View Full Version : Multiclass semi-cross-class skills question

2011-07-20, 01:55 AM
This is a simple topic, really, so one answer will probably end it, but anyway.

As far as I understood it, when someone multiclasses, the class skills of both classes count as class skills when leveling either class; I previously thought the Players Handbook said this, too, but reading it now it just says that the max rank for class skills of either class is the normal max rank of a class skill. Meanwhile, I've seen it said, or at least implied, by numerous people here that, when leveling a class in a multiclass character, only the class skills of the leveled class are raised by a rank per point spent; the cross-class skills, even though they're class skills for your character as a whole, only get half a rank per point. Others seem to think otherwise, although the times it was said elsewhere were in different topics (unfortunately; if there were a discussion on it I'd probably already know how it works).

Can someone please clarify how this works for me, please? Preferably with an official source, rather than just saying "it works this way". Thank you in advance.

2011-07-20, 02:07 AM
Max rank is based on whether it is a class skill for any of your classes. The amount you pay per rank is based on the class you are currently leveling. The specific reference for using only the current class's skill list is on page 60 of the PHB, in the section were it tells you how to process a levelup. This language is not on the SRD, as XP and leveling is one of the parts of the game Wizards did not want to be open content- with the SRD only, you're left to derive it from the conventions of the language they use (eg, when they say class-something, they almost always mean 'the class you are in right now'. If they mean the entire character, counting racial HD/levels in other classes/etc, they will use character level instead.)

2011-07-20, 02:38 AM
Oh, thanks. Missed that section; I was looking under things with the word "skill" in the heading. Anyway, that answers it. Thanks again.