View Full Version : Advancing Animal Companion...

2011-07-17, 04:05 PM
First off, I've never played a Druid and none of the players in my group have either. So, my knowledge is indeed rusty. Inspired by the Fighter vs Wolf-thread, I'd like to ask how you advance an Animal Companion, say a Riding Dog.

Let's say we want to make a level 6 Riding Dog, what would I do?

I start with the normal Riding Dog stat block for a level 1 Riding Dog, give it 5x (D8+Con) more hitpoints, give it a +1 to an ability score at level 4, 3/4 BAB increase, and ... what else? Does it get feats at level 3 and 6? If so, can I pick any feat available, as long as the prereqs are met?

Does it get skill points, inspite of the low Int score?

The SRD also mentions size increases for some races as they advance their HD, but does that somehow apply to my Riding Dog too? Or is that explicitly stated in the stat block that certain monsters gain size when they advance their HD?

What about templates? how do I apply them if I'm statting out a level 6 riding dog?

Sorry if this is a trivial question. Having never seen a Druid played out, I haven't had a "real life" reason to look into these rules... Thanks for any help.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-17, 04:22 PM
Does it get feats at level 3 and 6? If so, can I pick any feat available, as long as the prereqs are met?

Yes and yes.

Does it get skill points, inspite of the low Int score?

I'm 99% certain that you only get no skill points if you have NO Int rather than low Int, so I believe so.

The SRD also mentions size increases for some races as they advance their HD, but does that somehow apply to my Riding Dog too? Or is that explicitly stated in the stat block that certain monsters gain size when they advance their HD?

Animal Companions do not increase in size from the bonus HD, no.

What about templates? how do I apply them if I'm statting out a level 6 riding dog?

You don't, generally. Ask your DM is all I can really say.

2011-07-17, 04:27 PM
This is what you need to know (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm#bonusHD)

The animal companion gains bonus HD equal to the amount it should get according to the table, which is modified by the Druid's level, feats that boost it for Animal Companions, and whether the animal companion is from a more advanced list than the level one list.

A level 6 Druid's Riding Dog would have 6 Animal HD. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#animalType) 2 from the base creature, 4 from the druid's level giving it bonus HD.

That gives the Riding Dog 2 more feats than it would have if the Druid were 1st level.

The only template that one might possibly be able to apply to one's animal companion without taking feats that specifically do this (like, say, Exalted Companion from the Book of Exalted Deeds to make it Celestial) would be the Warbeast template from Monster Manual 2 AFAIK. Which is pretty much going to depend upon DM adjudication anyway.

2011-07-17, 04:27 PM
Thanks for your reply...

You don't, generally. Ask your DM is all I can really say.
He doesn't know either, since none of us have played a Druid. ;)

2011-07-17, 04:34 PM
This is what you need to know (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm#bonusHD)

The animal companion gains bonus HD equal to the amount it should get according to the table, which is modified by the Druid's level, feats that boost it for Animal Companions, and whether the animal companion is from a more advanced list than the level one list.

A level 6 Druid's Riding Dog would have 6 Animal HD. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#animalType) 2 from the base creature, 4 from the druid's level giving it bonus HD.

That gives the Riding Dog 2 more feats than it would have if the Druid were 1st level.

The only template that one might possibly be able to apply to one's animal companion without taking feats that specifically do this (like, say, Exalted Companion) would be the Warbeast template from Monster Manual 2 AFAIK. Which is pretty much going to depend upon DM adjudication anyway.

Ok, thanks (sorry for the double post).

I think I've understood things a little better now, I missed out on the fact that the Riding Dog starts off with 2 HD, I thought it was 1 and the fact that it is the sum of the hit dies that should be 6 for an Animal Companion of a level 6 Druid.

Seems like the little puppy could remain useful for quite a number of levels. :)

2011-07-17, 04:47 PM
Yeah, if played smart and use wisely a druid's animal companion can last all teh way into epic levels.

They key to this of course is the druid being able to share spells with his companion. ( this means when he casts say.. bull's strength on hismelf the pet alos gets the benefit fo the spell as well.)

I have never played a druid ( outside of 2nd ed at it was a totally different class then) I have played game where other did play one. Liek is aid We played 1 wehere I think we all ended up around level 23/24. His courgar compaion was animal growthed, magic fanged, and o course the stat buffs. I think at the end teh pet had like 550 HP give or take by the end of teh buffs. Granted its AC was pretty low (like 38 or 39 All i rmember was it was just below 40)

but yeah, while It might not be as powerful as the druid himself, it will outperfrom the fighter, and maybe even the paladin if you are chese enough to cast awaken. ( actuaslly tried that for a bit but quickly decided against it)

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-17, 04:55 PM
but yeah, while It might not be as powerful as the druid himself, it will outperfrom the fighter, and maybe even the paladin if you are chese enough to cast awaken. ( actuaslly tried that for a bit but quickly decided against it)

You can't awaken an animal companion and have it stay your companion.

2011-07-17, 04:55 PM
but yeah, while It might not be as powerful as the druid himself, it will outperfrom the fighter, and maybe even the paladin if you are chese enough to cast awaken. ( actuaslly tried that for a bit but quickly decided against it)

Unfortunately you can't awaken your animal companion, or rather you can, but it wont be your animal companion anymore.

An awakened animal can’t serve as an animal companion, familiar, or special mount.

2011-07-17, 04:59 PM
This isn't quite what you asked for, but you might want to think about getting a Fleshraker instead. Just use the animal companion's advancement table with your Druid level -3.

Same HD, higher AC and damage output, with all the usual Fleshraker goodies.

2011-07-17, 05:02 PM
Add Natural Bond, and you can still go by your full druid level for the Fleshraker, too.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-07-17, 05:12 PM
Add Natural Bond, and you can still go by your full druid level for the Fleshraker, too.

Your DM may slap you for it, though.

2011-07-17, 05:15 PM
Your DM may slap you for it, though.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And if the DM is so incapable of controlling his game and himself that he commits assault in response to the idea being brought forth, he isn't worth anyone's time as a DM.

2011-07-17, 05:15 PM
Your DM may slap you for it, though.

He may slap you for being a Druid, period.

Anyway, what's so wrong with having a 8 HD animal companion (at 6th level) that can pounce with 5 natural attacks, trip, grapple and poison all in one round?