View Full Version : Epic Level Modules?

2011-07-20, 12:15 PM
Does anyone know of any good level 23+ modules for d20/3.5e/Pathfinder?

I already have "The Drow War: Book III" and "The Quicksilver Hourglass". It seems to me though, that there is little published material for epic campaigns

2011-07-20, 12:27 PM
that would be because there isn't. Maybe you could try Elder Evil's? while not strictly epic, the Evils themselves are decent as threats to low epic characters.

2011-07-20, 02:32 PM
I agree that the Elder Evils could work, besides that, I do not know of any Epic content or anything that could be easily converted.

I might actually be going through the Drow War Campaign, eventually... Have you played through all the books? About how long did it take?

2011-07-20, 03:02 PM
Not a module, but a ressource:

Lots of very dangerous high level stuff. (http://dicefreaks.superforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5)

2011-07-20, 05:24 PM
I agree that the Elder Evils could work, besides that, I do not know of any Epic content or anything that could be easily converted.

I might actually be going through the Drow War Campaign, eventually... Have you played through all the books? About how long did it take?

No, I haven't played through them yet. Right now, I'm just planning ahead. I have two story arcs set up for the PCs, in the first one, the PCs stop Iuz the Old from getting his revenge upon Greyhawk. After that, They gain a stronghold in the Shield lands as well as getting Maure Castle.... if they can take it. After Maure Castle, They will find themselves forced to stop a multiverse shattering cataclysm by Vecna himself.

It's basically like:
(1-1) Tristor opening
(1-2/3) Howling Horde
(2/3-6) Barrow of the Forgotten King
(6-16) Castle Greyhawk (w/ City of Greyhawk Boxed set and expanded dungeons from the "ruins" 2e module)
(16-19) Maure Castle
(20-30) Die! Vecna Die!/ Vecna Lives! (adapted): w/ Conversion to Pathfinder
(30-32) Quicksilver Hourglass
(32-35) Die! Vecna Die! / Vecna Lives (continued)

Not a module, but a ressource:

Lots of very dangerous high level stuff. (http://dicefreaks.superforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5)

Thanks, although I already had it bookmarked :p
They also have some wonderful epic spell seeds in their PDFs

Edit: Hmmmm..... So nobody even knows of any 3rd party adventures?