View Full Version : Voice Actors for the Order?

2011-07-17, 03:32 PM
So, I just tried rereading Tarquin's "If I live, I get to be a king" speech with him having Stephen Fry's voice and Elan having Guybrush Threepwood's voice. And I must say, it was quite good. So, how would you imagine the characters speaking?

I guess I'll go for Thog and say a Peon from Warcraft 3 when not raging, and obviously Hulk while raging. And an effect-heavy, spirit-ish cold sound for Xykon.

2011-07-17, 04:46 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again

Xykon + James Woods = WIN

2011-07-17, 04:50 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again

Xykon + Mark Hamil = WIN

Fixed that for you. :smalltongue:

2011-07-17, 04:51 PM
We know that Xykon sounds exactly like Darth Vader if he pitches his voice just a little lower.

2011-07-17, 04:54 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again

Xykon + James Woods = WIN

Agreed. That's the only voice I can think of for him.

2011-07-17, 04:55 PM
We know that Xykon sounds exactly like Darth Vader if he pitches his voice just a little lower.

Well, Mark Hamil is Darth Vader's son.:smalltongue:

2011-07-17, 05:01 PM
Well, Mark Hamil is Darth Vader's son.:smalltongue:

Have you seen Avatar The Last Airbender? If you want a deep, scary, voice, go for Hamil. And it would even partially explain why Tsukiko has a crush on him too. :smallwink:

2011-07-17, 05:02 PM
And it would even partially explain why Tsukiko has a crush on him too. :smallwink:

Because she's a firebender?:smallconfused:

2011-07-17, 05:25 PM
Have you seen Avatar The Last Airbender? If you want a deep, scary, voice, go for Hamil. And it would even partially explain why Tsukiko has a crush on him too. :smallwink:

It's been while since I saw it, but now I see why you mentioned him. My only problem is that a deep, scary voice doesn't quite seem to match the "evil but normally wise-cracking" villain, at least to me. But that's an opinion (like everything else in this thread)

2011-07-17, 07:50 PM
Xykon - Christopher Walken

Nale/Elan - Nathan Fillion

Haley - Jennifer Hale

Thog - Dan Castellaneta

Roy - Keith David

Belkar - John Di Maggio

2011-07-17, 09:40 PM
It's been while since I saw it, but now I see why you mentioned him. My only problem is that a deep, scary voice doesn't quite seem to match the "evil but normally wise-cracking" villain, at least to me. But that's an opinion (like everything else in this thread)

He was also The Joker, so wisecracking works(in a sense).

2011-07-17, 09:59 PM
He was also The Joker, so wisecracking works(in a sense).

Very true. *Waits for movie to come out with not one of our suggestions cast*

2011-07-17, 10:04 PM
He was also The Joker, so wisecracking works(in a sense).

So was John Di Maggio. Xykon with the voice of Bender...hmm

Cloaked Bloke
2011-07-17, 11:15 PM
I could see Xykon's extremely weird sense of "humor" being carried by the voice of Jon Benjamin.

2011-07-17, 11:40 PM
Xykon - Christopher Walken

If Walken is going to have any role in OotS, it would have to be Lord Shojo.

2011-07-18, 12:14 AM
I just can't imagine any of the character's having voices other than the one's i imagine them having while i read the comic.

When comic strips are put into film etc, something just always seems off to me.

Imagine if they had created a Calvin and Hobbes TV show; i feel like it would have ruined the whole experience for me. Or at least been a little disappointing (think Dilbert show, Garfield)

2011-07-18, 12:17 AM
I could see Xykon's extremely weird sense of "humor" being carried by the voice of Jon Benjamin.

Coach McGuirk? Really?

Cloaked Bloke
2011-07-18, 12:50 AM
Yeah! Really. Also, the voice of Bob from Bob's Burgers. He also does some voice-work for Family Guy, but I loathe that show.

2011-07-18, 01:08 AM
Miko: Gong Li?

Xykon: Mr. Lawrence

Redcloak: Ioan Gruffudd.

If they get the right voice motivations they could make it work well.

2011-07-18, 09:52 AM
So, I just tried rereading Tarquin's "If I live, I get to be a king" speech with him having Stephen Fry's voice and Elan having Guybrush Threepwood's voice.
I dunno, Elan's appearance and innocence always made me imagine Elan to have a falsetto voice like "Mr. Bill" from the old Saturday Night Live shows from the 1970s. Elan even resembles Mr. Bill (http://images.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1005&bih=643&q=Mr.+Bill&gbv=2&oq=Mr.+Bill&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=300l1458l0l1687l8l7l0l0l0l0l223l1073l0.5.1l 6).

2011-07-18, 11:56 AM
Well, Mark Hamil is Darth Vader's son.:smalltongue:

No. That's not true. That's impossible.

2011-07-18, 12:39 PM
I used to think Christopher Walken for Xykon, but now I think Hugh Laurie would be better.

2011-07-18, 12:57 PM
As much as I hate to make this comparison... I think of Élan having a really hot voice, like Darren Criss (Blaine Warbler on GLEE).

And I think Vaarsuvius would be LittleKuriboh's impression of Ishizu Ishtar (YGOTAS).

Elf Ranger
2011-07-18, 01:13 PM
Neil Patrick Harris as Elan

I actually picture Xykon as having a kind of whiny voice

Samuel L. Jackson for Roy

2011-07-18, 01:16 PM
Yeah! Really. Also, the voice of Bob from Bob's Burgers. He also does some voice-work for Family Guy, but I loathe that show.

I just can't hear him as this Big Bad undead spellcaster even in a comedy. I mean, if you're going for some sort of ironic not-that-threatening villain like Dr. Evil then maybe. But Xykon is still a frightening force and I doubt he can pull this off.

2011-07-18, 01:38 PM
Neil Patrick Harris as Elan

I see him more as being a live actor for Elan. I think they could do better if they wanted only a voice for him.

2011-07-18, 03:22 PM
I used to think Christopher Walken for Xykon, but now I think Hugh Laurie would be better.

No. Just no.

2011-07-18, 03:38 PM
As I said in the old thread:

Justin Bieber as Xykon or Belkar...

In the deep of your heart, you know it's true...

2011-07-18, 03:47 PM
As I said in the old thread:

Justin Beiber as Xykon or Belkar.

In the deep of your heart, you know it's true...

No. .........

2011-07-18, 03:51 PM
Gaah! Now, thanks to you, whenever I read Xykon's lines, I hear Darth Vader! Do you know how annoying that is? It's like hearing Belkar's voice as Bill Murray....
And Martianmister? Elan is Justin Beiber. Don't ruin my dream.

2011-07-18, 06:10 PM
In the deep of your heart, you know it's true...

He is an unspeakable source of evil.

2011-07-18, 06:23 PM
Guys? you are joking, right? I can't tell...

2011-07-18, 07:41 PM
In light of the recent comic I believe we would need to have someone voice Blackwing.

2011-07-18, 07:43 PM
In light of the recent comic I believe we would need to have someone voice Blackwing.

First we'd need to figure out his gender.

2011-07-18, 07:59 PM
First we'd need to figure out his gender.

Hasn't stopped attempts at a voice for V.

EDIT: Seems B is a he. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0674.html)

2011-07-18, 08:51 PM
In light of the recent comic I believe we would need to have someone voice Blackwing.

Gilbert Gottfried.

2011-07-18, 09:01 PM
Gilbert Gottfried.
Yes, though I don't know if his voice is right for a blackbird. A prrot (seeing as it already sounds like a parrot), but it just doesn't quite seem to mesh to me.

2011-07-18, 09:31 PM
Yes, though I don't know if his voice is right for a blackbird. A prrot (seeing as it already sounds like a parrot), but it just doesn't quite seem to mesh to me.

Yeah, why would he ever be cast as the voice of a speaking bird companion to a sorcerer-type character?

2011-07-18, 10:29 PM
Yeah, why would he ever be cast as the voice of a speaking bird companion to a sorcerer-type character?

No, I just said he did fine as a parrot (Iago) but, at least in my opinion, he doesn't seem to have the voice for a blackbird. His voice actually sounded like a parrots voice, which is why he was good for the role. But maybe he could pull it off.

2011-07-21, 11:33 PM
Xykon: Tim Curry

Redcloak: Either bring Chris Latta back from the dead, or Steve Blum

Nale/Elan: Mark Hamill

Roy: Samuel L. Jackson

MITD: Billy West

O-Chul: Kevin Conroy

Belkar: John DiMaggio

Thog: Patrick Warburton

Haley: Tara Strong

Sabine: Claudia Black

I'll have more after I trawl through IMDB to refresh my memory of voice actors, and figure out where to put Frank Welker or Peter Cullen.

Dacia Brabant
2011-07-22, 09:37 AM
I used to have a list for this but I can't find it now. Well no matter, the main thing is that Xykon needs to be voiced by Hugh Laurie, Redcloak by Rowan Atkinson and the MitD by Stephen Fry. Call it "Team Evil Goes Forth." :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-22, 12:06 PM
I used to have a list for this but I can't find it now. Well no matter, the main thing is that Xykon needs to be voiced by Hugh Laurie, Redcloak by Rowan Atkinson and the MitD by Stephen Fry. Call it "Team Evil Goes Forth." :smallbiggrin:

While that would be awesome, I think that Stephen Fry would be better as Xykon and Hugh Laurie should instead be MitD. Rowan Atkinson as Redcloak though is spot on.

2011-07-22, 12:32 PM
Yes to Rowan Atkinson as Redcloak, but MitD needs to sound childish, with Hugh Laurie he'd just sound like an idiot.

2011-07-22, 09:06 PM
Frank Welker is Blackwing. Accept no substitutes.

2011-07-22, 09:32 PM
Xykon: Tim Curry

Redcloak: Either bring Chris Latta back from the dead, or Steve Blum

Nale/Elan: Mark Hamill

Roy: Samuel L. Jackson

MITD: Billy West

O-Chul: Kevin Conroy

Belkar: John DiMaggio

Thog: Patrick Warburton

Haley: Tara Strong

Sabine: Claudia Black

I'll have more after I trawl through IMDB to refresh my memory of voice actors, and figure out where to put Frank Welker or Peter Cullen.

Heck, those two could be like half the cast. They already are for one show. Just get Dan Castellaneta and some female voice actors and bam! You got enough voice actors.

Bleak Ink
2011-07-22, 09:58 PM
Brad Dourif for Redcloak, and Stellan Skarsgård as Tarquin.

2011-07-22, 10:10 PM
... Mr. Bill as Elan... that voice -would- be perfect for Banjo.

Justin Bieber as anything, ANYTHING to do with OotS... except maybe the monster in the darkness... would scar me for life.

2011-07-23, 01:09 AM
Heck, those two could be like half the cast. They already are for one show. Just get Dan Castellaneta and some female voice actors and bam! You got enough voice actors.

Yeah, I know (and adding Frank Welker would be even more so), but it would be nice to have a unique voice actor for each character.

Frank Welker would have to be Tiamat, at the very least. He's already done the voice once before, after all.

2011-07-23, 11:43 AM
Who voices the roaches?

2011-07-23, 12:12 PM
Who voices the roaches?

Steve Whitmire and Dave Goelz (The voices of Statler and Waldorf, respectively, in the new Muppets movie)

2011-07-23, 01:11 PM
Frank Welker would have to be Tiamat, at the very least. He's already done the voice once before, after all.

How many time has Tiamat even appeared/spoken in the comic?

2011-07-23, 01:14 PM
Samuel L. Jackson for Roy

I had the same idea. "I've had it with those *#@" lichs breaking my @#°|¢ swords!"

2011-07-23, 01:15 PM
I had the same idea. "I've had it with those *#@" liches on this @#°|¢ undead dragon!"

Fixxxxxxxed =)

2011-07-23, 01:31 PM
Ellen Mclain (GLaDOS) for the Ancient Black Dragon.

2011-07-23, 02:23 PM
How many time has Tiamat even appeared/spoken in the comic?

Appeared a couple of time as an image(during the scribble interlude and when the Oracle channels her), you can hear her over the phone in #667, and she actually gets a couple full lines in Start of Darkness. Admittedly, it'd just be an audio cameo - Just be glad I didn't suggest Peter Cullen for Xykon based on his role as Venger.

2011-07-24, 03:45 PM
Samuel L. Jackson for Roy

:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:No, seriously, who should be the voice of Roy?

Bleak Ink
2011-07-26, 12:59 AM
:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:No, seriously, who should be the voice of Roy?

My thoughts exactly- Samuel L. Jackson is many things, but Roy is not one of them.

2011-07-26, 01:17 AM
George Takei can be Lord Shojo
If Mako was alive I'd say to make him Soon.
Scott Mcneil could play Belkar (Think Ratrap)
Tara Strong could play Haley
Grey Delisle could play Miko
Cree Summer could play Sabine

2011-07-26, 01:22 AM
My thoughts exactly- Samuel L. Jackson is many things, but Roy is not one of them.

You mean you can't hear Samuel L. Jackson's voice saying "You! Broke! My! Sword!"?

2011-07-26, 04:57 PM
You mean you can't hear Samuel L. Jackson's voice saying "You! Broke! My! Sword!"?

Nope, not to mention there is more to Roy's character than "You! Broke! My! Sword!"

2011-07-26, 05:13 PM
Nope, not to mention there is more to Roy's character than "You! Broke! My! Sword!"

Yes, there is, and I think Samuel L. Jackson can handle pretty much any of the aspects properly, since he's not just an overly-bombastic actor. But I do think that Roy's most stirring performances would fit in very well with Samuel L. Jackson's vocal style. Individual preferences will vary, of course.

2011-07-26, 09:53 PM
George Takei can be Lord Shojo
If Mako was alive I'd say to make him Soon.
Scott Mcneil could play Belkar (Think Ratrap)
Tara Strong could play Haley
Grey Delisle could play Miko
Cree Summer could play Sabine

I only know Mako as the first Iroh, is he capable of pulling off the always surly and occasionally furious necessary to voice Soon? Grey Delisle sounds perfect for Miko if she can pull it off though.

2011-07-26, 10:28 PM
I only know Mako as the first Iroh, is he capable of pulling off the always surly and occasionally furious necessary to voice Soon? Grey Delisle sounds perfect for Miko if she can pull it off though.

I certainly think so. If it helps to convince he also played Aku (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jgDEmW9nlU) in Samurai Jack. Mentioned to show range, not the Aku voice itself.

Ya Ta Hey!
2011-07-26, 11:08 PM
Cam Clarke ("Die Fleidermaus", "Max Sterling") would make a good Roy IMO. He has a good "cool-deadpan" voice that works for sarcastic heroes.

Coleman Townsend ("The Tick") would make a good Tarquin--he's got that theatrical, authoritative kind of voice.

I would put Burnie Burns ("Pvt L.L. Church") as Nale, just because they both have that "taking pride in being a jerk" vibe.

2011-07-26, 11:33 PM
They should all be played by Robin Williams. At once.

2011-07-26, 11:38 PM
They should all be played by Robin Williams. At once.

He could pull it off.

2011-07-26, 11:39 PM
Thirded. Robin Williams as the entire cast.

2011-07-27, 05:36 PM
Mako would have been good but he's passed.

The reality is, if it's a cartoon, they'd probably have no more than 10 people to do the voices. Several good mentions here I'd like to see used though.

2011-07-27, 06:21 PM
I just can't imagine any of the character's having voices other than the one's i imagine them having while i read the comic.

When comic strips are put into film etc, something just always seems off to me.

Imagine if they had created a Calvin and Hobbes TV show; i feel like it would have ruined the whole experience for me. Or at least been a little disappointing (think Dilbert show, Garfield)

I agree with this. And for what it's worth, so did Bill Watterson. That's why he never sold the rights to make any sort of cartoon or anything out of Calvin and Hobbes.

2011-07-27, 06:27 PM
Roy is Chiwetel Ejiofor. Accept no substitutes. The man even has a drag-queen role on his resume, so you know he could handle the sex-change scene, which is more - a lot more - than you can say for Samuel L Jackson.

2011-08-12, 01:12 AM
Might I suggest...Wesley Snipes for Roy? He has experience with a gender-flip after all. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-12, 02:23 AM
I have said it in my head thousands and thousands of times, and I think we must all agree on this.

Neil Patrick Harris would make a FANTASTIC Elan.