View Full Version : The Battle of Legends

2011-07-20, 03:17 PM
Kale breathed a sigh of relief as the city walls first came into view. Before him stood the great city of Ossimian. While it was not the nation's capital, it was the largest center of trade in the region. As such it prospered in these times. Although, it did suffer from the burden of most great cities, too many people and not enough guards. Thieves, assassins, and other beings who reveled in the dark corners of this city which they called home.

Not quite two weeks ago, Kale was playing for a small tavern in a small town. While taking a break to quench his thirst and speak to the barmaid, he overheard a patron talking. He spoke beautifully about the city of Ossimian, his home to which he now returned after a long absence. But what really caught Kale's attention, was speak of a centennial tradition about to take place in the city. Those who were properly motivated by gold or glory would enter an all out fight to the death. The combatants would all enter the arena as one, armed with naught. At the center would be a table with many standard weapons, bow, and axe, and sword, and shield, as well as a few surprises. At the signal of the Earl, all would rush forth and the battle would truly begin, ending only when a single person was left standing in the blood and glory that most have forgotten existed.

Though Kale did not enjoy the thought of men dying in contest, he could not deny even his own chest swelled at the thought of the glory. He made up his mind that night and left for the city of Ossimian, intent on being there to record the great battle in song, and immortalize the winner in lyric. A plea to the barmaid earned him a horse, to borrow and return promptly, and so he was off, riding at first light.

Now, he had arrived, and not a day too early. If the cheers were any indicator, the Earl was close to giving the signal. Kale spurred his borrowed horse on and closed the distance to the city quickly. He nodded at the guards as he passed and followed the sounds of primal desire and anticipation to the center of the city where a massive arena stood. He approached just as the gates were shutting. He tied up his horse as quickly as possible but the gates were soundly shut by the time he got there.

Kale turned to the guard, a tall orc who didn't look to be in the best of moods. "Hey there pal, anyway you might, I don't know open this door for me and let me in real quick?"

"No" the orc replied without even glancing in Kale's direction.

'This could very well prove difficult' Kale thought to himself, "Come on pal, I'll tell you what, you let me in, and I'll take you out for a drink after. How about it?"

The orc looked over at the bard and said, "It will take a lot more coin than that for me to not follow orders. Now get lost before I break you."

"I need to get in. Now, surely we can come to some sort of-" Kale started but he was interrupted by a small, but very commanding voice behind him.

"Stand aside. You there, orc, open this gate for me." Kale turned to find the speaker and saw a very beautiful girl dressed in royal clothes and escorted by 3 armed guards. The orc sprang into action at the sight of her and opened the gate. Kale took a second to thank his luck before taking a step toward her and introducing himself.

"My fair maiden, good day. I am Kale Arkhon, and I believe I have a proposition you might find agreeable."

The girl looked him up and down, apparently unimpressed, but he noticed the blush that filled her face. "I have no need for any of your wares, commoner. Now step aside."

"Please, my lady, hear me out. I need to get in here and view these fights. For your aid in that, I will play the most amazing music you have heard to accentuate the experience, for free. Believe me, you have heard nothing like this before." He winked, as he knew he had her.

She still acted aloof, but agreed, "Very well, come with me to my father's box and we shall see if you are as capable as you boast."

Kale followed the girl through the gates and up some stairs to the main platform overlooking the arena. The Earl was still addressing the crowd in an attempt to rile them up, and he did well. The stands were full and pulsating with the life-blood- of the denizens below, hungry for blood. In a ring around the edge of the circular arena stood the combatants themselves. Most were large strong men of all races. Orcs and Humans abounded, but every once in a while there was the odd elf or two. The must have been 50 men to sign up. Kale thought he might have seen a woman or two among the ranks as well.

"Father," the girl called his attention as he finished his oration, "I have brought a bard who claims to be of great skill. I thought it might be a nice addition to have him play something for the combatants. Before they started."

This revelation stunned Kale slightly. He had expected to play for the Earl and his guests, but to perform for the entire crowd, a flash of fear appeared, but was promptly replaced with desire. He would do this, and his name would ring out. Off of his own skill alone, this nation would scream his name.

"A fine idea, my daughter. Your head serves you well. Come bard, what is your name?"

"Your earl-ship, I thank you for this great opportunity. My name is Kale Arkhon and I will put on a show that none will forget."

"Arkhon you say? Are you, by-chance, related to the noble family Arkhon to the west? I am good friends with them."

"No my lord," Kale lied "I am but a bard. I play music for those willing to hear it, and if you don't mind, I would see it done." With that, Kale stepped to the edge of the platform and shouted loudly over the gathered people.

"Good day people of Ossimian. If you might direct all eyes and ears to me, the fine Earl has deigned to grant you all one more treat before the contest begins. So listen to my music and let fill your hearts and minds, let the energy flow into you, and let the honor of those here to die ring out in the heavens!"

Practiced hands saw his instrument displayed to the crowd before Kale turned the gemstone until he heard a hum fill the arena and the crowd settled. He plucked his first strings and the sound was loud enough to block all but the loudest of screams. His hands flew over the neck as he thought up the proper words to inspire these men to fight for their honor. Finally he started singing at a volume to match his guitar. His voices rang clear over the crowd as he sang.

I don’t wanna stand beside you
I'm don't wanna try and feel the pain you're going through
Till the death you’ve seen is through.

Cold sweats, hallucinations
I wanna scream to show
The hell I'm going through,
The addiction's taking you.

Can you see me through bloodshot eyes
Should I fight for what is right or let it die?
Now I'm choking on force fed lies
Do I fight or let it die?

I will fight, one more fight
Don't break down in front of me.
I will fight, one more fight
I am not the enemy.
I will try one last time

(Song The Last Fight property of Bullet for my Valentine)

2011-07-20, 10:04 PM
It had been nearly a week since Eli had seen a a soul and his strength was starting to give. He had shot at seven different archery contest, taking first in all, and even won three quick draw contest. These three contest lead him to beating three of the best guard at the last city he was in. The names all run together and he was afraid the same had happened with his directions.

He had heard talk of a large test of skill taking place in the city of Ossimian. Many had said it was a tournament that left one man standing, claiming glory and riches. Not after any of that, Eli thought this could be his greatest challenge. Well, besides getting there apparently. While shooting his fourth contest, he finally got legit information about the tournament and found out it was to be a free for all fight to the death. Not fearing loss, Eli decided a free for all was too unbalanced and chaotic to be a test of true skill.

His mind raced as he bounced the idea back and forth in his head. The money would be nice, he was running low on gold. The glory could show his family how successful he is without their blessing. But it was finally the thrill of a good fight that convinced him. He would go to watch the fights. Learn from these savages and challenge the winner another day.

As of now, the woods were challenge enough. On the eighth morning, the walls of the city finally fell upon the horizon. He had made it with two days to spare. Luck had been on his side, he even got there before the city had locked up for the night.

Eli found a run of the mill tavern to stay a few nights in. He'd wait till real late and make his way to the rafters for a good night sleep. Taking the first day to rest and stock up on supplies, he took it very slow, not wanting to draw attention to himself like he would be entering the tournament. He also knew to watch what he spent not to draw the attention of thieves.

The day before the main event, Eli decided to scope out some of fighters, seeing who all had shown up and if he recognized any of the combatants. One woman caught his eye, and he knew he was in trouble.

"You've come a long way just to flaunt your looks around haven't you?" Eli said to the girl.

A young, well built elf turned already wearing a smile. "Why Eli, I didn't think this would be your type of thing. Wouldn't you much rather go shoot a slingshot so you'd stand a chance?"

"Always with the jokes, aren't you out of place yourself Araniel? These large walls are much different from the trees ya know."

"Well isn't someone still angry the lost to a girl," Araniel teased, "don't worry, I won't be getting in your way this time. I'm only hear to watch."

"Great minds must think alike, I have no intention to join these savages in a blood bath."

Araniel was Eli's on competition when he went to the elves to learn the way of the bow. They learned, trained, and lived together for years. Sadly, they both witnessed to death of the same teacher as well.

Eli was caught reminiscing about the many months he and this beautiful girl spent together when she interrupted him.

"I know it's only been a couple years Eli, but you know the abomination that killed him was caught and slain shortly after. You don't have to go on these crusades killing any mage that seems to be connected. I've heard rumors of you and you're cold hearted ways."

Eli didn't exactly know how to respond. "You know me better than to think I'm falling back on that as an excuse. These mages are forsaking the power of my ancestors. I know you have magic running through your veins, but I'm not mage slayer. I hunt mages that have gone to far."

Araniel still wore a disappointed look. "Let's just enjoy the fights, sound like a good idea?"

"A swell one." Eli replied shortly.

The two made their way into the stands and found a nice spot high enough to see all the action, but one with quick escape routes. Though he wasn't too worried, he did have his childhood friend with him. If something were to go wrong, he wanted to be able to get them both out in time before guards showed up. The crowd was getting restless and the combatants seemed on edge, but about that time a voice came over the crowd. He seemed to be introducing some bard.

"What, a show before the feast? What has come of the world?" Eli joked with Araniel.

The bard started to play an it was like a calm come over the crowd. Even the fighters seem to have to turn to give this man their full attention. The melody fit perfect and everyone slowly started to cheer. The combatants were banging their armor together and roaring to the skies. Even Eli's chest began to swell. But he couldn't shake the gut filling of disgust for the man. Soon his head cleared and he wanted nothing more than the bard to shut his trap.

"Well it wasn't terrible. It sure seemed to pump up the crowd and even more the fighters." Araniel praised.

Eli cut his eyes back up to the man, "So it would seem."

2011-07-21, 04:48 PM
There was a loud noise like a whip cracking, and hush fell over the crowd. Then, from the arena gates emerged a stout dwarf, strong and slow, making his way to the center of the arena. He cleared his throat and announced to the crowd:

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please! We would like to thank you all for joining us...on this glorious day of battle!"

The dwarf paused as the crowd roared in approval, before yelling back, "Today, the finest blades of Cartina will cross, the strongest warriors will face each other in combat, and only one will emerge...the champion!"

There was a loud rumble as seventy-five proud warriors emerged from all four gates inside the arena. There was barely enough room for them all, and tensions were already high. The emcee grinned and said, "Take a bow all of you! Let's hear it for our brave warriors!" The fighters spread out and formed a circle around the emcee, all of them an equal distance from the other.

The competitors all gave a pose towards the crowd. Some were flexing, others making death threat gestures, a few blowing kisses. Others, who looked more like they were ready for a brawl, didn't take their eyes off the nearest opponent who looked like a real challenge.

The emcee raised his hand. "This fight will continue until only one challenger is still standing!"

The crowd was hushed as they saw just what was about to happen. These seventy-five warlords were all really about to rip each other to shreds.

The emcee sliced through the quiet by bringing his hand down and yelled, "BEGIN!"

Cipher Stars
2011-07-24, 12:48 AM
"Kai!" Kelido's students yelled as he sent fist covered in hazy green energy through the board before them. She was left in charge of her master's dojo as he left far to the north to retrieve a special package. She told him it should be better to send her, but apparently it was something important and he needed to go personally. The result? She was left teaching the students. She wasn't a master or anything, far from it. She had much to learn. None the less, Master thought she was up to the task so she did her best not to disappoint.

Some of the newer students were still having trouble, the class was trying to learn the art of the Elements, channeling they're Ki to manifest destructive energy.

"Senpai... Would you show us how you do it again?" One of the struggling students asked. Regius was newer, but learned fast and was extremely dedicated to the art and to the other students, especially teachers. He even used the foreign titles and honorifics he picked up from reading through books from they're limited library of old books the Master or "Sensei" brought over from his home far away. He always payed flawless attention to when ever Kelido tried to show them a new stance or sequence.

"Yea, sure." Kelido said, straightening out of her own stance from her place in the line. The others stopped they're drills and watched her move to stand in the small sparring circle where she started performing the most basic sequence of stances and maneuvers, letting flame wrap around her hands as she made her imaginary assault against a dreamed up foe. Her blond hair whipped around with her sharp movements, but it didn't get in her face thanks to the tail it was tied into. The black "gido" she wore leaving her movements unrestricted.

She finished the quick set of basics and let the flames die out as she calmed herself, steely silver eyes softening again as she returned to reality. Turning back to Regius she asked if he got what he needed.

"Yes, I believe I got it this time. Thanks senpai" he said, he seemed lost in thought, going over how he was to do it no doubt.

"Alright then, White stars keep drilling, everyone else break into pairs and take turns using the rings to spar. No maiming each other this time." The group of twelve broke up, a few of them remained to do they're practice drills while everyone else started practicing with one another. Kelido kept an eye on everyone making sure no one got hurt and played it safe.

Kelido wasn't able to Spar with the others, she could only do that with the Master. She was to far above the other students in skill, she'd been at this since she was young, meanwhile she wasn't skilled enough to hold back, at least like Master did.

So she watched as she paced around the Training room, Its smooth dark wooden walls were a sharp contrast to the light bamboo flooring. Circles and various patters were stained into the floor designating places such as the sparring rings. The room was empty save for the students and the utilities they used in drills. Sunstones were embedded in key locations around the ceiling to provide an even light about the room. It was a very nice dojo that any one of the students would fight to protect.

The dojo complex was rather large, it consisted of its own Storage room, a single dressing room, a Shrine room undedicated to a single deity or family ancestry but viable for anyone to use. She tried to use it once to contact her ancestry like the master did, but she didn't get much response at all. Then the dojo opened into the home section, marked with red sliding doors as opposed to blue. There was a Living room, kitchen, dining room, and three bedrooms. One for herself, one for the master, and one was a guest bedroom. Students would often spend the night, or may have troubles elsewhere and so they come here. they're second home where they're always welcome. She always lived her, the master was like a father to her. She had been raised by him since she was three. The Dining room was often open to the students and everyone would just relax, talk or swap tips while they ate and drank items they bring themselves and share with the others. She'd sometimes make her own dishes for everyone in the kitchen one room over.

A knock sounded from the large double doors and the pair of students closest to it stopped sparing, bowed to each other, then answered the door after peeking through the a viewing slit. heavily armored dwarves stood in the doorway. Kelido made her way to the doorway to see what the trouble was.

"Hey, can I help you?" Kelido asked with a smile.

"Good evening, madam. We are Imperial Guardsmen, here to see the headmaster of this dojo." One of the armored guardsmen spoke.

"He's out, and he wont be back for a some time unfortunately."

"Oh, he's not in? Well...this is a matter of urgent import. Is there someone in authority we may speak with?" The same answered.

"Yea, she's in charge at the moment" One of the students who answered the door spoke up.

"...Thank you. Please, His Majesty King Pryce Faman requests an audience with the most skilled martial artist available."

"Thats her again" The other said smugly. More students had gathered a bit to see what was going on. Armored guards usually aren't for nothing.

"I... guess If the king wishes for me he has only to ask. When am I needed?" She said.

"Now, preferably." The guard replied.

"Alright, I'll get my things." Kelido answered. "I'll be but a moment." She left to her room and took off her black robe and threw on one of her nicer outfits with the Chain Shirt woven inside the shirt. She went back out to the guards, turning to bow to the class before she left designating the older student to keep things under control.

They lead her through the city's busy streets the quickest route towards the center. She'd been out of the crowds for sometime now, staying around keeping watch on the dojo. She was paranoid something would happen on her watch while the master was gone. She'd never live down that shame. So she hadn't left for a while.

Soon enough they were at the large stone wall, with an anticlimatic wooden gate before them.

2011-07-24, 11:45 PM
As the word finally reached their ears, these warriors, who have been anxious for the start of this battle for days, sprung into action. The fastest among them reached the weapons first, picking the favored weapon for each. Many bows and light weapons were taken by these men though the odd longsword and shield. Some archers immediately turned and fired into the first chest they saw, killing quite a few of the slower combatants. An archer or two were then stabbed in the back by a couple of the more roguish combatants, though most managed to dodge and retaliate in kind.

The larger combatants soon reached the table soon after and pulled the weapons with the most absolute killing power. One monstrosity in particular grabbed a great axe and immediately turned swinging. He swung true, and two men lost their heads. Blood sprayed the nearest members. Kale played songs of bloodlust and gore and committed the scene to memory.

The fighting separated into four main groups of roughly 15, the dead littered the ground and were generally avoided. An archer took a few good shots before getting tackled to the ground by an orc in full rage. His blood joined many others on the orc.

The gore seemed to be getting to some of the women in the Earl's box, so Kale changed tack, switching instead to a glorious epic of the glory of death. Their mood improved and Kale felt the eyes of the Earl's daughter on him lingering.

Below them the fighting continued in full force. Women were shown no quarter, at least, not after on warrior stopped to help up a particularly beautiful girl, only to find a dagger quietly placed between his ribs, puncturing his heart. The girl still stalked the battlefield, stunning men with a smile while stabbing them in the chest. Kale made sure to remember everything he could about her in particular. Not only would she inspire a good song or two, but he wanted to be sure he never got lured into her bed.

An elf wielding two blades cut a swathe through a crowd of warriors killing another with each step. He cleaved the first and stabbed the next in the back, finishing with a flourish as he scissored his blades on the last's neck, decapitating him quickly. A spray of blood blinded the elf long enough for an archer to take aim. A well placed arrow sent his spirit flying before the elf's body hit the ground.

Kale surveyed the remaining warriors. Roughly 45 remained, archers and warriors mainly. Most rouges had died, though the stunning, beautiful girl was still stalking prey and those who didn't know better than to trust her. This battle was over half over, but had succeeded only in leaving the strongest to face off.

2011-07-30, 08:02 PM
"Eli, Eli look!" Araniel started yelling. Eli shook his head and noticed he was still looking towards the bard's direction. As he looked towards the chaos, he noticed he had already missed half the fight.

'Oh well, at least I don't have to watch them weed the weak out,' he thought. Araniel was pointing to an archer taking a shot on a duel wielding elf. Putting up a good fight against several foes, he never saw the arrow which seemed to weave between all the fighters to find the elf's heart.

"Now that was a good shot." Eli said to Araniel. Just as he was dazed by the bard's music, Araniel was too into the fight to realize Eli was responding to her. With his full attention back on the fight, Eli started analyzing the various fighters' behaviors. He followed the archer's movements for a while, seeing he had also grabbed a sword for those who got to close. He wasn't half bad with it, but he lost his balance a couple times. He was much more comfortable with a bow.

Knowing he would stay alive longer, Eli moved on to someone else. And that next thing just happened to be the biggest guy on the field. An ugly half-orc was charging through the field swinging a great axe like it was a twig. A twig taking heads off of by the twos. Finally it seemed like he had met his match when four combatants surrounded him. A four on one fight didn't seem to fair, but the half-orc just smiled, or at least Eli thought it was a smile. With a roar, he cleaved through one of the men. Seeing opportunity, the others three stuck. He took two of the blows and clashed with the last one. He swung his axe around and took of the legs of one of the men who had scratched him and cut the other from waist to shoulder. Slowly he turn to the final challenge in the swarm in time to he his back. He was running in fear.

Eli chucked as the half-orc gave chase. Again he moved on to find another group that seemed to have teamed up to fight one person. This made Eli's blood boil as he saw it was not only a two on one but against a woman. He felt his arms move behind him and his body move forward slightly. As his hand touched his traveling bow so did Araniel's hand touch his arm.

"Just watch, this fight isn't all that one sided." She proclaimed.

Eli's face showed his astonishment when he saw the woman slay one of the men and use his corpse as a shield to protect herself from the other. The man foolishly charged her. Using the first swordsman's sword, she stabbed through the corpse and made another. But to Eli's surprise, she stumbled down to one knee. A combatant finishing up his own fight caught a glimpse of this and slowly made his way to her. She held her side and showed no resistance. The man saw a warrior changing the and stepped between her and the raging man. His life was taken for a dagger to the back, and the raging man feel to another arrow. Eli turned to Araniel, "that was dirty."

"A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do." She winked and turn back to the fight.

Seeing his picked winner, the archer, still standing and circling the field with his back to the wall, Eli counted only fifteen combatants remain. Sadly he saw none of the rest holding bows.

"Now the real show begins." He said to his friend, how was already smiling and in her trace again. Chuckling he turned his focus back to the fight.

2011-07-30, 11:32 PM
The combatants were heating up. Already so many had fallen, and they were all scattered across the battlefield. A few dwarves, a couple of elves, a half-orc and six humans remained, all of their eyes locked on one another. Suddenly, everyone had a lot more room to move around. This wasn't just a mindless brawl anymore. Everyone was completely on their guard. The weak had been weeded out. It was time to finish this.

The half-orc moved first, charging brazenly towards one of the elves. The elf braced himself, but was unprepared when one of the elves near him took the opportunity to throw a dagger into the side of his neck. The half-orc was unable to stop charging and tripped over the fallen elf...landing right on the drawn blade the elf had readied against him. The half-orc's lungs were punctured and he started coughing up blood, but in his frenzy he stood up and lunged for the elf who had thrown the dagger. Unprepared, the elf fell before the half-orc's mighty axe, but the strain of the attack was too much, and the half-orc fell.

The remaining twelve all danced cautiously around, looking for an opening, while simultaneously preventing any openings in their own defenses. The dwarf made a move, swinging his spiked chain to trip one of the humans. The human narrowly escaped and rushed forward, blade drawn, but the dwarf was ready, and the superior reach of his weapon let him slam the young human into the ground. The attractive young human girl took the opportunity to dash in, slitting his throat and delivering a fierce kick to the dwarf's chest, pouncing on him and ending his life with a quick stab to the heart. She heard one of the elves approaching and grabbed the dwarf's chain, swinging it wildly behind her.

The elf caught the entire spiked chain to his chin. His eyes were full of fear and pain as he felt the blood from his tongue leak out onto the ball. He dropped to his knees and looked up pleadingly at the woman. She quietly drew her blade across his neck and walked back to her spot. A small thank you came from his lips, and no one heard it but her.

And then there were nine. Or so she thought. While her back was turned, one of the dwarves had somehow dispatched all eight of his remaining competitors. Kael had seen it, Eli had seen it, the whole crowd had seen it, but what was important to the dwarf was that she hadn't seen it.

The woman was unable to hold back her surprise, but she quickly recovered and smirked at him. "Well well. Seems you work fast," she commented drily. Now that there were only two of them, she would need to distract him with banter, hopefully he would take the bait.

He didn't.

The dwarf threw his head back and yelled angrily to the heavens. He felt the power of his ancestors coarse through his veins, before he looked the woman dead in the eye. "You know, you're the worst kind of rogue," he whispered, his entire body coarsing with power.

The woman hesitated, taking a step back despite herself. "A-And what would that-ugh!"

The dwarf howled, transforming into an enormous black panther, and leaped ontop of her, sinking his teeth into her throat and ripping it out. She died instantly. Standing up and assuming his true form, the dwarf spat some of her blood onto the ground next to her face before replying, "A live one."

The emcee and the crowd went wild. The emcee rushed into the center stage and held the champion's arm up. "And there you have it, folks! The winner, of today's Battle Royale and the new champion! Maaaaaaaaaaarcel!"

Marcel took a bow.

2011-08-12, 08:36 AM
Eli’s blood boiled as he found himself stepping towards the arena, but Araniel was quick to react and stepped in front of him. “Eli, nothing said the combatants couldn’t use sorcery. Just because he was the only one that did doesn’t mean the odds were any different.”

“He’s standing still, isn’t he?” Eli said coldly, never taking his eyes off Marcel. If Araniel wasn’t between him and the edge of the arena, he’d already be over the wall raining arrows down. She was the only one in the forest that could stop him from stepping into a fight because she was the only one that could beat him. She had his respect and she knew that. Still furious, Eli continued his argument. “No one else brought weapons in; they fought for them and used their talents with what they were given. He just survived long enough till his transformation could take out the rest. What kind of fair fight is that?”

Araniel didn’t show she was at a loss of words and wanted to let him go, but she knew she couldn’t. “If it wasn’t allowed, the fight would have been stopped the moment he transformed and he wouldn’t be bowing to the people right now. Just let this one go Eli, there’s nothing you can do right now, at least not here. Please, calm down.”

Reluctantly, Eli let his muscles relax and finally looked her in the eyes. They were soft and true. “Fine,” he said with a sigh, “but lets hope I’m never to cross paths with him in a dark ally, I will show no quarter.”

It was as if luck wasn’t on Eli’s side today. Just as his breathing had returned to normal and he had suppressed the urge to interfere, a familiar tone stuck his ears. His gut turned and his fist clenched as that damned bard started a victory song. He cut his eyes towards him and snarled. “Tonight, Araniel, I’m taking you out for a drink.”

“Eli, you don’t drink. What’s the occasion? Or better yet, what is that an excuse to do?”

Eli turned and smiled, as if all his anger left him as he said, “All victories are celebrated at a tavern with a song and dance.”