble Quarter?"

2011-07-28, 10:55 AM
"No, the Royal Guard has jurisdiction there."

2011-07-28, 10:57 AM
"Alright, seems straight forward enough. Any idea how much such a pass would cost? And could I possibly borrow that from you..... :smallbiggrin:?"

"One day is not a lot of time, would I need two passes to stay over night?"

2011-07-28, 11:12 AM
"You will have to speak with the count. I don't have one."

2011-07-28, 11:37 AM
"How would i be able to speak to the count?"

2011-07-28, 02:13 PM
"Go to the Deitrich family estate in Old Town."

2011-07-28, 02:20 PM
"That's a wonderful idea. Thank you, I will!"

Alfonso then heads to Kanji.

"Hi, I'm back. Think you could break in into the Deitrich family estate and steal some vouchers to let us two into the Noble Quarters? If you could replace them with forgeries that would be even more awesome. What do you think?"

2011-07-28, 03:06 PM
"Well, I probably could, but taking them won't do you good without an authenticated mage's mark on it. That one's harder to forge."

2011-07-28, 03:32 PM
"I might be able to help with that. How do they put a mage mark on it?"

2011-07-28, 03:49 PM
"Each family has their own unique crest that is created as an arcane mark to authenticate the papers. You any good at forging arcane marks?"

2011-07-28, 03:52 PM
I'm not sure really. My umd is ok, forgery and spellcraft not so much. Could I do it of a scroll?

I don't get lvl 0 spells.

2011-07-28, 04:01 PM
well, if you cast the spell from a scroll, that works. Then all you have to do is succeed a forgery check to make your mark look like the family one.

2011-07-28, 04:11 PM
"Yes, that I might be able to. We'd need a scroll though, and it would really help if I could see an original one before I did it. Perhaps they throw away used ones?"

2011-07-28, 04:23 PM
"Best I know, they burn them. Still, I might be able to nick one off a servant long enough to show you. I'll want to put it back so they don't suspect it having been stolen, merely misplaced. As for the scroll, wouldn't you be able to see to that while I'm risking life and limb to save you some gold on a pass?"

2011-07-28, 04:25 PM
"Indeed, fair enough. And we need two passes! One for you as well. :smallbiggrin:"

2011-07-28, 04:34 PM
"Oh, I'll be sure to do that. Guess you'll need two scrolls then."

2011-07-28, 04:45 PM
"Yes, and I'll be getting scrolls for invisibility as well, I'm not as stealthy as you are."

Alfonso goes to see a wizard about the scrolls.

2011-07-28, 05:02 PM
He's offered them at standard market price.

2011-07-29, 12:19 AM
Alfonso buys 2 arcane mark scrolls. The invisibility being to expensive. He also tries to buy a forgery kit. After that he goes waiting for kanji.

Forgery kit from Comp. adventurer. 40 gp, gives +2 to forgery

2011-07-29, 06:59 AM
Kanji does not report in at the appointed time.

sending him off on his own is not without risks.... he's not dead though...

2011-07-29, 07:01 AM
Hmmm, this is my third round, and he's still not here. Better go check it out.

Alfonso heads over to the mansion and tries to get some info in the neighbourhood. [roll0]

2011-07-29, 07:25 AM
[roll0] hours later, you learn that it seems he was caught breaking in and is currently being held for questioning. He's being held at the local guardhouse. Apparently, one of the two new guardsmen for this neighborhood is a psion who got the jump on him.

2011-07-29, 07:31 AM
"Grumble, grumble..."

Alfonso goes to the guardhouse and enters.

"I heard there was a thief recently captured here?"

2011-07-29, 09:38 AM
"Yes, that is so. What's it to you?"

2011-07-29, 09:44 AM
How many guards are there?

Blast, I've grown attached to Kanji. :smallsmile:

"I think he might have stolen something from me as well. Could I see the thief?"

2011-07-29, 01:00 PM
There are four guards in the room you're in, and you passed a half-dozen others on your way in...

"If you would like to press charges, you may. Since he's not a Jack, we'd then allow you to see him. Only other way you'll get in to see him is if you're his legal counsel."

2011-07-29, 01:44 PM
"Huh, he'd have to promise me a sh*tload of money to have me be his legal council. Although it would be a good way to get back at him. ..... Yes, I'll be his counciler. Lead me to him!"

2011-07-29, 01:46 PM
"I'm afraid that one has to select their own legal council." He says as he rubs his coin purse.

2011-07-29, 01:50 PM
"I see, I'll be back then."

Alfonso heads over to the barons house.

"Hehehe, hi there, I could really use your help. Your city guard has apprehanded one of my lackeys. For no apparent reason I assume. Could you get him out, or transferred to your custody?"

2011-07-29, 02:06 PM
"Oh, I'm sure I can get him out. How much is he worth to you?"

2011-07-29, 02:11 PM
"He fills in my weak spots. So quite a bit actually."

2011-07-29, 02:15 PM
"Well, one can't put a price on human life, so I'm sure 1,000 gold will seem most affordable."

2011-07-29, 02:19 PM
"Well, that is true. And I'll be sure to have him pay me back part of it."

2011-07-29, 02:20 PM
"Very well. Come by tomorrow morning and your friend will be dining on tea and cakes. Payment up front, of course."

2011-07-29, 03:34 PM
"Any idea how to get such money on short notice... since I'm a bit short right now."

2011-07-29, 03:57 PM
"You could sell a magic item."