View Full Version : Psychic Lock dilemma

2011-07-18, 07:17 PM
So I'm playing a paragon-level Warlock, and I just got a new feat. I acquired a Githyanki Silver weapon a few levels earlier, so I thought I'd take Psychic Lock for sure, but now I'm having doubts.

For one thing, it only imposes a penalty to the next attack roll, not to all attacks on the next turn. That makes it less effective against multi-attackers, action points, and burst or blast attacks. For another thing, I have a power that forces an enemy to attack another enemy when it hits, meaning that the penalty will be applied to that attack instead of its attack next turn. And it doesn't look like I can choose to not apply the penalty.

So my alternative option is Protective Hex, which is basically a mark on any cursed enemy I hit. It bestows a -2 penalty only to close and melee attacks against my allies, but it lasts until the end of my next turn.

Which is better? I'm leaning toward Psychic Lock, but I know I'm going to wince every time I apply that -2 to attack and watch it wasted it on the enemy attacking his ally.

2011-07-18, 07:20 PM
Turning Githyanki Silver's [psychic] tag on and off is a free action. It's psychic when you want it to be, and it's normal when you don't. Just turn off the psychicness when you're going to be directing them to smack their friends, then turn it back on afterward.

2011-07-18, 08:22 PM
Unfortunately, the power in question (Will of the Feywild) is psychic already, so that's not the problem.

2011-07-19, 12:58 AM
I'd suggest Psychic Lock.

You don't always have to direct attacks, with a Gyth Silverblade most of your attacks should be able to dish out the -2 attack. If you want to force a monster to attack, make sure you use it on a marked enemy. Said monster attacks another monster (or an ally with a defensive feature), doesn't attack the defender, and hilarity ensues.

Kurald Galain
2011-07-19, 09:05 AM
At paragon level, melee and close attacks are likely much more common than enemies that only attack once per turn, so you should get more mileage out of Protective Hex.

Hidden Sanity
2011-07-20, 02:24 PM
Both are good feats.. although you can always ask your DM if your Warlock can choose to not apply the -2 from psychic lock, I don't have my rulebooks handy where I am, but I recall it being RAW that you can choose to forgo any bonus you'd normally gain.