View Full Version : Unknown [IC]

2011-07-18, 02:12 AM
You wake up after being ambushed, just before a nearby city, the air smells as if someone burned thousands of dead bodies, and flies fly around everywhere.

You can't recall much of what happened to you or the caravan, but all your belongings are gone.
There are a couple other people lying around, some are dead for sure, but others are moving just a bit.

2011-07-18, 04:18 AM
Vorhun opens her eyes with difficulty after having woken up from a terrible nightmare. Carefully massaging her aching limbs she tries to stand, staggering a bit before coming to a halt. She tries hard to remember what happened to her, but every memory feels like an unrealistic blur.
"I really shouldn't drink so much", she murmurs. Then, noticing the signs of carnage around her sense of danger returns immediately. She tries to scan the area for moving enemies.
Spot: [roll0]

2011-07-18, 05:22 AM
Solin wakes up, yelling belligenrently at Runak about how that position was just going to end up with someone gettin hurt. Then, smelling the air, he stopped. He opened his eyes and looked around, appaled by the bodies and stench. "What in the name of Taiia...?" He listens to hear other speaking, and looks to see moving bodies.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-07-18, 05:23 AM

Daelshen groaned, keeping her eyes closed for the time being. Hang-overs were usually not a great condition to be in while staring at the sun, especially considering that she seemed to be outside. The surrounding environment seemed to smell something awful, which didn't do much to help her perspective.

'Th'fel did I get myself into last night...?'she thought to herself, struggling but failing to recall the events that lead her to her current location. Risking a brief bit of pain, she lifted herself off of her side and squinted carefully out at the sunlit world around her.

'.....Mkay, not alchahol, head-injury probably. Knocked out?' She brings her hands up before her to check and make sure everything was where it was supposed to be, but upon attempting to check for her pack and gear, she found both absent.

'No sword, no armor, no equipment, and probably a significant lack of support. Also, no obvious food, though scrounging may be a good plan...'

She stands up, brushing the dust off of herself before calling out.
"Oy, anyone still breathin'?"

2011-07-18, 05:31 AM
From the corner of her eyes Vorhun notices the sudden movement. "Who in all gods' name are you?", she asks, turning to the two figures rising from the ground.

2011-07-18, 05:37 AM
Runak stirs as her lord is yelling loudly at her, only worsening her headache. She opens her eyes to slits, blue eyes striking. A waft of scent goes up her nose, and she almost begins retching. She steps gingerly to her feet, resisting the urge to groan. "Solin, why are we here?" she asks quietly a small note of fear showing through in her voice. She does not hear the person speaking towards her.

Solin replies, speaking gently from a nuber fo small dusty cuts on the inside of his mouth, "I am Solin Rakdee and this is my good friend Runak Talee."

2011-07-18, 05:50 AM
Vorhun relaxes at the sound of the calm voice at her side. "Well met", she says. "I'm Vorhun Caircrax, or at least I think I am. Yet I have no recollection whatsoever about the last days. Must be the dwarven brandy." She runs her hand through her thick flaming red hair and flashes an apologetic, yet stunning smile at Solin.

2011-07-18, 06:13 AM
As bits and pieces start to filter back into his brain, Solin says, "Hey... Wasn't there a... caravan thingy we were guarding?"
"Yes, m'lord, there was." Runak replies, her blue eyes turning to ice as the dwarf flashed her shining smile at Solin.

2011-07-18, 06:19 AM
"Seems tha' we didn' quite manage that near s'well as we ought to have done...", Daelshen notes, surveying the scene further.

2011-07-18, 06:21 AM
"Oh, the caravan", Vorhun mumbles, trying to focus her thoughts. Her head feels slightly dizzy from the effort. "I think we should look around, find out what attacked us. See whether there are any survivors. I think I could just see someone moving over there..."

2011-07-18, 06:52 AM
"By the smell of it, it appears that our caravan wasn't the only thing ambushed. If I'm not raving insane, I'm pretty sure we just walked into the aftereffects of a siege. Though I am probably stark raving mad." Solin said, self-deprecating in the following chuckles.

2011-07-18, 08:46 AM
"I guess we've all gone mad if we didn't notice walking into a siege." Vorhun flexes her fingers nervously, glancing at the friendly-looking rooftops in the distance. "We should get to that town after having a look around. Unless it's the one under siege of course."

2011-07-18, 10:51 AM
"Somebody get the name of the horse who hit me..." Rowan wakes up. "Perfect. Just perfect."

2011-07-18, 01:05 PM
Randall Jack glanced around as he heard the voices. He didn't say much and just continued to lay on his back looking up at the sky. He pondered what had happened. As he listened in on the conversations he noticed nobody else seemed to know what was going on either. Or at least that's what they claimed. He glanced around at everyone present. They seemed to be missing just as much as he was and none of them seemed capable of hiding a suit of armor such as his so clearly they weren't the thieves. That didn't mean they were all good people, but at the very least they weren't behind whatever had happened.

As he lay there looking around, but not getting up he looked at each one and prayed to the holy goddess to grant him the ability to detect evil in them. One by one he glanced at each one while trying not to draw too much attention to him as he lay there. If any of them were evil he didn't want them noticing that he was awake and coherent just yet.

Detect Evil

2011-07-18, 02:50 PM
One of the humans light as evil.

You see if any others are evil, I have some mythweavers problems, so I cant check.

2011-07-18, 03:48 PM
Randall makes a note to keep an eye on the human woman as he finally gets to his feat keeping an eye on her. Unlike some Paladins Randall knew, he wasn't the type to just jump on and beat up someone for being evil. At the moment she wasn't doing anything and attacking a defenseless person or picking a fight was just as evil in his opinion.

Randall glanced over his body for any injuries or marks. He knew his stuff was missing, but overall he seemed to be alive unlike a few people on the ground. Randall didn't speak as he walked from body to body checking for anyone who was injured, but still alive.

2011-07-18, 04:01 PM
"Seems we're not all dead yet", Vorhun remarks, as she notices Randall rising from the ground. "I'd like to have a look around, see whether we can find out more about the monstrous beings that attacked us." She walks around, studying the dead bodies, wondering what weapons might have caused them. She also calls on her abilities to detect magic around the battlefield.

2011-07-18, 04:28 PM
"Doubt it was monsters." Randall says as he continues checking for any living people that are injured. "Unless you remember more than me. Whatever attacked ran off with all our stuff. Don't see why they would do that if they are simple monsters." Randall chuckles, "Unless you mean monster as in cruel rather than an actual monster."

2011-07-18, 04:42 PM
"In fact I do", Vorhun replies. "And no, I don't remember too much about the battle itself. I thought I was having a nightmare..." She shudders. "You don't happen to be skilled in tracking, by any chance, do you?"

2011-07-18, 05:14 PM
"Sadly tracking isn't my strong suit." Randall says with a shrug. "Why? Did you see tracks or something?"

2011-07-18, 05:15 PM
Rowan didn't move. It was a long and horrible year for her, and this was the cherry on top. Her mother always said that bad luck came in threes. She strained to sit up, and fell on the ground, exhausted.

"This entire mess stinks of sorcery. I don't like it..."

2011-07-18, 06:26 PM
"Sorcery can save your sorry hide on occasion", Vorhun says, after having scanned the area thoroughly for magic. "Well, good sir", she says to Randall over her shoulder "I'm not used to find tracks either. In fact I couldn't find my spellbook on a bad day. Which is probably why I don't use one." She tries to search for tracks near the battlefield.
Search: [roll0]

2011-07-18, 10:56 PM
You find no tracks that would seem suspicious.

2011-07-20, 02:02 AM
"So how about visiting that town then?" Vorhun looks at her battle-weary companions. "Maybe we can find out more about the source of the attack there. Unless either of you can read tracks better than I can, in which case we should try to follow the rogues that attacked us. Either way, we shouldn't remain here for too long. We will need some food and shelter for the night."

2011-07-20, 09:31 AM
"Rogues? I think you mean men and woman of diverse talent... sorry, reflex." Rowan straightens out her hair.

2011-07-20, 12:21 PM
In the opposite direction of the city, Randall spots a dark cloud which is moving quickly towards your group.

2011-07-20, 12:33 PM
Randall holds up a hand, "Guys." He calls out to get everyone's attention. "Might I point that out?" He says as he points towards the dark cloud heading towards them. "Doesn't look very friendly to me."

2011-07-20, 12:40 PM
"What are you talking about?", Vorhun inquires, looking hard in the pointed direction. "I can't see a thing!"

2011-07-20, 02:00 PM
+4 for wisdom, +2 with cohrot's assisstance:

2011-07-21, 01:16 PM
OoC: Can we all see the dark cloud or is it something only paladins are able to percieve?

2011-07-21, 02:43 PM
OoC: Can we all see the dark cloud or is it something only paladins are able to percieve?

You are able to see the cloud if you score a high enough spot check, but none of you haven't yet.
The check gets easier as times go by.

2011-07-21, 02:47 PM
Vorhun continues to look hard in the pointed direction.
Spot check: [roll0]

2011-07-21, 07:53 PM
Randall face palmed. "You can't see that cloud? It black cloud. Look closer...right over there!" Randall said trying to point it out to people.

"No wonder we got ambushed..." He mumbled.

2011-07-22, 05:03 AM
The dark cloud is now close enough for everyone except Vorhun to see.
It still moves closer with great speed.

2011-07-22, 05:18 AM
Vorhun continues blinking and staring, seemingly to no avail. Nevertheless, given the warnings of the others, she prepares for battle.

2011-07-22, 06:53 AM
Seeing something only after someone points it out was not one of the more common aspects of life in the desert, or at least as far as Daelshen could recall. She continues attempting to make some measure of sense of the matter, wishing she still had her own blade, but knowing that to be a fleeting impossibility.

"I suppose it was nice enough knowing you folks for the few moments we were awake for. Good luck with whatever the hell that is.

With that, she decided to attempt a swift departure from the approaching mystery.

2011-07-24, 10:19 AM
Vorhun stares in the pointed direction, trying to determine what the cloud might be. She casts Haste on all party members (except Daelshen, but including Solin's cohort) afterwards.
Assuming she still needs it: Spot: [roll0]
Nature of the cloud:
Knowledge (arcana): [roll1]; Knowledge (planes): [roll2]
Initiative for Haste:
OOC: Effects of Haste
+1 to Initiative and attack rolls. +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves. Land movement increased by 30 ft (or double normal speed, whichever is lower). Extra attack in case of a full attack action. Duration: 6 rounds.

2011-07-24, 02:46 PM
Vorhun realizes that it's a big cloud of crows, he also knows that it's demonic crows from "hell", they move very fast and eat flesh, dead or alive.
I don't remember what name the "hell" plane has d:

2011-07-24, 03:01 PM
Randall preps for combat as the cloud gets closer. "Well, well, time for some fun." He said just standing there. He had a surprise ready if he needed to use it.

2011-07-24, 03:07 PM
"They're demonic crows", Vorhun cries out having finished her spell. "Be prepared!"

2011-07-25, 02:07 PM
((Ooc: forgot to roll initiative))

Init: [roll0]

2011-07-25, 02:59 PM

2011-07-25, 04:50 PM
The crows fly past you, but several of them hits you.

You all take [roll0] non-lethal damage.

2011-07-25, 05:00 PM
"Wretched birds!" Vorhun exclaims. "Where are they heading?"
OOC: Did the birds target us or did we just happen to be in their way?

2011-07-25, 05:31 PM
On their way (:

2011-07-25, 06:10 PM
"So how about we go and see that town?" Vorhun inqiures after the demon crows fly past. "Or do you plan to sit around here all day?"

2011-07-25, 07:09 PM
"I guess we head to town then." Randall says surprised and confused about what happened. He had been expecting a fight. "I suppose we are lucky they just went past rather than attacked us then."

2011-07-26, 04:57 AM
'Well, getting pecked at by birds after waking up in the desert is not the most auspicious of ways to wake up, but I suppose it could be worse.'

Walking back to the group of survivors, Daelshen sighs and acts as if her cowardice hadn't been as embarassing as it was. "Town sounds good. Should keep an eye out for more, though I'd rather not be here if something startled them and sent them our way."

2011-07-26, 05:35 AM
"I thought you had a walk around the area searching for tracks." Vorhun eyes Daelshen with slight amusement. "But at least that's settled then. Let's go." She proceeds to set off towards the town in the distance, hoping that her companions would want to follow along.

2011-07-26, 09:23 AM
The city is empty, but nothing seems wrong.

You can hear a few crows.

2011-07-26, 04:30 PM
"Are empty cities the standard here?" Vorhun asks her companions. "I'm really getting a headache now. Maybe we should have a look around and see whether we find something. Except for the everpresent crows, of course."
OOC: The city is empty and that is OK???

2011-07-26, 04:50 PM
"Alright...are we the only people left?" Randall mumbles. "This is getting really weird."

2011-07-26, 05:05 PM
The city is empty, but it doesn't seem wrong, as you don't get any natural feeling that something is wrong about this place, if you know what I mean.

2011-07-26, 05:32 PM
"Maybe the people gave up the idea of living in cities", Vorhun remarks. "They just build them and move to the country afterwards. Lots of fresh air, less crowded..." She chuckles sarcastically.
OOC: Does the city look deserted or annihilated by a siege?

2011-07-26, 06:52 PM
"Cities are people, and a empty city is a corpse." Rowan cusps her head in her hands. "This needs some answers, before we become corpses. I suggest that we investigate. The dead have no need of their possessions, alas."

2011-07-26, 11:54 PM
"At the very least it might give us some clues as to what is going on." Randall says with a nod. "If everyone is dead corpses will show that and if they left for some reason perhaps they left a notice."

2011-07-27, 04:56 AM
"We definitely should", Vorhun agrees.
OOC: How big is the city? Are the houses intact? Are there corpses lying around?

2011-07-27, 06:57 AM
The houses are intact and there is no corpses lying around, as that would probably tell you that something was wrong with this city.
It is a medium sized village.

2011-07-27, 07:03 AM
"The village looks deserted", Vorhun remarks. "We should try and enter some houses. Maybe we find some clues about why the villagers left."

2011-07-27, 10:56 AM
"I'm not the one to sit around, lollygagging. Let's go now, or we never will. I'm sick of this place." Rowan starts walking.:smallcool:

2011-07-28, 01:29 AM
Randall sighs and begins searching the area as much as he can.

Taking 20 on search. total? 20

2011-07-28, 01:48 AM
Vorhun begins to search the area too.
OOC: Taking 20 too, unless something happens. Search: 21.)

2011-07-30, 07:25 PM
You find nothing out on the streets.
Randall is the first one to peer inside a house and what meets his eyes are horrible.

Randall sees 2 dead adults and 3 dead children, the children are about 13 years of age.
They have thick blood with white dots running out of their mouth, ears, nose and eyes, their skin is all pale, but the blood have a very deep dark red color.
A few crows are sitting on the bodies, eating from their flesh, the crows have red eyes.

2011-07-31, 03:54 AM
"Is either of you skilled in healing so that we could determine the cause of death? Those white spots look funny" Vorhun remarks before shooing the crows away to examine the bodies more closely.
Heal check: [roll0]

2011-07-31, 05:36 AM
Vorhun haven't seen it yet, give Randall a chance to react to it please.

2011-07-31, 05:59 AM
Vorhun yawns and lies down, using a dead child's body as a pillow. "Just wake me up via the great PM-spell when you are done searching here, Randall" she says before falling asleep of boredom.

2011-08-01, 02:58 PM
((ooc: Sorry, was moving this weekend and lacked internet. Are we the only ones going to post? O.o And oooooh poor you. You had to wait an entire day for a post! Oh my god! I can see why you'd be bored.))

Randall calls out to the rest, "Hey guys. I found people..." He says with a sigh as he heads over to the body and tries to chase the crows away so he can check the cause of death.

Heal: [roll0]

2011-08-01, 03:13 PM
OoC: Major, the remark was not directed at you and neither at Zazori but at the fact that the whole campaign seems to be built around the paladin for some unfathomable reason. You might not have noticed but so far your character is actually the only one that can drive the story forward. So I guess this is why you're the only one still playing.
Sorry for having posted into a thread that has nothing to do with me anymore and happy gaming.

2011-08-02, 03:45 AM
SleepyBadger, I most say that you are pretty wrong there, his character was just lucky to have the higher rolls.
Also last time, the paladin didn't do much to move the plot.