View Full Version : Magic is Might [3.5 LotR/Arda Sandbox]

2011-07-19, 06:54 AM
Allistair, Calil, Sagardyn and Timerithon have each individually made their ways out into the world, and have stopped in the Forsaken Inn on the road into Bree for the night. Due to the annual festival in Bree itself the inn itself is packed, and you have all ended up sharing a table with your food and drink as there is no other room to sit in the main hall.

2011-07-20, 12:50 PM
A man wearing a well worn pair of breeches and a long coat approaches the table, talking to himself in half muttered tones, his relatively long ghost white hair contrasts with his otherwise very youthful appearance.
Would you gentlemen mind if I join you it seems that…
Before he can finish his sentence the man is bumped into by another patron and falls clumsily into his seat.
Catching his breath he continues: Well it would seem that you don’t really have a choice. What brings you all to Bree on a night such as this?

2011-07-20, 07:13 PM
Calil became wary after he saw the pale-haired fellow fall. He always encounter people like this in his journeys, and more often than not this kind of clumsiness is one of the biggest catalysts in tavern brawls. He carefully adjusted his seat to give way for the poor sap.

"As for me, I've been hearing some rumors", he paused to take a sip from his tankard before continuing, "that the ale here in Bree is of topnotch quality."

"And I've gotta say, even for my young age, that this is indeed the best ale yet! Although, not in the same level that the far reaches of Dorwinion produces their fine wine. Dorwinion's wine is still ages away in quality from any food or drink that my tongue has touched."

2011-07-20, 09:45 PM
A man completely covered in a black silk robe sits at the table. You can see him subtly shift around to avoid touching anyone else (as best he can). Glimpses of his skin reveal that it is very rough and almost red looking.

"As you pointed out, there really isn't much choice as for seating, so why waste our time asking if we mind? I mind being in this cramped place in the first place." You can almost hear a scowl in his voice.

2011-07-24, 04:49 PM
Friend, I ask to join because it would be rude to not.

I too have heard rumors, though not of the fineness of the ale. These rumors are of a more fiscal nature... I have heard tell of a great treasure, and I intend to determine if those rumors hold any weight.

I do however apologize for wasting your time and will now take my leave of you gentlemen.

With that the man makes a half hearted attempt to stand and walk away, only to be knocked over into his chair once more.

Or not...

Obviously not talking to anyone at the table,
I most certainly will not... well of course I do... yea that one seams ok, but he is too engrossed in his drink... yea I do but... ok fine but the other one... yea that would be pretty funny...

Back to address the table.
My name is Timerithon, and I am in need of sturdy companions to assist me if the rumors of the treasures that I seek are true. I seek but one item from the troves, the remainder shall be split among us equally, with some room for negotiation based upon need.

2011-07-24, 07:15 PM
Calil's eyes widened as he listened to Timerithon; not because of the promised treasures, but to the latter's straightforward plight to recruit companions. He inched closer to Timerithon and spoke to him in as most hushed voice as the noise in the background would allow.

"I like your idea, Timerithon, but for starters... giving away your name and your business to others might not be the brightest idea, if you know what i mean. Either that or you're confident of your abilities that you wouldn't mind if I, let alone any eavesdroppers, hire some mercenaries to spy on you, kill you and get the treasure for themselves. But then again, if you're already confident in your abilities then why recruit others who might just slow you down or even betray you? I'm just bewildered and confused, that's all."

He then got back to his seat, ordered another four mugs of ale, and spoke openly at the whole table. "Well, I don't think that's a bad idea at all! If you're heading westward I could join your company for some time until where the road parts our ways. Here, drink! And you too, the silent fellow and the hotblooded master. These 'uns are on me!"

He then proceeded handing over the mugs of ale to his table company.

2011-07-24, 08:45 PM
You can hear the man in the black robe snickering as Calil talks.

"Being back out on the road is better than being here." He shifts his position, appearing to look at Timerithon, "I think."

2011-07-24, 10:41 PM
Please call me Tim. Discretion certainly has its place, however, I am inclined to trust this group here. Although I do not understand the reasons myself, although I suppose that is what I am out to figure out. I will that this to mean that we have at least a tentative agreement. I will explain more fully another time, but for not discretion will win out...

In a display wholly inconsistent with his earlier clumsiness, Tim takes up his tankard and motions it round his head slams it on the table and downs it in a single gulp.

2011-07-25, 12:35 AM
Allistair had been sleeping until now, obviously his journey had been tiring.

Sorry, my journey here has been very tiring, I will agree to accompany you if afterwards you agree to help me locate a certain person.

Allistair leans his head closer and whispers secretly

This man I'm looking for would be a storehouse of knowledge the things he could do for us, would be beyond your wildest dreams, I just need to locate him. Do you people agree?

2011-07-25, 05:34 AM
Calil took a sip from the mug, looked at the previously silent fellow, and then answered him.
"As for that, master Sleepyhead, I've already told Tim here that I could accompany him as long as we're headed in the same direction. The same goes for you then, I guess."

Afterwards, Calil closed his eyes and started rubbing his chin. An instant later his eyes lit up, his mouth grinned widely ear-to-ear, and in his mind a brilliant solution materialized. He then commanded the attention of the three and spoke.

"Alternatively, since we all seem to be headed on our own different journeys yet are in need of companions, I have a proposal. The rest accompanies the person headed to the place closest here in Bree. After that, the next person going to the next closest one, up until the rest is done. After then, we can move about our different paths. Do you get what I'm saying young masters?"

He then looked at them one after another, hoping to illicit any sort of positive response. Just as then he suddenly remembered, "Oh, and I haven't introduce myself before. You can call me Calil."

2011-07-25, 12:48 PM
Allistair smiles ruefully.

Well I don't exactly know where my person is, so I guess I'll come along with you three and look for information along the way.

2011-07-25, 04:16 PM
Master Calil I do believe that we have an agreement...

2011-07-25, 07:00 PM
Shifting his attention to the man that just woke up, the man in the black robe says, "I certainly hope you aren't always in such a tired state. As to Calil's suggestion, I have no comment beyond sticking with what I said before, which is that being out on the road is better than being in this place. How long that remains true will greatly depend on how interesting that journey is."

You see the man shift in place, "If we're going to do this, I suggest we get some sleep so we can head out early. I want out of this damned inn."

2011-07-26, 09:44 PM
Shifting his attention to the man that just woke up, the man in the black robe says, "I certainly hope you aren't always in such a tired state. As to Calil's suggestion, I have no comment beyond sticking with what I said before, which is that being out on the road is better than being in this place. How long that remains true will greatly depend on how interesting that journey is."

You see the man shift in place, "If we're going to do this, I suggest we get some sleep so we can head out early. I want out of this damned inn."

Well how much is it for a room, if it's really expensive we may be better off finding a cheaper inn.

2011-07-27, 12:22 AM
Calil answered, "As far as my experiences are concerned, lodging fees for inns like this are rarely unaffordable; a few gold pieces is all it takes, really..."

He then turned to the rest of them, "I guess it's settled then; either Timerithon's destination or mine, whichever is the closest. I'll be taking my leave for now. Tomorrow at dawn, you can find me here taking my early meal. I still have a few mugs of ale left, just ask it from the tavern master."

With that said, he took his mug and drank the rest of the ale. He then took a silver piece from his pouch, tossed it towards the tavern master as a tip, and finally left the pub.

Of course, I'm assuming Calil already paid beforehand good enough for a dozen mug of ale.

2011-07-27, 12:47 AM
The man in black focuses on the one who had been sleeping, "Do I look like I run this place? You want to worry about the price, ask the person that does. I'll be back in the morning then."

With that, he abruptly stands up and heads for his room.

OOC:I, too, am assuming that lodging arrangements were made "off-screen" before we started.

2011-07-27, 12:53 AM
Allistair rolls his eyes.

Hey barkeep, how much for a room? He calls from where he's sitting.

2011-07-27, 06:10 AM
Timerithon nods good bye to the others as they depart to their accommodations, and departs the inn to the stables where he intends to bed down with Nott.

2011-07-27, 06:44 AM
The woman looks up from serving a couple of halflings to where the shouting was coming from, Room? You'll be lucky! I'll see what we've got spare in a bit but it won't be cheap, this close to the festival

2011-07-27, 01:55 PM
Allistair starts muttering

Of course, of course, this is a pain in the bum village, that can't even throw up a room for one such as me.

2011-07-27, 03:33 PM
If you've got gold to show for it, we can fit you in. If not then you'll have to make do like everyone else

2011-07-27, 03:47 PM
How much is it for a room then?

2011-07-30, 12:05 PM
4 coins per night for one of the Kings Rooms, which is all we've got left this close to the festival... Come back after next week and you'll have your choice...

That's 4gp per night

2011-07-30, 01:19 PM
4 coins per night for one of the Kings Rooms, which is all we've got left this close to the festival... Come back after next week and you'll have your choice...

That's 4gp per night

Okay fine. Allistair puts 4 gold coins into the lady's hand, and walks up to his room.

2011-08-01, 07:06 AM
Upstairs layout:
As you go up the stairs, there is a corridor stretching out in front of you. On the right hand side after a short stretch the cheap Barony Rooms start, with three rooms each having four double bunk beds in them and nothing else. Past this on the right hand side is one of the private Kings Rooms, and on the left hand side are another three of the private rooms. At the end of the corridor is a split, with an even larger private room that is locked, with the corridor going around it on both sides, leading to windows on the left and doubling back on the right along the balcony looking over the courtyard and eventually leading to yet another locked private room at the end.

@People in the Kings Rooms
In the room you find a decent sized bed, a writing desk underneath the window looking out over the road, a wardrobe against one wall, and an unlocked chest at the foot of the bed. There is also a bath tub in the corner of the room should you wish to bathe, with a message attached that advanced notice must be given if you wish to use the bath tub so that hot water can be provided. These rooms have locks, and you will have been given a key when you paid for the night.

@Timerithon / Anyone else who would have visited the stables:
The stables have 6 stalls in them, each of which has space and fittings to house three riding horses. The stalls are about half full, with enough space for your horses to be housed for the night. Above the stalls is the hayloft, which looks like the stablehands often sleep in there instead of having their own accomodation, and you notice a light coming from above and the noises of two or three people talking and laughing with each other. There are also two slightly smaller stalls that have locked gates and fittings for one horse in each, both of which are currently empty. The ground is covered in dirt and hay, and is uncomfortable but you can bed down in a corner if you don't mind the smell or noise, or the odd stone poking in your back, or you could sleep in the stalls themselves with the horses in the considerably dirtier but softer straw and hay that covers the floor there.

2011-08-01, 07:18 AM
Allistair goes back down to the bar and asks the lady behind the bar

Excuse me miss, may I have hot water?

Unless you'd rather skip over this part

2011-08-01, 07:21 AM
Tonight? Or for the morning? If you want it tonight it'll be an hours wait I'm afraid till one of the lads can get it up to you

2011-08-01, 07:34 AM
Tonight? Or for the morning? If you want it tonight it'll be an hours wait I'm afraid till one of the lads can get it up to you

Can it be tonight? It helps me get to sleep.

2011-08-01, 07:37 AM
You'll have to wait as I say, but yes I'll get someone to bring some up for you

2011-08-01, 07:39 AM
Okay thank you Madame.

Allistair walks slowly up to his room.

2011-08-01, 09:11 AM
After entering his private room, Calil started to perform his end-of-day rituals, which for many people might seem odd.
"Safety first...", said Calil, after which he muttered a few magic words and made some obscure hand symbols.
His I'm-such-a-big-paranoid-so-I-do-these-stuff:
Using the Mount (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mount.htm) spell to summon a light pony in front of the door. If successful this will serve as a sort of obstruction for two hours from any unnecessary entrance.

Then using Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm) in case there are any magic auras presence. Via insightful divination (http://dnd.savannahsoft.eu/feat-1663-insightful-divination.html) it also adds a one-time +1 to saves and a +1 to initiative until the bonus to save discharges.
Once he's done with his end-of-day rituals:
"Alright, now let's get myself cleaned up." Calil then proceeded to take a bath with the cold water. While most people would prefer a hot bath, he doesn't mind since he grew accustomed to bathing at the river on cold nights at the end of his whole-day journeys.

After taking a bath, Calil finally slept.

2011-08-01, 09:34 PM
Sagardyn walks up to his room, his room key floating ahead of him, unlocking the door for him. He opens the door and enters, and after shutting the door behind him, the key floats to the door and locks it before settling back in Sagardyn's pocket.

He paces back and forth in his room restlessly for a while, clearly full of energy to anyone listening.

After a while, he finally settles down and tries to sleep.

Used one daily Sorc 0 on Mage Hand for the key.

2011-08-02, 06:48 AM
You all go your separate ways, and bed down for the night. Several hours later, you are all awakened by loud banging and shouting on the doors to your rooms, and hauled downstairs to the common room again - roughly if you try to put up any hassle - by armed guardsmen. When you get down there you see that most - if not all - of the inhabitants of the tavern have been given the same treatment and the common room is packed with tired, grumpy and in some cases still drunk people who have been staying in the tavern. No immediate indication is given by any of the guards as to exactly what is going on or why you are being treated in this manner.

2011-08-02, 11:26 AM
As Allistair is bought down by the guards.

Hey don't touch me, I'm perfectly capable of walking.

He attempts to break their grasp and walk down the stairs on his own.

2011-08-02, 01:49 PM
Sagardyn focuses his completely black eyes on the guardsmen and says, "I will go with you, but touch me again and you'll regret it."

The guardsman would definitely see that Sagardyn has very red, almost scaly skin and fire red hair. If Sagardyn is allowed to put his robe back on, he does so and covers up as in the picture, otherwise everyone sees his skin, eyes, and flaming red hair.

Since Leather is Light, Sagardyn always sleeps in it when not at home (so pretty much always). His armor is a deep scarlet color that just enhances his very fiery appearance. Again, this is only seen if he isn't allowed to put his robe on.


I meant to make that an intimidate check, not sure if this will work:
Intimidate: 1d20+8

2011-08-02, 06:12 PM
Bah, didn't think so.
Intimidate: [roll0]

2011-08-02, 07:02 PM
Dayum! I knew it. There were some spies in here last night. These "guards" in disguise might as well be assassins.
He did not put up any resistance as he was escorted down. Instead he tried to look for someone who can possibly help him escape.
Ah! Timerithon and the rest. They look formidable enough, and we might get out of this predicament if we could somehow come up with a decent plan.
He then tried to look for Timerithon, Master Sleepyhead, and Master Hotheaded.
taking 10 on spot checks (14) to find them inside the small room.
If i saw them i'll try to communicate discretely.
Bluff check to pass secret message: [roll0]
"Hey, you guys got a plan?"
EDIT: fail! X_X

2011-08-03, 06:50 AM
You'll be allowed to dress before going downstairs, and anyone who doesn't struggle will be allowed to walk under their own power. Anyone who does struggle against the guards, or tries to delay being taken downstairs, will be manhandled instead to get you into the common room.

The guard doesn't hear you whispering to each other, and doesn't seem to be paying enough attention to spot you talking either.

Listen: [roll0]

2011-08-03, 11:48 AM
When Sagardyn reaches the common room he attempts to stick to the walls to avoid any unpleasant (is there any other kind?) physical contact. He also surveys the placement of the guards, attempting to pick a spot that gets as many as possible in the AoE of his breath weapon... just in case.

His AoE is a 30' cone. He does not care if "innocents" get in the way, but will try to avoid hitting the folks he was talking to last night.
Note, he is NOT attacking, just being prepared!

2011-08-03, 12:21 PM
You'll be allowed to dress before going downstairs, and anyone who doesn't struggle will be allowed to walk under their own power. Anyone who does struggle against the guards, or tries to delay being taken downstairs, will be manhandled instead to get you into the common room.

The guard doesn't hear you whispering to each other, and doesn't seem to be paying enough attention to spot you talking either.

Listen: [roll0]

Allistair calls out to the guard.

What are we doing here. I'm called from my room in the middle of the night, a room I paid good money for, and you can't tell me what we're doing down here? What kind of city is your commander running?

2011-08-04, 06:40 AM
My lord has had his private room violated, and his family jewellery stolen by some perpetrator in the middle of this very night. It is our strong belief that he perpetrator of this crime is somebody in this tavern, and since we have seen nobody leave then they must still be here

2011-08-04, 10:57 AM
My lord has had his private room violated, and his family jewellery stolen by some perpetrator in the middle of this very night. It is our strong belief that he perpetrator of this crime is somebody in this tavern, and since we have seen nobody leave then they must still be here

Allistair looks amused at the guard. Couldn't the thief have left while invisible, or flew away? He could of even used telekinesis to grab the jewelry from where you can't see him or her.

2011-08-04, 11:23 AM
And you would know of such ways to achieve a crime like this? Certainly flying or turning invisible is beyond my abilities... Mayhaps you are actually responsible for the crime then? Or know who is?

2011-08-04, 12:05 PM
Sagardyn snorts, "I'm sure that fool was too busy sleeping to be able to do anything. Your lord certainly seems willing to harass and inconvenience others for his inability to keep his stuff secure. How long is this going to take? Some of us weren't sleeping in the middle of the tavern earlier."

2011-08-04, 12:32 PM
And you would know of such ways to achieve a crime like this? Certainly flying or turning invisible is beyond my abilities... Mayhaps you are actually responsible for the crime then? Or know who is?

Please if I had stole some jewels from someone in this inn. The last thing I would do would be to go to sleep in the same inn. That's just really dumb. I assure I'm probably smarter than you.

2011-08-04, 07:03 PM
Calil dropped his knapsack in the ground, and then called out to whoever is in charge.
"Alright then. Check my pack and be done with it. I haven't had enough rest and I am still very sleepy."
He then stepped back to give space for someone who will inspect the knapsack.

Well, some cheap burglary doesn't sound seem to be the kind of stunts my enemies would pull off. Better get to sleep to recover my power as soon as possible.

2011-08-05, 06:21 AM
We will be searching everybodys rooms and possessions until we find what we are looking for, but we will start with you if you are so eager to prove yourself...

2011-08-06, 09:30 AM
Calil yawned a few times, and then tried to focus his half-closed eyes at the guard. His thoughts were a bit in disarray still, and so does his speech.

"Please do it quickly. And please do remind your...ah, lord or uhm... innkeeper or whoever is in charge with this uhh... unwelcome disturbance... that I only paid expensive lodging... due to the promise of a comfortable and restful sleep. With this... hmm... I believe I am entitled to a... refund, yes."

2011-08-06, 11:35 PM
"Yes well, with that impressive demand, I'm sure they'll see it your way and get right on that," Sagardyn says dismissively.

Sagardyn then turns to survey the crowd as well as the guards.

General Spot and Listen checks to see if he can see/hear anything interesting or related to the current situation:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-08-08, 06:36 AM
Once the guards seem to be satisfied that they have rounded up all of the people in the tavern, they start going through the possessions that they all have on them. Some people complain about this, but eventually submit to being searched after various threats and encouragements from the guards. The whole process takes maybe an hour or so, after which they don't appear to have discovered anything. Not long after this another couple of guards appears into the common room again: We've searched the rooms, and can't find anything useful. Whoever took it, they've hidden it amazingly well or else they aren't here any more...

2011-08-08, 01:24 PM
Sagardyn focuses on the guard the just spoke. "So does this mean that you are done wasting our time? I'd like to go back to my room and get some sleep after surveying how much of a mess you fools made."

2011-08-08, 06:50 PM
"Alright, now may I take my leave? This night had obviously been less than pleasant, and I am currently not in the mood or condition to demand refunds."

Calil then started walking back up the stairs, and then eventually to his room to sleep.

2011-08-09, 12:06 AM
Allistair laughs at the man's statement.

Wow, it's like you'll repeat anything I say.

Allistair walks up the stairs whistling a morbid tune.

2011-08-09, 06:07 AM
You can go, but we'll be keeping our eyes on you so don't try anything funny...

2011-08-10, 04:09 AM
"Like what? Roust an entire inn in the middle of the night for no reason? I wouldn't dream of it," Sagardyn sneers as he returns to his room.

Upon getting to his room, Sagardyn goes through his belongings to make sure that everything is there before preparing to sleep again.

2011-08-10, 06:38 AM
Everyone is released, and heads back to their rooms with much muttering and complaining about things. As you get to your rooms you can see that they have obviously been searched but nothing appears to be damaged or missing in any way.

The rest of the night passes without incident, until you awake in the morning slightly tired but otherwise none the worse for it all...

2011-08-10, 11:25 AM
Allistair makes sure the door is locked, and then pulls out his spellbook, and prayer book, and proceeds to study them for the next few days.

If I'm not interrupted. I'll prepare spells

2011-08-10, 11:14 PM
Same goes for me. Will change it in my sheet assuming green light.

If red light's still on, I still have 1 Mount, 1 Obscuring Mist, 1 Feather Fall and 3 Acid Splashes left.

2011-08-12, 07:12 AM
You awake after an uninterrupted rest-of-night sleep, and after various morning preparations make you're way downstairs to the common room again. As you arrive there are various crowds of people from the night before all talking about the events of the previous night, and you see several of the guards loitering around watching everyone suspiciously.

2011-08-12, 12:26 PM
For DM

Allistair has prepared 2 Detect magics, 1 Prestidigitation, 1 Nerve skitter, 1 Reduce person, 1 Ray of clusminess, 1 Grease.

3 Cure minor wounds, 1 Cure light wounds, 1 Bless, 1 Magic weapon.

Allistair smiles at his teammates Well friends I am ready to leave this place and go on in search of our next objective, and what about you?

2011-08-12, 02:40 PM
Sagardyn scowls and says, "Even before the ridiculous events of last night I was ready to get out of this place."

He glares at the guards and sneers, "I take it you fools haven't found anything yet."

Try listen/spot checks again to try and see/hear something interesting:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-08-12, 07:17 PM
After a night of rest, Calil woke up refreshed. He finally cleared some thoughts on his head, and realized the travesty that has taken place last night. He pondered on his previous actions---the rudeness that he showed towards the guards and the apathy towards the burglary will not earn him a good name and reputation. Sure the guards were also rude to have woken him up in that obscene time of night, but maybe the stolen items are indeed of great and utmost importance.

I, at least, should apologize and try to help them. Besides, the village is going to need all the help they can get against our enemies. Earning a few allies along my journey may not be a bad idea at all.

After he prepared his spells, he went downstairs and saw his table companions from last night. He approached Master Sleepyhead and Master Hotheaded and spoke to them.

"Young masters, I've thought about my previous actions last night, and've had a sudden surge of guilt. Thus, for the time being, I will try to help the guards in their search as long as I am needed. I'm doing this because my people need all the allies they can get, which is my ultimate goal. I hope that's well understood."

"I, however, see that you two are eager to get out of here. While I can not and will not oblige you to join me in my plight, I can go as far as saying that this is indeed my new mission. I would also ask Tim afterwards when I see him. Of course, I will still honor my part of the deal after my mission here is done, in case you choose to stay with me."

Spells prepared for easy reference: 3 acid splash, 1 detect magic, 1 read magic, 2 obscuring mist, 1 resinous tar (SpC), 1 arrow mind (SpC)

2011-08-13, 04:30 AM
The guard just glares back and goes back to talking to his companion. Because of the distance you can't hear much, but you do occasionally overhear the occasional phrase .....Don't trust her.....Something about this isn't right..... (And that kind of thing)

2011-08-14, 02:46 PM
Sagardyn looks at Calil incredulously, "Are you kidding? You feel guilty when they are the ones that roused us? Why should we care about this petty problem?" Sagardyn then tilts his head a bit and pauses. "Fine," he says, "if you are intent on wasting time on these fools, then I shall help you so it can be done with as quickly as possible and we can move onto things that matter."

Sagardyn shakes his head, privately wondering who the woman the guards are referring to is.

2011-08-14, 06:01 PM
Calil smiled in confirmation."That's good enough... 'Course if you have a big army at your disposal, you could just lend them to me, and we'll be off to our next destination. I'll be leaving you lot for a moment, I'll see what news I can find out from the guards."

He then approached the guard whom he previously overheard a while ago, the one who spoke to the guests last night. "Good morning, Master Guardian. I apologize for my rude behavior from last night while the lot of you were just doing your duties. How fares the search then? My company and I could offer some help, in case you still need it."

I realized something feels weird with how I act before. Then I suddenly realized that it's because I know nothing of anything with regards to this town, and so I didn't make a lot of reference of it from my posts.
So, with the DM's permission I'd be making Knowledge Checks about this inn (and probably the surrounding area, possibly any nearby town too)
Checks that may have something to do with the current plot:
Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Local: [roll3]
Royalty and Nobility: [roll4]
Geography: [roll5]
Nature: [roll6]
Architecture/Eng'g:(maybe any unusual passages at the inn where people may escape from?) [roll7]
EDIT: jackpot on History. anyway, i've seen a lot of DMs who don't like PCs spamming Kn checks every once in a while. feel free to tell me if you don't like it either.

2011-08-15, 06:46 AM
The guard looks at you for a while, thinking to himself, before answering Most folks round here don't understand the hassle of it all, but any help that you're willing to give will be greatly received - if indeed the situation is salvageable at all...

2011-08-15, 07:59 AM
"Well how about some details that will help me help you? What was stolen in the first place? Was it really important?"

2011-08-15, 12:12 PM
Tim enters the inn and pushes his way past the crowd in an attempt to locate the others and determine just what had transpired in the previous evening...

2011-08-15, 12:57 PM
Not important, but valuable. It was a family heirloom of my lords - a gold and diamond amulet - that has been passed down the family line for generations. There should have been no way that anyone would even have known about it, except that it disappeared from his room over night

2011-08-15, 03:08 PM
Sagardyn says, "Fine. Then why don't we go search your lord's room and see if whoever took this left any clues."

With that, he heads towards the private rooms.

2011-08-15, 04:27 PM
No chance! He's very... careful with his privacy...

2011-08-15, 04:47 PM
Sagardyn glowers and says, "Look, do you want our help or not? If yes, then we're going up there. If not, then goodbye. And, I might point out, he is obviously not careful enough or you wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place."

Sagardyn shrugs and says, "You decide how you want it, I don't care. We can certainly help, but I'm only offering because that fool," nodding at Calil, "somehow feels like it's a good idea to help you."

2011-08-15, 09:43 PM
What an obscene mouth you have there, my friend.
Calil ignored his companion and continued asking the guard.
"Oh, I forgot, my name is Calil by the way. So... what areas have you cleared already? And how about any leads at all?"
No offense, but I'm guessing no... thought Calil.

2011-08-16, 07:56 AM
To Sagardyn, You are not invading the privacy of our lord. For all I know, you were the one who stole it in the first place, and you're just looking for more stuff to steal now!

To Calil, We've searched all of the rooms in the inn, and all the posessions of the people staying here, without finding anything at all. Whoever it was got into our lords room without disturbing his guards, so it would seem likely that he didn't come through the door or the window, or if he did then he was very very careful about how he did. Personally, I think the owner is hiding something. She just stinks of deceit to me, but Jon here nodding to the other guard thinks I'm imagining things...

2011-08-16, 11:58 AM
Okay what exactly was stolen? If we know that we could figure out why they stole it, and that may narrow down the list of suspects.

For DM

If the guards tell him what was stolen he will make knowledge checks to determine to what purpose they might have been stolen for.
Knowledge arcana (any material components for rituals and spells) [roll0]
Knowledge religion (Any stolen items with religious significance [roll1]
Knowledge nature [roll2]
Knowledge dugeoneering [roll3]
Can't really see the last two helping, but may as well try.

2011-08-16, 02:06 PM
An amulet - Golden chain and back plate and inset with diamonds. The reason to steal it is obvious - it's worth alone more than this entire inn, and the loss of it would be a grievous blow to my lord and his family, as it has been in the family line for many generations

2011-08-17, 09:29 PM
Calil looked alternately, between Master Hothead and the guard, as he spoke.
"We have not the time for such bickering, I'm afraid. It may not be for the right reasons for a certain few, but right now we are on the same page. Let us cool our head and put our focus on the situation at hand instead, shall we?"

After that he turned to the guard and continued their previous conversation.
"Since you don't have much lead to begin with, would you mind then if my group perform another inspection? We will start searching, starting with the owner's room. And if trust is such a precious commodity for you, you can monitor us yourself."

No offense, but you know...maybe you lot are indeed incompetent at this kinds of operations.

2011-08-18, 06:40 AM
Well, I guess I can ask him to see if it will be allowed in the circumstances. But absolutely none of you go in there on your own. You will be accompanied by myself at all times, assuming you are allowed in at all... With that he says something to Jon, who nods and disappears off upstairs

2011-08-18, 06:59 AM
Sagardyn faces the guard and says, "Surely, you are not so dumb as to suggest I stole your lord's trinket, or to think that I am so dumb as to stay here if I had."

Turning to Calil, Sagardyn says, "Trust me, I am cool. You will know, without question, when I am not. And, my mind is most certainly on the task at hand: finding this fool's amulet so that we can leave. I never said he couldn't follow me, or that I wanted to go into the room alone. In fact I specifically said 'we'. Maybe we should be wondering why he needs to monitor everything...."

2011-08-18, 07:12 AM
I was not suggesting that you did steal it. I was stating that we do not as yet know who took it, and you seem adamant on getting into that room, and until I know exactly who we can and can't trust then I will not risk letting someone who might be a thief - or worse - in there. You have given me no reason as yet to trust your intentions to be totally honourable...

2011-08-18, 07:14 AM
I was not suggesting that you did steal it. I was stating that we do not as yet know who took it, and you seem adamant on getting into that room, and until I know exactly who we can and can't trust then I will not risk letting someone who might be a thief - or worse - in there. You have given me no reason as yet to trust your intentions to be totally honourable...

2011-08-18, 08:35 PM
Calil continued speaking while leaning on a nearby wall.
"Alright, tell me when we'll start. And... of course, I take it you wouldn't mind me conducting personal inspections to you and your men as well right?"
Calil then paused for a moment, let out a stifled sigh, and shifted his weight to relax his other foot.
"To be honest, I don't completely trust anyone here either, your men included. It could be anything now--inside job... compromised security... or maybe *ahem* your plan all along. And there is no need to get agitated, as long as you and your men are all clean, right? Just a sort of--for lack of a better word--formality"

Sense Motive (in case the guard tried to reason out or something):

2011-08-19, 06:44 AM
The guard thinks about that for a moment before nodding Yes, you could be right. I admit I had considered my men to be above suspicion but maybe you are right about that...

2011-08-19, 12:21 PM
Allistair thinks for a moment then speaks Have the guards been out of your sight for any lengthy period of time? In addition we will need to search where you and your men sleep, if it's a different room then your lord.

2011-08-20, 06:41 PM
"YYYYAAAWWWWNNNNNNNNN...," Sagardyn says. "Oh sorry, all this chit chat is putting me to sleep. How about we actually go DO something? If Captain Gets-In-The-Way is finally ready to let us help him by conducting some searches of our own, let's go."

With that, Sagardyn turns towards the stairs again to head up to the Lord's room.

2011-08-22, 01:36 AM
Calil saw his companion heading for the stairs so he tried getting his attention, "Good master, you might not have heard me clearly, we will start with the guard and his men first."

"With your permission, I am asking you to please raise your arms so I can properly search you", he then approached the guard, intending to perform a complete search on the latter.

Search (for any jewelry, but particularly an amulet): [roll0]
EDIT: fail. i should've just taken 10. :smallwink:

If the head guard comes out clean:
"Well, I told you it was easy right? Now, I ask you to please call your men so that we may search them as well."

2011-08-22, 06:15 AM
The guard doesn't look to happy about it, but does allow you to do so. You don't find anything unusual on his person though.

Jon you will have to wait on until he gets back, and you will not be searching the guard stationed with our lord until he is replaced, but my men here you can search now as well to get things over with And he beckons the other two guards over to you as well.

For those not keeping track, that makes 5 guards total

2011-08-22, 09:37 AM
"Alright, hands up ladies!"
He started searching the two other men, one after the other.
Search: Take 10 on both for 14 each. :smallbiggrin:
Sagardyn, Alistair and Tim may also choose to search them again I guess since it's supposedly done as a group.

2011-08-22, 05:14 PM
"Sigh, fine." Sagardyn grumbles, "I don't expect to find the amulet you know, but rather clues as to who took it in the room, assuming you fellows haven't totally destroyed everything. But we can start here."

Searching not only for the amulet, but clues to the amulet/anything out of place (probably just have to make some sort of half-assed educated guess as to what would be out of place.

Search Mr. Talky-Pants: [roll0]
Mr. Guard-Dude #1: [roll1]
Mr. Guard-Dude #2: [roll2]

I guess we'll have to wait for the other two....
Jesus, really? 1, 10, 3? Well, bleah.

2011-08-24, 06:27 PM
"What a shock, nothing interesting. Where did this Jon go off to? And why, if looking for a stolen item, did you allow someone to go off by themselves? We should go find this Jon and go search the room."

2011-08-25, 06:38 AM
Jon is my second. I would trust him with my life! And, as I told you already, he has gone to see if our lord will acceed to your searching of his room

2011-08-25, 11:43 AM
Allistair sighs. I understand your loyalty to your men, but can you be certain they are as loyal to you, as you are to them. No you can't because you have no ability to read minds and without that, you can never understand someone fully.

2011-08-26, 06:15 AM
As you are debating this, Jon comes back into the room and across to you, It has been agreed that one of you will be allowed to search the room, with one of us present at all times to ensure nothing suspicious happens

2011-08-26, 01:02 PM
"Fine, let's go," Sagardyn says. "I'm sure my senses are more keen for this type of thing. You all should conduct any interrogations that may be necessary."

2011-08-28, 06:45 AM
Calil looks at his hotblooded companion, and replied, "Alright, I think you have the keener sight so you'll be the one to search the room... uhm... what's your name again?"

After which he turned his attention to the one called 'Jon'. "Come on here Jon, I'll be conducting an inspection to you as well." After Jon permits him, he thoroughly inspected Jon, searching for anything that might even be remotely connected to the robbery.

Taking 20 on Search check for a total of 24, to search for anything suspicious.

2011-08-29, 10:08 AM
Jon concedes to the search, and nothing suspicious or unexpected is found on him. After this, he takes Sagardyn up to the private room. Upon entry to the room, you discover that it's actually more of a suite. there is a main room itself that contains the bed, wardrobe, drawers and a chest. There is an adjoining room containing a bath. And there is a small ante-room between the main room and the doorway out to the corridor. On closer inspection you realise that this ante-room is actually a crudely constructed thing, presumably by the guards themselves, and not structurally part of the actual suite.

2011-08-30, 10:59 PM
Sagardyn looks at Jon and says, "This is going to take a while to do properly, just stay out of my way." Sagardyn then removes his robe and proceeds to very methodically search the room.

Take 20 on the search of the room, for a total of 29. Pretty much looking for the amulet or any clues that seem off. That will probably involve a lot of asking Jon "Is this normal?" "What is this?" "Is this supposed to be here?" etc.

Also, as a reminder, Sagardyn's senses:
Low Light Vision (Draconic Senses)
Darkvision, 60' (Draconic Senses)
Blindsense, 20' (Draconic Senses)

I have no idea what Jon's reaction will be to Sagardyn's appearance. I just don't think red skin and solid black eyes are normal, and until now he's been covered by the robe/hood.

2011-09-02, 04:05 AM
Jon looks surprised when you remove your robe, but not shocked or anything like that. Instead he just seems to take it in his stride.

After performing a thorough search of the room you discover several boards in the floor of the wardrobe that seem to be loose. The wardrobe itself is full of clothing and it is not obvious if anything had been disturbed or if it was just a mess to start with, and you are unable to get these loose boards to shift very much from where you are...

Other than this, the rest of the room seems to be relatively tidy apart from the obvious signs where it has been searched through - you are unable to tell if this was by the guards or the thief...

2011-09-05, 12:59 AM
Sagardyn pulls everything he can out of the wardrobe, piling it all in one place in a corner so it's out of his way. Then he takes his scythe and sees if he can mess with those floorboards at all.

While doing this he asks Jon, "What do you know about these floorboards?"

2011-09-05, 03:15 PM
You bash the boards with your scythe, but only manage to get the blade stuck in one of the boards and nothing more.

Jon looks on at what you're doing, Nothing at all. I never even noticed they were loose when I searched earlier

2011-09-05, 06:42 PM
"Well, not sure how you missed them, but why don't you rip them up so we can see what's under there."

2011-09-07, 10:02 AM
Jon looks at you, but then shrugs and proceeds to pull at the floorboards in the wardrobe, eventually pulling them all out of place. There appears to be a dark hole underneath.

2011-09-07, 10:30 AM
Sagardyn looks at Jon and says, "There's some sort of crawlspace down there. I'm not sure how big it is, and there's nothing right here. Why don't you go get the others I was with while I look into this a little more. You should probably tell the obstructionist down there too." With that, Sagardyn hops down into the hole and scans the entire area.


2011-09-07, 10:38 AM
No chance! I've been told to stay and keep an eye on you. If you need help from your friends, we'll go together to tell them

2011-09-07, 10:54 AM
Sagardyn sighs audibly, "You're kidding right? Let me get this straight, I've found something you all missed, plainly showed it to you, want to help get this ridiculous problem solved, and you're going to give me grief. Leaving the secret hideaway/tunnel/whatever this thing is unattended is dumb. Can you see in the dark? Guess what, I can. That makes it much easier for me to look around in here without a problem. Oh and as to need, I probably don't need help from them, and I certainly don't need help from your boss, but I figured the courteous thing to do was let him know about the epic screw up of not knowing about this down here. Suit yourself."

With that, Sagardyn goes back to inspecting the crawlspace. If everything looks safe, he'll take the time to search it thoroughly.

2011-09-08, 06:29 AM
The crawlspace is essentially just an open space between ceiling and floor. There are wooden supports spaced evenly across the gap, about 2' apart from each other in both directions, but otherwise it's fairly empty.

There's a fair amount of dust under here - not surprisingly really - and you notice some drag marks in the dust of various sizes. There's also a variety of animal footprints all over the place - rat maybe?

2011-09-08, 09:01 AM
Sagardyn follows the drag marks, making sure to search everything he can along the way.

2011-09-08, 04:37 PM
Allistair smiles and walks over to whoever seems the highest ranking of the guards.

I was wondering, could I talk to your boss. Maybe he'll have some idea what happened to his stuff.

2011-09-09, 07:24 AM
You manage to follow the tracks fairly well, and trace them back to what looks to be a trapdoor in the ceiling above you. You notice a several different tracks of varying ages all originating from this point and going in various directions.

Absolutely not. Our lord has given strict instructions to not be disturbed. I can tell you however that we have no idea what has happened to the amulet, except that it was stolen over nigth by somebody who must have been in the tavern at the time

2011-09-09, 08:26 AM
Sagardyn listens at the trap door, and then searches it. Assuming nothing seems amiss, he opens it and looks around without going through it.


2011-09-09, 01:59 PM
Okay did you lord make any enemies in this tavern, was he particularly showy with his wealth to someone?

2011-09-11, 03:20 PM
After carefully examining the trapdoor, you push it open to reveal what looks to be a room above you. However, you can't see any door into the room - apart from the trapdoor itself. The only thing inside the room is a chest up against one wall.

As far as I am aware my lord did not leave his room at all upon arriving, apart from now so that you may poke around in there...

2011-09-11, 07:16 PM
A secret room with a chest in it, how interesting. Sagardyn gets up into the room and closes the trap door behind him. He then takes the time to search the room carefully, the floors, walls, chest, etc.

Take 20 on search as normal. Use one sorcerer 0-level spell to detect magic, lasts 1 minute, use that to scan the room, especially the chest, before the in-depth search. Also, is everything in here made of wood?

2011-09-14, 06:53 AM
Everything looks to be made of wood. No magic is detected from the room at all. The chest is locked, and on closer investigation you can see that there is something under the lid as well, most likely to stop anyone who somehow found this place from getting inside...

It's trapped. Technically you shouldn't be able to tell that, since you're not a Rogue, but I'm feeling kind since it's still very early on and you do keep Taking 20 - thus giving you 29 - on your search rolls...

2011-09-14, 07:12 AM
Sagardyn chuckles to himself. Of course it's trapped. How to open this I wonder. I bet those other fools aren't able to do anything.

Sagardyn stands back and summons a mage hand to see if it'll open the chest.

Use another Sorc 0 slot on Mage Hand to see if it'll open the chest while standing as far back as possible to try to get out of range of the trap (also not standing directly in front of it).

And I'll take whatever kindnesses you feel like tossing our way :smallbiggrin:.

2011-09-14, 07:19 AM
The lock doesn't give at all, and the chest itself is either too heavy or somehow fixed down since it doesn't budge at all either.

2011-09-18, 02:31 PM
Allistair starts asking around the bar to see if he upset any of the guest, before dragging them out of bed


2011-09-18, 07:10 PM
Sagardyn goes over to the chest and tries to push it, just enough to see how heavy it is and if it's anchored to the floor.

2011-09-19, 06:24 AM
Nobody is especially happy about it, but mostly they are all just grumbling and moaning, and planning to get back onto the road once they've been allowed to eat

The chest feels like it is fixed to the floor and the wall. It doesn't budge at all, and as such you can't get any feel for how heavy it is.

2011-09-19, 11:27 AM
Growling, Sagardyn grows tired of messing around and tries to force the lock open.

Use a Favored Soul casting of Resistance and then smash the lock, trying to break open the chest.

2011-09-20, 07:05 AM
You bash the lock several times, until eventually it breaks and the lid bounces open under the force of the strike. As it does, you see a pouch hanging inside the lid get dropped into the chest, and then a pale green vapour starts to burst out from the chest filling up the room that you are in. Other than making it difficult to see through the fog, it doesn't appear to have any ill effects on you however.

2011-09-20, 11:14 AM
Sagardyn inspects the contents of the chest, Time to see what all this fuss is about.

2011-09-20, 11:12 PM
"Well", Calil finally spoke to Jon, "since my companion is taking his time inspecting your lord's room, should I start performing inspection for the rest of the rooms as well? And may I ask how many they are in total? With such information, I could get a better estimate of how much time I should allocate inspecting them."

2011-09-21, 02:18 AM
Allistair starts talking to the bar maid.

Miss, are all of your kings room's keys the same?

2011-09-21, 06:30 AM
As the green mist starts to dissapate, you look into the chest to see what is there. Inside you discover:

One amulet, gold plated with diamonds set into it
One small bag of money, containing coins worth [roll0] gold
One small bag of money, containing coins worth [roll1] silver
One scroll pouch, containing [roll2] blank scrolls

The guard replies: Rooms in total? There were 9 I believe. Or was it 10? No, I think it was 9 rooms. Not all were private though, I don't believe. The smaller ones with mulitple bunks in each...

Kings rooms each have different keys. There's two copies of each - one for the customer and one we keep in case of emergencies. I guess you mean the Lords room though? Again, there are two keys, one for the customer and one for us in case of emergencies. This time though he insisted on taking both keys. Doesn't trust us or something!

2011-09-21, 06:49 AM
Sagardyn pockets all of the items and then returns to the crawlspace. Keeping an eye out for anyone else in the area, he makes his way back to the lord's room.

2011-09-21, 07:08 AM

You take everything from the chest, and crawl back out of the room. As you approach the Lords room again, you feel your chest tightening and are wracked with a coughing fit.

You take [roll0] temporary CON damage, lasting for [roll1] hours.
Poison is nasty... ;)

2011-09-21, 12:56 PM
Kings rooms each have different keys. There's two copies of each - one for the customer and one we keep in case of emergencies. I guess you mean the Lords room though? Again, there are two keys, one for the customer and one for us in case of emergencies. This time though he insisted on taking both keys. Doesn't trust us or something!

Did the lord mention something about one of his keys being stolen? Why did you give him both keys though, what if there was an emergency?

2011-09-21, 01:00 PM
Nothing that I've heard of, no. And the emergency reason is why we typically don't give both out, but he insisted and even paid extra for it so why not? It's his life if anything did happen...

2011-09-23, 04:24 AM
"Alright...so it's somewhere around 10. Do we have permission to inspect each and every room? Common sense tells me you do, since you unceremoniously interrupted our last night's rest", replied Calil in a tone that is more playfully joking than mocking.

2011-09-23, 06:25 AM

By all means, though you will have to get permission from the owner first obviously...

As you crawl back out of the passageways into the room, you see Jon waiting for you. Well, you took your time! I was starting to wonder if my trust was misplaced. Did you find anything then?

2011-09-23, 08:04 AM
Sagardyn snarls at Jon, "Listen little man, I am here helping you, show some gratitude or I will make you regret your attitude. I didn't see you finding this hidden area, so you can just stuff it. Time to go back to your boss in the common room and tell him about this. I imagine he will want to have a word with the owner."

2011-09-25, 10:29 PM
"Wait... I'm technically under your orders. Does that not make me automatically 'allowed' like you guys were last night? I mean technically you didn't ask for the guests permission, but you were let in to inspect nonetheless."

2011-09-26, 06:46 AM
The owner of the inn. The landlord, or whatever you want to call him...

What did you find then? If you found anything at all, that is...

2011-09-27, 11:49 AM
Sagardyn goes to walk back to the common room saying, "It seems you didn't catch on the first time I ignored your question. I'm going to speak to your boss, why don't you come along."

Sagardyn won't stop or respond unless physically confronted.

2011-09-27, 02:12 PM
Jon stands in the doorway out of the room, You will tell me, and if there is any merit in it then I will take it to him, is that clear?

2011-10-01, 12:58 AM
Calil replied, "Well then, would one of your men accompany me to the innkeeper so that I may have the authorities with me while asking for an inspection?"

If the head-guard allows one of his men (or himself) to accompany Calil, Calil will immediately head to where the innkeeper is.

2011-10-01, 11:04 AM
Sargardyn sighs in an overly exasperated way, "It leads to a room. Beyond that, nope. Now, get out of my way or you will regret it."

With that, Sagardyn goes to leave again.

If Jon attempts to physically stop Sagardyn: hit Jon with Color Spray.

2011-10-03, 06:24 AM
Jon reaches out to grab you by the arm as you barge past, You obviously don't understand. You will tell me whatever it is you want my lord to hear, and I will take it - and you - to him if I deem it necessary.

As this happens, you react by casting Colour Spray at him, after which he drops your arm and grasps at his face instead, crying out in shock.

[roll0] vs 14