View Full Version : Who would play them in the movie?

Darth Stabber
2011-07-17, 07:57 PM
If there was going to be an OotS movie, what actors/actresses would you want to see playing each character?

My take:
Roy - Taye Diggs (rent, equilibrium)
Elan - Brad Pitt (based solely on his character in "Burn After Reading"), or Chris Evans (captain america, Fantastic 4, scott pilgrim)
Durkon - John Rhys Davies (LotR)
Haylee - Anne Hathaway
Belkar - Sean Penn
Varsuvius - ???
Xykon - John Malkovitch or John Cleese (depending on how funny they want to go with him)
Red Cloak - ???
Nale - who ever doesn't play elan

2011-07-17, 08:01 PM
Vaarsuvius - An actor and actress who look sort of similar with CGI to blend their features.

Dr. Magic
2011-07-17, 09:33 PM
without looking at anyone else's lists, i tried to make a cast you could get on a budget realistically, without too many 'top level names'. Though I didn't intend it, I have a heavily British cast, which I think works with the fantasy element of the series.

Elan: James Phelps (young skilled comedian with an identical twin)
Durkon: Simon Pegg (shortened and in heavy makeup, like John Rhys-Davies was in Lord of the Rings, but much goofier - he can do the accent and make you care about his ridiculous character)
Belkar: Vinnie Jones (digitally midget-ized, but seriously perfect as the psychotic killer)
Roy: Dule Hill (not terribly cut, but he could bulk up - but he has the intelligent straight-man down to a science)
Haley: Eliza Dushku (like Phelps, would need a dye job, but is good at playing the snarky warrior woman)
Vaarsuvius: Tilda Swinton (not as fat as I imagine V to be, but could be good at the gender issue and could act a powerful conjurer)

Xykon: Voiced (and acted in flashback) by John Ratzenberger (once you hear the voice in your head, it is impossible to read OOTS without hearing John)
Monster in the Dark: Voiced by Bob Peterson (who voiced Dug in the movie Up, among other Pixar characters)
Redcloak: James Marsters (could play both the humor and the pathos of the character quite well)

Nale: Oliver Phelps (young skilled comedian with an identical twin)
Thog: Robert Maillet (the soft-spoken giant from Sherlock Holmes and 300)
Sabine: Zoe Saldana (sexy, can play sinister well)


2011-07-17, 09:45 PM
Vaarsuvius- An actress who is not known for being particularly feminine looking. A guy looking feminine would just end up looking gay (not that I have a problem with that, just that that's not what I would assume is wanted for the character), whereas some women can actually pass theirself off as a feminine looking guy without the same problem, and- *gets hit with brick for verbosity in attempt to be politically correct*

Elan/Nale- Neil Patrick Harris seems like a good fit.

@ OP: I'm sure you disagree with my one choice where I actually named an actor, but how do you get Sean Penn for Belkar? I haven't seen any movie with him in it, and I don't see anything visually about him that screams "I have deep seated emotional problems! Die! Die! Die!" (or that has any resemblance to Belkar).

EDiT: Ignore me, Dr. Magic knows what he's talking about.

2011-07-17, 11:56 PM
I've said it before and will say it again - if you can use a big guy as Belkar with special effects, you need VIN DIESEL!

Darth Stabber
2011-07-18, 02:20 AM
Elan/Nale: NPH, he can do both the loveable dork (Dr. Horrible), and a complete D-bag (Barney of how I met your mother). Jack McBrayer (kenneth on 30 Rock) could do the role admirably if he doesn't have to be Nale. If they can young him up well: Dave Foley.

Belkar: if Vinnie Jones would do remarkably well (he is the juggernaught b****). I brought up Sean Penn only because he has proven himself capable of a wide variety of roles, and specializes in Oscar bait, and I really want to see him do something this far off his beaten path, so it's more about the actor in this case than the character. Unless we pick Vern Troyer, CGI shrinking is assumed. The voice in my head is MC Chris, and that is certainly a good choice.

Durkon: I didn't really think about Simon Pegg before hand, but he is a good fit. JRD was only brought up because there is empirical evidence that he can do a dwarf well.

Roy: I stand by Taye Diggs (he's the voice I here in my head anyway), and he already has the build. And he can play smart and commanding well. Keith Powell (30rock) + wieght training could also be good.

Vaarsuvius: Tilda Swinton is about as perfect as can be (just watch constantine if you don't believe it). If vaarsuvius's mate is too appear: a guy who look feminine is the natural choice (possibly dave foley with his hair dyed green).

Haylee: Eliza Dushku is a better choice. Aknowledged. Hathaway is the voice I hear in my head, but not the best choice, probably wouldn't do well with red hair. Felicia Day is also workable, though I've never seen her play action girl before.

Xykon: honestly the voice in my head for him is Grim from "the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy", and I really doubt anyone else has that mental sound. I went back and read a couple xykon intensive comics substituting several mental voices, and the only other ones I really liked were Cleese, Hugh Laurie (not as house), and Eddie Izzard, so I guess he has to be a Brit or Jamaican.

Red cloak: James Marsters, it is a win.

Thog: the voice I hear in my head is Barry from American Dad. Given barry is voiced by Eddie Kay Thomas (Finch in American pie), I don't think that will pan out all that well. Lou Ferrigno?

Sabine: since she's a shapeshifter, I guess any actress who can play evil will do, if done in a fanservice-y fashion. Don't ask a gay guy to pick "generic hot chick" roles, we'll get it wrong alot.

Durokan: Creator Cameo.

2011-07-18, 02:46 AM
Well, in SoD right after he was transformed into a Lich Xykon remarked how much his new Lich Voice with the black speach bubble sounds like James Earl Jones... so I'm gonna have to go with James Earl Jones for him.

2011-07-18, 05:35 AM
Elan: James Phelps (young skilled comedian with an identical twin)
Durkon: Simon Pegg (shortened and in heavy makeup, like John Rhys-Davies was in Lord of the Rings, but much goofier - he can do the accent and make you care about his ridiculous character)
Belkar: Vinnie Jones (digitally midget-ized, but seriously perfect as the psychotic killer)
Roy: Dule Hill (not terribly cut, but he could bulk up - but he has the intelligent straight-man down to a science)
Haley: Eliza Dushku (like Phelps, would need a dye job, but is good at playing the snarky warrior woman)
Vaarsuvius: Tilda Swinton (not as fat as I imagine V to be, but could be good at the gender issue and could act a powerful conjurer)
Xykon: Voiced (and acted in flashback) by John Ratzenberger (once you
hear the voice in your head, it is impossible to read OOTS without hearing John)
Monster in the Dark: Voiced by Bob Peterson (who voiced Dug in the movie Up, among other Pixar characters)
Redcloak: James Marsters (could play both the humor and the pathos of the character quite well)

Nale: Oliver Phelps (young skilled comedian with an identical twin)
Thog: Robert Maillet (the soft-spoken giant from Sherlock Holmes and 300)
Sabine: Zoe Saldana (sexy, can play sinister well)

I agree with most of your picks, the only one i dont see working is ratzenberger. I just cant see him delivering the power equals power speech and being taken seriously. When i read Xykon i always hear Depp. Xykon Voiced over by johnny yong vosh might work. He can pull off psycho and dark humor pretty well. I think he could do Xykon justice.

Of course that is one mans opinion

Dr. Magic
2011-07-18, 09:50 AM
i feel like Ratzenberger connects because there's a certain breezy apathy in everything he says, mostly in Hamm but it carries through his other characters, as well... and I think, more than "being evil" Xykon is about enjoying his apathy (yes, that's a contradiction). He's having a good time being bad - it's fun for him. While Ratzenberger may struggle with the How To Really Be Evil speech, I feel like James Earl Jones (and even Johnny Depp) would fail horribly with the comedy aspects of the character - he is too broad for either actor.

Plus, it's unexpected - its against type (where you'd expect the raspy death voice, you've got a goofier one).

Any such Order of the Stick movie would have to be primarily a comedy.

Edgar Wright would be my choice to direct - his quick cutting style could push through an entire story arc or five without making you feel like you missed anything.

super dark33
2011-07-18, 11:50 AM
wasnt there a thread for this before?

2011-07-18, 11:54 AM
There have been several incarnations of this thread that I am aware of, and many previous were referrenced.

2011-07-18, 06:24 PM
Neil Patrick Harris for Elan and Nale, for previously mentioned reasons. And as for Xykon, how about John Simm? Playing the Master in Doctor Who, he did comedy, madness, and sheer unadulterated evil. I think he could easily pull it off.

2011-07-18, 11:42 PM
Johhny Depp for Xykon if you don't care about him being serious. Think Captain Jack Sparow as n evil lich.

2011-07-19, 12:12 AM
Johhny Depp for Xykon if you don't care about him being serious. Think Captain Jack Sparow as n evil lich.

Since the movie would likely be a comedy, he would actually be pretty good. He does crazy quite well.

Das Platyvark
2011-07-20, 08:32 PM
I.... I need to see this film!

2011-07-20, 09:33 PM
Johhny Depp for Xykon if you don't care about him being serious. Think Captain Jack Sparow as n evil lich.

Bit young for a character who was nearly ready for his last hurrah when he met Redcloak and Right-eye. No, for Xykon we need a character who is well on in the years, instantly identifiable and extremely charasmatic.

Which is why Xykon should be played by Sean Connery, simply because that would assure he steals the entire film the second he appears. He handles comedy well enough, and he certainly has the 'I don't care' attitude down.

Yes, I know he's retired, but this entire thing is an excercie in futility, so I might as well ask that Bruce lee makes a cameo.

Or Christopher Lee. He might be a bit serious for the role, but he can do it.

2011-07-20, 10:56 PM
What about lesser characters? O-Chul? Lord Shojo? Miko? The two lawyers? (Just giving ideas)

2011-07-21, 03:43 AM
Jhonny Depp would be an option for V as well. He does androgynous rather well.

Also, I don't agree that Xykons voice actor needs to be old. He is a timeless undead after all.

2011-07-21, 06:24 AM
Bit young for a character who was nearly ready for his last hurrah when he met Redcloak and Right-eye. No, for Xykon we need a character who is well on in the years, instantly identifiable and extremely charasmatic.

Which is why Xykon should be played by Sean Connery, simply because that would assure he steals the entire film the second he appears. He handles comedy well enough, and he certainly has the 'I don't care' attitude down.

Yes, I know he's retired, but this entire thing is an excercie in futility, so I might as well ask that Bruce lee makes a cameo.

Or Christopher Lee. He might be a bit serious for the role, but he can do it.

Or how about Max Von Sydow?

2011-07-21, 07:43 AM
Here's my list, and justifications:
First up, lets assume this is a trilogy, as it's a fantasy series that's more or less required. Xykon is the overall badguy, Tarquin can be the badguy in movie two, and Nale can make an appearance in each movie. Remember, a lot is going to be cut or take place off screen.

First up, Xykon - Christopher Lee
Sure, he's timeless and anyone could theoretically play him, but he was old before he became undead, so while it is possible to make anyone play him, it would make sense for the actor to be old. Besides, Christopher Lee plays the best villains.
Sure, we could give it to a lesser known actor, like, as was mentioned, Max Von Sydow, but the idea is for him to be an overwhelming presence. He has to be larger then life, eclipsing the other characters with his every action, and chewing the hell out of the scenery. He needs a deep, commanding, powerful voice, and he needs to steal the scene. He needs to be recognizable from the first.

Redcloak - Michael Cera
Redcloak, in order to contrast to Xykon, needs a less extreme hand. He's the one pushed to the side by his too-large-to-be-accommodated boss. Plus, since the cloak kept him from aging, he's a teenager. Michael Cera delivers. Sort of dorky, in a vaguely endearing way, and more then that gives the impression of being somewhat ordinary.

Tsukiko - Ziyi Zhang
As her role is unlikely to have much in the way of fleshing out, what with the enormous cast, it's important to have an actor with a broad range who can do a lot with a little. Remember, she's not likely to have much screen time, and it's important to have an actress who won't be so eclipsed she'll remain in the background.

Order of The Stick
Roy - Michael Clarke Duncan
Roy's big and in charge, and the actor should represent that. He should be a big, towering guy, able to put on sophistication, but also able to hit things. And because I think he'd be more convincing then a lot of the alternate options.

Durkon - Jack Black
Durkon takes a very experienced actor. Which is why I'm going for Jack Black. Remember, this is supposed to be a comedy, and shortened and in heavy makeup, like John Rhys-Davies was in Lord of the Rings, he'd fit the role regardless of appearance.
Now sure, he might be a little too hammy, but that's hardly a fault in this series.

Harley - Scarlet Johanson/Uma Thurman
Harley is one of those characters who everyone pictures differently. So I narrowed it down to two experienced and well known actresses who can probably satisfy everyone, one way or another.

Elan - Ryan Reynolds
Perfect. I can't honestly imagine anyone else for the role once I thought of him. He's goofy, good looking, and probably can even sing out of tune.

Belkar - Warwick Davis
He's short, funny and experienced, he's even done fantasy films before, meaning I can safely ignore him.

Vaarsuvius - Tilda Swinton
If anyone has seen the movie Constantine they'll know why I suggest her. She also does arrogant incredibly well, and rants with the best, which counts for a lot.

Other important characters:
O-Chul - Only Chow Yun Fat could pull him off.

Lord Shojo - James Hong
Particularly if he wore the gear from Big Trouble in Little China.

Hinjo - Jet Li
Jet Li might not be wordy enough without some rewrites, but he is a good actor, and of course he can kick as much ass as called for.

Miko - Lucy Liu
Except no substitutes.

Tarquin - Harrison Ford
I don't think anyone would argue with me on this one.

Thog - Robert Maillet
Needs to be bigger then Roy, and not talk much.

Nale - Ryan Reynolds
Same as Elan, obviously, with a stunt double to fill in when necessary.

Sabine - Zoe Saldana
Spicy and exotic, and very good at playing every tiny action as a little bit flirty.

2011-07-21, 02:57 PM
This movie needs Bruce Campbell. Candidates are Xykon, Elan/Nale, or Tarquin. Unless there is someone in this comic that is known for 1-liners (voice of Blackwing?)

2011-07-21, 03:59 PM
Jhonny Depp would be an option for V as well. He does androgynous rather well.

Also, I don't agree that Xykons voice actor needs to be old. He is a timeless undead after all.
He may pull of androgynous well, but not serious, and his voice is all too clearly masculin.

This movie needs Bruce Campbell. Candidates are Xykon, Elan/Nale, or Tarquin. Unless there is someone in this comic that is known for 1-liners (voice of Blackwing?)
Blackwing seems to get more one-liners later on, but was quiet for most of the begining.

Also, love Cracklord's list of picks.

2011-07-21, 09:25 PM
Also, love Cracklord's list of picks.

Thank you.

2011-07-21, 10:30 PM
OK, Let's see. I'm going with different options than most people here, it seems.

Samuel L. Jackson as Roy Greenhilt
Milla Jovovich as Haley Starshine
Danny DeVitto as Belkar Bitterleaf
Vaarsuvius will be played by someone androginous AND be dubbed as to have a male and a female voice simultaneously (Think Baron Ashura from the Mazinger Z anime)
Jake Lloyd as Elan
Durkon -- no clue

Jake Lloyd as Nale, too
Halle Berry as Sabine
someone big as Thog, I dunno

Eddie Murphy as Eugene Greenhilt
Chuck Norris as O-Chul
Lucy Liu as Miko Miyazaki

James Earl Jones as Xykon's voice
Redcloak -- no clue, either
MitD would be a voice cast, but since movies get here mostly dubbed, I'm deferring this one

2011-07-22, 03:56 AM
Samuel L. Jackson as Roy Greenhilt
Milla Jovovich as Haley Starshine
Danny DeVitto as Belkar Bitterleaf
Vaarsuvius will be played by someone androginous AND be dubbed as to have a male and a female voice simultaneously (Think Baron Ashura from the Mazinger Z anime)
Jake Lloyd as Elan
Durkon -- no clue

Samuel L. Jackson is a bit long in the tooth, as is Danny Devito. They're both fabulous actors, make no mistake, but they are really not suited for the roles.
Jake Lloyd I can see, but Ryan Reynolds would be better in my (admittedly biased) opinion.

2011-07-22, 04:58 AM
This was my original list for another thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193287), and I still pretty much stand by it.

Roy: Will Smith
Eugene: Idris Elba

Haley: Diane Kruger
Ian: Max Von Sydow
Geoff: Gregory Itzin

Elan: Aaron Ashmore
Belkar: Andy Serkis
V: Tilda Swinton
Durkon: Clancy Brown

Nale: Shawn Ashmore
Thog: Michael Clark Duncan
Sabine: Gabrielle Union

O-Chul: Terry O'Quinn
Hinjo: John Cho
Shojo: Jackie Chan
Miko: Reiko Ayelsworth
Xykon: Jack Nicholson (Voice)
Redcloak: Billy Crystal (voice)

2011-07-22, 07:43 AM
I'll pay Nicholson and Clancy Brown. Excellent suggestion. And Chan as Shojo is brilliant.

2011-07-22, 12:04 PM
Redcloak - Michael Cera

What??? :smalleek:
Are we reading the same comic?

Michael Cera only has one role. Ever. And that's the role of the bumbling, shy, so-awkward-that-it's-adorable, tenor-voiced, soft-spoken 20-ish guy. He 's not very confident, somewhat apathetic, and makes everything he accomplishes look like an accident.

That does NOT fit with my image of Redcloak, who is an intelligent, sarcastic villain who values planning and preparation above all else.

Anyway, changing the subject...

ThePhantasm's list, IMO, is quite good. Nicholson for Xykon is brilliant. He can pull off both the humour and the extremely dark villain parts of the character. I also like Will Smith for Roy (he plays a very good "Serious Good Guy"), and the gollum actor for Belkar.

2011-07-22, 02:00 PM
We need David Tennant in this movie. Possibly as Redcloak.

No this is not just because of him being The Tenth Doctor, it is because of the fact that he is a phenomenal actor in general.

Dacia Brabant
2011-07-22, 11:03 PM
:roy: Omar Epps, with Eugene played by John Witherspoon.
:haley: Kirsten Dunst
:elan: Alan Tudyk
:vaarsuvius: Tilda Swinton
:belkar: Elijah Wood, for the lulz.

Team Evil:
:xykon: Hugh Laurie
:redcloak: Rowan Atkinson
:mitd: Stephen Fry
:roach: Gilbert Gottfried, who's definitely annoying enough for the role.
Tsukiko: Ming Na

Linear Guild:
:nale: Alan Tudyk with a goatee (and Tarquin played by Alan Tudyk with gray hair. Get it?)
:sabine: Gabrielle Union (evil opposites indeed)
:thog: Lou Ferrigno. Thog Smash!

:miko: Lucy Liu. I would've picked Ziyi Zhang but her English is terrible.
Shojo: James Hong was made for this role, but I'm not sure if he's still alive.
Hinjo: I think John Cho could pull this off.
O-chul: Ken Watanabe. He's no Chuck Norris, but he's badass enough for the role.

2011-07-23, 02:06 AM
Elan: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nale: Danny DeVito

2011-07-23, 10:34 AM
Elan: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nale: Danny DeVito

No. Just no.

2011-07-23, 11:45 AM
Surely... *eyes dart nervously* that was a joke?

2011-07-23, 12:06 PM
Surely... *eyes dart nervously* that was a joke?

Yes, it was. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096320/)

2011-07-23, 07:04 PM
Those familiar with the TV series "Firefly" might agree with my opinion that the black bounty hunter from #14 would make a great Roy...

That guy: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1444462/

2011-07-23, 07:13 PM
George Takei as Shojo. It would be PERFECT!