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View Full Version : (3.5 ToB) Modifying the sublime system abit to the less sublime.

2011-07-17, 04:57 PM
Hiya all ye good folks in the Playground :)

A thing that struck me the other day was that no matter how hard I tried I just could not find a gritty downside to Tome of Battle Sublime Way.

Sure the classes have a limit in maneuvers known and readied, especially the Swordsage has his work cut out for him, considering how much he knows but how "tough" it is for him to compose himself afterwards.

Still, a single feat liberates that otherwise exhausting and prolonged l abor to reclaim his maneuvers, and this is what I sorta want to change along with some other modifications, but let's start off at the aforementioned feat:

Now while the feat Adaptive Stylein and by itself is great, contributing the initiator with much needed versatality and quickness thereof, doing that all day might seem abit, hmn, too great. Therefore I suggest the following modification:

"Every time you use this feat in a stressful situation, such as a battle or while distracted with another activity, you must succed on a concentration check DC 15. Furthermore, with each subsequent use in the same encounter, the DC raises with a cumulative +2, being DC 17 at the second use, 19 at the third etc."

But If I'm takin some away, I'd better also add a bit to contribute for the loss, here is where I need others oppinion the most, because I've thought of two ways, and they are both sorta inspired by video games, but bear with me ;)
(PS. Most of the modification only applies to swordsage and warblade, since I like the way the Crusader works, but don't feel like the others should have their uniqueness striped away either.)

1) Regaining expended maneurvers automatically after a given period of time and a special rule if all are expended.
Once a maneurver is expended, it will automatically become available to you again after 1 1/2x maneurvers level (rounded up) rounds has passed, meaning that the regaining progression will look like this:

Level of maneurver: | Rounds before automatic renewal:
1st | 2
2nd | 3
3rd | 5
4th | 6
5th | 8
6th | 9
7th | 11
8th | 12
9th | 14

As a special rule, if you at any moment would find that you have no readied maneurvers left, you begin to regain more manuevers each subsequent round after expending the last maneurver. The first to return, are those with the lowest "renewal round" counter. The numbers you regain is based on your initiator level as follows:

Intitiator level: | Maneuvers renewed each round:
1st-5th | 1
6th-10th | 2
11th-15th | 3
16th-20th | 4

My notes: With this rule, the warblade won't lose it's advantage entirely, considering that it has the least readied maneurvers, and therefore will reclaim them rather quickly at higher levels.

2) Maneuvers are regained through the art of arms, meaning that with each normal attack you regain an expended maneurvers.
This one is alot more tricky, since it could be broken easily, but it works as follows. You most initiate a normal attack, having utilized no strike, boost or counter to accompany the attack. Although any stance might still have some influence, unless it grants extra attacks, in which case, only normal attacks are accounted for. Normal attacks being attacks you make through either a standard action or full-attack action. Two-weapon fighting counts as normal attacks, but multiweapon and secondary natural attacks are not accounted for. In order to regain an expended maneuver though, you need to hit with the aforemention, let's call it, mundane attack of your doing. Furthermore, it needs to be an object or creature you have marked as an enemy, so no hitting the ground or other irrelevant objects for good measure. PS. you can't just mark a creature as you opponent, it most first have become hostile towards you, this through your own actions or otherwise. Be very vary, because using this mechanic and striking innocent bypassers to reclaim one of your maneuvers is not just an act of evil, but one that corrupts and taints you(look in Heroes of Horror or Uneathed Arcana for "Taint of evil" and "Taint" respectively)

My notes:
Once again, the Warblade has a clear advantage, and while it speeds up an swordsages renewal considerably, I don't deem it as such big a deal, afterall attacks can still be countered or otherwise an extreme accomplishment in and of itself. Pay attention that one only needs to hit, damage is not an issue here at all, afterall you aren't extracting the creatures lifeessence to contribute your own. This would indeed be a heinous act worthy of taint, so would it be to attack an innocent person to regain maneuvers in the midst of combat, be very vary of that.

I hope you catch my drift, and please, if you have any thoughts or maybe know of threads concerning the "issue", I would be delighted if you'd share it with me :)

Thanks for your time,


PPS. I know that I liked how the classes had unique ways to renew maneuvers, and I notice that this is something that sorta eliminates that uniqueness, except for Crusader, since this is a universal rule that could apply to all classes of the sublime way, including homebrewed ones.. So, what do you think, should I change it into a universal rule, or just something for the two aforementioned classes: The swordsage and Warblade?

Morbis Meh
2011-07-17, 05:11 PM
My only thought is why on earth are you nerfing T3 classes???? Why can't frontline fighters have nice things like casters? Not to mention making recovery much more complicated and book keeping oriented. Also adding in taint, why on earth would you penalize melee classes even further and what if the character was evil? I see where you're going with this and your reasoning I just think it's rather silly focus your nerf hammer on tier one classes.

edit: I don't intend for this to be offensive it just really frustrates me that people are constantly trying to restrict melee classes my DM included. If you want to see broken play a DMM:Persist Cleric becuase once you take the nice things away from other melee classes that's all you're going to have left for people who want to smash things.

2011-07-17, 05:25 PM
My only thought is why on earth are you nerfing T3 classes???? Why can't frontline fighters have nice things like casters? Not to mention making recovery much more complicated and book keeping oriented. Also adding in taint, why on earth would you penalize melee classes even further and what if the character was evil? I see where you're going with this and your reasoning I just think it's rather silly focus your nerf hammer on tier one classes.

Yea, it must seem pretty unreasonable indeed, considering the capabilities of most casters, hmn, but the thing is, I'm intending to nerf them too... It's just that I'd like to make a campaign where monsters aren't the exact dilemma, but more people and their own lust for power, love and other stuff. There's no good nor evil, only a matter of oppinions and corruption. The only monstrous influence being vile experiments(plants, abberations and undeads) and demons(outsiders both good and evil) :)
But that's concerning the last one the most, the first one is more of a take on it from another perspective, and don't get me wrong, quite frankly, I don't find it all that nerfing, but maybe I should change it to a recharge time equal to it's level instead and also allow for the normal way for the class to renew expended maneuvers, sort of making these rules an addition instead of a replacement... it's just that, I feel sorry for the swordsage and his way of regaining expended maneuvers without a certain feat.


PS. Could you please explain that tier one classes, not sure I'm following that entirely. Sorry for the bother and thanks in advance :)

Morbis Meh
2011-07-17, 05:35 PM
Link to appropriate list here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=671vm96st1q2057jha0vvqvtu0&topic=5293)

Anyways, the tier system was developed to give a way to gauge the overall versatility to a class for example tier one classes are: Druid, Cleric and Wizard. All of them can basically do every other classes job better than they can while still being able to cast game breaking spells. Now the only suggestion I have if you do want to nerf the ToB classes just make the recharge simpler otherwise it will bog down the game with extra book keeping; however, swordsages may not have a good recovery method but that is balanced by having more maneuvers than the other classes.

2011-07-17, 06:12 PM
Link to appropriate list here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=671vm96st1q2057jha0vvqvtu0&topic=5293)

Hey thanks a lot for that link, that was very enlightening, hm, guess I have reconsidered and leave it as written,, with the sole exception that any initiator class recover one expended maneuver automatically every 5 rounds, one of their own choosing. And The modification of Adaptive style feat still applying, but only as "Every time you use this feat in a stressful situation, such as a battle or while distracted with another activity, you must succed on a concentration check DC 15." This means it's harder at first level but easy later on, as it should be.

Once again thanks, and now I feel sort of out of sorts because I didn't know any better :P


2011-07-17, 08:04 PM
Once again thanks, and now I feel sort of out of sorts because I didn't know any better :P
I once heard a proverb that ran something like this:
"Good decisions are the result of learning experiences. Learning experiences are the result of bad decisions."
In other words don't sweat it.