View Full Version : Shifter Druid

Elric VIII
2011-07-19, 06:04 PM
So, the large amount of Druid threads recently got me thinking of a build that I had considered. I would like to put it out here for some advice.

The idea is a Shifter Druid taking at least the first Shifter Druid sub level.

Now, I want to focus on shifting for combat and there are two options that would work for me:

Take the Druid 5 sub level and eventualy get 2x INA and a bunch of extra shifting uses.

Take the Aspect of Nature (UA) ACF and focus on shifter feats (since Druids don't need many feats) and grab one level of Moonspeaker to have my metamagic feats count as shifter feats.

I'm leaning toward the latter, but I would like to hear that you all think.

Aside from the method of using shifting there is the issue of enhancing it.

I will be using MF/GMF, but I would like some ideas of other spells that would help with natural weapons.

I was either considering a dip into Overwhelming Attack Monk for free PA and going the Shock Trooper Route with Snap Kick or a dip into Lion Totem Barbarian for Pounce.
Which is the better choice here?

2011-07-19, 08:29 PM
If you go far enough in Moonspeaker, you can have both the ACF and normal wild shaping, though gimped a little by it being based off of your Moonspeaker levels.

Also don't forget about Superior Magic Fang, which is GMF on all your weapons, which is just good times.

I don't think you really need dips for other stuff to be effective as a druid but, if you feel the need to Kung Fu up your Panda form, by all means. Just realize you're casting yourself CLs, where a lot of druidic power comes from.

Also consider Druidic Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger)/Force of Nature Druid (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druid) if you want that extra oomph, like backdooring into Barbarian Spiritual Totems, though they come at the costs of your companion and your wild shaping, which may not be desirable.

Elric VIII
2011-07-19, 09:13 PM
If you go far enough in Moonspeaker, you can have both the ACF and normal wild shaping, though gimped a little by it being based off of your Moonspeaker levels.

Also don't forget about Superior Magic Fang, which is GMF on all your weapons, which is just good times.

I don't think you really need dips for other stuff to be effective as a druid but, if you feel the need to Kung Fu up your Panda form, by all means. Just realize you're casting yourself CLs, where a lot of druidic power comes from.

Also consider Druidic Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druidVariantDruidicAve nger)/Force of Nature Druid (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druid) if you want that extra oomph, like backdooring into Barbarian Spiritual Totems, though they come at the costs of your companion and your wild shaping, which may not be desirable.

Superior Magic Fang in nice, but it only lasts rounds/level.

CLs don't matter too much, I mostly want to use Druid as a vessel for buffs on a Shifter build. I want to be a Buff-o-mancer.

Druidic Avenger is pretty cool, but it doesn't work with the Shifter Druid's Beast Spirit as I don't have an AC. However, I might be able to swing the Force of Nature druid even if I take Shifter Druid 5 since I will be trading away Elemental Wild Shape.

2011-07-19, 09:21 PM
Before you consider dipping monk, you have to ask yourself if that's really want you want (An alignment set in stone) A druid/monk would be Lawful Neutral, and if that fits your character, it's great, and opens up the doors for Beast Claw Strike, which is even more good times than Superior Magic Fang.

If you want to go barbarian, you can always shoot for the Black Blood Cultist prestige class (Champions of Ruin) after you finish out Moonspeaker (especially if you don't care about caster levels). It's chock full of flavor, as it's a class based on lycanthropy, it grants you DR/Silver and lets you deal damage with every single one of your natural attacks on a successful grapple check, and even gives you two claws, a bite, and a rake, which is fantastic for a shifter.

Also, you get Rage, which is much more powerful for shifters than any other race, as it allows you to take the almighty Shifter Savagery feat, which increases the effective size of your natural weapons by two when you are simultaneously shifting and raging, far better than simply taking Improved Natural Attack, as it boosts them all with one feat, boosts them further than natural attack, and you can shift and rage while wildshaped, so you can get all your other natural attacks buffed as well. (Wildshape into a boar as a Razorclaw with the Extra Shifter Trait (Longtooth) feat, and rage. Suddenly you have four natural attacks for a Huge sized creature)

Edit: Sorry, I got a little carried away there and gave you all kinds of different information. I just love shifters. They're my absolute favorite race in 3.5

Elric VIII
2011-07-19, 10:20 PM
Before you consider dipping monk, you have to ask yourself if that's really want you want (An alignment set in stone) A druid/monk would be Lawful Neutral, and if that fits your character, it's great, and opens up the doors for Beast Claw Strike, which is even more good times than Superior Magic Fang.

If you want to go barbarian, you can always shoot for the Black Blood Cultist prestige class (Champions of Ruin) after you finish out Moonspeaker (especially if you don't care about caster levels). It's chock full of flavor, as it's a class based on lycanthropy, it grants you DR/Silver and lets you deal damage with every single one of your natural attacks on a successful grapple check, and even gives you two claws, a bite, and a rake, which is fantastic for a shifter.

Also, you get Rage, which is much more powerful for shifters than any other race, as it allows you to take the almighty Shifter Savagery feat, which increases the effective size of your natural weapons by two when you are simultaneously shifting and raging, far better than simply taking Improved Natural Attack, as it boosts them all with one feat, boosts them further than natural attack, and you can shift and rage while wildshaped, so you can get all your other natural attacks buffed as well. (Wildshape into a boar as a Razorclaw with the Extra Shifter Trait (Longtooth) feat, and rage. Suddenly you have four natural attacks for a Huge sized creature)

Edit: Sorry, I got a little carried away there and gave you all kinds of different information. I just love shifters. They're my absolute favorite race in 3.5

Actually, I was thinking of using the Chaos Monk from Dragon Mag (Does anyone know which issue this is?) along with some Barbarian. I took a look at Shifter Savagery, and it's great.

With this I can lose 2 CL and get Pounce, Rage, IUS, and PA (UA Monk ACF). I usually like to play my T1 builds with 1-3 lost spellcasting levels, just to lomit power.

The main thing is that I don't really like Wildshape as a gross physical change (which is why I'm considering the 2 ACFs I mentioned). I know a spellcasting bear riding a bear, shooting more bears out of its ass is powerful, but I just don't really like that part of Druids.

EDIT: Just checked out Black Blood Cultist, it's a shame that Rend comes so late, but it might be a possibility.

2011-07-20, 10:50 AM
Actually, I was thinking of using the Chaos Monk from Dragon Mag (Does anyone know which issue this is?) along with some Barbarian. I took a look at Shifter Savagery, and it's great.

With this I can lose 2 CL and get Pounce, Rage, IUS, and PA (UA Monk ACF). I usually like to play my T1 builds with 1-3 lost spellcasting levels, just to lomit power.

The main thing is that I don't really like Wildshape as a gross physical change (which is why I'm considering the 2 ACFs I mentioned). I know a spellcasting bear riding a bear, shooting more bears out of its ass is powerful, but I just don't really like that part of Druids.

EDIT: Just checked out Black Blood Cultist, it's a shame that Rend comes so late, but it might be a possibility.

Well, seriously, if you're going to take any levels of monk at all, you should find space for Beast Claw Strike. Adding an extra 1d6-1d10 (depending on whether you get a monk's belt) to both your claws for just a feat is great.

Elric VIII
2011-07-20, 12:41 PM
Well, seriously, if you're going to take any levels of monk at all, you should find space for Beast Claw Strike. Adding an extra 1d6-1d10 (depending on whether you get a monk's belt) to both your claws for just a feat is great.

That is definately sound advice.

2011-07-20, 01:29 PM
There's also a feat, I believe it's called Earth's Embrace, but I can't remember, that allows you to add your claw/unarmed strike damage when you maintain a pin without moving. Since making a grapple check and maintaining a pin are two separate actions in a round, this would allow you to deal even more damage with your unarmed attacks during a grapple if you do go Black Blood Cultist.

2011-07-21, 10:17 AM
There's also a feat, I believe it's called Earth's Embrace, but I can't remember, that allows you to add your claw/unarmed strike damage when you maintain a pin without moving. Since making a grapple check and maintaining a pin are two separate actions in a round, this would allow you to deal even more damage with your unarmed attacks during a grapple if you do go Black Blood Cultist.

Earth's Embrace isn't that good, as it does an extra d12 but makes you far easier to hit against those that are not in the grapple with you, even more than normal grappling, which is just double ungood unless you can grapple everything, which is something else entirely and would probably involve Multigrab (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Multigrab) and Greater Multigrab (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Greater_Multigrab).

Elric VIII
2011-07-21, 11:03 AM
I'm not sure grappling is that viable of an option anyway, since I'm not using normal Wildshape (so I won't gain size modifiers and my Str score won't get too large).

Now, I'd like some advice on spell selection.

From PHB and SC I have found the following spells that enhance natural attacks:
Magic Fang, Greater, Superior
Align Fang
Jagged Tooth
Tiger's Tooth

Are there any good and/or long-term buffs for natural weapons that anyone can suggest?