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2011-07-19, 01:22 AM
Travelling from far and wide for their own varying reasons, Darien Talred (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=313015) (Justin Time), Rakdos Benari (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=11359) (cthulutastesgoo), Hippolitus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=313821) (planswalker), Kellz "LittleMind" Nackle of the Thrawaan (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=15496) (Noctemwolf), and Belric (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=313354) (Prendre) have found themselves in the great city of Endeesy. It can't compare in magnificence, wealth, or amenities to the other capitols of the world. It offers only two things: first, almost anyone can find a way to fit in in this city of misfits; and second, even keeping the king's peace is almost beyond the military's ability, so non-violent offenses that might be crimes in other nations are overlooked here. So Endeesy, like its predecessor the Disreputable City, has naturally become a hub for pirates, smugglers, and adventurers alike.

But Endeesy has even more to offer than even the Disreputable City did in its heyday, for the lands north of the city are peppered with unexplored caves and ruins both ancient and recent, filled with fruits ripe for the plucking by those adventurers brave enough to seek them out.

That's where you come in, finding yourselves in the grand Adventurer's Guildhall. Barely more than an oversized tavern, really, the draw of the Adventurer's Guild for adventurers is that here one may encounter like-minded adventurers with whom to form a team, and then one may consult the Bulletin Board by the door for a myriad of opportunities. (The draw for everyone else is, of course, that one may post a bounty on the bulletin board and eventually it will be done, if the reward is high enough.)

Currently posted on the corkboard, there is a map:


...and a number of bounties (in no particular order; spoilers'd only because they take up a lot of text space):

By order of Terek, Second of His Name, King of Gus, Vice-Admiral of the Dread Fleet, Ninth Count Rogan, and Emperor of the Mongrelfolk:

The king desires, to be brought before him for marriage, the most beautiful woman to be found in the all the reaches of the cosmos, whomsoever she may be.
The reward to any man who brings such a woman to the King shall earn the eternal gratitude of the kingdom and ten thousand platinum coins, or some equivalent favour.

Addendum from the Dowager Queen:
This woman must additionally be clever, competent, capable of defending herself in battle, and should preferably bring an alliance to some powerful nation.
If these conditions are met, the queen will see to it that he who completes this task shall have his greatest desire fulfilled to the greatest extent of possibility.


Sir Peph of the Kingsguard offers a bounty to any who would explore the ruins of Mat~sya and the Disreputable City on the slopes of Mount Dis. Somewhere, deep within the ruins, is rumoured to lie the tomb of Gus Dreadworm, bloodthirsty pirate king of legend.
Return with specific instructions, or preferably a map, and Sir Peph will part with his +1 cutlass and ten thousand gold.

Sir Randolph of the Kingsguard offers the following standing bounties:

1,000 gold for the head or plate and horns of a brass dragon.
1,500 gold for the head or horns and frill of a silver dragon.
2,000 gold for the head or horns of a copper dragon.
2,500 gold for the head or crest of a bronze dragon.
7,500 gold for the head or barbels of a gold dragon.
Juvenile or younger dragons shall earn half the listed bounty, while old and older dragons shall earn twice the listed bounty.

500 gold for the head of a metallic half-dragon of any race.
250 gold for the head of an individual of any race partially descended from a metallic dragon.
750 gold for the head of any Dragonborn of Bahamut, who are always metallic.

2,500 gold for a live chromatic half-dragon female of any race.
1,250 gold for a live female of any race partially descended from a chromatic dragon.

By order of Terek, Second of His Name, King of Gus, Vice-Admiral of the Dread Fleet, Ninth Count Rogan, and Emperor of the Mongrelfolk:

As befits a state of war between two nations, the king offers a standing bounty for the destruction, capture, or other removal from engineer hands, of any engineer-controlled submarine.
This shall earn a captain a letter of marque and official status as a privateer for the kingdom of Gus, with all the rights and responsibilities due thereto. Additionally, a reward of 1,500 platinum coins per submarine shall be granted.

Additionally, engineers, sea- or war-forged, or githzerai, captured while working for or with the engineer nation against Gus, shall earn a bounty of 25 platinum coins per captive.
The heads of engineers, sea- or war-forged, or githzerai, killed while working for or with the engineer nation against Gus, shall earn a bounty of 10 platinum coins per head.


As many may already be aware, the countryside has been plagued by foul and fiendish beasts, issuing forth from the caves and mines of Mount Dis. As a protector of the Realm, I feel it my duty to investigate, but other duties keep me occupied between N.D.C. and the Omorashi border. As such, I issue the following bounties:
> For concrete, verifiable information regarding the ultimate source of the infestation: 2,500 gold
> For a detailed map leading from the surface to the ultimate source of the infestation: 5,000 gold
> For the temporary or permanent stoppage of the infestation, by any means: 50,000 gold
Bounty posted by Sir Nakazawa of the Kingsguard

Additionally, Sir Ravenwood of the Kingsguard
offers gold for detailed maps of the complete
cave system, for other use. A copy of a map
for each level or section shall be rewarded
with 1,000 gold pieces.

Sir Winden of the Kingsguard seeks the flesh of a recently-slain Shrieker Mushroom, as it is the primary ingredient in the only known remedy for an intractable plague of Spelunker’s Itch currently seizing the city of Endeesy.
The flesh of the Shrieker is worth twice its weight in copper coins to Sir Winden, or 1 gold piece per pound. The average Shrieker may contain upwards of 150 pounds of flesh.

The proprietors of the Tiv-Beckett Cold-Iron Mine seeks adventurers to clean out the primary mine system, which has become unaccountably infested with monstrously huge centipedes and other vermin.

To that end, they shall pay one silver coin for each dead centipede.

To any adventuring party which engineers some permanent solution to the problem, they shall give a complete set of weapons or armor forged of cold-iron, one item of their choice to each member of the group.

Sir Bill of the Kingsguard seeks a worthy mount:
Some flying beast,
alive and unharmed,
large enough to comfortably carry a full-grown man,
young and intelligent enough to tame,
healthy enough to live for quite some time
The quality of the beast shall determine the amount of the reward.

Seeking the following effects, in any form – spell, scroll, wand, wish or limited wish, or miscellaneous:

Animate Object and Permanency
Stone to Flesh
Awaken Construct

See Pumayyaton the Sculptor. Rewards include a powerful elephant statuette, a taciturn yet loyal Dread Guard, a snarky yet effective sword, or elegant custom-crafted statuary.



Information sought leading to the whereabouts of a band of evil adventurers who broke into the monastery on Perch Hill, terrorized the monks, and murdered Prior Trakis, a paladin of the faith. See Abbot Waxter at the Monastery with any information.
Be on the lookout for a group consisting of:

> an orc-descended man, in possession of a horse
> an engineer man
> an Omorashi human woman
> three additional human or elf men

Be warned: these individuals are armed and extremely dangerous. They may be in league with an evil erinyes devil – this creature is very powerful and should not be engaged without proper training. They may also be in possession of copies of several volumes of the Evil Encyclopedia of Evil – if found, these books should not be read and may be returned to the Monastery for an additional reward.

Authorized by Pelor’s Archbishop of Shell, Jov Sauart

Lord Yuz-Perry, First Viscount Noodleton, seeks Aid for his Township:
The Don’t Drink This River, also called the Poison River, has been foul and fetid since the Colonization of Gus, hence the River’s Name. However, in the past few Months, the Horribleness has seen a marked Increase. A Man can no longer venture within a Mile of the River without becoming nauseated. Crops have begun to wither and die on the Stalk. Even Wells accessing Groundwater far from the River have become tainted and unpotable. Moreover, perhaps unrelatedly, Serfs and their Livestock have begun to vanish from their Fields, even in broad Daylight. (warning: wrackspawn demons)
Anyone who can venture to the Source of the River and render its Water fit for Consumption shall earn the undying Gratitude of the House of Yuz-Perry, as well as a Grant of Land and may choose among the Viscount’s many Daughters and Sons for their Hand in Marriage.

By order of Terek, Second of His Name, King of Gus, Vice-Admiral of the Dread Fleet, Ninth Count Rogan, and Emperor of the Mongrelfolk:
The King endorses this undertaking, and has ordered one thousand platinum coins laid in escrow, to be awarded to whomsoever achieves this task to the satisfaction of the Viscount Noodleton.

Interested parties seek copies of any volumes from the Evil Encyclopedia of Evil. Bring these documents to the temple of Quasxthe; ask for Viblet Kewne. The reward shall be 1,000 gold pieces per volume.

Please help us,
Our brother Oaen discovered an ancient tomb west of Serpent Pass and, seeking to make a name for himself, ventured to explore it. He has not returned.
Please, find Oaen if he still lives. If he does not, tell us what became of him, and return to us our family’s ancestral greatsword Steak Knife.
Find us at the inn of the Laughing Nymph
Raihel and Isaiella Cjoss

Bounties may range from the unambiguously good to the rankly evil, offer rewards ranging from piddling to riches beyond your wildest dreams, and mount challenges ranging from child's play to downright unachievable. None of these factors necessarily correlates with any of the others.

Not every location you visit necessarily contains anything of value. Not all creatures you encounter will necessarily pose a challenge appropriate to your power, or even be hostile. Areas cleared of creatures will not necessarily remain cleared for long.

This is an organic world, with many options and correspondingly many risks. How you choose to respond is up to you.

(OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=206967))

(Please include your character's name at or near the top of every post.)

2011-07-19, 01:49 AM
Kellz, carefully balanced on a stool to insure he could read the bounty board, smiles as he reads over one of the bounties. With a small chuckle, he points out the bounty to the others, his impish grin crossing his face.
"Two-Hundred and fifty gold pieces. Well, Hippolitus, we sure can get some easy gold if your willing to part with your head for a while. I'm sure we could get it back soon!"

2011-07-19, 07:32 AM
"Very funny. I think rather than helping a man hunt my great-grandparents and their kind, it might be better to bring his head to them. I'm sure they pay better."

"Another fast way to earn gold is havesting shrieker mushrooms. It also comes with the added benefit of possibly saving us from spelunker's itch."

2011-07-19, 07:47 AM
"Perhaps there would be some mushrooms in the mine with the centipede. Also, can anyone read that one with the fuuny looking symbols? Not the one about the mermaid food for the elephant." Rakdos spoke slowly, his rough voice forming the words sharply and hardly.

2011-07-19, 09:17 AM
"Sounds like a good plan to me. Let's be off!" before anyone can stop him, Hipp begins to deliberately march off towards the centipede-infested mine.

2011-07-19, 10:56 AM
Belric looks at the small engineer with the tattoo.

"Hey, you seem to know that Kellz guy. Is he... trustworthy? I don't like the sound of spelunker's itch."

He rubs his right temple with a gloved hand. Centipedes. Too many legs.

Justin Time
2011-07-19, 04:59 PM
Darien blinks. He wasn't sure how the others had looked through the postings so fast, he was still reading the 3rd one when Hippolitus began to walk off. He turns around and beings to walk after his new comrade in order to look decisive.

"I agree, that one looks like the best one to start with to help this town! Plaguing centipedes cannot escape my righteous hammer and no itches can disrupt my faith!

2011-07-19, 07:20 PM
So Hippolitus, evidently The Leader, or at least The Dude Who Goes Without Taking A Poll, walks resolutely northwest, followed by the rest of the party!

It is a completely uneventful journey of a few hours. The dirt road is relatively dry and easy to walk on, so the feet don't hurt too much when you arrive at the mine.

And arrive at the mine you eventually do, walking up to the front of a low, wide building. A sign on the front of the building informs you that you have arrived at the TIV-BECKETT COLD IRON MINE, and a smaller sign below that declares HEADQUARTERS, and an old, gray-bearded mongrelfolk sitting on the building's porch squints at you through a cloud of pipe smoke (also he is smoking a pipe).

The old mongrel observes your dress, equipment, cage, manner, and general appearance, and immediately pegs you as: "Ah, more adventurers." Blinking owlishly, he unhurriedly takes a puff of his pipe. Eventually, he concludes his sentiment: "Splendid."

2011-07-19, 07:34 PM
"... I certainly wish we could have finished looking through those bounties. Either way though, we're here. You know, Hippo? Most of the time We engineer's don't marched off without making sure we know what we're doing first, ya know? Took me an hour to find you after you left. Talking to ol' Belric here about Spelunker's Itch and who or what he wanted to know was trustworthy before I realized you and he," pointing toward Darien, "were gone! But, what can you do in the end? Lets get this working!"

Only after he finished his spiel did he notice the old Mongrelfolk. Approaching the old male, Kellz extended his hand with a small smile grossing his face.
"Hello! Are you the one here to talk with us about the centipede problem?"

2011-07-19, 07:50 PM
"Hey, we got a moving faster this way. Would you rather have tried hunting for the Encyclopedia of Evil?"

However, realizing that so far, he's been rather brash and overly domineering, Hippolitus allows others to handle this part of the quest: Milking the Informant.

Justin Time
2011-07-19, 08:10 PM
Darien smiles as he walks up to the Mongrelfolk.

"Splendid to meet you as well sir. My name is Darien Talred. I'm hoping my companions and I could help rid this area of centipedes. Pray tell what you know of this cave? Any information that could help will make sure they are stopped faster."

(if a gather information check is needed [roll0]

2011-07-19, 08:36 PM
Belric hangs back warily. Five adventurers. Unlucky number. With a flick of his fingers, he produces a pale purple energy that swirls randomly about him, fading to nothing within seconds.

Entropic Warding

"Name's Belric," he says to the mongrel, waving faintly. "Pleasure, I'm sure."

2011-07-19, 08:57 PM
The old mongrel puffs on his pipe, looking down at Kellz's hand for a second before shaking it. "I suppose I'm really the one here to let you into the mine, though sure, I can talk, too. I'm Wilf Tiv-Beckett. My son owns the place."

He's happy to tell you everything he knows, which isn't necessarily all that much. "

Well, it was about a month ago the miners started getting attacked by unnaturally large centipedes in the deepest part of the mine. We had to pull all the miners out. Since then, adventurers have been goin' in and bringing out lots of centipede heads, but it never seems to stop them swarmin'. One bunch set fire to the mine, collapsed a section of it. There's another group in there right now, as it happens."

2011-07-19, 10:08 PM
"already? Seems were a little late in arriving, then."
Kellz look a little downtrodden.
"thanks, Mr. Beckett!"

Kellz walks back to Hippolitus.
"What do ya wannna do? seems someone else got here first. Think they may need help? Course, may just disturb them. I wouldn't want someone walking in on my job!"
He says the last line lightheartedly, with a slight snicker in the middle.

2011-07-19, 10:10 PM
"I think we can do better at this job than they did. We'll find the source of the 'pedes and stop it."

2011-07-19, 10:33 PM
"Do better than them? I think he said their in there right now. You wanna see if there's something they missed or something? They'll have probably gotten any mushrooms that are in there as well. Just saying. I think we should probably try a different job. Just my two coppers."
Kellz thinks a second.
"Then again, they could always use some help. you never know. Mmm... My head hurts. If they don't do a good job we can always come back."
Kellz rubs his temples.
"Ah, what the hell. We're here! Might as well see whats going on, huh?"
Kellz smiles.

2011-07-19, 10:37 PM
Overhearing the conversation between Kellz and Hippolitus (who, incidentally, started this whole "let's go kill centipedes without asking anybody first" thing), Belric walks over.

"You know how adventurers can get," he says, with a look at Hippolitus, "acting impulsive and whatnot. We don't need that kind of extra trouble. I say we find something else, maybe mushroom hunting. Didn't have a chance to read all of the quests, though. Something about mermaid food?"

2011-07-20, 12:00 AM
"Well, Now that you Mention it, Belric, I do remember two of the bounties I read. still involved monsters spewing from the caves on the mountain. The other involved Exploring the ruins of the Disreputable city. I wonder... You suppose we can go and Explore the city? There was something about finding a tomb... and making maps for additional gold. We can head back to town and check to make sure. Besides that, unless any of us already have some parchment and ink, were out of luck in drawing a map. Anyone have any? I could always ask old Beckett over there if he has any he could sell to us. I have a good amount of coin left."

2011-07-20, 12:12 AM
"I'm certainly capable of pitching in to get mapmaking supplies. But I do feel that checking some of the other bounties seems like a good idea. I did not see the one about the ruins... it sounds interesting."

Justin Time
2011-07-20, 02:47 AM
Nonsense, the others in there might need our help! Though if I'm the lone voice wanting to stay then I'll go with you, but I see no reason to leave."

2011-07-20, 09:16 AM
"Well, I want to go in there and kill centipedes." Not wishing to provoke any more ire from his compatriots, Hippolitus resists the urge to go charging in there.

2011-07-20, 09:59 AM
Belric's eyes brighten, and he counts quickly on his fingers.

"Well, now that three of you want to head into the cave, who am I to say no? Let's do it."

Arcane energy pulses faintly under the skin of his cheeks.

2011-07-20, 11:51 AM
"Whatever you guys want to do, as long as I get to kill something." Rakdos says, his brown eyes twinkling with reflected light. He absentmindedly taps his fingers on his leg, waiting for a decision to be made.

2011-07-20, 12:42 PM
Hipp takes the initiative once more and charges into the cave full tilt.

2011-07-20, 01:18 PM
Kellz, with a small sigh, suddenly lights up.
"Ah, what can it hurt I suppose. I'm not carrying any of the centipedes though... I don't know if I could... Can i be second to last in there?"
Kellz follows Hippolitus and insures he ends up second to last inside.
Sometimes, Kellz thought to himself, humans are rash. But sometimes that could be infectious.

2011-07-20, 01:38 PM
Rakdos followed Hippolitus in, keeping a distance of at least 10 feet just in case there were any traps the old man hadn't though to warn us about. As they move through the cave "Did anyone think to bring some earplugs for the shrieker mushrooms? (If there are any?)" Rakdos utters. He keeps one hand on his fullblade at all times, his coral making a nigh-unto-silent grinding sound as he moved.

2011-07-20, 01:44 PM
Belric bends down to pat his dog Argo on the head. "Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone," he says. "Wilf, Argo here won't be any trouble," he says. "Run along now."

He loads his crossbow, keeping it at his side but at the ready. His hands are a finer weapon.

He follows the rest into the cave, catching up to roughly the middle of the pack.

Justin Time
2011-07-20, 02:54 PM
Darien moves forward to match pace with Hipp, ready to light his lantern if the cave met them with darkness. His armor makes light clunking noises as he taps his hammer at his side, ensuring it is ready to draw at the first sign of evil.

2011-07-20, 07:48 PM
Wilf is now sitting on his porch, smoking a pipe, with a dog nearby. If he had a shotgun crossbow on his lap, and if the chair were a rocking chair, he would be the ultimate yokel.

Outside the mine, there's a wagon with a large cage on the back, presumably belonging to the other party.

Anyway, Wilf goes with the party to unlock the mine's gate for you, ushers you in, and locks the gate behind you, before returning to his porch with a "Just give a holler when you want out, now."

The entrance to the mine looks basically like this:
http://parks.nv.gov/photo/BI/Diana%20Mine%20Entrance.JPG Except the sign says "TIV-BECKETT" instead of "DIANA", and the gate is visibly chewed-upon by countless tiny things.

So you enter the mine! It is indeed dark, so Darien lights his lantern, illuminating the area. Small piles of trash stone litter the area. The mutilated remains of a recently-dead centipede, about the size of a dog, are in the southwest corner.

You can't tell which direction the other party went, but there seem to be four options. The mine's rails go on to the northeast, and there are tunnels to the south, east, and north.

## ##...##..#.=
,## #.......
## #.....###

# - rock
, - grass
. - floor
: - gate
= - rail
* - dead centipede
D - Darien
R - Rakdos
H - Hippolitus
K - Kellz
B - Belric

2011-07-20, 08:18 PM
Squished up somewhat against the wall, Belric looks through the dim lantern light at each of the three(!) paths.

"Well... the centipedes were originally tormenting the miners, yes? Perhaps we should follow the tracks."

Spot check: [roll0]

2011-07-20, 09:04 PM
With his blindsense, Hipp will dash on ahead, staying out of the lantern light.

2011-07-20, 11:28 PM
I take it Hipp takes Belric's advice and dashes on up the rails? I so, he soon finds a choice, as the rails split northeast and southeast.

Belric, on the other hand, peers intently down each corridor in turn. By the light of Darien's lantern, certain stuff can be seen. 30' of shadowy illumination! By the play of shadows on the wall and the general shape of the tunnel, as well as poking his head a little way down it to confirm, Belric concludes that the south tunnel is a dead end. He's pretty sure the others are not dead ends, or at least if they are, they aren't immediately dead ends.

#.# #.=#
#.### ##=##
##...## ##=.#
## ##...##..#.==###
,,#........=### ##=###
==:========## #.===
,,##......## ###.###
,,###.....###### ..#
,## #.......... .#
## #.....######

2011-07-20, 11:46 PM
Rakdos follows Belric, and seeing the dead-end bellows loudly "Anyone got some explosives? I see a wall. I don't like pointless walls." He then returned to the middle of the room, then though to himself, Hey, wasn't it for centipede heads that they paid for.... Then Rakdos reached over, and severed its head from its body.

2011-07-21, 12:14 AM
Belric looks around and raises his eyebrows.

"Cave-in to the south... we might as well follow the fellow that brought us here, but I'm not the one holding the lamp. Darien?"

2011-07-21, 01:01 AM

Watching after Hippolitus, Kellz turns around.
"Well, The rails are certainly the best bet I would suppose. Plus, we can't let Hippo lose us or he might just get himself killed. Let's get in order, Fellows! Darien, you take the back. We'll still have some light and your a strapping fellow, so you can watch our backs I would say. Rakdos, do you mind taking up the front? Me and Belric will Stay in the middle. Keep eyes sharp, now!"

Jerhico lazily slips his way out of Kellz' Pocket. "Do we Finally have something to do? I've been waiting this whole time for some excitement and we only get here now? Goodness."

[roll+KellzListen]1d20+3 []

[roll1] []
[roll2] []

2011-07-21, 01:02 AM
double post... -_-*

2011-07-21, 01:24 AM
"I only mind about as much as I would mind spelunker's itch." Rakdos replied, before taking the lead with his not-inconsiderable bulk.

Spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2011-07-21, 01:59 AM

"If we Find some mushrooms and make some money out of this deal, Than I'm sure that Spelunker's Itch wouldn't be too much of a problem, aye?" Kellz says in Reply to Rakdos.

2011-07-21, 06:54 AM
I take it Hipp takes Belric's advice and dashes on up the rails? I so, he soon finds a choice, as the rails split northeast and southeast.

Belric, on the other hand, peers intently down each corridor in turn. By the light of Darien's lantern, certain stuff can be seen. 30' of shadowy illumination! By the play of shadows on the wall and the general shape of the tunnel, as well as poking his head a little way down it to confirm, Belric concludes that the south tunnel is a dead end. He's pretty sure the others are not dead ends, or at least if they are, they aren't immediately dead ends.

#.# #.=#
#.### ##=##
##...## ##=.#
## ##...##..#.==###
,,#........=### ##=###
==:========## #.===
,,##......## ###.###
,,###.....###### ..#
,## #.......... .#
## #.....######

I hope that with 60' darkvision that you're not actually penalizing me for staying out of the lantern light.

Hipp did indeed follow the rails, and peers down each branch, looking to see what he can see.

Justin Time
2011-07-21, 10:47 AM
Spot: [roll0] + 1 = 11
Listen: [roll1] + 1 = 11

Darien follows the order suggestion and gets in the back as he follows the others. The light from his latern bounces off their backs and makes it a bit difficult to see and his ears are distracted by the small echos in the cave. Overall, his senses were decent but he felt like he still was sensually off-balance in the cave.

"If they bothered miners, but no one found the nest, they didn't come from somewhere along the tracks. Maybe a dead end isn't a dead end? At least, they might be hiding in crevices and easy to corner.

2011-07-21, 10:17 PM

I hope that with 60' darkvision that you're not actually penalizing me for staying out of the lantern light.

Nope, that was just for Belric, and the others without darkvision. I did, however, forget to extend the map, considering you can see further in both directions than the other party could. My bad.

Hippolitus pokes his head down each direction. To the north, the tunnel splits again, with only one side having rails. To the south, the tunnel also splits, with only one direction having rails. Nobody hears anything unusual from either direction.

#.## ..===
#... ##=####
##.# ###=.#
#.# #.=.##
#.### ##=###
##...## ##=.#
## ##...##..#KRH###
,,#........=### ##=####
==:========## #.===
,,##......## ###.####
,## #..............#
## #.....######...##
#*..## ###..##
##.### ##..##
###.# ##..#
#...# ##.#

2011-07-21, 10:42 PM
The silence of the caverns cause Kellz to jitter a little. If there was another party, there should have been signs of their passage.
"Can anyone tell which way the other party went? I can't see or hear much of anything," Kellz says.
"If the dead centipede's didn't tell you, I doubt little else will," Jericho says.
"Oh, shut it you little rock," Kellz says, though not with any real spite.
"Maybe if someone in the middle who actually doesn't need to carry anything should hold the lantern? More foward vision always helps."
"I wonder why I didn't buy one in the first place..."
"Because you felt you couldn't carry it on those tender little muscles of yours."
"Well, seeing as you didn't offer to carry anything."
"If you want a lantern smaller than me so that you wouldn't see anything than by all means I'll carry it."
"shh. Quiet now."

Any of you think we should have me or Belric carry the lantern? Especially you, Darien? I haven't played Dnd for a while so, I think I have absolutely no Idea what I'm doing. 0_0**

2011-07-21, 11:06 PM
Hipp will make a mark on the wall of the tunnel with a rock indicating that he followed the northern tunnel without a rail and will see where it leads. If any centipedes should pass within 20 feet of him and activate his blindsense, he'll stop to consider the situation. Otherwise, he will continue down until he finds a nest of centipedes or he reaches an intersection.

2011-07-21, 11:38 PM
"That does make sense, actually, little talking rock. I can carry the lantern. Only need the one hand, after all...", Belric says, offering out his left hand for the lantern.

Assuming there's no arcane spell failure on Eldritch Blast with one hand, Belric will totally carry it.

Justin Time
2011-07-22, 11:16 AM
Darien nods and hands Belric the lantern while eyeing the rock Kellz is talking.

"So what is that thing?"

2011-07-22, 02:33 PM

Jericho, his little spidery legs making little noise save a slight whispery sound, moves over to Darien And climbs up onto his shoulder.
"It's alright, he won't hurt you. more like can't," Kellz says.

"This thing would happen to be Jericho, the brains behind the... Whatever that little fellow there has. Don't be fooled if he says otherwise."

"He's always joking," Kellz says. "Hippo! Wait up! At least let us know when your doing something! We should probably follow him guys," Kellz says, shaking is head slightly with a little grin plastered on his face. "Lead on, Rakdos!"

"Don't be fooled, remember? I was serious when I said that," Jericho whispers to Darien. Jericho then adds,
"I've notice the holy symbol you have there. Are you a holy warrior? Because I doubt anyone else here had the knowledge to see if we had any able bodied healing agent to accompany us."

Justin Time
2011-07-22, 02:58 PM
He shivers as Jericho crawls on him.

Well, I am a holy warrior of Heironeous! Unfortunately I have not yet earned the right to heal, but I am confident it will not be necessary. Heironeous will guide out blows and strengthen our armor!

Darien pulls out his hammer and twirls it around his fingers and looks around, eager to prove himself and earn favour from his god.

Who's leading us where? I wanna smash some bugs.

2011-07-22, 03:04 PM
I think we're chasing after Hipp. Which is fine by me, I feel like zapping something.

2011-07-22, 03:12 PM
I'm sure Cthulu won't object either, so I'm sure thats what will do. I say we stop at the intersection coming up ahead that I don't think we've seen yet though. Or follow Hippolitus down the tunnel he followed... We should probably just assume we walk up to the intersection, see his mark and follow it.

Justin Time
2011-07-22, 04:39 PM
Wherever we go, as long as he leads the back, Darien will be glancing behind him every few paces or so. So let me know if a spot check is needed, or roll one on my behalf if you're in a hurry.

2011-07-24, 08:27 AM
Hippolitus, followed by the rest of the party, advances to the north, then turns to the west. (To the east, the rails go straight for as far as anyone present can see, though they, and the passage, do tilt downwards.)

Fifteen feet from the turning, the passage opens up into a wider area. The north wall of this area is partially collapsed, and there's a bench by the south wall. At the far end, the passage narrows again, then splits. But one direction is only a dead end after several yards, and the other opens into the sorting area by the gate.

There do not seem to be any creatures in this direction.

#### ######## ###
#..## ##......#######.#########
##.###...#####=.# ##..#
#.# ##### #.=.##
#.### ##=###
##...## ##=.#
## ##...##..#.=.###
,,#........=### ##=####
==:========## #.===
,,##......## ###.####
,## #..............#
## #.....######...##
#*..## ###..##
##.### ##..##
###.# ##..#
#...# ##.#

2011-07-24, 02:14 PM
"Well, looks like I'm not particularly good at finding things. I'll let someone else take over for now. Would y'all like me to take the rear and watch out for something from behind? Nothing should be able to get past me without me seeing it, or at least sensing it. That will also allow y'all to keep the lantern more forward in the group. I don't need the light to see. Senses of a dragon and all."

2011-07-24, 04:24 PM

"Not good at Finding Things? Where does the tunnel go, Hippo?"
"He obviously means the tunnel either ends or loops around. Think about it for a second why don't you?"
"If thats the case, It doesn't mean you need to be so rude about it."

Jericho skitters to Darien's other shoulder.
"Perhaps if I had been in the lead we wouldn't be in this predicament."
"Than what do you, O wise leader, plan for us to do?" Kellz replies, sarcasm evident in his voice.
"Let's simply do an about face and follow the tracks down deeper. If these things came out from deep beneath the ground, than that would be the obvious place to look. No need to reorganize; If we all turn around Hippolitus is already in the back and Belric still has the lantern for the front. And I can see in the dark too unlike the short one I am forced to accompany, so if there's something Darien," Jericho pokes Darien's cheek, "doesn't see up here, I shouldn't miss it."
"Annoying little dung, aren't you?"
"It's not like you don't know me, Master," Jericho replies, emphasizing the last word.
"Lets go, then. Keep together."

[roll0] +4 [8]
[roll1] +4 [16]

2011-07-24, 04:40 PM
"I feel like Hippolitus' draconic heritage makes him a perfect choice to stay in the front--he can actually see in this blasted cave without a lantern," Belric says. "More than happy to still carry the lantern behind him for the rest of us, though. Otherwise I see no problem with Kellz's--er, Jericho's?--plan."

As he turns around, he eyes what he can see of the cave through the flickering light carefully.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-07-24, 10:21 PM
As far as this room goes, the collapsed wall to the north was a natural, benign phenomenon. Maybe centipedes were chewing on the support beams and it collapsed. It doesn't seem to be blocking anything, and it doesn't seem to have buried anything of interest. And the area is still quiet. There doesn't seem to be anything here, so the party sets off to the east, following the rails. (Following the rails is far from the only option, so you're not being railroaded! You just happen to be on rails. Except they're literal rails and not metaphorical rails. So it should be all good.)

There is a short tunnel to the south, which a cursory inspection reveals to be another dead end (one expects a mine to have a certain number of dead ends, as the tunnels follow the ore veins and then they stop digging once there's no more ore there). Then the tunnel splits once again. To the south, no rails, and the tunnel forks once again. To the east, most of the party can see it opens out onto a more open area, at the center of which is some broken apparatus of pulleys and ropes that looks like it might once have been a lift of some sort.

In that room, Jericho can hear a ferocious-sounding animal growling and munching something crunchy, either animal bones or centipede carapace. Belric can see the animal, and observes that it is furry, maybe about the size of a wolf or big dog.

#### ######## ###
#..## ##......#######.############### ...
##.###...#####=.# ##..# #R######..[]..
#.# ##### #.=.## ##.## #K# ...
#.### ##=### #..# ##.#
##...## ##=.# ##.# ##..##
##..#..####=.## ### #....##
## ##...##..#.=.### ##.##..###
,###..#.###.#=#.=.## ###..###...##
,,#..##.###.=.###=.# #...## ###..##
,,#........=### ##=#### ##.### ##..#
==:========## #.=== #..# ##.#
,,##......## ###.####
,## #..............#
## #.....######...##
#*..## ###..##
##.### ##..##
###.# ##..#
#...# ##.#

[] - broken lift apparatus
a - ferocious-sounding furry animal

2011-07-24, 10:37 PM
Hipp will run forward and attempt to identify the animal.


2011-07-25, 10:54 PM
"I Don't see anything down these corridors,"
Kellz whispers, straining his eyes to see as far a possible down the two tunnels with his low-light vision.
"I hear something... Growling, up ahead," Jericho says. "If we keep quiet, maybe we can see-" Hippolitus runs past at this moment- "What it is."

2011-07-25, 10:58 PM
"It's a..."

outcome hazy.

2011-07-26, 12:41 AM
Belric calls out after Hipp.

"If it's a dog, be careful! It might be friendly. If it's a wolf... go ahead."

2011-07-26, 02:06 AM
Hippolitus identifies the creature as almost certainly a carcajou; a vicious, bear-like weasel. He also identifies the carcass the creature is worrying as probably a large rat.

The carcajou, intent on devouring its prey, fails to notice Hippolitus's presence.

### #######
##.############### ##.....######
##..# #R######..[]..#
##.## #K# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #.#
##.##..### .#
###..###...## ##
#...## ###..##
##.### ##..#
#..# ##.#

a - carcajou

Justin Time
2011-07-26, 08:44 AM
Roll in case of initiative? [roll0]
Darien will run up and attack it once and if Hipp identifies it as an enemy.

2011-07-26, 09:37 AM
"It's a giant predatory weasel. I'm gonna attack it! i would like some help with him."

Hipp will walk up behind it and cast true strike, giving him a +20 to his next attack roll.

His dragon claws feat gives him a free claw attack when he casts a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action.

Thus, he gets a free attack at [roll0] for [roll1]

2011-07-26, 12:17 PM
Also contingent on it being identified as hostile (or attacking Hipp back, whichever comes first):

Belric will advance to where Hippolitus was standing and fire a ray of silver energy from his non-lantern'd hand.

Eldritch blast (do they produce light?): Ranged touch attack
[roll0] for [roll1] damage

2011-07-27, 04:42 AM
Darien: [12] (as above)
Rakdos: [roll0]
Hippolitus: [roll1]
Kellz: [roll2]
Belric: [roll3]
Belric delays until after the carcajou.

Hippolitus walks up to the creature. It watches him warily as he approaches, prepared to defend its dinner. Hipp utters some bizarre noises, points a small wooden replica of a target at the carcajou. It growls threateningly at him as he does this. Then Hipp claws the thing with unerring accuracy, and it freaks out.

Darien approaches as close as he can with a double move action. (It's not quite a straight line, so he can't take the run action, unless he chooses to run into the big hole in the ground. Oh yeah -- the apparatus? Turns out, as you approach it, that it's got a "big hole in the ground" component.)

Rakdos moves up to watch from the sidelines.

The carcajou, having been clawed by this strange tall creature, freaks out and flies into a flailing, frothy rage, clawing and biting madly at Hippolitus. It becomes a blur of claws and teeth, slashing the sorcerer (for 4 damage) and biting him on the leg (for 8 damage). It also missed once.

Belric then steps forward, pointing his mighty finger at the carcajou and deploying a blast of energy (which I will say gives off light, but not enough to see by; certainly not better than the lantern), which strikes the creature and injures it very slightly.

Kellz, too, watches.

### #######
##.############### ##.....######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #.#
##.##..### .#
###..###...## ##
#...## ###..##
##.### ##..#
#..# ##.#

Note that the apparatus - [][] - is basically a 10'x10' hole, descending into the earth, with various pulleys and broken ropes dangling above it. As you glance down, you see the wreckage of what was once the lift's platform, maybe 20' down.

Round 2! The order is now Hippolitus, Darien, Rakdos, the carcajou, Belric, Kellz. You don't have to post in that order, but your actions will be made in that order, unless somebody delays or does a readied action.

Justin Time
2011-07-27, 09:23 AM
Darien steps around Hipp to be able to smash the carcajou with his warhammer.

I use Power Attack of 2 (accounted for in rolls)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Aw man, wish my hammer had a crit range of 19-20, especially since I max rolled damage I would literally smashed it into pulp.

2011-07-27, 04:01 PM
Hipp will attack it, then take a 5ft step back, allowing someone not so damaged to take the front.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

in case of crit:
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Justin Time
2011-07-27, 04:59 PM
Darien would also take the spot between it and Hipp.

2011-07-27, 06:11 PM
Kellz will simply take a defensive stance. The other's had this handled.

Total Defense Action as a standard action. Ready my move action to take a 5 foot step back into the hallway if Approached by the monster.

I'm sorry guys, But I keep feeling that if there's another group in here we should leave them to it and go find a new adventure somewhere else. Especially if it's another one of the PC parties. I dunno... I'm weird I suppose. 0_o*

2011-07-27, 06:52 PM
problem is, this is one of the few quests that seems even remotely possible to a group of our level.

2011-07-27, 06:55 PM
Did I forget to delete that? 0-o whoops.

2011-07-27, 06:56 PM
In the OOC thread, Malimar was practically begging somebody to take this one:
Please help us,
Our brother Oaen discovered an ancient tomb west of Serpent Pass and, seeking to make a name for himself, ventured to explore it. He has not returned.
Please, find Oaen if he still lives. If he does not, tell us what became of him, and return to us our family’s ancestral greatsword Steak Knife.
Find us at the inn of the Laughing Nymph
Raihel and Isaiella Cjoss

Dunno if somebody took it, though.

Justin Time
2011-07-27, 07:18 PM
Lolz Steak Knife. I'm totally up for leaving and going to do that. I want an ancestral steak knife. :smalltongue:

2011-07-27, 07:27 PM
and how many weeks do you think it will tkae us to go back to town and find the quest-giver, start the quest, and make progress in that one?

Justin Time
2011-07-27, 09:07 PM
In the set up of how this game works, can the issue of time realistically be accounted for in such a way?

2011-07-27, 09:24 PM
I was speaking of RL, not IC.

2011-07-28, 10:47 AM
Well, you've gone north, and the other party has gone south. I didn't object when you came in, because these mines are plenty big enough for two parties, though I'd say probably not big enough for three (is why I suggested party 4 take the tombs, which incidentally probably isn't big enough for two parties. I don't know for sure yet if party 4 is going to tackle that or something else). As long as both groups stay roughly on their respective halves of the dungeon, you're not likely to encounter one another.

But it's up to you guys, though I would prefer you to come up with an IC justification for suddenly turning back now if you do. (I suppose "let's take this carcajou back to the city to give it to the arena" would be acceptable, if you manage to defeat it without killing it. "The denizens of this mine are too powerful, let's run away and never come back here again" would also be acceptable.)

Hippolitus claws the carcajou once, then his second swing misses! It looks, if anything, more angry.

Darien steps forth and unleashes a mighty swing of his hefty warhammer, which strikes the snarling, furry creature a solid blow to the abdomen. It begins to look pained as well as angry.

Rakdos does nothing. (Have we lost one? ...Like a week ago and I didn't notice?)

The carcajou snarls. It is at least smart enough to identify the guy who hit it hardest, and thus sinks its claws and teeth into Darien's legs and abdomen. It misses wide with one claw, hits with a bite, and crits with the other claw, for 5 and 12 damage, respectively. It tears out a chunk of some internal organ which is probably vitally important to long-term survival, and bites Darien's leg almost clean to the bone. The paladin collapses.

Belric, uh, also does nothing?

Kellz takes the total defense action!

### #######
##.############### ##.H...######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #.#
##.##..### .#
###..###...## ##
#...## ###..##
##.### ##..#
#..# ##.#
D - Darien (unconscious)

Justin Time
2011-07-28, 11:05 AM
Well I think that gives me an IC answer. That thing put me to -6 in one round... And since I was the only one (potentially) with healing...

2011-07-28, 11:06 AM
Hipp will walk behind it, cast true strike, and attempt to subdue the creature.

[roll0] for [roll1] non-lethal.

2011-07-28, 11:45 AM
Argh, forgot to post a move because of the cuh-razy OOC action we were having.

Belric looks at the fallen paladin Ulp.

He raises his hand once again.

If it's still conscious after Hipp moves:
Eldritch blast, ranged touch
[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-07-28, 12:55 PM
"Damn!" Jericho Falls off of Darien's Shoulder as he collapses to the floor.
"Darien!" Kellz yells. He moves forward around to the other side of the pit and takes aim. A bass drum sound echos as a wave of sound bursts from Kellz hand toward the creature.

Crap Justin! 0_o We certainly do have a reason to leave now!
Let's see... Rolls...
This is only if the creature has not yet fallen. If it has fallen by the time my turn comes around, Kellz instead rushes toward Darien.
[roll0] +3 [11]
[roll1] -1 [X]

Kellz is attacking the creature with Energy Ray with the sonic descriptor.
The bass drum sound echos to about 15 feet.
edit: I wonder if you know that Psicrystals can see in the dark Malimar? I was reading up on them and apparently they can, but they can only see out to about 40 feet normally.

2011-07-28, 12:57 PM
Damage should have only been 1d6 :smallredface:
[roll0] -1 [4]

Justin Time
2011-07-28, 06:36 PM
However, fret not if I die. For if I die, I shall become more powerful than you ever imagined. Or you know, just be a cleric so we can have someone who can actually heal. I've done clerics before.

If I do manage to survive though, just zombie control or put me to bedrest. I'll be out and about around Europe-land and won't be able to consistently post until the 15th. But once I'm back I'll be allll in baby, if you catch my drift. :smallwink:

I'll try to keep up when I can because I do still need internet during my travels, but no promises.

2011-07-29, 12:05 PM
Hippolitus steps up to the plate and True Strikes (for reasons known only to itself, it refrains from taking the attack of opportunity Hipp provoked by casting), punching the creature in the neck. It growls.

Darien rolls to stabilize: [1d10] (On a 10, he's stable. on anything less, he loses 1hp and is at -7.)

Rakdos helpfully does nothing.

The carcajou, irritated by Hipp punching it and not satisfied at having taken down one of its opponents, does not stop frothing at the mouth. It does defend itself and its new meal (much bigger and much more delicious-looking than the big rat it had been chewing on). So it claws and bites violently at Hippolitus. It catches the sorcerer twice with its claws (for 4 and 6 damage, respectively, putting Hipp at -6), then completely misses when it tries to bite him.

Belric points at the creature, and it is too distracted by being really angry to duck, so it takes the full blast.

Then Kellz hits it with a wave of sound, which it similarly does not avoid. It looks angry and in pain and injured, bleeding and limping, but has not quite gone down yet. Another round like that and it might. (I did not happen to remember that psicrystals can see in the dark. Eenteresting.)

### #######
##.############### ##..H..######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #..K...#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #.#
##.##..### .#
###..###...## ##
#...## ###..##
##.### ##..#
#..# ##.#

H - Hippolitus (unconscious)

2011-07-29, 01:23 PM
[roll0] 91-100 he stabilizes.

2011-07-29, 01:28 PM
Is Rakdos gone? I'm not terribly confident about this if we're down to two squishy folks.

2011-07-30, 01:20 AM

"And... again!"
Kellz focuses. Another Bass drum sound echos, but instead of sound, a ray of fire bursts from his hand toward the Monster.
"This was going to happen! I knew it!" Jericho squeaks out as he skitters away from the monster.

Standard action: Kellz fires another energy ray, this time with the fire descriptor.
[roll0] +3 [8]
[roll1] +1 [doesn't matter]
depending on what I'm allowed to do with my move action, I want to ready it to move around back down the corridor we came from if the creatures comes around the pit at me, or back down the corridor closest to me if that movement is more advantageous. If I can't ready the move action, I'll just move down the corridor closest to me (The one going South (Down?) I believe.
Jericho uses the withdraw action and escapes to me and returns to my pocket.

We'll just have to do the best we can guys. Squishy's rule! (I hope) 0-0*
And of course, I only do this attack if the monster hasn't been brought down yet.

Edit: Crap... Time to run!!!!!

2011-07-30, 02:49 AM
Belric fires off another Eldritch blast...

[roll0] for the ranged touch, [roll1] for damage...

...before stepping back behind Radkos as far as he can in the narrow tunnel.

2011-07-30, 05:39 AM
Reminder: try to remember to put your character's name at or near the top of every post.

Since waiting for Rakdos doesn't seem to be panning out, and I happen to be up, we'll go early today.

Hipp sadly does not stabilize, and loses a hit point.

Darien's stabilize roll failed to roll at all, so here's an attempt at last round's and this round's stabilize check for him: [roll0] [roll1] He does not stabilize, and is now at -8. He is in critical condition! Though only marginally more critical than Hipp.

Rakdos, uh, advances in the opposite direction.

The carcajou has taken down both foes who were injuring it, and so looks as though it is very much considering becoming calmer, if considering were the sort of thing it were capable of doing while enraged, but when it takes a sonic boom and an eldritch blast, it is angried up once again.

Anyway, the problem with trying to get away: it goes before you in the initiative. And it arbitrarily decides to go after... Belric. So it trundles over the unconscious Hipp and Darien, and claws at him once. Belric twists out of the way, and the creature doesn't hit him.

Belric provokes an attack of opportunity (if it doesn't provoke for being an invocation, it provokes for being a ranged attack in melee), and hits, his eldritch blast striking the creature full on. It makes a "whuff" noise, but stays on its feet. Then Belric provokes again in backing off from the creature.

In any event, the creature does neatly duck under Kellz's energy ray, and then Kellz moves south.

Kellz could ready a move action, but a.) he goes after the creature does anyway and b.) the creature didn't fulfil the requirements because, while it came around the pit, it didn't come around the pit at Kellz. But I guess "could but it would do nothing" is close enough to "can't", so Kellz moves as far as he can down the south tunnel. It curves away to the left.

The carcajou (following the same attack of opportunity rules as the rest of you: AoOs get resolved between one round and the next) took the attack of opportunity that Belric provoked by using a ranged attack in melee and/or moving out of a threatened square, swiping at the warlock, but it missed.

### #######
##.############### ##..H..######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #####.#
#...## ###..###.##
##.### ##..##..##
#..# ##.###..###

2011-07-30, 09:50 AM
[roll0] 91-100 stabilizes. Hipp continues to valiantly struggle internally for life. If only he was better at it.

2011-07-30, 12:35 PM

As Belric escapes down the other tunnel, The light disappears along with him. Though the room beyond was still somewhat lit, Kellz could not see the creature.
"Damn it... I should have known this would happen..."
"Thats what happens when you risk yourself to help people. You die, that's what!" Jericho manages to squeak out, his voice still shaking.
"Shut it, you little coward." Kellz replies. His breaths were coming in short, quick gasps and his heart was beating quickly in his chest, drowning out the sounds around him with it's incessant noise.
"We're going to have to leave. It seems the thing might stop attacking us if we stop attacking it," Jericho says, the shaking in his voice disappearing, replaced by his usual manner of tactical thinking.
"We can't leave Darien and Hippolitus in there, though!" Kellz says.
"We don't have much of a choice, unless you want to end up like them. Belric and Rakdos are next, and unless you want to follow them to an early grave, we need to retreat. It's followed them, lukily, so we might be able to retreat down this corridor."
"Wait a minute..." Kellz says. His eyes light up. "Isn't there another adventuring party in here? We can find them and ask for help!"
"In a strange way... I actually agree with you on that one. Strength in numbers."
"How are we going to find them, though? They could be anywhere and I can't see in the dark..."
Jericho skitters up onto Kellz shoulder. "Leave that to me. I'll guide you. Just make sure you listen when I say something, okay?"
Kellz nods, and hurries down the southern corridor. Before he does, he calls out hoping Belric and Rakdos can hear him.
"I'm going to try and find the other Adventuring Party! We can't leave Darien and Hippolitus!"

Kellz hurries down the southern corridor as quickly as he can, calling out to see if anyone else can hear him.
"Help! We need help! Is there anyone in here?"

[roll0] +4 [17]
[roll1] +4 [7]
[roll2] +3 [6]
Edit: so apparently we can't hear anything of value. Considering my heart pounding in my chest, that would make some sense. 0-0**

2011-07-30, 12:50 PM
Belric continues his brilliant run-and-shoot strategy, continuing West, out the way he went in. Shame about leaving those fellows behind, but... well, I did only meet them this morning. That kellz guy seemed nice, though. Maybe he'll survive.

Any chance of DMPC'ing Rakdos?

If the thing comes after Belric, he'll run and then zap, assuming the ray would still be in line-of-sight; otherwise zap then run.

[roll0] ranged touch for [roll1] damage.

2011-07-30, 10:22 PM
Alas, poor Hipp! Still unstable.

Darien also tries to stop being unstable: [roll0] But fails, and is now at -9.

Rakdos, uh, delays. We'll see what he does later.

The carcajou is faced with a choice: nom mightily upon this bounty provided for it, chase after one of the things that flung pain at it, or chase after the other of the things that flung pain at it. It chooses... to delay for a moment in its indecision. It is very, very angry, but it is also having a bit of a Burridan's Donkey moment.

Belric blasts the creature with an eldritch blast. It wobbles. If it had fewer legs, it might have fallen over. Maybe. Then Belric retreats!

The carcajou has definitely now added a fourth option, the "screw being angry, run away" option. This option is... less probable than the others, in very grave pain though it is. But no, it overcomes its hesitation and barrels after Belric, only to come upon Rakdos. Uh, five feet too far away for it to actually attack. So it just gets up in Rakdos's face and snarls.

At which point Rakdos takes his fullblade and insolently bashes at the carcajou with its hilt.tohit:[roll1]
damage: [roll2]
confirm crit on a 22: [roll3]
damage on a successful crit: [roll4]
The carcajou collapses, deeply unconscious, but stable. (He only had to do 2 damage to it. I guess there's no kill like overkill.)

Kellz goes a'splorin' and a'shoutin'! Jericho reliably informs him, after a bit of travel down a tunnel, that they have reached another wide cavern. Which, luckily, appears to be unoccupied at the moment, albeit strewn with various debris.

### #######
##.############### ##..H..######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #####.#
#...## ###..###.##
##.### ##..##..##
#..# ##.###..###
#.## #.# ##.###
#.. #.# #....
### #.# ###.#
#.# ###

a - carcajou (unconscious)

The carcajou is unconscious; everyone gains 175xp.

2011-07-30, 10:49 PM
[roll0] 91-100 to stabilize...

now if only we had a few temmates around to stabilize us... we wouldn't have to die...

2011-07-30, 11:13 PM
"Big room here. And I don't see anyone," Jericho says.
"Gah, this isn't going to work! There going to die in there. We need a doctor now more than ever..."
"If the healer hadn't gone all nutso charging foward we would have been better off. Rakdos should have been up front."
"News, Jay, He couldn't heal. whatever power he pulls from, he hadn't mastered that yet, remember? Let's see what we can do. Help me lead us back."
Run back to the room, probably bouncing off a few walls here and there and try to hopefully make it back in time to try and stabilize one of the two. I'm going to try Darien first, since it seems he's the one closest to death.[spoiler]
"Oh man, this is not good..."
Kellz tries his best to attempt to heal the pair of them, ripping up parts of his clothes to tie up any broken parts, and staunch any bleeding he can.
[roll0] +1 [13]
[roll1] +1 [4]
damn... okay, If Belric rushes back here and makes an aid another check, I should be able to get a high enough roll to stabilize Darien. Unless Belric has a better heal score than me and would prefer to make a check himself. I'm not much of a doctor. 0_0*

I need to get lucky on a heal roll... cause it's not one of my specialties... And I don't think I'll make it back in time to help. =/

2011-07-30, 11:50 PM
Belric, seeing the large weasel keel over, runs towards the unconscious bodies of his heretofore peers, hoping he can aid another's healing attempts if it isn't too late.

2011-07-31, 01:10 PM
Let's say, in his extreme haste, Kellz can take a run action to get back to his companions in one full round, despite the twistiness of the passageway, provided he can make the following balance check: [roll]1d20+2[/roll.

Rakdos and Belric are somewhat less hasty in returning to their fallen companions, and move regular-like.

Hippolitus doesn't auto-stabilize that round, and is now at -9, right?

And Darien tries to auto-stabilize: [roll0]

### #######
##.############### ##..H..######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #####.#
#...## ###..###.##
##.### ##..##..##
#..# ##.###..###
#.## #.# ##.###
#.. #.# #....
### #.# ###.#
#.# ###

K - Schrödinger's Kellz: at one location or the other, depending on whether he made his balance check.

2011-07-31, 01:11 PM
...and by "[roll]1d20+2[/roll" I obviously meant "[roll0]". ...So Kellz reaches his companions without falling on his face!

But Darien has not stabilized, and is now at -10. But he is not quite dead! I still haven't yet dispensed with my "you die at negative your constitution score" house rule (unnecessary though it is), so Darien still has two rounds left.

Belric and Rakdos cover the last of the ground, and can Aid Another on one of Kellz's checks. Belric may take a standard action, Rakdos may take a standard action, Hipp and Darien each get another auto-stabilize check (or else they hit -10 and -11, respectively), and one of the heal checks Kellz already rolled takes place this round (presumably the one for Darien).

### #######
##.############### ##.BH..######
##..# #.######..[]..#
##.## #.# #......#
#..# ##.# ##....##
##.# ##..## ###.##
### #....## #####.#
#...## ###..###.##
##.### ##..##..##
#..# ##.###..###
#.## #.# ##.###
#.. #.# #....
### #.# ###.#
#.# ###

2011-07-31, 02:32 PM
[roll0] 91-100 and he stabilizes.

2011-08-01, 09:23 AM
Hipp is still bleeding uncontrollably! -10!

Belric and Rakdos both start trying to stanch and bind wounds, Aiding Another on Kellz's attempt to rescue Darien: [roll1] [roll2]. They both succeed, bringing Kellz's roll to or past 15, and Darien is now stable.

(If that hadn't worked, Darien would also have tried to stabilize, for which he rolled [roll0]. They stabilized him precisely in the nick of time; he's at -11. Take care not to jostle him too hard, lest he destabilize again and immediately bleed out and die.)

Now it's just Hipp that's in trouble. Actions?

2011-08-01, 01:00 PM
How many more rounds does Hipp have? It would appear you're using your add-constitution-modifier-to-negative-10 to get minimum HP.

Belric is more than happy to try and stabilize, though ideally he'll just aid another what with his -1 to Heal checks and all.

"Does anybody have a potion of cure minor wounds?" he asks quickly.

2011-08-01, 01:52 PM
"you die at negative your constitution score"

I have four rounds to go: [roll0] 91-100, come on!

2011-08-02, 12:48 PM
Kellz, having successfully stabilized Darien with the others' help, isn't as great in the stabilizing Hipp department.

Hipp doesn't autostabilize! Rakdos tries to stabilize him ([roll0]), and Belric, as indicated, tries to help ([roll1]).

Belric is not particularly helpful, but Rakdos manages it on his own! Both Darien and Hipp are stable! No longer bleeding out!

2011-08-02, 02:43 PM
No longer bleeding to death, now all Hipp needs is something to restore him...

2011-08-03, 02:34 PM
Sorry! I've been away for a few days! At least everyone is stabilized! I'm not going to have internet access for about 2 or 3 days, so I need some DM control for a little bit. I will be back ASAP!

2011-08-03, 02:37 PM
Hipp, still unconscious, is unable to act...

2011-08-03, 03:03 PM
Pay no attention to this post.

2011-08-03, 03:04 PM
Belric considers his fallen companions and carefully weighs which one would be more useful to revive.

The sorcerer Hippolitus seems to be the strongest, and can see in the dark, so despite his history of rash actions, Belric kneels down and uses his two potions of Cure Light Wounds on him.

Do I roll those? What's the 1d8+? on potions again?

2011-08-03, 03:07 PM
CLW potions are 1d8+1. You would normally roll them, but since I happen to be posting right now:

Hipp regains 11hp, leaving him at... 0, right? Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled) but conscious.

2011-08-03, 03:13 PM
Is the carcajou dying, or do we have to stabilize it if we want to sell it, or...?

2011-08-03, 03:18 PM
Is the carcajou dying, or do we have to stabilize it if we want to sell it, or...?

The carcajou is fine; it went below 0 because of nonlethal damage.

2011-08-03, 03:20 PM
it was knocked out with non-lethal damage. It's fine.

Groggily, Hipp will open his eyes and stand up slowly. "Ouch. That smarts. I guess running off ahead isn't always the smartest. Sorry folks."

2011-08-03, 03:24 PM
So it did. Thanks.

"Welcome back, Hipp," Belric says. "I don't suppose anybody feels we should take 'ol Darien and the carcajou back to town. You guys could use some healing, and we can sell this thing to the Arena, if I remember the bulletin board post correctly."

2011-08-03, 03:34 PM
"Yeah, let's take what we have and come back after a good rest. No need to let anyone die over this."

2011-08-03, 03:59 PM
"I can carry the carcajou since we'll need to travel slowly anyway," Belric says. "Who'd like to take Darien? Kellz?"

2011-08-03, 04:34 PM

After the frantic gathering of material and some quick thinking, Kellz sighs as Hippolitus awakens.
"Good, then. At least we're all safe now. Darien Is going to need some help though."

"I can carry the carcajou since we'll need to travel slowly anyway. Who'd like to take Darien? Kellz?"

Kellz look himself over, then looks at Darien.

"Umm... I Don't know If I can carry him. I've never been very strong, and I'm kind of small..."

"Ask Rakdos. Bigger man, more strength. I'm sure he can carry Darien. If it's a little too much, we can take Darien's Equipment and spread it out amongst us to make his weight easier to bear."

I'll be okay for posting today, though. =)

2011-08-03, 05:11 PM
Very strange suggestion of me to make, you're right. Must be the... cave gas... getting to me. Rakdos?"

2011-08-03, 05:44 PM
Rakdos nods, and heaves Darien onto his shoulders, taking care not to jostle him too much.

2011-08-03, 06:03 PM
Unlike the brash eagerness of before, Hipp will be limping home somewhere in the middle.

2011-08-03, 06:13 PM
Belric will stay towards the front, being the lantern-holder and all.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

2011-08-03, 06:27 PM
The party limply retreats. Luckily, they meet no wandering creatures on their way back to the mine's entrance. They call for the old mongrelman to come let them out, and he comes and unlocks the gate and lets them out, then locks the gate behind them again, puffing his pipe and clucking disapprovingly at the state of them and at how they've managed to capture a small bear-weasel creature but no centipedes.

Then he invites them, "You want to have some biscuits and a nap in the lobby, rest up a little before you head back to the city? So long as you promise not to bleed too much on the floor."

2011-08-03, 06:29 PM
"yes, please."

btw, how are you handling xp?

2011-08-03, 06:33 PM
"Mmm, biscuits would be great, thank you."

Belric whistles loudly through his fingers.

"Argo! Here boy!"

2011-08-03, 06:51 PM
You got XP as soon as you defeated the carcajou: 175 each.

When you have enough experience to level, you'll need at least a good night's rest before you can actually level up.

I also give roleplaying/story/achievement experience, on a terribly arbitrary ad hoc basis.

Argo bounds down from the porch and wags his tail at Belric.

Wilf escorts you inside the headquarters building. The lobby is a little spartan, adorned with a couple rugs and some wooden chairs. But it's inside and monsters are unlikely to attack while you're here, so that's a point in its favour. It hasn't been used much in the past few weeks. Wilf retrieves a tin of biscuits from somewhere and passes them around.

2011-08-03, 07:15 PM
ah, looking at my sheet, I see that we actually did. oops.

Hipp will eat his gratefully, and if no one interrupts him, will sleep for 8 hours.

2011-08-03, 08:27 PM
What time-ish is it? Guessing afternoonish?
Leaving the big weasel on the floor, Belric munches on his biscuit, sharing some with Argo.

"Guess you don't get too many visitors, eh?" he says, noting the dusty state of the room.

2011-08-03, 08:44 PM
What time-ish is it? Guessing afternoonish?

Yes, that's about right. Left Endeesy in the morning, walked for a couple hours, spent maybe an hour or two exploring the mine.

The old mongrelman answers Belric, "Not since the mine closed up, aye. Most of our trade was in custom work. No raw materials means no custom work, and there's few customers as want to make the trip just to look at the wares we've got in stock."

2011-08-03, 09:03 PM
If nobody objects, I'm fine doing an "Eight hours later..."

Should we hogtie the carcajou or something? Is it recovering at one HP per hour?

2011-08-04, 10:39 AM

stays near Darien And does his best to insure He stays okay.

sure. 8 hour loop off where we all talk and that kind of stuff. Jericho probably talks about all the things we did wrong and such.
Oh, a heal roll for Darien, I guess?

2011-08-04, 10:40 AM
first roll failed (As in, I didn't type it in right)
[roll0] +1 [18]
Not bad. =)

2011-08-05, 08:31 PM
Pay these rolls no mind. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]
So you rest in the lobby for 8 hours! Kellz provides long-term care for Darien and Hipp, who regain a whopping 2hp each. After this period of rest, Darien wakes up, disabled (and still in negative HPs) but conscious. Long-term rest is probably in order, though Wilf probably won't welcome you to nap on the floor for that many days.

The carcajou heals 8 nonlethal damage and 3 regular damage, leaving it still unconscious (After the rest, it's at 17nonlethal damage vs 11hp, for the curious; that last hit it took was a doozy). Nonetheless, somebody tied it up at some point.

2011-08-06, 11:52 PM

Smiles as he watches Darien wake up.
"Hey, D. Glad to see your awake and that I was actually able to do something."

Kellz looks down at his torn clothes, shrugs, and tears off another small piece from his cloak and dabbed at another small blood trail that came from Darien.
"How are you feelin'?"


Jericho, sitting on Hippolitus' Shoulder...

"You know now we need to wait and figure things out before rushing in, right? Your lucky that Kellz can actually be useful every once in a while, or else you and Darien Would have been dog food."

2011-08-07, 12:31 PM
He grunts, saying, "Yeah, I guess even the scions of dragons must at times emulate cunning as well as power in their endeavors to imitate the Great Beings."

2011-08-07, 04:17 PM
Belric wakes from a light nap at the commotion. "Oh good, you're all awake now," he says. He checks the carcajou--still unconscious.

During the eight hour break, Belric attempted to teach Argo high-five using biscuit chunks as a reward.
Handle animal: [roll0], DC 15

2011-08-08, 01:53 PM
Belric makes progress towards teaching Argo to high-five. We'll say this isn't the first time in the last week Belric has spent time working with Argo on this on this, so now the dog is likely to high-five on command.

2011-08-09, 07:11 PM
"Are you two feeling strong enough to travel? We should get this weasel to the arena before it wakes up," Belric says. "Assuming we're all OK travelling at night... hmm." He pats his knee three times.

2011-08-10, 07:06 AM
"I'm not exactly at my best, but I'm strong enough to make the trip. I'll even do my share in carrying the creature."

with most carcajou being between 25-55 pounds and a light load limit of 58 pounds on Hipp while only wearing 1 pound bracers, Hipp can take the carcajou.

2011-08-10, 02:11 PM
Nighttime travel is the most dangerous travel! It is well-known that horrible, fiendish creatures stalk the region at night.

Of course, you know what that means. It means Wilf chooses this moment to wander in, and announces, "Sorry, but I've gotta kick you folks out. Need to lock up for the night."

2011-08-11, 12:37 AM

"Let's get going then."

2011-08-11, 02:14 AM


2011-08-11, 08:57 AM
Hipp will grab the carcajou and follow the group on out.

2011-08-11, 11:34 AM
Belric will resume lantern duty.

I presume Argo gets Spot and Listen +5 while he and Belric are together, along with some vague way of alerting him? ...Of course, being a dog, "IT'S A SQUIRREL! IT'S A SQUIRREL!" seems as likely as "UNDER ATTACK FROM SKELETONS!"

2011-08-12, 12:33 AM
So the party sets out once again, carrying the carcajou, on the road back to Endeesy! It is very dark, you are likely to be eaten by a grue fiend!

But the party travels for an hour or so, and...
Darien: [roll0]
Rakdos: [roll1]
Belric: [roll2]
Kellz: [roll3]
Hippolitus: [roll4]
Argo: [roll5]
Jericho: [roll6]
(Thanks for reminding me about the companions you have that get spot checks, I'd have forgotten.)

Rakdos, Hippolitus, Argo, Belric, and Darien notice nothing. Kellz sees two dark, humanoid shapes lurking behind a rock on one side of the road. Jericho spots those two, plus another up a smallish tree on the other side of the road.

2011-08-13, 06:30 PM

"Guys, stop."

Kellz looks intently at the rock further up the road, then looks across the road, trying to pretend he had seen nothing.

"There are two people hiding behind that rock Up the road. Not good."

"Didn't notice the third one?" Jericho adds, climbing up to sit on top of Kellz' head. one could almost swear he appeared bored.

"A third?"

"Honestly, you would be useless without me... On the other side from the rock. Up the tree. There's a third one. Most likely with a bow or crossbow, if the intent is to ambush us. Which, by appearances, they may just be looking to."

Kellz grits his teeth and furrows his brow, rubbing his hand against his stubble of a beard.
"Damn it. Darien, Hippo, I don't suppose you guys are in good fighting condition? Unless we can give them something as toll to go by without problem."

"None of us are in a position to fight with our team-mates still recovering from the creatures attack. At this point, a simple surrender of some precious material may be all we can do if that's what they're looking for."

From this distance, can either Kellz or Jericho tell the figures sizes or what they are armed with, carrying, or wearing?
Also: Did you add my bonus to my spot for having Jericho within Reach? He grants me Alertness like a familiar does.

2011-08-15, 12:34 PM
I... don't think I did add the +2. But I'm pretty sure it wouldn't alter anything. I also have a vague sense that the Alertness is supposed to represent the same thing I was representing by giving Jericho a separate Spot check, but that's not set in stone.

Kellz and Jericho inspect the figures. The rest of the party can see them, too, now that they've been pointed out. The creatures are humanoid for sure. One or two of them look like they might be carrying clubs. The one up a tree doesn't look like he has a bow, crossbow, or javelin, though he could easily have a sling or some similar unobtrusive object.

2011-08-15, 01:04 PM
Belric hangs back warily, quieting the growling Argo, trying futilely to disappear behind his lantern.

"Well, Kellz, that floating rock fellow seems to be right more often than not. Want to try his... er, its approach?"

Three enemies, though, at least that was something positive.

His fingers twitch in anticipation.

Reminder that Entropic Warding gives anybody a 20% miss chance for ranged attacks on me that require an attack roll.

2011-08-15, 06:00 PM
Hipp readies for combat, but as finesse is something a bit beyond him, he'll wait for an ally's word before rushing in.

2011-08-16, 07:05 PM
The ambushers didn't seem to have quite entirely realized that they've been detected, but they are swiftly beginning to realize that they've lost the element of surprise.

So a gruff voice sounds out from behind the rock, "Hand over all your money and valuables and we'll let you pass! :smallmad:"
Because it may become relevant:


This is an exception to my usual "up is usually north" rule. In this case, up is sort of west-north-west.
, - grass
. - road
(There is no mechanical difference between the grass and the road)
D - Darien
R - Rakdos
H - Hippolitus
K - Kellz
B - Belric
a - Argo
# - boulder
@ - bush
| - tree (deciduous, possibly oak)
T - tree with a dude up it
p - lurking dude

2011-08-16, 11:44 PM
".. The other option being?"

2011-08-17, 06:15 AM
Bandit Lurking Behind A Rock
"...We spatter your brains all over the road, and then take your money and valuables anyway!"

2011-08-17, 11:19 AM
"... Don't you mean that we'll do that to you? I happen to be on a first name basis with four dragons, and if I'm in danger, I can call out to one of them through the pact of my blood and they'll come to rescue me."


2011-08-17, 12:32 PM

Listens as Hippolitus speaks.

"That... That could always work too..." Jericho Whispered. "I hope..."

2011-08-17, 06:41 PM
Lurking Bandits
They all completely believe you.

The one that had spoken calls back, "...yeah?
...what kind of dragons?" There is, after all, a well-known bounty on metallic dragons. These bandits are obviously greedier than they are smart.

Another voice, belonging to an individual nobody had previously seen, calls out from up a tree: "Wait, blood? You some kind of dragon dude yourself?"


, - grass
. - road
D - Darien
R - Rakdos
H - Hippolitus
K - Kellz
B - Belric
a - Argo
# - boulder
@ - bush
| - tree
T - tree with a bandit up it
p - bandit

2011-08-17, 06:57 PM

remembers the bounty on the heads of any related to dragons.

"Hippo... There's a bounty on your head for that dragon blood, remember?"
He whispers this. No need for a quick alerting of the bandits.

2011-08-17, 10:42 PM
"If you really do want to die, keep asking questions."

He hopes that the rest of the party will see sense and try to get into position around the bandits while he has them distracted, but as this has so far not happened, he's not holding out hope.

2011-08-18, 05:57 PM
...Hippolitus is pretty intimidating. To wit: [roll0]

The first voice decides not to chance it, bounty or no, and calls back, "...You may pass."

Then, louder, directed away from you, towards his fellow bandits: "Tarrasque, guys. Let them pass."

2011-08-18, 10:33 PM

"Nice work, Hippo," Kellz mutters as the group passes the bandits.

"That worked? Interesting..." Jericho muses to Himself.

Seems we managed to complete something without Bloodshed. That's a first for me in a DnD game... Course, my group always wanted to smash everything, so...

Also, Kellz Readies himself in case the bandits change their minds, manifested as an unusual stiffness about his person as they walk. He will also attempt to study any of their faces he can see as they pass by. Who knows, Maybe they're wanted.
and intelligence check i would presume?
1d20 +4 []

2011-08-18, 10:37 PM
Roll=Why No Work? <=(
[roll0] +4 [20] Good roll for once for me! =D usually the forum rollers hate me!

2011-08-19, 01:20 PM
The bandits obey their leader and make no further effort to impede the party's progress.

Hipp examines the faces he can see, though some of them are wearing masks and most try to hide their faces. They're all mongrelfolk, as far as he can tell, like the majority of the population of Gus. Or else short ugly humans or elves, tall ugly engineers, or particularly comely goblinoids of various descriptions. Hard to say, but the very fact that it's hard to tell indicates probably mongrelfolk. Anyway, he doesn't recognize any of them as being specifically wanted.

2011-08-20, 12:09 AM
Hipp will lead the party onward.

wow... that worked?

2011-08-20, 01:08 AM
Belric follows along, muttering 'tarrasque?' under his breath.

Odd, really.

2011-08-20, 06:08 PM
It did indeed work. Everybody gains 160 experience for adequately defeating the challenge.

The party passes peacefully by the bandits and makes the rest of the way back to Endeesy, unmolested by fiends or any more bandits.

An hour or two later, you arrive at the city gates, which are closed. More archers patrol the walls than you recall seeing on your way out. A warhorn blows from the top of the wall as you approach, and one of the guards calls down, "Ahoy down there! State your business!"

2011-08-20, 07:36 PM
A weary Belric looks up at the guard.

"Just a pack of adventurers returning from an expedition, sir, trying to find an inn."

2011-08-20, 07:52 PM
"Ah." The guard converses with his companions on top of the wall for a moment, then issues an order. A small postern door off to one side of the main gate opens so the party may pass into the city.

Nighttime security is srs bsns around here.

2011-08-20, 08:01 PM
The party enters the city. Belric checks that the carcajou is unstirred and looks for the nearest inn.

2011-08-21, 04:18 AM
Hipp, on the other hand, will look to sell the carcajou to the pits as advertised, seeking to haggle with the man for a better price.

2011-08-21, 01:08 PM

The darkness of the night and the closeness of the others makes Kellz strangely more at ease as they enter the city.

"So, do you guys think the Gladiator ring is open this time of night? I think we'd prefer to get rid of the thing as soon as possible."

2011-08-21, 01:10 PM
Belric nods.

"If it's open, let's get rid of the blasted thing. It's creeping me out enough just thinking about it waking up."

2011-08-21, 08:22 PM
There are two inns immediately proximate to this particular city gate. There's probably at least one, more likely several, near every entrance to the city. Right now you have a choice between the Cheese-Wheel Moon and the Pink Man.

The gladiatorial arena is most likely not open at this time of night. The temple of Kord with which the arena is affiliated might or might not be; priests have been known to keep somewhat odd hours.

2011-08-21, 11:17 PM
Hipp will head there with the beast slung over his shoulders and bang on the door saying, "I've got a beastie for the arena and would love to get paid for it before it wakes up and kills me."

2011-08-22, 03:09 PM

"The gladiator pits probably aren't open at this time of night, and you two still need rest. Maybe we-"

Hippolitus walks off.

"-Should get some. Rooms."

"Same as ever."

"Get back in your pocket."

2011-08-22, 09:46 PM
So Hipp heads off to the Saint Arossi Temple of Kord and Arena Complex, heedless of whether anybody's following! Such a leader!

Anyway, the temple/arena isn't particularly far away, so there you go. After a fair amount of knocking, a young, muscular priest opens the door.

"You have a...? Oh. I see." The priest pokes the carcajou with the toe of his boot. Then, after making sure the creature is securely tied, he chants and gestures bit and pokes the carcajou with his finger. It glows, and groggily starts growling and biting at anyone who comes near.

"Yes, I see. Reasonably healthy. Nice and angry. Should be a good show." Then he pulls out a wand from a pocket and pokes the carcajou with it. The creature glows slightly, and is immediately rendered docile.

"One moment, please." The priest pulls on the rope and the carcajou obligingly follows him into the temple.

A few minutes later, the priest returns, bearing the rope and a small money bag, both of which he hands back to Hipp (the bag contains gold and platinum pieces equalling 100gp, for a total of 20gp for each of you). "Here you go. Feel free to come back any time you have critters, we're always buying. And hey, you look like violent, punchy types; ever considered fighting in the arena yourselves? Kord smiles on those who do battle in the arena!"

2011-08-22, 10:02 PM
Hipp smiles. "What sort of bounty do the victors gain?"

wow... all that and 20 gp each. You sure know how to make your pc's feel special.

2011-08-22, 11:10 PM
It was only one critter! ...One disproportionately strong, poorly-CR'd critter. But hey, 20gp is like half a year's wages for a normal (unskilled) person!

"For the standard arena setup, there are eight bouts. If you win one bout, you can go on to the next. The prize depends on how far you get before you stop. First round is eighty gold; eighth round is fifty thousand. Nobody's ever even got past the fifth round -- you folks got what it takes?"

2011-08-22, 11:19 PM

Followed Hippolitus. Listening...

"Sounds kinda tempting... Better work than spelunking in caves. What do you guys think? 'Course, we could use some resting up first. Unless you guys want to go look at the jobs board first?"

2011-08-22, 11:45 PM
Belric hurries along after Kellz, hearing most of the conversation.

"I say we check the jobs board first, but I do know we could all use a good night's sleep."

2011-08-23, 11:20 AM
Hipp will head over to the job listings and read through them.

2011-08-23, 11:54 AM

"Guess were checking the jobs first..."
With a yawn, Kellz follows after Hippolitus. Wandering the streets at night? Not too creepy, hopefully.

2011-08-23, 12:01 PM
Picking up a napping Argo, Belric trundles along behind.

"For a guy who was almost dead a few hours ago, he sure is spry..."

2011-08-23, 03:23 PM
The Adventurer's Guild is quiet when you enter, only one or two people around. The job listings haven't been updated since you checked earlier in the day.

You did take that 8-hour nap in the middle of the day, but I think at least some of the party is still injured. And covered in blood, for that matter. Probably a bath and a night (or more) of rest is indeed warranted, and the bounty board may be updated in the morning.

2011-08-23, 04:35 PM

"Come on, Hippo. Let's go get some rooms with the gold. We'll split what's left in the morning. Cheese-Wheel moon looked good..."

2011-08-23, 05:32 PM
"Fine by me," Belric says. "Anywhere I can get some sleep."

2011-08-23, 11:31 PM
So the party returns to the Cheese-Wheel Moon, startling a cluster of rats, which scamper into an open storm drain.

The inn charges 4 silver per room, only a small fraction of the cash the party just earned.

2011-08-24, 10:16 PM

And, It's sleepy time.

Kellz sleeps soundly. Jericho, however, mumbles to himself all night.

I assume we all got separate rooms. So, Whose left? Me, Prendre, Planswalker.. We lose The guy playing Rakdos and Darien? Maybe we need to do some recruiting work.

Added! 19 gold and 6 silver to my pocket! Alright! =D

2011-08-25, 10:52 PM
at 1 hd and 16 hp, I'm going to be injured for a long time if I don't get any heals...

Hipp sleeps soundly and awakens looking only marginally better.

2011-08-25, 10:55 PM
Belric sleeps fitfully, having already taken a nap that day.

Argo, being a dog, sleeps just fine.

2011-08-26, 05:58 PM
The party wakes the next morning, moderately refreshed. The beds were not too lumpy and not even particularly bedbug-infested, though the rooms are all far too stuffy (by some marvelous feat of engineering, I'm sure they'd be far too drafty, were it particularly cold out).

First order of business, probably: you're probably all fairly hungry.

Second order of business, probably: there are some among you who, though refreshed, are not completely healed. Finding some source of healing may be in order. There are a number of temples in the city, some of which may offer healing to those who ask, or who provide a donation. That's not the only option available to you, it's just the first one that happened to occur to me.

2011-08-26, 06:52 PM

Begins his morning Stretching, yawning profusely as his stomach growls fiercely.

"My goodness. Time for food, I think."

He gets dressed and ensures everytthing is in place, grabbing his staff as he heads down into the main room of the inn, looking to figure out how much breakfast would cost.

Jericho sits himself on top of the copper staff, wrapping his legs around it to insure he didn't fall off.

2011-08-26, 07:17 PM
Belric rolls out of bed and scratches the fresh bedbug bites. He gets dressed, examines his disfigured hands, and puts his gloves on. So unlucky to have manifested powers at age four. Best not to think about childhood...

He makes sure Argo is asleep, straps on his belt and pouches, and heads downstairs to see what they offer for Breakfast here.

2011-08-26, 07:39 PM

"Belric, Your up!"

Kellz notices Belric moving down the corridor as the pair head downstairs.

"Sleep okay last night?"

2011-08-26, 07:52 PM
Belric says through a yawn, "Morning Kellz. Slept alright. Weird dream about wereboars. You?"

2011-08-26, 07:57 PM

"Not too bad, except Jericho wouldn't shut up until about halfway through the night. Even then, he was just whispering."

"If you didn't sleep, you'd have to do something to take up your time as well," Jericho replied.

2011-08-26, 08:09 PM
posting from my tablet, so no colored speech :-/ Wifi down

"Ah, right, the floating talking rock fellow. Have you considered getting a dog instead?"

He laughs sleepily. "Let's see what they got for breakfast here, eh?"

Belric heads downstairs and towards wherever one orders food.

2011-08-26, 08:14 PM

Follows Belric.

"Talking rock? More than that, thank you very much. And I doubt a dog would be any good..."

2011-08-26, 08:31 PM
In the common area, you somehow manage to track down a menu. The meals at this establishment range from 1 silver to 3 silver, and are pretty standard fare.

2011-08-26, 08:43 PM
Belric tracks down an employee and attempts to order a 2 silver dish that involves eggs.

2011-08-26, 08:45 PM

Perhaps some soup or grits for Kellz, depending on what's available for breakfast.

Spending I suppose 2 sp =)

2011-08-27, 09:33 AM
Hipp walks downstairs, having woken up a little late, and will order three portions of the 1 sp meal, whatever it happens to be.

2011-08-28, 01:24 AM
The waiter brings eggs, bacon, and toast for Belric, grits for Kellz, and three bowls of unidentifiable mush, possibly oatmeal (or an earlier batch of grits that didn't come out quite right) for Hipp.

2011-08-28, 12:03 PM
Hipp will gratefully eat the large quantities of food with relish, taste for him being a luxury he'll pass up in exchange for more food.

2011-08-28, 12:19 PM

Meal finished, Kellz stretches a little bit and stand up. Jericho continues to sit on the end of the staff.

"alright so..." Kellz looks around.
"anyone know where Rakdos and Darien disappeared to?"

"I think I saw them leave last night... not sure if it was them, though, when I went out for an evening stroll."

"Is that when I noticed you'd shut up?"


2011-08-28, 12:31 PM
"Dunno." Was all Hipp said as he continued to slurp up unappetizing gruel.

2011-08-28, 01:01 PM
Belric savors the eggs and bacon, sopping up the drippings with toast. Hits the spot.

"Wouldn't surprise me if they ran off, they'd been behaving weird for some time.."

2011-08-28, 01:29 PM

"Suppose then we'll need a new partner. Guys wanna head down to the adventurer's guild when were done?"

Let's get going and find another adventure. =P

2011-08-28, 01:46 PM

"Agreed. Let's go."

Belric goes.

2011-08-28, 04:47 PM
So the party returns to the Adventurer's Guild! It is a bright new morning, and the merchants are out in force, hawking meat-onna-sticks and bread and hats andmystery meat and umbrellas and live chickens and wool and interesting rocks. Some rats in an alley eye one of the mystery meat carts hungrily.

But the party eventually gets back to the Adventurer's Guild. Inside: the usual assortment of rough yet benign customers. Including (not that it's yet relevant to Hipp, Kellz, or Belric) Kataun Yriand (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=324432).

2011-08-28, 05:21 PM

"Okay, Let's see here..."

The hubub of the bar makes Kellz feel right at home. This was his place, not down in some submarine.

"Two Goals; Find a new job, and find a new partner. Preferably someone with some muscle."

"Well, I'm sure THAT shouldn't be too hard, here..." Jericho adds, sounding a little sour.

"What's up with you?"
"Just feeling weird today. Don't ask me."


Kellz moves over to look at the job posting board again. If no one else goes looking for a new person, he will probably do so after looking at the jobs.

the job board is here in the adventurer's guild, right?

2011-08-28, 06:42 PM
Kataun Yriand

You see a young human male clad in bright red adventurer's attire, carrying a sharp guisarme and apparently bothering many of the customers. He appears to be very eager.

"Are you hunting down an ancient red wyrm, Dwarf? Are you smiting dark unnameable evil today? Maybe a demi-lich? Oh, maybe it's an ancient draco-lich! May I be a part of your heroic quest?"

The dwarf he is talking is obviously not taking the young man seriously, and waves his hands at the young man to shush him away. As soon as the young man is done with the dwarf, everyone else in the adventurer's guild turns away from him, trying not to make an eye contact.


Edit: Changing the first line...

2011-08-29, 11:40 AM
Yes indeedy, the corkboard with all the bounties posted to it is at the Adventurer's Guild, on the wall by the main door.

And I conveniently just posted my bounties document to Google Docs, which is good, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get at it, because it normally lives on my home computer, not the laptop, and I'm not at home.

The bounties are the same as in the first page of this thread, with the following exceptions:

The eighth bounty, the one about Sir Winden wanting shrieker mushrooms, is no longer posted.

Nor is the ninth, the one about the centipedes at the Tiv-Beckett Cold Iron Mine. It has been replaced with the following:
The proprietors of the Tiv-Beckett Cold-Iron Mine seek adventurers to clean out the primary mine system, which remains infested with monstrously huge centipedes and other vermin. The source of these creatures has been found and eliminated, but some vermin remain to terrorize our workers.

We shall pay
one copper piece for the remains of any centipede of less than 2’ length;
one silver piece for the remains of any centipede between 2’ and 8’ length;
one gold piece for the remains of any centipede of greater than 8’ length.

Additionally, we have struck ancient ruins of an underground civilization in our digging. We offer no reward for exploring these ruins, but adventurous types may choose to investigate nonetheless.

Additionally, the following posting is new:


2011-08-29, 12:16 PM
"I would be up for... exploring the tomb west of Serpents Pass... or tracking down the evil adventurers... or... exploring ruins. Kind of feel like exploring, I guess. You?" Belric says.


"And how about that fellow in red? He might help distract from the more... reptilian elements of our group." And it's always good to have more people standing between you and the bad guys...

2011-08-29, 12:25 PM

Looking at the corkboard, Kellz examines the remaining jobs.

"Well, certainly not handing over my head... What do you think, Jericho?"

"Me? I rather like the idea of exploring the ruins of the Disreputable city, myself. Who knows, you might find something of worth hiding in there."

"Why would you say that?"

"Think about it... ancient civilisations almost always have lost knowledge of some kind. Maybe you can learn more about your powers. Certainly is not arcane magic, by any stretch of the imagination. Besides, the guy is willing to give up a pretty nice sword."

"Good point. We'll make sure everyone else wants to do that, but before we get into that... We need a new team-mate."

Belric appears then, and adds in his words on the matter.

"Exploring. Just what we were looking at, Belric! Whyu don't we go check out the ruins of the Disreputable city? Some guy is looking for the tomb of some Pirate Lord! Besides, who knows whats in the at city..."
Then, Belric points to Kataun Yriand, asking on whether he might be interested in joining them for their adventure.

"Everyone seems to have no interest in him. which makes him even more interesting, in my mind."

When Kataun is done speaking to Belric...
"You sound quite the brave one. Looking to find some people to get a job with? You certainly look big and strong. Me and the others could certainly use a man like you, What do you say?"

2011-08-29, 12:28 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Ah, sir! You, yes, there. With the gloves!", the young man in red notices Belric is looking at his way, and scuttles over.

"You sir, look like you have a mysterious past. With the gloves, maybe you danced with some zombies, yes? Are you vanquishing some Vampire Lords? Perhaps one that doesn't sparkle? Can I be of your help?", he grabs Belric by the shoulder, and shakes him enthusiastically, almost ignoring the engineer next to Balric who is actually talking to him.

He blinks at Kellz, looking surprised that someone actually is talking to him directly, and asking him to tag along.

"Oh yes sir! Brave is my middle name! And would be my last name if I can go back in time, fight evil time-bandits and change my fore-father's last name too! So, what kind of evil tyrants are you hunting down today? The Lord Abyss, is it?", he takes his hands off Balric and salutes at Kellz.


2011-08-29, 12:48 PM

kellz twitches a little at the mention of the Abyss. He starts coughing in an attempt to cover up his twitch. He turns his coughs into laughs at Kataun's choice of words

"I like you already."

Jericho then pipes up.

"No Evil Lords just yet, um, sir. But perhaps a small foray into the Disreputable city to make some money so we can fund our trip to find that Lord."
Jericho specifically insures to dodge around using the word Abyss.

"What's your name?"

2011-08-29, 12:56 PM
Belric sidles out from under the red man's hands and twitches his fingers; a faint shimmer passes over his body as the incantation takes effect.

entropic warding

Ahhhh. That's better.

"No zombies, no. But yes, Kellz--let's do the old city. As for this guy... what is your name?"

2011-08-29, 01:16 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Kataun, sir. Family name Yriand. As I said, I'd change it to 'Brave' in a heart beat. Technically, no middle name. But people will know it as 'Brave' soon enough.", the enthusiastic young man shakes both Belric's and Kellz' hands with both of his hands, very very strong and tight.

"Disreputable city? That sounds great! There will probably be some muggers, brigands and harems with opressed damsels in distress! We shall eradicate the overlords, free the common people and burn down the whole thing! It will be glorious!" Looks like he could hardly restrain himself.


2011-08-29, 02:07 PM

again laughs, doing his best to keep from getting shaken around by Kataun's vigorous handshake.

"Glad to meet you too!"

"Ooohh, I feel nauseous..."

2011-08-29, 03:09 PM
Resisting the urge to tell him that the Disreputable City is more ruins than disreputable, Belric says, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Belric."

He looks around. "Hey, has anybody seen Hipp?"

2011-08-29, 03:45 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Hipps? Is that someone in need of being vanquished?", he draws his guisarme ready, which is being handled actually pretty quick and in trained manner, despite his youthful, eh, naivete.


2011-08-29, 10:01 PM
Hippolitus was rather absorbed in reading through the job postings, and then somehow managed to sneak up and listen in on the group without them noticing.

"I'm Hipp, Dragon-sorcerer extraordinaire! Nice to meet you! You've met my comrades in arms already and seems like they like you. That's cool. I suspect you and I will get along quite well."

2011-08-29, 10:19 PM

"Ahh, There he is!" Kellz says. when Hipp (And Kataun, if he does) finishes his (their) introduction(s), Kellz speaks up.

"Hipp, were thinking of heading up to the ruins of the Direputable city and trying the job there.What do you think?"

No matter his answer, Kellzs adds "We should probably get some supplies before we go. Potions, Horses, Supplies... It's going to be a good trek up there."

2011-08-29, 10:31 PM
"Sounds fun to me. Definitely need someone to pick up some healing. Problem with having the fortitude of a dragon is that I still heal like a mortal and thus can take forever and a half to recover fully."

2011-08-29, 11:36 PM

I'm sure it safe to say were going to go shopping for potions, transportation, and other various means of staying alive such as food for our trip.

2011-08-29, 11:43 PM
With less than 20 gold to his name, Hipp won't be buying much...

2011-08-30, 12:11 AM
Shopping trip it is!

2011-08-30, 08:56 AM
Kataun Yriand

"Shopping? I suppose it doesn't hurt to be prepared for such epic quest. How far is this City of Ill-Repute? Do we require some sort of transportation of extraplanar nature? I reckon I shall purchase some provisions for myself and my trusty companion, Rocinante."


2011-08-30, 09:54 PM
Shopping Trip!
Endeesy, as easily the largest city in the world, has all sorts of things available for purchase at various pawn shops, equippers, specialty shops, military surplus stores, magic shops, suspicious guys in dark alleys with trenchcoats full of goods. You name it, it's for sale somewhere in Endeesy. Except most artifacts.

2011-08-30, 10:05 PM
Belric's probably doing well enough, but he'd like to sell his Morningstar and buy two more potions of Cure Light Wounds, the latter with a grumpy look at Hipp.

2011-08-30, 10:39 PM

Kellz, while shopping with the rest, plans to look for healing potions, Trail rations, Horses (And perhaps a small pony for him) Riding saddles (Preferabbly with packs for storage), a tent, a sleeping roll, torches, feed for said horses... He's looking for everything for this trip and wants little problems during the trip.

"Why don't you go and buy a whole Military force while your at it?" Jericho grumbles.

"Now that you mention it..." A sly look crosses Kellz' face.

He will also look for a good warrior or two to guard their horses and supplies while they explore the ruins.

How much would all this cost do you suppose? 0-0**

2011-08-30, 11:00 PM
You may find the answers you seek if you look within. Within the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm). (Untrained hirelings will tend to be commoners. Trained hirelings will tend to be warriors and/or experts.)

2011-08-30, 11:19 PM

"Well, Transportation would definitely be good I think, Kataun. I am NOT walking for long distances again."

okay, so... question then for my team-mates: You guys want me to get some horses and feed and food and stuff for you? Kellz has quite a bit of cash actually, and would be more than willing to spend it to help you guys out. =)

2011-08-30, 11:30 PM
Hipp would be delighted at his teammate's generosity and would swear in his heart to pay him back some day if he is able.

2011-08-30, 11:36 PM
Belric can take care of the horse & tackle, but would be most happy if somebody other than he was able to carry things like extra torches and rations.

2011-08-30, 11:38 PM

Kellz will buy (If his team-mates agree, which apparently Hipp already has):

Edit: Since Belric does not need help buying a horse, that saves Kellz 75 gold, meaning he can buy a bit and bridle for the remaining horses. Will continue to edit depending on team-mates wants and needs.

1 Light Horse for Hipp
1 Pony for me
2 Riding saddles
2 bits and bridles
2 saddle bag sets
2 days worth of feed
5 torches
1 tent
10 day trail rations
1 bedroll
3 potion of cure light wounds.
Leaving me with 64 gold pieces, 7 silver pieces, and 5 copper.

If I can find some trained labour (In this case, warriors) to come with us, I will offer them the normal 3 silver a day, although do require them to bring their own equipment. if they want more pay for bringing their own stuff, then Kellz is willing to go up to 6 silver pieces a day.

"I think you may need this, Hipp," Kellz says, handing him one Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

2011-08-30, 11:39 PM
Hipp gratefully accepts and heals [roll0] hp when he drinks it.

2011-08-31, 12:18 AM
Belric will get a light horse, saddle, and saddlebags, as well as the aforementioned transactions.

Also a bedroll.

How many people fit in one tent? Seems heavy and expensive enough for a few...

2011-08-31, 08:47 AM
Kataun Yriand

Looking at other members of the group picking up basic provisions, Kataun decides to go along, and picks up a saddlebag for his horse, plus a tent, bedroll, and enough food for two days for himself and Rocinante.

"I think I am ready for the odyssey!


2011-08-31, 12:46 PM
so you already have a horse, Kremti? That's another horse I'm not required to buy =)

2011-08-31, 08:07 PM
Hipp will save his money, counting on being able to live off the land as he travels.

8 wis... doesn't plan things through very well.

2011-09-02, 07:25 PM
Hokay, so: the party visits a stable, an adventuring supply store, and a small apothecary, and buys the listed items with little to no hassle!

2011-09-02, 08:38 PM
Hipp is glad at this.

2011-09-02, 09:00 PM
Belric is always happy to get on the road.

"So... anybody know how to get there?"

2011-09-02, 09:02 PM
Kataun Yriand

Kataun hops onto his big warhorse and claims, "To the City of Iniquity!"


2011-09-02, 09:51 PM

Sad that he hasn't managed to find anyone willing to come with them as guards for their horses, Kellz says, "One last stop then; Some place with a map, and some parchment. After all, the job does want us to draw a map as well." kellz hops up on his fully packed horse and starts to look around town.

Kellz will now add a few more things to his list of bought things:
2 bottles of Ink, 2 quills, 20 pages of parchment, a map of the area, and 2 map scroll cases.

(Will check worth of all that later. Except the map of the area. no idea how much that will cost.)

2011-09-02, 09:58 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Draw a map? Maybe we shall rename the city in our image after we kick out the tyrants! City of Yriand! I like the sound of that.", the human nods with satisfaction.


2011-09-02, 10:24 PM
Oh, right! I forgot! My bad. You also hire a number of trained hirelings (level 1 mongrelfolk warriors) through the Adventurer's Guild. As many as you'd like to pay for.

You go to the cartographer (it's a big city, but there's still only one) and he informs you that he doesn't have any recent maps of the ruins. The only people who might are other adventurers, who tend to be tight-fisted with their maps. He also doesn't have any maps of the merfolk city of Mat~sya, or of the dwarven settlement that was rumoured to exist within the mountain before the Inundation.

For 5gp, however, he can provide you with a 20-year-old map of the Disreputable City as it was just before it landed on Mat~sya.

2011-09-03, 12:59 AM
I believe 2 ought to suffice =)


Will pay for that and a map of the continent as some smaller maps of the surrounding area and the mountain.

2011-09-03, 10:23 AM
Hipp pauses and says, "Uh, I guess that would have been a good thing to think about and look into. I just kinda assumed we'd wander until we found it."

2011-09-03, 10:23 AM
Then you hire Aroldo and Mattan, hirelings extraordinaire!

And, for reference: the map of the Endeesy greater metropolitan area pinned to the corkboard in the Adventurer's Guild? Replicated here for reference:
On that map, the ruins on top of Mount Dis are the Disreputable City, Mat~sya, and possibly bits of the ancient pre-Inundation dwarven city whose name has long since been forgotten, all jumbled together because the one crashed into the other which was built on top of the third.

2011-09-03, 02:47 PM
Kataun Yriand

"Ah, my good men Aroldo and Mattan! Are you excited about vanquishing the nefarious slave lords and thier kind?", again, the human in red grabs the hirelings hands and double-fisted-handshake very very hard.


2011-09-03, 05:10 PM

Kellz chuckles at Kataun's enthusiam. "This is my companion Kataun, fellows."

Kellz looks to the group.

"Before we leave, you think We should go speak to Sir Peph? It would certainly be a good idea to probably get the job officially."

If the group agrees, We go looking for information on the whereabouts of Sir Peph, the job's proprietor.

So, Planswalker, you know that the Light horse, one of the riding saddles, one of the Bit and Bridles, and one of the saddlebag sets are for you, yes? =)

2011-09-03, 05:28 PM
Belric definitely thinks we should talk to Sir Peph first.