View Full Version : Marble Elephant Droppings

2011-07-19, 07:41 PM
Figurine of Wondrous Power - Marble Elephant.

So, where we last left off in my first level 20 campaign, I have my archmage on top of a homebrewed (over-powered, trying to see how much) spellcasting character. He's the evil guy, I'm Lawful Good, and I wanted to show poeple that at level 20 **** gets deadly. So, I'm flying 10 feet off the ground above him, and he's bound in a Rope of Entanglement.

At first I was thinking of Time Stop - Enervation?, Spell Turning (he's sure to hit me with a death spell if he cuts loose), Mordenkainen's Disjunction? etc... But then I figured:

I have a Marble elephant. I utter a command word, and voilá, he springs forth and drops like an elephant onto my enemy.

But then, what would the REFLEX DC be for dodging the bullet, with and without the entanglement?
And, if hit, what's the STRENGTH DC for lifting the elephant off him if it hits (the elephant being either dead or alive).

So, if the average elephant weighs 4.6 tons, he deals 23d6 damage by weight, plus the damage from falling 200 feet, 20d6. Average this deals 129 damage. Any ideas for inflicting more damage? Or just Time Stop - (Do the above mentioned spells work in Time Stop?)

Thank you anyone if you can answer even one of these questions.

The DM (who finally after all these years is ready to kill his second PC)

2011-07-19, 09:35 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about whether Marble Elephants poop marbles.

2011-07-19, 10:04 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about whether Marble Elephants poop marbles.

Was thinking on the same lines.

Not sure if you can summon the figurines in midair or not. Normally the landbound creatures have to be summoned on solid ground.

Anyway, I think I heard before that a Reflex save DC 15 would suffice when just dropping large things on a square. Give him a -2 on the roll for being entangled.
Where are you getting 20d6 falling damage? You said that your character is flying 10 feet off the ground. To me, that implies he's on the ground, you're 10 feet in the air.
Thrown weapons are what, 1d6 per 200 pounds? If so, you're dealing 46d6 damage bud. 4.6 tons * 2000 pounds =9200 pounds. Divide by 200pounds per d6= 46d6.

Enervation is a targeted spell, so you can't use it in a timestop. Try a cloudkill+force cage+Dimensional lock+delayed blast fireball while in the timestop.
Maybe: Timestop: force cage+cloudkill+summon or buffing spells. Timestop ends, cast celerity+dimension anchor. But he'll have cover and concealment while inside the cage and cloud.

Flame of Anor
2011-07-20, 01:05 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about whether Marble Elephants poop marbles.

Was thinking on the same lines.

Yeah, me too. Now, if this marble elephant had a level in Commoner, with the Chicken Infested flaw, then things could get very interesting whenever he wiped!

2011-07-20, 04:04 PM
Was thinking on the same lines.

Not sure if you can summon the figurines in midair or not. Normally the landbound creatures have to be summoned on solid ground.

Anyway, I think I heard before that a Reflex save DC 15 would suffice when just dropping large things on a square. Give him a -2 on the roll for being entangled.
Where are you getting 20d6 falling damage? You said that your character is flying 10 feet off the ground. To me, that implies he's on the ground, you're 10 feet in the air.
Thrown weapons are what, 1d6 per 200 pounds? If so, you're dealing 46d6 damage bud. 4.6 tons * 2000 pounds =9200 pounds. Divide by 200pounds per d6= 46d6.

Enervation is a targeted spell, so you can't use it in a timestop. Try a cloudkill+force cage+Dimensional lock+delayed blast fireball while in the timestop.
Maybe: Timestop: force cage+cloudkill+summon or buffing spells. Timestop ends, cast celerity+dimension anchor. But he'll have cover and concealment while inside the cage and cloud.

I was thinking of teleporting upwards, then dropping the Marbled Elephant. See if Horton spots a Who.

And man, I confused Pounds with Kilos there, forgot my own head if it wasn't sowed on. Thank you for that.

And yeah, forgot about the Targeted Spells within Time Stop. "Will check" your selected spells.

But then... Landbased creatures summoned on solid land, could they get the falling damage from the statue that was thrown? Where does it say it has to be on land for landbased creatures? I know 'tis a long shot, but worth the query.

Any thoughts? Or just too much?

Otherworld Odd
2011-07-20, 07:41 PM
I think it says somewhere concerning summoning creatures that they have to be summoned on the ground or in the water if they're aquatic. It's kind of the same ruling that applies to casting wall spells, as in you can't summon an iron wall above your opponent. Don't know where the ruling is located though.

2011-07-20, 07:49 PM
I think it says somewhere concerning summoning creatures that they have to be summoned on the ground or in the water if they're aquatic. It's kind of the same ruling that applies to casting wall spells, as in you can't summon an iron wall above your opponent. Don't know where the ruling is located though.
That's only true for Conjuration(Summoning) spells.

2011-07-20, 09:15 PM
I was thinking of teleporting upwards, then dropping the Marbled Elephant. See if Horton spots a Who.

Another option:
Shrink item on a very large boulder.
Teleport self above target. Release the fist sized rock while speaking the command word. 5 tons of rocky doom now falls on the target. No need to worry about not getting to summon your elephant because it's not on solid ground.

When I think of the figurines, I think of someone using either a pokeball, or a Dragonball Z capsule. Hit the button, throw it, and the item appears on the ground/air/water as appropriate for its type.

And it's true, the only basis I have for the figurines is that line out of the Summon Monster spells. Since there's other figurines in other books, its possible that one of THOSE figurines would have that line, but with the way we read the rules here: That'd mean that the mouse from book X can only be summoned on the ground, while the sperm whale in book Y could be summoned wherever you pleased. Even 3 miles up in the air with a pot of petunias.