View Full Version : The Prisoner (IC)

2011-07-20, 12:25 PM
The Last Market. The last resort for finding what you need, and the home of both lawbreaking scum and 'freedom fighters' alike. It's amazing how it manages to keep going, since it seems that Chainwraith is to an extent aware of its movements, but a judicious combination of magical protections, powerful customers frequenting the market, and safety measures taken by everyone who visits, manage to keep the Market safe enough for use.

Raynar Julius Hrothgar

You've assembled a small counter for yourself, as many of the Last Market sellers do. The knowledge that you have prepared to sell this month is actually hidden away in your sphere far belowground, though you are prepared to summon it at a moments notice, while you lounge behind the counter, confident in your identity as Ghost. The Market has just started, with more people arriving every second. You can see several familiar faces: Shendak, the old shaman, gives you a friendly wave and a grin that's missing too many teeth. Almost directly across the alley from you is a relatively new seller, a strange looking knight with crimson hair who, from what you've gathered, sells people various acts of magic through use of contracts engraved in the large green metal book sitting in front of him. A little ways down the alley to your right is a rather odd looking group which you can only assume is new to the Last Market. They are all wearing pale yellow masks which most resemble the generic comedy masks worn in the theater. They seem to be trying to pry up the stones making up the floor of the alley, revealing wet dirt underneath. You're surprised they haven't been stopped yet. A very strange looking draconic centaur is patrolling the alleyway, squinting around as if looking for something or someone. Not the kind of creature you'd see in society normally, but most at the Last Market aren't too picky about who purchases their wares. You can see that a very distressed looking man in a butler's uniform has just entered the market. Your ears catch the name "Ghost" being muttered among the hubbub, and you quickly pinpoint that a woman wearing a long dark robe and hood is asking where she can find you.

Sir Milton Piltz

Like many of the sellers in the Last Market, you have assembled a counter for yourself. On it rests your green metal book, glinting in the fading evening light. The Market is very much bustling today, with a number of familiar and unfamiliar faces. A trader in knowledge known only as Ghost lounges lazily directly across the alleyway from you, and you are almost right next to a shaman who you recognize to be a trader in charms and curses. Not far up the alley is a group who looks to be new, several people wearing pale yellow masks which appear to be simply generic theater 'comedy' masks. They are laboriously prying up the stones making up the floor of the alleyway. A worried looking man in a butler's uniform is just entering the market. A woman in a long, concealing black robe passes you, and behind her, her shadow seems to look right at you for the briefest moment, before reuniting fairly fluidly with her motions. Your attention is suddenly caught by a little man who has stopped in front of your counter. He stares up at you woefully, and coughes. "They've told me that you... um... can you.." He seems really nervous, and you're sure that he's not a regular patron of the Last Market. "Is it true that you can do resurrections?

Selena Ar'Kalirranis

The Last Market is far too busy for your liking. You even made sure to arrive early, so that you could spot your target, but you haven't found anything that looks suspicious. Well, more suspicious than is usual for the Last Market. There's a rather nondescript man leaning against the wall, you're not sure what he's selling, an old shaman hawking curses and voodoo magic, a man with crimson hair speaking with a small man in front of his counter, a group of strange men in yellowed masks digging up the stones of the alley, a barbaric looking warrior selling his services to the highest bidder, a woman whose shadow doesn't seem to follow her very well, and countless others. Your target could be anywhere. Suddenly, you spot a familiar face. A face that you thought you'd never see again. It's Dracius, who you used to adventure with long ago, before you got so fully involved with the Open Door. You know that he know goes by the name "Thalstan Blake" and had retired from adventuring for his loved one. What could have happened to draw him to the Last Market, you're not sure.


It's unfortunate that the Last Market is always so busy. It's one of the reasons you don't frequent it too often; Being shoved around by lowlife thugs and small-time thieves while you try to find the handful of people who actually have something useful to offer is most certainly not your favorite past-time. You begin asking around about where you can find "Ghost", but most people either don't know or are too busy to answer you. Eventually, a burly looking barbarian points you over to a nondescript man leaning casually against the wall of the alleyway. You wouldn't have guessed that, there are any number of more interesting looking people in the Market: A man with crimson hair, an old shaman with his nose pierced by a thin bone, a small huddle of people with yellowed generic 'comedy' masks, digging up the stones of the alley. You can only hope that Ghost hasn't already sold what you're looking for.


You knock on the door of the storehouse, checking the parchment you hold tightly to make sure you have the right address. The door opens a crack and you see a beady pair of black eyes peer out at you. "Yes?" You reply with, "Fair Harvest." And the door swings open, admitting you. There are several thieves and assassins lounging in the actual storehouse, and the doorman appears to be somehow a sellout from the engineer's guild, as he has a contraption covered in small pipes and gears wrapped around his right arm. You pass through to the other side, and open the door to be greeted immediately by an incredible bustle. You feel like it'll be impossible to find these people here, and then you spot a familiar and welcome face. It's Selena, who you used to adventure with, waving at you through the crowds. You wave back tensely.


You wait just around the corner while a man in a butler's uniform enters the storehouse. According to the rules of the Last Market, you aren't supposed to enter too soon after someone else enters, to avoid drawing attention to the location. So you wait several minutes before strolling up yourself and whispering, "Fair Harvest." through the crack of the door. The doorman, a muscly man wearing goggles and a strange contraption on his right arm, lets you in, and you pass through the storehouse filled with lounging thieves and other shady characters. You open the door to the Last Market and are immediately besieged by the sound of the Last Market, of merchants hawking their wares and babbling conversations happening everywhere. You don't immediately spot the group you are looking for, the only obvious merchant near the door is a tall barbarian selling his services to a number of bidding people around him. Not far down from him is a man with crimson hair conversing with a little man who seems close to tears.

Feel free to read the other people's, if you like. You will all end up interacting, probably right from the start, so there's no need for me to act as a go-between for interparty interactions. That's why they're not in spoilers. Then again, you might enjoy it more if you only read your character's perspective, at least among the posts that I give. They are simply each of you seeing the Last Market from a different direction, though I end up repeating myself a lot when talking about the more notable merchants. Good luck, everyone, and if you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!

2011-07-20, 12:43 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

A smile creeps across the strange planetouched's face.


He looks the small man up and down before leaning forward and whispering in his ear, a voice so gentle and alluring it betrays the heavily-armoured knight's intentions.

"Loved one I'm guessing? Yes, I can bring people back, but the ritual has a cost. You cannot simply take energy out of the world without giving something back you see."

2011-07-20, 03:49 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Yes, it's... it's my sister." The man looks close to tears and his words come tumbling out. "It's my fault she died, she's just a farmer you see, but these kids kept stealing her crops before she could sell them, and... and she was too afraid to do anything, and I told her she had to stand up to them, and she did, and they beat her to death!" His eyes begin to water. "I'll give you anything you want if you can just bring her back."

2011-07-20, 03:51 PM

A long, concealing black robe, with a matching hood and cloth covering her face was hardly an original disguise, but she was only looking for functionality. It might draw attention, but the simple, mundane method would block magical attempts to pierce her disguise, while even underneath the cloak she wore a face that none would recognize- and was bland enough that likely none would remember it. Ultimately though she had little concern that any would remark on her odd appearance, for after all, this was the Last Market, and wearing such a persona here would likely go without comment.

Rachna flows gracefully through the gathered crowd, quietly seeking out her goal. After a few soft words and whispers she is given directions to the Ghost, and with a few more movements and moments she makes her way to him, streaming past the other goers of the market.

"I'm looking for a book," she begins, her voice barely above a whisper, "the title is The Other Circle. I heard a copy was in your possession." Her voice is intense and focused despite being quiet, and her masked gazed does not waver.

2011-07-20, 04:00 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

Feigning sympathy, Milton pats the small man on the shoulder and whispers calmly to him.

"There there, it's alright, I can fix this."

He leans back once more and flicks through the now-open pact book in front of him. Reaching the desired page he stops and lays the book out flat, turning it so the man can read it.

"Here, see? Pact made eighteen days ago for resurrection of kin, price is one soul of equal value, the person in question offered their own."

Looking at the man for a brief moment, he continues to flick through before arriving at another, similar, page.

"And here. Pact made thirty-two days ago for resurrection of lost friend, price is one soul of equal value plus inconvenience costs of retrieving a component of the lost friend equal to one future task of an undisclosed nature. Person in question offered their own soul in the trade and later was called upon to provide a safe harbour in a stormy time for me, shall we say."

He waits for the man to have read through the shining green page before flicking through the book one final time, stopping at a page dissimilar to the others.

"And here, though this is an odd one. Requested future resurrection upon death due to fear of assassination, price of one soul and inconvenience cost of unknown date and time equaling to one undisclosed future favour. Person in question offered the soul of his daughter in exchange, daughter being present at the time and undersigned, and the favour is yet to be collected."

He closes the book with a loud thud. Looking the man straight in the eyes, his face softens as he feigns reluctance at the deal he's been waiting to make.

"So, you see, the price is clearly set sir. I'm afraid to retreive your sister from the great beyond, I will have to receive one soul of equal value in return. As there seem to be no additional circumstances that would complicate the matter, further payment would not be required. Would these terms be agreeable to you sir? If so I can sketch a contract now and we can have it signed and your sister raised in a matter of moments. I will, however, need some part of her that was present at the time of death. Do you have a corpse?"

2011-07-20, 04:35 PM

Busy day at the Market. Raynar leans back on his seat, his head resting against the wall. His glance passes over the people walking in front, his eyebrows raising slightly at the centuar in the Market. That's not something you see everyday.

A shadow falls over his empty table and he looks up to see the robed figure standing before him. Ah, a...something. Man? Woman? Raynar leans forward and listens to the masked persons whispers. He nods to her and then pulls a small book out from his cloak and places it on the table. With a flick of his hand it flips open and the pages turn by in a blur, showing nothing but blank paper. The book stops on an empty page and he gestures to it.

Words begin forming on the page in dark, black ink, the letters formed in a perfect Copperplate. Greetings, the words wrote. Indeed I do have that. He looks up at her from the book and raises an eyebrow. It's an...interesting book. What are you willing to trade for it?

Raynar is currently wearing a light green and brown shirt, white undershirt and leather pants and boots and a heavy black cloak with voluminous folds. He's wearing a black cap pushed back on his head and a trimmed patch of hair on his chin. In other words, it doesn't look like he's in a disguise at all.

Which is precisely the point. He is in disguise, but the point is to make people think that he isn't. There's also no illusion magic involved, so True Seeing wouldn't work against it. Here's his disguise check:

Disguise [roll0]
Disguise Skill +49, Divine Insight spell bonus +15, Factotum Cunning Knowledge bonus +10

The book thing is a simple use-activated magic item of Prestidigation, which would be easy to identify with a Spellcraft check. I think the cost would be something like a few hundred gold, covered by his Ghost supplies.

Voices are harder to disguise without magic, so he simply doesn't talk when he's at the Last Market. The words aren't actually being written with real ink, they go away once he's done with it.

Spells Active
Mindblank, Overland Flight, Moment of Prescience, Contingency (On Death: Revenance), Retributive Spell: Disintegrate

2011-07-20, 05:57 PM

Rachna stands still as she peers down at the magic scribed words, measuring them and their author before she speaks in the same manner as before. "I have access to enough coin to meet any price within reason. If that is your desire, you need only name an amount."

"But I know some of you and your work, if only through hints and rumors. Would you be more interested in a trade of knowledge? I have little doubt that there are secrets I know that would interest you, though I am unsure of how you would deem them worth. Perhaps, however, they are more interesting to you than a book that, to my knowledge, no one has been able to translate?" As she speaks, barely moving at all, her shadow shifts slowly behind her, almost as if it is keeping guard and watch at her back. Yet its each movement is so miniscule and swift that while one might get the impression that something is off about it, it'll be hard to actually notice it at work.

2011-07-20, 06:12 PM

He nods and words begin flowing across the page. For you to even know that I have the book shows me that you have great access to secret information, so I'm not opposed to that deal. However... The words stop as Raynar tilts his head and smiles. I'm more interested in what the book actually says, as you've guessed correctly that I haven't been able to translate it. Normally I'd charge a nominal procurement fee for my services, but I'd be willing to waive that if you can tell me of the book's history and lore, if you happen to know.

He shrugs. If not, don't worry. The fee should be minuscule for someone seeking this book. The price I ask for is to be told what the book says when you translate it. If you write the translation down, then I'll want to examine it and be allowed able to copy it, using my own materials, of course. He pauses a moment to let her read and then writes, Is it a deal?

He looks behind her and then grins. Your shadow seems to have a mind of it's own. Free advice: Keep it away from Shendak, the curse seller over there. Raynar nods his head toward the shaman. He's a friend, but if my shadow had wandering feet I'd keep a tight reign on it around him. Raynar smiles and winks at the shadow.

The processing fee is the cost for spellcasting services to get the book from storage, 2 7th level spells, 3220gp total. But if she's got a story about the book than he'll waive that fee.

2011-07-20, 07:47 PM
The sight was still fresh in his mind. The door ajar, Oswald's blood and tears, the brief message; Taunting in both its simplicity and how utterly vague it was. Thalstan had left Meravanchi manor so fast that Lord Oswald hadn't had time to hit the floor.

No. Not Thalstan, not anymore.

Striding into town, he paid little attention to the crowded street, sidestepping people instinctively, past fruit carts and small crowds, all the while rattling off spells under his breath, as each one finished he began again, layering himself in protective abjurations and honing his mind for combat, should it come to that.

Dracius casts Foresight, Moment of Prescience, and Greater Mighty Wallop on himself, he also activates his Ectoplasmic Fist Shard..

Turning the corner into the alley he pulls out the small piece of paper with the address on it and scrutinizes it. Adjusting his crystal glasses to bring the writing into focus. No doubt about it. This was the place. Raising his hand he knocked on the door. Almost immediately the door opened a crack a beady pair of black eyes peering at him, taking his measure. If he knew who or what he was looking at the man made no sign. He spoke. "Yes?"

Dracius' reply was short and punctual. "Fair Harvest." Dracius felt the man's heart slow half a beat. Than the door swung open.

To Dracius, the Last Market seemed like an anthill. Except instead of ants the walls were bursting with would be assassins and thugs. Breezing by them and into the market proper Dracius bit back a sigh of annoyance at how vague his instructions are. Then he's jolted back into the present. To his eyes the market was seething with magic. Five figures in particular were lit up to his senses like astral torches. One of them was even familiar. The Dracotauric shape of Selena Ar'Kalirranis.

Walking up to her he whispers in Draconic. "Old friend, this is not how I expected to see you. Nor is it how I would wish to greet you. But I need your help." He hands her the slip of paper with the request on it. "Do you recognize this?"

2011-07-20, 07:51 PM
Selena huffs as she looks about one more time. Something had to be up for it to be this busy so early, but what is a good question. She begins to pad through the crowd, which eagerly parts not wanting to be in the way of such a dangerous creature, with the sinuous grace that only one of draconic heritage could muster. Her tail occasionally reaches out to gently push a passerby away that might hedge in to closely behind her as the crowd closes. Her rear claws were a little to sharp for an accidental brushing. "Fair greetings old friend." Selena murmurs as she reaches Dracius's side. "Though this is certainly the last place I expected to see you... By what should I call you now? I've heard rumors since we last met but nothing of true substance." Her lips are curled in the ghost of a smile, a hint of metal glinting through.
Spot, listen, and sense motive on the general crowd before I begin moving.

2011-07-20, 08:07 PM
Taking Serena's taloned hand in his he gently bows and places a proper kiss on her ring claw. "You may call me Thalstan." He half smiles. "It's not a lie either strangely enough. But please, have you seen any jesters? I'm afraid that if I do not produce a certain lady quite soon it will become Uncomfortably warm in here."

There is steel in his voice.

Edit. I edited what I would have said. Although your first post did make mention of "checking the parchment you hold tightly to make sure you have the right address" so I assumed their was

2011-07-20, 09:51 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

The small man blanches, his skin turning very pale indeed. "My... my soul? Isn't there..." He drums his fingers nervously against your counter. "Isn't there something else we can arrange? Listen, I'm not wealthy. I don't earn a lot. But I work directly for the trade prince Tiberius Velkran. If there's any favors I could do for you, either now or some time in the future, would that be a... a good payment?"

Selena Ar'Kalirranis
Spot:Among the bustle, it's hard to pick out more than quick flashes of faces. The muscly barbarian is hefting a weight to show his strength. The masked group is continuing to dig up the flagstones, though one of them has paused to watch you and Dracius. The shaman is now haggling over a small vial of an orange oil with some customer. The crimson haired knight is still talking to the frightened looking little man. The dark cloaked figure is leaning over a book in front of the casual looking nondescript man with a black cap. A clever looking man with a long mustache has just nicked a small sapphire encrusted dagger off of a weapons stand manned by an unnoticing female blacksmith.
Listen:Your keen draconic ears pick up snatches of conversation all around. "...five thousand gold is too expensive for worthless crap like..." "...made eighteen days ago for resurrection of kin..." "...what's the catch? You can't be making an offer like..." "...and Gentleman, that's two hundred pounds, without any..." "...almost ready to prepare The Gift..." "...your work, if only through hints and rumors. Would you be more interested..." "...genuine Gloom Blood, to provide all your..."
Sense Motive:As this is the Last Market, it's clear just from a glance around that almost half the people here are lying or twisting facts. However, without a specific look at any one face you can't tell who's directly lying.

OOC for Dracius:
There's no note. All the information you have was given verbally. You're supposed to look for a group wearing what Oswald described as grinning theater masks, of a pale yellow color, and the group simply told Oswald that they would be there if he wanted to bargain, and the location and password.

2011-07-21, 05:19 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

Groaning slightly, the Knight flicks through his book once more.

Great. One of those.

The rapid movement of pages pauses momentarily as Sir Milton skims a page, his eyes darting about the place. Dissatisfied, he continues the search only to pause a few seconds later with a grin across his face.

"Ah! Here it is! Contract for resurrection of loved family member, price bartered from soul to unspecified number of future favours including specific agreement that no soul can be requested at a future date. Loved one raised and undersigned died shortly afterward due to unforeseen circumstances. But that last bit's irrelevant. I can offer you the resurrection of your sister, again provided you can give me part of her body, for future unspecified favours equaling in value to one soul."

Slamming the book closed once more, he leans into the man and whispers again.

"But tell me little man, what can you do for me?"

2011-07-21, 09:37 AM

Rachna places a gloved hand on the book Raynar is using to communicate, and a reply forms, replicating his own technique, albeit in a somewhat different style and coloring- a thin, rose colored ink scrawls across the page in an elegant and almost archaic form.
I know little of the book's complete history, but perhaps what I am aware of will interest you enough.

So far, all I know of its contents is the title, but that is enough. The Other Circle is a phrase long forgotten, but before the rise of Chainwraith, when humanity was young, that was the name it gave the ruling spirits- the great dragons, the elementals, fey, and many more now deemed monsters.

The book itself was unearthed only two months ago, by the mining guild, though I doubt they truly know what they found. When I investigated the book's origin, where it had been excavated I could feel an imprint of the power, and magic that surrounded it- whatever that book contains, it is a remnant of an era past, and a clue to understanding what has happened to this world, and the events that have led to its current state.

Though her eyes are unseen, Raynar may feel Rachna's attention and gaze fixated upon him, watching him so closely and attentively that not even the slightest movement on his part would escape her. I know no more than that, but if this book is what I suspect it is, the knowledge within would be of use great and interest to some factions, and a danger to others. I assure you, no matter whose side you are on, you will be interested in my translation- and I have little doubt that I am the most equipped to uncover its meaning.

2011-07-21, 10:10 AM

Waiting until she has finished writing, Raynar leans forward to read her script. Clever. There are too many wandering ears here for my taste as well. He nods and the page flips over to a blank sheet, words appearing at the top. That is sufficient, and I can hazard a guess as to which faction would be displeased most by it. The writing stops and an image forms on the page of a link of chain, three lengths long, it's form blurred and faded.

He glances up to her to see that she has seen the image and then it disappears. There's hesitation on his face for a moment and then words appear again. The deal is set then. I have another request, but your answer will not impact our agreement. What you've said of the book raises my interest, for personal reasons, and I would like to offer my assistance in deciphering the book. He shrugs his shoulders. It's true that I have not been able to thus far, but I go many places around the world and find strange things...I may happen upon something that would aid in your work, and hasten my payment. The writing pauses and he smiles. I ask your permission to send to you if I have found something that I think would help in the task, though of course your refusal will not alter the deal we have made.

I must now retrieve your book...and, well, the way you're looking at me is a bit disconcerting. I'm calling it from some other place, so I don't want you to be surprised when I do so. The writing stops and he stands up and turns around, crouches down to the ground. A faint whisper is heard and a small chest appears on the ground next to him. Lifting it to his chair he stands in front of it, blocking the chest from the street. It opens and he pulls out something from it then quickly closes the chest.

He turns and places a package wrapped in black cloth on the table. He motions to the book and words stream across it. The book is wrapped inside. You may examine it here if you wish, though I feel some discretion would be advised.

Spellcraft - Instant Summons (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/instantSummons.htm)

Something that she would notice as well from her knowledge of magic is that no gem was crushed when recalling the chest.

Greater Arcane Sight on the chest:
Arcane Mark (though you can't see where the mark is), Arcane Lock, Permanent Shrink Item, Obscure Object

2011-07-21, 10:11 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Well..." The man fidgets nervously. "Look, wouldn't it be helpful to you for me to do you some favors related to my boss? I could probably get you an audience with Tiberius, and sometimes I'm allowed to sit in on meetings of the Council of Trade Princes, so maybe I could get you that same right." He looks hopefully at you. "I'd do anything to have my sister back. But if there's anything apart from my soul that I can give you, I'd much rather that."

Raynar and Rachna should make a spot check.

2011-07-21, 10:30 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Well then, as I say, there's a precedent for undetermined number of favours, if that's preferable. One moment please."

Tapping the book, Sir Milton closes his eyes and it flicks opens to a brand new page. Blood-red ink begins scribbling across the thing metal sheet, marking out the contract.

"I, the undersigned, agree to fulfil an unspecified number of favours of any nature except pertaining to the giving of souls. These favours will be granted to the undersigned, Sir Milton Piltz, at any time of his choosing and must be immediately fulfilled to the best of my ability. In return for such favours, Sir Milton Piltz shall resurrect the deceased sister once a suitable body part has been located and brought to him.

Contractee -
Contracter - Sir Milton Piltz"

Spinning the book around to face the man, the Knight pulls out a blood-red ink pen from under the table.

"Do be sure you understand the terms fully, Mr... ?"

2011-07-21, 10:42 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Ah, it's Harold. Harold Rutley." He rummages around in his pocket and removes a small burlap bag, made from a single piece of burlap with the corners tied together. "This contains my sister's finger." He drops it in front of you and takes the pen, and signs his name in a scribbling haphazard handwriting.

2011-07-21, 10:55 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Very well."

Well that was easy.

Taking the finger out, Milton closes his eyes and focuses his thoughts as a primal scream fills the air for but the briefest of seconds, barely noticable yet everybody around knows something strange just happened.

As the power of Baator flows through him, the body of Harold's sister begins forming out of the remains of the finger, creating a fully-formed person by the end.

Using my 1/day Miracle SLA to mimic Resurrection.

2011-07-21, 01:14 PM

As soon as the package touches the table, a word is spoken in a quiet, chilling voice that comes from just behind Rachna- her shadow twitches as the word is spoken, and then magic falls down around her. The world glides slowly to a stop, until Rachna is the only one left moving, at which point she calmly picks up the wrapped book and slides off the cloth to examine the contents and assure herself that this is indeed what she came for.

Assuming it is what she was looking for, she will stow it in one of the hidden pouches within her belt after covering it again with the cloth- though not before removing a single thread from the cloth, enchanting it, and hiding it within the book.

To an outsider, all that will be seen is that Rachna's shadow twitches, perhaps even speaks, and then the cloth covered package disappears. Unperturbed by this, Rachna replies by the book once more. What method would you use to contact me?

Rachna uses her shadow's action to cast Time Stop. I didn't plan this, but upon examining her mechanics, I realized that her free Extend + Maximize metamagics mean that her time stops are automatically 10 rounds long... so she has plenty of time to do what she needs to do.

Anyway, during her free minute of extra time, she'll pick up the book, make sure it is in fact the book she wanted (glancing at, but not attempting to read the contents, just ensuring that it is what was described to her), and then she'll remove a thread from the cloth, and put it into the binding of the book.

She'll then cast Spymaster's Coin on the thread, put the book into her Belt of Hidden Pouches, and wait for the Time Stop to end.

2011-07-21, 01:56 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Suzy!" Harold cries, embracing the young woman who is just taller than he is, now blinking rapidly in confusion. "Harold... what's going on? I remember... I was asking them to stop, and-" Harold cuts her off and says. "I'll explain everything, I promise, but this is not the place." He shoots a look at you as if to say, 'I won't forget this', and then leads her away through the crowd.

A man with a long mustache leans against your counter. "Pretty nice. I guess you really know how to get what you want, eh?"


When the cloth falls away, you can see that it is indeed the book you are looking for. It is bound in cloth dyed a dark red, with the words "The Other Circle" stitched carefully in gold onto the cover. While the binding and the cover look relatively new, your momentary glimpse of the pages of the book reveals that the actual pages holding the runic writing are yellowed and cracked with age far beyond that of the binding.

2011-07-21, 02:31 PM
Closing the book as the short man leaves with his sister, Milton turns to the moustached man and raises a crimson eyebow.

"Indeed. Who, might I ask, are you?"

2011-07-21, 02:35 PM
(ooc Whether by paper or word I think the result is the same.)

"Just as charming as ever I see." Her smile becomes a tic more genuine. Her eyes narrow though at the mention of jesters. "Hmm... I don't think I've seen any jesters unless..." She lifts her head to pointedly gaze straight at the masked man that was watching her and Dracius. "I think I might have the next best thing if jesters tend to dig up the street."

2011-07-21, 03:59 PM
Dracius smiles and follows Serena's gaze. "Of course. I'm sorry that I must put pleasantries aside." He straightens, and begins to walk towards the group. He hails them openly.

"Good afternoon! I bear the greetings of Lord Meravanchi and his house. I believe you can assist me." Gently Dracius removes his white satin gloves and tucks them into a front pocket. Taking in the measure of the group before him.

Dracius is using his arcane sight to try and recognize any magical auras that might be about the group digging up the street.

Spellcraft [roll0] if applicable.

2011-07-21, 05:35 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

The man laughs and strolls around your counter."Oh, that's not necessary. This is the Market. I prefer to think that names aren't as important here." Unbidden, he flips your pact book open and begins flipping through. "Oh, my, you certainly have 'helped' a lot of people." He throws you a sardonic grin, meeting your eyes with his bright green ones. "I'd like to hear more about this process. Is he actually required to fulfill his end of the deal? Or do you go on a... faith system?" He leans over the counter as if he is very interested.


The masked man who had been watching you raises his arms in welcome. "Many greetings, Mr. Blake. We were hoping you would show up." If these are the correct masked men, there seems to be no trace of Layanna nearby.

Dracius: Arcane Sight
Every one of the masked people has a Strong lingering magical aura about them.

Since you only made one spellcraft check, I will assume it applies to the man who was watching you.

The man who was watching you appears to have a lingering aura from a Strong but no longer present Enchantment effect upon him, and a Faint Transmutation and Abjuration effect currently active.

2011-07-21, 05:53 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

Keeping his head stationary as his eyes trace the man's movement, Milton remains the image of calm as he flicks through the Pact Book. Quietly confident that should anything go wrong, he has more than the means to stop this man from stealing it or otherwise damaging it.

"The Market it may be, but I prefer to have the names of those I speak to. I am Sir Milton Piltz, should you be unaware. And yes, I have helped many, and many have helped me, it is a good business I run here you see."

Reaching over and closing the book, the Knight pulls it toward himself and interlocks his fingers over it, leaning against the table as he does so.

"I have a way with words you see, people sign my contracts knowing full well they have to fulfil their end of the bargain, and they always do. I have not once ever had to chase up a contractee."

2011-07-21, 06:36 PM
Dracius's eyes narrow. Bringing his focus to the man who had spoken.

"Myself? How curious. Master Meravanchi is indisposed, but in this case I am his proxy." Dracius let his gaze drift over the rest of the group assessing a potential threat. Dropping the jovial smile Dracius continued.

"He wishes something important returned to him. He wishes to know why it was taken in the first place. I will have those answers. The resources of House Meravanchi are considerable and it would be unwise to upset him over much. You'll forgive my being overly political but please understand that this is a very delicate situation. Cooperation from the both of us would be....highly advisable."

Dracius bites back the instinct to let dragonfear rush over the men he was facing. He mustn't be too threatening. Not when he had no idea where Layanna was, or who he was dealing with.

Dracius will concentrate on the lead man to determine his spellcasting ability. Any threatening actions toward Dracius will result in a quickened Superior Invisibility and a shadow blink

2011-07-21, 06:59 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

The man laughs jovially and moves over to stand directly to your right. "Giving away your name is the act of either a fool or a man powerful enough not to care. I am neither. So you'll forgive me, but no names." He smiles and stands casually and non-threateningly. "So you say he's compelled to fulfill his end. The book is magical, then. The contracts in it are magically enforced?"


"Oh no, Mr. Blake, we have no need to speak to Master Meravanchi." He speaks the name almost mockingly. "But there's no need to fret. The object that Master Meravanchi so carelessly lost is completely safe. For now. We would be happy to return it to you, for fear that it might be... damaged." And then he simply strolls away to help his companions digging up the flagstones, with a maddeningly cavalier attitude.

DM Rolls

2011-07-21, 07:06 PM

The corner of Raynar's ear appears to twitch as the book disappears and a hint of a smile forms in the corners of his mouth, but he says nothing and nods towards the book. A simple sending, and if choose to we may meet if it's convenient or necessary.

He glances up at and looks past her at the group of people wearing yellow masks and digging up flag-stones. He shakes his head and furrows his eyebrows, then glances up to the woman in front of him and nods towards the group. I know the Market gets some strange visitors, but I don't recall seeing anything like that before. It appears that man has some business with them though. He points with his eyes to the silver haired gentleman talking with the group. A moment.

Raynar turns around and picks up the small chest. As he takes a seat in the chair, the chest has vanished. He stretches his neck and smiles at her. Forgive my rudeness, but I trust your defenses will be adequate. It's not your thoughts I'm after but those in yellow. He whispers another word and Rachna can feel the release of divine energy sweep past her, subtly plying at her mind. Raynar's attention is elsewhere though, as he nods once more apologetically to her and then turns his gaze to the men in yellow.

Standard action - Teleport Object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleportObject.htm)
Swift action - Quickened Detect Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectThoughts.htm)

Will DC 32 to resist, anyone in a 60ft cone.

2011-07-21, 07:17 PM
OOC: Dracius should roll a will save against Raynar's Detect Thoughts

DM Rolls

2011-07-21, 07:21 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

Putting on his best fake smile, the Knight replies calmly.

"I can offer no insight into the workings of the book. Do you wish to sign a contract?"

2011-07-21, 07:24 PM
Raynar: Detect Thoughts
1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts
All five of the men wearing yellow masks are thinking creatures.

2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each
The intelligence scores of the men are 12, 9, 10, 14, and 15.

3rd Round: Surface thoughts of any mind in the area
Three of the men are thinking almost the same thing, with minor variations: "The gift is almost ready. I can't wait to give the gift." The fourth is thinking this as well, but is also thinking about how tired he is from lifting the stones. The last, who was just speaking with the silver-haired man, is mostly thinking about the silver haired man, and you receive a name: Dracius. It seems that he is glad that the silver haired man is here.

Sir Milton Piltz

"Oh no, not me. I'm quite happy, thanks. Say, what do you suppose they're doing?" He points off to your left, in the direction of the masked men who have now revealed a sizable circle of dirt in the paving of the alleyway.

OOC: Sir Milton should make a Sense Motive and a Spot check.

2011-07-21, 07:40 PM

Seeing the object of Raynar's attention, Rachna decides that she might as well join him, and sends her practiced attention to their minds. Her innate magic and power flickers without any sign of activation, and it takes so little effort for her that she is quite capable of maintaining a practiced facade of activity while she listens to their thoughts.

Rachna is going to use her own Detect Thought power on them with her Rakshasa abilities- DC 47, and she can maintain it as a free action.

In addition, while she's at it, she'll pick up information on them with her Mindsight, which tells her their current position (which she already knows, unless they're using illusions or something), their intelligence (which will only be important if there is some discrepancy between it and Detect Thoughts, which is unlikely) and their types and subtypes (which is some useful information). No save on it, Mindsight is a passive ability.

2011-07-21, 07:44 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

"Nice try. You've got fifteen seconds to get out of my sight. 15. 14..."

2011-07-21, 07:48 PM
Selena, having followed Dracius, eyes the masked people with an annoyed look at their seeming indifference. "I myself must confess curiosity, just what is it that you folks are doing with this... pit? Particularly if it involves... Mr. Blake here." Her eyes glint for a moment as if something bright passed nearby but it quickly fades.
Using detect magic.
Knowledge: Arcana
Knowledge: Religion
Knowledge: Nature
Knowledge: The Planes

2011-07-21, 08:04 PM
Rachna: Detect Thoughts
1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts
All five of the people wearing yellow masks are thinking creatures.

2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each
The intelligence scores of the masked people are 12, 9, 10, 14, and 15.

3rd Round: Surface thoughts of any mind in the area
Three of them are thinking almost the same thing, with minor variations: "The gift is almost ready. I can't wait to give the gift." The fourth is thinking this as well, but is also thinking about how tired he is from lifting the stones. The last, who was just speaking with the silver-haired man, is mostly thinking about the silver haired man, and you receive a name: Dracius. It seems that he is glad that the silver haired man is here.

Rachna: Mindsight
The location of the people, and their intelligence scores, match what you can see, and what you found with Detect Thoughts. They are all of the humanoid type, with no subtype.

Sir Milton Piltz

The man puts his hands up in surprise. "No need to be upset, friend! I'm going!" And he turns and disappears into the crowd.

You hear a bit of a hubbub breaking out from the group of masked people, where a draconic centaur and a silver haired man in a butler's uniform are conversing with one of the members of the strange group.

Selena Ar'Kalirranis

The masked man who was previously conversing with Thalstan turns back around. "Now, I don't know who you are. Do you know Mr. Blake somehow?"

Selena: Detect Magic
The man has a lingering aura from a Strong Enchantment effect, and a present Faint aura from an Abjuration and Transmutation effect.

2011-07-21, 08:15 PM
Sir Milton Piltz

Picking up his book and leaving the counter empty, Milton casually walks over to the group and watches, curious to see what's going on.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

Also got True Seeing, anything coming up for me?

2011-07-21, 08:24 PM
OOC: Dracius is wearing a ring of mind shielding (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Ring_of_Mind_Shielding). Do you still want me to make that will save?

Grateful, and amused by his backup Dracius drops any pretense of civility. "That is not an acceptable answer. You will tell me what you want. Now. I'm not in the habit of making threats but I've certainly done my job long enough to know when a man has overstepped the boundaries of sarcasm. I'm a patient man. The dragon on the other hand." He gestures at Selena. "I doubt it."

On the edge of his senses Dracius feels as powerful magic swells and dissipates. Unaware of the source but recognizing the feeling of temporal magic Dracius is struck by the unlikelihood of so many people in possession of such powerful magic being in the same place at once. Sweeping a hand behind his back he surreptitiously points at the figures who had possessed the strongest auras and wove a simple spell of his own. All those targeted hear a whisper in Draconic.

"Greetings. I find it fascinating that so many of such strength would be gathered in the same place. I also find it highly suspect. Beware.""

Anyone of the party, or anyone else in the immediate vicinity that isn't one of the masked men digging up the pavement who is either wearing really strong magical items or is a powerful spellcaster and has auras that Dracius would have seen when he entered the last market will hear this message whispered beside their ear. This should be most of the party except for likely Rachna whose Third Eye Conceal would probably protect her from Arcane Sight's divinations. However, since she's also a very high level epic character she'll probably Hear the message targeted at Milton.

2011-07-21, 08:25 PM
Selena gives the masked man a measured nod. "That I would, though honestly I've little to do with this current situation other than concern."

2011-07-21, 09:46 PM
Sir Milton: Spot and Listen
You don't see anything out of the ordinary, though you can feel free to listen to and watch the scene developing.

Sir Milton: True Seeing
For the most part, it seems like everything is as it appears with the masked people, with one exception. It seems that they aren't actually wearing masks-- the masks seem to be the result of a transmutation spell effecting them.


You can't see his face, but you get the impression that the man is smiling. "There's no call to be rude. We don't want anything from you. Rather, we have something to give you... as a gift." One of the other masked people comes close and whispers in the first man's ear, and it suddenly becomes aware that the others have stopped prying up stones. The first man reaches into his pocket as if to confirm something, and then pulls it out as if he is satisfied. He strides over to the middle of the Alleyway and bellows at the top of his lungs, "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!" The bustle around mostly grows quiet as everyone looks at him curiously. "WE HAVE NOT COME, AS MANY DO, TO SELL!" He waves his hands in the air furiously. The ground begins to tremble slightly and the loose flagstones clatter against each other. "RATHER, WE HAVE COME TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING. WE BRING YOU A GIFT!" The dirt circle created by the masked men boil and sprays into the air as something green bursts through it, rising rapidly into the air. It most resembles a plant, but if it is, it is bizarre, and very otherworldly. A green stalk wider than a man's body ends at the top in a single spherical bulb, from which a massive, shining yellow eye stares, flicking around at the shocked Market. A number of dull brown spines rise up the back of the stalk, opposite the eye, ending in a series of sharp prongs right above the part of the bulb that mimics an eyelid. Several flexible brown spines, longer than the rest, jut out from the sides of the stalk, some of which have latched onto the stones at the edges of the dirt circle, and some of which are swaying slowly, despite the fact that there is no breeze. The Market erupts back into a frenzied chaos as people scurry away from the monstrosity, and sellers hurry to pack their wares away so that they can flee, fine goods smashing on the stones. Then, a voice speaks to everyone in the market, ringing in their ears and their minds. Please, do not be afraid. We are here to help. This gathering is one which lurks in the shadows, though its purpose is rightful and free, for it is oppressed by the forces around it for not bowing absolutely to their whims. Rather, we offer you an escape. Wisdom, ancient wisdom, as a gift. Advice, as a blessing. We can recommend the best course of action so that each of you can succeed. Succeed in all measures that you desire. And we can offer power, direct power, power, power that you can use against those who have wronged you, against those who have what you need... The voice continues to drone, speaking of indistinct but obviously desirable things as chaos continues to ensue, though it is abated somewhat as some stand and listen to the voice. Throughout the crowd, several fleeing figures are grabbed by more masked figures who seem to emerge from the crowd where they were not before. The mustached man, and the tall barbarian are both grabbed, and a sorcerer in azure robes is forced out of invisibility while he struggles against the arms of one of the figures.

OOC: Everyone make a will save.

2011-07-22, 04:32 AM
Reacting almost without thought Dracius shifts into a fighting stance. Focusing inward Dracius pictures his mind as a fortress in the form of a perfect diamond, with himself at its center.

Dracius moves into Stance of Alacrity, than he uses Diamond Defense and rolls his will save.


He also has Spell Resistance 25 if that's applicable.

Or if its trying to Discern His Allignment! Oh man he's good against that. :smallcool:

2011-07-22, 05:25 PM

Raynar blinks once and shakes his head. That is not good. He glances up at the woman at his stall, sees her fixated on the plant...thing. Not good at all.

With a flick of his fingers the book closes and flies into his hands. He looks up at the giant plant stalk and stares at it's eye. "Hey. Let them go." he says, his soft voice belying the immense power carried through his words. "And you guys...well, you look really weird." A bolt of white lightning silently explodes from Raynars outstretched hand and it leaps to the nearest yellowed mask man, passing among it's fellows until it lands with a slap against the giant plant stalk.

"That was a warning. Don't start that again." Raynar says to the giant plant stalk. This is bizarre.

Move action to get book, Standard Action for Miracle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/miracle.htm), Cunning Surge Standard Action for Chain Dispel (2/5 Inspiration left).

I'm figuring that the line "Undo the harmful effects of certain spells, such as feeblemind or insanity" would be similar in power to undoing the fascination for all the creatures fascinated.

Chain Dispel is in PHB II: Targeted Dispel Magic on as many Yellow Masks as I can get, and the Giant Plant Stalk.

Here's a bunch of Dispel Rolls (I don't know how many (if any) spells they have on them)

Yellow Masks

Giant Plant Stalk

2011-07-23, 01:06 PM

Rachna finds herself caught for a moment, and then a wave of magic releases her. She shakes her head, trying to get her bearings, then realizes what is going on- and she doesn't like it. With a grimace, she raises her hands and stretches them out to one side, while her shadow mimics and mirrors the action.

A peal of thunder rings out likes an explosion, and is then joined by another- then a third, and fourth. So strong is the sound that it shakes both body and earth, a cacophony erupting as powerfully as a bomb in the midst of the market. Yet, despite its force, it seems not to have done any lasting harm to anyone or anything, though it certainly has put a damper on anyone's capability to do combat.

As the sound will no doubt leave ringing in all ears, it is Rachna's mental voice that speaks out, reaching everyone nearby.
Release those you have captured and remove yourselves.

As her standard action, Rachna casts Greater Arcane Fusion, gaining one 7th slot and 4th level slot to cast with.
7th: Sculpted Greater Thunderclap
4th: Sculpted Great Thunderclap

With her shadow's standard action, Rachna repeats the above process.

Each Great Thunderclap will use the 4 10ft cubes area, as such, each masked person and the big plant (there are 8 total targets that I can count) will have two cubes placed on them from different spells, so they all have to save against a Greater Thunderclap twice. (I could use the area more efficiently, but this is the simplest way to go... so whatever).

Unfortunately, this will catch Stache, Barbarian, and Sorcerer in the area as well, but it doesn't actually deal damage, so they won't really be harmed.

Each person in the area therefore must make 6 saves, two of each type, at DC 34.
Failing a will save means they are dazed for 1 round. Failing a fortitude save means they are deafened for 1 minute. Failing a reflex save means they fall prone.

Note that she also ignores any SR lower than 65.

2011-07-23, 01:34 PM
With a growl Selena throws off whatever hostile magic that tried to influence her, displeasure evident in her posture. "None may use magic on me without permission. I'll pluck you like the weed you are." She surges forward with a roar, lashing out with tooth, claw and tail alike at the monstrous thing that towers above them. Said implements seem to become slightly translucent and blurry as they reach forth to strike at the plant creature.
Does normal knowledge checks for the purpose of Knowledge Devotion apply? If so then I get +5 to attacks and damage against the thing assuming it would fall under nature, arcana, religion, the planes, or local.

Bite Attack: [roll0]
Bite Damage: [roll1]
Arcane Strike Damage
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll2]
Sneak Attack (half if normally immune): [roll3]

Claws Attack
Claws Damage
Arcana Strike Damage
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll20]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll21]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll22]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll23]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll24]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll25]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll26]
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll27]

Tail Attack: [roll28]
Tail Damage[roll29]
Arcane Strike Damage
Half Sonic Half Force: [roll30]
Sneak Attack (half if normally immune): [roll31]

2011-07-23, 06:12 PM
While Mihainna loathes battle she knows sometimes it is inevitable. By the way she was looking at the situation she was quite sure this one could be evaded. With a step so full of grace it would have honoured great fame in any other situation she tells the others with a cold, calculating voice packed with conviction: "I doubt we need to fight here. Personally, I truly do believe anyone wants a fight in this location, in the middle of all kinds of scoundrels. If there must be a fight, please to proceed with your barbaric endeavours elsewhere!"

Mihainna never was very good at breaking up fights. Her attitude often seemed insolent and insulting, so she was not quite sure how the others perceived her words.

For those who See True:
Not quite sure how this work, but Mihainna has disguised herself as a generic Gloura, although she retains her unearhtly beauty. She has used a spell to become a Gloom, but has again disguised herself as a Gloura. If anyone wishes, I will find the Disguise check Mihainna made to look like a Gloura.

The save roll:
Again, regarding the save modifier, it lacks the +5 bonus against all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities given by the Spellstrike enchantment. If you wish, please give me an ad hoc modifier. Partial saves are new to me and I would be more than willing to simply take the normal saves of, say, the Wizard simply for making the calculations easier.

I managed to roll a natural one as can be seen here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=312252)

Hence, I use the psionic power Fate of One to reroll it and get [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3120955/] 72 as a result.

2011-07-23, 06:24 PM
Enchantment magic melted off the facets of Dracius' Diamond Defense. It was potent. Very potent. But his half dragon companion had already made her move. Seeing that the buzzsaw that was Selena had the giant plant creature well in hand Dracius' attention instead went to the group of masked men.

All of a sudden the world seems to rock with booming noise. The sound is unreal and Dracius has little time to think about the source for with it he sees an opportunity.

In less than the time it takes to blink an eye Dracius had disappeared and reappeared in the center of a group of the masks. His fists a blur, those that impact do so with sound more akin to thunderbolts than knuckles.

I'm not sure if Dracius is caught within any of Rachna's thunderclaps. If its necessary he will make his saves in the ooh thread.

Dracius uses Shadowblink as a swift action. He appears inbetween the foes demarked as Mask and Sorc Mask. Another enemy called Mask is directly to his northeast as shown in this picture.

Dracius than uses the Full Attack Action. He is doing subdual damage.
First attack is vs the man to his south, the second to the man to the north, the third and fourth to the man to the northeast.

Attack 1: [roll0]. If it is a critical threat [roll1] to confirm.

[roll2] damage if it hits. [roll3] If its a critical hit.

Attack 2: [roll4]. If it is a critical threat [roll5] to confirm.

[roll6] damage if it hits. [roll7] If its a critical hit.

Attack 3: [roll8]. If it is a critical threat [roll9] to confirm.

[roll10] damage if it hits. [roll11] If its a critical hit.

Attack 4: [roll12]. If it is a critical threat [roll13] to confirm.

[roll14] damage if it hits. [roll15] If its a critical hit.

Not sure what AC's I'm looking at, Attack Three is a critical failure and won't hit for sure. Other than that its a 15, 11, and 6 on the dice. However, the mask grappling the sorceror is theoretically flatfooted. So at least Dracius is more likely to hit that one.

2011-07-26, 10:20 AM
The people around begin shaking their heads as if their minds have cleared. Most of them continue to make a break for it, rushing for the exit of the Market as quickly as they can. Several stay, seemingly out of interest to see what the plant has to offer, despite its use of enchantment magic on them. A moment later, another spell from Raynar effects each of the masked people, for the masks dissolve away as though they were simply the result of a transmutation. However, the actions of the people who were formerly wearing the masks do not seem to change-- they still stand, ready to defend the plant-thing.

Rachna looses several deafening peals of thunder. The masked man who was speaking just before the plant arose is thrown onto his back, while the formerly masked person directly to the north of the plant and the one to the southeast shake their heads while raising hands towards their ears. The man to the north, the man grappling the sorcerer, and the man grappling the barbarian seem confused and stand slackly, as does the man with the mustache. The others seem to have been able to hold themselves steady against the ringing thunder and the plant seems entirely unaffected.

Selena makes a vicious charge on the plant and slashes at it multiple times. It becomes clear that the plant's "stem" is covered in a thick armor or chitin, which protects it from some of your blows. Many of them get through and leave deep gouges along the stem. The large, baleful yellow eye looks down at her and narrows, squinting either in pain or annoyance.

The plant turns to Mihainna, regarding her sensibly and with an understanding look in its single eye. Yes, there is no need to fight. We have not turned weapons upon you, and we shall only do so in self-defense. We offer you each great power, at no cost! Though you may dislike the way in which we make my offer, it is one which it would be a mistake to turn down.

Dracius flashes across the alley and begins to fight in a blur. A single punch with the force of a mountain drops the man holding onto the sorcerer, where he rolls across the stones, whether dead or unconscious it is impossible to say. A second punch at the woman directly north of him collides with the woman's face, resulting in a sickening crack as her nose breaks. She clutches at her bleeding face in agony. Dracius swipes twice at the man closest to the alley wall, but the man evades both times. The sorcerer in azure robes murmurs to Dracius, "I'll remember that you saved me. Thank you." And then vanishes in a flash of light.

The man in the center of the alley leaps to his feet and moves unthinkingly towards Selena, preparing to grab onto her. The woman to the north of the plant still seems confused from the thunder and simply wobbles slightly, trying to gain her bearings. The man that Dracius missed twice lets out a primal roar and begins to charge up and down, gathering speed. He shoves Dracius once, with little result, but his next push is devastating. Dracius is thrown out of the cluster, landing with a crack next to Selena, but the man continues charging forward and throws Dracius again, across to the other side of the alley, where Dracius crashes through an abandoned counter still covered in some sort of magical travel ration. The man continues his assault, throwing Dracius against the far alley wall, and then attempts to attack twice more, but misses both times.

The woman with a broken nose waves her hands and a shining rainbow sphere shimmers into place around the plant, protecting it from Selena.

The barbarian takes the chaos as opportunity to throw his captor, who is still dazed from Rachna's thunderclaps, away. However, he displays more bravery than the sorcerer, and runs to try and help Dracius with the burly man bearing down on him. The remaining man, holding onto the slack mustached man, drags his target towards the plant and holds him up. The plant lowers its bulbous eye and stares directly at the mustached man for a moment. Something unspoken passes between them, whether it be a spell, a telepathic conversation, or both, but the man with the mustache straightens like a rod, and gets to his feet, his captor releasing him.

For the most part, many of the formerly-masked-people are disabled by the actions taken so far this round. Dracius knocked one out and severely wounded another, and Rachna's thunderclaps caused a lot of chaos. The fact that Raynar ended the fascination seems to have thrown the plant off its game. The three who were able to act were the one who attacked Dracius, the woman who cast the shield, and the man grappling with Stache.

The man who attacked Dracius successfully moved and threw Dracius three times. The first time, he threw Dracius twenty feet, for which Dracius takes [roll0] damage. The second time, he successfully threw Dracius thirty feet, for which Dracius takes [roll1] damage, and since he flew through a counter, he takes [roll2] piercing damage from the breaking wood. The last time, the man only threw Dracius twenty feet again, so Dracius takes another [roll3] damage. All the other times, the man either failed to hit Dracius or failed to throw him.

If you'd like to make a spellcraft check to identify the barrier that the woman created, you can, but it should be fairly obvious from the visual.

Lastly, the mustached man seems to have reached some agreement with the plant. The people around him are no longer trying to keep him captive, at least, and he's not trying to escape.

2011-07-27, 09:50 AM
Sir Milton Piltz

Reaching out telepathically, Sir Milton challenges the plant creature.

***Taking control of the minds of others is a petty pursuit and one that reeks of cowardice! Are you a coward? Fight me alone! Fight me in single combat and best me! See if you can face my wrath! Or shall you fall and run like a whimpering dog!?***

With a flash of red light, Sir Milton appears behind the plant as screams begin to fill the air momentarily. Brief, yet unmistakable noticable, his blade begins glowing a brilliant crimson colour as he strikes the plant creature.

Swift - Knight's Challenge for +8 to Will Saves generally and +8 on Attack/Damage vs the Plant.

Move - Greater Teleport SLA

Standard - Feed the Maw of Hell, power attacking for -8/+16.

[roll1] + [roll2] Acid + [roll3] Vile.
If the creature is good, I get an extra [roll4] damage.

Also, this should trigger my frightful presence, DC 27 will save vs shaken for all enemies within 30ft with HD less than 30.

And some saves vs prismatic effects:
I'm immune to fire damage, have acid resist 10, mind blank vs the insanity and poison immunity, so it shouldn't be *too* bad.

2011-07-29, 01:01 PM
Milton disappears in a flash of red light, and reappears close enough to charge straight through the shield. Various magical effects claw at him, searing his skin, but he makes it through and slashes at the plant with great strength, leaving a long rip down the stem, through which something pearly white and slightly opalescent oozes, like sap or blood.

The plant shudders and looks around at those assaulting it. All this fighting is both useless and pointless. We can see that you chafe at our use of enchantment magic upon you. But the fact is, so many are doubtful of this offer, that it is often that they need a little bit of persuading. Let the conflict cease now, and we shall still grant you our advice, rather than death.

Round 1 Summation:

Raynar acts first, and breaks the fascination, then dispels the magic on the masked people. The only visible effect of this is that their masks disappear.

Rachna goes second and uses several thunderclaps to cause general chaos among the masked people.

Selena goes third and attacks the plant, about half of her attacks hit.

Dracius goes fourth and knocks out the mask holding the sorcerer, and damages the spellcaster.

Mihainna acts out of turn and tries to persuade the fighting to stop.

The masked people are mostly unable to act, one of them creates a prismatic sphere around the plant, another throws Dracius across the alleyway. One drags the mustached man towards the plant.

The barbarian escapes and runs to help Dracius.

Something happens between the plant and the mustached man and he is released.

Milton teleports to just outside the prismatic sphere and attacks through it. He takes 10 acid damage (Yes, I already accounted for your resistance) and 40 electric damage. He is otherwise unharmed.

Round 1 Map:


The initiative order should now restart, although Mihainna really needs to roll initiative.

2011-08-01, 09:40 PM

One eye on the chaos erupting around him Raynar reaches into his pouch and pulls out a short black staff, five feet long and engraved with silver runes that run in spiraling circles to the top. With a whispered word divine energy flows around him, infusing his body to protect against foul magic. "Forgive me if I do not entirely trust your word." He leans on the staff and offers his customer a shrug, then turns to the plant-thing. "Tell me your secrets." He says with a smile.

Move Action - draw Staff of the Cosmos (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/staffs.htm#cosmos).
Swift Action - Quickened Death Ward (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/deathWard.htm).
Standard Action - Vision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/vision.htm).

I tap the DC 20 Caster Level check, as "the person or object is at hand or if you are in the place in question". But if you want a check anyway because of weird plant-thing magic, :smallwink:, here you go: Caster Level Check: [roll0]

2011-08-03, 01:09 PM

While Raynar speaks, Rachna draws a veil about herself and flies high, waiting for trouble.

Shadow's Standard action: Walk Unseen. Rachna is now Invisible.
Move Action: Fly up 45ft (using her full 90ft movement due to Good maneuverability)
Standard Action: Ready (Rachna will cast Time Stop the moment any of the masked men or the... big thing take a hostile action).

2011-08-06, 11:33 PM
Selena growls something, perhaps angry that the plant has sequestered itself, then suddenly disappears. Reappearing only a short distance away next to two of the masked people. Unable to take out her rage on the plant she instead finds new victims thereof.
I just realized I forgot to roll a bunch of sneak attack dice on my last turn, oh well.

Swift action to Dimention Step to the point just north of the upper two masks, within reach but not between them. Then full attack, splitting my attacks between the two of them.
Mask #1
Bite Attack [roll0]
Bite Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack [roll2]
Claws Attack
Claws Damage
Sneak Attack

Mask #2
Tail Attack
Tail Damage
Sneak Attack
Claws Attack
Claws Damage
Sneak Attack

2011-08-07, 02:08 AM
Bouncing through tables and chairs and various stands of merchandise Dracius comes to the conclusion that it is officially time to stop fooling around.

Dracius's hands twist in earnest even as he is sent crushing through a gaudy piece of animated topiary that looks like a chicken made of daffodils. Bright silvery runes flash through the air and disappear just as quickly.

Dracius casts a Quickened Arcane Fusion. He uses this to cast Wraithstrike and Fly. This is a free action and does not provoke aoo's (thankfully). Until end of turn Dracius's melee attacks are touch attacks.

At the precise moment that he hits the final wrecked stand, Dracius flips up as lithely as a cat. His upwards momentum sending him into a clean backflip. This gentle arc culminates in a punch that seems almost gentle. at least, until the moment of impact.

Dracius uses a swift action to enter Step of the Wind Stance in order to remove the penalty for tumble checks. He then makes a tumble check against a dc of 35 in order to stand up as a free action, since he has a modifier of +42 Dracius automatically succeeds at this.

Dracius than uses a standard action to perform the maneuver Diamond Nightmare Blade. He begins by making a concentration check vs the Masks AC.

Concentration [roll0], Attack (Punch): [roll1]. If it is a critical threat [roll2] to confirm.

If the concentration check is successful than Dracius's attack deals quadruple damage.

Punch if Concentration Check Passes: [roll3] damage if it hits. [roll4] If its a critical hit.

Punch if Concentration Check Fails: [roll5] damage if it hits. [roll6] If its a critical hit.

Dracius than uses a move action to move up to the full extent of his speed. And speaks as a free action.

Dracius than takes to the air and shouts. "Negotiations will proceed no further until you produce Layanna Meravanchi. Failure to cooperate at this juncture will lead to Incineration. Attempting to coerce me, especially after taking something precious to me was a mistake. Bring me Layanna Meravanchi -Now- or I swear by the Talons of Justice none of you will see another sunrise."

2011-08-18, 09:02 AM
Raynar draws forth an ornate staff and conjures some defenses. After a moment, he casts a spell which clears his eyes, allows him to see exactly what he is facing...

Raynar: Vision
You call out your question to the universe, asking the true intentions of the plant creature. The universe responds. The plant creature is here... to bring gifts of power, and advice. To make the people around it more powerful in all respects. To recruit them, draft them for its true purpose.

As for legends, perhaps there are none. In your mind you see countless books falling before your eyes, each flicking open and flipping its pages, but it seems none contain the answers you need, neither books considered to be about real monsters, nor folk tales of legend. In fact, there's only one book in existence that may hold information on this creature. Your vision reveals to you, among the flurry of falling books, one familiar book floating towards you. A book bound in red, with the gold embossed title, "The Other Circle". It flips open, showing you impossible runes which almost give you a headache with their complexity. And then your vision ends.

Rachna also prepares her defenses and leaps into the sky, her eyes scanning the ground for any sign of trouble.

Selena transports herself to a better position, and unleashes her fury upon the two people north of the plant. Her claws rend great slashes across both of them, blossoming blood staining their clothes and their skin. Both remain standing, although the mask closer to the plant totters on his feet.

Dracius responds to his attacker with a punch that seems gentle, but his attacker suddenly, viciously but gracefully, moving like water, chops Dracius' fist while it is still moving and redirects the punch at Dracius himself. The result is devastating.

The man directly north of the plant pulls out a wicked looking dagger with a serrated edge and sinks it deep into Selena. It begins rotating quickly, as if to burrow into her flesh.

The spellcaster to the south of the plant turns towards where Raynar is leaning against his staff and Rachna waits in the sky just above, and casts a spell which you can both feel pressing on you, trying to freeze you as you stand.

The man standing next to the mustached man waves his hands and a mask identical to the ones that they were wearing earlier seems to mold itself out of the mustached man's face. A spherical shield springs into place around him, and the mustached man himself starts running towards the exit.

The man in front of Dracius simply lets him recoil from his own punch, and stands prepared to punch him again should he make any movements. The barbarian reaches the group, and suddenly... produces an object which is immediately recognizable as a Chainwraith badge. He points it at the masked man attacking Dracius, who is instantly imprisoned in a pearly grey bubble, which is somewhat translucent. He is visible inside pounding his fists against the bubble in fury.

The man which had been holding onto the barbarian runs after his prisoner, draws a bow and nocks an arrow in a heartbeat, and then fires three arrows straight at the barbarian, two of which stick into his flesh, and the other which breaks against the alley wall.

The man who was speaking, who is now next to Selena, leaps up and tries to get a hold around Selena's neck.

The plant looks around, still contemplating the situation without seeming to feel any urgency. You fight well. But come, we do not hold grudges. Accept our offer. We shall spare you all and grant you many gifts. What say you? The plant twists around so that its massive eye is staring out of the rainbow barrier straight at Sir Milton. Sir Milton feels something terrible clawing at his mind.

Selena takes [roll0] damage, plus [roll1] fire damage, plus 1 constitution damage, and the dagger begins burrowing into you.

Both Raynar and Rachna should make a will save.

Unless you can counter it or something, Dracius takes the full damage of his own Diamond Nightmare Blade punch.

Selena should make a grapple check to avoid being grappled by the other masked man.

Sir Milton needs to make a will save against the plant.

DM Rolls

2011-08-18, 11:15 AM

As the spellcaster turns his attention towards Raynar and Rachna, a sudden hiss emanates from her, and a riot of colors and images explode across the battlefield, engulfing attackers and defenders alike.

Have all of your followers defend only, cease your attempts at enchantment, and I will see to it that there are peaceful negotiations with you.

Her telepathic voice echoes through all their heads.

Readied Action was a Time Stop- again, Rachna's time stop lasts for 10 rounds.

...I really don't need all 10 rounds though, so for the first 6 rounds, Rachna is basically just going to use her Flee the Scene four times, allowing her to cover an over 320ft radius with her Blindsight and Mindsight, just to make sure she knows where everyone is.

The last four rounds will be used like this:

Round 7
--Standard Action: Vertigo Field
--Shadow Standard Action: Solid Fog
Round 8
--Shadow Standard Action: Black Tentacles
--Standard Action: Flee the Scene (350ft above the fight)
Round 9
--Standard Action: Project Image (it should appear down in the middle of the fight and in the midst of Rachna's spells)
--Shadow Standard Action: Persistent Image (of a contiguous series of stone boxes that surrounds each person and leaves them isolated).
Round 10
--Shadow Standard Action: Greater Blink
--Standard Action: Walk Unseen

The radius of Vertigo Field, Solid Fog, and Black Tentacles is enough to cover basically the whole battle, excluding Rachna, Raynar and that area near Dracius.
I am further making the assumption that since Black Tentacles states that the tentacles "may" deal damage to people, that I can choose whether or not they do. As such, even if they succeed at grappling against someone, they will not attempt to deal damage, but only hold onto anyone in their radius.

Anyone in the radius of Vertigo Field at the beginning of their turn must make a DC 33 Fortitude save, or be nauseated for one round. Further, all attacks made through or inside the field have a 20% miss chance (no save). Lastly, it causes all terrain to be difficult terrain (no save).

Anyone moving in the radius of Solid Fog has their speed reduced to 5ft, and takes a -2 to melee attack and damage. Ranged weapons are ineffective in Solid Fog. Further, a creature within 5 feet has concealment and creatures farther away have total concealment. None of this has a save attached to it, or SR.

Further, anyone in the range of Black Tentacles must make a grapple check against a check with a grapple check of +40 (you can roll this check if you're subject to being grappled, just to make things simpler).

Oh, and everyone has a persistent image of a stone cube around them. Will save to disbelieve is DC 35.

The duration of all of these effects is well over 5 minutes, so I highly doubt we'll need to track it for the purposes of the battle.

Rachna, meanwhile, is waaaay up in the air, invisible, blinking, and with a projected image in the middle of the fight.

2011-08-18, 12:01 PM

The enemy mages spell crystallizes on the shoulders of Raynars cloak. He glances down at the thin layer of magic, cracks spreading through it like ice and he brushes it off, the spell glittering in the air as it falls to nothing. "Hmm. I do appreciate your attempts to subdue me rather than slaughter me...just well, not very much. " One of his eyebrows raises slightly at the magic unleashed by his customer, the magic of the fading vision allowing him to see through her illusions, albeit temporarily. Right. Likes to play with time, that one. And she's got the book. Dammit.

"You know, shooting arrows and punching people isn't the best way to get them to listen." He says in a soft voice to the plant thing. "This whole forced pacification thing...not really working." Raynar lifts his gaze to the injured customers and denizens of the Market and says "If people start dying here it will really make it hard to do business. Partisans, heal thyselves." He says with a smirk.

The temporary True Seeing is the Esoterica from Master Specialist. Standard Action - Mass Heal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/healMass.htm) on anyone that is damaged that is not a Plant Thing thrall. Customers, bystanders, PC's, Chainwraith agents, etc.

Each person affected heals 200hp.

2011-08-21, 10:52 AM
Sir Milton stares blankly into the plant creature's eye, swaying slightly on the spot.

Sir MiltonAround you, the world fades away, leaving you careening in a sea of darkness. The plant creature rises up in front of you, more terrible than before, its stem of seemingly infinite length, coiling around the area many times in a chaotic pattern that seemingly has no end. It speaks into your mind, but this time, it speaks with your own voice, so it is almost indistinguishable from your own thoughts. Sir Milton Piltz. Disciple of the Primeval Pact. Agent of the forces of hell. Do you not wonder why it was you that they sent? Sent to break down the shield upon this world? The twisting vines seem to constrict higher around the area. It is because of your power, yes, but it is not just that. It is because of your ingenuity. It is because the lords of the nine know that you will do whatever is necessary to achieve your goal, and in this case, I can assure you that's allying with us. The darkness below you clears, and it seems suddenly that you are flying over the world of Myresalt. Suddenly, the world shakes, and a deep red glow washes over it, as devilish armies rush across the world, burning cities, stealing souls, and corrupting the innocent. Making Myresalt into another hell. You are one who is familiar with pacts and deals, yes? Then let us make a pact with you. Join us, and we will provide you with the moment you need to break down the shield! Join us, and all this becomes possible!

OOC:Sir Milton has lost his turn, I'll have a round wrap up and a map up shortly. In the meantime, we'll start over the initiative order, as Raynar seems to have already done.