View Full Version : The Shattered Kingdoms - Yuan-Ti Chronicles (IC)

Titanium Fox
2011-07-19, 08:42 AM
Battle Grid (https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvZOARwEtCLYdHBVcTRVUkZrUl9uRTNjVnJZWk05Y mc&hl=en_US#gid=0)

Every citizen of the island nation of Crystalden knows it's history. For some of the longer lived races, they may have even seen it first hand. The nation has not been born of noble efforts, good intentions, or anything but the basest of humanoid nature. Conquest. Desire for a feeling of safety. Yet despite all of this, it was less than half of a millennium ago that tribes ceased their bickering, and all united under a single banner.

But that was a long, long time ago.

For fifty years, the countryside has once again been ravaged by war. Death and destruction. The unseen, unknown foe had struck quickly, come in the night where the nation was least defended. Invaders rode from the southwest, razing villages, slaughtering not only those able to fight, but women and children as well; innocence be damned. Crystalden held a small standing force, remnants of a war and peacekeeping effort from so long ago. However, with these new attackers upon the horizon, they became necessary once again. Political tensions held high, but the three powers of Crystalden on some small level put aside their differences, letting their armies stand together against the invading threat.

The City of the Ancients loosed draconic magic unknown and unseen to most, a ward to shade their grand, ornate city from the encroaching attackers.

Sapphire City began construction on a wall. One large and grand enough to repel thousands of men, to deflect the largest and most powerful of balistas.

The Capitol city, the island's namesake herself, set upon the construction of three large military academies. One for each major school of combat. Divine, Arcane, and Martial. Each of these academies, while fully functional, had their own ulterior purpose. Each housed a powerful artifact, the most powerful mages that the nation posessed pouring every last drop of mana and energy into the small glass orbs. These mages made the ultimate sacrifice. Their power still flows on today, creating a large, impenetrable, blue translucent barrier around the city, which has grown to fill its stoneladen boundaries to a T. Commerce and trade still flows, yet the only entry to the city is through these three academies.

And this is where you found yourself one day. No matter your reasons, you felt a call to battle, a reason to fight in your nation's defense. Whether you were sent on a peacekeeping effort from a small village, or took up the sword yourself, you found yourself in the academy. You found yourself fighting through your graduation exam.

You find yourself on your way to battle. It has been some time since you joined the military. You have seen combat, in varying degrees. The march to battle is nothing new to you. The destination, as you have been informed, is the western front of Sapphire City. Just a three day's trek from the capitol. The Yuan-Ti menace continues to encroach, and you have heard whispers of fear from your superiors, from the council, trickling down the grapevine as such is its inclination. It has been fifty years since the cultists began to attack, and they show no sign of relent.


You just know you go where you are ordered. You fight for Crystalden. For your families, your homes, your personal gain. So it is here that you find yourself. Encamped just hours from Sapphire City's eastern border. You have been told by your superior that you would be briefed on the situation at dawn, and to be prepared for combat on the morning light.

The fire before you crackles beautifully, almost hauntingly. Activity is scattered throughout the camp, more small fires surrounded by individual squads or platoons. The music of a hundred bards sings to the heaven in a mangled chorus, and to those attentive enough, clanking glasses can be heard whispering through the night.

2011-07-19, 09:54 AM

Tomas sits by the fire, a handful of gravel whispering up and down the length of the black adamantine blade encrusted with runes and bearing a glittering whit crystal on the hilt. The fire also glitters off the teardrop shaped red crystal nestled on the breastplate of his armour.

Sipping from a battered mug that just filled itself at Tomas's muttered command word he glances around, piercing blue eyes meeting and measuring each of the companions in turn.
So, looks like the best of the best have been gathered he jokes, Must be a suicide mission. Glancing at the horizon measuring the arrival of the morning sun. At least we'll find out soon.

2011-07-19, 10:41 AM
Godfrey shifted back into his human form and immediately started to feel weight of his armor. The weight was there for like sixty hours, but seldom caused even minor hindrance in Godfrey's favorite wild shape. Now it had to be taken off. An awkward process, compared to putting it on. Godfrey took off finely crafted black plates and put them into his haversack, then put haversack on.

"About finding out soon... good idea. Looks like we are not hiding. Maybe they aren't too. I'll take a look. Will be back in two hours or so. Bjarni, stay here, guard against snake-things."

With these words druid shifted into the form of an eagle, flapped his wings and started to gain altitude flying in circles.

2011-07-19, 11:41 AM
Aiwale sits by the fire with his armor in his haversack, sharpening his talons. "I dislike this waiting. When we wait, we leave ourselves open. When we are open, we are vulnerable." he says.

2011-07-19, 12:23 PM

Tomas watches the eagle fly away, then glances at the raptorian and the shifter. I feel a lack of claws here. He glances at the bear, and what's your story?

2011-07-19, 12:36 PM
Hyperactive Young Shifter

The night filled with the sounds of different activities within the camp, mostly dominated by the voices of the bards who sang to uplift the spirits of the weary and mostly anxious warriors of Crystalden. One of the other distinct sounds that could be heard only by the keenest of hearing was the sound coming from the edge of the camp, the sound of the air being cut by twin scimitars as they danced in harmony with each other. The wielder was a young muscular warrior, lean but muscular, with brown mane for a hair, green eyes, canines that jutted out even when his mouth was closed, and hair all over. A shifter.

The young shifter thrust and sliced as he performed his fighting maneuvers effortlessly and with precision. He imagined the shadow of a serpentine monster and danced around it, looking for openings. With a quick sidestep, he leapt high and crossed his scimitars, thrusting them down with all his weight. The shadow had just lost its head.

Satisfied with his practice session, he sheathed his weapons and picked up his haversack that he placed behind one of the tents, and went back to his platoon's campfire. When he got there, he looked for a spot where he could sit among his comrades, and upon sitting down, looked at them one by one. Some wore full plated armor, others, breastplates, some chose hide or lighter armor. Their weapons also also varied as their number, some prefering large swords, others halberds and others still seemed to use their claws or talons. They all were different, but they all looked tough. They had to be, he mused.

With nothing else to do, he stared at the fire and followed its movement while his ears trained on the conversation of the others. But as he stared into the fire he thought about what tomorrow would bring. Another opportunity to kill those monsters, that's for sure. As his thoughts went into how he would go about doing this, his attention was caught by an eagle flying overhead, making him look up. He then noticed the sky, which was now at its darkest. Just a few more hours 'til dawn.

2011-07-19, 10:22 PM
Eagle continued to fly in circles around the same starting point, just higher and higher... 500 feet... 1000 feet... 1500 feet... observing the terrain, counting fires and their disposition. After reaching 2000 feet eagle started circling wider, instead of higher... 100 feet... 200 feet... 400 feet... circles continued to get wider and wider.

Take 10 on any spot checks, that would be 29. Not expecting to see any specific individuals, only camps, fires, roads, terrain and so on.

Titanium Fox
2011-07-20, 08:11 AM
As Godfrey reaches his highest altitude and begins to soar in slow, sweeping circles, he can see the great monolithic walls of Sapphire City just to the west of where his fellow soldiers are encamped. He sees the campfires of his own comrades, the camp sprawling thousands of feet in any direction. A tree or two falls below him, presumably for both firewood and to help make room for the now encamped soldiers, taking refuge in the woods.

The main road that the army had been following stretched out, just past Sapphire City before doubling back, up to a large wooden doorway. The road continued on beyond this double back, seeming to span off into the distance.

The woods you currently are encamped in don't seem to go on for much longer, at most two hours travel until the forest gives way to plains.

2011-07-20, 09:07 AM
Godfrey sharply dived back to whence he started, landed, then again assumed human form.

"It seems that we're in the middle of the whole army or something like that... everyone is free to take a nap and not worry about security. Forest. Then plains. Not much of interest."

2011-07-20, 09:11 AM

Tomas looks up as the druid sembled back into his human form shivering at the unnaturalness of it.
Thanks my friend. In that case I'll catch some sleep."

He looks across at the bear, still trying to guess if its another druid or not before unrolling his magical sleeping bag, crawling in and preparing for sleep.
"Wake me if there's trouble"

2011-07-20, 11:15 AM
Hyperactive Young Shifter

He watched wide-eyed as the eagle landed in their midst and transformed into human form. This events never failed to amuse the young shifter, for he only knew the ways of the blade. When he joined the military he came to know the different ways one could go about in a fight. Some used weapons like himself, some tricks and cunning, others used magic. His mother knew some magic herself but he never grew to get the hang of it.

Seeing that some had taken the time to sleep, he followed suit. He would need all the rest he could get. And sleep makes it faster for tomorrow to arrive.

2011-07-20, 12:50 PM
"I'll take first watch, just to be safe." Aiwale offers.

2011-07-20, 10:08 PM
"Oh, no problem, you want - you watch. I'll sleep my watch though. Will wake up if something unusual happens." Druid got his armor out of haversack, said "Induit!" and suddenly black plates disappeared from the ground and in an instant appeared on him as if he put them on normally. Then druid put on the haversack and took off small leather bag he was wearing on his neck. Next he transformed into a bear, just like the other bear preset nearby, then put the leather bag on his neck (now it was hanging much tighter) and lay on the ground, putting his snout on his paws.

Titanium Fox
2011-07-21, 10:59 AM
The night is uneventful, just as Godfrey had predicted the evening before. Those who stay up on watch note the music and the revelry slowly dying down, fires beginning to wane, as the sounds of music and cheer give way to hushed whispers of worry and apprehension. It seems that the celebration was a facade to some after all.

It doesn't seem like long until light begins to pierce the night sky, only a few moments afforded in this betraying serenity until the sound of trumpets blare through the camp. Soldiers are quick to snap to prepare for the march and snap to attention. As enlisted prepare, the briefing for the day quickly travels down the ranks, tongues held finally by the Platoon Leaders shuffling amongst their men.


In front of you stands a face you recognize well. Lieutenant Colonel Chavor, and your commanding officer for this particular effort. Generally the Crystalden Military is relatively unorganized, orders filtering down from the Council to their Generals, and from their to their recipients. The fact that you had been assigned a specific commanding officer for this duration spoke volumes about the nature of what was to come on its own.

"I have been asked to give you what information you need to know in order to do what is needed out there today. Men, we stand at a precipice today. From what little we have been told through the various communication received from within the walls of Sapphire City, even with the might combined of both Sapphire City and Crystalden, we will find ourselves outnumbered."

"The threat we face is one we've all faced before. They don't appear to be showing any significant tricks today. Just wave after wave of these snakes, bearing down on our proud home."

"I don't need to tell you how important today will be. I expect you all to lay down your lives for the good of our society if need be."

The man lets out a soft, weary sigh, steeling himself before continuing.

"We will be meeting the remnants of Sapphire City's army just outside of their gates. We will be organized as needed, and there will be no ado. We will wade straight into the thick of battle. There isn't much time, and Sapphire City is one of the strongest bastions of power that we have on this rock."

Unspoken words seemed to hang in the air. A few of the greener soldiers in the rear of the camp exchanged worried looks.

"If you have anything that needs doing, do it fast. Break camp, and be ready within 1 hour's time."

2011-07-21, 11:20 AM
Hyperactive Young Shifter

The young shifter smiled the whole time the Colonel gave his speech. Only a few hours more, was the only thing that was running through his mind then. He looked at his comrades and saw mixed reactions; others like himself, visibly excited, others looking like they'd puke anytime, and others still receiving the orders stoically. When the assembly broke ranks he went back to his platoon's tent and proceeded to eat his breakfast.

2011-07-21, 12:20 PM
Solid intelligence was always useful for casters who prepare spells. So Godfrey started doing just that - altering some of spells he had prepared. Not all of them, so he'll have a chance to eat something too.

2011-07-21, 12:26 PM
Aiwale dons his armor and prepares his halbred. Before finalizing his preparation, he mutters a prayer to Tuilviel Glithien for protection and strength in the coming battle.

2011-07-21, 01:24 PM

Tomas crawls out his sleeping bag well rested and dows a quick mug of tea from his chased silver flask that fills at his command word. Donning his massive thick plated armour and garbing himself for war he listens atently to Colonel Chavor's speech saluting with the others.

If we must die, let us take as many of the serpents as possible with us.

Looking around the rest of the squad he motions them closer.

"Any suggestions for tactics in the coming fight? Master Bear in particular, is there any magical assitance or tricks that could help us prepare our defensive position?"

Looking down at himself, he motions at the armour, massive sword that extends before the groups eyes.

"I sadly have but one singular skill"

2011-07-21, 05:59 PM
Hyperactive Young Shifter

"I don't think we will be fighting defensively. Like the colonel said, we shall be wading straight into their midst, cutting down as many as we can as we go along," he butted in while finishing his meal.

He stood up and gathered all his belongings and continued. "But it would be very much increase our chances of survival fighting as a platoon, and it would certainly help me to know of my comrade's names and preferred battle tactics. The name's Hope, and I guess you can say my specialty is jumping straight into the opponents and cutting them down with my twin blades."

2011-07-21, 09:59 PM
"I'm Aiwale Tuliarne, the last known member of the Bravewing tribe. The cry my people use in battle is 'Death from above'. I follow this idea." Aiwale says, extending his wings to fully out.

2011-07-21, 10:21 PM
After preparing the spells, Godfrey returned to his human form and started to eat standard-issue army rations, drink standard-issue military water spiced with some non-standard-issue dried flowers and herbs, feed Bjarni and talk about upcoming fight.

Name's Godfrey. Godfrey Berthou. Bjarni's my companion... I mean, a bear. Don't get confused if we look alike.

About tactics... I have prepared enough copies of Barkskin, so all of us will get their skin hardened before the battle and will be better protected. It won't last whole day, only just above 3 hours, so I'll cast it right before combat. I'll also expend some diamond dust and cast Stoneskin on myself and on Bjarni. It has the same duration and will protect from blows by all but adamantine weapons. Sadly, can't have that on everyone. I think we should dispose of the snakes physically, most of the time, and hope we'll have enough capacity to do it. If hurt - step back so as not to fight several enemies at once, I think before Stoneskin wears off you shouldn't have position ahead of any bear, I have very little healing prepared.

The rest of my spells are mostly for emergencies and some for appropriate opportunities. If things get tough you may expect different animals or magical beasts appearing and fighting. If you are badly wounded or poisoned and see Unicorns - just talk to them and tell them to heal you. I have many copies of Entangle prepared, so we will likely not get swarmed all that much. That's about it... oh, and don't step into the mist.

After a quick breakfast, Godfrey reached into his haversack, pulled a rod, cast a spell, then put the rod back into the haversack. You see no visible change.

2011-07-22, 01:06 AM

Tomas nods as the others speak of their skills.
My skill is duelling the enemy until they are dead and I am not. Thank you for the offer of magical assistance Master Godfrey.

He looks around at the shifter- "Shall we stand side by side and face the oncoming horde?" he paises and a smile drifts across his face- "At least until the jumping begins."

Tomas will then sheathe his sword and move through the ranks of the men pushing forward for a position on the frontline.


Moves readied:
Mithral Tornado
Divine Surge
Ruby Nightmare Blade
Moment Perfect Mind

2011-07-22, 02:23 AM

"Good, good. It seems we have a variety of tactics employed here, and we could work that to our advantage," he said while nodding. "It is best to coordinate attacks for efficiency. As Master Godfrey had pointed out, it is best to let him and his bear in Stoneskin take the brunt of the attacks while the rest of us do our business. We strike hard and strike down as many as we can. It is an honor to fight by your sides this day. You have my word that I will watch your backs, and I hope to count on you to watch mine. Also, to admit that you need help is not cowardice or lack of bravery nor skill on your part, so if one of you should need it, do not hesitate to shout out."

Then he turned to the man in full-plated armor. "And of course it would be an honor to fight beside you, Master...I am afraid I didn't catch your name."

2011-07-22, 02:45 AM

Tomas looks at the young shifter before smiling - Damondred, Tomas Damondred he replies. He looks at Hope again, before turning to Aiwale We three are nimble and quick- yes even me despite the armour - so maybe while Godfrey and Bjarni hold the line we should, if the opportunity arises prepare ourself for a triple attack against and enemy commander that we come across?

2011-07-22, 08:19 AM

"Mmm," Hope nodded. "Indeed, Master Damondred. Well, better make your final preparations. Check for your gear, sharpen your blades and equally your minds, ready your spells and maneuvers, and steel your resolve. Today we shall make names for ourselves!" He bumped his fist on his chest and looked at his companions one by one in the eyes, then proceeded to check his own gear and weapons, and went to the side for some light practice.

Titanium Fox
2011-07-22, 09:02 AM
As the hour slowly elapsed, the rest of the camp broke into various acts. Everything from training and mental preparation, to meditation, silent contemplation, and a few of the less disciplined among the army's ranks poured themselves a brew, quite well knowing how intense the battle to come would be. One could be overheard claiming that it was the only thing that could calm his nerves. His companion seemed to look on at him in disbelief.

It wasn't long before Lieutenant Colonel Chavor had returned, and stood before the now mostly broken down section of camp, seeming none to eager for what lay ahead himself.

"Men, line up. When I move into formation, fall in behind me."

Most of the company gave a curt nod, and seldom another word was spoken until the troops had fallen into the march. The last two days travel had been so much more relaxed than this. The march to the forest's edge only lasted an hour, and the morning sun had began to beat down upon the plains of Crystalden in earnest. On the horizon was clearly visible the grand Sapphire City wall, built as the Yuan-Ti began their first assaults only fifty years ago. The wall was the most herculean and ambitious feat of engineering seen to the nation's short recorded history; having been built in only five years, stretching nearly 100 feet into the air, shielding the inside of the city from view. However it's distinctive white body and blue battlements still allowed the city to retain it's unique, regal feel despite the slab of stone serving as it's protector.

The minutes seemed to drag on, time slowing as the company of the four finally gained sight to the rendezvous. The sounds of steel meeting steel could be heard in the distance, and for those most skilled in perception, the figures of the snake like foes that had served as an enemy for so many years were just barely in sight.

Lieutenant Colonel Chavor broke from the line, leading his company towards the inside, closer to sapphire city. He didn't say a word, but the soldiers behind him knew better than to question.

From here, it wasn't long until the One Hundred soldiers were more than close enough to the front line of combat to see the whites of their foes serpentine eyes.

"We have orders to hold the line here! If we fall, Sapphire City falls!"


"Ready men?"

A chorus of "Yes Sir!" could be heard from all around.


Okay, so basically we're performing combat for a small chunk of the battle itself. I will describe the events of the rest of the battle with each passing round.

Everyone roll initiative and add any fluff to your character arriving on the battle field if you wish.

2011-07-22, 09:21 AM

Tomas jogged along with the rest of the infantry struggling to keep up with the rapid loping bears, shifter or the winged raptorian. As he crested the rise passing through edge of the struggling forest and saw the enemy so close he could feel his heart pounding. He smiled in anticipation of the battle to come- eyes seeking a high ranking enemy from the cover of his wide steel shield emblazoned with the flag of Crystalden. The city - his home and his protector was close, its presence an immutable point of inspiration for him and he would see dead those that threatened it.

He held open his hand and the crystal on the sword's pommel pulsed, the 8ft length of sword literally flying into his open hand as he joined in the charge - CRYSTALDEN the roar in his throat, massive vanguard treads tearing up chunks of the rough ground sword held high as he moved into the punishing stance that all Iron Heart novices learn running headlong towards the front rank of the enemy surrounded by brave men of the city.


So going for the no subtlety charge straight into them approach.
Currently fighting with Shield and Large bastard sword in Punishing Stance (+1d6 damage, -2AC)
So AC is currently 24 + 4 natural Barkskin bonus for final AC 28.

Initiative is [roll0]

2011-07-22, 09:43 AM
On the first sight of enemy Godfrey called his comrades together, pulled two very similar looking rods rod and cast Barkskin on each one of them and on both himself and Bjarni. Then he put the rods away and took a pinch of diamond dust from a small pouch. He sprinkled the dust on both himself and on Bjarni, then cast another spell. After finishing with spells he transformed into a large brown bear and ready for battle. Not all that much inspired, more likely calm. Charge? Oh, well then, let's charge.

Godfrey [roll0]
Bjarni [roll1]

Everyone mark +4 enhancement to natural armor for 200 minutes.

2011-07-22, 12:40 PM

Hope was eager to charge at the enemy even before the signal was given, his hands holding tightly around his weapons' hilts, his fangs showing in a snarl. Then he remembered his promise to his mother, and so he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He felt his muscled body relax and took some swing with his weapons and felt the difference. The tension in his muscles was gone, he could feel his body in tune to his mind's every command, and he felt as if he could go as fast and swing as hard as he wanted to. The only expression left on his face now was that of a tempered aggression.

When the command was given, the young shifter sprinted out ahead of the rest save for the raptoran flying overhead and others on mounts. After a few seconds he decided to slow down and pace himself with the others. He assumed an aggressive stance as he made his long strides and came closer and closer into the enemy's lines, and readied himself for the impending opening clash.


Maneuvers Readied:
Moment of Perfect Mind
Wall of Blades
White Raven Tactics
Pouncing Charge

Blood in the Water

22 + 4 from Stoneskin = 26

2011-07-25, 11:08 AM
Eager to fight, yet waiting for the Ialwiernel* Yuan-Ti to move first, Aiwale hovers over the field.




*Intentionally untranslated from Tuilvilanuue

Titanium Fox
2011-07-25, 03:17 PM
As your company begins their charge, a pure-blood as you would be able to identify, speaks a few commanding, powerful words in his native tongue. A group of the embattled Yuan-Ti break from their ranks, charging to meet you in the center of the battle. All around you the display is quite similar, the clashing of swords and the crackling of magic heard in stereo and en masse, pandemonium breaking out as far as the eye could see.

The group that breaks to face you directly is a varied one at that. One wearing Breastplate seems the most eager to engage sword with sword, directly behind him another adorned with chain, the symbol of Erathnyul upon a wooden shield, morning star circling to his side. A pair of archers flanked the two, with what was obviously a magic user, cloaked in black robes following behind farther still.

You hear a yell from that same familiar voice, and the sound of feet behind you. Any who care enough to look note a trio of archers sprinting to cover your advancement, taking up a position, holding the foe just within range.

Initiative Rolls:


Average Initiative (Party Wins!):
Party: 13.125
Enemy: 9.6

2011-07-25, 03:52 PM

Tomas surges forward with the grace of a trained warrior heading for the breastplate and sword armed enemy warrior. Glancing at his allies he shouts to the shifter and raptorian I shall deal with this scum. Take out the casters!

Darting in front of the roaring battle bear that was his druid companion he spun round sliding into a cautious stance of clarity focusing on the enemy as the massive length of adamantine slashed out with a roar of CrystalDen!!

Move to square Q9 (cursing the 20ft move! Remind me to ask for Longstrider).
Swift action change to Stance of Clarity
Attack with divine surge: [roll0] (crit confirm if 15+ [roll1]
Damage [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Currently AC 32 against Breastplate guy; 28 against the others
Hps 104/104

2011-07-25, 03:55 PM
Seeing the figure in the back, Aiwale thrusts his right arm out, materializing a javelin, and throwing it hard at the figure.

The figure is about 65 feet away from me (yay triangulation!). This means I have a -6 to attack due to range.
However, I gain +1 to attack due to the Bracers of Aerial Combat.
This nets a -4 to attack
Attack Roll

Also, I have DR 10/magic because of the Medallion of Aerial Defense. This DR only applies against Ranged Attacks.

2011-07-25, 10:13 PM
Godfrey charged straight forward towards apparent wizard - poor loser came just one step too close... worse for him.
Charge straight forward, both of us. Godfrey to R5S6, attacking Wizard. Bjarni along OP, better to the same target, but if anyone hits him for actual damage along the way, he might decide to deal with that one instead.
Godfrey attacks: 1d20+15+2 for grab [roll]1d20+19-20
Bjarni attacks: 1d20+15+2 for grab [roll]1d20+19-20

2011-07-25, 10:15 PM
Godfrey attacks: [roll0] for 11 grab [roll1]
Bjarni attacks: [roll2] for 13 grab [roll3]

2011-07-26, 01:09 AM

Assessing the situation, Hope decided to take out the flanking archer to the right of the caster first. In a few strides he managed to close the gap and on the last ten feet he placed one foot squarely on the ground and leapt towards his quarry and pounded it with blows from both his scimitars. While doing so, Hope shouted at Godfrey, "The caster's open on the right side. Another blow Master Godfrey!"

Use Pouncing Charge maneuver to charge to T4.
Auto-success for Jump Check on 10' horizontal distance for Leap Attack(10 DC, +20 Jump bonus)
Use Power Attack 2
Set SH2 as Dodge target.
As a swift action, Use White Raven Tactics on Godfrey. Godfrey gets to act once more before round ends.

+2 from Charge, -2 from Power Attack, +3 from Tiger Claw enhancement
Total Attack Bonus = 15 + 2 - 2 + 3 = 18
+1 bonus stacking per successful hit(Blood in the Water)

Full Attack: 4 attacks
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Crit Confirm for all above 15: (+2[Int Bonus] from Battle Ardor)
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

+4(2:1 Favored Power Attack) x 2(from Leap Attack) = +8
Damage die increased 2 sizes: 1d6 to 1d10(Favored Enemy)
+1 stacking bonus per successful hit(Blood in the Water)

[roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

Skirmish Bonus:
[roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15]

26 -2(Charge) +3(Skirmish) = 27
27 + 3(Dodge) = 30 against SH2
27 + 5(Dodge) = 32 against AoO

Maneuvers Spent:
Pouncing Charge
White Raven Tactics

2011-07-26, 01:50 AM

Attack 1:
To Hit = 22
Damage = 15 + 12 = 27

Attack 2:
To Hit = 31
32 if attack 1 hits
Damage = 20 + 14 = 34
35 if attack 1 hits

Attack 3:
To Hit = 25
27 if 2 attacks hit, 26 if 1
Damage = 13 + 21 = 34
36 if 2 attacks hit, 35 if 1

Attack 4:
To Hit = 32
35 if 3 attacks hit, 34 if 2, 33 if 1
Crit Confirm = 23
26 if 3 attacks hit, 25 if 2, 24 if 1
Damage = 21 + 18 = 39, 39 + 19 = 58 if crit hits
42 if 3 attacks hit, 41 if 2, 40 if 1
If crit hits, 61 if 3 attacks hit, 60 if 2, 59 if 1

Lightning Mace additional attacks: 1(attack 4)
Attack = [roll0]
28 if 4 attacks hit, 27 if 3, 26 if 2, 25 if 1
Damage = [roll1]
Skirmish Damage = [roll2]
Total Damage = 13 + 17 = 30
34 if 4 attacks hit, 33 if 3, 32 if 2, 31 if 1

2011-07-26, 06:34 AM
Godfrey was very impressed with Hope's action. That young shifter just leapt at his enemy and started to shred him to pieces. The Yuan-Ti casters observing this horror were impressed even more... to the point of offering an excellent opportunity, which druid, at Hope's hint, immediately exploited, clawing and biting them both.

First claw attack against cleric. If grabbed - pull him into Godfrey's space.
Claw: [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
If the wizard is now firmly grabbed, then a grapple check to damage him (nonlethal).
Crush: [roll3] for [roll4]
Otherwise - this is a claw attack against him.
Claw: [roll5] for [roll6] grab [roll7]
Bite against wizard.
Bite: [roll8] for [roll9]

Titanium Fox
2011-07-26, 06:42 PM
Fluff in next post.

Attack of Opportunity:
"Cr" attacking Godfrey - [roll0] (If Hit: [roll1])
"C" attacking Bjarni - [roll2] (If Hit: [roll3])

Opposed Grapple
"W" opposing Godfrey - [roll4]
"W" opposing Bjarni - [roll5]

Allied Archer Attacks:
"Ar1" attacking "C" - [roll6] (If Hit: [roll7])
"Ar2" attacking "Cr" - [roll8] (If Hit: [roll9])
"Ar3" attacking "Sh1" - [roll10] (If Hit: [roll11])

Enemy Turn:
Giant's Stance - Deals damage as one size category larger.
5 Foot Step to Q9
Elder Mountain Hammer Maneuver - [roll12] (If Hit: [roll13])

"C" if not grappled
5 Foot Step to P7
Defensive Casting Check (DC 19) - [roll14]
Casting Confusion - Affects Bjarni and Godfrey - Will Negates (DC 17)
Godfrey Will Save - [roll15] (If Failed - [roll16])
Bjarni Will Save - [roll17] (If Failed - [roll18])

"W" if not grappled
Knocked Unconscious

5 Foot Step to N3
Full Attack with Composite Longbow vs Bjarni - [roll21] - [roll22] - [roll23]
Damage If Hit - [roll24] - [roll25] - [roll26]

Killed in Action

Titanium Fox
2011-07-26, 06:45 PM

"C" Opposed Grapple vs. Godfrey - [roll0]

Titanium Fox
2011-07-26, 07:04 PM
The battle between the two warring fronts erupts, the noise quickly becoming deafening, the sounds of death and war drowning out all others but those voices closest.

The first to rush forward was Tomas, yet in his battlelust found his sword unable to strike true, slicing cleanly through air where the Yuan-Ti had been not a moment before. Now locked into a duel with the man, the Yuan-Ti retaliated in kind, glowing a soft shade of brown for the blink of an eye before his greatsword swung through the air, landing with a resounding thunk against the pure steel of his plate armor.

The others he fought with were not far behind, so it seemed. Aiwale pushed his height advantage, using it to the best of his ability, quickly materializing a short wooden weapon and hurling it upon the caster, hiding behind his allies for protection. The blow struck true, piercing the savage beast's arm, a sickening green liquid pouring from the new wound.

By the time that the javelin had struck its target, both Godfrey and his animal companion had rushed into the fray, flying straight past the bewildered breastplate and leather wearers, instead opting for the most dangerous target upon the battlefield. Bjarni was the first to arrive, immediately attempting to take the snake creature between his paws, it however quickly slithering free, only to slide directly into the paws of Godfrey himself. Without wasting time, he quickly squoze with all of his seemingly otherworldly strength, followed by rows of razor sharp teeth directly around the creature's only good arm. Within moments, the Yuan-Ti had been rendered unconscious, quickly discarded to the ground.

Barely a single person was able to track Hope as he flew across the battlefield, and with a flurry of steel, rended the bow wielder into ribbons of flesh, immediately falling to the ground with a sickeningly wet thud.

The Cleric took this all as an opportunity to attempt to slide back, return to the battle so that he could properly support his allies. However such was not to be the case. With a quick swipe he was ushered quite painfully towards the druid, who began to encapsulate him in a crushing grip once again.

A volley of arrows launched from the rear of the small squad, however not a single one struck home.

The final remaining Yuan-Ti, somehow miraculously ignored during this fierce and violent battle slithered back just enough to raise his bow, firing three arrows in quick succession at the Bear just before him. The first struck the ground, digging deeply into the soft soil. However the second and third were right on their mark, both sticking out of the shoulder of the creature.

Summary of Crunch:
Swift Hunter 2 is Deceased
Wizard is Unconscious

Godfrey has grappled Cleric Successfully
Bjarni takes 9 damage

2011-07-26, 08:55 PM
Seeing the uninjured Yuan-Ti hit Bjarni, Aiwale strafes to the side, throwing another javelin at the beast.

Moving to N12, then throwing another javelin at SH1.

Attack Modifiers:
Enchantment Bonus (1) + Aerial Bonus (1) - Range Penalty (6)
Net Modifier: -4

Attack Roll


2011-07-26, 10:46 PM
Bjarni went to deal with archer and Godfrey continued with casters and then took one step back, towards the fighter type.

Bjarni steps to O4P5
Claw: [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
Claw: [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5]
Bite: [roll6] for [roll7]

Claw cleric: [roll8] for [roll9]
Crush cleric: [roll10] for [roll11] (nonlethal)
Bite wizard: [roll12] for [roll13]

2011-07-27, 01:01 AM

As he took care of the first archer, he quickly surveyed the battlefield for his next target. He saw Godfrey taking care of the casters, mauling and biting and grabbing them like a frenzied bear. He saw Aiwale up above throwing his javelins and Thomas locked in a duel with the warrior up front. He smiled, seeing his comrades holding their own.

On the corner of his eye he saw the other archer slithering away with Bjarni hot on its tail. In one split second he reacted and sprinted to the direction of the archer and positioned himself to flank the monster and cut off its escape. While the archer focused his attention on defending against the bear's attacks, Hope took the opportunity to sink in an attack or two.

Move to M2.
Set SH1 as Dodge Target.
As swift action, recover all expended maneuvers.

Attack: [roll0]
Cumulative bonus from round 1(Blood in the Water) = +1
Bonus from Tiger Claw Weapon = +3
Total Attack Bonus: 16 + 1 + 3 = +20

Crit Confirm if 15 above: [roll1]
Bonus from Battle Ardor: +2

Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4]
Cumulative bonus from round 1(Blood in the Water) = +1

Base = 26 + 3(Skirmish) = 29
Against SH1: +3
Against AoO: +5

Added attacks by Lightning Mace (if any applicable):
Attack: [roll5]
If crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] + [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
If crit: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] + [roll13] + [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
If crit: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17] + [roll18] + [roll19]

2011-07-27, 01:19 AM
Attack Summary:

Forgot to add flanking bonus so I'll just note it here.

Attack 1:
To Hit = natural 20
Crit Confirm = 27, +2 flanking bonus
Dmage = 24, 32 if crit hits

Lightning Mace Attacks Granted: 1
To Hit = 31, +2 flanking bonus
Damage = 26

2011-07-27, 03:55 AM

Tomas's eyes narrowed as the stone dragon style clashed against his armoured plate. Calming himself and damning himself for letting his anger get the better of him he focused inwardly before launching a savage attack at the juncture of the breastplate and the serpent-man's throat.

If I can flank with Godfrey then 5ft step to a flanking position, otherwise I'll stay still.
Attack with Ruby nightmare blade:
Concentration check Vs AC 1d20+17
--> made a mistake in the formatting. Rolled in OOC thread got a 28

Passed concentration check [roll0] - 2 higher if flanking
If crit threat then [roll1] to confirm - 2 higher if flanking
Damage [roll2] (plus additional [roll3] if crit)

Failed concentration check attack roll [roll4] (if threat then [roll5])(Both +2 if flanking with godfrey)
Damage [roll6] (+[roll7] if crit)

AC remains 32 VS warrior/ 28 Vs everyone else.

-> Why does the dice roller hate me!

Titanium Fox
2011-07-27, 02:23 PM
Fluff in Next Post.

Opposed Grapple:
"Sh1" vs. Bjarni - [roll0]
"Sh1" vs. Bjarni - [roll1]
"C" vs. Godfrey - [roll2] (Cleric) [roll3] (Godfrey)

Tomas can not flank with Godfrey, as he is currently involved in a Grapple and threatens no squares.

Allied Attacks:
"Ar1" attacking "Cr" - [roll4] (If hit: [roll5])
"Ar2" attacking "Cr" - [roll6] (If hit: [roll7])
"Ar3" attacking "Cr" - [roll8] (If hit: [roll9])

Enemy Attacks:
Changes stance to "Roots of the Mountain" (+10 vs. Bull Rush, Trip, and gain DR 2/-)
Full Attack vs. Tomas - [roll10] & [roll11] (If Hit: [roll12] & [roll13]
Five foot step to R8

"C" If Successful against Grapple
Lands at Q7
Defensive Casting (Concentration DC 19) - [roll14]
Casting Cure Critical Wounds - [roll15]

Killed in Action

Killed in Action

Titanium Fox
2011-07-27, 02:45 PM
The battle raged on. Ballistas and catapults fired from both sides, flaming projectiles rending the countryside alight, the temperature seeming to rise with each and every passing second. While the front lines themselves seemed to stagnate in any specific direction, flitting amongst each other in some macabre dance, the Yuan-Ti overall still seemed to hold a slight advantage; with each ballista bolt which struck the wall of Sapphire City, that much less resistance stood should the day be lost.

Spot checks (Results explained after next round)
Aiwale - [roll0]
Bjarni - [roll1]
Godfrey - [roll2]
Hope - [roll3]
Tomas - [roll4]

Godfrey latches his teeth around the head of the Wizard, who lies helpless upon the ground, already slowly leaking blood onto the landscape from multiple locations. As the Wizard puts up no resistance, Godfrey quite handily silences the serpent's final breath, air hissing from the new hole formed in his throat from the druid's razor sharp tooth. Without hesitation, he crushes the Cleric against his body, a pained groan rushing from his lips as he feels a sickening crack within his chest, the pain quickly replaced with a new one however, Godfrey's claw raking across his side, more of the foreign blood falling.

The Cleric however, as Godfrey finds himself distracted with his relentless attack, presses his only good arm forth and shoves himself away from the bear, landing on his feet before Godfrey has a chance to react. A purple light seems to materialize within his hands, with a noticeably strained effort, he presses both to his own chest, the light washing over his entire form in an instant, the leaking blood drying just as quickly as it was spilled.

Another javelin streaks through the air, sailing across the battlefield, digging itself into the Archer's hand with a squelch, forcing the muscles to spasm as his bow falls. As he begins to reach for his dagger, a last ditch effort to defend himself, Bjarni unleashes a flurry of attacks, causing him to stumble backwards, gasping for breath, directly into the body of Hope, who had seemingly vanished from where he was, just in time to catch the Yuan-Ti with the point of his Scimitar, piercing directly through the leather armor that he had worn, the full weight of the abomination combined with the power behind Hope's expert thrust sapping the last thought from his battered body.

Tomas and the Yuan-Ti in breastplate stand firm against each other, trading blow for blow. Tomas's bastard sword strikes true, the tip grazing across the Yuan Ti's throat, causing him to recoil and shuffle backwards, the two swipes of the opposing greatsword slicing cleanly through the air.

Another volley of arrows launches from behind the party, two burrowing in the ground, one coming to rest within the shoulder of the warrior, who's reptilian hand now clenched a fresh wound to the neck, fire in his eyes.

Summary of Crunch
Aiwale deals 9 Damage to Sh1
Bjarni deals 38 Damage to Sh1
Godfrey deals 13 lethal damage to W (Kill)
Godfrey deals 13 lethal damage to C
Godfrey deals 10 non-lethal damage to C
Hope deals 58 damage to Sh1 (Kill)
Tomas deals 40 damage to Cr
Ar2 deals 11 damage to Cr

No party members take any damage.
C wins grapple against Godfrey.
C heals self for 34.

2011-07-27, 02:58 PM
Aiwale does a brief mental celebration of his hit, then turns to face the cleric. Pointing his halberd, Aiwale dives straight at the cleric.

Dive attack on the cleric.
Moving to 5' above P8.

Attack Roll:
+10 Base, +2 from feats, +4 from strength, +1 from enchantment, +2 from charge, +1 from Bracers of Aerial Combat.

Confirm crit:

[roll2](Piercing)+[roll3](Electric)+2(Airborne Strike)=17

2011-07-27, 03:29 PM

Tomas nods in satisfaction as he parries and twists around the blows of the serpent warrior, his adamantine blade stained with the enemy of the blood from the pin point slash.

Leaping forward he twisted round spinning faster and faster into the fame iron heart Mithral Tornado; 6ft plank of adamantine lashing out towards both the cleric and the warrior as he rose up into the dangerous punishing stance.

Move to Q8. Swift action into Punishing stance.
Standard action -> Mithral Tornado power attacking for 2

Against Cleric [roll0] damage [roll1]+[roll2]
(if crit threat [roll3] damage [roll4])

Against Cleric [roll5] damage [roll6]+[roll7]
(if crit threat [roll8] damage [roll9])

AC is 28 against everyone
Only got moment of perfect mind left

2011-07-27, 10:02 PM
The cleric was able to both break free from the grapple and then cast a spell. That was something Godfrey did not expect based on his previous experience, but anyway that meant druid did not do his job right. A bit disappointed, Godfrey roared at the cleric, and with Bjarni's assistance started fixing things.

Bjarni: step to P5Q6, attacks cleric with flanking
Claw: [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
Claw: [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5]
Bite: [roll6] for [roll7]

Godfrey: step to R6S7, each attack targets a non-grappled standing enemy (if both are in the same condition, prefer the cleric)
Claw: [roll8]* for [roll9] grab [roll10]
Claw: [roll11]* for [roll12] grab [roll13]
Bite: [roll14]* for [roll15]

*Extra +2 vs cleric (if Aiwale above P8 counts for flanking).

All grabs are at -20, so both Bjarni and Godfrey are not considered grappled even if opponents are (still have DEX to AC, threaten squares, etc.)

2011-07-28, 04:38 PM

The shifter withdrew his scimitars from the dead serpentine archer's body, flicking off the blood from them and quickly scanned the battlefield. He noticed the two remaining enemies being barraged by different attacks from his companions and he figured to join in.

He dashed past Bjarni and lunged at the nearest target, the cleric. Then he let out a huge roar that distracted the two serpentine monsters and shouted at Aiwale, "An opening, Master Aiwale. Take it!"

Move to P7
Set Cleric as Dodge Target
As swift action, use White Raven Tactics. Aiwale gets another turn before the end of the round.
Cumulative Blood in the Water Bonus: 2

Attack: [roll0]

Crit Confirm if above 15: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4]

Base = 26 + 3(Skirmish) = 29
Against C: +3
Against AoO: +5

Lightning Mace granted attacks(If any applicable):
Attack: [roll5]
If crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] + [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
If crit: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] + [roll13] + [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
If crit: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17] + [roll18] + [roll19]

Attack: 33
Damage: 33

2011-07-28, 11:13 PM
Taking advantage of the open defense, Aiwale swings his halberd once, then thrusts the head at the Yuan-Ti before swiping with his talons.

Attack 1

Attack 2

Foot Talons
I wasn't sure which part of my BAB to use with the extra attack, so I'm assuming I get no BAB on it, leaving me with only strength bonus.
Attack Roll

Titanium Fox
2011-08-02, 07:58 AM
Spot checks attempt 2:
Hope: [roll0]
Tomas: [roll1]
Godfrey: [roll2]
Bjarni: [roll3]
Aiwale: [roll4]

Titanium Fox
2011-08-02, 08:28 AM
While the battle itself raged on, neither side holding a clear and obvious advantage over the other, the Yuan-Ti fought with abandon, with true hatred and strength, the snake like hell creatures creating a nye impenetrable wall of flesh and steel, which so few of Crystalden's defenders could seem to pierce. However thankfully, this was not the case for the skirmish in which you found yourselves. Contrary to most of the battle, the four stalwart warriors seemed to be rending through the defensive line that the Yuan-Ti had offered.

Awaile was quick to run through the Cleric, jabbing him into his halberd, the creature sliding down its length with a satisfying wet rip. Its eyes go wide, however its horror at its sealed fate does not last for long, as Tomas, within mere moments, unleashed a flurry of steel which would put the most talented of Diopsid warriors to shame. The remaining standing foe doubled over in pain as the sword swiped through his stomach over and over, scales and armor doing little to protect from such a savage assault.

Godfrey and his companion wasted little time in finishing what had been started, the pair splitting and swiping both of the remaining foes, claws and teeth flashing through the air as if in a dance, the blood of their enemies highlighting the grace and power.

With a flash, Hope reached the now slumping form of the Cleric, still hanging from his allys blade. His scimitar rended through the now dying flesh, the creature's head sliding clean from its body. As the group turned to face the final remaining foe, he succumbed to his wounds at Godfrey's claw, falling to the ground.

Lazy man's summary of Crunch:
Bjarni kills Cleric
Godfrey kills Crusader

Spot Check (Succeeded by Bjarni and Godfrey):

DC 20
Whatever celebration that the party were to have was to be short lived. From the horizon, the form of a hulking creature made itself known. None had seen an abomination upon the battlefield before; or at least none who had yet lived to tell the tale. Yet legend detailed their forms well. The presence they command, the respect shown to these apparent elders of the cultists whom had ravaged the country for so many years. A small circle in the rear ranks of the creatures parted around it as it slowly slithered towards the fight. It raised a reptilian hand, and raised itself upon its tail, seeming to grow another foot.

Cloaked forms, previously hidden by magical ability began to fade into existence, still hidden by the battle raging on all sides.

Godfrey could even swear that he saw a glint come from the tip of the finger of the abomination, who now appeared to be staring directly upon him.

Without warning, the earth began to quake beneath the party's feet, the battle about them dying as the Yuan-Ti held, awaiting the results of their tactic, holding until it was safe to press forward yet again. The sound of the earth seeming to open below Crystalden's defenders was near deafening, yet the voice of Lieutenant Colonel Chavor could barely be heard above the chaos; words unfortunately unclear.

Listen Checks:
Tomas: [roll1]
Godfrey: [roll2]
Bjarni: [roll3]
Aiwale: [roll4]

Listen Check Results (Succeeded by Aiwale and Godfrey):

You notice that the Colonel's voice seems to be growing more distant although you do not appear to be moving. The colonel has not been visible since the battle began.

The earth behind you seems to swallow two of the archers whom had been fighting valiantly alongside you, the last leaping forward, terror obviously painted across the greenhorn's face.

Chaos begins to rise once again however, as one more Yuan-Ti seems to break from the group, approaching the party directly. Its soft, tattered red robes offer the symbol of Erathnyul quite obviously, however unlike those that were just triumphed against, a tail trailed a few inches behind its still humanoid feet.

It did not appear to wear armor, yet the creature reached behind it as it issued its challenge, hefting a greatsword, which with a single, unintelligible word, burst aflame.

It stood for a moment, nearly 100 feet away, sizing up its new foes.

(Party, roll me initiative and give me a spot on the battle grid in the grey where you'd like to start off.)

Enemy Initiative:

2011-08-02, 09:08 AM

Tomas spun round, green ophidian blood spraying of the razor sharp adamantine. His cry of victory was cut short as he tumbled to his feet as the earth shook like the hammers of the gods themselves were drumming on it. He flipped up to his feet just in time to see the tear in the earth swallowing the hapless but brave archers, a shield held outstretched just too far away from the terrified soldier's grasp.

He looked North towards the new foe, a grim facade spreading across his face underneath the armoured helm as saw the challenge. He glanced to his comrades, "Well, shall we accept his kind invitation?", then gauging the distance and his heavy plate armour he glanced upwards at the massive bear with its amulet round its neck "Master Godfrey, would you take it amiss if I asked for a lift?- a flash of a grin just visible beneath the helm's face plate. "I would hate to arrive too late to satisfy our foe"

Tomas standing in square S14.
Initiative [roll0]

2011-08-02, 09:11 AM
Godfrey thought about casting a spell or two, but with a new opponent boldly approaching decided he'd rather waste no time on it. Not yet.

Initiative: Godfrey [roll0] and Bjarni [roll1]
Position: Godfrey O14P15 and Bjarni R14S15

upd: I think it is OK for Tomas to ride a bear if he gets mounted before we charge. The bear closest to him happens to be Bjarni - ahem, the rotation was to confuse the enemy, did not expect it to have any result THAT soon.

2011-08-02, 10:56 AM

The sudden movement of the earth took Hope by surprise, making him jump and find his balance. He quickly looked around to see how the others fared, and was glad when he saw them there, as if nothing happened. When he looked around at the archers supporting them however, he saw the earth under them give way. His first reaction was to sprint towards them, but his reaction was a split second too late, and two of the archers got swallowed down. He helped the remaining archer up on his feet, and seeing his terrified face, Hope clapped his back hard and shouted over the deafening noise of the rumbling earth and clanging steel, "Shape up, man! Do you want your comrade's death to be in vain? Pick up your bow and aim true! For your fallen comrades! For Crystalden!"

Even as he spoke those words, Hope himself felt something inside him that threatened to take over. Not fear, but anger, and he seemed to approach his tipping point. He hated the Yuan-ti, and every man he saw lost to them fueled the hatred more and more. But he knew better than to let his rage take over; he took a deep breath and focused his hatred into his blades. For every one of his comrades lost, he vowed to take down a hundred of the monsters. He went back to the others and wondered what caught their attention.

Following their line of sight, he spotted a lone Yuan-ti in front of the others, standing confidently, in his hands a greatsword draped in flames. The creature looked formidable, but Hope would not back down to any of these monsters. He gripped his weapons in both hands at his side, his eyes focused at the enemy before him. He stood there at the ready, waiting for an opening.

Hope occupies W14.
Initiative roll done in OOC (cause I screwed up and pressed preview :smallbiggrin:)

2011-08-02, 12:14 PM
Flying up into the air, Aiwale first tries to spot the colonel. After that, he turns to the cloaked figure. "Death from above." he whispers, shaking the last few bits of cleric off his halberd.

Move to 50' above Q14

Spot check to see the colonel


Titanium Fox
2011-08-02, 12:45 PM
Archer Initiative (-2 due to fear effect):

Average Initiative (Party Wins!):
Enemy: 14

2011-08-02, 03:08 PM

Nodding at the impercetible affirmative form the towering bear glowing with diamond infused stone fur Tomas leaps forward grabbing a thick handful of coarse fur and hauling himself onto the back of the mounstrous bear. Swirling his sword around to loosen his wrist before confronting the next foe...

Move action move to the massive bear.
Try a DC 20 ride check to fast mount [roll0]- if that suceeds then swift action and standard action waggling weapon to recharge moves.

If it fails then use standard actoin to mount the bear and hold on tight!

Titanium Fox
2011-08-03, 08:11 AM

Hope's words rang through his head, over and over, as he just stood dumbstruck, eyes fallen upon the Yuan-Ti approaching them.

"For my fallen comrades. For Crystalden."

His bow was nowhere in sight, yet the bow of those foul creatures laid upon the front lines. He sprinted to battle, snatching up one of the weapons of the deceased and notching an arrow, preparing to strike.

2011-08-03, 01:28 PM
Aiwale lets out a screech, then dives straight at the robed figure.

Dive attack on the figure. He's in range. Also, I looked up the exact rules of diving. If I'm using a piercing weapon (like a halberd), I automatically do double damage.

Ending dive 5 feet above Q3

Attack Roll
+17 (Base for weapon) +2 (dive attack) +1 (Bracers) = +20

[roll1] times two for dive = 32
Plus Electric Damage:

2011-08-03, 10:26 PM
Looking at at the Yuan-Ti, who seemed to be pretty sure of his capability, Godfrey hoped this creature was wrong. Anyway, that will be known really soon. Massive bears charged forward towards the creature, granting Tomas a really rough ride. Then they attacked to grapple Yuan-Ti as soon as possible to prevent it from using powers it definitely had.

Charging to O3P4, R3S4
Godfrey: claw [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
Bjarni: claw [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5]

Charge: +2 to hit (included) -2 AC (Godfrey=26, Bjarni=28)

2011-08-04, 01:52 AM

While he stood there focused on the lone Yuan-ti, Hope again fought his urge to rush straight at it. In his mind he entertained thoughts about the many ways he would like to cut the snake up, and by the time he snapped back, he saw the raptoran already swooping down for a dive attack and the the two bears charging forward, with Tomas on one of them. He was wary of the enemy's capabilities but decided to use his usual tactic and charged forward as well, jumping at the last few feet and raining down slashes even before he landed.

Charge to R2
Set Yuan-ti as Dodge target

Full Attack:
Power Attack: -2
Charge: +2
Cumulative Bonus(Blood in the Water):+2
Tiger Claw enhancement: +3

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Crit confirm: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] + [roll9]

Attack 3: [roll10]
Crit confirm: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] + [roll13] + [roll14]

Attack 4: [roll15]
Crit confirm: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17] + [roll18] + [roll19]

Lightning Mace Granted Attacks:
Attack: [roll20]
Crit confirm: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] + [roll23] + [roll24]

Attack: [roll25]
Crit confirm: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27] + [roll28] + [roll29]

Attack: [roll30]
Crit confirm: [roll31]
Damage: [roll32] + [roll33] + [roll34]

Attack 2: [roll35]
Crit confirm: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37] + [roll38] + [roll39]

Attack 2: [roll40]
Crit confirm: [roll41]
Damage: [roll42] + [roll43] + [roll44]

Attack 2: [roll45]
Crit confirm: [roll46]
Damage: [roll47] + [roll48] + [roll49]

Attack 3: [roll50]
Crit confirm: [roll51]
Damage: [roll52] + [roll53] + [roll54]

Attack 3: [roll55]
Crit confirm: [roll56]
Damage: [roll57] + [roll58] + [roll59]

Attack 3: [roll60]
Crit confirm: [roll61]
Damage: [roll62] + [roll63] + [roll64]

Attack 4: [roll65]
Crit confirm: [roll66]
Damage: [roll67] + [roll68] + [roll69]

Attack 4: [roll70]
Crit confirm: [roll71]
Damage: [roll72] + [roll73] + [roll74]

Attack 4: [roll75]
Crit confirm: [roll76]
Damage: [roll77] + [roll78] + [roll79]
AC: 30
Dodge: +3
Skirmish: +3
Charge: -2


Attack 1: 39(crit threat - 17)
Crit Confirm: 41
Damage: 36, 53 if crit hit

Lightning Mace Bonus Attack: 26
Damage: 32

Attack 2: 38(crit threat - 16)
Crit Confirm: 41
Damage: 34, 49 if crit hit

Lightning Mace Bonus Attack: 31
Damage: 32

Attack 3: 33(crit threat - 16)
Crit Confirm: 37
Damage: 27, 51 if crit hit

Lightning Mace Bonus Attack: 21
Damage: 38

Attack 4: 28
Damage: 26

Titanium Fox
2011-08-04, 04:28 PM
Crunch Time! Fluff will go up in an hour or two, I'm running out for Dinner in a minute.


Five foot step to P1
Casting Defensively (DC 18): [roll0]
Fireball (Reflex Save DC 20) Targeting Top-Left corner of R5 (Red Area)

Party Reflex Saves:
Hope: [roll1]
Tomas: [roll2]
Godfrey: [roll3]
Bjarni: [roll4]
Aiwale: [roll5]

Fireball Damage:
Halved if successful reflex save.

Titanium Fox
2011-08-04, 07:50 PM
The Yuan-Ti which so boldly challenged the triumphant party proved himself to be no mere trifle. His massive sword hefted before him, fire raging, he slide his sword airborne, deflecting the Raptorian's blade from piercing his most vital of organs, which it was on a heated course to collide with. The blade that Aiwale wielded sliced down through the creature's unprotected side, leaving a large gaping wound which slowly oozed that same blood that its comrades did, although for some strange reason it appeared thicker, more viscous, more diseased even.

The blow did not seem to remotely faze the serpent however, as the druid and his faithful companion rushed upon him, nearly in the blink of an eye his lithe body seemingly danced around the pair of claws rushing at him with a bone shattering force, the power transfered into the air behind him. However unfortunately for him, the distraction that the pair provided was enough to catch him off balance for just enough time that the lightning quick Hope could properly seize the opportunity.

Fire burned in the young warrior's eyes as his weapons mercilessly gored the creature, who seemed to rock and recoil with each and every blow, what would be expected as dripping wounds instead turning a charred and painful black, scales flecking away with each swipe. The bottom half of the robe he had been adorned with hung loosely around his form, tattered and shredded beyond recognition, and as the holes in the fabric moved due to the soft breeze what caught the tiny bit of clothing upon it, there were obvious, near mortal wounds, the stench of burnt flesh seeming to overtake the entire site.

The Yuan-Ti's expression, however, remained unchanged. As Hope's assault finally began to relent, he slipped back with an almost unnatural agility, his three clawed hand sliding into a small bag which was initially concealed by the robes. A small brown power was flung forth as a burning red energy swirled upon his finger, and as his feet came to rest, his finger leveled.


The word was nearly a whisper, but the small pinpoint of magical energy rocketed across the plains, rocketing beneath Aiwale, before detonating, capturing all but the lone archer in its blast, intense heat radiating from the eye, the true center of the burst.

The Yuan-Ti merely smirked, leveling the weapon once again before his foes, preparing to combat the inevitable onslaught these foes would loose upon him.

2011-08-04, 08:24 PM
Without enough room to dive, and still nursing burnt feathers from the attack, Awaile drifts closer to the Yuan-Ti and slices with his halberd.

5-foot step to above Q2.

Attack Roll:

[roll1] (Piercing)
[roll2] (Electricity)

2011-08-05, 01:37 AM

Tomas growled, deep low in his throat as he recoiled against the flames crackling around his armour, being held back more by his force of will than anthing else. Seeing Hope hack chunks off the inhuman creature he followed Aiwale in, gliding in front of the towering bear before bringing the adamantine blade up in a strike that would decapitate an aurochs...

Glancing at his companions... "Someone circle round him, keep him pinned in where he can't use his magic"

Move to P2
standard attack the wizard [roll0] - if threat [roll1]
--> damage [roll]1d10+10 (plus [roll2] if crit)
Swift --> Recharge all my other moves.

EDIT: I mucked up damage, but it wasn't a threat so if it hits just use the damage roll that worked.

Currentl down AC30 88/104hps

2011-08-05, 04:26 AM
Burnt bear fur... burnt bear skin and, in case of Godfrey, much burnt bear flesh. Bjarni was doing much better. The fireball was a bad thing - not as bad as Godfrey expected, but still a bad thing. Still, Godfrey was not up to leaving this realm just because of one extra fireball or something, so he called upon magical forces of nature to give him more endurance for this battle. After casting the spell, he started circling around the opponent, hoping that Bjarni will have more luck grabbing the creature this time.
Cast a spell: Bear's Enurance
Move L, LU, U, U, U to M-2N-1
Bjarni delays until he can get to Yuan-Ti in one step (i.e. Hope moves away from R2), then steps towards the enemy and attacks.
Claw: [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
Claw: [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5]
Bite: [roll6] for [roll7]

2011-08-06, 04:30 AM

The fireball blast caught Hope in it's blast radius, though with his lightning reflexes managed to avoid most of the damage. But to think the monster still stood after his barrage and was able to dish out something like that, the notion that it was no ordinary foe was confirmed in Hope's mind. Realizing the danger if the serpentine warrior were to increase its distance from them, he immediately sprinted forward, tumbling and rolling to avoid the creature's attacks and positioned himself to block its escape. Then he heckled it, distracting it while signaling Thomas to take the opening.

Hope slips past the Yuan-ti into P7.
[roll0] to avoid AoO.
Use White Raven Tactics on Thomas.
AC: 29, 34 against AoO if Tumble fails.

2011-08-06, 07:10 AM

Nodding to the shifter Tomas slipped forward ducking under the bear's massive paws before leaping up into the face of the monstrous enemy, all his hate, all his contempt for the serpent folk pouring into the strike.

Move action P9 (to flank with Hope)
Swift action move into Punishing stance (AC now 28)
Standard action Divine Surge [roll0] (threat [roll1])
damage [roll2] + [roll3] (crit add [roll4])

Hps 88/104

Titanium Fox
2011-08-10, 12:39 AM

The lone soldier takes a deep breath and steels himself as best as he can. Quickly flitting to the south in order to line up a better shot, he looses an arrow from the weapon, which leave a faint green trail in its wake.

Moves to R21
Fires +1 Vitriolic Compound Longbow at "Y": [roll0] (If Hit: [roll1] Piercing & [roll2] Acid Damage)

Titanium Fox
2011-08-10, 12:49 AM
Fluff in next post.

Opposed Grapple:
"Y" vs. Bjarni (Claw Attack #1): [roll0]
"Y" vs. Bjarni (Claw Attack #2): Attack Miss

Enemy Turn:

Five Foot Step to Q7
Full Attack on Hope - [roll1] - [roll2] - [roll3]
Damage If Hit - [roll4] & [roll5] Fire - [roll6] & [roll7] Fire - [roll8] & [roll9] Fire

Titanium Fox
2011-08-10, 06:52 PM
His foes pained reactions sent the softest of smirks across the creature's face. The sword in his hands glowed with a supernatural fire, which reflected from his eyes, if anything accentuating the spark of hatred which burned within. The blast of magic had done more than he had expected it to, and as he gazed over the battlefield, relishing the destruction that he had wrought, even for the briefest of seconds... The distraction was just enough. Awaile swooped forward, mirroring the creature's movements in defense, slashing his weapon in a grazing blow; not enough to elicit a cry of pain, but just enough to snap him back into reality.

The Yuan-Ti brought his weapon down, just as the bear charged forward, suffering a single wound to his forearm, however knocking away the opposing attacks, resulting with a resounding crash of teeth on steel, the hilt of the greatsword pressing against Bjarni's nose as his bite was deflected. However he could not defend from both nature and warrior, suffering a slice over his back, a roar echoing through the field. His head whipped to track Hope's roll, his sword flying with abandon as it tried to trace the shifter's unnatural speed, instead slicing only cleanly through air. The distraction once again offered Tomas an opportunity to strike which he took gleefully, the might of an angry God fueling his steel. The sword sliced cleanly across his chest, raking over unprotected underbelly.


The choked out, pained word heralded a flurry of power from his sword, directed at the young animalistic creature which had been defying him so, causing him so much grief, distracting him in ways that no trained warrior ever should. The fire and sword struck true three times, leaving large, blackened, gaping wounds all across the shifter's exposed fur and skin.

Nyuth snak lyrnth ko mel delash.

The creature seemed to float as it slid away from the admittedly formidable foes that centered around it, noting within itself to not allow them an opportunity for advantage again as it just barely dodged an arrow, green trail whizzing by his skull. Words from even his God did not quite prepare him for the tenacity and determination of the army of Crystalden.

Summary of Crunch:
Awaile deals 10 damage to "Y"
Tomas deals 18 damage to "Y"
Bjarni hits "Y" with one claw for 14 Damage; failed opposed grapple check.
Tomas deals 64 damage to "Y" (White Raven Tactics Secondary Attack)

"Y" Deals 49 damage to Hope.

2011-08-10, 10:58 PM
As Bjarni continued to battle the creature, again attempting to grab him, Godfrey thought he should prepare for the case ot that thing still not beeing grappled and one more of Crystalden warriors badly wounded. He started casting a spell, his forepaws making movements as if walking in place.

Claw [roll0] for [roll1] grab [roll2]
Claw [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5]
Bite [roll6] for [roll7]
Casting Summon Natute's Ally V

2011-08-11, 02:58 AM

Seeing Godfrey casting a spell and blood pouring out of Hope Tomas stepped forward, Beast. he barked at it, Face me if you are man, or creature enough challenging it to a duel in an effort to distract it from the injured Hope.

With that he shifted slightly into a more focused stance before surging forward the diamond mind focus guiding the strike.

Swift: move into Stance of Clarity : AC32 against Y; 28 against others
Move: Move up beside him (P8)
Standard: Ruby Nightmare Blade
Concentraion check [roll0] Vs his AC
Concentraion check passed
attack [roll1] (threat [roll2])
Damage [roll3] (if crit add [roll4])
Concentraion check failed
attack [roll5] (threat [roll6])
Damage [roll7] (if crit add [roll8])

2011-08-13, 12:30 AM

The sudden attack took Hope unawares, and two deep slashes from the gigantic flaming sword found their mark on the young shifter's body. With his body bloody and almost barely standing, the pent up rage inside him could not be held back any longer. He knew he would not be able to take a single blow anymore, they had to end it soon. He let out a deafening roar as his body transformed into his more primal form, his hair grew longer, his face deformed, and claws protruded out of each of his hands.

As soon as the transformation was completed, he clicked his boots together and moved so fast he disappeared like a blur from the monster's vision, reappearing at his back in an instant to deliver a barrage of carefully-placed slashes that left little openings.

Shifting time! (+2 to Str, 4 rounds left)
Activate Boots of Haste (+1 extra attack, +1 dodge AC, +1 Reflex save, +1 attack, 9 rounds left)
5-foot shunpo to Q6.
Fighting Defensively (-4 attack, +2 dodge AC, +2 shield AC from Two-Weapon Defense)
Cumulative Bonus from Blood in the Water: +5

Full Attack:

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]

Attack 3: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11]

Attack 4: [roll12]
Crit Confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + [roll15]

Attack 5: [roll16]
Crit Confirm: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] + [roll19]

Lightning Mace Granted Attacks:
Attack 1: [roll20]
Crit Confirm: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] + [roll23]
Attack 1: [roll24]
Crit Confirm: [roll25]
Damage: [roll26] + [roll27]
Attack 1: [roll28]
Crit Confirm: [roll29]
Damage: [roll30] + [roll31]

Attack 2: [roll32]
Crit Confirm: [roll33]
Damage: [roll34] + [roll35]
Attack 2: [roll36]
Crit Confirm: [roll37]
Damage: [roll38] + [roll39]
Attack 2: [roll40]
Crit Confirm: [roll41]
Damage: [roll42] + [roll43]

Attack 3: [roll44]
Crit Confirm: [roll45]
Damage: [roll46] + [roll47]
Attack 3: [roll48]
Crit Confirm: [roll49]
Damage: [roll50] + [roll51]
Attack 3: [roll52]
Crit Confirm: [roll53]
Damage: [roll54] + [roll55]

Attack 4: [roll56]
Crit Confirm: [roll57]
Damage: [roll58] + [roll59]
Attack 4: [roll60]
Crit Confirm: [roll61]
Damage: [roll62] + [roll63]
Attack 4: [roll64]
Crit Confirm: [roll65]
Damage: [roll66] + [roll67]

Attack 5: [roll68]
Crit Confirm: [roll69]
Damage: [roll70] + [roll71]
Attack 5: [roll72]
Crit Confirm: [roll73]
Damage: [roll74] + [roll75]
Attack 5: [roll76]
Crit Confirm: [roll77]
Damage: [roll78] + [roll79]

AC: 34
+2 Fighting Defensively
+2 Two-Weapon Defense
+1 Haste


Attack 1: 32
Damage: 22

Attack 2: 28
Damage: 21

Attack 3: 37
Damage: 15

Attack 4: 33 (crit threat 15)
Crit Confirm: 28
Damage: 16, 38 if crit hit

Lightning Mace Bonus Attack: 26
Damage: 21

Attack 5: 35 (crit threat 17)
Crit Confirm: 23
Damage: 14, 30 if crit hit

Lightning Mace Bonus Attack: 25
Damage: 14

2011-08-15, 04:29 PM
Aiwale drifts through the air, moving around the Yuan-Ti to a more advantageous position. He manages to keep his defense up and get an attack in while doing this.

5-foot step to 5' above R9



Titanium Fox
2011-08-20, 09:32 PM
The Yuan-Ti screeched in pure, sheer agony as it felt the red hot steel of its foes blades, fists, claws, and other weapons slicing into its flesh; battering its bones and body into a pulp.

Out of the corner of its eye, it barely saw Bjarni's assault, finding itself able to bring the hilt of its sword into the path of his paws, holding both in air and suspending the massive bear just a few feet from him; more than close enough to suffer a swipe of its teeth directly across his face. The Yuan-Ti recoiled in pain as Tomas's steel came down upon him, first slice catching the monster directly across its chest, knocking it to the ground. The next swipe rending its tail nearly from its body. As it found itself belleding out upon the ground, it began to bring its hand up for a single, final spell; only interrupted by Hope's blinding speed, the young shifter slicing off the Yuan-Ti's arm as he sprinted by, his steel finding itself perforating the Yuan-Ti's scales with extreme ease.

Spot Check:
Hope: [roll0]
Tomas: [roll1]
Godfrey: [roll2]
Bjarni: [roll3]
Awiale: [roll4]

Listen Check:
Hope: [roll5]
Tomas: [roll6]
Godfrey: [roll7]
Bjarni: [roll8]
Awiale: [roll9]

Titanium Fox
2011-08-20, 09:35 PM
Spot Check DC 20 (Hope & Godfrey):
As your attentions turn from the corpse now lying sprawled and strewn on the ground in front of you, out of the corner of your eye, you briefely notice a soft, rolling landscape; yet as you turn your attention to it, the battle appears to be raging on as strong as ever.

Listen Check DC 20 (Tomas, Godfrey & Bjarni):
For just a single, brief moment, as the adreneline beginst to wear off from such a challenging battle, you notice that the sounds of the battle raging on behind you seem to fade in, as if a silence spell had just worn off the entire land.

2011-08-21, 06:21 AM
Suddenly a pair of white unicorns appear near Godfrey and Hope (both look friendly towards Crystalden's defenders), but Godfrey plain ignored them, continuing his casting... or maybe starting casting yet another spell... it was nearly impossible to tell without some spellcrafting experience. Casting soon ended and everyone could feel their wounds starting to close and life returning to them... very, very slowly.

Unicorns appear on O5P6 and Q5R6.

Start casting Summon Nature's Ally IV.
Nah, I reconsidered, Mass Lesser Vigor everyone. That's 1hp every round for 20 rounds.
Spot to see what could be attacked next [roll0], either with melee or ranged.

2011-08-21, 09:20 PM

With the monster of an enemy finally vanquished, Hope looked around the battlefield for other possible threats. The battle seemed to rage on but it appeared that no immediate danger confronted the group. In a coarse voice, he asked the others, "How you all holding up?"

2011-08-21, 09:33 PM
Landing, seeing no imminent threats, Aiwale folds his wings in. "That was a refreshing battle. Haven't had a fight like that since my early days."

2011-08-23, 12:29 AM

Tomas nods his thanks to Godfrey as the vigour starts to close the wounds from the fireball. Where do we go now? he asks, the sword twitching in his hands. " What was this monster's issues? he quickly asks giving the prostrate form a quick kick as he rifles briefly through the fallen cleric's belt pouches and weapon scabbards.

With that he'll look around the battlefield trying to find the next place that he and his friends can make a difference- his criteria being the biggest and baddest looking Yuan-ti?

2011-08-23, 05:53 AM

As Hope surveyed the battlefield, the adrenaline wore off a bit and he started to feel his wounds. When he saw the large gash across his chest, he was surprised he was still standing. Then he remembered the unicorns Godfrey talked about, and although a bit hesitant to approach it, he had to take care of his injuries should he wish to be effective, so he did.

"Say, master Unicorn, could you perhaps spare some healing spells for a wounded comrade?"

Titanium Fox
2011-08-23, 10:15 AM
Loot on corpse of Yuan-Ti Sorcerer / Pact-Bound Adept:
- 4 Dark Red Potions
- 1 Light Yellow Potion
- 1 Acid Green Potion
- 1 Milky White Potion
- 1 Wand
- 1 Ring, radiating a soft red.
- A large tome, bound in leather and clasped with gold.
- 1 Pair of Ornate, Leather Bracers
- +? Flaming Greatsword


Without saying a word, one of the creatures turns its attention to Hope, lightly pressing the tip of its horn to his outstretched paw. Warm, rejuvenating energy courses through the limb, slowly spreading throughout his body.

Casting Cure Moderate Wounds on Hope
Healed for: [roll0]


Godfrey's Spot Checks:
As Godfrey swivels, surveying the battlefield, he can nearly immediately pick out a pair of targets that would serve as good fodder for himself and his comrades. However, before he can even think to advance or rally his fellow defenders, he notices that for some reason, he can't seem to focus on the foes just a few hundred meters before him. After a moment, he also notes it strange that the battle raging on seems to form a perfect circle around the group.

2011-08-23, 11:30 AM
Aiwale looks at himself, realizing exactly how injured he was. "I believe I could use a few healings as well, good unicorn."

Titanium Fox
2011-08-23, 12:14 PM
The other unicorn turns his attention to Aiwale, repeating the same gesture that the first did.

Casting Cure Moderate Wounds on Aiwale.
Heals for: [roll0]

2011-08-24, 10:54 AM

Throwing the potions and stuff into his haversack he nods to the others We can split this wealth after the battle. Should I fall I would like my wealth given to the city academy of blades." . He then straps the greatsword across his back and pats a unicorn on the horn. "Nice pony" though he doesn't require healing as the vigour spell continues to mend his flesh.

Godfrrey or Aiwale, what do your sharp eyes see? Where net shall we go? Does anyone think the battle is strangely quiet? The last comment as he glances around slightly confused and seeing if he can spy a mage or other reason for the strange sound changes.

The battle lust in him spins his sword around in a pleased manner shouting at the nearest snakes... Come on reptilian scum! My blade thirsts for your scales!

2011-08-24, 11:07 AM

"My thanks, friend," Hope addressed the unicorn with a slight bow as he felt his body surrounded by a soothing warmth. He felt his wounds close up a bit, but it was too deep for the spell to mend entirely.

"Although, uhh, well...if it isn't too much to ask, another spell would be nice. The monster caught me really bad back there," he added in his gruff voice softly, embarrassed by asking for another favor.

Titanium Fox
2011-08-25, 07:23 PM
The unicorn repeats the same set of motions, touching its horn to the injured ally.

Three casts of Cure Light Wounds (Expending for the day):
Heals: [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2]

2011-08-25, 09:22 PM

His body was surrounded by the same warmth when the unicorn touched him with its horn, and Hope felt his wounds feel much much better. "Thank you," he said with another bow before turning to the others. "What do you guys think we should do now?" he asked, then turned to scan the surroundings for what their group could do next.

Spot: [roll1d20+13[/roll]
Listen: [roll0]

2011-08-25, 10:03 PM
Seeing that no enemy is nearby, Godfrey re-assumed his human form and addressed the unicorns "You too, heal them both." (pointing at Hope and Aiwale) "And you go fight some evil." (pointing "north") "Something strange is going on. I cannot single out a foe of those around us, and no one of them comes close... probably we should not just stay here, but I'm not sure which direction to choose."

As unicorn moved towards the enemy, Godfrey watched him, trying to estimate a range at which the loss of focus manifests and whether that loss is abrupt or gradual.

2011-08-25, 10:23 PM
"Perhaps they are frightened of our ability. I would be if I were one of those scaled takasi." Aiwale says.

2011-08-25, 10:44 PM

Hope observed the unicorn as well, being cautious of what Godfrey was talking about. He didn't drop his shifted form just yet, for he knew he would be needing every second he was in it.

2011-08-26, 05:23 AM

Leaning on the hilt of the sword he glances around squinting to see the enemy. When in doubt, attack he suggests, pointing the way that they were originally heading. "If there is strange magic about better to be mixed up in their ranks and taking them down with us".

Titanium Fox
2011-08-31, 08:40 AM
-Bit of a placeholder, fluff will be replaced in later-

The unicorn sprints off towards the northern barricade of Yuan-Ti.

Once it gets close from your perspective, it rears back in an evident panic, and begins to gallop back, shouting something.

The Yuan-Ti nearly seem to take no note of the creature.

Something about an illusion reaches your ears as the 10 rounds elapse and both Unicorns flash back to the Astral Plane.

2011-08-31, 10:32 AM
"Oh, so he didn't like it there. I don't know what it is, nor do I care." Godfrey pulled and unrolled a scroll, then quickly casted a spell, becoming misty and translucent. He touched everyone of Crystalden's defenders, including bear and archer. Everyone can notice that Godfrey no longer walked on the surface of the earth, but rather floated above it and everyone he touched became just like him - translucent, misty, weightless and floating. "Wind walking, comrades. It's a strategic movement, so somewhat suboptimal, but it'll do. Really long duration, and you will need to change back to material form for attacking, which takes 30 seconds, the same to change back cloudlike. Not sure if Bjarni could pull this trick. If not, I can dispell it for him, but then he'll be stuck landbound. Now we fly really fast, straight up, then observe the field and attack where they least expect us. Then maybe repeat. Like the plan?"

Upd: Then Godfrey casts another spell and floats a bit higher. (Detect Magic all around now and later during movement)

2011-09-01, 06:59 AM

Concentrating Tomas began the slow change to a mist-like being. The lack of weight and strange sensation was akin to falling, though in this case upwards. "I have never been a fan of magi truth be told". He says before starting to float upwards with Godfrey and having a good look at the surrounding battle.

2011-09-01, 07:51 AM

The young shifter was wary of the change that happened to him. He was not used to these kinds of magics, but he tried not to let this show. He looked at how Godfey did it, and tried to imitate what he did.

As soon as they gained altitude, Hope tried to look down on the battlefield, and he was amazed at the new perspective this magic offered. After the initial feeling of awe had passed, he tried to focus on the battle still raging below them. He saw lots of dead serpentine bodies lying scattered, but with them lied the bodies of their comrades as well. He felt sharp pain in his chest, a feeling of helplessness in avoiding their deaths sweeping over him. But he knew it was pointless to fret over such thing now, and he knew what he had to do. He had to do his part, and so he looked around the battlefield once more to see where they could be of use the most.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-09-01, 12:34 PM
Feeling that the spell was unneeded for him, but going along with it, Aiwale followed the group, wondering what the unicorn meant by "illusion".

Spot check for anything of note on the ground

Also, since Aiwale has a natural fly speed, can he use that instead of the Wind Walk speed?

Titanium Fox
2011-09-03, 08:23 PM
((FINALLY you guys interact directly with the terrain! XD))

Spot Results: Hope and GFawkes
As you glance to and fro, studying not only the battle but the earth below itself, you seem to notice a faint shimmering, as if waves of heat were coming off of the ground; although you note it to be unseasonably cool.

Extended Spot: Hope Only
As you note these strange waves you begin to focus, and the earth below seems to melt away. Green gives way to brown, the illusion of the raging battle beyond seeming to melt into stone and dirt walls. It suddenly appears as if you had fallen into a cave, masked by some sort of spell. (Roll Spellcraft or Knowlege: Arcana to determine the spell if you want / can.) As you look up, you see what barely would suffice for a dot of light at the surface; you can tell you are quite a distance from daylight. As you glance about, the illusion dispelled for you, you note a small pathway, barely enough for a pair of people to fit shoulder to shoulder leading into darkness.

Detect Magic: Godfrey
EVERYTHING shimmers bright blue. The sky, the ground, the Yuan-Ti, the Crystalden Defenders. Literally everything.

2011-09-05, 07:37 AM

As he looked around, Hope began to see the surrounding change from a battlefield into something like a dark cave. He began to panic and shouted, "Everyone, are you seeing this?" A lot of questions ran in his mind. What is this spell? When did they start to be under it? And where are they really?

"Master Godfrey, any chance you know of this magic?"

Sorry guys, I thought I had posted already. Anyway here it is.

Also, use Point it Out on Godfrey. (+2 to Spot)

2011-09-05, 08:12 AM

Part misty and ethereal he looked around slightly panicked as the world fluctauted around him. Godfrey is this normal?. With that he threw himself sideways through the area to where the Unicorn had freaked out...

2011-09-05, 08:37 AM
Godfrey floated higher, looking around, including direction pointed by Hope. We are inside a spell, wich either affects everything around us or IS everything around us. The spell is rather strong, but unless it is a collective hallucination, thus centered on us, it must have spatial limits. And our current movement capabilities perfectly fit for checking those limits. Godfrey continued to move up, trying to detect the end of the affected area.

Spot: [roll0]
Knowlege: Arcana (untrained): [roll1] (if applicable)

2011-09-05, 11:17 AM
"I just wish to leave this spell soon. I am not made for subterranean activity" Aiwale says, feeling discomfort at the closeness of the cave.

Titanium Fox
2011-09-08, 08:57 AM
Knowlege Arcana & Spot Results (Godfrey):
You see the same thing that Hope saw last round; the spell fades out of your view.

Knowlege Arcana reveals that this is a large range illusion spell, targeted on a point with a large radius. No spell name is determined.

2011-09-08, 11:05 AM
All right, that is a large illusion. Occupies a static area, I suppose. Hmm... let's try to ignore it. (Godfrey attempts to accelerate, reach the surface, accelerate faster, ascend to 1000 feet and observe)

2011-09-08, 11:41 AM

Not sure what to do, Hope just agreed with Godfrey. "Right," then followed what the druid did.

2011-09-08, 12:35 PM
"If you say so." Aiwale says, following.

2011-09-08, 01:45 PM

Tomas looked to the others, all of whom seemed to have greater grasp of the magical nature of the peril. Trusting to his comrades he nodded. "Let us fly, and see where this takes us...."

Titanium Fox
2011-09-13, 01:58 AM
As you float, higher and higher, eventually the shimmering that the more perceptive of you had witnessed a few moments before was now rather visible by everyone. Higher and higher you all rose, slowly leaving the bubble of foreign magic. As the illusion completely faded, you all were suddenly taken with the relative darkness of the actual subterranean landscape. The only light was extremely scant, filtering in from far, far above. The ground below you was indeed grass, although it was as if the entire chunk of land you were fighting on a minute before had sunk far below the crust of the earth. The walls were dank, comprised entirely of dirt, seemingly unnatural; at least the rear half. As your eyes scan forward, you note the dug out, packed down dirt gives way to what appears to be stone formations, a natural cave expanding before you.

As you glance back upwards towards the slowly growing source of light, you feel an uncomfortable sensation across your face. You're quick to gather that it was caused by dirt knocked loose as something begins to block your only source of light; and it's covering the entrance hole much faster than your current spell is allowing you to rise towards it. It's not more than a few seconds until you're plunged into pure blackness, hovering somewhere above solid earth.

2011-09-13, 02:16 AM
Noticing undesired activity directed at the only apparent exit, Godfrey focused magical winds around him to bring him up faster, moving up with this wind at speed of 100 feet per second. This considerably reduced his maneuverability, but being insubstantial, Godfrey was not afraid of physical contact with the walls or even the cover being placed on the entrance hole. He needed only a single narrow crack to break through (or, more precisely, leak through). The wind will push him through this crack, if it exists.

2011-09-13, 02:57 AM

The shifter tried to emulate the druid in going up, and as he did he noticed the light from above getting clearer. He noticed the change in the surroundings as they seemingly went past the magic's range, and now it was clear that they were in some sort of cave.

He immediately looked up when he noticed that the source of light was becoming somewhat dimmer. When he did, he saw some movement at the source which seemed that there was something slowly covering the hole. He saw the druid move up faster, and not knowing what to do, he kept thinking in is mind if he could go faster before the hole closes shut. As he did, he felt himself burst upwards at a faster speed, but only a few seconds before the cave became completely dark. Blinded by the darkness, he tried to stop himself and shouted, "Noooo!"

2011-09-13, 01:17 PM
Aiwale darted for the exit, his racial claustrophobia kicking in. Using both magical wind and his own wings to move faster, he quickly was at the front of the group.

2011-09-13, 01:52 PM

still confused Tomas picked up on the panic of the group and his own natural fear of the darkness enveloped him as he felt himself shift entirely to mist trying to reach the fading drop of light...

Gods bless and shield us! he thinks in mist form as the realisation of the entire city being enveoped by the earth hits him!

Titanium Fox
2011-09-18, 08:08 PM
Aiwale is easily the closest to the surface, however the magic which was closing off the ground before them was just too fast, the Avian's barely one hundred feet away as the last of the light was choked off, plunging the party into total darkness. Other than the faint sound of dripping water and the clanking of each other's metallic armor, no sounds seemed to be coming from the massive cavern or cave attached.

2011-09-18, 09:40 PM
Agreed, that is unfortunate... good thing we are not being eaten or anything... hmm... we still have to get out. Aiwale, could you become solid for a moment, I'm going to perform some tunneling and for that will have to be solid and yet not falling down.

Being sort of "trapped" underground, Godfrey remained perfectly calm. If this hole is not continuously magical and some sort of self-sealing, no sort of natural earth is going to stop a druid from getting wherever he wants.

2011-09-19, 02:32 AM
As the earth seals across them Tomas gulps nervously as he's plunged into pitch darkness. Panic gripping him before he focuses his mind remember the elementary breathing techniques he'd been taught so long ago.
Master Godfrey. He'll shout out into the darkness "As the resident Master of magic could you say what has come to pass?".
"Does anyone have a means of light? He'll shout out to his companions around him.

2011-09-19, 05:32 AM

Hope was on the verge of panicking. He was not used to being confined in dark places. He continued his ascent towards the ceiling and tried to muscle his way out.


As the futility of what he was doing sank in, he tried to breath deep and gather himself. The voices of the others helped to calm him down. At least he was not alone.

2011-09-19, 06:04 AM
Sadly I have no light other than one Faerie Fire spell, and that will not do us much good. Besides, being gaseous prevents us from using spells or equipment. We have been magically entombed underground, which is not a problem for us. It might be a problem for our comrades above, and that is why I do not want to spend an inordinate amount of time here. If no enemy went down to deal with us we are perfectly safe, otherwise he'll have to have means to get up here to engage us. I want to shapeshift into a badger or something and dig a way for us to "leak" out, but I need Aiwale's help to start tunneling into a wall without falling down as Aiwale is only one other who can fly naturally and I, in badger form, cannot.

2011-09-19, 11:19 AM
"As I can fly under my own power, I will provide us with light." Aiwale says before solidifying and knocking his halbred against his talons.

Activate the Illuminating property (Illumination 20 ft, Shadowy 40 ft)

2011-09-19, 11:41 AM
After Aiwale solidified and illuminated surroundings Godfrey took a quick look around. "Now I will assume an appropriate form and start to dig. Do not follow me until I return and make a sign." Then he shapeshifted and solidified into a badger, sitting on one of Aiwale's feet hugging his leg, after a moment he pointed to the nearest earth wall. When Aiwale flew adjacent to that wall, badger started to dig it with one claw, then carefully with two claws, but still using his hind claws to hold on to Aiwale's leg, then he climbed into the hole and started burrowing farther into the earth, horisontally, then angled up, while leaving behind a small dirty round tunnel. Soon everyone lost sight of the him, and after some more time you cannot even hear him. Some time passed.

Eventually tunnel up to the surface, especially carefully through turf layer as not to make a molehill. When a smallest crack to the sky forms, assume gaseous (but still badger) form, and peek out.

2011-09-19, 09:17 PM

When a light appeared somewhere, the young shifter was relieved, and immediately went near it. He watched anxiously as the druid worked his way through the dirt, hoping the plan would work.

Titanium Fox
2011-09-30, 01:28 PM
The party sat in the dim light cast from their Avian ally's weapon for what seemed on the order of hours; although in reality it had been only a scant few minutes. The sounds of battle had been completely shunted by the thick piece of magically moves earth above them, and after but a few moments the sounds of their ally's claws upon the soft loam were drowned out. The more perceptive of the group could hear the sound of water dripping onto bare stone, hauntingly echoing at just a whisper's volume.

After around ten minutes of digging, Godfrey finds himself reaching an outlet. It doesn't seem as though it should have taken this long to reach surface, but regardless he punches through; and an extremely faint light filters through the hole. As he digs forward, he notices the light was naught but a pinpoint off in the distance, and the world still found itself bathed in darkness... And it was here that the Druid quickly realized that through his digging he was still in the tunnel, just on the opposite side of the entrance in which the battlefield they had used just a few moments before had fallen from.

Rolling for direction of exit: 1 = Upright, 2 = Upsidedown, 3 = On Right Side, 4 = Sideways Left Side.


As soon as this realization washed over the badger, he felt the forces of gravity immediately shift, pulling him back down towards the cavern below.

Reflex Save DC 15: [roll1]

Thankfully the shift in gravity was extremely slight, and Godfrey could see the ground properly oriented below him. However still caught in vertigo, he shifted just slightly; not enough to fall, but enough to cause worry and the momentary sensation in free fall. He quickly takes a step away from the entrance in order to ensure that he stays right where he is.

2011-09-30, 11:09 PM
So, gravity gets warped too... no good news. Godfrey went back in the tunnel he just dug, reached the side through which he first went into the ground, shown himself to the comrades, shaking his head, and went back into the earth. This time he made his digging project as straight as possible - two meters straight into the wall and then everything straight up, checking several times to make it straight and visiting comrades to check which way is up relative to them as not to be confused by long work, gravity shifts, earth shifts etc. The tunnel should be exactly L-shaped with very short horizontal leg and Godfrey was determined to make it that way (say like taking 20 in profession (miner) or craft (tunnel-digging) or something). Also, Godfrey was prepared to exercise maximum care when finishing it, in case he still could not make it to the real surface.

2011-10-01, 01:26 AM

Still in his gas-like form Tomas struggles to hold back the fear and worry building up within him. A worry only heightened by the return of the earth covered badger before it vanishes once more.

What's happening Godfrey?

2011-10-01, 03:55 AM

The concept of being trapped under the ground was hard for Hope, and each minute passing seemed ages for him. Had he not been thinking more rationally, he would have asked each thirty seconds that passed by if the good druid had done his job. He paced around the others in his gaseous form, all the while thinking if the time had passed long enough and the spell would wear off.

2011-10-01, 01:24 PM
Aiwale squirmed in position, not liking being underground at all. Shifting his halbred, he tried to give Godfrey more light.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-02, 10:55 PM
Godfrey once again re-emerges, this time in what seems as though another random location. This time as he twists and turns his head, he notes the faint pinprick of light coming presumably from the Halberd at least a hundred feet directly above him, if not more.

He eventually ascertains his location within the cave; he finds himself having popped up from below the floor of the main circular room in which the party hovered, close to the mouth of the cave leading into the deep unknown. He approximates that this was probably around where the Unicorn halted before fleeing back a few minutes prior.

2011-10-03, 05:50 AM
After some time Godfrey again emerged from the hole he entered. He was covered in dirt, shaking his head, spitting and hissing. Then he paused for some time an spat once again. In other circumstances looking at an angry spitting badger might be fun, but probably not now. After some time Godfrey become insubstantial, still in badger form, left the hole and started to descend, leading comrades to similar hole in the floor, made a circle over it, then shook his head and spat.

2011-10-03, 08:51 AM

Getting a bit impatient, Hope started to badger the badger. "Still no progress, Master Godfrey?"

2011-10-06, 08:26 AM

Tomas looks around carefully, or at least as much as he can see. It would seem that we may not be able to escape. Possibly we may have to go down, as it were, to go up.

Looking around. "I have some means to produce food and water so as long as we have light we should be able to make do. And... of course we have a flaming sword that we liberated from the surface. If we've been sunk we may be able to find a tunnel or mine nearby and make our way to the surface that way? Hopefully not too late to rejoin the war.

With that he'll sink down towards the floor near the badger and repeat the above to Godfrey. What say you druid, nod for yes shake for no...

2011-10-06, 08:42 AM
Badger nods two times, points towards the cave, and then starts to slowly float in that direction, making sure Bjarni and others do the same.

2011-10-06, 09:26 AM

Hope was glad to hear insights from others. He cursed himself for not being able to think rationally in a situation where he needed to the most.

"Yes, yes, we should try that." He immediately followed his companions, hoping for the best in this new course of action.

2011-10-06, 11:17 PM
"Just as long as we get out of here quickly. My people weren't meant to be underground." Aiwale says, following the group.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-07, 08:44 AM
The party begins to slowly descend into the cave, the little bit of light coming from the tip of Awaile's halberd giving a dim, shadowy view of what appears to be a hastily carved tunnel. In sections the tunnel gives way to natural underground formations, but any search reveals that they don't delve far from the beaten path. The cavern slowly thins out to a point, where the party reaches a fork in the tunnel. To the left is more of the freshly turned dirt, and to the right extends a large natural cave; the first of which the Halberd's light does not illuminate fully.

2011-10-07, 09:09 AM

He was still restless as the group ventured forth into the bottom of the cave. He was restless; he wanted to get out of this dark place, and back into the battlefield. Yes, it is more comforting in the battlefield than in this cave, he thought.

When the group reached the fork, he couldn't help but let out a sigh. Another obstacle. He hated himself for his helplessness in these kinds of situations. "So, where do you think we should go?"

2011-10-07, 09:17 AM
"I am unsure. This cavern is massive." Aiwale says, looking at the edges of the light for any signs of where the group is.

Spot check

Note that Aiwale has low-light vision

Titanium Fox
2011-10-07, 09:36 AM
As Aiwale shone the light down each cavern in turn, he found it still impossible to see the end of either. However, it is obvious that the path to the right is a natural cave, as the turned dirt eventually gives way to solid stone, and the outline of a Stalagmite can be seen in the distant shadowy light.

The path to the right however narrows out at a gradual slope as it travels onward, yet it was obviously dug out by someone, small piles of loose dirt adorning the floors, and a generally circular shape rather than the random and natural formations that a true cave would offer.

2011-10-07, 11:53 AM

Tomas looks at the tunnels with a suspicious glare before drawing the looted greatsword. Holding it one hand hell motion at the natural tunnel.

2011-10-08, 12:28 AM
Godfrey had enough of unnatural for today, he would like to go to the cave, which he does, floating as far before Tomas as the light permits.

2011-10-08, 02:07 AM

Hope followed the others into the right path. He didn't care where, as long as they were moving. They were bound to end up somewhere, he thought. He looked around to see if there were anything unusual in that cave.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-10-08, 01:48 PM

Tomas nodded to the others, as he enjoyed the feeling of being solid again and the solid grip of a flaming greatsword clutched in his hand shedding flickerin red light. "I don't know about you, but I'm happier with this tunnel than the other. Hopefuly we can find our way out?" he adds looking at Godfrey. As the only caster in the party he does seem to have have the hopes of the rest of warriors resting on his furred shoulders.

Gliding around the stone work gracefully he'll scan the area constantly looking for danger but also stay close to the shifter and the raptorian.

2011-10-10, 10:06 PM
Badger nods and continues forward. Godfrey was not an expert in speleology, so no educated guessing here - they'll have to go where this cave leads and see if that helps to get out.

2011-10-10, 10:14 PM
Aiwale follows the group, providing light from his halbred and seeing if he could spot anything coming up.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 07:44 AM
((Sorry guys, I didn't notice the last few posts.))

The cave seems to open up after a scarce thousand feet, the feeling of impending claustrophobia seeming to slowly fade. Small little offshoot tunnels; tributaries of a sort, were visible off of either side of the path which was riddled with natural formations, at times making it easier for the group to split around, although these natural formations never came close to blocking sight. A rock here, an outcropping there. However these small little crevices mostly found themselves too large to accommodate a single humanoid, and those that did, a quick flash of light revealed them to be far from worth anyone's time.

Spot Check: Hope
As hope carefully examines the strange subterranean landscape sprawling before and aft to him, he notes one thing that easily does not seem as though it would belong so deep underground. A track of sorts, but not of a human. No, the tracks nearly appear to be formed by a serpentine tail, and they seem to be traveling in the direction from which Hope had just come.

The group traveled for what seemed as though forever, and at some point during their trek the cavern began to gently slope upwards, punctuated with larger steps up towards the surface. Eventually a dim light could be seen, and the sounds of rushing water were evident to all ears; albeit extremely faint, seemingly miles away.

2011-10-11, 09:31 AM
Godfrey, still in front of the group in his vaporous badger form, stopped floating forward and turned towards the group, assuming human shape, but still misty and translucent. "I don't know if the exit is guarded, but just to play it safe, I propose that everyone turns vaporous, we fly there at top speed of wind, not stopping for anything, and when high in the sky, decide what do do next."

2011-10-11, 12:58 PM


He motioned the others to move to where he was and pointed them towards what he noticed. "Tracks. Looks to be made by those foul serpent creatures. But the odd part is that they seem to be headed for where we came from. What do you think? Maybe this could be another of those tricks, like the direction thing."

2011-10-12, 02:47 AM
"Not sure if we should care much about these tracks. We will report them and someone will investigate them. Well, if we finish with current events above ground, we could investigate them ourselves."

2011-10-12, 02:41 PM

"Well, what I meant was maybe this leads to the way out. But then again, as I said, it could be a trick. Or as you said, it could be leading someplace else entirely. What do you have in mind, my friends?" he asked his other companions.

2011-10-14, 04:04 PM

The young man looks at the shifter, a smile on his face. "Maybe its the wizard that cast us down here?"

2011-10-18, 05:52 AM
"Perhaps. There is also a chance that the light ahead is an illusion, and will just lead us deeper." Aiwale throws in.

2011-10-27, 12:59 AM

The young shifter thought about their situation for a bit. But the situation and his impatience got the better of him, and he couldn't focus. He turned to his companions. "Since we are divided on this, I guess we should vote or something. I choose to go forward. Well any route for that matter. We should just leave some tracks on the pillars or the ground so we could backtrack if it's not the right choice." I just want to move and get out of here.

2011-10-27, 01:05 AM
"Sounds like a plan. I don't like this underground area, and would prefer to get out and into the sky with all haste."

Titanium Fox
2011-10-30, 11:48 AM
The party quietly makes the trek up the gentle incline, noting the occasional track or trace of life, but not truly seeing anything which would indicate the heavy traffic required to fully dig out a tunnel like the one they had just found themselves in. As the mouth of the cave before them grows larger, and natural light finally begins to filter into the tunnel, they notice the odd manmade item, in one case a shield of Crystalden, coated in Blood.

At least one member of the party can hear a faint hissing, and a guttural tongue from just outside the cavern's entrance.

2011-10-30, 11:53 AM
Godfrey waits for everyone willing to turn vaporous to do so, then accelerates and leaves the area at maximum speed. Bjarni follows.

2011-10-30, 11:57 AM
Seeing the party go immaterial, Aiwale follows suit and prepares to charge at the exit.

2011-10-30, 12:08 PM

Tomas looks around at the blood coated shield and the ***** an ear at the hissing sounds. Then looks at the others. These foul creaturs have murdered honest and loyal soldiers of CrystalDen, I say we strike them dead here and now."

He'll look to the others for agreement before starting to walk corporeally towards the exit, sword and shield in hand.

2011-10-30, 09:45 PM
Godfrey is STRICTLY for attacking from the open, if at all. And better attacking some strategic target, not just a hole guard.

2011-10-31, 01:59 AM

LIstening to the suggestions of the druid Tomas nods, the druids sage advice better than the need for revenge. Focusing he'll then go all misty and ready to float out of the cave and up into the sky to scan for enemies....

2011-10-31, 04:56 AM

"Agreed. We have to get out of here before anything else. Our comrades outside need our help." He turns into mist form again and speeds up towards the exit and into the light.

Titanium Fox
2011-11-03, 07:04 AM
The party turns back to their floating, gaseous state, and ignoring the tracks and other signs of Yuan-Ti presence, charge towards the surface. The party bursts through the cave entrance, and for a second the jarring change in light leaves them blind to the world. When vision finally does return to them, they see first and foremost a pair of rather angry Yuan-Ti at the cave's entrance, one waving a sword up towards them, and another firing arrows, all of which stray wildly off course. There are obvious signs of recent camp, however the camp itself has indeed been moved.

The landscape is vastly different from the one the soldiers left however. To every side is rolling, sprawling plains, and off in the distance, there is a faint splotch of darkness; although it doesn't seem magical in nature. There are no obvious signs of civilization to speak of other than a small column of smoke to the west, and a shoreline to the south-east.

2011-11-03, 07:27 AM
Godfrey flew to altitude of 3000 feet and looked around, trying to guess his location relative to whatever he knew or heard of.

Knowledge: Geography [roll0]

2011-11-03, 08:00 AM

Hope also tried to go up, ignoring the vile serpentine beast firing arrows at them. At first glance he could not recognize anything in the surrounding terrain. "Where are we?" he muttered unconsciously in his bewilderment. He tried to look for anything he could recognize.

Spot: [roll0]